#slow june
writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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muffinlance · 1 year
Other child: *reaches for legos at the library’s play table*
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fallowtail · 3 months
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welcome to my account i am very normal about the dead victorian ghost woman
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bonfires-n-hares · 3 months
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Celebrations in the warm summer sun will continue until the light fades into the night (source)
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allistersatelier · 1 year
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magic that makes others happy !
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stardustasincocaine · 1 month
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an understanding [1/2]
(part 2)
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starsupontharss · 1 month
have you ever gotten 9 seasons into a show just to find out that two characters don’t end up together haha no me neither
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pie-bean · 1 year
I started on a little lake today hehe
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lynn-does-stuff · 1 month
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vulpinesaint · 3 months
thank god. new adam lambert gay sex songs. life is beautiful again
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leviosally · 3 months
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I’m still behind 😆🫣 but may I tempt you with some Slow Show boys this time for the 17th’s prompt: Cooking/Dining?
It’s the scene where they go to the cottage for the first time and Crowley’s cooking when Az comes up behind him, and suddenly oh no they’re kissing 🥹🙏🥰 @mia-ugly
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byierficrecs · 1 year
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❝ the strawberries are dying ❞ author: @willelmikes
link: archiveofourown.org/works/46686322
personal blog || submit a story || support me on ko-fi 🍂
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rancidrubysoho · 5 months
i feel nothing but neverending sympathy for basically everyone involved with Homestuck Beyond Canon. if you put me in a situation where a major, controversial plot point of my story was revealed through a fan-contest YEARS before it was actually going to be put into motion, and then i had to deal with people whinging and whining and complaining about it non-stop for YEARS despite the fact that it hasn't actually happened yet and they have no idea what i'm actually going to do with that plot point, i'd kill everyone in the room and then myself.
it's one thing to not like where the story's gone thus far, to be disinterested in post-canon, etc etc etc. totally fair. but holy shit can Homestuck fans realize that complaining about plot beats that HAVEN'T HAPPENED YET is fucking stupid??? you have no idea what's going to happen! you don't! you don't know how this story is going to go! you have your headcanons and theories and your wish-list of shit but you don't know the future and acting like you do is fucking stupid!!!! either let the story be told and save your bitching for when you actually HAVE something to bitch about, or just stop reading and posting about the comic you don't like!!!!!!!!
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bonfires-n-hares · 4 months
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"Breathe the scent of little, earthly things.
Let the twilight touch you,”
~Robin Hyde, Art: Jan Schmuckel (source)
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Bloody Pardon 3
Summary: Anthony Lockwood x Fe!Reader -> You and Lockwood spend the night in bed together and the next day acting like the married couple the government, June and Aunt Vi think you are. But what happens when it starts to feel all too real?
Disclaimer: Snow, fluff, angst, one bed, nothing sexual, falling in love.
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Both yourself and Lockwood had gotten ready for bed and were finally in, laying beside one another. Your arms were out of the covers and across your chest, Lockwood mirroring your own. 
The lamps remained on, meanwhile, the rest of the house was cast into darkness. 
Despite feeling sleepy all of five minutes ago, you were now wide away. Your mind was both running wild with thoughts of embarrassment and terror whilst also having nothing in your mind at all. 
“How long do you think it’ll be before June figures us out?”
“I’d give it a couple hours. She…she doesn’t seem to like me very much.”
“So I’ve noticed. Though, when have you ever cared what people think of you?”
“When, if she discovers the truth, it could kill your aunt.”
“It won’t kill Aunt Vi.”
“Then go and tell her the truth.”
Lockwood lay there before looking at you, swallowing hard. 
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Thank you.”
You turned and looked back at the ceiling, thinking for a moment before turning onto your side to face him. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Only if I can ask you.”
You thought for a moment before nodding. 
“How much of the conversation did you hear? Between your Aunt and I, I mean.”
Lockwood was already looking at you but he looked up to the ceiling again before turning onto his side as he explained. 
“Most of it.”
“How much is most of it?”
“You called me a reckless bastard.” Lockwood told you. “And a death-wished idiot and a-”
“Okay, I get the picture,” you held your hands out to Lockwood. “What did you want to ask me?”
“Okay, well…” 
It took him a moment to gather himself before he asked the question, as if trying to find the best way to phrase it. 
“Earlier, when we came in here, you told me you can barely lie to yourself. What did you mean by that?”
You were trying your best to think of an excuse. Something that would sound at least remotely like the truth. But you couldn’t. Your brain was starting to daze over things. 
Slowly, you turned onto your back, trying to avoid his gaze. 
From behind the door, someone walked down the hall and towards the bathroom. And you could have kissed them because it broke whatever moment had been building between you and Lockwood in the silence of the bedroom.
“We should go to sleep.” you told him. “Night.”
Lockwood tried to stop you but you had already turned out the lamp on your side of the bed so, half sat up in bed, he turned off his own and faced his back against yours.
As the morning came around, shockingly, you found Lockwood was still fast asleep beside you. He also had come so close to you in the night, that his hand had held onto yours, despite him laying on his front. 
It took you a few moments to prepare yourself to move and not wake him but once you left the warmth of his hand and his bed, you wrapped yourself up in a dressing gown and pushed your warm joggers back down your legs since they’d ridden up in the night. 
Quietly, you removed yourself from the bedroom before heading downstairs. 
It was still dark out, despite it being early morning. Everyone, to your concern, was still in bed. That was why it came as such a shock when you opened up the kitchen door and found June with a cup of tea, sitting in the darkness, as if waiting for you like a Bond villain. 
You tried to force your quick scream back down your throat by covering your mouth with your hand but she had already seen you coming a mile off. 
“Good morning.” June said. 
“G-Good morning, June. I…” you swallowed. “I didn’t think anyone was awake yet.”
“They’re not. Just me.”
“Okay then.”
For a moment, you thought about running back upstairs to Lockwood but then you remembered the tea and trying not to be terrified of June. 
“I, uh, would you like another cup of tea?”
You’d never been so nervous to be in your own home. 
“Are you feeling alright since yesterday?”
You looked back and nodded, remembering what Lockwood had said to you. “Oh, yes. I’m feeling better, thank you.”
“There was a message left for you on the machine, from last night.”
“Yes, from one Miss Kirk.”
You stopped pouring the water. 
“Oh. Yes, she’s-”
You were going to say a client, but June beat you to it.
“She’s a divorce solicitor. Apparently your case is very, how did she put it? Unusual.”
You looked up to the shelves in front of you. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Are you really going to divorce him without telling him how you really feel?”
Quickly, you turned around and faced her. And there she sat, one hand on the table, her legs crossed, looking directly at you with a slightly smug, knowing smile. 
“What do-”
“Let me tell you something, missy. You don’t get to my age without noticing a couple things about people. One being, knowing a woman in love. It comes in handy when she’s trying to take your husband from you but in your case, it comes in handy when figuring out if Vi has a good woman coming into her family.”
“Why is that important to you?”
“Because Vi is the closest thing I’ll ever have to a sister. And, if you must know, I think you’re a good woman. Anthony needs you in his life. Not only are you brutally honest with him when need be, but you also make him happy.” June explained. “I was there when he lost his family. I was also there when he lost his smile. And in the last twenty four hours, I’ve seen it come back tenfold.”
“It’s complicated.”
“You like him and he likes you, and from what I’ve heard, nobody in this house has ever done anything the normal way around. So, you skipped the proposal part of the relationship? So what? You love him and he loves you. Why get divorced? You’ll only be married again within a couple years.”
With a slight sigh, you popped the kettle on again to boil. “I’ll tell you how complicated it is.”
The next two hours were spent drinking tea and explaining everything to June from the case that brought it all around to the papers to finding out you were, in fact, a married couple. 
“I just have one question,” June told you when you finished your tale. “Why let him divorce you when you love each other?”
“June,” you sighed. 
“No. You love him and he loves you. Maybe you didn’t have the most conventional beginning, but despite all of it, you still love him. You should tell him.”
“June, I-”
“Tell him.”
Just then, the door to the kitchen opened and Violet entered, still tying her dressing gown around her. 
“Good morning my dears.”
By her actions, Violet was none the wiser on the reality of the situation. 
Half an hour later, Lockwood rose from bed, freshly washed and dressed. As he entered the kitchen, he greeted everyone with a smile, kissing your head as he passed to which you lent into him for a moment, and popped the kettle on. 
“Any plans today, Ladies?”
Violet was planning to show June around London since it was her first proper visit in years and, after a small discussion, Lockwood pulled himself and you into joining them and showing them the best spots in town. 
And, the day passed rather quickly. 
You both showed Violet and June around places in London. You all grabbed tea together and, during the walk back to the park, a musician was playing in the square. 
There weren't many people, but those that were there had decided to sit and enjoy the moment of the song. 
There were no lyrics, but they weren’t needed. 
June and Violet took a moment to sit and listen as the musician blended songs together before continuing with Moon River. Meanwhile, Lockwood stepped out in front of you and held his hand out. 
“Dance with me?”
Anthony smiled. “Really.”
You looked at June and Violet, a little shocked and unsure on what to do but nodded at your husband when you found the two women smiling - June holding up two thumbs, as well. 
For the next couple of minutes, you slow-danced with Lockwood in the square to Moon River all the while the air got a little colder and snow began to fall onto the ground. You felt yourself relax into his arms and your head dropped onto his shoulder whilst his own rested against yours. 
And, for a moment, you closed your eyes and let yourself imagine it was real. That the marriage, and the dancing and the moment - that it was all real. None of it was for show or fake, despite what lay underneath was real. 
For a moment, you let yourself believe it was true love. 
And so did Lockwood. 
For that short moment, he let himself dream that the papers hadn’t been a mistake. That you had known all along. That you were both dancing at your actual wedding and you were dressed in white in a veil that probably would have taken hours to pick out due to the fact it would take more time to actually get you into a bridal store. 
Lockwood knew you. You liked certain things and you were never afraid of anything. 
Except for bridal stores.
You never fully told him the story, too embarrassed to admit it. But, he did know it included an old family friend, a five year plan and a bridal sale. 
You never said anything more than that. 
He imagined what it would be like, to see you walk down the aisle, to have all your family and his family to see you both come together. 
But his mind couldn��t dream any further because, as the song changed, you moved yourself from him. 
“We should probably go, before we all freeze.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
(Hopefully the tags work - fingers crossed)
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