#slight javier x oc
romanarose · 1 year
If You Wanna Be Wild: Chapter 1
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Javier Peña x sex worker!informant!Reader/OC x Santiago Garcia
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Summary: Javier has his ladies, and you are one of his favorites. When he gets a new partner to take down Lorea, a man 10 years younger than him, Javi suggests the boy let off some steam with a prosititute, Javi was not expecting Santi to find his favorite girl.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it.
For the record, this is a fic that takes place in the drug trade and deals with the darker side of humanity, so anything from Narco's and Triple Frontier is liable to be discussed or mentioned here. This is your warning. This is not a dark fic nor is it centered around darkt hemes like Leather and Lace or Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, but they are open to be talked about.
Reader has a nick name: Candy. Not her real name just what she goes by on her profession. Much of the inspo for this and for the title came from the Bruce Springsteen song “Candy’s room” so check it out for the vibes.
Reader speaks Spanish and had hair, might be considered Latina coded but given it's a fic taking place in Colombia that much can be gleaned anyway.
4.1K Words. Plenty of perspective shifts from reader javi and santi. When told from javi and santis pov it’s third person and reader is referred to as she/her and candy
When Javier came inside you, it was quicker than usual. He must be on a time crunch. Not that you were complaining, Javier had gotten you off and that was more than most clients did, seeing as they were paying for their orgasm, not yours. It was only fair, it’s not like you were in this business for fun, you were trying to survive. 
And survive you had! You’d done better for yourself than many of your fellow prostitutes, able to get out of a brothel where you were pimped out by shitty men who took more than their fair share of your money and a little side action for themselves. You’d saved up enough money to rent an apartment where you could do your own business for yourself and answer to no man except the ones who paid for your time. Being beautiful helped in this business, absolutely, but there were no lack of pretty girls, many of the workers on the streets and in brothels were plain or just ugly. It didn’t matter to the men who were just looking for a 5 minute fuck. Where your skills came was the inter-person. Sex, for most people anyway, was better when there was a connection of some sort; even those big scary drug lords like many of those you serviced liked to feel human connection, needed to know you wouldn’t laugh at them for their weird kinks, and sometimes just wanted to talk.
That is, you suspected, is why Javier Peña fucked you instead of the other girls around. Well, he definitely fucked other girls. But you got a good chunk of his time.
“Damn, Javi,” You laugh as he sets you down from where he had you up against the wall. “Only one position this time? You getting old?”
He laughs, breathless, making sure you were steady on your feet before he walked over to his pants. “Definitely old, but that’s not why. Gotta be up early to meet my new partner.” Javier, dark and gorgeous and a man of few words, yanked up his pants loose over his petite hips and pulled his pack of cigs and lit it before tossing them in your direction. You didn’t smoke a lot, but cigarettes after sex with Javi always hit just right. 
“Good luck with that. You’ve ran off the last 6.” Javi wasn’t the nicest man in the DEA, you knew; he wasn’t exactly loved and people weren’t jumping to work with him. Well, men weren’t anyway. 
A few years ago, he had a partner, Steve, and the two had gotten along damn well. Since then, Javi’s been going through partners like crazy. In the years since Pablo Escabar’s fall, cocaine has not stopped. You’d know, given that you’d partook just last weekend at an event.
“He’s gonna be the worst yet, I just know it.” Javi grumbled before taking a long drag and sitting on the couch where you joined him, legs propped up over his. “Some fresh-faced dumbass kid that’s never seen what the world is like outside his moms tits.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes at him. You’d never do that with other clients; they needed to feel important, listened to. Javier didn’t care about that. “How old?”
You laugh right in his face. “25 is hardly a kid, my brother had seen it all by the time he was 15!”
“Yeah, that’s because your family-” He stopped, looking to you before deciding better than to complete that sentence. “Never mind,” Javi muttered.
“Smart boy.”
Javier Peña wouldn’t describe himself as hard to work with.
Others would, however.
Sometimes they took issue with his womanizing, but Javier contested this, saying he always paid the women more than fair, never seduced married women, never pressured or coerced.
 He simply paid women for what they had, and instead of them spending the night with some asshole who wanted a quick fuck, someone who might hurt them, or an otherwise unpleasant night, they got to spend it with him. Not that Javi thought he was hot shit, but at least he could treat the girl right, make them cum. Additionally, he watched out for the women he slept with. Not all were his informants, but all of them could call him if they were in trouble.
The rest of them just couldn’t do what it took and couldn’t fire back what Javi shot out, not like Steve. Asshole. Asshole for leaving him. 
This kid was going to be no better, but at least he could speak spanish.
He hoped.
Last name was Garcia, but those American’s often can’t speak their mother tongue, especially if they are third generation.
The boy that walked in was already annoying him with his stupid mustache. Javi’s mustache wasn’t stupid, let’s get that straight. He looked good in a mustache. This kid looked stupid.
“Agent Garcia, nice to meet you.” The boy looked nervous as he reached a hand out to him.
“I’m not calling you that.” Great start, Javier. Great start.
“Oh. Uhhhh…”
“I’m Javi.”
“Santi, I guess.”
Santi looked a little deflated, he was probably looking forward to being called ‘Agent Garcia’, and Javi only felt a little bad. He remembered being that fresh-faced kid, so he threw him a bone. Javier leaned against his desk, arms crossed. “What brought you out here, Garcia?”
He brightened up just a bit at being referred to by his last name at least. “Just got out of the military, special ops.” He said proudly. “Wanted to come back to my mom’s home country, make a difference.”
Interesting bit of lore, there, and Javi couldn’t decide if it made him like the kid more or not. One one hand, the comment about his mom with a twinkle in his eye was endearing, but just showed that naivete he had. On the other, being in special ops was no small accomplishment and he was certain Santi had seen at least his fair share of death.
“No woman keeping you down?”
“No sir,” he stood with his hands clasped tight behind his back as if Javi was his drill sergeant. “My work doesn’t leave much time for that sort of thing.”
Javi wondered briefly if he was a virgin, he’s met a few military types who were into their later years, but decided it was none of his business.
That didn’t last long.
Santi did fine. It was fine. Better than fine, actually, and after a few months the DA was less irritated with Javi running off men and put the pair on a case; something he hadn’t had since Escobar. Gabriel Martin Lorea was someone who had made one hell of a name for himself in recent years, many considering him a successor to Escabar, but Lorea had yet to dip his toes into politics the way his predecessor had, and Lorea would never be too powerful without is fingers in the pockets off government and lobbyists and media. Maybe he just didn’t have the charm Escabar had, the ability to manipulate and sway… Gabriel Lorea was, from all accounts, handsome, but, according to the women Javi slept with and absolutely not Javi himself, too handsome to gain people's trust.
Javi didn’t hate Santi, he did good work and had skills to match, but christ the boy was optimistic, he tended to believe the best in people and that had gotten them into some problems as well, but nothing so much that Javier had taken issues with the kid, not when Santi was able to get them out of there alive.
 It was nice, honestly, to have someone he could talk to just a little bit. He’d be lying if he said it hadn’t gotten lonely, and it took a lot for Javier to swallow his pride and call Steve, but luckily Steve took mercy and just called him once a month or so. 
Thing was, sometimes Santi got a little pent up, his polite and calm demeanor slipping and taking it out of Javi usually. 
“Jesus, Garcia, what’s up with you?”
Santi had snapped at Javi over a joke Javi made about Santi putting sugar in his coffee. He had a guilty look as soon as he was chastised, looking like a caught kid. 
“Sorry, Javi…”
“Oh come on” He ruffled the young man’s curls before Santi shoved him away to smooth them down again. “What’s on your mind, someone play with your Flash Gordon action figures?”
“You have no idea what kids play with, do you?”
Javier just cocked an eyebrow at him, and Santi continued.
“Just been stressed is all.”
Thinking back to their first conversation, Javi wondered when the last time Santi got some was. He was a good looking guy, that was just obvious, didn’t have to be gay to figure that out, and he had a good job. There was no reason he couldn’t  get a one night stand, a girlfriend, or a damn wife if he wanted. Santiago was kind, empathetic, and the nice smile that women would fall head over heels for; Santi doesn’t see how the girls swoon over him, even Colleen who was well over Javier’s antics.
“When was the last time you got your dick wet.”
Santi’s coffee went everywhere, staining his cream colored shirt and the nice slacks he refused to trade in for jeans like Javier did.
“W- I- WHAT?!”
He was laughing so hard, Javi couldn’t fucking get a reply out for a minuet, every time Javi looked over to Santi, covered in coffee and eyes wide in horror, he kept laughing more. When he finally calmed down, Javi tossed over some napkins. “Sex, Santi. Sex. It’s normal we all do it. Or maybe you don’t, which is why I’m asking.”
Santiago wouldn’t look at him, shuffling a bit as he tried to dab himself clean. “Well… well it maybe- it might have… it might have been a while.”
“Garcia.” Javier turned to face Santi, attempting to catch his eye. “Man. How long’s it been? A few months? Since you came here.”
He muttered something, and at first Javi wasn’t sure he heard right.
“What was that?”
“Three years?”
Javi about spit out his own coffee after that. Three years? Javier didn’t like going more than three days!
“Are you kidding me?”
“Oh fuck off.” Santi was none too pleased with the prodding, but Javi followed after him, teasing his way down the hall. “It’s gotta be for lack of trying, isn’t it?”
“Go away!”
“Pretty boy like you, all you gotta do is walk down to a bar and ladies will be throwing themselves at you!”
“Fuck off!”
“You could just do it the old fashioned way.”
Santi stopped, turning on a heel so fast Javi crashed into him, too distracted by his goading.
“What does that mean?”
“Hire a woman. Or a man. Or a few, I don’t pass judgment.” He smirked, knowing the teasing was working.
A look of disgust crossed his face, youthful features crinkling. “A prostitute?” He was whispering.
“Yeah Garcia, a PROSTITUTE.” An intentional shout to embarrass the blushing virgin. “It’s not a dirty word, amigo.”
Santi’s eyes went wide at Javi’s emphasis, looking around to see if he had been caught. “How are you so casual?” He still spoke quietly.
Undisturbed, Javi once again leaned against a wall, shrugging. “World’s oldest profession. Nothing dirty about it. Well, if you’re using condoms, anyway.” He smirks.
It took a minute for Santi to process what he had just said. “You mean… You…” He couldn’t say it outloud.
Javi’s laugh was loud and boisterous. “Hired hookers? Yeah, of course I have.”
“I figured you could just… um… well, pick up women.”
There was a swell of pride to Javi’s words that the man thought that much of him. “I can, trust me. But to woo a woman, to find someone that wants you, trusts you enough, is enthusiastically willing… It's a long game, sometimes. A game I am more than willing to play, sometimes; I do enjoy willing a girl over, watching her open up for me, blossom… hmmmm…” He got a little distracted, words wandering off.
“I get the picture.” He said with a grimace. 
“Well, the point is, if I’m doing that, I’m doing it right. Taking my time. With hookers, I just gotta pay ‘em. Don’t worry, I make sure they enjoy their time too” Javi winked, eliciting a gag from Santi before they both went back to work.
A worm had been planted in Santi’s head, that was for sure. His dry spell and overall lack of experience in general was more for lack of trying than anything else. In the army, he was so career oriented, signing up for an initial 3 year term at 17 right out of high school, and quickly working his way up. When the time came to enlist for 7 years or quit and have a civilian life he never knew, the choice was easy, especially when he was promised a spot on an special ops team with his best friend. 
For 5 years he saw all the beauty and horror the world had to offer him, and was so focused on his career, so intent on making his way to general, nothing else in the world mattered. Not gambling, not women, not drugs or alcohol or any of the vices his brothers-in-arms surrounded themselves with. He’s seen his fair share of war, having of course been sent to Vietnam a few times, but his team wasn’t meant to die in a field in bloody masses like how the US government saw the poor teenagers they sent off to die in the war, they upheld: special, different, better. Santi didn’t feel better, that’s for sure. He certainly didn’t feel good watching people die on either side, nor did it make him feel special when he learned of the horrors mnn in camps would inflict on the local villagers just trying to survive. It didn’t make him feel special when Santi tried to tell his commander, Redfly, what was going on with the other men, what they were doing, and Redfly crushed him off as spoils of war… So he, Catfish, Benny and Ironhead became more and more secluded, unable to put an end to what was happening and only able to stop what they actually knew about. That’s why the four of them were so close, he supposed.
But they were never there for long. The army spent too many resources on them to put a gun in their hand and leave them to die in the jungle, no, they had no covert operations, things the CIA didn’t want out. By the end of things, Santi had dealings with Russia, Cuba, Korea, Germany, China, Japan, Chile, anywhere there was a whisper of communism that the powers that be decided were more important than everyone starving in the US, Santiago Garcia was there.
He put up with it, because he needed to, because he was going to work his way up, get in positions of power. He wouldn’t be like Tom and let rape run rampant in his men. He would keep moving up, and change things for the better. He wanted to help people.
In the end, getting shot in the neck was a good thing.
They thought he was done for, Tom telling the others to just leave him when he was shot and bleeding out but Ironhead lifted Santo over his shoulders and carried him out of the warzone himself. In the end, after hours of surgery, Santi lived, although he was never the same physically. He was honorably discharged, him and Ironhead meteled up for their silence, and with that Santi, or Pope as he’d been called was sent on his way.
“Are you able to tell me where you’re at?” Santi spoke over the phone. His old teammate, Catfish, had called him. Santi couldn’t really call any of them, he never knew where they were. Sometimes they didn’t either.
“No, sorry.”
“Not even a clue?”
“Pope, you know these phone calls are all monitored.”
“Yeah I know.”
There was a long silence. There often was, between them. When Ben called, he happily chattered away on the other line. When it was Will, there was always good back and forth. With Frank, however, his oldest friend, there was often silence, but it was always comfortable. They enjoyed just existing with each other. Frankie was a troubled man himself, and part of the reason Santi went where he went. He knew, in the end, Frank made his own choices, but a part of him held a personal anger towards the drug trade for what it sucked his friend into. 
“Frank, you ever… hire a prostitute?”
Another pause. “Sometimes. You?”
“No. My partner suggested it, he said I was a little.. Uptight.”
Frankie laughed at that, and unlike Javi he didn’t feel like he was being laughed at. Frankie never laughed at you, only with. “Yeah, sounds like you.”
“Hey now.”
Frankie thought for a minute. “Wouldn’t be the worst idea. Even Will went a few times.”
“Yeah, even the man of steel needs some love’n. I got the notion it was more time with his face between their legs and talking than anything else. I think he was mostly lonely.”
“You hire a hooker just for company? Seems dumb.”
“You hire a woman to listen to you, compliment you, let you feel some human connection, a feminine touch for once. Getting your rocks off is just a bonus.”
“So you think I should?”
“Look, I’m not gonna tell you to blow money on what you could probably get for free. I’ll just say… buy a condom.”
“Lot of condom talk these days.”
“Yeah, lack of condom talk is how I ended up with your goddaughter.”
“Wouldn’t trade her for the world.”
How does one go about finding a prostitute? It was like drugs… you kinda just needed to know someone already, or maybe run into them on the street. 
Or maybe you steal your partner’s contact list. 
Javi wasn’t subtle, that was for sure, and he had a whole separate section just for prostitutes… classless, that man. Santi flipped through the name, looking at the assortment of addresses and numbers as his heart thrummed against his chest. If he was being honest, he probably could just asked Javi for a recommendation, but he’d never get through the humiliation of it all, and Javi would never drop the subject. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, exactly. It wasn’t like the names had pictures next to them and Javi wasn’t quit crass enough to put “Lupe, 28, hot, big tits, no ass, dick sucking 7/10”, to Santi’s slight surprise. Maybe he remembered each of them, their best and worst traits. Maybe it didn’t matter as long as he got off… 
Santi flipped through to the end, then flipped back. Then through again and back again until he was starting to feel like this was a bad idea. Just pick one, dumbass. he told himself. Go in, cum, get out. He continued his downward spiral of self loathing and insecurity until he decided to just open the book and write down the first name he saw.
When Santi stood at the door, waiting to knock until exactly 9:00 PM, he was debating turning around. She sounded nice enough on the phone, a voice that put him at ease, but now facing the door… he wanted to run. 
And he almost did. Actually, he tried too,turning around and ready to make a break for it when the door opened.
Oh yeah. The fake name he had given her. Santi turned around. She was beautiful, stunning even, with dark red lipstick complimenting your reflection. He wondered how she was supposed to give a blowjob with lipstick like that. Did she give blowjobs? Did prostitutes have stuff they didn’t do? Of course they do, pendejo, they’re people too. Santi’s shame at his own inner monologue must have translated to his face, guilt that what he was… what was the word his sister used? Objectifying? Was he making her out to be a thing for his pleasure instead of a woman? Was he part of the problem? His older sister had made him read a few feminist theory books back in the day. She didn’t want him growing up to be a bastard like their dad. Did his dad ever hire prostitutes?
“Are you a cop?” She said, snapping Santi out of his daze.
“Uh….” Fuck. He could lie, couldn’t he? Did she know? He looked down at his clothes to check he wasn’t wearing his badge or anything. Smooth move. “No?” Great job.”
You cross your arms and cock and eyebrow. “Then you gotta proposition me, Diego.”
He blinked. “Huh?”
“If I say it and you’re wearing a wire, I go to jail again and I doubt my friend can pull strings a 4th time, so. You make the proposition and then you can’t charge me, since it’s entrapment.”
Santi briefly wondered where she learned this, but when the weight of her words struck, he found himself with a new problem. “You… you want me too…”
A small smile crept up her face, causing her lips to twitch. “You can say it, you’re a big boy. Or at least out here you are. You wanna be babied in there,” She nods inside her room. “Well, that’s no one’s business.” Punctuating the sentence with a wink, she waits for him.
Everything felt warm all of a sudden, his mouth dry and thick and he almost couldn’t do it… but the way she looked right now… he needed her.
“Do you… want to… have sex?”
Now he was confused. “For?
“Yeah, what am I exchanging the sex for, because you might be handsome, but it sure isn’t love. Yet.” Another wink.
“Oh! Uh… do you want to have sex… for… money?”
Santi watched as all her features relaxed, a bright smile illuminating her face and the whole room along with it. “Perfect! It sounds fucking stupid, I know, but I need to get it out of the way with new clients. Come on in, Diego.”
Candy took Santi into her room, and was surprised by the look; all around him were wall to wall posters and printed out pictures of idols spanning decades. Farrah Fawcet, Don Henly, Judy Garland, James Dean, Stevie Nicks, Mae West, Shirley Temple, Rock Hudson…
“You like ‘em?” She asked, watching him.
“Yeah… it’s quite a collection. Whose that?” He pointed to a picture in sepia tone  of a pretty girl with red curls, heart shaped lips, and thin, drawn on eyebrows.
Candy stepped up next to Santi. “Clara Bow, the original ‘It’ girl of Hollywood, a silent movie star. Lived a hell of a life too. Friend died in her arms, was sexually abused, suicide attempt, addiction… survived it all.”
“That’s incredable…” Santi’s amazement wasn’t faked.
“All these people are inspiring to me in some way or another.”
“I like… I like the James Dean one.”
She smiled at that. “I bet you would, handsome.” The picture was of James Dean laying on a motorcycle, smoking, of course. “You got a motorcycle, guapo?”
He couldn’t help but blush at the nickname. “No, a fun idea in theory… but maybe a bit too wild for me.”
“But hiring a hooker isn’t?”
Despite his desire to look cool, calm and collected, Santi gave a blushing smile. “You got me there.” 
“Now.” With grace, Candy slid right up to Santiago, touching his arms. “I take it this is your first time with a sex worker.” Her smile was soft and reassuring.
Santi let out a breath, allowing himself to ease into her touch; she was good at this, somehow looking that goddamn hot and still managed to make him feel secure, safe. “That obvious, huh?” He chuckled.
Cocking her head to the side with a sly smile, Candy’s red-painted lips drew him in as she spoke. “Professional intuition. What brings you here?”
“Uhhhmmmm… sex?”
“Be honest” Her tone… it struck him down to his core, pulling at all his mommy issues. He wanted her to tell him exactly what to do from here on out.
He cleared his throat. “Well… been a bit of a dry spell, and… well… maybe a general lack of experience in general.” Santi’s embarrassment caused him to look away, but Candy gently grabbed his chin, no doubt feeling the stubble on his face from his day off. 
“No need to be shy, pretty boy.” Candy held his gaze, mystifying him more with every second she seemed to bare into his soul, knowing all the parts of him he tried to keep secret. He was baring his soul without a word. “We’re gonna get to know each other really well here.”
Im v worried bc the tag list is already so long lololololol im scared I wont live up to the hype. (Also although I've written a lot for santi ive never written for Javi before and havnt even seen all of narcos)
thank you to @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction for helping me proofread!
I'll have a masterlist up soon bc my dearest mona is making me a moodboard bc she's the bestest
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Reblogs help spread the work, comments mean the world!
tagging everyone who asked to be atgged or showed interest in this, if you arent interested anymore just lmk and ill stop tagging you!
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mushupork4u · 3 months
Reyes Brothers X Reyes Sister OC
Prompt: The boys come home late and sit on the couch with Carmen and watch TV
(Any thing in italics is Spanish)
It was past twelve when Carmen heard the familiar rumble of the Harley Bikes enter the neighborhood. A tired smile turning up her face as she continued watching Narcos and fawning over Pedro Pascal.
She heard the engines cut off and before she knew it, the boys were in the kitchen. Their voices echoing quietly as they heated the left over dinner up and eventually, wandered their way into the living room.
“Why are you still up?” Angel had asked, furrow browed and tense shouldered, he plopped down on her left while Ezekiel quietly made his wave over to her right.
She shrugged her shoulder, bourbon eyes still struck open. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Ezekiel had sighed, a piece of chicken from his fajita sticking out from the corner of his mouth as he spoke. “You need melatonin gummies.”
Her quiet huff left them curious as she eyed the screen, both of them watching Javier Peña arrest someone, and their little sister enjoy it a little too much. “If you keeping looking at the TV like you wanna sleep with it, I’m gunna talk dad into throwing it out.” Ezekiel hummed, making a light hand smack at his bicep before Carmen’s head leaned to the left on Angels shoulder.
“You’re my new favorite.” She joked, allowing the older male to smile at her tired face and sunken in eyes.
Ezekiel swallowed another bite of his food before turning to look at them both. “It’s okay, I’m still the best looking.”
“Oh fuck off.” Both her and Angel grunted, and Ezekiel almost choked, because in that minute, he saw both Marisol and Felipe berating him.
The two looked at Ezekiel’s face, the slight hint of fear that they saw did not go unnoticed, but once Carmen saw that Felipe was not awake and ready to ridicule them, she sat back and continued spending the silence with her brothers.
Though the unease she felt before was gone, knowing that their bikes were outside, and they were home safe with no injuries and full bellies, it made her extremely exhausted.
Her eyes lulled into the back of her head within minutes of their last conversation, and she worried of nothing.
“She’s asleep.” Angel had whispered, and true to his word, Ezekiel looked to see that Carmen had leaned her head on the couch and passed out sitting up.
The two had shared a glance of worry, Ezekiel moving the younger girl easily enough so her head was leaned onto his thigh and her legs folded onto Angels lap. “She’s exhausted.” The younger boy stated, it was a simple fact.
Paler skin, sunken in eyes, dehydrated, not sleeping. She had been this way since he got back, and only recently had he realized it’d gotten worse as she found out he was a prospect in his brothers club.
“She’s worried?” Angel questioned, calloused hands rubbing up her shins, back and forth like a calming method.
Ezekiel looked at the TV eyes glaring into it like it was nothing. “Yeah.”
“She shouldn’t be.” Angel had sighed, his hands stopping momentarily to rub circles into her skin with his thumbs.
His younger brother only let his hand fall to Carmen’s hair, petting the soft curls away from her face. “She can’t help it. School, work, worrying about dad just to come home to us gone.” His words sink deep, guilt burrowing it’s way into Angel’s stomach as he realized Carmen got someone that understood and he ripped it right away from her.
Taking candy from a baby but he took Ezekiel from her. After he avoided her and left her alone hoping he could protect her from the club, from the parties and from the life of chaos he lived so willingly most days.
He ended up dragging her straight into it.
Poor little Carmen Reyes was alone in the world, and the only safe heaven was the couch when her brothers had returned home safe and sound.
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Preview: Late nights, early mornings
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Javier Peña & Kami (ofc) | Kami x El Mayo
Read in full on A03
Summary: Before flying out to see her lover in the morning, Kami shows up for her night shift to see the familiar face of another man she’s grown affection for over the last month.
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Words: 1,868
Warnings: Pretty mild really. Drinking and smoking. Not the real people of course, and not glorying anything.
October prompts Day 2 “Porque No Los Dos?” Day| Crossover w/a character from each @narcosfandomdiscord (one pairing is platonic)
An: I don’t know enough Spanish yet to write it properly. So you can imagine it’s spoken between the characters. OC (Cameron aka ‘Kami’ ) is in her mid 30s. This is my first Mayo 🫢! season 3 Javi is 😍❤️! We may see them again this month for another prompt
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Kami slipped behind the bar, giving her coworker a little wave as she focused on the man at the far left.
In his favorite seat, just like all the other times. Tie loose, the top two buttons of his shirt undone. That mop of dark hair in her eye line as he started down at his drink, like he was waiting for some kind of answer.
Kami helped another patron, giving out two beers before the man finally looked up.
“Hi.” Javier sat up, pulling his tie off completely. The heavy shadow over his face lifted a little.
“You were too busy using your drink like a magic 8 ball to see me,” she went over to him, “one of those days?”
Javier answered with a slight eyebrow raise and tilt of his head. Kami flashed that warm smile of hers then turned to make him a drink.
Javier watched her, that calming effect she has on him already working.
He finished the drink before him, making room for hers.
“It’s better when you make them.” He said as he picked it up and raised it in the air.
“Such a flirt,” she made herself a shot, then raised the glass to his, “to a better night.”
Javier made a face, like he was sure that wasn’t going to happen. It was a shitty day on top of a shitty week. All he had to look forward to was a hot sleepless night, then do it all again in the morning.
But he chose this.
He could have been on his father's ranch right now. Trying that normal life thing. But he was so damn restless, and he had unfinished business here. Javier still wasn’t sure if coming back was a stupid fucking idea or not.
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Masterlist for the October prompts
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ghostofaboy · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 - October 3rd
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Day 3: Rimming, Fingering/Handjob, Dry Humping
Javier Peña x Male OC
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 599
Warnings: Handjob, slightly public sex
absurdthirst’s Kinktober List | Ghost of a Boy Masterlist
“Peña, I already told you. You want what I know, you gotta give me somethin’.” The man sat in the front seat of Javi’s car grinned at him, and Javi pushed down the urge to punch him. “Not many gringos get as close to the narcos as I have. You should be grateful I’m even talkin’ to you.”
“Yeah, I’m real grateful Adrian.” Javi growled, glancing around at the deserted road they were parked on. “Thing is, most CIs want money. But you have more money than god, so what’s your angle?”
Adrian laughed, throwing his head back, and allowing himself to fully and heartily enjoy Javi’s words. “Yeah, true.” He chuckled before his expression turned thoughtful. “You wanna know what I really want?”
Javi nodded, gesturing for him to spit it out. 
“I want a handjob.” Adrian licked his lips, his eyes dragging over Javi. “From you. Jack me off here and now and I’ll spill everythin’.
Raising one eyebrow, Javi didn’t speak immediately. Instead, he bit his lip and turned back to the steering wheel. Beside him, Adrian sat smirking, thinking he’d shocked or outsmarted the DEA agent. But Javi knew better. This wasn’t the first CI who wanted something sexual from him, and not even the first male one. But Adrian didn’t need to know that. Right now, he felt in control and that was something Javi could work with.
Drawing the pause out as long as he dared, Javi finally let out a long sigh to really sell his ‘dilemma’. Turning back towards Adrian, Javi gave his best asshole scowl.
This time, it was Adrian’s eyebrows that shot up. “Really?”
“Fuck it.” Javi shrugged, twisting in his seat and motioning to Adrian’s fly. “We doin’ this or not?
With another grin, Adrian quickly ripped his fly open, pulling free his soft cock, before leaning back to allow Javi access. Giving Adrian a quick scowl, Javi reached over and took hold of Adrian’s cock, giving it a couple of pumps. The flaccid dick soon twitched to life as Javi took the opportunity to spit into his hand.
Taking hold of the hardening cock once more, Javi began to stroke, gently to begin with, before growing firmer. With each pump, Adrian’s breath was quickening and Javi glanced up to see the other man leaning back in the seat with his eyes closed. He was clearly enjoying this and Javi allowed himself a small smile. 
He was damn good a this if he said so himself. With each upward stroke, Javi added a slight twist, rubbing over the leaking red tip of the cock. And with each caress, Javi watched Adrian closely. 
He was biting his lip now, lifting his lips to meet Javi’s hand and letting out slow, soft moans. A single bead of sweat rolled down his brow as Javi upped the tempo, faster and faster, until Adrian was writhing in his seat. Precum covered Javi’s palm as Adrian moved ever closer to the edge.
A low, wanton groan was the signal Javi had been waiting for. Javi stopped immediately, releasing Adrian’s cock and leaning back in his seat, his arm resting on the steering wheel.
“What?” Adrian’s eyes shot open. Unfocused at first, before blinking and finding Javi. “Peña! What the fuck man!”
“Problem, Adrian?” Javi smiled, his eye flicking down to Adrian’s twitching cock.
“Come on, are you serious?” Adrian frowned, waving his dick at Javi. “We had a deal.”
“I’ll finish.” Javi plucked a cigarette from the packet in his shirt pocket and began hunting for his lighter. “Once you start talking.”
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
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Day 4 of Narcoctober- Anything involving a fistfight or gunfight.
Characters: Horacio Carrillo x OC (Kiara Nash), Javier Peña, Steve Murphy
WC: ~1K
A/N: What it do homies? Created an AU of my IWBSS where Kiara is a DEA agent. Not related to the timeline of the IWBSS at all, but similar theme of being missing? Remember that spelling and grammar errors add character and enjoy!
Horacio spent the whole night tossing and turning. Very much unlike him. In fact, he hated it. Even when he felt restless, he’d simply just lay there and stare at the ceiling. But there’s something different in the air right now. He considers for a moment and surmises that this is the most on edge he’s ever felt. And he can’t explain why. 
There was too much going on and everything was going to shit. Every avenue of operations was overly chaotic and so he was unable to gauge where his source of unease arose from. His mind veered to Kiara. 
What they had was new but realer than any relationship he’d ever had with a woman. Perhaps love? He was reticent to declare their liaison as such, but no other word quite fit. The thing is that this was such a new dynamic for both of them. Going from coworkers to in a relationship hadn’t needed much adjustment as of yet. They were both the utmost professional at work and too engrossed in the hunt for taking down the major figures upholding the Medellin cartel. There was no room for any conflict to take place, even if there were any. 
Still, his mind bends to Kiara and he tries to douse away the fact that the lurch in his stomach grows when he thinks of her. 
She was spooked earlier on the raid, which is saying something since she’s always even more stone-faced than her DEA counterparts. When he asks about it in a brief moment of privacy, she denies there being anything wrong. He knows her well enough to know that’s a lie, but Trujillo interrupts with urgent intel before he can prod. In a last glance at her as he’s walking away, he catches her staring dead in the face at one of the cartel runners they were able to snag in the raid.
He could call her right now. 
But he’s not sure what he’ll say when she answers. 
He looks over to his clock and figures she’s more than likely asleep. It’s added to the column of reasons why not to call her just because. But he still wrestles between picking up the phone and dialing her number. 
It’s what keeps him tossing and turning until he’s finally out of bed.
Something’s wrong. It’s the itch in your brain when you know you’ve forgotten something before leaving the house, but can’t for the life of you figure out what it is.
He doesn’t know what or how, but he won’t rest until he knows that his instincts have been confirmed.  
Kiara’s place is only fifteen minutes from his and the roads at 2 a.m. are barren, getting him to his destination even quicker. 
Something’s off immediately. Her door is not only unlocked but slightly cracked. His knock opens it further and his hand is on his holster instantaneously. His stance adapts from a slightly concerned love interest to an esteemed colonel in the Colombia National Police. 
His steps are light and he holds his breath, willing away any sounds that distract from listening in for an intruder. He sees movement from the corner of his eye and immediately blocks the strike that’s garnered against him. The force of the strike and slight surprise allows him to drop his gun, but his reflexes have him obstructing any further hits. He immediately jumps to offense, delivering powerful blows to his opponent in the dark. His fists are merciless, already fracturing bones in the man's face. The sounds of the cracks flowing in the air only encourage him farther.
Glass shatters as he pushes the masked man into the end table and mirror near the hall adjacent to the entry. The man grabs a shard of glass that rests on the table and Horacio just barely dodges being slashed in the face. He’s maneuvering himself out of the way and finds himself pushed back to the couch. From the nights he’s stayed over, he knows that Kiara keeps a bat between the cushions of the vintage blue upholstery. 
Without much digging, he’s able to pull it out and starts swinging artfully. Thwacks and snaps fill the air as the blows rain down on the masked man. He’s long dead before Carrillo spies movement near the front door.
Steve turns on the light and Javi lowers his weapon with a “Shit!” 
He just narrowly avoided being bludgeoned with the wooden weapon had Steve not illuminated the room. They could see him finishing the now dead perpetrator as they crept towards the front door but Horacio had not been able to discern whether they were friendlies or more enemies against the backdrop of the dark Medellin sky. 
Javi exclaims, catching his breath, “How the fuck did you get here so fast? You didn’t even pick up your phone!”
Steve traipses over to needlessly check the dead perp’s pulse while Horacio is too busy looking around to make sure the rest of the place is clear. 
The expression he wears is colored with confusion, with not only what the fuck just happened but also what Peña was talking about. Steve notices, but only raises an eyebrow. Javi is too impatient to wait for an actual answer and just fills him in with what they know.
“We were listening to the tapes tonight. We think one of those fuckers made Kiara from the undercover ops in Cali. There was talk over the wire about the raid earlier and one of the guys that got away mentioned her.” 
Horacio hears the words but they’re muffled and only barely registered because he’s still looking through Kiara’s home. There’s evidence of a struggle, turned over furniture and blood spatter. But no Kiara.
Javi’s still talking as they’re all walking throughout the place now. 
“They didn’t say her name, but the description was spot on. We called her but no answer so we rushed over. Tried to call you, too.”
Her place isn’t a large one, so it doesn’t take long before they’re all meeting back up in the living room.
No sign of any other malefactors, but Kiara is also nowhere to be found.
Horacio feels like he could drown. That lurch in his stomach earlier was nothing compared to the nauseousness he was feeling now.
He looks to Javi and Steve whose expressions have darkened with the gravity of their current circumstances.
“Where is she?”
A/N: Not a cliffie! Click here if you wanna be added to my taglist! Taglist: @asirensrage @narcosfandomdiscord @supersanelyromantic @mysun-n-stars @drabbles-mc @ashlingnarcos
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Fic Masterlist
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Find me on AO3!
In Bloom Masterlist - *April 2024 Writing Challenge* IN PROGRESS
Fluffcember Masterlist - *December 2022 Writing Challenge* COMPLETE
Jukebox Challenge - ONGOING
Party Girls Don’t Get Hurt - Javier Pena x OC
Que Sera, Sera - Alcide Herveaux x OC
Black Rose 2 3 4 5 - Rhysand x OC, slight Azriel x OC
Your Heart Beats Next to Mine (AO3) - Javier x OC
Stranger Things
Unexpected - Rockstar!Eddie x Reader
The Last of Us
This Must Be the Place - Joel Miller x OC 
Triple Frontier
Redolence & Spice - Frankie Morales x OFC
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A Picture is a Poem Without Words
A/N: this is my Pacho x OC story. It is also slightly a Javier/OC story, which was unintended but here we are. My intention with Pacho here is to depict him as bisexual. If I ever get anything wrong, or if I need to clarify something, please tell me. Don’t be an ass about it, just tell me what I can do to improve it. TW: Slight depiction of a panic attack, swearing, some violence but its Narcos?? It should be expected I feel?
‘Thots” I mean ‘Thoughts’
“Italics” is them speaking Spanish, I was not about to fumble my way through Google Translate and hope that it made sense. Except for the first paragraph- that’s just a sneak peek at the future.
Gifs are from @scntacruz (go check out their stuff, if you love all things narcos/narcos mexico they are FABULOUS, their writing and gif sets are *chefs kiss*) and @lowndsiercs
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 A sharp ringing in her ears, a heavy object pinning her leg down, screams, shouts. This is all that she was aware of as she came too. ‘What happened?’ An explosion. Too close. Her eyes opened and she tried to focus on her surroundings but couldn’t. Everything was blurred, out of focus. A voice was shouting her name and all she could think was, ‘How the hell did I get myself into this mess?....Oh that’s right. A man.’
Blix had moved to Cali, Colombia about 2 years ago, with her then boyfriend. However, once he decided to show his true colors when he cheated on her in their bedroom, she left him. The problem was, she was all alone in Cali. Anyone she considered to be family was in New York. So, what was an American girl to do? She had her own money already, but it can be difficult to transfer money between countries.
Blix began working at a local bar to earn money, she lived in a small but nice townhouse near the downtown area. She did her best to create a new life and make the best out of a shitty situation.
When she wasn’t working at the bar, she was at a local park, drawing. She would draw portraits/landscapes, or caricatures. If the day was nice, she would bring chalk and draw on the sidewalks whatever came to mind. If she didn’t have any requests made during her time out there, she would simply draw whoever was walking around, or would just enjoy the feeling of the sun on her skin, the wind blowing her hair every which way.
Life was quite enjoyable, until one day when she made the mistake of drawing a few guys who were fooling around in the park, and one of them became suspicious of her. A few weeks later, she would meet a man who was nothing but trouble.
It had been a normal day; Blix had done a few fun caricatures of some kids who were playing in the park. She was idly staring around looking for some sort of inspiration before she packed up for the day. She heard them long before she saw them. About 5 guys, who were hooting & hollering, passing a joint between themselves.  They talked loudly in Spanish about their latest conquests.
She thought, ‘Why not?’ and began to doodle them acting goofy.
While she was concentrating on the paper, one of the guys noticed her as she worked and glanced over at them multiple times. The man watched her with suspicion and quietly whispered to one of the others, who then took notice of her as well.
Blix finished up the caricatures and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at what she drew. With a nod of her head at it, she began to pack up her things. As she walked away, she was unaware of the eyes that followed her as she made her way out of the park. She made her way home and changed clothes for work as soon as the supplies were put away.
The job itself was alright; it was fun meeting locals and getting local gossip. The pay was good, and the tips were better. Blix worked most nights, with the exception of Thursday and Friday (even though she often covered those nights anyway with how few staff there was). Her shift started at 6pm and ended usually at about 3am. It was currently about 5pm and the bar was only a 20-minute walk from her home.  
As Blix got ready for work, across town, trouble was beginning to brew for her.
The five men from earlier that day, strutted into the mansion (or rather one of) of Gilberto Orejuela, and asked to speak with him promptly. Moments later they stood before him and explained their suspicions that a woman may have been gathering information on them at the park.
However, they were all hyped up and talked over one another to the point where, Miguel, Gilberto’s brother, spoke up, “Gentlemen, calm yourselves, and one of you tell us, what exactly you wish to tell us.”
“Don Miguel, there’s a woman who may have been gathering information on us at the park. We asked around and it seems no one really knows who she is other than she there at that park every day and works at a local bar, Caliente,” Marco informed looking directly at the brothers. “It is suspicious that an American woman, not only lives alone but also spends her time at 2 locations.”
“An American you say?” A third man questioned, as he took a drag of his cigarette.
“Yes, Don Pacho,” Marcos confirmed. “Shall we tail her to see who she gets into contact with?”
“Let us discuss this further, in private, and then we shall let you know,” Pacho ordered as he directed them to wait outside the office.
As they stepped outside, Gilberto’s daughter, Marta walked forward, wishing to speak with her father about wedding details. Pacho held one finger up and mouthed, “One moment,” before closing the doors again. Marta leaned against the wall next to the doors and could hear parts of the conversation through the wooden double doors.
She heard mentions of an American woman and a local bar, she furrowed her brow as she listened further. She schooled her expression when she heard someone walk toward the door again.
“Tail her, don’t let her onto you,” Pacho instructed the men waiting outside. “Miss Marta, your father is ready to talk to you.” As he swooped his arm back into the office, holding the door wide open for her.
“Hello father, do you have time to talk about some wedding details?” She asked as a plan formulated in her own mind.
Back with Blix, she began her shift at Caliente, taking over the bar for the owner, Jacque, who tended to work for at least the first hour of its opening. He asked her if she needed anything, and upon her denial, walked toward his office, where he would stay for most of the night.
The night began as it normally does, locals coming in for the first few hours and shooting the breeze. After about 11:30pm, it switched over to more of the younger crowd, and tourists. An hour into making a hundred fruity drinks and tequila shots, she sighed as a lull came in the number of drinks that were being requested.
Her boss stepped out of the office at that point and told her to take her break for the night, that he would take over. She nodded her head and rinsed off her hands, before walking around the counter.
She made her way outside and took a deep breath of relief as the cool air washed over her. She stood there for a moment, before heading across the street to a local vendor, who sold street tacos and burritos, and other portable foods for the drunks of the streets.
“Hello Mr. Martinez, how are you doing this evening?” Blix asked as she leaned against the counter of his food truck.
“Doing just fine little fox. How about you? And do you want your usual?” asked Henri Martinez, a man about in his 40s, with prominent laugh lines and a soft voice.  
“I’m alright Henri. And yes, my usual please,” She responded pulling out cash to pay for it.
“Miss Bee! Hi!” came the enthusiastic voice of Henri son, Paulo. “Look what I have just for you!”
He lifted a box of soda, Pepsi to be exact, and said, “These are all for you and no one else, cause I remember you said you weren’t a big fan of Coca-Cola.”
Bix laughed at his enthusiasm and replied astonished, “I mentioned that like once, over a year ago? How did you remember that?”
“Because he has a crush on you,” Henri mumbled loudly, shaking his head.
Paulo glowered at his father as a blush creeped up on his face. Blix decided to save his embarrassment by stating, “Well, I thank you for getting these. I know it probably was a bit of a hassle to get.” She then leaned over and gave Paulo a small kiss on the cheek, in thanks.
His blush got deeper, and he handed one of the cans of Pepsi before he muttered a soft “You’re welcome,” before disappearing again.
“He’s been waiting all day to show you that. Now, he is forever in love with you, you know that?” Henri teased as he cooked.
Blix simply shrugged with a small smile. When she first began working at the bar, she often would simply get food and leave. One night, a couple of guys tried to harass her as she waited, and Henri scared them off with butcher knife. Seeing him and his family wound up becoming the highlight of her nights there and she always felt welcomed with them.
Soon she had her food, steak tacos, and her soda, so she quietly ate and talked with Henri about his day, and what’s currently going on with his family. It was as this went on that a woman, a little bit younger than Blix, walked up with two of her friends. They ordered food and stood nearby as they waited.
One of them looked at her curiously and politely asked, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt. But may I ask where are you from? Your accent is unusual.”
“No, that’s fine. I get asked that a lot. I am from the United States. Georgia to be exact, the Southern accent is hard to get rid of. Hell, I even lived in New York for quite some time and that didn’t get rid of it. May I ask, do I sound silly when I speak, or am I just pronouncing things weirdly?” Blix asked back feeling self-conscious about her Spanish.
“No! I’m sorry! I just meant. With most Spanish dialects you can tell when a person is from a different country because of how they say certain words. I could just tell, you weren’t Colombian, so I was just trying to figure out where you were from,” She responded frantically trying to assure her that her Spanish wasn’t terrible.
She nodded her head, “Fair assumption. I’m Blix by the way, and you?” She introduced as she held out her hand to shake.
“I am Marta, these are my friends Felicity, and Isabelle,” She informed her, grasping her hand to firmly shake it.
Blix waved at the other two and they waved back. Blix looked at the time and realized her break was about to be over. “Well, I gotta get back to work. When ya’ll are done eating, come across the way and I’ll make ya some damn good drinks,” She offered, as she threw her trash away and started to cross the street.
She took control again over the bar and returned to serving drinks. Within 20 minutes she saw Marta and her friends come inside and they order shots, and cosmos. They took a seat at one of the tables near the small dance floor and continued to enjoy their night. Blix tuned out the rest of the evening, working simply on muscle memory, as she made her concoctions and received payments/tips.
It got down to the last hour of the night, and as most of the bar had cleared out, Marta and her friends moved to the bar and chatted with Blix as she began the process of cleaning the dishes.
“It’s almost closing time, if there are any last-minute drinks you want, you should probably order them now,” Blix recommended as a waitress brought over a tub of dirty glasses, and bottles that needed to be recycled.
Marta smiled and requested, “Another round of shots, that you should join us on, and surprise us with a favorite of yours.”
Blix smiled and said, “I’ll do a shot, but it won’t be tequila, we don’t agree with one another.”
She poured out 3 shots of tequila and a shot of bourbon. They toasted, tapped their glasses to the countertop and downed them in one go. She then began to make one of her favorites, called Shark Bite.
She explained what was in it as she made it and handed them each a glass, and as Marta reached into her purse to pay for the drinks and the shots, Blix stopped her by stating, “These were on the house.”
They all said thank you and finished their drinks with about 15 minutes to spare before closing. They said their goodbyes, made sure their tabs were closed and headed out. Blix finished the dishes, and helped the waitresses clean up the tables, as their boss closed the register. She had her tips separated from the waitresses and after pocketing them, waved goodbye to everyone, and headed home.
Marta came back practically every night for the next two weeks, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. She was fun to talk to and she loved to talk about her wedding plans- one she said wasn’t going to happen for another 2 years, because of timing. She adored her fiancée and spent much of her time either gushing about him or ranting about her family.
One night, just before she decided to head out for the night, she asked Blix, “Hey, do you have any plans this weekend?”
Blix shook her head before replying, “No I actually have the weekend off, because Jacque is training a new bartender to help me out. Why? What’s up?”
“I was just wondering if you would like to have brunch with me and my family? I need an outside opinion on wedding details,” she asked with smile.
“Sure. When and where?” Blix questioned as she made a Mai Tai for a customer.
“Just be ready about 10am, I’ll have a driver come get you?” She informed her before asking for her address.
Blix quickly scribbled it down onto a napkin and handed it to her with a wave as she began the next order that came in.
Saturday morning rolled around faster than Blix thought it would. She had dressed in simple green sundress that had thin straps and fell around her mid-thigh. She slipped on some black pumps and grabbed her purse when she heard a horn honk outside at around 9:57am.
As she made sure she had everything she needed she stepped outside with the door slightly open, just in case she needed to grab something really quick.
Once she had confirmed she had everything she needed, she closed the door and locked it, before stepping down toward the car.
A man with curly, reddish-brown hair, that was slightly receding stood there holding the car door open. She had an odd feeling about him, as though she knew him but could not quite place it. There was something alarming about his smile, Cheshire-like and toothy.
She shook it off thinking she was just being paranoid and stepped into the car. About 20 minutes later they were pulling into a gated home, that was large and imposing, with small gardens around.
When she stepped inside of the lavish home, it was to a very open living room where Marta sat, with four other men, laughing, and three women standing nearby. As Blix moved further in, her breath caught in her throat, and she had to quickly control herself as she walked over to Marta.
Sitting before her were the Gentlemen of Cali: Gilberto & Miguel Orejuela, Pacho Herrera, and Chepe Santacruz. She gave Marta a hug and Marta introduce her to the four men there, and her mother(s) (?). She smiled and shook hands with the brothers, Chepe gave the back of her hand a kiss and with a small, “It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear.”
Pacho also kissed her hand and murmured a greeting, but as he looked at her if felt like he was staring into her soul. Like he could see her every dark secret.
She nodded her head in greeting and they all took a seat. Food was brought out and Marta pulled out some wedding books and a notepad to write on. As they talked and quietly munched on small sandwiches, Blix could feel them watching her every move and tried not to panic.
Brunch passed by faster than she thought it would, and as Marta left to go get swatches of patterns, she was left alone with these four men, who looked like the cats that caught the canary.
Blix took a small breath, and asked plainly, “You gentlemen clearly know who I really am, may we just cut to chase?”
The man who had escorted her there, dropped a thick manilla folder onto coffee table, that had her name written on it. Gilberto leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and inquired, “So, Agent Blix Lage of the FBI. What exactly brings you to Cali? You have been here for two years, and yet, no one seems to know much about you? We do know that part of your backstory- the cheating boyfriend thing- is a lie. So. Explain to me why I should not be concerned about you?”
“Nothing that has to do with the cartels. I’m FBI not DEA. I don’t know what I’ve done to get onto your radar, but I assure you that unless you’ve stolen valuable art, I have no interest in you,” She admitted with a shrug, her attempt at playing it cool beginning to rattle as her hands shook.
“Our boys here, seem to be under the impression that you were gathering information on them at the park, about 2 weeks ago,” Gilberto continued, gesturing to a group of men by the door.
Blix looked over at them and did not recognize any of them and said as much, “I’m sorry but I really have no clue who they are. It is possible I drew them, but that’s it. I don’t often remember random faces I see in the park. Sorry.”
One of them stepped forward and started to shout at her, calling her a lying whore amongst other things. Pacho held a hand up, effectively stopping him in his tracks and signaled for him to step back. The man does so, muttering under his breath angrily as he did.
Pacho looked directly at her and before asking while lighting a cigarette, “Miss Lage, what exactly do you plan to do while in Cali?”
“None of your business Mr. Herrera, my case does not pertain you or anyone else in this room, nor does it pertain to Escobar, or any other cartel that comes around here. Not my jurisdiction. Simpler terms: Not my circus, not my monkeys. Now, unless you have a legitimate concern, I am going to leave now,” Blix firmly stated as she stood up, and began to make her way to the front door.
“Also, do inform your daughter Gilberto, that as much as I enjoyed her company these past few weeks, I think it would be best, she never shows her face around my workplace. And if you’re men ever have a problem with me, maybe I don’t know. Ask me a fucking question. Not assume the worst in a person,” She called over shoulder as she made her way out of the house.
The man from before stepped into her path, blocking her. She looked at him with a grimace and politely asked him to move out of her way. He shook his head and told her she wasn’t going anywhere. She asked again for him to move, and he shook his head again.
Blix sighed heavily and then with a vicious smile, threw a punch out and hit him directly in the throat. He choked and grasped at his throat, falling to his knees. With a swift kick of her right leg, she directed it at his face, and knocked him further down.
As he groaned on the floor, she looked at the others, and threatened, “Anyone else wanna play winner?”
When no one else moved toward she continued her path, purposely stepping on the man that laid before her, without a care.
As she stepped outside, she walked directly to the gate that the guards refused to open for her.  She glared at them, then cracked her neck as she put a foot through the gap first and slowly maneuvered her body through it, with her head turned to face one direction. This was one of the few times she was grateful for being on the skinnier side and with a bit of wiggle and some hair getting caught briefly, she was out.
Back inside, Pacho and Chepe were chuckling at what they just saw. Gilberto and Miguel looked unimpressed by their men, and their inability to stop one woman. Marta walked back into living room confused for a moment before sudden realization came onto her face.
“So, father, is she a threat?” She asked returning to her seat.
“No, I don’t think so. She may be good ally to have though. If we can convince her that we mean no harm, that is. Chepe I would ask you to take on this task, but we need you back in New York. Pacho. Do you feel comfortable with this?” Gilberto requested looking between the two men.
Pacho nodded his head as he took a drag of his cigarette. “Should be no problem, Gilberto. From the looks of it, she will be easy to sway,” He assured looking down at her file and as he lit his cigarette.
“Don’t be too sure of that Pacho. She may give you a run for your money,” Miguel warned taking a puff of his cigar.
As Chepe boasted about Pacho’s ability to woo any man or woman, Pacho contemplated Miguel’s words, and had a feeling that he may be correct.
She stalked down the sidewalk going at least 2 blocks away before she called a taxi. The adrenaline was catching up and she was on the verge of panicking. She directed the cab driver to take her not to her house but to the airport. Her hands shook the entire time, as she paid the cabby for dropping her off 15 minutes later and as she purchased a ticket to Bogota.
She dug into her purse and flashed her FBI badge to security and was swiftly through security and on the last seat of the noon flight to Bogota. Her knee bounced the entire, and she gnawed on her lips as worried and panicked thoughts ran rampant in her head.
Two hours later, she landed in Bogota and swiftly made her way to the American Embassy, fury now built up within, replacing the fear. She made her way to the ambassador’s office; her secretary tried to stop her, but she did not care about niceties currently. She threw the doors open, and could see Javier Pena, Steve Murphy, and Horacio Carrillo, standing there speaking with the ambassador.
She pushed past them with no fuck’s given.
“Tell me something ambassador. Which one of the pricks of the CIA do I have to violently stab for leaking my dossier?” She asked her hands on her hip as she stood directly in front of her.
“I’m not quite sure I know what you mean, Agent Lage?” the ambassador asked with little confusion.
“Bullshit. Then tell me, how exactly does the Cali Cartel know about me? Seeing as how I was just in the lovely home of one Gilberto Orejuela and they appeared to know that my entire backstory, that I have worked for over TWO YEARS TO MAINTAIN was fake,” She angrily explained her voice raising often. “So, tell me, what deal did the CIA get on their knees for to fucking stab me in the back?”
Horacio came up to her and tried to pull her back away from the desk, lowly trying to calm her down.
She shook him off, before continuing since the ambassador had yet to answer her, “Listen, I know that every other department thinks that me and my team being here is a joke. That we are the least respected because we are a part of the art division. But when your decisions put not only my life in jeopardy, and not just the lives of my team, but threatens to ruin the case I have been working on for the past 2 years, someone had better give me a damn good explanation.”
The ambassador sighed, before she replied, “It was nothing personal against you.”
“Nothing personal eh?” Blix said disgusted, shaking her head.
She turned and stormed back out of her office, slamming the doors shut behind her.
Javier sighed and with a turn to the door, stated “I’ll go after her. Stop her from murdering someone.”
Javier made his way into the offices where he caught the ending of a confrontation between Blix and Stechner of the CIA, who she had punched him in the face.
Javier ran forward and grabbed her around the waist to pull her away from Stechner before she could do any more damage. She struggled against his hold yelling at him, “JAVIER LET ME GO!”
“ENOUGH! DON’T CAUSE MORE TROUBLE” Javier yelled back as he dragged her away.
He then threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the elevators. She sagged in his hold, furiously muttering and breathing heavy.
Javier didn’t put her down until they were in the parking garage and by his truck. He opened the door and sat her in, hooking the seat belt around her, and the door shut firmly.
He got into the driver’s seat and took off. He drove down the road a ways, stopping at a local café. He told her to stay there, before he stepped out of the truck and walked into the café.
Her anger was fading, and her hand throbbed from hitting Stechner in the face. She tried to take some deep breaths, but it felt like she couldn’t get enough air in. Her eyes were watering, and every sound seemed muffled, and her ears ringing. She barely noticed Javier’s return to the truck, nor did she notice when he unbuckled her seat belt. But she did notice his arms as they wrapped around her and pulled her into his chest.
The tears were falling freely now, and she buried her face into his chest and shuddered. She could vaguely hear him shushing her and whisper words meant to soothe her.  She couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but soon, she felt the tears slowing and the world coming back into focus.
Blix gently pushed away, with a sniffle, rubbing the tears hurriedly off her face. She mumbled an apology, to which Javier gave a small laugh, and replied, “For what? Having a panic attack after spending the morning with the Cali Cartel? I’m an asshole sweetheart but I’m not going to get pissed at you for being legitimately afraid.”
She gave him a small smile in reply, and finally noticed the smell of coffee filtering the cabin. She looked at the dash, and saw 3 to go cups of coffee, and one cup of iced tea.
“Is that for me?” She softly asked pointing at the tea.
He nodded his head, and verified, “And yes. It is a sweet tea. Just like you like it.”
“Sweet tea, or tea that had sugar dumped at the bottom of the cup?” She questioned as she reached for it.
“There’s a difference?” He asked seriously before a smile broke out on his face, as a look of horror appeared on hers.
“As a Texan, you should know better than that,” Blix jokingly admonished as she pulled the cup to her and took a small drink.
“I also got you this, if you’re interested,” He teased as held a small box that had a cinnamon roll perfectly set in it.
“You’re going to make me fat, Javi,” She said with a pout.
“Oh, so you don’t want this then?” He asked pulling the box away. “I guess I’ll just throw it away then.”
She quickly leapt forward and grabbed ahold of the box and shouted, “No!”
She took it from him and held it protectively to her. He chuckled, and then gently asked “You feelin’ a bit better then?”
She nodded looking down at her lap. “C’mon. Let’s get back to office. I’ll help you check chatter to see if word has spread about you,” He offered, starting the truck back up.
“You would do that? For me? You hate listening to chatter?” Blix asked, eyes wide as she stared at him in shock.
“We’ve hit a dead-end with the Medellin cartel, again. So, may as well help you,” Javier responded nonchalantly, with a half shrug.
His attempt to play it off backfired as Blix leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.
“You’re a good man Javier Pena, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise, not even yourself,” she affirmed as she sat back in her seat, and buckled up.
Javier had a small smile on his face before he cleared his throat and moved the coffees to the middle seat before taking off. They made their way back to the embassy and began the long process of listening to chatter to see whether or not her case had been compromised.
As the day drifted into evening hours, and the office slowly emptied, Blix sighed and stretched to shake off the aches that had built up in her neck and back. Javier pulled off the headphones he had on and rubbed a hand over his face.
They were the only ones left at the office by this point. Steve left hours ago to go have dinner with Connie, and Horacio had to get back to base to train some rookies.
“C’mon. We are not going to hear much else tonight. You can come stay at my place,” Javier offered knowing that Blix did not have a place in Bogota because of how often she was in Cali.
“You sure I won’t cramp your style? I wouldn’t want to disrupt your favorite nightly routine of ‘interrogating the local nightlife,’” She teased slightly as she stood up.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t always spend the night in the arms of a strange woman. C’mon now. Where else are you going to go? A hotel, with no change of clothes?” He asked throwing on his jacket.
She shrugged in response and grabbed her bag, followed him out to his truck. His place wasn’t too far from the embassy, just a quick 15-minute drive.
As they stepped into his apartment, he offered to order take-out for the both of them. She hummed in agreement, and they wound up ordering some pizza, one that was called the Carnivore, for its 5 meat toppings. 30 minutes later they were stuffing their faces, as they watched some crime drama, and pointed out the things that were wrong.
Between the 2 of them they had devoured the whole pizza, and Blix kept trying to stifle her yawns. Javier shook his head with a chuckle and got up and walked into his bedroom. He came back out with an old t-shirt and some shorts.
“Here, go change. I’ll take the couch,” he said as he shoved the clothes into her arms.
She nodded and headed into the bathroom to change. Minutes later she stepped out and called over to Javier, “Ya know, we are both adults, we can both share the bed. S’not like it’d be the first time we’ve slept together after all.”
She heard him take a sharp intake of breath before he got up from the couch. She walked with him into his bedroom, and crawled in on one side, and laid down on her back with a pleasant sigh of relief.
“If we are going to share this bed, Imma need you to not make those kinds of noises,” Javier pleaded as he got in on the other side, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.
She giggled and murmured a quiet apology.
As they both laid there, Blix began to feel a sense of dread as she thought about the next few days.
“Is it stupid… that I’m terrified to go home? Granted today appears to show that nothing is wrong, but I… They know where I live. But I can’t exactly move because that would raise suspicions. I’m at a loss at what to do, Javi,” Blix confessed in a hushed voice.
“We’ll check chatter again tomorrow, and if nothing seems amiss, we’ll go from there. But if what you said earlier to me was true, than they’ve known where you been for the past 2 weeks and have done nothing.” He turned on his side to look at her as he spoke.
“I don’t want to give you a false sense of hope, but the Cali are not dumb. They are not going to attack an American federal agent. If I could, I would go and be your bodyguard for however long you need me, but I wouldn’t want to give your neighbors a heart attack and let them think you have a boyfriend finally,” Javier calmly soothed her worries and made her chuckle with his teasing.
He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her; she settled into his arms and turned to face him. “Ya know, if you got over your commitment phobia you would make a very good husband to someone,” she complimented with a yawn, her eyes drifting shut.
He hummed in response and as she fell asleep, whispered to her, “Maybe one day I will for you,” before he too, fell asleep.
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Boss — Chapter 3
previous chapter
pairing: javier peña x DEA!OC
warnings: NSFW 18+ (minors DNI), masturbation, ptsd, soft!javier, slight voyeurism, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected p in v sex, javier dirty talking?, both javi and reader have a praise k!nk for sure
chapter rating: E (explicit content), consume at your own discretion.
words: 2.4k
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“Javi,” Valeria panted his name out as she laid in bed, legs spread wide. Her back arched off the bed as her climax neared. “Oh, Javi!”
Her orgasm tore through her, almost making her forget the way her shoulder ached from the slowly-healing gunshot wound. After gathering her breath, she opened her eyes and looked down at her own fingers, soaked wet with her pleasure, and no one else in the room to admire it.
“Javier, can you come help me with my bandage?” She called out from her bedroom into the living room where he’d been staying for the past few nights. Javier hesitantly entered her bedroom, keeping his eyes down as he walked to where she sat on the edge of the bed, a slip dress the only thing covering her form. Javier’s hands remained focused as he wrapped her shoulder wound, excusing himself immediately once he was done.
Though the constant tension between them was unbearable, it provided a necessary distraction from the paranoia and fear she’d began to feel at night—her mind lost in a violent cycle of remembrance.
Two nights ago, it had become too much, her body trembling with fear as the branches of the tree outside her window scratched the glass. She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t convince her fragile mind that it was only the wind, but she felt absolutely helpless.
Javier must have heard her ragged breathing as she sat with her knees pressed to her chest, tears falling from her eyes. He burst into the bedroom with his gun drawn and scanned the room, only seeing Valeria shaking. He rushed to her, hugging her close as though the tighter he squeezed meant the quicker she’d feel better.
“Breathe,” he instructed, rubbing her back as he held her. She tried to do as he said, focusing on his warm hand rubbing circles into her back. It felt pathetic to admit that all it took was his presence to assure her worried mind that she was safe, but it was true. The minute he touched her, her entire body began to relax again. “Nightmare?”
“Noises.” She shook her head and sighed, wiping tears from her eyes and face. “All it takes is a silly noise and I’m…broken.”
“Stop that. You’re not broken,” he sounded stern like a father, making her nod out of instinct. “This place…it changes all of us. Doesn’t make us broken, just…different.”
“I want to be able to sleep without having a bodyguard.” She shrugged and felt a resurgence of tears start forming. Covering her face, she sobbed into her palms, Javier’s arms holding her tight again.
“I can sleep in here tonight…if you need.” He offered, his tone hesitant. Valeria instantly nodded, looking into his dark, almost black, eyes.
Under normal circumstances, this would have been the night she became his fully, but these weren’t normal circumstances. Javier wouldn’t even think of touching her until she was more healed, physically and emotionally. He knew that whatever this was, the thing between them, it wasn’t something he wanted to ruin by rushing into while she was in a delicate state.
So, that’s how she found herself, two evenings later, fantasizing about the man who sat in the next room.
“Y/N, did I hear you calling for me?” Javier walked into the bedroom after hearing what sounded to be his name. The sight of Javier in her doorframe made her gasp, pulling her bedsheet over her naked form. Javier quickly turned around as soon as his eyes caught a good look, facing the corner. “Fuck, I should have knocked.”
“No…” she realized that though this wasn’t what she intended to happen, she would be a fool to pass on the opportunity for more of the sweet relief his sheer company gave her. “You’re fine. I actually was calling for you,”
Valeria began, voice nervous and shaky, but holding strong. She bit her lip as she lowered the sheet and exposed her breasts, Javi’s back still turned to her. “Look at me, Javi.”
“We shouldn’t.” He insisted, though he did turn around to look at her like she asked. His eyes raked over her curves as she lowered the sheet even further down her legs, kicking the white linen off the bed and spreading her legs open to show off her wetness. Javier’s mind was racing as he walked over to the dresser in front of her bed, leaning back on it and watching as she began to touch herself. He chuckled and looked away, unsure of what the right thing to do was, before lifting his eyes back to watch her. His voice was lower, thicker somehow, and it sent chills across her body. “You’re killing me, Valeria.”
“You don’t have to touch, you can just watch.” She smirked up at him and inserted a finger, her mouth opening at the feeling. Javier’s smile had now faded, an intense lustful stare taking its place as he continued to watch her pump in and out of her wetness, obscene noises erupting from her wet and swollen walls. “You’re such a gentleman, not taking advantage of me in my fragile state.”
“So fragile.” He chided sarcastically as he stood up off the desk and walked to the edge of her bed, crossing his arms as he looked down at her. Valeria raised an eyebrow and pulled her fingers out, lifting them to her mouth and making a show out of cleaning them off. Javier had enough, shaking his head as he crawled onto the mattress and rested his face between her legs. “Fuck it.”
She moaned as she watched his tongue suddenly swipe over her clit in circles, her brows furrowing at the relief of finally getting him to touch her. Valeria’s hands slid through his well-groomed head of dark brown hair, tugging at it when he licked her just the right way.
“Oh, Javi, yes…” She panted out praises when she felt his fingers slide into her heat, curling against the spongey ceiling of her walls.
“You know how long…I’ve thought about you spread open like this…I’ve wanted you from the morning I met you in Bogota…” He praised in between sucks against her folds, her hips bucking up at him. “Tried to stop wanting you…you’re not making it easy.”
“Javi, have me…I don’t care,” she breathed as she began to slip into another orgasm, Javi’s lips leaving her folds to kiss her thighs as she shook underneath him. His arms held her firmly to the bed so that she wouldn’t further injure her shoulder, but she was too blissed out to even realize the wound was there.
“Sí, querida…” He cooed as she opened her eyes to look at him, cheeks flushed pink. “How was that?” [Yes, my love]
“A good start.” She joked and watched as he chuckled and sat up, his eyes combing over her glowing skin.
“We have to keep this a secret. I don’t want anyone to be sent home, not when we’re this close to catching the fucker.” He moved to lay beside her, grabbing the sheets off the floor and covering her body so that he could better focus. “That means no more right fitting clothes at the office, no more red fucking lipstick—”
“Javi, I am fully capable of being professional at work.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Does this mean you’ll drop the protector act and let me do my job?”
“I thought we established that you should listen to me more.” He raised an eyebrow at her while his finger lowered to graze the skin of her collarbone until he reached the gauze on her wounded shoulder. She studied the way his eyes seemed to gloss over with fear, having to bear the weight of being the only one of the two to truly remember the traumatic event in gruesome detail. She grabbed his hand and lifted it to her lips, kissing it. “I know you don’t remember it clearly…but I do. I can’t stand by and allow it to happen again.”
“Trust that I won’t make the same mistake twice.” She watched his eyes lift to hers, softening in a way she’d never seen before. He was beginning to trust her with his feelings, something he so very rarely managed to do, and she couldn’t feel more honored.
“Fine, I’ll know my place at work.” He held her face in his hands, unsure of how the hell he got so deeply invested in the woman so quickly, but he supposed trauma did always seem to mature a person. He also knew that fate so rarely played out in his favor, and her surviving her near-death experience reminded him of how lucky he was to still have her around. “I’m not good at this…being…”
“Monogamous?” She interrupted with a chuckle and watched as he rolled his eyes.
“Vulnerable, I was going to say. But yeah, that too.”
“I know who you are, Javi, and you know who I am. Let’s just be who we always were,” she shrugged, resolved at the thought of them being casual for the time being. He dipped his head over and kissed her lips, realizing he hadn’t yet done so. She smiled against him and pulled away, studying his eyes. How could something so blissful come out of something so traumatic? “Javi, one more thing…”
“Si, cariño?” He asked, his brows furrowing as he studied her face.
“I want to have all of you.” She confessed in a sigh, nervous to suggest taking such a big step, even though his mouth was just sending her over the edge only minutes prior. It still felt too good to be true to be able to ask such an intimate request, but Javier’s smile quickly shooed any worry out of her head.
“Come here,” he pulled her to straddle him, his erection bulging through his jeans. She sighed in relief as she worked her hips against his bulge, smirking down at him, amused by her own excitement. “Is this what you’ve wanted all this time?”
“It would be better if you took these off, don’t you think?” She tugged on the buckle of his belt but her wounded arm wasn’t quite strong enough yet to get it undone. Javier saved her the struggle, gently moving her hands away so that he could undo his jeans himself. While he was busy peeling off his jeans, she took this time to pop open the buttons of his shirt, his warm and golden chest against her palms as she moved lower.
Javier sat up, still holding her in his lap, and kicked off his tight jeans, his length springing up and slapping her ass as it was set free. Valeria reached back to work him with her functioning hand, his hands holding her waist as his lips and tongue played with her breasts. His dark eyes looked up at her, and she swore to herself in that moment that this was the beginnings of love, not just a hookup. He looked so lovable, that’s the only way she could describe it; he simply looked worthy of all the love in the world with his normally well-groomed hair now messy over his forehead, his forehead glistening with sweat as he kissed the valley of her breasts.
“Can I?” She asked in a breathy pant, needy and desperate to connect herself to him in the most intimate of ways. Javier pulled away from her nipple with a pop and nodded, his hands sliding up her back. As she lined herself up with him and sank down, one of his hands laced into her hair and tugged, exposing her neck. You both moaned with higher voices than normal at the feeling of being together for the first time, his lips placing sloppy kisses and bites upon her throat. She held onto his broad shoulders as he moved his hips into her own, soft groans of pleasure slipping from his lips against her skin. “Javi, this feels…you make me feel…so good.”
“I care about you…so much, querida.” He panted and pulled away from her skin to look into her eyes, both hands holding either side of her face and forcing her to look into his eyes as he thrusted into her with more vigor. Her brows furrowed as she stared back at him, her entire body on fire all because of him. He cooed at her with puckered lips as she began to whisper mindless praises to him. “Yeah? It’s good? God, I love fucking you like this. I’ll never stop, fuck, I’ll never stop, baby.”
“Javier, I’m so fucking close,” she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his as her hand slipped between their sweaty bodies, her fingers quickly rubbing at her nearly-overstimulated bud. Javi groaned as he picked up his pace, careful to hold her body as still as he could to avoid hurting her shoulder, but she still bounced with the impact of his sharp thrusts.
“Yes, baby, play with your fucking pussy, yes!” He praised her as she began to fall into him, she orgasm making her body shake as he held her close. He had no time to warn her of his release, his orgasm washing over him prematurely, making him practically sing out his moans right into her ear. She stayed still, not wanting his song to end, and felt him tug himself out of her, pumping himself and spilling against his lap. “Shit, I’m sorry,”
“Sorry?” She chuckled, half out of breath. “That was the hottest sex I’ve ever had, Javier.”
“Well…I can do better than that,” he smiled against her lips as he kissed her deeply, both of them hugging each other tightly. “Come on, let’s get some sleep. I have to go into the office tomorrow.”
“You do?” She hated that she couldn’t hide the fear in her voice, but Javier didn’t mind it. In fact, it warmed his heart that she’d be so concerned with his absence. “Who, uh, who’s going to be watching me?”
“Trujillo.” He laid her onto the bed, watching as she carefully adjusted yourself to accommodate her injury. “I’ll only be gone for the day. I’ll be right back here as soon as the day’s over.”
“Yeah.” She reluctantly nodded and watched as he gave her a smile, leaning over and kissing her before reaching to turn the lamp off beside her bed.
“Goodnight, mi amor.” He whispered against her lips as he gave her another chaste kiss.
Though she wasn’t happy he was going to be gone for most of the day tomorrow, she also knew that she had to learn to start trusting other people as well. After all, he was not her savior, he was simply her relief.
“Goodnight, Javi.”
tag list: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows
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southotheborder · 3 years
A Sequel to Narcos
Chapter 8: Rumors
Title: Rumors
Rating: 18+ (M)ature
Warnings: Javier being Javier, cursing
Word Count: 3200
Pairing: Javier x Female OC
Masterlist || Previous Chapter
A/N: Part II is kicking off with some tension.
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How lucky does a man need to get to believe in luck?
Guadalajara, Jalisco
A few days later
Witnesses: Señoras de la Colonia Lafayette
Señora 1: “Is that the handsome one? Yes, I remember him. He smelled nice…They sat us at the same table. I thought it was an odd grouping. But I’m not complaining! My husband looks at younger women. Why can’t I look at younger men?”
Señora 2: “Sorry to tell you, querida, but he had a partner. I can’t remember much about the blonde one. He was too busy eating everything…”
Señora 3: “No no no. Don’t make assumptions. They were not lovers…El guapito went off with a woman.”
Señora 2: “And? That doesn’t mean anything. You know Mexico isn’t as tolerant as we think it is…”
Señora 3: “Can I ask what is so important about these two men that we are being interrogated?”
Javier had seen wealth before - at La Catedral, during raids of Pablo’s estates, in the homes of the Rodriguez brothers, and the Moncada’s. As a child, he always had food on the table, acres and acres of land to run across. There was never any exuberance, but it was a happy childhood. Everyone spoke Spanish on the ranch, his mother cooked chilaquiles and tamales. His father told him stories about his great grandfathers, men who rode their horses between Laredo and Nuevo Laredo before border fences were even erected.
To Escobar, Javier was el Mexicano, to other Colombians, he was a gringo - not exactly like Steve - but a gringo de la DEA nonetheless. Others always wanted to put a label on him, but he had always been opposed to categorizing the world in black and white.
Standing in the central courtyard of the Garza Hacienda, Javier never felt so un-Mexican. It would be fair to say it would make many Mexicans feel un-Mexican.
The decadence of the wooden furniture, the massive family portraits, the archways ornamented with blue Portuguese tiles, and the view of the agave slopes as the sun set upon them. The Garza Hacienda was a lasting presence of Spanish colonialism and its excesses – generations of amassed wealth while the rest of the nation barely subsisted.
Witnesses: The Servers
Server 1: “No señor, he was alone when I served him a drink, but I left after he returned the mezcal.”
Server 2: “Que cabron no le gusta el mezcal? No mames! (What jackass doesn’t like mezcal? Don't fuck around.”)
Server 3: “He didn’t eat much of the food either. I passed by his table. His…partner…was the one who looked like he hadn’t eaten in days…el gringito.”
Javier adjusted his blazer. Below the open collar, he wore a thin gold necklace – the one his mother bought in Nuevo Laredo for his baptism. It felt wrong to return to Mexico and not wear it. He didn’t believe in luck, but he did believe in the comfort that her presence brought him.
His watch read seven twenty-seven. Where the fuck is Murphy?
The caterer passed by with a tray of drinks.
“No señor, solo tequila y mezcal.”
There was a slight pucker to his lips as he grabbed the second option. Trying hard not to spit it out, he pulled the caterer back and returned the glass, opting for tequila añejo instead.
“Man, you looked like you just sucked a lemon,” Steven laughed before Homero and Fidel caught up with him.
“Caballeros, this is my partner Joaquin, he just flew in from California.”
Javier extended a hand to the brothers. “Un placer conocerlos (A pleasure to meet you).”
Fidel was smoking a cigar, not interested in business as much as he was in celebrating. The family hadn’t thrown such an event in years.
Homero was completely sober. He cared about making a good impression.
“Rick here,” Homero grabbed Steve’s shoulder as he looked at Javier, “told us you’re looking to operate in Texas?”
“That’s correct. California and Colorado are saturated, but we have our eyes set on Texas.”
“I’m happy to hear that. As you know, very soon we will begin distributing from Texas. Just a few contractual arrangements left… Let me give word to my uncle and we’ll soon talk numbers.”
Javier looked around the courtyard, letting Steve continue the conversation.
There were different bars stationed along the four walls surrounding the fountain. Mariachis played in the background as guests formed their own bubbles. A few jumped from group to group, greeting familiar faces and posing for photographs.
The round tables had an arrangement of red magnolias, yellow marigolds, white sword lilies, and orange Mexican poppies. Doña Maricruz Garza ordered a set of heavy hammered copper flatware and terra cotta plates for the guests. It was an eyeful of luxury.
He gazed up at the assortment of plants hanging from wooden beams and the arrangement of lights that twinkled along the columns.
There were security guards, dressed in black, stationed at each corner. Javier’s right hand instinctively twitched, searching for the gun he didn’t have.
"Arriba, abajo, al centro y para dentro.” A young woman saluted a group at a table before swallowing her shot of tequila. She poured another round for herself and the guests.
Yo sé bien que estoy afuera Pero el día que yo me muera Sé que tendrás que llorar (Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar)
The woman made her way to the mariachis, singing along to El Rey, arm in arm, with her cousin Alma. Both swayed to the music, the same way they did when they were young girls, without a care in the world, surrounded by family.
“Joaquin!” Steve tapped Javier’s shoulder.
The brothers looked over in the direction of Javier’s gaze. “Excuse us, our cousin…she gets a little…sentimental at family events,” Fidel smirked and shook his hand before heading in Ximena’s direction.
“Did you see that, man?” Javier asked Steve as his eyes lingered on her long gold sequined dress.
“I’m gonna ask you to not think with your dick at this event, okay?”
“She’s their cousin, didn’t you hear him?”
“Yea I did. Mexicans have big families. Look around. This place is filled with family. Just because she’s getting frisky with the shots doesn’t mean you’re gettin’ any. We need to keep an eye on Rogelio.”
“Who said anything about getting’ frisky here, man?”
“We need to make sure the brothers can arrange a meeting with Don Emiliano. It’s the only way to guarantee getting Rogelio in the same room. Don’t piss em off by fuckin’ their cousin. Doesn’t look like she knows a thing about tequila…other than drinkin’ it.”
Witnesses: The Bartenders
Bartender 1: “I’m not comfortable speaking about la señorita Ximena. She’s mi patrona. I was only doing my job – serving drinks like she ordered.”
Bartender 2: “Like he said. We have no business talking about la patrona. God forbid Don Emiliano heard about this. Listen, you want to interrogate someone…interrogate the photographer!”
Joaquin and Rick had to sell an idea to the Garzas – that they were the best investors in the market with connections and assets in the United States. With DEA backup and resources, Javier and Steve nailed down their roles so well that most people at their table didn’t even think twice.
The caterers continued to serve pescado al mango with a variety of side dishes including oysters, and ceviche. Mama Peña had never cooked these dishes at the ranch. She cooked recetas norteñas. It never failed to surprise him how diverse Mexican food was.
“You gonna be able to walk outta here, Rick?” Javier mocked as Steve hogged the food.
He needed a drink, a moment alone to think about how he’d coordinate a meeting with Emiliano, Ignacio, and Rogelio. His fingers gently traced the necklace while he made his way to the bar.
The thick-mustached man adjusted his bow-tie before addressing Javier.
“Un whiskey?” Maybe the bar had a hidden bottle.
“Un Mexicano that prefers whiskey to mezcal?” Ximena sassed from the end of the bar.
Javier’s eyed shifted between the red dahlia in her dark hair to the copperish shade of her lips. The nude metallic hue made her look like a star from the Mexican Golden Age of Cinema.
“A shot of tobalá para el caballero,” she ordered as she took a seat on the stool next to him. Her gold platform heel grazed his leg.
“Sorry to say,” with a small smile forming on the corner of his lips, “that I’m not as enthusiastic about mezcal as I am about tequila.”
“That…is because you don’t drink mezcal like you did back there, you drink it like this.” Ximena clinked her glass against his with a subtle wink before taking the shot.
His tongue traced the inside of his mouth, savoring the fruity spice lingering in his palette.
She had watched him earlier that night…
For the first time, he didn’t know if the words coming from the lips of a woman at a bar were flirtation, an invitation, or a threat.
“Le gusto? (Did you like it?)” the bartender asked with a confident smile.
“Give him another,” she pointed at the bottle.
Unlike tequila, mezcal is better when it is younger. And looking at the dark-haired woman, he couldn’t argue. She had to be at least ten years younger than him.
He liked the way the golden dress hugged her body, the way it reached her ankles and ignited his imagination.
“You were watching me back there?” He cautiously took the refilled shot.
“The same way you were watching me.”
Javier licked the bottom of his lip and her eyes followed the tip of his tongue. It was obvious he was older than Eduardo, not as swayed by emotions or ideals, but by lust.
Before the bartender could serve him another, Javier stood up. These types of drinks could get to a man's head if he wasn't careful. He needed to make sure he could walk straight.
Witnesses: The Photographer, Diego Molina and his assistant, Chichi
Photographer: “Don Emiliano told me to photograph everyone. So I did what I was told. I mean how could I not? Did you see the size of that hacienda? When the tabloids get a hold of those photos…Doña Maricruz is going to be the envy of the ladies in Mexico City.”
Photographer’s Assistant: “At least it will clear any rumors about her daughter and that journalist…”
Photographer: “That’s just gossip. Apparently, he was one of her professors at UNAM…a writer with some sympathies for the Zapatista movement. When my husband still worked at the publishing house, he read some of his works. A nice guy too, but a bit radical. You didn’t hear it from me…but a few colleagues of ours saw him leaving la señorita Ximena’s apartment in the mornings before class…"
Photographer’s Assistant: “Her family had to hear the rumors…”
Photographer: “This is Mexico. Everyone always finds out what happens behind closed doors.”
Photographer’s Assistant: “Are we in trouble for…photographing la señorita? We can destroy it and pretend like it never happened. It was never our intention to sneak up on anyone. We were just…surprised to see how familiar she seemed to be with that older man…”
“Let me show you our latest collection.”
Javier took her hand in his as she hopped off the bar stool. She didn’t have long nails or a wedding band, but small cuts, hints of a woman that worked with her hands.
Ximena led him past the courtyard, through a sitting area with many family photos, into a dim cellar past the second dining room.
Javier scanned the bottles nestled in the walls. Some on the far corner were covered by dust.
“You haven’t told me your name...”
“Neither have you,” she turned to face him.
“Joaquin,” he sought her palm.
The ornate Spanish clock placed above the cellar door had stopped ticking. It was taken to Mexico through the port of Veracruz in the eighteenth century by the first Garza to set sail across the Atlantic from Spain. Diego Garza de Mena descended from a family of Sephardic Jews forced to convert to Catholicism during the Inquisition. The clock was his only remaining heirloom, crafted by one of the last rabbis of Toledo.
Time had stopped in that corner of the hacienda where bottles two hundred years old were still preserved.
In Guadalajara, a clocked that stopped working frightened people because of the legend of El Reloj de la Muerte – The Clock of Death. It is said that several years ago, a clock installed in a hospital stopped ticking. The nuns noticed that a child would die each time this happened. After taking a life, it would restart from where it left off. In the 1950s, it was destroyed. When servants from the local towns realized that the clock in the cellar at the Garza Hacienda stopped working, they didn’t dare set a foot inside. Ximena was one of the few who dared to venture in.
“We still have the very first bottles ever produced on the hacienda. It’s important for a person to remember their roots, to know where they come from.”
He disregarded the bottles and held his gaze on her as she spoke. Concentrate, cabron (Focus, dumbass). He had to remind himself.
Her hazel eyes were accentuated by a kohl eyeliner that complimented her bronze cheekbones.
“The only place you’ll find Mezcal of equal or better quality is in Oaxaca. So…which one of our collections are you and your associate interested in?”
“The latest one…I’m assuming…it was named after you?”
She smirked. “I wasn’t the one who named it.”
“What would you have named it?”
Ximena shrugged. “Zapata…”
“Eres Zapatista?” Javier couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ironic, isn’t it? Look at me. Dressed in gold, in this hacienda…proclaiming justicia, tierra, y libertad.”
Emiliano Zapata, known as El Caudillo del Sur (the Leader of the South), was a Mexican Revolutionary from the State of Morelos. He led protests against hacendados (hacienda owners) that had appropriated lands from the peasants. He advocated ‘Land and Liberty’ – the belief that whoever works the land, owns the land. Along with Pancho Villa, he occupied Mexico City and implemented land reform. But before any real change could happen, he was tricked, ambushed, and killed by forces of the American-backed president of Mexico, Venustiano Carranza.
In 1994, the legacy of Zapata inspired a guerrilla group in Chiapas to launch a peasant uprising. The one to lead the capture of the state capital was Comandanta Ramona - an indigenous woman from the highlands who sold artisan crafts for a living. She along with other women created the Revolutionary Women’s Law that consisted of ten laws to improve Mexican women’s reproductive and educational rights. By the end of the year, one third of the Zapatista’s military personnel were women.
“I guess we aren’t always what we appear to be.”
She led him through the back door of the cellar into her grandmother’s garden, away from the noise, and lights of the courtyard.
“That would appear so…Joaquin.”
He allowed himself to get closer to her, for his hand to graze hers as he looked at the freckle on her neck. She closed the gap between them, her lips millimeters away from his ear.
“You know what else I think?”
“What’s that?”
“That you’re no investor…”
His body tensed, no longer a result of the warmth emanating from her body, but from the realization that he may have gravely underestimated this young woman.
“Ah no, florecita?” he teased as he plucked the dahlia from her hair. “Those are some strong accusations that could risk business for your cousins.”
“Ah si? Be honest with me now and deja la jalada (stop fuckin’ around). What is a norteño (northerner) doing all the way in Jalisco? You don’t fool me with that accent. De donde eres? (Where are you from?) De Tamaulipas?”
Javier swallowed uncomfortably. Murphy was a fucking idiot.
“My family is. Y que? I don’t see what one thing has to do with the other.”
“Those things usually aren’t…until so called investors come to the hacienda and don’t know the difference between the types of mezcal…”
“What can I say? Perhaps I was distracted…Was I wrong to mix business with pleasure?” He offered her the red dahlia from his palm.
She took the flower. Before she could respond, the photographer walked into the garden.
“Una sonrisa, porfavor! (A smile please!)"
An instant flash.
A moment captured in the shot – Javier’s hand around Ximena’s waist, both their faces turned, not towards the camera, but towards each other. Her hand, dangling by her side holding a bright red dahlia. Their gazes locked on each other before they even had a chance to pose.
The photographer returned to the dining room, calling out for his assistant, and left them alone once again.
Javier’s hand was still on her waist.
“Tread carefully,” she whispered before removing herself from his grip.
“You didn’t answer my question...”
The man was not what Steve expected. He didn’t dress like a man who ran one of Mexico’s largest pharmaceutical companies. His dark, curly hair was uncombed around his doe-eyes. Rogelio Iturbide looked like he was incapable of hurting a fly… and that’s what made him an inconspicuous supplier.
“Did you know Pancho Villa wasn’t a drinker?” Rogelio’s finger traced the ring of his glass.
“It wasn’t something I was aware of, no.”
Where the fuck is Javi?
“And yet here you are, interested in investing and importing tequila to los gringos up north…”
Witnesses: The Security Team
Man 1: “We made sure the roads were clear.”
Man 2: “If there was any suspicion about a hijacking, we would have called for backup.”
Man 1: “Vayanse a la chingada. If it had been a Mexican family that disappeared on that road, not a soul would give a fuck. But two gringos go missing and you think you have a right to interrogate us?”
“Gentleman, I’m sure we can talk about Pancho Villa after we talk numbers. How does that sound?” Homero had enough of Rogelio’s patriotic small-talk.
“But what better topic is there than Pancho Villa and tequila? Two symbols of Mexican resistance. Caballeros, mucho gusto,” Javier entered the office as if he owned it. “Joaquin Ayala. I’m sure you’ve had enough of my associate Rick.”
Emilano Garza turned away from the large window overlooking the courtyard to face him.
“Sabia que habia oido que eres Mexicano (I knew I heard you were Mexican).” He shook his hand firmly with a welcoming smile.
“Si señor, mi familia es originalmente del norte (Yes sir, my family is orginally from the north…del estado de Tamaulipas (from the State of Tamaulipas).”
“You know what they say about northerners,” Rogelio shook his hand. “That they have thick skin!”
Emiliano Garza nodded and looked at his watch. Joaquin reminded him of someone he once knew, an old friend from university. A good man who lost his life because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The thought troubled him.
Javier may not have believed in luck, but Emiliano Garza did.
“Gentlemen. It’s getting late. I think it’s best if you stay the night. The roads in Jalisco aren’t safe for two foreigners…”
Next chapter coming soon
Translations & Notes:
Querida - dear
El Guapito – the handsome one
Añejo – aged tequila
Caballeros – gentelmen
Arriba, abajo, al centro y para dentro – Up, Down, In the Center and Inside is a common Mexican salute when taking a shot of tequila
La Patrona – the (female) boss
Mucho gusto – a pleasure (to meet you)
Vayanse a la chingada – go fuck yourselves
Eres Zapatista? – You’re a Zapatista?
Florecita - little flower
Una sonrisa porfavor – a smile please
Sephardic Jews – Jews from the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Many were forced to convert to Catholicism, although others continued to practice in secret. Some went to Northern Africa seeking refuge in Muslim territories of North Africa. Others went to the Americas. However, Mexico also had inquisitorial tribunals so it was not safe for Jews to openly practice their religion until the 20th century.
Comandanta Ramona – actual commander of Zapatista forces in Chiapas
Recetas norteñas – northern (Mexican) recipes
Tobalá – incredibly rare mezcal found in Oaxaca and Puebla. Takes about 10-15 years for the plant to mature, and is very expensive
Y que? - so what?
Las señoras - the ladies
Colonia Lafayette – is an upper class neighborhood in Guadalajara
Coyoacan – upper class neighborhood in Mexico City
El Rey – Mexican song that was made popular by singer Vicente Fernandez titled El Rey (The King): Yo sé bien que estoy afuera / Pero el día que yo me muera / Sé que tendrás que llorar / (Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar). It is about a man claiming to be the king, with or without money, he does what he wants, and when he dies, his girl is gonna cry and cry and cry.
----------------------------------------tags: @a-trial-run-on-paper @blueeyesatnight @radiowallet @furious-rogue-stuff @drabbles-mc @athalien @vanemando15
21 notes · View notes
romanarose · 1 year
If You Wanna Be Wild: Chapter 2
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Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader/OC x Santiago Garcia
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Summary: Javi and Santi talk about where to start with Lorea; Santi thinks on his night with Candy
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it.
Additional warnings: Catholic guilt and religous trauma and religion talk. However, this is not an anti catholic page. We can discuss the problems of the church at large and the guilt that abstence-only and shame based discussions on sex can affect people, but my family is catholic and I have a lot of respect for the individual people, especially Latino-catholics.
For the record, this is a fic that takes place in the drug trade and deals with the darker side of humanity, so anything from Narco's and Triple Frontier is liable to be discussed or mentioned here. This is your warning. This is not a dark fic nor is it centered around dark themes like Leather and Lace or Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, but they are open to be talked about.
Reader has a nick name: Candy. Not her real name just what she goes by on her profession. Much of the inspo for this and for the title came from the Bruce Springsteen song “Candy’s room” so check it out for the vibes.
Reader speaks Spanish and had hair. I've decided Candy is just latina coded bc she's a sex worker in colombia so this is what I'm doing.
3.1k words. Proof red by my beloved Fen
Perspective changed per section. When perspective is Santi or Javi, reader is referred to in the 3rd person or by Candy.
You have Santi sat up on the bed, facing you. Well, Diego. That’s what he said his name was, but if he thought you didn’t know who the new DEA agent in town was, he was mistaken. After your 3rd arrest for prostitution, you got a lot more careful, and always tried to keep up with the police in the area. You wondered if he knew Javi.
“Alright Diego, tell me, what exactly is it you’re looking for?” You ask, but he looks confused, so you give a soft, warm sigh. He was one of those ones. “Are you just looking for a quick fuck? Getting to know each other and forming a connection, exploring things?”
Santi considered his options. “Well, maybe I’d like to learn a little bit… only had s-” He swallowed. “sex a few times… you know, lights off, missionary, couple pumps and done…” A nervous chuckle emitted from him, so you tried to ease him with a soft smile.
“Don’t worry, baby boy, we can do that. Let’s start with getting to know a woman’s body, how about that?”
“Garcia, wake the fuck up.” Javi’s voice broke Santi out of his daydreaming, making him snap towards Javi.
“Huh? Sorry.”
“Whatsamatter, pretty boy, got dicked down too hard last night?”
Santi’s eyes went wide at that. “Dicked-?!?! DICKED DOWN? JAVI!” He leaned in to whisper harshly, as if it was important enough to keep quiet but not so bad Santi couldn’t miss an opportunity to clutch his pearls. “Javi, you fucking know I could get arrested for that!”
“I’m joking, pendejo.”
“You shouldn’t joke about that!”
Apparently, Santi looked concerned enough that Javi backed down, raising his hands in defeat. “Tranquilo, tranquilo amigo, lo siento. Yo parare.”
A little shaken, Santi glanced down as he calmed himself. “Gracias, Pena”. He rolled his shoulders and shook his head before clearing his throat. “So. Lorea. What do we got?”
Santiago Garcia had never seen a pussy up close before. There’d been porno magazines, sure… and he’d… touched a bit. He wasn’t an animal, Will had explained he can’t just shove his dick into a woman, that could hurt her. No, you gotta warm her up first, seduce her, open her up. Santi heard more than he ever wanted to of the sordid detail of Will eating pussy. However, when it came to actual sex, Santi barely got through it without a panic attack. There was no way he was going to attempt to go down on a girl under those conditions. Still, he didn’t want to hurt her, so he made sure to finger the 3 girls he’d somehow bumbled his way into bed with.
He needed to do better. Candy was allowing him the chance to explore, get over his nerves.
“But I want you to cum…” He had insisted.
“Well aren’t you a sweet boy… I’ll make sure I cum, how about that? Let me worry about that.”
“But…” he had looked across at her. “But I wanna learn how too.”
She nodded with reassurance. “You will, trust me, I’ll teach you. Just for today, focus on getting comfortable. I’ll let you know what feels good and what doesn’t but what works for me may not work for someone else, so remember that. Most important thing is communicating and listening to her body, so let’s start there.”
That’s how he got here, flat on his chest with Candy’s legs spread out before him. Her pussy was glistening for him.
“Where do I… how do I start?”
Candy sat up just a bit on her elbows. “Start by just getting familiar, explore.”
So he did. Santi started with touching. His index and middle finger swept along her folds, moving and opening her up for his view. She was beautiful. He started with the top, the area just below her pantyline tan skin under a bush of hair followed by her folds coming to a head.
“That’s the clit, that’s very important.” She took his fingers and pulled back the hood. “Touch there” When Santi complied, Candy sank back down on her bed with a hum.
Santi felt a swell of pride at giving her pleasure. “Is that good?”
“Very good, pretty boy. Lot of nerves right there.”
He continued touching below, feeling the way her skin moved to his touch and how his fingers slid across the slick, soft skin below… She looked delicious.
“Can I taste you?”
“Where do we even start with something like this?” Santi groaned, flopping his head back.
Javi couldn't help but roll his eyes at that. “Don’t be such a child, Garcia. You take this shit one step at a time, just like anything else. Let’s start with what we know.”
The handsome younger man sighed. “Fine.” He pulled out the casefiles and Javi noticed how much calmer he’d seemed, less high strung… still high strung but that was just Santiago, Javi came to realize. “Gabriel Martin Lorea, coke dealer, devout catholic and family man… none of which stops him from hiring hookers.”
Javi chuckles. “Few things do.”
“Well, marriage should, especially when you have children.” Santi glared at him. 
His naivete, something Javi had been dreading with a younger partner, ended up endearing Santi to him. “Right, right of course.” He smiled and shook his head before lighting up a cigarette.
“Do you really have to do that indoors?”
“So sue me. I’m the one smoking, it’s not like it can hurt you.”
“I don’t know, I heard of a study that secondhand smoke can-”
Javi blew a puff of smoke in Santi’s face. “That’s just anti-smoking propaganda pushed by doctors to sell more nicotine patches.”
Santi had dived right in. Once he had permission to taste, he very tentatively licked a strip up her folds and to the clit… and was suddenly a starved man, insatiable, desperate to devour her and drown in her juices.. She liked when he touched her clit so he was sure to latch his mouth over the hood. As he sucked, Candy instructed him to finger her and he was happy to oblige. This, he could handle at least.
“Good boy…” Candy cooed at him. “Such a good boy for me, so obedient.”
“Wanna be good.” He mumbled into your core as he lapped at her, hips rutting against the bed. “Wanna do good.”
When her fingers found his hair, tangling up in his curls and tugging just a bit, he couldn’t help but whine into her, toes curling in his socks.
“You’re doing so good, baby boy, so good, but I’m gonna need you to stop.”
Stop? He didn’t wanna stop. Santi wanted to die here with her… Was it time? How much time did he pay for- ait, he hadn’t even paid her yet. What was her going rate? He didn’t fucking care right now, right now he’d pay her his life savings, his military pension, his first born, whatever she wanted if he could cum. 
“Whyyyyy?!” He simply went back to eating her out, taking every moment he had.
“Because,” Candy pulled at his curls, forcing him to look up and crawl back up her golden body. “Because you are about to cum, and I still wanna ride you.”
He could feel his eyes go wide at that. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what that meant… but for someone who had only ever done missionary, the whole concept seemed so… dirty. Santi chuckled nervously, tucking his head into the crook of her neck. “I’ll be honest, Candy, I’m not sure how much longer I’m gonna last as it is.”
He felt her chuckle. “Let’s slow down for a moment, then. I want you to undress.”
His breath hitched, but he made the move to undo his pants until she stopped him.
“Uh-uh, Diego. Stand up. Let me watch you undress.”
Undress like… standing? By himself? All out there and naked? “Um… can’t I do it here?”
“You can.” She confirmed with a kind smile. “But I’d really like to watch you strip for me.”
How could he resist that? Tentative, slow and careful, Santi stood up and Candy sat on the edge of the bed, bottoms off but still clothed top. “Are you gonna take that off?” It was half a joke, half a genuine question.
Candy nodded. “I will, just trust me.”
And he did, with everything in him.
So he took off his shirt.
“Okay. Catholic. Do we know what church he goes to?”
Javi raised an eyebrow? “You think a drug lord is going to daily mass?”
“No, but if he’s devout I assume he’s got a family that goes. Wife and children maybe, but definitely a mother. I don’t know one woman over 50 who doesn’t belong to a perish, especially a hispaña woman.”
“You find a lot of company con mujeres mayor, amigo?”
“Shut up. I say we start there. If we can find out about his family's church, we can probably find out a little more.”
Apprehensive as always, Javi crossed his legs, doubtful. “I don’t know, what can we possibly find out?”
Santi shrugged. “Not sure, but churches have a lot of records when it comes to members and if he has a family that is active we might find out something useful.”
“Is this really the best use of our time?”
Javi raised a good point, this might be a dead end, and they would have wasted all that time. “Just give me a picture of all known families and I’ll keep an eye out.”
Now that caught Javi’s attention, cocking an eyebrow at him. “You go to church, Garcia?”
A faint blush crept up Santi’s neck. His mother was very religious, that religion instilled into him and his sister. His sister couldn’t care less anymore, but then again she had never cared much about their mother’s harsh opinions and strict standards… Santi did. And so, even now with her passing, Santi attended mass often. Not a part of a regular perish, he just attended where he could and when his schedule allowed. The old women there did love him, but Santi knew Javi would never let that go. “Tengo muchas tías y primos en la zona. Si no muestro mi cara en la iglesia a veces, se lo dirán a mi madre y nunca escucharé el final.”
Javi didn’t need to know his mom was dead.
Santi nervously slides down his trousers and underwear, revealing the last bit of himself to Candy. Except for his tube socks. He wasn't sure what to do about those.
“Can I… move now?” He asked, a tremble in his soft voice.
She cocked her head to the side. “Does it make you nervous? To be seen like this.”
“To be seen like what?”
Candy stood up. “Naked, vulnerable, in full lighting…” She walked over towards him and placed her hands on her chest. “To let someone be able to see every part, every dip…” She felt over the ripples of his stomach muscles. “Every.” Lower. “Single.” Lower. “Inch.” Grabbing onto his hardened cock and began stroking it.
Santi let out a shuttered gasp at the touch of her hand. With her other one she lifted it to his mouth. “Lick, pretty boy.”
He was happy to oblige, not needing to know why. He didn’t need to ask questions with her, he could simply shut off his mind and let Candy guide him… mother knows best. Santi lapped at her palm, keening into it as the wetness smeared on his face.
“Such a good puppy”
The whine that emitted from him was out of him control; he liked the praise, he liked the nickname. He liked it a lot. He had been taught his whole life that sex was for procreation, a dirty thing to be done in shame and in quiet but here she was, proudly jerking him off with the now-wet hand… His mom would have said she was consumed by lust, that the devil had taken her, but Santo saw nothing but kindness in her eyes. Yes, he was paying her, he was well aware of that fact but she did genuinely seem to want to help him, to let him explore, to allow him to care for this basic human instinct… Was this dirty? Was this wrong? He wasn’t sure he cared anymore.
“Doing so good baby boy, are you close?”
He was seconds away from coming. “S-so close.” He had his head thrown back, letting her take the lead on his pleasure.
With that, she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock, stifling his impending orgasm.
“Mierde!” Santiago grunted, body jolting a bit in the physical frustration.
“Relaje, guapo. Trust me, okay? Can you do that?”
He groaned, but complied. Santi trusted her with everything. Right now, he’d follow her into the dark.
“Alright, so Pope Santiago will case the churches in his free time. Where does that leave us during the time we actually get paid for?” Javi thought the nickname was fitting for the apparently religious boy.
“I think we need to learn more about his free time.” Javi put out his cigarette. “How about we talk to some girls, see if they know anything?”
Santi narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Girls?”
“Hookers, Pope, hookers.”
Javi noticed how he suddenly became so nervous. The boy needed to get laid. The new information of Santi being at least semi-religious was a whole new insight on his psyche. He already seemed to be a bit of a mama’s boy, a goody-two-shoes with a shiny military career and a good heart, but this was a little different. Javier’s family was catholic, as most families were. He had been baptized, first communion, confirmed, the whole jazz but as soon as he’d got annoying enough, his mom stopped bushing the issue. Santi, however, was still practicing.
“I’ll handle that part, Garcia. Don’t worry, I won't drag the Pope into a whore house.”
Javi had no doubt Santi could hold his own in most scenarios. Hell, he’d seen it. In line of fire, interviews, everything Santi could handle. But take him into a room full of prostitutes? Well, they’d eat him alive.
“Are you ready for me, pretty boy?” You had him right where you wanted him, right where you liked pretty boys like him that you got to corrupt in moments like this… Santiago was special though, you could tell. He was innocent, but he was far from the most innocent. You’d taken plenty of virginities before, so many you’d lost track of it all, but the way Santiago looked at you right now as he was sat up against the padded headboard of your bed slowly stroking him as your legs straddled his. Santiago looked at you with reverence, adoration, like he was fully submitted below you… as if you had the power, even though it was in his hands as the customer. Yeah, he was a special one. 
 A good, young DEA agent, straightline former military, special Ops and he came to you to show him how to pleasure a woman; not just to have sex, not just to get off, but to learn how to heighten the pleasure of all parties… A church going boy too. 
“Do I need to beg? Because I’ll fucking beg.” His hands were gripped at the sheets, lightning at the knuckles.
“Oh sweet boy, I won’t make you beg, I’m just checking in.” You sit up, rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds. Pulling down the foreskin, you begin to sink down on him, watching his eyes widen as your warmth enveloped him. He filled you right up. Every. Single. Inch.
“Breath baby, breath.” You urge him as you see his lips pressed tight together. 
He did as he was told, releasing a breath. 
“Good job. Now keep breathing, I’m going to finish undressing.” His cock was stuffed into you, and your bottom remained still as your top moved, stipping off your shirt and bra in one. 
It was merely a whisper. “Beautiful…” His eyes were nearly glazed over in lust when you began your work.
Up, down, up, down… you moved on him with your hands on his chest for balance… he seemed almost in shock as he looked in your eyes, only staying momentarily to look at your breasts before quickly looking back at your face as if it was impolite.
“It’s okay to look, Diego. You won’t offend me. You can find me sexy, do you think I’m sexy, Diego?”
“So pretty…” It was gasped out and you could tell he was almost there again.
You began to bounce on him with more vigor and the “You can touch me too”
“I’m… I’m a little scared too…”
Running your fingers through his curls, you ruffle it, enjoying the look of the pristine young man coming undone for you. You take the initiative for him. Hand in hand, you guide him to your breasts, encouraging Santiago to grope and squeeze as he liked and you reveal in the feeling of feeling of his excited pawing. He was enraptured in you, you and him were the only thing that matter right now, and you knew it. You stretched around him,  and you knew it had to be one hell of sight.
“Watch” Pulling him by his curls you guide him to look down where you and him connected, letting him watch the watch your cunt moved to accommodate him, making room to be filled over and over again. “See how my body let’s you in? I was made for you, pretty boy. I was made to take you inside me.”
The thick stretch was bringing you closer, and you knew he was only holding on by a thread himself, so you began to touch yourself. “Focus on that feeling, Diego. The feeling of us together. Can you feel it? I sure can.”
“I- I can, yes.” He was panting now, his bare tanned chest heaving with every bounce of you tits in his hands. 
“Yes what?” But he looked up at you in confusion, a desperation on his face to be good, do good, do this all right. “Yes ma’am”
“Yes ma- ma’ammmm” With that, Santiago’s hits thrust upward into you, his eyes drilled shut and mouth tightly closed in his attempt to muffle his own release.
You did no such thing. As he filled you up, you spilled over yourself and felt the gushing release of your cunt soaking his cock, you yelled out for him, letting him know how good he made you feel. Relaxing onto his chest, Santiago wraps his arms around you like an affection-starved child, and you get a little hint into what you think this was all about.
He needed praise. He needed fondness. He needed skin to skin contact like nothing else right now. He needed to be a good person and do it all right and know he was doing it right. 
Santiago needed to be loved.
Sorry i know it was a wait lmfao. I posted like 3 chapters of the wrong way sequel before this one lolololol OOPS
But i promise I got a fun plan for this fic! I hope you all enjoy.
Remember, reblogs are the only real way to spread work! Please consider relogging to support this writing.
Comments mean the world to me!
Asks are always open to discuss this fic or my others, but also for non fandom too! Talk to me about anything you're excited about! I wanna get to know you all.
Also, as a note im trying my best for historic acuracy but I know narcos goes from like 70's onward but this stays in the 70's. Pretend Pablo Escabar isn't an issue anymore lmfao.
@runa-falls @lunar-ghoulie @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @itspdameronthings @persephone-girl @criticalarchitecture @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @beelzebeth87 @pimosworld @millerscoffee @heareball @thatwonderouswoman @poolbool @meveispunk @lovable-liar @millllenniawrites @read-and-wip @missdictatorme @the-fox-den @milkymoon2483 @k-ra @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @rosellacwrites @legendary-pink-dot @dreamingofbucky @axshadows @englandsgray @starsthatwatch @laiisleitte @fairlyang @alwaysmicado @theywhowriteandknowthings @casa-boiardi @lostfleurs @ninebluehearts @puglover12
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
All In (1)
Javier Peña x OFC (Carolina Rodríguez)
Request by my numero uno @garbinge: ok so im watching s2 of narcos where steve gets taken by security at the airport and I got the idea what if reader or an OC worked with murphy and peña on the DEA team and had been secretly dating peña for a while and as theyre out on a date they get a call to bail steve out or something 🤣 essentially outing them as a couple (to at least steve lol).
Warnings: language, alcohol, smoking, mentions of blood/injuries, Steve’s whole mess at the start of s2
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Okay I slapped the tentative chapter number up there because I feel like this is going to be an unofficial series. Anj and I have constructed a whole universe for these three chaotic agents. But like. I love them. Hope you enjoy!
Narcos Taglist: @thesandbeneathmytoes @bruxasolta @sizzlingcloudmentality @winchestershiresauce @alm0501 @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @supersanelyromantic (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!)
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They were sitting towards the back of the small restaurant in Medellín. It was late, but late seemed to be the only time the two of them could ever find the time to do anything together away from prying eyes. And it had been working. Quiet nights in at either his place or hers were all well and good, but every now and then it was nice to feel like a normal couple, out on a normal date. So there they were, all dressed up.
Or, rather, Carolina was dressed up. Formal, or dressy, had never been Javier’s strong suit. But he did what he could—his nicest pair of jeans and a freshly ironed shirt, anything to avoid attempting to knot a tie. He cleaned up well, but even so, he wasn’t the type to mind being outshined by the woman sitting across from him at the table.
If you had asked Javi, Carolina outshined damn near everyone in every room that she walked into no matter how she was dressed. But, on nights like that, when her long dark hair was cascading down her back and shoulders, hiding the thin straps of the red dress that she was wearing. The gold of her hoop earrings peaked out through the waves, watching the gold rings that were scattered across fingers on both her hands.
Javi watched her as she lifted the glass of wine to her lips, a soft smile on his face. He saw the nearly-perfect lipstick print left behind on the rim of the glass when she set it down. It was the kind of thing that he never paid attention to before, not until he met her. But now he felt like he noticed everything. If only it made him better at actually saying it out loud.
“Qué?” she asked with a laugh when she saw the dazed look in his eyes.
He shook his head, not quite sure how to say what he was thinking without sounding like a total sap, not that that would be the worst thing in the world, “Nada. Lo siento.”
“Javi,” she laughed, shaking her head, “you’re a terrible liar.”
“Perdón?” he laughed, pretending to be offended, “I’m a great liar, sweetheart. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She smiled, taking another sip of her wine before she responded, “Sure. Although, I don’t know if I’m the person you want to convince that you’re a great liar.”
He chuckled, and was about to make a witty remark, but before he could their waitress made her way back to their table, pad of paper and pen at the ready, “Listos?”
Carolina looked over at Javi, and when he gave her a slight nod, she looked back at the waitress with a smile, “Creo que sí. Quisiera—” Her sentence was stopped short by the sound of Javier’s sat-phone going off. Javi shot her an apologetic look that she then extended to the waitress, “Lo siento, un momento más, por favor?”
She didn’t seem bothered as she gave them a smile and a nod, “Claro.”
Carolina looked over, watching Javier intently as he answered the phone. The only possibility was work. Which meant that it was either going to be really good news, or really bad news. Things had been quiet, which didn’t give her any better of an idea of what to expect. She could only hear half of the conversation, despite the fact that she strained her ear in attempt to get the full picture.
“Peña,” Javi leaned back in his seat with a sigh. It was short-lived, though, as he sat up straighter the longer he listened to the voice on the other end of the line, “What? Murphy? You’re sure we’re talking about the same—fuck. Alright. Yea, no. I got it. I’ll be there,” with a huff he all but slammed the phone down before reaching for his jacket.
“What happened with Steve?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know. I gotta pick him up from airport security.”
“What?” her eyes grew wide.
“They got him in a damn holding cell. Apparently he knocked around some wall street asshole in the bathroom.”
Nothing that he was saying made the situation any clearer to her, “Sorry, again, what?”
“C’mon, I can drop you off before I get him.”
She shook her head as she got up form her chair, “No, don’t waste the time. I’ll just go with you.”
Surprise crossed his face, “You’re sure?”
“Yea,” she shrugged, grabbing her purse from the table, “it’s Steve.”
Javi tossed a few bills onto the table to more than cover their drinks and the trouble they’d caused their waitress for leaving so suddenly. The sound of her heels clacking against the sidewalk as the two of them quickly made their way to the car felt like the only sound on the very quiet night in Colombia. It was quiet everywhere except the airport, apparently.
“Why didn’t you mention any of this to me earlier, Javier?” she asked with a quiet sigh once he was done explaining what had happened earlier that afternoon between Steve and his wife.
“Didn’t have a good time to tell you,” he whipped the car around another turn, “Didn’t seem like the best date-night conversation.”
“Aren’t we past that by this point?” she looked over at him, knowing that he wasn’t going to be looking back.
“It’s also not my business.”
“You tell me everything else about them.”
“You tell me everything else about them,” he corrected, “I just confirm or deny.”
She rolled her eyes but there was a tiny smirk on her face, “Whatever.”
The rest of the ride passed in silence, the only noise coming from the directional and and sound of Javi pressing down on the gas. Traffic in Colombia was brutal, but luckily it was just late enough that they weren’t caught in the middle of a huge rush. They made it to the airport in record time, although that had more to do with Javi’s aggressive driving than anything else.
The two of them got directions from multiple employees until they finally found themselves in the right place. Javi considered it a small miracle that they hadn’t shipped Steve off to a real holding cell, in a real police station.
“Peña, here for Murphy,” he made no attempt to hide the annoyance in his voice.
The guard on duty looked back and forth between Javi and Carolina, skepticism etched deep into his features, “You sure?”
“Am I su—” Javi shook his head, “Don’t waste my fucking time. Can you help me? Or do I need to talk to someone else?”
The man clearly wasn’t impressed with Javier’s attitude, but no one could really blame him. Dealing with a drunk and belligerent Steve only to then have to deal with his sober and belligerent friend probably wasn’t what the poor guy was planning on doing that night. Still, with a nod, he and Javi started to get everything sorted to get Steve released.
The guard on duty all but threw Steve at Carolina and Javi, and Steve stumbled but managed to catch himself. Both of his friends stood there, really taking a second to take in what he looked like, which was a mess. He still looked drunk, dazed, and pissed off. There was a little bit of a bruise coming in on his cheek, although both of them knew that, knowing Steve, the other guy looked way worse. His knuckles were bruised and split open, stained with some blood that was his but some that definitely wasn’t.
“What the fuck, Murphy?” Javi shook his head.
Steve sucked his teeth and refused to look either of them in the eye, “I didn’t ask you to come fuckin’ bail me out, alright?”
“No, you didn’t,” Javi gestured to the guard, “They did. Thanks to you giving them my number.”
“Couldn’t exactly give ‘em Connie’s, now could I?” Steve shot back.
The air was tense between the three of them, and Carolina took that as her moment to speak up, “Let’s just go,” she motioned for Javi to start walking, placing her hand on Steve’s back between his shoulder blades, “Come on.”
His instinct was to shrug her off, but he didn’t. All he did was huff and fall into stride next to her. None of them spoke as they made their way out of the airport and across the parking lot. Javi was already lighting up a cigarette before they even made it to the car, pissed off at the entire situation. It was bad enough that Steve interrupted his night, but for something like this, and then to not even be grateful for the bailout? He didn’t even want to look at his partner.
When they reached the car, there was a wordless look between Steve and Carolina, and Steve resigned himself to sitting in the back seat. He was too tired to try and argue about it, plus it had the added benefit of making it harder for Javi to reach over and try to smack him.
He watched Carolina as she opened the passenger door and it wasn’t until that moment that he realized just how dressed up she was compared to what he saw her in at work. His brows furrowed in confusion as he sat down in the back seat.
“What’re you all dressed up for anyway, Caro?” he patted his pockets in search of his own cigarette.
“What?” her eyes widened, and Javi gave her a not-so-subtle look.
Steve spoke the best he could around the cigarette hanging from his lips, “Never seen you in heels a day in my fuckin’ life.”
“Oh,” she shook her head, “it was nothing.”
Despite the state he was in, the wheels in Steve’s mind were already turning, “Why’d he bring you anyway? He pick you up from a bad date on the way or somethin’?”
She couldn’t stop the laugh that poured out of her. Running her thumb and pointed fingers along her browbone, she let out a deep sigh, “Not quite.”
From the back seat, Steve looked back and forth between the man and woman sitting in front of him. Their refusal to speak, to look back at him, or even look at each other, told Steve everything that he needed to know. A hollow chuckle slipped past his lips as he lit his cigarette, “Fuckin’ perfect.”
“Don’t be an asshole, Murphy,” Javi muttered.
“How long’s this been goin’ on, then?” the question wasn’t directed any one of them specifically.
“Steve,” Carolina tried to keep her voice neutral, “I don’t think now is the time to—”
“Don’t,” he cut her off, “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not a child.”
“Really?” she turned so she was looking back at him, “Because we just had to go and pick you up from time-out. So why don’t you cool off a little bit and we can come back to this conversation, hm?”
“Nah, I think that now is the perfect time to talk about it.”
“Murphy,” Javi’s tone was firm, “Shut the fuck up. I mean it.”
“Or what? Gonna make me walk the rest of the way home? Fine.”
“Don’t start taking your shit out on her, alright? She’s not the one who put Connie on that plane.”
“Peña and Rodríguez,” sarcasm was thick in his tone, “Happiest couple in the whole fuckin’ DEA. Who woulda thought?”
“Alright,” Carolina shook her head, “Enough. We aren’t doing this right now. It’s not the fucking time. Both of you need to shut the fuck up.”
Javi turned and shot her a mildly hurt look, “Caro, I—”
“Both of you,” she cut him off.
The rest of the ride passed in silence. There were a few points that she almost reached forward and turned on the radio, but the silence felt a little safer. It was one less thing that could invite an argument. Every now and then Javi would look in the rearview mirror and he would see the exhaustion, the frustration, and the pain on Steve’s face. And he wanted to feel bad for him, because he knew that Steve just lost pretty much everything, but he was too busy being pissed off. His pity would have to wait at least until morning.
She felt bad that she’d snapped at Javi, but she also knew that there was no productive conversation to be had in the moment. Everyone was too tired and too pissed off to have a real talk about anything. Besides, knowing Javi the way that she knew him, whatever advice he would give would be coated in sarcasm. And while it would be deserved given Steve’s attitude, she knew that it was only going to make the entire situation worse. The car wasn’t big enough to create more issues.
Reaching over, she rested her hand on top of Javi’s running her thumb across his knuckles in quiet reassurance. She heard the quiet scoff that came from Steve, and she felt Javi’s body tense up after the fact. She knew that he was getting ready to start another argument, so she gave his hand a light squeeze, silently begging him not to get things going again. Letting out a sigh, he decided not to address it, not wanting to create an argument that wouldn’t just be between him and Steve, but also him and Carolina.
Javier parked the car and let out a deep breath. It felt like one of them should have something to say, but everyone stayed silent. Javi was the first one to open his door, walking around and pulling over Carolina’s door as well. Steve was in the middle of pushing his own door open and Javier had the passing thought of kicking it closed on him, but he stopped himself.
The two men walked next to each other was they made their way towards the main door of their apartment building. Carolina walked behind them, studying them. Neither of them spoke to each other or looked at each other, but she knew that Javier was lingering to make sure that Steve was actually alright and not about to topple over and pass out. After all, they were still partners, still friends.
Once they were inside, though, Javier left both of them in the dust. Carolina let out a sigh and shook her head as she caught up and fell into stride with Steve. He might’ve kept a lid on it in the car, but she knew that Javi was going to be annoyed with the entire situation and the way that she also shut him down. She was glad that they at least weren’t going to have that argument in front of Steve.
“You can go home, you know,” Steve dug his apartment keys out of his pocket, “I’m not gonna take off in the middle of the night or anything. You don’t gotta stay here.”
“Oh,” she let out an embarrassed laugh, “I know. I just, I was just making sure you got in alright. I’m…I’m staying over at Javi’s tonight,” she nodded towards the stairs.
Steve visibly deflated, like he was remembering all the circumstances all over again, “Right.”
“If you don’t wanna be alone, you can always—”
“No,” he cut her off, more exhaustion in his tone than actual venom.
She let out an exhausted chuckle, not really all that surprised at his response, “Okay. Well…you know where to find us,” she stepped in and hugged him despite the fact that he didn’t hug her back—it was the only thing that she really had to offer him at that point.
Without another word, Steve walked into his apartment and shut the door. Carolina could hear the sound of him falling back against it, and as much as she wanted to linger, or try to convince him to talk, she knew it wouldn’t be any use. He had to work through whatever it was he was dealing with on his own, at least for the night, if not the next few days. Besides, she knew that she had her own issues to contend with just upstairs.
The door was still unlocked when she got there, so she let herself and locked it behind her. Javier was nowhere to be seen when she walked in, but she saw the open bottle of whiskey on the counter and she knew that he’d already started getting ready for bed. What a turn the night had taken.
Walking into the kitchen, she took a swig of the alcohol straight from the bottle before putting the cap back on it and tucking it away in the cupboard. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards Javier’s bedroom. She could hear him shuffling around, most likely getting ready for bed.
She leaned in the doorway, watching as he tossed his jeans over the back of the chair in the corner of his room, haphazardly throwing his button down in the hamper. His lips were tugged down in a frown, but he didn’t look angry, per se. She let out a deep breath before stepping into the room and walking over to him. Walking up behind him, she wrapped her arms around his middle, pressing a soft kiss to the bare skin of his back.
There was a moment of hesitation, but Javier placed his hands over hers, easing into the closeness. Kissing him once more, she rested her chin on his shoulder, “You wanna talk about it?”
“About what?” his fingers traced over the rings she was wearing.
“Steve knows now.”
“He does.”
“You’re okay with that?”
He chuckled but it didn’t hold any humor in it, “Wouldn’t matter either way, would it? He still knows,” he sighed, “He’s not gonna say shit, no matter how pissed off he is.”
“Okay,” she paused, “Anything else?”
He took a deep breath before shaking his head, “Not tonight.”
A knot formed in her stomach, “Okay.”
Pulling her arms away from him, he turned around so he could face her. He saw the look in her eyes but he didn’t have the energy to start the discussion necessary to ease it. Instead, he gently put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, “C’mere,” when her back was to him, he gently pushed her hair over her shoulder so he could get to the zipper on her dress.
He pulled the zipper, letting the straps fall down with the rest of it. When it was pooled at the floor by her feet, Javi pulled her back against him so that her back was flush against his chest. He didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. Instead, he kissed her shoulder before making his way to the bed, lying down under the covers before reaching for his glass. Carolina watched him from the corner of her eye as she dug through his dresser for an old t-shirt in the sea of button-downs that he owned.
She crawled into bed beside him, taking the glass from his hands and stealing a sip before he drank it all. It got a quiet laugh out of him as he watched her sink down so that she was lying with her head on the pillow. She was facing him, eyes closed, and her hand reached out and rested on his thigh.
It was only a couple more minutes before Javi set the glass on his nightstand and shut off the light. Sinking down so that he was facing her, he pulled Carolina against his chest. She was half asleep as she melted into him, wrapping her arms around him and tangling her legs with his.
She pressed a lazy kiss to his chest, “Buenas noches.”
With a sigh, his eyes drifted shut and he tucked his chin on her head, “Buenas noches, hermosa.”
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madslorian · 3 years
April Fanfic Recommendations
I'm back! I have unfortunately written 3 papers in the last 2 weeks and honestly even though I had time to read at night and come reblog stuff during the day, I could not compile this list for you in my spare time.
This is a collection of I believe 3 weeks, so I left out some stories that I will include in another post instead! This week we're trying something different where I include the author's tags or warnings. That makes me feel hella vulnerable fully exposing what I read, but it's okay! I want to be more open in what is intended for those 18+.
** means NSFW and not intended for those under 18, and please pay attention to warnings!
Authors mentioned this week:
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⊱{Frankie Morales}⊰
↳ Smut!!, cockwarming, PIV, and filthy dirty talk.
↳ Smut!!, oral sex (female receiving), mutual masturbation, and another round of dirty talk making me blush.
↳ Smut!!, PIV, and you guessed it, dirty talk.
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⊱{Poe Dameron}⊰
↳ Smut!!, mentions of divorce, mention of a child, angst, fluff, alcohol, swearing.
↳ Childbirth, swearing, emotions, but overall just a happy little Dameron family.
↳ Naughty words, sexual references, enjoy part 2...
↳ Implications of sex, pregnant reader, fainting, naughty words, angry Poe, this one made my heart go soft.
↳ Smut!!, College Professor!Poe x Student!Reader, kinky, spanking, and then freaking out when emotions are mentioned.
↳ 5 chapters, swearing, fluff, angst, mentions of injury.
↳ 5 chapters, Poe Dameron x OFC, implied death, fluff, mentions of injury, swearing, fluff again, Poe being fricken adorable with a baby for a second on chapter 3, loss of friends. (There's also a part 2 to this story listed on AO3, however, it hasn't been updated in almost a year.)
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⊱{Cassian Andor}⊰
↳ Smut!!, PIV, sex pollen, dub-con, drug use, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, dirty talk, oral sex (male and female receiving).
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⊱{King Arthur}⊰
↳ Smut!!, PIV, really rough sex, restraint, sir/majesty kink (daddy equivalent), language, torture, spanking, nipple clamps, blindfolds, choking, unprotected sex, squirting, gagging, and a bit of fluff, so basically any filthy thing I've ever thought of was in these pieces.
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⊱{Max Phillips}⊰
↳ Smut!!, language, adult themes, sexual innuendos, workplace harassment, family issues, angst, hurt/comfort, manipulation. I've already recommended this (when I was on chapter 1) but I have since finished this story and loved it!
↳ Smut!!, PIV, religion kink, virginity kink, religious guilt, severe blasphemy, lewd acts in a church, desecration of holy grounds, oral sex (female receiving), loss of virginity, unprotected sex, blood, blood-drinking, creampie, death, so much filthy shit I don't even think I could explain how hot it was.
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yeah I had to use that gif, he looks like a wooly mammoth and I laughed when I saw this scene
⊱{Pero Tovar}⊰
↳ Modern!Pero, mentions a car accident, mentions of injury, fluff.
↳ Smut!!, PIV, handjob, derogatory language, loss of virginity, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, creampie.
↳ Smut!!, PIV, angst, blasphemy once again, dub-con, sex pollen, mutual pining, voyeurism to some degree, unprotected sex, hot dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling, oral sex (female and male receiving), creampie, slight choking, fluid exchange, overstimulation, squirting, I come back to this one often.
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⊱{Javier Peña}⊰
↳ 18+, language, implied sexual situations.
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⊱{Dave York}⊰
↳ Smut!!, murder, violence, blood, death, reader in danger, slight dub-con, oral sex (both male and female receiving), unprotected sex.
↳ Canon-divergence, sharing clothes, age gap, the realization of feelings, falling in love, getting asked out, fluff, character exploration, mentioned divorce, mentioned former Dave York x Carol York, non-explicit murder/violence/injury.
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⊱{Marcus Moreno}⊰
↳ Themes of pregnancy, babies, and childbirth (no birth scene).
↳ **for smut!! (I'm doing all these tags on my own so bear with me) Original character, mention of injury, running away from home, friends/coworkers to lovers, mentions of Marcus losing his wife, slight steam in part 1, making out like teenagers hehe, meddling kids, kids forcing the adults into a date, drinking, and more making out in part 2, Miracle Guy interrupting stuff, kids using their powers to manipulate Marcus and OC, angry and yelling at the kids, injury.
Smut tags - oral sex (female receiving), PIV, protected sex
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⊱{Marcus Pike}⊰
↳ Headcanon, parenthood, and children.
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pedrothirst · 4 years
Fine Line - Part V
Author’s note: This is the first one of a lil set of smuts. Part VI will be a newly written part, I promise!
Part IV / Masterlist / Playlist
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader/OC hybrid
Word count: 1,345
Warnings: smut, swearing
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Her nails scratched over his lower neck as he kissed hers, sucking on the sensitive skin there, biting it. The little whimpers that left her lips went in sync with his soft thrusts. It was the first time that Javier was on top of her like this, that they were so close, they couldn’t tell where they began and the other one ended. Her left leg that was wrapped around his hip made sure to let him inside of her as deep as possible.
He was kissing her the whole time.
Whether it was her neck, the spot behind her ear, her cheek, her chest. Her lips. She hasn’t been this intimate with anyone in quite some time and while she enjoyed how warm and cozy it made her feel, she was also intimidated by those feelings. Javier and her weren’t a thing that was to be taken seriously. He shouldn’t make her heart flutter with every kiss, shouldn’t make her lean into his touches tonight when everything was a little off between the two of them, a little too intense. She shouldn’t get attached to his affection.
Even though she tried her best to let go and enjoy the moment, he could sense that she wasn’t as relaxed as he’d like her to be. One of his hands wandered to her face and cupped her cheek before his lips touched hers gently, involving her in a passionate kiss.
“Javi,” she whined but wasn’t able to say anything else because right in that second, he hit a spot inside of her that made the knot in her lower stomach grow tighter and tighter. 
His thrusts weren’t as fast as usual. Tonight, he went deeper, made each one count as the filthy noises they produced filled her bedroom. While she was getting closer to the edge, he took in her whole body. She looked like a goddess beneath him with her eyes closed, her lips were slightly parted, a thin layer of sweat covered her body. Her neck was red from all the attention it had received. Her breasts moved up and down with her heavy breathing, the nipples were hard and rosy, too good to not give them a quick lick. The noises the two of them made echoed in his ears, her scent filled his nose and the little moans of his name leaving her throat as she reached her high made him go insane. 
The sight of her coming caught him off guard.
He couldn’t hold himself back any longer either and while he was moving his hips one last time, he let go, releasing his own orgasms as her walls tightened around him.
A few moments later, he collapsed on top of her, his cock still buried inside when she wrapped her arms around his torso and let him lie down his head next to hers. She could hear and feel him breathing as he softly placed a kiss behind her ear. When she realized what had just happened and what they were doing right now, a slight panic overcame her, making her move hectically.
"I gotta get some water," she said, suddenly in a rush to get him off of her.
Javier rolled over with a groan.
She got up quickly and goose-stepped to the kitchen where she helped herself to a glass of water that she downed in one go. No matter how good this type of sex with Javier felt, they couldn't take it any further from here. No matter how much she enjoyed the affection, the intimacy, the way he made her feel like she was the only woman in this godforsaken world, this was a temporary thing at the end of the day. Apart from the fun and some good talks they shared, their lives couldn't be more different. He had a job to do in Colombia, and what a job it was. Meanwhile she was here for a little adventure, some time off far away from home with a few classes and exams to pass in the meantime, but nothing that was happening down here was to be taken too seriously for her. Especially not the man in her bed. 
They fucked and that was it, she kept telling herself. 
While she was standing there in her kitchen, the cold water rumbling in her stomach as a stark contrast to her otherwise hot body, her eyes wandered through her apartment aimlessly before they spotted something lying on her couch. Javier had thrown his DEA jacket there earlier while he had already been occupied with more important things, like roaming his hands over her sides and kissing her as if this was his last night in Colombia. He had just come back from a mission in Cali, a very successful one apparently even though he hadn’t told her what had gone down exactly. But he had been high on adrenaline and had needed to see her the second he had set foot on Bogotanian soil. And judging by the past thirty minutes, he had also been in his feelings from the success of the arrest he had made. That must have been it. 
She put her glass in the sink and took a few steps towards the couch where she picked up his jacket and let the fabric run through her fingers. Maybe they should change things up a little bit before the night took an awkward turn.
The jacket hugged her naked frame after she had slipped in it. It was big on her and felt cold against her heated skin, making her nipples get hard again. She pulled the front ends together to cover herself as much as possible without zipping it up before she stepped through the door frame of her bedroom again.
Javier lied on the bed smoking a cigarette and staring at the ceiling when he heard her footsteps. His eyes moved in her direction and a split second later, he was coughing and choking on the smoke that he had inhaled too fast, caused by the sight in front of him. 
"I expected this to have an effect but I didn't wanna kill you."
After he had regained control over his breath, he hastily put out the cigarette in the ashtray on the bedside table and stood up just as quickly.
"Fuck, baby. You look… fuck."
His hands were on her hips immediately, grabbing them tightly as he eyed her up, taking in how his jacket framed her naked body underneath it, covering her tits but barely hiding anything else from him. 
He wouldn’t mind seeing this more often. 
While his palms went from holding her hips to wandering to her butt, Javier attacked her neck with his lips, sucking on it to leave a mark there that was long overdue if you had asked him. She was pressed against the door frame as he squeezed her ass and pushed his naked thigh between hers so she felt it rubbing against her pussy, still wet from previous shenanigans and his own cum dripping out of her.
"Get on the bed, now."
"Hey, I'm the authority here," she grinned as she tucked on the collar of the jacket.
"Don't get cocky on me, sweetheart. I need to fuck you in this asap."
He slapped her ass to emphasize his words.
Without protesting, she went to the bed, making sure to pull the jacket extra tight around her body on the way. After she had kneeled down on the mattress, she bent over, ass in the air and her glistening pussy on perfect sight for him as well as the big DEA lettering on her back.
"What happens if you get cum stains on this?" she asked with an innocent tone in her voice as she wiggled her butt from side to side, inviting him to take her like this.
"I don't give a fuck," he gasped before kneeling behind her and rubbing his cock against her wet pussy, getting ready to properly fuck her in his jacket, “Maybe we’ll find out.”
[Taglist: @steeeeeeeviebb @otherthingsinhead @pascalisthepunkest @onebatch--twobatch @letaliabane @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @mrsparknuts @xletmetaste-yoursmilex @jitterbugs927 @harrys-stan @lunaserenade​ @anu-simps​ @smoke-and-sunset​ @pedrospunk​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​]
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
It Would Be So Simple | Chapter 03
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Pairing: Horacio Carrillo x OC
Summary/synopsis: Horacio and Kiara have split after the disintegration of their marriage. Some time later, Horacio is alarmed when he receives word that Kiara may be missing.
Chapter warning(s): language, angst city, light editing because I like my writing a lil rough round the edges
WC: ~2.3K
“It’s about Kiara.”
A lump formed in Peña’s throat at the words being voiced over the phone. He glanced around the hallway, confirming that there was no one else around before continuing the conversation.
“Peña, you there?”
Javier cleared his throat before putting his mouth back to the phone, “Yeah.”
“Is this a bad time? I can-”
“No, no, it’s okay.” He sat down in his chair right as Carrillo came out of his office. The two made eye contact and the colonel raised his eyebrows with questioning in his expression. 
“Thought you said there were tapes to look over.” 
“Yeah, Murphy’s getting it all set up. Just got to take care of this call and I’ll be there in a few.” Peña gestured toward his phone as he explained. Carrillo gave him a nod, albeit with slight annoyance, before going to join Murphy. 
“Was that Carrillo?”
“Yeah,” Peña answered as he hunched over in his seat, “There a reason you call me and not him?”
“Because that conversation would probably go nowhere. I think the only person he might hate more than me is Ki.” 
Laz’s tone was bitter as he harped on the broken relationship between his sister and her now ex-husband. At this, Peña blew a breath out.
“You know he doesn’t hate her. If he did, this wouldn’t be affecting him the way it is.” 
He’s not sure why he finds himself defending Carrillo when he knows that the man is much of the reason why Laz isn’t having whatever this conversation is with his brother-in-law. 
“Anyway, you wanted to talk about Kiara?”
“Yeah. I know this is a long shot, but I wouldn’t have called if this wasn’t important.” Peña’s interest in the call had been piqued since Laz’s greetings words. He listened carefully as Laz continued, “I just wanted to know if you happened to hear from her recently.”
Peña furrowed at his words. He hadn’t seen or heard from Kiara ever since she left. And he would think that Laz would know that. 
“Or do you know if Carrillo’s heard from her at all?” Laz inquired after the short bout of silence following his first question.
“The last time I saw her was when she was still living in this country. So no, I haven’t. And I don’t know the last time Carrillo’s heard from her, I imagine it’s been a while.” 
“Do you know if anyone’s heard from her? Maybe Connie? Or any of the nurses from the clinic?” 
“I don’t know, Laz, but I highly doubt it. She left like a bat out of hell and never looked back. Carrillo would be the only one she's talked to and I couldn’t tell you the last time that may have been.” Peña didn’t necessarily mean for the frustration to come out in his words, but he was becoming increasingly annoyed at being on the opposite end of the questioning. With his job, usually, he was the one digging for information.
“You mind asking Carrillo when he spoke to her last?”
“It’s important, Javi.” The sudden urgency caught Peña off guard. He remained silent, waiting to see if Laz would elaborate. Only quiet prevailed and the nature of this call began to unsettle the DEA agent.
“What’s going on, Laz? Why are you asking if anyone’s heard from Kiara?”
He heard a deep breath being inhaled over the line and he became even more puzzled at the skittishness and hesitance exuding off the older Nash sibling.
“Nothing’s going on. I was just asking,” Laz provided lamely.
This time, it was Peña’s turn to pause, but more so out of skepticism, “I don’t believe that for a second, Laz.”
“Just let me know if Carrillo’s heard from her. I gotta go, bye.”
“Laz-” Fuck. The call had dropped before Peña was able to get another word in. He banged the phone back on its hook and huffed out a jilted sigh.
His hands braced his desk as several hundred thoughts raced through his head. Something was obviously going on, that much he was sure of. The scatterbrained insistence of the Interpol agent brought forth alarms in Peña’s head. It was already out of the blue for him to have been randomly calling in the first place. But the elusive questions about his sister and the persistence with which he pressed for Peña to ask Carrillo about her was odd at best. Off-putting at worst. 
Peña rubbed his bleary eyes as he prepared to go home for the night. The better part of the day was spent going over surveillance tapes and weaving out potential intelligence on the whereabouts of some of Escobar’s associates. Most of the hard work had been done, sure, but it would take time to thoroughly erase the drugpin’s hold on Medellin.
He needed sleep. And he was intent on getting it. But first, he had some snooping to do.
Carrillo was back in his office by now, leaving Peña and Murphy to continue their own work as he returned to finish his own. The agent’s previous conversation with Laz had creeped back into the forefront of his brain and it was the stimulus that powered his steps toward the colonel’s quarters. Admittedly, he didn’t know exactly what to say or how to approach the conversation.
As much as he tried to hide it, Peña had seen the damage done in Kiara’s self-exile. The topic was a sensitive one, very rarely brought up unless someone was purposely looking to antagonize the head of the Search Bloc. 
Couth wasn’t exactly Peña’s strong suit, but as he was walking to Carrillo’s office, he decided he would use a little discretion and tact when he somehow circled the conversation to Kiara. He wanted actual answers after all. Bringing up Laz would surely not get him anywhere and being as shifty as the man sounded on the phone would also not do anything but instill the same unease in Carrillo that had arisen in Peña. 
So he would just play it by ear. Engage in casual conversation, see where Carrillo’s head’s at, and get the intel that was requested of him.
Carrillo sat at his desk, poring over the details of an upcoming raid, working to perfect the game plan from every angle to eliminate risk and blood.
A day in which his mind was especially heavy over the thoughts of her, his eyes couldn’t help but to travel over to the picture of her that still sat at his desk. It was another memory of her he couldn’t get rid of. She was beaming at the camera in her green floral print dress, holding a cup of sugar cane juice. It was outdoors at their house where they were celebrating the purchase of their first home. It was weeks after they had moved in, but the house had finally come together in its decor and hominess. They held a small, informal gathering in the back after she had spent the whole day in the kitchen cooking for everyone. He took the picture of her as she was dazzling with radiance as the sun rays beamed on behind her.
Whenever he needed solace or to be placated, all he had to was take a pause and look at the picture. It blanched in comparison to the comfort of her hands massaging her shoulders or the succor of her lying in his arms, but it was all he had to get by.
He rattled out of his thoughts when he realized that the reason he couldn’t have any of those things was because she was so far away from him. Because she left him. And he wished the anger overpowered the anguish, when really it was just a useless device that did nothing to balm his distress.
His office phone buzzed and the caller ID yielded him no help as to who was calling. 
He was met with silence. The light breathing indicated there was someone, indeed, on the line, but no words fell through.
“Hello?” he tried again.
His mind wandered to the previous phone call at his home, “You were looking for me,” he noted, “Is there something I can help you with?”
Horacio almost expected a threat of some kind to come through. He didn’t necessarily feel alarmed, but the random calls two days in a row were absolutely not a coincidence and he was curious as to who this person was. In his mind, an actual threat would have been less of a surprise. 
He opened his mouth to try again, but was cut off by the sound of rapping on his office door.
“Come in,” he prompted. He waved Peña in and hung the phone up upon the dial tone meeting his ear. 
“You got a minute?” Peña asked.
“Yes, what is it?”
Peña shrugged, masking his impending inquisitiveness with lax curiosity. “Just wanted to make sure you were doing fine, man. Even after Escobar, it’s been a rough past few weeks.”
Carrillo nodded with his head sinking back down into his work, “I’m fine.” 
Fuck it. There was really no subtle way to bring her up. And besides, being as blunt as possible might throw the colonel off a little bit. Enough for Peña to possibly gauge a genuine reaction out of him. 
“Have you heard from Kiara at all?”
The man’s head snapped up at the mention of her name. The implacability of his face gave no indication of the man’s emotions. There were a few seconds of silence before Horacio spoke, “Not since we signed the papers. Why?”
Peña shrugged again, bumbling back into neutrality, not wanting to get his head bit off. He was treading into dangerous waters without knowing how to navigate. “No reason, just figured with how shitty things have been, you might have wanted to call her.”
Carrillo’s face still gave nothing away but his words gave way to etchings of defensiveness, “I haven’t heard from her. And I don’t expect to hear anything from her.”
“Well, it couldn’t hurt to reach out.” At this, Javier was fixed with a hard glare from the colonel. Immediately, he raised his hands up in defense, “Sorry. I just… You were a part of each other’s lives for so long. It wouldn’t hurt, y’know? To reach out, to see how she’s doing.”
While his glare lessened, the man had still remained silent. It was always hard to decipher what might be going on in the man’s head and this scenario was no exception. And maybe that’s what made the next words out of his mouth so surprising to the DEA agent.
“She doesn’t want to hear from me.” His voice was sullen as he said the words. “Our last conversation did not end well.”
A beat passed. And Javi figured he might as well ask.
“What happened?”
Horacio sighed, “I called her about the divorce papers. Told her I would get them all sorted out, but… She thought that maybe we were rushing things. I said things. Things that I regret.”
“Wait, so she didn’t want to sign the papers?”
Carrillo found himself confiding in Peña, unsure of when and where they got to this point in their relationship where he could be so vulnerable. Or maybe he was just the only person who didn't have the grounds nor desire to judge him. 
“She wanted more time, she was unsure. I said no. Admittedly, in maybe the worst way possible.”
He looked down just like he did whenever he recalled that fated conversation. It always filled him with shame and embarrassment as he thought of that encounter. Never did he before wish that he could take back his words. 
“After we signed, I told her it was best that we no longer speak. For her safety, sure, but also…” 
He shook his head and wished that if he shook hard enough, the memories of that encounter would erase itself. They hadn’t spoken since that conversation. That was two months ago. Escobar was gone. The worst was mostly over. And that only filled him with even more time to digest his words. And the heavy guilt that he carried from spewing them.
Peña watched Carrillo while he also worked through digesting that piece of information himself. A split was a split. Even the cleanest of splits probably had some discord. But he hadn’t realized their split wasn’t as amicable as it initially seemed. Up until now, Peña thought that they were on way better terms than they actually were. He figured they weren’t buddy-buddy, much less on the tracks to potentially reconcile, but this was far off from what he imagined. It wasn’t even a matter of being on good terms or bad terms. They weren’t on any terms. They had no communication.
“Do you, uh- Do you happen to know why she might’ve been dragging her feet?”
Had she been hoping for a reconciliation? Was she thinking of coming back?
“No, I don’t. She didn’t say why.” I didn’t let her say why, Horacio thought. He’d never given her the chance to voice her thoughts before cruelly unleashing his brutal words.
“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know all that.”
Horacio gave a small, imperceptible nod, but said nothing more on the matter. His eyes were back down onto his desk as they haphazardly scanned over the scattered work across it.
For the first time, Peña felt pity for the man in front of him. It’s not that he necessarily didn’t pity the man in the past six months, but the head of the Search Bloc didn’t present himself as someone to be pitied. He unleashed a lot of rage and frustration out on others in the time since she’d left. Hell, it might’ve been that fury that ultimately led them to taking down Escobar. But the man in front of him now? Sullen, lost, crumbled. This was a man to be pitied.
After a beat, Peña finally rose from his chair. No words needed to be exchanged to know that the man needed space right now. He nodded a silent goodbye as he watched the man’s eyes veer back to the photo of Kiara on his desk. 
A/N: More angst :( So far, the present has mainly consisted of Horacio's perspective and there's still a lot we don't know about how him and Kiara split up, with each chapter, hopefully, we unravel a little bit about the past as we continue into the present. Next chapter, we see if Horacio decided to take Kiara up on her offer to go to the bar and more Peña in the present! Right now, he's like a dog with a bone trying to figure out what's going on so maybe we'll see if he gets his answers in the next chapter! As always, please leave likes and reblogs if you're enjoying! Thanks so much!
Taglist: @drabbles-mc @supersanelyromantic @mysun-n-stars
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 3 years
I See You: Chapter 1
Javier Escuella x oc
Warnings: Cursing, blood, mature
Sorry if this story seems a bit rushed at the start or going on, I'm not good with first chapters/impressons when it comes to characters, I'm really sorry I will try to be better
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Everything was packed, ammo, guns, clothes, a map, and some food. Tears staining her face as she lifted a somewhat small bag over her shoulder. The crunching on the snow under her boots should of woken them, but it didn't. She didn't care if they awoke to it or not, the blue roan mare watched her. As her rider tied the bag to the saddle before mounting on, the snow was heavy, a storm. Their tracks would be hopefully covered by morning, or by the time they wake up. Walking around the frozen lake and up top of the hill. Turning to look back at the camp, at a camp that seemed like home. A camp where she should have loved, but instead hated it, tears still stinging her eyes.
Michelle was brought up here because Flaco was curious. The Del Lobos have never had a women in the gang. But that didn't change that from them being comeplete and total assholes to her. Snickering when she failed at something, pushing and shoving her around, Flaco turning a blind eye to all of it. She was never good enough for him, he saw nothing in her.
Turning back, she squeezed her legs hinting for Splash to gallop. And she did, lantern not lighting much, but as long as she got away, that's all that mattered.
Packing up camp as quickly as she could, she was right about her tracks being covered up. It was still snowing, but atleast she could see. Looking at the map that night, there was a way to get to Canada. Was it going to be cold as hell, yes, but from what she heard was that the people were nice.
Splash was eating some apples, not happy with the news that they were going to be moving up to Canada. Michelle ate a peach after warming it by the fire before packing up. Looking over the map one last time, before putting it up and turning ober to her horse.
"You ready pretty?" Michelle asked, booping her nose while talking in a little baby voice. Splash made a little nose in an irritated agreement. Mounting up, giving Splash a couple of pats before galloping on.
The snow was still falling, making it still hard to see, but atleast she could see a little farther. A slight chill running up her spine as the snow it her face. Tilting her head down, letting snow collect on her white hat. The snow crunching underneath Splash's hooves as more snow fell. Turning up to go up further up the mountain, it getting colder, a bit harder to breath. The snow was coming in hard, catching eye of horse tracks she stopped. They were followed by wolf tracks, five wolves followed the horse.
She was on the other side of the gorge, about ready to go up the hill. Just then a loud shriek of what sounded like a injured horse sounded out.
Splash pushed her ears back against her head, snorting and stomping her feet. Michelle grabbed her reapter, loading it. But stopped thinking back to Flaco. The time when Flaco yelled at her in front of the others, letting them get a good laugh at her. At her failure.
"Are you an idiot!? What the hell were you doing out there!? You were almost eaten alive! I don't care what you were trying to do! Whatever you do you seem to fail at it, even a simple task!"
Gripping the gun tightly, her other hand gripping the reins and horn tightly as well. Her mare turning back to look at her rider, making a worried horse sound. Another screech before it sounded like the animal was getting it's vocal cords ripped out and it died off. Shaking the thoughts out of her head.
"C'mon girl, we got some work to do," kicking splash into a sprint. Living up in the mountains for a while made Splash use to the snow, so it was easier for her to run in through it. Following the tracks onto the ledge. Finger lightly on the trigger as the sight of a couple of wolves tearing apart a horse. The noise that both females heard, aiming and shooting one of the wolves. It didn't die straight away, it did alert them though. Their bloodied faces, one of them dropping a gut as they ran towards her. Splash whined a bit, but the pats of her rider kept her from bucking and running.
The plan was to keep Splash on the move while patting her. Once a good enough distancs, she aimed and shot one of them in the face. It dropped dead, aiming at the next one and also shooting it in the face. It took a few seconds after it fell, after a few seconds, a sound of someone calling for help. A male with a scratchy voice. The blue mare sprinted up a hill instead of going forward, the path would be easier to take.
"Help! Over here!"
The man yelled out.
"I'm on my way!" She yelled back.
The calls got closer and closer until she saw a small blood trail towards the edge.
"Hello!?" The man was sitting on a ledge. Mounting off amd walking over, there sat a man. Face was bloodied with some marks on his face, snow covered coat and pants. He stared at her, Splash coming behind to also look at the poor man.
"Well, fine early morning isn't it," Michelle joked a bit.
"Uhm, yeah, I guess."
"Need help?" Michelle tilted her head to the side, the male seemed tense. But he nodded, Michelle got on her knees. Grabbing his arms and lifting him up, him also helping a bit. Once up, they both helped himself to uo onto the blue mare. Michelle mounting up herself, turning Splash and getting her into a soft trot.
Once back over the hill, Michelle decided to try and start a conversation.
"Sooo, my name is Michelle, what's yours?"
He paused for a moment.
"If I'm right, are you Michelle Iris?" He asked
"Uhm, yeah, I'm surprised you know me, my bounty isn't that high."
"Then, I guess, I'm John Marston-" barks inturrupted his sentence.
Splash whined, sprinting off, both Michelle and John almost flying off. John held tightly onto her as she lunged herself forward, gripping the horn tightly. Snow flew up into the air besides them as the barks came closer.
"Hold on!"
John groaned, arms holding onto her waist as the ride became rough. Two figures were in the distance, them getting closer and closer. The wolves were catching up, snow hit her face, hit her eyes.
"Hey! John is that you!?" A voice called from the distance. A wolf nipped at Splash, and they were bucked off. The air getting knocked out of her lungs as she hit the ground. The snow didn't stop the frozen hard gorund, shots echoed through her ears as the wolves barked and whimpered. Snow filled her boots, her hat was knocked somewhere. Groaning and getting up as fast as she could, but only falling back down when one of the somehow still alive wolf bit her shoulder.
"Shit! God dammit you stupid dog!"
She yelled and cursed in Spanish, taking out her knife she blindly stabbed at it. But it didn't let go, a shot ranged out, her ears ringing. The jaw clamping down on her shoulder let go, a huff left her mouth, her hand wrapping around the bite. Sucking in breath, eyes clenched, hissing, she made small 'aah' sound from the pain. Turning behind her to look at the limp wolf. She always wanted to be bit, but not by any animal though.
"Shit, hey lady, you alright?" A deep scruffy voice said.
She didn't respond, just whinning, she just got better from the slash on her back. Now her shoulder has been bitten by a wolf.
"Aye, ma'am, are you okay?"
Looking up, a tall man with a long blue coat and a black leather hat stood over her, his horse next to him. Next to her was the man that spoke in Spanish, the man with the scratched face sitting behind him. He was wearing a orange and red poncho, a bowler hat on top, his hair long enough to be put back into a ponytail.
Michelle nodded, looking around for her hat, it was a few feet away from her. But that was the least of her worries, Splash was long gone. Her tracks was leading the way back to Flaco's cabin, a fear struck her. Her mind raced with thoughts of how Flaco was going to react, he could easily kill her. He didn't care, he showed it very well along with all the rest. Her heart ached.
"Hey, you okay there?" Looking back up at the man standing in front of her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, my horse, she's gone," Michelle looked back in the direction where Splash ran off too, a dreadful fear growing bigger.
The three men started talking while Michelle was in worry world. Blood started to bleed through between her fingers. That was another thing to worry about, the bite. She didn't bring any mddical supplies with here, and even if she did, it would be useless at the moment.
"Ma'am, we have a camp not far from here, you could stay with us till we find your horse. Do you have, uhm, family somewhere?" He asked, holding out his hands to her. She took his hand.
"No, I don't sadly," she grunted, her face scrunching up in pain. Tripping a bit, the kind tall man leading her to his horse.
"Well then, we met another women last night, maybe you can bond with her," he said, lifting her up onto his horse. Walking over and picking up her hat, walking back over and setting it on top of her head, "either that or, you and this sorry sight of a man can somehow bond."
The injured man groaned as him and the poncho wearing man galloped off. The kind tall man got on in front of her, making sure she was alright. Once it was all good, the horse went into a fast trot. It was a bit rough, not being used to other horses from riding on a Fox Trotter so long and the trots being smooth. So she was bouncing quite roughly, her tits included, it was very uncomfortable for her.
Her free hand grabbed ahold of his coat, trying to keep herself steady. Grunts falling from her lips, she started to feel more uncomfortable when she felt her thighs and her stomach jiggle. Yeah, she made note that she will never ride any other horse in her life, unless their a smooth trotter. She loved horses, they were really beautiful creatures and she respected them. They were here before humans, they are kind enough to let us ride them. Even when breaking a horse, they are still letting you on their backs. But her body figure felt so weird on any other breed.
Soon a town that she owe so thinks is oh so haunted. Del Lobos gang members that needed to do jobs for Flaco would camp here. She hated the camp, it made her feel so uncomfrtable. There were wagons snowed in, a couple of ken were standing outside along with what seemed like a woman.
The wound felt like it was starting to freeze, her hand didn't fully cover it. So it was bound to start freezing some time soon.
"You still awake back there ma'am?" The kind man asked.
"Yeah, the bite is just starting to get cold," she shivered as she said that. The man has slowed his horse down, the lady and the men looked at the both of them. Michelle starting to get nervous, not from their staring, but from the old town. She could hear the wood groan and croak as snow mounted up and wetting it. Another chill ran down her spine as the wind howled loudly, biting her tounge.
"Javier told us you found a woman," one of the men, that sounded a little old, said. The weird say he said 'Javier' was interesting.
The kind man got down, him and the wokan helped Michelle down. She gasped loudly, biting harder on her tounge.
"Yeah, she got bit, kind of like John did," the kind man answered, carefully setting her on her feet.
"Oh you poor lady, c'mon, just inside this cabin and we'll take a look at it," the lady said, basically dragging Michelle to the cabin. Stopping on the steps, "thank you Mr. Morgan for being kind enough to bring her here."
"Of course Miss. Grimshaw," the cowboy, Arthur, said, rubbing his hands together to try and keep warm. The door to the cabin opened and Michelle was hit with warmth.
"Miss Jackson, help me with this poor lady, Miss Roberts can you help as well," inside the cabin was more people, mostly females and a, boy? The man, John, that she met first was at the end of the cabin on a bed being tended too. She was sat on a crate, her hand removed along with her poncho. It was ripped, the area where the wolf bit was ripped and the area around was bloody.
Cringing on the inside at the though of having to fix it, which is probably impossible.
A breath was sucked in as the wound was being taken care of, stinging pain and her shoulder being moved around. Looking around the cabin, she made eye cantact with one of the three males she met. He sat in a chair, face shaded by his bowler hat, his bangs softly moving with his breathing. He was looking at one of the ladies that was helping with her shoulder, but he turned to look at her. Giving a soft 'hmph' before contuining to look around, trying to keep her mind off of her shoulder.
It was a nice sturdy cabin, remembering the first time she sleeped here. Did she hate it, yes, yes she did, will she probably hate even staying in this town, yes, yes she will.
"Can you men please leave for a little bit please, we'll let you know when you can come back," the older lady said, softly making a shooing motion with her hands. The men got up and started to make their way out, the man in the bowler hat tilted his hat to one of the ladies before leaving, "alright now, we're gonna have to take your coat off. We need to wrap the bandages around the wound, lots of bandages."
Michelle whined, she felt uncomfortable at the fact of taking her coat off. But she obeyed, softly unbuttoning it, one of the ladies helped her take it off. Unbuttoning some of her shirt buttons to make it easier for them, they did the first layer on. Pressing tightly on the bite, putting the second layer on, yet again pressjng tightly onto the bite. The third and final layer was on, they helped her put her clothes back on.
There was another cot, the older lady telling her to lay down when she feels like it. Then leaving, Michelle took her advice, taking her coat off, she should of kept it off. Using it as a pillow like thing her her shoulder, covering herself up with the blanket. Soft inhales and exhales, the ladies that stayed were whispering about something. Michelle couldn't care less, she was warm, and safe. That's all that mattered as she closed her eyes.
Flaco hummed as he watched his men try to calm the blue roan mare down, she was bucking left and right. She had bit one of his mens hands, it would be the normal mares behavior, if, Michelle was here. She wasn't.
Flaco was informed that morning that Michelle was nowhere to be seen, her tracks covered by snow. Her stuff was packed too, thinking that maybe she went sight seeing on the mountain again. But when he saw Splash, Michelle's sombrero, her guns, satchel, food, camping supplies. Not only that, but something she always held dearly to her, a ribbon to tie her hair up. It showed that maybe she was planning soemthing more than just sight seeing.
"That damn brat," he crused, pinching the bridge of his nose, it had to be atleast twilight at the moment. There was no way they would be able to find her in this storm, as much as Flaco hated it. He would have to wait till tomorrow morning, he hated it, knowing the fact that she may already be dead.
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Chapter navigation
I See You: Chapter Two
I See You: Chapter Three
I See You: Chapter Four
I See You: Chapter Five
7 notes · View notes
A Picture is a Poem Without Words
Chapter 5
A/N: “Talk” “Spanish” ‘Thoughts’ Alludes to some sexy times. Lots of talks about feelings on multiple parties. Javier makes a phone appearance. Felix and Amado appear for a smidge. Blix begins to show some of her dark side.
Not gonna lie. Timeline of the show is about to get wonky, I will admit. I will give fair warning when that happens. Just rearranging certain events as it were. 
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A few days later, and Blix was bored out of her mind. Her stitches itched. She wanted the cast off. She was tired of avoiding arguments with Diego. She honestly was two seconds away from setting the damn house on fire.
She had gone through her files 5 times, and talked with her team, who had finished up the crime scene at La Tertulia. Nothing had been stolen, just made to appear that way. It was all a trap to get them there and try to take them out. According to intel, König had figured out that the FBI was on his tail, but he didn’t know much more beyond that.
That had been two days ago. She was currently pacing the floors. Chepe often made jokes, about her being like a carnival game. One sicario was brave enough to try and throw a tennis ball at her. She had been irritated enough to throw a knife near his face, in retaliation. No one dared to do anything similar since.
She was waiting for Pacho to return from his meeting with Escobar. Something about there being an issue in LA. She usually tuned out when he heard him talk business to his associates.
While she was waiting, a doctor had apparently been called to come in and look over wounds. Her stitches were removed, as was her cast. She was told to gently exercise with it, so as to not cause the muscles to stiffen and cause her more pain.
Once he left, she had nothing to do again, but pass time. She didn’t want to read, she wasn’t hungry. If she looked at her files again, she was going to throw them in the trash.
She eventually decided to go for a swim to pass the time. She ignored some of the whispers she heard from his men as she walked by. She had many scars throughout her body; she was well aware of what they looked like.
She swam for about an hour, during which Pacho had eventually returned, irritated. His irritation did fade a bit once he looked out from the balcony attached to his office and saw Blix swimming.
Chepe stood next to him and commented, “She is quite beautiful, no?”
Pacho smirked and nodded, “She is.”
Blix finally got tired of swimming and stepped out. As she was drying off, Diego walked over to her.
“Hm. I can see the appeal. Somewhat. You are almost beautiful. The scars though, tsk,” He began, saying it lowly to her. “You know Pacho is just using you right? You know that you mean nothing to him? That once you are no longer needed, he will cut you out? Don’t get use to his attention. It won’t last.”
Blix doesn’t respond, like she usually did. She just wrapped the towel around herself and went inside.
She took a quick shower and got dressed. While everyone was distracted with Pacho’s return she moved her files and notes and took them to the garage.
She looked around for the most inconspicuous car he owned. Which wound up being a dark green corvette, a convertible. She walked over to the wall that held the keys and found the one labeled Corvette. She grabbed them and unlocked the driver side door, reaching over and setting her files down onto the passenger seat.
When she straightened up, she jumped as she sees Chepe standing next to her.
“Trying to make the great escape eh?” Chepe teased, leaning against the car.
“I just need some air. Away from here. I am tired of being stuck here,” She quietly admitted, with a sigh. “Does Pacho know I’m out here?”
“No. I saw you sneak this way by chance. If you want to go out, I can take you, if you would like?” He offered politely.
She looked down, annoyed, and honestly exasperated. She had a quick thought; she wasn’t sure if it would work.
“Okay. Do you mind running in to get me a drink then? I don’t wanna risk running into Diego again,” She quietly pleaded. “A soda please?”
“Sure. I can do that, Little Lady,” Chepe answered, calling her the nickname that some of the guys had begun to call her.
He walked away and once he gotten a little bit away from her, she jumped in the car and locked the door. She quickly started it as Chepe, made his way back over to try and get her out. He was too slow, and she drove off thankful that each car had its own garage opener.
She drove past the guards and made her way out onto the lonely road that lead back to Cali.
As Chepe stood there, chuckling, Pacho wandered in. “What’s going on?”
“Little bird flew the nest. She apparently needed to get away for a while,” Chepe replied before turning around to go back into the house. “Let her have a day to herself Pacho. Also. Might want to talk Diego. I believe he may have said something to her again.”
“She took my favorite. A little concern about that,” He mumbled to himself, a hand rubbing over his chin nervously.
Chepe laughed at that, as they both made their way back to Pacho’s office. An hour later they finished business, and Pacho requested for Diego to come see him.
A moment later Diego appeared before him.
“My love. Why must you constantly be at odds with her?” Pacho asked sitting at his desk.
“Why did you even bring her here? Why are you even bothering with her? She said it herself, the deal the brothers want, won’t matter until Escobar is out of the picture. Why keep her around?” Diego rapid fired his questions in response.
“I like her. Simple as that. I brought her here to take care of her while she healed. I keep her around, because I enjoy talking to her. I know my answers may upset you. But you also seem to think that I’m replacing you with her, and that’s not true,” He answered truthfully, looking him in the eyes.
“I still love you Diego. She’s not taking me away from you. In fact, I’m quite certain I’ve spent most of this week with you. In your arms. Not hers. So why do you continue to belittle her?” He continued as he stood before Diego and pulled him close.
Diego looked away, and felt a small amount of guilt as he reflected over the comments he said to her.
“I will… try to tolerate her more. I make no promises. But I will stop trying to goad her into an argument,” Diego conceded.
“Thank you. That’s all I want,” Pacho said pressing a kiss to Diego’s lips. “Now, I have to go find her, and make sure she’s okay. You owe her an apology by the way.”
Diego rolled his eyes slightly but nodded his head.
Back with Blix, she had finally arrived home, parking the corvette gently in front of her home. She grabbed her stuff out of the seat, and went inside, sighing in relief at the sight of her home.
She set her files down in her office alongside her sat phone. She checked on the food in her fridge, some of which had spoiled so she tossed it out. She decided then that she wanted to go to the store and get her own groceries.
She did just that, the store she liked was only two blocks down, so she walked to it. She grabbed a couple of different meats to make meals with, and then she got a lot of junk food. Once she was done getting what she needed between food and personal hygiene items, she checked out. Her trip took about 40 mins, but it made her feel a lot better already.
While she enjoyed being at Pacho’s home, she was often left to her own devices, and her movements were restricted around the house, depending on where he had his meetings.
She quite frankly grew bored, and while she tried to strike up conversation with the men around the house, they often avoided her. Whether it was because she was a federal agent or because Pacho ordered them to not speak with her, she wasn’t sure. Either way, she simply couldn’t do much.
She returned to her house and put away everything. She called up Jacque to see if she could come into work that night. He very enthusiastically told her yes. So, she got ready, dressing up in a black halter top mini dress, with a simple v-neck. It’s straps and bodice were lace-y, the skirt ending just above mid-thigh, and flowy. She slipped on her black strappy high heels.
She did some simple makeup, lip-gloss, and a bit of eyeshadow. She thought about walking to work, but then she stared at the lovely little corvette before her. She grabbed her purse, making sure her house keys were in it, along with some cash, her IDs and such before she snatched the car keys. ‘It’s such a pretty car. I mean it should be admired, should it not?’
She drove to work, smiling. When she got to work, she greeted Jacque and the waitresses. The official story for them was that she was in a car crash. So, they all came up to check on her, and made sure she was okay.
She told them she was fine, and ready to get back to normal. The night went on like it normally did, locals in the beginning, before switching to the younger crowd.
Her head at one point did begin to pound, and she had to take a seat while she worked, because she felt a bit lightheaded.
Jacque eventually sent off on her break, and as she made her way over to the familiar taco truck, she felt a bit exhausted. She didn’t have too much time to think on it as a small force ran into her, arms wrapping around her tightly.
“Miss Bee! You’re okay. We were so worried! I -We missed you!” Came the small voice of Paulo.
She hugged him back once she regained her bearings. “Hi honey. Yes. I’m okay. I missed you too.”
She stepped forward as Paulo talked her ear off, catching her up on the local and familial drama.
“Slow down for a moment honey. I gotta order,” Blix said, trying to get him to pause for a moment. “Hello Henri. How are you?”
“I’m good little fox. I’m happy to see you out and about. Are you sure you’re okay to be working already?” Henri asked concern, looking her over.
“I’m fine. I may see about heading out early. My head is aching. But uh.. I would like the steak burrito, please?” She assured before placing her order.
“Oh? Who upset you honey?” He asked as he began to make it.
“Why do you ask that? It’s just a burrito,” Blix protested.
“You don’t order the burrito, unless you are feeling upset. It’s a part of your quirks. Steak tacos on normal days, chicken quesadillas when you have strange cravings, cause you tend to dunk them in whatever sauce is available, and burritos when you’re really upset by something,” He listed out as he cooked.
She stared at him in surprise, blinking slowly. “I… I don’t know what to say that.”
“As I said, it’s just something I noticed over the past year. By the way this is on the house,” he noted as he began assembling the burrito.
A moment later, he hands her the burrito wrapped in some aluminum foil, and a couple of napkins. He then puts out a sign saying that he’s gone on break and comes outside.
He beckons her over to one of the picnic tables, and tells Paulo to go inside, that he can catch up later.
Blix made her way over to him, hopping up to sit on the tabletop, as she took a bite of her burrito.
“Alright, lil fox, what’s going on?” Henri began, gently nudging her with his shoulder.
“I seem to have the worst taste in men,” She began softly.
“This guy I’m… dating? Sleeping with? I don’t really know what exactly it is, he… he has… a partner, who… doesn’t care for me too much, is the nice way to put it,” She slowly explained trying to take care in her words.
“I knew he had this partner from the beginning, or rather I suspected it. That’s not my problem. The problem is… I have spent the past week, being goaded and taunted by this other person, because of my looks,” She stated with a sigh, staring down at her food dejectedly. “Often times, I can ignore what people say about me. But this past week, has really done a number on me.”
“Is the man you are seeing aware of the comments, and insults?” Henri asked after a moment.
“Yes. He knows…about some of it. I gave up after the third day of it, and his partner giving no shits about what he says,” She confessed. “The thing is, I spent years… years… trying to get over my scars. There was a large portion of my life where I would spend an hour every morning, putting on makeup to cover them up.”
“What made you stop doing that?” He asked curiously.
“My friend in Bogota. He… he was the first guy who looked at me, sans makeup, and didn’t flinch. He told me that I looked like a goddess. Athena in human form. It was the sincerest compliment I had ever gotten in years. I stopped caring after that,” She answered with a fond smile, thinking of Javier.
“Sounds like a good man. Why aren’t you with him then?” Henri wondered with a chuckle.
Blix laughed in response, before replying, “Because the man is terrified of commitment.”
“Ahh. Okay then,” He responded, nodding his head. “It sounds to me however, that you need to talk to your other suitor. If this relationship is to continue, all of you have to be on the same page. Being outed by his other significant other, is not fair to you.”
“I… I don’t know anymore, Henri. Feels like I shouldn’t even bother with it anymore. Not gonna lie, I kind of ran off on him today. Just… couldn’t deal with it anymore. Maybe I am just meant to be alone,” She shrugged, before taking a large bite to distract herself.
“Now, that sounds like giving up. I didn’t take you for a quitter,” He lightly admonished. “Take some time to yourself. The next time you see him, if your heart starts to race, or you feel butterflies in your stomach, then that’s worth pursuing. It means his mere presence makes you happy.”
She smiled softly at that and nodded her head. She continued eating, the two of them talking for a while longer, before the both of them had to return to work.
She worked for another hour before leaving early. Her head was pounding, and she felt exhausted. She sat in the driver’s side of the car, resting her eyes for a moment. The lightheadedness had return as well. She heard a tap on her door, and she rolled the window down and sees Diego standing there.
“Move over to the next seat. I’ll take you home. Pacho is waiting for you there,” Diego softly ordered.
She stared at him in suspicion first, before slowly crawling over the center console, and sitting in the passenger seat. He gets in and started the car, after making sure she was secured in her seat.
“I’m… sorry.” Diego suddenly stated after a minute.
“Wow. Did that taste like vinegar coming out of your mouth?” She asked bitterly.
“Yes. It did actually,” He answered shortly.
“Thanks. I guess. You know… that I’m not trying to take him from you, right? If… when… he decides he doesn’t want me anymore, I’ll go. I’m not… here to ruin what the 2 of you have,” She quietly commented, staring out the window.
“I know…,” He responded. “Though… I have a feeling that you are going to be around for long time. The last girl he was with, he never brought her to the house. Never got her flowers. He likes you, that much I can tell. Which was why… I got territorial. Which was unwarranted. I can’t say that we will be best friends, but I will try to be less of an ass.”
“Okay. That works. Was Pacho pissed that I took his car?” She asked wanting to change the subject.
“Pissed? Concerned is more like it. This is his favorite. His baby,” Diego snorted, as they pulled up to her house.
“Oops.” She said quietly, a small snicker slipping out.
As the car came to a stop, she stepped out to see Pacho, waiting for her on the steps. He looked up at her, as she stepped forward. As his eyes locked onto hers, she felt her heart race a bit. ‘Damnit, Henri.’
She gently stepped passed him to unlock her door and walked inside without saying anything to him.
She made her way to her kitchen to get a glass of water, and some pain medicine. She swallowed the meds quickly before chugging down some water. When she finished, she noticed Pacho standing before her.
“Diego told me…everything. We spoke earlier. Hopefully, now we can all live somewhat peacefully with one another,” Pacho began.
As much as she wanted to believe that, her doubts and insecurities threatened to raise their ugly heads. She leaned against the kitchen counter behind her, gazing at the kitchen tile. Pacho moved to stand before her, and gently cupped her face with his hands, silently asking her to look up.
She does so slowly, hesitantly, biting her lip nervously.
“What’s the matter, my sweet?” He asked concerned.
“Diego… he made some points though. There is no need for you to dote over me when I’ve already agreed to do what you want. Your deal is as good as done, once the brothers have typed it up. So, why bother with me?” She questioned, her tone serious.
“I dote over you because I wish to. How many times do I have to tell you, that I find you absolutely gorgeous? Extremely breathtaking? A goddess? I’m with you, because I like you,” He praised. “Maybe I am being somewhat selfish in that I also want to learn about your every secret. Your beautiful, and charming. Smart. Witty. You have a dark side to you, that intrigues me greatly. Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
He doesn’t allow her to answer as he pressed his lips to her. Her hands slowly wrapped around his back, as one of his slid down her side.
“This dress is sexy, but... I feel like it’ll look better on the floor,” He whispered against her lips.
His hand on her side, grabbed a handful of her dress, bunching it up as he began to pull at it.
They continued to kiss until they were gasping for breath and had to pull away.
“I want you to come with me to meet with the Gallardo. We’ll be going to Panama. It’ll just be me and a few others,” Pacho requested in a whisper.
“Why? What do you need me for?” She quietly asked, curious.
“I want you by my side. Simple as that,” Pacho answered. “What do you say?”
She started to answer when her phone rang. “Hold that thought.” She said pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Hello?” She spoke into the kitchen phone.
“Hey. It’s me,” Came Javier’s voice.
“Hi. What’s up? It’s like 1am,” She said with concern.
“We got Gacha. Earlier today. We… we killed him,” He announced with a sigh.
“What? Oh my god! That’s… that’s amazing!” She congratulated. “But uh… shouldn’t you be out celebrating? Drinking? Sex with a random woman?”
As she spoke, Pacho came up behind her, and pressed kisses to the back and side of her neck.
“Thought about it… but uh… didn’t quite feel like it, I guess. I mean. I have been drinking, just not at a bar,” He responded, somewhat hesitantly.
“Javi. What’s wrong? This is a win. One step closer to Escobar, yeah?” She contended, somewhat confused by his tone.
“I uhh. Do you… do you ever think about us?” Javi inquired.
She sighed at that question, while also attempting to get Pacho to stop with his ministrations that were slowly getting bolder. His hand had slipped under her skirt and were softly massaging her inner thigh.
“How much have you had to drink Javi?” She questioned.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Javier asked back, offended.
“You don’t talk about feelings. Unless you’ve had a few. Remember, that’s how you broke up with me? Got shitfaced and told me that you saw our relationship heading nowhere,” She replied somewhat bitterly.
“…. What if I said that I was lying? That I do see something with you?” Javi inquired after a moment.
“I’d say that I would rather have this conversation when you’re sober and in front of me. Listen. Go sleep honey. I’m proud of you. Call me when you’re sober,” She answered before slowly hanging up.
She gently leaned back into Pacho’s chest with a heavy sigh. “Is Diego still outside?”
“No. Sent him home with Navegante,” Pacho murmured as he slowly began to unzip the back of her dress.
She pulled away then and began walking toward the stairs. “Good. Come upstairs then.”
He followed behind her and as they stepped into her room, she kicked off her shoes. She stepped into her bathroom for a moment to wash off her makeup before anything else.
When she stepped back out into her room, Pacho was sitting on her bed, sans shoes and socks. She slowly slipped the dress off from around her shoulders, before doing a little wiggle as she pulled it down her hips.
She stood in front of him in just her underwear and straddled his hips a moment later. She stared at the shirt he wore, a shirt that was 3 different colors. Not exactly the best looking in her opinion.
“How much… do you like this shirt?” She coyly asked, pulling at the collar with an index finger.
“It’s… alright. Why?” He inquired squinting his eyes at her in suspicion.
She simply reached over to her bedside table, and after a momentary struggle of trying to find it blindly, she found her pocketknife. She flipped it opened and gently held it at the collar of his shirt. She bit her bottom lip softly as she held his shirt firmly in her left hand. She dragged the knife down, the blade slowly ripping the fabric.
Once there was a decent tear in the shirt, she set the knife back down on the table. She then began to pull at the tear, firmly, shredding the shirt down the middle.
The entire time that was going on, Pacho watched her curiously, and was only slightly concerned when she pulled out the knife.
“So, I take it, you didn’t like the shirt?” Pacho joked once she had finished shredding it and was shoving it off his shoulders.
“It’s… it was ugly honey. I’m sorry. But… you can pull off many looks, but this… This is a no,” She slowly responded pressing a small kiss along his collar.
He laughed loudly at her response and just nodded his head. “Understandable. Just know that I can and will get you back for it. Though I will agree. It wasn’t my best.”
She giggled and sighed before sadly stating, “I’m… super tired… I would love to continue this, but I may pass out on you.”
“It’s okay. We can do some catching up in Panama if you wish?” Pacho offered kissing her slowly.
“Yeah. I like the sound of that,” She agreed before getting up to go grab an old band t-shirt to put on and take off her bra.
She could hear Pacho undressing further as well, and once she was in the shirt and her underwear, she turned to see him in just his boxers. They slipped under the covers, and Pacho quietly told her about his day, laying on his side, his head propped up on his arm. When he mentioned the horse ranch she froze.
“Wait. You… you have a ranch… with… with horses???? And you… never told me?” She asked with wide eyes staring at him.
“Yes. Would you like me to take you there sometime this week?” Pacho asked surprised.
“Uh. Yes! I love horses! Grandparents had a horse ranch, and it was the best part of my summers as a kid,” She explained excitedly. “If I had known about the ranch, I wouldn’t have gotten bored. I’d been harassin’ you to take me every day.”
He smiled sadly at her, and he apologized softly, “I’m sorry you got bored. Not going to lie, I’m used to women who love sitting around and doing nothing.”
His hand softly stroked her side as he spoke. She smiled in response, reaching up to run her hand along his jaw.
“It’s not a big deal honey. I’ve been told I’m like a husky, need to be walked 15 times a day or I’ll lose my mind,” She lightly joked.
“Then I’ll make sure you have plenty to do,” Pacho assured as he pulled her closer to him.
She snuggled into his chest, and they slowly fell asleep together.
The next morning, was a blur as they got dressed and ate a quick breakfast. She definitely packed up all her snacks, because she refused to leave her junk food behind.
As they stepped outside, her neighbor, Mrs. Garcia, said hello. She waved at her distractedly as Pacho opened the car door for her.
As they drove out to his house, he mentioned that she could have a car to claim as her own to use. “Just not this one. This one is… special.”
They spent the day at his house and planned a time to go see the horse ranch the next day. It was going to be in the afternoon, once Gilberto and Miguel left after their meeting.
The day passed normally, there were no arguments between her and Diego. They even had pleasant conservations throughout the day.
The next morning was a bit chilly, and she threw on a large fleece cardigan over her shorts and tank. As she walked around, she ran into Navegante and politely asked if the brothers had arrived yet.
Navegante informed her, “Yes, they’ve been here for about an hour now.”
She nodded her head in understanding before making her way into the kitchen. She made herself a cup of tea with honey, before grabbing 3 more cups and filling them with black coffee. She threw sugar packets into one pocket of her cardigan and different flavors of creamer packs into the other.
She made her way upstairs, gradually, and into Pacho’s office. The three were standing around the table pouring over a map. She cleared her throat to alert their attention to her.
“Sorry to interrupt. Thought some fresh coffee might help?” She offered holding them up.
Pacho smiled somewhat tightly but said thank you. She sets the cups down, pulling out the packets of sugar and creamer as her hands became free.
She glanced down at the map, which was of Mexico, and found herself looking at it confused. Most of Mexico was marked off into sectors; the various different territories. Everywhere except one place.
“Guadalajara, yes?” She confirmed without much thought. “Why is the Baja not marked off?”
Miguel cleared his throat before answering, “Guerra. Opium dealer. He owns the Baja. Doesn’t like cocaine.”
“But Gallardo’s probably made him offer right?” She guessed looking at all 3 of them.
“Yes. He probably has why?” Pacho questioned.
“You said it yourself. Gallardo’s arrogant. Probably thinks that if he controls all of Mexico, he has you in a checkmate,” Blix began to explain. “Make Guerra a better offer. Or as Marlon Brando would say, ‘Make him an offer he can’t refuse.’ It’s what I would do.”
Gilberto smirked at her before grabbing his phone and handing it and a number on a post-it note.
“Then do it.” His tone was challenging, like he was daring her.
She took both from him slowly, took a deep breath, and called the number. ‘I’m being tested. Well. Let’s see how I do then.”
The phone rang for a moment before someone finally answered.
“Hello, may I speak to Mr. Guerra please?” She politely requested.
“Mr. Guerra isn’t available righ-“ the man began before Blix cut him off.
“Listen. As someone who is clearly an overpaid secretary, I’m calling bullshit. Please tell Guerra that a representative of the Cali Cartel wishes to speak to him. Now,” She informed him firmly.
A few minutes passed before another voice, older and gravellier, answered, “Guerra speaking. How may I help you?”
“Hello. My name is Blix. My… associates have heard rumors that Gallardo offered to bring you into the cocaine business, yes?” She began and before letting him answer continued. “We wish to make you a better offer?”
“Oh? Is that so? What could you possibly offer me?” Guerra inquired sounding somewhat agitated.
“I’m willing to bet that Gallardo only offered about 10% of the profits. We’d like to give you something a little more than chump change,” She offered as she leaned against the table, taking a sip of her tea.
“50%” Guerra stated.
“Guerra. I may have been born at night, but it certainly wasn’t last night. 50% is too high and you know it. Don’t insult my intelligence,” She lightly warned. “20%”
“Hm. 40%” He threw back.
“30%.” She responded hoping to trick him into going lower
“25%.” He threw out before he tried to take it back, stumbling over his words. “N-Wa-“
“Deal.” She confirmed before he could say anything. “One of my associates will be in contact with you to iron out the details, within the next day or so.”
“You are a good businesswoman, I must say. It’s not often I fumble over a deal,” Guerra complimented.
“For some reason, I just don’t believe that. You knew I wasn’t going to go much higher than 20, you just wanted to see if you could get me to agree to something higher,” She responded ignoring the compliment. “I would also like to inform you Mr. Guerra, that you should forget about your travel plans to Panama. Wouldn’t want to cause any… conflicts of interest.”
“Ah. An intelligent woman indeed. Good, you’ll need that while working with the cartel,” He stated. “Gallardo isnt going to be pleased by this.”
“Gallardo isn’t my concern. Do know this Mr. Guerra. Gallardo will probably at some point retaliate. He’s a prideful man. It’s in his nature. But what he does to you, will be nothing in comparison to what we will do if you try to betray us,” She cautioned.
“Are you… are you threatening me?” He accused.
“No. Warning. Because... Gallardo will take revenge, sure. But Cali? No. Revenge is petty. Beneath us,” She stated darkly. “Accidents however… Accidents can and do happen every day. Like… fires, gas leaks, that sort of thing can happen anywhere, like at your restaurant, your home/ranch, that shitty lil town you’ve proclaimed yourself as king, or your acres of opium. Would be such a shame… if anything happened to your livelihood.”
It was quiet, but she could hear him breathing, “Understood.”
“Good! As I said, earlier, someone will be in touch to finetune the details. Have a lovely day, Mr. Guerra,” She ended the call with a perky tone.
She handed the phone back to Gilberto and said, “That wasn’t too hard. Enjoy your coffees.”
She walked away with her tea, toward her room, to get dressed for the afternoon.
Pacho watched her leave with an impressed smirk plastered on his face, his eyes dark as he watched her leave.
“Did that… really just happen?” Miguel asked in disbelief.
“It did indeed. I told you. She has a darkness to her, and I love seeing it,” Pacho grinned, lighting a cigarette. “It was also her way of speeding up the meeting so we can go to the ranch.”
The brothers laughed and soon enough their meeting had ended. As soon as it was over, he walked down to Blix’s room. He leaned against the door-jam as he watched her get ready. She was slipping on a pair of cowboy boots when she noticed him standing there.
“Oh? Done so soon?” She greeted happily, walking over to him.
As she stepped up to him, he pulled her close and kissing her passionately.
“Wow. What uh… what was that for? Not that I’m complaining,” She wondered breathlessly, when they pulled apart a moment later.
“You are very sexy. Even moreso when threatening men. Couldn’t help myself,” He whispered to her.
She shook her head at him before excitedly asking, “So the ranch? Horses?”
He nodded, laughing at her as she bounced up and down in front of him, like a child.
They made their way down to his car, and off they went to the ranch. The ranch was only 20 minutes from his home and as they pulled up her excitement ramped up.
She was out the door before he could even turn the car off. She rushed up to the stalls and began excitedly talking to both the horses and the stable hands that were working.
Pacho slowly walked up behind her and listened to her coo to the horses as she ran her hands down their faces.
They spent several hours there, half of it spent with her in awe of each horse, and the other half was her riding around the stables on some of the horses.
Lunch was served late there, and as they ate, he commented, “If I had known the ranch would make you so happy, I would’ve brought you sooner. Don’t think I’ve seen you smile so much.”
“I smile? What do you mean?” She asked confused as she looked at him taking a sip of the daiquiri that he insisted on making her.
“I mean, that since the second we pulled up, you haven’t stopped smiling. You smiled even when Rowdy tried to eat your shirt. It’s quite beautiful to see you so happy,” He further explained with a fond smile.
She looked down, a light blush gracing her cheeks.
“You mentioned last night that your grandparents had a ranch? What happened there?” Pacho asked curiously.
“The short story? My grandparents died, and my mother didn’t want to deal with it,” She explained quietly as looked away.
“And the long story?” Pacho lightly probed, his hand reaching out to hold hers.
“My sisters and I… we loved it. It was the best 2 to 3 weeks of our summer. Spending our time at the ranch. Training horses. My grandfather had show and race horses. We would trade off each day on who we would work with on what.” She began thinking about to it fondly.
“When they died, my mother wanted nothing to do with it. Sold off the horses. Fired the workers. Cut down the apple orchard we had opened for the public to go apple picking. The barns have been hit hard with storms, and my mother didn’t care to fix them. If she could she would’ve sold the land as well,” She explained rather sadly.
“Why didn’t she?” Pacho inquired.
“Grandparents left it in their will that the ranch was to go to us. That when we were old enough, we could decide who would run it. That the land could only be sold by us if we all agreed to. So, my mother found a loophole around it. Can’t have much of a ranch if there’s nothing there,” She concluded with a half shrug.
“I’m sorry your mother stole that from you and your siblings,” Pacho consoled as he lifted her hand to press a kiss to it.
She didn’t respond beyond shrugging and letting out a small sigh.
“So. Tonight we leave for Panama yeah?” Blix changed the subject.
He nodded his head, and reported, “Yes. We leave on a late flight, check into our hotel, and then meet with Gallardo tomorrow at noon. In fact, we should probably head back, and pack up.”
They did just that, got home, packed, and she met a few other members, like Salcedo, and a couple of guards going with them.
The flight to Panama was swift, and soon they were in their hotel room, resting. Morning came around, and as they made their way to the hotel where Gallardo was at, Pacho made a quick explanation.
“When we get there, if you could please wait downstairs for 20 minutes. I doubt the meeting shall take very long, but I would prefer it if you did not get involved any more than you have. I’ll have a guard with you, just go shopping or something. I’ll come retrieve you,” He informed her as they pulled up to the hotel.
She raised an eyebrow and decided she wasn’t going to argue about this, right now. She got out and with her newly grown shadow in the form of a 30 something year old man named Thierry; she wandered the shops.
She came across a jewelry store and waltzed in, looking at everything bored. Something eventually caught her eye as she made her way over to the men’s jewelry.
As she looked at it, a small smile grew on her face. A store assistant came over and asked if he could help her.
“Yes. Can I see that necklace please?” She politely asked pointing at it.
He reached in and grabbed the necklace, displaying it in the palm of his hand.
She inspected it closely and hesitantly said, “Umm. That necklace has a small scratch on it… would there happen to be anything similar to it?”
A manager happened to be walking by and overheard the conversation. He inspected the necklace and spotted the imperfection before telling the employee to put it with the discount items somewhat annoyed.
“Come this way ma’am. I’m sure this one over here will please you greatly,” He schmoozed in a hoity manner, giving her a look.
He brought her over to another display case and pulled out a similar necklace. She nodded her head, stating ”Yeah. This one is much better. How much?”
“$647.32. In American dollars.” He answered in a mockingly sad tone.
She reached into her bag and pulled out the envelope that her tips from the brothers in it. She counted out 650 and told him to keep the change. He tightly smiled and boxed it up before handing it to her.
She rolled her eyes at his attitude and made her way back out to her guard.
“Just because your item got fucked up, doesn’t mean you need to get all snooty about it,” She muttered under her breath annoyed.
She continued exploring, getting slowly more and more annoyed with her babysitter, since he kept trying to steer her over to the elevators. She eventually made her way through a large crowd and lost him after a moment.
She noticed as she walked further on that there was an art auction going on in one of the conference rooms that was open to the public.
As she strolled that way, she ran into 2 men, one of whom she had seen pictures of.
“Mr. Gallardo. That was quick, I hope Pacho wasn’t too cruel with you,” She greeted as she blinked at him.
“No. Not at all miss?” He prompted.
“Blix. I hear you enjoy art; would you like to join me in viewing the auction?” She politely asked before turning to the other man with him. “Hello. You can join us as well Mr.?”
“Amado. I’ll just.. wait here. Thanks.” He declined with a nod of his head.
Felix and she made their way into the auction and began looking over the art. Blix stared at some items with intensity, and Felix who did look at the art, was more intrigued by the woman next to him.
“So, you are with the Cali? A bit odd for a federal agent, no?” Felix questioned, looking at her curiously.
“Hm. It’s… an interesting arrangement let’s just go with that. Besides. They are not my concern. Not my division as it were,” She replied meeting his eyes.
“Yes. I heard you were in art crimes,” Felix acknowledged as they made their way through a section of impressionist art.
“Yes. Art is quite fascinating. Horace once said that a picture was a poem without words,” Blix noted. “That picture in my opinion can mean anything. There’s always something that speaks to you. Whether it’s religious, political, or personal. Art is a reflection of you.”
They stopped near a canvas that had a weeping willow tree, the vines covered in ice.
“Take this for example. To you it’s simply a tree. To me… it reminds me of my childhood home. We had willows everywhere,” She said as an example. “Art, no matter the format, is an extension of you. Extension of your personality.”
He smiled at her and nodded, and before he could respond, they heard a throat clear behind them. As they turned to it, Pacho stood there, with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Uh-oh. It appears I’m in trouble. It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Gallardo,” She whispered conspiratorially holding her hand out to shake.
He took it and instead of shaking it, kissed the back of it. “The pleasure was mine. I do hope Mr. Herrera brings you out to our meetings more often.”
He walked away and met up with Amado, before disappearing.
Blix quietly followed Pacho who she could tell was fuming. His shoulders were tensed, and he was breathing roughly.
They made their way back to their hotel in silence. They even left that night instead of staying like they originally planned.
As they stepped over the threshold of his home, she finally broke the tension, “Are you going to stay mad at me forever? Or are you going to finally tell me what’s wrong?”
“I had the guard with you for a reason. He was there to protect you. Instead of doing what I asked you not only ignored it, but put yourself onto Gallardo’s radar, for no reason” He fumed, glaring at her.
“I am a federal agent. I can take care of myself. I do not need a guard or protection. I can protect myself quite well. Been doing so for a very long time,” She reminded him.
“As for Gallardo, I ran into him by accident. I didn’t seek him out. I figured he knew who I was, which he did, and I was just being polite. That’s it,” She reassured.
He took a deep breath, looking away. “I don’t like you putting yourself in unnecessary danger. If he had decided to retaliate against me, using you…”
She stepped up to him, placing her hands on his chest, and soothed, “But he didn’t. I’m still here. Annoyed that we didn’t stay in Panama, especially after I got you something, but still here.”
He placed his hands on her hips, and said, “Oh? You did? What?”
“Not giving it to you now. You were a brat. I’ll give it to ya when you’ve earned it,” She teased as she walked away.
Pacho raised an eyebrow at that comment and chased after her, grabbing her around the waist and throwing her over his shoulder.
“A brat eh? Takes one to know I think,” Pacho mocked, smacking her on the ass.
“Really? Did you seriously just?” She asked in disbelief, before smacking his butt in return. “Turnabout is fair play.”
He carried her upstairs, both of them laughing at each other, before he decided to make it up to her all night long.
A few days had passed, and she still had yet to give Pacho the necklace she got him. He was convinced it was a watch. It wasn’t until a package arrived for her at Pacho’s house that she decided to give him the gift. Especially when she realized that the gift was from Gallardo. It was the painting of the willow tree that they had looked at together.
The painting came with a note, “It was a pleasure speaking you, my lady. I hope we can talk more soon.”
Pacho was annoyed by its presence. So, she pulled out the velvet box that held his necklace in it, hoping it would soothe things over.
He was sitting in at his desk in his office when she walked in. She moved over to him and gently sat in his lap, presenting the box to him. He opened it slowly.
“A crocodile?” Pacho questioned confused.
“I don’t know jackshit about watches, so don’t ever expect one from me. But I do know that in most ancient cultures, the crocodile is one of the few animals that was revered. They’ve been worshipped longer than God. Deified for well over a millennium,” She began to explain as she took it out of the box.
“They represent duality. Tough enough to withstand bullets, but do not do well with criticism. They are precise with every move they make and see opportunities where others cannot. They are cunning, strong, brave, and dependable. That’s what I see when I look at you,” She described as she hooked it around his neck.
“So, my primordial being, do not bother yourself with the opinions of sheep or the thoughts of lesser men. I certainly don’t,” She requested with a kiss. “I want you to wear it for good luck. Protection.”
Her phone at that point began to ring, and she stared at the number slightly confused, for she did not recognize it. She answered it after a moment. “Hello?”
“Hello Miss Lage. This is Felix Gallardo,” Came the response.
“Oh. Mr. Gallardo, how are you?” She replied turning to Pacho with a wide eye look. His returning look was with narrowed eyes, and a tense jaw.
“I simply wanted to make sure that painting arrived safely,” He informed softly.
“Yes. Yes, it did. I was hoping to be able to thank you in person, but this works too. It’s quite lovely,” She thanked, wondering where this was heading.
“Good. I must say, I was a bit hesitant to get it for you, since you looked at it so sadly, but then I saw a glimmer of something, that… I could relate to,” Felix admitted. “I saw a longing. For home. I often get that way myself thinking about Sinaloa.”
“Home? Not necessarily. Simpler times, more like. Haven’t missed home in quite some time,” She lightly argued.
“Hm. It is rather interesting, though. The things we would do for those we consider home. Safe. Like threatening an opium dealer to cut a deal for your lover. Guerra said he spoke to a charming young lady. Would hate for anything to befall said lady, for sticking her nose into business she does not belong in,” He vaguely threatened.
“Well. Mr. Gallardo. I would simply say that I can take care of myself. I’ve dealt with plenty of villains, Felix, and I hate to break it to you, but I’ve faced scarier. Have a lovely day,” She hung up the phone after that.
“Villains? You mean… your mother?” Pacho tried to clarify.
“Let’s just say, ruining a ranch, was nowhere the worst thing she ever did to me,” She whispered vaguely gesturing at her face.
“I see. Well then. I guess it’s a good thing you are mine. Anyone tries to harm you, they’d be dead,” He promised after a moment of silence, fully understanding what she was implying.
She smiled sweetly at him, and they spent the rest of the day talking about his work. He was giving her a glimpse into his world and how it worked. That to her was a level of trust she wasn’t expecting, but she appreciated it, nonetheless.
Neither of them were aware of the chaos that was about to unfold, due to the events going on in Medellin.
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