#sleep paralysis being a concept (and being something i regularly experience) so i went into full panic and also fight mode
fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Had another sleep paralysis incident last night
#i don’t remember all the details but there was a podcast i was listening to about supernatural stuff and unexplained events and conspiracy#theories i think; and every time i listened to an episode; a random cushion appeared in my room#it got to a point where the floor of my room was just blanketed with cushions. and my room was way bigger in the dream than it is irl#i think i used a bunch of them to make a mattress for my friend so she could stay over. she came and i was like ‘use any pillow you want’#and she was like impressed by my pillow collection#anyway we went to sleep (yes i went to sleep in my own dream. don’t ask me how this works) and i dreamed of this entity that was the#personification of fear itself. it was probably average height and it wore a cloak with a hood that obscured its face. but tbh i don’t think#it had a face? you looked at the hood and you just saw night. or like black smoke. but ominous#in the dream within a dream it just stood there watching me and i laid there paralysed with fear#then i woke up (still in the dream. so i woke up from a dream with in a dream but i didn’t wake up irl) and told my friend about it#i specifically remember i said to her ‘i dreamed that the devil was here and he was just standing there breathing and watching me sleep’#and she just goes rigid with fear and then i realise i can hear breathing and it’s not either of us. and i look at the corner of the room#and it’s there. while i’m awake (still in a dream). just watching me and breathing in a really strange way that i cannot describe#well that was when i woke up with my body paralysed and my still half-asleep brain hallucinated the entity in my actual room#i was too terrified to remember that sleep paralysis was a thing and i basically thought the thing had paralysed me and was going to kill me#or torture me or possess me or something. but it just stood there still breathing and looking at me. so like i said; i’d forgotten about#sleep paralysis being a concept (and being something i regularly experience) so i went into full panic and also fight mode#i started thrashing; growling; screaming; swearing at it. during this process i woke up and i don’t think i actually made a sound because i#would definitely have woken up someone else in my house if i had. but yeah. i broke out of the sleep paralysis at 3:37am#this will go down as probably one of the scariest dreams i’ve ever had. surprisingly though i fell asleep pretty fast after it lol#i took maybe 20 minutes to calm myself down and then i remember thinking to myself ‘if it shows up again i’m actually going to kill it’#this entity is probably like 5’6. i can punt it#personal
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Get To Know Me: Mystical Version 👽 🔮
I decided to type up a little questionnaire so you guys can get to know me better and then we can tag and pass this around for others to do so we can get to know each other and connect more! ♡ This questionnaire is for Starseeds, Lightworkers, Witches and any other mystical folk 🌙🌟
1. How did you discover that you are a Starseed/Lightworker/Mystical soul?
For basically all of my life, I was interested in the stars, far reaches of space, aliens & UFOs, obsessed really. I always had a spiritual aspect to myself as well, but it wasn't something I understood very much. I got on Tumblr and found a large community of alien/UFO enthusiasts and felt comfortable enough to make my first alien/UFO blog. One day I came across the concept of starseeds and everything clicked for me. I finallllyyyy understood myself so much more! I then had a very intense spiritual awakening involving a astral projection experience in which I left my body and this dimension entirely. I've been on this ride ever since!
2. What star/elemental species do you feel connected to?
Sirians, most of all, but I also have ties in Orion, Arcturus and Lyra (Vega, specifically)
3. Do you feel like you know what your soul mission is or have inklings of what you're supposed to be doing in this life?
Not 100%, honestly. I know that I'm here to help awaken humanity and raise the collective consciousness, but in other areas, I'm so lost! But I know I have big things to do here.
4. Have you ever astral projected or had a lucid dream?
Yes, and I've had some pretty crazy experiences! All of that started after my initial spiritual awakening and it's been one of the most validating experiences of the entire thing.
5. Where do you believe we go when we die?
Back to Source, back to our home in the stars. A place so vast and peaceful that our human brains really can't fully comprehend it.
6. Do you believe you have had contact with an extraterrestrial or any other supernatural entity?
Yes. This includes Greys in my childhood and my spirit guide, Nael, now. I've also seen extraterrestrials in dreams and astral projections.
7. Do you believe in and follow astrology?
Yes, absolutely. Astrology has been one of the biggest influencing factors when it comes to my celestial spirituality. It helped me to understand myself more fully and brought all the pieces of my puzzle together.
8. Do you regularly meditate?
No, actually. I find it incredibly hard to meditate most of the time. My wandering mind is way too much for me to silence, but I do find other creative ways to meditate and find my center, like showering, painting, listening to music, etc.
9. Would you consider yourself to be an empath?
Yes, and no. I think I have more control than other empaths when it comes to switching that part of myself off. Sometimes, it's incredibly overwhelming and other times, I don't feel much at all. I don't know that I would consider myself completely empathic.
10. What are your zodiac signs?
Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Libra Rising.
11. Do you believe in our ability to change and create our own reality?
Yes...and no. I do believe we have an incredible ability to manifest, but I also believe that some things in our reality are just pre-destined. I really do believe in fate.
12. Do you dabble in any divination practices?
Yes! I'm an oracle/tarot reader and I feel like that is a part of my mission on earth, to help people through divination. My Sun in Pisces really shows this, I think! On top of reading for others, I read for myself all. the. time. and it's the way I can most accurately communicate with my spirit guide, Nael.
13. What about magical practices?
I do consider myself a cosmic witch now; I used to not. But I found that I was always doing things like rituals for the moon and it's phases and other things of that sort, so I could no longer really deny that I am a cosmic witch. As a child I had been interested in witchcraft and that fell away for a while, but now it's back for me! I don't go all the way out though, mostly following the moon and the stars and harnessing that energy where I can.
14. What do you think about concepts like extra dimensions, parallel worlds, etc?
I definitely believe in extra dimensions and I'm really intrigued by quantum physics, astronomy, cosmology etc. The Universe is ridiculously expansive and infinite so I think there is a whole lot going on that we don't yet fully understand.
15. Do you believe in ghosts, spirits and demons?
Ghosts/spirits, yes. I've had a lot of different experiences with that realm of the strange and my honest thoughts about it is that a lot of it has to do with residual energy, but some instances are definitely conscious contact. I choose not to believe in demons because the belief fuels and feeds what I believe is a conscious parasite created by overwhelming negative human energy. I don't have experience with demons, nor do I want to.
16. Have you ever had sleep paralysis?
Yes! Many times, actually. I've had a range of scary to good experiences when it comes to sleep paralysis. It's not always a negative thing!
17. Have you ever had any contact with your spirit guides or guardian angels?
Yes, I know one of my spirit guides pretty well. He told me his name is Nael (not quite sure how to pronounce this even still) and he is a 6th Dimensional being from the Sirius star system. In my experience, Nael is actually an alternate dimension version of myself that aids me in my earthly life. I think of him as a separate entity but at the same time understand that he is essentially my higher self, or a version of it. Hope that makes sense!
18. Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
Yes, quite a few of them. Some of them are much too out there for me, like the flat earth theory. But I definitely believe the government knows about and hides the truth of the existence of extraterrestrials interacting with our planet. I also believe that the government has done and continues to do some pretty fucked up things. I could go on about this for days lol.
19. What triggered your spiritual awakening, or was it something always within you?
So, for me, it was a little complicated. I always had this knowing that there was more to life than what immediately met the eye. I always knew I had and was a soul and that there was something after death. But, I went through phases of atheism and trying to ignore that part of myself. I had always been obsessed with space and aliens and came to figure out in later years that I've probably been abducted by aliens. It never once occurred to me that there could be anything spiritual behind that. I was also always very interested in the afterlife. All of this culminated in one day, about 5ish years ago, when I sat down and randomly watched the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule. As cheesy as it sounds, this is what triggered my awakening. The blending of science, something tangible like this substance found within the human brain and nature, and the spiritual realm really opened my eyes. I had always been very scientifically minded and never could make those connections between science and spirituality. As I listened to the experiences of the people within the DMT study, tears filled my eyes. They spoke of strange and wonderful alien dimensions and communication with entities. And it was possible to say why, because of the most potent psychedelic drug known to man, and it's found in our BRAIN. While it is not 100% scientifically confirmed that DMT lies in the brain, it has been found in the brains of rodents, and I have my own theories and proof as to why I do believe it is within the human brain as well.
At the point that I watched the documentary, I had already been tiptoeing into this spiritual life. I had already come across the concept of starseeds here on Tumblr and started to wonder. Everything made complete sense to my life but I still resisted claiming the title of starseed. Hearing the truth about DMT, extra dimensions, the entities people experienced and what can only be explained as a much different afterlife than I had previously imagined, nothing else could be false in my mind. If the Universe is that expansive and multidimensional and I'm a part of it and can access those dimensions as well, I could no longer deny my reality of being a starseed.
Not too long after, I had my first real endogenous DMT experience, triggered by conscious intent. This experience occurred within deep REM sleep paralysis that I achieved by sleep deprivation. I had done a bit of research on this and heard this was a way to cause astral projection. I stayed up for a little over 24 hours and as I was falling asleep, repeated a mantra in my mind that I would have an experience during my sleep. I went to another dimension, that much I am sure of, and that is basically where this all began for me.
20. What is the biggest spiritual epiphany you have had during the time you've been awake?
For me, the biggest realization was understanding why I am the way I am. Coming to terms with the person I was meant to be and embracing that despite thinking it's weird or too out there. Not only that, but fully understanding my life and the bigger picture of it. Why things happened that way, why that person did that, and how I ended up to where I am now. And not to mention, the complete validation of all the deeply held beliefs I always had involving the strange nature of reality, and finding out it is far more fantastical than I could have imagined before. Knowing deep within my soul that my spirit will not die on this earth and will go home back to where it came from, the place I often times feel homesick for. That my loved ones and I will never be separated even after leaving our physical bodies. Realizing that I'm one with the Universe as we all are. And that we have so much good to do here. ♡
Okay, guys, your turn! I tag ANYONE who wants to do this! Tag me in the post you make and then tag all your mystical friends! Go here for the unfilled questionnaire!
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