#slowly catching up to emmet month!!!
nell0-0 · 1 year
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Day 14: music!
Just having some fun. Is anyone up for a battle of bands?
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casualsnickers · 4 months
Month of Emmet Quick Write #5
Prompt #5: Forest
Too much work and too few maintenance checks resulted in Emmet being forced to take a little vacation. The location? Undella Bay. But it seems there's something odd under the waves this time of year.
*inspired directly by @irononyx32 from their artwork of the prompt. Go look at their work first, please and thank you.
Read the whole thing under the cut.
               Emmet was careful to keep a firm grip on Eelektross’s neck as they descended through the water, his other pokémon- an Araquanid he had gotten in a trade from an Alolan trainer- careful to follow along as it too crept along the shallow sand beds. It had been based off of a whim to take a small vacation in Undella. Too much stress and too many migraines had gotten Ingo onto Emmet’s case, both him and Elesa derailing his schedule so that they could all take a day off and relax. Emmet had had the choice of selecting where they would be going and with Eelektross’s influence and shining eyes, Emmet had selected Undella Bay without much of a fuss.
               That was the reason he was currently a few meters beneath the ocean’s surface, his eyes catching on the beds of waving kelp that grew like trees under the water. He couldn’t speak underwater but that was fine; both of his pokémon could understand him anyway. Emmet gently tugged on Eelektross’s dorsal fin, his ace pokémon nodding before it began swimming into the kelp forests. Araquanid followed, sneaking close to refresh the oxygen in Emmet’s air bubble before skittering away to hunt something.
               This was mostly Eelektross’s sort of vacation. Emmet rarely ever chose to visit the ocean despite Eelektross being a pokémon that thrived in deep water. It was the only resource- the only home expansion- that Emmet couldn’t afford. Not like Ingo had when his Hisuian Sneasel had started climbing the house and Ingo had been forced to relocate her to their shared home back in Anville where there were plenty of tall cliffs. Eelektross didn’t have any such allowances. Either Emmet had to manually take him to a deep body of water and supervise him for a few hours or the gigantic eel pokémon was without water until the weekend arrived. It was even worse during the winter.
               Emmet only smiled upon seeing his ace pokémon so giddy and excited, recognizing other Eelektross and Eelektrik as they slithered in the sand, their glowing eyes seeming to follow Emmet as he floated alone in the current. Emmet’s own Eelektross amiably swam closer to the shoal, almost dwarfing them with its size as it communicated with its wild friends using the bioluminescent scales along its body.
Don’t wild Eelektross regularly hunt giant prey? I hope I’m not giant prey. I should be fine with both Araquanid and Eelektross, but I should move closer just to be safe.  Something soft touched his leg, Emmet only having a minute to think before being drawn into an air bubble squarely atop his Araquanid’s back. No longer suspended in water, he carefully saddled his pokémon’s back. “Thank you!”
               Araquanid waved its mandibles and then began to pick up the pace, its long legs easily finding their way as they slowly but surely entered the depths of the kelp forest bordering the Undella Sea.
               The stalks of golden leaves rose high in the water, allowing filtered summer light to shine upon the sandy sea floor where both Corsolas and Shellders crawled around, their tough exoskeletons seeming to glitter as they moved between the columns. Emmet sighted a pack of Frillish floating at the top of the kelp, shoals of Luvdisc darting through their outstretched legs as if racing. Emmet even got to see a massive Mantine glide along the seafloor, waving one flipper at him as it passed by.
               It was quiet under the water, the only sound being that of bubbles rising from the sand and of the kelp sliding against one another, muted by the air bubble around his head. He couldn’t go too deep; the pressure of all the water on top of him would hurt him if he went any deeper, but Emmet relaxed, knowing that his pokémon were already keeping a watchful eye on him in case his protective diving suit wasn’t performing correctly.
               As Araquanid crawled over an outcrop of dark rocks, Emmet gasped, leaning closer to stare at the mystical silhouette that was the Abyssal Ruins.
               The Abyssal Ruins were old; older than Unova as a matter of fact, allegedly built by an ancient civilization that worshipped a particular king. At least, that’s the story that archeologists, divers, and anthropologists had come up with after a team of divers had resurfaced with pictures of dust-covered ancient artifacts and sunken walls containing lines upon lines of hieroglyphs. Emmet had no particular desire to get closer.
               The ruins stuck out along the seabed. It was a long slab of rock with a central ziggurat just barely tilting to the side. Decrepit stone houses littered the top of the rock face, it being the only part of the seafloor that didn’t have an obnoxious amount of kelp or coral growing on it.
               And the longer he looked, the more Emmet began to notice that he could hear music. Lulling music. Music that sounded awfully like an orchestra coming directly from the ruins. He tried to think of any ocean pokémon native to Unova that could project their voice underwater, unable to think of anything. The music- it was more like singing- seemed to float into the kelp forest, a few of the Jellicents and Frillish floating off toward the ruins as if enticed to find the source.
               It was a soothing noise. A peaceful song. One that Emmet sworn he had heard before when Ingo had once taken him to visit Celestial Tower back when they were kids. It was the same song that Chandelure often hummed late at night from her perch on the ceiling, the same one that almost always put the brothers to sleep after a long day at work. A horrible chill like being submerged in ice encased Emmet’s body. He shuddered. Time to leave.
               Emmet tapped his Araquanid three times on the side of its head- the signal to resurface. It then called out to Eelektross who had immediately swum back, something large caught in its mouth- probably prey. Eelektross flashed the bioluminescent spots on its body. Two flashes on the side of its face, one on its tail. Resurfacing?
               Emmet nodded, pointing upward. He was grateful when Eelektross swam up to him and wrapped its hands around him, allowing Emmet to take hold of its dorsal fin as both it and Araquanid began to float upwards. And as he rose higher and higher, Emmet chanced a glance back down at the fading ruins.
               He saw what looked to be a shoal of small Basculins swimming toward the walls of the ruins, a much bigger, sleeker-looking Basculin leading the pack. Emmet squinted. No. No, that doesn’t look like a Basculin. Maybe an evolution? But Basculins don’t evolve… Emmet blinked. Ingo had mentioned that the place he had been- Hisui- had featured new evolutions of certain pokémon. Basculin… Basculin was one of those noble pokémon, wasn’t it?
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I’m a sucker for festivals and the summer festivals are no different. The food, the games, the fireworks, and the time spent with your partner/who ever you go with.
How would going to a festival with The twins and N go? [no clue if you do write N or not- I’m just a simp for his new Alt in masters lol]
-holding twins anon
I do write for N! So you’re in luck!
- Going with Ingo is always so romantic. He’s an attentive man and goes all out for outfits for you two.
- You two will be matching in some type of way, he melts seeing you dressed up. He thinks the world of you.
- He rarely lets go of your hand the entire time, claiming he doesn’t want to lose you in the crowd. And while true, that’s only half of it.
- Ingo LOVES the games! Even when going to Nimbasa city’s amusement park, he was never one for the rides like his brother.
- He’s a master at ring tosses and darts.
- He’s winning you ever plushie or inflatable your eyes linger on.
- If you win him something he cherishes it, it’s staying right on his night stand on his side of the bed. He loves it.
- By the end of the night both you and Ingo are carrying several giant plushies, small plushies, and all those fun festival toys.
- Ingo is having the night of his life.
- He fusses over you as you let out muffled giggles, your face a mess from the food.
- But he can’t help but feel his heart racing.
- He adore you, especially looking so happy and content.
- You two find a nice, quiet spot to watch the fireworks. Sitting in the grass, surrounded by all the things you two have collected over the night.
- Ingo loves the lights flashing in the sky, the dazzling colors and fun shapes always capture his attention
- But he can’t tear his eyes away from you.
- The lights flashing across your face, your smile and sparkling eyes have him weak.
- His face burns red when you catch him staring at you.
- He’s so sorry! You’re just so lovely!
- Oh he’s so excited! He’s been looking forward to this for a month!
- One of few times he wakes up early, happily.
- Emmet makes sure you dress comfy, cause it’s going to be a long day! He’ll make sure of it.
- He’s practically dragging you everywhere, checking out all the vendors, buying so many food items, trying everything out.
- His ecstatic grin is contagious, rubbing off on you the entire time.
- Much like his brother, he’s winning you plushies, unlike his twin however, he’s winning you the entire thing.
- He’s not stopping until his hands and tote bags are too full of gifts!
- If you win him something, you’re going to be wrapped up in a bear hug, and smothered with kisses. His darling is so sweet! He’s showing it off no matter what.
- He’s face is just as messy as yours with how much food he’s shoveling into his mouth. But he thinks it’s cute, you better be ready for his sugary kisses!
- He finds you two the perfect view of the fireworks, right on a nice hill top.
- The second the show starts, he’s grabbing your arm, pointing out all the shapes and colors, and just how pretty they are! How cute!
- “But not nearly as you! Yup!”
- He takes this as the perfect time to cuddle you.
- He loves festivals, especially when he gets to enjoy them with you.
- he’s so nervous about this.
- Of course he’d love to go! But crowds make him a little uncomfortable.
- But with you there, holding his hand and happily talking to him, he finds himself relaxing.
- You drag him along, taking him to vendors of your interest and ones you’d think he likes.
- He’s a little skittish about talking to the vendors, until one item catches his eye and you can only laugh as he has a full conversation with them.
- You bought the item for him, a hand carved Zoroark mask to match his outfit.
- He’s so happy about it. Now matching your pace instead of hiding behind you.
- N obviously perks up, slowly coming to enjoy the night.
- He tries his best to win you prizes, but he’s not very good at the games, but he does win you a small Sylveon plushie! He was determined to get it!…cause it evolves with love…and he loves you.
- Though when you win him something, his face lights up, a heavy blush coating his cheeks as he holds the plush close, burying his face into it.
- You two find a more hidden and quiet spot to watch the fireworks.
- You two have your elbows locked together, sitting on a secluded hill top, watching the light show.
- N is so torn between looking at you and looking at the fireworks exploding in the air.
- His long green hair nearly smacking you in the face repeatedly, with how fast he was moving his head.
- He couldn’t help it! He wants to look at you! The lights dancing across your face, eyes shining in the bright lights.
- To looking at such a spectacular display, and watching it light up the night sky with such beautiful shapes and colors.
- Needless to say, he loves festivals now, he wants to go to more with you in the future.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
After Volo is defeated in the modern Zoroark Possession AU, Emmet personally destroys the pokeball Volo used to capture Ingo. With a sledgehammer. (He let Ingo out first, of course).
(After Emmet battled Ingo, Ingo fainted and automatically returned to the pokeball, but since Volo had left, Emmet just. Picked the pokeball up. Technically this would make Emmet Ingo's trainer. This idea makes Emmet verrrrry uncomfortable. He can definitely understand why Ingo was so reluctant to start using pokeballs now.)
Ingo just. Slowly comes back to himself to see his brother violently smashing the device that had essentially been used to take away his free will. As soon as Emmet notices Ingo isn't just, like, sitting there waiting for a command anymore, he rushes over to hug him.
Since Emmet didn't break out of the brainwashing until after Ingo got Captured, this would be the first indication (or at least the first indication from Emmet himself) Ingo had seen in months that his brother actually cared about him (and not just some imagined human version of him that hadn't actually existed since Emmet was three weeks old).
Anon I am so soft for this... and also laughing at the mental image of Emmet destroying Ingo's pokeball with extreme prejudice. Eleas points out that all he really needs to do is break it in half for it to be rendered non-functional, but he will not be satisfied until it has been broken into pieces! Smash! Destroy!
And yes... Emmet just goes in for that hug without hesitation. Ingo is stunned for a good moment- in part because his brain is trying to catch up with everything that has happened- but once he realizes what is going on, he does not hesitate to return the hug... and basically engulf his brother in fur because he is currently a 10 foot tall looming Zoroark, lmao. Get smushed.
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regionalpancake · 1 year
🌈 for the fic ask meme!
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
YES! It was Out of the Game, my entry for last year's Merry Month of Cohen. I was writing for the fest while Season 2 was airing. I really struggled with losing the Motley Crew, as well as making sense of a lot of the character choices. Every week I would try to write something... and every week the canon made me metaphorically crumple my work up and toss it in the bin.
When the Agnes and Borg Queen plot was developing I started writing a fic called Shadows - 'As the Borg Queen seeks control over Agnes, she walks through Agnes’ memories of the last year. Of La Sirena, of found family, and of Rios.' Which I stopped working on when the canon got too sad for me.
Then I started writing Raffi breaking the news to the holos (or at this point holo, singular) that Rios wasn't coming back:
“You’ve looked better.” Raffi startled at the familiar voice, and looked round to catch the last prismatic shiver of a hologram activating. “Emmet?” “Roughly,” The holo shrugged, looking instead at the open crate, at the books, at the mementos, then at Raffi’s sad eyes.
But I couldn't get my head round Seven's canon choice to merge the holos, so that one cos scrapped.
So then I started Night Sky With Exit Wounds, a Seven/Raffi fic where Seven is struggling with the sensory impact of losing her implants:
“Y’know you’re pretty quiet,” Raffi trailed off and followed Seven’s gaze up through the glass of the roof. The night sky glittered in the dark of the French countryside at night.  “The stars look beautiful out here, huh?” “Where, exactly?” Seven’s head moved slowly, eyes scanning the sky above. “You’re kidding me? Right there, y’know those twinkly things,” Raffi wiggled her fingers playfully. There was no response from the xB and Raffi let the gesture fade, “you might have heard of them since you wrote the books on astrometrics.” Seven squinted at the night sky through the glass. Cold points of light burned back. Like light through cheap fabric. Like dead pixels. “That’s just communication satellites.” Seven said, uncertainty creeping into her voice, as she struggled to remember constellations. “They’re not,” The realisation weighed cold and heavy in her chest. “I didn’t even recognise them.”
And then THAT got scrapped, or indefinitely put on the back burner.
Then there was the confrontation with the Borg Queen on La Sirena and I started writing Traveling Light, a fic from Seven's POV while she's bleeding out:
The thing that isn’t Agnes is talking to itself.  It’s voice flitting in and out of bargaining tones. You try to listen closer but blood rushes in your ears instead.
After all those half finished attempts, I finally settled on a theme; Raffi recording a message to Rios, about his choices, that she'll never deliver.
It's a fic I'm proud of, but it took some getting there! Maybe I'll get back to finishing and posting some of the stories I started for that fest. But your ask really reminded me that although I submitted about 1000 for my entry... the behind the scenes word count (and fic count!) was a lot higher!
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Ask meme
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
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(Shipping meme template from here; OC image made using this picrew)
GardenShipping meme with Emmet and my OC Reina Kageyama. I’m working on a full introductory post for Reina, but in the meantime, have this~
(More info under the cut.)
Normal Verse (”Free Cookies”)
Reina and Emmet meet during one of Reina’s closing shifts at the battle cafe she works at, roughly six months to a year after Ingo’s disappearance.
Emmet works himself to death after his brother goes missing, holding Gear Station together by day and then going home late at night to do research leads until he passes out. One night, in desperate need of caffeine, he stops by the only place he can find still open on his way home: a quaint, relatively new little battle cafe with a pretty, blue-haired barista. 
Reina, (originally from Kanto) has lived a mostly-nomadic lifestyle for the past near-decade, having only just recently moved to Nimbasa. As such, she doesn’t recognize Emmet as anyone famous; all she knows is that he looks exhausted.
Before he leaves, Reina gives him a bag with the last remaining baked goods from the counter display free of charge, telling him, “Everyone needs a free cookie sometimes. You look like you could use one right now.”
Reina treats him kindly, without any of the pity or invasive-ness Emmet has grown so sick of over the past year; her smiles are genuine - albeit a little weary - and she doesn’t fawn over him. She simply treats him like a person, and it’s the most refreshing interaction Emmet has had in far too long. 
He keeps coming back almost every night after he leaves work. He even catches her on a shift where she’s working as the trainer for the day instead of as a barista, and they get to battle for the first time. (She doesn’t win, but it’s damn close.)
Eventually she learns who he is and what happened to Ingo, but instead of pity like Emmet fears, she offers empathy; Reina once had two sisters, who disappeared over a decade ago - first one, and then the other a few years later on the same day. She’s lost her own hope, so she tries to keep Emmet from losing his. She doesn’t try to convince him to let his brother go - rather, she truly believes that Ingo is still out there for him to find.
(Despite them helping each other through their similar grief, Reina and Emmet likely don’t get together
until Ingo returns, when Emmet finally feels stable enough to be in a relationship and Reina faces her fear of letting anyone close.)
Gear Station AU Version (”Age Gap”)
(inspired heavily by the SilverFox!Emmet AU over on leggerefiore’s blog)
Emmet is nearly 40 after Ingo’s been missing for a decade, so there’s a wider age gap between he and Reina in this one. The pair are also slightly more jaded here, and together they re-learn how to love after their respective losses make them push everyone away.
Reina arrives in Nimbasa and lives in a tent or at the pokemon center for a bit while looking for a job and a place to rent. She applies for an assistant position at Gear Station on a whim, and, not knowing who Emmet is, is the first applicant to not offer flattery or bullshit; she’s hired on the spot.
Emmet staying late gives her an excuse not to go back to a tent in the woods, so she starts staying at the station with him and they wind up bonding. Like in normal verse, she treats him like a person - and then later, like a friend. She makes it a point to try and make his job easier, and once she’s housed she starts bringing him food.
On the anniversary of her sisters’ disappearance, Reina gets utterly shitfaced and calls Emmet so she doesn’t have to be alone with her thoughts. She drunkenly confesses her feelings to him because the anniversary makes her terrified she’ll lose another person she loves.
The next day at work, Emmet pulls her aside and confesses in return, leading them to timidly start a relationship - and then slowly grow more (somewhat questionably healthily) obsessed with one another as their respective abandonment issues combine.
General Relationship Stuff
Clingy: In both verses, Reina is wholly unused to affection, so she’s a little oblivious at first. After she gets used to it and she finally lets herself love him, her unprocessed trauma surfaces, mixes with Emmet’s own, and they both slowly learn how to not feel so alone. She adores him, but is admittedly almost just as needy as he is.
Horny: She’s demisexual but also incredibly touch/affection starved, which means that once the relationship has progressed enough emotionally to where she finds herself sexually attracted to Emmet, all bets are off. Her libido almost perfectly matches his.
Trust/Jealousy: Emmet and Reina trust one another implicitly. For Reina, she’s more likely to be insecure and self-depreciating than she is jealous. Occasionally she’ll get annoyed instead, - usually when someone is blatantly throwing themselves at Emmet or making him uncomfortable by refusing to take no for an answer. Emmet gets jealous a bit more easily, but it’s never directed at Reina; it’s more super overprotective than anything.
(In the Age Gap verse, he worries she’ll get bored with him and leave once she ‘realizes she doesn’t want an older man slowing her down.’ She never does.)
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leggerefiore · 2 years
k but what if only one of the twins was a yandere and their s/o escapes with their child only to a few months later start dating the other twin¿¿
i'm sorry that is just hilarious. "oh hey you look just like my previous abuser, hot😍😍"
cw: yandere
Somehow you managed to catch Emmet's attention during his visit. He was worried about his older brother's actions and seeing how you pleaded with him, nephew, ignorant to the situation, sleeping in your arms. He swallows his seemingly endless love for his brother and helps you out of the situation. You have no where to go and with an infant working would be impossible. Emmet takes you into his apartment. He buys you things to help disguise your identity from Ingo and gives you everything and anything you could possibly need to take care of the infant.
Emmet slowly falls into the paternal role for the infant. It's his brother's son, there is no other possibility, yet the child still is, biologically speaking, a genetic match as his. You don't seem to mind his acting as such, even encouraging it. The younger twin finds himself enamoured with you quickly. To thank his kindness, you help out around his apartment. Cleaning and cooking seem to be your main go-to's, which he deeply appreciates. He can cook well when he tries, but Emmet truly hates sitting still long enough to do it. When you learn of his affinity for sweets, you turn to making them for him which he loves.
One night you crawl into Emmet's bed, a nightmare from your captive days plaguing your mind. The younger twin embraces you tenderly, reassuring you that you are safe with him and that he would never do such things to do. You're allowed to leave whenever you want. Emmet even threw away his handcuffs he used during a few bouts of kinkier casual sex to make you more comfortable. He doesn't expect you to be his subservient partner waiting at home for him. You tell him that you love him that night; you tell him about how you so desperately want to be with him in a romantic manner. He agrees, having grown to feel the same.
Your relationship becomes a normal one. Of course, you are never introduced to his brother, but you are to Elesa with a fake name. She apparently is desperate to help Ingo find you, so you remain on alert around her. You go on dates with Emmet, and he takes you on family outings. Your son's first words are calling Emmet 'dada' to which he teared up at and cooed at the baby. It's clear how much he sees the both of you as his partner and son.
Now, Ingo had a key to Emmet's apartment. Elesa had told him about Emmet's new partner and the seemingly magic baby that had just appeared with them. A little boy. Ingo had been suspicious of your disappearance after being left alone for just a short while with his brother, but he trusted Emmet. Emmet would never do anything to hurt him. That's why he donned a spare of his twin's uniform and opened the door. "Em! You're home! Look, look! He's trying to walk!" you called out, excited to show off your son's new skill. Ingo walked to have his worst fears revealed. You sat on the living room floor with his son toddling toward you with unsteady steps. Emmet had betrayed him.
Ingo knew something was wrong with your relationship with Emmet. He had never been introduced to your properly, and his younger brother never seemed to take you out on the outings he loved so much. You were desolate, sad eyes while you tried to handle two girls with Emmet's smothering idea of love. Ingo couldn't take it. If someone had to take responsibility here, it would be him. Ingo gets you out of the prison of an apartment and hides you away in his while he works on finding you a safer place to live. He promises you money to help take care of his nieces, but you refuse. It would be safer to stay with Ingo. Emmet would never think that his older brother would dare do such a thing to him.
It was hard for Ingo to resist parenting the girls who now lived under his roof. They could easily have been his and not a product of his brother's twisted actions. You smile when you catch him humming lullabies to the babies and cuddling them for long hours. He loves them as if they were his own, you tell him you would be honoured if he would be their father. You feel bad about being a layabout in Ingo's home, so you take to taking care of the home. He appreciates everything you do greatly. The meals you make for him are thoroughly enjoyed and beloved. The chores you do around the house are something he can't even begin to describe his gratefulness for.
One day, you greet him with a hug and a kiss to his cheek. He's caught off-guard and blushes deeply. You sit him down at the table and grab one of his hands. Your eyes stare deeply into his own. You shakes your head and ask how he can look so much him yet act so different. Ingo just shakes his head and assures you that he is not brother, nor would he ever be. You nod. You knew that. Next, you tell him that you have grown to love him during the time you have lived with him. He grows extremely flustered by this but nods excitedly. He feels the same. A gentle love settles between you two.
Your relationship is very average. Ingo stays out as a working boyfriend and you stay at home as the equivalent of a stay-at-home partner. You can come and go as you please, but find it easier to stay inside the apartment. Less chance of encountering Emmet. Ingo had spoken about moving you far from the hustle and bustle of Nimbasa. You smiled at the proposition, and he is glad you want that, too. A better environment to raise the girls in. Ingo was a definite family man through and through.
Emmet dresses as Ingo and unlocks the door to his apartment. His suspicions about his brother had come to an all-time high. Ingo was heard chatting about moving with a depot agent who was recommending Lacunosa as a nice place to begin raising a family. Emmet felt his blood freeze. He hadn't. He couldn't. Ingo would never take something so precious from him. The door opened. You were in the kitchen preparing dinner while the twin girls were in a play-pin with a children's TV show on the screen. Tears welled in Emmet's eyes. Ingo had lied to him.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Someone on AO3 asked if Ingo has a sneasel now, and of course I have to say yes to that, because I’m nice, and Ingo deserves a sneasel!
But then I got thinking... how...? Because he doesn’t have one on his team, he wasn’t caring for any when he returned to his time, and I wouldn’t want to forcibly separate a sneaslet from its mom like that. So... what do...?
However, I’ve figured it out - Ingo actually gets one because of Melli! By mistake! After Melli has returned to Hisui!!!
How, you ask? Why by the fact that the box Melli had his descendants hold onto to deliver to Ingo doesn’t just contain those precious letters from friends and family, it includes some of his old stuff as well. Including, as I already established like the psychic type I am, a few feathers Ingo had collected over the years from the sneaslets as they grew. And, also because I am a psychic type, Emmet’s been to Kanto in this AU, where they have perfected the art of creating pokemon clones from ancient DNA!!! And that’s from stuff like fossils and amber and stuff - the DNA from Ingo’s feather collection is probably in way better shape!
(If anyone knows more about how DNA and DNA degradation works than me and is about to tell me this isn’t how it works, shhhhhhh, Bill freaking fused himself with a pokemon by mistake and you can capture God, I can have this.)
And the twins visit Sinnoh and get the feathers some time before they visit Kanto, so Ingo has time to bring up that he misses Sneasler and her babies, and no, getting a modern sneasel wouldn’t be the same. Giving Emmet the chance to bring up the Pokemon Lab (listen, that’s all it’s called in Fire Red and that’s the game I’ve played) he heard about while he was traveling, and how they’ve started reviving ancient pokemon from fossils to study them (slowly, with lots of care to make sure they’re not just tossing new species into the wild willy-nilly), and Ingo has those Hisui sneasel feathers, so maybe...?
Ingo thinks about all this for a few months, and decides that it’s worth looking into when they visit Kanto, so he packs a few of the feathers when they go and, when they visit the lab, asks if they’d be willing/able to use a sneasel feather to make him one...? He’ll let them have a feather or two in exchange if they want.
This is the part where at least one scientist breaks into tears at the sheer excitement of this possibility and, long story short, Ingo donates two feathers to the lab (which they assure him will be more than enough), and he walks out with a newly-made pokemon egg that, by the time he and Emmet return home, has hatched into a brand-new baby Hisui-variant sneaslet.
And Ingo is very happy.
(Also, when the media catches wind of the fact that Ingo has an extinct pokemon he’s raising and whether he’ll be breeding it, making it more, handing it over to science for study, etc., he tells them that he’s actually already donated DNA samples like the one used to create his sneaslet to the Pokemon Lab that specializes in this, and he’s leaving the creation, distribution, and future of what’s done with that DNA up to them, as he’s not a scientist and they’ll have a better knowledge and understanding of how to handle all this than he would. His own qualifications for caring for this particular sneasel are ‘got yeeted back in time and spent a few years specifically caring for this sort of sneasel.’ And, like... the whole Alola incident is probably still pretty fresh in everyone’s minds at this point, along with all the other nonsense that happens in the Pokemon world, so everyone goes, “You know what? Fair.” And mostly leave him alone on the topic.)
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cookietroop · 2 years
(Yandere Ingo and Emmet x Reader)
Welcome Aboard!
How long was it?
Running and breathing heavily as you ran and never even glance back.
Why was this such a bad idea?
Voices in the darkness and purple lighting began to fueled your fear to run even faster not caring about the scraps and scratches stinging your legs.
How did it began? You barely remembered…..
Those terrible 11 months ago….
You were ambitious, proud, and barely backed down in the face of defeat. You were so naive. You had a bet with your friend who probably forgotten about you. Anyways the bet was, to beat the Subway Bosses and taking a photo to show proof, and when you first saw them it was because some of your old friends were crushing over them, you understand that they were indeed quite the lookers, but what made you feel not very attractive of them is because of how they already have too many female fans and many people are sure to catch their attention soon enough.
But yet your friends think you not taking interest meant that you are playing an act, so they gave you a span of three months to defeat the Subway bosses.
You being prideful about your team you confidently went to the gear station and checked into the multi line to meet them, it was easy the 20 battles but once meeting the twins in person and them beating your team? You only gave a nod and smiled with satisfaction, you knew that they are the challenge that you needed to help you get stronger.
You never gave up on beating them, you train your Pokémon to the fullest and weigh carefully on what moves you should teach them and when you got beaten, you gave a seemingly weird grateful smile and thanked them for their help. Then happily gone off to compare and make strategies to make their team finally beat.
You admit that you three had grew a tiny bond. But you thought that it would be a one time thing before them finally forgetting you, besides they fight with a lot of other trainers every day and they were busy with duties as subway bosses so it’s not like they remember you, right?
Wrong, very verrrrrrrrrry incorrect.
You might think that they will forget you and brush you off, but truthfully so that is very far from it. They actually liked you very quickly, they adored that smile you had, liked the praises you gave them. And they savor every bit of your presence the moment you even enter the station for the day.
But they also liked that you would always never notice them when they are around your area, your home or even notice that one of your clothes were gone. They just loved you soooooo much.
But one day they almost got caught, it was a regular day, after your last battle with them for the day, you were making your routinely trip to the market to buy you have wore your favorite jacket and you were looking for cereal because you mysteriously ran out. As you picked out two cereal boxes and compared their sugars and weigh of the pros and cons, you were focused on which one was better that you didn’t notice until you felt your hairs standing and quickly turned to see nothing.
You were silent and very rightly suspicious of the situation, you slowly put up a cereal and grabbed another box of the chosen cereal and put it in the cart. Then you slowly approached the end of the isle before quickly turning your head to see….. nothing? Strange, you thought but you then realized how stupid it was chasing after somebody that probably just stared at you on accident, so you went along to get to the cashier, and the moment you disappeared, the twins reappeared as Ingo’s Chandelure instantly stopped using its psychic ability.
They found a thrill of you trying to catch them only to make yourself look like an idiot, they love that clueless face, adding that to their list.
How they wish your visits to the gear station and your Pokémon battles would never end, but boy! They would really wish for you to stay forever.
As the last month was nearly done, you soon had finally found the perfect strategy for defeating them. You held your breath as they saw your braviary finished off galvantula, you won.
Ingo congratulated your victory as you returned your flying type, Emmet held a grand smile and happily said his praise. You took out your camera and asked for a photo with them, they agreed and as soon as you saw the picture you were ready to shove it in your friend’s stupid conniving faces.
You quickly went off and did just that, you were proud of it. Your friends only gawked at you, they really thought that you would lose. You only smirked confidently and flipped them off as you went off, you never lose.
But soon fate reared it’s ugly head, for it had its plans. As much as you wanted to stay you had only a month to prepare for a move, you were leaving to go to a university to get a degree for your dream job, you said bye to your friends and family and the people you had mutual respect for, but then you visit the gear station to say a final goodbye to emmet and Ingo.
As your battle finished with them, you said the news that would make them snap, as soon as you said that you were leaving, Emmet’s and Ingo’s eyes met each other they both glanced like they knew exactly what to do.
“How about we go to our place for dinner? our treat.” Said Emmet, you stupidly nodded, as you put up your pokémon to their request.
As you neared to their apartment and entered, Ingo quickly went to the kitchen as Emmet asked for your assistance to get the table ready, you helped and chatted with Emmet for a while before Ingo placed the food on the table, stew and a few slices with bread along with a drink.
You happily ate the food while they slowly ate their eyes watching your every move, analyzing every twitch, every second of your reaction, as you finish with the last bite of bread you saw that the twins weren’t eating only staring at you. You questioned them.
“Truth is (Name), we had developed feelings for you, and when we heard that you were leaving, we decided that it was now.” Started Ingo, you paused as you looked at them with a blank expression, clearly you were surprised.
“We do have feelings for you, but since you decided to leave us, we decided it was best that you would be better off with us, not having the stress of work or any problems. So we decided to take more…… extreme measures……” Grinned Emmet as you saw dots in your vision and began to feel dizzy.
You began to stand up only to trip and fall to the ground, you bit the inside of your mouth as you stared in horror as Ingo and Emmet calmly stared at you a creepy unnatural grin was on emmet’s darkened face, Ingo only stared at you, expecting you to be knocked out in a few seconds.
You began to get up like a toddler trying to walk and focused on getting out, you hurled yourself out of the room and going to the door hurting yourself to stay awake.
“Looks like I didn’t put enough.”
“Don’t blame yourself, blame it on darling to act so stubborn.”
You heard them swiftly going after you, before you could even make your fingers touched the knob, you felt a sting on the neck, a pair of gloves holding you back from touching the knob. You felt yourself going to the corner of your mind you heard soft whispers of ingo and emmet saying something that you wouldn’t want to know.
Tightness around your wrists, fucking handcuffs. You looked to see that it was a small room, a seat, closet, and a door.
You didn’t scream or shout, not wanting to alert the Subway bosses to your sudden wake for slumber, you looked at your wrists, regular handcuffs. You were aware of what type of handcuffs they were, you had a friend once you taught you how to handle yourself when you get kidnapped, along with watching too many crime documentaries along with movies.
Fully aware of the Subway Bosses true colors, you decided that it was best that you act like you were dumber, more terrified and submissive to them.
You counted to yourself in your mind not taking any chances, you laid yourself on the bed, took a deep breath before screaming and thrashing around, acting like a frightened animal, you stopped yourself when Ingo and Emmet came rushing in and saw you acting all terrified and cried out to them demanding that they release you and promising them never to tell.
They refused, but they did stay with you for the rest of the night. Emmet and Ingo squished you, being between them. Emmet was rough with affection, he was actually terrifying if you don’t reply to him or even look his way, and when you do, he just has a sickening smile as he forced you to look at him, his anger evident in his harsh grip.
“If you know what’s good for you, I suggest that you don’t act so cold. Now where’s that smile?” Said Emmet, you looked at him, slowly making a terrible smile. Suddenly he was bubbly sunshine and praising you.
Ingo was the softer one, he reacts differently to your method of ignoring him, he just say stuff that he knows that’ll make you look at him, like when he saw you drunk and doing an embarrassing job at singing.
You looked at him so quickly that you swore that you saw him calmly saying it with no reaction, you now swear to beat up the friend that got you alcohol.
The months passed and they think that you are more comfortable, but actually you were gathering anything that could pick the lock, you fiddled around and looked for anything. Until a stroke of luck finally smiled on you, a sharp needle.
It was late, they were working late again. Perfect, it was now time to take action, taking out the needle and fiddle the lock again and again until it unlocked, you tried with the other and it took a few minutes, now you sighed in relief before opening the door, no one was there.
You licked your lips and began to go to the entrance then as you opened the door a sharp loud sound began to ring, they added an alarm
You began to act without thinking, running out of there and into charted territory, the woods. As you ran deep until you heard nothing, you felt tired already, dizziness suddenly causing you to feel weak, until you heard a beeping noise, you lifted up your arm to see a fucking tracking device on you!
How low could they even go? You didn’t want that question answered, you began to hit your arm against a tree, hard and full of force, your pain ignored and fear grew quickly as you heard voices, with a final and arm breaking blow, the beeping stopped but the drugs were already making it around.
You continued your run from them, you heard many things, hallucinations, emmet’s threats to disable you, Ingo’s pleas for you to give up, and the sudden sharp pains taking place.
You began to climb up a tree and hid on top taking a deep breath and began to slowly breath, and trying to stop your heart from beating so fast but how could you? They were right under you, you pleaded to Arceus to not let them look up.
But just as they began to go deeper, the branch cracked, loud noises were sure enough to attract the attention of the Subway Bosses and it did, Emmet snapped to you as did Ingo, you fell from the tree but you had a little bit of a head start, and began to run like a wild pokémon was chasing you, but your chance to escape was never even small. Emmet tackled you and began to cover your mouth with a piece of cloth, you thrashed around but Emmet was ignoring the kicks, the punches.
But what you didn’t expect was Emmet beginning to explore you, his hand already creeping under your shirt, his mouth near your ear, his breathing was heard.
You stopped still, you were shocked by this but the stillness provided the unconsciousness a chance to quickly take over.
As you felt your mind slipping into deep slumber, you heard Emmet.
“Oh darling, I’ll make sure that you will stay, even if I don’t want to use this method.”
Method? What method-?!
You woke up instantly to see your legs dislocated and stinging, you felt handcuffs again and it wasn’t only one on each side.
But then you now were aware of Ingo and Emmet wrapping you with their limbs, you saw hickeys and bite marks all over you, this was not how you thought when they would punish you……
As you turned your head, you saw emmet’s eyes instantly opening and looking back at you smiling at you.
“Looks like Darling is ready for round 2~”
You could only whimper, as you saw them, their faces showing so much obsessiveness, and so much excitement…….
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u-ntitled-s-eries · 2 years
Subway Bosses + Detective!Reader - Introduction Part 2
The Partnership
Ever since the robbery investigation, you kept your word and kept an ear out for any news from the Gear Station. To be honest, the number of criminal reports that are directly tied to the subway are rather low. Given the Subway Bosses’ incredible work ethic and obvious love for the train system, that shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone. Still, when an investigation directly tied to the subway system did appear, you were the first person - and often only person - to request the case. Going to the Gear Station and meeting with the depot agents became a weekly occurrence; you spoke with the Subway Bosses at least once a month, exchanged pleasantries and news, then went back to work.
Over time, your promise to Emmet became more of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You didn’t need to request cases, as the captain began assigning them to you instead. If any of your fellow officers needed information or evidence from the subway, you were always the first person they’ll turn to for help; a couple of them have even offered to switch cases with you. Some of the people in the department started referring to you as the “Railway Detective”. Sure, it’s not exactly the most glamorous title, but it’s not exactly incorrect either.
More than half of the cases you worked on were somehow tied to those trains, which means that nearly half of your fieldwork consists of you going to the Gear Station. Between processing scenes, taking down statements, or just asking the staff about the trains, you slowly became very familiar with the subway system and its denizens. Where there was once formality there was now familiarity. Depot agents welcomed you back to the station with smiles that seemed a little more genuine than the practiced ones usually handed out.
Despite being an odd mix of personalities, both you and the Subway Bosses maintained the level of professionalism expected of your jobs. Thorough, efficient, precise. A shared mindset which went greatly appreciated, especially for the more time-sensitive investigations. There were little moments and mannerisms that let you catch a glimpse into what they’re like outside of the station, but it was never to the detriment of your work.
You found yourself back at the Gear Station, one late afternoon. It had been one of those days where you came into the police station, sat at your desk for a whole five minutes, and then immediately had to go out into the field. An entire day of chasing evidence and following leads that had you running in circles around the city. Your only breaks came in the form of the moments spent traveling from place to place, and you spent them pouring over your casework. By the time you reached your last stop for the day - asking the depot agents about reports of a criminal you’ve been tracking - you were just about ready to crawl back to the police station and set up permanent residence at your desk. All that was left to do now was wait for the train that would carry you there.
“Hello, Detective!” You tear your attention away from the reports in your lap and scan the station. Despite the physical and mental exhaustion setting in, you can’t help but smile when you see the Subway Bosses approach. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. I trust that the rails are running smoothly?” “I feel as though we should be the ones asking you that question. Solving another case, I assume. How can we be of assistance?” Right, the files sprawled out on your lap. “Oh, these?” you say, hastily packing up the papers, “I’m just following up on some clues for another case.”
You expected that would be the end of it. Maybe a quick goodbye, and then the two would leave, either headed for the battle lines where they’ll face another challenger, or back to their office to monitor the trains. What you didn’t expect was that the Subway Bosses would sit on either side of you.
“So, what is the great detective investigating this time?” “Oh, you two don’t have to worry; it’s nothing involved with the subway this time.” “Maybe not, but that doesn’t make it any less fascinating. If you’d like, we’re more than happy to hear what you’ve discovered so far.” It took a moment for Ingo’s words to fully register in your mind. On the other side, Emmet leaned over your shoulder, not-at-all subtly reading the first page of the report. When was the last time someone outside the department was genuinely curious about your work and not just the idea of your work? Who was the last person you spoke to that wasn’t directly involved in a case?
An active investigation probably isn’t the best topic of discussion, or even the most interesting topic, but you’ve shared your work with the Subway Bosses before. Admittedly, that was when the case was directly tied to them or you needed their help, but perhaps you can make a small exception this one time. Besides, it might be good to go through your work out loud; get a new perspective and all that.
“Right now I’m just trying to confirm the location of a suspect.” you explain, handing the report to Emmet for him to scan through, “He says he was waiting for the train when the crime would’ve taken place. But the time it takes to get to the platform still leaves a big enough gap for him to have committed the crime.” “And what crime was this?” “Just some petty burglary.” “It seems like a lot of your job involves theft. Is that your field of expertise?” “No, it’s just the most common type of report we get.” “What investigations are you strongest at?” “Well, I’m more of a ‘Jack of All Trades’ type; I don’t really belong to any special division.”
For every question you answer, at least two more were bound to follow, and you were happy to answer as best as you can without divulging too many details. And the more you talked about your job as a detective, the more you started wondering about their jobs as the Subway Bosses. What’s it like being a Subway Boss? How did they decide that’s what they wanted to be? How do their jobs differ between the two? You immediately sensed the shift when you asked. Ingo got even more impassioned when he answered and Emmet began tugging at your arm while offering to give you a front row seat to his next battle.
The conversation was only cut short when the screech of the train pulling into the station interrupted you. When you first got here, it felt like the train would take ages to arrive; now you wished it could have waited a little longer. Reluctantly you got up from your seat, your legs no longer aching after a much needed break.
“Well, my ride’s here,” “And sadly it’s almost time for Emmet and me to get back to work,” Ingo sighed, “That being said, I look forward to when our paths cross again; I trust you feel the same.” “Absolutely. I’ll see you guys later.” “Have a safe travel! Come back soon!” You hopped onto the train and took a seat, waving back at Ingo and Emmet as the train rolled out of the platform and out of sight.
Ya know how rollercoasters have that one massive hill followed by the plummet, and then it's just hills, loops, and corkscrews? Yeah, we just got past the hill.
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nagichi-boop · 2 years
I wanted to create a self indulgent post about Sningo and Emmet cuz I found out earlier that I have c*vid and I’m bummed out. :)
- x -
Ingo woke up to the sound of Emmet coughing from the other room. He quickly hopped off of the bed and scuttled into the lounge where he found Emmet having a coughing fit. When Ingo approached Emmet, the latter jumped out of his seat and backed away. He then composed himself.
“Brother, don’t get too close”, he said croakily. “I don’t want you to catch my illness.” Ingo tilted his head in reply. He was a Sneasel, so the chance of him catching a human infection was slim. Besides, he didn’t care whether he caught it - the important thing was that his brother was okay. Ingo took a few strides closer before Emmet ran out of the room into the kitchen.
Ingo stood bewildered for a moment, but before he could come back to, Emmet returned with gloves on and a face mask. He then sprinted to their shared bedroom, then returned with Ingo’s blankets and pillows, throwing them onto the couch.
“I think I should stay in the bedroom. You can’t get on the bed yourself, and I cannot help you since I am ill.” Without giving Ingo the chance to reply, he turned and vanished into their bedroom, closing the door on Ingo, who had tried to follow him in.
All of a sudden Ingo was filled with a horrible dread. How long would Emmet be in there? He needed to come out to eat, right? But knowing Emmet, he might go to the extreme or staying inside until he felt better. An abrupt thought entered Ingo’s brain.
I’m going to be alone again.
Anxiety flooded Ingo, causing him to act almost instinctively. He cried out, clawing at the door. He needed Emmet. Emmet needed him. He wanted to see his brother. He didn’t want to be alone again. If only he wasn’t a Sneasel - he could help his brother!
From the other side of the door, Emmet had worriedly been listening to Ingo’s frantic clawing, which continually got faster until things went eerily silent. Emmet approached the door, resting his ear against it. Very faintly, he could hear sniffles. Oh, it crushed him. He suddenly remembered how he felt for the years he spent alone. He knew Ingo must have felt the same way as him, but Ingo still can’t rest easy as he isn’t human again. Of course Ingo felt crushed - he was powerless compared to Emmet.
Emmet put his mask back on, then slowly cracked the door open and peered his head around. He saw Ingo sat on the floor, his face covered by his claws.
“Ingo? Are you okay?” he asked softly. Ingo looked up from his claws up at Emmet. His eyes had a deep fear in them, almost like how he looked back when Emmet had found him in the wild just months prior. Emmet came out from behind the door a little more, to which Ingo sprung up and clung onto Emmet’s leg like his life depended on it, which caught the younger brother off guard. He felt conflicted for a moment, then sighed.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I reaaally don’t want you to become sick.” Ingo nodded, his face buried against Emmet’s leg as he clung tighter. Emmet closed the door behind him, then knelt down and picked Ingo up and held him for a moment. “I am sorry. I didn’t not mean to scare you. I will let you stay with me.” Emmet then took Ingo into the living room, draping Ingo’s blanket over his shoulders and placing Ingo on his lap.
“Let’s watch a movie,” Emmet said, picking up a remote. Ingo wiped the remainder of his tears, then nodded confidently. Seeing Ingo’s usual expression return filled Emmet with relief, to which he smiled contently.
(Emmet stealthily researched whether a human’s cold could infect a Pokémon, but the overwhelming answer was no. He even texted Elesa who said her Pokémon always stay with her when she’s ill and have never gotten sick as a result. Ingo was fine and in fact helped take care of Emmet as best as he could.)
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cephalopistol · 3 years
Please explain the operation birdhead AU. I want to know more about your robo-submas.
OKAY I’L TRY TO MAKE THIS AS COHESIVE AS I CAN JFJFKGK it’s based off of a dream and i’m slowly streamlining it so there’s probably a lot of a few weird bits here and there + my dreams tend to be a bit brutal so this might seem edgy and grimdark but jfjfkgkgkhl
It takes place in Unova and starts in Nimbasa City with a 2v2 exhibition match between the Subway Bosses and Elesa, who is fighting alongside a guest who frequents Sinnoh’s Battle Tower (frankly, “frequents” is more like “stays there so much it may as well be his home and Palmer was tired of her being there after closing hours all the time so he told him to participate in this match;” this is my OC Jas.) However, the battle is interrupted when a massive serpent suddenly appears in the adjacent desert, immediately sending everyone into a panic. The four, being the strongest trainers in the immediate area, decide to head over with the Pokémon they brought in case any danger is brought to the other citizens.
Once on Route 4, they are greeted with what resembles a Gigantamax Sandaconda with some sort of figure on top of its head. They ready their Pokéballs to deal with the threat, but the figure slides down its slithery companion and grips the face of the frontmost trainer, sucking their life force from their body— the others freeze, another gets taken down, they run, the next one is gone, they’re sprinting away, and then last one is gone as well.
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Ingo opens his eyes, his body feeling something strange that can only be described as… a numbness? Suddenly, from the side, he hears a voice.
“Wow. That is a big Rotom.”
He turns his body to the side, seeing… a large Rotom, alright. However, seeing no other humans around, he inquires, “Who said that?”
“I am Emmet. It was me, Rotom,” the Pokémon stated, grin plastered across its face.
“Emmet? Wait a second…” Ingo propped himself up, looking downwards at his body.
Emmet seems to realize as well, his still-grinning face now displaying a sense of shock. “You are… Ingo.”
The two wander around for a long time, just talking to each other. A few months pass until they nearly encounter a swarm of cloaked figures, but hide themselves from them as they gather up multiple surrounding Pokémon. Eventually, however, after many more months, they are found by a couple of ghost-hunting strangers and a Shuppet— who reveals herself to be Elesa. Jasper, now a Misdreavous, is there as well. They do a bit of catching up (with Elesa saying “No fair you guys get to be the Electric types,”) and are told about the situation: the serpent and its shadowy companion have taken over most of Unova, and they are now gathering forces underground to form a resistance.
Among those in the resistance is a roboticist and Jas’s sibling, Bird. They end up using their resources to create new robot bodies for the two Subway twins— not a particularly easy task, but since they have experience in Rotom technology, they eventually succeed. With the help of the ghost hunters, they are able to create vessels for Elesa and Jasper as well. This process takes a couple of years overall. However, this was not only to provide humanoid forms to the deceased trainers, but as practice for the more ambitious Birdhead.
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One thing about the Sandaconda— nicknamed the Great Devourer: it consumes the life energy of Pokémon, but it cannot fully consume Ghost-types. Instead, it and its companion, Iorwerth, have commanded their servants to put the leftover ghost “fragments” inside large structures that are left to guard the major cities of Unova. It is the goal of the resistance to discreetly exorcise these fragments and convince them to join in the fight against the Devourer, placing them inside a giant robot, their trump card. This undertaking is named Operation: Birdhead, named after the main creator of the robot in question.
i think at the end the nimbasa ghosts will also join in to control birdhead
here’s some more character info also
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everything at the bottom of this sketch is just obsolete now since i decided to drop my original plan of having like regular ash tracey and misty end up in this universe but . yeah
Ghost Hunters (Turquoise and Faerryn)
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faerryn is a man studying arceus and believes it is his calling to understand ghost types as best he can, turquoise is his assistant and is kind of like his niece now. he was reluctant to take anyone under his wing but turquoise kind of insisted hard enough that he caved and ended up enjoying it. i think chantal will also be a part of this
Gym Leaders/Elite Four
generally i think most of the unova league are in the resistance but i haven’t given it much thought as of yet
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basically a bunch of professors’ assistants picked a real bad time to take a vacation and catch up with each other and now they’re stuck in unova lmao. this is pretty much only because 1) tracey sketchit and gary oak were in my dream and 2) the assistants are some of my favorite characters. so theres like tracey, gary, goh, ren, chrysa, etc.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Fuck the brain worms AHHHHH
Emmet x Gn afab reader
You and Emmet have been trying to conceive for a while now, after several attempts you are getting desperate. You decided to take drastic measures and forbade Emmet from not only Cumming but sex in General knowing Emmet won't exist the temptation of filling up your cunt full when he says "I'll hold back"
Emmet can't touch him self for two months
And those two months, are pure torture.
Their are days where Emmet Is at work doing paperwork until his mind wanders to you coming into his office giving him a kiss and slowly going underneath the desk too- fuck! He can't touch. Emmet whimpers rolling his hips in his seat, fuck why did he agree to this?
Oh yeah...to give you a baby, a nice big healthy baby. He convinces himself that it will all be worth it to see you belly grow round.
1You are rejoicing the fact that you can wear just underwear around the house without you being bent over a horny partner. Although you don't like the way Emmets eyes follow your body without saying anything, even when you turn around you can see his hungry gaze pierce into your skin.
2 months pass and it's just another day in Gear station. You're taking the subway out of membasa to visit some of friends until a Depo agent comes up to you with a smile " excuse me I don't mean to bother dear customer but the subway Boss Emmet is asking for you.."
You're welcome to his office and the lights are off.
"Emmet I have a train to catch whatever you have to talk about is it really this urgent?"
Emmet it doesn't say anything instead he gets up walks over to the door turn the lock.
"Yes, I'm Emmet and I'm afraid it's verrry important" he purrs his hand touching and grabbing at your hips. He slowly guides you to his desk "I think you know what's going to happen next... on the table... now!"
Emmet fucking breeds you he has you fold them in half your legs on his shoulders, his swollen balls slamming down onto you has he tells you every dirty thought he has been having for the past 2 months and all the hell that he went through is going to be all worth when you swell with his child. He's going to make sure your pregnant this time he's going to fuck you over and over, drain his balls in your womb.
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archersxartxblog · 2 years
Start master post
 I have a deal for YOU! And for you alone. Here's your chance. I will sell you the secret Pokémon Magikarp... For an unbelievable 500! How about it? Interested?
Chapter 15 is finally done, not as long as the others but hey, there's a Magikarp and some brotherly shenanigans.
Chapter 15
“They’re verrry noisy,” Emmet commented as he and his brother looked over the side of the bridge to wayward cave, and down at the orange fish pokemon swimming below. There were so many of them swimming about, each one of them making a loud and obnoxious ‘Karp’ noise as they jumped uselessly at the waterfall. 
“Should I try to weaken one first? I do not have any Pokemon that are super strong against water types right now.” His brother fretted, and Emmet noticed that he was staring more at the water than he was at the pokemon.
“How many Pokeballs did you make?” Emmet asked as he laid down on his stomach, trying to get more comfortable as he watched the pokemon swim about. They didn’t seem very hostile, a few of them even swimming up to the twins and poking their heads out of the water to get a better look at the two trainers before swimming off. “I can lend out Eelektrik if you only have a few.”
Ingo seemed to hum at that before shaking his head. “No, if I use Eelektrik we’ll probably end up eating Magikarp rather than catching one, but thanks for the offer.” his brother pulled his satchel off of his belt, quickly checking his inventory. “I have four, no, Five Pokeballs left, which isn’t a lot but I guess I could always try to make more if I run out.” Ingo sighed pulling the empty pokeballs out and placing them on the flat surface of the bridge. “Better than just throwing my Pokemon out into the river.”
“Just aim for that huge one. It’ll be easier to hit.” the younger twin urged as he pointed at the largest Magikarp he could see, fin sticking up high above the water as it pushed its way towards the waterfall. 
“I think I can hit that one.”
Emmet watched as his brother bend down and pick up a Pokeball, before taking up a spot as close to the edge as he could, carefully taking aim.
“Don’t Miss!” Emmet shouted just as the Pokeball was about to leave his brother’s hand. 
Emmet’s hands flew up to cover the lower part of his face, as he stared wide-eyed at the shattered remains of the Pokeball fall into the river after hitting the side of the cliff. A quiet giggle and a guilty smile crossed his face as his brother glared daggers at him. It had been too tempting to resist. 
“You still have four more.” he tried to reassure his twin, while also giving Ingo an apologetic smile. There was no way his brother would allow him to get away with that twice in a row, not without throwing him in the river next. 
He honestly wanted his brother to catch one of these pokemon or at the very least a water type. There was only a month left of summer and their dad had promised to take them to the coast next week to visit one of the other wardens, and Emmet wanted to be able to go swimming in the ocean with this twin. So maybe if Ingo had a water type he could hold on to then he wouldn’t have to worry about drowning and he could enjoy the beach with his brother for once.
Ingo let out a harsh sigh, bending down once more as he picked up a Pokeball and took aim once more, only pausing to look down at this brother. Emmet was quick to place a hand over his mouth, trying to prove that he wouldn’t try and mess his brother up again. 
“What in Lord Electrod's name are you two doing?!” 
Emmet quickly lurched forward and grabbed his brother by the waist, pulling his twin back just as he was about to fall off the bridge. Sadly, there was nothing he could do for the shattered Pokeball that fell into the water.
Slowly both brothers looked behind them, spotting the source of the distraction as a tall figure wearing a blue tunic walking out of Wayward cave and toward them, and Emmet couldn’t help but roll his eyes. 
This guy.
“As much as I the great Melli appreciate you two coming to your senses and destroying those little balls you have, I would prefer it if you didn’t do it by disturbing the pokemon that reside in my lord's rivers.” Warden Melli sneered at the two, looking down his nose at them. “Even if they're just Magikarp.”
“We were not destroying Pokeballs, at least not on purpose. And we are not trying to disturb the pokemon, I just wanted to try and catch a Magikarp.” Ingo tried to explain, shrinking in on himself the moment he mentioned that he was ‘catching’ a pokemon.
Slowly Emmet started to get to his feet. He still hadn’t forgiven Melli for chasing his brother into a statue and then leaving him there to be eaten by an Alpha Luxray. He wasn’t about to let history repeat, not without giving the blue-clad warden a piece of his mind.
“You were trying to…catch a Magikarp…with one of those balls?” The Warden question raised a brow at them as if he was confused by the notion.
“Yeah, And?” Emmet finally spots up, reminding the member of the diamond clan of his presents. 
To Emmet’s surprise, Melli let out an amused snort and gave them a slight smile. 
“I suppose those little balls have a use after all. Would make fishing all the easier.” the man chuckled as he walked fully onto the bridge with them. “I’m guessing your father sent you to grab dinner for tonight while he tended to Lady Sneasler’s needs. How nice it must be to be able to have extra hands around to help run errands while you can focus your full attention on your beloved noble.” Melli let out a dramatic sigh, as he took a step back to add to the theatrics, his foot knocking into the Pokeballs that rested there. “Luckily, I The Great Melli am in no such need of such help, as I am a master of multitasking.” 
Whatever Warden Melli was talking about was verrry quickly drowned out by the gentle plopping sounds of two Pokeballs falling into the water, followed by the deafening silence of Ingo’s rage as he was suddenly reduced to one Pokeball.
Emmet quickly reached up and took a tight hold of the back of Ingo’s tunic, as he watched two Pokeballs start to float downstream, keeping his brother from lunging at the blue-haired man. 
“Hmm?” Melli hummed seeming to realize that neither brother was looking at him and finally turned his attention to the river, watching as the two balls floated away. “Oh, well that is unfortunate. Well, at least Almighty Sinnoh, ruler of Time was kind enough to leave you with one of those little balls.”
Emmet tightened his hold on Ingo’s shirt just a bit more, pulling his brother back just a bit. Just as Ingo had done for him many times. 
“Now aim carefully. Make sure to catch one of those big ones and The Great Melli while grace your Father’s tent and show you all how to properly grill Magikarp.” the Warden leaned down to that he was at about their height. 
Emmet watched closely as his brother took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down, and once he was sure the Diamon clan Warden wasn’t about to end up in the river he let go of his brother’s tunic and they both turned to face the waterfall.
There was now a large gathering of Magikarp around the falls, their orange bodies pushing against each other as they all seemed to be trying to make their way up, every so often jumping back to try and get some momentum. 
Ingo carefully rotated the last ball around in his hand, trying to pick a clear target. The large Magikarp Emmet had pointed out earlier was still there, its large body standing out in the sea of orange, yellow and gold. 
Once more Ingo took his position near the edge of the bridge, eyes locked on his target as he raised the ball and prepared to throw it. Emmet bit down hard on his lip, doing his best to not make another peep and risk being the one to mess his brother up.
Whether it was pure desire or pent-up frustration, Ingo ended up throwing the ball hard enough that it caused his whole body to shift forward. And as the ball left his brother’s hand, so to did Ingo start to fall off the bridge.
Everything seemed to happen so quickly and there were so many different noises that Emmet honestly wasn’t sure what happened first, his eyes unable to keep track of it all. by the time his mind finally caught up to everything that was happening, Warden Melli was pushing his brother onto the shoreline, both of them soaking wet and his twin was coughing up water. 
It was only when he heard a slight popping sound followed by a small firework shooting up in the air that reality seemed to come back into focus.
“Ingo! I think you got one!” Emmet called out, finally able to find his words as he sported the Pokeball in one piece as it started floating down the river, drifting on the current caused by the waterfall.
Emmet looked towards his twin, watching as Ingo threw his arms in the air in a weak celebration, coughing slightly as he lay on his back. “Bra-*cough cough*vo! We got one!” his voice was slightly strained but still held a note of excitement. 
“Oh good, it worked then. All thanks to my presence.” even Warden’s Melli was smiling as he swam out and retrieved the ball from the water and returned to shore with it. “Now let's see if it was worth getting all wet for, hm.”
Ingo slowly started to pick himself up off the ground and Emmet raced over to help his brother up. His brother’s clothes were soaking wet, and he could see a few grass and mud stains on the light pink fabric from where he’s been lying on the grass after being pushed from the water.
“Dad will be verrry upset that he has to wash your tunic again.” Emmet couldn’t help but giggle looking at all the stains his brother was covered in, their dad had just washed their tunics last week. 
Ingo gave no reaction just giving his brother a dead-panned look which just made the younger twin laugh harder. Then without warning, he pulled Emmet into a tight Beware hug, trapping his twin's arms by his sides. Emmet let a startled shout, feeling Ingo’s wet hair stick to his face and the water starting to seep into his shirt from his overly wet twin.
“Ingo! Why?!” Emmet shouted trying to squirm his way out of his brother’s grasp, with no luck.
Then just as suddenly as it happened Ingo let go, looking far too pleased with himself for Emmet’s liking. “Now yours needs to be washed too.”
Emmet quickly looked down at his shirt, noticing that while it wasn’t nearly as wet as Ingo’s some of the stains had come off on the fabric. “Ingo!”
“If you two are quite done wasting time.” Warden Melli interrupted, looming over the two and holding out the Pokeball out to his brother. “Let us see the bounty Almighty Sinnoh has granted you, thanks to my presence”
“Oh-Um right.” Ingo quickly reached out and took the ball in hand, flipping the latch open and releasing the pokemon inside.
The Pokemon flopped onto the ground uselessly, every so often it was able to launch itself a few feet off the ground, allowing the sun’s light to glint off its shiny golden scales for just a moment.
“Is it…suppose to be that colour?” Ingo asked, glancing back at the river behind them, Emmet following his brother’s gaze and seeing the Orange fish still swimming about the current. “The other ones are orange. Is this normal?”
“Hm?” the Warden bent down looking closely at the fish pokemon, with a rather flat expression. “Pulling on the vast knowledge of the Pokemon of my lord’s domain, I can honestly tell you that this Pokemon is quite clearly sick. See how much smaller it is than some of the other ones and its colour.” Melli stood back up, placing his hands on his hips. “I would recommend throwing it back and trying to catch something a bit more healthy looking.”
“But that was my last Pokeball,” Ingo answered, kneeling next to the Magikarp as the pokemon’s flopping started to die down.
“Can you not just reuse that one after you release this pokemon back into the river?”
Emmet shook his head, keeping his eyes on the pokemon and trying to make his own judgement on its health while answering the Warden’s question. “Nope. you have to destroy the Pokeball to release a pokemon.” The Magikarp seemed to be healthy enough, its flailing before had seemed pretty strong and it looked like it was breathing just fine; maybe it wasn’t as sick as Melli was making it seem. But it would probably be best to ask their dad.
“Really? Well, I suppose those little contraptions are not as useful after all. A shame.” Melli sighed, yet at the same time seemed oddly satisfied by the fact. “Well, then I guess it truly is a blessing of Almighty Sinnoh that I stumbled upon you two after all, for The Great and Generous Warden Melli isn’t about to allow three poor members of the pearl clan to starve because of the failings of both their Clan and the silly devices of the foolish team Galaxy.” the Warden smiled down at them, his head held so high that he was almost leaning backwards. “It just so happens that I have recently received a gift of Octillery from the coast and I would be more than happy to bring some over and treat you three with my superior cooking skills.”
Emmet visible struggled not to roll his eyes at the fact that the diamond clan Warden had just invited himself over to their place for dinner, he honestly wondered how his brother managed to keep a straight face. At least he was offering to cook.
“As for the Magikarp…” the warden’s smile slipped away as he looked down at the pokemon, before shrugging. “Keep it.” 
That caught the two of them completely off guard.
“As much as I dislike those little contraptions you use, this Magikarp is clearly unfit to go back to the wild. Its colouration would make it too easy a target for predators. Seeing as it won’t survive in the wild and it would simply make another pokemon ill from whatever sickness has befallen it, I see no reason why it shouldn’t remain with you, even if it's in one of those horrible little Pokeballs. It may even get another chance at life if you put the Time and care into it.” the Warden explained, smiling proudly as he looked down at the pokemon. 
How the Warden managed to say all that without going as blue as his tunic was a mystery. but if twins hadn’t simply been going along with his whole ‘we’re catching dinner’ line just to get Melli to leave them alone, Emmet might have been inclined to inform him that ‘taking care of the Magikarp’ had been their plan all along. 
“Besides, it is a rather pretty golden colour. It would be a shame to let something that lovely die.” 
“Oh! Of course, we’ll make sure to take good care of this Magikarp” Ingo gave a slightly salute, recalling the Magikarp back into its Pokeball as he stood up to look up at the warden. the forced enthusiasm in his voice just barely masking the annoyance in his tone.
“Good, I’m sure even Pearl clan children can handle a Magikarp.” Melli dusted off his still-wet tunic before turning on his heel and walking off. “Now remember to tell your father that I will be stopping by his tent around sunset and to be prepared for the best grilled Octillery in all of Hisui.”
The twins watched him walk back up the mountain, sighing in relief when the man was finally out of sight. 
“Guess we should go and tell dad that Warden Melli invited himself over for dinner.” Ingo sighed breaking the silence between them.
“At least he offered to cook,” Emmet added as they started to turn back towards the cave, eager to take the shorter route through Wayward cave.
Except the cave entrance was oddly dark.
“I am Emmet, yes?”
“When Melli approached us a while ago, did you see him come out of Wayward cave?”
Emmet heard his brother take a deep breath in, and his own shoulders sagged with the realization that they were not going to just be able to go back home. 
“I’ll get Lampent.” Ingo sighed harshly, adding his new Pokemon to his belt before grabbing Lampent’s ball and releasing her into the air. 
“Hopefully he didn't hide the torches far this time.” Emmet pulled out Eelektrik’s ball so that he could help aid in the search.
“His cooking better be as good as he is hyping it up to be if we’re about risk getting attacked by an Alpha Crobat, or I just might have to shove him off a cliff this time.” his brother ranted as he marched into the darkness of the cave, his trusted partner by his side.
“I am Emmet, I will not be stopping you.” the younger twin quickly followed him inside.
“You girls see that?”
“Yeah, that Magikarp’s scales were the same colour as a nugget.”
“I’ve never seen one like that before. Only heard tales from other regions about Golden Magikarp, they say they lay golden eggs as well.”
“A single Nugget sells for a pretty penny, we get our hands on that little gold mine we’ll never have to worry about roughing it ever again.”
“And it's currently in the hands of two Pearl clan brats. How Luck are we?”
“Hey, Coin. those two brats look a lot like that outsider the Pearl clan made a warden. Think they could be related?”
“Hm, that would make sense. We’ll have to be careful of him if we’re going to nab that pokemon from them.”
“Shouldn’t be too hard… after all, ‘Miss Fortune’ happens to everyone.”
Ingo dipped his hands in the waters of the lake, carefully running his fingers over the golden scales of the Magikarp, doing so gently so as not to stress the pokemon out, searching for any signs of damage or illness but could find none. 
He could feel the strong muscles move under its scales as it moved its tail to keep its place in the water, and there was no tearing in the membrane of the fins. 
Aside from the colour and being slightly smaller than a normal Magikarp, the fish pokemon was in perfect health as far as Ingo could help.
“Well I may not have grown up in this land like Warden Melli, and I’m not completely familiar with the biology of Magikarp. I think I can honestly say that this Magikarp is in perfect help.” He announced looking over at his two boys, giving them a soft smile to try and ease their worries. He held out a berry to the Magikarp as thanks for allowing him to examine it.
“What about its colour?” Young Ingo asked as he leaned in and gently pet the newest member of his team.
To this, the Father could only give a slight shrug. “It happens sometimes, it’s more of a genetic mutation than a sign of illness or anything like that.” he explained, unsure of how he knew all this or why the word ‘Shiny’ came to mind when he looked at the Magikarp. “It’s more of a rarity than anything else. Though I could understand the misunderstanding of thinking the pokemon to be ill.”
“So it's not sick, just rare?” Emmet questioned.
“Yes, that is correct.” Ingo nodded, watching his boys relax with the knowledge the pokemon was not at all sick. But his smile soon fell away into his usual frown as he took in both other appearances. “Though I do not see why you both had to roll around in the mud just to catch it.” the two of them were covered head to toe in mud and grass stains and young Ingo was completely soaked through, it was enough to make him wonder if catching a Magikarp was all they were doing. 
he’d just washed those tunics last week and at this rate, he was tempted to ask Lord Adaman if he could get two diamond clan shirts to stick them in, just so the stains weren’t nearly as noticeable. 
“Ingo fell into the river.” Emmet was quick to through his brother onto the tracks, leaving the elder twin stuttering as he tried to explain himself. 
“I-I did not mean to! My foot slipped off the bridge! I wouldn’t have slipped at all if Emmet hadn’t been trying to make me mess up.”
“I did that one time!”
“Okay, Okay.” Ingo waved his hands in a calming manner, trying to break up the argument before it could any worse. At least he knew why young Ingo was soaking wet. “That explains your brother, but Emmet why are you covered in mud? Certainly, you didn’t fall in the water as well.” 
“Ingo hugged me.” came the answer, and the Warden did his best to keep a straight fast. The words and the action they described were so innocent that it was almost hard not to laugh when seeing the completely annoyed look on Emmet’s face. Clearly, this had been far more malicious than some brotherly hug, but Ingo highly doubted that his youngest was completely innocent himself in all this.
“That’s a lot of mud for a single hug.” Ingo pointed out, doing his best to keep his voice even.
He wasn’t laughing at his son being overly dramatic, of course not.
“I…tripped on the way back through Wayward cave.”
“You tripped?” that caught his full attention. There was no way either of his boys should have tripped through Wayward, the cave was too well lit and both of them knew that running around through the cave risked drawing the attention of a large Alpha Crobat. So unless pokemon had been digging into the ground around the main path he had marked out, there shouldn’t have been a way for either of them to trip.
“Warden Melli put out all the torches and hid them again. We found them and put them back up but it was pretty even with Lampant’s help.” His eldest cleared up quickly, and Ingo let out a sigh of relief. 
so it had just been Melli again and not a pokemon. It wasn’t good that one of his boys had fallen but at least he didn’t have to go searching through Wayward cave searching for any holes or scare off any wild pokemon from the main path. And as much as he wanted to talk to the other warden about the dangers of removing the touches from the path, Ingo knew that conversation would simply go in one ear and out the other. 
Besides, no one had been hurt as of yet. So there was no point in contacting Melli’s station master over it. Emmet was dirty not injured.
“Oh, by the way, Warden Melli said that he’ll be coming over around sunset and he’s bringing Octillery for dinner.”
“Oh, is Melli joining us tonight?” it had been some time since the Diamond clan Warden had joined him for dinner, often inviting himself over, and Ingo had started to wonder if the other warden had been frightened off after the Luxray incident, clearly that wasn’t the case and he was bringing Octillery this time and offering to cook it; so Ingo welcomed the day off of cooking.
And seeing as they had company coming over…
“Well, since we’re at the lake as it is. We should probably wash up since we have a guest coming over tonight.” Ingo smiled at his two boys standing as he ushered them both towards the water. “Wouldn’t want the diamond clan thinking we don’t take care of our cabs Unless you would like Lady Sneasler to bathe you like one of her kits.”
“Aw, okay.” Emmet sighed, easily headed towards the water to start washing the dirt off of himself without much fuss.
As usual, his brother dug his heels in just a little when it came to getting wet. “But it’s just Melli.”
“No buts on this train. Go on, Magikarp will help keep you afloat. Isn’t that right?” Ingo gave no quarter as he continued to push his son towards the water’s edge, looking down at the pokemon in question and receiving a Loud ‘KARP KARP!’ in return. “Think of it as a bonding moment, you’ll have a hard time training a water-type pokemon if you don’t go into the water with it at some point.”
“Okay.” his eldest finally conceded, entering the water on his own for once and taking hold of Magikarp to help himself swim. 
That taken care of Ingo moved to dry his hands off on his tunic, stopping the moment he noticed a stain starting to form on the off-white fabric where his hand had just touched. 
He looked at his hands, spotting the splotches of dirt and mud across his skin, no doubt picked up from the twins.
“Guess they are not the only ones who need to get cleaned up. Would not want Lady Sneasler to see me like this after all.”
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milfingo · 2 years
So! Hi all! Gonna christen this shiny new blog with my most favorite thing in the world~ Fate AUs!
Cause I’m obsessed and can’t not think about it from time to time! So how it goes is that our dear train boys share blood with the old mage clan of Edelfelt. Having branched off from the main family a bit farther back. Due to this they also have the trait Sisters, however their family has since renamed it to Twins due to the trait only showing up when twins are born.
The twins themselves are actually born to a rather minor mage family in Unova. They had a fairly standard upbringing up until around their 8th birthday when mage hunters came looking for an estranged uncle who had been staying with them. Unknown to the family at that point, this man had stolen multiple spells and has been selling them off. As the clock tower hunters close in they kill off those who stand in their way. Resulting in their mother taking them and running leaving the family behind.
They manage to set up life far from other mages and were forced to more thoroughly integrate into normal society. While they still keep up magecraft training, it became less important. From there the boys slowly edge away from their mage upbringing though it still heavily influences their thinking from time to time.
At the age of 12 they set off on their pokemon adventure after proving themselves by capturing their own partners with the help of magcraft. During this time they run in another mage child. Excited to have met someone from the same background they become fast friends. However due to being away from mage society for so long they forgot the one of the rules of mages. Emotional connections serve no purpose.
Unknown to them, their new friend been sent by a Clock Tower mage to track them down and clean up the mess from 4 years ago. This child isn’t actually a child but a mage hunter in disguise. After gaining the trust of the twins the mage hunter tricks them into taking a detour from their planned path to hit up Celestial Tower. When the reach the top they realize they’ve been tricked. The Mage hunter had set up a bounded field that prevented escape and intended rip the family magic crest from them. Unable to take on a fully trained mage hunter the two were taken down swiftly. However right as the hunter was starting to rip the crest from them, he was shot. Breaking the bounded field that held them.
When the twins woke-up they found themselves at a pokemon center. Shaken they debate colling of their pokemon journey. The reason they don’t is due to their mother insisting they continue. She cites that with them being on the move and her departing as well, the mage hiring the hunters would need to spread their resources thin to catch them.
It takes months if drawn out travel and winding loops before they hunters give up and they are left alone. Having been soured to mage society the twins’ endeavor to cut themself off from it as they grow.
Eventually mage society forgets about them, and they go on to take over Gear Station as Subway Bosses.
Then we hit the point where Ingo gets dropped into Hisui. Emmet is frantic looking for him. Running through resources but coming at with dead ends. While he suspects it was primarily a pokemon’s doing, nothing he’s researched has given him a concrete answer. He eventually gets desperate enough to return to mage society under a different identity, Nobori a man who suddenly developed magic circuits that could not be traced back to any particular lineage.
There he hears about someone who has been tampering with space time. Not Punishable but their actions have caused an imbalance in the world. Unfortunately, at the same time this is going on so is the holy grail gearing up to spawn and start another grail war. Due to this the optics on the grail war is greater than ever. They do not want the one causing the rifts to get their hands on the grail. 
Knowing that the grail is capable of miracles Emmet also sets his sights on joining the grail war. However, he isn’t a strong enough candidate to be chosen. Instead, he attacks a weaker and ill prepared mage and forces them to pass their command seals and summoning catalyst to him under pain of the termination of their magic circuits. Thus securing his place in the grail war.
When Emmet under the name Nobori goes to summon his servant, he intended to summon a berserker. Powerful but difficult to control, he would need to sacrifice a command seal to ensure that whatever servant he summoned would obey his command. However, something goes wrong with the ritual. The catalyst he was using belonged to a warden of ancient Hisui, but what got summoned instead was anything but such.
The summoning circle erupts into a pillar of purple flames before an inhumanly tall, but slender figure emerges from them. Their face is covered by a black veil, and their clothes hide much of them outside pale white hands. A discordant voice ask, 
“I am the Guide of the Highlands. I ask of you, fair mage. Will you be my conductor in this Grail War?” Under the veil, a flash of silver eyes can be seen, boring holes into Emmet’s soul.
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
More Gardenshipping, with Reina x Emmet in the Age Gap au - collectively titled ‘Watching the Earth Rise.’
This one’s set two months after Reina’s drunken confession in Lost and Found; it’s not the one I mentioned in the tags of a different post (I... can’t remember which one), but it is the night directly before. That one is almost done and I’ll probably upload it, too, if people are interested~
This is also where Emmet’s quote from the shipping meme thing comes from.
(Thank you again for the amazing feedback, by the way! I’m so thrilled that everyone likes Reina so much!! <3)
CW: some minor self-depreciation, mentions of alcohol use, allusions to past tragedy. Other than that, it’s pure fluff. (Flashing lights in the song link.)
“I still fall for you like suns do for skies
Cerulean pouring in from your eyes
Just a hollow moon that you colorize
So powerful, I feel so small but so alive
Like watching the earth rise…”
- (“Earthrise,” Starset)
The autumn night is comfortably warm as they walk side by side, hands brushing occasionally but not quite managing to catch; every time Reina thinks she has the courage to twine her fingers with Emmet’s, she quickly tucks them away again.
She isn’t sure how to go about any of this. 
Two months of dancing around one another. Two months of Emmet being unbelievably patient with her as she creeps ever emotionally closer like a scared litten slowly coming out from under the bed. Two months - July into September - since two bottles of gods-awful vodka and grief had loosened her tongue and spilled her adoration through the phone and straight into her boss’s hands. Two. Months. And still she’s struggled with the chains that hold her heart safe inside its cage. 
He’d told her he loved her back; she has no idea what to do with that, even now. 
(Cracked and dented as she is, she doesn’t think she’s worth the wait. She doesn’t tell him that.)
The funniest part about the whole situation is that Emmet - patient and kind - makes her want to be worth it. He makes her want to be human again, not just whatever hollowed out mannequin she’s become, and maybe she’s being selfish, but she wants him to want her. She’s so tired of being invisible, even if it’s been by her own choosing for the past ten years - better to be forgotten on her own terms than in a way she has no hope to control. 
(And that’s the thing: she’d tried to hide away, to keep herself locked up tight and stay as unnoticeable as possible, but Emmet had refused to not see her. And that is probably what made her start to see him back.)
Reina doesn’t realize how long she’s been buried in her own thoughts until there’s a soft brush of a hand against her own. She blinks back to existence to see that they’ve stopped walking - her own body unconsciously attuned to his as it’s been for the past 10 months. 
(Ten years of hiding behind a layer of iron and ice; ten months for him to break it down without even trying.)
“Hmm?” she questions, tilting her head at him instead of digging for words at the back of her tongue. 
Emmet pulls his hand away with a slowness that feels painful; his eyes linger on the space between their fingers as it stretches wider, until he’s tucked his hand back into his coat sleeve and let it come to rest at his side. 
“...We are at the halfway point.”
Reina furrows her brow in confusion. Looking around properly, she sees that - indeed - they are at the halfway point between his apartment and hers. This would normally be where she’d turn down a different street at the end of the block and disappear into the more affordable sections of the city, while he would assumedly turn and go the other way.
But this is the first time he’s walked her home, despite the many times he’s offered. (And, admittedly, Reina finds that she’s more comfortable with the nighttime commute than she’s ever been before, despite the different form of discomfort that comes from being awkward around the man she has feelings for. Emmet’s presence is soothing in a way she doesn’t know how to describe, and it’s probably because of him that she let herself get so lost in thought to begin with.)
She exhales quietly and runs the thumbs on both hands across her the backs of her fingers, popping her knuckles one by one. 
“...So we are.”
She looks back at him, and finds that his eyes have been on her the whole time. 
Turning, she angles her body towards him. “Emmet?”
He blinks, shifts his gaze to search her face, furrows his brow slightly in obvious thought even as his eyes themselves are soft. She feels her heart speed up and decides she needs to blink, to speak, anything to break the spell. 
"What's up?" she asks quietly, just to fill the poignant silence. 
Monotone as ever, he says, "...I am unsure how to tactfully ask if you'd like to spend the night with me."
She can't help it - she laughs. It's a quick thing, a bark and then a giggle, a sound made more from her being caught off guard by his frankness than anything else. Though what she even expected from him but candor, she doesn't know. She looks back up at him with a warm, fond smile so he knows she's not laughing at him. She lets the edges of it turn playful to drive it home.
"I mean," she says, eyes crinkling, "I think that was pretty tactful, actually." She smirks up at him through her bangs. "It could have been a lot worse; you could have just straight up asked if I was down to fuck."
Emmet's face contorts. The smile is still there but it's strained, flattened out slightly like the failed birth of a grimace, and his eyes are tight. "I would not ask that," he says. "Not… like that." He says it carefully, too, like there's something else there he can't find the words for, a deeper feeling he doesn't know how to vocalize but is doing his best to delicately try anyway. 
(She realizes with surprise that he's been doing this off and on for a while now, she'd just never managed to pin down what it was. The thought of her being something he'd actively try to verbalize for makes her already-stuttering heart beat even further off-kilter.)
She lets him find his thoughts and tries not to implode under the weight of his quietude. 
Eventually he takes a step forward, reaching out a (shaking) hand to catch her fingers in his own. "That would imply sex is all I want from you; it is not. I am Emmet, I am not interested in a quick fling." He turns his hand so that his fingers, still shaking, slot with hers. His voice is so, so quiet when he speaks again, a level of vulnerability she hasn't seen before creeping into his usually toneless words. "I was serious when I said I love you." He pauses, looking down at their combined hands. "It would not just be a fuck for me."
Reina has never believed that something could almost literally take a person's breath away; now, standing under a street lamp equidistant between his place and hers, she finds herself exhaling in a single short, quiet, quivering burst. She knows that if she pulls away, lets go of his hand, tells him "not tonight," then he'll let her go without protest. He'll smile - and it will be smaller but it will still be real - and walk her home, no questions asked. No coercion, no ill will, no ulterior motive beyond wanting to make sure she's safe and comfortable. He'll be disappointed, she's sure, though probably not so much over not getting laid and more at the idea that he's messed up somehow. (He's easier to read than most people take the time to realize, she's learned; you just have to be willing to look.)
Reina looks up at this sweet, sweet man, this wonderfully kind and friendly man, endlessly caring to the point of self-sacrifice sometimes, awkward and anxious and constantly just trying to do his best to navigate human interaction on a daily basis, hiding his efforts behind a mask of joviality, secretly the biggest dork to ever exist - and feels something inside herself finally, finally come back from the brink of oblivion.
"Fuck," she whispers. She’d never stood a chance, had she? "Fuck, Em…" She lifts her hands, carefully disentangling from him, and brings them up to the sides of his face, stroking her thumbs across his cheekbones.
He brings his own hands up to cover hers, his expression both happy at the contact and worried by her delayed reaction. He tilts his head at her, brow creasing in confusion. She feels something spill from her eyes and trickle down her cheeks at the same time his eyes widen and he makes a noise of concern.
"Please kiss me," she begs. It's quiet, desperate in the way only someone starved for love can be, hopeful and scared all at once; she can hear it in the cracking of her own voice, hears it mirror the way Emmet's hand had been shaking as he reached for her before. 
Without hesitation he leans in, covering her lips with his, hands sliding down her arms to wrap around her waist and pull her close; she slips her arms around his neck and pulls him closer. 
"I love you," she whispers into the kiss, sobs without sorrow but instead, the breaking of a dam. It's the first time she's said it since the first time she'd said it - the first time she's said it sober - and she feels his breath catch against her chest from where they're pressed together. 
It isn't the first time they've kissed; there have been a handful of others (small pecks on the cheek, chaste brushes of lips along the corners of one another's mouths, little moments stolen in between larger pieces of life and responsibility, usually initiated by Emmet when she was too afraid to believe this was real), but this is the first one that carries so much weight. It's a turning point, a beginning, and for the first time in her entire life, Reina meets it head on, embracing it with open arms. She's spent her whole existence in a state of perpetual stagnation, guarded and afraid, with nothing left to lose, but with nothing to hold onto as a result, nothing to ground herself should the things she's been running from finally catch up enough to bury her. Now, though, in the last place she'd have ever expected it to be, there's a light at the end of her long, lonely tunnel. 
She takes a step into the unknown, and finds, not a bottomless chasm, but solid ground - with someone there to greet her on the other side.
"Em," she murmurs, sliding her hands back around to rest against his jawline. He pauses, pulls back just so, giving her room to collect herself after the kiss. She pecks the tip of his nose in thanks, earning her a quiet giggle.
"I love you," he breathes, resting their foreheads together. Pale eyes slit open to peer down at her through the softest, most adoring smile she's ever seen.
"I love you, too." 
His eyes slide closed again at her words, crinkling as he smiles, deepening the shallow crows feet at the edges. He sighs. "I have never been in love before," he admits. "You are my favorite person, I am happy it was with you." 
Reina nearly chokes as her eyes threaten to spill back over with tears. She squeezes them shut and nuzzles her nose against his. "Gods, Em, you can't just say stuff like that." 
She kisses him before he can think she's being literal, or that he's done something wrong. When she pulls back again, she tries to meet his eyes - with minimal success, but the effort is there. "I adore you; you have no idea how much."
Emmet groans. Pulling her flush against him once more, he buries his face in her shoulder and hugs her for all he's worth. "Stay with me tonight. Please? No expectations, just… just stay."
He doesn't have to extrapolate for her to understand what he's really asking. "Of course," she promises against his ear with the same quiet fervor as his own. "Of course, Em, of course I'll stay."
He clutches her impossibly tighter, a hitch in his breath muffled into her shoulder belying his own dam beginning to overflow. His grip is far from painful, however; instead, it's a comfort. Like a weighted blanket, steady and grounding, pushing her towards the overdue end to her decade-long derealization. 
She squeezes him back just as tightly and runs her fingers through his hair. "Take me home, Em," she whispers, words deceptively easy, and nuzzles his temple. She leaves it unspoken that he's her home now, knowing full well that, in this stolen moment, he'll understand what she means. 
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