#skme examples:
doorlene · 1 year
my biggest movie/tv show ick is when a pairing has insane chemistry and a lot of backstory and theyre on the edge of a happily ever after wedding and then... something happens and the big beautiful wedding gets downsized to some boring court thing :/
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
love my brother sm his vocabulary is so funny...
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How ""outdated"" (in terms of story/canon events) is each stars below part as of now?/genq /lh
SO THERE'S BEEN A TOOOOOOOOON OF REWRITING FOR STARS BELOW IN GENERAL but i'll give a light overview of just HOW changed skme things are
Perennial Crisis is outdated mainly designs-wise. Arthur for example is no longer just Dog Guy and he's now a genuine, bipedal, crocodile-werewolf-guy. the events are preeetty solid still, though Madeline is quite different now. 6/10
Ulterior Spectacle is all kinds of fuck. literally EVERYTHING is outdated as hell and Wrong. 0/10
Patchwork Guardian is different now because Benjamin got a complete character overhaul. the events are still sorta the same though, with Insinera burning down the city during a battle. 7/10
Cognition Factory is still accurate, with- again- designs being vastly updated. 7/10
Arbitrary Sermon is outdated because it lacks direct Charlotte involvement and we removed a certain. Erm. horrible Alatori iteration. other than that, accurate! 6/10.
Hungry is 10/10 accurate because it's more of a character study than anything
Sleeping with the Fishes is also 10/10 because that was made with the rewrites in mind
Macguffin in the Limelight's a weird one, same boat as Hungry, but with some variations with WHEN it all happens. 8/10
TLDR it's all a big fuck of a mess and i CANNOT WAIT to be able to actually explain things without hiding behind spoilers and rewrites and stuff. at the moment, they're all like teeny tiny windows into the true story imo
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the-roo-too · 1 month
for example haewon unanswered message she says she feel and she doesn’t know where the exit is, in break senses awake we had haewon with bandaged fingers
also bae ended up at sea if i remember correctly, i don’t have my notes on me right now 😭 but between the trailers there were things you could connect
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In the year 2k19 I will watch every single marvel movie in chronological order. Why? No seriously, why would I do this? I don't have an answer.
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ynkkoo-a · 5 years
I was wondering how you're able to make your dash icons, especially in style one? Do you have a tutorial or skme steps you follow? They look amazing!
            hihiii  ,  babyluv  !  thank  u  for  the  kind  words  !  initially  when  making  them  ,  i  had  a  tutorial  i  followed  ,  but  i  can’t  find  it  anymore  ,  so  i’ve  included  a  small  tutorial  of  my  own  under  the  cut  for  u  !  u’ll  need  photoshop  for  it  —  i  use  both  cc  &  cs5  !  this  tutorial  is  a  bit  messy  ,  i’m  a  bit  bad  at  explaining  ,  so  if  u  need  further  help  w  anything  ,  let  me  know  !  i  hope  it’s  helpful  n  luv  u  sm  !  ^♡^
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♡  open  a  new  canvas  !  i  make  mine  140x140px  ,  since  tumblr  auto - resizes  the  icons  anyway  n  it’s  easier  for  me  to  see  this  way  ,  but  ur  free  to  make  it  any  size  u  want  ofc  !
then  ,  select  the  shape  tool  >  round  rectangle  tool  !  jus’  drag  the  shape  on  ur  canvas  n  a  little  ‘  properties  ‘  tab  should  pop  up  .  this  is  where  u  enter  the  sizes  for  the  round  rectangle  !  i  make  mine  anywhere  between  105x105px  n  120x120px  ,  depending  on  how  much  room  for  transparency  around  the  image  u  want  !  don’t  make  the  rectangle  the  same  size  as  the  canvas  ,  tho  !
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move  the  round  rectangle  to  the  middle  of  the  canvas  !  i  jus’  drag  it  around  n  use  my  ‘  snap  to  ‘  guides  to  tell  when  it’s  centered  !  now  u  should  hav  smth  that  looks  like  this  !
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now  ,  take  ur  image  !  u  should  crop  it  down  to  the  same  size  of  ur  canvas  ,  so  i  crop  mine  down  to  140x140px  !  i  smart  sharpen  it  ,  add  my  psds  ,  n  then  select  layer  >  flatten  image  !  this  will  get  rid  of  all  ur  excess  layers  ,  so  now  u  can  drag  n  drop  (  or  duplicate  )  ur  image  onto  the  canvas  with  ur  rounded  rectangle  !  center  ur  image  !
now  select  ur  magnetic  lasso  tool  !  carefully  outline  the  part  of  ur  image  with  the  magnetic  lasso  !  it  should  attach  to  the  edges  in  the  image  by  jus’  moving  ur  cursor  ,  so  be  careful  !
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i  ,  personally  ,  select  a  bit  of  extra  space  too  !  then  ,  when  u’ve  selected  what  u  want  ,  press  the  enter  key  !  u  shld  get  an  outline  that  looks  like  this  ,  for  example  !
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now  ,  press  cntrl  j  and  this  will  make  a  copy  of  the  area  u’ve  selected  !  then  ,  click  on  the  layer  of  ur  original  image  .  right  click  ,  select  create  clipping  mask  .
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now  ,  u  shld  hav  smth  that  looks  a  bit  like  this  !  not  very  pretty  ,  huh  ?  
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so  ,  now  ,  jus  select  layer  2  (  the  top  layer  /  the  layer  u  made  from  the  magnetic  lasso  tool  )  and  the  erase  tool  and  rub  away  any  excess  until  u  1)  recover  the  shape  of  the  rectangle  underneath  and  2)  are  satisfied  with  how  it  looks  !  feel  free  to  select  both  layer  1  and  layer  2  and  move  them  around  a  bit  ,  and  don’t  forget  to  delete  the  background  layer  when  ur  done  !
ur  end  result  shld  look  smth  like  this  !  n  ta - da  !  u’ve  made  urself  a  style  one  dash  icon  !  ♡
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please  don’t  save  or  use  this  icon  !  it’s  lazy  n  messy  n  i  hav  a  cleaner  version  of  it  that  i’ll  release  soon - ish  !
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red-revival · 5 years
I think I've figured out an important thing for writing autistic characters: relatability, and not just autistic veiwers relating. Because ADHD/ADD and autism tend to be similar, people with ADHD can usually relate to things about autism. So when you write an autistic character, ask yourself a question. Can both autistic and ADHD viewers relate to this character? If yes, congrats! Your writing of this character is good! If not, ask a bunch of autistic people and a few ADHD people how you can improve it. Focus mostly on the relatability that autistic veiwers will have, but also remember that because autism and ADHD are so similar, ADHD veiwers should also relate in skme ways.
A good example of a well-written autistic character is Entrapta from She-ra. When I first saw her on screen, I could relate quite a bit. Her excitement, her intense love of science, her short attention span, those all made her relatable to me as an ADHD veiwer. I've also seen autistic veiwers of the show relating to her writing quite a bit. She's so well written that like in real life, autistic people and ADHD people alike can relate to her.
Just like how autistic people tend to relate to things about ADHD, people with ADHD tend to relate to things about autism, so in writing an autistic or ADHD character, both being able to relate is important.
this advice can also be switched if you're writing a character with ADHD. Can autistic veiwers relate as well as ADHD veiwers?
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If it isn't too late, I'd like to request “i do care.” Masae/Emile and “i’m allowed to be angry.” End of the World Trio(tm)
It isn't too late !! I am sorry if this took a while, but I hope you like it regardless !! Ty for sending on an ask and ily!! Also @nightcrownsking helped me with like 4 lines jshfjej
Emile and Ichiro belong to @polar-star-dorks !!
Shigeo belongs to @polar-stars !!
They've been friends since year one, that truly explained the closeness of the two. The first year of highschool was a year that could be considered significant to both of them! For her, it was the year that she finally entered her dream school--- which she loved so dearly. For him, it was the year which he gained so many friends--- who he kept in his heart. With that alone, ot was easy to tell that this year was significant to both of them. As second year came, the closeness stayed in between them. They continued caring for one another, beliving in one another... But there was something that broke the two--- They didn't break apart, but they broke as a person--- there was something that ruined them. She couldn't smile that easily with a pained look on her face. He wasn't able to strum the strings of his guitar with glee.
They couldn't continue being themselves if the current events broke their hearts in half... and that was when the idea of Central took over majority of the school. The school had to follow the recipe as given, their uniqueness quietly leaving the school. The school had some of their precious research societies shut down. The school went through a big amount of change, and anyone who spoke against them had the chance of expulsion... But there was something more that was able to add to the pain... It was nothing but the missing pieces inside their group. People actually went to the side to accept this change... Some were their closest friends. It was absolutely painful... To see the group split into half.
A guitar in his arms, yet no music was playing...
A heart that aches, this caused no rhythm.
A guitar in his arms, yet the strings untouched...
A heart that aches, that was his saying.
A male was seen in the room, his eyes looking red, but this was most likely because of his crying. He had to take in the pain of the people closest to him ending up on the other side, when he already knew that the change that was promised by the new headmaster was something that could never be fulfilled. Equality was impossible, and he was someone who knew that realith the hard way. He did like the idea of it, but he also knew it was not possible to achieve. He thought that one of his friends from all people would know that... He thought the promises Azami made wouldn't be able to satisfy his cooking partner... He did not expect one of his closest friends would join Central without any words. He didn't know this would happen, and this was what hurt him most.
He began wiping the tears off his face as it only continously poured out--- but he tried his hardest to stop once he noticed someone opening the door... He couldn't even look at their face, in worry that they would take note of his crying face. He turned to another direction, guitar in his arms as he started strumming random tunes he could to try and show that he was okay--- but no note was coming out right. He felt a bit of relief that it wasn't his cooking partner because he might not have been able to handle the burst of emotions he'd feel since he only knew about him joining the Central side recently... "Emile?" A very familiar voice... One of the people he considered closest, and even one of his first true friends in Totsuki. "You're here..."
The feeling he had felt horrible... He was upset, and he felt as if he may have been too emotional during these times... But---
"Amiga..." He felt his words hitched under his own breath. "Mi amiga, Masae..." He repeated, saying her name as he called her his friend. She didn't look at her best either. The lack of sleep was evident with her eyebags, and how tired her eyes seemed... It didn't match the eyes that sparked in excitement on the first day he met her. "Are you okay?" He noticed how she took some steps closer to him, carefully placing her hands on his face, and even placing some of his hair away from his heas. As she expected, he didn't look at his best either, and she definitely could understand the reason behind that. "What's wrong?" He tried to hide the fact that he felt his heart throb as she did that.
--- She made sure that his feelings were valid.
"All I can say is that I'm worried about you... You feel heavy about everything that is going on right now, and that's okay." She pulled his head close, making her forehead touch his. "What you feel right now is valid, and it is okay to feel thay way... I understand, and you don't need to hide it from me! I want to help you because I care. I do care... I do care about you a lot..." She repeated herself a couple of times, but she wanted to emphasize it to make sure that he knew. "With that, I can also confirm that I'l be there for you." She felt the need to cry about the situation because of what was going on, but she wanted to make sure that she could be strong for now. Anything for her friend. "I'll be there for you, always."
Emile placed his guitar away for a bit before he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight hug. He didn't know how much he needed reassurance until now... And from that, everything just poured out. His tears, his mutters, the hiccups he tried to hide because of crying... He just let it all out as the girl hugged him back- as tight as he hugged her. "Thank you, mi amiga... But I hope you know I'm there for you too..." He decides to remind her that he also wanted to show her the same amount of care... Because he truly did care about her, and nothing was going to change that. She began to bury her head on his shoulder, finally breaking her own strong atmosphere.
"I know..." She began clutching him slightly, but not enough to give him pain. "I know, Emile... You've always been the kind of friend who truly cared about everyone else... And I love you for that." She allowed her vision to get blurred by her own tears, but of course she knew- it was fine to show him... Just like how he showed his tears to her. "Let's stay strong together, okay? I know we can get through this together!" She tried to stay optimistic despite what was going on, and it sort of worked... Her friend only smiled and nodded his head
"We can get through this together!"
"Mhmm! Definitely! So for now, let's do our best, okay?"
After few moments, they shared some of their thoughts together, and even cried on each other's shoulder... Even if the whole concept of Central was able to hinder some relationships, it was still nice knowing that some people would always stay by their side.
End of the World Trio
Of course this would happen again. This happened almost every day and there was no surprise. It may have been considered the norm by now because of how common it was to see these three together--- a screaming muppet, a sweet cash vampire and a a garbage delinquent. Despite sharing last names, all of their mothers were different... Knowing you have siblings from different mothers was surely... a new way to get skme friends...? Were they friends? Do the people who constantly have some bickers actually... friends? Well, no matter how people would describe them, they were a trio nonetheless.
When people looked at them, it was either they were struck in fear because of their family name being Eizan, scared of them because they know what they can do, hate them with their entire being, be indifferent to them or the least--- actually like them for who they are. It was quite a mix of reactions and feelings towards them. However, some feelings changed the moment one of them yelled. For whatever reason, people did enjoy seeing the well know muppet--- correction--- the well known Elite Ten member getting angry and see his ability to set things on fire on the spot. How this was possible? No one could pinpoint the logical reason on how this happens, but some people do find it enjoyable...
An example? It was no other than someone who was in the trio. The Godfather, the snake, the vampire, whatever you want to call him--- his name was still Shigeo Eizan.
He truly did enjoy the sight of someone setting himself on fire yet not burning up. It surely was an interesting scenario to watch. Chaotic? Yes. Amusing? Most deinitely. It was easy to rile him up and he took this to his advantage. All he needed was to bring up and insult, give it a minute and boom-! He becomes a walking torch that caused fires and entainment... and slme holes on walls. Currently, this was just about to happen. Shigeo had his arms crossed, a slight smirk on his face as he continued to look at the man who twitched in anger. "Ichiro, do you have anything else to say?" He chuckled, turning all his attention to the person he named instead of his thoughts.
"You piece of shit." Ichiro mumbled under his breath, his body still twitching in anger. "Can you fucking stop that?!" He began throwing some yells and the only thing that was stopping him from going straight up to Shigeo was Naoki... who had to be between the two. Naoki never really sided with anyone, he enjoyed watching everything burn down as he stayed on the side lines. Shigeo only grinned at his reaction and this made him even more livid. Goddamn it, that fucking grin on his face made his so pissed off. Now, Shigeo only brought up his hand and began imitating someone who wore a sock puppet to let Ichiro know he wasn't going to let this down. "STOP FUCKING COMPARING ME WITH A FUCKING FROG!"
Naoki blinked, listening to the conversation of the two as he continued to drink his coffee from the can that came from his right hand. He didn't exactly know why she randomly tossed him one, but at least it was free. "You need to calm down, Ichiro. If you burn up, you might be melting my can." He stated before smirking a bit... Okay no, he did not side with anyone, but he may have enjoyed this quite a bit. He joined in to have some fun, so what was the pain in that? Ichiro got his can of coffee and began glaring at the male who brought that up. "Are you getting angrier, already? I was being polite."
"I'M ALLOWED TO BE ANGRY!" Boom. Clap. The sound of some Can... melting as this random person lit up on fire. "POLITE?! MAKE ME LAUGH, YOU'RE NO DIFFERENT FROM THIS FUCKING BITCH!" He began pointing at Shigeo who only laughed, but it was obviously sinister and not close to a genuine laugh at all. "YOU TWO ARE JUST PIECES OF SHIT THAT HIGHLY DEPEND ON MONEY!" He began to throw some insults that could partly be reality. "AT LEAST I DON'T FUCKING NEED SOME LACKEYS, DEPENDENT FUCKERS!" He surely was pissed and he absolutely hated how this two would never understand.
"It's not that I am dependent. I only give them jobs for them to get what they want. If something..." Shigeo cleared his throat. "They're the dependent ones. In fact, they're desparate and they depend on me. They should be rather thankful that I could help them." He began smirking, showing a sense of pride in him. Sure, people may have seen him as someone who is evil... His title was Godfather, after all--- something releated to the mafia. "They owe me their loyalty, I am only giving them commands for them to repay me. Now isn't that kind of me?"
"Bullshit." Ichiro replied even before Naoki could give his side of reasoning. "That's such fucking bullshit!" The flames only got wilder and this gave a signal to Naoki to back away from what was errupting. "Repay you?! All you do is sit on your ass and do nothing to help them! You're taking advantage of them, you piece of shit!" He threw the melted can down before placing his hands in his pockets. "You're only having them because you can't do shit yourself, I want you to fucking try me. You can't fucking beat me without those stupid lackeys of yours." He rolled his eyes before facing another direction. "Tch. Whatever. I don't fucking care even if you stay this useless."
"You're no different, Kermit."
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keilanabug · 4 years
Since I live in a town of 6,000 people, almost every buisness except for our gas stations and fast food restraunts, is locally owned and run by families and are often those families income.
But my favorite is our theater. The guy who owns and runs it is the sweetest man alive. He only hires high schoolers, pays them well, and the most expensive ticket is $6 on a 3D movie. And their snacks are cheep. Their most expensive item is their large popcorn which costs $8.50.
Every year on the last day before Christmas break, at no cost to the schools, let’s the students watch a movie of their choice. For example, last year, we watched The Crimes of Grindlewald. And then gives each student a small soda and small personal popcorn.
Since no new movies are coming out because of the Coronavirus, he’s playing old movies. Steven Spielberg movies has been the summer movies which have become a favorite. He’s been making us social distance and once we’re seated, masks can be removed. He’s only charging $4 a person, and his dogs are always there too.
Skme of the best parts of the theater? It has a giant screen and only plays one movie a week. It was built in an Art Deco style, and one of the last buildings built in that style and seats over 300 people. He even allows the high school to perform there for Christmas and has live concerts there. It’s my favorite. Pictures included.
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cordeliascdenn-blog · 6 years
Middle East Research Paper Topics
Middle East Research Paper Topics
26.08.2013 · The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Translated and edited by. Israel Shahak. The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947) In his
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11.09.2001 · Business Cheap labor U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it
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11.09.2001 · Business Cheap labor U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it
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23.05.2013 · Background In September 2012, the World Health Organization reported the first cases of pneumonia caused by the novel Middle East respiratory syndrome
26.08.2013 · The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Translated and edited by. Israel Shahak. The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947) In his
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