icewolfstar · 3 months
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Art fight attack for @theramblingvoid and @skywillsometimeswrite the kibbies :3
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weekly-welsknight · 10 months
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There's no clapping or cheering here, but Wels does jump at the twang of the guitar. He pauses, looking at Ren questioningly. "Keep going, dude, I'm just gonna try and play along. You sound great." So Wels keeps going, this time accompanied by the guitar's backing. Ren is hesitant at first, feeling out the melody. But over time he grows in confidence, until he's able to follow Wels' words and Wels feels giddy. After the last note, Wels bows in the same dramatic way the band would, slightly hindered by being sat down and wearing armour. Ren claps, and Wels dissolves into giggles, all of his anxiety and joy tumbling out of him. 
here by popular demand, this week's fic art is for NPC Wels AU by @lackyducks and @skywillsometimeswrite!! All of the fics in the series are well worth a read, but this art is for A Universal Language by lackyducks specifically :D
If you haven't already, definitely check it out!
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
hello! in my series of various universe-jumps, I seem to have ended up near you. how are things going? are you doing all right?
is there someone I should hunt down for you?
or possibly someone who would say your name, if I asked that question?
Hello, dear dimensional jumper! I'm doing pretty alright right now, interest drifted a little bit away from Hermitcraft and still figuring out how to live with chronic illness but I'm more or less content with how the new year is looking. I hope you and everyone else reading this can say the same! Maybe I'll get back into watching and posting more again this year, who knows :)
As for casual hitlist making, @skywillsometimeswrite pretty much always has it coming, and @dawn-path would probably pay you thoroughly in cat pictures to come hunt me down (...although so would Sky now that I think about it. What's life without a few friends you can send a finch flying after?) Thanks for the fun ask finchsflight, I hope you have a good day :)
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chaggle · 4 years
I'm not sure what champions au (I'd love to hear more about it, though? Especially if knifepulse? 👀) But the rvb au is an au based off the web series Red vs Blue by Rooster Teeth. I highly recommend! Altho warning for strong language -☁️skywillsometimeswrite
Ohhhh I heard of that web series a couple times! Thanks for the clarification :D
Champions was an old au created by @/ndn-craft (you could find more about the au in @/target-block-archived), I don't remember much but Impulse, False?, Morgan (an oc) and Ex were villains iirc
It's angsty, but i vividly remember a drawing of Kakujo, while dying, just peacing out as he faded away lmao
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skylardoesthings · 3 years
Idk if I've already said hi, so hello again if I have, but hi twin! -SkyWillSometimesWrite
You already have I think- But hello twin! :D
How've you been?
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petrichormeraki · 4 years
hey so do you like mind if people write stuff based off your grumbot lives au? Because I'm living for it and I really wanna write some adorable fatherly/unclely architects with this idea -(skywillsometimeswrite)
Please tag me when it's finished if you're comfortable!!!
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ndn-craft · 4 years
Random evil stress & imp au question that popped into my head: would they send hels and/or ex to recruit grian since they don't know for sure if he would join? Cause what if grian decided to rat them out? -sky
oh that seems smart asdfdjjk
yeah they would. Hels n EX would go together, Hels has a more serious vibe and EX is a bit more dorky. so like, EX would talk to Grian, get him interested without intimidating him and whatever questions Grian has Hels can answer it without giving anything too important away. 
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For the ask game: 3 (although I feel like I know the answer), 14, and 15 :)
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You two have the same brain I think it's the discord brainrot. Anyway y'all actually made me think for this one.
3. Favourite mcyt friend group?
Well I mean.... Tbh if you want specifics then it's Team ZIT permanently or the IDEA boys in season six. I miss em.
14. Favourite animation/animatic made by the fandom?
I'll admit, I don't actually watch too many animatics - though I've started for DreamSMP. But I picked two anyway because fight me :)
The first is Boomers Commercial Thing by Hoshi on YouTube. I came in too late for Boomers but this is literally the cutest and I love that it's done in a reality TV show style,,,, and I love how everyone is drawn. Really good animation & humour.
Then the next is Quality Hermitcraft content by SpicySav because it's so stupidly funny and I love the sonic fandubs and I love UGS and they shoved em together. And again, I love their designs, amazing artwork. All of the expressions are hysterical.
15. Favourite fanfic, if you read them?
Well clearly I don't, it's my alter ego, my main's username lmao. Nah, I've already mentioned Lost in the Void's Embrace (but also go read that) so for this one I'm gonna say The Parting Glass by Sekrap. It's a really good story that explores Doc's origins, the NHO, the jungle, season six, Bdubs & Keralis rejoining... Just so so good. Genuine horror with a lot of found family and really great world building. It's part of a trilogy, of which I have only read two, but I'd have to say this is my favourite, though I believe it was written last. Just went and reread it again because of this hkgfs. Hopefully I'll get around to reading the third one soon too!!
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NB Awareness 2020 Day 2
Coming to terms!
TLDR: After years of coming to terms with myself, I am incredibly proud to be who I am, and labeling myself as nonbinary has been a huge help in that.
So my “gay awakening” as I call it was in 7th grade (around 12 years old) when I met who would end up becoming my first girlfriend. I was very much terrified of the idea of being gay and everything, and that is its own story, but as I came to terms with my sexuality I also began to come to terms with my gender... kind of.
I was doing a lot of exploring of myself and research on places like tumblr and various areas of the internet. I thought I was pretty comfortable calling myself a cis female, but as time went on I felt less and less comfortable with that label.
I played around with the idea of being genderfluid. I didn’t understand being nonbinary and it didn’t feel right at the time. Even so, genderfluid didn’t feel all that right either.
I think it was when I met who would become one of my closest friends did I start to truly understand what gender meant for me. See my friend is trans but when I met him I didn’t know this. We were put in a group together for a field trip and I wanted to try and talk to him but I didn’t even know how to address him. He looked truly androgynous and at this point I didn’t know about they/them pronouns. So I just... didn’t really interact with him. Or not in a way that made it obvious that I didn’t know his name or his gender. It made me start to think.
Around this time I was still going by genderfluid, and I would refer to myself as “Sam” as a more gender neutral name because Sophia didn’t make me feel comfortable. It was very feminine and back then I thought I needed to present myself as non-gender conforming to be accepting or believed that I wasn’t cis. Even so, I was being called Sara online usually as that was my “online persona” that made me feel more confident and she was very much a cis individual. At some point along this trend I found the name Sky and I gripped onto it. Sky became my identity for a while. They were the androgynous vision I wanted so desperately.  
I often refer to Sara (she/her), Sky (they/them), and Sophia (me/I) as these three separate entities because to me they kind of are? It’s really hard for me to explain. Because they are all the same person, they’re me, but also not?
I usually say that Sara is one part of Sophia, who is really me, while Sky is everything I want to be. But even I’m not totally sure if that’s true or not anymore. I guess I haven’t paid too much attention to it lately.
Anyways, I gripped onto and became Sky online and inside as best as I could. I wanted to be them, this confident and passing androgynous person that wasn’t dragged down by this doubt of themself. This doubt about who they are, if they were really genderfluid, if they were faking, if they were actually just straight or just gay or if they were really this or that.
By the time I enter into high school Sky has absorbed these doubts and fears and worries and slowly but surely isn’t really the Sky I wanted to be anymore. Sky has formed their own narrative in my mind and has become this entity that has just absorbed and housed my seemingly endless anxiety about myself, my academics, my family, and anything that really “attacked” me and my mind.
So I went back to Sara for a while. Sara felt comfortable. Sara felt safe. Sara felt... normal, I guess. I was still so against being Sophia that I just latched onto a personality that could cover and hide all that I was. It didn’t last very long.
I have these other characters/personalities that I often turn to a lot as my “editors” as I call them. Just sections of my personality and me. Kind of like an “Inside Out” type situation I guess. Sara was the leader of that for a long time, was the control freak of the bunch and everything had to be exactly as she said. Sky came in and really janked that up, was forced into that leadership position even though they didn’t know what they were doing. 
I was basically trying to force myself to be this person that I wasn’t, despite the fact that I really, really wanted to be them. I had been doing this for years. I didn’t even realize it.
Sara and Sky were just escapes for myself. Escapes that Sophia could jump into and get comfortable in and not face the realities that lay ahead of me. I guess it kind of worked for a while, but things started happening that I couldn’t just throw Sara or Sky at.
I had to start deciding who I was going to be. Sara and Sky started looking to ME for guidance more than me to them. And I slowly started to realize something.
The incredible @raindovemodel put in words the feeling that I didn’t realize I needed to hear.
I am I.
I am Sophia. I am a culmination of all my creations and all my experiences and all of my convictions and every person I’ve ever come into contact with.
So what does this have to do with my gender?
I think the simple answer is that I don’t care about my gender. When I realized that I was me, and I was so happy being me, the intricacies of myself didn’t matter. They were more fascinating than anything. I was more interested in what I wanted to do and be as a person, I was more concerned about the happiness of the people around me that I didn’t care what I was seen as.
I defined myself, once and for all (maybe), as nonbinary because that felt the most correct to me. It felt more me than genderfluid did. Because I wasn’t switching or feeling different from day to day or month to month like some genderfluid individuals. I felt stagnant in my gender and my identity, but not in a bad way. I was just... me. 
In the end, the label became a reason to be proud of myself. Of how far I’d come. I was happy to be me. And the word nonbinary just reminds me that I am I. I am Sophia.
And I don’t want to be anyone else anymore.
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mcyt-bigbang · 4 years
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Howdy and welcome to the MCYT Big Bang!!! I am very excited to announce that sign ups will open November 6th, and close November 22nd. A full timeline will be listed below. But person creating this post, you may ask, what is a Big Bang? Glad you asked, reader of this post! A Big Bang is where a writer and an artist, or multiple writers and artists, pair up! A writer writes a story, and an artists draws to creates something for that fic- how much depends on how much the writer puts in! The minimum word count is 4k, but the goal is at least 5k. The idea is that for each 5k a writer does, an artist will draw a scene, up to 25k. That means that the most an artist will be asked to do is 5 pieces, but can do however many they wish. For example, if a writer writes 12k words, the artist only has to do two pieces, but can do more. There will also be spots for people who want to create playlists and/or moodboards! They will most likely be one per fic, but it all depends on how many people sign up! Let us know if you have any questions! The sign up link and discord link will be in a separate post. Good Luck! Timeline: Friday, November 6th - Applications open! Join the discord! Start planning! Woo!! Sunday, November 22nd - Applications close Sunday, December 6th - Writers send in summaries of their work December 21-27 - Artists Send in lists of which writer they want to work with Sunday, January 3rd - Pairs get sent out Sunday, January 31st - Check In Sunday, February 28th - Check In Sunday, March 28th - Final Check In Monday, April 5th - Posting Begins
@stabbyinnit @seiskarteky @pixelfun20 @sootstuff @00thespaceman00 @no-thoughtz @thedeepesttheorist @semi-cursed @haworthiaace @hero-is-here @dawn-paolo @trademarked-but-not-really @l-suzsa-l @ohnostalgia @finndaydreams @bunny-and-friends @wooshofficial @mercury-gold @catherinecantart @shineisalive @ghost-flower-98 @stormjay0 @aroaceacacia @my-cat-is-a-bastard @kittydancer27 @eternally-exhausted-7 @kitsbin @eternallyconfusedghost @toffee-rambles @bardshipping @minshinxx @iswearitsnotanigloo @watobird @myceliumresistance @kayoi1234 @skywillsometimeswrite @sarasona1205 @strawberrydress-eret @tubbee @traitorous-bisexual @harley-the-pancake @sannahofskva @target-block @braveboyhalo @raysmain @bella-just-morgan @itsabork​ @emaiai​ @heyononbinarybro​ @rose-icosahedron​ @theartistslight​
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pokemon-hermits · 4 years
Welcome to the Hoevi region!
@skywillsometimeswrite came up with the idea for this au and then we all sort of ran with it and made a plot :D (we being @justletmeplayminecraft , @haworthiaace , @diamndabi , and @icewolfstar )
We’ll post the story as a combination of comics (drawn by me, @haworthiaace ) as well as fics, written by various people! Keep an eye out for the first pages soon, as well as an introduction to our protagonist :D
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I've recently gotten. Really into bugsnax. And I am already planning to buy it soon and I didn't realize you were into it and this makes me unreasonably happy so like. If you ever wanna yell about it 👉👈 -skywillsometimeswrite
Oh my god don’t you ever ask me to ramble about things because I will break your dash!!!
I'm so happy too that you’re getting into bugsnax because I love this game so fricking much and I'm so happy more people are playing it I'm literally so happy!! Even my brother got into it (I didn’t tell him about it he just found it) but I'm a lil worried he might get scared because the game is not what it seems and he’s easily scared. 
I'm trying to yell as quietly as possible about it because I don’t want to spoil anything but oh my god it’s a really good game and I’ve been playing it non-stop. Turns out bugsnax are also addictive for players xd. But yes I’ve been playing a lot and though I love the story because it’s so good I'm always going to catch bugsnax and I scan everything for the flavor text because I'm just so into it haha.
AAAA well it’s a really good game and I'm so so happy that you and more people are getting into it and sorry if I'm being redundant but it literally makes the serotonin go brbrbrbrbrb. 
I’ll be rambling and yelling a lot about it but i’ll tag everything as spoilers so dw 
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litabbattoir · 4 years
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The bullshit I have to put up with in the discord thanks to @skywillsometimeswrite
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
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Are YOU currently bored out of your mind from the recent lack of videos involving SMPs with complex plotlines, impressive megabuilds, and regular uploads? If you are, then never fear, Ecocraft is here! We promise you...none of those things! But what we do have is two idiots with no sense of direction on a mission to delve into the End. (And hey, maybe they'll run into more lore than you'd expect along the way...)
Episode guest-starring @skywillsometimeswrite as Idiot #2, and @shadowedgarden as the lovely non-idiot responsible for my brand new outro music! Thank you guys very much for making this video shine <3
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rainswings · 4 years
A little idea that I've had bouncing in my head that isn't really a headcanon but! Impulse realizes one day that he is the only non-blonde member of team zit and dyes his hair to mess with Zed and tango -(skywillsometimeswrite)
I've been staring at this trying to figure out if there was anything I could say to add for multiple days now I'm sorry sky all I know is I'm living for this
I think the boys would love it after being quite startled, or at least, Zed would be startled. Tango may take a bit to even realize something changed
Skizzleman would wear a blonde wig to fit in
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skylardoesthings · 3 years
Oh hey it's my twin! I got very confused when I saw your url hjdjdn hello from another mcyt sky! -SkyWillSometimesWrite
Oh my God!
I have an internet twin! This actually made me laugh a little(NOTE ITS 9:33 IN THE MORNING AND I JUST WOKE UP HAHA-)-
Well then, hello there from a different mcyt Sky! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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