#This is so long and I am so tired but I did it
dearest-nell · 3 days
here comes your man
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s. harrington x f!reader, 2.1k
summary: you go to pick up your very drunk boyfriend from the bar after a well deserved night out warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, reader uses she/her pronouns
a/n: i was half asleep when i wrote this so all i can say is my bad, and i hope my three am deleirum brings you some joy
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Hey… you might wanna come pick up your Stevie-Boy. He’s a bit wrecked...
It was a phone call you had half expected, though you didn’t mind admitting that you wished it had not come at 3am on your Saturday night. Steve had been so excited for a night out with the boys – work seemed to be piling onto him more than usual, and more often than not you’d find him half asleep on the couch by 8pm, arm propped uncomfortably beneath his head and back twisting awkwardly. This night came along with the extra TLC you prescribed him this week, taking on a little extra responsibility around the house so he might relax even just for a moment. Steve was a caretaker by trade, and doing things for himself seemed to hark back to a time where he only did things for himself. It took a lot for him to rewire that belief in his brain – self care did not mean selfish, he was a good person. 
You thought that the time out with his friends would remind him of that; how wonderful he was, how loved he was. He could be without responsibility for a night and simply enjoy himself. And enjoy himself he was… you hadn’t heard such an amused lilt to Eddie’s tone for a long time. You spent the drive over pondering just what kind of state your boyfriend might be in, your eyes heavy, body cooling with the iced air that blew through windows opened in an attempt to keep yourself awake. Eddie at least had sounded coherent, so you figured you would not be alone in the battle to try and haul your boyfriend into your beat up car. 
Dressed for the comfort of your own home, it took one disgruntled look towards a stubborn bouncer to let you past without paying an entry fee. You wondered how often this happened – half asleep partners turning up moments before closing to take their inebriated darling home. The thought made you chuckle softly to yourself, body weaving through the stragglers of the night still dancing to a wrapping up DJ. 
Eddie had told you they’d meet you by the lounges when you arrived, though Steve was nowhere to be seen as you approached your tired looking friend, his face pleased, if not a little weary. 
“Where is he?” You questioned, letting Eddie lean down to wrap his arms around you tightly, his weight pressing heavier on you that you had expected under the influence of what you assumed had been many, many shots. 
“At the bar. I thought he’d crashed half an hour ago, but he’s had a second wave.” 
You felt the short burst of laughter bubble up, an unsurprised uh-huh leaving your lips at the notion, eyes drifting towards the thinning crowd collected for the last call. Eddie let you go with a shrug, stepping back to let you go. 
“Alright, I’ll go get him. I’ll wave if I need you, ‘kay?” The nod you received was answer enough, and you set off leisurely towards your unsuspecting boyfriend. 
Steve was half hunched over the bar, palm rolling an empty shot glass flatly across the sticky surface as he waited for an already busy bartender. You couldn’t see his face, but you could picture the expression with such clarity – eyes heavy, blinking slowly as they tracked blearily across the back of the bar, that sweet, contented smile plastered on his lips for no reason at all. 
Following suit, you leaned yourself up against the bar beside him, elbows propping you up to rest your head in your palms. 
“You getting another drink, handsome?” 
Steve made a soft sort of mumbling sound, his head lulling to the side as he leaned away ever so slightly. “Mm, yeah… think so.” 
You nodded, smiling at the way he swayed on his feet. “Oh, I see. You wanna have some water with me?” 
Steve rubbed harshly at his face, eyes screwing shut tightly before blinking hazily at you. “No, thanks.” 
His gaze turned away, his grip on the shot glass faltering for a moment, reflexes only just catching it before rolling over the edge. You reached slowly to pluck it from his hand, though he recoiled sluggishly at the contact, forcing your brow up into a curious arch. 
“How about I take you home, then? Seems like they’re wrapping up.” 
Steve sighed, hands running through his hair in that same familiar flustered motion you were so acquainted with. Ordinarily, Steve would have been bouncing out of his skin to see you, but right now, he seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else. 
“Look, it’s nice of you to ask, but ’m taken. My girlfriend’s comin’ to get me.” 
Oh, how sweet. You’d never seen Steve so far gone that he hadn’t recognised you, but now that you focused your own tired eyes, you could see that his own were barely open to begin with. Your smile widened, amusement settling over you at the sweetness of him. 
“Really? You’re not even gonna look at me? Maybe I’m worth breaking the rules for.” 
He scoffed at that, body straightening up as much as his addled state could allow, his feet stumbling beneath him to put another feet of distance between the two of you. 
“I’m sure you are f’someone else, but ‘m not interested.” His tone was more clipped now, friendliness falling away in the hopes of deterring you. “Not another girl in the world for me but her.” 
God, he was sweet, and more in love with you than you could have ever hoped for a person to be. Your heart ached, entirely overwhelmed with adoration for this man who was waiting for you. 
“Well that’s very lovely.” You cooed, turning sideways to look at him, one arm dropping to your side while the other hand continued to prop your chin up, helping to hide that rosy blush that seemed to stain your cheeks. “I really think you should look at me, though, Stevie.”
You watched as the thought crossed his mind, a slow understanding that something about this interaction seemed out of place. It seemed to take another moment for reality to set in, his body turning and eyes widening comically as they came into focus. 
It had you in hysterics, the way his arm gave out from under him, narrowly avoiding his torso from smacking down against the bar top as he lurched towards you. Your arms extended out to catch him, meeting him halfway until his body was pressed tenderly against yours, eager hands creeping up to cup your cheeks, holding your face towards his so he might really look at you. 
“You’re here!” 
Your laughter rang out happily, eyes crinkled at the delight mirrored in his own. 
“Yeah, baby, of course I am. Wanted to make sure you got home safe.” 
If an iris could change shape, then you were certain you saw Steve’s melt into delicate hearts just at the thought of you coming out to take care of him. His thumbs ran adoring lines across your cheekbones, trembling slightly with restraint. 
“S’good to me.” He mumbled, words drowning out within the still deafening music that surrounded you. “Missed you.” 
You felt him slump against you ever so slightly, still conscious of weighing too heavily against you even in his inebriated state, though how he was holding himself up anymore was anyone’s guess. It was your sign to wave Eddie over, though, who without fuss looped a supporting arm around Steve’s back. 
“You gonna let your girl take us home, then? I’m gonna pass out, man, I’m so wrecked.” 
Steve’s brow furrowed, alarmed to have been so suddenly pulled back from you to lean on Eddie, and he reached out a hand in a needy sort of motion towards you. “I wanna dance with her before we go.” 
Too sweet for his own wellbeing, you offered him a sympathetic look, slipping yourself under his other arm to help prop him up. 
“We can dance at home just you and me, okay? In our pjs too — won’t that be nice. We just don’t wanna keep Eddie waiting too long; he’s all danced out.” 
You watched the contemplative look cross his features, leaving him distracted enough for Eddie to start guiding the three of you towards the door without much fuss from Steve. 
“Did you have fun though Ed? Really?” Steve asked, genuine concern threading through his tone as he addressed his friend who managed an affirming nod in response. 
“Loads. We’ll all go out again soon, but I’ve gotta give you back to your sweetheart before she gets too jealous.” 
Steve’s nod was so serious as he processed the words, entirely missing the small look of amusement shared between you and Eddie as you pulled yourselves from the establishment. 
“Yeah.” He agreed, his head lulling sideways to rest on the crown of your own. “She needs me.” 
It had sounded like a joke when he said it, but even you could sense the small severity behind the words, almost reassuring himself of the truth behind them. Of course you needed him. 
“Yeah, she does.” You confirmed, kissing at his shoulder clumsily as you tried to focus on your steps, narrowly avoiding toppling the three of you right over uneven pavements underfoot. “I always need you, honey.” 
You did not need to look at Steve to know that he was smiling — you felt it as you held him, felt it in his touch and the heat of his body carefully wrapped around yours. At least this night felt like a success in your eyes. Steve was happy, and you had done your part to make him so. He’d be awfully hungover tomorrow morning, but he’d be happy, and that was all that seemed to matter to you in the moment. 
Eddie managed to hold Steve upright while you fiddled with the lock of your car door, the boy now contently distracted with regaling tales of the night to the man who had witnessed them first hand. Getting him into the car was easy enough, tucking him cautiously into the front seat, your body leaning over him to click his seatbelt into place, his hand lifting to rub at your lower back in thanks. 
“You’re the best, y’know, baby? The real best. The best best.” 
You paused to smile at him, head shaking in amusement before brushing your lips against his cheek, relishing in the way his hand gripped excitedly at you for the briefest of moments. “I could say the same about you, y’know.” 
“Nuh uh.” 
A groan sounded from outside the car, drawn out and exasperated beyond compare. “Jesus H Christ, I’m begging for someone to take me home. It’s so fucking late, guys.” 
You pulled back with a laugh to witness Eddie’s petulance, your hand coming out to gesture to the back seat. “Then get in the car, dingus, and I’ll take you home.”
“Yeah, what she said!” Steve slurred from the front seat, the battle against his weariness now long lost, eyes closed and head resting heavily against its back, unable to hold itself up any longer. 
Eddie clambered into the back with a half assed eye roll, splaying out across the work back seat until he, too, was one with the upholstery. “You guys aren’t gonna be gross and sayin’ i love you’s all the way home, are you?” 
Steve’s eyes widened in horror. “Oh shit, I haven’t said I love you yet!” 
The charming little frown that spread across his face was enough to melt you in your entirety, your hand reaching out to brush his check with affection, his nose nuzzling sweetly into the cup of your palm. “I’m not worried about it; I know you do.” 
“Yeah, but I do love you. I was thinkin’ it the whole time, thinkin’ you’re so pretty n’ all. So pretty that I couldn't remember to say it.” 
Eddie just huffed again in the back seat, his complaints overtly ignored despite the growing expletives.
“I love you too, Stevie. How about we get Eds home and get you some water, then we can be as sweet as we wanna be.” 
Steve’s lips pressed into your palm, his kiss unhurried and uncoordinated as the alcohol hindered his usual grace, a mumbled m’kay tickling your skin as he spoke. 
You looked up into the rearview mirror, dropping your hand to Steve’s knee for the boy to hold, keeping his neediness satiated for the time being as he grasped it between his own eagerly. “You hear that, Eds? You’re in the clear. Let’s get you boys home.” 
A grumbled thank god and the creaks of the backseat window being clumsily wound down was enough incentive to start your travels, a pleased smile gracing your lips to know that Steve had been given exactly the night he deserved after all. 
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The moon and his sun (Part II)
Aemond Targaryen x Female Reader
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Summary: People would remember their story. Even decades after they were gone, Septa’s would tell young children about the one-eyed dragon prince and his sweet wife as if they were a part of a fairytale, too good to be true for the harshness real life possessed.
Aemond meets a young girl who quickly becomes his most cherished friend and changes the course of history.
Word count: 8.2 K
Warnings: Aegon takes minors to a brothel (but nothing sexual happens), characters get aged up, male masturbation, mutual pining, smut
AN: I am so blown away by the love you all showed for the first chapter, thank you all so much! Hope you enjoy xx
Part 1
Her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 
Aemond had been twirling her around the room practically the entire night. She knew he didn’t particularly enjoy dancing, but when she had asked him, he loathed to deny her. 
“Are you having a good name day?” 
“It’s my best one yet.” He smiled. He had woken that morning to her barging into his chambers, demanding her gift be the first one he received that day. Nothing could ruin such an incredible start to the day. 
He raised her hand over their heads and twirled her under his arm again, his own grin beaming at the sound of her delighted laughter. 
She tilted her head back as she spun and Aemond was struck by how happy she looked. She was happy with him, she was carefree with him. 
Despite how his feet began to hurt, or that he knew many pairs of eyes were staring at him, the desire to let go and sit back down was nowhere to be found. He wanted to stay with her. He wanted to continue to make her smile all night long
As she twirled again, her eyes found the head table, smiling to Helaena who was watching the dancers wistfully while her betrothed sat next to her downing another cup of wine. 
She flinched suddenly as she met the hard stare of the Hand of the King. Otto Hightower’s stare was enough to make her feel as though she was burning under such a disdainful look. 
Her shoulders tensed slightly before she found herself being spun again, back into Aemond’s arms. His smile faltered when he noticed her own smile dimmed. 
“Are you alright?”
She forced a mask upon her face, not quite understanding the contempt coming her way from his grandsire, and brought a smile back to her face. 
“I’m fine, just getting a little tired.” 
“Come on, we’ll take a break.” He took her hand in his and guided her back to the table.
Her father smiled at the two of them as they approached. 
“You two look like you’ve been having fun.” 
“We are.” She smiled, taking her seat next to him. Aemond moved to take the empty seat next to her when his mother called out to him. She beckoned him forward with a pointed look and he sighed, promising to find her later as he left her side to make his way back to the head table.
She watched him go with sorrowful eyes, her gaze moving over to Otto and suppressing a shiver at the cold look she received. 
She seemed to shrink in her seat, catching her father’s attention. He followed her gaze, his face hardening, his posture becoming rigid as he noticed the cold glare the Hand of the King was sending his daughter. 
He had never liked Hightower, he didn’t trust the man. He somehow always seemed to take control of the council meetings, proclaiming he knew what the King’s best interests were. He was a snake of a man and he would not let him drag his daughter into his games. 
He placed his arm over her shoulder, portraying a united front, a warning to anyone that would seek to bring her harm that he would deal with them swiftly. He may be the Lord of a peaceful house but that did not mean he did not know how to fight or that he wouldn’t commit whatever violence was needed to protect his family.
She stayed by her father’s side for the rest of the night, sharing looks of mourning with Aemond as he was sequestered to his mother’s side, unable to escape the politicking unfolding at the head table of Royals. 
As the celebration was winding down, most taking their leave for the night, she bid her father goodnight and sulked out of the large hall. 
She knew whatever reservations Aemond’s grandsire had of her would keep him from her, that there was no use in hoping for another moment with him. 
She shouldn’t have been so upset, she had practically the entire day with him and all her previous days, but that somehow didn’t stop the twisting of her insides as the thought of his own family disliking her, of there being some kind of plot to keep her away from him. 
The sound of her name being called made her raise her head, a smile growing instantly at the sight of Aemond waving her over. 
“Where are you going?”
“I was headed to my chambers. I thought the celebration was over.”
Aemond took her hand and pulled her along with him.  “Not yet.”
She smiled along with him, happily following him. As he guided her out of the Keep, her smile began to falter slightly in confusion.
“Where are we going?”
“Aegon said he had a surprise.”
An uneasy feeling began to fester within her. She didn’t particularly like any time she had spent with his older brother. She didn’t trust a single thing about him. Thoughts of the pink dread came to mind and she quickly held back the bitterness that grew. She didn’t want to doubt Aemond, but she had little hope this surprise would be a showing of brotherly love. 
As the two of them snuck passed the gates, a hooded figure waited for them. 
Aegon’s smirk dropped the moment he spotted the two of them hand in hand. 
“What the bloody hell is she doing here?”
“Aegon.” Aemond admonished. 
“I didn’t invite her, I invited you.”
“She’s my friend. She has every right to join us.”
The disdain on his face faltered slightly and soon morphed into a devious smirk, a laugh leaving his curled lips, one that made her stiffen.
“I do hope you enjoy the surprise, My Lady.” He drawled, the sickly sweet tone of his voice making her want to squirm and head back to the safety of her chambers. 
But Aemond’s hand in hers kept her in place, her stride matching his as they followed Aegon. 
The further they ventured from the familiarity of the Red Keep, the tighter Aemond’s grip on her hand became, his suspicions rising as they continued their trek deeper into the streets of Flea Bottom. 
He pulled her into his side as they passed a tavern, the rowdy sounds inside and the groups of drunken men they passed making his body stiffen. 
“Aegon, what are we doing down here?” He called to his older brother. 
No response was given and Aemond grit his teeth in annoyance. He should’ve known better than to trust his brother. 
They came to a nondescript door and Aegon turned to face them, that smug smirk still on his face that made her hand twitch, longing to smack it right off his face. 
“Well, brother, you’re almost a man grown. I think it’s time you get it wet.”
Aemond’s eyes narrowed, confusion twisting his features as a pit of dread began to grow within him. Aegon opened the door and motioned them inside. 
When the two of them stood still in their spot, Aegon rolled his eyes and gripped onto the front of Aemond’s shirt, yanking him forward, his hand still clasped tightly in hers pulling her along with him, the two of them stumbling through the door ungracefully. 
The scantily clad women that filled the room made Aemond’s lone eye widen. He turned to his brother, his face red with both shame and anger. 
“Aegon, why are we here?”
“Don’t be so uptight, Aemond.” His brother waved him off, brushing past them to be welcomed into the arms of a whore he frequented. 
He was quickly guided off to a room, leaving the two of them to remain standing at the door stiffly, their shocked eyes taking in the room before them.
A group of women soon surrounded them, pulling Aemond away from her. 
He tensed as hands ran down his arms and he shook them off, his head craning to catch a glimpse of his friend. He called out her name, but if she gave any response it was drowned out by the tittering laughter of the women in front of him.
“Is she your betrothed?”
“We can help you, teach you how to please her.”
“We’ll make you a God, My Prince.”
Aemond’s face twisted in disgust at the filth they began to spout, shrugging off their wandering hands, flinching as a hand landed on his thigh, slowly beginning to creep upwards.
“Don’t touch me.” He snapped, his heart beginning to race as a dreadful feeling overcame him. 
He remembered it well, what it was like to not be in control. He remembered what happened the last time he had felt this helpless, wanting to scream but knowing no one was listening, no one caring about his discomfort. His scar flared with pain at the memory and he winced, pushing the woman who was trying to crawl into his lap away from him.
He called out her name again, panic seeping through his tone. 
He stumbled over his own feet in his haste to escape the gaggle of whores that tried to tempt him. He pushed them out of his way, one goal in his mind, one face he desperately needed to see. 
Across the room, he spotted her, his chest tightening as he saw the discomfort on her face as many pairs of hands tangled through her hair and pulled at her dress. 
“You’re a pretty little thing.”
“Just imagine when your tits come in, you’ll put all of us out of work. The men will be lining up to take a turn with you.”
“Don’t worry, Honey. We can prepare you so it won’t hurt too much when your old husband beds you.”
The whores’ words made her stomach clench and she squirmed under their hands that attempted to get her out of her clothes. 
The feeling of lips caressing her neck made her flinch, a small squeak of surprise escaping her before she could even fully realize what was happening. 
“Get off her.” A stern voice spoke.
She let out a stunted breath as she realized it was Aemond. She reached out and within a second, he hauled her up and wrapped her under his arm as he pushed their way out of the brothel. 
A ragged breath left him as the stench of perfume finally lifted, the debauched sounds of the pleasure house muffled and distant as the door closed behind them. He looked down at the girl under his arm and a bolt of worry shot through him at the sight of her blank stare.
A low hum rang in her ears, her body trembling slightly as it tried to make sense of what had just happened, of what could have happened. 
“Hey, look at me, please.” His pleading voice came through and she slowly raised her head, her gaze meeting his worried eye. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what he was planning. I never should have trusted him.” He rambled, his own voice wavering slightly, his trembling hands moving to cup her cheeks. “I swear to you, I never would have come if I had known.”
“It’s ok.” She breathed out quietly. 
He sighed, the fear on her face still evident. 
“Are you alright?”
She nodded wordlessly and he winced, the gesture so unconvincing he quickly wrapped her in a tight hug. 
“I’ll take you back to the Keep.” 
She looked down the darkened alley fearfully, the thought of making her way through the streets of Flea Bottom so late had dread settling in her stomach. 
“It’s ok.” Aemond assured her, taking her hand in his, noting the unease in her eyes. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” 
They began to walk, the silence between them stifling, something so unfamiliar to the inseparable pair. 
“I’m sorry.” She began quietly. “You don’t need to- you can stay if you wish. I don’t want to ruin your night.” 
Aemond stopped in his tracks, his lone eye wide with horror as he looked at her in complete shock.
“I don’t- no! I didn’t want- this wasn’t-” He was at a loss for words. He blew out a long breath, cursing Aegon profusely in his head. “I don’t want to… do what Aegon does.” He explained vaguely, unable to bring himself to speak of his brother’s depravity in front of her. 
The insinuation of him acting like Aegon, of sullying himself with the same debauchery that brought his family shame made his stomach twist. He never wanted her to see him like that, he never wanted her to think he would ever act like his brother.
Aemond ran a hand through his hair. “Fucking twat.” He mumbled under his breath. He wanted to throttle Aegon 
A small giggle met his ears and he looked at her, slightly bewildered by the small upturning of her lips he saw, so unlike the fear he had seen etched in her eyes just seconds before. 
“I’ve never heard you swear.”
He let out a small noise of surprise, unsure if she was truly smiling or if it was a ruse to placate him.
“So unbecoming of a Prince.” She jested and he let himself laugh, her sarcasm, her humor so like the girl he knew that it was enough to ease his worry. 
He liked his arm through hers, holding her closely to his side as they began to walk again. 
“Did this ruin your name day?” She asked after a few moments of silence.
He looked over at her thoughtfully. His day began with her, her excited smile beaming as she demanded he open her present, her at his side loyally all day. No one had ever been so attentive to him, not even on past name days. 
“No.” He answered honestly. Nothing could ruin the content she gave him, the feeling of being wanted and needed that surrounded him when she was around was stronger than any blow of shame Aegon could deliver.
Neither of them spoke of that night, the both of them too embarrassed by what they had seen and heard to say anything about it. 
Though the seeds of lust were planted. 
As the years passed and they grew older, their childhood innocence dissipating into adult desires and longing, it became harder to deny what was between them. The looks that passed between them were no longer the shared smiles of childhood friends, they were the looks of longing that stirred the shared hunger that grew steadily with each passing day.
After that night, she loathed to think of her friend, her Aemond, venturing back there with Aegon, indulging those whores, laying with them, letting them touch him, his own hands greedily touching every inch of their bodies. The thought of him laying with another was like a lance to the heart. 
The same dread plagued Aemond. 
He made himself sick thinking of his friend, the girl he always simply considered to be his, indulging one of the many suitors that ogled her.
Aemond thought of what those whores had told her, that she would have to lay with a husband leagues older than her and endure the lackluster and, most likely violent, attempts to produce an heir. 
The thought had his insides twisting. The thought of any man with their hands on her sent fury racing through him. 
As they grew, he couldn’t help but find his thoughts of her drifting to ones that would be considered less than innocent, not thoughts one should be having of a dear friend. 
He couldn’t help but admire her curves, the dip of her cleavage she had no trouble showing in the low cut gowns she wore around the Keep. It drove him crazy. 
It was becoming more and more common that he would wake, his thoughts racing of images of her lingering from his dreams. He would roll over, imagining she was laying next to him in his bed, tangled within his sheets, her sweet smile his first sight of the day. 
He had no time to feel guilty as his hand ventured below his sheets, as he found his hard length that was more often than not standing at attention to the thought of her. 
He would let his eye close, imagining her hand taking his place, of her sweet mouth taking him in, of the praises she would give him as he took her over and over, the sound of her delectable moans and pleas for him. 
His mouth would part with panting breaths as he thought of the pleasure he could give her, of the pleasure he longed to give her and the pleasure she would bestow upon him. 
His hand would speed as he neared his end, his body writhing among his silken sheets, his head fallen back against his pillow as he pictured her face, what it would look like as he brought her to climax.
The thought, as always, was his undoing. 
His lips parted with a long groan, the raspy call of her name becoming familiar to the walls around him. He panted as he expelled the last spurts of spend on his stomach, his limbs feeling weak as he let his fantasy dissipate. 
He didn’t know how much longer he could continue without having her in his arms. He didn’t know how he could endure meeting her gaze with such filthy thoughts of her in his mind. 
Later that day, as he caught her eye as she sat with the ladies of the court, he felt his face flush, the images of her he conjured in the privacy of his chambers rushing back to him. 
The warm smile and small wave she sent him only incensed him further, leaving him to contemplate for a few long moments whether he should neglect his training with Ser Criston to return to his chambers and deal with the heat she had unknowingly spread throughout his body that was undoubtedly weak for her. 
He was doomed to her.
The longer he repressed his growing feelings for his best friend, the more he couldn’t get her off his mind. 
He woke early one morning to avoid passing her by, knowing with one mere look at her he would be a distracted, bumbling mess for the rest of the day. He was determined to get through at least one training session without his thoughts drifting to her. 
He had been successful for a short time, managing to best Ser Criston time and time again, his focus purely on the weapon he wielded with precision. 
Until he heard that familiar laugh, a sound so purely wonderful, it almost knocked him off his feet. 
His gaze wandered around the training yard before they found her, as he always would, her arm linked through Helaena’s their smiles wide as they watched the training commence.
As if sensing his gaze on her, she turned her head, her eyes meeting his. She smiled, the sight blindingly beautiful. He sent her a wave, hoping the blush on his cheeks wasn’t as severe as it felt. 
The sound of a throat clearing beside him broke him out of his daze and he turned sharply to meet the knowing smirk of Ser Criston.
“Shall we continue or are you done for the day?”
The knight’s tone implied he knew exactly what thoughts had been running through the Prince’s mind the moment he saw his dear friend. Anyone with eyes and half a working brain could see the affection the Prince and the Ixtal girl held for each other. 
Aemond grit his teeth, sending a glare the knight’s way as he spun his sword effortlessly, a flagrant display of his prowess with his beloved blade. 
“I am more than ready to continue, but if you require a break I will gladly find another opponent to knock into the dirt.” 
Criston snorted and raised his sword, giving the young Prince he had valiantly trained a pointed look. 
With one last gaze up to the woman on the balcony, the sly wink she sent him giving him all the drive needed, he raised his sword and struck a deadly swing towards his mentor who scrambled to block it. 
His heart raced with adrenaline. The wink she had sent him igniting the fire in his blood, only incenting him to display his power to her, determined to win, determined to show her his strength. 
He wasn’t a boastful man, he left those frivolities to his older brother, but when it came to her he suddenly didn’t recognize the feelings within him, the desires that had taken root that seemed to unravel him to his most basic senses. 
Up on the balcony she repressed a shiver as she watched Aemond fight with an ease that made her body heat and caused her mind to conjure things her Septa would’ve slapped her for ever thinking as an unmarried woman.
“He’s very good.” Helaena commented, not noticing the desire now lingering in her friend’s eyes. 
“Yes, he is.” She murmured, attempting to shake herself from thoughts of him handling her in the delicate yet deliberate way he did his sword.  
Later that night, as she and her father joined the Targaryen family for dinner, she couldn’t get her mind off of what she had seen in the training yard. She couldn’t help the nervous flutters that erupted within her as she took her seat in between Helaena and Aemond.
It was her usual seat, she had spent too many dinners to count by his side, but for reasons she couldn’t quite understand - or refused to - she suddenly felt bashful in her friend’s presence. 
The smile he sent her in greeting made her stomach flip.  
She could barely concentrate on anything besides his presence beside her. She was sure she was about to crumble into a puddle as his fingers brushed against hers as he passed her the jug of wine. 
She took greedy swallows of the drink, hoping it would dull her sense enough to withstand the looks he sent her every now and again, his smile warm, his gentle affection subtle but enough to undo her completely. 
As Helaena engaged her in conversation, telling her one of the many stories of her beloved twins, she let her thoughts of Aemond dissipate, smiling softly to her dear friend who glowed with her love of her children. 
She listened intently, allowing her nerves to retreat to the shadows of her mind. 
As conversations around the table continued, she let her eyes wander curiously. She turned her head, catching Aemond’s gaze already on hers. He straightened and abruptly tore his eye back to the plate in front of him, though the blush that grew on his cheeks was undeniable. 
A shock of excitement rushed through her at his reaction, suddenly realizing she wasn’t as hopeless as she had thought. She thought back to all the times she had caught Aemond looking at her, all the times he sought her out before anyone else, all the times he had abandoned whatever it was he was doing just to see her and spend a mere moment together. 
She suddenly wondered if it meant as much to him as it did to her. 
She wondered if her dear friend was caught in the same haze of longing she found herself drowning in. 
The slamming of the door made her flinch, the book she was reading slipping from her hands. She sat up straighter when she noticed Aemond standing rigid, his chest heaving with heavy breaths as he tried to rein in his anger.
“What happened?”
“My fucking grandsire.” He seethed. 
She remained seated and silent, allowing Aemond to vent out his anger. 
“They want to betrothe me to some Baratheon girl.” He explained as he began to pace erratically. “They’re bringing her to court for the Summer Feast. They expect me to do my duty with that plain-” He stopped himself abruptly before any insults could pass his lips. 
She frowned, setting her book aside. 
“Tell them you don’t wish to marry her.”
Aemond hummed, the sound more bitter than she had ever heard it. “My grandsire isn’t as agreeable as your father.” 
He knew the Lord of Ixtal had vetoed a number of requests for his daughter’s hand at her request. He didn’t want his daughter shackled to a man she did not desire. 
He wished his family was as caring to his needs as hers was. 
“Well, I guess you need to find the love of your life before the Baratheon girl arrives.”
Aemond looked over at her plainly, clearly not in the joking mood. 
“This is not funny.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t see what the issue is. Tell your family this isn’t what you want.”
“They don’t care about what any of us want. If they did, Helaena wouldn’t be forced at Aegon’s side.” 
She frowned at the mention of her dear friend and what she had to endure with her drunken leech of a husband. 
“I’m running out of time.” Aemond sighed, running a hand over his face. “I’ve been able to keep them at bay the past few years, but they’re becoming more incessant, I can’t stall any longer.”
The thought of being forced to marry some girl he didn’t know, a girl who would never compare to the woman in front of him, the woman he longed for, desired before he even knew what it meant to desire a woman, left him feeling hollow. 
“I’m sorry. I wish I could solve this for you, but I don’t think your mother would take too kindly to my meddling.”
Aemond huffed out a laugh at the thought. He looked at his friend curiously, noting how cavalier she found the idea of marriage.
“Isn’t your father putting pressure on you to marry?”
“Not exactly. He’s hinting at the time coming for me to go back home, but no plans have been made just yet.”
Her words made his stomach twist. The thought of her leaving King’s Landing, of not seeing her everyday, was unfathomable. 
“They don’t have a courtship lined up for you?”
“No. Who I marry is my decision.”
“Is it that easy?”
She breathed out a small laugh at his disbelieving tone.
“Ixtal isn’t as conservative as King’s Landing. We don’t force people to be together, we don’t expect women to wait to find pleasure until marriage. We don’t expect a fruitful marriage to come from sexual disappointment.”
Aemond blushed at her words, his eyes darting to the wall behind her, unable to keep her gaze as she spoke of things his mother would’ve slapped their wrists for.
“My mother said marriage is for the sake of duty. To unite strong houses.”
She scoffed, sending her friend a pointed look of disappointment.
“You’re forced to marry for every reason other than your own happiness. It’s barbaric.”
“It is duty.”
“So you just accept it? Being tied to someone you don’t love for the rest of your life?”
“Some grow to love each other.” He said quietly, though he couldn’t deny how undesirable the customs, one he had known his entire life, sounded to his own ears.
“So if you’re betrothed to a Baratheon daughter, you’ll accept it?”
“No, of course not.” He answered immediately, his tone sharper than he intended. 
“Why? You’ll have to marry someday. Soon I’ll need to go home and find myself a nice man to settle with.”
The reminder of his time with her coming to an end made it feel as though his heart was turning to stone. Her previous words about Ixtal’s customs suddenly came screaming back to him and his hands tightened into fists, fury rising within him at the thought of men touching her, kissing her, making love to her.
The sound of that beautiful voice saying his name made him look up, the anger inside him washing away at the knowing look on her face. She stood from her seat and took slow steps towards him until she was only inches away, making his throat tighten at the closeness he was constantly longing for. 
The unspoken things between them bubbled to the surface, reaching a boiling point as they looked at each other in the dim light, the topic of conversation causing tensions to run high, threatening to reveal true emotions that were kept hidden for so long.
“Eventually, you’ll have to marry, and so will I. We’ll have to do our duty, as you say.”
He swallowed thickly, his eyes unable to hold her gaze any longer, falling onto his hands that clenched and unclenched as waves of anxiety passed through him.
She sighed heavily and stepped past him, moving towards the door. She loved so many things about Aemond, but his refusal to feel anything but anger, his stubborn nature to speak his true thoughts, angered her.
“I don’t want you to go back to Ixtal.” He admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. But she heard him. She would always hear him. 
“Because you belong here.” He told her, his gaze rising to pierce into hers, his tone becoming sharp once more. “Because the thought of you going home, marrying some man that doesn’t deserve you, makes me furious. The thought of you-” He stopped abruptly, looking away from her, his hands clenched tightly.
“Would you be jealous knowing another man has touched me?”
Aemond’s jaw clenched as he turned on his heel and moved towards her so they were now chest to chest. He had to fight hard to keep his composure, to not close his eyes in bliss at the feeling of her body against his.
“I would kill every man that dared to touch you.”
A devious smirk grew on her lips, one he wanted to kiss away desperately. 
“Would you feel jealous if-”
“Yes.” She answered immediately, shamelessly. She smirked at the way his breath hitched, as the hunger in his eye grew tenfold. “I don’t share.”
Aemond almost choked on his breath at her insinuation. 
Her arms slithered over his shoulders, pulling him in closer to her, close enough they could feel the other’s heart racing wildly. 
“You’re mine. You’ve always been mine.” She whispered and Aemond could’ve sworn he would melt into the floor into a puddle of nothing. 
Her lips crashed onto his and he was powerless against her touch. He kissed her back with a furious desperation, revealing every ounce of desire he held for her. He needed her like the air he breathed and it was never more evident in the way his lips molded against hers, in the way his tongue tangled with hers, how his hands held to her hips tightly, ensuring she couldn’t part from his side. 
Her nails scratched against the leather of his doublet as she kissed him fiercely, hoping he would understand, hoping the hunger in her kiss and touch was enough to make him realize she didn’t want anyone but him. 
His mind was blank save for thoughts of her. 
The duty he had adhered to his entire life, the duty that had been instilled in him since his birth, didn’t exist. His duty to his mother, to his grandfather, didn’t exist as he kissed her. 
He knew then and there that he was going to marry her, his only friend, the beautiful girl that had his young heart racing, or he wouldn’t marry at all. 
They pulled away from the kiss, the both of them breathing heavily, neither parting too far from the other. Aemond smiled softly and let his forehead rest against hers. 
“I won’t marry her.” He breathed out in promise, his chest tightening pleasurably as he saw the smile that grew on her kiss swollen lips. 
“Iksā ñuhon, issa prūmia.” He whispered and placed a soft, slow kiss to her lips once more. 
Her mind was racing. She knew few Valyrian words but none sounded familiar. 
“What does that mean?” 
Aemond just smiled and kissed her again, content to stay in that moment for the rest of his life. 
The gravity of their actions, the realization that anyone could have walked into the library and saw them, could have told his mother or his grandfather, didn’t catch up to him until he had parted from her side and settled into bed for the night. 
He lay rigid, his mind racing, his heart heavy with guilt. 
If anyone had seen them it would have ruined her reputation. She’d be painted as a whore. The court would speculate what other Lord she’d kissed or opened her legs to. 
Aemond couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t ruin her. 
The next morning, every ounce of bliss he had felt with her lips against his was tainted with worry. He found her in the gardens, his cold stare softening as he spotted her sitting with Helaena and the twins. 
The sight of her with little Jaeheara in her arms made his heart stop for a moment. He swallowed thickly, desperately moving past the emotions, the longing, the sight stirred within him. 
“Good morning, brother.” Helaena greeted him brightly. 
He just nodded briefly in greeting, his posture stiff as his gaze landed on her. 
“Can we talk?”
Her smile faltered slightly and she placed the babe in her arms back to her mother before taking his offered arm, Aemond guiding them away from prying ears. 
“Is everything alright?”
“What happened yesterday-”
“Do you regret it?” She asked stiffly, her worry evident as her grip on his arm became lax, as if she suddenly wanted to be anywhere but by his side. 
“No! Never.” He responded frantically, his eyes leaving hers to take in their surroundings, making sure no one would hear them. “Yesterday was… it was long overdue.” 
“Then why are you so tense?” 
“No one can know.” 
She sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging. 
“The rumors that would spread if people saw us together would ruin you.”
“I think you’re giving the court too much credit.” She responded flippantly, her annoyance growing at Aemond’s worry. “Are you going to let me have a say in this or are we going to let the court decide our future for us?”
He spoke her name softly in exasperation, sparking her anger. She wrenched her arm out of his and walked a few paces to gain distance from him. She couldn’t think clearly so close to him. 
“If you weren’t being truthful yesterday then tell me. Spare me the lies and tell me how you truly feel.” 
“I wasn’t lying.” He assured her, his heart beginning to race in fear for where this conversation was headed. He loathed to hear the doubt in her voice. “I refuse to marry the Baratheon girl, I only want you.” He told her, his voice much quieter than before. 
The fire in her eyes dissipated, her fears subsiding and she stayed still in her spot as he stepped towards her, closing the distance between them. 
“We must keep this between us for now, at least until my father is more lucid and I can take our betrothal to him. I cannot let my grandfather know of this. He will only find a way to speed up a wedding to the Baratheon girl or any other Lady in the Keep.” 
She looked up at him with a smirk, her heart jumping at his words. 
Aemond flushed and cleared his throat, as if the words were tightening his throat.
“Well, yes… is that not what-”
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” She spoke in an overly saturated tone, interrupting his nervous words. He looked at her fiercely, his lone eye betraying every ounce of lust, longing, and annoyance he held for her games.
“You will never stop vexing me, will you?”
“I am certain you love it.” She teased, his swiftly pink turning cheeks all the answer she needed from him. She straightened, clearing her throat, as she moved back to the matter at hand. “So we must sneak around?” 
He looked regretful, his hands gently taking hers. 
“I know it’s not ideal.”
She shrugged. “If that is the only way I can have you now, then I can live with it.”
Aemond smiled, a breath of relief leaving his lips, the heavy weight on his chest dissipating quickly. 
A smirk grew on her lips, one he knew signaled mischief. 
“So, that means we’d have to remain as friends in public.” She surmised, stepping closer to him, much too close, as their chests brushed against each other. “But behind closed doors…”
Aemond swallowed, his eyes fluttering closed as she leaned in, his lips brushing against his ear as she spoke. 
“...I can do what I want with you.” 
Aemond cleared his throat, desperately trying to keep a hold of what little control he had left. 
“When we are behind closed doors, which we are not.” He reminded her, sounding exasperated, making her laugh softly. 
She loved the effect she had on him.
“Meet me in my chambers tonight.” She whispered and placed a soft, barely there, kiss to his cheek, before leaving his side and making her way back to Helaena, leaving him with pink cheeks and a racing heart.
Night couldn’t have come fast enough. He spent the day training vigorously, Ser Criston taking the brunt of his pent up anticipation with round after round of sparring. His knee bounced impatiently throughout dinner, paying no mind to his mother’s attempts to bring him into the conversations he couldn’t bother to focus on. 
He waited, long, torturous hours, until the sun had finally set and night descended on the Keep, the halls clearing as Lords, Ladies and their servants alike settled in for the night. 
He paced in his room for longer than he would ever admit, his nerves bubbling low in his stomach, his hands twitching as he longed to reach for a goblet of wine to ease his worries. 
He knew if his mother were to ever discover he had entered a lady’s chambers in the dead of night, let alone a Lady he was undeniably close to, she would slap him until he found his sense once again. 
Though no amount of worry, no guilt over his allegiance to his duty could ever be enough to overtake what he felt for her, what he had unknowingly felt for so long. 
With only his desire to see her, he purposefully strode across his room and pushed at the stone wall, silently thanking his brother for drunkenly revealing to him the secret passageways years ago.
 It only took a few minutes until he found her door. With a deep breath, he stepped in slowly, his eyes immediately finding her as she sat at her vanity, brushing her hair. His breath caught in his throat when he noticed the sheer slip she wore as she readied herself for bed. 
He cleared his throat, feeling a blush quickly and involuntarily growing on his cheeks as her eyes rose to meet his. 
“You came.” She smiled. 
“Of course I did.”
She got to her feet, taking slow steps towards him, as if he were a wild animal that would spook if she got too close too quickly. She knew he had a strong sense of duty, of what behavior was becoming of a princely man, it had been instilled in him by his family since he was born.
She knew he was breaking every single one of those lessons by being in her room so late at night. 
“You know we do not have to sneak around. You can wait to court me as is proper.” She reminded him, hoping to ease his discomfort.
“I can’t take that risk.” He spoke smoothly, as if it didn’t even require a second thought. “I can’t take the chance that we will be denied. I can’t lose you before I’ve even had you.”
She smiled, her heart jumping in anticipation.
“So take me while you can.”
Barely a second later Aemond had crossed the room, his hands cradling her face gently as he crashed his lips to her, kissing her passionately, revealing every ounce of his desire for her. 
She moaned happily against his lips, the noise forcing his body to tighten, every shred of control he thought he possessed gone in an instant. 
They kissed as if they had been lovers for years, as if he had been gone for so long and they couldn’t wait to reunite as only lovers could. 
His hands greedily roamed the curves he had admired for years. Her hands wove into his silken hair she had braided many times as children. The innocence was gone between them, no childlike wonderment left, leaving only their loving, lustful desires. 
They pulled away after a few minutes, the both of them breathing heavily, their swollen lips turning upwards into a shared smile as their eyes met, the pure bliss in his lone eye matching hers. 
He moved in again, desperate to get her lips back on his, but her hands on his chest stopped him. His brows furrowed, a strike of worry lashing him as he gazed at her in concern. 
“I want to see all of you.” Her quiet voice spoke, her delicate touch framing his face, her fingers slowly canting upwards to trace the edge of his scar. 
He flinched instinctively, having never felt the touch of another there, but almost instantly calmed as he stared into her eyes that reflected nothing but love and trust. 
She had been there for him through everything, she had been the only one to see him for more than his title, to respect him as he was, simply a boy trying to find his place in the world. 
He let out a shuddering breath, allowing his forehead to rest against hers as he built up the courage he needed to reveal his eye to her.
“Every part of you is beautiful, Aemond. I have known that for years and I certainly won’t think differently tomorrow.” She reassured him, her velvet voice melting the hardened resentment within him. 
He swallowed against the tightness in his throat and reached up slowly, willing his hands not to tremble as he grasped the patch over his eye. Slowly, he pulled it off, revealing the sparkling sapphire in place of his eye. 
A small laugh left her, scaring him momentarily until he saw the delight in her gaze rather than mocking cruelty as he had suddenly feared. 
“I can’t believe you really listened to me.” 
He smiled bashfully, remembering a conversation years ago, when she had suggested he put a ruby in place of his eye to resemble that of a dragon eye. He never told her when he took her suggestion, feeling too silly to divulge such a thing. 
“Well, I’m sorry it’s not a ruby.”
She shook her head, her smile never faltering. “Why did you pick a sapphire?”
“It reminded me of the sea.” He stated simply, watching with bashful satisfaction as her smile smoothed out, her expression one of touched devotion.
He always told her she reminded him of the calming and luxurious blue waves that crashed on the shores of Ixtal, the waves he had become mesmerized by the day he met her. 
“It’s beautiful.” She breathed out, feeling unable to take her eyes off the shining gem that made the man in front of her look even more ethereal than he already did. 
Her eyes found the gem between every breathless and fiery kiss, somehow lingering as he pulled his clothes off, remaining, as if for comfort, as she bared herself to him for the first time. 
It was a beacon to her, the guiding light in the ferocity of a storm, calming every one of her nerves as she was reminded he was hers just as she was his, as they always had been. 
She felt as though there were sparks igniting under her skin as he touched her. She felt herself melt under his delicate fingers that curiously roamed her body. She felt beautiful under his awed gaze as he eagerly took in every inch of her, as if she were a divine entity he would soon bow to. 
The second a gasp escaped her as his fingers found the wetness between her thighs, Aemond’s eye snapped to hers. He watched with wonderment as she vocalized her pleasure, pleasure that was because of him. 
She smiled against his lips as he suddenly kissed her with a might she had never felt before. She was powerless against his hungry lips. 
He let out a stunted breath at the sound of the whine that fell past her lips as he curled his finger, seeking out her pleasure, eager for it as if it were his own
The two of them never let their eyes wander too far from each other. He watched with a wide, amazed gaze as he brought her to her peak with his fingers, delighting in the pain he felt as her nails dug into his shoulder as her hips grinded against his hand. 
The sounds of her soft moans echoed in his ears, alighting his body with furious desire. 
As he settled between her legs, he looked down at her, his eyes posing his silent question, the devotion she saw from the beauty of his lone eye, that she felt from the gentle touch of the tips of his fingers that traced lines up and down her thighs, was enough to have her nodding immediately, fiery want washing over her. 
He never dared to look away from the depth of her eyes as he delved inside her for the first time. 
He watched her carefully, whispering apologies as she gasped, the foreign feeling making her tense slightly. His gentle caresses, his soft kisses down the length of her neck, the words of praise he gave her, were enough to soothe her, her body relaxing, the pain fading.
He began to thrust slowly, the pleasure soon becoming too much and his eye fell closed as he shuddered from the delirious pleasure of being inside of her, but he forced himself to bring his gaze back to her, taking in the starry eyed look in her own. 
Their hands never left each other, Aemond gripped her hips as if he feared she would soon be forced away from him, her hands gripping onto his shoulders to ground herself in the wake of the unexpected pleasure he brought her. 
His nose brushed against hers as he kissed her softly, his hips finding a rhythm that made them both sigh in delight. He felt his limbs tremble, his resolve slipping the longer he stayed inside her, quickly realizing nothing in his entire existence would ever compare to this, to being with her, the woman he loved more than life itself. 
“Aemond.” She breathed out, pleading for him, pleading for this never to end, to never lose each other. 
He squeezed his eye shut briefly, his movements becoming more controlled as he let his body adjust to the ecstasy he was feeling. 
“You’re mine.” He panted, his hand moving to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin affectionately. “You will always be mine.” 
She nodded frantically, a moan falling past her lips as he found the spot inside her that made stars explode before her. 
The noise had Aemond gritting his teeth, a desperate growl sounding and he knew this would be ending soon. 
He quickened his movements, his hips rolling rapidly against hers. He choked out a surprised sounding moan as her legs wove around his waist, pulling him in deeper. 
“Oh, Gods, I can’t-”
“Give it to me, Aemond. I want it. I want all of you.” She replied frantically, the growl in his voice causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. 
She watched, entirely raptured by the sight before her as Aemond’s jaw dropped, his eye widening before slamming shut, his body trembling as a loud, desperate sounding groan fell from his lips. His hips became erratic, his movements becoming sloppy as he came hard, untethered from his control.
She gasped at the feeling, the tingling in her spine spreading until it burst, a cry of his name sounding in the room as she fell off the edge just a moment behind him. 
Aemond slumped against her, his chest heaving alongside her own, his shuddering breaths cooling the skin at her shoulder where his head rested. 
She ran her hands over his muscled shoulders and found their way into his hair and she began to run her fingers through his mussed strands gently as she found her way back to her body.
After a moment of quiet as their breathing relaxed, Aemond raised his head, his eye finding hers, her gaze locking onto the gem once more, their shared smiles bashful. 
A soft giggle sounded from her and Aemond wanted to melt into her all over again. He rested his head against hers, placing a soft kiss to her lips. 
“I love you.” He whispered in the quiet room. 
“I love you.” She told him with just as much honesty and devotion as had sounded in his voice. 
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burntheedges · 2 days
do you feel it too?
Frankie Morales x f!reader | 5.5k words | masterlist | ao3
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summary: Frankie's been Dreaming every night for weeks. He might be trying to pretend it isn't happening, but he knows what that means.
a/n: This is my entry for the Summer Lovin' Challenge! My prompt was "barbecue" and the moodboard and quote above. Thanks for the great idea and for hosting @pedgito @amanitacowboy @chaotic-mystery! And thank you to @sawymredfox for helping me figure out my idea and @katareyoudrilling for being an amazing beta, as always.
tags/warnings: soulmate AU, fluff, misunderstanding, reader has a nickname (Sunny), Colombia happened but no girlfriend/baby, kissing, cuddling, pet names (hermosa), food and drink mention, no use of y/n
Frankie was Dreaming, he was pretty sure. No, he knew he was. Dreams were the only place he ever saw her.
“Fish, get up man, come on.”
He knew he was looking into her eyes, even though he couldn’t quite tell what color they were. He always forgot them as soon as he looked at them. He knew he wouldn’t remember any of this once he woke up. He never did.
But he was absolutely certain she was beautiful. He’d always known that, since they first started Dreaming together, years ago.
He knew she was saying something, but he couldn’t hear her. She always tried to talk in the Dreams, always tried to communicate. It never worked (or maybe it did, and he just never remembered – maybe he forgot what she said the moment he heard it). He looked and saw her lips were moving, but it was another, more familiar voice that he heard instead.
“Fish, you asshole, we’re going to be late.”
Frankie felt the dream start to disintegrate around him and let out a noise in protest. He reached out to try to grab her arm, but there was nothing to grab. She slipped away like always as soon as he tried to touch her. 
Sometimes he thought he remembered a freckle or the color of her eyes or maybe the slant of her eyebrow, but he was just fooling himself. The only thing he could ever remember was the shape of her smile.
He opened his eyes to find Pope staring down at him, shaking his arm.
“Fish, come on cabrón, we don’t have time for this.” Pope looked extremely annoyed, but Frankie just covered his face with his hands and groaned.
“Just leave me here,” he said, low and muffled by his palms.
Pope started pulling at his arms. “No fucking way, man, you promised. We promised. And I promised I’d make sure you show up. Get the fuck up and in the shower, asshole.”
Frankie groaned again and threw his arms out like a starfish on the bed. “I’m so fucking tired, man.”
Pope paused and looked down at him, eyebrows furrowed. He sighed and shook his head. “More Dreams?”
Frankie closed his eyes and tried not to make any kind of face at all. “I feel like I close my eyes and that’s all I get – the Dreams. It doesn’t matter how tired I am or how long I’m asleep.”
Pope put his hands on his hips and just looked down at him for a moment. Frankie looked back at his best friend and hoped Pope couldn’t read everything going on in his head.
“You know what that means, Fish.” Pope’s tone was flat, no nonsense, like he didn’t want to leave any room for argument. 
Frankie barely let him finish before protesting. “No.”
“No, man. You know how I feel.”
Pope sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I do. And you know how I feel about that.”
Frankie just closed his eyes and shook his head. “Look, man, I’ll get up and get ready. But I don’t want to talk about it.”
Pope eyed him for a minute and looked like he might want to argue. But then he seemed to deflate and just put his hands up in front of him, palms out. “Ok ok, ya entendí.” He sighed again and turned away from the bed. “Get up, Fish, we have places to be.”
Frankie laid there for another minute, staring up at his ceiling. He’d told the guys he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, but that didn’t mean he’d been able to stop thinking about it. 
He used to have a Dream every other month, sometimes less. For the last 3 weeks he’d been Dreaming every night. Every single fucking night. 
He knew what that meant. They all did. It was textbook – you had the Dreams if your soulmate was still out there, and they only got more frequent when you were about to meet them.
The only problem was, he didn’t want to meet her. Not anymore.
Twenty minutes later Frankie threw himself into the passenger seat of Pope’s truck and tugged his hat down low over his still-wet hair. “Let’s go then,” he grumbled. 
Pope rolled his eyes as started the car. “You better not walk into that party with that look on your face. It’s for Benny, man, come on.”
Frankie groaned and tucked his head against the window. “I know, ok? Shit. I know.”
Pope drove in silence and Frankie did his best to pull himself together. He felt like he’d barely slept, even though he was pretty sure he’d been asleep for most of the day. Like most of his days, lately. Just when he was starting to really stew in his own self-loathing, Pope spoke again.
“Fish. I know you don’t want to hear it. But I’m going to say it one more time, and then we can talk about something else and try to have fun at this party, for Benny’s sake. Deal?”
Frankie gritted his teeth and crossed his arms, but nodded.
Pope’s tone was gentle, and it made Frankie want to jump out of the car. “She’s still out there, man. And I know you think she won’t want you, but that's not how this works. Ok? All I want is for you to think about that. Just–” he stopped and for a minute Frankie thought maybe that was it, he was done and Frankie was off the hook. But Pope continued, “just try to think about the other side of it, ok? The side where you’re wrong, and she does want you. Just let yourself consider it. That’s all I ask.”
Frankie thought about arguing, and then he thought about saying nothing. After a moment he just said, “I’ll try.” Because if Pope asked, he would. He didn’t think it would help, but they’d been friends (brothers) for too long and they knew each other too well. He knew Pope would bother him about this until he agreed, anyway.
And some small, hidden part of him still hoped Pope was right.
They’d promised to get there early and help set up, and despite Pope almost tossing him out of bed, they were still on time.
Frankie spent the next couple of hours setting up tables and chairs and hanging string lights and generally doing whatever Will told him to do. He pretended not to notice Pope and Will and Benny having quiet conversations at the other end of the yard, conversations that were almost certainly about him and his Dreams. 
He also spent that time trying to think about anything other than what Pope had asked him to think about in the car.
Soon enough, the yard started to fill with familiar and unfamiliar faces. Yovanna arrived with Claire, Will’s soulmate, and told them Benny’s fiance (and soulmate) would be arriving soon.
Frankie found himself floating along the edge of the party, hiding in the shadows from the string lights, sometimes with his friends and sometimes alone. He was starting to wonder if he could get away with leaving when Claire appeared beside him, arm-in-arm with someone he didn’t know.
“Frankie! Have you met my friend Sunny? The one I told you about, we were roommates in college.” 
Frankie turned to greet them and was struck with a sudden sense of overwhelming deja vu. He shook it off and met her eyes. “Hi, I’m Frankie,” he said, nodding to Claire’s roommate. “Sunny?”
She smiled, and Frankie blinked, a bit taken aback. Shit, he thought, she’s so pretty. 
“Not my real name. It’s a college nickname I’ve never been able to escape.” She grinned at him, and he took a deep breath. “I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said and elbowed Claire. “All of you, really. Will’s got a lot of stories.”
Frankie grimaced, but tried to turn it into a smile. “From Will? Shit. Don’t believe a word he says.” 
Claire laughed and Sunny smiled, and Frankie took a long sip of his beer. It was warm, likely had been for a while, and he tried not to grimace again.
“Hey, Frankie, can I leave her with you? I need to help Will with something inside.” Clarie was already starting to move away towards the house as she spoke, and Sunny rolled her eyes. 
“What am I, your dog? Go inside, I can fend for myself.”
Claire laughed again and waved as she headed inside. 
Frankie turned back to Sunny and found that she was already looking at him. He tried not to stare but he couldn’t help but notice again how pretty she was. He was admiring the color of her eyes when she spoke.
“So,” she said, leaning towards him. “I hope you don’t mind me being extremely direct, but you don’t look very happy to be here.”
For a moment Frankie had the uncanny sensation of teetering on the edge of some sort of revelation, but unable to tip over in either direction and figure out what it was. He was stuck, balancing, wavering back and forth. It was disorienting. He shrugged. “Yeah, sorry, I don’t know if I’m good company. Haven’t been sleeping well.”
She looked at him thoughtfully, and Frankie squirmed a bit under her discerning gaze. “Me neither, actually. Stress, I guess. I just moved here and I’m still getting used to everything.”
He nodded, not sure what to say. His eyes trailed over her neck and shoulders and he tried not to notice how nice she looked in her top. 
She took pity on him and changed the subject. “So, Frankie? Is that a nickname?”
“It is. Francisco,” he offered, relaxing his shoulders purposefully. He could at least try to be friendly.
Sunny’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I love that. Do you ever go by Francisco?” 
Frankie actually felt himself start to smile. She was so animated; her open curiosity was starting to put him at ease. “Sometimes,” he said, looking down and then back up to meet her eyes. She was still smiling at him. “More in Spanish.”
“Francisco,” she murmured again, and he felt a shiver move down his spine. “Do you have a preference?”
He shrugged again. “Not really. Most of them,” he gestured around the yard, ”call me Frankie or Fish. Catfish. My call sign.” 
She smiled again and nodded. “I’m not going to ask, not now anyway, but I just want to register my interest in hearing that story some time. Will refused to tell me.”
Frankie laughed, and then he blinked in surprise. When was the last time he’d laughed? He wasn’t sure. 
“Can I call you Francisco, then? I like it.” She bit her lip after she asked, and Frankie realized he was taking too long to answer because he was staring. Again.
“Oh, um, sure,” he said, and then tried not to wince at himself. “Of course. It sounds nice when you say it.” He grimaced as soon as the words left his mouth – what the fuck, man, don’t be weird – and glanced down, afraid to see how that awkward comment landed. He noticed they were both holding empty drinks.
“Can I get you a refill?” he asked, reaching out for her cup. He didn’t quite look up to meet her eyes again. She nodded and reached out to hand it to him.
As she did, the tips of their fingers brushed lightly against each other.
Frankie gasped, and he was pretty sure he heard her gasp, too, but he couldn’t look away from her hand. As soon as his fingertips brushed hers he was overwhelmed with the sensation of something like lightning crackling down his spine. He froze, fingers still touching hers, arm outstretched. His mouth dropped open as the aftershocks sent tremors through his body.
Finally, he tore his gaze upwards to look at Sunny again, and found her outright grinning. At him. She looked absolutely delighted. He didn’t know what to do or what to say or what face to make. 
Sunny broke the silence to ask, “did you feel it, too?”
Rather than answer, he turned around and ran.
For a moment you stood, frozen, hand still outstretched holding your empty cup. Your smile had frozen on your face and you felt it start to become a grimace. You don’t know how long you would have stood there, nothing but white noise in your head, if Claire hadn’t reappeared at your side.
“Hey, you ok? Where’s Frankie?” 
You shook yourself and blinked, dropping your hand down to your side. You turned to look at her and she must have seen something in your expression because her brow furrowed and she grabbed your elbow. “Come on, over here.”
Claire marched you around the side of the house to the path that led to the gate in the fence. There was no one else back there, and you felt your shoulders drop as soon as you were hidden from view.
“Ok, what happened,” she said, flat, barely a question. 
You sighed, staring down at the ground. “You were right? He is totally my type. Tall, with the hair and the shoulders and, ugh.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Claire cross her arms and lean against the wall next to you. “Ugh what? Did he say something? I mean, I wouldn’t have expected it, but he is a guy.”
You laughed, helplessly, and shook your head, glancing up at your friend. “He didn’t say anything weird. But um, just now. I don’t think I imagined it– no, I didn’t imagine it. It happened, I guess, but–”
Claire’s eyebrows flew upwards. “Wait–”
You kept talking, looking back down at the ground, steamrolling over whatever she wanted to say. “Our hands, well our fingers, touched, and I think… I’m pretty sure. I felt it.”
Claire made a strangled noise and you looked up at her to find her mouth dropped open in shock. “It? You mean–” she cut herself off, speechless.
You nodded. “Yeah, I mean, you can tell me if I’m wrong, but it was like a lightning strike all through my body. My spine tingled. I thought I was shaking, or maybe the ground was. It was…” you trailed off, searching for the right words. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”
Claire started to smile and you wanted to smile back, but you couldn’t. “Yes!” she said, grinning, “that’s exactly what it was like when I shook Will’s hand.” She seemed to notice you weren’t smiling, though, and hers started to fade. “Wait, but Frankie– where did he go?”
“He, um,” you started, gathering yourself. “He looked at me, and I know I was smiling, but he looked–” you cut yourself off, closing your eyes against the memory. “He looked terrified, Claire. Like he’d seen a ghost. I asked him if he felt it, too, and then,” you swallowed, trying not to let the emotions you’d been ignoring since it happened claw their way up your throat. “And then he ran.”
You opened your eyes after a moment of silence with no response from Claire. You saw that she was moving through a variety of emotions, jaw working as she considered what to say.
“Ok,” she said. “Ok. I think–” She shook her head, sighing in exasperation. “I think I know what’s going on. Can you wait here for one second? I need to grab someone.” You nodded, confused. “Don’t go anywhere, seriously. I’ll be right back.”
Before you could even open your mouth she was gone, back around the corner of the house into the backyard. You blinked, uncertain. You leaned harder into the wall of the house and pressed your palms into your eyes, trying not to think of anything but your breathing. Trying not to think about how long you’d waited for this, about how Claire knew you’d been starting to lose hope, though you’d hoped you might find him in your new city. About how you wanted, so badly, to know him.
Only a few minutes (of you resolutely not thinking about anything) had passed when you heard Claire coming back, talking to someone in a low voice.
“You have to tell her, Santi, you know–”
You opened your eyes again and found Claire approaching you with one of Will’s friends, one you’d just met about 45 minutes ago. Santiago, or Santi. Or Pope, he’d said. He looked worried.
“Wait, Claire, what happened? You said–” he stopped short when he saw you waiting. He looked around for a second as if he expected someone else to be nearby. “You said Frankie–”
Claire shook her head, and gestured towards you. “Tell him what you told me.” Her tone was direct, no nonsense, but you bristled.
“What? Claire–”
Your friend took a breath and her expression softened. “Hey,” she said, “trust me, ok? He’s Frankie’s best friend. Just tell him what happened.”
You turned to Santiago and saw that he looked way more confused than you felt. You sighed. “Ok, well, I guess it couldn’t hurt.” You bit your lip and crossed your arms in front of you, feeling suddenly defensive. You hadn’t expected Claire to make you repeat it to someone you barely knew. “Frankie, he– we were just talking. And he offered to get me a drink, so he went to take my cup, and our hands–”
As soon as you said the word “hands” Santiago’s eyebrows flew upwards. “Sunny–”
You ignored him, unable to stop now that you’d started. “Our hands touched. Just barely, but enough. I felt it. You know. And, well, I thought he did too, but I looked up and he looked–” you closed your eyes again. You didn’t want to remember his face again, but it was all you could see in your mind. “He looked–”
“Terrified.” Santiago finished your sentence for you and your eyes flew open. He looked worried and annoyed and resigned, all at once. “Am I right? He looked scared.”
You nodded, mouth dropping open. “How–”
Santiago sighed and shook his head. “Goddammit, Fish,” he muttered. “Look, I wouldn’t say this to anyone but you. You know that, right?”
You nodded, again, not sure where he was going with this, but knowing, somehow, that he meant it.
Santiago grimaced. “Ok. Well, I’ll try not to say too much. But Fish, that goddamned idiot, convinced himself you would never want him. That he was better off not meeting you, because you’d turn him away. I tried to tell him but he won’t listen, he–” Santiago sighed and wiped a hand over his face. “Look, I know you just met, but I swear–”
“Why would he think that?” you asked, confused. You couldn’t imagine that there would be something about him that would make you want to leave before you even got to know him. These were his friends, right? They cared about him. You trusted Will, and obviously you trusted Claire. And you were pretty sure these guys knew everything about each other, from the stories you’d heard. (And you kept remembering the way Frankie’s eyes had looked when he smiled at you, before he’d run. So warm.)
“He, well, we all did something, and–”
Claire interrupted Santiago before he could say anything else. “She already knows about it, Santi.”
He whirled, mouth dropping open to stare at Claire. “What?” He sounded scandalized. “How?”
Claire shrugged, and glanced at you. “She was with me, that night, when Will agreed to go with you. Couldn't really hide it.”
Santiago looked completely shocked. “Um,” he said, mouth opening and closing again. “Well, shit. That’ll probably help, then, if you already know about that whole disaster.”
You nodded. You did already know about Colombia. Maybe not all of the details, but the general gist of things. Enough.
For a moment none of you said anything. You assumed they were just taking in the revelations of the last twenty minutes, like you. Your head was starting to spin.
Santiago cleared his throat. “Ok, well, can I assume you do want to talk to him? And you don’t want to leave?”
You nodded. If nothing else, you were sure of that – you wanted to talk to Frankie. Francisco. He was your soulmate. Your breath hitched – that was the first time you’d even thought the word in the privacy of your own mind. Shit. You stood up a little straighter, suddenly resolute – you knew what you wanted to do.
“Do you know where he is?” you asked, meeting Santiago’s gaze. 
He nodded. “I saw him go upstairs, he’s probably hiding in the guest bathroom or something. And I drove him here, he can’t get away so easy.”
You squared your shoulders and nodded sharply, just once. “Ok. I’m going to find him.”
Santiago started to smile again, and Claire made a little squeaking noise as she covered her mouth with her hands. She looked excited. “Good luck. I’ll keep an eye on the door, ok?” Santi gestured towards the front of the house.
You nodded again and took a deep breath. “Thanks,” you said, turning to go and find your soulmate.
When you reached the upstairs landing, you faltered, suddenly unsure of yourself. Will and Claire hadn’t lived there long and you hadn’t even gotten a tour yet. There were 5 closed doors in the hallway, and you weren’t sure what to do next. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
He was your soulmate.
You opened your eyes again, brow furrowed, mouth serious. You were going to find him and you were going to talk.
You knocked lightly on the first door and opened it to find a guest bedroom. No Frankie in sight. The second door was a closet, and the third seemed to be Will and Claire’s bedroom. That left two.
Just then, you heard a noise from the room behind the second-to-last door. You moved towards it, silently. As you got closer you heard the low noise of a familiar voice, muttering, maybe talking to himself. 
You’d found him.
Before you could second guess yourself, you knocked. “Frankie– Francisco. I know you’re in there.” You tried to sound confident but you thought your voice probably gave away all of your insecurities anyway.
There was no response, but you swore you could feel how he suddenly tensed on the other side of the door. You knocked again. “Francisco? Can we–”
The door suddenly opened under your knuckles, and your last knock caused it to swing inwards. You froze, hand in the air, and looked down to find Frankie sitting on the floor. He had his knees up with this head resting on one hand, the other still raised from where he’d just opened the door.
You met his eyes and saw that he looked… well. The first word that came to mind was distraught. You opened your mouth to say something, maybe ask what was wrong, say anything that might help, but he spoke before you could.
“Shit,” he said, and his voice sounded rough and gravelly. “Shit, Sunny, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I just left you there, I–”
“Hey,” you cut him off, moving quickly to kneel next to him. “Hey, no, are you ok?” You reached out to touch him but faltered, unsure if you would be welcome. He hid his face in his hands again and you sat back on your heels. 
“... no,” he murmured after a moment. “I don’t think I’m ok.”
You moved again, shifting enough that you could close the door behind you before sitting back against it. “Hey, you know you can tell me.” You tried to sound encouraging. 
After a moment he sighed, and looked up at you again. You met his eyes and were struck, suddenly, with the knowledge that you knew those eyes. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t recognized them immediately, the moment you’d met him outside. You smiled at him. “Hey there, brown eyes,” you said, and he blinked. “I think I had a lot of dreams about you, recently.”
“Brown eyes?” He looked surprised.
You felt your face start to heat and you ducked your head. “That’s what I’ve always called you. In my head, anyway. It was always the only thing I could remember, when I woke up. That you had brown eyes. Not what they looked like. Just that they were brown.”
You glanced back up at him through your eyelashes and saw that he looked stunned. 
After a moment, he said, “I remembered your smile.”
You felt it start to stretch across your face in response. “Yeah?” you asked, wondering if he remembered more than you did. 
He nodded, starting to smile himself. It looked hesitant, and it was small, but it was still a smile. “Yeah, just– just the shape, the corner.” He glanced down at your mouth. “Just like that,” he whispered, eyes wide.
For a moment the two of you just looked at each other. You wondered if you were both looking for other familiarities, things you might remember, even though it was unlikely.
You felt the question crowding your throat, and couldn’t help but let it out. “Why did you run?” Your voice sounded small to your own ears and you watched the grimace form on his face in response. You turned towards him a bit more and your leg came to rest against his. Neither of you moved away from the contact.
He stared at the place your leg touched his as he answered. “I thought…” he trailed off and visibly gathered himself. “I thought you wouldn’t want me. There’s been– there are things, things I’ve done and I didn’t–”
You couldn’t help but interrupt. You didn’t like the look on his face, didn’t like the way he was talking about himself. “Francisco,” you said, voice a bit too loud. You cleared your throat and tried again, quieter. “I know about Colombia.” His head shot up, eyes wide. He looked afraid and you didn’t like that one bit. “I’m not saying I know everything, but I do know the basics. I know you were there.” Frankie’s mouth dropped open; he was obviously shocked. You wanted to reassure him, but you weren’t sure what to do, other than to just say it. “I’m not turning you down because of that, ok? I’m not turning you down at all. I–”
Frankie seemed to find his voice, suddenly, and interrupted you. “What? You– how?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I was with Claire, when Will went. She couldn’t really hide it.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, eyes dancing over your face. He seemed to be looking for something, but you didn’t know what. “Fuck,” he repeated. 
“Yeah, “ you repeated. “I mean, like I said, I know I don’t know all the details. But I’m not– I want to get to know you.” You nudged his leg with yours. “I mean, if you–”
Frankie laughed, suddenly, and you stopped short. He seemed giddy, like a weight had just lifted off his shoulders. He sat up a bit taller, and your eyes trailed over the line of his neck. “I thought–” he laughed again, incredulous, and shook his head. “I was so afraid. Of finding you and losing you because of– because of what we–” he trailed off again.
You couldn’t stand just sitting there anymore. You reached out a hand and lightly touched the back of his where it rested on his leg. He immediately flipped it over and clasped your hands together tightly. Your breath caught, but you couldn’t look away from his face.
“That’s not–” he squeezed your hand. “That’s not everything. But damn, I can’t believe it.” He closed his eyes and seemed at a loss for what to say next, even though he looked so much more at ease than he had only moments ago. You knew it was too soon for either of you to start in on your entire life stories. You had time. Or at least you hoped you had time.
“Hey, Francisco,” you said, and smiled at him. He opened his eyes and smiled back, a bit bigger this time. You liked the look of it. “I know we don’t know each other. Not yet. But, well. I think we might be made for each other.” You heard and felt a tightness in your throat as you said it, and you watched some strong emotion take over Frankie’s expression, too. He relaxed his grip on your hand only to lace your fingers together instead. He nodded, and you continued, “so I think we might be able to figure this out. Together. What, um,” you leaned in a little bit. “What do you think?”
Frankie grinned, suddenly, and it dazzled you. Your eyes caught on the crinkles by his eyes and the way he lifted his chin.
“I’d love to figure this out with you, hermosa,” he murmured. He pulled your hand upwards and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sorry I ran away. I promise I’ll never run from you again.”
You shivered at the kiss, but your brow furrowed at the promise. “Frankie–”
He shook his head, looking resolute. “No, you deserve better than that. I promise, I’ll figure it out with you instead of running. Ok? We’ll do it together.”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you felt emotions swell in your chest again. He was so sweet, underneath the fear and the worry. Together sounded pretty good.
“Hey, Sunny,” he murmured, and you opened your eyes to meet his. His gaze was soft, again, like it had been when you’d barely started flirting outside. You thought he might still be afraid, but something had shifted. “Have I told you already that you’re fucking beautiful?”
Your cheeks heated and you tried to duck your head again, but you were stopped when he raised his free hand to cup your cheek gently. He lifted your gaze to meet his again. “Hey, no. I mean it. When I saw you outside, shit, Sunny, you’re so fucking pretty. That’s the first thing I thought.” Your cheek tingled under his touch and you wondered if you were imagining it or if it was part of the whole soulmate thing. Soulmates, you mused, and turned your head to press a kiss to his palm.
He sucked in a sharp breath, and you smiled.
“I told Claire you were exactly my type,” you said, and he started to look shy, eyes darting away. “With your hair, and those shoulders, and your smile–” you trailed off when he started to blush, and you smiled again, leaning into his hand. He was so handsome. “Hey, Francisco,” you said, and he met your eyes again. “Can I kiss you?”
His eyebrows flew upwards and his eyes darted to your lips. You bit your lip.
“Hermosa, you can kiss me anytime you like,” he murmured, and when his gaze met yours again your breath caught at the heat behind his eyes.
“Yeah?” you breathed, and he grinned.
“Yeah, Sunny. C’mere,” he pulled you towards him and you found yourself perched on his lap. After only a moment’s hesitation you slid your hands around his neck loosely. He placed his hands on your hips and squeezed gently. “S’this ok?” He sounded shy again, even though his grip was anything but.
“More than,” you replied, and then you pressed your lips to his.
You were swept away, instantly. You fell into the sensation of his lips against yours, of his body under you, of his hands sliding around your waist to pull you in tighter. You realized your hands were wound through his hair, though you didn’t remember moving them.
All you knew was the gentle movement of his mouth against yours. The brush of his lips and the tease of his tongue sent shivers up and down your spine. 
There was a warmth building inside of you that you’d never felt before, never even dreamed of. You broke away with a gasp, overwhelmed, and blinked your eyes open to find his waiting for you. He looked as stunned as you felt.
“Fuck,” you murmured. He nodded. “That was–”
“Better than I ever could have imagined,” he said, and you nodded. That was exactly right. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he murmured. He ran his hands lightly up and down your back and you shivered again. He smiled. “Sunny,” he said, and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Let me take you out.”
You grinned and nodded. “You’d better.”
Frankie laughed, looking so much more carefree than he had when you’d found him in the bathroom. It tugged at your heart.
“You can take me out,” you said, “but right now I want you to kiss me some more.” You leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth, right where it quirked up into a smile. 
“Sunny, hermosa, mi sol, mi luz,” he said, pressing kisses along your jaw between each endearment. “I never want to stop kissing you.” You giggled, and he grinned. “What’s so funny, hermosa?”
You shook your head, still smiling widely. “I can’t wait to get to know you, Francisco.”
His smile softened, but stayed just as big. He tugged you closer and wrapped you up in his arms. “Me neither, baby.” He kissed you again, and you sank happily into his embrace.
a/n: I'd love to hear what you think! Also, quick translation: mi sol = my sun, mi luz = my light.
tag list: @harriedandharassed @jupiter-soups @ilovepedro @auteurdelabre @anoverwhelmingdin
@myloveistoolittle @iknowisoundcrazy @beezusvreeland @screechingphantommaker @bigboiseason123
@joelalorian @untamedheart81 @ashleyfilm @jessthebaker @jeewrites
@fluffygoffpanda @paleidiot @mithicakurogo @theclairvoyage @lizzie-cakes
@islacharlotte @syd-djarin @copperhalfcent @vabeachazn @spacedoutdaydreamer
@littlevenicebitch69 @secretelephanttattoo @pigeonmama @vickie5446 @sunnytuliptime
@glizzymcguirex @verymiraclemiracle @friskispunk @jennaispunk @darkheartgatita
@brittmb115 @bunniboo0015
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Okay, I was really excited for this one! Last picture for Chapter 16!
I loved the big reveal, so much. The big fight? The destruction of their home? The continuous tender reassurances of Eclipse while y/n is having The Worst Time? The hand kiss? The final “oh” moment? Strike me down my heart can’t take it. The devotion and care in the later half of the chapter really warm my heart. There’s just this feeling of “FINALLY…” as the secret comes out and hard HARD earned communication and healing can start. Of course then there’s a certain misunderstanding that happens later but we’ll come back to that! You really feel for Eclipse and just how much he’s been hiding and suffering for so long. Meep’s little animation of his sigh as he turns to face y/n lives in my head rent free.
ANYWAYS! I touched this one up digitally because my graphite couldn’t get dark enough to make the blood stand out the way I wanted, hence the gaping white wound.
I really wanted to do a picture of Shoh striking the airstream and then another of y/n looking down on the destroyed airstream but, my dudes. I am Tired. And still have several more pictures to go! Also, there are like, no reference pictures of airstreams fallen from cliffs. Awfully inconvenient if you ask me.
I’ve got the next picture done already but want to wait till I finish the other picture I did for chapter 17 to post it, so expect more soon!
cryptid sightings by @naffeclipse
Eclipse design by the ever talented @themeeplord
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pupkashi · 3 days
Ok so can i request something?
Im currently on my period and i feel my insides tearing apart. Im having rough months cause my roomate who was also my best friend got in a fight with me and blamed me for everything (that wasn't even my fault) and my final term exams are here as well :((( imagine all the pressure
Can i get something soft with toru?my period is killing me and I would KILL to have this man with me rn
a/n: me when a bad bitch tells me to write comforting fluff 🫡 in all seriousness i hope this helps you even a smidge my beloved !!! i know how terrible and hurtful fights with friends can be from personal experience and i hope things get resolved for you soon <3 i love u so so so much you sweet summer child I’m so proud of you & best of luck on exams !
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sundays are your favorite days, you’ve decided.
sunday means you’ll have a warm, lanky, white haired sorcerer asleep next to you when you wake up. his arms tightly wrapped around your torso with his over grown hair tickling the back of your neck.
it’s sunday morning, and satoru is wrapped around you like a koala bear. there’s soft snores coming from the tired sorcerer, making you wonder what time he got home last night. the clock on the nightstand reads 7:42 am, making you smile. you don’t move or try to turn to face your lover, opting instead for reveling in his warm embrace, letting your eyes close softly and listening to his steady breathing.
satoru is awake by the time you wake up again, he’s drawing light circles on your bare arms. you turn around slowly, finding him laying on his side propped up on one elbow with his head in his hand. part of his hair is spiked up every which way, the other completely flat and there’s stray strands of hair all over his forehead.
“morning sweetheart” he whispers, smiling softly as he wipes away an eyelash from your cheek. the pad of his thumb brushes against your cheek, his hands are a bit calloused and rough, but you don’t care. you let your eyes close at the feeling, smiling before fluttering them open again.
“g’morning toru” you whisper back, smiling as he leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “d’you get back late last night?” he nods.
“first years had more trouble than i thought they would” he adds on, “you didn’t wait up did you?” there’s a pout on his lips when he sees you nodding.
“not too long though don’t worry” you assure him, flopping onto your back and staring at the ceiling, “knew youd be upset if you found me awake when you got home.” satoru smiles, you had him all figured out and he loved it.
“can’t have my baby losing sleep over me, now can i?” his voice is still raspy and deeper than usual, it makes your stomach flip and your heart stutter.
satoru moves around until he’s got his head resting on your chest, closing his eyes when your fingers find purchase in his hair. you both stay quiet for a bit, your fingers running through his hair and satoru letting his body fully relax under your touch.
“missed you” he mumbles, not opening his eyes. “wish everyday could be like this” the sigh that leaves his lips makes you frown a bit.
“don’t worry angel boy, one day it will be” you assure him, continuing to play with his hair, smiling when you form it into a giant spike before combing it down again. “for now, you wanna make breakfast?”
the sorcerer hums in agreement, standing up and stretching before the two of you head to the restroom, grabbing your respective toothbrushes.
“any plans today?” satoru asks, words jumbled and muffled thanks to the toothbrush in his mouth, but you understand him perfectly. you shake your head ‘no’ the two of you spitting and rinsing your mouths before heading to the kitchen.
there was only one way satoru would eat his veggies, and it’s if you made them in his eggs. while you chopped up some bell peppers, mushrooms and rinsed spinach, satoru put coffee to brew. small talk filling the space of the kitchen as you two slowly woke up.
it’s not long before satoru was wrapping his arms around your waist, letting his head rest on your shoulder as he watched you cook the eggs. he’s placing soft kisses on your neck, smiling when he hears your giggles.
“your hair tickles” you laugh, making no attempt at pushing him off you.
“should i get a trim?” he asks you, laughing when you immediately respond with a quick ‘no!’
before long satoru has two coffees on the dining table, accompanied by two plates of food that you set down moments later. it’s peaceful as the two of you talk, hearing the world outside wake up, cars going up and down the street every five, ten minutes and birds singing sweetly by the bird feeder you’d set up with satoru not long ago.
“think a dove is setting up a nest in the garden” you smile, watching as your lover immediately looks up from his food excitedly.
“really? i told you we should’ve gotten the bird houses!” his eyes are gleaming as he stares out the window, smiling at the sight of two doves at the bird feeder. me and you, he thinks, staying quiet so he could continue to listen to you tell him of the new season premiere tonight.
the day passes slowly, with you two lounging on the couch watching an episode of whatever show you two had started during the week before getting ready for the grocery store.
satoru takes grocery shopping you very seriously, writing down every item you say on a paper list as you check the pantry and fridge. soon enough the two of you are on your way to the store, satoru grabbing a shopping cart and following you as you pick out everything.
he does make himself useful by getting whatever you tell him to, smiling widely when you approve of his fruit picks and sets them in the cart gently. he does all of the heavy lifting, carrying all your groceries in the house in one trip, not even breaking a sweat as he softly sets them down.
the two of you work harmoniously putting everything away, never once bumping into each other and easily understanding what the other wants without having to say a word.
“should we do takeout tonight?” he asks, looking down at you. the two of you freshly showered and now on the couch. your head in his lap as you both wait for the new episode of your show to premiere.
“yeah, what’d you have in mind?” you ask. 20 minutes later the two of you are eating dinner, drinking a bottle of wine satoru picked up on his way back home.
it seems unreal to satoru. being home. no matter how many weekends he spends with you, they all seem to be like a dream. he doesn’t care much for the show on tv, but he still sits with you and watches it for the full hour, listening intently to anything you had to say.
its dark out, and to both you and satoru’s dismay sunday has come and gone all too quickly. you’re both back in bed, in each others warm embrace. conversation topics come and go quickly, the two of you laughing loudly at any little thing.
“oh my god it’s already two in the morning” you gasp, looking at your lover with a shocked expression, “how do we always manage to talk all night?” satoru laughs as you try to pull the blanket over yourself, as if that would instantly make you fall asleep.
“time flies when you’re with the love of your life” he sing songs, joining you under the blanket and looking at you with fond eyes.
“that’s not how that goes” you tease, watching as he rolled his eyes, muttering a ‘come here’ before getting you back in his arms, peppering kisses over your face as you giggle.
“toru you have to be up early!” you scold, the smile on your face is a juxtaposition to your words. and you can’t help but smack him softly when he points it out.
“alright, alright” he sighs, turning off the dim lights and leaving a mixture of moonlight and streetlights illuminating the room. “let’s go to sleep then.”
it doesn’t take long to get cozy, the weeks exhaustion still prominent as you two begin to doze off quickly. satoru tries to keep talking, but his words don’t make much sense as they’re muffled against the top of your head.
“g’night toru, i love you” you whisper, holding him a bit tighter as he replies, already half asleep.
“g’night sweetheart, i love you.”
sunday ends the same way it began. with satoru wrapped around you like a koala, his streaky breathing lulling you to sleep. his body radiating warmth that makes you feel more sleepy. you can hear his soft snores after a couple minutes, it makes you smile.
you don’t dwell on the fact that come tomorrow morning, his side of the bed will be cold and you’ll have to go back to your routine. instead you sigh happily, letting yourself enjoy your lovers company on your favorite day of the week.
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taglist (send an ask to be added): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi @kentocalls @sadmonke
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The description of an angel as witnessed by the man looking for his car in the parking lot of a 24-hour diner somewhere between 2 and 3 am
(we do not yet know if he managed to find the car)
And his wings were landlord white, you know, the kind they paint over kids’ doodles and handprints and over posters, sometimes, if they’re in too much of a hurry,
and I can’t tell how but they looked like the apron on the kid who brought my fries,
like they were supposed to fit so many people there was no way they’d really fit anybody,
and his many eyes were mighty kind and tired and maybe tired of being kind.
He glowed some but not like the stars and not like the 24-hour diner sign,
more ripples on water when the light hits right, like it was real bright but just for him.
I thought about asking him if the world’s ending or if god is still around or something of the sort, but I lingered for too long and he beat me to it,
asked me if the fries are any good,
and I said not really but the coffee’s sweet and strong enough to keep you going until morning.
He said that’s all he needs,
his voice ringing rapture and divine cacophony,
and then he went into the diner and I went looking for my car and I never did ask him about god but I doubt that he would know much.
I do hope he got to have a nice coffee.
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Help me! I'm hypnotized...
The loser roommate I got stuck with did something to my brain. I didn't think it was possible, but that pathetic fag somehow put me in a trance. I don't remember how: with a pendant or spiral; but it doesn't matter! What matters is that at any second he can say a trigger word, and I end up like this: smiling and flexing like a fucking idiot 'till he releases me.
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Sure, I look like I'm alright, but I've been stuck in this pose for two hours. My biceps ache and my shoulders are on fire. Add to that a leg cramp that I cant walk off and you'll realize how awful this torture is.
I'd just been trying to finish an essay (his essay to be exact.) I might be on the football team, but this lazy geek is forcing me to do his homework for him! And even though he ordered me to do that, against my will, he calls me up and says my fucking trigger word! It's fucking ridiculous! I used to go out and party with my teammates on nights like this, but now I'm stuck being this dweeb's mannequin-on-command.
I just know he's going to boss me around when he finally gets here. He'll probably make me cook him dinner again. I'd spit in it if I could -hell, I'd probably poison it if I could- but I know I'll be stuck in my own body again. I hate it when he tells me to smile and serve him like a waiter. God, its humiliating...
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He makes me workout during my free time, which I have a lot of now that I can't speak to any of my old buddies. I gotta say that my body's never looked better. I guess their is one upside to being under his control: whenever he tells me to train harder, I have to do it.
The gym is the one area of my life where I can at least pretend that I'm not someone's trained monkey. Still, the fact that I can't even shower without his permission is a pretty harsh reminder. Whenever I get back from a workout, my legs march straight to the table where I sit, flex, and smile while I wait for him to tell me what to do. It doesn't matter how tired or hot I am. Sometimes, he doesn't even let me shower. He just tells me to mop the sweat up with my shirt and then put it back on.
I think the nerd has a thing for sweaty jocks or something. The thought of this creep making me do all this to get his little dick hard pisses me off more than anything...
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I applied for a job today. It wasn't because I wanted to. My roommate decided that he wants more spending money, so he turned to me and said that I was going to earn it for him. So it wasn't enough for me to be his personal chef, maid, and eye candy! I have to be his fucking ATM now too?!
The tie wasn't my idea either. He told me to go buy some fancy clothes to make sure I impressed my "future employer." He's such a dweeb, and now he's making me dress like a loser too.
Obviously I nailed the interview. It wasn't hard when he programmed me to say things like "I've always wanted to deliver pizzas," or "I want to be the best employee you've ever had!" He made me sound like such a kiss-ass for a stupid minimum-wage job. Even the guy interviewing me thought I was being a bit excessive! I got hired on the spot, and I'm already scheduled every night this week, because my roommate specifically made me ask for as many hours as possible.
Now that I'm done with probably the most humiliating thing I've ever done, I'm stuck flexing with a tie on 'till that asshole gets home...
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I got my first paycheck after a long couple of weeks doing his classwork during the day and delivering pizzas at night. My roommate texted and told me to wait by the front door with my paycheck. Apparently, he's going out tonight with some of his loser friends and wants the cash now. I can't believe I'm about to hand it over to him.
"Hey, handsome," he calls, shutting his car door.
"I'm glad your home, sir. How was your day?"
I do not give a shit about his day! He ordered me to say that whenever he gets back. He's also programmed me to get up and hug him like I'm a fucking queer in love!
"Better now," he purrs, squeezing my butt cheek while we hug, "You should come with me and my friends tonight."
The last thing I want to do is be around him and his pansy-assed friends. "Yes, sir," I smile.
"We're going to a gay bar, and I think you would be an excellent wingman."
My stomach drops at the sound of a gay bar. I don't want to be anywhere near that place, and I really don't want the guy with total control over me parading me around that place like I'm his fucking slut! Where is this going? He wouldn't make me do anything gay, right? The terrifying truth is he could. He could order me to act like a stripper there, or...or worse. Fuck! I don't think there's anything he couldn't make me do. He could order me on my knees right now, and I'd do it with this stupid smile still plastered across my face. He could make me blow his tiny cock, and I'd be helpless to do anything other than enthusiastically suck! I don't want to go to that gay bar. I have to escape.
"Yes, sir," I hear my voice gleefully ring out.
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munson-blurbs · 1 day
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader) ♫Flip Flopped Edition♫
♫ Summary: What if Eddie and Heiress met well before the events of Living After Midnight? Or, seven-year-old Eddie accompanies Wayne on a trip to New York, where he encounters a special little girl. (1.6k words)
♫ CW: mentions of parental neglect, drinking, poverty
♫ A/N: Part of the Flip Flopped event! Be sure to participate and/or support those participating!
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult ♫ Young Eddie credit to @/fefemunson on Twitter
March 1973
Frantic knocking at 2 AM could only mean one thing: trouble. 
Wayne Munson wiped sleep from his eyes, stretching his legs with a groan. The knocking became louder, accompanied by an all-too familiar bark. 
“Wayne, I know you’re home! Open the damn door!”
Al’s words slurred together, the pounding continuing over it.
“Christ Almighty.” Wayne shoved his feet into worn slippers, the soles scuffed down to nearly nothing. He yanked the door open, unable to mask his anger at this early hour. “What the hell do you–” 
He stopped short, gaze dropping down to the little boy at his brother’s side. Seven-year-old Eddie was just as tired as Wayne; his eyelids drooped and he swayed back-and-forth on the trailer’s steps as his body fought sleep. His pajamas were two sizes too small, and Wayne could only guess that no one had bought Eddie new ones since Elizabeth died. Nor did he miss the child’s bare feet, certainly freezing in the chilly night.
Wayne tried to keep his voice even as he spoke again. “What’re you two doing here?”
Al’s chuckle held more venom than a snake bite, and Wayne grimaced as his brother said, “I got a few errands to take care of. Need you to watch the kid.” Translation: we got evicted again, none of my friends will take me in with Eddie in tow because he’s a liability, and I’d rather get high with them than spend time with my son.
“How long’re these errands gonna take? They’ve got me driving out to New York in a coupla hours.” Wayne only had a few years left until he was too old for trucking and the plant would stick him with factory work, and though he wouldn’t miss the long days and nights on the road, he’d certainly miss the higher salary.
When Al shrugged, Wayne knew any further questioning would be useless. He looked between his brother and his nephew, then at the clock on the wall. He’d need an extra cup of coffee or three if he was going to survive this ordeal. “Yeah, I’ve got him.” He scooped Eddie into his arms, the boy’s gangly limbs going limp as he finally gave into exhaustion. “I’m gonna be gone for three days at least.”
Al said nothing in response, tossing a black garbage bag into the trailer. “That’s all his clothes. Gotta be washed. I’ll be back.”
Then he was gone, leaving Wayne with Eddie in his arms.
“All right, kid,” Wayne murmured, though Eddie slept too deeply to hear him, “we’re gonna get a little bit of shuteye and then we’ll hit the road.” 
He carried Eddie into the bedroom and laid him down on the mattress, resting his curly-mopped head on the pillow. Wayne’s fingers snagged on a knot as he combed them through the boy’s hair, and Eddie woke up with a start. Worry flashed across his pallid face as he failed to recognize his surroundings. 
“You’re okay,” Wayne reassured him. “You’re with me now, alright? Uncle Wayne’s got ya.”
Eddie nodded and fell back to sleep, tucking his legs to his chest protectively. 
Wayne watched him, listening for the tiny nose-whistle that came with each sleepy breath. He stood up, careful not to let the creaking mattress wake his nephew, and padded out to the living room. The couch would serve as his bed until Al returned—if that ever happened. 
Eddie didn’t say much of anything for the first three hours of their twelve-hour ride. An hour in, he said he was hungry, so Wayne pulled into the nearest twenty-four hour rest stop and ordered a burger and fries. The paper bag was transparent with grease, but Eddie gobbled down the fast food like it was a delicacy. 
Wayne didn’t ask how long it had been since he’d eaten. He didn’t think he could handle the answer. 
“Uncle Wayne?”
The sound of Eddie’s voice caught the older man off-guard. 
“How come my dad doesn’t work with you anymore?”
Because he showed up plastered no less than five times and got canned, Wayne thought bitterly. After Al showed up in Hawkins without a penny to his name, Wayne set him up with a job at the plant. He knew his brother would let him down, but part of him had hoped that he’d changed. 
He fought to keep a neutral face now as he answered Eddie’s question. 
“Wasn’t a good fit.”
Eddie nodded, smart enough to know that it wasn’t the full truth and wise enough to not pursue it further. 
Wayne cleared his throat. “‘S gonna be a long ride,” he said, “so you let me know if you needa pee or somethin’. Don’t be waitin’ till the last second.”
The sun rose higher and higher, but the conversation stilled. At a few points during the ride, Wayne forgot that Eddie was seated next to him. 
Around hour five, Eddie spoke again. 
“Can we listen to music?”
Wayne nodded, leaning over to flick on the radio. Static poured in, both Munsons wincing at the irritating noise. Finally, a crisp song trilled from the speakers. 
Be so, they'll be so lonely, baby  They get so lonely  They're so lonely, they could die
“This good?” Wayne grinned when Eddie nodded. He sat back in his seat, adjusting the brim of his cap. “Your mama liked Elvis, too.”
One corner of Eddie’s mouth turned up in a sad smile at the mention of his mom, but he didn’t say anything. Didn’t even mention whether he’d heard the song before. 
There were few times in his life that Wayne felt obligated to fill a silence, but this was one of them. “Music’s a powerful thing, y’know. Heals the broken parts of us.”
Eddie scrunched up his nose. “How?”
“Beats me. But all I know is that when I need a pick-me-up, nothin’ works better than my favorite song.” Wayne took his eyes off of the road for a second to look at his nephew. “You got a favorite song?”
“Mmm…this one.” Eddie gestured to the speakers. He was so tired that he may have given the same response to a commercial jingle, but there was no denying the subtle tap-tap-tap of his forefinger against his window, keeping time with the beat. 
“Yeah?” Wayne grinned. “Well, let’s turn it up, then.”
Both Eddie and Wayne were thoroughly exhausted when they finally arrived in New York. Traffic was inevitable, especially once they crossed into New Jersey. Despite a multitude of stops to stretch, Wayne still felt soreness panging in his back and neck after unloading the machinery at a factory in Queens.
Sighing, he glanced at his watch: just after seven P.M. If he was traveling solo, he’d rest for a few minutes in a truckstop parking lot, but Eddie needed a bed. The poor kid had been schlepped around enough with his deadbeat father; he deserved a comfortable place to lay his head.
Wayne remembered seeing a small motel just down the road, the vacancy light burning bright. He looked at his nephew and shifted the truck into ‘drive.’ Spending a couple of bucks that he didn’t have would be worth it if it meant Eddie got a good night’s rest.
Eddie stood beside Wayne as he shelled out the crumpled dollar bills to the man behind the desk. 
“Just the one night?”
“Yup,” Wayne said. “Got anything with two beds?”
The man nodded, plucking a key from the top row. “It’ll be room four. Straight down the hall and on the–oof.” He winced and glanced down. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for bed, young lady?”
“I did!” A tiny voice chirped. “Just wanted to say good night.” A young girl, right around Eddie’s age, peeked around the corner. Her eyes widened when she saw another child standing before her. “Hi! What’s your name?”
Eddie blinked a few times, registering that she was talking to him. “Um, I’m Eddie.”
The girl beamed and twirled around, the edges of her yellow nightgown billowing outwards. “Do you wanna be my friend?” She didn’t wait for him to answer before plunging ahead. “My mommy’s gonna read me a story. You should listen to it with me!” 
She laced her fingers with Eddie’s, tugging him along to her room. “It’s about a boy who doesn’t wanna go to sleep, so he imagines a world full of monsters. But not really scary ones. Fun ones. They’re called ‘wild things…’” The sound of her voice tapered off as they turned the corner.
The man behind the desk looked at Wayne and laughed kindly. “Looks like our kids hit it off.”
Our kids. Wayne didn’t want to correct him, and not only because he couldn’t think of an easy explanation for his nephew accompanying him on this trip. “Eddie could use a friend,” he said instead, offering the man a smile in return.
 “Maybe they could be pen pals or something.”
“Yeah.” Wayne nodded, clutching the key in his hand. “Maybe.”
He walked down the hall, passing his room, until he heard the little girl talking again.
“See? I told you the monsters were fun!”
And then, beautifully, a laugh. Eddie’s laugh. Genuine and filled with all of the joy that a young boy should have.
Wayne made a mental note to ask the girl’s mom for the title of the book, vowing to check it out of the Hawkins Public Library as soon as he and Eddie returned home.
In a world where people like the little girl existed, people who had some premonition of those in need of friendship and then doused them in love, Eddie might just be okay after all.
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98
@squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @munson-mjstan @loves0phelia
@kthomps914 @aysheashea @munsonsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock
@ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975
@yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @foreveranexpatsposts
@mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank
@sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles
@the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl
@fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
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kamii-2 · 3 days
Nika smut where she has a basketball game and after they win she looks over for girlfriend just for her girl to be talking to some random guy and she gets all jealous that you were focused on this random guy then her. So she takes you home and she’s in a bad mood so you bother her until she snaps and gets all mad and it ends up with smut her fingering you and overstimulating you until she feels satisfied
hi anon!! i love this request and i hope you enjoy this story 😛
warning(s): cussing, smut, jealousy
genre: smut
pairing(s): jealous!nika mühl x reader
nika was absolutely fuming, instead of paying attention to the fact that seattle had won you were too busy talking to a total stranger next to you, what made it worse is that it was a guy. you two had been talking about a bunch of random thinks and weren’t paying any attention to nika and her teams win. as you walked down to nika she looked mad as hell but you didn’t wanna embarrass her by asking her in front of everyone. you were thinking of all of the possibilities on why she would be mad and the thought that you were too busy talking to a guy instead of watching her win never crossed your mind. when you reached the car she went straight to her side instead of opening the door for you like she usually does. now you knew that the reason she was mad was because of you. “what’s wrong? what did i do?” you questioned the moment you got in the car. you waited for a response but all you got was nothing.
when you two got home she immediately went inside acting like you weren’t there. you still didn’t know what you did or anything, “nika i can’t fix what i did if you don’t tell me what the fuck i did.” you told her getting mad as well, and again she ignored you. “can you tell me what i fucking did?!?” you slightly raised your voice as you followed her around. “bro nika what did i do?” you were clearly agitated, “don’t call me bro.” she quietly muttered while finding clothes and things to take a shower. “i’ll call you whatever i want.” you replied back while walking away before she could say anything to you. your attitude and your last comment made her even more mad. she went into the bathroom and slammed the door, you were on the couch and on your phone still wondering what you did. after about 45 minutes she walked out the bathroom with her hair down, in a black sports bra, and black basketball shorts. you looked her up and down, admiring her body and she walked past you into the kitchen to get some water. “can you tell me what i did wrong now?” you asked her from the couch, “no.” she deadpanned. “bro.” you said while rolling your eyes and continuing to play on your phone.
“call me bro again and see what the fuck happens.” she sounded mad as hell, “what’s gonna happen?” you teased knowing it’ll make her even more mad. “y/n i am not in the mood.” she sternly said to you, “i don’t give a fuck. you won’t tell me what i did.” you told her while shutting your phone off. “oh my fucking God y/n, you were talking to guy instead of paying attention to my game, the first time i play for a long time you’re too busy talking to some stupid guy to acknowledge the fact that we won. shut you probably didn’t even know i was on the fucking court.” she yelled from the kitchen, you immediately felt bad and got off the couch and went in the kitchen. “it’s not my fault that he was talking to me.” you defended while walking into the kitchen. “i’m tired of you.” she said while walking past you into your shared bedroom.
when you walked in the bedroom to talk to her she was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you. the moment you walked in she got up and kissed you roughly. you weren’t expecting it but you weren’t complaining at all. she moved you two the bed, laying you down while pulling away, “since you wanna act like a bitch imma treat you like one.” nika said while putting her hands on your waistband, looking at you for consent, which you obviously replied with yes. she immediately took off your pants and underwear, she spread your legs and shoved her fingers in with no warning. “oh!” you moaned out at this, throwing your head back. she fucked you at a fast pace while kissing your neck, leaving a few hickies here and there. “fuck, don’t stop!” you moaned the closer you got to cumming. she bit your neck softly and sucked a huge dark hickey on the side, one that would be there for a while. “oh God i’m cumming, please don’t stop.” you moaned again while getting close to the edge, she immediately pulled out her fingers. you whined in disappointment as she continued to kiss your neck, removing your shirt and going lower. when she reached your pussy she got on her knees.
she immediately dove into you, licking up every juice you leaked out. “fuck baby you taste so good.” she breathed out into you, her nose biting your clit while she tongue went inside of you, “oh please don’t tease me this time.” you bed while putting your hand in the neck of her head and pushing her deeper in you. she ate you out until your legs started to shake from her fact you were about to cum, the moment they started to shake a little too much she pulled away immediately, “fuck!” you were now tearing up. “please nika i’ll do anything to cum.” you begged her, “maybe don’t be a bitch and you would’ve came 7 times by now. i’m gonna edge you until im satisfied.” she scolded you while diving right back in.
every time she didn’t let you cum the more sensitive you got so your climax came extra fast this time. the moment you were about to cum nika pulled away completely, standing up and going to the bathroom to wipe her face off and brush her teeth. “are you serious?” you questioned her as you cleaned yourself up and walked to the bathroom where she was brushing her tongue. you looked at her with disbelief and she finished up and went to bed. you did your night routine then went in the bed with her, still mad about earlier. “if you didn’t call me bro and talk to that guy maybe you would’ve went to bed all worn out and happy but instead you’re still full of cum and mad.” nika shrugged her shoulders and turned off her lamp to go to sleep.
i hope you enjoyed this, anyway, i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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whiskeyghoul · 3 days
7 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!Reader]
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First part, Previous part, Next part
A/N: Okay this is mostly just fluff to lead up to more things. Anyways, reader getting out of the lab dungeon! Yay! Also Spencer is definitely the type of person to get overwhelmed by feelings and get too into his head with everything. So here is a chapter of just the inner musing of the ‘oh my god I am going too fast.’ and ‘I really want to do more with them. What if I scare them off.’ type of things. Because he already realized his feelings but he is too blinded by them to see yours. Not proof read once again oops.
WC: 3 K
Tags: Fluff, just pure fluff, idiots in love, mentions of things from the past, reminiscing.
Warnings: None.
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Spencer POV
Spencer had decided that he’d finish the week by staying home. So when he arrived at Quantico on Monday morning, two coffees in hand, he felt refreshed in a weird way. Where at the start of the week before he had felt terrible, tired, aching. Now he had a slight lightness in his step. The satchel hanging off of his shoulder was heavy, filled with his paperwork that he had done at home. He had spent that Friday actually working on it, feeling better than he had before that.
When you had come over that last Thursday, he had listened to your apology. Realizing how much of an impact on your life your ex had. He just hoped that it was over now. Because when he thought about you, being hurt, stalked. It made something inside him so angry. That when you had sat across from him at his dining table he just wanted you to stay close to him forever. So that he could be the one to keep an eye on you. It felt possessive. Which he hadn’t felt before. Not about a person at least.
About his favorite book, yes. Or his personal mug. About the chess set he had gotten from his mother years ago. Yet you were the first person to stir up similar feelings inside of him. He had almost even invited you to stay over that night. Which was moving way too fast considering you had just hurt his feelings immensely about a week before. Yet seeing you, in that big ragged hoodie, completely disheveled, vulnerable. He needed you close. He also wanted to kick Tommy in the teeth if he ever ran into him. For hurting you. For being a dick. He’d never felt like intentionally hurting someone like that. But you did something to him.
Spencer walked to the frosted glass door, knocking quickly before stepping in. He watched as you sat up at your desk, eyes meeting him, your concentrated frown turned to a smile. The way the crease in your brown relaxed at the sight of him made his heart still for a moment. He hadn’t thought that the sight of him was enough to make you smile. Wanting to immerse himself in that feeling. If only for a moment. “Morning Spencer.” Your voice was chipper that morning. He noted you looked put together, happy, carefree. Though that is what getting rid of a stalker usually does. He walked over, knowing he couldn’t stay long but wanting to spend as much time with you as he could.
“Good morning.” He returned with a smile, handing over the coffee that had kept his hand warm on his walk up. You gladly took it, taking an immediate sip. “You are a godsend.” You spoke with a smile after placing the cup down. “Because of the coffee or is there another reason for this compliment?” He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips as he took off the purple scarf he had worn on his way over. Draping it over the back of one of the desk chairs. “Both. I couldn’t get coffee this morning, I was in a rush since I got new evidence in.” You said, and got up from your chair, ready to show him whatever you got in. “Look, this is so interesting, they found a butt load of money on the victim. It was found at the crime scene, there was powder that could either be used for tracing or could be some drugs. Maybe it’s cocaine, maybe it is a poison absorbed through the skin.” You continued, holding up the evidence bag with a few hundred dollar notes.
“What’s the other reason?” Spencer asked. You blinked, just a little confused. “For the powder?” You questioned in return. “For the compliment.” Spencer answered and you blinked again. Doe eyed and a little embarrassed. Clearly you had changed the subject because you didn’t want to tell him the true reason. “Ehm… well, you- you look really good.” Your face had gotten tinged red as you stammered over your words. Spencer smiled. Without even thinking he leaned slightly down. Planting a tender kiss on your cheek. He couldn’t not, seeing your pinkened cheeks, the urge to kiss you was almost unbearable. But he could hold back enough to just press his lips on the apple of your cheek. Your skin was soft and warm against them. The smell of your perfume once again wafting up into his nose. It was a quick second of a move but he would keep that moment in his memories forever. 
When he pulled away you looked still as flustered as before. “What was that for?” your voice was sweet, not even a hint of apprehension in them. You feigned confusion, he could see it in the way your eyes looked at him with a slight twinkle. Only one brow quirking up and a lopsided smile that you tried to hold back. “You look really good too.” Spencer answered, his cheeks feeling just the slightest hint of warmth. He watched you, the way your bottom lip got caught between your teeth as you struggled to keep from smiling too much. He wanted to keep that look all to himself. His hands aching again to pull you closer to him, to let himself melt into that cherry scent. To never stop kissing those sweet lips. He could stay in the lab forever with you if you would let him. Or if his boss would. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket before the sound went off. The ding of a text message that was probably sent by one of his colleagues wondering why he was later than usual.
“I think you need to get to work too.” You spoke with a hint of disappointment. A sigh crossed your slightly parted lips. “I can come back for lunch.” Spencer spoke quickly, so ready to return to you even when he hasn’t left yet. “You always have lunch here, I am sure you must be sick of the lab.” You quickly protested. How could he be sick of the place where he gets to spend time with you. It was a preposterous thought. Nothing like that would have ever crossed his mind
“What if I come to you for lunch? Would that be okay?” you asked. “Are you sure? I mean… I would love that! If you want to of course. But isn’t this your space? I get it if you don’t want to go somewhere else to have lunch. Though if you do want to. I can show you my desk. Penelope would also be happy to see you, I’m sure.” Spencer rambled, until he realized he was rambling. The last word trailing off. He knew what you were doing, you were trying to make him comfortable. Even though he wasn’t uncomfortable in the lab. Yes, it was a bit of a walk, but he never complained because it meant you two would have lunch together. But he did realize he always came to you. And maybe, you had felt bad for making him come down every time. Though, you never asked him to besides the first time. After that it was all on his own accord. “I think I should broaden my horizons outside of the lab.” You joked, the giggle following your words sounding like a melody to him. “Right. Then, I would love to.” He smiled, his face feeling suddenly hot with embarrassment. His phone went off again. 
Spencer watched as you placed your hands on his shoulders. The feeling sent tingles down his spine. “I will see you at lunch then. Thank you for the coffee, pretty boy.” You quickly moved up onto your toes and placed a peck on his cheek. Mirroring what he had done to you. So casual. A peculiar kind that bordered on domestic. He locked that thought away for now. Not wanting to open that can of worms when he had just known you for a month, maybe less. It had only been 2 weeks since your first true kiss, in the museum. God he was moving quick, he might even scare himself with the rate at which these feelings grew inside of him. He realized he loved you, but saying that now would be too soon. You spun him around , his out of control thoughts quieting down, before giving a light push towards the door of the lab. Just as the notification sound went off for a third time.
When Spencer made his way to the bullpen of the BAU and took a seat at his desk he heard Derek whistle. “Got a little honey I see. And so early in the morning, how does he do it ladies and gents?” The man sidled up to his desk as Spencer bent down to put his bag on the ground. He looked back up to Derek with a little confusion, until he realized. His eyes went just a little wide. He had been so dazed by the fact you kissed him so quickly, and then shoved him to get to work, he forgot to check his face for what most likely would be a deep red mark on his left cheek. “You got a little something right there.” Derek pointed to his own cheek with a grin.
“Just because you can’t get it doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me.” Spencer sassed, grabbing a tissue and wetting it with water from his bottle, wiping at his cheek to remove your lipstick stain. Even though it hurt him slightly to remove the lasting mark you left on him. “Oh I am not making fun of anyone. I am proud. You return back after a week of absence due to a broken heart with what is clearly a sign that she’s still into you.” Derek explained, hands up in a defensive pose. Though he still had that grin. “Or you moved on to someone new really quickly.”
Spencer looked at the stain on the tissue, it was still vaguely kiss shaped. “We made up.” He said softly, a little embarrassed again. He knew Derek truly didn’t mean any harm with his words, they were teasing, like the older brother he never had but wished he did. “Good for you.” Derek said as he patted his shoulder before returning to his own desk. Spencer sat down, stuffing the tissue in his pocket before he went to work on filing the paperwork.
Spencer kept looking at the clock, hoping, praying they wouldn’t get a case until after lunch. Maybe that was a selfish thought, wanting the murders and the kidnappings to wait for his own gain. He knew that if they were needed they would fly out within 30 minutes. But lunch with you was important. So every few minutes he looked at the clock. Every time the elevator made a noise his eyes would flick over. The clock crept nearer to 12 pm, then when it hit 12:15 on the dot the elevator doors opened. And there you were, white coat foregone, two small bags in your hands that he supposed contained your lunch. You looked around the room a little nervous.
Spencer got up from his seat, waving you over with a smile. You lit up once you saw him, walking over quickly, boots thudding heavy against the linoleum of the bullpen. “Hey.” Spencer said with a smile, feeling a little too excited. “Hey.” you said in turn with a big smile. “I eh… got lunch for the both of us. If that’s not overstepping.” You said, holding out one of the paper bags. “I texted Penelope, she said you liked BLT so I truly hope you do.” you spoke quickly and Spencer grabbed the bag with a smile. The fact that you went out of your way to get him something he liked, to text Penelope, it made his heart swell. “I do. Thank you.” He said and motioned for you to take his seat.
As he did Spencer looked around the room for a second, a slightly surprised look from Emily, a confused one from JJ, and Derek just smiled before giving him a thumbs up. A sudden reminder that he never told Emily or JJ, and he was lucky David and Aaron sat in their own offices. He could not handle getting dating advice from David right now. You sat down in his seat as Spencer pulled a free chair over, sitting next to you. Closing a few books to make space to put the food down. “Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess.” He apologized but you simply smiled. “It’s okay. I like it, it’s your apartment but in desk form.” You commented, looking over the things on his desk.
He felt a little embarrassed by the few knick-knacks that were on there. The post it notes stuck to any service as reminders of things to do. He watched as you picked up the picture frame, a photo of his mom and him in there. “That’s my mom, Diana…” he said, as he watched your intent look. “She looks nice. You have similar bone structure.” You commented. Spencer let out a soft chuckle, “No one has ever commented on our bone structure before.” He said it softly. His mom was still a little sore of a subject, he knew the situation wasn’t likely to change, his mom would just get worse. But he wasn’t ready to tell you about that part just yet. Maybe soon. He did need to tell his mom about you. He’d probably have to tell her multiple times, he just hoped she would be happy for him. “But you do!” You quickly retaliated, turning the picture to him, “all these angles, the big eyes.” you tried to reason and Spencer only chuckled more. “Didn’t you come to have lunch?” He asked as he started to unwrap the sandwich that you got for him.
“And maybe to snoop a little.” You confessed as you quickly took a bite of your own sandwich. Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, just a little surprised and amused. “Shouldn’t snooping happen without the other person’s knowledge?” He asked, taking his own first bite of the sandwich. Somehow, it tasted better when you were around. You shrugged dismissively, though a small smirk played along those blood red lips. He thought about it, about kissing you right there in the bullpen. Looking pretty in his chair, at his desk. Though he’d probably never hear the end of it from the entire team. He didn’t really care. There was that possessiveness again. Wanting to show you and him were a thing… though you never really said you were a thing. “It feels wrong to snoop on you.” You admitted, sheepish grin and a slight nudge of your shoulder against his. This is what happiness felt like. The sadness of the last week is quickly forgotten, just by having you pay attention to him again. He was weak for you.
“I appreciate the informed snooping.” He laughed softly. “I’ll make sure to only snoop when you know.” Your reply made him smile more. The both of you finished your lunch, eating and talking, until Aaron walked in. “Round table room, 10 minutes.” He stated it coolly, only inferring to Spencer that this could be a serious case. Spencer looked at you, a little apologetic. He didn’t want to leave. Wanted to finish lunch in all peace with you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized as he started to pack up the half eaten sandwich back into the paper it came in. At Least he’d be able to finish it later. “It’s okay. It is your job.” You answered, standing up before a look of realization came over you. It confused him for a moment as you looked at him with your lips parted. “What?” he asked, brows scrunching slightly. “You left your scarf in the lab. I wanted to bring it. I’m sorry, I can go get it.” You rambled. “That’s okay, no need. I can pick it up when we get back.” He assured. It was sweet how you thought about it. Wanting to return his scarf when he had to leave. Maybe to make sure he wouldn’t be cold.
“Alright… You’d have to come back soon, be safe.” Those words made his heart skip a beat. It was sweet. How you cared, made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. “I will.” He said with a nod. He wanted to bend his head down again, to kiss you and not care about his friends in the room. Instead of giving in to the urge of wanting to kiss you, he pulled you into a hug. Wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. He felt your arms wrap around him. Warmth taking over him. He pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, taking in a deep breath. Emitting your scent to memory. The feeling of you in his arms tucked away for when he needed to remember it. He almost didn’t want to let go. You were the one to pull away first. Spencer reluctantly let his arms drop back to his sides. “I’ll see you soon.” you said it softly and with a smile. He nodded his head, “I’ll text you every day.” he answered before gathering his things and heading to the round table room. A quick glance back to see you still standing at his desk, a small wave goodbye before he left to go do his job.
He just hoped it wouldn’t be a long one.
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youaintnothinbuta · 12 hours
“I promise you the bed will be so much comfier” — Austin butler x reader
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Summary: you are Florence’s bestie and meet Austin through her while she’s on set during filming for Dune :)
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: fluff! Slow burn, no real romance, friends before dating typa cuteness! I wrote this while extremely tired so sorry if there are typos </3
Your best friend, Florence, was in the UAE for filming for Dune. When Florence told you she was going to be spending those 5 shooting weeks either in the desert or alone in the apartment they would provide for her, you offered to find some time to visit her for a bit, but it ended up in you just coming with her for almost the whole time.
You settled into a routine with her nicely, though you didn’t see much of her for more than a few hours at a time. Mostly you filled your time with exploring the nearby areas, reading and occasionally visiting Flo on set. It was during one of these days that you first met Austin.
It was easy to get along with his relaxed demeanour, and his charm made it even easier to strike up a friendship of sorts. It wasn’t long before your friendship with him felt as though there wasn’t a time where you hadn’t known each other.
One early morning, you found yourself tossing and turning in bed. Sleep eluded you, and the more you tried to force it, the more restless you became. Frustrated and tired, you grabbed your phone to check the time. 6:14. Florence had long shoot this day and you didn’t want to wake her up any earlier she had to be up. Pushing past the straining sensation the light of your phone gave your eyes, you decided to text Austin, who didn’t have to be on set until the evening.
“You awake? I can’t sleep.”
No reply as you scrolled aimlessly, waiting. Figuring his silence was a ‘no,’ you put your phone down and tried for the hundredth time to fall asleep. Just as the the room fell back to darkness, a buzz beside your head alerted you back to full consciousness.
“I am. Come over, door will be unlocked for you.”
You didn’t hesitate. All the cast and crew were staying in houses along the same strip and Austin’s was confidently just across the road. You slipped on your shoes and quietly made your way over, the early morning air cool and refreshing against your skin as you knocked lightly before pushing the door open. You found Austin in the kitchen, already making his breakfast and a coffee.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a warm smile, “you look sleepy.”
“Because I am,” you replied, with slightly more attitude than you intended, “I just couldn’t get comfortable.”
You turned to leave, going to curl up at the end of the couch in the living room.
He soon joined you, placing his food on the coffee table. You lifted your head from the back of the sofa to look up at him.
Austin motioned towards his bedroom. “If you want to try and get some more sleep, I promise you the bed will be so much comfier.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, hesitating for a moment.
“Yeah, of course,” Austin said, leading you towards his room. “Make yourself at home.”
You slipped into his bed, instantly feeling enveloped in comfort. Austin closed the curtains but left the door open, ensuring you could rest without feeling too closed in. His sheets smelt divine, just like the way he smelt every day, but softer. And between you and well, you, there may have been some feelings starting to develop for him.
You actually did manage to get some rest, when the sound of conversation woke you. You heard Florence’s voice ask if he’d seen you.
Austin replied, “Yeah, she’s in bed,” nodding towards his room.
Concern painted Flo’s face, “she slept with you?”
Austin shook his head, setting down his coffee. "No, she came over earlier. She’s just having a nap. She couldn’t sleep at your place."
Florence crossed her arms, studying him carefully. "Mhm. And are you trying to sleep with her?"
Austin met her gaze evenly. "No, I’m not trying to sleep with her."
"So, there are no feelings for her? And it’s normal for you to let anyone you’ve known four weeks sleep in your bed?" Florence pressed, her concern evident. She was your best friend, and you did only know Austin a few weeks. She really was only looking out for you, even if she was being a bit pushy for half seven in the morning.
Austin sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Right now, my feelings for her are friend deep because that is all I’ll let them be. If she makes it clear to me that she wants me to make my move, then I will allow myself to feel more.”
Florence nodded slowly, her expression softening. "I just don’t want you hurting her."
"I promise, that is the very last thing I want to do," Austin assured her.
Florence glanced towards the bedroom, then back at Austin. "Alright, I’ve got to go. I’m already late. Thanks for the breakfast," she said, holding up the small to-go container he gave her.
"No problem," Austin replied with a warm smile. "Don’t work too hard."
Florence gave him a cheeky nod and grin before disappearing, her voice yelling, “I will hurt you if I find out you try anything on her,” earning a laugh from Austin.
You decided to pretend to still be asleep so he wouldn’t know you heard any of their conversation. Austin took a moment to gather himself before heading towards his bedroom where he thought you were still sleeping. He approached the doorframe and knocked gently. You groaned softly, stirring but not quite waking.
"Sorry," Austin whispered, not wanting to startle you. "Are you ready for some breakfast?"
You shook your head, still half-buried in the pillows. Austin smiled softly, about to walk away, when he heard you mumble his name.
"Yeah?" he responded, turning back towards you.
You reached out towards him, and he stepped closer, thinking you were asking for help getting up. But instead of taking his hand, you wrapped your arms around his neck, insisting on being held.
He leaned down, his strong arms easily lifting her from the bed. You nestled against him, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Where do you want to go? The couch?" he asked softly.
You shook your head, your hair brushing against his cheek. You laid your head more comfortably on his shoulder, and Austin took the cue, gently swaying back and forth, like rocking a baby. His arms were strong and steady, capable of holding you for as long as you needed him to.
You stayed like this for several minutes, the morning light casting a soft glow through the partially closed curtains. Austin felt a deep sense of peace, content just to be there with you. Eventually, he felt you shift slightly, a sign that you were ready to move. He lowered you gently back down, your feet touching the floor. She looked up at him with a shy smile, her eyes filled with warmth.
"Let’s get you some breakfast,” he smiled back.
A/N: hi I’m back !! I missed y’all 🥹 sorry this is bleh imma bit rusty
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂️ i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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arikazu · 8 hours
Skz : when they call you clingy and you start distancing yourself from them part 1
Warning : toxic boyfriend, shouting, breaking up, curse words, just them being a bad boyfriend to you, insecure reader.
Hyung line
Word count 💕 3k
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Bang chan
Nevertheless, I won't admit I will miss you more than you know your sharp glares hurt me that day.
Chris was so busy with his work he didn't know how much caffeine has had consumed that day Lost in an endless loop within the studio, he struggled against the relentless heat of the sun's rays, which the ineffective air conditioning did little to alleviate.
He longed for the day to bring respite as he struggled to work in the scorching heat. While the kids enjoyed a day off at home, he found himself alone, laboring to incorporate a new song into the upcoming album. After the success of the previous album, he felt immense pressure to ensure that this new album lived up to expectations.
“Hey Chris I brought your favorite drink”
"I am waiting at home!"
"I wish you would come home soon."
"The door is open."
His phone was beeping continuously with the messages he stopped typing on his laptop and checked the person who was messaging him again and again usually his face would be greeted with a smile whenever he saw her texts.
At that moment, when he caught sight of her messages, his eyebrows furrowed. He ceased texting her and left her on read, unable to entertain her at that moment. He had a music project to complete on time, so he brushed off her message and continued typing on his laptop.
The moon shimmered in the dark, misty night sky as the clock struck 11:00 pm. He quickly gathered all of his belongings and snatched the car keys before exhaling a visible breath into the chilly air. The recent downpour had left the atmosphere cool, causing his cheeks to flush slightly as he downed another glass of beer.
Finally liberated from his music production duties, he was ready to embark on his way back to his apartment the car ride to his house was lonely as he looked at the night sky you must be waiting for him.
He despised it, the way you always waited for him, but now as he opened the apartment door, he found you standing there in a stunning black slit dress. Your hair was elegantly styled in a way he had never seen before, giving the impression that you were returning from a glamorous party or event.
“Where are you going darling?” he asked as he removed his shoes he didn't even glare at you because he knew he won't be able to control himself.
“You and I were supposed to meet each other at the restaurant a few hours ago”
He pressed his fingertips against his temples, feeling the tension building up as he ignored your incoming texts. How would he even begin to explain to your? A wave of exhaustion washed over him as he realized it was another long night of arguments with you. He knew he would apologize again the next morning, but at this late hour, all he wanted was to find some rest. Taking a deep sigh, he mustered the energy to make a brief comment to you.
"Listen, y/n, I'm just really tired and not in the mood to discuss..."
‘You are always tired Chris” you mocked and rolled your eyes.
‘I am sorry that I work my ass off at the studio so I can earn for both of us and when I come home I expect my finance to be cooperative with me instead of being whiny and clingy woman”
"Are you saying I'm too clingy?" you wondered, deeply hurt by his words. While you and he had disagreements in the past, like any other couple, this was the first time he had ever labeled you as clingy. It stung because in your previous relationships, your friends and exes had drifted away for the same reason. relationship because they always complained about how you were a clingy baby who always needed attention it built up a rush of fear inside you that Chris would stop loving you.
On your birthday, despite always being understanding of his need for space, you hoped to spend a few precious hours with him. However, it felt like he was upset with you, making you feel ignored and unimportant on your special day.
Chris turned his back on you, his exasperation evident in his tone. "Yes, you are a clingy woman now happy! Stop bothering me y/n," he snapped before reaching into the fridge to grab some water for himself.
“If you think I am clingy then I think you would be better off without me” you shouted he stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at you.
“What… do you mean?” he asks.
“Take your ring back I think I don't need it anymore”
You decide to part with the ring he gave you a few weeks ago, along with his promise of marriage this coming winter. He had even assured you that he would soon announce to his fans. This action was a firm rejection of his promises, a palpable slap in the face for him.
You walked away, leaving him all alone in the kitchen. The ring lay on the cold floor. He was dumbstruck. How could he forget that today was your birthday? He had turned what was supposed to be your biggest day into a miserable one for you.
He picked up the ring and clenched it in his hands.
“I fucked up so bad”
His mind was consumed with the aftermath of the fight, leaving him at a loss for how to apologize and bewildered about your whereabouts
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"let's be hungry for a little while and let's try not to hurt each other"
He was tired.
He wanted to lie down on his bed
After a long and tiring day, the comfort of one's own bed is a simple pleasure that many look forward to. The softness of the mattress, the cool touch of the sheets, and the familiar scent of home can be incredibly soothing. It's a personal sanctuary where one can let go of the day's burdens, sink into the pillows, and drift into a peaceful slumber.
He wanted that kind of comfort; his eyes were closed, and the sweat-dampened hair were flattered on the pillow he just closed his eyes when he hear the door opening he lifted his head a little to glare at the person who disturbed his sleep.
Exhausted from the rhythmic exertions of dance practice at work, he could only muster a puzzled
"what?" as he turned towards the source of amusement. The sight that greeted him was unexpected: a grinning face, eyes alight with the joy of a serendipitous find—a stray kitten, rescued from the anonymity of the streets, now cradled in caring arms, a small beacon of warmth in his fatigued world.
"Whatever y/n, I am sleepy right now," he shoved you off.
Your eyes didn't leave his figure; you knew he was tired, so you kept the kitten on the floor and moved towards Minho to give him a peck on the cheek.
He pushed you away a little but the grin didn't fell off from your lips you a laughed a little and sat on the bed with him "oh my playing hard to get aren't we?" you joked a little.
His breath was getting heavier; he was tired. And you only had to come at this moment to disturb him more. Don't get him wrong; you were not doing a bad thing. But he was tired as he danced for 4 hours without any break in between. He had to do a live for Stay too.
He could not catch up with his sleep and you were seeing him at his worst.
Your laugh your grin and your happy face was getting on his nevers he hated how things were so easier for you while he had to struggle.
"Will you stop? I am not in the mood."
You laughed a little and hugged his waist as he lay down. "Mmh, I can help you. Let me make you feel better."
"stop?! Okay!? I don't want your clingy ass touching me!" he pulled away from you your smile left your face as you looked at him.
Minho's anger seemed different this time, not the usual banter you both shared. It was a serious kind of anger that made the air feel heavy. Maybe it was the stress of the day or something deeper, but it was clear that this wasn't a moment for laughter.
You nudged his nose softly and his anger eyes shot an angry gaze at you. "Will you leave me alone, y/n?"
"You are getting so touchy these days"
Unaware of her departure, he carried on with his monologue, the words echoing off the empty walls. It wasn't until the silence became too pronounced to ignore that he realized she was gone.
With a sigh, he pressed his fingers against his temples, the day's tension demanding its toll. In search of some solace, he surrendered to the comfort of his bed, letting the soft sheets envelop him as he drifted into a much-needed escape from reality.
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"Love is a complex tapestry, woven with threads of choices and consequences. At the crossroads of the heart, where paths diverge, the decision to follow one over another is never taken lightly."
"I'm wondering, are we going to continue with the silence?"
The absence of words was suffocating her. All she could hear was the sound of him washing the dishes. The water from the tap felt like a taunt; a reminder of his silence.
She murmured again, hoping for a response. Hyunjin placed the dirty plate into the sink.
"What ..... is there to talk?"
As he inquired about their relationship, she firmly crossed her arms and tucked her tongue inside her cheeks. He let out a deep sigh in response.
"You are going with _____ then?"
Hyunjin wiped the sweat from his forehead and went towards the balcony to take his sweatshirt out "Yes I already told you"
He put on his grey sweatshirt and began to brush his hair.
"Why do you always prioritize dance practice with her over spending time with me? We need to prioritize our relationship," Y/n asserted, feeling hurt and left out.
Hyunjin looked at her, his eyes filled with a sense of admiration and awe. It was as if he had never seen anything as beautiful as her. At that moment, he knew that he would do anything to make her happy. He longed to be by her side and to cherish her forever.
but he knew better.
He knew what y/n had gotten herself into when they started their relationship.
He had willingly surrendered his freedom to his fans and company in exchange for a life of fame and fortune, becoming an idol in the process.
He pushed the thought of Y/n out of his mind, as he was already exhausted from the rigorous dance practice he and Yeji had just completed. He knew that he needed to focus on perfecting his dance moves, or else he would face criticism from his anti-fans.
The dance they were preparing for their comeback was already causing controversy, as some of his fans were against him and Yeji dancing together. This led to rumours and negative comments being spread about them on social media.
He wondered if Y/n had read those comments on Twitter and if she was feeling insecure about his partnership with Yeji.
You looked at him with small silver sleeks of tears forming around the corner of your eyes. It felt like he was seeing that y/n crying in front of him when he first met her.
The memory of the day when you two first met each other in Seoul is a vivid one. It was a slow day with very little activity in the city, and the rain was pouring down heavily. Despite the dreary weather, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation.
The moment you two met each other was magical
a chance encounter that changed your lives forever.
"Me or her Hyun-jin!"
You asked finally the venom left your mouth all these past few weeks after Hyunjin''s birthday had been hard for you.
You felt like those old insecurities were coming back.
"what the fuck are you talking about?" he shouted as he looked at you.
You didn't said a work he took a deep sigh and looked at you before opening his mouth "Why are you being such a insecure person y/n huh? I thought you would much better than an being an insecure bitch like some crazy fan"
As your eyes met with Hyunjin's, you felt your heart skip a beat. Your gaze was fixated on him, taking in every detail of his appearance - from the way his hair rested on his forehead to the slight curve of his lips.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words seemed to escape you. As he approached, you felt your palms begin to sweat and your heart race faster. Despite your nerves, you couldn't look away from him.
"Please, my love. Let's not fight," he whispered in your ear, his lips tantalizingly close to your skin.
The warmth of his breath sent shivers down your spine, and for a moment, all you could do was lose yourself in the intensity of his gaze.
"Hyunjin why don't you just leave me alone" you muttered and moved a little away from him he tried to come near you but your stern expression and the hatred in your eyes made him create a bit of distance between you and him "Just go and do your dance practice with her I am not stopping you"
He sighed and rubbed his forehead he walked towards the door and gave you a last look where you were sobbing like a little child whose favourite person was going away from them his eyes fixated on you he looked tired he wanted to hug you and tell you that it was just for a little time.
And everything would be fine.
"I am going y/n"
Those were the last words he ever exchanged with you.
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Changbin was jealous . He wasn't a jealous type by nature—it wasn't something he had ever really been interested in—but it did seem that lately, things were not going his way.
There you were doing squats in the gym with a stranger wearing a sports bra and shorts while Changbin stood there looking like an ass, shirtless and sweaty from all of his run throughs and warm up stretches as he watched from the side lines.
Changbin hated how you were smiling . How your eyes lit up and your hair bounced when you were stretching like that. How everytime you looked over at him for just a second, you would smile at him softly. That soft smile made him feel like he was about to choke on his own spit or something stupid like that.
You were his girlfriend you were supposed to look at him this way but instead you looked back at the person who had caught your eye. Changbin could feel jealousy bubbling inside of him again.
He tried to distract himself by running through his workout list again, hoping he might be able to clear his mind if he ran it again in a different setting. He ended up jogging past where he used to be with you though.
You both reached home the car ride was silent between you two and neither one seemed particularly inclined to break it until you both pulled into the parking garage, heading towards your respective doors. You spoke first though. “Hey so… why are you so silent? ”
‘Of course you do’ Changbin thought, biting his bottom lip, ‘you always have to fucking talk to me’.
"Changbin why are you being so salty?" Your brow furrowed in confusion
He has never talked like this to you ever.
You tried to touch his cheeks but he pulled away , scowling at you "why are you touching me huh? You are such a clingy and attention seeking bitch that you went to another guy at the gym!" Changbin spat, anger boiling over as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. "And yet you still chose that asshole over your boyfriend? I bet he didn't even notice he missed out." He scoffed bitterly.
You opened your mouth to respond but Changbin kept talking, cutting you off as fast as he could. "you are so clingy that I was not enough for you?" You looked at him like he was insane. You stared at him like he was some sort of monster. Changbin felt sickened watching you like this, disgusted with the way you were staring at him. "I am right aren't I? It must have been so nice having another man at the gym" Changbin muttered darkly.
"Changbin you are hurting me with your words" you said finally, voice shaking with hurt. "Why can't you trust me anymore? We've been together for years, we love each other." There was a pause as you blinked rapidly before adding. “Don't you love me?” You asked quietly.
“Of course I love you” Changbin choked out.
"if you loved me you would not have hurted me like that with your harsh words" you sniffled. The sound made him flinch and he turned sharply away. The moment seemed to last forever. When you spoke again, Changbin heard the waver in your tone. “You know what, maybe it is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have gone for another guy,” you said.
"yes you should not have! You were being a clingy child to that guy"
"I am leaving Changbin I don't think you are right in mind" you told him softly. "It's probably best if we just end this relationship."
"what?" Changbin choked out, stunned by your statement.
"You know what I mean. It has become too much between us for me to continue being around you. It hurts too much to see you treat me badly" you sighed.
Your words caused him a stung. They were painful. It stung more than Changbin expected them to. A part of him was surprised that they didn't hurt more than that, but then he remembered his reaction earlier and realized they probably wouldn't have anyway.
He felt numb. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced since high school.
There was a distance between you and him now . He knew you would stop seeing him altogether. He felt detached at the idea. He could barely wrap his head around it.
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sectumsempraaa · 2 days
And Now I Do
Pairing: Draco x fem!Hufflepuff!reader
TW: none really, pure fluff
Synopsis: You and Draco have been dating for a few weeks now. When you get a PT job in Hogsmeade, he disapproves of how much time it takes away from being together.
Word count: 2k (almost)
Hello everyone 🤍 This is my first fic ever! I've been reading all your lovely stories, fingers crossed I am half as talented as you all. Sorry if it's long? I'm a thorough gal. Enjoy :)
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“Ugh, do you have to?” Draco groans into your neck as he sucks on your skin lightly, giving a gentle tug. You giggle, playfully pushing him away with a hand on his chest.
“Yes, Draco, I have to go to work.” you respond, as he gives you the biggest puppy-love eyes. You shift away from him because you know the longer you look at him, the deeper you’ll be under his spell. You two had just started dating a couple weeks ago and, to your friends’ dismay, very much want to spend every waking moment together. But you had also recently gotten a job in Hogsmeade at a coffee shop to make some money for yourself, since your parents’ vault at Gringotts was not the most… plentiful.
“Why did you get a job anyways? I could think of a thousand other, better, things we could be doing…” his voice trails off as he climbs across the bed and grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles, using his other hand to tug you by your shirt closer to him.You hum and shake your head, pulling away and stepping into your shoes next to the door.
“Because if we want to spend the holidays together, I have to be able to afford it.” He gives you a sympathetic look and sighs, dramatically falling backwards onto your bed. A pang of longing hits your chest and has you turning around. “And…” you saunter back to the edge of the bed, climbing up to straddle him. You feel his hands touch your thighs, crawling their way up your skirt. Leaning down, you take his face in your hands, your noses grazing. “All the gifts I want to get you.”
He smirks and sits up, engulfing your lips with his. The kiss becomes deeper with each stolen breath, you feel his hands grab your ass as your arms wrap around his neck. He smiles devilishly and whispers into your mouth, “I still think it’s rubbish.”
It’s been a few weeks now, the holidays drawing nearer. Late November at Hogwarts was always your favorite, and now it’s even better with Draco constantly cuddling you and taking any opportunity to wrap you in his Slytherin robes.
You’re in the library working on yet another essay for Charms class when you feel a familiar presence looming over you. You glance up to find Draco with both his hands leaning on the table in front of you, his smile fading quickly when he notices the bags under your eyes.
“Love, you need a break. Please take a break.” He begs as he slides your parchment towards him, forcing you to stop. “You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
Your vision feels delayed, eyes moving around the room, with no sense of time. It could be midnight or five in the morning. You don’t know how long you’ve been here, working endlessly to catch up on school after your shift. You work nearly every day now until 8pm, usually starting assignments and working on them late into the night. It hasn’t become uncommon for you to fall asleep in the library or in an empty classroom.
“I’m fine, really, I just…” your voice fades to a whisper as your eyes start to close. Draco taps a finger under your chin, lifting your gaze to his.
“Sweetheart, someone who forgets to take off their work uniform before diving into hours of homework isn’t fine.” You look down and notice you’re still wearing your apron from the coffee shop, covered in tea and food stains. Sighing, you lift your hands to your face, despite being too tired to be embarrassed.
“That’s it. I can’t stand to see you like this anymore. You’re not going to work tomorrow.” You hear him speak but it sounds so far away through the brain fog in your head.
“Can’t call out…” is all you could get out before your vocal cords give up.
You feel Draco walk behind you and start to untie your apron, resting it on his shoulder as he helps you out of your seat. “Arms, love.” He says as you wrap them around his neck, submitting to his instruction. He picks you up with one arm under your knees, the other supporting your back. The last thing you remember is snuggling your face against his shoulder and breathing in the lingering scent of his cologne before you drifted off.
You wake up the next morning, but not in your room. You recognize the dark green wallpaper instantly as you raise your head off the pillow. You grab Draco’s watch off his nightstand and nearly fall out of bed when you see the time.
“Oh my god, shit, shit, shit,” you curse under your breath, looking around the room frantically to find you’re alone. You grab your apron off the back of his armchair and bolt for the door, trying not to think about how late you are for your Saturday opening shift. You make it to the common room and slam into someone while rounding the corner, yelling in the midst of your rush.
“FUCK, Theo!” you shout as his eyes widen and a boyish laugh comes out of his mouth as he steadies you with his arms on your shoulders.
“Didn’t know the angelic Hufflepuff could curse,” he says while looking down at you. Your face turning red, you blow past him to the common room door. He starts calling after you again but you have no time to listen.
“No need to run, cara mia…” 
Entirely out of breath, you sprint your way off school grounds and all the way to Hogsmeade, trying to ignore the mess of hair sitting on top of your head and the racing heart beating in your chest. Right as you approach the door to the shop, you stop suddenly in your path when it opens in front of you, revealing a Draco that looks a little too pleased with himself.
“What… what are you…” you attempt to speak, choking on the dry air as it tries to fill your aching lungs. “Why didn’t you… wake me up?...” you manage to ask with a hand on your chest and the other on your knee.
Draco takes you in his arms, waiting a minute before giving you an explanation. “First, you need to come back down to Earth. Then I’ll explain. Gods, you look-”
“Careful.” You manage to interrupt him before he finishes the thought, throwing an angered glare up at him.
“Rested. Beautiful, and rested.” he says to you gently, enough to make you melt as he tucks a hair behind your ear while you catch your breath. He cups a hand on your cheek and you notice the smirk that hasn’t left his face since he walked out of the shop.
“Something’s up. What did you do?” you ask urgently, looking quickly between him and the shop.
“Why does everyone always assume I’m up to no good?” he jokes, earning him another angry glare from you.
“Maybe you are!” your eyes go a little wide as the volume of your voice surprises you. He takes a step closer to you, eyes narrowing, taking your face in his hands to make you look at him.
“Maybe I can’t stand to see you crumbling before me every night, maybe I’m tired of saying hello to my girlfriend in passing. Maybe I’m selfish and want you all to myself,” his words slow to a halt before giving you a knowing look. “And now I do.”
He lets go of your face, letting you step back with a face full of confusion. Eyebrows furrowed, you grow silent as you notice the shop owner behind the counter through the windows doing the side work you normally do each morning. Draco interrupts your puzzled thoughts by holding up a piece of paper to your face.
“I gave your two weeks.”
“You… what?” Your brain nearly shuts down. This isn’t real.
“Here.” He hands you an envelope, which you hesitate to take. Opening it slowly, your gut tells you that you already know what this is.
“I took your earnings to Gringotts this morning. The cash in your book bag. You can’t be carrying that kind of money around. We opened an account for you.”
“My father might have helped. Not many people can manipulate the bank, love.” You know he’s making playful banter but you’re still working hard to put the pieces together. You stare down at the check, watching a tear fall down to it, marking the paper. You didn’t have to ask about the extra couple of zeros that magically appeared next to what you actually earned.
“Don’t argue with me. You’ll lose. Let me, let us, take care of you. We can and we want to.” he says gently.
You look up from the check and receipts to the boy standing before you. A stern look on his face tells you enough. He’s right. You’re overworked, underpaid, and on the brink of failing classes. And maybe worst of all, you rarely get to spend time together. This isn’t benefiting anyone anymore. You just feel guilty that it took another person to fix it before you.
“Darling, as much as I’m a fan of the dramatics, I am starting to worry your silence is an indication of my quick and impending death.” he jokes, rubbing his chin with his hands.
“Okay.” you whisper.
He grabs a curl laying on your shoulder and twists it around his fingers. “Yeah?”
You smile up at him, quickly stepping onto your tippy toes to kiss him. His arms wrap around your waist, his fingers digging into your sides. Your kiss claims him, the only way you know how to thank him right now. This is your man, your man who provides. When you pull away, he rests his forehead on yours, relieved at your surrender.
“Yeah.” You let out a small laugh as the blush takes over your cheeks. A feeling of pride grows in you as you realize how much you’ve earned this. He took a huge risk in doing this at all, knowing how upset it could have made you.
“Good, because you really had me thinking I was a dead man there for a minute.”
“Mmm, maybe not dead but… a stupefy might have crossed my mind.” He laughs and pulls you in for a tight, warm hug.
You take his hand and lead him away from the shop, down the street towards The Three Broomsticks. He asks where you’re leading him to and, with a bright smile, turn back to him, walking backwards momentarily to face him. Your hand still clutched with his, he swings it back and forth.
“We are, finally, going on a date. And it’s on me. Yeah?” Biting your lip, you lift your eyebrows, waiting for his response. This time, it’s his face that goes crimson as he flips his hair, adjusting the buttons on his jacket to look more presentable.
“Yeah.” He stops and pulls you to him again, lifting and spinning you around this time, a loud laugh escaping your mouth. “Wait until my parents meet my girl. My wonderful, gorgeous, thoughtful, hilarious, and slightly threatening, girl. I can’t think of a more perfect Christmas present.”
“Hmm, that’s too bad, cause I was gonna buy you many, many more.” You kiss his cheek with enough pressure to make him burst into laughter again. He puts you down and looks at you seriously.
“Love, you’re smart enough to know I will beat you in that contest.” He reaches around your neck to untie your apron, letting it fall to the ground, leaving it behind.
 Yeah, he will.
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jawxme · 1 day
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You were almost asleep when your phone buzzed against your pillow, causing you to wake up in a bit of a shock. You hated falling asleep watching TV…but you did it almost every night. You reached under the throw pillow to find your phone. The lock screen was too damn bright, so you squinted your eyes to read the notification.
New Message: Carmy - Are you up? I know I said I didn't but I think I need you tomorrow. Can I count on you?
You read the message a few times over. You started working at Carmen Berzatto's restaurant a few weeks ago and quickly became enamored by the chef. He was handsome and smart, you couldn't help it! Between the small compliments on your dishes and the way you seemed to always give each other little smirks... you felt something. You typed back.
Yes, I can make that happen. You caught me before I fell asleep.
The little bubble popped up to show that he was typing. You couldn't help but imagine him in his own apartment, sitting on the couch or lying in bed, texting you. You held back a smile at the thought. Your phone buzzed in your hand.
Yes what? And I need you to be on time. 9 AM.
You rolled your eyes, picturing Carmen at home and smiling at his own text. You were never late. Never. And he always made fun of you for it. He said you must sit outside the door until the exact moment you are scheduled. And of course, he expect you to say Yes, Chef.
No shit. Heard. And Yes, Chef.
You smiled at your phone, rolling over onto your back. You checked the clock. 11:52pm. Damn. It was later than you thought. Your phone buzzed again.
Good. See you tomorrow.
You didn't want to say goodnight. You and Carmy had a few nights where you would text and joke around just slightly. You wanted to initiate more. You wanted to keep talking to him. You inhaled deeply and typed a response.
Carm, I have a question for you. You can tell me to fuck off and go to sleep, but I want to ask... What do you really think of me?
Your finger hovered over the send icon for a moment. You considered deleting it, but you pressed send. You watched the bubble appear as he was typing. You kept re-reading your message as he typed, feeling embarrassed you even asked. Then, you saw his message come in.
Sometimes you can be reckless and impulsive to a fault. You have a tendency to push my buttons and get on my nerves, but I appreciate your willingness to speak your mind. Overall, I’ll keep you around.
You started typing immediately before you could even think.
I'll keep that in mind. I sometimes like getting a reaction out of you, if I'm being honest. Sometimes it is nice to know I can get under your skin. I like it. Goodnight, Bear.
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*************** the next day, after work ******************
Work kicked your ass. It was a very long day and Carmy was stressed and frazzled. You didn't really have any time to have a personal chat with him, it was all work-related. The only bit of reality you two had was when you dropped a pan that had been searing chicken and you looked up at him when he yelled at you. A few minutes later, he gave you the "I'm Sorry" sign language motion, and you moved on with your day. A million things went wrong during service. You wanted to talk to him again. You pulled out your phone as you sat down on the couch.
Hey, Chef. Service was crazy today. Sorry I didn't have a better grip on things. Hope you're ok. Today was chaotic.
You started making yourself a PB&J sandwich, your usual go-to when you would rather die than cook something. You were spreading the peanut butter when your phone buzzed on the counter.
I appreciate you. Chaotic is one way to describe it. But we made it through. What are you doing?
You finished your sandwich and took a bite. You stared at his message on your screen and contemplated what to say. You held your sandwich in your mouth as you started typing. Fuck it.
Making a PB&J sandwich. Don't laugh. It’s my comfort dinner... Maybe this is stupid and I am just tired, but I need to know. I know you look at me differently than you look at others like Tina. Do you find me attractive?
Send. You felt your stomach curl as you re-read your message. Fuckkkk. What if this ruined your chances of working for him for a long time? Ugh. You couldn't help it, you just had to know. You saw him typing and then not. Typing again, and then not. Shit. You flipped your phone over, you didn’t want to watch. You flipped it back over. Of course you needed to watch. You bit your lip as you saw the text come in.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
Christ. You felt your stomach do a few more curls as you took in what he sent. He was still typing and you waited anxiously, your thumbs hovering over the screen.
…But we have to remain professional. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if Richie found out? We would never hear the end of it.
You knew he was right. You smirked as you typed a response.
Oh, Nat would be so smug too. We can just keep it between us.
You walked to your bed as you waited for his response. You felt high, knowing that you and Carmy were finally acknowledging this attraction. Your phone buzzed.
That is for the best. We can keep it under wraps for now. And as long as you don't push my buttons too much.
You chuckled as you responded. For now. For now. For now.
Hm. No promises on the button situation. I like to press them.
He heart-reacted to the response, a signal that he was fading away on the couch most likely. You couldn't blame him, you were exhausted.
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******** the next day, after work************
The Beef closed at 6pm on Tuesdays. It was the only day that you didn't close at 10pm. Thank God. You enjoyed being able to have a little bit of evening before you collapsed in bed. You got home and jumped in the shower. You heard your phone buzz as you washed your hair. You smiled, hoping it was Carmy. You hadn't even been apart for an hour, but you secretly hoped he missed you already. You finished washing yourself before stepping out of the shower and reaching for your phone.
Today took a lot out of me, not interested in cooking. I think I'll make a PB&J. Heard you like those. Wanna join?
You held your phone close to your chest as you felt a warmth spreading through your neck and face. This was moving faster than you thought, but you weren't mad about it.
You responded. You hurried to your closet and threw on leggings, a purple sweater, and your boots. You dried your hair and threw on a bit of makeup. Carmy sent you his address along with another text.
Let's keep this low-key. I've got sweatpants on and don't plan on changing.
Carmen Berzatto in sweatpants. The thought made you blush.
*************later that night, Carmy's apartment***********
You walked up to the door and knocked three times. You were so nervous it was almost unbearable. The door swung open and you saw him. Carmen was standing at the doorway and slightly leaning on the doorframe. He had on grey sweatpants and a light blue long sleeve. His eyes were complimenting the shirt nicely. Damn, was he gorgeous. He grinned as his eyes dropped to your lips and then slowly back up to your eyes. It was a slight glance but you noticed it. “Hey..." He was so quiet with his greeting you weren't sure if you imagined it. He stared at you and your eyes glanced behind him into the apartment. "Fuck, right, um...come in.” He said with a furrowed brow, his voice so low it was almost a whisper. When he wasn’t screaming in the kitchen, he was a quiet guy. He stepped to the side so you were able to step in the doorway.
You smiled and slowly looked around his apartment. It was bare. Naked. Horribly white and empty. You felt Carmen’s eyes tracking you as you looked around. “It’s not much but it serves its purpose f'me.” He brought his hand to his mouth and rubbed his chin. While you took in the apartment, he helped you take off your jacket. He tossed it onto a lamp by the front door. You cleared your throat and turned to him. “Hope this is okay…” you motioned to your outfit.
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He smiled and looked down at his own outfit. “Yeah, yeah, definitely okay. When I’m not at work, I just want to…um… to be comfortable.” He tugged on the sleeves of his shirt. You stood around somewhat awkwardly as you watched him get a drink of water for you. He noticed your awkwardness and chuckled. “Sit down! You don’t have to act like a guest. Make yourself comfortable, chef.” He was trying to hide his awkwardness as well.
You sat down in the kitchen on the single stool at the bar top. Carmy started pulling out the bread, peanut butter, and jelly and assembling the sandwiches for the two of you. You still felt awkward and he knew it. “You can relax, y’know. The atmosphere here is different than the restaurant. I’m not gonna…” he sniffled, pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He raised his hand to the air trying to find the rest of his sentence. “I’m not gonna uh, yell at you or anything.” You blushed hard when he said that. Of course, it filled your mind with the image of him pounding into you against the countertop and barking sexual instructions at you. You tried to stay grounded in the moment when you responded. “Right. Sorry. Those look good.” You looked at the messy sandwiches.
Carmy chuckled, his eyes glancing up at you and then back at the messy sandwiches on the bare counter. “Shut the fuck up.” He tossed the sandwiches on paper plates and put one in front of you. “Eat up, a Berzatto special.” He began. He leaned forward on the counter, only having the one stool forced him to stand. He had his elbows on the counter and leaned forward to you as you took a bite. “I’ve, uh...gotta ask… smooth or crunchy?”
You chewed your bite and covered your mouth with your hand as you licked the peanut butter from your teeth. “Oh, crunchy for sure.” You muttered. Carmy gently slapped the counter and brought his tattooed hand up to his curly locks and raked his fingers through. His arms looked so muscular and perfect… “Correct answer! Didn’t know you were a peanut butter aficionado.” You grinned. “Of course. You’ve gotta have some texture in the sandwich, or else it’s just-“ “Too fuckin' mushy. Yeah, yeah.” Carmen nodded as he finished your sentence and also his sandwich with a huge bite.
Carmy’s eyes were glued to you as you finished up your sandwich. He wasn’t afraid of staring, that’s for sure. The edges of his mouth curled up slowly, he enjoyed watching you eat the food he made. Even if it was just a PB&J.
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After you finished, Carmy took your paper plate and threw it away. “I, uh... Couch?” He mumbled, his arm outstretched to you as he stood on the other side of the kitchen. You wanted to grin at the way he couldn't formulate a proper question, but you didn't think you'd be able to either. You nodded, standing up. He kept his hand reached out, so you took his hand. He led you to the couch. You were obsessed with the fact that you were holding hands with Carmen. It was a ratty old couch. His setup was pretty awful. His little TV was balanced on a card table and the cords were a mess.
He flicked the television on to a random cooking show as you both sat down and then tossed the remote onto the coffee table that was covered in old bills and paperwork from The Beef. The couch was old and sunken in, not ideal for sitting apart from each other. His body immediately slid closer to you and he tossed his arm over your shoulders. “Comfy?” He asked, peering down at you from the corner of his eyes. He didn’t turn to face you, or else your faces would’ve been almost touching. You felt a surge of confidence and you turned your head towards him, gently placing your chin on his shoulder and cuddling up to him. He peeked down at you with that grin once again, the sides of his mouth curling up just slightly. “Very comfy.” You answered him.
You studied Carmen’s face. He had very strong features. His eyes sunk in a way that made him look perpetually sleep deprived. His nose and jaw were both chiseled to perfection. His lips had the perfect “M” curvature. You loved his lips, you would frequently catch yourself staring at them while he smoked cigarettes in front of you. The way the cigarette clung to his upper lip while he spoke would never fail to mesmerize you. He had a slight stubble, but not a beard. His hair was always so fucking messy and disheveled looking, but in a sexy way. Carmen didn’t have to even try to look good. Your thoughts were halted by Carmy placing his hand on your knee. “You uh... See something y'like?” He asked, referencing the way you were just completely staring at him. You felt your face flush. “Sorry, Carm. I am just not used to seeing you in this type of environment. It’s so different. Like… I’m just seeing you as Carmy, not Chef Carmen Berzatto. It’s different for me.”
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“Is it, uh....Good different?” He asked, tilting his head slightly as he turned to look at you. You softly nodded. “Okay.” He whispered. He gently placed his left hand on the side of your face, turning you to completely face him. His thumb gently grazed across your soft skin on your cheek. Your breathing stopped as you looked into his eyes. His stare was almost like a begging, his eyes speaking a language without even trying.
He studied your face, his eyes lingering on your mouth for a moment before sliding his hand up slightly to cup your jaw. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip in a gentle but firm swipe. You felt yourself melting under his touch. You inhaled sharply, your eyes fixed on his face as they slowly swam around your facial features. He smiled slightly when he heard your breath catch. His other hand was still on your knee. He gently tugged on your leg, helping your body pivot towards him.
You leaned in close to his face, the tension thicker than you thought possible. He slowly and carefully touched his lips to yours. You were surprised how gentle it was, but that didn’t last incredibly long. As soon as your lips touched, he pressed his tongue into your mouth. You felt how desperate he was to be close to you. The hand on your jaw moved to the nape of your neck and he kept you pulled close. He tasted like cigarettes and cologne. His grip loosened and you whimpered into the kiss, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long…” You felt him smile into the kiss as he replied. “Me too, but uh...stop talking now?”
He dropped his hands to your waist and gave you a playful squeeze. You continued to make out with Carmy for who knows how long. His strong arm wrapped around your waist as your body twisted on the couch. He pulled you in even closer, his other hand tangling in your hair. He nibbled your lip gently as he let go of your waist. “Lie back."
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You did as you were told and leaned back so you lay flat on the couch. He crawled on top of you without breaking the kiss for more than a few seconds. He placed himself between your legs as his kiss deepened. You’ve never had a kiss like this. It’s like your brain was able to completely shut off, the natural rhythm you both shared was exactly synced up.
You arched your back slightly in efforts to draw yourself closer to him. You peeked your eyes open to see Carmen’s face, completely relaxed and soft. His eyes were closed softly, his eyelashes fluttering lightly. His usually furrowed brow was relaxed for the first time that you had seen. Carmy broke the kiss as he pushed himself up slightly. His curls fell and his upper lip was wet with saliva. “Fuck me.” He whispered as he grinned.
You weren’t sure if that was meant as a compliment or…a request? Carmen cussed a lot. Sometimes it was because something was bad, but sometimes it was because something was really good. You hoped the latter. He slid his hand underneath the hem of your sweater, his fingers grazing over your bare skin. He moved his hand up your stomach and rested it right below your breast. His mouth hovered so close to yours, but far enough that you couldn’t kiss him. “You’re wearing too much.” He whispered as his fingers danced circles on your skin.
You both sat up, Carmen ripped his long sleeve shirt over his head, tousling his hair. You pulled your sweater off and unhooked your bra before throwing them both to the floor. Carmen took a moment to admire your naked chest. “Fuck, you’re uh... you're beautiful.” He mumbled. He reached behind you and laid you down again on the couch. He started placing soft kisses along your neck. His upper lip dragging along your skin between kisses. He left a trail of kisses down to your right nipple before sucking on it softly. You felt yourself melt even further into the couch.
He continued kissing lower until he passed your bellybutton and reached the waistband of your leggings. “Fuck, Carmy…” you whimpered as he dipped his tongue under the waistband, teasing you like crazy. You looked down and saw his nose pressed against your belly as he kissed your skin so desperately. You lifted up your lower half and he immediately grabbed your leggings and slid them down, your panties too. His hands found your upper thighs and he spread your legs slightly.
He kissed the soft skin on your inner thighs and looked up at you. The curls were tickling your skin as his eyes met your gaze. “Do you want me to go down on you?” He asked. Obviously. Duh. Please. Fuck yes. Now. You wanted to scream but all you could do was mutter “Yes…” between gasps. He kissed the spot right above your clit, humming as he did so. “Yes what?” He asked with confidence.
This made you inhale sharply because you knew exactly what he wanted you to say. Your mouth opened slightly as you stared down at him, his eyebrows raised but his eyes focused. “Yes, Chef.” You whispered. He smirked and slid down lower between your legs. He pushed your leggings completely off and grabbed your knees, placing them on his shoulders. “That's right...” he softly praised you as his lips met your core.
Instinctually, your hands grabbed Carmen's curls. You couldn't help it. The way his tongue repeatedly stroked you was driving you insane right away. You tugged on his hair and held him as close as you could. You felt his thumbs on either side of your opening, pressed into you and holding your legs open for his face. His nose was nuzzled against your clit while he ate you out, and you had no complaints.
Two of his fingers dipped between your folds and sunk deep into you. You whined loudly, craving more of him. Usually, you were fairly self-concious about your body and any noises you would make during sex... but with Carmy, you just didn't care. The pleasure was too overwhelming. He was still his shy, awkward self... but during this, Carmen had a surge of confidence, almost like he knew how good he was. He scooted up so his face was close to yours, his fingers still working at your core. "My fingers feel fuckin' good, hm?" He whispered as his lips hovered over yours.
Your face suddenly flushed with embarrassment as you opened your eyes and saw Carmy watching your facial expressions. You reached your hands up and covered your face, but then you felt his fingers stop moving inside you. "No, no, no don't...don't uh, don't cover your face, okay? I like to watch you enjoy it." Carmy whispered, nudging your hands away with his nose. You moved your hands from your face to the sides of his neck and played with his curls. "Yeah, like that...I dunno, it's uh, it's sexy f'me to watch." He grinned and blushed, and so did you.
You felt a surge of your own confidence. "Now you lay down." You whispered and pushed against Carmy's chest. He did not struggle as he quickly leaned back and flopped backwards on the couch. He watched as with wide eyes as you stood up off the couch and found your place on top of him.
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You liked the view of being on top of Carmy. His hair was messy, his cheeks were flushed, and his lips still shiny. His hands immediately found your thighs and hips. He gave them an affectionate squeeze and ran his hands up and down your thighs. He reached his hands towards your face and placed them on your cheeks and sides of your neck. "C'mere..." He whispered. You leaned down and he closed the gap between your mouths. He captured you in a deep and passionate kiss. You rocked back and forth with the kiss, creating some friction against the hardness you could feel in his sweatpants.
He broke off the kiss for a moment and held the sides of your face softly. "You're driving me crazy, y'know that?" He whispered before he went back to kissing you. His tongue was stale with cigarette smoke mixed with your own juices and he was an excellent kisser. Carmen looked down, his hands finding his waistband and tugging at his sweats. "Gotta get these off..." He started pulling them down. You realized he didn't have any boxers on, so when you began helping him pull them down, his hard erection popped out and lay against his lower midsection.
With his waistband now down at his knees, he pulled your hips back down on top of him. He groaned when he felt your wet folds against his cock, they slid up and down on him so perfectly as you shifted your weight. You wanted to tease Carmy.
You began grinding against him, letting your wet folds slide the length of him. Each time you reached his perfect pink head, you paused, wanting to drive him up the wall. You were succeeding. His cheeks flushed more with each glide against his length. His head fell back against the couch cushion as he let out a low groan, his hands desperately gripping your waist in an attempt to adjust your hips for him to enter you. That same feeling of confidence spilled out as you spoke. "Fuck, Carmy, you really want me, don't ya?"
He was growing more desperate with each moment that passed, but hearing you say that made his cock twitch. "Fuck, yeah I do, I really want ya..." he groaned as he reached up to your chest and his hands cupped both of your breasts. "Please, I..." He begged, sighing.
You lifted your hips slightly as you wrapped your hand around his length and held him vertical as you slid down on top of him. The moment his head fully entered you, you both let out a moan. Carmy's moan was desperate and whiny. He was melting. He needed you so badly. His fingers were digging into your hips as you settled back down on top of him, his length stretching you out. He lifted his hips barely to make sure all of him could be inside you. "F-fuck... feels so amazin'..." He whispered between breaths.
He couldn't tear his gaze away from you. He was so submissive for you. He watched in awe, his lips parted as you started riding him slowly. His hands were strong against your hips, but not hurting you. He was attempting to let you set the pace, but his begging grip was speaking for itself. "C'mere..." He exhaled, wanting to kiss you. You leaned forward as you kept riding him. Your mouths met in a messy, desperate kiss. His hand tangled in your hair. His voice was ragged and breathless as he whispered, "Y'feel so fuckin' good. Don't stop ridin' me."
He groaned as he felt you move faster, his cock sliding in and out of you easier. You slowed your pace as you grinned, wanting to torture him a little bit. You bit your lip as he looked at you. That desperate look was gone from Carmy's eyes though. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and shot up, picking you up and stumbling over to the kitchen counter. He sat you on the countertop, his cock still inside you. He pulled your hips down until you were hanging off the edge, just perfectly so he could fuck you.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest with the sudden power swap. Carmy stared into your eyes as he thrust once, his cock going all the way inside you before sliding out.... and then he did it again. He started fucking you on his countertop. You moaned with each thrust, being completely filled up each time. Carmy was out of breath, but he whispered, "Feels so good, yea?" You nodded your head and exhaled, "Yes.... yes..." Carmy's tattooed hand grabbed your chin roughly which made your eyes shoot open. He was still fucking you at a decent pace, but he held your face still. His eyes wandered to your lips as he softly exhaled "Yes what?"
Fuck, he was so sexy like this. "Yes, Chef." You whined, throwing your head back as he picked up the pace. He loved your compliance, the way you whined your responses. His breath hitched as he felt you wrap your legs around him, pulling him in closer. He grabbed your hips, pulling you even closer to the edge of the countertop, begging the space between you two to dissolve. "Fuck." He grunted.
You felt a heat rising in your lower belly. You knew once you felt this, you weren't going to last much longer. "Carm, I'm... I'm gonna cum..." You mewled as he grunted as a response. His thrusts were irregular and needy, you knew he was close to his orgasm as well. You clawed at his neck, begging for a kiss. He leaned forward and your tongues met in an incredibly sloppy kiss. Carmy's breath was hitching and shaking as he got closer, which made you focus on yours.
You felt the wave building up, the heat growing in your belly, and you snapped your eyes open to watch Carmy start to come undone. "Oh, fuck!" He grunted as he let his orgasm loose. This caused you to teeter over the edge and plunge into the depth of your orgasm as well.
Your brain felt fuzzy. The sound of the both of you breathing heavy was filling the air. Carmy was still inside you, almost holding you in a hug as he caught his breath. He placed kisses against your neck as he took deep breaths through his nose. "Ssshit, that was good." He hissed, taking a step back and allowing his now limp cock to slide out of you. You giggled at the sight of him, all disheveled and exhausted. His eyes were wide and sunken as he rubbed his face, droplets of sweat falling from his brow.
He reached for a dish towel and wiped himself off before gingerly cleaning you up. You sat on the countertop, allowing him to wipe you clean. He took a step back and you hopped down from the counter. He grinned and looked down at the floor and started softly laughing. "What!" You gasped as you started giggling yourself. "Nothin', that was just... really fuckin' good." You loved the way he looked when he laughed, his wrinkles by his eyes and the slight crinkle of his nose.
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You giggled as he brought you a blanket to cover yourself with. "Well, fuck, I didn't know if we would go all the way tonight or just dip our toes in..." He said, still chuckling as his hair fell over his forehead. "Me either." You agreed. Carmy reached his hand out and helped you walk over to his bedroom. Again, a pathetic room with no decorations, just a plain bed against a plain wall. "Sleep with me tonight? I'll set an alarm bright and early so uh, you can get home before we gotta work...and maybe we can do this every Tuesday, if y'want." His hands raked through his curls again as he blushed softly. God, he was so cute. "Sure. Yes." You smiled. Carmy's eyes shifted as he got serious again. "Yes what?"
You rolled your eyes and laid down on his bed. "Yes, CHEF." You laughed. He snickered as he laid down beside you, reaching his arm over to cuddle you. "Ok, good..." He confirmed. "Tuesdays."
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its-in-the-woods · 2 days
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Coyote Head - Part 3 - Head on a pike
master list
Part 1, Part 2,
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Alternative Universe where I make things up cause I ca
Synopsis: Things are not always what they seem, a tossed house, a walk through the woods. What will they find...
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal death, blOod/G0re, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Eventually: Older Man/Younger Woman, Horror themes, long form fic,
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
Getting out of the truck, the door squeaks, as Lucy makes her way up the set of steps. She could see the madness of her living space, bookshelves toppled, art and paperwork strewn about the space.  Dozens of large dents are in the drywall. Every kitchen cupboard had been opened and tossed. Her bed flipped against the window, blankets scattered, pillows torn, stuffing covering the floor. It was as if a tornado had gone through her home and rucked up everything. She stood in the living room trying to comprehend what had happened. Her stomach revolted as she made her way to the sink, what little breakfast she had coming out into the sink. 
“Whoa, whoa,” Cooper said, coming over and rubbing her back, “It’s gonna be alright.”
Lucy's head hung as she turned on the tape, willing the sludge to go down the drain. She moved to grab a glass and filled it up. The man removed his hand much to her disappointment. 
“I was only gone for a few hours,” She mumbles, taking a sip of water, tears poking at the corners of her eyes. The whole house was upside down, it was as if someone had hit her in the stomach. She hadn’t lived there long, but it was still her home, the loss of privacy feeling so intimate. 
“Sure looks like they were lookin’ for somethin’,” Cooper says, watching Lucy as she sips the water, his eyes moving over the scene in front of them. 
“Nothing here but papers,” Lucy hisses, her head still spinning from the vomiting. The reasoning escaping her grasp, she had little to no possession, and it wasn’t like she kept money lying around. Her mind drifted to the reaction of her family members in the small lawyer's office. Was it possible this was something they had organized, maybe in a bid to scare her out of the place?
Cooper looks around, “Did they take anythin’?” His head turning toward the front door. The sound of gravel crunching under tires had them both looking out the window. Uncle Harris was out of his old truck with his 2-70 in hand. Face set in a firm grimace, as he made his way quickly to the front door.
“Don’t shoot,” Cooper chuckles as the man makes his way up the steps, holding his hands in the air in mock surrender. 
“Should shoot you on-site, you lead-footed bastard.” Harris grins at the man before his eyes went wide at the scene before him. “Jesus, Lucy, what happened.”
Lucy shook her head, digging around the upturned cabinets for ginger pills. She needed something to take the edge off her nausea.  “Not sure, left about two hours ago and came back to this.”
The two men walking up and down as Lucy took stock of everything around them. Despite the horrid mess, nothing seemed to be gone. The maps were destroyed, and a handful of bookshelves were mangled beyond repair, but that was minor. There were several large holes in the walls, bigger than a man's fist but smaller than a head. Not including a dozen smaller ones that could be mudded over. They’d need to be patched sooner than later. Of course, there was the front door and the fact that half the cupboard doors were off their hinges.  It all felt so daunting to look at, where would she even start with all of this mess? 
“I am gonna call Margie, get her to come help with this. I think I may have a door in the barn we could use for the front temporarily. Even if it’s just to keep the mice at bay.” Harris rattles on as Lucy gathers up things. She digs around and finds garbage bags and a broom to start cleaning.
“At least the table and desk are okay,” Cooper notes, helping Lucy pile all the papers onto the flat surface. His fingers lingering on hers as he hands her another stack. 
“What do you think did this?” Lucy asks, her hands shaking as she makes sure all the papers are there. Thanking herself for having backup copies stored in a cloud online, at least she didn't have to worry about any losses there.
“Looks human to me,” Harris said as he flips open his phone to call his wife while leaning against the broom. 
Lucy looks at Cooper, his hand up as if measuring the hole, “I’d agree with you Uncle. Thinkin’ if t’was an animal there’d be scat or other marks.”
Lucy looks at everything, there was no hair, blood, scat, or anything indicating that it was an animal. But it also didn’t feel right, predatory, and clinical, as if something was trying to get under her skin. Not human, but not animal either. It had gotten to her if she was honest, between the lack of sleep and hallucinations of black shadowy creatures. She was about ready to turn tail and not look back. But where would she go? This was her home now, and yes it had been turned upside down, but it was still hers. How could she leave the place her Grandpa had given her? She had never run from anything in her life, despite any hardships she had faced. 
Her Uncle left to pick up Lucy’s Aunt, as well as grab a door, some putty for the holes, and a few other pieces to help repair the damage. Lucy and Cooper spent the time gathering up what was salvageable and removing what wasn’t. Ever grateful she had kept the large garbage bin in the yard and had help to move stuff out. It would be a few hours of cleaning before the place was sort of right. It wasn’t really, the place felt darker, like the sun couldn’t shine through the windows. As if a heavy fog had been dropped over them. No matter how much they cleaned, it felt like the stain wouldn't lift.  It was like a greyscale filter being slotted over the space. 
As Margie and Harris came down the drive; Cooper left to grab his kids, he'd promised to be back with them. Lucy tried to focus on one stack of trash at a time. She really regretted quitting smoking right now, a smoke would be amazing. At least it would help calm her down for a few. She helped her family unload the truck with all the bits and bobs they’d need to make it somewhat livable, or at the very least keep out the mice. Maybe she needed to get a cat on top of a dog or two. 
Cooper came in with his two kids in tow, a little dark-haired girl with freckles, and a brown hair boy who looked strikingly like his Dad. Somewhere along the way, he had also grabbed his hat. Lucy found herself that hat, something about a man that could wear one without looking ridiculous was hard to ignore. They were both polite and said hello. It was not lost on Lucy how they took in the place, it was clear they had concerns. Magie had offered to make dinner for everyone, which Lucy and Cooper agreed to. Harris had also insisted that Lucy stay at his place for the night. Lucy was more than happy to take up the offer, the last thing she wanted was to stay overnight here without a lock on the door. 
Many of the cupboard doors needed to be fully replaced. Where the front door used to be was now a heavy steel one; that Uncle Harris had bought several years ago for a shed. They had even replaced the door frame. There was no deadbolt, just a handle and hole, but that would have to do for now until Lucy could get back to town. The smaller holes had been mudded, the large ones would need pieces of drywall. Despite everything the place looked somewhat okay. Lucy had even managed to put her small amount of groceries away. Despite the mess being gone, it still felt like the place was dirty. Like somehow the holes would reopen and the papers would throw about spontaneously. 
“Why don’t you kids head over to Granny’s place? Let her know we will be having dinner at Margie’s,” Cooper said firmly, handing the keys to his truck to Matthias. Janey whining about never getting to drive.  
“Don’t you worry, once you can reach the petals I’ll teach you,” Cooper said with a smile rubbing Janey’s head of curls. “Now run on home and make sure you’re cleaned up for dinner.”
Magie stood, stretching and kissing Harris, “We should be heading to make sure these hard-working folks got some food.”
Harris nods, before looking at Lucy, eyebrows raised in concern. “You gonna be okay with just Cooper?”
“Yeah, I think I will be fine. I am sure the two of us are more than capable” Lucy replies, plastering on a forced smile. “Just gonna walk the fields and see what we can see.”
Harris walks over to the new door, where he had set his gun, “I am gonna leave this with you along with a spare clip, alright? Get your gun license renewed, and some more ammo. But for now, I will leave that there just encase”
“Thank you, Uncle Harris,” Lucy said with a nod, adding it to her mental checklist. “I will make sure it gets back to you.”
“Hopefully you won’t have to use it,” Magie sighs as she follows her man out the door. 
Cooper watches them leave, before turning back to Lucy. “You good if we go for a walk? See what we might find,”
Lucy nods, Cooper grabs his gun placing it over his shoulder, and Lucy does the same along with the spare clip. It felt heavy, an uncomfortable comfort, she had hunted with her Granddad for years. But this felt different like she was the one being hunted. it felt like she was being stalked. Lucy was incredibly grateful that Cooper had offered to come along, she doubted she’d have the nerve to walk around here on her own. In fact, she knew she wouldn’t have gone out there without him beside her. 
Cooper turned towards her as they walked towards the edge of the forest, “You mentioned you thought ya saw somethin’ last night?”
“I was tired, thought I saw maybe a dog? Run through the yard.” Lucy answers, shifting the rifle onto her other arm. “I kept feelin like something was watching me ya’no.” 
“Mmmhmm, maybe a mountain lion came down,” Cooper adds as they look down at the ground, a well-worn trail in front of them. 
“Haven’t been mountain lions sighted here in years,” Lucy adds, she had never had to worry about cougars. Bears, wolves, coyotes sure, but cougars were different. 
“The Roths said they saw a Mom and cubs last spring.” Cooper ponders, Lucy liked how he took things seriously but kept his head on him. He never dismissed what she had to say. 
“Really? This far east of the mountains.” Lucy spoke, amazed that great feline beasts were back in the prairies. 
“Yeah grizzlies too,” Cooper said, stopping to look at some footprints, “Looks like coyotes were here. Not too surprising like rats.” 
Lucy took a look at the tracks, it had rained a few days ago, and the mud showed clear impressions of the canine. There were a few smaller ones that looked like rabbits if she peered into the densely wooded area she could make out game trails. Cooper had moved up a bit, looking down into the woods himself. His body ridged like he had spotted one of the mountain lions they were just talking about. Hat tipped up and eyes transfixed on whatever was ahead of him. 
“Whatcha see?” Lucy asked, coming to stand beside him and looking into the woods. Down a game trail almost out of sight was a stump stripped of bark. Sitting on top of starkly white wood was a coyote’s head, not old, but fresh. Its eyes were wide as if its last moments had been full of fear, blood, and gore dripping down the sides of the stump. It was a grotesque scene, something more akin to a horror movie than real life. 
“What in the-” Lucy said, going to step down the trail. Cooper’s big hands pulling her back, and she turned to see Cooper staring at her, hazel eyes wide with fear. 
“Don’t go in there, Lucy.” He said voice low, but forceful. The man was scared and holding onto her arm to stop her from entering the woods. She could feel the way his fingers were digging into her arm. 
“It’s just someone trying to mess with us,” Lucy said, trying to brush him off and move past him but he wouldn’t budge. He made sure to keep himself between her and the woods, she would have been offended if it was anyone else. 
“No, that’s a warning,” The man said, tugging her away from the place. Lucy looks back at the poor creature. Coyotes were walking vermin for most farmers, but they didn’t deserve to have their heads on pike. 
Cooper continues to tug on her arm, “Let’s finish the rounds.” He was already moving them away from the scene. Lucy having to know choice but to follow him. 
Lucy jogged trying to keep pace with the man, “Didn’t take you for a superstitious man.”
Cooper turned to her, a small smile crossing his face, “Maybe I am, but somethin’ doesn’t feel right out’er. Never seen anythin’ like that, that was someone trying to make a statement.” 
“If they were trying to make a statement why didn’t they put it on my front door?” Lucy adds, Cooper was right something was wrong. Not that it explained why someone would do any of this. 
Cooper breathed in and let it out, “I don’t know, Lucy. I don’t know a lot about these things, but I won’t trust something like that back’er. There are things in these woods that we’ll never understand.”
Lucy nods and kept following beside him. Observing more sets of tracks, coyotes, rabbits, and other large prints that look closer to bobcats. Thankfully no other coyote heads on any of the game trails they passed. That dark icky feeling that had crawled over Lucy’s home was also here. Not as pungent as it had been by the coyote's head, but still enough to make her heart speed up.  
As they came to the center of the property a large cut had been made through the brush for ATVs to get in and out easily. Once again Lucy was struck with how dark the place felt, even with full sun it felt like the tree’s shadows were longer. The green was closer to black than it had any right to be. It made her feel cold, a shiver covering her arms as she looked into what was once a familiar place. She and Norm had spent many hours on ATVs running around over trail; walking with their Grandma to pick berries or wild mint and other herbs. Now, it felt like she had never stepped foot in the place. 
As they stood there looking at the space, Lucy spotted the first signs of something wrong. Scuffs in the ground, spaced roughly five feet apart, she walks closer, the ground wasn’t as soft here. The marks were deep gouges lifting roots and leaf mold. She runs her fingers over the dirt, outlining them. With three big toes, the creature had been moving toward the forest judging by the deeper impression facing towards the bush. The prints looked eerily close to an extremely large chicken track. 
“Ever seen anything like that?” Lucy asks, Cooper coming over and crouching down beside her. Using his finger the same way she had to outline the thing. His hat covered his eyes as he looked at the markings. 
“Looks like-” He looks forward to the next print and then behind them. “A bird? Like a big bird. But that can’t be right.”
Moving between prints they went back up towards the house slightly and then disappeared. It was like the footprints had dropped out of the sky, much the same as a bird.  Walking back into the woods there were two that went in and then stopped. The two looking all around, trying to find any other evidence of the beast or whatever it was. Lucy looks up and points to what she sees among the trees. 
“Look at that.” She whispers, her voice still echoing in the cathedral of trees. “Is that fur?”
The two of them stood side by side looking up into the bunches of pine branches. Up about ten feet was a tuft of brown fur. The more they looked the more they saw, at least half a dozen spots with various sizes of fur on them. 
“Maybe the cougar?” Cooper asks, looking at Lucy and then back at the pieces of fur. “Got to be a cougar. They like to drag their meals up into the trees.”
Lucy squinted more, trying to see if there was anything else they were missing, “Got to be it right? How else would that get up there? Do cougars eat coyotes?”
“Cougar doesn’t explain these,” Cooper points down at the marks, “Like if those are tracks, the critter woulda been over ten feet tall. No way it could fit in the trailer.”
Lucy snorts, “In the trailer? How does it just disappear into the woods? There’s what. Five prints. Maybe it’s somethin’ digging in the ground, lookin’ for worms or something. Like a badger?”
Cooper removed his hat and rubbed at his head, looking at all the marks and then back up at the fur. He put his hat back on, dug out his phone, flipping his camera on.
“Do you mind?” He asked Lucy, as he went to take a photo of the prints. 
“Nah, go for it.” She said pulling out her phone to do the same thing. Maybe someone they knew would be able to give her answers. 
Cooper rubs his forehead, “Badger, maybe but spread out and even like this. Doesn’t make sense, this looks more like an animal walkin’ than something diggin',”
They stood there for a moment looking from the forest and then down at the tracks. Lucy wondering if she should go further in, maybe there would be more clues there. She could feel a small tug on her naval, a spark of something trying to call her in. Yet they stood there frozen, unable to move from their spots beside the other. 
The sounds of a truck horn woke both of them from their musing. Lucy let out a sigh and closed her phone. Cooper looking back towards the house and then back into the woods. 
“Think that’s our dinner bell,” Lucy said walking towards the house. She got about a hundred yards before turning back. Cooper still stood in the treeline looking around. “Cooper, you comin’?”
Cooper turned to her, blinking a few times as if he had just been awoken before he headed back up the hill. The two of them get to the top and see the kids waiting in the truck by the house. Lucy and Cooper tuck the guns safely away from the kids under the front bench seat, before taking off for dinner. 
** If you enjoyed the fic let me know! Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated.
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** Most of my fics will be updated once a weekish possibly more often depending on how much writing I can get done! Want to keep the quality and make sure I am putting out my best work.
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