ragrfisk · 1 year
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anjaofthewild · 1 year
Fara (to travel) - Anja's first raven. He is an adventurer and was often gone for days or weeks travelling from the Wildwoods and reporting back about his findings. However, one day he barely made it back alive, he had been struck from the skies by an arrow and Eldvarg carried him back home. Though he was nursed back to health, his spirit had seen the light and the world beyond. He asked for Anja to let him travel to it and she did on the condition that he promised to come back to her one day, and she still hopes for his return. His body remains in stasis — unchanging, without a soul, as if he sleeps. His soul serves as a spirit guide for lost souls beyond the veil, guiding them back onto their path.
Vinr (friend) - As the name suggests, this raven is considered a friend of Anja, but more importantly they are a friend to Skuld. This standing has blessed (or cursed) him to hold such an important role. All of the others report directly to him and he prepares a more condensed report of the facts for Anja. He can often be found cuddled up to Skuld or grooming her, most times he is outside keeping watch over Anja's home and waiting for the others to return.
Aska (ashes) - Her feathers are some shades lighter than the other ravens making her much more distinctive. She is the newest member of 'eyes' and sometimes gets a little sidetracked. Her childish nature and little games amuse Anja.
Myrkr (murky) - The stories he tells can be quite exaggerated, which makes the facts "murky". He seems to be naturally attracted to taverns and perhaps observes the wandering minstrels and bards too often given his flair for storytelling.
Rakki (dog) - Ever seen a bird harassing a dog? How about a raven who gets its kicks from taunting hunting hounds? Rakki is a playful raven, and he often imitates a dog barking. He used to live on the fringes of the forest and struggled to keep his territory, not for competition from his own kind but the hunters and their hunting dogs constantly disturbing his land and driving away smaller prey for foraging.
Reykr (smoke) - Now you see her now you don't. Reykr may not be the most sneaky, but she is very talented at blending in naturally like one of the common ravens. Once spotted she can disappear like smoke.
Skírr (bright) - A very, VERY clever raven. Not only can she observe most humans undetected, but she can manage to get inside a persons home to look through their belongings. Anja trusts her with her most sensitive tasks including sneaking in objects to a persons home to inflict a spell upon them.
Skuggi (shadow) - Ever felt watched, but when you turned around nothing was there? Skuggi was probably following you and he hasn't given up the trail. He loves nothing more than to catch others unaware, even his own kind. Sometimes even Anja herself.
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deathclawstudios · 1 year
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Angry Skuggi!!! better version on my website.
Thinking about starting a new project on youtube. Same name btw.
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firebuug · 3 months
speaking of OCS that 5 people on tumblr know. happy bday to buggy and skuggy
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gootube · 11 months
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many ominous innocent townies. these are for something bigger but im not patient and also im proud of them :p
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lostconductor · 7 days
high hooks! - 6/9/244
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never polished this but I wanted to draw my old and new ocs together and the most fun way was to cram them into a splatoon band. their name is the "high hooks" they make ska
here are some unfinished doodles of more guys
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i wanted to try and draw the main 4 gang together but i could NOTTT decide on designs. i think leesihan would be a sea bunny and Griffin either a sea urchin or a nudibranch. their 4way band name would be dead zone, Julian and Eva's two-person band name would be treble crest (Eva begged and pleaded and twisted his arm)
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and tuna boy playing upright bass
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A skuggy entrance
(Get Rainworlded bozo L)
The 5 slugcats are out hunting, they’d be quieter on their own but it was not like that mattered. 
The slugcats see a flock of batflies in the distance, the purple slugcat produces multiple spears from its tail and offers them to the others. The other skugs pull the spears from its tail holes and throw them at the the batflies.
Right as the spears are thrown a portal opens in front, someone reaches out to drop something, and one of the spears passes through and seemingly hits whatever is in the portal, and it quickly closes.
The slugcats, with their mild sentience, are highly confused and scared, but the youngest, a small white slugcat, approaches the object dropped. She sniffs it, as the others come closer, they are standing right behind her as she decides to poke it with her spear a few times… a portal opens up right beneath them and they fall in.
The slugcats plummet to the ground, and fortunately, as good at surviving falls as they are, quickly recover and drawing more spears produced by the purple skug’s tail, they all get ready to attack anyone who comes near.
(Sorry no art I’m lazy and tired)
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legend-collection · 1 year
Hafgufa is a sea creature, purported to inhabit Iceland's waters (Greenland Sea) and southward towards Helluland. Although it was thought to be a sea monster, research suggests that the stories originated from a specialised feeding technique among whales known as trap-feeding.
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Pic by berloga-workshop.com
The hafgufa is mentioned in the mid-13th century Norwegian tract called the Konungs skuggsjá ("King's Mirror"). Later recensions of Örvar-Odds saga feature hafgufa and lyngbakr as similar but distinct creatures.
According to the Norwegian didactic work, this creature uses its own vomit like chumming bait to gather prey fish. In the Fornaldarsaga, the hafgufa is reputed to consume even whales or ships and men, though Oddr's ship merely sailed through its jaws above water, which appeared to be nothing more than rocks.
In the Speculum regale (aka Konungs skuggsjá, the "King's Mirror"), an Old Norwegian philosophical didactic work written in the mid-13th century, the King told his son of several whales that inhabit the Icelandic seas, concluding with a description of a large whale that he himself feared, but he doubted anyone would believe him about without seeing it. He described the hafgufa as a massive fish that looked more like an island than like a living thing. The King noted that hafgufa was rarely seen, but always seen in the same two places. He concluded there must be only two of them and that they must be infertile, otherwise the seas would be full of them.
The King described the feeding manner of hafgufa: The fish would belch, which would expel so much food that it would attract all the nearby fish. Once a large number had crowded into its mouth and belly, it would close its mouth and devour them all at once.
Its mention in the Speculum regale was noted by Olaus Wormiaus (Ole Worm) in his posthumous Museum Wormianum and by another Dane, Thomas Bartholin the senior. Ole Worm classed it as the 22nd type of Cetus, as did Bartholin, but one difference was that Ole Worm's book printed the entry with the skewed spelling hafgufe. Odd's saga
In the later version of Örvar-Odds saga dating to the late 14th century, hafgufa is described as the largest sea monster of all, which fed on whales, ships, men, and anything it could catch, according to the deck officer Vignir Oddsson who knew the lore. He said it lived underwater, but reared its snout above water for a duration until the tide changed, and that it was the nostril and lower jaw which they had sailed in-between, although they mistook these for two massive rocks rising from the sea.
Örvar-Oddr and his crew, who started from the Greenland Sea were sailing along the coast south and westward, towards a fjord called Skuggi on Helluland (also given by the English-translated name of "Slabland"), and it is on the way there that they encountered two monsters, the hafgufa ('sea-reek') and lyngbakr ('heather-back').
The aspidochelone of the Physiologus is identified as the potential source for the hafgufa lore.
Although the original aspidochelone was a turtle-island of warmer waters, this was reinvented as a type of whale named aspedo in the Icelandic Physiologus. In the Icelandic aspedo was described as a whale being mistaken for an island, and as opening its mouth to issue a perfume of sorts to attract prey. Halldór Hermannsson observed that these were represented as two distinct illustrations in the Icelandic copy; he further theorized that this led to the mistaken notion of separate creatures called hafgufa and lyngbakr in existence, as occurs in the saga.
Contrary to the saga, Danish physician Thomas Bartholin in his Historiarum anatomicarum IV stated that the hafgufa ('sea vapor') was synonymous with 'lyngbak'. He added that it was on the back of this beast that St. Brendan read his Mass, causing the island to sink after their departure. The Icelander Jón Guðmundsson's Natural History of Iceland also equated the lyngbakr and hafgufa with the beast mistaken for an island in St. Brendan's voyage. The island-like creature is indeed told of in the legend of Brendan's voyage, though the giant fish is named Jasconius/Jaskonius.
Hans Egede writing on the kracken (kraken) of Norway equates it with the Icelandic hafgufa, though has heard little on the latter. and later, the non-native Moravian cleric David Crantz's History of Greenland treated hafgafa as synonymous with the krake in the Norwegian tongue. However, Finnur Jónsson for instance has expressed skepticism towards the notion which developed that the krake had its origins in the hafgufa.
In 2023, scientists reported observed behaviour of whales resembling that of the Hafgufa of legends, by staying stationary on the sea surface with their jaws open and waiting for fish to swim into mouths. The whale may also use chewed up fish to attract more fish. The scientists noted that the earliest description of Hafgufa described it as a type of whale, and proposed that this behaviour of whale as the origin of the Hafgufa myth which became more fantastic in later centuries.
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Pic by MonsterKingofKarmen
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therpdirectory · 2 years
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Isolda Dychauk or open redhead wanted for middle sister to Alicia von Rittberg and Tom Holland and potential Lady-in-Waiting on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Tobias Menzies or open wanted for maternal great-uncle and house steward to Alicia von Rittberg and Tom Holland on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Extended nomadic family members wanted for Florence Pugh and Gustaf Skarsgard on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Complicated, messy, Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen quasi-royal family wanted for Alexander Dreymon, Alex Høgh Andersen, and Katherine Langford on dark medieval fantasy site.
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kaelufi · 2 months
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Te queremos Agata
Si... Agata y Skuggi (cebra) son personajes de mi amiga Supremacy, solo que a Agata le ha hecho semejante desarrollo de personaje, así que siempre la trato bonito cuando dibujo algo de ellos.
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ragrfisk · 1 year
Skuggi with a transparent BG, and some fixes. Time that I definitely did not spend wanting to shove my face in his chest.
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iasonmallory · 7 months
#1 Milo Elden pt4
Ezért azt teszem, amihez a legjobban értek. Megvédem őt és biztosítom a lehetőségét annak, hogy a lovarda fent maradjon és mindig legyen itt nyüzsgés. Jól gondolod, hogy akárcsak régen, most is Sol dicsőségét felhasználva „reklámozom” a lovardát a midgardiaknak. Azok, akik nála kezdenek el tanulni, olyanok, mint a csillagok, akiket az éjszakában az ő „szikráiból” formáltam. A csillagok azokat nyűgözték le, akik felpillantottak az égre és a szabadságra vágytak vagy az ismeretlen felé húzott a szívük, a valahová tartozás vágya felé. Valami ilyesmi történik akkor is, amikor az egyik közösségi médiára „véletlenül” felkerül egy poszt az egyik sikeres versenyről és versenyzőről, akit Sol készített fel. Mondanám, hogy az éjszakai égbolt reklámozása csak a kezdet volt és most sem fog ez másképpen lenni a lovardával kapcsolatban sem. De azt semmiképpen sem akarom, hogy ez akár olyanoknak is feltűnjőn akik szimatot foghatnak. Ezért vagyok óvatos, mert attól, hogy itt vagyunk a rémálmok nem szűntek meg. Bár azt kell, hogy mondjam sikerült egész jó kis csapatott összeverbuválni itt, Sol mellett nem csak én vagyok és azok a gyerekek, akiknek a sorsáról megfogadtam, hogy gondoskodni fogok, hanem Lune és Ubbe is, a recepciósunk és az egyik lovász, aki Sol-nak segít. A „gyerekek”, akik már nem is olyan kicsik Bil és Hjúki nekem segítenek. Elég értelmesek és jobban szót értenek a fiatalokkal, mint én. Ami a számomra pont kapóra jön, mert megragadhatjuk az érdeklődésük lényegét és ezt kihasználva valami olyasmit nyújthatunk nekik amire vágynak, természetesen akkor hogyha az a lovaglással és lovakkal kapcsolatos. Egy hitetlent nem fogok tudni megtéríteni én sem, akármilyen isteni erőm is legyen. DE itt jön a csavar az egészben! Ha ennek a csodálatos kételkedőnek van egy kislánya, vagy kisfia, aki bolondul a pónikért, hát nagy meglepetésére nem akármilyen pónikra ültetheti fel a lányát, fiát! Az én lovaim, Skuggi (árnyék) és Skundi (sebesség)* itt Midgardban csodás kis pónik formájában trappolnak a kíváncsi kisgyerekek elé.
*1. Mani lovai eredetileg nincsenek megnevezve, ezért kerestem nekik én valamit.
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drunkchasind · 8 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
Haaa 🖤🖤
Right back at you Skuggy 🖤🫒
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firebuug · 2 months
i think the funniest part about band au skuggy and eva's weed dynamic is that, like, skuggy is NOT a dealer. at all. weed is legal in massachusetts. eva comes from out of state and doesn't know this. what skuggy does is he goes to the store and just buys and then sells it to eva for like three times the price because he thinks eva is rich and a little stupid and eva literally came to him first thinking he can just get it off him because he let him try it once after hanging out w him. and eva does not fucking know any better because he thinks the stores are illegal and sketchy and this is his best bet. in the legal weed state. with the public weed stores.
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: Nocturnal Blood by Villimey Mist
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About Nocturnal Blood: Dealing with anxiety and OCD is already hard for university student Leia Walker. Her struggles become trivial when her best friend, Sophie Gardner, enters her life again as an undead vicious vampire & forces her on a roadtrip across Alaska and the Canadian wilderness. With ghouls, vampires & hunters after them, their friendship is put to the test. Can it survive the inevitable bloodbath or will they become another forgotten victims on the open road? Targeted Age Group: 16+ Written by: Villimey Mist Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Link to Series Author Bio: Villimey has always been fascinated by vampires and horror, ever since she watched Bram Stoker's Dracula when she was a little, curious girl and was traumatized by watching Aliens when she wasn't supposed to. She loves to read and create stories that pop into her head unannounced. Drawing the characters from said stories has always helped with the creative process. She lives in Iceland with her husband and two cats, Skuggi and RoboCop, and is often busy drawing, taking long walks while listening to serial killer or cults podcasts or watching the latest shows on Netflix, which are usually horror or true crime documentaries. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Twitter Instagram Read the full article
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jcinktinder · 2 years
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Isolda Dychauk or open redhead wanted for middle sister to Alicia von Rittberg and Tom Holland and potential Lady-in-Waiting on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Tobias Menzies or open wanted for maternal great-uncle and house steward to Alicia von Rittberg and Tom Holland on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Extended nomadic family members wanted for Florence Pugh and Gustaf Skarsgard on dark medieval fantasy site.
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Complicated, messy, Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen quasi-royal family wanted for Alexander Dreymon, Alex Høgh Andersen, and Katherine Langford on dark medieval fantasy site.
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