#slay the princess the burned gray
bodacious-zam · 2 months
Day two of my stp drawing challenge!! Today I only was able to draw two princesses, which were the burned gray and the fury. I do really like how they came out though!!
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I really like how the fury looks! I’m happy with how the muscles turned out :3
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ameyumez · 6 months
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It's... cold.
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what's up *fingerguns*
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this started out as a crackship i thought up in the shower but then i realized it had some serious hurt/comfort potential. uhhhh if anyone else finds this interesting enjoy 👍
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spuder441 · 3 months
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Accidentaly set Tumblr on fire. . . My bad
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0xeyedaisy · 4 months
I'd love to see you draw one of the Grays from Slay The Princess, I barely ever see any art of them. No preference between the burned or the drowned, I've only dealt with the former myself so far in my playthrough
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bucknastysbabe · 6 months
Hi, could you write something that deals with this? ......
So at first I was like lmfaooooo but then I was like wait I can put this little blonde bitch in the WORST situation. I shall do my best, thanks for the request, I hope to get back to my pathetic Aegon roots for this one.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dark divergence from canon, Aegon is more cutthroat, King Aegon, Lannister!Reader, she’s a daughter of Tyland, Tyland is on his king behavior, meanwhile dumbass Jason, Aegon has the wife parade, he’s literally still little baby man, Manipulative and morally gray reader, Aegon Is A Pain Slut, ye olde cock ring, ruined orgasms, Degredation, bratting for like 1s, breeding kink, boobs fixation, overstimmimg, pnv!sex
A/N: Wayyyyyy off canon and just so I can make this guy cry also I try to stray from making oc’s but bc it’s a Lannister reader y’know. Body type/face/skin/hair texture is up to you, just know gold hair and green eyes. Also kinda got into a storyline? Idk smut is here!!!
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As Tyland Lannister’s only daughter, he sought to keep you on Casterly Rock. It was rare for a house as proud and mighty as yours not to have their fairest ladies sent to catch a dragon’s eye. Or merely have it chosen for you. Jason would’ve had you wedded and bedded to any of the white haired boys by now. Your father was stated once in a letter, “I’d liken it to a den of snakes rather than dragons.”
From his reports they were strange or downright deviant, controlled heavily by their green side of the family. Rhaenyra’s brood was of a better nature but obviously born from the seed of Harwin Strong. So you went about your duties, becoming a fine educated highborn lady to sit around and pop out babies. Maybe order fancy dresses out of boredom.
Although you childishly dreamt that a handsome white-haired man would take you dragon riding, that was not your future. Fate had other plans. Firstly, you were barred from going to the grand wedding of Prince Aemond to Lady Cassandra Baratheon. Strangely enough, it was to be held at the Hand’s gloomy accursed Harrenhal. You wrote an angry letter to your father and another to Jason, downright distraught over missing another royal wedding. You could find a potential mate at one of these gatherings!
Tyland wrote back simply, “I do not want you in that bewitched place. I have an uneasy feeling about this. I pray for you and love you dear lioness of Lannnister, still roaring her heart away.”
The initial anger faded into fear. Then the news had returned. Your Maester read the report. Dragon against dragon, blood to blood, they would call the failed union the ‘Green Wedding.’ Crown Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, all children dead but her toddling boy and blonde babes on Dragonstone
King Viserys had died the night before. Otto Hightower took matters into his own hands. Some would say it was well executed but not thought out. Princess Helaena had perished, the Blood Wyrm Caraxes attacking her in a fury before she could make it to her own dragon.
Prince Aemond and Aegon had taken to scorching Rhaenyra’s tent and all of her accompanying vassals. Harrenhal was lit aflame again— the Strongs burning up in a sea of smoke. The rest of the Hightowers had been haphazardly thrown into a wheelhouse, Queen Alicent purportedly retching and sobbing, crying for her daughter and late husband. They lay in boxes behind the cart. She had the young Daeron only for comfort.
Your mouth twisted up at the retelling of the scene of kin slaying and wretchedness. Your family had no love for the Blacks but for the Greens to so vilely destroy their own flesh and blood? You idly wondered about all of those dragons without riders. What Corlys and Rhaenys would do? She was fierce yet only had the young Baela and Rhaena.
Tyland had written to stay put, the Westerlands swore to the new King Aegon. War broke out as expected. The dragons saw an end to the strife rather quickly due to the help of Targaryen bastards mounting the riderless beasts. The realm was back under the control of the inept and horrid King Aegon the Second. They called it the half-year’s war. People spoke in hushed tones even at Casterly Rock.
Accursed family, we’re all doomed.
Otto Hightower should be sent to the wall— alas, then we’d have an idiot as a king.
Is the King going to marry soon?
You personally hoped he would marry soon. Jason had requested a portrait of you. There was no hidden reason why— he wanted lion’s blood on the already drenched Iron Throne. Your own father was staunch against that, writing that he had received a proposal from the Reynes of Castamere. You had smiled at that, their heir Ser Lynden was particularly handsome and kind. They had the riches to keep your lifestyle the same.
Not like the Targaryen’s didn’t. King Aegon could maybe see for a Dayne girl with their ashen hair and purple eyes. Or a Celtigar, they still had Valyrian blood. Mayhaps import one from Old Volantis— they claimed strong ancestry.
Alas. The raven came, your father’s anger poorly concealed.
“Even after all of my duties and help to the crown, asking for the Hand to keep my only daughter out of this, you are requested to be shown before the king along with the other highborn ladies of the Realm. I thought about setting my fool brother’s portrait on fire. Regardless, it shall be good to see my young lioness. I will be there every step of the way. Be kind.”
Your stomach sank to your toes before rising back up with anger. If that kinslaying mongrel deviant whore thought for a second he would enjoy your company? He would be sorely mistaken. Dragons may have claws, but so do lions and they are long and sharp. Huffing in anger, you stormed away from the letter.
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The trip to the Red Keep was abysmal. It rained the entire way, you had to stop at Deep Den for a night to let the rains up. Their stony, cold castle was damp and you barely slept a wink. You awoke to ride to the Gold Road until the city walls and the Red Keep towered in the distance. You awed at the Dragonpit and the great Sept and it’s crystals.
Regardless of the magnificent buildings, the stench of the city was vile, air putrid with rotting fish and dung heaps. Nasty little peasants ogled your gold and red wheelhouse. Your frown deepened, anger boiling your blood. There was no way one could enjoy living here, fight to be here! King's Landing was a pile of shit with a Castle on top.
You were warmly welcomed by your father, a maid holding your dress aloft so the golden filigree wouldn’t get all mucky. Tyland hugged you and exhaustion fell over your body. You missed him dearly, the singular parent. Although your grandmother was very dear, she too had passed not too long ago.
Heads were still on pikes behind you. The smell of rot was stronger in the courtyard. You said in a miserable warble, “I detest it already, please dress me up ugly, maim me.” The fool Jason patted your back and laughed, “Ah, I missed your acrid tongue. King’s Landing is an acquired taste. Your quarters are facing the Blackwater so you can get some fresh air.”
“Others take you and that damn portrait,” you hissed at your nuncle.
Tyland led you quietly into the huge keep, prying eyes from all around. No pale-haired Targaryens to be seen. You could hear them whisper about the gold of your hair, the wealth oozing from the gown. Yes, like any of you have seen true class since the Conciliator Passed.
Once in the room you snapped at a servant to pour wine, sipping while other’s shuffled in and out to bring your trunks of goods. Tyland even spoke up, “Careful with that dress, please, it is for tomorrow.” You spat, “Tomorrow?”
He held a finger up, exhaustion lacing his face. Swirling the wine around you watched the bay and waited until it was just the two of you in a comfortable silence. Tyland had taught you that— know without speaking, listen when to listen. Tyland looked aged as he sank into the cushioned chair. He ran a hand over his face and sighed, “I thought the Dowager queen would have my back. Her son is much more willful than we thought. Otto wants our coin.”
“Borrow it from a bank and maybe they’ll root these vipers away,” you whispered under a covered hand. You’d been informed of the spies all about under Larys Strong. Tyland hummed a laugh, beckoning you over. Crawling into his lap, you felt as if you were a child again, emotions welling. You began to weep softly.
He rubbed your heaving back and shushed your cries. You hiccuped, “I-If he-he-he ch-chooses me!” Tyland sighed and finished in a quiet murmur, “You will show him that a lion is nothing to play with. King Aegon may be a pandering fool but he is easily swayed. Most of us think he has eyes for the Tyrell cousin.”
“Good,” you heaved. You cried in your father's arms until he put you to sleep at some point, kissing your forehead. Sleep was restless and pointless, you managed to gather some hours before the maidservants came to dress you.
They bathed, scrubbed, and used imported Westerland items. The smell made you homesick. They braided and twisted your hair, pinning a red and gold piece on top. The dress was just as proud— gold, rubies, pearls decorating the sleeves and neckline. Myrish lace was up to your chin, secured by a choker of more exquisite jewels and peridot to bring out your eyes. It cuffed at your wrists too. Maybe it would be too much for the weak-willed king.
The choker represented who you would always belong to— House Lannister, the sigil in solid gold and red enamel. A larger version cinched your waist. He could take the maiden with her tits corseted to her chin. The king merely needed a broodmare. A lingering voice tutted, “He may find holes where he pleases, but the king needs a queen.”
The door opened, Tyland extended an arm, lips in a tight line. He knew what you looked like. A queen.
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The hall was full of highborn Ladies as you entered, you instantly recognized most of the sigils and house colors. King Aegon sat on the monstrous throne lazily, sipping wine while Otto ordered around women. A girl in the colors of Rosby didn’t even make a step up before he said, “No chin, next,” he looked down at Otto, “I’ll never believe a portrait. The Lannister girl probably looks like Jason with teats.”
Anger bubbled in your chest at his flippant demeanor and comments. The queen sat next to Otto, chiding Aegon. Thankfully you had a while in line. A while to get rightfully furious with this brat of a king! You had met squires with more dignity than he!
As you neared the imposing throne, you gauged the King’s looks. Definitely Valyrian with his pretty white waves and big violet eyes— hazy with drink and boredom. He was not of a warrior’s build, much to your chagrin. Aegon had shapely thighs but the rest seemed to be softened from his infamous gluttony.
Aegon yawned and pointed, “Redwyne? Not bad, Cole, go put her in the ‘perhaps’ section. Green eyes moved to the score of ladies looking fearful over toward the side. How crass. You could cut his cock off. So embroiled in coming up with torture scenes you blinked suddenly at the boom.
“Lady Lannister of Casterly Rock, daughter of Tyland. Aged 19.”
You stepped forward and kept your chin high, holding Aegon’s gaze intently, lips stiff. The king perked up, moving forward to get a look. He laughed, “Your father is on my council and you don’t pay obeisance?” With a grimace, you gave a weak curtsy to the young King.
Jason looked wide eyed from the side, mouthing, “PLAY NICE!”
Aegon hummed, standing up to walk down the throne, crowds gasping. As he drew closer you noticed the burns going down his cheek to curl below his collar. His violet eyes swam with something, a ringed finger tapping your tilted chin. He rasped, “A lioness for sure. Just overjoyed to get yanked from your golden castle. Is that why you out-dressed the entire kingdom?”
“I had to make sure you knew who I would always be, my liege,” you hissed, “Dragons can be tamed.”
“So can lions,” he quipped back, full lips splitting into a grin. He curled burned fingers into the lace guarding your neck. Aegon cooed, “I do wonder what you’ve got hiding under here. I’m guessing you have some nice teats. That’s my favorite game at the brothels.”
“You’re a vile little kinslaying creature.”
Otto and Alicent seemed to panic before Aegon laughed— a shrieking giggle. He stepped back up onto the dais and cheered, “I have chosen! The Lioness shall be mine blushing bride. Cheers!”
There was the sound of more defeated ladies but their fathers were likely inwardly cheering. Tyland looked ghastly grim, nuncle coming to peel him away. You refused to face the crowds, stepping over to the queen and the hand, fully curtsying. The queen grasped your palms and pled, “Please, guide him the best you can. I see a strength in you I haven’t seen since…,” she looked off and grew drawn. Lord Otto smiled, “More Lannister’s the merrier. Maybe Tyland can lighten his load.”
Aegon asked, “Alright, so when do we begin planning?”
You huffed and went to your father, hot tears soaking your cheeks. You misjudged. You thought he would be repulsed by a powerful woman. Instead he plucked you right up and now held you in this cage for a home.
‘A caged lion is still a lion, yes, yes’, you thought.
Tyland stated with a fury you had never seen before, “You will make that spoilt dragon break and bend.”
“Of course father.”
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Aegon whined from between your feet, a dainty gold chain clasping his wrists, connected up to a gold collar engraved with rubies. This king you once hated belonged to you- heart and soul. He’d do anything, but you just preferred him to listen and be your pretty fuck toy. You felt love for him, differently, still love.
You wore a lace shift, the fabric barely covering anything, full tits and the gold curls of your cunt showing through. Aegon made to lave at your knee, getting slapped off. The blonde mewled, “Whyyyyy? I’ve been good?” Toeing his flushed cock, the pathetic thing whimpered and his prick oozed on the marble. You asked, “Tell me why you’re in trouble, My King?”
He swallowed around the collar, doe eyes watery and lashes clumped. Aegon’s cheeks turned red and he barked, “I’m the fucking king, I can say what I like!” You picked up the oak paddle and slapped his soft pooch of a belly, Aegon whining and writhing— the freak spurting more cum, hunching over and wheezing at the pain to his tender tummy.
“If you aren’t going to be my special boy, then I’ll just let you sit here and think about your actions.”
“No! No, I’ll be your special boy. I should not have japed at that squire over dinner.”
You cocked your head and leaned closer, “Why is that hm?”
Aegon sobbed sharply, pouty lips blubbering, “Be-be-because Iburnedhisfamilyscastleafterkinslaying.” You smiled and patted his unruly waves, smiling, “Good boy. The Seven may give you a chance. Probably not because you set your sister and uncle aflame, then proceeded to burn half the kingdom. You should be at the Wall with other war criminals.”
He nodded and cried, spreading his creamy thighs out for you. It was vastly amazing how much Aegon loved to be degraded yet praised. Your special boy. Sliding down the chair you perched on the king’s thighs, cradling his head with your sharp nails. You cooed, “Just needed a guiding hand, look how the kingdom has blossomed since you became my special boy? So pathetic and hopeless. My pretty little baby needs his queen."
He whined, arching into your touch, begging for a kiss. You relented, letting the needy little thing lap and press fervently to your own. He drooled, you wiping it away and taking over the lip lock. Nibbling gently at bitten lips, lapping into a tongue that tasted like sweetened wine. Aegon relaxed into your embrace, leaking all over your thin gown.
He began to rut and rut against your cunt, whining into your kisses. You indulged him until he was swelling and stuttering, backing off and fitting the gold ring around his cock. Aegon wailed and fell back pathetically, the ruined orgasm fucking up his senses.
“Noooo, no, no, I apologized!,” he protested meekly.
Shaking your head you shrugged, “I decide when you are absolved, not a thought in that pretty blonde head. Above men, we are gods, pfft.” He grumbled and squirmed, digging his toes down in frustration.
You returned to play with him, massaging his soft belly while suckling on the tip of his purpling prick, fingers rudely shoved up behind his heavy balls. Aegon moaned and shook, calling your name and begging for release. You drank down his bitter cum, leaking from the attention to his sweet spot from below.
You pulled off to thumb around the crown of his cock, cooing, “Oh you’re so gorgeous. My pathetic, soft little dragon. Feels so so good, yes?” He was practically riding your fingers, shying away from the intensity of the stimulation to his cockhead. The blonde keened, “S’good, g-gonna!” He wailed and thrashed harder, tears streaking a blotchy face. Only a thin stream leaked from his second ruined orgasm.
Aegon was babbling apologies now, promising dresses, jewelry, lands, his heart in a box if he could. It was garbled with his heavy tongue and fervent need. Gibberish really, if one didn’t see this side of their pouty king. What the wretch turned into when denied a good release— a snotty, sobbing, wonderfully broken mess.
He heaved sobs now, oversensitive to even the cool air. But his balls were full and swollen. Patting a limp thigh you asked gently, “Do you want to come now? Inside me? Your punishment is over.” Aegon sniffled, “Please my love.” You would keep the ring on for now but take it off once it didn’t seem he may blow on sight.
Aegon whined high in his chest, more tears falling as you eased onto his plump prick, extra swollen and hot. You gasped and grabbed blonde hair, praising, “Mmm- yes my darling precious boy. Filling your queen up good.”
He groaned and feebly arched, grabbing your tits and holding them as you rode his overused cock. Aegon cried and whined for a suck, you allowing him to take off the shift and shudder as plump lips enveloped your tits. He squirmed and lapped eagerly, loving to have a mouthful of your teats. Especially during that first pregnancy.
You were already close from the intensity of the punishment, swirling fingers around your button while unlatching the gold ring from behind. Aegon’s eyes flew open as he moaned vigorously, balls pumping you full immediately as he writhed around, still attached to your full chest. Your lashes fluttered at the warm feeling, cunt sucking and enjoying the heat, slick, and pressure of so much seed..
Hopefully this would take too. Another little one to dote on. Aegon was full on sobbing now, overwhelmed with emotions. You helped him to sit upright, still inside. He mewled, “S’too much.” You hugged his frame and cooed, pressing little kisses to his tender scars, “It’ll numb out, we want this to take do we not? Be good.”
“M’ still your special boy?,” he asked with reddened eyes.
Petting a full cheek you responded, “Knew whether I liked you or not, you would be. Hush now, relax, we’ll get some dinner and a warm bath my sweet. Tomorrow is a busy day.” He nodded and nuzzled between your tits like a babe. You smirked. Who knew this power could be claimed without bloodshed?
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minotaur-asterion · 6 months
What Pokemon would the various Slay the Princess characters have? Any characters you wanna talk about. Full teams, starters, or just what general type or theme would their teams have?
Default Princess: Might be a little basic, but she likes Eevee! She sports a full team of Eeveelutions
Spectre: Relicanth, Aerodactyl (can mega evolve), Aurorus
Nightmare: Golurk. The Moment of Clarity’s Golurk is especially cracked and dilapidated
Wraith: Gengar, Dusknoir, Mismagius. She likes to come off as scary
Gallant: Togekiss and Spritzee. He doesn’t battle, they’re just his silly little birdie friends
Burned Gray: Basic ass Charizard. She loves it though
Prisoner: Absol, which she prefers because of their precognition to disaster
Drowned Gray: Dewgong, Milotic, Blastoise. Loves the pure power of their water guns. Terrifyingly strong!
Beast: No Pokémon!
Adversary: Hitmonchan and Mudsdale. Appreciates their strength, but pampers them outside of battle. She sends them to fetch things outside her house for her
Eye of the Needle: Houndoom (can mega evolve)
Tower: Meowstic, Sylveon
Fury: Silvally!
Stranger: Ditto, Eevee… Dugtrio???
Razor: Scizzor. Obviously
Witch: Zoroark
Thorn: Liligant
Hero: Alolan Raichu, Clefable
Cold: Froslass, Alolan Ninetales, Kantonian Ninetales. Last one for the warmth, not for battle. Well-trained and with good stats
Stubborn: Hitmonlee, Pyroar
Broken: Emotional support Sprigatito and a service Arcanine
Cheated: Legendary spammer 😒
Paranoid: Beheeyem, Sigilyph, Reuniculus
Smitten: Roserade. Gayass
Opportunist: Dragonair, prefers the appearance of Dragonair to Dragonite so he refuses to evolve them
Hunted: Tropius. Likes to climb their neck for a good vantage point
Skeptic: Absol, much for the same reasons as Prisoner, but his can mega evolve
The Long Quiet and The Shifting Mound both have Corviknight. Hers is shiny
Let me know if I missed any!
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saffitaffi · 1 month
Okay the follow up question
How often does the concept of princess besides all the supernatural stuff is essentially a captive woman that wants freedom affect your perception of the story?
I think it really hits hardest in the Spectre route. She seems so mournful, hurt, angry, and rightfully so. She genuinely just wants to get out and see the nonexistent world, and it’s so melancholy the way she sadly floats around, even if she’s willing to kill you. Frankly Spectre is one of my favorite vessels because she seems like she knows more than she’s letting on, like she’s an actual person outside of the situation she’s in.
Alot of the routes she straight up turns into a murder friendly monster (rightfully so, I mean we do try to kill her) but that makes it difficult to sympathize for her situation. In adversary she straight up doesn’t care about getting out, (ironically, the eye of the needle is pretty much the only one with multiple sprites of the woods when you fight her out there. Some of the others get out but get immediately nuked, thought that was interesting) and in witch she actively sabatoges her one chance at doing so.
Damsel is nice, but almost too nice. Too trusting of a random stranger. Her affection feels surface level at times, but she’s very fun regardless. You feel bad for her initially, but she doesn’t seem all that worked up about it (when you stab her she dies with a smile on her face) so even though you can see it probably hurts there’s not a lot of sympathy for her.
Prisoner really gives the ‘I’m just trying to get out’ vibes, mostly in how she is trying to collaborate with you to get out. She’s ruthless and unforgiving, but it makes sense. She’s unsure and doesn’t know exactly what’s going on, so she tries to mediate our character into a favorable position for her. If all goes well we help her escape. Whether by waiting for eons or carrying her head out, she fulfills that desire.
Drowned and burned gray are both what happens when you betray someone who thought they could trust you. I know that’s kinda witches thing, but witch got betrayed pretty soon after the first good thing we did to her. We helped both damsel and prisoner get out once, but then turned on them the second time, making them both very, very angry. (Drowned gray freaked me out the most, honestly. The bloated corpse got me - uuuuuuuurrrrrghhhhhhhh nooooooooooo) Much like Spectre, they’re ghosts of vengeance. Spirits of betrayal. She really just wanted to get out.
Nightmare was one of the first routes I saw, which was, you know, pretty spooky. In that case you really do get the idea that she’s a danger to the world as well as a captive who wants to get out. Both ideas simultaneously. Stranger is… interesting. You get more of the horror vibes from that route in the main game. Still wish there was something for og stranger idea (the hive) but ey what ya gonna do. She’s too spooky to think of her as just a poor girl trapped in a basement lol
It came a lot more when watching the first couple demos, where the game was still kind of unsure of what it was. The princess taking you aside after every thing you do to her and saying how much she loves you kinda dampens the effects of the individual vessels, I think. It also makes you think of her less as a poor captive, because when she ‘dies’ she doesn’t really die, when she gets ‘hurt’ she doesn’t bear the scars.
Uhhhh rant over, slay the princess is awesome and I could talk for hours but it’s been long enough lmao
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hatchethive · 7 months
I was driving home from work the other day and was listening to a song that made me think of one of the princesses from Slay the Princess. I decided to talk to my fiance abt it and we came up with a list of what songs (either vibe wise or lyric wise) we thought fit the princesses.
Echo's Answer by Broadcast/ Beetles by Aphex Twin- The Stranger
Drop the Guillotine by Peach Pit- The Prisoner
Pool by Paramore/ Recently by Liana Flores- Gray (Drowned)
Sleep Paralysis by Bad Suns/ Morbid Fascination by Blood Red Shoes- Nightmare
Mary by The Happy Fits- The Beast
Sabertooth Tiger by Cage the Elephant- The Den
Eye for An Eye by Rina Sawayama/ Small Town Witch by Sneaker Pimps- The Witch
The Moon will Sing by The Crane Wives- Thorn
Back in My Body by Maggie Rogers- The Wild
The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid- The Razor
Your Love is My Drug by Kesha- The Damsel
From the Gallows by IDKHBTFM- Gray (Burned)
Lovers by Kiltro- The Spectre
Back From The Dead by Halestorm- Wraith
Blood in The Cut by K. Flay- The Adversary
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones) by Will Wood and The Tapeworms- The Fury
Cult Leader by KiNG MALA- The Tower
The Blood Legion by In This Moment- The Apotheosis
Tap by Tomberlin- Shifting Mound
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lovelywhiteroses · 7 months
STP oon my mind, especially that strangely romantic/sexual tension smitten and cold had in the burned grey route, could you write something about them?
🌹The Burned Gray route?! Oh dear anon are you alright? Are you sure you’ve thought of this? Oh dear… though I am a bit concerned. I believe I do have a scenario for this… but however I don’t condone any abuse right, that goes along with killing a lover. This route is… quite concerning. In my opinion. But I will try and make a scenario. Also since the narrator is keen on narrating what your doing i believe this shall take a different approach.🌹
The princess… The princess is supposed to be my enemy. At least that’s what the narrator said… god and these voices aren’t helping ether! Smitten, Hero Narrator and now more? God this is getting more ridiculous. And more confusing… “Hey! Are you even listening?” The narrator snapped me out of my thoughts yet again… I’d groan with frustration. “What do you want?” You’d mumble. You thought slaying the ‘innocent damsel’ and Smitten just had to do something so stupid. “I believe we’re back in the woods to the cabin right?” The hero states the obvious. Without talking I’d walk to the cabin. “I’m sure you’ve already heard my words of warning in one of your ‘past lives.’ You’ve already managed to slay her once, just…” he sighs. “Don’t much it up this time, all right?” You roll your eyes. Just wanting this to be done and over with. “Oh, we’ll muck it up, all right. We’ll get our happy ending, even if it damns each and every person who’s ever lived!” You’ve have enough of this. “SMITTEN DO US A FAVOR AND SHUT UP WOULD YOU? Geez…” the Narrator and the other voices gone silent for a moment as I I try to calm down. “Yes there’s not time for-.” Geez can’t I get one second to think? “NO DON’T START WITH THAT! I am not gonna slay a princess. All I want is some time to actually think without any of you talking. I’ll do things my own way and that’s final!” With that I opened the door and gone inside. However I noticed the voices along with the narrator wasn’t speaking anymore. Odd, but I shake it off. I noticed the figure of the princess? She doesn’t look alive to me… they disappeared without a word. That’s new… I looked around and noticed the blade is gone. Huh… ok… now I’m starting to think I should’ve just- never mind. I look over and noticed the mirror.. of course. I’d go up and touch the mirror. It’s gone without a trace. I’d open the door without hesitation. The stair way looking different. As I finally made it down I saw nothing but what once was the princess? Hold on something isn’t right? I’d hear a a door shut along with a lock. I’d turn and looked up to see her. Holding a torch… oh boy…
“You came back! I missed you.”
Ok… this I definitely don’t know what is going on…
“This is a bad place.”
I’d take a deep breath. As I started to gain back my composure a bit.
“Yeah.. it is… look if this is about what happened… I’m sorry. I felt bad for what I did. I just didn’t wanna…”
I’d think back to the first time I’ve met the princess… the feeling of my body moving on it’s own, the sense of the knife being sliced into my skin. And the way the narrator said it was agony… it really was…
“I didn’t wanna feel that sense of lacking control over my body. I never wanted to hurt you. But my fears took over and I-!”
I’d somewhat feel a chill on my cheek the princess was close to me. Though they’re like this, she’s still beautiful in a way.
“So you didn’t want to?”
She must’ve reed my face as she said that. I’d then straighten my posture as I then go up the stairs to meet her face to face.
“Of course.. I’m actually not gonna lie… I was scared… maybe you would’ve stabbed me in the back… maybe you wouldn’t like me like before…”
I could feel her cold ghostly touch pressing against my cheek. I’d see sadness and concern in her face.
“I loved you regardless of what happened. You’re very dear to me…”
I could feel my face heat up a bit. I would put my hand on the cheek her hand was on, only for it to go through it… it makes me feel guilty for what she’s become now. If it wasn’t for me then maybe things would’ve been different, maybe something better. I wouldn’t blame her if she lit up the basement right now.
“Yeah… me to… I just wished things would’ve gone differently, if I wasn’t-.”
I would feel a cold chill placed upon my forehead, a kiss she placed. It lingered for a bit.
“We’ll be together though. As long as it’s you, I won’t complain.”
With that she threw the torch down. But I wasn’t afraid, instead I felt like this was something I actually wanted, something that could possibly be better for the both of us… I’d feel her chilled arms around my neck as she smiled. I smiled back. If only I could hold her like once before. I could feel the heat of the flames as I stood still with her. I was expecting to die only for everything to disappear and for her to disappear as well. All I saw was a mirror……
The end: True feelings.
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writercole · 9 months
May I ask for another "Sons of the sea" snippet? I'm so needy for Jax tonight as a savior. Idk why. If it's possible obviously.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I sat down with some rum and coke intending to write something and...
I’d roamed the high seas for nearly two decades when I came upon a ship firing on a much smaller vessel. On closer inspection, the ship turned out to be a naval ship from the kingdom of Mooreau, the people who had been accused of slaying the princess.
“High alert, boys,” I called across the deck.
“You can’t be serious,” my first mate responded with a raised brow, his thick accent adding a layer of disbelief to his words.
“I am, Chibs, we’re going in.”
“Aye,” he sighed.
Chibs navigated the ship towards the skirmish, the other crew members tugging on rigging and sharpening their sabers. Through the spyglass in my hand, I was able to discern the crew of the tiny vessel, a tanned man with a closely-shaved mohawk and tattoos and a fairer skinned person who had the delicate features of a woman.
I didn’t have the time to ponder the look of the crew as we pulled along side the navy vessel, slicing the ropes that were tethering the smaller ship to it. The first member of my crew to jump in and fight the sailors was Happy. His blood lust knew no bounds at that time.
I watched as the Admiral recognized the colors on our ship and paled; none had stood against the Sons of the Sea and lived to tell the tale.
“Retreat!” he called.
His crew scrambled into action and soon were on their way, heading back to the kingdom from whence they came. I turned my attention to the smaller vessel and smirked as I saw the captain boarding.
“It’s not every day a famed pirate steps into the battles of a single ship,” the captain called. I felt my heart race when I realized my first assessment was right. A female captained that vessel and her voice lured me in like a siren, warm and inviting and a complete problem.
“Call it my civic duty,” I replied, the smirk struggling to stay on my face.
“In that case, I would guess you want nothing in return,” she said as she stopped an arm’s length from me, her honey eyes meeting my own with a hint of defiance and daring.
“Being able to drive away a ship from the kingdom of Mooreau is all the return I need, Captain.”
“I appreciate that,” she answered with a sigh. “We are a small crew of but four. Our plunder is small; we sail for the love of the sea.”
“Love of the sea is how I started sailing, too.”
“Aye, and a broken haart,” Chibs interrupted, stepping to my side.
“Please, ignore my first mate. He doesn’t know what he speaks of.” The glare I sent his way would have been enough to silence a lesser man but only drew a chuckle from the graying man.
“Sure, Jackie boy.” Rolling his eyes, he clapped me on the shoulder and turned to the captain with a wide grin. “Lass, it was our pleasure to rescue your vessel today.”
To her credit, the captain dropped her smile and met his gaze head on. “A rescue? Is that all our vessel was to you? Because I assure you, first mate, you wouldn’t last one day on my rescue vessel.”
I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing at the way she took control of the situation, the way she put Chibs in his place. The fire in her eyes burned with an intensity I’d seen once before, a lifetime ago playing in the streets of Monach. That girl surprised me at every turn.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Captain Jackie,” she smiled, extending her hand. “It’s a pity it was under such boisterous circumstances.”
“Please, it’s Jax, Captain.” I took her hand and shook it in the way I’d shake any man’s hand.
“Jax. Until we meet again.”
She dropped my hand and retreated to her vessel, lifting her hand as she had her navigator turn the vessel to sea.
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fyrefrostanimus · 28 days
what's your favorite song to imagine a little animatic in your head to?
A lot so here's a list organized by fandom (there's so little OC stuff tbh that I'm leaving it out) and music artist/band
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) by Will Wood: I think it works for FNaF 3
Willard! by Will Wood: I feel like it's pretty much Evan, being slightly awkward around people for various reasons
Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger: it is literally Monty
Hey, I Don't Work Here by Tom Cardy: listen to it and tell me what you see when keeping FNaF in mind
The Milk Carton by Madilyn Mei: FNaF 4 from Evan's perspective
Missing Mr. Cat (Milk Carton Reprise): Cassidy as the other half of GoldenDuo, right before her death
ANTIVILLAIN by Ivycomb Music: Glitchtrap and Vanessa with a little angel design for Glitchy (I have a WiP of the design even)
Rat by Penelope Scott: Michael's views on William
Circus Hop by YonKaGor: it's a heavily canon-divergent AU that has nothing to do with the lore at all but I do want to post more of it some time (I do have a drawing of it on my blog but my art's changed a little since then)
& by Tally Hall: a little trip through time, but the first part I thought of was with the last verse just before the part used in the animation meme since it fits the Ruin characters
Turn The Lights Off by Tally Hall: it's FNaF 4 again but instead of Evan's PoV, it fits MIchael's more. The song does seem to be about adolescence and all
Curses by The Crane Wives: Ruin Roxy
There's others but the names of songs/artists are slipping my mind
Slay The Princess
The Main Character by Will Wood: three of the Princesses (specifically The Tower, The Nightmare, and The Razor)
BlackBoxWarrior (OKULTRA) by Will Wood: mentioned this one before in the past, but it's The Razor specifically through Mutually Assure Destruction
Love, Me Normally by Will Wood: The Burned Gray is such a crazy route with the way you get there (resist slaying The Princess after not having any intention to do so, then slaying The Damsel then yourself, and finally we're with The Burned Gray) that honestly it is the opposite of normal love
Mr. Fear by SIAMEZ (I think that's how it's spelled): The Nightmare through The Moment of Clarity
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives: The Witch through The Thorn
Angry Too by Lola Blanc: The Prisoner through The Drowned Gray
Ready To Die by Andrew W.K.: The Adversary through The Eye of the Needle
Vulture Culture by Fangclub: The Beast through The Den
And I think that's all I can pull from my head for now
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random slay the princess questions i have:
why do we get two new voices in the chapter 3 of the razor route?
why is the razor route the odd one out in so many ways
see previous question
only route with a chapter 4
only route without a chapter 3 that doesn't merge with any other chapter 2 (with the exception of the stranger)
only route that's basically set in stone (as in, the only major variations are whether you take the pristine blade in chapter 2 or not resulting in you either getting the razor or the razor's heart, and the rest of the plot is essentially the same)
one of two routes where you get every voice (and even then the nightmare route isn't set in stone to lead to the moment of clarity like the razor route is)
why is the gray route the only one with a major variation (burning vs drowned) (arguably there's also the networked wild vs the wounded wild, but those you get via your choices. the gray routes are noticably different right from the beginning)
what does the sequence of images in the nightmare -> moment of clarity route represent?
how can the narrator get a drink from wherever he is (presumably some sort of mindscape in the protagonist's head) and what would happen if he got drunk
also, if the protagonist got drunk would the voices get drunk by proxy
what exactly are the qualifications for the shifting mound taking a vessel away
usually for the chapter 2s it's once you and the princess escape the cabin, but the one that stuck out to me was the fury, since it felt really short in comparison to the other chapter 3s... and actually, the shifting mound takes away most of the chapter 3 princesses even if you haven't escaped the cabin
not exactly a question but i find it interesting how the interior of the cabin changes in chapter 2 and the woods change in chapter 3 but we never really see the exterior change with the exception of the moment of clarity and the razor (cheated teleports us to the cabin, so we can't say for sure)
does the razor know what a bird is
are there any parallels between the routes that merge into a chapter 3
for example, you get the fury by basically giving the princess an identity crisis (refusing to fight the adversary/fighting the adversary without the blade resulting in you failing to give her the mutual rivalry she craved, or stripping the tower of her divinity)
check out this post by @/lipstickchainsaw for a better analysis
damsel and prisoner are both, in a way, the damsel in distress trope, with the prisoner route being given a serious dose of cynicism, both sort of having a theme of trust (getting the voice of the skeptic in the prisoner route, both you and the princess needing to put trust in each other to escape the cabin: the prisoner putting her trust in you to figure out what to do with her severed head, the damsel and the smitten's blind trust in each other, and in a way, being distrusting of either of them is what results in the gray routes or the deconstructed damsel)
i got the trust theme from this post by @/honeyfizzly and the damsel in distress similarity from the tags on this reblog
the witch and the beast both get you the wild... catgirls?
fr though after thinking about this post by @/birdmitosis and how opportunist and hunted are both survival-oriented, a noticeable thing about the witch and the beast is that they're arguably the routes where you and the princess are most at odds with each other (mutual backstabbing vs predator and prey dynamic) and yet the wild is where the two of you are the most in sync- literally, you and her are one
nightmare and spectre get you wraith... ghost ladies?
idk about this one guys
also not a question but i find it fitting how the ending dialogue changes depending on your very, very first impression of the princess, whether you took the blade or not or if you got the stranger route- something something themes of perception and first impressions something something
is the narrator's world on the verge of an apocalypse or something or is he just a scared little bitch
considering his last words in the mirror i think it could be the former but the latter makes it easier to make fun of him
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yuki8563 · 1 year
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Idea comes from the game
→"Slay the princess"
My headcanon: This is a witch imprisoned in a cellar who has the ability to talk to unseen spirits.🥰 Edgar found her while investigating rumors of an abandoned cabin deep in the dark forest.
艾德加警長接受了委託調查森林深處的小木屋時,發現了魔女。 葛蕾特因為能夠跟亡靈對談而被視為不祥,被關在這裡。 (但也不排除她不會被附身啦ww) 最後葛蕾特會和快槍手一起冒險~~ 換衣服後也許會是 這樣的感覺 They will have adventures in Westworld, Edgar is in QuickDraw skin here.
Fic↓ (translate by ChatGPT lol)
t is said that a witch is imprisoned in a cellar deep within the forest. The deputy sheriff learned of this while investigating a tax case. Regardless of whether the witch's rumors are true or not, he also received news of the local investigation into the disappearance of a wealthy merchant.
Only halfway through his journey, the sky darkened, and he decided to dismount and set up camp for the night. While performing routine firearm maintenance, he heard a rustling in the bushes, prompting him to load his gun and take aim.
"Who goes there?" The disturbance in the bushes made him cautious. A disheveled old wanderer with white hair emerged slowly, leaning on a cane.
"Your destination is that abandoned cottage, isn't it?" The old man said, explaining that the witch resides there. He claimed that those who stay in the forest at night can hear her laughter and songs, and their souls would eventually be taken away, leaving them to wander the woods endlessly, just like him.
"It's a terrifying bedtime story. I don't like staying here either, but it's my job." He holstered his gun, realizing he didn't enjoy being approached by suspicious wanderers.
The old man sensed his impatience and warned with a more serious tone, "Don't blame me for not warning you. You've now stepped into the boundary of reincarnation. Unless you kill her…
Edgar was planning to draw his gun again when the old man tossed a dagger at his feet. It was an exquisite dagger with a hilt adorned with a ruby, making him instinctively wonder, "Whose house does this belong to—"
In the brief moment he looked away, the old man teleported right in front of his face, almost touching his nose. "Kill, kill, kill…" The old man repeated incomprehensible words like a skipping record, with chaotic white hair over entirely black eye sockets.
As Edgar cautiously reached for his gun in his chest pocket, the old man turned into a cloud of black smoke and vanished. Then, Edgar felt his vision distort, dizziness, and was struck.
He woke up later, startled by a crow dropping a pebble on him, now in broad daylight. It seemed he had unintentionally fallen asleep, and the wanderer's nightmare had left him feeling uneasy.
However, the dagger in his hand froze his mind for a moment until his horse made an impatient sound. "Well... time to get to work," he sighed.
Edgar gazed at the hazy gray sky above, wishing it were sunny today. At least that would improve his mood by half.
The closer he got to his destination, the more he felt the dagger at his waist burning. "Kill the witch!" The old man's voice still lingered faintly in his ears. He chose to ignore it.
The cabin's exterior was dilapidated, looking as if it hadn't been tended to in quite some time. Edgar gently pushed open the weathered wooden door with his hand on his holster. Inside, there was only a dining table and wooden chairs, all covered in a thick layer of dust. The surroundings bore no resemblance to the "wealthy merchant" mentioned in the intel.
"Is there anyone imprisoned here?" Even if there were, the chances of their survival seemed bleak.
He decided to leave the room and investigate the surroundings. Just as he stepped out of the door...
Drip, drip...
The faint sound, like beads falling on the floor, pierced his ears. He turned back, scrutinizing the furnishings inside the room. He spotted a hidden door under the table. After pulling it open, he found a narrow stone staircase for one person to descend. He lit a lighter and descended slowly. Gradually, he heard singing.
Down the stairs, through a narrow corridor, and back upstairs, he pushed open a door leading to a well-decorated room with living arrangements – tables, chairs, bookshelves, and well-lit golden-edged windows. If it weren't for the heavy iron door in the middle, he would have considered it a nice and private place.
Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm!
The singing continued, as if unaware of a visitor... or perhaps, it began only when someone visited?
The rustling between the fireplace and the window slits sounded like the murmurs of the old man. Edgar shook his head to rid himself of distracting thoughts. Rescuing trapped civilians was one of his duties.
"I'm here to rescue you. Are you okay?"
He knocked on the door. The singing ceased.
After a while, a girl's voice gently reached him, "Well, I'm fine."
"I couldn't find the key from this side. Please step away from the door; I'll use my gun to break the lock."
"No, wait... lower your head."
Edgar complied, and he noticed a bunch of keys sliding out from the gap that was apparently used to deliver meals.
"You have the keys..."
"This door can't be opened from the inside, and the handcuff key isn't in there either."
Edgar nodded and used the keys to unlock the door. Pushing open the heavy door, he saw a silver-haired girl tied up in the corner of the cell.
"Good afternoon, sir," the girl said, holding her cheeks and smiling at him. "Would you like to chat with me?"
據說有位魔女被幽禁在森林深處的一座地窖裡。 副警長在調查稅務案件的時候順道打聽到了這件事,不管魔女的傳聞是不是真的,他都還是得到當地調查失蹤富商的消息。 才走一半路程,天色就暗了下來,他下馬紮營休息。 就在他進行例行的槍枝保養作業途中,「是誰?」草叢的動靜讓他將槍枝上膛瞄準。
「別開槍!」蓬頭垢面的白髮老流浪漢拄著拐杖慢慢走出。 「你的目的是那棟荒廢木屋,對吧?」 老人說,那裡住著魔女,晚上待在這森林裡會聽見她的笑聲與歌聲,最後的靈魂會被奪走。最後就像他一樣只能不斷地在林中遊走。
「真是可怕的睡前故事。我也不喜歡待在這裡,但這是我的工作。」他收起了槍,他其實也不喜歡隨便被可疑的流浪漢搭話。 老人察覺出他的不耐煩,用更加嚴肅的語氣警告:「不要怪我沒有警告你,你現在已經踏入了輪迴的結界,除非你殺了她⋯⋯」
艾德加正打算在對方繼續接近到一定距離時再次掏槍時,老人扔了一把匕首到他的腳邊。 那是把握柄鑲著一塊紅寶石的精緻匕首,令他下意識的懷疑:「這是哪戶人家的——」 就這麼移開視線的一瞬間,老人瞬移到他的臉前,貼著他的鼻子:「殺、殺、殺⋯⋯」 像跳針的唱片一樣重複著不詳的詞語,雜亂的白色頭髮下是完全漆黑的眼窩。 在艾德加警戒地摸上懷裡的槍的瞬間,老人化作一團黑煙消失,接著艾德加感到視線扭曲,暈眩,然後遭受撞擊。 ——他醒了過來,樹上的烏鴉叼了石子把他砸醒,現在是白天。看來他不知不覺間睡著了,那個流浪漢的惡夢真讓人不舒服⋯⋯ 不過手裡握著的匕首讓他的腦袋凍結了一會,直到他的馬發出催促的呼聲。 「⋯⋯是啊,該工作了。」 艾德加看著頭頂灰濛濛的天空,想著如果今天的天氣是晴天就好了,至少心情會好上一倍。
愈接近目的地,他就愈能感覺到腰上的匕首在發燙。 『殺掉魔女!』老人的聲音依稀還在他耳邊縈繞著。他選擇忽視。
像是珠子掉落地板的細微聲響鑽進他的耳朵。 他回過頭,再次觀察屋內擺設,看見了桌子底下的暗門,拉開來之後是條可供一人行走的石階,他點起打火機慢慢走下去,漸漸,他聽見了歌聲。
沙沙沙⋯⋯沙沙沙⋯⋯ 壁爐與窗隙之間的風聲聽起來都像那名老人的低喃,艾德加甩了甩頭,把多餘的思緒甩開,拯救受困民眾可是他的職責之一。 「我是來救你的。妳還好嗎? 他敲了敲門。 歌聲聞聲停止。
過了一會,少女的聲音輕輕的拋了過來:「⋯⋯嗯,很好呦!」 「我在這邊找不到鑰匙,請妳離門遠一點,我會用槍破壞鎖。」 「不,等等⋯⋯低下頭來。」 艾德加低下頭,發現一串鑰匙從用來遞送食盤的縫隙,滑了出來。
「妳有鑰匙⋯⋯」 「這扇門從內部是打不開的,手銬的鑰匙也不在裡面。」
艾德加點點頭,拿起鑰匙解除門鎖。 推開厚重的門,透過自換氣窗口照進的光線,他看見銀色頭髮的少女被拴在牢房角落。
「午安,先生。」 少女捧著雙頰,朝他笑著。 「想和我聊聊天嗎?」
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abookishdreamer · 2 months
Character Intro: Nephele (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Princess of Clouds, O Sosías by the people of Olympius
Neffy (affectionately) by her boyfriend and close friends
Hera Lite by Aphrodite
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Boeotia, Olympius
Personality- She's generally shy, quiet, & introspective. She's far more complex emotionally than a lot of beings give her credit for. Being quite temperamental at times, she can switch between being sanguine and phlegmatic to choleric & melancholic. She's in a relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of clouds (and also duality) her other powers/abilities include flight (through use of clouds), limited aerokinesis, cloud mimicry, nebula manipulation, being able to create a perfect cloudform copy of herself, shapeshifting into a nephelai form, nephelokinesis (cloud generation/manipualtion), shapeshifting into an almost perfect form of Hera, and caligokinesis (fog generation/manipulation).
Nephele resides on a cliffside mansion in the state of Boeotia. The mansion is built out of marble, crystal, & lucite. The color scheme inside are pastel shades of white, silver, blue, gray, pink, and iridescent. There's pure white elderdown feather centerpieces, a crystal & diamond chandelier overhead the main hall, soft and airy linen & cotton furniture, and crystal & lucite furniture pieces- with the flooring being snow white mink carpeting. Her bedroom has her favorite thing- her bed. The bed is a technological feat, hovering several feet off the ground due to the 1,500 pounds of magnets beneath it. The bed costs 1.6 million drachmas and is covered in many cashmere pillows & silk, cashmere, and satin sheets.
She has an animal companion- a male pegasus named Celeris. Their energies are inexplicably intertwined. Celeris is quite protective of his rider. He's her usual mode of transportation. Nephele doesn't like the polluting aftereffects of most cars.
Nephele starts off her mornings with sessions of aerial yoga and acupuncture before taking a swim in her olympic sized deep pool.
She's well aware of the controversy surrounding her mere existance with her also being a deity. Nephele doesn't like thinking about her life before she was able to call the shots in her own life. All of her negative emotions are directed towards her ex Ixion, a former lord of Thessaly. Her possible union with him came about as a reprieve for the gods- namely Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) after Ixion commited an act of kin slaying. Just the though of his crazed eyes makes Nephele's skin crawl. Even though she was successful in seducing him, Ixion laid his sights on Hera (goddess of women & marriage). Nephele's ceremonial union to him didn't happen. Ixion ended up being struck from Mt. Olympus and straight into Tartarus- his eternal punishment being attached to a spinning burning wheel forevermore. There's more to the story that Nephele knows about that she refuses to divulge in, even to her most trusted friends.
She's considered a gem among the nephelai community!
Nephele loves listening to classical, pop, & country music.
A typical breakfast for her is scrambled egg whites (added with feta cheese & onions) with a few lightly toasted hash browns and a bowl of plain yogurt (topped with shredded coconut & banana slices). She also likes the Golly Grains frosted rice cereal.
Her favorite makeup products include the Museology lip gloss in "3D Hologram," an opalescent shimmer, the Museology UV liquid eyeliner in "Pyrotechnic," a glittery silver color, and the Olmorfia gel powder highlighter in "Sunstone."
Now Nephele's life is filled with effortless joy. She's in a healthy romantic relationship with a mortal guy named Athamas, a soon-to-be lord of Boeotia. She likes that he means what he says, his gentle light brown eyes, and how safe she instinctively feels when she's around him. Nephele also likes that Athamas respects her boundaries when it comes to sex, which she's not comfortable with doing. She finds him asking for consent before they kiss to be the sexiest thing ever!
A go-to drink for her is coconut water. She also likes Strengthify ionized water, ginger ale, lemonade, iced tea, vodka soda, mint tea, piña colada smoothies, white wine, bellinis, mimosas, & palomas. Usuals from The Roasted Bean includes a cafe au lait, a large chai latte, a medium pineapple lychee splash, and an olympian sized flat white.
Nephele's favorite piece of jewlery to wear is her white gold necklace that has a cloud shaped charm embellished with miniature diamonds.
She finds the constant comparisons to Hera to be more than annoying.
A favorite thing for her to snack on is white chocolate covered popcorn.
Nephele barely has a social media presence. On Fatestagram she rarely posts pictures and videos of herself. Instead, she posts inspirational quotes as well as some of her personal drawings & watercolor paintings.
A guilty pleasure for her are air fried tofu sticks. She gets a 10 piece along with ginger garlic dipping sauce from Garden Gatherings, a popular vegan restaurant.
She loves the Glory's Crown black vanilla products.
Nephele's main source of income and primary business is her nationwide cotton candy shops, Candycloud. There's almost 90 different flavors of cotton candy, an official website, & a makeshift store in the Mall of Olympius. She has also released a signature parfum called Cloudmist. The fragrance has notes of pear, lavender, vanilla orchid, and creme de coconut. A notable thing is the clear blue cloud shaped perfume bottle. A 3.4 oz bottle sells for seventy drachmas. For other means of income Nephele models for/endorses Sunshine Radiance, Aktinovolos Petalouda (is a fan of the winged heels), and etherealist (a fashion brand started by a nephelai named Nelina). The brand's fashion is known for it's light & muted pastel colors, dramatic lengths, and use of super delicate & sheer fabrics- like silk organza, satin, chiffon, lace, and tulle. Nephele even walked the runway at an etherealist fashion show in Thrace.
Her favorite frozen treats are marshmallow ice cream (topped with sprinkles, white chocolate sauce, & mini marshmallows) and coconut gelato.
She's also a fan of the La Petit Amour bralette tops!
In the pantheon Nephele's friends with Aerin (goddess of the ethereal), The Muses, Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation), Aoide (goddess of voice & song), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), The Hyades, Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants), Aether (god of the upper atmosphere, celestial bodies, & heavenly light), Carpo (goddess of autumn & fruits), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Thallo (goddess of spring & new growth), Hemera (goddess of the day), Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), and Aeolus (god of wind). Her official mentor was Tethys (Titaness of freshwater & clouds). They both bonded during her mentorship and remained close afterwards. They talk on the phone daily & Nephele doesn't mind traveling to Aetolia to visit her. She also admires Eváeros (goddess of air & the zodiacs).
Her all time favorite desset is the cipriani meringue cake from Hollyhock's Bakery. She also likes the marshmallow cream filled doughnuts.
Nephele's relationship with the King and Queen is complicated to say the least. She's been an odd, but welcome comfort to Zeus since Hera filed for divorce. One stormy night when Nephele came to the palace to check on him, she found Zeus high on lotus dust. In his drug addled state, he thought he was Hera and begged her to dance with him on the balcony- like they always used to. Nephele obliged and when the dance was over, Zeus kissed her. For a brief moment he saw through his trance that Nephele was not Hera. Zeus actually cried and apologized.
She recently bought herself an etherealist handbag. It's the crystal embellished cloud shaped crossbody clutch. It costs 700 drachmas.
At one of Pandaisia's brunch parties, Nephele nearly finished a couple of trays of smoked salmon macarons.
In her free time she enjoys flying (on Celeris), knitting, drawing, cloud surfing, reading, painting, spending time with her boyfriend, going to the cinema, ballet, cooking, hanging out with friends, and baking.
Her all time favorite meal is grilled chicken breasts (stuffed with goat cheese & onions) with garlic mashed potatoes and white rice.
"Clouds are on top for a reason. They float so high because they refuse to carry any burden."
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