#sleepy pj is onto something yall
no but your analysis is rly brilliant! i don't think all the themes u discussed were fully conceptualized by the writing team (as u said, this IS total drama after all), but i do absolutely think this season was specifically written to be an updated representation of the kind of reality tv show u would see on netflix nowadays, rather than in 2008. for most of the cast, it's not their first time experiencing the limelight, nor is it a novelty. they are the products of the post-writer's strike reality tv boom of the late 2000s, as well as the rise of internet culture: they've grown up with both these things and have never known a life without them, and as such don't have the same perception of boundaries and privacy that prior casts might've had. to them, they're all on camera anyways, so why not profit? why not use others' personal moments for their own benefit? that's how things are normally- that's how reality tv is supposed to go! privacy isn't valued the same way because anyone and everyone can be the subject of ridicule through online videos as well as past reality tv shows. when u grow up on youtube and shows like the original season of total drama, that actively encourages the viewer to laugh along with chris at the expense of its contestants making asses of themselves, then why stop there? when everything's fake and yk it's fake, when anything can be filmed at any time, privacy is a boundary that loses its meaning. not sure if you've seen it, but this video explains this whole mentality in relation to the creation of total drama rly well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV3BxXbskbo&ab_channel=ObviousPuppet
you articulated this so well and i very much agree so i don't have much to add besides yes!!!!!!!
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Erik x Black Reader
Summary: Erik finds an old picture of you and an Ex. He recognises him and tells you about the man that saved his life in Afghanistan . 
A/N - Warning⚠, I’m going to make this as emotional as i can. please ignore any errors
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“Are you on your way here?“ You mother asked over the phone.
“Yes, we are. We might take a pit stop and buy something, do you want anything from the shop?“ You asked polity.
“Yes, get me some milk and cookies. The ones I like. The ones they dip in chocolate.“
“Okay, Ma. No problem. We’ll be there in 20 minutes okay?“ “Yeah yeah. Is my beautiful son in law coming or are you coming with Jade“
“Ma you are on speaker!!“ You were tempted to just hang up but you knew she would kill you. Erik was of no help. He just grinned foolishly.
“Yes. The son in law is driving.“ You slurred
“Hello, Mrs Johnson.“ Erik’s deep voice filled the car
“Erik? What did I tell you about calling me, Mrs Johnson? Call me Mom.“ the was a pause
“Alright, Mrs Johnson.“
“I’m nothing going to tell you twice now. Come on Im your mama.“ Your mom pushed.
You could see Eri wasn’t ready to do that. He had nothing against your mother. He actually liked her but Erik was still working on the emotions he had with his own mother. Even though he lost her along time again the issue was still sensitive and sore.
“Okay, Mrs Johnson we are about to enter the highway so we will see you. Bye“ You hung up and sat back in the leather seat.
“I’m sorry about that?“
“Nah it’s cool.“
You didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you uncom- ”
“I said let’s drop it Y/N“ His voice was stern and hostile. You saw how his hands tightened on the wheel, the muscles under his skin expanding with the pressure. He was tense. You feared that your mother might have triggered him. You quickly put on some music to calm him down. You put on your favourite lo-fi playlist. You knew it would calm him down and it did. 
Driving 130km/hr you rest your hand on his thigh. You wanted him to slow down, doing this was much better than telling him to slow down. Gently moving your fingers on his inner thigh he slowed down. 
It was raining and Erik had no business speeding on the highway. 
He was driving to your moms. He had agreed to help your mom clear out your old room and the attic. She lived in the countryside, the other side of the state but with Erik’s mustang and driving skills, he could get you there in no time. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you.“ He took your hand and kissed it. 
“Don’t be, I understand.“ 
You pulled your hand from his placing it on his thigh again. This was the best part. When you were comfortable enough to talk and be okay with him. It took a long time to understand him, the way he showed himself and the parts he didnt want to show. It took some time to understand that Erik was more than just some nigga from Oakland. He was different.He loved differently and you were ready to be with him no matter what. 
“It’s a good thing you didn’t take out your braids yesterday.“ You didn’t hear him until he nudged your shoulder.
“Yes?“ You pulled out of your train of thought.
“What are you thinking about there.“
“Nothing. I’m just sleepy.“
“You should have slept earlier. 11 o'clock is too late.“
“I had work Erik…but if somebody didn’t wake me up for some action in the middle of my sweet slumber then I would have had my eight hours.“ you folded your arms across your chest.
He was smiling again. 
“What did I tell you about sleeping naked.“
“Erik I always sleep naked cause cloths tighten and roll up on me when I move ….they make me feel uncomfortable. “
“Okay ..but you could have stopped me at any time though…“
“…Fuck you right“ You laughed a bit as he pulled into a petrol station thinking about last night’s events.
 You offered to go buy all the things you need for the weekend but he didn’t want you getting wet. So you told him what yall needed and he left. After a couple of hours, you were very close to your Mother’s house and Erik pulled into her driveway.
“My favourite people!“ She closed the space between her and Erik with a welcoming hug. His head fit in her collarbone. She really liked him. 
Disappearing into your old room, you left them behind in the kitchen. 
Your room looked the same. Nothing was changed or moved. The double bed with all your TLC, Destiny’s Child, Aaliyah, Ashanti and most importantly the Tupuk poster were still up.
You could tell your mom still came in and cleaned once in a while. There is no way your white bedding would still look so fresh and clean after 2 years and no dust. Yes, she did. You looked under your bed to find a box. It was filled with your all memories. Old letters and bracelets. Erik hugged you from behind as you looked at through the objects. You kissed him and sat on the bed.
“Look at this stuff. She still kept it.“ Erik started to look through with you.
“Your mom said we will start cleaning up tomorrow cause your tired and its late .“ You agreed while you read your high school report cards.
“I Was getting B’s and C’s like it was nobody’s business.“ you smile
Erik was interested in all the objects in the box. He wanted to know you better and when an opportunity showed itself he would grab it with both hands.
“You used to play…what the hell is this.”
You looked over him to the picture of you holding a bat.
“Oh, first-team badminton… it’s like Tennies..a bit .”
You let out a high pitch scream.
“Damn Y/N what the hell.”
“I’m sorry but look. I remember buying this lucky packet thing and finding this ring in it. Then I saw a shooting star and wished a handsome, intelligent nigga would marry me.”
“Did it work.” “Yes, it did.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back pulling things from the box. A few minutes went by and you notice how Erik went quite. He was holding the stack of photographs that didn’t make into your photo album.
“What’s got my baby’s attention.”
He carried on staring at the old photographs, you lean up against him again to see what picture had his attention. It was an old picture of your ex-boyfriend giving you a kiss on the cheek. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come one E. You know your girl was fire back then. I …was bringing all the boys in the yard.” He stayed very serious, focusing on the picture of your Ex planting a kiss on your cheek.
“What was his name?” He asked
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous…You married me ..You won nigga" You giggled
“‘I know….but I think I know him.” Your eyebrows shot up
“`From where?… His name is Flex..”
“What…what’s wrong?”
“Was his surname O’Brien..”
“Yeah, I think so…It’s been so long though. After graduating I don’t know where he even ended up.“
He didn’t move, just staring at the picture.
“You alright?“ He worried you. His whole aura had changed.
“I know him…He served with me.“ The sorrow and pain in his voice made you pay full attention to him. 
If he did know Flex he must have done something terrible for him to be so emotional all of a sudden. But flex was not like that. You remembered him to be soft and kind. Sure he likes to cause tribble but none that could hurt anyone.
You placed the diary you held and sat next to him. taking his hand.
“You want to talk about it.“ 
“Nah. It’s late you should get some sleep.“
“You sure? I would much rather hear you vent.“ He smiled 
“Let’s get ready for bed.“ He left you to grab your luggage from the car. By the time he got back from the car, Your dad had arrived. He loved Erik.
‘The son I never had’ he always says. You found them in the kitchen talking about the upcoming game. He seemed much happier then he did before. He could cheer up anyone, to be honest. 
“So you came to help your mother with moving?“
“Yes, Sir. Me and Y/N can handle it don’t worry yourself.“ 
“What do you mean me, Erik? I only came for emotional support“ You played along with your husband.
“Nah we are going to put all them pilates and squats into good use tomorrow. Remember to leave with your back.“ Both your father and husband laughed holding onto each other.
“Daddy!!“ they both looked at you. It made you smile that Erik would respond to that even if your real father was present. You fixed your face and pouted to get him on your side.
“Dad. Erik is bullying me.“ 
Adorable Erik though
“I’m sorry sunshine. I was lucky that Erik was free to help. You know since my back kicked in I can’t do anything.“
“-except eat my pies and cooking” Your mom came into the kitchen holding a basket of laundry.
“You got that right.” shocking her head and called you over.
“Y/N why don’t you make the table. I’ll be back to dish up the food for dinner.”
You agreed and did as told, after dinner. You all got ready for bed. For the first time, you didn’t get weird looks from your mom and dad when it was time for sleeping arrangements. Before the wedding, Erik was just some nigga trying to take advantage of their only baby but after the wedding, Erik was the beautiful, nigga angel who was sent to protect their only child from the world. It was strange, and the funny part was Erik didn’t change he was the same chilled guy. But your parents didn’t want you sharing a bed with him. The Christian side of them just couldn’t let that happen. You wondered if they ever figured out that you would just pull him from that uncomfortable, couch around midnight to sleep with you in your bed and end up fucking. It would be weird if they did.
“Before you get up and leave. I would just like to say something..don’t be shy. Do what needs to be done” You knew exactly where this was going.
“Mom please.” You begged
“I need to say this Y/N…Erik I would like to have some grandchildren.”
Erik spat out his wine. It was too funny. It seems like he had not gotten used to how open your mom was. You helped clean him up and left before she said more embarrassing things.
You started getting ready for bed. Brushing your teeth in your silky pj’s. Erik was already in bed. He looked beautiful. He only had his bottoms on, hair all the way back in 3 cornrows. He could see that you were checking him out. Even though he was scrolling through his emails.
“You want to take a picture, Love?“ You giggled. His favourite sound in the world.
“I already have a ton of them, but the real deal looks much better.“ You climber in bed with just his bed lamp on. 
“You don’t say. Are you not cold?“ 
“No. You?“
“No?“ He gave you a kiss and laid down on his back so did you. He turned the lap off and in the silence, you asked.
“Do you think we should fuck so we can have kids ?“ Your voice was little
“What the hell“ Erik let out a laugh, his whole body shook.
“You being pressured by your mom baby?“
“No. I’m in no rush..like at all but we’ve never really spoken about it, Erik.“
“I want to have kids with you, but when the time is right. We still working on us right now. 3 years of marriage that is not a long time. I’m planning on being with you for the longest, like your mom and pops. 57 years.“
“I want to be with you for longer than that.“ You sounded corny and cheesy saying that. Erik smiled thinking you were. But you were his cheesy and corny girlfriend.
“Period…But I do want kids…I want to show them Wakanda and shit. I would love that. “ He said it confidently leaving no room for you to doubt him. ”Plus we live in a great area. They got a good school. You know his ass is practically going to live in that outreach centre. “
“What makes you think it’s going to be a boy?“ you smacked his chest.
“…what ..it could be a girl…or better twins.“
You gasped. “Like Beyonce,” you whisper dramatically. 
You laid on your side so you can see his profile. The small light that comes from the parted curtains helped you see that his eyes were closed. You left for the bath. In the dead of night is when you insecurities seemed to be the most active.
They questioned why Erik liked you, why he married you and if you were worthy to even carry his children. They told you that there were much better girls out there. Who were more attractive. Who could make him much happier than you could ever? At night, when everyone was asleep. The mirror was your worst enemy but somehow the Wakanden gem on your ring fingers reassure you that you were right where you belong.
“Are you asleep?“ you whispered to Erik when you came back from the bathroom. He didn’t answer but he pulled you close to his body. Your head laid on his chest and your arm on his stomach.
after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
“I was drafted with Felix.“
You didn’t say anything still trying to process the fact that your high school ex-boyfriend somehow knew Erik.
“You still listening..?“ You nodded your head against his chest still in shock.
“We didn’t train together but he was put into the team that left….long story short…i served with your Ex In Afghanistan.’‘ He gave a silent laugh. You felt his body shake.
“What are the odds.“ He said
“-It was crazy. I came in there. Young kid, trying to prove to everyone that am the shit. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. He was…how do I put it…he lost his shit every time a gun went off. I guess he was there to prove he was the shit too.“
Yep, that’s definitely him. You remembered him to be funny and witty and non-violent. You wondered what made him join the military.
“His bed was next to mine. He Latino so he was super chilled and super talkative. Won’t lie he annoyed me at first but we ending up being …kinda close.“
“Omg, this that is so adorable….. I should invite him over and have like a reunion some time. I’m sure I can find him on facebook or something..“
His head shot down at you with an unreadable expression. You thought you might have offended him, maybe he thought the idea was stupid.
“Chill E. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.“
“You don’t know don’t you?“ His voice was hollow and soft.
“Know what?“
“On one of the last days….we were coming back in 3 days. We had to patrol around the wrecked city. We had done this many times. The locals just went about their way…but that day Felix just ….he told me like 10 times he wasn’t feeling it…He knew something was off the second we left the base. And he was right. In the middle of the city, we were ambushed. ..Young kid from Oakland…I thought I was going to die. “ He gave a weak smile
“The base got word of what was happening and they sent help. We lost so many good soldiers but Felix and I made it out, as we ran out……all I’m thinking is I can’t wait to go home….but from a distance window Felix sees a sniper and jumpers in front of me when he heard the shoot….I’ve heard stories of what a Lapua Magnum bullet can do to a human body…seeing it in real life was something else..I didn’t have time to hold him ..close his eyes. He saved my life. But bet… after a few seconds I got the shoot. There was no way I wouldn’t avenge his death….right here. “
He raised his right arm and pointed to one scare on his arm… That scar was for the shoot. Erik had told you what the scars were for and it clicked. You felt heartbroken and angry for so many reasons but you couldn’t tell Erik immediately because he was still speaking. In all honesty, your brain stopped taking in information when you figured out Felix died. Your eyes water and a throbbing pain soaked up your heart. He was a good guy. He didn’t deserve that. You thought about his mother and his sister. They must have lost it when they found out. But that could have been your morning a death if Felix didn’t do anything..if he didn’t jump in Erik’s way. Maybe with how the universe works and timelines, you would never even have met Erik; that was a dark thought you just didn’t want to dwell on for too long. 
Erik saw your face. The light passes him and lands on your downcasted face. You looked distressed but he doesn’t regret telling you this. Your eyes are glossy with tears that are about to fall. You stop trying to fight the boiling emotions in your chest. They are hot and they sting and they want out. You push yourself into Erik and let out a cry. On his chest, your head laid visibly shaking.
He had never seen you cry like this in the past. 6 years of knowing you and not once. It wasn’t like the crying or sobbing you did when you watched romantic anime or kdramas or when he surprises you(cause you’re easy to please). This cry was deep and dark. It reminded him of pain and devastation. He wrapped his arms around you so your parents would hear. He hated your reaction. It also showed him how empathic of a person you were. 
“Can we go…” Your voice rough and small. “- Can we go see his grave?”
Erik’s face pulled up in confusion and you saw.
“Erik! He was my friend. I know …it sounds like we were was just dating and fucking…He was my actual friends and I’m so angry and hurt…I thought he was in Austria with his father. That’s what he always told me..that when he graduated he would move there…”
You wiped your tears that had wet half your face.
“-…i ..I also want to thank him…He also saved you..” You laced your fingers with his. Yours were tiny against his. “I want to thank him for that.”
Erik didn’t push. He simply agreed. He wanted to make you happy. So anything you wanted was a comrade. 
You stayed in that position, his hand over your waist and your head just by his chest, He heard your body try to recover. The rain had picked up, hitting and creating a calming noise. you fell asleep in his arms grateful and depressed. 
You thought about how hard destiny has been fighting to make sure Erik ended up with you. You thought about all the fights, his past, your past, the shit that went down in Wakanda, the girls and boy the nasty ass girl that wanted him. He was meant to be there. you were meant to be there. And the thought of that and the low humming of the rain sent you to sleep.
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infinityywar · 7 years
peter parker headcanon: how peter would ask you out/have a crush on you -requested
Anon Request: 9 hours?? yikes that’s a pretty long time omg. If you need requests would you consider doing headcanons about peter crushing on the reader/how he would ask the reader out? A/N: Yes it was a long ass drive thank god for naps!! OMG yeS I can!! (Um I’m sorry but best friends to lovers trope owns me so agaiN you’re always gonna be friends with peter in some form!! #sorrynotsorry) also this is disgustingly long sry i got totally carried away This is 2.8K ish words who am i??
You and peter had always known each other, you lived in the same apartment building (lets pretend that peter’s parents also lived in the same building as Aunt May, for the sake of this headcanon pls and thank you)
So you and peter are like best friends like BESTIES
Growing up with peter was the most fun ever, sleepovers that lasted the whole weekend and day trips to central park where you guys would goof off all day long and play superheroes
And your mom would always send you with a lunch when going with peter and Aunt May. And Aunt May would make pb and j for peter while your mom would make you turkey and cheese, and peter would always complain that yours was better so you would always split your sandwiches
This became an everyday thing when you guys were in school, where you guys ALWAYS shared your lunches 50/50 no matter where peter was he would always come find you to share his lunch because he knew you loved the peanut butter pretzels that Aunt May always packed him
He didn’t even really like them all that much he mainly encouraged May to keep buying them because he knew they were your favorite
As you got older nothing really changed, you guys still made pillow forts and had sleepovers both of you guys sleeping in sleeping bags in the fort or on the fire escape if it was particularly nice out
You were the first one to find out about Spider-Man even before ned!! And you were always so worried about him bc how can you not be !!!!
“y/n I swear it’s fine I mostly just help people anyway, like the other day I helped this old lady with directions, she bought me a churro which was nice. SEE YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY”
“whatever parker,,, just know if you die ill kill you”
 He always protected you when you guys took the subway because guys can be creeps and its his job as a best friend
holding your hand when you guys catch the subway or are in any crowded place he doesn’t want you to get lost or so he tells himself
Studying together because you both have a really important calculus test tomorrow that’s like 50% of your grade in the class and peters low key freaking out and you said you would help him in calc if he helped you in chem which you were far worse at than him
He was in pjs when you came over that morning and he still is bc hes lazy as heLL and he looks so cuddly all you want to do is hug him as a friend of course lmao
His hair is in messy curls and is all over the place as its falling into his face as he leans over his notes 
yOU CANT HELP BUT BRUSH IT AWAY from hIS FACE AND HE LOOKS UP WITH THE MOST INNOCENT lOOK LIKE “huh?” bc he’s so focused on studying and hes caught off guard by your hands in hIS HAIR AND ON THE INSIDE HES DYING
you toss a grateful smile his way  because you are so happy he’s in your life and you love and care about him so much as a friend what a lie
you end up both deciding to push the calculus aside and just hang out for the rest of the night because it’s like 7 pm and you’re both so tired
well actually peter begged you to quit
“y/n please!! I promise you can quiz me on the way to school tomorrow!!!” he used those big brown puppy DOG EYES ON YOU AND HE LOOKED SO CUTE AND TIRED HE MADE your HEART !!! which scared you a lil but whatever he’s just nerdy peter parker
Peter goes and begs Aunt May to let you sleep over but it’s a school night but he’s using those puppy eyes on her and no one is immune so she allows it
You both decide to watch a movie and you beg to watch 13 going on 30 and he allows it bc you use your begging eyes which you think never work but he’s like FUCKIn putty in yOUR HANDS
So he slides the movie in and you both squeeze onto the beanbag chair meant for one and peter’s childhood blanket is covering you guys and you’re both squished into each other and so logically peter puts his arm around your shoulder to allow you to be more comfortable and lean into him a little more
Peter hasn’t seen this movie in a while and he kinda forgot the whole premise of it
Then as he’s watching matt (mark rufflo’s character) fall in love with jenna and how much he cares for her and he’s looking at you and it kinda slaps him in the face and makes his heart skip a beat and the wind gets knocked out of him when he realizes that ,,, he’s in love with you?? He thinks he knows
And you look up at him when he starts coughing up a storm and you kind of slap his back in attempt to restore his breathing (is this a thing?? Maybe not ?????? who cares it is now) and shoot him a concerned glance as he goes to sit up
“dude are you ok? You sounded like you were dying..,,,”
“yeah yeah yeah yeah [the thing peter parker does you know that thing] im ok “
All he’s thinking about is the fact that the love of his life just called him dude and that she definitely doesn’t love him the way he loves her
They go back to their original position and you’re so engrossed in the film and all peter can do is look at you because you’re actually the most beautiful thing on this earth and he’s so lucky that he even gets to hang out with you! How did he even deserve to hang out with you all these years because you could’ve lived in any apartment buildings but no, you lived in his and here he was on a school night, cuddled up to the literal definition of an angel and you have no idea how beautiful you are
And I guess it kinda makes sense to him that he feels the way he does, I mean look at you how can he not! Your grace and patience and god you’re so smart and you’re such a dork it’s crazy adorable, the way you get excited about the little things in life or the way you care for others.
In peter’s mind it would be crazy if he didn’t love you because of course he’s always loved you he just didn’t really know the difference. He loved ned, of course not the way he loved you, and he also loved mj but not nearly close to the way he loves you. He loved all his friends but I guess it makes so much sense why the love for you always felt so much more intense. Of course he loved you as a friend but it was also a “I kinda want to kiss you for the rest of my life???” kind of love, which wasn’t friendly at all
But he kept his mouth shut because maybe you don’t feel the same ?? maybe you thought he was super creepy for feeling the way he did or maybe you liked someone else although you hadn’t mentioned anyone lately so ?? maybe not ! but he really didn’t want to lose you after nearly 10 years of friendship and sleepovers and shared sandwiches. He could keep his secret a secret if it meant he could keep you.
The movie comes to a close as peter is still daydreaming about you but looks down when he hears the credits roll and you don’t move.
You were dead asleep on his shoulder,, and you looked so peaceful and serene and adorable as soft lil snores left your lips which he most definitely wasn’t looking at not at all
He shut off the movie and then carefully vERY CAREFULLY slid his arms under you and picked you up bridal style with a chuckle
Here he was complaining he was tired from all the studying and you were the one that fell asleep during the movie so typicAL of you and completely adorable
Although yall had hella sleepovers you guys never slept in peters tiny twin bed together only on the floor or you slept on the bed and he knocked out on the couch because he was a kicker when he slept and you needed your personal space
But peter was too tired to go and get the sleeping bags and you looked too peaceful to wake so he just carried you towards his twin bed and set you down in his unmade bed as you made a move to cuddle into the covers and you’re just awake enough to sigh because the sheets smell just like him and you’re so sleepy and sweet peter just carried you to his bed and its got  you feeling some type of way
He pulls the covers over you and turns away and makes his way to the living room before he does something stupid when you open your eyes and scoot over to the far side of the bed (who are we even kidding it’s a twin and there ain’t a far side) and you reach out to grab his hand gently just before he’s out of reach
He hears your soft sleepy voice whisper “pete?” and he’s sure he’s gonna die bc look at you!! His heart is skipping beats and he’s blushing and he doesn’t even know why but he’s sure everything is written on his face because he wears his heart on his sleeve
He turns around and makes his way back to the bed and you pull his hand so he’s half sitting on the bed next to you and looking at you with loved up eyes because its dark and maybe you won’t see??
“pete it’s late and we have to be up early tomorrow you need good sleep just climb in” when you call him pete he gets all !!!!
  “a-a-are you sure y/n? [insert peter’s rambling voice] you know I kick in my sleep and it’s a twin and you need good sleep too and you won’t get that if i’m kicking you all night long!!!” he really doesn’t know if he could sleep that close to you because he’s not going to be able to sleep when you’re right there being all perfect and he’s creating scenarios in his head where you guys are a thing and happy and all domestic and crap
“shut up you goof, just come sleep next to me” he’s dying on the inside because he’s thinking  maybe if she wants to sleep with me maybe she likes me ?? not sleep with me but you know
So he mad bluSHES and so do you because you just invited peter to sleep with you? Are you stupid?? friends don’t sleep in each others beds?? But you are pete are best friends so maybe it’s ok? Maybe you don’t want to be friends ? maybe you want to be more?
Peter is freakin out because you are kind of cuddling him? Your legs are intertwined ish and your head is close to his shoulder and he can feel your breathing on his neck and all he’s thinking about is he kinda wants to fall asleep like this every night and that if may found out she would most definitely not let you sleep over anymore
You slide your arm over his stomach and scoot closer to peter and it’s been like 2 hours and he still can’t sleep because all he can imagine is dating you and buying you your favorite flowers to surprise you and cuddling with you every night and taking you out to nice dinners and treating you like a queen because you are and you deserve everything under the moon and sun. he also imagines introducing you to tony and the gang and everyone loving you just as much as he does and you both just are so in love and he’s so happy and you’re so happy
Eventually he falls asleep although he’s not sure when because he spent the whole night thinking up your future because you’re all he’s ever known and he’s so in love and he’s such a sap
He wakes up to his alarm at 6:30 am and he feels you groan into his chest and your head in on his chest and you guys are all tangled up in his twin bed and he’s just about ready to spill his heart to you when you look at him from his chest with your sleepy eyes and mutter “can we just skip?” in your morning voice. He’s in so deep
You half freak out when you wake up basically on peter because you are so comfortable and he’s so warm and he’s holding you and you groan into his chest and you can feel his heartbeat quicken and all you can think is this is all you want but friends don’t want this ?? so you kinda know that you’re totally into peter parker in a “omg lets date” kind of way which you think isn’t that bad and you can’t believe it took you 10 years since he’s always been just peter but that’s the thing, you love that he’s just peter because he’s just your peter
He laughs his funny cute laugh and makes a move to get up, reminding you about your calc test and how if you don’t get up aunt may will kill him and you for skipping
You both blush as you try to untangle yourselves because you both are fEEling the feelings and it’s all so much because you’re all so flustered and embarrassed !!!
Pete is such a gentlemen he lets you take the bathroom first as he hands you a sweater of his to wear today he knows the drill and the rest of your clothes that you always keep at his house.
After you’re all done he comes in to brush his teeth and you’re there in his midtown jacket and you’re so cute and you look so tiny in it and he can’t help but stare a little as you brush your hair back and he reached by you to grab his toothpaste and he has his hand on your waist to move you out of the way and you feel your face getting red and he grabs the toothpaste and brushes his teeth in which he looks so cuTE uGh
Peter honestly doesn’t think he can waste any more time not kissing you, so he thinks that maybe he should just do it but then he thinks that no he shouldn’t because you probably don’t feel the same way
Anyways yall raced your asses to school and basically aced that test and you guys are living it up because its FRIDAY and peter spends the rest of the day imagining more scenarios which involve you guys being all cutesy and crap its honesty disgusting and so he waits for you outside your history class, your last class of the day and he sees you with a huge smile on your face and your coming up to him and he grabs your face without THINKING AND KISSES YOU NICE AND SOFT AND yOU aren’t sure what to dO !! and he kinda panics because he’s kissing you?? How the heck did this happen he thought you guys were a thing like in his mind and he’s so involved in these fake realities he’s created in his mind?? He honestly wasn’t thinking and now you hate him except now you’re kissing him back and his arm goes to wrap around your waist and lift you up a lil and you both smile and giggle and people are staring and ned from down the hall screams “GET A ROOM” and mj flipps yall off as you guys both turn red as he
“so I guess now is a good time to tell you that I think maybe do you want to go out with me?? Like on a date? Or something ? you don’t have to say yes just maybeimeanitwouldbereallynicebecauseidkiloveyouimsosorry”
“sure you goof”
“really!!!!!! Wow omg thank you yes uhh tonight? Ill pick you up at 6?? “
“sounds good peter! And one more thing”
“what ?”
“I love you too” and he’s blushing and Omg he just hugs you and kisses your cheek and goes to leave then he remembers that you guys always walk home together he’s so stupid you basically hang out til your date and then you go home and he picks you up and he’s got floWERS and acts like he hasn’t been hanging out with you for his whole life and he’s so nervous but its nice because you guys could talk for hours and you split your dinners with each other then he walks you to your door and kisses you and im ded
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