witlacosh · 3 months
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New Ocs just dropped
Their names are: Rare, Incognito, Fruit Loops, Poison Jam, Weather, Medical Person, Sea, Contralto, Haircut, Virth, Skiddles, Ram Ranch, Unluck, Quack
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skiddlecat · 3 months
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wake up babe new reaction image dropped
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
how do you think the rest of the group felt when ui leaked pebble's condition? i can't imagine they'd be too pleased
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Seems a little too familiar...
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ventique18 · 2 years
Hi hii I would very much like to see the headpat prompt for mal mal
Love your art so much o(*°▽°*)o
Better with you
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I'm staying at another city so I had to do this in a rush 🙏 I hope you like it! Thanks for the wholesome request! 💕
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dj-wayback · 5 months
in tandem to the sliverist ask: hey sep how do you feel about sliver of straw
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…Not to mention it’s in bad nature to speak ill of the dead.
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snailfen · 1 year
pebbles is just not allowed to be happy in any au is he /silly
...may i ask for details
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so its not anything crazy since the iterators are reduced to smaller biomechanical robots that can just live life as long and peacefully as they please, so pebbles never gives himself the rot on accident; that being said it still forms and starts growing inside of him. hes also just depressed as fuck and believes life is meaningless, so this isnt helping!
so, adaptationally he does still end up lashing out at those close to him, and its when he seriously injures moon while blinded by rage that everything actually falls apart. he isolates himself for a good year or so. im still working out the details for this part so its kinda vague and susceptible to change!
but anyways, in this period of time moon is repaired and her biomechanical parts are healed. shes also been living further away since before the accident, and continues living there for a while. why is she living further away? Idk. robot college maybe, something temporary like that! they previously lived together.
also, pebbles get ruffian! hes got droves of wild scavs around his house like cockroaches, and thats when ruffian just... walks into his life. literally. just crawls through an open window after killing a bunch of scavs and doesnt leave him no matter what. wont say much more about it though, but know that thats not the full story! moon also gets ruffles, but im keeping that story for another day...
after a while, pebbles opens back up and moon is ready to move back into town, and after re-connecting and a few long TLAI-style talks, he offers to let her move back in when shes ready. shes helping pebbles through everything and he feels incredibly guilty (which is why he offered, he didnt want moon to feel like she HAD to find her own place after everything). this is where ruffian and ruffles takes place, when moon is moved back in!
youll see bits and pieces of this recovery and struggle in the future, and this includes relationships with the other iterators.
anyways, the reason i havent shared this til now is cus i was trying to work it all out, haha;;;; wasnt planning on this being anymore than a silly concept id draw from time to time but i love doing the comics!
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beananium · 11 months
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polite young man
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crabussy · 11 months
robin under WHAT circumstance would you burn BOTH OF YOUR THUMBS in SOUP and ONLY your thumbs WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH THE SOUP
FUCKING CARRYING IT I was at the ZOO buying NOODLES AND WONTONS and they had filled the little soup bowl to the BRIM with SCALDING HOT WATER and I was carrying it to my tray with my shaky autism hands <- too excited by the animals (I cried twice because I was so excited to be at the zoo) and it fucking BOILED MY THUMBS so so BADLY that I had to stick them in my icy teh tarik for TWENTY MINUTES. they're currently slathered in mānuka honey ointment which is why I am currently typing spider monkey style with NO THUMBS and it is DIFFYCULT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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acerikus · 2 months
Man. I really need to play isat huh
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pov wayback finds out who made ns
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actual-changeling · 6 months
i have to go get some new prescriptions today because i am starting to run out off pretty much everything and i always wonder what the admin ppl think when i turn up with "uh yeah i know it says 150 mg but we doubled that. huh? oh yeah. that one too. 200 mg now. that one? ...yeah 20 mg instead of 10 mg please"
they're generally polite but seem not very. kind? happy? idk it makes me uncomfortable but i ignore it
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skiddlecat · 7 months
guardian won't let me out of this room . what do i do. does it want me to solve its riddles three what
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strawberrus0da · 2 years
Shattered Hopes AU
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Essentially, Niko shatters the sun, the world goes dark, and they don’t go home.
The player can’t talk to them.
...the story doesn’t quite end there.
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dj-wayback · 10 months
((OOC: Hey if this ask doesn't fit the idea for your plot you can ignore this!))
Hey, NWB, I don't think NS (forgot their pronouns so using they/them for them atm) had the best relationship with their creator, despite saying many things to the contuary. Mainly because, well, some people pushed their boundaries relentlessly. To the point where they had a full blown panic attack.
Said panic attack was because a anon, for reasons I have zero clue about, said something about them deleting one of their memories. For, reasons. And then NS freaked out.
Not only that but they said that they never got gifts from their citizens, which I'm extremely suspicious about because with how hard working they are it wouldn't make any sense!
But, when you remember who their creator is, well, you know how that guy treats his family. So I could only imagine how he would treat someone he probably considers to only be a machine, and thus without the rights people should have. Especially since he could just, reprogram them if he so desires. Or, even delete memories...
This, isn't an excuse for their behavior. But, sometimes knowing "Why" can help put things into perspective.
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Happy for u tho. or soryr that happend
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snailfen · 10 months
BFDIA 6??? HUH????
for context: bfdi (battle for dream island) is an online animated reality show webseries where characters compete for something called dream island. bfdia (battle for dream island again) is its second season, which was discontinued after its sixth episode was supposed to come out ten years ago on september 1st, 2013.
the show went on to start a third season in 2016 (which hasnt explicitly been cancelled???? but only had one episode) and then a fourth and fifth season (fourth season finished 2 years ago, fifth is currently ongoing) but despite that they just dropped bfdia episode 6 JUST YESTERDAY. and im shitting myself because do you know how long i waited for bfdia 6 as a child. I can rest in peace
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snickeringdragon · 4 months
would rivulet and sonic be friends
yes but riv would annoy sonic. because theyd splash him with water constantly
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