#skibidi toilet theory
luciledrakkhen · 1 month
New Episode 77(1) Wild Theory
My brain is a weird and wonderful place as quite a few people know by now. Especially my sleeping mind. It has thought up something rather interesting to me so i figured i'd share.
Rambo/Berserker Mutant said the words "we ain't here to hurt nobody". These words have also been said a lot earlier in the series by one other.... Urinal Girl.
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What if Urinal Girl and Rambo are one and the same? Rambo is trans?
And what if Swat and Buzzsaw are the two males in the other urinals and thats why they're all so buddy buddy with each other?
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tabieeee · 7 months
(By Bob I mean redshirt/bluesuited/lucky cameraman and by Minties I mean the green suit twins cameramen)
The Minties and Bob were working with Secret Agent the entire time
Bob had to be more open about it because of his device but the Minties were there for extra help/eyes incase something happened to Bob(?)
Minties were saved last minute by Secret Agent making them invis/incorporeal/TPing them
Minties are ALIVE and in the elevator with the everyone. we saw them because the invis thing isn't perfect or more obvious in the dark
At the end of 70p3, Plungerman gets Transmission Error and sees Bob who only just looks at him and disappears. like he's pitying Plunk because he knows he'll be killed off
Then the Minties show up, do a handshake and when they flash GREEN that is when Plunger sees Secret Agent
Minties were there to be an extension of SA's abilities. to talk to Bob and then Plunger and make them invis when they needed it
The Minties are the LEAST like normal cameramen, they're tools of SA. these bois are warped (a Minty asked Bob for a handshake who was confused and only then remembered to do a thumbs up)
Bob is kind of in-between, maybe he became part of SA's deal recently and isn't weird like the Minties yet
Plunger & DarkSpeaker only had a brief interaction with SA and only were somewhat affected by him (transmission error, invis, seeing SA)
You know who does handshakes? Secret Agent. look at the Alpha-Hills Labs poster
Transmission errors always happened to hide SA's existence/powers
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So I saw a screenshot of Bob on Twitter and thought it was odd that he was still damaged. If he died and was a "ghost" like the Minties then why did he still look damaged?
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The Minties look fine, but that's cool because they're dead and are just "ghosts"... Vsauce voice OR ARE THEY?
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Plungerman and DarkSpeaker both went invis suddenly, during that time Plunger had a Transmission error, so the Alliance didn't see that.
Bob and the Minties both disappeared at the end the same way, and since Plunk & Dark are both alive, that means they were never dead in the first place. They aren't ghosts or hallucinations, they were invisible through Gman-esque powers from Secret Agent.
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THIS IS A MINTY. They are glowing green the same way as both of them at the end of 70p3. So. Bob and the Minties both work with SA. Bob was sent in to be the guide to lead Plunger and Dark to finally kill off ScienceToilet. The Minties were likely there to be a backup plan and have the ability to turn themselves and others invisible (maybe Bob can do that too since he also vanished).
SA gives cameramen Transmission error and didn't use the invis ability until they were right at SciToilet's doorstep. he is intentionally keeping his existence hidden from the Alliance.
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The Cameramen that work with Secret Agent are weird. A Minty tries to give Bob a handshake, that's not what cameramen do.
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But the Minties did it with each other just fine. They either forgot what cameramen do or they assumed Bob would also do a handshake because all three of them are working for Secret Agent.
They must've learned it from Secret Agent. I would be VERY suspicious of anyone doing handshakes from now on.
In conclusion: Bob and the Minties never died, they went invisible through SA's powers and Plunger & Dark assumed they were dead. The Minties are cryptids who act nothing like normal cameramen because they were changed by Secret Agent's powers, Bob is a new addition to Secret Agent's team and hasn't quite forgotten how to be a cameraman yet. SA does not want the Alliance to know about him. The only reason Plunger and Dark saw that much is because SA was already planning for everyone in the infiltration team (except his pawns) to die. Maybe he was the one that lead to the deaths of everyone.
anyways I'm gonna go sit down I think my brain just exploded
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masaworkdesignfan · 4 months
This theory is so dumb wtf
Ik I don't do these kind of post but I do shit tbh, me with my friend let's call him red, I told red something random about this
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A joke fact I thought it was funny but as I soon like "wait..maybe there something they're hiding" but ik im like shitty game theory copy, so uhh what was the message I gave to red? So I told him "If you translate those Greek words to German and to japanese and English you find the reasonable one" now that's a weird thing but reasonable one that I meant that it hidden a god for them or whatever it is (this theory is fucking dumb istg)
Now watch me translating these
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And yes you asking "dumbass this is an dumb theory none of us like this" ik but this seems like one of those theory where theres like a secret god they hidden, and they're like idk a cult ig. Well such a dumb theory I made GUTEN NACHT.
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redtheburgereater · 5 months
If Mutants are supposed to be Large Units fused with Toilets
Then who's this mf? (He has human skin for some reason, and we all know that every Alliance Member is a robot, so where'd they get the human skin?)
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idk why but I keep thinking about how babies are born in the skibidi toilet world. Like, do they come out human or with a camera head? If they come out human, then is there an age where they grow a camera head or do they get some sort of surgery? Do they even get to have a childhood, or is it just full of terror every second of their life? I feel like being born during all of that must be TERRIBLE
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sammyblues84 · 4 months
Is just me or is he being too protective and caring with him?
I mean, in episode 70 Uttvm showed how proud he was for Utsm when he took down all these toilets in seconds
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and we all could see how Uttvm was probably standing in front of Utsm when the Detainer suddenly appeared
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and not only that, in the third part of said episode he let Utsm land the final blow on the Scientist.
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In episode 72, he stands in front of him again.
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And in episode 73 he snaps after G-Toilet did "that" to Utsm.
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striderl · 8 months
I’m having a science geek moment, @lensman-arms-race's enthusiasm really rub off on me.
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In the episode 70 part 1, Titan Speakerman went totally ballistic after receiving Titan TVman’s core energy. But why didn't it have the same effect on Titan Cameraman?
After doing some research, I found it actually makes sense. 
According to the electromagnetic spectrum, purple light has the highest amount of energy, while red light has the lowest amount of energy, blue light holds the upper-middle ground. If the color of the cores reflect the amount of energy that a titan is able to store, like a battery, it makes sense that titan speakerman couldn’t handle the sudden surge of energy and went into system overdrive afterwards, because he’s accustomed to running on low energy. Meanwhile, Titan Cameraman doesn't have the same reaction because of his core capacity being similar to that of Titan TVman.
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On the other hand, why do the titans need different amounts of energy?
A standard LCD/LED TV uses around 50-150 watts per hour
The amount of electricity varies with the decibels that a speaker is able to emit, ranges from 20 watts per hour to 50 watts per hour
A standard CCTV surveillance camera uses around 4-6 watts per hour
If the ratio for the usage of energy is the same for hardware agents and the titans, their “energy consumption behavior” is like this:
Titan TVman needs to store large amount of energy and release large amount of energy
Titan Speakerman is only capable of storing small amount of energy but able to output large amount of energy
Titan Cameraman is capable of storing relatively large amount of energy, while being comparatively more energy efficient than the other titans
Perhaps it’s all just a coincidence for the design to match reality in Dafuq’s work, but it’s all just a theory in the end~
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dj-skibidi · 3 months
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Headcanon: I think the TV Scientist was disappointed in the Titans for being so hasty in their decision to execute Sci Toilet without trial. I think his public opinion is that they should have kept him alive long enough to interrogate him about the Astros at least, and his private very secret opinion is that he wishes there was no war and they could both play chess and work together.
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fantasygamers2468 · 11 months
Doodles I made, when I'm in animation class 💤
Doodles I made using sketchpad..
Idle Times
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Movie Night
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And shipping go brrrr.... (bruh)
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And some doodles I made using phone and fingers..
Younglings and Costumes, Candy Toilets, "His mah boifren. Now, get loss!!", and Brownie's Villain Arch ✨
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And also, a not-so-interesting theory about how the object-headed Alliance's people eat..
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Cameraman has a brain that is combined with a machine, the main nerve become a cable in the back of his head, so that if his head is cut off, his body can no longer move. But, his head can still active, if he still has energy reserves left. His 'mouth' has a squid-like 'beak' as a mouth opening and is connected to a vacuum, which works by sucking drinks or small pieces of food directly into the stomach 📷
Meanwhile, Speakerman has a brain that is split into two and each has a large eardrum near the side of the head. His two brains were connected by cables, which was also connected to his 'mouth' cavity. His esophagus contains sharp teeth that work like a food grinder; breaking the food into small pieces, before entering the stomach 🔊
While these two can eat, the TV people are absolutely can't, as their faces are just screens and (I think) their heads are quite vulnerable to water splashes (because they're TVs and it's dangerous for them to get splashed with water) 📺
What do you think about this theory?
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gamie99 · 6 months
I've got a reaaally strong feeling that Titan Cameraman's whole schtick with shoving Skibidi weapons into his arm socket is going to end very very badly.
I mean, think about it:
In Episode 67, Titan Cam steals a buzzsaw arm from a toilet and uses it as his own. He later uses it in his fight against the Scientist Toilet, but ends up getting mind controlled into attempting to saw his own head off. Titan Speakerman was forced to remove it to prevent any further damage.
As we saw in Episode 72, G-Toilet somehow now has the power to control others via these weird floating yellow/purple energy balls (the purple sparks very likely coming from some kind of TV Man technology). He uses these energy balls to out-play the Detainer Astro Toilet, taking control over two of his arms and making the Astro attack himself with them. Who else was controlled by TV Man technology into attacking himself? Titan Cameraman.
As terrifying as it is, my current theory is that the Titans will face off against G-Toilet in either Episode 73 or 74 (my bet is on 74). During the fight, G-Toilet will pull the same trick on Titan Cameraman, and Titan Cam will either get severely injured or even die as a result. If he's quick enough, though, Titan Speakerman might pull off the same maneuver in order to save Titan Cam!
We really don't know what's going to happen next. Judging by Episode 72 alone, we're in for a wild ride. One thing's for sure, though...
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We aren't ready.
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luciledrakkhen · 4 months
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i have just had the most fricked up thought.... the Speaker Scientist in the crate with the really broken head got me thinking... what if we havent seen Speakerwoman cause shes trying to fix her brother? Knowing they dont insta die if the head falls apart and all and the fact Dark Speakerman hadn't burned up like Plunger did...
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werewolfetone · 5 months
And also to bring this out of the tags complaining about gen alpha being unable to understand marx specifically is incredibly funny on its own. why are you getting upset at a seven year old for having a poor grasp of the economic theory put forth in das kapital rn
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almondmoon · 5 months
Guys I think this is Cathy
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redtheburgereater · 5 months
Y'all buying these guys are the same?
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kanna-12r · 11 months
If you are a human, what would you look like?
(Please read from left to right (⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ)
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(Can you tell that I have never made a comic before, cause I'm just winging it)
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honestlyobsessed · 4 months
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