#i took maybe 20 minutes to calm myself down and then i remember thinking to myself ‘if it shows up again i’m actually going to kill it’
willixmsonswife · 1 year
blind date/leah williamson
*leah williamson x fem!reader *what happens if you are on a blind date and stood up by the person you were supposed to meet but a beautiful blonde comes to you rescue? *fluff ig? *1.3k words (1.7k with the bonus) .................................
My first blind date. I don't think I've ever been this nervous. Why did Beth even set me up? I didn't need it. I mean, yeah, I'm not dating anyone at the moment and I'm not good at flirting but did she have to make it that obvious and set me up with someone? I never met that girl and Beth didn't even want to tell me her name. How was I supposed to know who she was?
I sighed before I turned around on my bed, almost falling out of it. My hand reached for my phone, which was laying on the nightstand. In my stress, I dialed the first number that came to my mind. "Hello?" I almost threw my phone across the room. That was not my best friend. "Hello? Is someone there?" I had to answer now, right? "Hi. Eh it's y/n. We met like 2 weeks ago, on that event. I was there with Beth and Viv." I mentally facepalmed myself for calling HER out of all people. The women I've had a crush on for a year now, captain of the Lionesses, Leah Williamson. "Oh yeah y/n, I remember. What's up?" Was that my mind making things up or did her tone change when I said my name? It was probably nothing. "Actually I wanted to Beth. I must've dialed the wrong number sorry for disturbing you." I was about to hang up when I heard her say something. "No no, don't worry you didn't disturb me at all. I was pretty bored actually."
"Oh, okay." My response was followed by an awkward silence. "So what are you up to this evening?" Should I tell her about the blind date? Would she even be bothered to know about it? "I'm actually going on a date."
"Oh you're dating someone? I didn't know that."
"Surprised? Don't you think that people ask me out?" I chuckled as Leah searched for a plausible answer.
"Eh- I- No, I do. It's just-"
"Don't worry, it's just a stupid blind date Beth set me up for. Apparently I'm not capable of finding the 'true love' myself." That made Leah laugh and I couldn't help but join in. Her laugh was really infectious, I had to admit that. "Where does your mysterious date take you, if I'm allowed to know?"
"We're going to the new restaurant in town."
"Oh the Italian one? I only heard good things about it but you'll have to tell me if they're true once you come back."
"I will do that. Alright, I'm gonna have to hang up now. I have to get ready if I wanna be there at 9."
"Well have fun then. It was nice talking to you, maybe we could meet up in the near future?"
"Yeah I would love that. I'll let you know when I'm free. Bye Leah."
"Bye y/n."
That definitely went better than expected but now I really had to get going. I stood up and walked over to my closet. I picked a nice navy blue dress that I hadn't worn in a while and matching high heels. my makeup was done 20 minutes later and my hair only took 15. With enough time to spare, I decided to drive to the restaurant and wait for her there.
"Hi, I have a reservation at 9 under the name y/l/n."
"Ah yes. Please follow me."
I followed the nice women to our table and sat down. "Would you like to order something to drink while you wait?"
"Yes, just a water please."
And with that she left. I looked around the restaurant and tried to calm my nerves by concentrating on the decoration, the color of the walls, literally anything. I fidgeted with the rings on my fingers while I watched the door carefully as if I could miss her walking in. The waitress came back with my water but I just took one sip before placing it in front of me. The minutes passing felt like hours and I got more and more nervous. Multiple people walked in but they all sat at different tables. Every time I heard the door open, I looked up and hoped that it would be her but it never was. After a while, I looked on my phone and saw that it was already 9:45 pm. She wasn't coming. I felt the entire hope just disappearing with that realization. I got ditched by a person I didn't even know. I did my hair and makeup for nothing. I was excited and stressed for absolutely no reason. Disappointed by how the evening turned out, I leaned down to pick up my purse. That was when I heard a voice. "Sorry that I'm so late. The traffic was awful." I looked up to see the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Wait, I knew those eyes. And that blonde hair. And that voice. "Leah? What the hell are you doing here?" For a second I completely forgot my crush on her and stared at her like she was some alien from outer space. "I'm here to save your night."
"Elaborate please." I leaned back in my chair while she sat down on the one in front of me. "Well your date didn't come, did she?" I shook my head and another wave of disappointment hit me. "Definitely her loss. But anyway, I'm here now. I can't just let you sit at this table, all alone, that would be mean."
"You know when you said 'near future', I thought you meant next week or something but not tonight." She chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I wasn't planning this either trust me. But let's see where the night brings us, shall we?"
"Alright, fine with me."
The evening was simply amazing. Leah and I talked about everything and I felt like I was on cloud nine. The food was delicious and the three hours we spent together felt like 10 minutes. She offered to pay but I didn't accept. Instead I paid for both of our meals. As we made our way out of the restaurant, our hands brushed against each other and little fireworks erupted in my whole body. We walked side by side in a comfortable silence until we reached my car. "So this is it, right?" I turned around and looked straight in Leah's eyes. Big mistake. I could feel my cheeks turning crimson red and Leah trying to hide her cheeky smile was just a confirmation that I was blushing. "I guess so." She took a deep breath. "y/n, I really really liked talking to you and all of this felt so, so-" She searched for the perfect word but I already knew it. "Natural?"
"Exactly. That's why I would love to take you out sometime in the near future. And this time I mean next week and not tomorrow night." A big smile made its way onto my face. "I would love that."
"But how about I make it up to you."
"Make what up to me?"
"You paid, so obviously I'm going to give you something back."
"Leah I really don't want your money, I-"
"Oh don't worry, I wasn't talking about money."
Before I could say something, she leaned towards me and my brain just turned off. I felt her soft lips on mine and I instantly knew that it was going to be favorite feeling of all time. I kissed her back and arms made their way around her neck. We only parted when air became a problem but my arms stayed exactly where they were. As soon as we locked eyes and I couldn't help but notice the sparkle in hers. "That was way better than any amount of money."
"I hope so cause I was planning on doing it again." We both smiled at each other and I was sure that this evening couldn't have been any better.
"Leah are you sure that they're gonna like me?" I anxiously looked at her and she took my hands in hers. "Princess, they're going to like you just as much as I do. I have no idea how they couldn't." She squeezed my hands reassuringly and I felt a part of the nervousness leaving my body. "Alright if you say so. Then let's go." I put a smile on my face and followed Leah into the locker room. She knocked and several women answered. "Come in!" She turned to me one last time and I just nodded, not sure if I could form actual words right now. She opened the door and we stepped inside. "Hi girls, I already told you that I wanted you to meet someone very special to me. This is y/n. My girlfriend." As soon as those words left her mouth I could feel every pair of eyes on me. "Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you." Beth walked to me and engulfed me into a big hug. "Finally! I thought you'd never show yourself here, god." I laughed and hugged her back. After that, I answered a lot of questions from everyone in the room. I also got into a nice conversation with Jen and Katie. We even agreed to meet each other for lunch the next week. All of the stress that I felt before this meeting was totally unnecessary. Everyone was incredibly welcoming and they were all so nice to talk to!
After an hour or so, Leah and I left. We still had to drive home, make dinner and watch the movie she promised me earlier that day. I intertwined our fingers as we walked to the car and started talking about her teammates nonstop until we got to her car. "You were so right, I shouldn't have worried about this. Your teammates are way nicer than you're always saying."
"Oh just wait until you get to know them a bit better. You're gonna be pranked by Katie, Lia is going to spam you with messages and-"
"I absolutely don't care. I love them."
"Well I only hope that you don't love them more than me." She grinned and I couldn't help but tease her a little bit. "Ah I don't know about that. Let's see, shall we?" I got a playful slap on my shoulder in response. "I'm joking babe. I'll always love you more, more than anyone actually."
"I love you too darling."
this is my first fic on tumblr so I'd be happy about some opinions :) also, i'm taking requests if you have some
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
Ethan Landry x Reader
Vero Amore
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The air was a cool welcome against your skin, as you walked back to your apartment after class. The sun had set about an hour ago, bidding the moon a good night as it sets to rest until the morning.
You felt so at peace when nights were like this. The usually busy streets of New York are quiet, everything just felt so calm. You had even forgotten about how embarrassed you felt in front of Ethan earlier that day.
You were gathered around with your friends, listening to Mindy rant on about movie franchises and what to expect with the new ghostface attacks, when you hear Ethan speak.
“Am I gonna die a virgin?” The question falls from Ethan’s lips without a care in the world. Everyone looks at him, all with disgusted looks. You were more than confused though. There was no way Ethan Landry was a virgin.
Sure, he was sorta dorky, but that’s what made him so goddamn charming to you. And you knew he wasn’t really that good at flirting with anyone, but still, he was definitely fuckable.
“You good Y/N/N?” You didn’t realize you were staring with your mouth open in shock, until Mindys question woke you from your daze. Everyone’s eyes move from Ethan to you, and a light blush appears on your face. “Yeah?” It came out as more of a question than an answer, and you look back at Ethan to find a knowingly teasing smirk on his face, which makes you quickly divert your eyes back to the ground.
He’s always known about your small crush on him, and he thought that’s just what it was, a small crush. Which is why you two weren’t together. Yet. But it was much more than that to you. You were basically in love with the clueless boy.
He obviously had those same strong feelings for you too. This is fan fiction after all.
You try focusing back on what Mindy was ranting about just moments ago, but you just couldn’t. The new information you just learned plaguing your thoughts.
“Are we done here? I think Y/N wants to make sure Ethan doesn’t die a virgin.” Tara’s joking words sends another furious red to your cheeks, and Ethan’s face matches yours. “Tara!” You couldn’t believe she said that. You tried to hide your embarrassed expression in your hands, and the fact you can still feel his eyes on you was not helping.
“Um I just remembered that I totally have something to do. So, I’ll see you guys later. Ya know, if i haven’t offed myself from total embarrassment.” You quickly gather your things, trying to make a hasty exit. You could still feel his eyes on you, making you walk just a bit faster. You were relieved that no one followed you to make sure you were okay.
Ethan wanted to though.
A small smile graced yo ur lips as you thought about said boy, wondering what he was doing tonight.
And as if he knew you were thinking about him, you look at your phone as it starts ringing. His contact photo appearing on your screen. It was one Anika took months ago, Ethan looking down at you laughing, while his hands squish your cheeks together. It was adorable to say the least.
“Hey, E! What’s up?”
“Hey, I um-“ There’s a pause, Ethan trying to gather his thoughts. “I- Do you want to come over? Maybe watch a movie with me?” The smile on your face speaks for itself. “I would love to. I’ll grab a pizza on my way over, I just left class, so just give me like 20 minutes.”
“Wait, are you walking alone?” You can hear the concern in his voice, making butterflies form in your tummy. “Yeah, most nights I do. I don’t want to make anyone have to wait up for me, ya know? Especially with ghostface back.”
“That’s exactly why someone should be walking with you, sweetheart. How about I meet you at the pizza place, I assume you’re going to Rosie’s.” If you smile any bigger, your cheeks are gonna start aching. “How did you know that’s where I was going?” He can hear a hint of teasing laced in your voice, making him smile. “I know all of your favorite spots, Y/N.” You almost pass away at the sincerity in his voice.
“Careful there E, I may fall in love with you.”
“I wouldn’t mind that at all. Matter of fact, I even know all of your favorite songs.”
Ugh this boy.
“We’ll now you’ve done it! I’m hopelessly in love with you.” You can feel his smile through the phone.
“Alright, I’m on my way. But you better call me back if you start getting scared.” You lightly giggle at that. “You gonna be my knight in cardboard armour?”
“Don’t you know I would fight Rosie herself, if I needed to, only for you.”
“Rosie is 73 years old Ethan!” “Guess she won’t be making it to 74, if she messes with you.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Let me get the recipe to her cannolis first. I happen to know a certain boy that loves them. I would imagine him being pretty devastated if he could never have one again.” Of course you were talking about him.
You didn’t even realize you had made it to the pizza place either, until you see the familiar head of curls walking towards you.
“I gotta go now, there’s a really beautiful girl who just confessed her love for me, waiting for me at her favorite pizza place.”
“Lucky girl.” You hang up after that, your smile only growing bigger as Ethan stands in front of you. He reaches to grab your school bag from you, something he’s always done since he’s known you. It was such a small gesture that had become second nature to him, he didn’t even think anything of it, but it still meant so much to you.
You step into the small restaurant, as Ethan holds the door open for you, and you immediately spot the older woman. “Y/N! How have you been my darling? And who do you have with you today?”
“Hi Rosie. This is my friend Ethan.” A knowing look crossed Rosie’s face and she tries to hide her smile, but fails. “Is this the boy you’ve been telling me about? Loves my cannolis?”
“You’ve been telling Rosie about me?” The blush that rushes to your cheeks could rival your blush from earlier that day. “What? No way! Rosie is actually diagnosed with dementia, so she gets a bit confused sometimes.” Rosie takes the hand towel thrown over her shoulder and lightly smacks you with it. “Now, don’t go fibbing on me.” She still has the same knowing look on her face, as she makes her way back around the counter.
“Y/N here talks about you all the time, dear. She talks more about you than she talks about anything else. Says you’re a good boy, smart too.” You think you may take Ethan up on his offer to fight Rosie.
“Huh, isn’t that nice of her.” Ethan looks down at you with a teasing smile.
“Shut up!” You cross your arms over your chest, wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
“It’s okay! I talk about you to literally anyone that will listen.” “Really?” He reaches to grab your hand, squeezing it gently. “Really. Just ask Chad, he’s the one who gave me the confidence to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me.”
There’s a pregnant pause. No way are you two confessing to each other in Rosie’s Pizzeria.
“You like me back?” You ask with an unsure tone.
“Oh, I don’t just like you. I’m so in love with you, it’s concerning.”
You giggle, feeling like you’re on cloud 9.
“I’m in love with you too, E. If you didn’t know that already.”
You both stare at each other for a few seconds, just basking in each others words.
“KISS ALREADY! I’m not getting any younger here, kids.” Rosie shouts from her place behind the counter and you both laugh at the woman.
“Yes ma’am.” Ethan replies, before gripping your chin and he leans down, placing the softest and sweetest kiss to your lips.
“Vero amore.” Rosie whispers softly to herself.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Can you write a fluf pedro please? Maybe one where the reader is trying to get him somw sleep and we know he is a workaholic
Thank you for your request! I tried to write it from the reader’s pov. I’m not used to it, and I don’t really like it, so I don’t think I’ll do it again. I automatically write from an omniscient point of view and even as I wrote this one I had to correct myself so many times because I wrote “you” instead of “I”. I think it makes it a little weird, don’t hesitate to tell me. If it bothers me too much I might change the pov. We’ll see! But I really liked the idea, thank you! I hope you like it!
I have one more request that I need to write. I think by Sunday I’ll publish it! I also had a few ideas on my own today, like literally I had lunch at 2pm and couldn’t eat properly because I had to write the ideas before I forget them. I’m so excited, it’s been a while since I felt like that towards writing!!!
“That was a good book” I said, sighing. “But the ending though, I really need to buy the second book”. I turned my head to the left, thinking I’d see Pedro, but he wasn’t there. I frowned then took my phone to look at the time. 1:17am. “I read for that long?” I was shocked. I got up, and exited the bedroom to find Pedro.
It was late and very weird that Pedro wasn’t next to me in bed. Sleeping or not, he usually joins me around 11pm. As I entered the living room, I noticed light coming from the kitchen. When I entered, there he was, extremely focused on reading what was in front of him. A cup of coffee was next to him. I silently walked next to him. He didn’t even hear nor notice me. When I arrived next to him, I saw that he was reading his lines, and that the coffee cup was almost empty. That’s when I remembered that he was starting soon to film for his latest tv show, so he was working a lot to learn his lines
“How many coffees did you have?” I asked, finally breaking the silence. He got a little scared which made him turned to me very quickly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” I laughed as I was caressing his back.
“I don’t know, I stopped counting after pouring the third one” you sighed.
“You need to go to sleep P”
“I’m not tired, the coffee’s working”
“It’s really late, at least stop and join me in bed”
“I can’t, look it’s just two sentences, those two, I can’t remember them, it’s not even 20 words” he said, showing me the line.
“It’s because you’re too tired” I now had my hand in his hair. “Come with me to bed please”
“I told you I am not tired”
“Who said we were going to sleep?” he looked at me confused. I went behind him, putting both of my hands on his shoulder, starting to massage him. “You are all tensed up. You need to relax, let me give you a massage. If you don’t want to sleep after then I’ll let you learn your lines”
“Hm.. okay” he said, already giving in, feeling my hands on his body. I knew he would fall asleep under my touch. Apparently I have magical hands. Also, he is very tired and deeply needs to sleep. He spent hours and hours reading his lines, making his brain work more than it was supposed to.
I took his right hand, and guided him to the bedroom. I already had some calm music playing in the background that I put when I was reading.
“Take off your shirt, I’m going to get some oil” I said as we both arrived next to the bed. Pedro did what he was told and laid down on his stomach. Not even two minutes later, I was already on top of him, putting some oil on his back. He was humming as I was massaging him. Literally, it was like music to my ears. “Feels good doesn’t it” I whispered, trying to lullaby him slowly with my voice.
“Yeah.. it does” he quietly said. Minutes by minutes, I felt his body relax, until it wasn’t anymore. That’s when I noticed that his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly opened.
“Pedro?” I asked. No response. “Mission accomplished” I whispered, getting off of him very slowly. I went to wash my hands in the bathroom then came back to bed, joining him.
Next morning, I woke up by arms around my body, and hands pulling me. Pedro was pulling me against him. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Good morning angel” he said with his raspy voice, right next to my ears, making me shiver. A big smile formed on my face.
“Good morning” I answered. I finally turned around to face him. His face was more relaxed, not showing any sign of tiredness anymore. “How did you sleep?” I said, playing with his messy hair.
“Very good” he said analyzing me, his gaze wandering on my face. Then he added “Thank you” before kissing my forehead “I don’t know what I would do without you”
“Anything for mi querido” we both smiled. Pedro suddenly kissed me and pulled me even closer to him.
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dirtybitfic · 6 days
Reality pt.3
(I didn't proofread cause it already took me long enough to finish this so if there are typos I'm so sorry)
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I wake up feeling extra warm and comfortable , I blink open my eyes and look down to see arms around my waist . I cant help the smile that spread across my face when I remember who's is beside me in bed . I try my best to stay still so I don't wake him up . sadly the second I made even a peep Misha ran over and jumped onto the bed attacking me with kisses and waking him up in the process. I couldn't help the giggles that escaped when I saw matts face when Misha played on him licking his face non stop. "Misha Misha calm down baby " I say as I try and get her off of him . " Sorry I tried my best not to wake you up but evidently someone had other plans " I say laughing as I pet Misha.
" It's okay I down mind being woken up by dog kisses" he says smiling and giving Misha head scratches. I could barely control myself when I heard his morning voice. His voice is hot as fuck already but this ... ooh this is so much better. "I was gonna go down and make some breakfast , does anything sound good to you?" I ask him while getting up and going to my closet to grab a sweatshirt. "mmm I don't know bacon sounds pretty good " he says while stretching " Alright bacon I can do that ... you like pancakes ?" I say and he nods " Any specific type , I usually makes blueberry and chocolate chip" I say and he smiles " I love chocolate chip pancakes " he says and I nod " Sounds good ill be down in the kitchen so take your time getting up " I say and he nods.
I just finished up cooking breakfast . I made pancakes, eggs, bacon , sausage and cut up some fresh fruit . He walks down stairs smiling " Smells great in here" he says and I smile . We both plate up what we want and sit down. We eat mostly in silence just enjoying having each others company . We decided it would be nice to take a little hike close by and see one the waterfalls .
I just got dressed and fed Misha , I would take her but this hike is a bit dangerous for dog especially with the waterfall and slightly wet surfaces. We hopped in my car and made the quick 20 minute drive . We talked about random stuff like childhood memories and funny moments.
The hike isn't too hard but its definitely not easy , we both had to stop and take breaks from time to time but I just kept telling him once we got to the waterfall it would all be worth it . " So do you hike out here a lot?" he asked and I shook my head " Not that much anymore , when I was younger I did . My parents loved to hike and in high school it was a fun place to go with friends but now not so much" I say and he nods " I get that , I used to love taking long walks and hikes with my family or just by myself to clear my head but I guess i've just gotten busy and don't have the time anymore" he says and I nod " Growing up sucks huh" I say and he laughs " Yeah id give anything to be a carefree kid again" he says and I laugh " Same "
The second we reach the waterfall we sit and catch our breathe taking in the view. " It really is beautiful" Matt says and I look over watching his face contort with emotions as he takes in the surroundings. " Yeah it really is" I say looking away from him smiling.
By the time we got back to my car my feet were cramping and my entire body was sore. " The view was beautiful but fuck I'm exhausted" Matt says laughing and I join in " Yeah , I think I need an ice bath with how sore I am" I joke and he laughs . We get back to my house and I go up to my room grabbing a change of clothes to wear after my shower . Matt comes in flopping down on the floor laying there while Misha laid next to him wagging her tail. " Im gonna hop in the shower " I say to Matt and he nods . I wrestle with myself in my mind on if I should invite him in with me or not . I finally just blurt it out " Do you want to maybe - u-um join me" I say more as a rushed question . He looks at me smiling widely " Yeah you want me to?" he asks in a deep teasing tone , I try my best to not sound stupid " Yeah I- I mean only if you want to you don't have to" I answer quietly avoiding eye contact feeling super fucking nervous. " Id love to" he says standing up and walking over to me . " wait really?" I ask and he chuckles " Yes" is all he says before he grabs my arm and pulls me with him into the bathroom.
He looks deeply into my eyes as he slowly starts taking his shirt off , I decide to do the same . You couldn't cut this tension with a knife. Im so nervous but also buzzing with excitement. Once we're both topless we start on getting our pants off , I take off my bra after and once were both in our underwear we both take a moment to soak in each others bodies. The way he looking at me is making me so nervous, he looks like he wants to eat me alive.
We both finally take off our underwear and step into the shower turning on the hot water and letting it cascade down us. I have a large shower with multiple heads so we're both getting soaked by water. I take my body wash off the shelf but he stops me before I can lather myself. " Let me " he says and I smile letting him lather me in my Carmel apple scented body wash . He slowly steps me back so the water can rinse off the suds. He hands me his body wash and I practically squeal in excitement . The amount of times I fantasized about shit like this is crazy and now... its reality . I take my sweat time lathering his body feeling every muscle and digit of his body. He rinses it off then grabs my shampoo again doing it for me . I tell him to only do the roots and about half way down and he listens but he comments that its stupid not to shampoo all of the hair , I explained to him why I don't shampoo the ends ... to be honest I don't think he understood but I think he just acted like he did to make me happy. He conditioned the ends like I told him and I rinsed it out.
I took my time shampooing him , it was difficult because he's taller than me so I had to be on my tippy toes. He noticed I was struggling so he scooped me up and held me up as I wrapped my legs around him. " Better?" he asks and I smile and hum "Mhm" I say and I continue lathering in the shampoo. What u least expected him to do was take one of my nipples in his mouth. " Matt" I gasp as my hands falter . He grips my thighs tighter as my head slightly leans back and I let out a whimper. He pulls off with a slight sting of his teeth dragging on my nipple . " Sorry I couldn't resist they were in my face" he says with a smile . He steps back into the water and I help rinse the shampoo out .
I cant help the smile that spreads on my face when I feel the tip of his dick graze my pussy. I haven't seen it yet but I have a feeling its not small . After the shampoo is all out he doesn't put me down he keeps me held up . " You look so hot with wet hair" he says and I laugh "what why?" I ask and he shakes his head " I don't know it just looks good" he says and I smile . " You gonna put me down or?" I question and he shakes his head again " Nope I like you right here" he says before taking my other nipple in his mouth making me gasp. He flicks his tongue and sucks on it making pleasure course through my body.
" fuck matt" I whine and he comes off with a pop " Feel good?" he asks with a smirk I nod my head quickly letting out a whine . He sets me down and turns off the water. I step out grabbing my towel then handing him his. The second he wraps his around his waist he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder making me laugh. " what are you doing?" I ask mid laugh " Taking you to bed" he says in a deep voice making my laughs stop . I wanted this , him, for so long and I still haven't registered that it truly is happening ... and not just in my head.
He lays me down on the bed hovering over me , I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him in for a deep kiss. His lips are soft and his tongue warm and he explores my mouth with it making me moan into the kiss. He postings his body right in-between my thighs . The kiss turns from slow and warm to hot and needy . I cant help the moans that escape my mouth as my hands roam his body. One of his hands slowly trails down to my thigh making me whimper into the kiss. He pulls away and starts kissing and sucking on my neck. Im whining and whimpering under him as his hands slowly slides its way closer and closer to my dripping wet pussy. He slowly starts kissing down as he uses his other hand to undo my towel thats around me . He kisses all the way down until he reaches my pussy . I watch him intently and his eyes meet mine and his tongue flicks out meeting my clit making me gasp . He smiles before he goes in licking and sucking so skillfully , i'm panting and moaning and my head drops back and my back arches. " M-matt feels so good" I moan and he groans into me making me twitch. He starts sucking harder on my clit making me moan out loudly as my hands move to his wet hair.
He slowly enters a finger into me making the pleasure even more heightened . " Ahh f-fuck matt oh god" I moan as my legs start to tremble and I feel myself getting closer to release . " Taste so sweet , I always knew you would" he says as he adds another finger in making me gasp and my face to contort in pleasure . " You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?" he asks with a smirk on his face and I moan " Yes yes fuck im s-so close" I moan and he goes back to licking and sucking my clit . My legs are shaking and slowly tightening around his head and my fingers are tugging tighter on his hair . " Matt oh f-fu please don't stop " I whine and his fingers move faster making my entire body tremble and my toes curl and I fall over the edge screaming his name as I come undone all over his face and fingers.
" Thats it good girl" he groans as he watches me come undone for him. I slowly come down and his fingers finally stop moving as he slowly slides them out. I watch him as i'm breathing heavily , he slides his fingers into his mouth sucking my juices of making me moan . " Did so good for me" he praises making me smile and blush. He slowly moves back up my body . " Gonna let me make you feel good?" he asks in a sultry voice , I nod " Yes please matt" I say in a needy tone and he smiles.
" One thing though" he says and I furrow my eyebrows " What is it?" I ask and his eyes getting darker " I like to be in full control and ... I want you to call me sir . is that okay with you?" he says and I smile "Yes sir" I say in a slutty voice making him groan . " You have no idea how long i've wanted to do this " he says and I smile " same" I say and he smiles.
" I'll go easy at first but the second you adjust I won't be easy " he says and I nod " Okay" I say and he nods. He slowly takes off the towel form his waist and I get the first look at his dick. This is going to be painful I think to myself , he's long like very long and thick . " Hey it's okay" he says as i'm guessing he can see the panic on my face . I take a deep breathe and fully lay down . " Ready?" he asks and I nod . I feel his tip slip up and down my folds making me sigh . He slowly starts sliding in making me gasp . He's stretching me so much and its only the tip . " I know I know , deep breathes baby " he soothes me and I try my best to relax . The more he slides in the more pain spreads through my body. " M-matt it hurts" I whimper as my hands grasps his bicep tightly . " I know sweetheart I know i'm going as slow as possible" he says in a sweet tone . After a couple excruciating minutes he's fully in and the pain is lessening .
Ive never felt so full in my life , I always fantasied about him being big but not this fucking big. At first I felt like I was being ripped in half but now i'm feeling so much pleasure in spots i've never felt before. " Fuck you're squeezing me so tight" he groans making me smile . " Think you can handle me going a little harder ?" he asks and I nod " Use me Matt I can handle it " I whimper and he immediately starts pounding the fuck out of me . I cant help the moans and screams I let out , he's so deep I feel like he's in my chest . " FUCK OH- S-SO DEEP" I literally scream out as he hits so deep I squirt out of nowhere and my legs begin twitching and trembling . " Atta girl " he says and he holds me down by my hips somehow going even harder than he was before . Im fully unable to speak at this pint the only thing that leaves my mouth are squeaks , moans, whimpers and screams as he continues to make me squirt all over him so many times I loose count .
Im becoming so over stimulated and i'm shocked with how much stamina he has . Ive never gone for this long , i'm not comparing but my body feels like it about to shut down any second . " Fucking you dumb with my big cock huh" he says smirking proudly as he watches tears fall down my cheeks . " Y- yes -- s... sir" I choke out In a scratchy voice . " fuck " he groans as I feel his dick start to pulse in me . " You're gonna cum with me " he demands as his fingers rub circles on my swollen clit making my entire body tremble and my hip to lift off the bed . " I - c- cant ... to - to much " I gasp as his fingers add more pressure " You're going to do as I say " he says in a demanding tone that makes me shiver . I whine in protest as my body try to get away from him . He grips my hip so tight its going to leave bruises " come on I can feel you pulsing " he says and I whimper . " MATT" I scream as I come undone , I fully stop breathing and my body convulses and curled into his . He releases into me with a low groan as he holds me close to him .
I finally catch my breath and fully collapse onto the bed , I can barely open my eyes and i'm breathing do heavily its all you can hear. " Shh its okay its okay" he says as he slowly pulls out and lays down pulling me onto him soothing my back . Crazy how he can go form rough as fuck and dominate too sweet and calm the next second . I relax into him as tears still fall from my eyes and my breathing starts to slowly go back to normal. My entire body is shaking and my pussy is pulsing from the abuse it just took from his huge dick.
After probably and hour i've calmed down and my body has stopped trembling . " Let's get you cleaned up" he says before picking me up and bringing me to the bathroom . He sets me on the toilet so I can pee and starts a bath for me . I finish my business and slowly stand stumbling over to the tub . He helps me in and then gets in behind me letting me lean back into his chest and he soothes my hair. " You doin okay?" he asks quietly " more than okay" I say smiling and he pulls me closer keeping his arms wrapped around me.
We lay in the bath comfortable in silence letting the water relax our muscles . " You ready to get out and go to bed?" he asks and I nod sleepily . He helps me out and drys me off before we both climb into bed fully naked not having the energy nor really wanted to put on clothes. He turns off the lights and pulls me close .
I fall asleep within minuets feeling his warmth wrap around me like a blanket of comfort .
I genuinely cant believe this I say reality right now , I wanted this man for years and I finally have him . I will also say that older guys do it better which I fully expected but tonight really showed me that its true. I cant wait to see where this all goes but for now i'm happy .
Her you guys goooooo! I finally got my shit together and finished this part !
Lova ya 🫶🏼💋
@imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @sturniolonmc @blahbel668 @sturnxp
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 20
Grabbing Chinese take out on the way home, we settled on the couch.  I started flipping through the movies, but Sarah stole the remote and put on Crimson Peak.  As it started up, Sarah emailed her boss letting him know she would be working from home tomorrow.  Surprisingly, he was either on his computer or had been checking his emails via phone because she received a response just a few minutes later stating that was fine.
It turned out we were too knackered to finish the movie and turned it off about half way through.  Even though she was working from home the next day, Sarah said she would do a movie marathon with me while working because she had that talent to be able to work while watching movies.
“And before you say anything, I’m declaring a Hiddles marathon!  All the hits: Only Lovers Left Alive, Thor Ragnarok, maybe War Horse and The Deep Blue Sea.  Maybe after my appointment the following day, we can binge watch The Night Manager.”
I was not one to argue with a Hiddles marathon.  It had been a while since we two had one.
That night I had dreams that I was dancing with him.  Well, not so much dancing as stepping on his toes.
“It took Mia and myself forever to learn these moves.  I’m pretty sure I remember most of them.”
He kept trying to lead, and I kept trying to follow along but continued to mis-step, trip, or just plain run into him.  It was frustrating because I wanted to learn it, but we were both laughing so hard that it eventually just became too hard to focus, especially when I fell and took him down to the floor with me.
What Tom tried to hide was that he was missing steps himself.  It had been quite some time since the movie had been filmed, but he finally fessed up when we landed on the floor.
“I’m so sorry!  I don’t think I’ll ever get this,” I said.
“It’s my fault, really.  It’s been so long.  I thought I could fake my way through the parts I couldn't remember but evidently not.”  It took a few minutes for us both to calm down before I was able to get off the floor.  “How about a nice slow dance instead?”
I heartily agreed.  He changed the music, and I suddenly heard Elvis Presley singing “I can’t help falling in love with you” followed by some more slow songs we loved until the music stopped as his phone died, but neither of us cared, continuing to sway to the silent music.
When I woke up, it was very early morning.  The sun was barely starting to peak out, and I didn’t want to get up.  After tossing and turning for the next half hour or so, I finally just gave up, sat next to the window, and watched the sun rise.
O Mistress mine, where are you roaming?  
O stay and hear! your true-love’s coming  
My ears perked up at the sound of his voice, and I swore that for a moment I could see his reflection in the window.  When I flipped around, no one was there.  Looking back at the window, his reflection was gone, and tears started to stream down my face.  Rather than face the day, I went back to bed, curling up and hugging one of my pillows.  For a moment or two, it smelled like citrus and musk, and I never wanted to let that pillow go.
When Sarah finally woke up about 2 or 3 hours later, I was still in the same position, the occasional tear still falling but now hitting the pillow.  I was willing the scent to return and didn’t care how crazy I looked constantly sniffing a pillow.
“Um, breakfast?”
Shaking my head a bit, she decided movie day would be relocated to my room.  She left to get extra blankets and pillows when she got a call from Dr. Fell’s office.  So they set up an appointment for tomorrow morning.  Now that she had an appointment set, she reached out to her boss to take another day off, citing she had to go into the doctor’s office for tests to which he obliged and wished her good luck and saying he hoped everything would be ok.
Once taken care of, she brought the pillows and blankets to my room only to leave again for the kitchen, grabbing all the good junk food that didn’t require a fridge/freezer and set it up within reaching distance along with water, juice, and other beverages.  Once set up, she settled in on the other side of my bed and started the big movie marathon, starting off with Kong: Skull Island.  Not even 10 minutes into the movie, I was finding the citrus/musk smell returning to the pillow again, closing my eyes for a few moments to enjoy it while I could.
When I opened my eyes, I was no longer holding on to the pillow, but him and his shirt.  Figuring this was another lucid dream, I tugged on the shirt to bring him closer to me which startled him, waking him up.
“Oh my dear, I have missed you.”  He held me as closely as I wanted.  Anyone looking on would have thought we were trying to mold into one.  He placed his chin on top of my head and held me close but delicately, afraid that he might be the one dreaming.
“I like this dream,” I said, your eyes still closed.
“If this is a dream, I hope we can stay here forever,” he responded.
“Me, too.”  Smiling into his chest, I adjusted a bit but held onto him like a lifeline, him doing the same in return.
It was a few minutes before he spoke again.  At a loss for his own words, instead he sang.
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day
“Come what may” I repeated, not enough energy to sing.  He wrapped his hands around my face and kissed me lightly.
“Indeed, my love.  Come what may.  I will always be here, and I will never, ever give up.”
“Can I stay here?  Like this?  So comfy.”
I could hear his sniffles mixed with a slight laugh.  “Of course my darling girl.  We can stay like this for however long you like.”
Lifting my head back up, I looked up at him and his face moved towards mine.  Moving slowly, I kissed him because if this was a dream, I was going to kiss this man as much as I could.  He returned the kiss, deepening it.  After a few minutes, we were forced to stop to catch our breath, and I nestled my head into the crook of his neck.
I wasn't sure why I was so exhausted in a dream, but I failed to notice that Tom had pushed the button to call for a nurse.  The nurse had peaked in seeing me awake, but by the time the doctor arrived, I had fallen back asleep.
Feeling someone shake me, I was irritated.  “Leave me alone……”
Sarah knew I had fallen asleep but didn't want me to end up awake all night.
“The movie is almost over.”
“smells good………….…mmmmm kisses………………”
“I’m not sure who you were snogging, but you seem to be in a better mood now.”
Opening my eyes, I was in my room turnt blanket/pillow fort, the last few minutes of Kong: Skull Island showing on the TV.
I smiled into the pillow and refused to let it go for the rest of the day, deeming it my good luck charm for dreaming.
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Chapter 21
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abusedandromeda · 5 months
Grey rocking vs Silent treatment
This memory pops up more often than some others and it’s probably because this is the first time the tides and vibes changed my (DID) system and my abuser so I figured putting it into words would be helpful and hopefully allow my brain to at least calm down with this memory (it ends on a positive note, promise).
So it started when I took the step to shave my head I think about a month after covid hit the states. I tried asking my birth parents about it but the main thing was “make that your motivation to lose weight so you’ll look better bald”. It was because my birth father had a fold on the back of his head that you could clearly see cuz he was bald. And they said I didn’t wanna look like him (yes, even he said it).
I’ll talk about it more in another post, but I fucking hated my hair. That mindset took both an emotional and physical toll on me. It not only nade me miserable but I also never took care of it. I spent 20 minutes max on it, which is barely enough time to wash even a third of my African hair. Never scrubbed my scalp, never combed it through from the scalp. It was like having a child I didn’t want, but I forced myself to keep because it made me look good.
Even though it wasn’t the safest option and I knew what the consequences were from both of my biological parents, I wanted to shave my head. It was an easy long term decision too, especially since I wasn’t given very many physical tools to take care of my hair. Was never taught how to braid it, how to make combing easier, etc. I wanted to also think about what I’d do after I left my abusers and shaving my head was not only cheaper, but less emotionally taxing. All my alters (I think only around 12 alters) were in on it too. They decided that we’d work together on the emotional fallout since it had been less than a year we started grey rocking.
So, I bought a shaving kit from Amazon, and less than a couple weeks later, I shaved my head. Didn’t tell my birth mother about it, even though now I wish I told her to her face that it was my body my choice, but we’ll get to the regrets later in another post). My alters told and promised her we would comb out our hair, but I didn’t even comb it at all. Didn’t even wash it. Just took a razor with no guard to the scalp, shaved that shit, and live streamed it on my previous twitter (which is now taken down).
I decided to tell my alters to tell my birth mother now so we didn’t have to deal with her in the morning. If I had dealt with it, I probably would’ve just told her “I don’t care at all what you say or what’s disrespectful. It’s my body and it’s my choice. If you’re offended by that, then maybe observe yourself”. But two of my alters, Nick (WHO IS NOW A FATHER BTW) and Fel (Felony) decided to fuck with her and say “it was a surprise for you, bestie!” (Disrespectful as hell💀) and “now we can go to the pool like you wanted, bestie!” (She used to drag us to the pool every other summer week even though we didn’t want to). To be fair, they did end it with “well, I’m happy with it, so I don’t care”. Then, we went to bed. Best sleep we had in a while over there.
The silent treatment happened immediately the morning after. Honestly, we were okay with that. Personally, I had gotten to a point where I hated her so much that I wished that she would’ve given the silent treatment the rest of the time we were there. My other alters felt the same. There were a few times she did explode at us for very very small reasons (I think it was for crumbs on her countertops or dog poop in the yard, but I can’t remember), but we still kept calm and continued the grey rock method instead of what my 7th grade self would’ve done, which was kiss up to her.
There were a couple times she yelled at us to say “good morning” because it was “polite” even though she didn’t do the same during her silent treatment and she would’ve just ignored us if we did. Either way, we didn’t do any of that, since it was against the grey rock method. You don’t reach out to your abusers, they reach out to you. Act like an NPC.
Obviously, yes, it still did hurt. The little kid in me felt destroyed that my own birther didn’t like my new hair cut. I was kind of hoping she said I looked beautiful with it. I felt more ugly than I had before during that time period. I felt so naked and so judged during that time. But, the grown up version in me said that if I was only beautiful according to her own controlled version of me, then those weren’t compliments. Those were just tools to control. That’s why I never kissed up to her or demanded her to pay attention to me just like in 7th grade. Because that is not a mother’s love, that’s a tyrant’s force. I was glad she didn’t try and change her tune so late into my life because it only reinforced the fact that she would’ve never accepted the happy version of me. I was only “beautiful” as long as I did what she asked.
The only reason why I still regret what I did was because of my mom. I’d like to clarify that my mom and birth mother are two different people. My mom is part of my DID system. Yes, I am unofficially adopted, but she’s been an amazing mom. She understands my struggles, but doesn’t spoil me. She gives me space, but picks me back up when I do fall over. To give you a better understanding, her name is Windfall and she’s a tall, muscular alien. Not…not like a foreigner but like an actual alien…that’s not from Earth.
She’s the type of energy terfs really hate. She does boxing as a hobby, she used to be a guardian for her city back on her planet (defends her city from colonization), and used to have very bad anger issues that she’s worked on since we left my abusers (although it does come back full force if someone messes with me or my other two siblings). She damn near hospitalized her most recent ex (also part of my system) because she tried to emotionally manipulate me and my siblings. She gave me the name Andromeda because she thought of my imagination as vast as the galaxy itself, my mind as bright as the stars, as my personality as attractive as a black hole, my mood as constantly changing as all the planets combined, and myself as beautiful as the universe itself. It’s corny, but she really does love my siblings and I.
So my mom at the time was a protector. She was the only one due to the fact that there were so few alters. Nowadays, I think we have 10 protectors, which definitely would’ve been more helpful at the time but I was also a young system still learning to communicate with my other alters. The problem was that just because grey rocking was being used less doesn’t mean the job was done for all alters. Most of the stress fell on my mom, who was not only in charge of protecting us physically just in case my birth mother did make promise on her multiple threats to end my life but to also warn of the other alters of any incoming blow ups from my birth mother.
My mom had to read my birth mother more often. She had less to go on now that my birth mother wasn’t talking. It was a stressful task. I don’t even think she slept much during that silent treatment because she wanted to protect us so much. When I say the toll it took on my mom, I really wanted to do what my 7th grade self did, even if it wouldn’t work. I didn’t care about my birth mother, but I loved my adoptive mom like my own mother. I didn’t want to see her so stressed out like that even if it was her job and she grew up protecting others the same way. While my alters were happy they didn’t have to talk to my birth mother as much, and I was too, I didn’t want my mom to be so stressed out over protecting us.
But, my mom told me to keep grey rocking. She told me that as a mother, she’d understand if I gave in, but as a person (or alien in this matter lmao), she’d never ever forgive me. Another thing about my mom is that she’s really competitive. It goes along amazingly with her anger issues. She REALLY hated my birth mother. There was also something in it for herself. She wanted to teach my birth mother a lesson that we weren’t that little kid anymore. My mom was there when I was in 7th grade. She saw how I begged for my birth mother to speak to me, only to be ignored. My mom wanted me to prove a point and make sure my birth mother knew that ignoring my body autonomy and hiding behind accepting my body autonomy as “disrespectful” wasn’t going to fly.
My mom really drove in the point that whatever energy someone gives you, you give right back. If someone ignored you, ignore them back. If someone gives you a gift, you gift back. If someone doesn’t invite you somewhere, don’t ask. Don’t chase after no one, try and text people back in a timely manner to give that mutual respect. This situation drilled into me to never give more energy to someone who doesn’t deserve, but to never give no energy to someone who gave me so much. So, I respected my mom’s wishes and never gave in.
I know this part was very personal, but I think most of my choices during this time was indirectly establishing my own boundaries. We didn’t want to take a huge step back when we came so far just with our new grey rock method.
Eventually, my birth mother was the one who broke the silence. There was no begging from us for her to talk to us, just her randomly starting to talk to us like nothing happened. I remember it was dusk and we had to clean the garage another month later. I’m not 100% sure why, but I can guess that she realized that no matter how much psychological pressure she pushed onto us, it wouldn’t make any difference. She found out one of her own tools had stopped working. She realized that we really didn’t care about her opinions on our body. The rare times someone actually won and it was us.
Funny enough, my alters were actually devastated because now they had to deal with her again😂😂. For the rest of us, it would’ve been better had she never talked to us until we finally left. But I’m pretty sure my mom slept for like 3 days after that. She was really tired. For her sake, I’m glad my birth mother gave in. It was so stressful for her.
So yeah, grey rocking vs the silent treatment. Grey rocking won in this case. Yes, it did leave a few emotional scars for me. I couldn’t look at the first pictures of my shaved head during those times for about a year because it was so triggering. Yes, it did ruin the experience. But now this situation is my personality, to give the same energy someone else gives me. Not to mention it established our bodily autonomy and I could bet it was jarring when she realized I was an actual person and not just her kid. Not sure if grey rocking works 100% against the silent treatment, but it definitely worked in this case.
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laffy-taffy-creations · 11 months
Day 19 peoples!!!!
This fic was cross-posted on AO3 here
Happy Birthday
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Floral Bouquet | Psychological | "I'm not as stupid as you think I am"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Words: 658
Warnings: heavy angst, mental spiraling, hurt no comfort, survivor's guilt
"Okay, well we're tired so we're gonna go to bed. Night Vee!" Kaminari called, dragging Kiri along with him.
I waved goodnight to them. I was alone. Finally.
I got up and turned off the TV, shutting everything down before going to the kitchen. It'd been a while since I baked anything.
I scraped together all I could remember about her. She liked chocolate, so chocolate cake is what I'm making I guess.
Eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla extract, water, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, veggie oil, milk, salt…
Okay, we did have everything. Now to make it. The continuous cycle of wet the drys and dry the wets… it was simple. Sweet. Just like her.
I put it in the oven.
Now we wait about 30 minutes. 30 minutes to think…
Another year passed… another year they've had to endure in that miserable place while I'm out here, living comfortably, like a normal person…
Another year has passed and they're all still in that place no one should ever be.
Another year has passed.
The oven dinged.
The cake was done.
I pulled it out. The pleasant aroma filled the room while I let it cool. I couldn't frost it now. I'd have to wait.
I sat down on the kitchen floor. The timer would tell me when it was ready to frost. I didnt want to think. I wanted to turn my brain off. I fell into these thought spirals so easily.
It'd been another year…
The timer dinged. I got up.
The frosting was still where I'd left it in the pantry. I got out the frosting supplies. I decided on a black base with purple detailing, as well as a few green highlights. Just like her hair, and her eyes.
It didn't feel right adding a small cat design on top, but at the same time, it did. I put a few different number candles on the cake. A 20, and a 7, separately.
I lit the candles.
"Usuku lokuzalwa oluhle, Sayovai."
…I didn't wanna think about it. Sayovai is 20 now…
It's been another year they've had to wait for me to save them. Another year of failing. Another year they've been hoping I'll come back.
I felt something on my face. I realized I was crying. I'm fucking crying…
Another year of torture, another year of praying… Another year of survival.
I broke down. Sobs racked my body. I didnt care if anyone heard me, I couldn't believe I'd been such a let down.
Another year I've failed to save them.
I took some deep breaths. I still had to blow out the candles for her.
Pull yourself together 3. We promised her.
We promised her.
It took a bit, but I managed to calm myself to some extent. I blew out the candles for her. There you go, Sayovai.
I got out a knife. No sense in wasting cake. I took out the candles. I cut myself a slice.
I put the rest of the cake in the fridge.
My fork slid through the piece I got for myself with ease. Maybe I was better at baking than I remembered.
I brought the piece to my lips, but I couldnt eat it. I couldn't bring myself to eat it.
7 will never get to eat this cake. Do it for her.
I put it in my mouth.
It was sweet. The texture was nice.
Another bite.
Then another.
And another.
Usually I love chocolate cake. I didnt bother questioning why this was so much more difficult to eat. I already knew the answer.
It took everything I had not to outright sob while eating. That'd make me choke, then who would save them?
I finally finished the piece. Deep breaths Vee…
"Usuku lokuzalwa oluhle, Sayovai…" I repeated. It was a lie.
Until I got them out, it would never be happy.
Kuze kube unyaka ozayo. Sengathi wena nabanye ningahlala niphephile.
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a-deceived-pigeon · 1 year
It was prom night. Or more accurately, prom night had just ended, the electrical buzz of excitement and the booming of the music fading into the background of the students’ consciousness, slowly being replaced by the comparatively calm melodies of the late night.
Almost all the kids in one friend group had gone home, either dropped off, picked up, or had driven themselves home.
Two remained, waiting in the driveway of their friend. One wore a vibrant red dress, shoulders exposed with a slit running high up the left leg. She wore a grey felt long coat.
The other wore a dark blue dress, sleeveless and flowing with a delicate tulle from waist to feet. A floral, lacey top portion was separated from the rest of the dress by a band of tulle which gave the dress an extra detail that drew the eye. A matching scarf seemed to have been abandoned earlier in the night and this girl did not have a coat.
These kids were Laurel and Amari, respectively, standing in the chilly night air waiting for Amari’s ride home. Laurel had her own car but wanted to make sure Amari was picked up safely first, and that she had company until then.
They chatted a bit but mostly stood in silence. At some point, Laurel glanced over at Amari, noticing her holding her arms in a bundle.
“Are you cold? Here. Wear this.”
Amari jumped to decline the offer, “Oh no, it’s okay! I’m good!”
But Laurel was already slipping the coat from her shoulders, insisting, “No please use it. I don’t get cold easily anyway,” she added with a smile.
Amari hesitantly but thankfully took the coat, accepting Laurel’s offer as she swung the coat around her own shoulders.
They continued to stand and wait. Perhaps it had been as much as 30 minutes, certainly longer than either had originally anticipated when Laurel had an idea.
“Wait. Why don’t we… just wait in my car?”
They turned and looked at each other for a moment of silence, blank disbelief that neither had thought of the idea before, before breaking out in chuckles.
“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe we hadn’t thought of that!” Amari blurted out as they both walked quickly toward the more sheltered car that was sitting right there.
“I know, right?!” Laurel just as incredulously blurted out.
They both huddled into the white Prius and Laurel got it turned on, pressing the power button and cranking up the heat.
They sat there going back and forth with “Oh my gosh”es at the obvious solution that neither had even considered til then, cracking up at their own ignorance at such a fantastically fitting idea. It wasn’t even two minutes before Amari’s ride pulled up. Amari got out, bidding Laurel a good night as she carefully slid off Laurel’s coat into the passenger’s side chair she had just been sitting in. She ran up to her ride and waved goodbye, shouting goodnight to Laurel and wishing her to drive safely. Laurel returned the gesture, shouting goodnight and wishing the same safety.
With that, Laurel proudly took off her heels that she had resolved to herself that she would wear the entire night. She rolled down her window and drove back home, barefooted, in silence, tired but contented at the night, and slightly amused.
So wonderfully amused,
Hello hello! This is directly taken from a favorite memory my junior year of high school. I still can’t get over how neither of us throughout that time of waiting had thought to just wait in the car. Honestly, I can’t remember who proposed the idea so it can go either way! Looking back, I also think I could have just offered to take her home myself. Maybe that idea was proposed? And maybe there was a reason this wouldn’t have worked? Or maybe we just both thought her ride was coming very soon and didn’t think too much of it. All in all, all that mattered was that eventually we both got home safely and got a fun little memory to take from that night :)
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venus-pjo · 2 years
The Halfblood Chronicles- Part 5
I scanned the jungle for movement. I had started the mission maybe an hour ago. I wasn't a human right now, but a eagle. There! I swear i saw some movement down by that old temple. I swooped down onto the roof. A grubby boy, maybe around 11-12 was sitting on an old part of the temple. Poor kid. I felt bad for him so i appeared infront of him. This way i got a better look at him and i wouldn't be stalking. He looked panicked but he didn't say anything. 'hey, hey, its okay, i'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help, whats your name?' I smiled at him. He calmed down and pointed to a carving in the walls of the temple. 'Cyrus' I picked him up and teleported to some place safe. I was surprised to see my dad and Myth. 'Deirdre! Woah, so to put it short, i sort of recognize him' Myth explained, a bored expression on their face. 'I will take care of him' Dad took him from me and took him of to the bathroom, i don't know how i knew that, i just did. 'Why was i sent here? I meant to teleport to the kampidescopian palace' i murmured. 'Oh! Thats because i found you mission buddies! There names are Octavia and Adeline!' Myth grinned, obviously happy with the idea of me having 'Mission buddies'. But again, who would refuse new friends? Not me. Suddenly a short redhead in a maid dress entered the room. 'Deirdre, this is Adeline' Myth gestured to her. Another girl entered the room, this time she was tall, tanned and had black hair. 'My name, is Octavia' She smiled at me. 'Okay, so they will join you 2 days into the quest, and it hasn't even been an hour yet' Myth explained to us. AJ the needy dog strutted happily into the room. He nodded at us like he was some sort of extra fancy president. A cloud of violet appeared around me. I waved goodbye as i evaporated into dust. The last thing i heard was distant male laughter, and the feeling that i had forgotten something important…..
I let out a deep breath as my opponent fell on his face, dead. I kicked his face for good measure. I transformed into a crow and began to hide among a load of fellow crows who had been flying peacefully above. It was nice being strategic and smart. I dived down to my hide out as we flew above it. I made an amazing landing, and spent a generous few minutes giving myself compliments. I shape shifted back to a human, testing my arms and legs for a sec, good, they still work. I got down on the ground and grabbed the sideways wooden ladder. I pulled myself right down a small slanted space into an area that looked like the inside of a large cabin. I stood up and helped myself to the blueberry muffins that Raven had sent me. Each tasted better then the last, i only had three out of 20, even though she sends them every day. I changed out of my sweaty leather clothes and into a more comfortable outfit. Dang, this was boring. I was scrolling through Pinterest when i heard footsteps above me, meaning someone was walking on the grass roof. I pulled on my helmet and grabbed my spear. I transformed into a snake, and proceeded to slither up the slanted opening. As i reached the vine covered exit, i heard a voice, it was talking to someone through something i couldn't see, about invading Blouna. If i was a human, my face would be purple with rage, then again, if i could blush as a snake, i wouldn't put purple faces past it. I went down a secret passage and quickly got to another, smaller opening, not only could i hear them and the other person better, but i could also do a quick and stealthy attack. 'They think i'm dead, hah! I cannot wait to see the look on blondies face!' An annoyingly familiar voice laughed through the device. The man who had been walking around the roof snorted. I just couldn't tell whos voice the first one was, it was right there… Ugh, lemme guess, i won't remember till i'm a ghost. Maybe…..Nah, i watched her die, theres no way….but…NO! I scolded myself silently. Wait- i'm guessing y'all want a description of the dude. Well he has the weird loki style hair, and mustard yellow eyes. The realization suddenly hit me. Luciano, i recalled, was supposed to be our new enemy. Sweet, i can kill him before a war starts! With a sudden swift movement, he had me by the neck in human form. 'Stupid girl, think you can hide from me' he said it with a smile, creepy…. Okay. He threw me into a tree, hard. A loud crack etched a scream out of me. Flip, he broke my leg. I cursed as he neared me, grabbing me by the head, he smashed it into the tree. I began to feel incredibly dizzy, as my sight darkened The last thing i heard was Luciano laughing on the phone to his friend.
Want to know how i feel? Here you go; Dajjgsjgdsyfmdkyfkugdgkdukdhgdktudtujugdjfydjjydtydtjrsjysktu. Perfect answer after nearly dying, eh? I missed Lydia, alot. I'd forgotten about Zia, if I'm completely honest. I've only been on my quest for one day, and the healing of my current injuries would take up to two months, aka more time then the whole mission. So i decided to take matters into my own hands. I mostly healed myself with my powers, i still had a good few, horrible bruises. I moved my hideout without telling anyone, luckily since the magical post box was inside the hideout, i would still be getting Ravens brownies. After i did that, i began training all my powers to find out what they all were. Turns out i had so many exciting ones, from shapeshifiting, to invisibility, to live bombs!!! It was so cool, knowing i could do anything at this point. I also had the power of creation, so what did i do? Of course i did what everyone would do, create a ready trained husky and an army of flying hamsters who sing opera as they scratch your eyes out, who also breath fire and pee poison acid. I had completely forgot to warn Valerie and Varian, but who care, they were busy preparing for war anyways. So was every other person at my new home, thats my life for ya! Stupid lonely feelings, making me home sick. Oh, and in case you're confused, my live bomb power means i can explode myself and i'll be untouched. Gods, i really wished i used that on o'l luci. I meant Luciano, by o'l luci, by the way. I was really looking forward to the war, so i can test them hamsters, i also made Guinea pig editions of them as well. So i have lots of new powers to try. I feel so damn overpowered and i love it. I can literally stand beside someone, explode, and be completely untouched while the other person would have been ashes beside me. As long as they don't get in my eyes, hair, mouth, up my nose or down my clothes, then i have no problem with making people explode. I had also found out that Maziar had magical abilities as well, like teleportation, he had immortality, invisibility and had the ability to turn into a ring. That was currently in my pocket. I decided to name my husky Edric, because why not. Edric had one power, flight, but i could make him invisible with a single touch so that doesn't matter. If I'm honest, I'm getting quite lonely, Octavia and Adeline haven't showed up yet. Wait- Its because they don't know where i am! Jeez, i forgot about them when i moved, oopsie. Y'know what? I have the power of creation, i am in need of human company, or i'll die of loneliness, why don't i just make a person? I walked over to my desk, opening the draws one by one, to gather the paper and pencils. To make something i had to either get an image of them or draw them, so i decided to make them as tall as me, a brunette, pink eyes. I was tempted to make him buff as heck, but decided against it, so he still had a soft touch, like you could totally fall asleep in his arms. I spent a good few hours working on his past, personality and powers. I made him 15, like me, noice. Then it all came down to his name, Cecil vesper. Perfect. I let out a happy giggle as i completed the ritual. In the morning, i would have a hot guy to drool over! Eeek! Oh….yeah, i have a girlfriend already. Oopsie. The familiar white glow around the paper made me squel for a second time. Wait, sleep will make the process speed up, as i realized that, i jumped into bed without a second thought. Falling asleep immediately.
'Hello? Miss lady? Where are we?'. An adorable, airy, male voice woke me up. 'Hi, Cecil, right? I'm Deirdre, and we are a mission' I explained, happy that i could create people with my powers. He nodded and slumped back on a bean bag chair. I was slightly tempted to make a second person but then the voice of reason in my head warned me of my tiredness from creating. I regenerated as much energy as i could and began my search. As quick as possible i jumped of the roof in a pencil dive, it seemed incredibly dangerous, but i transformed into an eagle and flew towards rows of buildings in the near distance. Cecil waved goodbye, as he flew of in the other direction to meet Moon and gather supplies for himself. Currently leaving me in silence, apart from the leaves on the trees rustling quietly. I missed Lydia, alot. I had to hope she wasn't dead, but just to make sure, i landed on a near branch of a large thick tree. I hit it three times with my fist and whispered the incantation. Suddenly, right where my fist had clashed with the wood, a circle screen appeared, showing Lydia talking on the phone to someone. When she saw me, she looked strangely panicked at the sight of me. Probably just didn't expect it. 'Deirdre! Whats up?' She slowly put her phone away. 'Nothing much, you?'. We continued to talk about random stuff till whoever she had been on call with before called her again. 'Sorry, i've got to go, Levi's calling me back!' yet i could tell that it wasn't Levi. Aka the hottest soldier at Moons palace. He had a long-ish black wolfcut, and electric blue eye, tanned skin and the same figure as Cecil, he had strangely out-turned ears, which were pierced with small, chunky, Silver hoops. I never spoke to him when i was at Moons place, in my defense, no one ever did. But for some bizarre reason every single person thought he was the hottest person on earth. I flew down through the trees and once again landed on a palace roof. This time i had no clue who owned the place though. But i did know one thing, i had finally reached my destination.
Clinging to a windowsill while chewing on a locket in the middle of the night was not what i expected to be doing on my usual Sundays. But here i was, clambering into the palace for the second time. Because i was in there for an hour before, just as i was stealing the enemies enchanted locket, then a flipping alarm went of. So i had to jump out the window. It annoyed me more then them murdering innocent people. Actually, that is incorrect, it did annoy me more that they were murderers, but at the time i was to busy escaping to realize what i had been thinking. Back to now, heh. I clambered back into the dark room, this time to hide a camera. I hid it right above the door and pressed on. This was gonna be good. I slipped under the door in the form of a spider, a sudden idea popped into my tiny head. Grenades. I scuttled away under doors till i found a small basement. I cackled evil-y as i summoned them, this was gonna be very good. I happily skipped away from an exploding building, listening to the satisfying screams of my enemies as they experienced excruciatingly painful deaths. fun. Suddenly, i felt like a psychopath. I had killed my traitor best friend out of anger, then i demolished a castle, that….still had innocents in it! I shape shifted into an eagle and flew as fast as i could towards the building. I managed to save 3 innocents. But when i was going to check for more, a grenade exploded nearby and everything went dark.
'Camie! Shes waking up!' An unfamiliar male voice shouted from my left. Footsteps and voices was all i could hear before my vision went blank again. A while later i woke up properly. I was surprised when someone helped me sit up. 'who?…where?' I was once again surprised when my voice sounded weak and…. How do i say this? Dry, i guess. 'Easy now, easy…I'm Perseus' He smiled warmly. As my vision came into view, i realized that he was actually quite cute. He had sandy hair, gold-ish eyes, a warm smile and a fair complexion. 'And were at this hideout place your friend, Cecil, brought us to' He explained. As he was speaking, a tall girl entered the room. I nearly fainted she was so hot. She had long, curly, rich brown hair, and her eyes were hazel. She was wearing an open red flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, and plain ripped jeans. I had a feeling she was judging me, you can't blame me, she looked the type to judge in my defense. Thats when i realized that everyone i met was hot….or cute…except Luciano. 'This is Cameron winch the salmon witch' Perseus grinned as he introduced her. 'Perce, that doesn't make any sense' She deadpanned. A girl walked in from behind her. She was short and tanned, with blonde princess-like curls, and beautiful rouge colored eyes. She was wearing a knee-length lacy soft pink dress, with a low neckline and short, loose, sleeves. Another idea popped into my head as i looked at all three of my saviors. 'I'm Azalea!' The blonde smiled and tilted her head from side to side. 'Jeez, leah, calm down' Perseus laughed at her hyper tone. I realized only now that i had saved these people…how long ago?. 'So… How long was i out for?' I questioned, dreading the reply. 'Three days' Cameron explained as Azalea plaited her hair. 'And why did Perseus call you the Salmon witch?' 'because hes an idiot' 'Oh- that makes a lot of sense'. Azalea and Cameron came over and plonked down on my bed. I already had felt a strange urge to protect them. Suddenly i didn't remember a damn quarter of the people at… Whats it called again? Loons palace? I can't even remember. I was dragged out of my thoughts when the familiar smell of steak wafted into the room. 'Dinners ready!'
Weeks past, and we became closer over time. I felt like i finally fit in, like i wasn't third-wheeling anymore. Something about them drew me in. A few days ago, Azalea had gone to look around the area, and found a guy. So he was also part of our group. But he was the creepy quiet kind so we avoided him as much as possible.
We were now sitting in a circle as i told them my idea. They seemed surprised that i would want them to have powers. 'Okay, so Perseus, your up first'. He scooted closer to me. I put my hands on his shoulder and automatically started mumbling incantations and affirmations. His eyes began to glow like a white fire and he floated a few feet above the ground before dropping to the floor again, coughing. 'What was that?' He asked strangely excited. 'I gave you enhanced intelligence, telekinesis and fire' I explained. 'Cameron your next!'. I repeated the process and smiled as she dropped to the ground. 'You got water manipulation, freeze and you can explode!'. Her eyes widened in excitement as i told her what she got. 'And finally, Azalea' She crawled forward excitedly. I placed my hands on her shoulders, my inner child squealing happily as i did the thing that made me sound like i was being possessed by a strangled fish. She floated up and dropped down, the fuscia colored glow fading as she grinned. 'And you got air manipulation, Energy blast, and-' i frowned. 'I don't know the third power, i can't tell what it is'. She just smiled and said that she could figure it out later. We all nodded. 'We should all go train, me and the guy Percy found, percy and Zay, (Azalea), Cameron and Deirdre' Cecil stuck his head in the door. 'Wait! Let me give our new friend three powers!'. Cecil stepped out of my way as i bolted to the small kitchen, were the new guy was. I repeated the process and he dropped to the floor as the cyan glow disappeared. 'I gave you Hyper speed, hover, and Barrier creation' i finished. I felt tired from taking my powers and giving them to four people. 'Oh, and whats your name?' I asked him. 'Uh, Evren' He answered looking sad as he looked at me. 'What is it?' I answered confusing overflowing from my voice. 'You see how the meaning of your name, in this world, can dictate your future, well, yours means Sorrowful' He sighed, 'i can't help but realize that you will have great sorrow' He stood up and left to train with cecil. What the actual heck just happened. I ran of to go train with Cameron to clear my mind.
'I'm 75 percent sure this won't explode on us' 'Why do you want to kill us' 'I don't!' 'Also you need to stop leaving dead bodies in the kitchen' 'Hey that wasn't me!' 'And i doubt that'. We listened to Perseus and Camerons intriguing arguement. Perseus had made some kind of vehicle, and Cameron expects him to murder us with it. Azalea and Cecil found it hilarious, but Evrens face stayed clear of any emotion. He was kind of intimidating to me. He had dark, emotionless eyes that made him look like he had no soul, and skin so pale he appeared to be made out of toilet paper, and His hair was the color of my grandmas ashes. But darker. Along with the fact that he was always wearing dark clothes. Who you tryna be? A moulding blackberry! Then i realized that everyone had gone quite, except Evren, who hadn't said anything since yesterday, when he told me i would go through stages of 'great sorrow', and it was all because of my name. 'What?' I asked my silent mission buddies. Evren grabbed my hand and dragged me into another room. 'Whats happening?' I was getting more confused by the second. He locked the door, trapping the others in the silent basement. 'We're under attack, they're currently possessed by a Loiytai' He explained, confusing me with the fancy monster names. 'Evren carwyn D'Angelo with Zelda fleur arden' A voice drawled. Confusion clouded both of our expressions. 'But Thats not my name?' I asked in concern. But Evren grabbed my arm and jumped out the window behind me, dragging me with him. Woah, i didn't know how pretty this view was…wait- how in earth are we flying? Oh yeah, Evren could fly. I had genuinely forgotten about that. We landed outside a large, old looking house. 'This was my moms house, she died, to a freak with the last name "Berman", i will avenge my mother someday'. I tried to ignore the what he had said, when suddenly i was reminded of his middle name. 'Carwyn…Carwyn?!' I burst out in hysterics.' 'Your a weirdo' He laughed with a smile. 'Blessed love' 'Flower'. We both burst out in hysterical laughter. Surprisingly, Evren was smiling. 'What does my first name mean?' I asked, badly wanting to know. 'It means gray fighting maid' He pushed some of my hair out of my face. We stared at eachother for a moment more. We stood back and he looked at my hair. 'Ummm, Flower? Your hair is turning red, like blood red'. He took my hand and led me to a mirror. I nearly fainted when i saw myself. Not only had my blondness shrank to only my roots, and the rest of my hair was blood red. I had a deep tan and clear skin with a huge scar that went from my hairline to my jaw. Evren put a hand on my shoulder. 'Calm it, flower' He laughed into my hair. I couldn't help but smile. I really wasn't the tall, blonde with a face full of acne i used to be. Thats when i realized that he was calling me flower. 'Okay, and i have something that i think you'll like'.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
Collide pt 6
Summary: Wanda went She Hulk and snatched you away from the government officials threatening to take you. WTF?
“Wanda, what the hell was that?! You can’t just kidnap me!” You yell at a naked Wanda who is too busy freaking out at the fact that moments ago she was 8 feet tall and green to notice the slight breeze. 
“I am so sorry. I don’t know how it happened. They were threatening to take you away and I was just getting so angry and everything happened so fast, it’s a blur. I didn’t-”
“Okay, Wanda. Breathe,” you interrupt. Yelling at her wasn’t going to help anyone and you didn’t need her new alter ego to make another appearance and make the situation worse. 
You want to hold her to calm her down but you don’t think that would be called for at the moment. So you just ask her to copy you as you breathe in and out deeply. Once she’s calmed down enough, you tell her, “I appreciate the apology and I know everything is confusing right now, but we’ll figure it out together, okay?”
She nods. You look around. You are very much in the open but fortunately for a very exposed Wanda no one is around. 
“Now, let’s get you some clothes. Let’s not add indecent public exposure to the kidnapping, yeah?”
Wanda looks down at her body and sure enough, she’s very naked. With all the commotion, she hadn’t noticed her clothes had ripped off and were scattered on city blocks. She blushes and tries her best covering up. You take off your jacket and remembering you have a sports bra on, you take your shirt off too, offering them to Wanda. 
She snatches them from you quickly, trying her best not to reveal anything, again. “Thank you. Can you turn around?”
“Are you serious?”
She gives you a look that tells you she is very serious. You roll your eyes playfully and turn around dramatically. As she changes into your clothes, she jokes, “Hey, I guess now we’re even.”
You know she’s referring to the first time you stepped foot on the 87th floor, very naked, for everyone to see. You scoff, “This isn’t even close to being even. If I recall correctly, you had me pinned down ready to end me and Bruce, Nat, and Tony were there for the show.”
“So what I’m hearing is you want me naked under you. Oh! And with an audience,” she says. You choke on your words and she giggles, coming around to face you. She’s entirely too pleased with herself. 
“Let’s go smartass,” you manage to say, bumping into her shoulder as you begin your walk back to the tower. She chuckles and jogs to catch up with you. You make your way out of the park Wanda took you both to. You see people and they are staring at Wanda, which made sense since it’s evident by the way she’s using the zip up sweater as a skirt that she isn’t wearing anything under.
“Maybe we should go invisible,” you suggest. 
“You couldn’t have thought of that before people saw me like this?” she complains, motioning to her apparel. 
“Sorry if my brain is a little slow. I’m still recovering from the way you manhandled me, grabbing me like I was a sack of potatoes,” you defend yourself. 
“I’m never going to live that down,” Wanda whines. 
“It happened like 20 minutes ago. Give it a moment,” you tell her, reaching out to grab her hand. She allows you to hold it and do your thing but the thing doesn’t seem to happen. 
“Any day now, Y/N,” she mutters.
“I’m trying. I don’t know why it’s not working. I can’t even get myself to disappear,” you explain. Then you realize you know what is happening. You just never thought it could happen. You release her hand. “Oh, no.”
“What?” asks Wanda. 
“Yeah, unless you learn how to do it right now, we’re just going to have to walk back like this.”
“Because it seems you’ve taken my power and all the abilities I acquired with it,” you inform her.
“It’s the only logical explanation I can come up with. My powers aren’t working and all of a sudden you can go Wanda Smash in the conference room. My guess is the last time I gave you your abilities back, I gave you a little extra. Come on, let’s keep walking,” you order. 
She follows close behind you. She stays quiet, mulling this over, and a quick solve comes to her head. “Wait, can’t I just give it back to you? Problem solved.”
She tries to grab your arm but you swing it out of the way. She stares at you, confused. You shake your head. “We don’t know how this works. This is the first time this has happened. We don’t know that I can return Bruce’s ability back to him. Maybe it has to be you because you took it. So let’s wait until we get back. Safer than sorry. I’d really hate to be stuck with that ability. I don’t think my bank account could handle having to buy new clothes after every time I get riled up.”
Wanda runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. She takes a deep breath before she agrees with your reasoning. When you finally reach a sidewalk, you grab a taxi to take you and Wanda back to the tower. 
“Stark Tower, please.”
The ride is silent for the most part. There is one little incident where the taxi driver gets a bit distracted staring at you or rather your body through the rear view mirror. Wanda notices this and feels herself getting upset. You see this and worry about this turning into another problem.
“Sir, the light,” you tell him. A car honks, snapping him out of it and he quits staring at you. You rest your hand on her sweater clad thigh and try to calm her down. She looks at you and reading the look you return, she takes a deep breath and unclenches her jaw. Though she visibly relaxes and the rest of the ride is uneventful, you practically dive out of the taxi when you get there. 
There is a crew cleaning up Wanda’s mess already. You both look up to check the damage. You whistle. “Holy shit.”
She snorts. You look at her with an arched eyebrow. She smiles, “Hole-y shit.”
You face palm. “That was terrible. Come on. Let’s go fix this.”
You start walking forward, but you stop when you don’t feel her presence. She is still standing where you left her. She looks scared to go back inside. You walk back over to her. “Hey, come on. It’ll be okay.”
“What if they take you?” Wanda voices her worry. 
“Then you and the team will find a way to get me back. Okay?” You start to head inside again but she stops you needing to say something. “Y/N, I don’t want you to go.”
You can’t help but smirk and look up at the hole. “Yeah, I think you made it pretty clear.”
“No, I mean, if they do take you, I don’t want you to go without knowing how I feel… about you,” she says, voice full of urgency like if she doesn’t do this now, she won’t ever build the courage to do it. “I like you. Like I really like you. I think I might even love you. Sorry, was that coming on too strong?”
You chuckle, “I think you passed ‘too strong’ when you snatched me and jumped out of a 93 story building.” 
She flushes at your teasing and averts her gaze to the ground, but if she had stayed looking at you, she would see the adoration on your face and your soft smile before you say, “I really like you too.”
The speed at which she looks back at you with hope in her eyes makes you giggle. She asks, just to make sure, “Really?”
“Really, really,” you confirm. “But-”
Her eyes dim a little and you rush to continue, “But as much as I want to kiss you right now, we should probably sort out the power stuff and figure out if I will be staying here or in a supermax prison.”
“Don’t joke about that, Y/N,” she says, not finding it humorous. “But I guess you’re right.”
“Always am,” you joke. “Now let’s go. We should save some shred of dignity and put on some clothes.”
You both head inside, giving people awkward smiles when they stare at you. It seems Micheal is working today. He rushes towards you to inform you, “Y/N. Wanda. There you are! I-”
His words get stuck when he sees Wanda’s makeshift outfit and deduces that she isn’t wearing anything underneath. You notice his stare and clear your throat to bring him back to focus. “Micheal?”
“Oh,” he blinks rapidly and remembers himself. “I should inform you that Mr Stark sent people to look for you.”
“Are the government people still up there?” you ask. 
“Um, no they left not too long after Mr Stark’s lawyers arrived,” he tells you.
Wanda relaxes at the news. She smiles gratefully at him, “Thank you, Michael.”
He blushes under her stare and sputters, “O-of course, Wanda. Anything for you- I mean just doing my job.”
You bite your cheek, trying not to laugh, but it doesn’t last. You finally let out your giggles in the elevator. Wanda turns her head to you, wondering what is so funny. You answer by repeating in a dreamy voice, “Anything for you, Wanda.”
She rolls her eyes at your teasing. “He did not say it like that.”
“You’re right. I didn’t put enough emotion into it,” you reply sarcastically. She shakes her head and you decide to tease her further. “You know he has a crush on you, right? Like an enormous crush on you.”
She smirks at you, “Is someone jealous?”
You return the cocky smile when you respond, “Why would I be when I know it’s me you really like?”
She blushes adorably but you can’t stare at her longer because you arrive on your floor. You step out to see some of the team there waiting for you both. 
“Oh my god! You’re here. What was that?” Nat notices you first.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Steve steps forward. He is about to touch Wanda but you quickly step in between. 
“Wait! No one touch Wanda right now,” you demand. 
“So, it’s true. She has your abilities and now she also has mine,” Bruce states. 
“Yep. I don’t know how the first part happened. That’s actually new. I haven’t taken mine back because we didn’t-”
“Didn’t know if you could return that to me,” Bruce finishes for you. “That makes sense.”
“Okay, so can we just reverse all this so it goes back to normal or our normal, please,” Steve asks. 
Wanda holds out her hand for Bruce to take, but he backs away. She stares at him confused. He says, “I don’t know. I finally have a break from having that guy around all the time. Maybe you could hold on to him longer?”
Wanda looks shaken. She didn’t want to do that. Just a few hours with Bruce’s alter ego and look at all the damage she’s done. She doesn’t know if she could do it.
Everyone can see Wanda internally freak out, so Bruce takes pity and tells her he’s joking. “I’m just kidding!”
Everyone sighs in relief. He scoffs, “Hey, I can be funny too. Nat told us what you did so I thought it only serves you right.”
“You’re an ass,” Wanda mutters and everyone laughs, you being the loudest one. They hold hands and like every time you’ve done it, it doesn’t look like anything special. 
“How do we know if it worked?” Steve asks. 
“We can try to make them angry,” you suggest. “Or maybe push him off the building and see if he turns.”
“Uh, no,” Bruce says immediately.
“We’d have Wanda catch you, obviously, if you don’t turn,” you reply.
“I mean it’s not necessary. It worked,” he says.
“How do you know?” Nat asks.
“I can just feel it. Like I felt a weird emptiness when he wasn’t there but I feel him again,” Bruce explains. 
Next up is you and Wanda. You hold her hand just like Bruce did, but you actually test out your powers to see if they are back. You use your go to power of invisibility. Holding up both hands, you see them and then you don’t. Wanda makes sure she has hers as well, playing with some energy floating at the palm of her hand. 
“Now that that’s solved, on to the next problem,” Nat sighs. 
As if on cue, you hear the elevator door open and see Tony step out with Rhodey. He gets right to business. “Rhodey, tell them who’s the man.”
“You’re serious?” he replies.
“He won’t say, so I will. Obviously, I am the man. Sabrina, Casper, don’t worry. Everything is taken care of. You can stay or go or whatever you wanted to do,” Tony declares. 
Everyone looks at you to see what you decide. “How can I go now when I just got a nickname from the man?”
“This kid gets it,” Tony says proudly, patting you on the back. “You just need to sign a few papers to make this all official. Welcome aboard.”
Everyone congratulates you on becoming a permanent member. You thank everyone sincerely for the support and sticking up for you when the government officials threatened to take you. 
“There is no need to thank us. You are a part of this team and we stick up for each other,” Steve says. 
The elevator opens once more. Sam steps out already talking, “I looked everywhere. I found some of Wanda’s clothes but- hey!” Sam finally notices you and Wanda in the room. “How long have you been here?”
“Like half an hour,” you shrug. 
“And no one bothered to let me know? I was looking everywhere for you two. Here are your clothes, Wanda.” He dumps what looks more like scraps of cloth than clothing at her. She lifts up a piece that you think was her shirt. Despite having all the pieces, you’re not sure it’s salvageable.
“Don’t worry. We can fix it. I’ve gotten pretty good at sewing things back up,” Bruce assures her. 
“I think this calls for celebration,” Tony announces.
“Of course it does. What doesn’t?” Rhodey says sarcastically.
“That’s the spirit! Everyone get changed, specifically these two troublemakers in front of me, and meet back here in 10,” Tony demands before heading back to the elevator. 
Everyone disperses, agreeing that a drink right now didn’t sound so bad. Before you can grasp the handle to your door, Wanda pulls you along with her to her room. She tells you to sit on her bed and wait there while she changes. She throws her ripped clothes on her dresser before looking for actual clothes to wear.
“Wanda, I need to change too,” you tell her. 
“Here, you can wear this.” She tosses you one of her sweaters before grabbing what she needs and heading to her bathroom to change. You throw it on and laugh, making sure she can hear you. “Already staking a claim on me, huh?”
“What? Never!” she denies but you can hear her giggles behind the door and then she comes out still wearing your shirt but now with your sweatshirt on properly. You smile seeing her so comfortable in your clothes. 
“Although you look great in my clothes, don’t you think it might give people the wrong impression?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“And what impression is that?” she challenges, tilting her head. 
“That you’re staking a claim on me,” you answer cheekily. “And I absolutely can’t have that.”
“Why is that?”
“Haven’t you heard? Someone on the team really likes me and I can’t have her think I’m taken,” you reply, smiling when she rolls her eyes at your choice of words.
“Is that so?” she shakes her head at your playfulness. 
“Yep. And I don’t want her looking elsewhere because I really like her too,” you say sincerely. 
She steps closer to you and reaches for your hand, squeezing it, before pulling it to wrap around her waist. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I hear she’s got it bad.”
“Poor Michael is gonna be crushed,” you joke, bringing your other hand on her hip and pulling her closer. She puts one hand on your shoulder and the other behind your neck. 
“Shut up and kiss me,” she demands before doing the work herself and leaning in to kiss you. You pick up the slack and you kiss her back, happily.
Yikes. took me far too long to come up with an ending for this one but nevertheless there it is. Thank you all for the patience on this story. Writer’s block is a dick. 
I hope I got everyone on the taglist. Let me know if you wish to be on a taglist for a specific story, Wanda taglist, or all stories. Thank you for reading.
Taglist: @ineedafinghug @starmako26 @musicinourlips @sapphic-girl @dandelions4us @frvny @romanoffomixam @olsensnpm @diaryoflife @anxietyisgreat @emril-osvigne @chaekhan @scarletswandawitch @imdreamingblo @xxromanoffxx
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idamariaw · 3 years
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A one-shot where you meet a british man, a bit clumsy for his own good sometimes but at least it brought him to you.
This is dedicated to @atlafan, Happy Birthday 🌸
The air was humid, warm and had a strong scent of your favourite jasmin bodywash as you carefully stepped out of the bathtub to continue to get ready for your date tonight. A date that you’ve been looking forward to all week and made it way easier to get through classes and exams, even though you didn’t know much about Harry yet. That was his name, Harry Styles.
You met him just over a month ago in the coffee shop near your apartment where you spend most off your afternoons to study or read, the earthy and warm environment having a calming effect and the staff always sweet. You were reading an article for your course in political science, Stevie Nicks ’Wild Heart’ playing with your notes and books neatly in a pile by your side as eveything sudden flew to the ground with a large thud. It startled you a bit and you took your headphones off to register what caused the mess while you heard a voice beneeth you along your dropped belongings,
”Shit! I-i’m so sorry. My guitar bag got stuck in the corner of your books, I really didn’t mean to.”
A mop of chocolate curls cought your eyes while speaking to you with his deep voice and keeping to apologize even though it didn’t matter, you knew it was an accident. After picking up your things he got up to his feet and you got the oppurtunity to really look at him now. Tall, broad build at the shoulders, skinny jeans with a button up in different patterns, curls to his chin and the most beautiful green eyes you’ve ever seen.
”I’m so fuckin’ clumsy, first time at this coffee shop and this happens.” Now you noticed he had an accent, a british one? Well if your cheeks weren’t burning before they sure were now.
”Oh no it’s okay! I promise. Accidents happen, i’m pretty clumsy myself so you’re not alone. I was getting zoned out on my work anyway so you helped me with that” You said with a smile to reasure you’re not irritated or anything.
”Thank you for trying to make me feel better, but your muffin got on the ground as well. Let me buy you another please?” He furrowed his eyebrows a bit and pouted his heartshaped lips and you just couldn’t say no.
”Oh and I’m Harry by the way, Harry Styles.”
After that you asked him to sit down with you and tried to give him a good impression of the shop although it’s caotic beggining. You learned that he actually was brittish, was majoring in English Literature, wrote music and sang covers with his band.
You met him every now and then the following weeks and after sharing a carrot cake with a latte a few days ago he finally got the courage to ask you what you thought about for weeks,
”Would you be willing to see me outside this coffee shop for dinner on Friday? Please?”
And here you were, freshly out the bath and in your closet looking for an outfit. It was early autumn and Harry said he’d pick you up at 6, so a leo printed long skirt and a sage green knitted sweather along with maroon converse and a bamboo knitted purse with some jewelry would work. A pretty little matching lace bralette and panties underneath just in case things would go that way. Just as you put on a layer of your strawberry flavoured lip gloss you heard the doorbell ring and your heart skipped a beat. You looked over yourself once more before getting your purse and rushed to the door.
There he stood, so good looking it almost made you angry, with his signature black skinny jeans, a black button up, brown boots, a tan coat and hair up in a bun.
”Hello darling, I’m sorry if i’m a tad early. These are for you by the way.” He came in for a hug and kissed your cheek as he handed you a bouquet of red roses and you got a chance to take in his strongly scented perfume that consumed your senses.
”No I was just ready so it’s okay! Wow thank you, i’ve never gotten flowers before. I’m just gonna put these in a vase and I’ll be right with you.” He furrowed his eyebrows a bit as he leaned against the treeshold.
”Really? Hm I’ll remember that then. I’ll just wait by the car, we’re going for a drive about 20 minutes away if that’s okay. Take your time darling.”
As said, he waited by the car and opened the door for you on the passenger side and then you were on you way.
”Can I have a guess at where we’re going? Dinner somewhere maybe?” You asked even though you didn’t really have any but you’ve always loved surprises and he didn’t even know that.
”Well you can guess darling but i’m not sure you’re gonna figure it out that easy. But yes, we will have dinner in a way.” He answered you with a crooked smirk, showcasting his dimples.
After the 20 minute drive he parked by a black steele double gate leading the way to something you were quite familiar with but haven’t visited in ages.
”The botanical garden?” You asked surprised while Harry opened the door for you to step out.
”Yeah, is that alright with you? I figured as you like the atmosphere at the coffee shop so much this could be nice.” He said a bit shyly.
”Are you kidding me? Ofcourse I love it, I used to be here as a kid with my parents a lot but haven’t been in ages!”
”Thank god, I got nervous there for a second. I’m just gonna get some things in the car but you can start walking up and I’ll meet you at the front.” He said as he started to pick some things out from the back.
You felt giddy and excited as you approach the building and started to walk up to the front like Harry told you. It was when you came to the entrance that you noticed it’s closed and locked. Did Harry know this? Then you felt a hand at the small of your back and the smell of his perfume announced his presens as you turned around and what you saw made you melt to a puddle inside. The guitarbag was secured aganist his back and in his arms he held a picnic basket with a blanket and filled with all kind of goods.
”An evening picnic at the botanical garden with some live music, can’t go wrong with that can we?” He said with a cheeky shrug even though you could sense the nerves in his eyes.
”Seriously? That’s so nice Harry, oh my god. It’s to much to be honest. But how do we get in? And is it even aloud?” You didn’t want to doubt him or his plans but you couldn’t help it as it was actually closed.
”Hm don’t need to doubt me darling. I know the owners son as I helped him with a poem analysis in our class so he owned me a favour.” He explanied as he fished up the key in his coatpocket and opened the door with ease.
The setting and environment was everything you remembered from when you were younger and visited this place, green and thriving plants and vegetation everywhere, even a little pond in the middle with a fountain. The ceiling was made of pure glass so you could clearly see the sky that began to darken and stars starting to shine through, it was breathtaking.
”I was thinking we could set up and get up these stairs close to the roof to we get the best view.” You heard Harry speak up as he lead the way up to a white spiral stair that got you to a spot near the roof to spread out everything and sit comfortably.
He really didn’t spare anything on the food or drink, a nice rosé wine, fruits and berries of all kinds and a fancy charcuterie board.
”Harry I hope you know that you didn’t really need to do so much for our date, a romcom with a burger and fries would have been just as nice. But I really appriciate this, thank you so much.” So said honestly because it was true, just being with him was more than enough.
”Thank you for being honest darling but it’s not to much. You deserve the effort and I want to show you how important this is for me, how important you are for me. Feed me a strawberry please? And do you have any song requests?” He said as he brought up the guitar from its bag.
”Maybe ’Leather and Lace’ by Stevie Nicks if you know that one?” You asked softly as you brought the strawberry to his pouty heartshaped lips and your throat got a bit dry when he hummed against the fruit as he took a bite.
”Mmh, thank you darling. And yes I know that one, a pretty big Stevie fan myself actually.”
He said as he started to play the strings on the guitar, the melody started to fill the garden and softly singing the lyrics made everything complete. It was almost like the man in front of you couldn’t be real with how perfect he looked.
”You’ve been staring at my lips quite a lot this evening.”He said taking out of your trance and making you blush down your neck.
”W-what? Oh i’m sorry Harry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable…” You started to explain yourself but he cut you off quickly,
”Shh, no darling it didn’t make me uncomforable at all. Come here please.” He made grabby hands at you as you sat opposite to him on the blanket so you could come up to his lap.
”I promise you it didn’t. I’ve been looking at you too you know, so beautiful today it makes my heart ache. So happy and thankful, proper cuite you are. Must have the sweetest mouth to. Would you let me have a taste?” He said as his fingers came to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and lips almost touching yours.
”Yes Harry please.” You almost whimpered against his mouth until you felt his lips softly pressing aganist yours. You shifted in his lap to wrap your fingers in the nape of his neck below the bun to deepen the kiss, Harry leaning back to take a breath.
”Tastes like strawberrys darling, gonna give me a toothache with this sweet mouth of yours.”
You continued to kiss for a while and as he moved down to your neck he felt you shift against him more and he got the courage to lay you down on the blanket and hover over you to get better acess to the rest of you.
”Can I take this off? Or will you be cold?” He asked while playing with the hem of your sweather.
”No I want it off please, I won’t be cold.” You barely finished the sentence before the sweather was off and Harry started to kiss from you neck down to the crease of your breasts.
”Smells like flowers darling, and so soft. Perfect tits you have.” His raspy voice sent a shudder down your core the same time as he carefully touched your breasts and started to kiss them through your lacy bralette.
”What’s this hm? A fuckin nipple piercing? Almost as if you’re tryin to kill me, fuck.” Oh yeah, you almost forgot about that one in your right nipple and he sucked and nipped at it as a man obsessed.
Being teased and played with for so long now made you whimper again and you tried to buck your hips into him for more friction now as you started to ache from your lower region.
Harry noticed this and made the decision to use this against his favor.
”Do you want my mouth somewhere else darling? Seems like your aching pretty bad. Or fingers maybe? Need you to talk to me.”
”Yes please, I want your mouth on me so bad. Please Harry.” If you weren’t so worked up you would feel embarassed for your neediness but you just couldn’t care right now.
”So polite, ofcourse I’ll give it to you. Anything you want, you’ll have. Can I take the skirt off?”
You nodded quickly and he got down so he was facing your core and budged up the skirt around your hips. He kissed your mound over your panties and looked up at you with a cheeky smirk.
”Matching knickers, hm? You’re flattering me darling, being so pretty for me.”
”I-i was just being hopeful…” You let out a breathy laugh at his observation feeling the blush creeping to your cheeks again.
”I was to if i’m being honest but I didn’t want to push you into anything, i’m so thankful that you let me see you like this but I really want to take these of as pretty as they may be and taste you properly. Smells so fuckin’ good I’m going insane.” He took the panties of and let out a low growl while spreading you open with his fingers and see how you were glistening from the wetness under the starlight. Going in for a long stripe with his tounge from your slit to your swollen nub, sucking and nibbling at it just the right way to make you give out a loud shaky moan. He continued playing with your clit with his tounge and lapping up all the sweetness he could get while he felt your legs starting to shake against his head and your moans only got louder.
”Making such pretty noices for me darling, keep going. Need to know that I make you feel good. Want my fingers as well while I play with your clit? Already so swollen for me.”
”Yes fuck i’m gonna cum soon, please Harry I want your fingers please…”It was all you could say before you felt two of his fingers press against your slit and tounge going back to your clit. Your hands found his hair and he let put a growl against you as you tugged on it harder than you intendent, small strais of hair coming out from the bun.
”You can cum darling, I’ve got you. Being so good for me and letting go like this. Sweetest pussy I’ve ever had, so so fucking good for me. Let me have it, please.” He continued to thrust his fingers as he said his dirty words and that sent you off the edge and gave you the most intense orgasm of your life. Small tears rolled down your cheeks and Harry kissed your inner thighs to help you come down. He licked his fingers clean and covered you again with the skirt, going up to face you and kiss your lips.
”Mmh, hi pretty girl. Felt good?” He asked nuzzling against your nose and stroking your cheek.
”Oh my god, yes. You’re literally perfect Harry, thank you.” You closed your eyes and cuddled into his side as he laid beside you looking up to the stars against the glass ceiling.
”No I’m not darling but thank you. What do you say about cleaning up and head over to mine, watch a movie and I can make you a cuppa? Sounds good?” He asked you before whispering quitly to himself ”And thank god for me being a clumsy fool.”
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Crystal Clear
A/N: Here’s some fluff, friends to lovers I’ve had going on while I work on something bigger :))
“Y/N,” a strange man calls my name. I look him up and down but I don’t think I know him.
“Who’s asking?”
“Y/N, it’s me? Harry.”
“Oh,” I laugh and greet him how I would have if I’d recognized him under all those layers, in a great big hug. “Your disguise is brilliant!”
“It’s not a disguise,” he says into his coat. “It’s bloody cold here.”
“Coldest day so far,” I accept the hot chocolate from the vendor and ask him for another, Harry could use one, poor thing. His plans this week were changed last minute, and since he was in New York City where his best childhood friend lived, he decided to actually hang out with me. Ever since he got famous, it was hard to catch time with him.
“Did the cold freeze all the English out of you? You’re not even wearing mittens,” Harry accepts his own cup from the vendor.
“I’m got them in my pocket,” I point to the bulge on the side of my coat as we step aside and make our way deeper into the winter festival that was at Bryant Park. “Don’t insult me, I can still make a better cup of tea than you ever could.”
“There she is,” I hear the smile in Harry’s voice more than I see it. It truly was ridiculous--not only was he wearing the thickest parka I’d ever seen, he also had on a beanie and a scarf, as well as knit gloves that held tightly to his hot chocolate.
“I’m always here, you’re just too busy to see me.”
“Not this again,” he groans. I was always giving him grief every time he touched down to NYC but didn’t pop by for a visit. I knew he had a hectic schedule, and even though I wasn’t that bothered I still liked to tease him.
“It’s true, you come to the city so often but I see you once a year. And maybe again when I’m in London if I get lucky.”
“I’m busy Y/N, I talk to you all the time!”
“I know,” I elbow him. “I just like to rile you up.”
“Well now that you’ve got that out of your system,” he tugs my hat over my eyes. “Where are we going next?”
I push it back up, “I thought we could just wander the shops, then get on the skating rink if you’re not frozen to death.”
“Alright I’ve got to pick some gifts up anyway let’s see what’s here.”
We make a good team as we visit stands selling ornaments and kitschy decor, handmade gifts, and hot cider. We sift through exactly what we might want, or what the other’s looking for. And with the light dusting of snow coming down, and the bright lights strung around the Park, it was like walking in a Christmas movie.
“Look at this,” I point ahead. We’d nearly visited all the stands and holiday shops but a festive psychic advertises their services in a small glass booth. “Should we?”
“It’s a waste of money,” Harry scoffs. “She’s just going to read your body language.”
“She might be the real deal-”
“You can’t be serious-”
“C’mon!” I tug his gloves hand and it takes a few but he stumbles towards me. It’s slightly warmer inside and I notice the space heater running in the corner. “At least it’s warm” I whisper to Harry.
“You really want to do this?” He asks one last time.
“It’s just $10-”
“$20 for the two,” the woman almost shifts out of the wall and I hide my jump with a laugh. There’s a curtain behind her, I realize, she must have stepped out.
“It’s just me,” I clarify.
She eyes Harry and Harry eyes her back. “You look familiar.”
“Just have that face,” he shrugs, burrowing into his scarf. “I’m just here to watch.”
She stares at him a moment longer before settling at the small table. I flash Harry a smile before sitting down myself, setting my bags onto the floor.
“Palm reading, cards, what will it be dear?” The psychic asks. I remember the sign out front said cards would be more than having my palm read so I opt for the cheaper option.
“Hm,” she says thoughtfully as she traces the lines on my palm. I wriggle my eyebrows at Harry and he rolls his eyes, but he stays watching her like a hawk. It was cute how overprotective he got sometimes. The psychic glances up to catch him watching her, she then glances at me and tilts her head.
“I see longevity, in life and love, a few bumps but you’re a strong persistent woman.”
Harry grumbles behind me and I resist the urge to say something to him.
“I see success after hard, hard work. But a big success that will change the course of your career.”
“Wow, how soon?” I ask.
“Mmm, after a big milestone. Turning 30?” she continues to examine my hand. “I see a second life later in life, with kids...just one no maybe two children.”
“How about her love life?” Harry asks. “Her last love s’not too nice.”
“Seriously Harry?” I turn to glare this time. He’s grinning with flushed cheeks, knowing it was a sore spot he liked to say i told you so to. It was true, he had told me so about my 3 year relationship but I’d ignored him.
“Your love life,’ the woman speaks up. “Shows me two great loves. One cuts short, the other is as long as your life line.”
“Ooh,” I lean in, interested. “I think I know about the one that was cut short. Tell me about the second!”
“This second...” she traces my palm and I feel a tingle. “This second love is very close, a bit rocky but it will last.”
“A bit rocky?”
“Hm,” she chews her bottom lip. “Time, distance...it will make it rocky. But it lasts.”
“So how close is close?” I ask eagerly.
“Close,” she says with a smile that tells me I wasn’t getting anything else out of her.
“That’s a bit vague isn’t it?” Harry pipes up from the back.
“The future isn’t always crystal clear,” she says without looking up at him.
“Lay off,” I scold him.
“It’s okay, I get nonbelievers all the time.” She laughs. “That will be $10 dear.” When I hand her the bill she stops me as she takes it. “A little free advice?”
“Sure.” I pick up the bags I placed on the floor earlier.
"Don’t be so focused on the life you want that you don’t see the life you have around you.”
“I’ve actually told her that before,” Harry decides we want more of his unsolicited opinions. “Maybe there is something true to all of this.”
“Thanks,” I pocket her words for later. Harry was right, he’d said something along those lines to me before, especially when it came to giving up control and going with the flow on trips and events with him. I always declined his offers, we lived a modest life growing up and accepting these gifts from him always felt so excessive. I wanted to make my own way in the world, but Harry always had something to say. “And sorry for his attitude, he’s not always this rude.”
“Yeah,” Harry shifts forward. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m a lot nicer usually.”
“I know,” she smiles.
“She’s psychic,” I remind him.
“I’m also online,” she laughs. “Can I get a picture?”
Harry eyes me, before going in for a selfie with her. I know he usually didn’t mind getting asked in smaller settings but he’d admitted it was something he was still getting used to. It had been a couple years since he became so famous, in such a short amount of time I went from being able to go down to a local pub with my best friend to schedules and security details and a whole other list of complications. Sometimes I hated it, mostly I was happy for him.
“Another day, another fan.” I tell Harry after we walk away from the psychic and he flips me off. “Should we get something to eat and get out of the cold?”
“God yes,” Harry shivers. “Can we just go to yours?”
“Let’s go,” I loop my arm through Harry’s.
Harry wants instant warmth so he hails a cab and we pick up takeout once we reach my neighbourhood. Harry had been here a few times, my roommate had gotten used to the fact that I was best friends with him, and sometimes he preferred to stay here when he wanted to be anonymous. Paparazzi sometimes crowded outside his hotel when word leaked he was there.
We eat ourselves into a food coma and Harry decides to stay the night, not wanting to face the cold again. Since our living room couch sprained his neck the only time he’d slept there, he usually crashed in my bed. His head barely hits the pillow before he’s snoring, I guess the jet lag finally caught up.
I jerk out of sleep, a crashing noise followed by swearing catches my attention.
“I think your roommate dropped something,” I hear from beside me. I turn my face to get a facefull of Harry’s thigh tattoos.
“Y’think?” I croak and shift backwards to see his face. He’s sitting up in bed and scrolling through his phone.
“Guess which psychic is officially internet-famous?” Harry asks dryly.
“Hm?” I’m still calming my heart from waking up so suddenly so it takes a moment to register Harry’s words. “What?”
He shoves his phone in my face, the selfie he took with the psychic yesterday is posted on social media with over half a million likes. He swipes away and a lot of his tag is filled with news outlets and fan accounts spamming the picture. He pulls it back to read a heading: “Harry Styles visits Psychic for ideas on his next album. There’s also Harry Styles rumored to be connected to the Occult...I don’t know what that means. Psychic tells all on Harry Styles reading.”
“How did that picture circulate?” I rub my eyes and sit up beside him. “And where is all of this coming from?”
“She has a Twitter, and she posted the picture.” He shows me, it’s there with the caption A handsome face showed up to my booth at the Bryant Park Market tonight. Get your future told, 5pm to 9pm 7 days a week.
I can’t help but laugh, she was a business woman and she really took the opportunity to sell her service.
“It’s not funny Y/N,” Harry looks furious so I cover my mouth and squint at his screen as he scrolls. A ton of people are responding asking about his future or what he came there for. Amongst them, she responds to only one person: His love life was involved.
My jaw drops, “That’s such a lie! She read me my love life, and life lines!”
“I told you she was a fraud,” Harry jerks the phone back to him.
“She lied for sales, but doesn’t mean she didn’t tell the truth yesterday.”
“If she lied about this she lied about it all and you wasted $10. She only talked about your love life, not mine...”
I remember her words, my second love was very close...could she have meant...
I glance at Harry and he seemed to have followed the same train of thought because we lock eyes, his probably just as wide as mine.
“D’you think?” he says just as I say “Was she...?”
We immediately burst out laughing as the tension comes to a head and bubbles over in a safe trickle.
“Is that what she was trying to say?” I say when I’ve finally caught my breath, my stomach hurt from laughing this hard.
“I guess when she said close she meant close,” Harry’s flat on his back from laughing. “Quite literal.”
“And you were calling her out on being so vague.”
“I’ve got to give it to her,” he shuts his phone off and throws it onto the covers between us, releasing the annoyance. “She’s a good businesswoman.”
“I was thinking the same thing but I thought you might kill me if I said that,” I admit.
We lay on the rumpled covers in silence, I think about everything else she said. The potential of it all is tarnished by the idea of Harry being my second love, for life. It was so ridiculous, unless by love she meant the way I love him now. As my best friend. Our lives were so different, there was no way it could ever work. Not to mention...he was my best friend since forever.
“Have you ever thought about it?” Harry asks out of the blue.
“Thought about what?” I prop myself on my elbow.
“Us, like...the way she predicted?”
“Together together?” I can’t help but laugh. “No never, you’re my best friend!” I recognize the flash of hurt so I backtrack a little. “No offense Harry, I love you but could you imagine?”
“I have,” he says it so quietly as I lay back down. “What?” I ask. He shrugs, “I’m surprised you haven’t. We’ve been friends since...we were 7. You’re saying you never thought about it?”
“No,” I shake my head. “Actually I haven’t. When...what did you think about?”
“I dunno,” he fiddles with his rings. “Like for school dances, when I didn’t have a date I thought about asking you as more than a friend...thought about where that could lead. Or every time you had your heart broke. I wanted to take the pain away and just show you what you deserved.”
“Harry I...” it was sweet, what he was saying. But he never gave a single clue about it the entire time we grew up. He was always chasing girls who looked nothing like me, so I always thought that’s what his type was. Never did I think about anything more with him.
“Not-not recently though,” he forces a laugh. “Just when we were kids.”
“That’s sweet Harry. I had no idea.”
He shrugs, and sits up.
“No seriously I...that’s so sweet. But just so you know, you have shown me what a good man can be. Just by being the best friend ever.”
“Aw,” he swipes my cheek as he gets up. “That’s cute. I don’t know if I’ve done such a good job when you’ve only dated knobs.”
I could recognize his defense mechanism--turning it into a big joke. But he leaves the room before I can call him out and I’m left sitting in the mess of what he’d just told me. It’s not that it was awkward or a bad thing, but suddenly it felt tense and the tension triggered an anxious feeling in my chest.
I decide to get out of my room and find my roommate cleaning up the remains of her broken mug. I offer to clean the spill as she dresses to go out for her run. Helping her distracts me, and when I hear Harry leave the bathroom I lock myself in, and try some breathing exercises to clear the anxiety creeping up. When I realize I was trying to avoid Harry, I scold myself. This was ridiculous and funny! Harry wanted to ask me out when we were kids, it was cute, and that was it. The psychic was a fake anyway, nothing she said meant anything.
I head back to my room where Harry’s made the bed. I change into trousers and my favourite fisherman sweater, and find him having coffee at our small kitchen table with his phone on speaker as he talks to someone. His legs barely fit underneath, so they’re sprawled to the side. He’s still shirtless, and my attention snags on his torso.
I shake myself out of my thoughts as I bump into the kitchen island, and glance up to see that although he was talking to the person on the phone, his eyes had been on me...while my eyes were on his abs. Oh god, I cringe. I try to act casual, mouthing if he wanted breakfast but he shakes his head and points to the call he’s having.
I make myself a toast and try to ignore what just happened but it only adds to the tension from this morning. When he gets off his call he brings his cup up to the sink.
“I think I need another cup.”
“Be my guest,” I move aside. “You sure you don’t want breakfast?”
“Are you going to feed me avocado flax seed quinoa toast?” he teases.
“There’s no quinoa.” I correct, crossing my arms. “But...yes.”
“I’ll take this banana,” he holds the lone banana on the counter. “I’ve got to be in East Harlem by noon, that’s what the call was about.”
“Aw,” I hated saying goodbye. “Are you busy the rest of your stay?”
“I can make it back here,” he says.
“Do whatever you need to do,” I say. “I’m used to being discarded after you hang out with me in the city.”
“I don’t do that!” he reaches behind me to slot his cup in and set the machine to grind his beans. I can smell my shampoo on him, he must’ve showered. “If you want me back, you can just say that.”
The morning sunlight streaming through the kitchen window leaves no room for shadows; the shift in the mood is clear as the daylight streaming in. Or maybe I was reading too much into his words.
“I always want you back,” I look up to his height now that he’s standing so close, and the kitchen tightens further.
We’re stuck in a tableau; with my back against the fridge looking up at him as he gazes down with a curious expression. My mind grows blank the longer I stare. No one says a word, the sound of beans grinding the only noise in the kitchen.
My best friend in the whole world looks torn standing in front of me like this, and as my senses slowly rush back I realize that even if my expression doesn’t show it...I was torn. Because out of nowhere, all I can think about are all the questions I ever shoved away in the dark: what would it feel like if I kissed him right now? And what would have happened to us if he had asked me out to our school dance? Would we still be best friends? Would we have cut each other out? How many universes were we still good together like this? How many universes were we good together as more than this?
An urge to touch his face, make sure this was real, takes over me. But as soon as my fingers brush his cheek he snaps out of his trance and stumbles back like I’d burned him.
He forces a laugh. “I really do need that coffee.”
“Right,” I turn to the machine to put the grinds into their slot but I yank too hard and the freshly ground coffee flies out towards me. “Shit!”
“What happ-” Harry takes one look at what’s happened and turns away, his shoulders shaking.
“I can see you right in front of me laughing!” I shout. “Help me!”
“It’s all over you Y/N,” he turns around, tears in his eyes. “Give me this, I’ll put it far away from you.” He takes the remaining grinds and sets it down. I brush away what’s closest to my eyes so I can see and try to shake it off my sweater but they stick to the fibers of the knit.
“Great,” I grumble. “This is dry clean only.”
“It’s in your hair,” he runs his fingers through the strands that hang over my shoulder. I shake my head to dislodge the grinds; his fingers brush my neck away and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Uhm, that should be most of it.”
“It’s not out of this sweater,” I pout. “Screw dry clean, why did I think I could buy dry cleaning clothes?”
“I can drop it off on the way out today?” he offers.
“That means you’re coming back to drop it off to me?!” I ask hopefully.
His expression softens, “Y/N I’m coming back to your flat. I promise.”
“He promises!” I shout. Even though things were a bit awkward this morning, I got to spend more time with my hard-to-catch best friend and for that I was over the moon.
“We could also try to vacuum the sweater?” Harry suggests.
“So you don’t have to come back with dry clean?” I tease. “I’m not letting you get out of your promise, let me give it to you before you change your mind.” I tug my top off and ball it up, shoving it in his hands. It falls to the floor when he doesn’t hold it.
“Hello?” I look up and he’s a deer in the headlights. “Harry...”
“I can’t do this right now,” he takes a step back. I get the sweater from the ground and hold it out to him again.
“Do you want to wipe the kitchen floor with the sweater too? Take it!” I sigh. “Harry are you really acting so chaste about seeing a girl in her bra?”
“It’s-” he decides to stop mid-word. “You’re not just any girl Y/N, I’ve already made it clear.”
Now it’s my turn to stare--he hadn’t made it clear. “You said you only felt something when you were younger...”
“And you believed me?”
I realize I didn’t, but I wanted to believe him so I hadn’t questioned it. “Well it’s not the first time you’ve seen me in a bra. Can you take the damn sweater?” 
“Yeah I can I’m just...” he seems to calm down a bit, enough to step towards me and take it. “I didn’t have to face this conflicted feeling in me if I didn’t see you often. I can just be the best friend. But now, with the whole psychic thing and you in--like this in your kitchen and I--I’m remembering how much I just want to...”
“Kiss me,” I say.
“Yeah...” he looks away.
“No, I’m telling you to kiss me.” I clarify. His expression would’ve made me laugh if my heart wasn’t beating so fast. I couldn’t believe I was being this impulsive.
“Really? You’re not just saying that cuz of this morning?”
“Fine,” I step out of his reach and cross my arms to hide my shaking hands. “If you don’t want to kiss me-”
He pulls me back too quickly and I bump into his chest. “I never said that.” He says in a tone I’d never heard from him before, it’s serious and sexy and it sends tingles through my body. I press myself up against him and he finally, finally, kisses me. Every bit of tension and anxiety the day had built up releases in the single moment his lips cover mine.
How had I waited this long?
The kiss is gentle, delicate like he’s still not entirely sure I want the same thing he does. I show him I do by using my tongue to open his mouth slowly and the hesitation disappears immediately. We’re a fighter jet taking off from there; I don’t know where I end and where he begins as he walks me to the kitchen island and lifts me onto it, our limbs tangling together, His hands roam down the side of my body, but he stays in the safe zones until I unclasp my bra.
“Oh hell no,” my roommate’s voice interrupts us from behind. I hold my bra close and turn. She stands at the entryway, shaking her head. “Not here. Not on our kitchen island. You two have a room literally 10 feet away...”
“Oops,” I say quietly which seems to set Harry off. My roommate is still shaking her head but I see the smile on her face. I’d caught her hooking up on multiple occasions so it wasn’t anything new. But I didn’t do this often. I jump down, apologizing to her. “Harry’s going to clean the coffee off the floor...I-I’ll find a shirt.”
“Mhm,” she closes her bedroom door and I look over at Harry who’s crouching on the floor in tears.
“This is all your fault!” I whisper but he tugs me down to where he is and holds my face as he kisses me.
“I know you two aren’t behind the island,” my roommate’s voice comes out again. I stay there as her footsteps move to the bathroom and the door closes behind her.
“I hate you,” I skirt out of his reach, and rush to my room yelling another sorry as I head back and find a top. Harry appears in my room as I put it on.
“I guess that was a good time for her to walk in on before it got too far?” he still has a stupid grin on his face.
“I don’t even want to think about it,” my cheeks were burning and even more so that Harry was elated.
“I’ve actually got to head out now.”
I pout but he kisses my pout instead. He promises he’ll be back in the evening and I let him go with one more kiss, my mind catching up with everything that just happened.
Oh my god.
It’s nearly 8 by the time I’m done running all my errands--taking holidays off for work was usually a good decision for me. I had a big family and picking up all the holiday bits before I flew back home was always a big job. I take an Uber home, I couldn’t handle a 40 minutes trip back home carrying everything home on the subway.
I call out to my roommate when I get in but she doesn’t respond. I check her door and it’s open and dark, the bathroom is also empty. She must have evening plans.
I open my door to a surprise. Harry is sprawled on my bed. He jerks awake when I settle my bags down.
“Y/N?” he squints as I turn the light on.
“How did you get in here?” I shrug my coat off.
“Y’roommate let me in before she left,” he rubs his eyes. “Didn’t mean to fall asleep...I had a whole thing planned.”
I’d gone over the whole morning during my errands, surprised and excited and nervous about this new step for us. But I continued to think about what the psychic said, our love lines extended alongside my life line. Even though there wasn’t much comfort or trust in a psychic who used a photo opp as a marketing opp, what she said had come true. And I put my faith in that, calming my nerves about this new step potentially ruining our friendship forever.
“Was that okay?” Harry sits up. “She didn’t think you’d mind.”
“Oh no that’s fine,” I unwrap my scarf and stand at the foot of my bed. “I really wasn’t sure if you were coming back.”
“Of course I would,” he reaches for my hand. “I wouldn’t leave you after this morning, I’m not that flighty.”
“Well we never really got to talk about it,” I say as I sit down. I’d texted him during the day but it never showed he read it, I wasn’t sure how to read into that; finding him passed out on my room meant he was probably on the go all day.
“Are you okay with this?” he says with such concern, I nearly tear up. This was making me way too emotional.
“I am,” I smile at my best friend in the whole world. “I just don’t want to go too fast.”
“We won’t,” he promises as he holds his arms out. I lean in towards his solid chest and he wraps his arms around me. I feel his breath on my cheek, then his lips in my hair. “I’m yours for eternity Y/N, we can take it as slow or fast as you want.”
It was a good thing to say, and I believe him entirely.
We eventually untangle ourselves to get food in us, and even though things are different, they’re also not. We still pick out the same parts of our food to give the other person, we still talk the same shit and laugh at the same jokes. But his hands grasps mine and his thumb brushes over my knuckles absentmindedly. His eyes stay steady on me as I talk like I’m someone new he’s exploring. We kiss after dinner, but we also load the dishwasher and laugh about the one time I’d managed to burn soup from a can. Eventually we end in my bedroom, where we lay together, our conversation growing quieter by the minute, the space between us growing smaller.
And even though we’d slept like this a hundred times before, it’s different now. I can feel it in every atom of my being, I was his and he was mine. And I don’t know how long it’s been like this for it to feel so easy, but accepting it was a no brainer, like accepting the sky was blue or the sun was hot. I remember the advice the psychic gave, I was following it: living the life I had around me even though it wasn’t the life I thought I would have.
There were a million things Harry and I had to figure out to make this work--I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But I did know that it was right, it was true, and it was going to be forever.
The future may not be crystal clear, but my future with this man was.
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BTS Reactions: Their S/O is Inexperienced Yet in Their Mid 20s
A/N: Here it is, my first post after my long-ass hiatus :) I hope you guys enjoy it! Requests are OPEN, please send some over! <3
PREMISE: OT7 reacting to finding out that their s/o is physically inexperienced relationship-wise / that this is their s/o’s first relationship despite them being in their mid 20s
A/N: I think a lot of people won't understand why this is a reaction in the first place (lol) but it can be super uncomfortable / awkward to have not dated / had any experience at that age, and a lot of people react badly to finding that out about someone. It's definitely an insecurity for a lot of people (myself included).
warning: mostly unedited due to my status as a trash gremlin
Jin was completely shocked when he found out that you had never dated before him. Without thinking, he let this incredulity show on his face, total surprise evident and eyebrows raised. He was briefly silent in disbelief. You took that to mean that he thought you were weird now. You certainly felt that way.
Involuntarily, tears welled up in your eyes and Jin finally registered your distress. “What’s wrong?” he asked in concern, gently brushing away a stray tear from your cheek. You stared down at your feet, murmuring “You probably think I’m super strange now.” in explanation. Jin shook his head insistently, imploring that he didn’t find it weird at all.
“Honestly I was just shocked because I don’t know how you didn’t have people practically lining down the block to date you.” He explained, bringing a small smile back to your face. He pulled you into a hug, assuring you that he was in no hurry as long as he got to spend time with you.
You and Yoongi were having a cozy night in and catching up on dramas. In the show you were presently watching, there was a character who was in her mid 20s that had never dated or even kissed anyone. Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes at this. “This is so unrealistic. Like come on, seriously? How do you get to be that age having never dated, having never even kissed somebody? It’s a completely absurd concept.”
You started to curl in on yourself, looking down with a tortured expression on your face. You were scared to explain the truth, fearful that if he knew he wouldn’t want you anymore. After a few minutes like that, Yoongi finally noticed your body language. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” He inquired gently. How were you going to explain this to him?
“I, um… I guess I kind of freaked out when you were talking about the plot being unrealistic… You were so sure it couldn’t happen that you were annoyed by it. And then I really didn’t know how to tell you that the plot line we were discussing is literally the same as me. I’ve never dated before, you’re the first… And when you kissed me for the first time, that was my first kiss.” You took a deep breath, having exerted a lot of energy to force out your words.
Yoongi’s eyes lit up in recognition, then guilt crept onto his features. “Baby no, I’m so sorry, I completely overreacted about the show. I shouldn’t have said all that. I never wanted to hurt your feelings.” Yoongi admitted sincerely. He could tell that you felt a little bit better after that reassurance.
"It’s not a bad thing to do things on a different timeline. Plus, I got the honor of being your first boyfriend because of it. Maybe I’ll be your last.” He said the last part quietly, smirking softly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
One of your favorite things about Hobi was his open and energetic attitude. He was truly one of the friendliest people you’d ever met, and it had felt easy to become close with him. You hadn’t been dating long at all, but the ease of conversation made it feel like you’d known each other for years.
On one particular day, the two of you were chatting over a dinner of your favorite delivery food. Hoseok was in the middle of a funny story about one of his exes, never one for unnecessary social boundaries or conventions, which was fine because you were laughing like crazy at the ridiculous tale he told. Then he continued, though, to tell (admittedly hilarious and absurd) stories about some of his other exes. You were entertained, certainly, though the number of people he seemed to have dated was a bit intimidating to you.
When he finally finished, he asked about *your* exes, and that was where the issue really started. You deflected, not wanting to directly bring attention to the fact that you had never dated before him. He became oddly persistent, seeming frustrated that you didn’t want to share. Not wanting him to misunderstand why you weren’t telling him what he wanted to know, you sucked it up and told him that he was your first boyfriend.
He was extremely surprised, but seemed to understand now why you had been reluctant to answer his questioning. He apologized for going on about exes for so long, and for inadvertently making you nervous. You assured him that it wasn’t a big deal, especially since the only important thing was your relationship moving forward, not either of your pasts.
When you and Namjoon had only been together a few weeks (after a much longer friendship prior to your romantic relationship beginning), you were spending a nice chill evening at home, eating takeout and chatting. The two of you seemingly never ran out of things to talk about, one of the things you loved about being with him.
You don’t even remember what had led to it, but partway through the evening, he made some dumb joke about virgins and you visibly froze. You had yet to tell him about your lack of experience, and now you were terrified to. Was that really something he’d be bothered by? You hadn’t thought so, but his joking around about it made you doubt that. You did your best not to show your panic, paying unusually close attention to the glass of water you were drinking.
Unfortunately for you, your discomfort was completely apparent, and Namjoon asked you if you were okay. You nodded with a forced smile, making him frown, easily able to tell that you weren’t. You were afraid to tell him now because if it really bothered him that much, maybe it would disappoint him. Maybe it’d be a dealbreaker and he would lose interest in you. Unsure what to do, you stared at your hands, tense and worried. Namjoon lightly rested his hand on your shoulder, staring at you in concern. “Please tell me what’s wrong.” He implored gently.
At that moment you could no longer hold in your emotion, your fear, and tears began to leak from your eyes as you sniffled, starting to shake a bit as you cried. You let him pull you into his arms, holding you close as you tried to stop crying. After a few minutes of you trying to calm down, aided by Joon’s sweet behavior,  he asked again what was wrong, insisting that you could tell him anything. Your chest felt tight, but you didn’t see a way out of sharing what had upset you.
When you explained what had happened, Namjoon felt horrible, cursing himself for having said something so dumb. He told you that it was just a stupid joke, not something he actually cared about, apologizing for upsetting you with his thoughtlessness. He made sure to assure you that it wasn’t a problem for him in the least, and that he was in no rush. Afterwards the whole situation seemed a little silly, though you remembered how genuinely panicked you had been only minutes before and shuddered. But things were immediately made better, the two of you snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie.
Your blossoming relationship with Jimin made you feel like you were walking on a cloud. He was incredibly sweet and so much fun to spend time with, you felt very lucky to be dating him now. Just to be sweet, you had picked up food from his favorite lunch place and were bringing it to him at the BigHit building, where he was currently busy at work in a practice room.
When you arrived, the door to the room was open, but you heard voices coming from inside. You only paused when you heard Jimin say your name. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, and you were about to announce your presence until you realized what he was saying. “You know I really like her, man, I just feel so unsure right now. There has been like, zero physical affection up to this point, nothing beyond hugs and holding hands.” Jimin grumbled, sounding irritated.
Tae hummed in acknowledgement, pausing before inquiring “So obviously you’re frustrated, but what are you thinking about it?” Jimin sighed. “Maybe she just doesn’t like me as much as I like her. I don’t want to think anything bad about her, but what if she’s playing me? Like, she doesn’t have actual feelings for me.” He sounded very down, clearly hurt by the mere possibility. At that moment you were so shocked by what you were hearing, you accidentally dropped the bag of takeout, hurrying to pick it up, but you’d already drawn attention to yourself.
Jimin and Taehyung looked beyond shocked to see you, and you realized you were crying. Taehyung excused himself to let the two of you talk. You walked farther into the room, approaching the boys. “I thought we could have lunch… I know you don’t take enough breaks, and I really wanted to see you…” You admitted quietly, unable to actually make eye contact.
“I just feel so horrible, it��s all my fault that you don’t even know how crazy I am about you. I can’t believe…. I let you be unsure of how much I care about you. It’s my fault, I’m so sorry Jimin.” By the end of what you were saying, you were holding back full sobs. Seeing how distressed you were, Jimin wasted no time in rushing to you and pulling you into his arms, hugging you close.
When you’d finally calmed down and stopped crying, you thought you owed him an explanation. “The lack of physical affection isn’t because I don’t like you. I like you more than I’ve ever liked anybody. I’ve just… never done anything. I haven’t even been in a relationship before now, it’s all new to me.” You admitted, feeling Jimin stiffen in your hug.
When you pulled back to look at him, tears were welling up in his eyes. “Oh, I’m the worst…” He muttered, feeling so guilty. “I was just frustrated, I was feeling insecure. Now that I know, I don’t mind one bit waiting for anything until you’re ready.” He assured you, planting a quick kiss on your forehead as you nodded understanding.
It had only been a few weeks since Tae had confessed his feelings to you and the pair of you had started dating. Long before that, you’d been close friends, so you had spent a lot of time together over time. During one of your first few movie nights as a couple, things slowly began to escalate between you. You were sitting close together, seemingly focused on the film, when Tae moved to put an arm around you, pulling you closer so you were snuggled up beside him.
His eyes never left the screen, but there was a telltale little smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes a little, but you certainly didn’t mind. Despite it being such a small thing, at this stage in your relationship, this was a little bit thrilling. Soon you could feel him staring at you, and you turned your head to look back at him. His face had gotten much closer to yours than you’d expected. “…Tae?” you whispered, seeing both affection and mischief in his eyes. “Yes love?” He replied quietly in his gorgeous low voice, making you shiver just slightly.
You shook your head almost imperceptibly, and before you knew it his lips were on yours. You froze, all of this being completely new and foreign for you. Feeling you stiffen and fail to reciprocate the kiss, Tae pulled back to look at your face, wearing an expression of concern. “Um, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have just… assumed you felt the same way…” He muttered nervously, not making eye contact. “No!” You exclaimed a little louder than you meant to, quieting your voice to a near-whisper before speaking again.
“No, Tae, I do feel the same way! I really, really do. I love you. I have since we were just friends. I… I want you too. Just, um, I don’t know what to do…. That was my first kiss just now and I kind of just panicked and froze.” You confessed, watching the surprise and then recognition cover his face. That was all it took to take his unsure expression back to a smug smirk. Knowing the power his voice held over you, he leaned in close to you to speak in your ear when he said “in that case, I think we need some practice, don’t you?” Oh boy.
You had been seeing Jungkook for a couple of months now and it was more than apparent that he was smitten with you (and vice versa). He complimented you frequently, his heart eyes for you always clearly on display. The only problem was the way you practically jumped away from him any time he got close to you. He had definitely noticed your weird behavior, and though you didn’t know what to do about it, you knew it was only a matter of time until he brought it up in conversation.
When that moment came, you had just clammed up and pulled back from him when he tried to put his arm around you while watching a movie. When you saw his expression in reaction, you felt immensely guilty, seeing the hurt on his face. After a moment it shifted to extreme irritation, him clenching his jaw in annoyance. “What’s your problem? I can’t get anywhere near you without you freaking out and moving away in a hurry.” You couldn’t make eye contact anymore at that point, feeling the tears well up in your eyes as you were filled with the fear that you had ruined things with him.
“I… I don’t really know why I keep doing that, it’s just all new to me. I’ve never dated anyone before you so I kind of don’t know what to do with myself most of the time.” You confessed, trying to mask the sniffle that you gave as the first tear rolled down your cheek. Now it was Jungkook’s turn to feel guilty. He approached you slowly, asking you to look at him in a gentle voice. When you did, you saw that the irritation was completely gone, replaced with remorse and fondness. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, I could have just asked like an actual adult rather than how I behaved. I guess I was just insecure, afraid that you don’t like me in the same way I like you.” He explained, and you nodded slightly in understanding.
“That’s not it at all! I really *really* like you. A relationship is just totally uncharted territory for me and I handled it wrong. I should’ve just told you.” You sighed, the heaviness leaving your heart as an adorable bunny smile grew on his face. “Uncharted territory, huh? Well let me be your travel guide. We can be explorers together.” You rolled your eyes at his dumb joke, but smiled in spite of how silly his words were. You felt like now, with it all out in the open, things could be good with the two of you.
a/n: Feedback please! <3 I love to hear from y'all!
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illyaana · 3 years
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Collab: Chaos's Bearsday Collab by @chaos-night
Thanks for having this Collab hun! I hope you had/have an amazing birthday <3
Tags: Aged Up! Birthday boy! Izuku Midoriya x Binaural, SFW, Fluff
Synopsis: You thought this was going to be a normal birthday with Deku - the only thing that was different is you were going to make Katsudon, pork cutlet bowls, for Deku. What you weren't prepared for was a flirty Izuku Midoriya.
Word Count: 1689
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Like my writing? Do you want a drabble specifically made for you about your love life with a character of your choosing? Check out my 50 followers event over here!
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You groaned at the sound of your blaring alarm, forcing you awake. You raised your head to meet Izuku’s chin. His hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his body even more. You pressed against the bed, pushing yourself upwards to face the sleeping face of your beloved.
You adored the sight of the defenceless hero.
His dishevelled green hair mimicked a bush in the woods - wild yet so adorable. His lips were slightly parted, allowing soft snores to escape the powerful quirk user. His small freckles glowed under the soft sunlight entering your shared room from the window, leaving you in awe. His long lashes framed his closed eyelids.
Thankfully, your alarm turned itself off - he wasn’t letting you move anymore, not with the vice grip he had around you tightening unknowingly.
You couldn’t resist the urge to run the pad of your thumb against his soft lips - it looked so soft and supple. The rest of your fingers found their place on Izuku’s cheek, enjoying the warmth only he could radiate. You smiled, looking at the sleeping Izuku subconsciously pressing his cheeks against your fingers.
This is what you believed a life spent with him would look like - and you pray so that it stays like this.
“Hey,” you say as you kiss Midoriya’s forehead, “Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Your alarm began to ring again, causing the hero beside you to groan loudly.
“Turn that thing off,” he said, placing his head on your shoulder, “We don’t need to wake up early today.”
This man… how was he the top hero?
You ruffled his hair, chuckling.
“Weren’t you the one who told me to wake you up early today?” you ask, recalling your conversation with him yesterday.
“I just wanted to spend the whole day with you, but I think we can do it from this bed, can’t we?” he said, pressing kisses on the nape of your neck.
“I think you forgot, Deku,” you say, cupping his cheeks, “You have a press conference with Bakugo and Todoroki today - you know, about your job as a hero?”
His eyelids shot open.
“Oh, shit,” he mumbled, making you laugh.
“It’s only,” you looked at the wall clock, “9 am right now. You have about 1 hour to get ready and head to the studio. That trip would take about 20 minutes.”
You smiled when you saw him visibly relax.
“Sadly,” you say, “You aren’t getting breakfast from me since I couldn’t even move one inch from the bed,” you gesture to his arms on your waist.
You kissed his forehead again, trying to wipe off the guilty smile he had on his face.
“Happy birthday, Midoriya Izuku. Now, go get ready.”
He kissed the apples of your cheeks before pressing his forehead against yours.
“Thanks, love.”
The minute you heard the door close, you got out your phone and called your mother-in-law.
“Hi!” she answered cheerfully, “You ready to do this?”
You turned the voice call into a video call, then propped your phone behind the salt shaker.
“Hopefully…” you trail off as you put on your apron, “You don’t think I’ll burn anything or cause a fire, right?”
“If you’re anything like Izuku in terms of cooking, we’ll be fine.”
You weren’t.
Pancakes, waffles - you could handle that.
But meat? It definitely was not your forte.
Izuku’s the one who handled all the savoury dishes while you were the resident taste tester.
“Don’t worry - the very person who introduced him to the savoury dish is right here, showing you each step in detail. You won’t mess up that much,” you said to yourself as you brought out the ingredients.
You laid them out in front of her, allowing her to examine them thoroughly.
“First things first,” she said, moving to her couch, “You’re wearing your apron wrongly.”
You stared at the pan filled with onions, eggs and fried pork, feeling defeated.
You were supposed to move all of that into a small bowl of rice.
You were supposed to move a bunch of slippery onions doused in sauce, a steamed omelette that looked like it was going to break into two and a pork cutlet that you slaved over - all of that, into a small bowl of rice.
“Trust me, it’s pretty easy,” Inko said, trying to calm you down, “It just looks intimidating.”
“Intimidating is one way to explain it,” you said, staring at your hard work.
“Just do it, don’t worry - you have multiple backup pork cutlets if you mess up.”
“I know, but-”
“Just do it.”
You immediately placed the toppings into the bowl of rice without any spillage.
...or so you thought.
The whole thing spilt over the sides of the pan, missing the bowl of rice entirely.
“Try again, dear,” she said smiling, “No harm in trying again.”
After 5 tries, you managed to make two perfect bowls of fresh katsudon. The smell of the fried pork cutlets wafted through the air, making you smile at your hard work.
“It looks really good, dear,” she said, smiling, “He’ll love it.”
You smile at her cheerful gaze towards you.
“You sure you don’t want to come over? It’s just a fifteen-minute drive.”
“I appreciate you asking me,” she said, sighing, “But I think you two should spend the day together. I’m pretty sure you both haven’t spent much time together since your honeymoon.”
“You sure?” you ask once again.
“I’m very, very sure,” she says, chuckling, “Now go get ready.”
You placed your phone flat on the countertop and started to set the table. As soon as you finished, Izuku came into the house, a tired expression painted on his face.
“You okay?” You say as you walk towards him.
“How rude of them to make me work on my own birthday?” he chuckled softly.
He looked to the dining table and his eyes lit up.
“Did you made Katsudon?” he asked, the tired expression he once had leaving his face.
“Yeah, I did,” you say as you help him take off his jacket.
“However,” you place his hands on his chest, “You need to go bathe.”
“What’s with everyone bullying me today?” he huffed.
“Bullying or taking care of you?”
“Well, when you put it that way…” he trailed off.
“Just go bathe,” you say, chuckling as you push him towards your room.
“Oh no,” he said as you pushed him, “My feet can’t move.”
This grown kid.
“So I’m supposed to carry you bridal style now?” you joke.
“ I did it to you, didn’t I?” he whispers in your ear.
You felt blood rush to your cheeks the minute the sentence left his lips.
This man…
“Wow, my feet work now! I’ll go bathe,” he said as he kissed your cheek.
This man is too cute for his own good.
“This…” he said, mouth stuffed with food, “This is really good!”
You smile, looking at the green-haired male scarfing down the food you made. You loved the little sparkle he had in his eyes whenever he truly enjoyed something - and to your luck, it was the food you prepared for him.
“You seriously made this by yourself?” He asked with his eyebrow raised.
“You don’t see your mom here, do you?”
“You sure you didn’t order in?” He teased again.
You kicked his leg under the table, causing him to wince in pain.
“Oh, how you wound me,” he said, faking tears.
“Serves you right for making fun of me,” you huff.
He got off of his chair and headed to the sink to wash his bowl.
“Well, to be fair,” you add, “I did video call your mom so she could teach me.”
“So I was right, then,” he said as he places his bowl in the sink and turning to face you.
“She didn’t make it, though!”
“You said you made it all by yourself, but you got my mother’s help. Hence, you lied to me,” he put his arms on the countertop.
“I didn’t lie to you,” you say, laughing, “I really made it by myself.”
Izuku was already standing in front of you, cupping your face in his hands.
“You kicked me,” he stared at you, “You kicked a tired hero.”
“Heroes don’t tease others as much as you do,” you retort.
“What is my purpose in your life but to tease you?”
“A lot of things actually,” you say, smiling at him.
“Oh? Like what?”
“First of all,” you put your hand on his chest, “Where did this flirty Izuku come from?”
“Maybe,” he put his thumb on your lower lip, “He came because I am using my birthday privileges to be a little more flirty than usual.”
You stare at his green orbs. They glimmered even under his own shadow. Its golden flecks shined just for you and you alone. The creases of his eyes curved upwards, showing you how happy he was just to be in your presence. The wild forest he calls his hair had rogue strands that tickled your cheeks. You loved how soft they were - especially after him just washing it roughly an hour ago.
Your hand on his chest began to outline the scars he cultivated through his years under All Might’s wing and his hero training back in UA. You smiled as you remembered how strong-willed he was as a boy to become a hero, and now he was - standing on the very top.
“You okay?” he asked, worried.
“I was just thinking of how much you’ve grown from back then,” you look up to his face, meeting his eyes that were staring straight at you.
“For someone who took so many notes back then, you’re really dumb,” you both chuckle.
“How are you still bullying me?” he sighed.
“Endure it, Deku,” you joke, imitating Bakugou.
You close your eyes as you pressed your forehead against his, enjoying the small moment you’re sharing with the male in front of you.
“Happy birthday, Izuku.”
“Thank you, love.”
You both shared a kiss, both bellies and hearts full.
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You and Me
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,649
Warnings: Angsttt, slight swearing, mentions of harassment and violence (all show-like, tho).
Summary: Jay and (y/n) were trying to navigate their secret workplace romance when an unexpected event agitates their feelings about it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: No, I am not very sure of what exactly this is, sorry! I think it turned out kinda messy but, being honest, I just really wanted to write their interactions within that kind of angst! 
Anyways, I hope this isn’t too bad and I am very sorry about dropping this kind of imagine instead of something good enough to help us heal from the finales.  
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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It had been about 20 minutes since you finally convinced Kevin that you were okay and that he should go home when you heard someone knock on the door. You knew it was him. It had to be him. You needed it to be him. So you quickly moved to open, after checking the peephole. As soon as there was a hint of an opening, you felt Jay’s arms around you, his breath on your neck, and his voice cracking with concern.
"Oh my God, baby, I was so worried about you!" He sounded absolutely desperate, his arms enveloping you in just the way your own despair required him to.
"I know, I know... I just... I-" You tried to let out but couldn't continue because you'd started sobbing. Around Jay, it was inevitable for you to put your walls down. And, almost as soon as your tears started to fall, your boyfriend brought you even closer; holding you tightly by the waist with one arm, the other stroking your hair.
"Shh, it's gonna be okay, princess. You're okay now." He told you, but the truth was he wanted to cry as well. Not only had those past days been pure agony for him — a lonely agony —, but, also, because, even with you like that, you both knew that Jay wouldn't be able to keep a promise to stay the night if he got a call from work. Because no one knew that he needed to stay by your side. That you needed him there. Because no one knew how much all of that was hurting him, too. Because no one knew anything.
"I'm just- I just came so- so close this time, you know?" You tried to let him in on how you were feeling, pulling away a little so you could see his face better.
"I know." He replied, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "And it all happened so suddenly, I felt so stupid, powerless..." Jay confessed, as he remembered the operation that’d gotten you abducted, leaving the entire team with no clue on how it happened. 
But, for your boyfriend, it was pretty clear, though: the two of you were covering one side of the building and, afraid you might get upset with him for hovering, he didn’t have your back the way he should have. It was his fault that it all happened to you.
"Jay... That wasn't your fault, okay?” You stated firmly, as if you knew exactly what he was thinking. “None of us could've guessed that it would turn into something that, um, bad..." You said, not being able to stop the shiver that ran through your body, which made Jay go back to holding you close.
"Still, I should have done a better job at protecting you-" He started to mutter quietly in your hair, but you stopped him with a disapproving look.
"Stop, okay? Just stop! I'm a cop too, I have been a cop for about the same time that you have and I never needed or had a boyfriend protecting me in some special manner on the job!" He just stared at you, shock and hurt in his eyes.
"I know that, okay? I do know that." He told you quickly, as his hands went up from your sides, in a sign of surrender. "And I'm sorry if it came across as if I thought any differently. I'm sorry, baby. It's just that-" He paused for a moment, looking so hurt while sighing deeply, "It was really hard to not know what was going on with you, even after you went to the hospital... I mean they called Kevin to go stay with you in the hospital!" Another sigh, this time, an annoyed one. "And, seeing that, I guess that I just- I just wished that none of it had happened?"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be saying this right now. I'm making this about me, when it's actually about you, geez." He reprehended himself while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No, no! It's okay. Because this is about you, too. And I'm glad you're telling me how you feel." Hearing that, he just looked at you and wondered about how on Earth he had managed to snatch someone like you. "First things first: what happened to me wasn't your fault. I don’t say this often but: as great a partner as Kevin is, I love working by your side. And, I do it without any fear or concern because I know you'll have my back. One hundred percent." You assured him while giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "now, the second thing: you do know that they only called Kevin because he is my partner, right?"
"I, uh, I do know that," yet another sigh.
"Okay, Jay. I love you and I really need you right now. But, if you don't stop sighing and just say what you wanna say already, I will kick you out of here." At that, he couldn't help but to let out a soft chuckle. God, you loved his smile.
"I don't wanna upset you with this. Especially now. But, I guess, I just would have liked to be the one they called." Seeing the instant frown you made, he clarified: "Not as your partner. As your boyfriend."
You had to admit that, even though you knew going public with your relationship was something Jay thought a lot about, you weren't expecting him to say that at all. Not at that moment, at least. And, being the not-so-calm person you were, the conversation quickly took a turn.
"What the hell? I just got back from the worst moment of my life and you wanna use that- pry on that to pressure me into going public?" God, that was harsh. You knew as soon as the words left your mouth. You regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. But you didn't dare to open it again, as you watched his face go from hurt to annoyance and then a hint of anger.
"You're kidding, right?" You didn't answer. "Please, tell me you're kidding?"
"Babe, I'm-"
"You're what? You're sorry? Because, man, that shit you just said? That hurt!" He stood there in silence for a moment before continuing: "do you have any idea of what these past days were like for me? You think I'm bringing this up now just because I wanna shout to everyone that you're my girlfriend? Claim you as mine or whatever bullshit reason you think I have for wanting to go public?” You still couldn’t say anything, so he went on, “well, it's not any of that. I'm talking about this because you were missing for two entire fucking days that felt like forever to me, but I couldn't tell anyone how I'd die if anything happened to you because, hey! I was respecting your wishes! I felt guilty about the operation and thought that the least I could do was keep my pain all to myself. Which is kinda funny because you're always telling me not to bottle up my emotions!" By then you were crying, just because you were too mad at yourself for making him feel like that, and he paused but only to take a breath: "But, you know that all of that wasn't even what hurt the most? The worst part was when I got a text from Burgess on the chat group saying that they'd found you and had taken you to Med, but that we could continue doing our surveillance on one of the offenders because Kev was already on the way there!" He shouted this time, which made you wince a little — even though he looked more hurt than angry, really. Running his hands through his hair, Jay completed: "and, now, that I'm finally able to be with you- to- to know for myself that you're okay! You suggest that I was-" He couldn't even finish the sentence, which showed even more just how distraught he truly was. "I guess I just- I just can't believe that you don't see that all I wanna do is be here. With you. Taking care of you. Which is all I wish I could’ve done at the hospital, too…"
"I know, Jay." You whispered with a weak voice. Unsure that he'd heard you, you tried it a bit louder: "I know, Jay. And, trust me, I am so sorry for what I said! I don't- I just… I just wish it didn't have to be this complicated…" You knew what that sounded like. And, God, you were terrified about it. How could not you find anything good enough to say?
"Maybe I shouldn't be saying this… Maybe I shouldn't be trying anymore…” Because it sure looks like you gave it up, he wanted to add, "but I- I need to at least ask. Why does it have to be so complicated?"
"Jay, babe-"
"No! Don't do that! Don't try and stall me with that soft tone! I just wanna know why!"
"You know why, Jay!"
"I don't! I really don't! Or have you forgotten that all you did so far was give me half-ass excuses about privacy and being shy?"
"Okay! You wanna know why?" You half-asked, half-barked at him, "it's because I am scared of what will happen! That's why! Throughout all of my career, I've had to prove myself, then I got this sort of arranged job at Intelligence which not only threw all of my hard work to hell but, also, never lets me rest because it never really feels like I'm a part of that so-called family you guys have! And Voight? Every single day I still feel like he's testing me! Giving me the silliest assignments and being overly mad whenever I get the lead on a case! But, somehow — as messed up as it may sound —, I don't wanna lose that job! I don't wanna risk going back to the unit I came from, where I was constantly harassed and intimidated!" You blurted it all out, only stopping to take a breath while Jay simply stood there looking completely shocked. "And you, Jay, as great as you are — and you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me —, you can very easily put all of that at risk." Now it was your turn to sigh. You could only hope that you sounded as defeated as you felt: having to give up the guy who was probably the love of your life just to not go from one toxic work environment back to an even more toxic one. Your mouth tasted sour after that realization, which just made you remember how sweet Jay's always was.
"You never told me any of that." He muttered quietly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"I know and I'm sorry. I just… Thought it would get better. Eventually."
"You know I could have helped, right?" He stated sadly, then adding with a shred of hope: "You know… Maybe I still can?"
"Jay… Let's just not make this harder. Please."
"Just hear me out for a second: you are a part of our family." At that you just scoffed and looked the other way, making him pull your chin to connect your eyes again. "You are. I said I was going crazy with you missing but they all were too, including Voight."
"Yeah, right."
"It's true! Why would I lie to you about this? He looked truly haunted and, if I'm being honest, I think he just hoped he wouldn't get too close to you, to keep his head on straight in case something like this ever happened." He gulped harshly before continuing, "in case something worse happened. I think he simply can't handle losing anyone else, (y/n/n)."
"Y- you really think that?" You asked him and, you'd be lying if you said that you didn't get just a little hopeful.
"I do, darling," he told you in a soft tone. "And I'm not making excuses for him here or anything, okay? I'm just tryna tell you that we can deal with Voight. We can deal with rumors. I swear I will fucking kill anyone who dares to even touch your name on that stupid department!"
"Jay!" You started to reprehend again, even though you knew that he was just trying to lighten the mood. "That is exactly the kind of stuff you can't even think about doing after we go public!" You told him while spatting his arm.
"Ouch! Wait a second, did you really just say after we go public?" The way his eyes twinkled at that moment was enough to get you to agree with anything he wanted, really.
"But, hey! Don't get all exci-" You couldn't finish your sentence as he had already swept you off your feet and started kissing you all over. It hurt a little, due to your bruises, but it's not like you actually gave a damn about it.
"Don't get excited? Lady, I'm already over the moon!" He told you with the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
“Oh, God. You look so damn cute right now!! I can’t believe that I-” You cut yourself off because your voice started to crack while a big amount of sorrowful tears rolled down your cheeks. Seeing you like that, once more, made Jay start panicking a little, scared that maybe you were backing down on your relationship again.
“Baby? What’s wrong? Talk to me, please, (y/n/n).” Hearing the confusion in his plead sort of brought you back to say:
“I- I just can’t believe that I said the things I said to you! I hurt you! I hurt you in the kind of way I was scared you were you gonna get hurt when it seemed like I was gonna-”
“Don’t you dare complete that sentence, okay?!?” He half-asked, half-begged you, letting on so much heartbreak, “first of all: nothing could have ever hurt me in the way you being gone did. No matter how hard you might have tried, you just wouldn’t be able to get there, girl.” He said more casually, shrugging his shoulders in a way that made you crack a small smile. “And, second: I don’t want you thinking about me, in any way, when you're out there in the field. You just can't, love."
"I know, but at that moment, I-"
"Look, princess, you need to promise me that you will try your best to never do that again, okay? Because if you do, if the people we chase see any weaknesses they'll take advantage of it. And, then... But I know it's hard. You're the first thing on my mind whenever something goes south too, but I just- I love you too much to face the idea of losing you! So you need to promise me that you will keep your head one hundred percent focused on whatever is at hand, please, babe!" He begged you with such urgency in his voice that new tears started rolling down your already marked face.
"Oh, Jay... I love you, too, okay? More than anything in the world! But you know that, when we're in that kinda moment, our minds sometimes just wonder..." Seeing his concerned expression, you decided to add: "However, if you promise me you'll try your best to focus on your work, in the same way, I'll promise it too." At that, he gave you a cheeky smile.
"Deal. Now let's get you in bed cause it's been a long couple of days, detective." He said, picking you up one more time and carrying you to your bedroom.
"Oh my God! Jay, put me down!!" You squealed out, though you didn't really want him to put you down, ever.
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loverdrew · 3 years
Do It For Me | b.b
Synopsis: Y/N may never be able to forgive Bucky if he goes through with his decision. (pre-endgame with a twist, very inaccurate storyline and writing I know but it’s all fiction)
Warnings: a few cuss words here and there
Based off of Greys Anatomy (between Izzie and Denny)
My first ever Bucky Barnes fanfic! I’m getting more into writing for Marvel characters.
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I had been sat up in my room at the Avengers compounds for the whole day at his point; harnessing my magic, drawing/reading to calm me down, and just enjoying a nice day off. Everything seemed quiet, a little too quiet for my taste. No one had come knocking on my door to talk or check up on me. After a few minutes I started to hear talking through my headphones and it was coming from outside my door. I slowly let my earbuds drop from my ears, silently opening up my door and creeping downstairs. It had seemed to more I got down the steps, I saw more people come into view. All backs were turned, some arms crossed, but voices were definitely raised. It felt like more than one person kept trying to speak and once at the bottom step, I saw the one person who was the center of it all.
Wanda was the first one to see me, cutting her sentence short, and soon everyone followed. Steve’s face dropped, biting his lower lip and looking at the floor. Bucky stood up, eyes almost bulging out of his head. I looked around stunned at everyones faces as they all made a collective sigh.
“W-what’s...what’s going on guys.” Wasn’t so much of a question, but more of a ‘tell me now or I’ll crush you guys with just a thought’. My powers were growing, everyone knew this. With one scream, a whole city could go deaf. With no swipe of my hand, I can send more than 10 men flying 100 feet. Most of the time they wouldn’t dare bother me in fear of my emotions becoming heightened and possibly destroying something. But something tells me right now might be the first time that happens.
“I said, what’s going on.” My hands glowed purple, the color of my powers. Wanda immediately rushed in front of me and looked me in the eyes, rubbing her hands over mine. When she found out I also harnessed powers from an infinity stone, Tony made it a point to have her help me maintain my magic. Her touch softened the glow, instantly calming down my heart rate. She repeated the same phrase to me; ‘don’t let it take control of you, take control of it’. The purple glow went away, as she guided me towards the group.
“Thanos is coming, Y/N.” Tony spoke up.
“And we’re trying to figure out how to stop him once and for all but...there was an idea brought up.” Bruce chimed in, and I followed his gaze right to Bucky. His head laying low. My mind went to the darkest of places. Bucky had never looked so ashamed. All I wanted to do was hug him and rub up and down his back, he always liked that. The last time I did that for him was a few nights ago when he had yet another nightmare and I found him downstairs watching TV even though I knew he was exhausted. He was too afraid to fall asleep. I remember that night, thinking about how badly I wanted to tell him how I felt. He had been my rock since coming into the compound, even if nobody else saw it. Our friendship consisted of late night snacks and conversations, training together making each other stronger, and always communicating and tell each other the truth no matter what. But oh, how I wanted that friendship to mean more to him as it does to me. But I would panic, thinking I wasn’t ever going to be good enough for one of the best people I’d ever met. He deserved a woman who was just as great as he was. 
“Tell her.” Natasha spoke, anger laced in her voice.
“Bucky...” I whispered. 
“My greatest wish in life is to take back every bad thing I did in this world. Every person I had killed, hurt, ruined their life.” He looks at Tony with deep regret. “And I can’t ever do that physically, but maybe in another way, I can.” He was rubbing his hands together avoiding my gaze.
“Okay? Bucky that’s great that you’ve figured out how you want to do that-” 
“You didn’t let him finish.” Sam said with a monotone voice.
“We need to be ready whenever Thanos decides to come. And the only way for me to get my wish is to...be the one that’s sacrificed during the battle.” My heart stopped and the ringing in my ears began to pick up. Wanda could see my hands glowing much brighter and more rapidly this time. I could feel her hands come up to the sides of my arms but within a flash my whole body shook the entire room like an earthquake.
“What!!” I walked over to him and slammed down on the table. “Are you out of your god damn mind Barnes!”
He tried to reach out but I raised my hand, stopped his movement and moving his arm to stay at his side, unable to move it.
“No, no, no you’re not doing this. You guys please tell him he is NOT sacrificing himself! You have no idea how much power those stones are! Just look at me! I have the same powers as a stone yet I can’t control shit Bucky! It’s out of control you’ll be dead before you can even use one stone to fight off Thanos!”
“I’ve been working with Tony and Shuri on a way to help me harness the power. They’ve been working on a suit for me that is stronger than Tony’s. Y/N you have to understand that this is my way of righting my wrongs, if I die then I die a hero who saved the whole world, not someone who use to kill hundreds of people with no remorse.” I turned towards Tony, his eyes becoming scared as he held his breath.
“You...” I throw my hands up and thrashed Tony into the wall, shattering it. He couldn’t move, paralyzed by fear at what I could do to him. Wanda yelled out to stop, but I couldn’t hear anything over my own boiling anger. “You knew about this. You knew he wanted to die and didn’t try to stop him!”
“I-I was just doing what I thought was the only option.” I slammed him again into the wall.
“There’s other options Tony!” I began to cry out, tears instantly springing from my eyes so quick it took me a second to realize I was even crying. With each puff of my chest my powers weakened as I wasn’t paying as much attention anymore, my brain becoming overstimulated with dark thoughts.
Bucky came up behind me and brought his arms around mine, his cheek pressed up against the back of my head.
“You’re not doing this Buck, we’ll find another way.” I said in between cries. I looked around seeing everyone else become emotional at my breakdown. Natasha was like a mother figure to me, this was the first time I was seeing her tear up. Wanda was my protector, but she didn’t know how to protect me from my own feelings. And everyone who surrounded me, who watched me grow from a 20 something year old uncontrollable witch to a grounded and a fantastic Avenger, wore heavy hearts and hooded eyes. I turned around quickly wiping my eyes of any tears and stood tall. My breathing coming back to normal. “It’s okay we’ll-we’ll find another way. There’s gotta be another way right?” 
“Y/N...” He said sadly, clutching my hair. I pushed him off and walked away giving some distance between us, actually, between the whole crew. I stood on one side of the room while the rest remained where they were.
“Don’t do that. Don’t try to make me okay with this. Alright, you did some shit in your past Bucky, so what we all don’t have the best track records as angels. And I’m sure you don’t feel like you deserve to live with all of the trauma you’ve endured but guess what? You do! You know how you get the fix things? You become a better person, a fighter and protector of the world! People change Bucky and I’ve seen it first hand in you! You deserve to live just as much as anyone else!” Everyone remained silent, so I assumed they agreed with me. “And if you tell me one more time about sacrificing yourself because that’ll right your wrongs in this world, so help me God, I will kill you myself right now!” And without thinking, my hand shot out a purple beam of light, latching onto a glass vase and chucking it around the room, creating a whole in the wall and the glass shattering everywhere.
He walked up to me peacefully with his hands held in the air.
“Y/N, please. I’m going to be alright, you don’t have to worry this much. You should be more concerned about protecting yourself. I definitely wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t do this and something worse happens to you.”
I laughed in sadness.
“What about me? What about me when you die!” I saw multiple people begin to shed the same tears I was. We had all grown fond of Bucky when he joined us. He really proved and showed deep down, behind the trauma HYDRA had left him, he was a great man. That’s why I fell so deeply in love with him. “That’s the worst thing that could ever happen to me Bucky! I will die inside if you don’t exist in this world!”
“Y/N-” more tears sprang from his eyes. His voice cracked and got lower. It’s like he couldn’t find the words to describe the pain in his heart at the thought of leaving you behind. Without having told you that he loved you too. 
“No I get it! You’ll be okay, you’ll be fine with it but what about me? Please, don’t do it for yourself, do it for me please!” I hunched over, the grief and pain overtaking my body. I felt too weak to even stand and continue yelling at him. “Please Bucky, please do this for me! Don’t leave me please don’t do this, I can’t take it please! You have to do this for me, because if you don’t I will never be able to forgive you!”
He stepped closer at a slower pace.
“For dying? For saving the world?”
“No for making me love you!” I began to cry out harder, the ring in my voice shaking the room once again, making everyone’s hands fly up to their ears as I got louder and louder. Natasha at this point was full on bawling, along with most people in the room. I think it was safe to say everyone knew of my affection towards the man at the center of attention, and maybe that’s why everyone had left me alone today. Afraid of this exact situation. The one person, the one thing in this world that can bring me to tears at my feet.
Bucky’s eyes filled with adoration as he ran up to me and held me on the floor in between his legs. I clutched at his arm crying into his shoulder. He looked back at Tony, who only gave him a nod. They had agreed together that one of them was bound to be the sacrifice when it came to defeating Thanos. Bucky of course still wanted it to be him, he felt it was the most right option. But when he looked back at Tony, clutching the love of his life in his arms, Tony took that as a final answer. Tony was okay with the decision he had come to long ago. He was ready to die for the good of everyone else, but nobody knew that yet. Bucky wasn’t giving up the fight, but now it only became that much harder to leave her behind. It was easier not knowing her feelings, but it had come to the light. Bucky wanted a life like Tony, the kids, the wife, everything. But at what cost? He was still going to fight to the death if he had to, but the decision to be the one to end it all was fading away.
“It’s okay Y/N, I promise we’ll talk more about it and find another way if we have to.”
“We have to Bucky, we have to.” My cries didn’t stop, but my voice lowered. My eyes caught everyone else’s, almost embarrassed at my sudden outburst of devoted love to Bucky, but everyone knew, they just never heard it from me. “Just hold onto me please.” I pleaded.
“I’m here Doll, I promise I’ll stay right here.”
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