#sloppy suoh
Haruhi and her frogin freind are out shopping together
How would three character of the host club be when they stalking them!
You and Haruhi have finally gotten together after so long. Traveling with your father’s business you’ve met quite a few people in your travels: karate masters, a flamboyant blonde, a really persuasive guy with glasses, and so many more. But nothing is like the market in your hometown or rather one of your hometowns. 
Unbeknownst to you and Haruhi, the Ouran Host Club can’t help but follow after the mysterious person they met just last Summer. 
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Tamaki Suoh
“What a surprise the damsel we’ve been talking about happens to be here! Charge onward!” 
He’s too excited and far too loud about his ambitions to follow you
Their ‘king’ isn’t exactly the best at covert operations despite his inclination for them
And if you or Haruhi don’t already know he’s there one of you will find him out
If it's you, you’ll call him asking ‘what brings you here?’
And he happily will join you two 
Buying whatever he sees your eyes linger on 
even if it's only a moment
When the day finally ends and you wave goodbye to make sure Haruhi gets home he waits for you
Now Tamaki Suoh could very well stay away from you watching protectively as you get home
But he’s too much of a gentleman to let you go alone
Or that he absolutely feeds off of your attention
Even if you originally refuse he won’t let you he’ll still escort you
Even attempting to invite himself inside but when he notices your frantic breathing and darting eyes he excuses himself 
Making a show of driving away before instructing that they return in a couple hours
“My poor angel! All alone in such poverty! I just have to make sure they sleep well!”
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Kyoya Ootori
“I’d also appreciate an in-depth look at their…personal life.” 
He has to control his excitement with a push of his glasses
Typically he’d leave such a job to his…hired help 
He gets plenty of updates from them but nothing beats getting the facts of his future spouse from ground zero
If he wasn’t so pretty and such a smooth talker it might have been easier not to be swarmed 
But eventually, he gets a disguise good enough that he can continue to silently follow after 
He’s sloppy because he hasn’t done this before or rather its been a while since he has
But he manages to maintain his cover
Making sure to make note of your conversation and preferences as you stop for food or buy different items 
When the day ends he tails you from a distance by driver as he notes the safety of your route and neighborhood 
Being sure to complain threaten the city council about the lack of lighting in specific alleyways
Of course, he will collect the Ootori photographers’ work for the day and decide which one he wants for his calendar, his wallet, his corkboard, his office wall, his bedside, his ceiling
“I’ve seen enough of their common lifestyle, it's time I elevated that. After all, we can’t have my love of all people being forced to live so below their means.”
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Hikaru Hitachiin
“Well, aren’t you two cuties looking happy today!” 
He’s already an avid stalker of yours 
Now Haruhi is so used to this behavior she can wave it off calming any suspicions you have when you recall how this same situation occurred once before
Just like he planned
But now there's no shaking him off now 
He’s following the both of you all throughout the day
Being sure to pick off your food with the toothpick that you’d been sucking on
Or being sure to lick the strokes on your popsicle you bought just moments before
Taking every opportunity to pull at your fingers whenever he wants to look at a ‘commoner’s’ stall
He’s even walking you home 
Actually, he’s decided he wants a sleepover 
You can’t refuse him, can you?
Because he does have that photo of you
How’d he get it? He’ll never tell
But you best cook him some commoner alternative to Italian cuisine
Otherwise, you’ll just have to pack up and come to his house
“Don’t forget (Y/n)~ you owe me for destroying this picture~! So what’s it going to be?”
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Kaoru Hitachiin
“Hey, I’m glad I ran into you here! Been trying to widen my horizons and decided to try the commoner’s market! Mind if I hang out with you guys?”
He’s a lot more casual 
Having a bonafide reason why he’s here 
You would have never guessed he had bugged your phone when you last met
He’s great at acting casual 
Oddly less mischievous without his brother 
It's easy to oblige when he asks you to pose a ring for him
‘Don’t worry about it! It's for a friend of his!’ is what he says
Or when he asks about what you like off-handedly returning with it in hand from a supposed bathroom break
He’ll walk you and Haruhi home 
So nice you only think it nice to offer your bathroom for the long drive he was in for on the way home
He couldn’t be happier to see the forgotten clothes strewn in your bathroom in person
Or letting the water run while he holds your toothbrush in his mouth then switch it with his decoy
“Thanks for spending your day with me! We’ve got to schedule one of around one of these days, preferably just the two of us!”
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Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka
“(Y/n)-channn!!! Come try this commoner food! It really is delicious!”
Honey has two stalking styles the silent type that makes use of his ninja prowess 
And the type that just abandons watching you from afar entirely
He typically resorts to the former when you're out with potential rivals 
Sabotaging every way he can before he results to pummeling the problem this person
But this time, it's personal
Haruhi is his friend but you are his future his sweetie cake just ripe for the taking
And while with most friends he doubts you’d be interested as he’s pretty confident they get the memo
But he knows Haruhi just draws people in that way 
And he will not let that happen
So every time you go to look into her eyes he’s shoving ice cream, cake, tarts, his face in between you two
It's so much like his normal personality so neither of you questions it
It's also nothing to question when he walks you home before letting himself inside to give you whatever sweet you like
If you don’t like sweets he’s just bringing cake that he can invite himself to eat it
You can’t really stop him when he insists on exploring your home as if he didn’t already memorize where everything is
Moving faster than you can grab a hold of him he might let you go if you hug him+
“Wowww (Y/n), your house is so small! Y’know you should come to my house, it's way bigger! You can even have your own room at my place!”
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Takashi Morinozuka
“...I didn’t want to disturb you two.”
He’s really good at this 
Athleticism and stealth when he really tries give him the advantage
The only thing that can throw him off his game is you
He either gets lost as he watches you gush over a keychain or a stall you were particularly passionate about 
So busy swooning silently that he’ll hardly notice when Haruhi finally taps him awake 
With him, she’s the only one who can quite obviously tell 
And since Mori has hardly shown any worrisome behavior she invites him
He’s so excited to be noticed by you 
And will enthusiastically nod his head whenever you talk to me
Probably offered by Haruhi he’ll walk you home
Only now speaking more than he typically would
He can’t help but blush as he sees you continue to look at him only him
When he bids you goodnight he’ll stand in front of your home for awhile 
Intensely watching your silhouette pad around in the window as you start your nightly routine
Imagining himself alongside you after his timer goes off he leaves reluctantly
Switching out with his subordinates
“Goodnight, (Y/n).”
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veenoms · 3 years
and i'm like
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Hikaru Hitachi in x Fem!Fujioka!Reader (NSFW)
Warnings: smut after the time skip. Nothing to much but it's there so you have been warned.
A/n: OHSHC was the very first anime I watched and it's what got me into anime in the first place. So here some Host Club Smut for ya!
It was like any normal day in the life of a commoner. School, work, clean, cook, downtime, sleep, repeat. So when the weekend came and Haruhi would be home to help out and you actually had a day off from work, the two of you just relaxed. She told you all about the host club's wacky adventures that day and you couldn't help but giggle and the way she described Tamaki. You never met the guy, but you could tell he had something for your older twin. It was so obvious, but as smart as Haruhi is, she was completely oblivious. And from you gathered from all the stories, he was too. "How about I make us some lunch Haru?" You said standing. 
"I'll come with you! I haven't cooked much since I started Ouran and it will be fun to make something together!" She smiled and you smiled back.
"I'd love that!" The two of you made your way to the kitchen and began preparing when someone knocked on the front door.
"I'll get it." Haruhi said and left while you continued to grab stuff to make some homemade ramen. You noticed the lack of food and ingredients in the kitchen and made a mental note to go to the market later. "Uh, (y/n)? You know how you asked me to keep out of the host club's crazy antics?" Haruhi asked while standing nervously in the doorway.
"Yeah?" You turned around slowly, not really liking how she was talking.
"They're here." You froze. You didn't want to be a distraction for your sister or to get caught up in anything related to the host club because you had too much work to do. You had to help keep the house clean and prepare food and actually work a job to help out around the house. You didn't have time to get caught up in some crazy plans to get two children together or go to the beach and flirt with people. Not that you knew that would happen but you knew it could've been a possibility.
"Oh, okay. I'll make some tea!" You said with a smile. Just because you weren't interested in the rich guys your sister became friends with didn't mean you were going to be a rude host. Wow… host.. weird. You quickly made some of your special tea you bought. It was more expensive but it tasted amazing and you only used it for special occasions. You carried a tray of cups with the tea along with some milk, sugar and honey just in case if they wanted to put it in. "I made tea." You smiled as you walked into the living area to see everyone sitting on the floor… try to conserve space? 
The group of boys turned to look at you and their eyes widened. "You look just like Haru-Chan! But more girly!" A small blonde boy, Hani you assumed from the descriptions Haruhi gave you, spoke and smiled. 
"Identical!" The orange hair twins, Hikaru and Karou?, Spoke. 
"Haruhi? Who is this?" The tall blonde with a slight french accent asked.
"This is (y/n) my sister. My… twin…. Sister." That's when all hell broke loose. Arms being flung around and crying? Were they crying?!
"Haruhi! How could you not tell us you had a twin!?"
"She is so cute!"
"Daddy has two daughters now!!!"
"I knew all along." Many voices spoke and it was giving you a headache.
"If you could all just calm down, maybe we could talk like normal humans?" You spoke after, surprisingly, successfully setting the tray of tea cups on the table. So everyone quieted down and that when you began to answer the questions. "Both Haruhi and I got accepted into Ouran, but I chose to not go because one of us needed to help dad with bills and food and keep the house clean. Both of us would have been hard on money and one of us needed to stay. So I decided I would since I didn't get as high a score as Haruhi and she has more of a reasonable life goal than I do. So it was only fair if I let her go to the best school they had to offer. Yes I am the younger twin, but only by a few minutes." And so on and so forth. When you heard everyone's stomachs rumble, you realized that no one had eaten lunch yet. "I'll go to the market and grab stuff for some stew or something." You stood and grabbed your jacket and slipped on your shoes.
"I'll come with you." Haruhi stood and you stopped her. 
"Your friends are here, you should stay." You smiled and she gave you a sad smile back
 She knew you didn't have time for friends since taking on a job along with doing school and cleaning and everything to help out. You left and headed to the market when suddenly someone came up beside you. 
"Hey." They said and you turned to see one of the twins.
"Hello, Hikaru. What are you doing here?" I asked and he looked wide eyes at you for a moment before speaking.
"I thought you could use some company."
"I see, well, you know the rest better than I do. What kind of food does everyone like?" You asked. 
"Stew is fine. Any kind really." He shrugged. The two of you walked in silence for a moment.
"She never told us she had a twin." He finally spoke after you two had left with the bags from the market.
"I know. I didn't want it to distract her from her studies and to be honest, I didn't want to get any attention from you guys either. She talks very highly of all of you, but I heard stories about Tamaki. Daddy? Is he like…. One of THOSE guys?" You asked and he laughed.
"I don't think Boss even knows what a boner is. Much less how to actually kiss someone or even think that being called daddy is a kink." The two of you laughed and joked around the whole way home.
"H-Hikaru." You whimpered inside the dark closet. You and Haruhi were invited to the Suoh estate for a small party, which is how you ended up playing one hour in heaven. How you ended up with Hikaru inside the closet. His lips trailed soft sweet kisses down your neck, he was on a hunt. Looking for that spot that made you melt, and when he found it, boy did he abuse it.
"You're just so beautiful, (y/n)." He kissed your lips again gently. "So incredibly beautiful." He kissed you again but with more passion. "Your fun *kiss* your smart *kiss* and you are just so kind. I can't hold myself back any longer." He looked into your eyes, lips only millimeters apart. 
"Then don't." You whispered. And that's when he attacked your lips in a bruising kiss. Hands tangled in hair and clothes being thrown around the decent sized closet. Every inch of your skin and his were left out in the open for each other to explore. "Let's.. let's try something." You breathed out and he nodded for you to go ahead. You laid him down on his back and proceeded to straddle his face, facing his dick. He grabbed your hips and pulled you down to his face and began to lick a stripe from your clit to your ass. You moaned as you leaned down to take him into your mouth, you couldn't see what he looked like in the dark but fuck he was thick and long. He began to suck on your clit again, causing you to moan around his cock, which he involuntarily bucked his hips a bit. He moaned and you felt it go straight to your core. You came pretty quickly and he didn't waste a single drop. 
Suddenly you found yourself on your back and he attacked your lips once again. He suddenly slammed into you and you cried out in pain. "Oh, oh my God I'm so sorry! I.. I'd isn't realize that your were a-"
"It's okay! Really, just… give me a minute." He nodded and gave you a sweet passionate kiss. Only when you bucked your hips a bit, a silent plea for him to move, did he move. The room was then filled with sweet moans and groans from the two of you. You came another three times before his hips began to get sloppy.
"I.. I'm gonna-" he didn't have time to do anything before he released himself inside of you. "Oh fuck! I'm so sorry!" You pulled him down to kiss him.
"It's okay. It's okay." 
"Will you please be my girlfriend, (y/n)?"
"No, I only fucked you and gave you my virginity because I don't want to go out with you." The two of you laid there for a second before you two laughed.
"So, tomorrow night? Dinner and cuddles?"
"You bet that ginger of yours there will be cuddles."
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Suoh Mikoto
Terms of address: King, Wild Beast Mikoto, King of Homura
Birthday: August 13, Leo
Blood type: B
Age: 24 (At the time of death)
Physique: 1.85 cm in height. A tough block-like body.
Face, hair: His eyes are sharp and intimidating. Reddish lion hair.
Attire: A jacket with fur, accessories (chains, bracelets), after Totsuka's death he wears an earring.
Personal effects: He usually carries cigarettes.
· Makes eye contact with a calm and close person.
· The method of attack is a blow that hits with an overwhelming amount of heat.
· The image color is "red".
· A "bad boy head" that contains the urge to explode. The need to destroy is still entering the work.
· The image of “a lion that went crazy” and “a bomb about to explode”.
· Image of "unstoppable".
King of the street gang team “Homura”.
He was a lonely person, but thanks to the overwhelming charisma of him, Kusanagi, Totsuka and a dozen other people, he became the head of the street boys. After awakening as the "Red King", the boys were drawn to Suoh and did an installation test to see if they could accept the "Red King" flame, and he welcomed everyone who passed it.
Suoh, who has a need to destroy, has been struggling to control his power since he woke up as the "Red King". Suoh's Weismann deviation was erratic, and the sword of Damocles had many scratches.
The shackles that signified his bindings were removed after Totsuka's death, and he held the sword of Damocles, which was about to collapse, pursued its ruin towards destruction.
In normal times, he is quiet and lazy. There is no coordination, but if he is interested he can show a side that is an unexpectedly good relationship. Individualistic, annoyed by social restrictions.
Basically, he is not obsessed with it, and does not pay attention to details.
He became the "Red King" because he was chosen by the Slate, and he has no intention of acting as a "king". He believes that both he and those who follow him will live as they choose.
He is like a feline beast that sleeps normally and is sober during battle. Kusanagi said: "He was happy to have been born as a lion in the savannah."
Although he has the urge to destroy and the desire to destroy it, he acknowledges that he does not want to destroy his fellow Homura and has lived by killing the urge within him. He often has nightmares due to the need to destroy and a sense of crisis that his abilities could escape. He is vague about his future, which is to destroy everything, and when he is about to be swallowed by his own power, he stays in the room and enters a lethargic state where his senses are dull and he is overwhelmed by that urge.
While he felt a sense of comfort with "Homura", he was eager to burn everything. There was also a side that was thrown into thinking about the feeling of loss due to Totsuka's death that was also the brake on Suoh's need to destroy.
He killed the "Colorless King" who had killed Totsuka, knowing that his sword would fall. On the brink of the fall of Damocles, Munakata killed him.
He manipulates a powerful flame. He has a fearsome power of destruction.
Basically, he destroys disturbing things with just a few moves, but when he fights Reisi Munakata, he develops a fist fight that combines light movements and flames.
Since the bad boy is awake, the action is basically that of a bully with a fighting method.
A (King class)
Sake and cigarettes. When he's in a good mood, he doesn't hate the noise his friends make.
Be patient, annoying things. Social restrictions.
None in particular. It is not a hobby, but sleep well.
T-shirt, jeans, fur coat. He likes accessories.
A slim and muscular body. A boy with excellent muscular strength before waking up as "King", who naturally trained during repeated fights.
Instinct is often used before head. However, his intelligence is really high.
Impulse. He hates being bound by the social framework.
He has an attachment for his companions, and uses the bar "Homra" as his residence, but he does not want to run his group as a "King". He recognizes that a team is also an aggregate of individuals.
Beneath the desire to destroy him, he thinks that he must protect his friends, but he is also eager to destroy everything and burn his life.
His parents died early. He was raised by his impartial grandfather when he was a child, but died when Suoh was in high school. Since then, he has lived freely with his inheritance.
· 1988, Suoh Mikoto is born.
· 2004, he meets Kusanagi and Totsuka.
· 2007, Suoh awakens as "Red King", Kusanagi and Totsuka become the first members of his clan.
· 2009, Suoh makes Anna a member of the red clan.
· 2012, December, He is killed by Munakata after killing the “Colorless King” in the Gakuenjima incident.
The first person is "Ore" and the second is "Omae" and "Temee". A sloppy tone. He doesn't talk much.
He calls him "Munakata" or "Omae".
He really thinks he's a bad guy, but he's the first one who has rivaled Suoh since he became "King", and they have the same fighting spirit. Although he did not like him humanly and never agreed with him, he was saved by the existence of Munakata, the only person who could see the same scene and did not risk being destroyed by his own power.
It is possible that he always had the vague idea that Munakata would give up on his Damocles, which could come to pass.
He usually calls her "Anna" or "Omae".
She is the niece of Suoh's high school teacher, Honami Kushina. He saved her from the place where she had been treated as inhuman by being a Strain, and he decided to make her a member of his clan. He may not have left her at all, he feels a bit guilty for making her a member of his clan at such a young age.
Due to Anna's responsiveness and Suoh's compatibility, there is a great deal of communication without words.
He calls him "Kusanagi" or "Omae".
They have known each other since high school. His existence is more than a friend, a brother. Suoh is on top of "Homura", but Kusanagi actually controls the organization, and since he is also living in the Homra bar, Kusanagi's head is not upright.
He calls him "Totsuka", "Omae", "Temee".
Totsuka was a middle school student, while Suoh was a high school student when they met. From that point on, he was good at swinging around Suoh with freedom and acting, ventilating Suoh, who tended to accumulate depression. After Suoh became "King", he was responsible for containing Suoh, who after his death was swallowed by his own power.
Totsuka is the bright and happy face of "Homura", and Suoh's container.
He calls them: "Yata", "Kamamoto", and "Omae".
As children who love themselves, as relatives, he thinks they are cute.
He calls him "Fushimi" or "Omae".
Fushimi's transformation does not recognize it as a betrayal. There were many children who were drawn to themselves and left.
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
Can you please write hcs for how the hosts would deal with/react to their pregnant wife being put on bed rest?
I can imagine the hosts would be equally concerned about their wife’s and baby’s health. Thank you for the interesting prompt!
Tamaki Suoh:
Is understandably worried about his wife and child but tries really hard not to worry her.
Understands that right now he needs to be a loving calm husband and take care of his family. 
Hires a well decorated team to help care for his wife; personal chefs, personal nurses, personal maids, even a personal gardener for the flowers outside her window. 
Hates leaving the house and will sometimes try to get out of business meetings and lunches so he can stay home. 
Can often be found snuggling his wife in bed, whispering encouragements to their unborn child. 
Sometimes dismisses the personal teams he hired for her so he can personally care for her for the evening. He mostly makes her a soup and brings up roses. 
Cannot keep is hands off her. He has to touch her in some way; stroking her back, playing with her hair, touching her belly, rubbing her shoulders, or kissing her senseless. 
Kyoya Ootori:
Immediately hires a personal team of nurses, doctors, and maids for his wife.
Orders them to pay very special attention to her wants and needs.
Money is no exception in hiring the best of the best. His baby’s health is on the line and he will not cut corners. 
Demands daily medical updates from the doctor every evening, no exceptions. 
Silk sheets. 
Has his office desk moved into her room so he can work beside her. 
Has Tachibana go out and buy her chocolates, flowers for her nightstand, and whatever she may be craving. 
Is not above sending out Tachibana multiple times a day. Anything for his wife and child.
Takashi Morinozuka:
Prepares her a room with large windows overlooking their garden. 
Prioritizes sunlight and charming views. He wants to surround her with natural energizing beauty. 
Hires a personal chef dedicated to preparing her healthy meals specifically tailored for her pregnancy diet. Lots of fish, dark leafy greens, and nuts. 
Will sneak her a few treats once in a while.
Spends most of his time in her room when he’s not working or in the dojo. 
Her room quickly becomes his favorite room in the house. 
Sneaks her into their garden when she’s feeling antsy about being on bed rest - however the exception is he carries her. 
Cotton sheets and regularly fluffed pillows. 
Rubs lavender lotion all over her body every evening. 
Surprises her with poems he either finds or writes himself. 
Mitsukuni Haninozuka:
Immediately hires a personal patisserie for his wife so she can personally request all the cakes/desserts her little heart desires. 
Buys a brand new mattress and sheets for her comfort. Everything plush.
Orders a multitude of stuffed animals and fluffy blankets. He doesn’t consider if they’ll take up most of the bed, he just wants them surrounded by cute fluffy things. 
Can often be found cuddling them when he’s not in the dojo.
Eats his cake with them from then on. No matter what he’ll bring his plate into their bedroom and sit down beside them. 
Lets them have Usa-chan while they’re on bed rest - for extra comfort. 
Is very serious about their health and will not tolerate any sloppiness. He’s sweet as pie for his wife but Dark Hunny emerges when he speaks with the doctors. He’s trusting their expertise and that makes him nervous.
Is just very worried about his wife and child and doesn’t want to risk anything. 
Kaoru Hitachiin:
Immediately orders everything she might want to do while on bed rest; coloring books for adults, manga, knitting supplies.
Spends a lot of time in bed with her, usually drawing fashion designs in a notebook while she colors in her book. 
Keeps the curtains open all the time, saying tat sunlight is good for the skin. 
Will rush home after work to be with his wife. He hates wasting precious seconds away from her his beloved. 
Plays with her hair all the time and even brushes it for her.
Is very strict about her bed rest and does not want her exerting herself. 
Will allow her to walk around the bedroom once a day but that’s it. 
Deep down he’s terrified about his wife having to be on bed rest and he doesn’t want to risk his child’s health.
Hikaru Hitachiin:
Sets up their bedroom in a way that will keep her entertained; a TV with every streaming service available, an iPod with handpicked playlists, even an iPad.
Doesn’t really know how to make her bed rest comfortable so he hires someone to resign their bedroom for ultimate comfort. He lets them do whatever they want to their bedroom, as long as his wife won’t go crazy with boredom. 
Whatever she wants to eat she will have, no questions asked. He does, however, order their chef to sneak some healthy food in once in a while. 
Can often be found watching movies or laughing at funny YouTube videos with her. 
Won’t go to sleep until she’s asleep. As the days till the birth approach he becomes more anxious. He gets very protective and observant. 
Highest thread count he can find for her bed sheets and pillow cases.
Finds the softest pillows money can buy. He will not settle for less. 
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hopiewrites · 5 years
Nobody - OHSHC
NOTE: big, big thank you to the person helping me write this fic, LT! i don’t think they have a tumblr so here is a link to their quotev!
pairing - host club x reader
ongoing series, chapter 3
word count - 4,180
chapters 1 & 2 up now!
-> back to masterlist
Forget-me-not Blue
Weeks had passed, and the daffodils began to bloom, welcoming spring into season that April.
(Y/N) was excited, even if things were barely starting to come to life. The early spring flowers had arrived, and that meant the butterflies and bees would start dancing around again, and the cherry blossoms would bloom, and everything would be alight with new life and begin the new year with vibrancy. She couldn't wait until she was able to walk through Ouran's gardens that would be full of roses and lavender and dandelions.
It seemed that the entire school shared her excitement, as the whole campus was vibrating with excitement and joy. The colors seemed brighter and the sky seemed clearer and the spring air was crisp and clean, brushing it's hands through the trees that were budding with new leaves and fruits.
All was well that day. (Y/N) got to spend time with her mother that morning before she had to run off to work, managed to remember all of her school supplies, and even got to finish her makeup on time; she was wearing one of her favorite outfits, a cherry wood brown turtleneck and a pleated plaid skirt, paired with the dirty vans she always wore.
She stayed late yesterday to make the food beforehand instead of going in early that morning, so she managed to get two extra hours of sleep, and felt relatively rested.
She decided that the day was good.
Everybody in homeroom was chatting amongst themselves, as usual, while cute drawings of different characters and flowers adorned the whiteboard with little phrases and words next to them. Her head was low as she entered, quietly making a beeline towards her usual desk and pulling out her notebook.
Something scrunched under her papers.
The girl moved her notebook, curious brows raised, and there, on her desk, sat a yellow sticky note, with a sun wearing sunglasses and a little daisy sitting around the neat, swirly handwriting that read;
Come to the club room after classes, We have planning to do~
Just when she thought she'd gotten away from them, they pulled her right back into their grubby hands.
She sighed, trying to hide the slight grin that made it's way to her face. She propped her head up on one hand, staring blankly at the whiteboard at the front of the room.
I wonder what's going on this time.
It wasn't long before everyone got settled and into their seats. Now, all she had to do, was wait.
- nobody -
Everyone is so lively today.
Even more so than usual, the host club's atmosphere was effervescent, seeming to bubble over with what she assumed was excitement – even the guests were basically dancing in their seats.
"So, Kyoya! When will the annual Spring Dance be held this year?"
"Yeah! Everybody has been talking about it already, we're all so excited!"
"Well, ladies, we plan to have it soon, in early May. We're actually having preparations being made at this moment."
"Oh, wow, really!? We have to start looking at gowns, then!"
"Yes, we're looking forward to it! I wonder what the theme will be this year."
Spring Dance?
"That, my dears, is a surprise. Just know that all the hosts have worked very hard to find only the best decorations and catering for our guests."
They all swooned at Kyoya's smooth cut words, alight with his usual false cheeriness. He smiled at his guests politely, listening to their excited rambling.
Huh. I should've figured they would have one. Just slipped my mind. Maybe that's why they wanted me up here, to help with preparations?
"Oh, (N/N)-chan!!! You look so pretty!"
Almost knocked back by Honey's embrace, she hid a giggle, letting him hug her – now that it's been nearly a month, the timid girl has gotten used to her elder's childish mannerisms.
"Hello, senpai. Um, thank you!"
He laughed cutely before letting her go. "So you got Tama-chan's note? I wasn't sure if you'd come visit us today."
"Yeah, I almost didn't see it actual-"
"Oh, Princess! Welcome!"
Yet again, she was scooped up into a pair of arms, but this time, she was twirled around and around and around, before finally her feet touched the ground once more, a pair of warm hands on her shoulders.
Her cheeks were pink from that welcome, and head spinning after that twirl; she still wasn't used to Tamaki's bear hugs. As nice as they were, they always made her chest flutter and twist, as if, suddenly, the only thing that was there was warmth, and a rosy cinnamon scent that she could lose herself in.
(Y/N) smiled.
"Hi, Tamaki-senpai."
"I'm glad you came today! We have many things to discuss, like the-"
"Spring Dance?"
"Oh! Yes. I'm guessing you've heard?"
His hands fell from her shoulders, as his head tilted like that of a puppy, blonde hair shining like gold under the florescent lights that hung in chandeliers from the ceiling high above.
"Well, just now I heard some of Kyoya's visitors talking about it- oh, I think you have people waiting, senpai."
She nodded her head towards the girls waiting patiently with smiles on their pretty faces. The taller nods. "Yeah, I'll tell you more about it later, okay? So don't leave!"
"Okay, don't worry! I'll be right here."
He smiled once again before greeting his guests and walking with them to a table.
She took it upon herself to sit, folded up in a sofa situated at the back of the expansive room, and plugged her earbuds in to block out the chatter that echoed. Plucking her journal out from her bag, she balanced it on her knee, continuing a sketch she'd been working on recently–a myosotis plant, more commonly known as forget-me-not's.
Small flowers, known for their symbolism of faithful love and reminiscent feelings; their color, known as "true blue," was the color of trust, loyalty and truth. She chose these flowers for an assignment in her art class, the project being on symbolism in everyday objects.
She was a bit of a nerd for those kinds of things.
From beside the focused girl peered a curious ginger over her shoulder. A pair of honey eyes roamed across the paper, watching as her hand moved and twitched, careful yet messy in a way he hadn't really seen before.
"What're you drawing, (Y/N)?"
Music drowned out his words, earbuds nestled safely in her ears as she just continued what she was doing, unbothered.
He decided to tuck his voice away for now, watching the pencil as it dragged across the paper, quietly. He moved closer, a sheepish smile playing on his lips as he crouched, propping his arm on the armrest of the chair, head leaning close to the oblivious girl's shoulder.
He'd seen those flowers before, overflowing in the pots that sit right outside his mansion's front doors, serving as a welcome whenever he arrived home. He never realized how pretty they were until that moment.
Soon enough she turned the page, and from the corner of his eye he saw a nonchalant smile pull on her cheeks - she wrote a message in her book.
How long have you been spying on me?
Kaoru chuckled, then pulled out an earbud of hers.
"About five minutes now, actually."
"Hm. You're such a stalker, you know that?"
Closing her book she turned towards the younger twin, headphone swinging and smacking Kaoru in the face as she moved; she held back an embarrassed laugh.
"Those are forget-me-not's, right?" His head tilted, lights reflecting in his eyes like constellations.
She lit up. "Yeah. I'm just doing rough sketches for a project I'm working on... I'm pretty excited to start painting it."
"That's right!" The girl jumped at his exclamation, dropping her journal with a thud, "We've never seen your paintings before. When will you show us your winning masterpiece, (Y/-"
"What's this?"
Her cheap journal was plucked from the floor by slim hands, mischievous eyes studying the contents of the page that had revealed itself from the prior fall.
"Ooh, I never took you as the obsessive type, (Y/N)."
Kaoru stood abruptly from his crouch and walked over to where his twin was in front of the poor girl, lips falling open, just a bit, just enough to suck in a breath he didn't know he needed.
"And for Tamaki, no less!"
Imprinted on the thin pages of her grimoire, was an unfinished portrait of none other than Tamaki Suoh, eyes sleepy and hair a mess, but a smile as bright as the very sun. You could feel the warmth he radiated through the page.
What took Kaoru by surprise was how much detail was put into the whole thing, even if it was a bit sloppy. It looked like it held every color in the world, even though the only thing that was there was the dull, grey lead of the pencil and bits of eraser shavings caught here and there.
She jumped up and tried to snatch it out of the taunting male's hands, though he just held it over her head.
She felt like crying; nobody was supposed to see that.
"What are you all doing?"
None other than the king himself asked, taking long strides towards the twins. Hikaru couldn't get enough of this. For one reason or another, he felt acid deep down in his stomach that bit at him from the inside, but on his tongue was the sweet taste of hell's fire, and he would deal with the burning of his conscience later.
"Seems like you have another fan, boss! Look at this."
Though, the girl wouldn't give up that easily. She jumped up once again, eyes glaring holes through the auburn's head, and a shiver crawled up his spine. He almost considered giving it back. Almost.
Tamaki was there now, and it felt like everything was in slow motion for her. Yeah, maybe she was being dramatic, but she couldn't help it. That was private and special to her, not to mention how embarrassed she'd be if he saw it.
(Y/N) disregarded how she was now chest-to-chest with Hikaru Hitachiin, and how pink dusted his cheeks as his eyes slanted down at her own ones in a silent declaration of war. The tips of her toes kissed the marble of Ouran's floors as she leaned against the much, much taller male in effort to get back what was rightfully hers, but he only stretched his arm out further, completely ignoring everyone else's presence in the now emptying room.
In that moment, nothing mattered to either of them. There was nothing else but each other and the mutual feeling of a bloody red.
...Save for the other club members of course, who watched the whole ordeal with amusement.
Kyoya sipped on his earl grey. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say Hikaru is flirting, wouldn't you agree?"
Haruhi's hand clasped over her mouth in an effort not to laugh. She hummed in silent agreement. "Yeah, I'd definitely say so."
"(Y/N), you drew this...?"
It was those words that were the rain that washed the fire to ashes,  though the biting heat lingered even when she pulled apart from Hikaru. His glare snapped to the wall as he avoided eye contact. Her skin was red with embarrassment and anger, blood boiling and burning her from the inside. The older twin only stood, arms crossed and eyebrows drawn together with an angry pout plastered on his rose petal lips.
Though, what she didn't know was that Hikaru was nauseous with the nasty aftertaste of guilt, pitchforks stabbing at his lungs, making it hard for him to do anything but clench his fists and bear it. He didn't care about how he made her feel. Why would he? She was just another one of Tamaki's stupid fangirls.
He couldn't keep himself from glaring over at (Y/N) one last time.
- nobody -
Tamaki cleared his throat, clapping his hands together as all the hosts gathered and watched him.
"So, as many of you know, the annual spring dance is upon us, and we've already booked the grand hall for the ceremony."
(Y/N) listened curiously from her seat beside Mori, whom she felt safest by at the moment. He didn't ask questions; he didn't pry; he didn't do much of anything, really. His quiet presence was cooling against the fire raging red underneath her skin.
"I thought we should all gather to choose a theme. Last year's was royalty, and the decorations and dress code played off of that."
That's so like them. The girl grinned quietly to herself, finding their predictable nature entertaining. "Does anyone have any ideas?"
The girl hesitated, just for a moment, swallowing Hikaru's thorny glare like sour medicine.
"What about a vintage theme?" She spoke.
"Vintage theme...?" Tamaki questioned aloud, tilting his head slightly, just like she noticed he'd always do when thinking.
"Yeah. Like age old antiques, soft colors, lace, the like. Unless you've already done something like that, I mean.."
"No, no. Actually... That's a really good idea, (Y/N)," Kyoya flipped through his little black book, jotting down the girl's idea.
"Yeah. Sounds good."
(Y/N) shifted at the sudden voice beside her, quiet but not shy. Mori wasn't even looking at her, not sparing a single glance her way, his face bearing the same sea glass expression.
She took Mori's words to heart, those words he probably thought nothing much of. She then elaborated her thoughts, a little clearer, a little more confident.
"I think it would be really elegant, not to mention economical. We could maybe even visit a few antique shops for some of the decorations."
No one added anything in, silently willing her to continue.
"Soft colors, like cream and periwinkle and mauve would do. Maybe we can even make some kind of dress code."
Still, no one.
"...I don't know."
"That's a wonderful idea, (N/N)-chan!" Exclaimed Honey from his cozy seat on Mori's lap.
"Yeah, we've never done anything like that before. It could be really pretty," added Kaoru.
Kyoya chimed in, "Any other ideas?"
"Nope! I think this is what we're going for this year, my dear Kyoya!"
As the hosts scattered amongst themselves, Honey tucked his arms snugly around (Y/N)'s legs with a wide, sweet smile; too wide, too sweet. In the moment, though, the girl was caught up in catching butterflies in her stomach. They listened to me, she thought. Her hands subconsciously found their way around the short male's small frame, as they tended to these days.
"(N/N)-chan, do you wanna walk with us outside?"
A sheepish smile stretched her lips as she replied. "Can't, senpai. I have to prepare tomorrow's food."
"Oh, about that, (Y/N)."
Honey reluctantly loosened his hold and marched back to his tall companion. Kyoya stood at her side now, tucking his phone away safely into the pocket of his trousers.
She hummed, listening.
"We're not opening the club tomorrow, so you don't have to have anything ready. Just go home and get some rest."
(Y/N) turned her head to peer up at him. His eyes were unfocused, looking out at the blooming colors of spring outside the windows. She didn't understand what he was thinking or feeling, or if he was feeling anything at all for that matter.
In that moment, he reminded her of the darkness that separates the stars.
- nobody -
The walk home was full of life, unsurprisingly. Wildflowers and green grass lined the roads, honeybees buzzing happily as they kissed the flowers and danced with butterflies. There was still a few hours of the day left, judging by how the sun was strung in the sky, so instead she decided to walk to a local park. It was small and well-worn but very peaceful, with its rusty swings and small pond.
Ducks waddled around in and out of the water. Birds chirped back and forth in the few trees as a lady struggled to keep her small dog from chasing a poor squirrel scurrying around the base of an oak.
Settling on the swings, (Y/N) took a second to unwind. The wind was soft and carried the scent of wild roses as it soothed her skin. There were yellow daffodils happily swaying by the pond. Everything was okay in that moment.
In a swift movement the girl kicked off her shoes and hopped out of the swing, laughing at herself when she stumbled. The grass felt like silk on her callused feet as she stepped towards the large rose bush, crouching to smell its pink petals. Carefully, she plucked one, two, three, four roses and skipped away to gather a few daffodils, cattails, and dandelions.
For mom, when she gets home.
Right as she was about to steal a pinecone from its branch, her phone vibrated annoyingly in her pocket.
2 new messages from " the host club 👑✨💞"
Since when was I in a group chat??
Ignoring it, (Y/N) decided to check it out later. How did they even get her Instagram though? It didn't matter, she figured. She'd probably spent far too long at the park, anyway, if the creamy orange beginning to color the sky was any indication. It was time to head back home.
With all different kinds of plants gripped securely in her dirty hand, she retrieved her discarded shoes and gingerly walked back towards her neighborhood.
- nobody -
It wasn't until (Y/N) found herself sprawled across her bed and once more attempting to wrap-up her forget-me-not sketch that she remembered the notifications she had received from the host club prior.
The mixed bouquet of wild flowers she had managed to concoct was placed on her mother's nightstand, along with a note on which she had scrawled a short but sweet message the moment she arrived back home. Aside from that, the only things she had her mind set on were homework (regardless of how little she was assigned), dinner, and sleep. It's true, she was tired,  a bit hungry as well, but she still chose to squeeze in some relaxing time to comfortably let her pencil dance across the designated page within her journal.
It almost amazed her how lost in thought she would find herself whenever she decided to let her creative side flow as freely as it did. It's as if she would switch over to autopilot and let nothing but her hand take control while her mind soared with an intoxicated sort of vigor as it explored every idea that subconsciously came to her head.
It was for this exact reason that it took her several moments to register the lit-up screen of her phone lying atop the cluster of unmade sheets just inches away.
Setting down her pencil, (Y/N) diverted her attention to the rectangular device and awkwardly shifted positions before picking it up and unlocking it. The number of messages from earlier had since multiplied, a prominent 61 plastered on the corner of the application.
haruhi.fuji: Well I know of a few thrift shops around near my apartment. You can find all kinds of hidden gems there.
haruhi.fuji: Don't know about antique stores though, but (Y/N)-chan might know of some.
tama_king: Thrift stores????
(58 more messages)
The corners of her lips upturned just enough for her to notice.
She opened the app and scrolled through the messages, skimming through notifications and following each member back. Well, accept for Hikaru, who hadn't even followed her in the first place. Hesitantly, (Y/N) typed out a message, then deleted it, then typed it out again, then deleted it. The girl sighed, chewing on her cheek, trying to decide what to say.
tama_king: Look (Y/N)s online!!
Well, leave it to Tamaki to point her out. Said girl settled for a simple greeting.
(username): hi everyone!
haruhi.fuji: (Y/N), we were just talking about what kind of decorations we should get for the spring dance.
(username): oh, well i figured we could just go looking through local shops to find authentic antique decor
haruhi.fuji: Like all of us out shopping together??
tama_king: That sounds like fun we should go see all the commoner shops together!
(Y/N) suddenly had regrets. All eight of them, six of which all likely hadn't ever even heard of a thrift store before, out and about? Even if she was starting to grow used to the lot of them, it was a whole other thing to be seen out in public with them. It wasn't that (Y/N) was embarrassed of them, but more so bothered by how much attention they seem to bring towards themselves. The socially awkward girl wasn't sure if she could handle that very well.
(username): i mean, sure??
haruhi.fuji: That sounds... ;;;
(username): yeah ik, migjt not be the best of ideas i've had huh
(username): *might
She quietly laughed to herself, trying to shake off the dread that was already piling on her shoulders.
tama_king: No, it sounds like a great idea!!
The "Oh, what have I done," slipped past her lips as she saw none other than Kyoya himself finalize the plans.
KyoyaOotori: I see you three have been planning an outing?
KyoyaOotori: And when are we all going to do this?
It was funny, because she could practically feel him shaking his head through the screen. Maybe the two of them were more alike than she had originally thought.
She decided then that she might as well go through with it.
(username): well, earlier you said i didn't have to prep for tomorrows guests, so i'm free tomorrow after school.
tama_king: The host club was planned to be closed tomorrow for preparations to be made for the dance. i'm sure our lovely guests wouldn't mind. so Kyoya, is tomorrow okay to go out shopping?
KyoyaOotori: I suppose that it would be a good learning experience to see what low-budget commoner living is like. So, yes, that sounds just fine. I'll make sure to let the others know.
It looked like all had been settled, so she switched the device back off and let it sit to the side. The sound of the door clicking shut and the A/C being tampered with alerted the young girl of her mother's arrival home, so she skipped into the doorway to greet her.
She looked tired, just as she always did, with the same empty smile and hollow eyes. (Y/N) hugged her and in a small voice, said hello.
"Heya, Pumpkin."
There was nothing else to be said as the woman kicked off her shoes and walked into her room, no doubtedly to sleep until she had to drag herself back out to work again. (Y/N) hoped she liked the flowers she had picked out for her.
Sometimes there is no worse feeling than guilt that will eat one out from the inside.
She felt as though the way that things were running in her house functioned like an unbalanced scale. Her mother always came home exhausted and worn-out as the result of working from dawn to dusk, and it hurt the young girl's heart to see her in such poor condition. It wasn't extremely often that she would even get the chance to say hello, and rarer still that she ever had the time to hold a good conversation.
They both loved each other more than life itself, and (Y/N) knew that better than anyone else, but with all the overbearing work her mother put up with, day and night, everything just seemed...
Bitter and unsavory thoughts aside, one glance at the clock on the microwave reminded her of the looming drowsiness she felt gradually washing over her. It had been a long day, and the next was certain to be even longer.
With this in mind, she experienced little to no hesitation before striding off towards her bathroom to ready herself for what she hoped to a good night's rest. Once she was curled up under the cotton sheets and had her stuffed animal of choice in a loving grip (not caring about how childish she may have seemed), the bluish light of her phone caught her attention as she slowly and reluctantly lifted up one eyelid.
Reaching for the device resting on her night stand, she opened both eyes; given how she hadn't really been exposed to the darkness of her room for a prolonged amount of time, it didn't take long to adjust to the screen's luminescent glow as she focused on the message displayed on her lock screen. A single notification was shown, and (Y/N) couldn't help but allow a small smile to make its way onto her face once she had processed what it read.
haruhi.fuji: Good luck tomorrow, (Y/N). Hope you'll be able to handle a few hours out with those goofballs.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic; Chapter 3
Fuck it, this is written out pretty far ahead. Lemme know what you think. 
Marinette bounced around the kitchen, her hair in a sloppy bun. Felix was coming over after dinner to study, and she had a plan to surprise him. He adored proper beignets, so she was whipping up a quick batch. They were one of the first things her mama had taught her to make. As she rotated the first batch in the oil, she thought over her first week at school. She had made friends with a small blonde boy, named Mitskuni Haninozuka. His younger cousin, Takashi, was actually an old friend of hers. She remembered seeing him at tournaments when she was younger. He’d probably make a decent sparring partner. She moved on autopilot, dropping the third batch into the oil, when she heard the elevator ding. She draped a damp towel over the cooling first and second batches, and called over her shoulder.
“In the kitchen, mon chevalier!” She heard Felix set down his bag, and walk into the kitchen. She was putting the fresh pastries onto a plate when she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. He kissed the top of her head, and rested his forehead on her shoulder. “What’s wrong, cherie?” Felix heaved a sigh.
“Father is bugging me about college. Again.” He groaned. Felix’s father was rather overbearing, and often pushed him more than was healthy.
“What do you mean, again?” She growled. More often than not, she disagreed with the Culpa patriarch over his treatment of his only son.
“He tried to use you against me at one point. ‘What about Marinette? How will you provide for her?’” He huffed. “Maman ripped him a new one for that one.” Marinette giggled. Marie Culpa was a firecracker of a woman, who looked just like her son. She was a French woman, who often tamed her husband’s rather poor parenting skills. She turned her head, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Guess what’s under the towel.” He hummed.
“Is it Danishes?”
“Not even close. Do you give?”
“Last guess. Donuts?”
“Uh-uh. Beignets!” He perked up, pulling back. He removed the towel, and snagged one of the powdery treats. He stuffed half of the thing in his mouth, and moaned appreciatively. Marinette giggled.
“You are the best thing to ever happen to me, ma petite coccinelle. What would I do without you?” Marinette smiled.
“You’d have to go without pastries.” He swallowed the rest of the treat, and snagged another.
“Truly, a cursed existence. C’mon. I’ll help you with your Algebra if you help me with my German.” Both chuckled. Where Marinette was a bit of a polyglot, Felix was better at the hard sciences and math.
“That’s a deal!”
A week later, Marinette strolled through the halls. Her parents had received an order for ten dozen French macaroons, each batch a different flavor. Her Papa hadn’t arrived in Japan yet, so her and her Mama had woken up at three in the morning, gotten to the bakery at three thirty, and baked till five. By six, they had all one-hundred twenty filled and packed. The order was for the Host Club that she knew her school held, so she was in charge of delivery. She had Shoto help her carry the batches in, before stacking the crates on a dolly and wheeling it into the school. She headed straight for the elevator, expertly maneuvering around the corners. She soon reached music room three, and knocked gently. The door creaked open (did it not get oiled?) and she was slapped with the scent of roses as dozens of petals drifted past her. Standing arrayed around a blond she recognized as the chairman’s son, Tamaki Suoh, was an eclectic selection of boys.
“Welcome, princess!” Six voices chimed. The two twin redheads she thought might be in Felix’s class, and she knew Mori and Hani. The other black-haired boy she didn’t really recognize.
“Hello. Hi, Takashi-kun, Hani-sempai. How have you been?” Hani bounced forward, Usa-chan in his arms.
“I’m good, Mari-chan. What are you doing here? I thought you were engaged to Culpa-san?” He tilted his head, puzzled.
“That I am! I’m here to drop off your order, actually.” She slipped into business mode, pushing her thin glasses up her nose (she was out of her contacts) and snagged a clipboard off the top of the crates. “Two dozen raspberry macaroons, two dozen pistachio, two dozen strawberry, two dozen chocolate, and two dozen classic vanilla, correct?” She glanced up, seeing the lanky blond standing before her.
“You ARE new! Oh, how delightful! Tell me, princess, how do you know our Hani-sempai?” He swung an arm around her neck, slipping a finger under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.
“We trained together in our families’ dojos. Can you tell me if the order is correct or not?” She kept her voice dry and even, not happy with his proximity. The boy wilted as she shrugged his arm off her shoulders.
“The order is correct, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I am Kyoya Ootori, vice-president of the Host Club. Mori, could you set the crates over on the tables.” Mori nodded, ruffling her hair on his way past. “Gently, please, we don’t want the shells to crack.” Marinette eased the first crate off the stack, and carried it over to the table.
“There’s no need to do that.” One of the twins said, easing up behind her.
“Yeah, we don’t want such a pretty young thing getting hurt. Do we Kaoru?” The other asked, leaning against the table.
“Of course not, Hikaru. Do you really think she’s pretty?” The first twin, Kaoru, pouted.
“Not as lovely as you.” Hikaru swept his brother into his arms.
“Are they always like this?” She asked Mori, mildly unsettled.
“Yup.” He squatted slightly to pick up another crate.
“That’s…I don’t even know what to say. How had training been going? Are you still fighting with your brother, Hani-sempai?” She asked, walking past the older boy, ferrying the final of the five crates to the table.
“Training has been okay. Chika-chan and I are still having our…disagreement, but I’m sure he’ll come around eventually. How is Culpa-san?” He rubbed Usa-chan’s ears, morose.
“Felix-kun is doing good. He’s helped me with a few homework assignments so far.” She smiled. Felix really was great.
“The ice king?” Kaoru whispered.
“He-who-could-rival-Kyoya?” Hikaru muttered.
“Pfft. That’s him. My fiancé has never been the best with social interactions.” Marinette giggled at the monikers. She was so using those on him.
“FIANCE?” The three yelled as one.
“Hm? Didn’t you know? Mari-chan and Culpa-san have been engaged for almost three years now. They’ve been friends forever!” Hani enthused.
“Yeah.” Mori said.
“I’ve got to go; I’m going to meet with Felix in the library before classes start. Wanna meet in the dojo after school, Takashi-kun? I need someone to work out with during the week.” Mori nodded, and Hani bounced from foot to foot.
“Can I come, Mari-chan? I haven’t seen you fight in forever!” He widened his eyes, pouting slightly.
“Sure, sempai. I’ll see you then.” She ruffled his hair, and headed for the door.
“Ma petite coccinelle.” Felix’s voice came from behind her, and she turned her head to smiled at him. Her smile dropped when she saw how utterly exhausted he looked.
“What’s wrong, ma chevalier?” He flopped into the seat next to her, dropping his bag onto the floor. She rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades.
“I got a B+ on my literature report. It was on color symbolism in Macbeth. I’ve read the book twice, and I got a B+!” His voice was a strangled whine.
“Is that all?” He sent her a mild glare from where his head was propped on his arms. “Felix, a single B+ isn’t going to make you fail. It probably won’t even pull down your grade. Now, would you mind walking me to music room three? I need to pick up the bakery crates from the Host Club.” He sighed.
“Why did it have to be the Host Club? Even the school newspaper would have been better.” Marinette tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow, and the two set off for the third floor.
“From what you’ve told me, the newspaper club couldn’t afford an order that big.” He nodded his head to the right a little, his way of showing agreement.
Marinette and Felix strolled through the doors of the Host Club, ignoring the eyes that turned to them. She waved softly to Hani, who came bounding over.
“Mari-chan! Are you here to get Takashi for your spar?” He bounced, eager.
“Not just yet, sempai. The two of you still need to finish up here. Right now, Felix-kun,” She gestured to the blond beside her, “and I need to get the crates back downstairs so that my driver can take them back to the bakery. On that note, how were the macaroons?” Stars filled Hani’s eyes.
“They were so good! No-one bakes like your family, Mari-chan! And they were even batter since you helped make them! You left your signature flowers painted on the shells, so I knew you had helped!” The small blond boy was near-vibrating with enthusiasm.
“You can fight, Dupain-Cheng-san?” One of the girls, the one with thick lips scoffs.
“What an uncouth skill.” Another murmurs.
“My mother would never let me learn how to fight. It’s far too undignified.” A third sniffs.
“Yes, I can. My Grandmother is of the Rong family, the first daughter born in eight generations. She taught my mother, who taught me. It’s family tradition, as the Rong family is matriarchal. If I didn’t learn, it would be an insult to my heritage. I’ve trained in aikido, karate, taekwondo, judo, and muay thai. I also learned dance, as is proper for girls of the Cheng family, which my grandfather is head of. I know tap, ballroom, ballet, salsa, basic breakdancing, and bon dori. Felix, let’s grab the crates and go. I need to get ready for the spar.”
“Of course, ma petite coccinelle.” He escorted her from the room once they had gathered the crates, leaving with a dark glare at the girls who had dared insult his little ladybug.
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endless-season · 5 years
KoR C5 4/6
Warning: 0% quality translation. Bold = -100% quality.
The red king.
Those words were stuck in Totsuka’s mind.
Kurayama Mitsuha was serious. He was serious about becoming the red king. And as a fact, Kurayama and his bunch really did have strange powers. In that case... in that case, wasn’t it possible that the Red King really did exist?
“King, do you know about the Red King?”
Totsuka asked yesterday after bumping into Suoh, after leaving Kurayama’s place, as they returned to the bar.
“The urban legend?”
Suoh showed a puzzled expression. On his cheek was a red cut and his whole body reeked of blood. It was reasonable for him to think it strange that Totsuka was bringing up urban legends at a time like this.
“Human, but not human. Something like the personification of flames.”
…… idk who said that but im guessing totsuka.
“A bit like King, don’t you think?”
Suoh snorted with an exasperated face.
“That kind of stuff is all fairy tales. What are you, a kid?”
A fairy tale. That’s what Totsuka also thought up until now.
But after meeting Kurayama and coming to the conclusion there are mysterious powers involved, he had no reason to deny the existence of the red king.
There were all kinds of theories about the red king, but there were no inconsistencies about when he existed and until when he existed. Eight years ago, the Southern Kantou Crater incident. It was at the time of the event that changed Japan’s topography. In other words, the red king died in crater incident. That was also the reason why there were rumors that the red king caused that crater.
A man, an outlaw with incomprehensible strength and attracted many. Someone that the delinquent youth would yearn for, but didn’t take the urban legend seriously.
But what about those aside from the youth?
At the sudden thought, Totsuka wanted to hear from people who were already adults at the time.
Pulling up the scarf Kusanagi lent him over his mouth, Totsuka quickly walked. His long hair fluttered in the wind. Totsuka placed a hand gently on his head so that the cheap wig would not fly away. Up ahead he saw three familiar deliquent looking guys walking in his direction. He guessed they were probably from the gangs opposing Homra, but Totsuka puffed up his chest and continued walking without paying them any mind. Whether it was because they weren’t paying attention, or it was due  to Totsuka’s wig, the guys didn’t even notice Totsuka and they simply passed each other.
Without any tension, Totsuka’s heart thumped excitedly thinking he was like a spy as he peacefully strutted through Shizume-cho.
Totsuka was heading to his own home.
Seeing the cheap apartment, which looked just like how one might draw one but you wouldn’t see nowadays, even though he only hadn’t come home one or two nights he felt a strangely nostalgic feeling.
Turning the doorknob, the door opened without him needing to use a key. ‘Thank goodness’, Totsuka sighed in relief.
“Ah, welcome ba- Woah!”
Totsuka’s adoptive father, Ishigami Mikio, turned around while welcoming him home but widened his eyes in shock when he saw him.
“… And, who might you be…?”
Even though they weren’t related by blood, Ishigami asked that to who you could call his son that he lived with for fourteen years.
Even though his face and clothes were still the same, with just a wig for his sloppy crossdressing, it was an unexpectedly suitable response since he didn’t want others to recognise him, thought Totsuka.
“It’s your son, Tatara.”
Ishigami scrutinized him and let out a “Oh…”
“So what’s going on? You’re into crossdressing now? Or a new job?”
“Both wrong. I’m in disguise. I’ve got people aiming for me right now.”
Ishigami put on a serious expression. Totsuka shook his head exasperatedly.
“I’m not you, Occhan. But debt collectors won’t suddenly attack people, so the situation’s probably worse. They might come to attack here so you be careful too, Occhan.”
“Trouble with some deliquents?
“Once upon a time when I was raising you I thought you wouldn’t stray from the right path but somehow you’ve managed to turn delinquent even with that gentle personality of yours. “
“Ahaha, sorry,” laughed Totsuka as he sat down at the table, “by the way, I have something to ask you.”
“Really, how rare.”
“Just now we mentioned debt…”
“Sorry, but I don’t have any money I can lend.”
Ishigami interrupted with an apologetic expression.
“Not that. You have a debt collector you’ve been familiar with for a long time right? Arata-san, I think?”
.-. tldr Since he gambled he borrowed money so obvs hes got plenty of debt collectors hes familiar with.
The one named Arata who was over thirty, did not run a yakuza business, but was frequently used by yakuza underlings and thus had a position which could be counted as a small time yakuza. He easily got mad and yelled, but was also an unexpected softhearted person. When he came over to collect debt, if Ishigami wasn’t around and Totsuka was by himself he’d huff, “He really is a scumbag dad, huh,” treat him to 60yen icecream and chat with him about whatever before heading back.
He called himself a halfway small time yakuza. I gave up translating this sentence but it probably involved Arata comparing himself to a stray cat looking for food in other people’s trash. Totsuka replied with the comment “Stray cats are cute, don’t you think?” “I see. They’re cute, huh,” Arata rubbed under his nose feeling a bit better, “but really it’s because I’m small fry that I’m alive. All the real deal yakuza died that time.”
“Occhan, have you ever heard Arata-san talk about the red king?”
Ishigami blinked and tilted his head.
“The red king?”
“Oh, you don’t know? It’s an urban legend…”
“No, I know. Or rather, that’s still being passed on to your generation too, Tatara?” he said, surprised.
Totsuka leaned forward, also surprised.
“You knew?”
The legend of the red king ended eight years ago. He was interested to know what it was like for Ishigami’s generation who had experienced it before that in real time.
“How did you hear of the legend, Occhan?”
“He was the Don of a super yakuza right? He burned all the yakuza he didn’t like.”
“Well, there’s a difference in the wording, but the legend being passed down is similar.”
“Also there was an unfolding three way conflict between him, the masterminds behind the police’s, the super police’s chief, as well a a church of a new religion that had miracle powers.”
“That I didn’t know. It kinda has the mood of a monster battle.”
Totsuka laughed and tilted his neck at the story becoming even more unbelievable. Ishigami waved his hand in front of his face, “No, no.”
“It really is a ridiculous story, but at the time, half the people believed it. Well… half.”
Totsuka’s smile stiffened.
“… One time when I talked Arata-san, the topic of the red king came up. That time, Arata-san said it himself, ‘People these days think the red king was just an urban legend, huh’. He looked kinda surprised.”
At the time, Totsuka just assumed he was the type to believe in urban legends. “I believe kappas exist, I even went searching for them,” he spouted. Arata just replied with “I see, I see,” and then left.
“Now Totsuka wanted to hear the rest of it.
“You want to meet Arata-san to ask him about the red king?”
Ishigami had a surprised childish look. Totsuka worried over how to explain himself, but Ishigami simply searched through his PDA for Arata’s number.
As someone who wasn’t interested in meeting up with debt collectors, Ishigami gave Totsuka the contact details and then immediately fled. Arata immediately picked up the call and arranged to meet up.  At the juice stand in front of the station where they planned to meet, Arata clicked his tongue impatiently wondering why the other party hadn’t come yet.
Totsuka repeated poked his arm.
“Hello. Thank you for coming.”
After staring at Totsuka with his wig suspiciously for a few seconds, he jumped in shock.
“You.. have you finally been sold by that scumbag dad?!? You’re doing that kind of work?!?”
“Occhan also asked me if I got a new job but it’s not. It’s just my disguise.”
Halfway through his question, he narrowed his eyes as if he’d guessed.
“… You’ve gotten into trouble with the brats going crazy around Shizume-cho right now?”
Totsuka silently nodded.
Arata who loitered around in the edges of Shizume-cho’s underworld would also know about it. Arata sighed and turned to face the juice stand.
“Which do you want? I’ll treat you.”
“Yay~ Thank you very much~” said Totsuka in a falsetto voice.
“Stop that!” shouted Arata.
He was wearing tldr hoodlum looking stuff so when he shouted the young lady at the juice stand jumped.
He bought a strawberry juice for him, and a perilla juice which was apparently good for health and the two leant on the wall and drank.
“I haven’t been to collect debt at your dad’s place recently, so it’s been a while since I last saw you, huh.”
“That’s true. But either way, I haven’t been at home much recently too. Back then there were a lot of troublesome times where you’d come over to collect debt and Occhan wasn’t around so only I was home.”
“Even if I pressed you for it, you wouldn’t know where he’d be anyway. I seriously wondered if he already sold this brat off.”
“Speaking of which, there was that one time when I helped Occhan escape by getting you guys angry and chasing after me. I escaped with a bike. … I think I was in middle school at the time?”
That was the first time he met Suoh.
It was quite a while back so Totsuka smiled at the nostalgic memory.
Arata glanced at him from the side, but it wasn’t a particularly memorable moment in his past so he sourly continued to sip his juice.
“… Anyway, from your current appearance, it seems like you can’t be seen walking around outside right? Especially since yesterday, I’ve heard a lot about how the kids have been strangely causing a lot of trouble. I don’t know if it’s related, but as for me, the higher ups seem to have some conflict going on so it’s no time to be doing my debt collector job.”
Rather than a tense information exchange, Arata said it in a tone like they were casually gossiping. Totsuka also tried to reply in a loose tone.
“By higher ups, you mean the yakuza?”
“Yeah, since my place is kinda like subcontractoring for the yakuza. They don’t pass down the important stuff to small fry like me, but it seems the important one got murdered. The yakuza and mafia fighting, the kids running wild at the same time, what on earth is going on?”
Totsuka looked at Arata’s profile as he sipped on his juice. The strawberry juice Arata bought him was a vivid red, and sweet and sour. The cold juice slid down his throat.
After sipping his juice silently for a bit, Totsuka let go of his straw.
“There’s someone who wants to become the red king.”
Arata widened his eyes and faced Totsuka.
Would he be surprised? Would he be puzzled? Totsuka watched him carefully wondering what his reaction would be but it was clearly surprise shown on his face. As expected, he truly believed in the legend of the red king.
“The red king …”
Tldr Arata showed an at loss expression.
“That’s not something you can become just because you want to, right?”
“As expected, Arata-san doesn’t think the red king is just an urban legend, right?”
At Totsuka’s prepared question, Arata put back his usual grim and serious expression.
“… I’ve been a thug around here for a long time.”
With a mixed expression Arata finished the rest of his perilla juice, put the empty cup at his feet and took out a cigarette and lit it.
“Right now, probably all the yakuza in the Kantou area only emerged from after that incident.”
“That incident?”
“The Southern Kantou crater incident. All the Kantou yakuza were annihilated in that incident. Even the Tokuseikai, the biggest power in Shizume-cho right now, came to Shizume-cho from the west only after the crater incident when they heard it wasn’t occupied. The yakuza here now are either outsiders, young ones, or small-fry like me.”
Totsuka thought back to the crater incident eight years ago. Even in Shizume-cho, he saw a scene like the apocaplse from far off in the south. So all the people who lived in the kantou underworld society died in that?
“That day, I didn’t know what happened in South Kantou but, everyone followed the red king to hell.”
Totsuka also knew bout the rumors that the red king caused the crater incident. Of course he didn’t believe it before, but now talking to someone who was there when it happened, it felt strangely real and he couldn’t just laugh it away like a joke anymore.
“So there really was a red king?”
Totsuka asked straight to the point, Arata laughed. A bit of cigarette smoke came out from his nose.
“hm not sure how to read this… that young kid doesn’t seriously want to become? Idk tbh”
“That’s not true,” Totsuka replied seriously.
Arata looked a bit daunted.
“What exactly is the red king?”
Arata scratched his head troubled.
“… well, I don’t exactly know either. I’ve never met him… I’ve heard many stories about acquaintences whose acquainetnces is subourdinate of the red king but… well that’s how urban legends usually are anyway.”
“That’s fine.”
Probably because Totsuka’s expression was so serious, Arata grumbled “Seriously, what?”He dropped his cigarette and put it out with his shoe and then stared at it as if the past was written there.
“If I remember correctly his name was ‘Kagutsu Genji’,” he simply muttered in a low tone that seemed to hide itself in the noisy bustling in front of the station.
The red king. Now that he had a real person’s name to it, it suddenly felt more real and relevant.
“That Kagutsu red king, it’s said he was like a human flamethrower and could manipulate flames.”
“You mean he had superpowers?”
At Totsuka’s direct question, Arata gave an embarrassed smile.
“Hard to believe right?”
“No, no, I believe you.”
Right now the ones targeting Totsuka and them had superpowers.
“Personally I’m only half convinced about the manipulating flames bit. But the people who talked about it had a serious look in their eyes. But regardless, a person called the red king definitely existed. He had unimaginable strength. A coward like me had no intention of getting any closer.”
Arata who usually had a threating face as a debt collector now showed a youthful expression. Perhaps when people talk about the past, their heart returns to the past.
“He was a scary person, huh.”
“Well. The red king of course, …… tldr and related yakuza. Rumors has it, as a ritual for being affiliated with the red king, you had to get a part of your body burned off. That’s why all his followers would be missing a part of their body.”
Totsuka immediately thought of Kurayama’s right ear. The ear that was missing its upper half. But that wound did not show any traces of being burnt. For one, he was around the same age as Kusanagi. When the red king was active, he would’ve just been a kid.
“Also that Kagutsu wasn’t a king since he was born. The red king suddenly appeared on day, and then disappeared with the crater incident.”
Arata looked at Totsuka, and slowly said…
“Kagutsu… One day he was suddenly chosen to be king.”
Totsuka’s heart jumped.
“That’s what I heard. I don’t know who or what he was chosen by. Whether he was chosen by god, or chosen by something more tangible… either way, if that was the case for Kagutsu, there’s no reason why there can’t be a next. The guy you mentioned who wants to become the Red King probably wants to become the next.”
Usually Arata would think he’s just an airhead but in reality, the atmosphere in Shizume-cho right now was not unlike the mood during when Kagutsu was around, so mumbled the last bit half to himself.
Totsuka’s heart pounded faster than before. Something
It wasn’t because he was afraid that Kurayama was serious about becoming the Red King. Tldr, even tho he came to ask about the red king, right now he wasn’t thinking about Kurayama, but rather Suoh Mikoto.
“Oi. … Oi, is something wrong?”
Puzzled, Arata asked Totsuka who had gone silent, but Totsuka’s mind was far elsewhere.
Totsuka wasn’t sure himself whether the feelings whirling around him was dread or anticipation, but simply listened to his heart that thumped wildly as if he was running.
--“You’ll one day meet your king.”
The words of the strange kimono wearing man he once met, floated up in his mind.
Totsuka put the wig he was wearing onto Arata’s clean shaven head.
“Whatta ya doing!”
“You can have this. It’ll slide off if I run. It’d be less conspicuous if I ran like this rather than had a wig sliding off me.”
“I don’t want it! And what’s with you all of a sudden!”
Listening to his own racing heartbeat and breaking out in cold sweat, he looked directly at Arata. Arata slightly winced at Totsuka’s unsmiling face.
“I’m running back. Somehow, I have a strange hunch.”
Kurayama was in a battlefield.
It wasn’t a sneaky assassination, or a small scuffle it was a scene that could be appropriately be called a battlefield.
Leading his army of strains, armed mafia, and delinquent youth, he clashed with the superpowered people wearing blue clothes, Scepter 4.
Kurayama at the front, leapted. A nice rhythm echoed in his head.
Two of the blue clothes wearing people, twins just in their teenage years, made a pincer attack at him.
Two sabers clad in blue slashed at Kurayama. The twins worked as if they were one, coordinating their movements perfectly attacking from his left and right. There was nowhere to escape.
But Kurayama had no intention of avoiding it from the start.
He released the heat from within his body, flames gushed out around him like water.
Abandoning all control, he entrusted it to his flames making it pure chaos. The twins clentched their teeths as they blocked it with their swords. Normally faced with that kind of raging fire, sword wouln’t be much of a shield, however these swords literally created shields.
The blue light around their swords intensified at expanded into something like a glass wall. Kurayama’s flames couldn’t get through that wall and it was like there was a barrier between them.
‘I see, this must be what is called their ‘probability singularity field’.’
Remembering the technical term he learnt online, Kurayama gave bared his teeth and smiled.
Anyway kurayama backed them into a corner. + description effect of fire powers on his body
“Ahh, doesn’t this feel good? Breaking free.”
Anyway Kuryama concentrated his power into his fists and broke through the barrier. The twins were pissed off. But they were stubborn and glared at him. Can you tell im lazy.
“Don’t push your luck-”
“- Strain!”
The peaceful looking blue flame flared up like a fire when they spoke. Kurayama grinned.
“Good, good, just like that! This is the power of the blue clothed… the clansmen that received powers from a King.”
His flames also flared up and ~ two dancing flames wooo~ burned the building beside them ayeeeeeeee. Also there was the sound of all the window glass breaking at once. SO HOT. HOT DAMN!
“Hayato! Akito!”
A bitter man’s voice snapped through the air like a whip.
I think they dispelled their shield and jumped away. Kurayama looked in the direction of the voice.
The man looked like he was in his forties, but from his expression alone, you’d think it was an old man. “Withdraw!”
“Acting commander!”
Their voice seemed to blame him.
“Let’s bring him down here and now!”
“No. There’s going to be too much damage to the surroundings,” rejected the acting commander.
Kurayama looked around. The battle intensified and the surrounds were a wreck, people were injured everywhere, it wouldn’t be surprising if a few were dead. Not just strains but even normal people were caught up in the mess.
“Withdraw!” the acting commander ordered once again.
The other blues withdrew while protecting their injured.
The two young twins glared at Kurayama but in the end followed.
Like a child who got interrupted while having fun, Kurayama debated whether to chase after them or let them go. Even though he was in the middle of playing with the twins, this so called acting commander was now standing before him and tho he gave off an empty mood he looked skilled.
He wanted to fight him all out. He wanted to break free to his heart’s content.
He suddenly thought that Tsurumi would get angry at him seeing like this, but then he remembered Tsurumi had lost.
Tsurumi Touya had lost. The smart guy he’d known for three years, who had initially given him all his knowledge about this world and he had told that he would become the red king to. He lost. On the day they were going to found their nation.
Kurayama had both anger and frustration as well as anticipation mixed in his heart.
Suoh Mikoto was still a normal human, yet he beat Tsurumi, a Strain with an almost invincible power.
Ever since he first met him, he thought he was something special and he wasn’t wrong.
“Mitsuha-san! A report on the injuries!”
A young man rushed up to Kurayama like a war messenger kneeled on one knee. He announced in a clear voice the number of people injured, and the number of people who couldn’t move. Im lazyyyyy. Tldr ppl are INSPIRED AND CHARMED by mitsuha
The army of Strains, and the force of the deliquents. The police couldn’t handle them, and if they did they would die with no powers. The Blues, and the Golds behind them probably thought it through. In the current situation, with all the Strains gathered, normal civilians would get caught up so they had to minimize damage but also avoid powers being known? Idkzzz
“How are we any different to a Clan?” Tsurumi once said, “We’re not. We’ve got people with superpowers gathered together, we’ve got a king like existence, and we’re governing our own country. Whoever tries to invade out territory we wage war on. And as long as we show off our powers enough, people will recognise it. We’re a Clan. You’re a King.”
That was Tsurumi’s plan.
Kurayama didn’t mind either way. He knew Tsurumi wanted Strains to be able to self govern, but for Kurayama that wasn’t a particularly important point.
Regardless of whether they gained recognition or not, he’d just fight wherever he goes.
He took out his PDA as he glanced at the injured ppl and reporting ppl, and opened the site he went on quite a lot lately. The <<jungle>> logo shone green. It was also due to this site that he managed to gather so many Strain subourdinates.
It was a high anonymity social networking site rumoured to be run by the mysterious green clan.
Just a while ago someone with the handle name H.N. posted.
“A Strain found unconscious in a train at Shizume-cho Station was just taken to Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Centre.”
When he read that, Kurayama was a bit shaken.
This H.N. character knew an abnormal amount of information. But as long as he could use the information, Kurayama didn’t particularly care who the source was. But this time he gave details on Tsurumi’s current whereabouts, and normal Strains wouldn’t care at all about this information, so for the first time Kurayama wondered what their motive was.
It was as if it was written directly for him.
Kurayama thought for a moment, and then clicked to reply to H.N. Kurayama usually used the app for reading messages from his subordinates and rarely wrote much himself, so his typing was slow.
“What are you?”
He sent a short message.
“Someone interested in you.”
Kurayama stared at the reply.
Even though ‘jungle’ was a high anonymity social network, coming up with a handle name was annoying so he just used his real name. blah blah
“I want to see where your ambitions lead you. Taking control and pursuing your dreams, it is admirable.”
Again the reply came immediately after he sent the message. Something.
This person was probably… the Green King.
Kurayama was somewhat interested in this King who left the stage and moved secretly behind the scenes.
Perhaps they knew of Kurayama beforehand, and went out of their way to pass him information.
Feeling like he was being watched, Kurayama looked around his surroundings. Obviously he didn’t see anyone suspicious around him, but he could feel H.N. smiling from the other side of the PDA.
Whatever. Kurayama didn’t really care since they’d left the stage. They were still just someone he could make use of. If Tsurumi was at the centre, then he’d go over and find him after things calmed down.
As he was about to press his home button to close the app, H.N. sent another message.
“If you achieve your ambitions, perhaps we will meet again some day.”
Kurayama paused. But before he could react, he received another message from one of his subourdinates.
He switches chats and widened his eyes. After looking his phone for a few seconds… he smiled.
‘We’ve found Suoh Mikoto. He’s hiding in an abandoned building.’
Blahblah. There was also photo of Mikoto not in disguise or anything just calming walking up the emergency stairs of a building with a cigarette in his mouth.
So you’re finally here. The fight with the blues left him unsatisfied but he felt new anticipation rising.
All thoughts of H.N. disappeared from his mind. He put his PDA in his pocket and started to leave.
“Mitsuha-san, where are you going?” asked a subordinate.
“To kill Suoh Mikoto,” he replied in good humor.
The subordinate made a puzzled expression with ‘At a time like this…?’ written all over his face.
‘It’s exactly because it’s a time like this’ Kurayama’s heart hummed in response.
Killing Suoh Mikoto would be the finishing touches to him becoming the Red King is what he felt.
“What… is this…”
Kusanagi was frozen at the sight before him.
Did they believe in supernatural powers or not? Even though they only just talked about it, now it seemed like a distant memory. Right now before his eyes, it was no longer about whether or not to believe in supernatural powers, but simply an overwhelming reality.
Tldr he went to spy on the situation around town and wandered into a police barriered off for civilians bc yolo sounds like a good place to find stuff.
Slipping through a dirt narrow alley way that only seemed to fit one person at a time, Kusanagi stumbled upon a battle. Not a fight, but most definitely a ‘battle’.
The man wearing blue uniform, in otherwords a Blue was battling with a young man in a black parka.
It was like a well scripted performance.
The sabre shone blue and …. Tldr visibly left a trail of blueness as it cut through the air. The other party jumped up high, maybe even 5 metres, to avoid it. The blue light lashed at the building behind them and scarred the concrete wall.
The man in the parka swung his fist while still in midair and aimed at the Blue from above. The Blue was already prepared and blocked the attack with his sabre. The fist and sabre struck each other.
“Absurd…” said Kusanagi in disbelief.
He thought the man in the parka would’ve been killed, but what he heard wasn’t the sound of flesh being torn, but the clang of two hard objects colliding as if his fist was made from metal. It seemed their strength could rival one another.
But, in the next moment the Blue swung his sabre, and the man in the parka was sent flying towards the alley where Kusanagi was hiding. He panicked and shrunk back into the alley, hiding his face. The man in the parka struck the building next to him creating a dent as if a solid iron ball had hit the building.
The man in the parka merely clicked his tongue and then jumped back up charging back towards the Blue.
Tldr He punched at the Blue and then escaped in the moment he faltered.
The Blue was going to chase after him but the brooch looking intercom on his collar lit up and a voice came through.
“There’s been an order to withdraw. Cease fighting.”
The Blue who was about to chase after the man in the parka, immedidately stopped.
“What!? … Damnit!”
The Blue cursed in frustration. He glared at the retreating back of the man in the parka but put away his sabre as ordered and ran off in the opposite direction. Hiding in the alleyway, Kusanagi put his hand to his chest as if calming his wildly thumping heart. ‘What on earth was that just now” he whispered.
Even encountering such a fight, he was not shaken?? Was this what Mikoto meant when he mentioned the guy having strange powers? Imlazyandthisisntimportant. Theres a lot of ppl like that and Kurayama is leading them and obsessed with Mikoto etc etc.
A renewed chill swept over Kusanagi. How could they prepare for this? He couldn’t even begin to imagine. As he started weakly took a step forward, he noticed a PDA that had dropped in front of him.  
Mostly it belonged to the Blue or the guy he was fighting. It probably fell out when he blown against the wall.
Kusanagi picked up the PDA and examined it. There wasn’t a lock, and it showed the screen the owner last had open. He could tell at a glance that it was a page from the ‘jungle’ app. Kusanagi didn’t use the app, but he’d seen other people use it before. It was popular amongst middle schoolers. The screen seemed to be ‘jungle’s noticeboard.
Kusanagi looked at the notices, his expression gradually stiffening.
“What… is this…”
At first, he couldn’t understand the information that people were posting. But as he kept reading, he got the impression that this is where the “people with strange powers” exchanged information.
“So ’Strain’ refers to the people with strange powers? Scepter 4… would be the Blues? So they really are an organisation that manages Strains…”
The people on the board used their own technical jargon and Kusanagi tried to guess the meanings based on context.
Information like the Blues’ combat styles and tricks on how to escape from them were being exchanged. It seemed to be a knowledge base on how to live without being caught by the Blues. Based on the dates of the posts, it seemed that recently there was a shift from how to “escape” from the Blues to how to “fight” the Blues.
‘Right now, there is no Blue King. They are no different from us. They can’t control us.’
Kusanagi paused at that line.
Blue King.
“Hey, Kusanagi-san, do you know the legend of the red king?”
Totsuka’s words echoed in his mind. He gulped, and decided to try his best to figure out the information written on the notice board. He slid his finger across the screen.
At that moment, *ting* a message popped up on the screen.
‘Gathering information from someone else’s PDA?’ was the message.
Kusanagi shivered. That message was not addressed to the PDA’s owner, but to Kusanagi. He looked around him, confused.
But no one was there. Insert atmosphere description. Perhaps due to the previous conflict, there wasn’t even a cat in sight.
“How…” muttered Kusanagi, surprised.
A second message appeared.
“The young man who wants to become the red king is currently heading towards your friend. It will be a sight to behold.”
Kusanagi widened his eyes and felt uneasy.
The young man that wants to become the red king? Kurayama Mitsuha? Kurayama knows where Suoh is hiding? Now, when he hadn’t even come up with a plan yet, when things were looking more and more hopeless. Even in this situation Suoh would probably simply take on the fight. And what lied ahead was…
Kusanagi broke into a run. He didn’t care anymore about the sender of the message who seemed as if they were watching him.
Running. Rushing. What on earth do they do?
He could only continue running without a plan.
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anemoi-i · 7 years
The (short) Character Descriptions from GoD, w/ Shameless Commentary
Sharon: A genius scientist who advanced technology by decades.
My first starter character in Game of Dice. Love her. A+.
Doria: A passionate policewoman who joined the league to bring justice to criminals.
Start with Prince. That lil shit.
Stella: Unassuming at first glance, but a super heroine once transformed.
Technological magical girl.
Lynnway: A young martial artist who masted the traditional martial arts form of her family.
Cool, but besides knowing she’s rivals with Sophia, there needs to be way more about her.
Raven: Always stuck in second place.
How is this guy the second ranked in the Genius League when Prince is the richest gentleman of the Genius League? I almost feel sorry for him.
Rica: A superstar who mesmerizes the people with a breathtaking performance.
Not sure why she’s in the Genius League. Seriously. I’m not sure.
Tora: The famous Boy Genius with an IQ level of 200!
*Laughs, resists Jack Spicer Joke.*
But in all honesty? His dead sister following him is sad. 
Black Rose: A killer who’ll do anything for money!
They changed up her style a little. Her hair was much longer but now it’s short in the back and long in the front, which is cool. Ah, our favorite Kill Bill enthusiast, which is obviously where the design for Time For Revenge came from.
Mary Chester: Mary Chester, valedictorian of her Magic School.
So it’s obvious Mary plays SOME SORT of vital role in Game of Dice, but it’s jumbled. She’s not my favorite, I admit. I tolerate her.
Ion Christine: Telekinetic who controls the dice with psychokinesis.
(I’m looking at YOU, Prince and YOU, Dr. X...)
Sophia: Martial Artist Lynnway’s same aged rival.
...How old are they? Like I said about Lynnway, needs way more info.
Isabelle: A privileged child who lost her parents in the Bella Cruise
Must be tough. Would like to know more about her backstory.
Anthony: Pirate who rules and roams the ocean with her pirate ship.
MY QUEEN, MY KING, MY EVERYTHING TO WHO I BOW TO I- *ahem*. I fucking love Anthony. 
Anyway, isn’t Anthony the character that has the most depictions of them on skill cards now? Revenge (not Time for Revenge), actually has her beta design.
Kai: A magician in chase of Anthony for her treasure.
Yeah sure... “treasure.”
The wiki also says that the Navy Strikes Back board was synonomous of himself and Anthony and his deal with the navy to capture Anthony.
Lucy: A girl who dashes to the Genius League on a banana boat, Lucy!
The wiki actually says that she and Anthony are best friends and the reason she joined the Genius League was to join Anthony, so I’m sticking with that.
Edward Prince: Richest Gentleman of the Midas Group!
...Midas Group or Genius League? Might be two different things if I remember correctly. Whoops. Anyway, this is the shit that hurled a giant needle at Ion and turned him all berserk, but we have NO STORY after that. Still bitter.
Also he’s like Tamaki Suoh and Francis Bonnefoy but Evil(TM).
Liz: A maid who joined the Genius League to help out sloppy Prince.
Good luck with that girl.
Alice: Alice and Ion face-off! And what’s going on between her and the Midas Group?
All questions we’d like to be answered.
Ling Ling: Genius League’s Newest contestant! Cheerful Part-Timer Girl.
...I don’t really have a comment on her. I feel like not many use her or like her?? Not sure.
Wintry Mary: Mary, discovered by Dr. X in the ruins of Midas City.
But does she and the original Mary both exist together is the question.
Dr. X: Midas Group’s owner is finally revealed! Dr. X!
Yes and he’s a jackass, especially when people be using his Marionette-Gravity Up Strategy. Annoying.
Refia: An Android who yearns for human emotions.
....Protect her....
Kaito: World-renowned Engineer and an Perfectionist.
I feel sorry for him because no one really uses him. What a shame.
Yuki: A newbie ninja that infiltrated the Genius League!
Okay, but can I say that I like her design on the start menu of GoD better than her actualy design in-game? Yeah.
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Review: Ouran High School Host Club
Title: Ouran High School Host Club / Ōran Kōkō Hosuto Kurabu 桜蘭高校ホスト部
Mangaka: Bisco Hatori 葉鳥ビスコ
US Publisher: Viz Media
Status: Complete
Level: High School
Reader's Advisory Tags: humor, school stories, shoujo, non-binary character
Anime: Funimation, Netflix, Hulu.
Content Warnings: Some light innuendos, occasional comedic violence.
I'm very biased about Ouran High School Host Club. It is one of my favorite manga of all time, and one that I have the entire set of on my library shelf. I think it's a masterpiece of the genre, and I'm not alone in thinking so. So, I just want to be clear: this review is totally biased and driven by a profound love.
Ouran is the tale of Fujioka Haruhi, a scholarship student at Ouran High School. Ouran is a prestigious school for the ridiculously rich, which Haruhi is attending to pursue her dream of being a lawyer like her late mother. One day, struggling to find a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles across the Host Club: a group of affluent boys who run a club where they entertain young ladies of the school with nothing better to do. Because of Haruhi's sloppy clothes (she can't afford the uniform) and haircut (a neighborhood kid stuck gum in her hair, so she cut it out), she appears to be a nerdy boy to the members of the Host Club. When she accidentally breaks an expensive vase, she finds herself in debt- and is forced to do menial tasks for the club. It isn't until the end of the chapter, after a makeover which gives her the appearance of a cute boy, that the reader and the members of the Host Club are made aware that Haruhi is a girl. What follows, over the next eight volumes, is a farcical comedy of errors and ultimately heartwarming tale of expanding horizons. The Host Club struggles to keep Haruhi to themselves, and Haruhi struggles to understand the boys of the Host Club.
What makes Ouran so unique is the characterization of Haruhi and the various members. Haruhi is actually a very sensible and intelligent character, and sees herself as essentially androgynous. It's very easy to argue that Haruhi is nonbinary. Her father is a trans woman, proclaiming that he is in fact bi (I use "he/him" for Ranka because those are the pronouns used in the text), and that Haruhi's mother was the only woman he would ever love. Crossdressing is not unusual as a plot point in shoujo manga. Another classic, Hana Kimi, features a girl crossdressing in order to enter an all boys' school. What makes Haruhi unique is that her androgynous personality is what throws her into the situation. She's not a girly girl hiding out to have access to this harem of dudes- in fact, most of the time, she finds them slightly annoying.
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Haruhi is a character who is honest, straightforward, and determined. While all of the male characters inevitably fall in love with her, it makes sense that they would. She gives these rich boys a lot of levity, and understands them in all their idiosyncrasies. She's the only character allowed to see them outside of their performances.
Each of the boys has a unique personality. Suoh Tamaki is the president of the Host Club, an earnest but dense character with narcissistic tendencies (he's highly lovable despite being a bit of an idiot). Ohtori Kyoya is the vice president, and the person actually pulling the strings. His strategic maneuvering seems sinister but ultimately has positive goals. Hitachiin Kaoru and Hikaru are twins who are incredibly close and mischievous (there are many similarities between them and the Weasley twins). Haninozuka Mitsukuni (aka "Hunny") appears to be a cute little boy, but is in fact a senior with killer martial arts skills. Morinozuka Takashi (aka "Mori") is a quiet and strong young man who waits upon Hunny (their relationship is a callback to traditional Japanese tropes of servitude among samurai). Each boy has an interesting backstory and personality, and expectations are regularly subverted by the text.
Ouran also does a lot of playing with tropes of the genre, and is a direct send up of female otaku culture. The series is a playground of feminine fantasy, while also making clear how ridiculous some of those fantasies can be. The story also blossoms across the eighteen volumes, into a sweet love story and a tale of human connection. Haruhi does eventually fall for one of these boys, but in a genuine way that never sacrifices her personal goals for herself. The ridiculous scenarios are hilarious, and the artwork is gorgeous. Hatori is a master of facial expression, and has a delicate hand. Every illustration is lush and detailed. Images from Ouran are permanently etched into my mind.
I can promise that if you buy this series, it will circulate and that it's worthy of circulating. Ouran is a classic of the genre and has a lot of meaning for many fans of manga. When I put our set out, I had multiple students thank me for it. It's an 18-volume series, and it can be cost prohibitive to actually buy for yourself.
I'll add that the anime is also considered a classic, and is well done. It's not perfect, and I'm not a fan of how the series wrapped up (it went completely off script from the original manga), but it's still very good. With Fruits Basket getting a full story animation this year (we'll talk about Fruits Basket soon), I'm hoping that Ouran may be due for a full story animation as well.
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archive-of-fics · 6 years
Roommates - Mikoto x reader x Munakata
Every time the three of them would exit the privacy of their apartment they'd consistently get strange looks, because (1) they all came out the same time (2) they'd all look a bit disheveled being that they were college students (well with the exception of Munakata but there were even times where even he would look a bit sloppy) and (3) for God's sake how else wouldn't that look sketchy? "Christ, do they got anything better to do than stare at us?" Mikoto grumbles, shifting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder. Munakata can only smile as he unlocks his car. And as if they all had practiced, in one simultaneous motion [Name] enters the passenger seat, Munakata the driver and Mikoto in the back seat (he never bothers with the seatbelt). "Well, what did you expect? We live in the same building with a bunch of Jesus Freaks and to top it all the King of them lives down the hall from us." She speaks up, pulling down the mirror to check if her mascara was smearing. "What was his name again?" "Jerry Freecs." Munakata answers. "Oh, right. His wife was eying me a bit strangely the other day. It gave me the creeps." [Name] shivers dramatically, making them laugh. Flick! Mikoto ignites a cigarette and lets out a long deserved drag (not really it's only 9 AM). "Maybe you can end up in a steamy threesome. The King, his Queen and their little mistress. A little roleplay didn't hurt no one." He gives a teasing wink. An odd warmth covers her cheeks as she reaches out to him, but he dodges the attack and let's out a hearty laugh. "You know, Mikoto, one of these days you're gonna fly right through the windshield." Munakata teases, adjusting his mirror.  "Good, then I don't need to deal with your bullshit." He retorts, lounging in the back and [Name] can't help but giggle at their constant banter.  And it was like this every morning, well with the exception of Mikoto needing to go back to campus because he has one Godforsaken evening class that he highly regrets. Who takes an art class at five in the afternoon (his class is a duration of 3 hours and 50 minutes)? But then things took a turn for the more complicated. It was late, like really, really late. Mikoto and [Name] insanely drunk, forcing Munakata to act like the sober mom. Endless suggestive remarks made from both parties as the two struggle to keep themselves together but miserably fail as she wound up rolling on the floor laughing her ass off. "Am I going to have to take you here, [Name]?" Mikoto begins to get on his knees in front of her. And her laughter comes to an abrupt stop as her lips curve into a smile, lying on her stomach and a gaze sultry as ever.  "That's very naughty of you, Suoh." [Name] replies as he lowly chuckles and begins to invade her personal space. Munakata throws his head back and groans in annoyance.  "C'mon you two, we need to get back to the apartment. It's nearly 3 AM, for Heaven's sake." He voices, getting a strong hold on both of their wrists. Mikoto and [Name] exchanges similar looks and drag the third party downward, ending up in a not so appropriate, tangled heap as they drunkenly laugh aloud.  "What on eart--I knew it! Jerry, you owe me thirty bucks!" A female voice calls out. A pause. All three heads turn to the middle aged women, clad in pajamas who stares them down a yard away from where they were situated at. The moment that man enters Munakata's view his heart nearly stops. Out of all the people they could've run into like this. "Knew what--oh Christ."  Enter the King of all Jesus Freaks (as [Name] would put it). Probably one of the most homophobic bastards in their complex to ever exist. Just their fucking luck. Not only was he widely known throughout their area, but he constantly made rude remarks about how immoral it was for two men and a woman to live together (thank God, none of them were religious enough to hear any of his sermons).These never went unnoticed, especially by Munakata himself. But before the priest can even utter a word, Munakata straightens himself out and grabs the intoxicated pair and makes a run for it. "May God bless you!" He calls out as the two seem to sober up a bit and get a hold of themselves. Munakata digs through his pocket for his access card, but somehow Mikoto's impaired mind gets it out before he does and a small beep is heard, indicating that the door is now unlocked. Thrown open, the three stumble in and it is quickly closed and locked. [Name] has already seemed to pass out on the couch and Mikoto soon follows, cuddling into her side. Munakata sighs as he opens the fridge and pulls out two water bottles and the Advil and sets them on the coffee table in front of passed out pair. He pulls on the throw on that rests on the edge of the couch as he settles on the opposite side of Mikoto and tucks the three of them in. A morning of double trouble hangovers awaits.
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
maybe headcannons playing 7 minutes in heaven in a host club party with the hosts
I apologize for taking so long with writing for this idea. I needed to gather my creative strength to do each host justice! I hope you enjoy!
Tamaki Suoh
- He is extremely nervous to be in the closet with you. He understands the intentions of the game and he’s not sure how to conduct himself with you.  - He wants to at least touch you, even if it’s a pat on the shoulder.  - He’s glad you can’t see him the dark because he’s blushing like crazy.  - He reaches out and gently strokes your arm with his fingertips and quietly asks if this is ok. When he hears you say yes he sighs in relief but instantly freezes back up because... - Should he try to push further with his touches or should he be content with this? - He would definitely need your help in guiding his hands and lips to where you want them to be. He’s a nervous wreck and wouldn’t know what to do or which boundaries he shouldn’t cross. - He’ll eventually find your groove and obedientally follow your silent instructions, grateful for your generosity in the situation.  - When your minutes are up he’ll try to choke out a sweet nothing to commemorate your time together but he’ll stutter and clear his through because you got him a little too flustered ;).  
Kyoya Ootori
- He wants to act like he doesn’t have time for these foolish games. He’s got better things to do than wait in a dark closet with you for seven minutes. SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES. Seven minutes he could be using to check to stock markets or email back a colleague.  - He decides that if he’s going to waste his precious time in here, he might as well make the most of it. After all, he doesn’t do anything unless it brings him merit and in this case, that thing is you.  - He will unapologetically push you into the hanging coats and kiss you. He doesn’t wait for your permission (he doesn’t have to since you return his kiss) or stop to take a breath. He will make the most of this.  - At first its sloppy because it’s too dark for him to find your lips on the first try and he quietly curses this absurd game for making everything difficult. But within second he finds your lips and charges forward.  - He gives it everything he has. Tongue. Licking, Suckling.  - When your seven minutes are up he’ll pull back, flatten out the wrinkles in his shirt and pants, and walk out of the closet as if nothing ever happened... leaving you a total mess tangled in the coats. 
Mitsukuni Haninozuka
- He surprisingly looks forward to spending seven private minutes with you but probably not for the reasons everyone suspects. He’s a gentleman at heart and he would never rush you into something you’re not prepared or ready for, no matter how excited he gets.  - He wants to spend this time to talk to you. He’ll ask about your day, how your lunch tasted, what you ate for dinner last night, and how your family is doing. He’ll ask you all the things he wants to ask you without the pesky host club ease dropping.  - Then... he’ll move into the juicier stuff... like who you have a crush on and if you like anyone in the host club. He’ll promise it’ll be a secret between you two and although he winks at you, you can trust him. He is forever bound to the Haninozuka code of honor.  - He might even ask if you want to kiss Usa-chan which... is a little weird even for him... but he has his reasons. Mostly because he’s too shy to ask for a kiss himself.  - When your seven minutes are up he’ll smile and thank you for keeping him company and skip out of the closet with Usa-chan nestled tightly to his chest. 
Takashi Morinozuka
- He. Will. Be. A. Nervous. Wreck. This young man has no idea what to do with his hands, his legs, his mouth, or even his eyes. He is eternally grateful that the lights are turned off because he’s blushing harder than you’ve ever seen him blush. In fact, now that you can’t see his face he is showing more emotion than you’ve ever seen him show.  - He’ll ask you if you’re alright, if you’re comfortable, and if you’re having a nice day. Anything to fill the tension rising in the closet.  - You will have to reassure him that you two don’t have to do anything in the closet. In fact, if he so wishes, you two can just sit in the closet and do/say nothing until your time is up. You don’t want to do that but you will for Takashi. - But... he also doesn’t want to do that... he just has no idea WHAT do to. - So he’ll swallow his nerves in a loud gulp and do what he normally does with you. He pats your head. - Except this time his fingers linger in your hair and he massages his fingertips across your scalp, tangling your hair along the way. He pets the back of your head a little more before retreading, pleased with his polite boldness and having the privilege of touching you a degree more intimately.  - When the seven minutes are up you’re the first to leave the closet while he’s left to collect himself mentally. 
Hikaru Hitachiin
- He will be caught between wanting to be feisty and having the courage to be feisty. He wants to kiss you but actually having to lean over and kiss you honestly terrifies him.  - First of all, he can’t even find you. It’s too dark. So he swings an arm out in front of him to see where you’re sitting. When he hits you and coaxes an “ouch” out of you he’ll blush and apologize quietly.  - Then he’ll lean forward on his knees and try to feel for where your head is. His hand will roam all over your torso, your arm, and accidentally touching your chest. - You might smack his arm in surprise and he’ll apologize ten times over but he is thankful for the darkness... you can’t see his mischievous smile. - He’ll kiss your hair first because he missed your lips by a long shot. Then he’ll kiss your ear because he has no concept of length or dimensions. Then he’ll kiss your forehead because he doesn’t understand your lips are down, not up. - Meanwhile, you’ll probably think he’s really romantic and bold.  - Nope. He’s just dumb and can’t find your lips. - When he finally does he’ll peck them carefully... and then again... and then again... - And right when you think you’ll two will make out the closet door swings open, thus ending your time. 
Kaoru Hitachiin - He’s so shy he almost can’t bear it. When he’s with Hikaru he feels more confident but right now it’s just you and him... in a dark closet.  - He can’t help but imagine the possibilities; him kissing you, you kissing him back, hands exploring each other’s bodies both above and below clothing. It all sounds very appealing and he knows what he has to do. - He reaches out and tries to touch you somewhere appropriate so he can find you. When he does and he leans in to kiss you.  - His kisses are soft and gentle at first but soon he finds his own courage, one not reliant on his twin or his friends, and boldly takes charge.  - He might even slip his tongue past your lips just to see what you taste like.  - And his hands? Oh my his hands... they found you all right. Right now they’re finding every curvy inch of you.  - He loses himself in you, eternally thankful to have this moment to himself and not shared with anyone else. He greedily wants this moment all to himself.  - He wants to be the only person privy to how you taste and how you kiss back.  - When your minutes are up he’ll let you leave first. He can’t stand up right now... not with his - uh - tented pants. 
Haruhi Fujioka
- Not only is she nervous but she literally has no idea what you expect her to do. All she knows is she has to spend seven minutes alone with you. She’s also very annoyed that they turned the lights off. Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of spending time with you? - She will start your seven minutes with her grumbling about how illogical this game this and how there is no point or reason.  - You quickly realize that it’ll be up to you to change her mind.  - So you lean forward and kiss her first.  - She’ll pull back with a jerk, shocked and confused. She’ll shakily ask you why you just did that and you’ll have to explain the purpose of seven minutes in heaven.  - It’s too dark to see her blush but oh boy is she red... but not because she’s embarrassed. She. Is. Furious. She cannot believe her friends pushed her into a closet to make out with you.  - Of course, it’s no offense to you, she just never signed up for this. - So for the rest of the time you two will sit beside each other and discuss the game. She has many questions about it like why people are obligated to kiss and why people willingly play something so stupid.  - By the time your seven minutes are up you’re worn out and she stomps out, ready to punch a few people in the face. 
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
Hi! Could you do headcanons for the hosts comforting? helping? their s/o who is having a major depressive episode?
Tamaki Suoh:
Freaks out initially but quickly calms down once he realizes he's not helping.
Lots of blankets, lots of homemade soup, and lots of warm tea with complimentary cookies.
Writes them lovey-dovey love letters by hand and sends them through the snail mail with a wax seal.
Kyoya Ootori:
Before anything else he suggests medication - in the most considerate sensitive way.
Lavender everything; bath salts, teas, candles, essential oils, bouquets with baby breaths.
All the cuddles in bed with lots of pillows. Lots. Of. Pillows.
Mitsukuni Haninozuka:
Turns to his fail-proof quick fix for everything; cake and lots of it.
Lets them cuddle with Usa-chan for as long as they need to.
Offers to be the big spoon while they cuddle because usually he's the little spoon.
Takashi Morinozuka:
Clears his schedule for the day; dojo practice, class, everything. Because they need him.
All the forehead kisses and cradle cuddles they could handle.
Spends most of the day outside with them because fresh air and fresh scenery soothes the soul. Mostly in their garden.
Hikaru Hitachiin:
Comedy movies ALL DAY. For him, laughter is the best medicine.
His bedroom; their favorite food, their favorite tea, their favorite movies, everything their favorite.
Hot tub? Hot tub.
Kaoru Hitachiin:
Takes them outside the house to somewhere fun? He hopes an adrenaline rush might help.
Treats them to everything; clothes, food, drinks, entertainment.
Sneaks cheeks kisses all day; both sloppy and pecks.
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ohshcscenerios · 5 years
Tomorrow is my 25th birthday so I figured this calls for a birthday headcanon for each host. Enjoy!
Tamaki Suoh
- Lots of balloons.
- Lots of streamers.
- Lots of confetti.
- Honestly, this guy is an environmentalist's nightmare on your birthday. 
- A “Happy Birthday my love!” morning text before you’re supposed to wake up so that’s the first thing you see. 
- Isn’t above gluing a bow on his forehead and saying “I’m your present” wink wink.
- Weeks prior to your birthday he had Haruhi casually ask you what you wanted for a present. 
- He goes above and beyond for you. 
- He’ll throw a parade for you.
- He’ll order a pilot to sky-write I LOVE YOU above your school. 
- He’s so caught up in celebrating your birthday he doesn’t notice if you’re embarrassed or tired. He has a whole day planned for you two and he’s set on going down the list.
Kyoya Ootori
- He isn’t one for PDA so he’ll look forward to celebrating in private. 
- He will still send you presents... He just won’t be the one delivering them. 
- A pastry & fruit basket waits outside your front door with a note that says Happy Birthday Y/N.
- A gift-wrapped box is beside it. Inside is a slim purple dress with another note that says For tonight. 5pm. (Your Favorite Restaurant). 
- Your day proceeds as normal. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Kyoya understands your need for personal space. He’s also far too busy himself to bother you with antics all day.
- He rolls up in a limousine outside your house/apartment. 
- “Y/N, you look beautiful tonight. Very nice choice in fashion.” wink
- Kyoya doesn’t like to do more than he should and unfortunately that extends to your birthday. He’ll vouch to take you out to eat instead of cooking you something himself. He’s a terrible cook anyway so you understand.
- Bouquet of roses.
- A golden necklace.
- A box of expensive imported chocolates.
- Everything a wealthy boy would be expected to give. 
- A kiss on your hand.
- He gives that just because. 
Hikaru Hitachiin
-  Wakes you up by standing outside your bedroom window with a stereo playing your song.
- “Wake up!”
- “Shut up Hikaru, you’ll wake the neighbors!”
- He doesn’t care you’re still in your pajamas, he wanted to be the first person you see today. 
- “My mom said you can choose whatever you want from last spring’s collection.”
- He’s extra touchy today.
- Holds your hand every time it’s free.
- Steals a kiss on the cheek when you’re not looking.
- His arm is always draped around your shoulder. 
- “You looking at my girl?” 
- He isn’t one to plan ahead so everything he suggests are last minute decisions.
- “Let’s eat there tonight. I hear they give you a free dessert for your birthday. You’d like that right?”
- Throws a fit at what you’re wearing for dinner and raids your closet for a better outfit.
- “I don’t care, you’re not wearing that!” 
Kaoru Hitachiin
- “Good morning Y/N! Hurry up, get out of bed!” - text from Kaoru.
- He’s waiting outside with a bouquet of lilies and baby breaths... and a giant grin.
- Kisses.
- All day.
- Cheek kisses.
- Lip kisses.
- Neck kisses.
- Kaoru knows how to pick up on subtle clues and he’s been watching you for days prior to your birthday.
- Roller skating through the park.
- Holds your hand while roller skating. 
- He treats you to dinner at one of your favorite spots. 
- “Order whatever you want, you deserve it.” 
Mistukuni Haninozuka
- cake.
- Chocolate cake.
- Strawberry cake.
- Mango cake.
- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N-CHAN!” swing hug
- He really looked forward to your birthday because he loves you and he really loves birthday cake.
- Let’s you have Usa-chan for the day. 
- In fact, he insists you have Usa-chan for the day.
- “Do you want to share a milkshake with me, Y/N?”
- Sits in your lap whenever he can. 
- Feeds you cake.
- So much cake.
- You wonder if he’s really celebrating cake instead of you. 
- But he surprises you by giving you the one thing you’ve wanted for a while now.
- “Mitsukuni... I didn’t know you remembered...”
“Of course I remembered Y/N! Whatever is important to you is important to me.”
Takashi Morinozuka
- A “Good morning Y/N. Happy Birthday.” text in the morning. 
- You two have already made plans for today. 
- He’s really shy so he’d prefer to celebrate your birthday in private. He hopes you don’t mind. If you really wanted to do something else he’d swallow his fears and go along with what you want. 
- He asked you a few days ago what you’d like for your birthday and was relieved when you said nothing big.
- Not that he doesn’t want to do something big for you, he’s just clueless when it comes to big romantic gestures. He’s better suited to the little things. 
- A walk through his family’s gardens.
- A homemade flower crown.
- A home-cooked meal for lunch.
- That’s right, Takashi cooks for you. 
- He dares to hold your hand while you’re walking in public. 
- Kisses on the forehead.
- Ruffles your hair every time he thinks you're cute.
- It’s your birthday and he’s so happy to be with you. He just wants to show you how proud he is to be with you. 
Haruhi Fujioka
- Everything is low-key. 
- She’s not one to make a big deal out of things, even your birthday. ouch
- She prepared a homemade bento last night for you filled with your favorite foods. 
- She stayed up all night making it but she’ll never tell you that. 
- A homemade birthday card because she thinks it’s sweeter and she forgot to buy one earlier.
- “Happy Birthday Y/N. What would you like to do today?”
- If you’re undecided she’ll take over and offer going to the mall to window shop or checking out the food vendors on her street. 
- “Here, taste this.” offers her ice cream to you
- Shares everything with you today. 
- She doesn’t mind kissing you but she doesn’t really know how to initiate it. 
- Usually she waits for you to kiss her but since today is your birthday...
- She surprises you with a sloppy kiss on the nose because she missed your lips.
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