#slave markets
zillabean · 1 month
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A hush falls over the gathered crowd, shivering in its anticipation, before erupting into ear-splitting howls of animalistic fervor. Hannibal "The Cannibal" is trotted out on reinforced chain leads into the hot arena to the sheer delight of the bloodthirsty audience.
Eight months of enslavement in Verger's Alpha Fight Arena as Mason's prized bull thoroughbred has thickened his muscles, as well as his resolve and his fury. Eight months of forced fights, studding, breeding and dehumanization takes a toll on even the most stoic man. The day of his reckoning cannot come soon enough, but Hannibal is patient, and he bides his time.
For now, he obeys. He obeys Mason's whip, the guards' stun batons, the snipers with tranquilizers lining the rooftop of the arena.
He fights. He fights every alpha unlucky enough to be hurled into the ring with him. Undefeated in his string of victories, he still treats each battle as if it could be his last. The gravest mistake an apex predator can make is to get cocky. Enough close calls have taught him that his place atop the Verger empire food chain is a tenous one, hard won through blood, sweat and broken bones, and he defends it well.
After each battle he is bandaged and cleaned up, and paraded out across the hot sands of the arena once more, but for a much different show. Here he is stripped naked, his broad shoulders, honed muscles and impressive girth put on obscene display for the howling audience to admire with screams, howls and stifled gasps as they feverishly place bids upon his body. Verger studs him out to the highest bidder after each fight, his sexual performance a commodity to be bought and sold for top dollar.
The victor is the spoils.
(nsfw on patreon)
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fistfuloflightning · 6 days
Art prompt from the lovely @pr0cyon-lotor, and a new au to go with it 😉
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When his mother dies, Luo Binghe doesn’t go to Cang Qiong Mountain. He doesn’t get the chance. Instead, he gets sold off to pay his mother’s medical fees and eventually winds up on the black market as a cultivation cauldron. Over the subsequent years he gains the notoriety of being the most sought-after cauldron, his auction bids growing more and more outrageous.
Until rumors start spreading of a group of cultivators targeting the trafficking rings that supply human cauldrons to the black market. Some say they’re connected to the Beggars Sect, others that they’re unacknowledged members of an orthodox sect. But all agree that cauldrons are vanishing as if into thin air.
And then it’s Luo Binghe’s turn.
His supposed rescuer just so happens to look like the disgraced second son of the Ming family…
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repotting · 10 months
a pet peeve of mine is stuff proudly labelled vegan but it's farmed w slave labor. like how is that vegan then.
we made this without exploiting or harming any animals!!! (but the human children forced into dangerous and underpaid agricultural labour to make this product don't matter i guess???)
like how are you gonna try to sell me child abuse chocolate and tell me it's vegan like come on
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dailydikke · 1 month
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day 58
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captainbragd-personal · 6 months
Hey speaking of dungeon meshi, I think its really fucked up that the story brings up slavery Twice and just glosses over it. Esp when one of said mentions is pointing out that one of the characters OWNS another which makes all their interactions a whole lot less cute.
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Anyway I hope Kuro skins Mickbell and makes a rug out of them.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 4 months
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Fabio Fabbi
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mj-iza-writer · 6 months
I don't want to talk about how long this sat in my drafts waiting for me to figure out the ending 🤦- Mj
Whumpee adjusted how they were lying on their pedestal. They were bored to death for this last-minute dinner party Whumper planned. They hid a small yawn, not wanting to seem too bored.
"I saw that", Whumper stepped up, and handed them a plate of goodies, "a few more hours and you can be done."
Whumpee sat up and eagerly took the food, "thankyou master."
Whumpee watched as Whumper talked with their guest. The food they had just received made it worth being their master's eye candy for the guest.
Whumpee was considered a Chattel slave, Whumper had purchased them from the black market. A chattel slave was pretty much considered someone's property, no different than livestock or the couch in the corner.
Whumper used Whumpee as an ornament, an object of their money. The guest often marveled at just how beautiful Whumpee was. Whumpee had been conditioned by their traffickers for this type of work.
Whumper never laid a punishing hand on them, they didn't have to. That hell was all done by the traffickers. Whumper could just enjoy their doll... or honestly, their puppet.
Whumpee was often dressed in the most expensive, often revealing outfits Whumper could find. Whumpee looked down at the lacy skin tight outfit they had on. They had lacy wraps around their wrist to match, but to also hide the rope burns from last night's fun in the master's bed. Lastly, they looked down at the sparkly shackle on their ankle, that was followed by a sparkly chain cemented into their pedestal.
A lady came up and started to ask Whumpee questions about themself and Whumper.
Whumpee stared straight ahead, not acknowledging the woman. They wished she'd go away though so they could eat more.
"Look at me, and talk to me, you useless...", the woman comanded, "how rude", they took their wine glass and threw the drink at Whumpee.
Whumpee gasped as the dark wine spilled over them.
Whumper came running, two butlers followed.
"What the heck is going on", Whumper looked at the wine covered Whumpee, then the woman.
"They wouldn't answer me. It's just like you to have a rude servant", the lady answered.
"She came up and started asking me questions about you, and about me master", Whumpee also answered while awkwardly holding out their arms do to the wine dripping from them, "I didn't acknowledge her, and she threw wine at me."
Whumper's anger flared at the lady, "they are not supposed to talk to people. They are furniture to look at. They were doing exactly as they were trained", Whumper spoke through gritted teeth, "the only way they can talk to someone is if they have my permission to talk to them."
"So you purposely made them rude", the lady looked up at Whumpee, who now was looking right at them.
"No that is how they were trained, and who are you to think you have a right to talk to my property", Whumper argued, "I literally started this party explaining how to interact with Whumpee, and if you wanted to talk to them to ask me, I would have happily introduced you. Everyone else has followed that rule, and that is much appreciated by me and Whumpee. Whumpee enjoys talking to people under the correct circumstances."
"I'm sure they would appreciate being able to talk to whomever they want", the lady fired back.
"And they would want to talk to you because?", Whumper asked sarcastically.
Whumpee grinned a little, hiding a laugh.
"Well I've never", the lady gasped.
"Well, it's about time someone talks to you like that", Whumper frowned, "your invitation to my parties is being revoked, my butler will escort you out.
When the lady was gone, Whumper turned to Whumpee.
"I guess that outfit is done. There is no coming back from that grape wine", Whumper stepped up, and unlocked the shackle, "I'm relieving you for tonight, go get cleaned up and relax in my room", Whumper caressed Whumpee's face.
Whumpee leaned their face into Whumper's gentle hand.
Whumper looked up at a butler, "Whumpee didn't get to eat much thanks to the lady, have chef cook them something."
"Yes sir", the butler bowed.
Whumper gave a hand to Whumpee to step down from the pedestal. They watched Whumpee as they left the party.
"I'm sorry for the disturbance in our party. Please continue to enjoy yourself", Whumper looked around, "I do apologize. Whumpee won't be joining us for the rest of it though."
The crowd had watched Whumpee leave, they all seemed sorry to see them go.
Later that night, Whumper went into their bedroom. They smiled when they saw Whumpee resting on the bed reading a book.
"Master", Whumpee closed the book and sat up, "how was the rest of the party."
"You have no idea how many people asked about you once you left", Whumper walked to them, "all so concerned about you", they started to get undressed.
Whumper caressed Whumpee's face lovingly.
"I'm going to shower, then we can go to bed", Whumper grinned.
Whumpee leaned into the touch.
"Are you tired, my dear?", Whumper smiled.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry about the wine spill", Whumpee frowned.
"That wasn't your fault. You were doing what you were supposed to do", Whumper turned toward the bathroom, "it only means I need to find you a copy of that outfit. You looked stunning in it."
"Thankyou master", Whumpee smiled weakly.
That night, Whumpee was cuddled into Whumper's arms.
They moved up and down with every snore Whumper made.
Whumpee blinked away a tear.
"I wish I was free", Whumpee whispered before forcing themself to go to sleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
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pmamtraveller · 3 months
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The composition centres on a slave displayed for sale in a bustling market. The slave, predominantly a woman, is positioned in the foreground, her body exposed to emphasize vulnerability and objectification.
Surrounding the central group are prospective buyers. Some are engaged in examining the slave, assessing her physical attributes, while others stand back with a more detached demeanour. The market setting is teeming with activity, suggesting a typical day in a Roman market where slave trade was rampant.
Gérôme captures a range of emotions among the figures: despair and resignation among the slaves, curiosity and appraisal among the buyers, and detachment or indifference among some spectators. These contrasts highlight the stark realities of slavery.
The architecture in the background features Roman columns and structures, placing the scene firmly within the ancient Roman era. The clothing and accessories worn by the buyers are also diligently researched and rendered to show fashions and styles of the period.
Gérôme challenges viewers to confront the moral and ethical implications of human exploitation and ownership, prompting reflection on the brutality and injustice inherent in slavery.
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The Slave Market by Jean-Leon Gerome, 1866.
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isa-ah · 5 months
it really sucks that the kind of men I'm attracted to are so demonized. I'm from Appalachia! I like those quiet rugged broke mountain men! fat men hairy men autistic men mute men impoverished men making do- ideally all of the above. but when have ANY of those traits ever been on a man that wasnt a villain? or written to be a freak? nvm in a GAY romance. fucking suckage.
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nando161mando · 11 days
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Literally this
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gravalicious · 7 months
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Source: Ashley D. Farmer - Remaking Black Power: How Black Women Transformed an Era (2017: 24)
“I was a slave. I was part of the “paper bag brigade,” waiting patiently in front of Woolworth’s on 170th St., between Jerome and Walton Aves., for someone to “buy” me for an hour or two, or, if I were lucky, for a day. That is the Bronx Slave Market, where Negro women wait, in rain or shine, in bitter cold or under broiling sun, to be hired by local housewives looking for bargains in human labor. It has its counterparts in Brighton Beach, Brownsville and other areas of the city. Born in the last depression, the Slave Markets are products of poverty and desperation. They grow as employment falls. Today they are growing. They arose after the 1939 [sic] crash when thousands of Negro women, who before then had a “corner” on household jobs because they were discriminated against in other employment, found themselves among the army of the unemployed. Either the employer was forced to do her own household chores or she fired the Negro worker to make way for a white worker who had been let out of less menial employment. The Negro domestic had no place to turn. She took to the streets in search of employment – and the Slave Markets were born.” - Marvel Cooke - “I Was Part of the Bronx Slave Market” [The Daily Compass, January 8th, 1950]
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tastycitrus · 3 months
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i'm late as hell, but i'm reading the maplestory webtoon and ???
everyone died to HORNTAIL????
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pulpsandcomics2 · 3 months
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Slave market
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arbandes · 8 months
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Illustration by Studio Doris in Male Models No. 21, 1964
(From somewhere on tumblr... – Dunno remember where ; we just cannot leave it falling into oblivion)
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kny111 · 1 year
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Do World Powers Engage in Subtle Systemic Slavery or Overt Systemic Slavery? It doesn’t Matter. Slavery is Slavery & It Will Never Be Needed Especially Not As A System.
The United States along with other world powers and those that serve them have created this ‘using us, yet against us’ system. We need to change this. The fire James Baldwin spoke of, the very merited rage those enslaved have against this system, is well overdue.
Those who serve a government that knowingly allow for enslavement still and lie to people about it being abolished when their own amendment backs daily institutional and systemic enslavement when it allows “slavery is abolished except in punishment or crime“. This does nothing to remove slavery as a systemic feature from this governing system and you are implicit.
                                                                                                by - K, Blog Admin
What happens when we as a community repurpose the instruments of science and evidence gathering and focus on the 13th amendment? This piece of document literally allows for enslavement. What has been created in its wake? Here’s the thing, when colonial imperial powers in Europe said okay when issues occur we’re gonna call them ‘crime’  they meant it as a word to account for social norms being breached and a sort of “holler if you hear me“ approach to solving those issues was laid out institutionally which included neighborhood watch people that could process this. They later became police. Between that time and the present 2023, legislature and policy reshaped crime and policing, as well as the defending of issues through military, crime became systemically synonymous with prisons/cages/slavery to solve those issues. From the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its bolstering of these pro enslavement laws to this past historical investment in this strange notion of punishing others so physically, violently to the benefit of a system, a legalized market of slavery was formed and continues to persist with similar legislative and political play on words as they did with the 13th amendment’s clause: The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
When you specifically write into law and action that amendments create and actualize the means to the system we use, what are you enacting when you pronounce through this same mechanism that “no slavery shall exist within the united states or any place subject to its jurisdiction - EXCEPT as punishment for crime“? We need to, as a people really inspect this slowly and carefully because science has yet to produce any evidence that says punishment at that level and method is required to solve these issues so where is this evidence that says that type of punishment is even needed for the people to “fall in line”?
Secondly, isn’t it evident that processing issues as merely ‘crime’ is factually bringing us more structural issues than not because not every issue can be generalized to crime and often times the word crime itself just doesn’t do nearly enough to account for the disabled community and many other far reaching issues.
These aren’t assumptions, these are educated deductions based on statistical data provided by the errors of the running system. Again, it has yet to produce reputable convincing evidence that establishes prisons, crime, and cops/ slave patrol systems they synergized with as effective means to solve the issues we as a society constantly face. And with this same lack of adhering to scientific facts are we supposed to feel comforted by these slave industry agents, legislators and policy makers that allow for that amendment to exist as is because they know it buys them that much time to not worry of their implicitness in enslavement of others? I implore everyone watch the documentary by Ava DuVernay 13th available for free on youtube from NetFlix due to its educational merit. This documentary is like a course 101 on understanding just how much of an issue enslavement systems are and how synonymous prisons and cops are to slave markets and patrols. It gets right to the problem of slavery, what scriptures did they use to embed it into our social mainframe? did it exist back then? Yes, Is it gone? No, it let’s us know it’s still active and strategies by white supremacists and slavers then benefit their lineages and communities now.
They have a lot of control over the systems that try to govern us. Reconfiguring, inspecting and enacting amendments at this level will be required for us to do something meaningful against this oppressive system and its unsustainable, inefficient amalgamation with slavery markets as a resource system.
Reparations for those harmed by these systems as well as systemic decolonization strategies will be commonly needed. We need documentaries like this and similar subject media to help the public understand the necessary steps to abolish prisons and repurposing the military that serve them away from the rich’s interest and focus on the people. Since all defending this slavery system are implicit. 13th by Ava DuVernay is available now on YouTube for free via NetFlix along with other educational documentaries
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