#skin brightening iv drip
healthcarebia · 11 months
Skin Brightening IV Drip: Upgrade Your Health with IV Drip Home Service Dubai
Experience the ultimate convenience of skin brightening IV drip and IV therapy services in Dubai. Our home IV drip services bring wellness to your doorstep. Visit Healthcarebia for a vitamin IV drip infusion. Say goodbye to dull, tired-looking skin and hello to a revitalized you with our IV Drip at home in  Dubai.
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
before i never really interacted with blogs(cuz anxiety and very toxic friends had my tumblr, who ive gotten rid of now) but now i literally interact with every post bc of you, you are god and i will worship you, your smut is poetic af and has my legs SHAKING(.literally.)
also, alastor and his rivals(vox or lucifer) x reader smut? like i know alastor would be petty asf and have them watch as he fucks the living out of their beloved, im curious, do you have any ideas regarding that?(cuz your ideas are delicious and im hungry for that)
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You’ve left me speechless which is quite the accomplishment, Darling. I am just a little goblin! Or like the tooth fairy, but instead of teeth I take praise and instead of money I leave filthy smut 🥺 I am so glad you removed the toxic friends and are interacting more. 💖 you deserve better and your interactions are a joy. Thank you for brightening my day! I am so far away and yet you’ve got me blushing like a fool.
oooh yes okay so! Here’s some ideas 👀
Energy for me is Lucifer: Here to please. Alastor: Here to win. I imagine Luci brings you to the hotel for Charlie’s Birthday party, already having a precious casual fling once or twice before. All the guests are there, everyone is dancing and drinking and having a good time. Alastor notices how you call him Luci, how Lucifer cant keep his cool when you lean closer to him when you speak. Naturally, Alastor sees an opportunity to fuck with Lucifer so he asks for a dance. He is uncharacteristically sweet and loving, willing to do anything to get under the king of hell’s skin. He changes the music to something slow, holding you close he whispers in your ear during your dance, “How can any man maintain composure around you? I feel my manners slipping through my fingers every time you look my way.” When you leave the party to cool down, Alastor follows, finding you in an empty room trying to decompress. “Would you hate me if I kissed you? Be forewarned, once I start, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop…”
Lucifer walks in to see you absolutely melting under Alastor, lipstick smeared and face flushed. But Luci adores you, your pleasure is his pleasure and he’s compelled to stay and watch, even as Alastor makes you moan and scream his name. “Who do you belong to, sweetheart?” “Whose cock are you made for?” You’re reduced to incoherent babbling by the time Alastor is finished toying with Lucifer. Lucifer can’t take it anymore and finds himself crawling onto the bed to swallow your moans and shower you in praise.
I can see Vox bringing his beloved personal assistant to an overlord meeting for note taking, and Alastor notices your glances to him. Vox adores you, and is always on his best behavior around you to impress you. Alastor waits for you outside of Vee Tower that night for a “chance run in”. “What luck! Allow me to buy you a drink, as a welcome to hell.” Charms you as any good southern boy could, and suggests you both go back to your office for privacy. Knowing full well Vox has cameras all over the office, Alastor fucks Vox’s assistant on his desk while maintaining eye contact with the massive collection of screens there. Vox catches sight of this while skimming through the feeds but can’t break away from the video. Alastor keeps your back to the displays while bouncing you on his cock, smirking at Vox the entire time as he leans back on his desk chair. Vox is seething and finally rushes to his office to find Alastor gone and you lying on your back, still out of breath and cum dripping onto the desk.
Vox keeps you, but gets rid of the desk. He can’t let Alastor have the satisfaction of making him lose his prized employee. For weeks after, while zoning out in board meetings, his screen flashes images of Alastor smirking from over your shoulder as you ride him. He’s entirely unaware that it’s happening and everyone is too scared to tell him.
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sugarybisous · 11 months
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how i got rid of my body acne and achieved the smoothest skin ever and also plan on keeping it hydrated during the colder months 🫧🧼🧴🚿
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i absolutely love and adore the naturium brand it really has transformed my skin and helped it so much ive used each product separately but get the best results using them together.
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THESE TWO BODY WASHES RIGHT HERE! ive had body acne for as long as i can remember and these two washes have magically made them go away. i notice when i use other body washes my skin tends to revert back into breaking out but these body washes help my skin so much and clear up my skin so well. i still am left with the scarring but they also have a vitamin c body wash for skin brightening that also exfoliates that i want to try out for my scars.
1. the first thing i do is dry brush, you might not be able to tell the difference in the beginning but you will after and especially after consistent use.
2. the next thing i do is shower like normal and use shower tools to really help clean my skin whether it’s an exfoliating glove, wash cloth, loofah, exfoliating wash net,etc…(i recommend an exfoliating glove and wash net for a deeper wash and for extra smooth skin as well you will definitely notice a difference in the texture of your skin after!) i also of course use the two body washes i listed above, the salicylic acid one first then the multi-oil body wash after.
3. the thing that seals the deal…a body oil! yes you are going to use it right after you shower with water still dripping on your skin! (i pat very little water off my body so im not sopping wet reaching over for my body oil) but the water is the key into locking in the moisture when you rub the body oil in the water will be absorbed into your skin and you will not be soaking wet anymore, and the way your skin will feel after? SOOOO SMOOTH!!
after this i like to still layer on my smells through body lotions, body mists and perfumes because these have zero to little fragrance to them
the body oil i use is the palmers coconut body oil which is very affordable going under $10 i believe and this brand has been very good to my skin as well i love their coconut line. and another affordable drug-store body oil is the neutrogena one both unscented and scented i don’t have it personally (which will probably change soon tbh) but ive smelled and felt it in person before and loved it.
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this routine gets my skin nice and smooth every time im soo obsessed, i hope this helps! ♡
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aeinova · 1 month
featuring Nova.
trigger warnings: themes of violence.
mun note: my last time i'll make Nova suffer, i promise. she needs some light in her life. 🙂‍↕️ if anyone wants to plot around this with her, dm me!
When Nova thought of nature in late Summer, she pictured semi-orange leaves finding their way to the sticky dirt under them with a mix of a breezy but warm wind brewing amongst her features. The sun danced along her pale skin as she paced around freely, brightening up her eyes to a hue of mahogany. It was a cozy, almost fuzzy feeling to think that nature can be so serene no matter the season. This scenery played in her head repeatedly as she laid in a cold hospital bed, unconscious as various machines beeped in a sequence, all securing that she was still very much there physically. Each one did something different; a squeaky heartbeat monitor, a massive blood pressure cuff, an IV dripping a clear liquid. A bandage wrapped around her head was made neatly, being replaced every hour or so due to heavy bleeding. The room was clean enough to eat off the floor, the smell of rubbing alcohol and clean linen mixing to create the hospital atmosphere most people expected. It was the “VIP” suite of the building, private and closed off to ensure the security of the actress, who had arrived a little later in the evening.
“Chart?” The neurologist swung by in the beginning of his night shift with the quiet floor nurse who followed him closely, seeing over his schedule to be only occupied by Nova. An easy night, he thought, reviewing the pieces of crisp paper once they were in his meticulous hands. The notes scribbled on like pure chicken scratch by the ER team read the following in bold: “Female, 29, unknown if any previous condition. Concussed by blunt trauma to the back of head. Assumed to be caused by a bat. Pending investigation. Bruised in various other areas.”
“A bat, huh.” He said under his heavy breath, rolling his eyes at the paper with slight annoyance from the situation. Bat? What kind of woman was he dealing with? Scratch that — Who was this woman involved with? The neurologist went to her bedside after shoving the chart back into the nurses’s hands, leaning over Nova. Like all his emergency patients, he inspected her physical features through old, low lenses. She seemed so peaceful, simply laying in bed with no idea what’s going as he frowned. Why did someone so young and talented end up like this? He had heard the stories and the rumors... Well, who didn’t, but he kept his own words and opinions to himself as the thoughts were closed shut in his mind. This was not the time to come to theories and conclusions that were not work related, shaking his salt and pepper head. Instead, he checked out simple vitals, pulling some switches and pressing a few buttons as he started a physical test.
One up hand up, the other down. One arm up, the other down. The other arm up, the other one down. The last hand up, the last hand down. A flashlight towards closed eyelids, a clap of the hands to see any reaction to sound, and a final squeeze to her feet. “Eyelids seem active, but she’s cold to the touch. Keep her warm, and on fluids. We’ll send an immediate MRI. Any family I can contact?” The words flew out quickly, jabbing the nurse as she responded in the same manner. “Sister is in Hong Kong and not responding. Parents are flying over but won’t be here until Saturday. We have another person listed but..” Through large worried eyes, the nurse grabbed the doctor’s arm, leaning in as she whispered. “He’s the accused in this.”
The doctor’s expression never changed, turning towards the door. The hallway only had an elevator at the end of it, the sleeping security guard placed in his station and the empty nurses’ desk adjacent from it. “Well, get someone to be here for her. Not sure what the outcome might be but..” A lingering sentence wasn’t particularly unfamiliar from this man at all. He stuffed his hands inside his white coat pockets, stepping down in the direction of the elevator.
Late summer, semi-orange leaves, a warm breeze with brown, hopeful eyes. She kicked a little gray rock, watching it skip over a low river. To achieve peace didn’t seem too far away now, turning to see a gazing doe watching her actions. “And who are you?” Nova voiced, as if the animal can talk back. It froze in place when she spoke, closing in slowly to place a petite hand between its furry ears. “Are you lost?” The doe simply glanced up at her, nodding its head as it broke away from the girls’ hand instantly, looking back at the trail before them. Was it telling her to follow the trail? A wet nose pressed against the back of Nova’s hand as if it read her mind, almost in urgency as the animal shoved her onto the cobblestone path now, stomping with a hoof as if it achieved something. Maybe it was trying to show her something important, trusting her gut and walking down the path slowly.
A finger twitched, the heartbeat machine heightened for a moment as Nova’s breath became leveled compared to the shallow rhythm she had, the nurse rushing right over when the multiple noises started their orchestra. The older woman reached over to the sleek phone connected to the wall, dialing a few buttons as it connected to the neurologist in a matter of seconds. “She’s moving.”
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slusheeduck · 6 months
For Want Of A Wish
IV. Revel
As they passed through the crossing, they were immediately enrobed in the golden sunlight that seemed to drip through the trees. They both had a moment of wonder, before Astarion remembered himself and dove for the nearest shade. He pressed his back against a tree, brows creasing as he realized he was stuck.
“Gods, I forget how beautiful it…Love?” Falerin broke from his reverie, looking around until he found where Astarion had tucked himself away. He stepped around, still bathed in sunlight—the deep red of his hair was brightened in the light, with streaks of silver threaded through, as he tilted his head to look at him. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t know if you recall this, dearheart, but I am, in fact, a vampire,” Astarion hissed. “Or did you think we only went out at night for fun once the Absolute business was over?”
Falerin blinked, and his eyes widened. “Oh, oh! Oh, you think…this isn’t real.”
“I beg your fucking pardon.”
Falerin shook his head, then waved around them. “All of…this. It’s not real sunlight. I mean, I suppose it is, but it doesn’t work like ours. It’s always like this.” He wrinkled his nose, trying to think of the best way to explain it. “Here, let me show you.” He held out his hand for Astarion’s.
Astarion looked down at it, then back up at him. “Did you ever learn cure wounds?” he asked dryly.
“No, but we won’t need it. Just trust me.”
Astarion frowned, weighing his options, before he finally gave a sigh and set his hand in Falerin’s. “If I burn…”
“You won’t.” Slowly, Falerin pulled Astarion’s hand forward, into the sunlight. Astarion grimaced and shut his eyes, waiting for the burn he knew all too well. But it…never came—there wasn’t even so much as a prickle. He opened his eyes, staring at his pale skin, bright and unmarked in the sunlight. He blinked, releasing Falerin’s hand to hold it up.
“Gods. You were right,” he said, voice soft. The longer his hand stayed in the sun, the more he realized that it did feel…different than what he remembered from three years ago. It wasn’t warm, or cold, or…anything, really. Somehow, it felt more like an artificer’s lamp—effective, but inorganic. But even so, it was more sunlight than he’d dared to hope for in years, so he was hardly going to complain.
He stepped out into the sunlight, glancing over to catch Falerin staring at him. He returned the stare with his own curious look. “What?”
To his surprise, Fal’s face split into a grin. “I’d forgotten how beautiful you look in the daylight,” he said, voice soft and odd eyes bright. “It suits you.” He laughed. “All the more reason to get that Wish.”
Astarion gave his own little smile, mouth staying firmly shut. Best not spoil anything by blurting his plan now. He looked around them, now able to properly take in their surroundings. “Is this the Court?”
“Mm? Oh, no, no, the Court’s a way off. Well, probably. It…moves.” Fal picked his way back out to the little road, Astarion close behind.
“What do you mean ‘it moves’?” the vampire asked, any wonder suddenly evaporating.
“Well, her Court never stays in one place. I assume it’s still close by—it hasn’t been very long since I was here, in their time, but…” Fal shrugged, having the audacity to look unbothered. “Someone will be able to point us there.”
Astarion stood still, staring hard at Falerin. He finally looked away, taking a very deep breath as he brought his hands together. “So. You’re telling me, darling, dearheart, beloved, light of my life, Falerin Glais, that your plan for the two of us, is to wander around an entirely different realm until someone is nice enough to give directions to a fey court that could be on the other side of the Feywild for all we know?” His voice had steadily risen through the last half of the sentence, breaking on “Feywild,” but even so, Falerin didn’t look any less confident. In fact, he smiled as he reached for Astarion’s hand.
“Look,” he said, voice quiet as he wrapped both warm hands around Astarion’s, “it’s like I said. This place is…it was my home for a long time. I know how it works, and I know how to get us where we need to go. And…” He tilted his head back and forth. “My patron is…she has a lot of sway here. One look at this…” He tapped just beneath his violet eye. “…and I guarantee every fey will know exactly where we’re going. Trust me?” Falerin bit his lip, looking over Astarion’s face, then nodded back behind him. “Portal’s still open. We can still leave.”
Astarion’s mouth stayed in a hard line, and he glanced back over his shoulder. The portal was indeed still open, a perfect circle of mundane darkness amidst the impossible vibrance of the Feywild. It was tempting, scurrying back to the shadows and hoping for an easier way to fix things. But if he’d clawed his way this far after two hundred years, he wasn’t about to get back to it now. He took a breath, then looked back to Falerin.
“Well, I’ve trusted you this far, mad as you are,” he finally said. “Suppose I can manage a bit farther.”
Fal gave him a wide smile, squeezing his hand before he let go to turn and start walking. “I actually think you’ll like it here, once we get to the Court. Obviously I don’t think we should move in or anything, but…well, you can already see, it’s unlike anywhere else.”
Astarion looked overhead. Despite the golden light filtering down to them, there didn’t seem to be a source for the light. It just...was. No shadows either, now that he was looking—granted, he couldn’t go by his own. But each leaf of the trees around them were perfectly lit, creating an odd lack of depth in the world around them. Beautiful, yes, but…not quite right. He wasn’t sure if he liked it or not.
“Ah! Hang on, before we go any farther, here.” Falerin suddenly stopped, reaching up to grab two of the perfectly lit leaves from an overhead branch. He held one out to Astarion. “Here, you’ll want this.”
Astarion took it, looking it over. “What, is it…currency here?” He grinned as he spun it between his fingers. “Trading leaves and dewdrops for…” He looked up just in time to see Falerin shove the whole leaf in his mouth. “…couldn’t wait thirty seconds before being an absolute weirdo, could you, love?”
Falerin nodded at him as he chewed. “Go on, eat yours.”
“You know, I’m really regretting what I just said about trusting you. I think I’ll pass.”
Falerin shook his head as he swallowed. “No, no, it’s…it’s essential. I promise it is. You know fairy food, how it’s enchanted?” As Astarion nodded, he continued, “Well, it is. But the first thing you eat here makes you immune to future enchantments. Most people, of course, have the cakes or wine or whatever, and they get enchanted. But if you have a leaf, stick, flower—you know, anything recognizable that’s from here specifically, you’ll be able to have whatever you want without any issue.”
Astarion stared at him, then back down at his leaf. “Well, then, isn’t it lucky I don’t have to eat? And that includes leaves.” He tucked it in one of his many hidden pockets, then waved his hand. “I’ll just drink from…” He paused. “Do…do the things here have blood?”
Falerin thought for a moment, squinting hard at the ground. “I…they must. They must. I mean, I’ve never seen for myself, but they’re…” He trailed off. “Well, it might not even be an issue!” He started walking again. “When I came before, my illness, my aging, all of that seemed to stop. I don’t recall being particularly hungry or thirsty, really, so…it may be a non-issue, especially since you drank from me last night. And everything should be paused for me now, so you’ll be able to drink from me again if you need.”
“Mm.” That did…not sound like a solid plan, but it wasn’t like Astarion had anything better to offer. He took a couple quick steps to catch up to Falerin, looping his arm through his again—this realm was getting increasingly strange, just listening to Fal talk about it, and a bit of grounding never hurt anyone. They kept an easy pace; there was no real rush, after all, and the…day? night? was young, and there seemed to be no threats ahead.
After a while, Astarion glanced to Falerin. “So how did you get here the first time?”
“Crossroad, same one we came through.”
“Yes, yes, but…what did you do? You know, like the flute playing.” Astarion paused. “How did you show your heart?”
Falerin’s mouth twitched up into a little smile. “I sang.”
Astarion snorted before he could stop himself, and he quickly covered his mouth. “Sorry. I’m sorry, love. I just…I’ve heard you sing, and it’s…” He tried to think of the kindest way to put it. “I can think of many other strengths that would suit you better.”
Falerin let out a soft little laugh. “I’m terrible, you can say it.”
“Zel’s yowling for breakfast is more melodic, darling, I’m sorry.”
Falerin nodded, staying quiet for a moment as he stared down at the road. “I didn’t used to be,” he said quietly, but he left it there.
Astarion watched him for a moment as they walked, trying to decipher the odd, almost wistful look on his face. But ultimately, he also left it there. He sighed, tilting his head to rest against Fal’s as they walked.
“If you had to do that song and dance again, no pun intended, I think you’d really impress the Guardian with your lacework.”
“Mm. You know Adrina, the dragonborn who commissioned a wedding dress that I begged for your help on? She adored the lace. Thought it was the best part.”
“You’re flattering me.”
“I’m not! Please, like I would ever voluntarily say something outshone my embroidery.” Astarion paused. “Which, for the record, my embroidery on that dress was also stunning.”
Falerin laughed, and Astarion relaxed. There, a bit of normalcy in a terribly strange place—that made things much better. And, from experience, a bit of laughter always made the vast, overwhelming first steps of a journey that much easier to take.
While there seemed to be no sun, the daylight began giving way to twilight, gold shifting to pinks and blues as they traveled on. Like the last time Fal had been here, the path had been pleasant thus far, with no threats lingering close by. Astarion had even lost a bit of his natural wariness, and they chatted as if they were walking down to the night market.
Eventually, though, it was clear they would have to make camp. Falerin sighed as he set down his pack. He’d hoped they’d find someone before now, but it looked like it was just them. He sat down on a rock, brow furrowing as he thought. “It certainly is interesting here,” Astarion said, stretching his arms over his head and arching his back. “I hardly feel like we’ve walked much at all. Of course, now that I say that out loud, I’m worried that we’ve hardly made any progress.” He looked behind him, searching for the portal; it was nowhere to be found. He gave a pleased little huff, then looked back to Falerin. “Are you doing all right, darling?”
“Mm? Oh, yes. Not as well as I did with the tadpole, but I’m all right.” Falerin leaned forward, mouth pressed against his hand as he thought. “We may have to go off the path tomorrow. I thought we’d find someone by now—I’ll admit, it has me a little worried that we’re farther off than I thought…but that doesn’t make sense.”
“Darling, when has any part of our adventures made sense?” Astarion asked, digging out his sleeping roll. “We fought a giant brain with a squid-faced hero of old as an ally…or, well, whatever it was doing. A sparsely populated wood is far from abnormal.” He unrolled the mat, then looked off into the wood, squinting. “Oh, hello.”
Falerin followed his gaze. “What?”
“We may not be alone after all. I spy a light.” Astarion leaned down and pointed through the trees. Sure enough, a golden glow filtered through the leaves against the darkening surroundings. Falerin got up to move closer to Astarion, tilting his head curiously as he listened. From where they crouched, the tinkling sound of laughter was carried by the soft breeze, along with the heady smell of flowers and something sweet that was nearly familiar, but not quite.
He bit his lip, tugging it to the side as he studied the shifting shadows and laughter. He glanced at Astarion, who tilted his head.
“Should we go?” the vampire whispered. “Do you think it’s safe?”
“It’s definitely Court fairies, though I’m not sure with who,” Falerin whispered back. “But I’d wager Spring Court—that’s where my patron’s from.” He tilted his head back and forth, then looked at Astarion and shrugged. “It’s either trying our luck with them, or wandering around tomorrow. I’d say we should try.”
Astarion nodded, silently moving back to gather up his bedroll. He didn’t say anything, but the unspoken I’m trusting you hung heavy between them. Once he’d gathered his things and brought Falerin’s pack over, they quietly made their way toward the light.
They found a clearing not far into the forest, and that’s where the laughter and light was coming from. The two of them slipped around the trees to get a better look. There were two fey—wispy, pale things, feminine in appearance with long tendrils of white hair, frothy shifts that looked as though they were woven from the morning mist, and large silver eyes that sparked with something much more wild than anything in mortal eyes. They’d arranged a picnic, it looked like, with delicate little cakes, sandwiches, and other dainty foods that certainly wouldn’t be seen at a standard Neverwinter tea. Each fey had a goblet in their hands, with wine so sweet Falerin and Astarion could smell it from where they hid. The two laughed at some untold joke, but one suddenly stopped, starry eyes wide.
“Oh, oh, Fionnula,” she whispered, reaching to grasp the other fey’s arm. “I think we have company.” She gasped, excited. “Mortal company, even.”
“Mortal company? Oh, Fiadh, how exciting!” Fionnula hopped up to her feet, so lightly she looked as though she floated upward. “Come on out, mortals! Oh, we won’t hurt you—and you must know we can’t lie!”
Fiadh got up as well, flittering around the camp. As she came near where Astarion and Falerin crouched, Fal caught sight of Astarion’s hand starting to go for his knife. He reached over to grab his wrist, shaking his head. Before he could say anything, though, one of the fey popped her head out from between the trees, sending a bright smile at them.
“Fionnula, I found them!” she called, then reached for Falerin’s hands. Her grip was surprisingly strong, and she pulled him up to his feet without much effort. “Oh, you mustn’t spend the night there, silly! Come, join our revel! It’s a small one, but still plenty of fun!”
“Don’t touch me,” Falerin heard Astarion snap as Fionnula came over to pull him into the clearing. He tensed, worried he might have offended her, but she merely laughed.
“Oh, no need for that, mortal!” she trilled, practically dancing him to the little set-up. “We’re kin, you know! I can tell by your lovely ears and your pretty face—you’ve fey-blood in you!”
“This one does, too, though much, much less—his ears aren’t nearly so lovely.” Fiadh’s fingers traced curiously over Falerin’s ear, and she tilted her head as she looked at his face. The hand found its way to his violet eye, delicate fingers pushing his lids open to look it over. “Ohh, I know who you belong to,” she said with a knowing smile as she released him.
Despite the manhandling, Falerin perked up. “You do? Can you tell me where her Court’s moved to, then?”
“Oh, yes yes yes, but not until you’ve reveled with us!” She looked back in alarm as Fionnula let out a little shriek of laughter, not unlike a child who’d been startled by something. Falerin just caught sight of her pushing up Astarion’s lips, and she danced back quickly as he snapped his teeth at her instinctively.
“Fiadh, Fiadh, come here! This one…oh, he’s so cold, and his teeth are so sharp!”
Fiadh fluttered her way over to Astarion, reaching out to grab his hand despite his best efforts to back away. “Oh, he is! He’s so frightfully cold. Do you need warming, kin?”
“I don’t need anything,” Astarion hissed at her, trying to tug his arm back.
“You see? Oh, but look at his teeth. Do you think he’s dead? I think he’s dead!” Fionnula said in a half-whisper.
“He can’t be dead. He’s far too handsome. He looks like us!”
“Oh, he does, he does. But the eyes are all wrong.”
“The eyes are all wrong. Oh, but maybe the rest of him’s all right.” Fiadh’s hands traveled to Astarion’s collar, trying to work the stays, while Fionnula set to his shoulders. Astarion had frozen up, eyes wide and teeth still bared—no magic, not that Falerin could see, but rather indecision on whether he was going to go somewhere a million realms away or bite off one of the fey’s hands.
Well, Falerin wouldn’t let either of those happen. It was time to intervene.
“Fionnula, Fiadh,” he said brightly, getting their attention back on him as he stepped forward. “My beloved there is certainly flattered by your attention, but…well, he’s not familiar with this realm, and you may be overstepping a bit. We’re not mad, of course, but…it can read as a bit rude.”
The word “rude” sent a visible shiver through both fey as they gasped, and they simultaneously stepped back from Astarion. There was the barest bit of relaxing in the stiff line of his shoulders and the set of his jaw—crisis averted.
“Oh, we didn’t mean to be rude,” Fionnula said.
“You’re just so pretty, we couldn’t help it!” Fiadh added, anxiously combing her fingers through her hair.
“I hear that more often than you’d think,” Astarion said weakly. He took a breath, composing himself. “But th—” He caught sight of Falerin firmly shaking his head. “…I’m grateful that you’ve given me a bit of space.”
There was a time, not too long ago, when Astarion had to be coached through saying thank you. This was a bit of a pleasant reminder of how far he’d come, really—not that Falerin would say anything about that.
“Oh, but we’re terrible hosts. Terrible hosts! Let’s make it better.” Fionnula took Astarion’s hand again, but only to guide him over to the set up. Fiadh beckoned Falerin over to join them, which he did. “We’ve brought such lovely things with us, and we’re all too glad to share.”
From thin air, it seemed, two glasses of wine materialized in Fiadh’s hands, and she pushed one each into Astarion and Falerin’s palms. “Here, do drink this. We’ll have a lovely time together.”
There was the too-sweet smell—fairy wine. Even if it had been a while since Falerin had seen it, he could remember the effects all too well. The haziness, the looseness…drinking fairy wine was an essential part of a revel, and while Falerin couldn’t remember most of what happened when he’d drunk it, he could always remember waking the next morning, sick and sore and untangling himself from whatever fey had wanted to play the night before.
But he’d warned Astarion, at least. So if they could play off not drinking it, they could… He glanced over as he caught a flash of silver, and he blanched as he watched Astarion, still stiff and wary, take a bracing sip, likely in an attempt to shake off the unwanted touches. The sip became a gulp, then two gulps—the whole glass was drained before Falerin could so much as say a word.
Oh shit.
Fionnula and Fiadh, however, seemed delighted. “There, look at him drink! Oh, we really must be kin. Shall we give you some more, pretty cold boy?”
“No,” Falerin said firmly, moving closer to Astarion. “I…I’m sorry. Your revel is lovely. But we have a meeting with…” He trailed off as he felt the entire weight of Astarion flop against him, breath catching as a hand, still clever even with the fairy wine, traced along his inner thigh.
“You…” Astarion slurred out, tilting his head up against Fal’s shoulder to look up at him from under his lashes. “…are so beautiful. Have I told you that lately, my love?” He tilted his head up, pointy chin resting on the half-drow’s shoulder. “Kiss me. Please kiss me. I think I may just die if you don’t.”
“You’re being dramatic,” Falerin muttered.
“Oh, no! Oh, kiss him, please!” Fionnula pleaded.
“Yes, he’s asked ever-so-nicely!” Fiadh added.
“Ever-so-nicely,” Astarion echoed with a hazy grin.
Falerin grimaced, but he finally leaned in for a quick peck. Astarion, though, had other plans; his hand buried in Falerin’s hair, and he expertly shifted them to press the length of their bodies together as he deepened the kiss, tongue tracing Fal’s full lips as he did. Falerin’s eyes widened, and he abruptly pulled his head back to gasp in a breath.
“This…this was lovely,” he said, voice shaking slightly as he tried to disentangle himself from Astarion, whose hands were wandering over his neck, his cheek, his chest. “But we really must be going.” He got up to his feet, hoisting Astarion up with him—it was a strain, with how close he was to being dead weight, but he got him up and balanced after a few false starts. He heard Fionnula and Fiadh giggle from their seats, but he ignored them—Astarion, from the look of it, wasn’t even aware they were there.
His cold hand clumsily went back to Falerin’s hair, combing his fingers through it. “Why did you cut your hair?” he mumbled, heavy-lidded eyes traveling, half-focused, over his face. “I loved your hair when it was long. But I still love you. Gods, do I love you.” Astarion lurched forward, this time catching Falerin’s lip with his blunt front teeth. His hand traveled over his cheek, down his neck and dipping below his collar, while his free arm stayed looped tightly around his waist. “Fuck me,” he mumbled into Falerin’s mouth.
“Astarion…” Falerin’s throat bobbed against Astarion’s exploring hand.
“I mean it. Fuck me. Gods, I want you to so badly.” He lurched forward, tongue teasing at Fal’s earlobe before he whispered, “And I know you want to, too.” He laughed against Falerin’s neck, breathy and soft as his cold lips smeared kisses along it. “You allllways do. Even when you pretend you don’t. I can tell, darling.”
Falerin finally set his hands on Astarion’s shoulders, pushing him back to look at him with wide eyes. The vampire was relaxed, possibly the most relaxed Falerin had ever seen him, and the tilt in his head and spark in his eyes suggested that, yes, he really did want to sleep with Falerin. His tongue pushed against his lower lip, his body shifted forward, his hands tried to flutter to land anywhere on Falerin—he didn’t just want to sleep with Falerin, he was gagging for it.
And, despite Falerin knowing that this was wholly because of the wine, it was…thrilling, seeing Astarion like this. Wanton and pliant and obvious, in a way he’d never been before now. With how worked up he was, Falerin could do whatever he wanted with him, and he’d thank him for doing so.
What a heady power that was. Heady and…familiar. The promise alone seemed to seep into his bones, and it puppeted him as he reached his hand out. His thumb grazed over the elf’s smooth cheek, and Astarion pushed against it with a shuddery little breath, as if he could find relief from Fal’s touch alone.
“Astarion,” Falerin purred out, and it felt new on his tongue, no matter that he’d said his name thousands of times before. He let the taste linger, eyes tugging up the elf’s body like they were being guided. There was a bright flare behind his right eye, similar to when he’d watched Barger and Astarion perform for the Guardian. Amusement far beyond what he’d ever felt, but with something more this time…want.
The pretty thing in front of him would do anything he asked, he knew. And he would not let that chance go to waste.
But before he could lean forward, something odd happened. His sight in his right eye changed. With the left—the mundane eye—his gaze was still fixed on Astarion, but with his fey eye, he was somewhere new, catching a glimpse of a beautiful room filled with greenery and light.
It was just for a moment, but that was enough to pull him out of…whatever that had been. Oh, gods, what had he been about to do? He gasped, stepping back despite Astarion’s protest. That…was that…him? But no, it couldn’t have been. He’d always wanted to protect Astarion, to be different than all the others that had just taken.
At some point, it seemed like Fionnula and Fiadh had gone, and their spread of treats along with them. Falerin looked over the now-empty copse, then let out a breath. But he only had a moment before two hands, cold and clever and impatient, found their way to his body, tracing the line of his neck and following the curve of his arse before both slid down to meet between his thighs.
“Astarion,” Falerin’s voice came out high-pitched and whispery this time, hips lifting before he could stop himself. He melted as cold lips found his neck again, fangs just teasing his skin. “As-Astar—love, you’re not in your right mind.”
“When am I ever?” Astarion purred back. His tongue traced the jut of Falerin’s Adam’s apple. “Come on, darling, I need you.”
Falerin shut his eyes with a shuddering little breath as his trousers loosened, hands weakly going to Astarion’s wrists once he’d untied his stays. “You…” He was interrupted as he caught Astarion’s lips, kissing him hungrily before he pulled back. “You’re making it very hard to say no, you know.”
“Then…say…yes.” Astarion pressed himself up against Falerin, bodies interlocking perfectly against each other, and he let out a shuddering sigh against his mouth. “Please, dearheart.”
Falerin only had so much willpower. The little he had left he used to push Astarion back, just enough to look at him. He swallowed, face flushed and hair mussed and loosened trousers tenting. “Okay,” he finally said in a rush of air. “Okay. But…but let me…I want you to enjoy this.”
Before Astarion could get a word in, Falerin sank down to his knees. His hands weren’t as quick or clever, but they were well-practiced as he found the ties of the other man’s trousers. He didn’t waste time with teasing or goading, though he was careful as he pulled Astarion free; given how riled up he was, Fal was fairly certain one wrong touch might finish him right there.
He looked up at him, odd eyes glinting in the half-light. Astarion’s gaze had been barely focused up to this point, but now his red eyes were direct and bright as he slid his fingers into Falerin’s cropped hair—there were no stars in the twilight sky overhead, but Falerin could practically see them glinting in the vampire’s gaze. He gave a smile, taking a moment to press a warm kiss to the tip before he took him in his mouth.
Astarion, as a rule, was relatively reserved whenever they had sex. No doubt it was a holdover from centuries in the flophouse; no matter who you were or what you were doing, no one wanted to hear their neighbors fucking through the walls. He teased and melted and purred out praise, but always quietly.
Except for now. As Falerin’s head bobbed, tongue teasing the underside of his cock and lavishing attention on its head, he was loud. A breathless jumble of Elvish and Common echoed against the trees, a cacophony of “IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou” falling from his tongue. It was all terribly earnest, not a hint of performance in it, and it, admittedly, was really doing things for Fal. He kept his pace, one hand firmly grasping Astarion’s hip while the other reached down to palm himself for some relief as he worked.
Not that it took long at all. Astarion’s verbal torrent stopped suddenly, and his grip on Falerin’s hair grew painfully tight. After one moment of stillness, he let out a shuddering exhale as he curled around Falerin, finish spilling cold and fast down the half-drow’s throat. Falerin didn’t dare move as Astarion shook through his finish, reaching up only to keep a steady grip on him as he came down. Once the hands in his hair loosened, Fal carefully pulled off of him, giving his mouth a quick wipe before he looked up at Astarion—just in time to catch him as he collapsed in a boneless heap on top of him, bringing them both down onto the grass.
For a moment, they simply laid there. Astarion was too far gone to catch his breath—a learned behavior rather than a natural one at this point—and Falerin kissed the top of his curly head before letting his own fall back with a sigh.
“All right?” he finally asked as Astarion stirred after a moment of stillness. He lifted his head, haziness from the wine still evident but eyes just as bright as they’d been not long before. He gave a smile—bright and unhindered—and he gave the dreamiest of sighs as he looked over his face.
“Never better.” He grinned as he pulled himself up, pulling Falerin into another kiss. “But, my darling love, I’m not nearly done with you yet.”
Morning in the Feywild was a misty thing, damp and fresh without the chill that you’d find in the real world, so to speak. The golden light was diffused, making the world paler and softer than the bright summer light the two of them had walked into the day before. Really, as far as mornings went, you couldn’t ask for a prettier start to the day.
Not that Astarion noticed, given that he felt like utter shit. Between the fairy wine and the veritable marathon of sex he and Falerin had had the night before, he’d slept—actually slept, which he’d only done a handful of times in nearly two-and-a-half centuries—soundly enough, but waking had greeted him with the worst hangover he’d possibly ever had. Everything ached, he felt sick to his stomach, and having honed hearing and smell really was not helping with either.
At some point, they’d gotten their sleeping rolls out, and Astarion sank deeper into his, trying to blot out the light. The light touch to his shoulder resulted in an exhausted—but no less embarrassing—actual hiss.
“Sorry, sorry.” Falerin’s voice was very soft, no doubt trying to mitigate the sensory overload that was a hungover vampire. “Just checking on you. How do you feel?”
“If you really loved me, you’d stake me now.”
“Can’t. I don’t want to carry your pack.” Fal’s hand found Astarion’s back through the blanket, and he gave it a gentle rub. “I’m sorry about last night. I should have warned you about the wine.”
“You should have.”
Falerin stayed quiet for a moment, hand still working a soothing path up and down his back. “I’m…sorry I didn’t say no.”
Even in his haze of misery, Astarion’s brows drew together at that. With a tremendous show of strength that really deserved a medal of some sort, he turned over, mussed curls and red eyes poking over the edge of his sleeping roll. “You’re sorry about the sex?”
Fal’s face, already drawn, grimaced even harder. “I just…you weren’t in your right mind, and I know I did try to say no but I…I should have…it wasn’t…I don’t want you to think that I…” He looked down as Astarion’s hand snaked out to wrap around his forearm.
“Falerin, dearheart. If there is anyone that I feel comfortable having…completely addled fairy wine-induced sex with, it’s you. You don’t need to apologize for that.” His cheeks lifted, showing the smile hidden beneath the covers. “I don’t remember much, but I do remember having fun.” Once Falerin’s frown lessened, he groaned and sank back down into the bedroll. “What you do need to apologize for is allowing us to get up to all that in the fucking grass. I feel like I need three baths.”
“Might have to wait on that front, though there must be a river nearby.” Falerin sighed. “And we didn’t get any directions after all that.” He shook his head. “But we shouldn’t dally too long. Let’s get dressed.”
Astarion groaned again. “Okay, no stake. But my rapier’s not far off; if you’re quick enough, I bet you could behead—”
“No, Astarion.”
“Horrible. Wretched. Cruel. I don’t think you love me at all.”
Despite his complaints and trying not to think about the fact he knew he looked like death warmed over, Astarion did finally crawl out from the bedroll and started getting dressed. He’d just pulled his trousers on when he paused, head tilting as he heard something. He looked over to Falerin, waiting for the half-drow to pull on his tunic before he pressed a finger to his mouth. He crept over to the edge of the copse, listening.
“We were just having a bit of fun! Neither of them are hurt!”
Oh, that sounded like…Fiona or Fiddle or whatever the two fey from last night were named. Astarion frowned, leaning in a bit more.
“It was just a little revel. We didn’t even ask their names.” There was the other one.
“Even so, you both should have known better. If anything happened, she’s going to be furious—you know how badly she wants mortals sent her way.” That was a different voice. It was melodic and smooth—definitely masculine and very pleasing on the ear. “If they’re hurt…”
“They’re not!”
“They were sleeping when we checked on them!”
As the footsteps drew closer, Astarion went back to Falerin’s side. “Company coming,” he said, digging out his rapier from the jumble of discarded armor. “Get a spell ready.”
“What?” Falerin’s head whipped around to look at Astarion, but before he could do anything, the male voice rang out into the clearing.
“Good morning, sleepyheads! Heard you had quite the welcome to our neck of the woods.”
The two fey from last night stepped into the copse, looking suitably chastised as they flanked another one. Like the voice suggested, this one was male, and he was beautiful. He was thin and willowy, standing just a touch taller than Astarion. Red hair spilled over his shoulders like ink, smooth and shiny in the morning light; his face had the telltale sharp and pointed features of the fey, with a pretty heart-shaped mouth and almond-shaped, golden eyes not unlike a fox. He glanced over Astarion first, chuckling as he held up his hands.
“I mean no harm,” the fey said, giving him a charming, slightly lopsided smile—a show of imperfection, clearly. “I just wanted to…”
The fey stopped as Falerin spoke, and his head darted over to look at the half-drow. He blinked a few times, hands dropping and face going slack in surprise. “Falerin?”
Fal suddenly smiled, and he took a step forward to greet him. Amory, though, was quicker; in two swift steps, he’d gotten right up to Falerin, and he immediately pulled him into a deep, deep kiss.
Astarion stared, too dumbfounded and far too hungover to even think of how to properly react to seeing a fey shove his tongue down his partner’s throat. Finally, after far too long a kiss, he cleared his throat. Amory pulled away, and he gave Astarion a grin.
“Sorry, where are my manners? Shall I kiss you too?”
As Astarion bristled at that, Fal quickly patted Amory’s chest, disengaging from him. “What are you doing here? I thought you went off to the Court of Hearts.”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” Amory’s attention was back on Falerin, and he ruffled his hands through the warlock’s hair. “And how are you so old? Look at all this gray hair—and don’t think I don’t see the wrinkles around your mouth. Oberon’s sack, you mortals really do age like mayflies, don’t you?”
Falerin laughed, a hand going to push off Amory’s with an easy familiarity that made something uncomfortable twist in Astarion. It had been a while since he’d felt jealous, truth be told, but it flared hot and furious just as it had years ago, at a much more bearish target.
“Is anyone going to explain what’s happening?” he snapped, then pointed his blade at Amory. “Falerin, who is this?”
Fal blinked. “Oh! Oh, yes, of course, sorry.” He gestured to Amory, who looked over Astarion with no small amount of amusement. “This is Amory. He’s a leanan sidhe, from the Prince of Hearts’ Court.”
“I’m a gloaming fey, before you ask,” Amory added easily. “Not with the Seelie or Unseelie, though typically I prefer the former.”
Astarion’s eyes narrowed, blade still in place. “Well, that’s all well and good. Now how in the hells do you know Falerin?”
There was something wicked in Amory’s smile at the question, and he grinned before lightly batting the rapier away. “Oh, I thought that was obvious.” He draped his arms around Fal’s neck, pressing their cheeks together. “Should I tell him? I’ll tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Astarion said through his teeth, which only made Amory’s smirk widen.
“Well, I’m Falerin’s lover, of course.”
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queenvivi123 · 4 months
Death Doesn’t Wait
  “You betrayed me.”
Vivid green eyes flashed under my eyelids, despite how much they told me to forget, the question begged to be asked; how could you forget the reason behind your scars?
“It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
I woke to Taylor swift playing in the background of what I call my “Bedroom.” Behind the thick curtains were thick bars of steel, like a prison! The fairy lights I had scavenged twinkled faintly and it brightened my mood a bit. A bit. I lived above the stage in Solstice Cinema, a “room” long forgotten. There was a trapdoor, the one I climbed down now to a backroom. Mannequins lined the walls, each in a feathery dress. The room’s paint.. was peeling and its once vibrant color of periwinkle faded down to a dull, lifeless blue. I listened at the door, hoping no one was there. When I determined the coast was clear, I crept through the hallways and out the back door of the theater. I walked toward the Confectioner's Treat, a little late but Ms.Derniar usually didn’t mind. As i walked, my mind wandered to more important things, like my food stock. I was almost out of food, save for a few cupcakes and ramen. I would have to stop by kritanta groceries later.
As I reached Confectioner’s Treat, I saw a cake being loaded into a truck. Its blue icing was midnight-cold, cruel, and dark. Tiny star-shaped sprinkles decorated the first tier of the cake; the bottom of the second tier was decorated with a sparkling white frosting, making flowers that looked like they were made of moonlight. On top there was a little figurine, deathly pale-almost light blue- with eyes beady and dark, framed by luscious blue hair. Corpse Bride. It was silly, really, that I was afraid of a movie character-who wasn’t even the villain. Yet, my breath still caught in my throat. My lungs burned and my chest heaved for air. But none of it mattered to me. Nothing did.
I ran, ran, and ran as fast I could.
The wind pushed against me, blinding and burning against my skin.
Yet, I continued to run.
The one reason I had ran that day was because of one girl.
One girl.
One sister.
One twin.
My other half, the other piece of the puzzle known as ME.
She hadn’t made it out of the madman's house. 
My heart beat, beat, beat.
Slow and steady.
Keeping me calm, calm, calm.
As my eyes fluttered close, burning, burning, burning.
The voice never stopped singing.
I woke with an IV drip in my arm. Screaming, I sat up straight, blinking wearily. In the corner of the white room, with the white walls was a black camera. Its red light blinked and I understood that it had detected my movement. For a moment, nothing happened and I was phenomenally underwhelmed.As my eyes wandered, I noticed a sticker on the IV drip bag. It read, Malnutrition. While I was reading the sticker, a woman showed up. She was Asian, with shiny black hair and chocolate eyes. My eyes traveled to her name card which read ‘Ms. Siwang’. I cleared my throat, realizing that I most likely looked like a rat.
“So,uh, hi?”
“What’s your name, dear?” Oh. So she was one of those Gramma people. Realizing that made my heart ache for my own Grandmother, who if she saw like this, would have done either of these two things: Hug me and hand me one of the infinite chocolates in her purse or slap me with the sole of her shoe for not looking ‘civilliased’. I was so lost in my memories that I hadn’t realized she had asked again.
“Oh! I’m Leandra!” A second after that I realized she could now use my name to trace me back. I shook my head, my long, uncut hair flashing an iridescent red with streaks of copper. Like Mom’s.
“Well, dearie, where do you live?” She questioned. I hesitated. She must have sensed my discomfort, however, because she stopped talking.
Wordlessly, she handed me a bowl of gooey, cheesy mac n cheese. I dug in, the cheese melting in my mouth giving me gooey pleasure. A few minutes later, the bowl was emptY. Dr. Siwang stared at me,  like I was a creature she couldn’t figure out. 
“So, where’s your family?” 
“Um . . .” She looked at me like she had finally figured me out. I stared at her, partially because I wanted her to know that I knew what she thought.And also because I didn't want to seem like a coward. After a long and intense battle(1 minute long), Dr. Siwang left the room after handing me a doughnut on a plate. Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Then, she left.
In an unknown amount of time, I woke up in another room, this time laid down on a colorful couch in a colorful room. The walls were a pastel teal and the ceiling a sparkly silver. I sat myself down then just . . . thought. Thought about my life, thought about my sister, thought about everything and everyone that had made me this way. A liar, a cheat, a thief. Completely against my will, a tear slipped out. As if it had been holding them back, a barrage of tears flooded me and I almost had a nice, good sob time. Keyword here: almost.
“There you are,” A military-like voice exclaimed. I turned to see a woman, tall and stiff, wearing a police uniform. Her raven hair was tied into a tight bun and her jaw had a roughness to it that told she could kill me with her words. A frown appeared on her plump lips as she saw the remnants of the tears that oh-so recently flooded my cheeks. She looked disappointed, like I had failed some sort of test.
“Yes, here I am.” Sarcasm inundated my voice and I didn't understand what game I was playing. Her frown was a lot more enunciated and it made me want to laugh. A lot. 
“Sit, Leana.”
“Leandra,” I corrected, annoyance seeping into my tone.
“Okay, Leandra,” Ms. Military sneered. I disliked her immediately. Who sneers at a girl who you most likely knows that girl is homeless?!
Ms. Military seemed to calm herself down, clenching and unclenching her fists. She then motioned for me to sit once more, adding a very stiff, very forced “Please” at the end. I obliged, not wanting to cause too much trouble.
“I saw your records.”
I stiffened. If she knew . . .
“You, according to the files, disappeared two years ago.” It was a statement. Plain, boring, and everything it wasn’t.
So I answered the same way. “Three. He must haven’t noticed.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Because I was stuck with an alcoholic!” My temper flared and all I wanted was for someone to listen. To understand. Was that too much to ask?
“You were nineteen. You didn’t need a guardian when your parents died.” Wait. What? Nineteen? I had been sixteen when he had moved in. Hadn’t I been?
“N- no . . . I had been sixteen.” My voice stuttered on the words, like it was a death sentence to say them.
“Are you claiming the nurse who oversaw your birth is wrong?” Not an accusation, not an asservation. Just a question. And it meant the world to me. I couldn’t imagine my sweet, sweet mother lying to me. 
I couldn’t process this. 
My brain was whirling, whirling, whirling.
My heart held still, as if a ghost might appear and start explaining.
This was too much. 
My whole life was a lie.
We hadn’t had to live there.
I woke with a headache. It was like someone combined a hammer and pendulum and decided to test it in my head.I groaned, holding my head in my hands.
Waking up in a police office was disorienting.I’m guessing it was the chief police officer’s office as it was a separated room altogether. It had baby blue walls with the police logo painted onto one of those walls, shiny and sleek, it almost looked official enough for me to trust the police. Almost.
A man sat in a chair, his back facing me. He must have heard me snort, however, and so he turned.
“Hi,” he said and it sounded so casual, so nonchalant, so normal.
“Hi,” I whispered. My voice was still scratchy and he must have picked up on that because he handed me a glass of water right after I said that. Drinking water was like heaven: something I didn’t deserve.
“You mentioned something in your sleep,” He started, “Most of it was nonsensical, but something you said mentioned a sister.” He hesitated on this last part, as if he was unsure of what to make of this.
“Yeah, I mentioned my sister. STuck in an alcoholic's house or did you forget?” 
“The files don’t mention a sister,” Honestly, my life has been so messed up that this time around i wasn’t even surprised anymore.
“We ran tests. You weren’t hallucinating.” A simple statement, yet it signified he believed me which meant everything. 
“Do you know where exactly your uncle lives?” I shuddered. Forgetting was one of the most impossible things in my life, nothing worked. 
“Y-yeah,” My voice is shaky, but strong.
“Take us there.” three simple words, yet they would change my life. 
The sun dipped low into the crescent of the shattered roof of my uncle’s house. It had almost been a week before the man-whose name was Mr. Tuproamor, weird, I know- had reached out to take me to the house. Taking a deep breath to steady myself and calm my shaky nerves, I stepped over the threshold. The inside was just how it’d been before, except maybe a bit more rusty without my careful care. I did a 360 spin, taking in the sights-and not in a good way. The wall’s wallpaper was peeling and the wood behind it seemed rotted, and the flickering lights only added to the effect of a creepy haunted house. I saw the staircase 'ss railing falling apart and the stairs creaky and ants crawled across it, giving me a horrible feeling.
One will live and the other will die
Who was that? Oh, right, my inner depression! Anyhoo, I raced up the stairs and turned left. Right before I had reached the door to Hanna and I’s former bedroom, I saw the blood. A ragged crack ran through the door, like many others caused by my uncle, but this one was different. Blood coated the rims of it and the metallic smell made me want to throw up. You could tell it was recent.
I raced into the room, scratching my arm on the way in, but I didn't care. Not with the sight in front of me. My sister’s bloody head  was smashed against the wood, as if someone had pushed her down there. 
But I couldn’t find words to describe her pale, incredibly still body.
Mindless Tears fell down my cheeks and I rushed to her side, falling down on my knees.
She had saved me that fateful dawn, she had saved me
And now I couldn’t save her
I couldn’t handle this
I couldn’t
All the unanswered questions that had been living in my head faded into the shadows
I could hear the sound of my heart breaking, shattering like glass
Even as I closed my eyes, I could still see it, still see HER
Once vivid, now lifeless green eyes burned my eyelids 
As Everything
Went Dark.
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jamesvince9898 · 2 days
Elevate Your Wellness with ALIV - IV Drip Therapy in Pune: Solutions for Vitality, Detox, and Fat Reduction
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health and well-being can be a challenge. Stress, pollution, poor diets, and a lack of essential nutrients can all take a toll on our bodies. ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune is here to offer a powerful solution for rejuvenation, energy restoration, and detoxification. With IV drips, targeted treatments such as NAD+, belly fat reduction protocols, glutathione therapies, and liver detox options, you can restore balance and improve your overall health and vitality. This innovative, holistic approach to wellness uses intravenous therapies to deliver essential nutrients directly to the bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and rapid results.
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At ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune, our range of IV drips is carefully curated to meet various health goals. Whether you’re looking for increased energy, enhanced immune function, or a general wellness boost, our IV therapies are designed to suit your specific needs. This form of therapy is particularly beneficial for people recovering from illness, athletes, or anyone looking to combat the effects of stress and environmental toxins.
NAD+ for Cellular Repair and Anti-Aging
NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme that plays a critical role in cellular energy production, DNA repair, and anti-aging processes. As we age, our NAD+ levels decline, leading to fatigue, decreased cognitive function, and a higher susceptibility to age-related diseases. ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune offers NAD+ infusions, which can help restore this vital molecule, rejuvenating your body at the cellular level.
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Belly fat is a common concern for many people, and reducing it often requires a multi-faceted approach. At ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune, we combine the latest advancements in IV therapy with specific protocols aimed at reducing belly fat. Our therapies focus on improving metabolic function and promoting fat breakdown by delivering key nutrients directly to your body’s fat-burning processes.
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Glutathione for Skin Brightening and Detoxification
Glutathione is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants, playing a crucial role in detoxification, immune function, and skin health. Known for its ability to neutralize harmful free radicals, glutathione helps to protect your body from oxidative stress and environmental damage. At ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune, we offer glutathione infusions that not only enhance internal detoxification but also promote brighter, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin.
Regular glutathione IV drips can help to reduce pigmentation, improve skin tone, and fight the signs of aging. Many clients experience a more radiant complexion and overall sense of well-being after incorporating glutathione into their wellness routine. This treatment is especially beneficial for those exposed to high levels of pollution or stress, as it helps the liver process toxins more effectively while providing skin-rejuvenating effects.
Liver Detox for Optimal Health
The liver is one of the body’s most vital organs, responsible for processing toxins and filtering out harmful substances from the bloodstream. However, the modern lifestyle—with its high exposure to processed foods, alcohol, and pollutants—can overwhelm the liver, reducing its efficiency. ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune offers liver detox treatments that support the liver’s natural detoxification processes, helping to clear toxins and promote better overall health.
Our liver detox IV drips deliver a combination of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that work together to cleanse and restore liver function. This therapy is ideal for those who want to improve digestion, boost energy levels, and support weight loss, as the liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing fats. By enhancing liver health, you can improve your body's ability to process nutrients and eliminate waste, leading to better overall vitality and a stronger immune system.
The Science Behind IV Drip Therapy
IV therapy is a medical-grade treatment that has been used for decades in hospitals to treat dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and other medical conditions. Today, it is widely adopted in wellness and rejuvenation centers like ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune for its efficiency and fast-acting results. When nutrients are administered intravenously, they bypass the digestive system and are delivered directly into the bloodstream. This method ensures that 100% of the nutrients are absorbed by the body, providing immediate and long-lasting effects.
At ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune, our IV drips are formulated based on the latest research and tailored to meet individual health needs. Whether you’re dealing with fatigue, poor immunity, or skin concerns, our expert team of healthcare professionals will help you find the right therapy to achieve your goals. Our state-of-the-art facilities and commitment to personalized care make us the leading provider of IV therapy in Pune.
Why Choose ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune?
Choosing ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune means choosing a team dedicated to your well-being. We offer a wide range of therapies designed to meet your unique health goals, from enhancing energy and mental clarity to promoting detoxification and skin health. Our expert staff is committed to providing you with a safe and comfortable experience, ensuring that each IV session is tailored to your specific needs.
Our clients choose us because we prioritize both short-term and long-term results, using only the highest quality ingredients and following strict safety protocols. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, reduce belly fat, or undergo a liver detox, we are here to support you on your wellness journey.
Incorporating IV drip therapy into your wellness routine is a powerful way to enhance your health, vitality, and overall well-being. ALIV - IV Drip Therapy Pune offers a comprehensive range of treatments designed to address specific health concerns, such as NAD+ for anti-aging, glutathione for detoxification, and protocols for belly fat reduction. By delivering essential nutrients directly to the bloodstream, our therapies ensure fast, effective, and long-lasting results.
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ivdripuk · 10 days
How IV Therapy and Vitamin Injections Are Crucial for Your Health and Wellness
Intravenous therapy offers an efficient and rapid solution for replenishing vital nutrients, ensuring optimal health and wellness. Tailored IV drips can address specific health concerns, delivering the nutrients directly into your bloodstream for maximum absorption. This method boosts your energy, strengthens your immune system, and enhances overall vitality.
Elevate Your Well-being with Vitamin D Injections
To support your body’s overall health, Optimal Health with Premium Vitamin D Injections UK provides a vital source of this essential nutrient. With many individuals lacking sufficient sunlight exposure, this injection offers a reliable alternative to maintaining healthy bones and boosting your immune system. Vitamin D injections are a premier choice for their rapid and targeted effect, ensuring better absorption compared to oral supplements. Benefits include improved mood, stronger bones, and a balanced immune response.
Benefits of Vitamin D Injections:
Enhanced Bone Health: Vitamin D plays a key role in calcium absorption, which is vital for maintaining strong and healthy bones.
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Boosted Immune System: A robust immune system helps defend against illnesses and infections.
Improved Mood: Adequate Vitamin D levels are linked to a more positive mood and reduced symptoms of depression.
Personalized IV Therapy Tailored to Your Needs
Whether you are looking to rehydrate, recover from illness, or increase energy levels, intravenous therapy near me tailors treatment to suit every need. Delivered by experts in their field, it bypasses the digestive system for quicker and more effective nutrient delivery. This is the finest for anyone whose desire is to see immediate and long-lasting results; benefits range from being well-hydrated to improved cognitive function.
Advanced Treatment at Your Local IV Clinic
For those searching for reliable care, an iv therapy clinic offers a range of specialized treatments tailored to specific wellness goals. Using state-of-the-art equipment and trained medical staff, IV clinics ensure a safe and comfortable experience. The focus is on personalized care, making this the premier choice for efficient recovery and nutrient replenishment. Benefits include customized treatments that can address hydration, detoxification, and immune support.
Convenient Access to IV Therapy Near You
If you want to make your access to professional care easy, then iv therapy near me gives you superior quality services by not necessarily investing a lot of time in traveling. IV therapy is one quick, efficient treatment mode that restores energy, detoxification, and health provided by specially trained professionals. Being one of the premium options, IV therapy delivers convenience and comfort due to its advantages, such as generally improved wellness, superior energy levels, and reduced recovery time.
Premier Choice Benefits:
Convenient and fast treatment close to home
Improved energy and vitality
Enhanced immune support
Hydration and detoxification benefits
Faster recovery from fatigue or illness
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This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or enhance their overall well-being with minimal inconvenience.
A Boost for Immunity and Energy: High Dose Vitamin D Shot in London
Receiving a high dose vitamin D shot London can help address deficiencies quickly and efficiently. Ideal for those experiencing fatigue, weakened immunity, or mood issues, this injection provides a concentrated dose to restore vitamin D levels. Administered by professionals, this shot is a premier choice for its fast action and precision, helping you avoid the gradual absorption of oral supplements. Benefits include improved mood, stronger bones, and a healthier immune system.
Unlock Your Natural Glow with a Skin Brightening Drip in London
Achieving a radiant complexion has never been easier with a skin brightening drip London. This infusion contains powerful antioxidants and vitamins that work from within to rejuvenate your skin, reducing dark spots and uneven tones. It’s a premier choice for its ability to deliver immediate results and brighten skin in just one session. Benefits include enhanced hydration, reduced pigmentation, and an overall glow that boosts confidence.
Boost Antioxidant Levels with a Glutathione Infusion in London
Known as the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione infusion London therapy helps combat free radicals and detoxifies the body. This powerful treatment neutralizes harmful toxins and enhances skin health, leaving you with a glowing complexion and improved energy. As a premier choice for those looking to fight signs of aging, a glutathione infusion provides immense benefits, including cellular regeneration, brighter skin, and boosted immunity. It’s an ideal treatment for anyone seeking to revitalize their health from the inside out.
Accelerate Fat Loss with a Weight Loss Drip in London
Where the diet and exercise alone are not sufficient, this weight loss drip London helps speed up fat metabolism and enhances energy levels. This specialty IV therapy is rich in ingredients that enhance metabolism, reduce fat storage, and decrease appetite, hence making it easier to reach your weight loss goal. Thanks to this premium therapy, you will benefit from faster results, enhanced burning of fat, and generally improved health. Perfect for those in need of losing stubborn pounds, the drip is safe, effective, and caters to your needs.
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Cleanse Your System with a Detox Drip in London
The detox drip London detoxifies and rejuvenates your body. This IV treatment is a specially crafted infusion to support the excretion of toxins by boosting liver function and overall health. For the ultimate detox treatment against energy-sucking toxins, the detox drip works in harmony with a powerful blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and hydration. It will be great for those who want to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, as it offers enhanced immunity, mental clarity, and improved digestion.
Boost Your Immune System with a Vitamin D Injection
For those seeking to support their immune health, Vitamin D injections in the UK offer an effective solution. This injection enhances calcium absorption, leading to improved bone health, while also boosting overall immune function. People often turn to these injections when natural sunlight or dietary intake falls short. Vitamin D is essential for preventing deficiency-related issues like fatigue and muscle weakness. As a premier choice for those needing a reliable, fast-acting method of replenishing Vitamin D injections ensure immediate results and sustained benefits.
Why it’s a premier choice:
Fast absorption
Boosts immune function
Strengthens bones and muscles
Get an Instant Health Boost with a Vitamin D Shot
A vitamin D shot would be perfect for someone having trouble maintaining the optimal amount of this crucial nutrient. This is unlike oral supplements, as administering this shot through an intramuscular injection gives a very concentrated dosage directly into the bloodstream of the individual, hence hastening their results. Vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining mood, energy levels, and immune response. In busy individuals, or with those who have specific medical conditions, a shot might bypass the sluggish process of oral absorption the body may have to go through, hence reaping its benefits immediately.
Rehydrate and Revitalize with a Vitamin Drip IV Near Me
Those looking for comprehensive wellness benefits often choose a vitamin drip IV near me for rapid rehydration and nutrient delivery. This intravenous therapy is perfect for replenishing essential vitamins and minerals lost through stress, illness, or dehydration. The custom-tailored drip can be adjusted to meet your individual needs, whether you want an energy boost, immune support, or overall rejuvenation. This treatment ensures that your body receives the nutrients it needs in the most effective way possible.
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Unlock Multiple Benefits with Vitamin B Complex Shots
Whether someone is afflicted with fatigue, stress, or a weak immune system, vitamin B complex shots can help. A wide range of B vitamins is present in the shots, which are very active in metabolism and cognitive functions. It is the shot’s premier choice for supporting one’s brain function, improving mood, and increasing energy levels. Other benefits include good digestion, red blood cell production, and healthy skin and hair. Its direct absorption into the bloodstream ensures it takes immediate action to improve conditions-both in mental and physical matters.
Revitalize Your Body with Premium IV Drip London Services
Experience the ultimate wellness solution with IV drip London, designed to restore and enhance your body’s natural balance. With this therapy, nutrients bypass the digestive system, allowing faster results and improved hydration. The convenience of receiving this treatment in the heart of London ensures a hassle-free way to maintain vitality. As a premier choice, these services are tailored to your individual health needs, providing immediate benefits like increased energy, better focus, and improved skin health. It’s the perfect solution for busy lifestyles seeking instant rejuvenation.
Benefits of IV Drip London:
Rapid Absorption: Nutrients and vitamins are delivered directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for faster and more efficient absorption.
Boosts Energy: Helps combat fatigue and improves your overall energy levels, making it ideal for people with busy lifestyles.
Enhances Hydration: Restores essential hydration quickly, especially useful after long flights, illness, or strenuous activity.
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Achieve Optimal Wellness with Exclusive IV London Therapy
For those in need of a quick fix on health, IV London treatments stand out as among the best combinations of ease and effectiveness one can find. These treatments are designed just for different health objectives and will help get one’s balance and energy running in no time. Due to more extended advantages of these treatments, such as immunity reinforcement, skin hydration, and skin renewal, it is ideal for any person who intends to renew his body and mind. It is a premium service, since it relies on professional management through medical-grade formulation that is fast in enhancing the general wellness of a person.
Boost Your Vitality with Premium IV Drip UK Services
In the UK, IV drip UK services have become a fast track to health restoration. Whether you’re recovering from illness, fighting fatigue, or simply looking to boost your general well-being, this therapy will afford you a convenient and efficient way of getting vital nutrients delivered right into your bloodstream. Being a premier choice, it is known for immediate results like improved energy levels, hydration, and better radiance of skin, hence becoming a very sought-after wellness tool for anyone seeking to upgrade his or her health.
IV therapy offers a comprehensive approach to health and wellness by providing fast, efficient, and effective results. Whether you’re in London or across the UK, IV drips are a premier choice for anyone looking to enhance their overall health, vitality, and energy levels.
Q1. What are the health benefits of drip?
IV drip therapy is an effective way to deliver nutrients, vitamins, and medications to the body because this technique bypasses the digestive system. Supplements are administered directly into the bloodstream, making nutrients available for immediate use.
Q2. How do you explain IV therapy?
IV or intravenous therapy is a way to give fluids, medicine, nutrition, or blood directly into the blood stream through a vein. IV therapy uses a type of tiny plastic tubing (cannula) that goes into the vein, a needle, and plastic tubing that connects the set-up to a bag of fluid.
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drswatiaggarwal42 · 16 days
Glutathione IV DRIP Treatment in Delhi
At facetheticsbeauty, we offer premium Glutathione IV Drip treatments in Delhi, designed to enhance your skin's radiance, boost overall health, and improve your body's detoxification process. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by the body, plays a critical role in neutralizing free radicals, supporting liver function, and promoting skin brightening
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amber-obrien · 27 days
How many sessions are typically needed to see optimal results?
The number of sessions needed to achieve optimal results with a skin brightening drip can vary depending on individual skin conditions and goals. Typically, a series of 4 to 6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart is recommended for noticeable improvements. Each session delivers targeted nutrients and antioxidants that enhance skin tone and radiance, with results becoming more evident as treatments progress. Maintaining a consistent schedule helps in achieving and sustaining the desired level of brightness and even skin tone.
For those seeking to boost their overall wellness, an immune IV therapy might be included alongside skin brightening treatments. This therapy strengthens the immune system by delivering essential vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, which can complement the effects of the skin brightening drip. The frequency of immune IV sessions can vary, but integrating it with skin brightening treatments may enhance overall health and support optimal results in skin rejuvenation.
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healthcarebia · 1 year
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dardocuae · 2 months
The Effects of Glutathione IV Drips – A Perfect Guide for You!
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant found in every body cell, playing a crucial role in detoxification, immune function, and overall health. Glutathione IV drips, or intravenous (IV) glutathione therapy, have gained popularity for their potential health benefits. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding the effects of Skin Whitening & Glutathione drips.
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What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of 3 amino acids: cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. It is vital for:
Detoxification: Helps neutralize free radicals and toxins.
Immune Support: Enhances the immune system's function.
Cellular Health: Protects cells from oxidative stress and damage.
How Do Glutathione IV Drips Work?
Glutathione IV drips deliver a concentrated dose of glutathione directly into the bloodstream, allowing for higher absorption rates than oral supplements. This method bypasses the digestive system, ensuring that more of the antioxidant reaches the cells where it is needed.
Potential Benefits of Glutathione IV Drips
Antioxidant Support: Helps combat oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic diseases and aging.
Detoxification: Aids in discarding heavy metals and pollutants from the body.
Skin Health: May improve skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation, leading to a brighter complexion.
Immune Boost: Supports the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of infections.
Energy Levels: Some users report increased energy and reduced fatigue.
Improved Mental Clarity: This may enhance cognitive function and reduce brain fog.
Support for Chronic Conditions: Some studies suggest benefits for conditions like asthma, liver disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Who Can Benefit from Glutathione IV Drips?
Individuals with Chronic Illnesses: Those suffering from conditions like diabetes, liver disease, or autoimmune disorders may find relief.
Athletes: Can help with recovery and reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress.
Individuals Seeking Skin Improvements: Those looking for skin brightening and anti-aging effects.
Detox Enthusiasts: People interested in detoxification and overall wellness.
Are There Any Side Effects?
While glutathione drips are generally considered safe, some potential side effects may include:
Allergic Reactions: Rare but possible; always consult with a healthcare provider before starting treatment.
Infection Risk: As with any IV therapy, there is a risk of infection at the injection site.
Gastrointestinal Issues: Some may experience nausea or abdominal discomfort.
How Often Should You Get Glutathione IV Drips?
The frequency of treatments can vary based on individual health goals and conditions. Some may help from weekly sessions, while others might choose for monthly treatments. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best plan for you.
Glutathione IV drips can offer a range of potential health benefits, from enhanced detoxification to improved skin health. However, it’s crucial to approach this therapy with caution and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. If you’re considering glutathione iv drips, ensure you discuss your health history and goals to tailor the treatment to your needs.
Always remember that while glutathione drips can be beneficial, they should complement a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate hydration. 
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nouraclinic · 3 months
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Radiant Skin Awaits: Expert Skin Brightening Treatments in Dubai | Nour Aesthetic Clinic
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iksanawellness · 4 months
Prep Pamper Shine Bright By Iksana Wellness
You have 6 months to go ✨
✨For First 3 months (June, July, August)
👉🏻 Treat any active problem : Acne / Rosacea / Pigmentation/ Milia
👉🏻 Heavy Focus on lifestyle modifications: Diet management and exercise along with Supplements like Iron, Calcium, Omega 3 FA aimed at skin, hair and nail health (Recommendations on website : iksanawellness.com)
👉🏻 Sun Protection : Opt for SPF 50 sunscreens, Body sunscreens and even oral sunscreens ( All recommendations are on our website iksanawellness.com SHOP section)
👉🏻 Treatments should aim for long term skin improvement like : MICRONEEDLING/ MORPHEUS8/ Evolve X / LASER HAIR REEUCTION / Q switch laser / IV drips
✨ For August, September and October
👉🏻 Indulge in treatments aimed at IMPROVING / BRIGHTENING Skin : Lumecca/ Fire & Ice facial/ Skin boosters/ Hydrafacial / Carbon Facial
👉🏻 Supplements rich in VIT C, Astaxanthin, glutathione should be preferred.
👉🏻 May include Prescription only BRIGHTENING products (as they should be used for limited time, use them nearer to your events)
👉🏻 Continue the lifestyle modifications.
STAY TUNED TO KNOW PRODUCT SUGGESTIONS ♥️ https://iksanawellness.com/appointment/
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drypskin · 4 months
Top Glutathione IV Drip in Dubai - Enhance Your Wellness
Experience the benefits of Glutathione IV drip in Dubai with DrypSkin. Our premium Glutathione IV therapy is designed to enhance your overall wellness, providing powerful antioxidants that promote skin health and detoxification. Convenient and effective, our IV drips are administered by skilled professionals, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. Visit DrypSkin to learn more about our Glutathione IV drip Dubai and start your journey to better health today.
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venicecosmeticclinic · 4 months
Boost Your Immunity With IV Therapy Toronto, Canada
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What Is Vitamin IV Therapy?
Vitamin IV therapy, commonly known as intravenous micronutrient therapy, delivers a potent mix of vitamins and minerals straight into the bloodstream.
This method bypasses the body’s slower, traditional absorption process, enabling swift uptake of nutrients in larger quantities.
Benefits Of IV Vitamin Drip Therapy in Toronto, Canada
Skip sluggishness and say hello to radiance! IV Vitamin Drips at Venice Cosmetic Clinic delivers vital nutrients directly to your bloodstream, bypassing digestion for rapid results you can feel.
Boost energy, brighten skin, strengthen immunity, and more, all in a relaxing spa-like setting. Experience the Venice difference – replenish, revitalize, and reclaim your glow.
Why Venice Cosmetic Should Be Your Top Choice For IV Vitamin Therapy In Toronto
Venice Cosmetic: Unbeatable value, highest quality standards, convenient location, personalized care, and a luxurious experience. Your top choice for IV therapy in Toronto and surrounding areas.
Our IV Therapy Toronto, Canada Team
Unlock your ultimate skin confidence in Toronto, Canada. Our experienced professionals tailor advanced treatments using the latest techniques to deliver results you can see and feel. 
No two faces are alike, and that’s why we create personalized plans. Experience the transformation you’ve always dreamed of. Limited spots available! Claim your FREE consultation today and step into our inviting Toronto clinic to discover what works best for you.
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