#skelly smurf
bluebluebluewoods · 4 months
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“I don’t wanna ruin our friendship”
“You aren’t friends…?”
“And I don’t want to ruin that!”
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butterfrogmantis · 1 month
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"And I just wanted to see your face one more time"
Those sneaky little sirens are a pirates worst enemy
I hate how much of this was inspired by that one ice age 4 scene /lh
Archie (c) The Smurfs
Swashbuckler is mine
Scallywag (c) @tanunigans
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tanunigans · 11 months
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“Time doesn’t erase wounds, but it dulls the pain.
As memories fade away, you cling to a memento of different times.
Sometimes, longing is more painful than a blade.
Until one day, a reflection of the past revealed itself.”
A continuation to Scallywag’s curse. A bittersweet encounter between two old friends.
Skelly/Swashbuckler belongs to @butterfrogmantis
Scallywag is mine
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My older pictures of Winter Smurf, featuring @butterfrogmantis 's Skelly, @a-doodling-tanuki 's Fluffy and @grishamanimationstudios102 's Emo! Oh, boy, you can sure tell I was still tryna get used to drawing digitally.
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More lore about him~ he can make it snow! But it usually only happens when he's upset. He can cause a full-on blizzard whenever he's overstimulated, angry, sad, scared, etc. Don't worry, though. The snow melts when he feels better :)
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grezzirossi · 2 years
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Ordering Exclusive drinks in some hell-ish dimension.
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bluebluebluewoods · 1 year
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Don't pay attention to the trolls in the "Is ice cream considered water" thread
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butterfrogmantis · 4 months
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I have decided that Pal and Clover are allowed to be married. As a treat.
Archie was the best man-er Smurf.
We are also allowed a dapper Skelly. and a little dance. as a bonus
Pal, Clover and Archie (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 4 months
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Religion is a bit tricky in the Butterverse. Since humans exist, human religions exist, and some are even referenced through Smurfs and other characters. But unlike certain universes, there isn't one 'true' religion or god. Instead, there are 4 true deities - Mother Nature, Harold, Father TIme .. and Death.
Also CW for some messed up stuff right here
Mother Nature and Father time are pretty well known and honoured, even worshipped in some cases. Harold is looked to as the man in the moon as as symbol. Death is. An interesting figure. Smurfs - or any race for that matter - don't have a personal connection with Death the same way they might have a tea part with Mother Nature because seeing Death in of itself is an omen. And they sort of like it that way. Death is an enigma. Feared or respected, Death is neither kind nor cruel. It is simply inevitable. Indeed, it's the only true equal of the world. At least, for most.
Necromancer Smurf was born in an ancient village to a village doctor and a village mortician. Even as a child there was something a little bit different, he didn't talk for years after the expected time for the first word ceremony, didn't play with the other kids, and had an odd fascination with the gruesome elements to his parent's work, including the graveyard business. The Smurfling's father died unexpectedly whilst he was quite young, and even then he showed very little emotion to the loss of his father. He'd been in the room when it happened, supposedly felt the presence of an omnipresent figure. His fascination with the death itself far outweighed any grief he may or may not have had.
His obsession become more sinister - strange things kept happening. Animals going missing, random bones disposed of in the garbage around Smurf village. And as a teenager, the worst of all was uncovered. Necromancer was caught graverobbing at his father's burial sight - and when questioned, simply responded that he simply needed a body to work with, and his long deceased father clearly wasn't using his.
Necromancer was placed into solitary confinment, and his hut raided. The Smurfs doing the search told horrors of jars with organs, bones, someone's pet that had gone missing last week, clearly dead but somehow breathing … very unsmurfish things. The Smurf leader moved to banish Necromancer for good, but his mother, who had been suffering for years after the loss of her husband - and in spite of the horrors her son had committed, protected him best she could. Both of them became outcasts in their own society, but for Necromancer he didn't care. Perhaps his biggest mercy was when his mother finally passed a few centuries later, he left her grave untouched.
But his appetite for defying death wasn't through, not by a long shot. He could reanimate animals and even plants for certain periods but he needed something bigger, better. He knew the village would exile him as soon as he touched one of his own so he sought through records in the public library until he discovered, by chance, an old journal belonging to a pirate Smurf named Captain Bluebeard, amongst who's stories was a retelling of a great treasure heist, and a lift of a young pirate who was lost on the island and who's body wasn't recovered. This was the opportunity Necromancer needed - a deserted island and a lone body he intended to reanimate. This could be his finest hour.
Short intermission now to listen to Rafflesia talk about the types of undead! :)
*"You may not know me, Skeleton Smurf. But I know you - do not be afraid. Although the nature of your existance defies me, this was not your fault. My quarrel is with the one who's lifeforce sustains you, and in doing so has prevented us from meeting. In my kingdom, you were a worthy subject"
Skelly looked up at the empty eye sockets of the crow skull upon Death's face.
"I was in your kingdom? Then perhaps .. you could tell me who I was?"
Death sighed, seeming almost apologetic.
"I'm afraid … that might compromise your current situation. I do apologise, there's little in my power to help you as you are now. But that is not why I am here, Skeleton. I may no longer have the power to bring you back to my kingdom, but I am still a diety. And since you have been wronged in many ways, I would like a chance - however slim - to make it up to you."
Skelly looked curious, so Death continued.
"I am offering you a wish. A single wish, to be used at any time. Know that there are some things even outside of my power. But as long as holds, or as long as it takes, you have this promise"*
Skelly meets Death ,, part 2! They have a gift for him.
Death, Necromancer, Rafflesia and Skelly are mine / Franchise The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 5 months
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Explorer Magellan was born in Sydney, Australia, to two travel-agent parents. At four years old, his maternal grandmother fell ill and so the family relocated to care for her back in Lancashire, England. This is where Explorer was raised.
Explorer had a .. fairly normal childhood all things considered. Loving parents, popularity - oh and a hefty inheritance left to him by his ailing grandmother. Flipping through his parent's travel-agency booklets gave Explorer little insights into the wonders of the world, and he longed to see them. And, in learning about treasures, coveted them. As a young man, Explorer enrols in an archaeology degree in Yorkshire where he ironically ends up in the same class as Archie Baines. But they don't really interact during their time at university. Both were good enough students, just hung out with different crowds. Archie was here with a genuine interest in history and what could be learnt from it. Explorer was here to find what he could take from it, as he feels the degree would be useful (and perhaps grew up with unrealistic expectations handed to him from the Indiana Jones movies)
Post-Uni, Archie, his brother and Archie's then boyfriend Miner all move to Belgium for an assignment, whilst Explorer takes his degree to a different market. The black one, if you will. This was no coincidence. You see; behind the scenes Explorer had had some tip offs from some buddies about certain … items certain people wanted retrieving. And with his grandmother's inheritance giving him easy leverage on bribing security and officials, Explorer began to develop quite a knack for retrieving artefacts. After all his archaeology degree helped him with background knowledge of ancient buildings and whether artefacts were worth anything at all, stuff the average person would overlook. And I mean if this ancient ruby is just sitting right there in the ancient pyramid of the pharaoh why SHOULDN'T Explorer keep it? It's only gathering dust.
It wasn't until a few years down the line that Explorer and Archie met again. Explorer was on his way across Europe when he needed to stop and rest for a while, and ended up in a little village in the woods run by a Mr.Smurf. Here, he runs into Archie Baines again. A little surprised, but cordial at first, they exchange polite convo and catch up on some old memories. Explorer even asks Archie to join him on his next expedition - that way he can take double the treasure, but he doesn't tell Archie that. Archie thinks 'hey ive met a fellow archaeology nerd this will surely be an insightful trip'.
So they go, and it's successful! They find the stuff Explorer theorised was there. Awesome, Archie can't wait to hand this into the local authorities and get some archaeological recognition. Maybe write a paper on the finds.
Local authorities? says Explorer. No way. He's taking this stuff back with him and finding the highest bidder.
Archie is appalled at the clear difference in their attitudes. Thus begins a lifelong rivalry. Of course, Smurfverse Explorer has no use for money but he's still adamant about keeping stuff, and maybe trading for high bidders from other species like fairies, goblins etc after stealing artefacts from other races. Archie continues to try and be noble about preserving history. Papa just kinda .. well its all going on behind his back, see? Explorer puts up a cute front and so Papa keeps sending him on these missions and thinks he and Archie are buddy buddy even when they're fighting behind his back.
Anyway their day to day rivalry can get kind of boring so we're gonna skip ahead to something exciting!
One of the many marvellous misadventures leads them to an ancient temple where, surprise surprise, Archie warns Explorer not to tamper with the stuff because this particular temple belonged to ancient goblins and BELIEVE him you do not want to mess with ancient goblins, they were rather particular about their treasure, even after death.
So of course Explorer ignores this bcuz he wants to wind Archie up and grabs a random bracelet and slips it on to tease him. But uh oh spaghettio thats how you get yourself a nice little goblin possession curse!
Thus begins a thrilling chase. Explorer thinks Archie is boring and pretentious as all hell but a Smurf is a Smurf, he'd never actively try and KILL Archie until now. Goblin curse overrides that. Pick up a sword. Aim between the ribs. He's got Archie backed up against a wall now, this might be the end of Archaeologist Smurf.
Except of course it isn't because this is Butterverse.
And quite frankly Skelly hasn't been too fond of Explorer either since he insinuated Skelly could be sold to a high bidder for a private museum so recently Skelly has been tagging along after ol' buddy Archie to keep an eye on him. And it's just as well because Archie is on the verge of being killed in an … unsettlingly familar way. Luckily Skelly has an advantage this time- no organs!
Explorer's sword raises, Archie's life flashes before his eyes, Skelly jumps … and the sword hits ribs. Giving Archie just enough time to snap out of it, and beat the shit out of Explorer. Don't worry, it was for a good cause, he was able to break the goblin bracelet that was possessing Explorer. He'll be fine once he wakes up.
Skelly on the other hand has a couple broken ribs and some scratches. Luckily his bones restore themselves so for now all Archie has to do is wrap them and thank him for saving his life. Alls well that ends well.
Explorer hasn't necessarily learnt his lesson. Learnt not to slip cursed bracelets on, yes, but that just makes him more careful about how he handles stuff. He and Archie are still bitter rivals, but neither has tries to actively kill the other again yet so there's that.
Other Explorer info:
Doesn't really have AS big of a rivalry with Pal. Pal thinks he's a jerk yes but Pal's not super confrontational and doesn't end up on dig sites or in temples the same way Archie and Explorer do so most of it is just Pal getting tea later on.
Verdict is still out on his sexuality I haven't decided if he's got any exes going for him or if he has some current, messed up relationship or if he couldn't care less about romance and is legit only after treasure so for now it's ?? This is not an enemy to lovers thing, even if Explorer were to repress stuff about Archie deep down Archie still finds him despicable. So the occasional joke is fine .. i guess? But very much not going to be endgame here anymore than Smooth and Jokey would be and Smooth has a positive view of Jokey unlike Explorer who finds Archie self-righteous
Smurfverse Explorer obviously just grows up in the village and he and Archie are on OK terms as kids but then he gets involved with some black market fae behind Papa's back and the story progresses the same.
If Explorer isn't doing his whole 'stealing' thing he's actually … considered fairly charismatic by other people. His whole morally bankrupt thing is tied into his work, he's not actively jerkish to anyone apart from Archie and co to the point a lot of Smurfs consider him quite friendly, and really he does have a genuine passion for exploration and discovery, it's just overshadowed by the greedy side of his personality.
Also the accent thing … inside joke mostly
Explorer and Archie (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
Oh PS - I've been thinking about it, and even if Skelly doesn't remember his death and wouldn't know up till coming to the village, that's kind of Archie's whole job. From the rip in his cloak and some original damage to the ribs I think it would make more sense for Archie to have a good theory about his death than to not. It's also why that spot is a little more fragile than the rest of his bones. They'll still magi-heal but only to how they were before.
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butterfrogmantis · 5 months
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I sincerely apologise to anyone new opening the Smurf tag and being Skelly-jumpscared wdym you people came here for cute blue creatures and not half terrifying undead pirate humanised-Smurf men
Jokes aside ,, pretty happy w/ this! Wanted some more semi realism practise, lots of fun skull angles online for cool references (hoping my search history doesn't make me look like a serial killer ..)
You figure out what the white rose is for /lh
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 5 months
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Warm up memes w/ Explorer
Explorer and Palaentologist (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 4 months
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And I hope they didn't tie up Your hands as tight as mine I'll see you on the bed of this Blue ocean babe, sometime
Been soooo addicted to MerArchie au. Maybe not as good as my old Capskiff au but pirates and merman chef kiss
I've played em through bots too but with different stuff going on - Archie get hauled aboard and Swashie gotta get him off the ship and back to the sea without anyone noticing, Swashie gets thrown overboard and Archie gotta rescue him, all that fun stuff.
Also, style challenge fun!
Archaeologist (c) The Smurfs
Swashbuckler is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!
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Don't keep ur skeletons in the closet 💙
I actually forgot pride month was coming up I'll do something better later this month
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 5 months
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Beach Tip 302: If you so happen to be made of bones, be sure to bring a buddy with an excavation brush along with you. Sand can be so coarse in the rib cage.
Archaeologist (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 6 months
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I seriously need to stop finding dumb skeleton memes because they just make me wanna redraw em
Skelly is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 7 days
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Archaeologist (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
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