i feel like everyone that loves Brennan’s badass mom characters owes a big thank you to Elaine Lee
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definitelysapphic · 2 months
Riz immediately having a good campaign proposal for the essay question... baby boy the presidency should be going on *your* college app...
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worldstoforge · 3 months
That moment when you realize that because you’re an elder millennial born in the mid 80s, any of the Bad Kids could be your actual children.
This show hits a little differently when you realize what’s up
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thestalkerbunny · 3 months
Riz: so. Mom. Baron. Baron. Mom. Baron is the physical representation of my anxiety and fears that thinks they’re a real person who is dating me. Baron. This is my mom, Skolanda Gukgak.
Baron: Hallo Riz’s Mother. I am Baron from the Baronies, your son’s romance partner. I am very much looking forward to socializing with you. You sound much nicer than my Stark Father.
Skolanda staring at this haunting little thing in front of her furiously trying to hold her son’s hand despite Riz’s best efforts to avoid that: Honey, I would never question your judgement on your friends but I think we need to start some kind of VETTING PROCESS.
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alliepretends · 3 months
Briefly returning to this blog because I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't find a place to say this where it might be heard.
I feel uncomfortable and disappointed by the way the D20 fandom, and even the players, have responded to the Riz and Skolanda conversation.
It feels like everyone immediately went on the defensive. Endless "she just doesn't get that his friends love him," "look at all this stuff his friends have done for him," "the relationships between the Bad Kids are perfect and they could never take advantage of him." Plus, Ally, Emily, and even to a certain extent Zac immediately shifting how their characters interact with Riz in response to Skolanda's criticism (that their characters wouldn't know about). I generally feel like Brennan tends to get a free pass while players (especially non-male players) get criticized for things that are partly or mostly his fault. But this is the one time that's not the case. It seems to me like he was trying to set up an interesting story. What does it mean for someone like Riz ("very social but weirdly doesn't have any friends," aromantic and desperate to hang on to his first friendships for life, a workaholic) to not really be able to set boundaries with his friends? How does that lead to situations where even loving and well-intentioned friends are taking advantage of him (getting him to write their essays for him, making him adapt to a nickname that was originally used to bully him, sacrificing sleep and mental health in the name of maintaining his relationship to them/helping with what he understands to be their goals)? It's not a pretty story. It's a story where everyone (including Riz) has to admit to some wrongdoing. And everyone has to change their behavior. But it has the potential to be a great story! In a way that "everyone is great, Riz's mom just doesn't get it" doesn't. It would be one thing if Brennan was having this come out of nowhere. But he's not. There has always been an expectation among the Bad Kids that Riz and Adaine will do the bulk of the labor. That Riz will put up with it when his friends make fun of him or seem to use him as a means to an end ("are you just the little thing that finds the clues").
It's a good story. Or at least, a good idea for a story. I get that it could end up in a place may feel too much like pvp for some players. And if they decide to dodge it for that reason then that's fair. But if the reaction to it is just "How dare someone accuse my (teenage) favorite character of not being emotionally aware enough to realize when they are taking advantage of a vulnerable friend?" I don't know how we can expect these stories to be particularly emotionally nuanced or complex. Or really having anything valuable to say at all. It's not a bad thing if the Bad Kids have unhealthy relationships. It's not a bad thing if the Bad Kids are imperfect perfect people. It's probably better storytelling if those relationships are being prompted to actually grow and change for the better. And I'm sad that the situation seems to be that we'd rather shield these characters from any criticism than be excited about maybe seeing them grow
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sixthsensewulf · 27 days
Last minute.. well the day before posting for the first half of the finale for Fantasy High Junior Year.
Either whatever half assed plan the Bad Kids come up with to try and save Elmville will fail not badly, but enough to have a strong as fuck Bad Guy to fight in the final episode.
Basically Porter. He will be a "god" .. these 6 kids have killed a fucking Dragon in Freshman Year and "saved"/"killed" a god in Sophomore Year Spring Break kinda. . So they can do it.
Naturally the Bad Kids will figure out a way to gain allies for this fight... For example
You had Jawbone and Skolanda for Freshman Year (I'm not fucking counting Arthur Agefort)
You had I think Sandra Lynn, Ragh, Tracker and the maid (her name escapes me) for Sophomore Year.
Guantreed we will get Jawbone, Ragh and Mazey helping them out here for this fight.
But we have Baxter alone. I'm hoping that comes into play for them. Whatever Jace/Oisin/KLCK were trying to do with Gorgug will be revealed. (Might be a read mind situation which failed because Gorgug got a 22 save I think).
Like the Bad Kids need to kill Jace and Porter. Guantreed they will be killed.
But if Gorgug can get to the school and to find Henry. . Maybe they might be able to get Grix back online to help them out. Since Henry is getting Grix back online right? If you get the acting Principal back then maybe the vote will still go through but they have another block in the road.
But having Henry be there for Gorgug instead of Porter will be insane. The one teacher that saw potential in Gorgug Vs the one that tried to keep him on the path of rage.
I'm honestly going to be okay and satisfied with whatever will happen, since at the end of the day, it's 7 best friends that love and respect each other having fun playing DnD for their work. The fandom and the fans are just there to witness it.
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velvetvexations · 26 days
I'm torn on Brennan's DMing this season. I kind of doubt he intended the Rat Grinder's to be sympathetic, but mostly because of something Murph talks about on NADDPOD. He says that part of being a good DM is knowing how to push your players' buttons. Knowing which characters will annoy them into being overly antagonistic, and which ones will garner sympathy. So it's hard not to see Kipperlilly in that light for me. Because everything about her feels designed to get exactly the reactions he got from Ally and Siobhan. But, it also felt like Brennan dangled huge character development hooks with stuff like the Riz-Skolanda conversation, and the IHs essentially swerved hard to avoid it. So it's difficult for me to form an opinion on whose more to "blame" for the lack of nuance in this season
I would expect transcending the antagonism would be the achievement, there wouldn't be much point to the hatchet burying if not for that pressure to dislike them. I feel like he set it up that way but was maybe a bit surprised no one was picking up on the hints at all.
But again, I may be biased. I don't want to excuse Brennan just because he's my favorite human being Dropout cast member. I've always said Mice & Murder's climax was much more his fault than Rekha's and ultimately even if he was leaving those hints he still chose to not push it harder past that.
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moss-sprouted · 7 months
i really hope that out of all the parents relationships in Fantasy High that junior year reveals gilear and hallariel got married/are engaged since that is the funniest possible outcome
jawbone and sandra lynn who own a house together and have taken in several kids? working on stuff and not looking to get married in the near future
gorthalax and skolanda? taking their time to build up their relationship some more
gilear and hallariel tho? immediately get married very quickly after hallariel stops mourning and fabian is dying inside about it
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You ever think about how Skolanda sees her late husband in Riz
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tippanyakii · 5 years
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I think about FH moms... a lot. Mostly Hallariel bc I’m a simple lesbian.
Some HCs about Hallariel (and her various ‘romances’ )
Former elf nobility who went awol and became a sword for hire
Goes by her whims and wants which mainly includes riches and luxury good. This lead to her being known as a thief and mercenary
Sandralynn (former Fallinel guard at the time) was often tasked with hunting her down
they had a sexy kind of rivalry where Sandralynn wanted to cut her throat
Their cat/mouse thing ultimately went no where and Sandralynn moved to spyre and Hallariel met Bill (Neither knew the other was living in elmville during the fh campagin)
Speaking of Hallariel often had scrimmaged with Bill over similar treasures
They made a deal that Hallariel would marry him and want for nothing if he survived three separate 1v1 fights against her
Their final fight was when she took his eye out and he proposed on the spot
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squidne · 4 years
adaine abernant, biz glitterdew, and mumple school for the ask game!
adaine abernant: if you could ask one question about the future and receive a true answer, what would you ask? not to sound super depressing, but i would wanna know if i make it past the age of like 32 lol thats like the goal right now
biz glitterdew: do you have any favourite video games? i only play games on my phone, but i might ask someone to get me the switch for my graduation so i can play animal crossing. also i love last of us (watched someone play online) so I'm really excited for part 2
mumple school: who is your favourite npc character? you really expecting me to choose just one? fuck. i’m giving 5 i don’t care! my top five, in no particular order: ragh barkrock, garthy o’brien, bill seacaster, pok gukgak, the hangman. (honorable mention: the thistlesprings.)
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d20brainrot · 3 years
some accidental unsleeping city references in fantasy high sophmore year
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Ally: Riz, start doing your, oh no, that was a different—your baby dance. Completely different world.
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Brennan(as Skolanda, about Fig): She's dabbled in warlock, it feels okay because it's her dad, but you know.
Zac: So she's multi-classing?
Siobhan: Again? I mean, for the first time?
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halfblood-demigods · 3 years
I don’t know if this holds up with season 2 but the living situation of the bad kids post-season one is so interesting to me. Like you have so many opportunities for cute one-shot about this all. Fig, Adaine, Kristen (and tracker) all live together at least part of the time (because I like to imagine Fig splits her time between her parents). Fig and Fabian bonding when she goes over to stay with Galiar who has moved in with Fabian’s mother. Even Fig and Riz because Gorthalax and Skolanda are a thing now. Fantasy high gives me so much inspo for great fics
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tinygalaxykid · 4 years
Bad Kids!ACOC AU
Ok so if you haven't seen my recent ACOC!Riz sketch, go check it out. My hope is that I’ll be able to draw all of the bad kids before the finale but we’ll see. This is long bc it’s my general setup for this AU but I’ll be making small posts about backstories, magic items, etc. Feel free to jump on this HC, just tag me.
This definitely takes place post-acoc but maybe in an alt timeline just because I don’t know what the political and religious situation of the post-campaign will be.
Riz is made out of sweet & sour hard candy. He has sugar freckles and is sour-apple flavored. He’s still a rouge, having learned his tricks being a poor villager in a crime-filled village of Southern Candia. His mom, Skolanda is jolly-rancher like candy and Pok was actually a fructerian apple person. After being turned away from the Candian military for his small stature he decides to clean up his crime-ridden village, fancying himself a detective and a vigilante. His non-offical tagline is “Sour, sweet, then gone.”
Fabian Aramais Seacaster is made of tiramisu as his father Bill Seacaster, an infamous, curdled pirate of the Dairy Sea, met and married Hillariel from a small peninsula of Fructera where everyone is made of creamed coffee. They settled down in Port Syrup and live very comfortably. 
Kristen is actually Fructerian and living in a religious city just past the border of Candia. She’s made of honey roasted apple pie (apple-bees?) and is in Candia as a bulbian missionary hoping to spread the faith to these non-believers. It’s her first time out of her home and she is READY to spread the gospel!
Adiane is made of icing and whipped cream. She’s from a highborn family close to Ceresia and her parents happen to be close to one Lord and Lady Cruller. While still being shitty, awful, usurping people, her family still practices magic from a private library of historical Candian tomes they refuse to share with the public. 
Gorgug, adopted by two candy heart parents in Dulcington, is a vegetainan pumpkin boy! Somedays he’s not sure what sets him apart more, him being over 6 ft tall or the fact that he’s the first plant-based person most of the townfolk have ever seen. He works as a stable-boy (for meeps!) in Castle Candy.
Fig (not actually a fig, I know), is red-hot tamale candy! After realizing that her yogurt father, Gilear, may not be her real dad, she is trying to break away from her Mother, Sandralynn, who works under the Queen’s Guard, Sir Amanda Maylard, so that she can go find her real family in the great stone candy mountains.
They all meet during the official post-war coronation of Queen Saccharina Frostwhip of House Rocks. Riz goes there searching for the legendary Sir Amanda Maylard whose expertise in tracking have proven her invaluable to Candia. Seeking to become her apprentice, he sneaks his way into the coronation to find a moment to talk with her.
Fabian is there with both his parents (officially invited as his father had a few friendly encounters with one Amethar Rocks during the Ravening War) and sits with their family friend, Manta-Ray Jack.
Kristen in there with a few other bulb officials. They’re not technically invited but they were hoping that their presence could steer some of the Candian heathens in the right direction.
Seeing as no one can prove the the Abernants involvement with Lord Cruller’s coup (even if they were exceptionally compliant with his reign), the whole family attends with young Adiane in tow who is feeling EXTREMELY uncomfortable attending the festivals and parties being thrown in the queen’s honor.
Gorgug and his parents take place in the festivities as does the rest of Dulcington and somehow gets lost and sort of makes his way into the castle?
Lastly, Fig is there because her boring-ass mom has to attend the coronation and so she going to drag fig over there in a stupid dress and a stupid hairdo even though Fig told her a thousand times that she didn’t want to go. Honestly, Fig is just hoping she can steal a meep from the stables and make her way towards the candy mountains.
They all meet after the coronation when the Seacasters and the Abernants are receiving tours of Castle Candy. Fabian peer pressures Adiane into sneaking away so that they can explore the Castle on their own (Adine only agreed because Aelwyn was being particularly unbearable and Fabian only asked so her as recon for flirting with her sister). It’s just when they stumble upon the training grounds when they find one Sir Amanda Maylard escorting a (small?) trespasser out of the grounds. Riz is trying to explain his value as a squire and apprentice but to no avail. As luck would have it, Sir Amanda doesn’t finish escorting him out of the grounds because all havoc breaks loose when some candian villager breaks into the stables to steal a meep and some vegetainian boy has to wrestle her off of it???
Fig, Adaine, Fabian, Gorgug, and Riz meet when they are all adequately being punished for their respective crimes. While Sir Amanda holds them, waiting for their parents to give them even more berating, Kristen Applebees tries to make her introduction, hoping that her good influence can show them the light of the bulb.
Even MORE shenanigans ensue thanks to Fabian’s peer pressuring as they all escape Sir Amanda Maylard and manage to make it out of the castle with some fancy new magic relics retrieved from the Ice Cream temple by Queen Saccharina just months ago.
The all quickly become great friends after running into a man who claims himself to an arch-mage of the sweetening path and a lover to Joren Rocks, a man named Arthur Augefort. He tells them of untold fortunes that lie in the Great Stone Candy mountains and seeing as they all have vested interests in magic, escaping their shitty family, adventure, and Gorgug just kinda agreeing, they head north on the Sucrosi Road.
The go on adventures, blah, blah, blah. After discovering new magics  in north Candia, the bad kids sail across the dairy sea to a pirate island called Leviathan, somehow make into the Meatlands where they meet some friendly people named Jawbone and Tracker, then they head to Vegetainia where they fight off an extremist group of Bulbians callled the Harvestmen, and somewhere along the way kill Adiane’s dad.
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lunchladgilear · 5 years
parent hcs cause we got 6 kids that’s like! so many families! (date: 10/25/19)
- Gilear was a stay at home dad who was mostly retired
- the signs of fig being a teifling started way earlier but gilear chalked that up to general child stuff
- he was bullied by other PTA moms but still insists on showing up to meetings anyway. Supportive of all the sports fig tried (she tried so many)
- Sandralynn was the bread winner but spent the weekends taking fig to the park and riding beasts
- Sandralynn was the one to bring up music lessons for fig, and repurposed an old bass to give fig for her 10th birthday
-Emily axford is 3/4 pcs for warlocks jfc so you’d think fig’s pact magical item is a guitar pick or her bass? Wrong it’s a toe ring. Incredibly hard to loose since she’s rarely without her boots on. Gorthalax, a demon without toes, thinks it’s billiant.
- One of the conditions in her pact with Gorthalax is to get brunch every week.
- Skolanda and Pok are ashamed to admit they had to put jingly stuff on baby riz cause he was too good at hiding. they once found him inside a mail box
- Pok was bad at keeping up with his fake jobs so kept messing up details when Riz asked about it. Riz just thought his dad couldnt hold down a job very well (still loved him all the same)
- Skolanda met Pok during a high speed chase in that he fell through her car window and asked her to gun it. she did. It was love at first car chase.
- Skolanda is actually a fan of fast moving vehicles and when she was younger had a bunch of car posters pinned to her ceiling
- Skolanda has a boston equivilant accent from growing up in bastion city that she’s smoothed out as to be taken serious. It only peeks out when she’s properly mad.
- All the Gukgaks are ambidextrious
- fabian’s parents met when Bill was raiding a mansion and hilariel was invited as a guest. They dueled and she won. He proposed on the spot.
-she made a deal if he survived three seperate encounters with her she’ll accept his hand in marriage. Swipping his eye in the final battle and she said yes.
-hilariel was regarded as a high class fighter and worked with the government for a time until she got bored and sought after the private sect (see: mercenary)
- cathilda before being a maid and a pirate was a proper adventurer. She was a part of an odd party that tried to defeat a demonic lord with a giant mouth and a gaggle of generals but she bounced before the final fight and left with a tree ent
- Cathilda and the money tornado had a fling but stay close pen pals to this day
- You know how there are like professional child gymnast and cheerleaders with very disciplined parents that make them practice in pools and jungle gyms? That was Fabian. By age 6 he had abs.
-Fabian, despite being the apple of his parent’s eye and them loving him very much, was apart of an agrement in the seacaster union. A legacy to be modeled to both bill and hilariel’s ideas.
-Bill and Hilariel are objectively kind of shitty parents? Think Hark! A Vagrant by Kate beaton great gatsby comics.
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this is them.
That being said I do genuinely think they love Fabian and are just extremely flawed people to have raised a child in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- The Thistlespring enginuity is so impressive the treehouse actually has an ‘of holding’ function to make it bigger on the inside to fit a growing gorgug and all their stuff
- When they were younger the Thistlesprings were apart of a commune which is why they’re so free spirited and open.
Bonus sibling round!
- Adaine and Aylwen have made tentive steps to reconciling the bullshit their parents pushed onto them. That said they have a long standing agreement the moment they lock eyes it’s a shoot off to see who casts tasha’s hideous laugh first. Adaine’s in the lead currently
-Aylwen also gets a support familiar in the form of a scorpion. She names it ‘Calaminia’ or mini for short. Neither Abernant sibling connects the story of the scorpion and frog to their familiars
-Kristen is still in contact with her little brothers even if shes estranged from her parents. when they’re older they sneek over to kristen’s place to play smash bros and sugar crash on her floor.
-They make her pride bead braclets at camp
- One tries to be a paladin for her newest religion and she panics into an oath that amounts to ‘be chill and dont tell mom’
- one halloween she convinces them to stack on top of each other so they’re ‘a normal man and not 4 kids in a trench coat’
- all brothers grow up taller than kristen and one actually becomes a bear. (both gay and wild shaped)
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dork-empress · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Figueroth Faeth & Gilear Faeth Characters: Gilear Faeth, Figueroth Faeth, Sklonda Gukgak, Gorthalax the Insatiable (Dimension 20) Additional Tags: Canon couples, Parental Love, Gilear's life, that needs a warning Summary:
Gilear shows up on Skolanda's doorstep after an incident with Helleriel. Fig finds out and flips (on her skateboard)
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