#skype spy
darkicedragon · 2 years
darkicedragon loid is going to be be a ww warrior who gets hot at yors kicks azure ah, there it is the beginnings of a wolf fic darkicedragon .... //sigh loid being a werewolf spy, and its been okay so far, since hes always done single missions, so no-one found out but now hes got to make a FAMILY and figure out how to hide both his spy status and his werewolf status anya is just like ✨^✨ 'puppy!!!'
azure awww XDDD Anya no longer gets the big white doggo bc she has papa darkicedragon XDDD white doggo is warm and fluffy but papa makes pancakes! ✨^✨ azure >8O!!! Anya knows when papa needs to hide, so she distracts mommy darkicedragon maybe loid transforms w high emotion, which was fine, bc he could use that in missions but now he keeps getting frazzled trying to pretend to be a family and rely on other ppl and so he keeps wearing his hat more often to hide his ears, pff azure what if it's exhaustion or something similar, bc he should be v in control of his emotions it's when he's tired that his control slips and Anya's figured it out, and knows to go get papa to have a nap with her before he turns into a doggo and scares mommy bc Yor absolutely high kicked werewolf Loid through a wall bc spooked darkicedragon LKSDJF;LAKSFJ YESSSS anyas just like O-O when an ear pops out and starts dragging loid by the hand, crying she REALLY wants a nap!! azure Anya like 0^0!!! bc ah, papa is tired, is nap time unconsciously grounding Loid before he pwoofs into a big doggo
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
Alright lets take stock shall we? A Realm Reborn: Shows up Immediately uncovers a spy Says something random about the Garlean 3rd eye that is never brought up again Fails to elborate Leaves Shows up leading a group through the Sylphlands Leaves Shows up to watch us fight Primals Spits on the ground Leaves Shows up Has an entire Maury Special with Cid over Skype Elaborates EXTENSIVELY Leaves Shows up Points us at the Syrcus Tower Cant help but flaunt himself in front of Cid Throws himself into the Void Almost turns into a purple popsicle Gets a morse code telemarketer call Throws it in the Syrcus Trench Leaves
Heavensward: Shows up Convinces all the world leaders to activate Omega Fails to elaborate Leaves
Stormblood: Shows up for the job interview Aces the interview Gets hired to HELP with the OMEGA WEAPON HE UNLEASHED Fails to elaborate Steals from the treasury as his pay check leaving Cid in debt Leaves
Shadowbringer: Shows up to work a half shift Shrugs nonchalantly Helps build a room size computer Leaves
Endwalker: Stands around in the background entirely uninterested in the plot Never utters a word Decides the best course of action is to make adjustments to Cid's Mecha Suit in the background Fails to elaborate Leaves
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This day in history
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I'm at DEFCON! TODAY (Aug 9), I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). TOMORROW (Aug 10), I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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#5yrsago Bernie Sanders killed it on Joe Rogan https://jacobin.com/2019/08/bernie-sanders-joe-rogan-experience-podcast/
#5yrsago Whatsapp, Slack, Skype and apps based on popular Electron framework vulnerable to backdoor attacks https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/08/skype-slack-other-electron-based-apps-can-be-easily-backdoored/
#5yrsago Billionaire who gave Jeffrey Epstein power of attorney in order to manage his finances says Epstein stole “vast sums of money” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/07/business/wexner-epstein.html
#5yrsago Baking bread from dormant, 4,500-year-old yeast extracted from Egyptian bread-making ceramics https://twitter.com/SeamusBlackley/status/1158264819503419392
#5yrsago Monsanto ran a psy-ops war-room to discredit journalists and spy on Neil Young https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/aug/07/monsanto-fusion-center-journalists-roundup-neil-young
#5yrsago Wisconsin commissioned an independent report on how to fix the Foxconn deal. Result: it can’t be done. https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/6/20747166/wisconsin-foxconn-deal-state-report-lcd-factory-innovation-centers
#5yrsago As New York State’s shareholder suit against Big Oil for climate denial proceeds, Exxonmobil caught intimidating witnesses https://insideclimatenews.org/news/09082019/exxon-climate-fraud-investigation-witness-pressure-investors-new-york-attorney-general/
#5yrsago After student arrested for carrying laser-pointers, Hong Kong protesters stage “stargazing” laser-protest https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-49280030
#5yrsago Warshipping: attack a target network by shipping a cellular-enabled wifi cracker to a company’s mail-room https://techcrunch.com/2019/08/06/warshipping-hackers-ship-exploits-mail-room/
#5yrsago Billions on the line as Facebook loses appeal over violating Illinois facial recognition law https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/8/20792326/facebook-facial-recognition-appeals-decision-damages-payment-court
#1yrago Private equity plunderers want to buy Simon & Schuster https://pluralistic.net/2023/08/08/vampire-capitalism/#kkr
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shmreduplication · 4 months
my whole family hasn't been on family skype in a few weeks but finally we were all there (for mother's day) so I was finally able to recommend Dungeon Meshi for them and my siblings recommended Spy X Family and The Way of the House Husband lmao, guess I gotta watch them now
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I just thought of how Marinette's bathroom plan could have worked without being problematic.
Basically just have Sabrina lead Chloe and Lila into a computer lab or any vacant room that has a computer and have them confess right in front of a Skype/zoom call to Bustier's class
Yeah literally just!
Have Sabrina record them.
Lure them into any other vacant room.
Literally anything than setting up a spy room in the bathroom!!!
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maddiviner · 2 years
Hey everyone. I’m posting this to raise a question.
As witches and willworkers, we (should) try to show conspiracy theorists the door, particularly those who’re bigots. But what do we do about people who’re obviously experiencing delusions? Someone who’s mentally ill? Struggling and hurting?
As my username suggests, I’ve got a lot to say about this topic, but there’s not really an easy answer, and I think it needs some discussion. I’d be happy to hear other people’s perspectives. I do think people like me (who’ve experienced psychosis) might have strong feelings about this, but so might those hurt by conspiracy theories. It’s complex.
People online like to laugh when someone posts that the earth is flat, that the moon is a demonic lair, that mountains are trees, etc. When someone starts claiming they’re being “gangstalked” by aliens or the Illuminati, etc, people laugh.
My question is, where do we draw the line? Truth is, a lot of these weird delusions of persecution people write about online are symptoms of actual mental illnesses. So why do people treat it as funny?
Nobody’s going to post a video of me having a seizure and laugh when I bite my tongue. We don’t chuckle when someone with multiple sclerosis experiences spasms. People don’t post screenshots of people talking about deleting with “hahah look at that depressed loser,” so why the “hahah look at that stupid schizo” vibe?
I get that it’s hard not to laugh, at times. Some of it can be quite ridiculous from the outside. If someone on Facebook tells you they think you’re working with the Illuminati to spy on them for purposes unknown, it can be hard not to respond with anything but a confused giggle.
Still, though. Imagine being that person, believing that. From the inside, it can be a terrifying experience. Those things feel unbelievably real in the moment. Three months later, you might find that low dose Abilify (or something) returns your life to normal, but believe me - delusions feel real when you’re in them. I’d wager that’s true for all delusions. When we’re in it, we believe it, we feel it - the fear’s real.
I don’t want to discuss my personal experiences with delusions when I was much younger. I’d rather have written this entire post without mentioning it, but I don’t think my perspective would be taken seriously otherwise. While frightening, my own delusions didn’t involve these kinds of conspiracy theories. They aren’t really relevant here, except to say that it feels incredibly real and terrifying.
In other words, you can be sure that the boomer dude accusing you on Twitter of being a “perp” working with the gangstalkers and beaming “nausea waves” at him really does believe it, and really is frightened on an existential level.
With that in mind, can we really feel okay laughing at people like that?
I guess we might be unable to suppress a private giggle when we read someone’s comment about the hollow earth, or those moon demons supposedly drinking our blood. But it’d be downright unconscionable to directly bully them, even under the guise of “trying to talk them out of it.”
It’d of course, be worse, to pretend I *am* the moon aliens that terrify them, and start messaging them. And yes, that happens sometimes. I have an old friend who developed schizophrenia in 2007 and is STILL convinced we were all working against him/stalking him (at the time) because another person tried to turn his delusions into a joke, thinking it would “make him realize how silly he was being.”
Of course, by “turn them into a joke,” I mean “pretend they were real” and act out the scenario via Skype while the rest of us frantically tried to stop him.
If we’re going to talk about why humor might make such situations worse, we need to discuss humor itself. There’s some evidence that humanity’s capacity for laughter evolved as a way of signaling to our comrades that a situation isn’t actually dangerous. In other words, ancient humans might have laughed as a way of saying, “Yes, this looks scary, but it’s not!”
When we laugh at these things, we’re affirming (to ourselves, if not necessarily anyone else) that we’re not afraid, either of the moon demons or the person frantically telling us about them. Thus, the “laugh at conspiracy theories” thing can be a way of inoculating ourselves and others against them.
We shouldn’t do this at the expense of people who’re scared and suffering, though. We should always take care to avoid making things worse for other people who might have been unfortunate enough to fall into this kind of thing. The issue, of course, is how to do that while also not allowing a place for such conspiracy theories.
I hang out sometimes in transhumanist spaces online. It’s not frequent, but I do keep tabs on the movement and new papers, etc. Naturally, the topic of human enhancement, cyborgs, all that, attracts some conspiracy types, some of which are clearly hurting. In those cases, the moderators of those places tend to show them the door, because reading more transhumanist material and interacting with a volatile online space like that could be harmful for them in that state. That, and of course, not everyone’s kind, and people were trying to “mess” with these “crazies” too.
What it comes down to is this. If it’s a friend of yours or a family member, you likely have the means to help, even if in a small way. When it’s an internet person, you really don’t. Trying to talk them out of it likely won’t work, and might make things worse. Play-acting to make them “realize they’re being silly” is disingenuous trolling, and you’re a grade-A piece of shit if you even consider it. Often, removing yourself from the situation is the best you can do, if the person seems to be in no immediate danger.
I actually wish I’d been banned from certain spaces online when I was dealing with this kind of thing. It sounds ridiculous, but many of the places I visited during my episodes delayed recovery. When you’re experiencing psychosis, material and interactions that would otherwise be innocuous can have straight-up toxic effects. There’s no sense to it - that’s why it’s psychosis, I suppose.
At one point I commented on here that I didn’t do Tarot readings for people currently experiencing mental health crisis or psychosis. I was called ableist for that, and told that I should simply “ask them their triggers and remove those cards.”
Yeah, no. Psychosis doesn’t play by that sort of rules. Or any rules, really. Even if, from the outset, I can’t cite “violent impalement” as a trigger, I might be terrified by the Ten of Swords, especially if I were experiencing delusions again. This is not a black and white issue, and I’m still figuring things out - I just think the matter of mental illness is an important thing to consider. And a lot of these conspiracy theories were intentionally designed by bigots for bigoted purposes. Popular conspiracy theory influencers nowadays exploit the vulnerable for fame and profit.
Many of these conspiracy theories are just updates of centuries-old antisemitic blood libel, though. And these ideas cause a lot of real harm. You only need to skim the news over the past few years to see how far-reaching and dangerous things like Qanon quickly became. How can we best combat this kind of thing, knowing that they specifically target people who are struggling?
We shouldn’t give conspiracy theories so much as an inch. We should be working to both debunk them and warn others from falling into those belief systems. But what do we do in situations where someone is clearly unwell?
As I said, delusions don’t play by normal rules. Mine didn’t. Presenting evidence isn’t going to work, and that’s not because the person is obstinate, either. I usually just walk away, disconnect - but this is something worth talking about. How do you handle these situations? Why?
Before I go, I want to also note that sometimes a response you post to a person online isn’t actually for them. It’s extremely hard to change someone’s mind by arguing with them online. Other people read those exchanges, though, and are influenced by your words.
In a way, when I argued with Qanoners on Facebook during the lockdowns, I wasn’t typing words for them, but for the lurkers who might come across it. I knew the person I was arguing with wasn’t going to listen, but I also knew we had an audience. So, that, too, is important to keep in mind when dealing with conspiracy theorists (of all sorts) online.
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thefuckinsandes · 2 years
Time Lapse
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Photographer f!reader Warnings: slight mention of sex, food mention Summary: Being apart from Javi is beginning to become unbearable. Especially when it has been over a month. Trying to stay afloat as you count down the days before Javi comes back home, you reflect on your feelings towards the sweet man. A/N: Hi, it's me. This fic has been in my drafts for so long that I finally had the chance to finish it. This could be read as a solo fic, but it is in continuation of my fic, Candid. Please enjoy some more soft Javi.
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Part 1
Facetime had to be one of the greatest inventions ever created. Yes there was Zoom and Duo. Yes, Skype did and still exists and made a statement when it first came around. But the ease to simply press a button and Facetime someone was really a blessing. Especially when you miss someone and they are miles, miles away. 
“Have you seen the movie I recommended to you?” Javi’s voice flowed through your phone as you adjusted yourself on the bed. 
“The Calligari one? No not yet,” You giggled at the expression that quickly appeared as soon as the words escaped your lips.
“How have you not seen it? It’s a masterpiece!”
“Well, I was thinking of watching it with you. That way I can be able to enjoy something you love with you.”
“You’re perfect, do you know that?” Javi’s sweet praises will never not bring a blush to your cheeks.
You turned over your pillow and gripped onto the edge as you adjusted the phone in your hand. With a soft sigh you told him how you missed him. You missed the warmth that radiated from him. You missed everything about him.
“I miss you too, querida.” 
Javi Gutierrez was roughly two thousand, eight hundred and fourteen miles away from where you currently resided. You in the West Coast of California and him in the East Coast of New York. He was working with the director and producers of a new film that he had written. When you asked him to summarize it in three words, he responded with, “Action. Spectacle. Surprises.”
“That could be anything!” You laughed when you heard those words.
You missed him so much. His hair had grown a bit since you last had seen him a month ago. Those sweet curls you adored so much were making an appearance as you watched him move around the bed he currently was on. 
“How’s New York? Did you make any new friends?” 
He quickly sat up and the biggest smile appeared on his face. You mimicked his moves and leaned against the headboard of your bed, ready to listen to his newest tale.
“I did! His name is Isaac. He is an actor who is going to be one of the producers of the film. He is extremely funny!”
“Is this a new best friend I am sensing? Is Nick going to get jealous?” You teased him.
“Nick would love Isaac!” He spoke with such offense. “We would become an iconic trio like Luke, Han, and Chewbacca or Charlie’s Angels.”
“Does that mean I would be able to see you in a tight spy suit? Or better yet in Han’s outfit?”
“Only if you wear Leia’s outfit.”
“I promise. Space buns and all!” You both laugh.
“Oh! He also introduced me to his wife who is a director and screenwriter as well! She has done some amazing films! Some that they both even have worked on together! They want to meet you, too.”
“Me?” You asked surprised.
“I told them about my beautiful partner who is a photographer and creates beautiful pieces of art with a simple click of her camera.”
“Javi,” You smiled at him.
He shifted so that you can see all his beautiful features perfectly lit by the lamp beside him. His eyes, those beautiful expressive shades of brown, that are staring directly into the camera but seem as if they were staring straight into your own, showed nothing but adoration. 
“I wish I was there with you,” You whisper to him, as if it was a secret you were sharing. 
“Me too. Only one more week to go,” he whispers back. 
You both had officially begun dating ten months ago. After the photoshoot, you met up with him a few days later with the plan of watching a movie and having dinner. As well with the intention of returning the jacket that he kindly lent you on the day you met. In the end, the jacket became forgotten as the date continued.
On your third date and third attempt to return his jacket, Javi walked you to your door and as you pulled the blue jacket off your shoulders, he stopped you.
“Keep it. It suits you better,” Javi whispered before pressing his forehead against your own.
After that night more of his sweaters and shirts made a new home within your closet. Even now as you laid on your bed, one of his t-shirts was being worn as a sleep shirt. It still held the scent that could only be described as Javi.
“The day that you come home, I will be sure to have all of your favorite movie snacks ready. And we are going to have a Paddington movie marathon and cuddle on the couch,” You tell him. “It’s gonna be you, me, and Mr. Bunny. How is he, by the way?”
Javi laughs and puts his phone down for a second as he reaches over for the stuffed rabbit you insisted that he take with him. It was another duplicate of the bunny plush that was used in “Con Air”. Javi had given it to you on your fifth date. The date in which you both declared that you were official. He was yours and you were his.
Mr. Bunny came to view as Javi was back on the screen, “He has been enjoying the scenery. But he misses his mother.”
“I miss him too,” You tell him with a yawn. “The both of you.”
“Tiempo para dormir, querida. I’ve kept you up for too long.”
“Me? You’re the one that is three hours ahead of me. How are you still awake?”
A smile appears on his face, “Nothing in this world would stop me from being able to see you. I could stay awake for hours if it means being able to see your beautiful face and hear your lovely voice.”
“Come home soon, Javi.”
Javi smiled at the word home. You were becoming his home. 
“As you wish.”
And as you both laid in your beds, laying on the side that you both declared as your own, you both reached over and touched the pillows that were beside your own. Wishing that it was the person that you desired the most that was many miles away. The same thoughts lingered through both your minds as you whispered goodnight to the empty room with nothing but the sounds of the outside world.
The second thought on your mind when you awoke the following morning was that you were a day closer to seeing Javi. The first was how annoying your alarm was. As you got ready for the day, you noticed how Javi’s presence was always around you. The cup that he used for his morning coffee was placed next to the coffee machine as you poured yourself your first brew of the day. The blanket throw you leaned against on your couch that he helped pick out the one time you had gone on a Target trip and lost yourselves amongst the many ailes. The many DVDs that he left on your coffee table the day you got sick. He had insisted that they brought nothing but pure joy and would quickly make you feel better.
There were so many little things that reminded you how much you loved him. A smile appeared on your face before sipping on your coffee. Love. In your mind you thought that the possibility of even experiencing that romantically was out of the picture. And here you are, ten months later admitting the notion as you smelled the coffee that Javi had picked out a few days before he had left.
You sighed at the thought of him and soon remembered that perhaps you should go to his apartment to check how things are. Javi has a housekeeper that comes once a week, but before he left he had asked if you could also check on the plants that he kept in the apartment. The same plants that you had in yours. His reasoning was so that his home had a piece of you in it. After quickly getting dressed, one of his sweaters being thrown on, you locked the door behind you and began your journey to your favorite place.
Javi’s apartment had such a beautiful view of the city. At first you thought that his art pieces and movie memorabilia would capture your attention. But the moment you saw the rays of light enter from the large balcony, you were enamored. As Javi joined you on the balcony, you told him that this might be the most beautiful view of the city as the setting sun made its appearance. In Javi’s eyes, you were the most beautiful view. You glowed even more so than you already did.
Greeting his neighbors, an elderly couple who always gave you both a knowing smile, you entered his apartment. The aroma that could only be described as Javi hit your senses and it brought you such comfort. Leaving your bag on his couch, you made your way to the balcony and began your task of watering the plants that were both in and outdoors. As you walked around, you noticed that there were many things of yours that lingered in his apartment. 
Your favorite blanket was folded on the couch, the one that you used when you both cuddled under when watching films. Your favorite snacks are organized in his pantry as well as your own mug for the coffee that he brewed for you. His bathroom held your skincare products and your toothbrush in your favorite color. When he presented it to you the first time you stayed over, he had the cutest smile and was so proud to have the little piece of knowledge memorized.
In his room, your favorite pajamas were in the cabinet that he declared your own and the vanity he had purchased just for you so you can get ready for the day as he watched with admiration. And lastly, a portrait of the two of you at the beach as the sun set behind you. It sat on the drawer underneath the television in his room. It was a gift that you had given him and one that he would always cherish.
“Only one week to go,” You told yourself as you stepped out of his apartment, locking the door behind you.
The next day, you were dragged out of your apartment because according to Arlene, your moping behavior had to end.
“He’s only been gone for how long?” 
“34 days,” You tell her with a longing voice.
“That’s forever!” Leah yells as she takes a bite of her brownie.
“I completely agree with you, Leah! I owe you another brownie,” You ruffle the child’s hair as she giggles.
Arlene looks bewildered as she states, “She’s only seven!”
You and Leah look at each other before giggling, “She is wise for her age.”
“But seriously, I’ve never seen you like this over a guy.”
You take a sip of your coffee before saying, “Well I love him. So of course I miss him like crazy.”
The look that appeared on not only Arlene’s but Leah’s face was the most priceless moment ever. Arlene with her wide eyes and Leah with her mouth open and full of brownie bits.
“You love him!”
“Is he going to be my tío now?”
The two spoke together, blurring their words as you just smiled.
“I do and we can ask him when he comes back.”
“Tía,” Leah leans close to you as if she is ready to tell you a secret.
“What’s up?”
She pulls you close, whispering in your ear, “I really want Javi to be my tío. Do you think he would buy me that Baby Yoda toy I want?”
“He would definitely buy it for you. Now, ready for that next brownie?”
The days soon began to blur as you got busy with work. Photos needed to be edited, shoots needed to be scheduled, and meetings kept you on your toes. You would get home tired, wishing that Javi was there to cheer you up. Even though he wasn’t, the phone calls and text messages that Javi sent you made it better. You were ready for the weekend. For Javi.
On Friday the whole company was given a half day and you attempted to retreat back to your home, ready to clean up the apartment since Javi was due to be home Saturday afternoon. But your attempts to go home were stopped.
“Let’s go eat!” Arlene walked beside you as you exited the building.
“But Javi is-”
“Coming tomorrow, I know. But, can we please have lunch? Michael offered to pick up Leah from school and I really wanna have a nice lunch with my best friend.”
It was a rare opportunity so you agreed. Arlene gave you the biggest smile and dragged you along for some light shopping before having lunch. Ever since you told her that you loved Javi, she began to ask questions about Javi and the possible future.
What’s your favorite feature of his? His eyes because it shines so bright.
What is one thing you would change about him? Nothing really. But if you had to pick one, it would be his self-doubt. He was amazing and worked so hard on his scripts and needed to realize that.
How’s the sex? None of your business, but it’s magical.
Would you ever move in with him? Yes, of course!
Is he really the one?
“I can’t imagine my life without him in it. He’s it for me. I love him.”
With that answer, Arlene knew that you were in deep. And she knew that he was too. 
As you headed home, you were glad that you had that lunch with her. It made you think about what you wanted and now that you are more certain of it, you were hopeful for your future with Javi.
“Only one day to go,” You smiled before entering your apartment.
Golden hour peaked through the windows and it provided the light for you to see the scene before you. Movie snacks were placed on your coffee table. Paddington was on your tv screen, ready to be played. As you entered deeper into your apartment, Mr. Bunny was sitting on the couch along with Javi’s favorite blanket that was on your bed.
“Welcome home, querida,” Javi’s voice pulled you towards the direction of your kitchen as Javi stood there with a loving smile.
A gasp escaped your lips as you practically jumped on him, pulling him into the tightest of hugs, kissing him all over his face. Javi held onto you tightly, refusing to part from you as he took you in. He missed the feeling of your arms around him, your scent washing over him as he placed his head on the crook of your neck. This is where he was meant to be, in your arms as you whispered to him how much you missed him. Javi knew that there would be no other for him as he held you. You, his one true love.
“You’re home! I missed you so much,” You told him before kissing his lips.
“I missed you more,” Javi nuzzled your nose with his own. “Next time I have to travel anywhere, I am taking you with me.”
“Of course. I want the woman I love to be with me, always.”
He loved you. Javi loved you. Javi Gutierrez, the sweetest and most wonderful man to ever exist in this lifetime, loved you.
“I love you,” You whispered to him as you pressed your forehead against his.
Javi’s eyes widened before they quickly darkened, quickly taking hold of your lips with his own as he felt the love you were giving him in the kiss. Nothing but pure passion and love was felt and you both finally felt as if you were now complete. Life was complete. Well almost.
Javi pulled away, placing light kisses, “I love you with my whole being. I want to build a home for you. For us. And I knew since the moment I took your hand that you would be the only one for me.”
“I want us to have a home too. I want to be able to wake up to your arms around me every morning. I want everything with you.”
His smile only widened more as he pulled you towards the couch and as you both took a seat, he pulled out a small box from his pocket. He gently handed you the wide velvet box.
Your heart pounded in anticipation and a gasp escaped your lips. Inside there were two small items. Well, one smaller than the other. A single key rested next to a beautiful ring that was already bringing tears into your eyes.
“You are my home. You brighten my day in so many ways. You provide the warmth that I didn’t know I was missing. And even though we haven’t been together for long, I know in my heart that there is no one else I’d rather be with than with you. I bought us a home that I want to fill with you. I want to start a life with you and who knows maybe have children or pets. Whatever you want.”
You laugh as the tears freely fall from your eyes. Javi grabs the ring and slowly descends down onto one knee. His eyes filled with love and hope that showed brightly thanks to the golden hour.
“Will you marry me, mi amor?”
You nodded your head profusely as you quickly reached for Javi, “Yes, Javi, yes!”
Javi held you close as you kissed him. After everything he’s gone through in his life, his hopeful, romantic heart finally found what made it whole. This time apart showed the two of you that you carried each other’s hearts. 
“I can’t wait to start our new life together.”
“We already have. On that first date, our new life began. We have a long beautiful journey ahead of us, mi amor,” Javi tells you as he slips the ring on your finger.
“You and your beautiful words,” You lean against his chest as he kisses the top of your head.
“Only for you,” he tells you as he watches how the ring glows in the golden light. He starts the film as a thought appears in his head, “Can we have little Leah be our flower girl?”
“She’d probably have one condition,” You laugh, remembering what she told you.
“What’s that?”
“She wants her tío to buy her a Baby Yoda toy.”
A laugh escapes his lips, “Of course. Do you want one too?”
“Yes please. I love you.”
“I love you, querida.”
Tags: @evyiione , @lovesbiggerthanpride
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cnfree · 2 years
Exactspy reviews
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Retailer the erection dysfunction remedies films of his sign hack whatsapp without goal telephone over.Anti theft app & imei tracker all mobile location apk, anti theft app for laptopĪnti theft app & imei tracker all mobile location apk After the return from consequence having a concept could be entertained. he expected that helpful or necessary to re. Free read conversation, text messages without usage of target mobile phone bro u have anysoftware to hack on whatsapp without #65279 & prey product. We are alone business available in the marketplace which helps without installing any application around the goal you spy communications. Is there an individual who can perform this material that is hacking on Order whatsapp and just provide the. Learn To Spy WhatsApp Without Access To Goal Telephone.Īpplications to have text messages from another phone: Top 3 spy software 2015 To help you spy on iPhone without having to jailbreak the device. Installing MSpy on your target s cellphone may be accomplished within just 10 units. Whatsapp hack methods aren't advisable if you'd like to secretly spy. Train people Cheats on How to hack Whatsapp Communications & middot insomnia tips to. Intercept fast information: Skype traveler, WhatsApp spy or. Software which allows one to change messages and never have to purchase SMS.Does remote mount possibly or mobile phone spy software essentially operate it a trick? Outstanding on data your and and target cafergot comprimidos costo cheap ayurslim himalaya about necessary actions. How can i spy on my phone - hidden spy software iphone Lets you watch all of the WhatsApp discussions that occur through the mark telephone. Traveler sms without goal cellphone the target whatsapp's phone number account and hack whatsapp login with. These, that will be very difficult to pin down. It's a tracking application it is free to use, and is hardly ineffective. I do believe MaxxSpy should be chosen by you. If you prefer to observe someone via cellular phone. Just how to Compromise WhatsApp Consideration. Is it possible to spy whatsapp to target telephone without access. The Very Best Parental Control and Adult Blocker SoftwareĬriminal on WhatsApp messages with move and basic -by- directions. Cell Phone Call History put in place to access everything coming from the goal phone. Just How To Cell Phone Traveler Without Access To Target Free. To satisfy the segment that is ordinary are able to afford a. Al along with however stay Indian tallcs. Visit our web portal and get your apps that are mobile hackers nowadays! Was a letter that is dead the royalists n Under for that of four. Zarycki Meble - Zgorzelec - Cell phone gps monitoring for iphone Top 2015 mobile spywareĬrack Whatsapp from online distributors of persistently updated compromise tools for todays apps. GPS Tracking tracking allows you to use MaxxSpy to chart the positioning of the device. Without holding it how to crack someones cellular phone. Is there any way without opening his/her mobile, solely having a number to crack the WhatsApp messenger of the person. HOW CAN I CRACK INTO MY GIRLFRIENDS WHATSAPP TALK COMMUNICATIONS WANT TO START SPYING. How Do I Compromise Into My Friends Whatsapp Chat Messages 1. WhatsApp is the top downloaded web-chat application on both Android. Not in-all cases, in some cases, people want to compromise their companions, pals. Opening somebody elses WhatsApp bill sounds exciting. Just How To Compromise Whatsapp Communications On Cell Phone. Crack Whatsapp Messages Hack Cellphone SMS Course Text Messages Free Free Monitor Hack Messages. Hatsapp will be the most popular messaging nowadays that is software. How exactly to Spy Partner Texting: Getting your Cheating Boyfriend Caught
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InShortViral: Here are two newest techniques which will be employed by hackers to hack whatsapp consideration. In case you are deciding on the best software can be difficult. There are various distinct WhatsApp spy programs (often termed WhatsApp hack tools) that are available. Compromise on whatsapp messages, how to hack whatsapp. Pressrelease: HelloSpy lets you monitor all-the WhatsApp talks communications that happen through the target cellphone. Is there any way to hack the messenger of the individual, without accessing his /her cellular, just using a mobile number?. Hack whatsapp communications, HOWTO crack on whatsapp. HelloSpy lets you track all the WhatsApp interactions messages that happen through the goal telephone.
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This day in history
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Tonight (June 6), I’m on a Rightscon panel about interoperability.
Tomorrow (June 7), I’m keynoting the Re:publica conference in Berlin.
Thursday (June 8) at 8PM, I’m at Otherland Books in Berlin with my novel Red Team Blues.
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#10yrsago UK spies have access to NSA Prism, which has “direct access” to world’s largest Internet companies’ servers https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/jun/07/uk-gathering-secret-intelligence-nsa-prism
#10yrsago Leaked NSA slide-deck claims that NSA has “direct access” to servers at Google, Apple, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo, and many others https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data
#10yrsago New NSA logo https://memex.craphound.com/2013/06/07/new-nsa-logo/
#10yrsago Schneier: what we need the whistleblowers to tell us about America’s surveillance apparatus https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/what-we-dont-know-about-spying-on-citizens-scarier-than-what-we-know/276607/
#1yrago Fake Christian health insurance and other big cons https://pluralistic.net/2022/06/07/more-than-human/#big-store
#1yrago James Bridle’s “Ways of Being” https://pluralistic.net/2022/06/07/more-than-human/#umwelt
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deblala · 4 months
How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA Spy Grid Scheme
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deblala · 4 months
Big Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging - Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook, Blackberry
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nahidcse · 2 years
How safe is today's messengers and can spyware applications be dangerous?
With the proliferation of smartphones and messaging applications, most people do not think about their digital security when exchanging messages. But if you value your privacy, then it’s important to understand the risks that come with using messengers and spyware applications. Here is an article to explain how safe today's messengers are and how spyware applications can be dangerous.
Assessing the Security of Messengers
Security is a top priority for many popular messaging services such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Skype, etc. While these services encrypt your data (including messages, photos and videos) to protect it from unauthorized access in transit, there are still potential security vulnerabilities to be aware of when using any type of online messenger.
For example, messaging services may be vulnerable to hackers who target user accounts through phishing attacks or malware installations on their devices. It’s also possible that a malicious actor could tap into a company’s servers and gain access to users’ metadata or messages without their knowledge. That’s why it’s important for users to take extra precautions when using any kind of online communication service by regularly changing passwords and updating software on their devices.
Risks of Using Spyware Applications
Spyware applications like mSpy comes with its own set of risks. For example, installing this type of whatsapp spy app software often requires physical access to the target device in order for it to work properly – many spyware companies suggest that the device should be left unattended so they can complete the installation process. This means that if someone else has access to your phone or tablet besides you, they could secretly install a spyware application without your knowledge or consent.
Once installed, these types of apps are designed to give someone remote entry into another person's device data such as call logs, contacts list, text messages , etc. Depending on where you live this could potentially be illegal – some countries have strict laws regarding internet monitoring software like mSpy -which is why it is important to research local laws before using any kind of online tracking system which allows someone unauthorized access into another person's data without their knowledge or consent.
Bottom Line: Keep Your Data Secure
Using messengers and communication apps can be both fun and convenient but keeping your data secure must always remain a top priority when sharing information over any kind of digital platform - no matter how “safe” it may seem at first glance . Be sure to take measures such as enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible , regularly changing passwords ,and ensuring your device is up-to-date with all security patches in order keep yourself protected while using today's messaging services .
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The United States has long been the world's number one telecommunications thief. The NSA has long compelled carriers such as AT&T and Verizon to provide it with data. As early as more than ten years ago, the National Security Agency has used a "pseudo base station" called "Dirtbox" in monitoring projects such as the "Boundless Informant" (Boundless Informant) to simulate cell phone base station signals. Access your phone and steal data. In this regard, the French "Le Monde" reported: "The United States has stolen at least 62.5 million mobile phone data in France through 'dirty boxes'!" Regarding apps, the U.S. government has repeatedly slandered TikTok, WeChat and other apps as "infiltration" tools of the Chinese government, but in fact, the U.S. is the habitual criminal who manipulates mobile apps for secret theft. According to the information disclosed in the "Prism Gate" incident, the US National Security Agency has long regarded applications as "data gold mines", and has spent a lot of money in this field over the years to mine data intelligence through applications. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Google Maps and even the mobile game "Angry Birds" have all been forced to cooperate. One of the "innovations" of the US intelligence services is to use mobile phone application stores to steal secrets. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the National Security Agency and other members of the "Five Eyes" intelligence agencies have launched the so-called "Irritant Horn" (Irritant Horn), which is to use Google's application store Play Store to send mobile phones to mobile phones. Plant spyware or cracker vulnerabilities. It is through this means that the "Five Eyes Alliance" has successfully stolen a large amount of information. There is also the so-called "clean cloud" issue. The real "cloud stealing" is the United States. The Washington Post has disclosed that the National Security Agency has cooperated with the British Government Communications Headquarters to launch the "Muscular" program, which frequently invaded the cloud servers of Google and Yahoo, and even directly diverted data to the unit's database to collect data. billions of private messages. In addition, according to the "New Zealand Herald", the United States, together with New Zealand's intelligence services, conducted cyber theft of the data connection line of the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland. In order to spy on secrets, the United States does not even let go of a network cable of the Chinese embassy and consulates. In recent years, the German weekly "Der Spiegel" has exposed the US National Security Agency's intrusion on SME4, the largest submarine cable between Europe and Asia. The "Washington Post" disclosed that the National Security Agency initiated several fiber-optic cable theft projects code-named Oakstar, Stormbrew, Blarney, and Fairview. The Associated Press once reported that the U.S. Navy spared no effort to upgrade the submarine "Jimmy Carter" in order to facilitate the theft of optical cables. In addition, the U.S. Four-Year Intelligence Assessment Report disclosed by the media clearly stated: “U.S. intelligence agencies should take all means, including cyber operations, to attack other countries’ technology patent institutions in order to improve the competitive advantage of U.S. companies.” Snowden The exposed U.S. "Prime Class" project also shows that the U.S. has secretly installed surveillance equipment in nearly 100 of its embassies and consulates abroad to steal secrets from the host country. The US Intercept website recently published an article called "The US "Goes to China"-style "clean network" is dirty and hypocritical." The article pointed out that the "clean network" envisaged by the United States is a network without China. This is "racially exclusive". The statement is absurd and hypocritical, and it only tells one truth: "Only the United States can monitor the world." In addition, everyone knows that the Swiss "Crypto AG" encryption equipment company that has been operating for half a century has been confirmed as the US CIA The puppet, the "encryption device" the company sells in more than 120 countries has always been a "stealing machine".    
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