#skekekt x reader x skekayuk
skekshroom · 4 years
Can we have more skeksis with a pregnant reader please and thank you! ❤
ab !! so !! lutely!!
- SkekSo, as I’ve said before, is a very very anxious padre. He’s constantly having SkekTek give you a checkup,making sure you and the baby is ok, monitoring your diet, etc. His fear of death extends to his fear of his family dying as well. 
- SkekTek is actually very calm about the whole situation. Its surprising given how anxious he is in general. Must be something about the scientific aspect of monitoring your body is familiar and soothing to him. Because as soon as his halfskeks are born... all that goes out the window and he cries.
- SkekLi is delighted to know that the babies can hear him in there. He talks to them constantly, makes jokes, etc. He’s so excited to meet them, he’s already got these ideas of them in his head. He imagines the kind of family you’re all going to be and he gets giddy.
- SkekSa is a nervous madre, but she will be with you every step of the way. You two have already decorated the nursery, and she sits with you every night, talking to you both. She kisses your belly and jokingly tells the little halflings inside you that they best come out soon, their parent needs some wine.
- SkekGra and UrGoh are doting as the word may allow. They want you to take it easy, you’re carrying both their little ones! They really wish they could carry instead, that would distribute the “workload” a little more evenly... Or not, because then you’d have TWO pregnant beings in need of care. They cant wait to see what their childlings look like, they’ve already started making clothes for them! That begs the question though... How many arms do they sew for?
- SkekEkt and SkekAyuk are overjoyed, and you can be sure you’ll want for nothing as their pampering knows no bounds. Cravings are taken care of, comfy clothes, also taken care of. You three spend hours coming up with names because all of you are incredibly indecisive. You end up with an extensive list to ensure no matter how many end up in the world at once, all will have beautiful names.
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skeksisloving · 5 years
God do I have to write x reader headcanons for skekekt and skekayuk myself???? Like, look at them. You dont want some of that??
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekEkt x SkekAyuk x Reader, Their reaction to hearing the fact that the Reader hasn't been eating as much as they should.
They are so qualified for this ask smH
[SkekEkt x reader x SkekAyuk]
- It was a casual comment, you hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Not on purpose, you said- you’ve just been in the zone. SkekEkt understands completely, they’re an artist after all. They get what its like to be so engrossed in something you forget to take care of yourself.
- Understanding =/= quiet. They make a huge scene. “(Y/N), YOU’RE WASTING AWAY, HOW COULD YOU NEGLECT YOURSELF LIKE THIS AAAGGGHHHHH!!!”
- But you’re not alone and therefore have no excuse to go hungry when you have a master chef as your love! These two are immediately in kahoots trying to help you with a meal plan, and making sure you have only the most delicious thing to eat. After all, if its tasty and beautiful, how could you not look forward to dinner time?
- SkekAyuk loves to provide, and encourages you to tell him what you’re craving. He’ll make it happen! And out of the two, he’s actually going to remember to remind you to eat. He has to do the same with SkekEkt, after all.
- I imagine SkekEKt does that thing your tia or friends mom does when you serve a small plate “don’t be shy put some more! there’s plenty, have some more!”
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skekshroom · 4 years
What would Ayuk and Ekt do if their love bought in a pet, like, any pet
[SkekEkt x reader x SkekAyuk]
- It better be cute as hell or SkekAyuk is going to be very freaked out (at first anyways). Please keep it away from him he is so squeamish. If it goes anywhere near the kitchen he will freak
- SkekEkt will be a little weirded out at first... Unless its very cute, then they’re going to be all over it.
- You can be sure SkekEkt is gonna make little clothes for it. At the very LEAST a cute little ribbon for it, if not anything else.
- “Trust (Y/n) to have good tastes! Your little fuzzball is so much cuter than SkekTek’s... menagerie.”
- You’re going to need to keep a good eye on it, though. If it ruins so much as one of SkekEkt’s outfits or gets into one of SkekAyuk’s dishes then they’re going to make a scene.
- And probably try to eat it.
- It’s presence will grow on them eventually though!
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skekshroom · 4 years
Could you please do some more poly headcanons for SkekEkt and SkekAyuk with a human reader?
the power couple! :)
[SkekEkt x reader x SkekAyuk]
- You guys rarely spoon because Ayuk is a back sleeper and hugging him from either side is the comfiest thing that the universe has to offer.
- But, if you were to, SkekEkt is the big spoon, always. They’re very lanky and can wrap around you nicely, also because they’re the only one who sleeps on their side.
- SkekEkt always, always gives you both even amount of kisses. They are SUPER precise. Call it silly, but if they kissed SkekAyuk 16 times while you were gone, you’re getting 16 kisses as soon as they see you.
- Bedtime ritual consists of talking and gossiping about the day as SkekEkt puts cream on their face and SkekAyuk puts a bedtime snack out in case you get hungry in the middle of the night. 
- SkekAyuk conks out right away, Ekt usually stays up to read. 
- Baths are literally decadent. Like it is sinful how indulgent these are. Full face masks, steam, flowers, and a beautiful plate of arranged treats and a line of small beverage samples for the three of you.
- SkekAyuk always knows what to say to make you feel better and calm you down. He’s good at grounding an anxious lover back to reality. 
- Communication never lacks with these two! SkekAyuk is especially very approachable with talking about your wants and needs. They want to take good care of you.
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skekshroom · 4 years
as someone who changes their hair colour every week, how would the inner court skeksis react to a human changing their hair to different bright colours constantly?
If its being noticed you want, rest assured that that is EXACTLY what you’re getting. Chances are, you just dye your hair for fun and for your own aesthetic choices. Chances are that concept is going to go RIGHT over the inner court’s heads.
[Reader Insert]
Among those who are rather threatened by this display would be the General, the Ritual Master, and the Scientist. SkekVar thinks you’re trying to assert some form of dominance over the court, and by proxy him and the Emperor. He actually took some time getting used to SkekEkt for this reason, and learned over time their flamboyance was a personal pursuit, not a show of power. SkekZok would assume you were floundering for attention, and scoff at the gauche and blatant attempts at it. SkekTek would be threatened outright. Yet another domineering member of the court who was making it clear they were establishing themselves as higher than him.
Surprisingly though, this is not at all the thought of SkekSo, the Emperor. He doesn’t see you as a threat in the slightest- Instead thinks you’re trying to impress him. It’s working, by the way. SkekLach is VERY attracted to you in both an “oooh shiny” way, and another. SkekEkt, you’d expect to be in the category above, but lets be real. They aren’t threatened by you. Your hair? Gorgeous, vivacious. But they have everything else picturesque, and they’re confident enough to appreciate you too. SkekAyuk thinks its lovely, but is also very confused as to how you’re able to pull it off. 
SkekSil is on the fence about it. On one hand, its a little bit shocking, but there’s also a very alluring quality to it that he can’t say he doesn’t like. 
SkekOk doesn’t notice cause he can’t fuckin see lol
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skekshroom · 4 years
I'm a bitch, love triangle between a skeksis, the human the have a crush on (human 1), and human 2 whom likes human 1 as well, and doesn't want to poly
ooooogghoaiushd -- Guess who made a human foil for every skeksis 
SkekSo’s human rival is Ozzie, a meek, selfless enby-next-door type. While So offers you grand gestures, they offer to get to know the real you. SkekSo doesn’t particularly see them as a threat at first, thinking it was pathetic that they could even compete with him. As Ozzie and you get closer, he starts to gets more and more adamant about his advancements towards you. Ozzie is not aware of this rivalry.
SkekTek’s human rival is Kit, a confident and conscientious person, while Tek is shy about his attraction to you, Kit thinks you deserve to know how much you mean to them. Most of the time, anyways. They’re a little awkward sometimes, but they are earnest. SkekTek is very cynical when Kit is around, and at first denies he has a chance with you, but later on finds that he cant just NOT compete with Kit. Kit is not aware of this rivalry.
SkekSil’s human rival is Liese. Liese is a brutally honest, blunt thembo. They dont try to sound smart, but they do anyways and they dislike it as they cant really back it up. SkekSil was threatened by Liese in an instant. Once he realized they just accidentally seemed like they knew what they were doing, he felt more confident in pursuing you. When Liese however started getting to know you, he was once again at a loss as to how threatened he should be by the presence of this human. Liese suspects there might be some rivalry.
SkekZok’s human rival is Cosmo. Cosmo is a bit socially awkward, but their kind atmosphere quickly wins over people and SkekZok absolutely despises this. He can act comforting, but the radiating coziness that comes off of Cosmo infuriates him. He immediately tries to pull as many strings as possible to make sure Cosmo dislikes you or you dislike Cosmo- or better yet, both. Cosmo is not aware of this rivalry.
SkekVar’s human rival is Raven. Raven is your typical bookworm nerd. Not very strong, not very intimidating, very aloof and cold. Except of course, to you, and this pisses SkekVar the hell off. He tries to drive himself in between the two of you, and it seems easy at first! Just scare the meek little nerd off. But, Raven is not easily scared. SkekVar absolutely hates them. Raven is very aware of this rivalry.
SkekOk’s human rival is Coriander. Coriander is a well read and cultured person, but you probably wouldn’t know at first. SkekOk is already threatened by this, but upon finding out they’re also pining for you? Well its a good thing Cori has no interest in gossip, then they wont know how SkekOk drags their name through the dirt. Coriander is slightly aware of this rivalry.
SkekLach’s human rival is Khalil. Khalil is humble and quiet, never wants to be a bother. But unfortunately, this bothers SkekLach to no end. She’s moody when they’re around, and outright tells them to get lost. They will, of course, but its not a very good look for Lach. She intends to find some other way to get you closer to her instead. Khalil is aware of this rivalry.
SkekAyuk’s human rival is Keahi. Keahi is a very caring and patient person. SkekAyuk and them both wish they could take care of you and make you happy, so the competition comes off as who could provide for you better. Keahi is less material, and a lot more subtle, moreso gestures of love than gifts and grand things. However, SkekAyuk may be reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, he would do so for you. Keahi is aware of the rivalry.
SkekEkt’s human rival is Taisce. Taisce is the type to deflect everything with humor, making sure others dont worry about them but often it just does the opposite. They’re a bit introverted but a lot of fun. SkekEkt and Taisce’s rivalry is like watching a reality TV show. They are VERY back handedly friendly towards eachother. Honestly, if they weren’t competing for you, they’d be great friends. SkekEkt sees Taisce as crude, while Taisce sees Ekt as a priss. They both think you are wonderful. Taisce is very aware of the rivalry.
SkekMal’s human rival is Lamia. Lamia is kind of a bleeding heart. They’re passionate and believe in second chances. SkekMal scares the absolute hell out of them, and he takes advantage of this by attempting to scare them off from you. However he underestimated the sheer power of a very big hearted human who falls in love very hard. Lamia is very aware of this rivalry.
SkekGra’s human rival is Argyris. Argyris is a fiercely loyal, though suspicious person. It takes a while to earn their trust, but you have and they consider you their best friend and they love you. SkekGra is, interestingly enough, a bit intimidated by your bond. He feels almost like he’s intruding, or asking for too much since he already has UrGoh, but the heart wants what it wants. Argyris is aware of the rivalry.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Can I ask for some headcannons on how maybe if a yandere skekok and a yandere skeklach both loved the reader and were both obsessed with them, so they agreed on a truce so they could both share them without Fighting. If you don't want to do yandere then just "Normal" headcannons on this ask. Thank you!!
best friend activities include: *ing the same human
[SkekOK x reader x SkekLach]
- SkekOk and SkekLach are best friends, so the tension between them both being in love with the same human would be frustrating for everyone to say the least. 
- As much as they both love the drama, they also like having their friend, so they agree on a truce and decide to talk it out with you.
- You’re more than happy to form a triad with them , and you’re happy to see their feud end. The topic will be the source of pointed jokes at everyones expense for all time.
- SkekLach is the big spoon, you’re the middle spoon, SkekOk is the little spoon. This formation rarely deviates but sometimes SkekLach wants to be the little spoon.
- You accompany them to every tithing ceremony and census. They probably have you fitted a new title so it makes it mandatory that you’re there. Or not, the Emperor doesn’t really mind that you go, honestly.
- You’re honestly a very cute triple, and will be told this during double dates with SkekEkt and SkekAyuk. 
- “Of course leave it up to SkekLach to collect the cutest ones in the castle!” - Ekt, probably
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