#pistol says shit and dies
cephalopistol · 26 days
im kinda thinking about the gotchard alchemists starting a new life on the chemy planet and theyre all there like 40 years later and they have their little alchemist town and live with chemies and shit rn ....... would be peak
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Triple D.
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“We need assistance!”
Shouted the elite Navy SEAL into his earpiece. He was taking cover behind a low, nearly destroyed concrete wall to avoid the many bullets flying at him and his small task force. They’ve been in Aleppo, Syria for a little over two weeks and each day becomes increasingly violent. Senior Chief Petty Officer, John Stevens–Kelly, with his team of fellow SEALS are outnumbered by the Russian Military.
“Chief, this is base! We’re doing all we can to find you some backup! With the Marines and the Army being dispatched throughout Sudan and Iraq, we’re spread a bit thin! We will do our best to send assistance!”
Lieutenant Commander Karen Greer, is trapped in an abandoned building across from them and without proper backup, John Stevens–Kelly can’t get to her to see if she’s alive. Dust and debris crowded his vision and one by one he watched in horror as his men fell to their knees and died. It was supposed to be an easy escape and rescue of a CIA operative who was taken hostage by a suspected pro-Assad paramilitary group. It turned out to be the Russian Military.
“Damnit,” John fired rounds from his AK47 that was nearly out of bullets, “Guys, we’re on our own! Watch your six and try to keep out of the fire!”
A few SEALS tossed grenades to buy them some time as they moved toward the abandoned building. Structures were exploding and coming down on them and hostiles were coming in fast. If the base doesn’t send anyone, they are all dead. The mission was a disaster from the beginning. All they had to do was collect the hostage, get some intel, and get the hell out. A few days stretched into two weeks.
“Chief?! We’ve got you covered! They’re dropping in now!”
John hid himself behind a brick wall and spoke into his earpiece.
“Who’s dropping in?!” John replied firmly.
Dirt swirled like a small tornado when two helicopters swooped down and soldiers wearing all black slid down from a rope with guns blazing and ninja–like abilities. The Russians didn’t stand a chance. One-by-one they were taken out by the unknown soldiers. There was one soldier that stood out above the others and moved as if he were bulletproof.
John took that opportunity to run as fast as he could to the abandoned building to find Lieutenant Commander Karen Greer. He ditched the AK47 for a pistol and when he finally crossed over into the building, Russian troops jumped out of their hiding place and John took them out immediately. He could see the soldiers dressed in black enter and spread out in search. One soldier, however, took his place in front of John. He removed his all black balaclava and helmet, revealing himself to John.
“Killmonger.” John says, a slow laugh echoing from his mouth, “Nigga, where have you been?! You show up now?!”
Erik Stevens, a former United States Navy SEAL who was eventually assigned to a Ghost Unit for the Military, stood before his twin brother after two months of no contact.
“You know we work off the grid, bro. Deeper shit than rescuing some crooked ass CIA officials. Glad to see you’re still breathing.”
“Glad to see you’re not dead in a fuckin’ ditch somewhere, E. What the hell have you been up to?”
“The less you know, the better,” Erik handed John a gun, “Let’s make this shit speedy before more Spetsnaz show up.”
The twins together were the strongest. John missed the days when he worked alongside his brother, but Erik grew tired of the straight arrow. He wanted to get his hands dirty in ways John couldn’t agree with. Erik becoming a mercenary formed a wedge between them for a while, especially because John didn’t enjoy killing for sport like his twin. Erik was ruthless and cynical, whereas John only showed that side of him in the line of duty. There were plenty of times where John and Erik bumped heads.
The brothers made their way deeper into the abandoned building and finally discovered Lieutenant Commander Karen Greer and the CIA Operative hiding in a small room. The CIA Operative had a gunshot wound to his left thigh. Relief washed over Karen Greer’s face when she spotted John. She leaped up into his arms and hugged him tightly.
“Aight, save the reunion for later! We gotta go!” Erik shouted aggressively.
Erik carefully pulled the CIA Operative up and they quickly made their way towards the helicopter. Karen Greer bit her tongue while following them out of the room. She couldn’t stand Erik, and it was partly due to the fact that he was the reason things never worked out between John and her. She disliked the fact that John defended his hot-headed brother, even when he was wrong. She’d craved John’s love but deep down she knew it would never be the same.
Back outside, they succeeded with making it out alive and the helicopter took off. Karen Greer attended to The CIA Operative’s wound by creating a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. John made eye contact with his brother and he reached his hand out to clasp Erik’s firmly. Karen Greer watched the interaction with a neutral expression. It was silent the entire ride to base. Killmonger and his team remained on the helicopter while the few remaining SEALS, Karen Greer, and John Stevens–Kelly helped the CIA Operative to base.
One Week Later:
Lagos, Nigeria was where John went to meet with his twin brother. It’s been a week since they’d seen each other and it would be good to catch up. John made his way into a striking waterfront home within a gated community wearing a v-neck, long-sleeve, khaki tunic with matching pants. He removed his shades and began pacing the grand entryway with curiosity.
John took a chance and stepped forward, eyes moving from left to right. Before him was a double, rounded staircase and to his left was a large study and to his right was a family room. John entered the family room and placed his duffel bag on the floor next to an end table with a large African head statue crafted from a tree trunk.
“Pay him handsomely. He deserves it…”
John spotted a portly, Nigerian man with a big grin wearing a traditional Nigerian caftan in all white with colorful embroidery and matching white pants. Killmonger stood before him at a towering height of 6’4 wearing a fitted black T-shirt with dark camouflage pants and black boots. He shook the man’s hand firmly with a slight smirk before turning his dark gaze onto a butler that held out a recondite sepia leather duffle bag for him to take.
“We will do business again, Killmonger. In the meantime, Make you enjoy your stay in Lagos…”
John watched the man and his servant leave the magnificent home. Killmonger’s heavy hand clasped John’s shoulder and he turned towards his identical twin abruptly.
“Didn't think you’d actually show up, bruh. Good to see you J.”
They hugged each other tightly before letting go.
“Whose house are we in?” John questioned.
“Don’t worry about all that. Just know it’s ours for a few days. You hungry? Want something to eat? Drink?”
John didn’t automatically respond to Erik. He was being hyper vigilant. His eyes scanned every nook and cranny of that enormous estate.
“My bag—”
“John. Relax. It’s just me and you here. No more unorganized missions and Karen’s mess. You get to put all that shit behind you and unwind. When was the last time you had that, bro? And please don’t tell me that old story about us drag racing on the Los Angeles River. That shit happened when we were eighteen.”
Erik thrust a glass filled with amber liquid into John’s hand. John was the definition of the ‘perfect soldier’. Loyal, noble, and dependable on top of being a tactician and strategist. When he’s in the war zone, he’s ruthless. That part of his life has always been hard to relax from. Even when it comes down to relationships. He’d always been afraid to grow with a woman because of what he does for a living. Too many times he’s witnessed fellow SEALS slaughtered in their own homes.
Unbeknownst to his crazy brother, John would love to have a companion. Someone he could come to whenever he made it home safely. Whether it be a serious commitment or strictly physical. He could never have that with Karen no matter how hard he tried. He craved pillow talks, massages, the smell of a woman’s perfume. So many things. Erik was right, he needed to decompress. John drank the entire contents of the glass, realizing it to be whiskey.
“Fuck it. You’re right. What’s the move?”
Erik rubbed his hands together like the mastermind he is.
“Aight, figured we could get some food, meet up with some ladies, and hit the town. I know some good spots here in Lagos. Tomorrow we can take a yacht out and smoke some cigars. Just live it up, you know?”
John smirked, “Sounds all good to me. What ladies? Hopefully nobody you touched. We all know what happened back in college. Sydney…”
“Ahhhh…Sydney. She was…” Erik kissed his fingers, “Scrumptious. You ain’t have no problems with me hittin’ that!”
They walked out towards the back of the home and took a seat near the inground pool. Erik took a small sip from his glass before sitting it on the ground beside him to remove his boots. John lounged back and placed his shades over his eyes.
“So, now you’re silent?” Erik teased.
“I’m silent because you love to leave out certain details. I was falling DEEP for that girl. Her excuse was she couldn’t tell us apart.”
“Both of us had the same cut, J! Like I told you before, I didn’t know. Anyway, she’s married with a son or some shit… good for her.”
John chuckled, “It’s been too long for me. So long that I’ve become picky. I don’t want just any woman.”
Nigga,” Erik scuffs, “You serious? It’s been three months for me. I miss the sex. I miss giving and receiving. Shit…I got a job in a week and this job gotta be one of the worst and I mean my whole fuckin’ chest will be covered in scars by the time I come back home to the Bay—you think I’m fuckin’ lying? I need this. I wanna be pissy drunk in a bed full of women before I touch down in Vietnam.”
John took his shades off to look at Erik.
“You scarring again? Thought you said that shit was over?”
“I guess old habits don’t die hard,” Erik shrugged, “I enjoy it.
John squinted, “You enjoy having that reminder on your body? You’re fucking crazy…”
“Says the nigga that ain’t never giving this life up. You live for this shit too, J. Don’t act like me and you are any different. Just because I do shit dirty doesn't mean you ain’t getting a thrill out of it. See, ever since you became best buddies with Sam Wilson you've been acting brand new.”
“Your thrill and my thrill are not the same, E. And what’s wrong with Sam? He’s cool peoples. Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do. But…it’s a job for me. For you, it’s a game. You have this killer instinct. Example,” John sat up, “You remember what happened in Iraq? What you did to that family? Torturing? That shit was…that was brutal.”
“Yeah…I remember. I also remember very clearly that they were the enemy. I also remember losing friends to those enemies. When I get behind that heat,” Erik made a gesture with his fingers to mimic a gun, “I don’t care who I’m aiming at. If it’s meant for you, it’s meant for you.”
“…Wild,” John stood up and stretched, “I’m getting some more to drink…”
“Fill me up!” Erik held his glass out, “And bring the whole bottle. We gotta get ready in another hour to head out.”
“Damn, I just got here,” John shakes his head.
“The pussy don’t wait for no one!” Erik shouted after his brother.
“This is…?”
“I’m Malaika.”
“Oh yeah! Malaika. Good to see you again, sweetheart.”
Erik nudged John while they were seated in Silverfox; a luxury strip club on Victoria Island in Lagos. John perked up and gave his twin brother a sideways glance before reaching out his hand to greet Malaika. Her soft, graceful hand within his calloused one felt warm and friendly. John took the time to admire Malaika. She has some outstanding characteristics that make her irresistible. Among them all, her rich, dark skin with big, dark brown eyes stood out to him the most. Skin so lovely and smooth. She had a curvy figure with a tall stature that made him wonder if she were a model. She wore her hair in straight-back stitch braids that hung down to her butt and a form-fitting, cyan-blue dress with silver stiletto sandals.
“How you doin’ I’m John.”
“Hi, John,” Malaika’s eyes scanned his body, “First time in Lagos?”
“It is, yeah.” John responded.
Malaika took a seat next to John with her drink in hand trying to spark conversation. Her best friend, Zola, sat with Erik on the opposite end of the sofa on his lap. Malaika was used to seeing her best friend being all over Erik. She was his ‘girl’ whenever he touched down in Lagos. Zola’s coarse, voluminous Afro shielded Erik’s face while she leaned in to give him a kiss on his plump lips. Erik had a handful of her bubble booty that stood out in her denim shorts. When she faced forward again, she caught eyes with John and waved. Zola was just as gorgeous with her toasty-brown skin and mahogany eyes. Her sheer-black halter top gave a brazen view of her pierced nipples.
“How do you like it so far?” Malaika asked.
“It’s a vibe. Definitely into it.”
John reached for his drink and Malaika’s eyes tracked it.
“What’s in your cup?”
“STARR Rum. I’m a rum kind of guy. You?”
Malaika twirled the last remnants of her drink around, “It’s some Patron mix the bartender did for me. I don’t really like it.”
She pouted her lip before sitting her cup down on the low table in front of them.
“We still got rum left in the bottle. I can pour you some…”
John uncapped the bottle and proceeded to fill Malaika’s cup. Meanwhile, Zola and Erik are watching the various women twirl and do tricks on the pole. They had already thrown cash and some of it littered the floor of their section.
“What do you do if you don’t mind me asking?”
John angled his body to face Malaika while relaxing back against the lounge sofa.
“I’m a Navy SEAL.”
“Hmm,” Malaika roamed John’s body with her sultry eyes, “Is it dangerous?”
John chuckles. In his mind, he was saying what he really thought but he’d just met Malaika so he didn’t want to give off bad vibes. Of course being a SEAL is dangerous.
“It’s considered one of the most dangerous military occupations. Combat operations…hazardous training…specialized missions…it’s risky. You gotta be prepared for that.”
“Wow. I bet you’ve seen a lot.”
John nodded his head, “I have. More than I’d like to discuss,” John cleared his throat, “Tell me a little bit about Malaika.”
Malaika tucked her chin bashfully, “I’m in medical school currently. Not much of a social life at the moment but it’s worth it.”
John’s unruly brows shot up with interest, “that’s dope. Educated and gorgeous…I like that.”
Zola sipped her drink while watching John and Malaika get to know each other. She held a tiny smirk on her face. Erik was too busy making his dick jump against her ass. Zola looked down at him over her shoulder as best as she could with all the hair she had.
“You need to cut it out, Killmonger. Calm that big dick down…”
“I’ll calm it down when you get that phat ass up off my lap, girl.” Erik retorted.
“So it’s my fault? Teh,” Zola rolled her eyes, “Not my fault you can’t control yourself.”
“Here we go,” Erik threw his head back and laughed, “Zola…stop acting tough. Because we both know that I’ll put your ass through the mattress and have you screaming big daddy at the top of your lungs. Stop it.”
“Who did you fuck in Cuba?”
Erik’s eyes went round at her outlandish question.
“Zo, are you serious?”
“Yes, I am. I want to know.”
“I thought you ain’t care who I fuck when I’m away?”
“I haven’t seen you in months and you’ve been giving this big dick to some other bitch and I wanna know…”
A chuckle could be heard from across the table and Erik peeked over to see John and Malaika tittering into their cups.
“Help me out, bro,” Erik gave John a pleading look.
“I wish I could, E. I haven’t seen you in months either.” John bantered.
Erik put his middle finger up at his twin. John simply laughed. He knew his brother all too well. He was definitely fucking some women in Cuba. He’d caught his brother in many nefarious situations with women. Some of which almost got them killed. Erik’s sex drive had to be sated even through war. John had control for some time because he’d been in a long-term relationship with a high school sweetheart at one point before dating Karen on and off for three years.
“Forget all that. I’m here right now with you. Let’s make the most of this shit before I’m gone again.” Erik said with finality.
Zola simply rolled her eyes in response. Erik’s hands caressing her frame as he stared her down with an unwavering gaze while whispering to her seemed to melt her jealous core. She couldn’t fight the urge to blush when Erik’s hand palmed her ass and gripped it tight and possessively.
“You two are so different,” Malaika whispered to John, “you’re very laid back and he’s very outspoken.”
“Believe it or not, we play off of each other well,” John replied, “My silence is just me being observant for the most part.”
“You seem shy.”
John licked his lips and cracked a dimpled smile, “I’m not. I promise you.”
Malaika giggles.
“You definitely are though,” John elevated a single brow and squinted at her, “You’ve been avoiding eye contact with me.”
Malaika opened her mouth to speak but she quickly realized he was correct.
“It’s not that I’m shy…you’re just fine as hell.”
She turned and crossed one leg over the other, causing her hip to poke out. John fixated his lustful gaze on her generous curves. The colorful luminance bouncing around the club against her dark skin had him salivating for a taste. It’s been too long since he’d had some good pussy. And Malaika could be just the girl to soak his dick.
“Thank you, gorgeous,” John scooted closer to her, “But don’t let that intimidate you. I love eye contact. And the way you walked in here tonight showed me you have a lot of confidence,” John took a chance and placed his hand over her knee and started stroking it with his thumb, “That’s a huge turn on for me.”
“Mm, oh yeah? What else turns you on?”
Malaika traced John’s thin, gold chain with her gemstone-covered acrylic nail.
“A woman that knows what she wants…isn’t afraid to express it and show it…release her inhibitions.”
John’s words had Malaika yoked up by the pussy. Her breathing changed, her eyes went low, her nipples hardened, and she couldn’t keep her hands off of John. She ran her hand down his chest and down his thigh. John’s dick bricked-up so fast he didn’t see it coming. She was stroking his thigh while his dick expanded in his pants.
“Ayo, J!”
John looked up to see a woman so fine he almost groaned. A pole dancer with fat titties, thunder thighs, and a top-shelf ass started showing out in the section. The red-hot one-piece with a large keyhole cutout that left little to the imagination and a pair of stunning stockings attached to the bodice barely covered her body. John had never seen so much ass in his life.
“Throw that shit, baby!” Zola shouted while throwing hundreds.
Erik stood up and started making it rain over her. John grabbed a stack and flicked it towards her direction. She kept popping that ass like she didn’t own a vertebrae. Malaika clapped her hands in time to the bounce of the dancer’s cheeks.
“Damn, ma! Show out!” Erik yelled. L
“Aye!” Malaika said loudly.
“That ass is crazy,” John shook his head.
When she finished dancing, she collected her money and walked off as if she didn’t just render everyone speechless.
They were lucky to make it back safely to the mansion in one piece with the way Erik was driving his yellow Lotus Emira V6. The ladies took off their five-inch heels at the door and John had to bend down and help Malaika because she couldn’t keep her balance from all the rum she drank. Erik took off his embroidered crochet shirt that matched his shorts and threw it over the banister. His locs fell into his eyes at that point from the wind when he was driving.
“Are we still getting in the jacuzzi?” Zola asked.
“Hell yeah. You got an extra bikini for Malaika?”
“I do. Let me go get it,” Zola climbed the stairs while gripping the banister.
Erik followed her and he caught up with her to slap her on the ass.
“You okay?” John had a tight hold on Malaika’s waist so she wouldn’t fall.
Malaika drunkenly giggled, “I’m good. Let's change.”
John grasped Malaika’s hand and they climbed one side of the staircase. When they got to the second landing, John led Malaika down the hall to the room he’s in during his stay. John pushed open the double doors to a large room with a balcony that oversees the yard and beyond. John grabbed his bag to find his swim shorts while Malaika started taking off her dress. John paused to watch her. She was standing before him in a strapless, nude bra and matching thong. Malaika caught him staring and gave him a seductive smirk.
“This will be all yours tonight,” She crawled over to him on the bed like a feline, “All yours…”
John’s eyes followed her movements until she reached her destination and pressed her sweet lips against his. The kiss felt damn good. John could kiss for long periods. He looked from her lips to her eyes and then he closed the space between them and his lips were on hers again. Malaika sat up on her knees and started unbuttoning John’s boxy-fit, black top. She smoothed the fabric from his shoulders and broke the kiss to see his body.
“Fuck, you’re body is…mmm…Abeg, come fuck my pussy…”
Malaika’s hand found its way between John’s legs and she squeezed his stiff dick. John grunted against her lips.
“You’re so sexy, John…”
She was hungry for attention. Malaika started fumbling with his black pants to free his third leg. John paused her horny pursuit with a gentle grasp of her wrist.
Malaika gave John a slight pout. John slipped away to his bag and opened a small pocket to grab a SKYN elite large condom. He made his way back over to her and Malaika proceeded to take off her bra. John stopped her again and then he tilted her chin up to make her stare directly in his eyes.
“Let me,” John reached around her and unhooked her bra.
His eyes admired the slope of her well-endowed breasts with large, brown areolas and small nipples. John didn’t waste time crouching down to suck on each erect nipple just so he could taste her luscious, dark skin. Malaika thrust her chest out and tried her best to watch John but the way he looked her in the eyes was too much for her to handle.
“Fuck, John…just like that…” Malaika moaned.
She tasted just as good as she looked. John was drooling. The door to the room opened and in walked Zola wearing a sage green bikini with her hair styled in a bun to avoid getting wet. John popped Malaika’s left titty out his mouth and sat up quickly. Zola and her bouncy, glistening cleavage crawled onto the bed and she held out a royal blue bikini for Malaika to wear.
“Here, bitch! Hurry up!”
Malaika sat up and Zola took it upon herself to remove Malaika’s thong. John’s eyes stared between Malaika’s thighs at her semi-hairy pussy. Erik approached the door with a bottle of amber liquor in his hand, drinking straight from the rim. He had on a pair of black and white striped swim shorts. Malaika slipped on her bikini bottoms while Zola helped with her bikini top. John’s dick wouldn’t go soft and he really wanted to continue where they left off but Zola was dragging Malaika out of the room.
“You still ain’t ready, nigga?! Did we fuck up a moment?”
“Whatchu think?” John replied sarcastically.
He snatched up his red swim shorts.
“Can I get some privacy?”
Erik walked away and took his laughter with him.
After John got dressed, he made his way out to the jacuzzi. When he got there, Erik was seated on the edge of the jacuzzi with his feet in the water that bubbled up like a witches brew. Zola and Malaika were splashing each other and shrieking. John lowered himself into the jacuzzi and wrapped his arms around Malaika’s waist, pulling her towards him. He started peppering kisses down her slender neck. Zola placed herself between Erik’s legs and he fed her some liquor straight from the bottle. Some of it dribbled down her chin. Erik sank into the water and wrapped his hand around her bun, extending her neck so he could like and suck on her neck.
Malaika’s eyes couldn’t stray away from Erik’s broad, muscular back littered with tiny, raised scars. John noticed that she was staring and Malaika tried to play it off by kissing his cheek. John wasn’t surprised, Erik’s scars drew a lot of attention. And it made you question what type of person would do something like that over and over.
“I noticed you don’t have any scars…”
“…I have a few. We started them together. I just didn’t have the desire to continue…”
Malaika turned to face him, “Can I see them?”
John took Malaika’s right hand and brought it to his right side. Her fingertips grazed three small raised bumps.
“What made you stop?” Malaika stared up at John with curiosity.
John removed her hand and leaned in to give her tongue. That seemed to distract her. John wanted to focus on the sex and the good times. As beautiful as Malaika is, he knew what it would be between them. She didn’t need to know about that.
“You kiss like…I no get! I no get…”
Zola had her legs wrapped around Erik’s waist as she watched John and Malaika kiss over his shoulder.
“How come you never brought John around before?”
Erik pulled back to look at her. He scrunched his face at her question.
“Wetin? I mean…you’re identical twins. I’ve never seen twins so separated…”
Erik cocked his head to the side, “John has his own thing and so do I. That doesn’t mean we’re not close.”
“Zo, you know you’re ruining the mood right? Look,” Erik points to John and Malaika, “Instead of you worrying about me and my brother's bond, you could be worrying about this big dick you missed so much.”
Erik lets Zola down and he climbs out of the Jacuzzi. He motions for her to come to him and he lifts her out of the water. Erik picks her up bridal style and Zola squeals. Malaika and John were too busy swapping spit to care.
Zola missed his big dick alright.
That slight curvature to the left with the perfect amount of width-to-length ratio that would have you in the falsetto was back in Lagos after five long months. Despite Zola wanting to keep Erik all for herself, he’s a side dude. Zola is married and from what Erik knows, unhappy. They don’t talk about her marriage whenever they link. That’s Zola’s rule.
Her husband couldn’t fuck like Erik could. Despite her famine, Zola enjoyed the feeling of his fat dick sinking into her creamy center like it was the first time. Zola arched her back and took that long dick like a champ on the edge of the bed. Her wild, kinky fro shielded her face and she gripped on the bed as best as she could.
“I thought you said you liked big toys, Zo?!”
He pounded her pussy at different angles and different strokes to make her feel it. Zola had chills all over her body. His 6’4, 225 lb frame towering over her from behind could be seen in the reflection on the ceiling mirror. She looked back at him with tears in her eyes and nothing but cries escaping her mouth.
“Comot from dia…oooh…I can’t take it…Abeg, big daddy!”
Erik’s response to that was more strokes. His balls slapped her clit and her body convulsed. He popped her on the ass and that triggered her to cum hard on his condom-covered dick.
“Come up off this pussy, bitch? Huh? I thought I told you to take this fuckin’ dick? Huh?”
“Na so,” Zola replied weakly.
“Don’t play with me, Zo. I know how to get you…”
Erik slipped out and Zola released a heavy squirt. His dick and that curve was pressed against her spot on purpose to make her do that. Erik used his thumb to rub on her clit from the back causing more to release. She was a quivering mess in a puddle of her own release. Erik positioned Zola on her back and locked her legs with her knees pinned by her ears. Erik’s dick sank back inside of her and she almost lost it again.
“Fuck! Oh fuck…”
Zola gasped. Erik fucked her with a roll of his hips. He watched her face contorted in many different ways while grunting and biting his lip.
“Pussy creamy, you hear all that? Damn, girl…”
“You lookin’ at this? Hm?”
Zola’s eyes looked down and all she could see was his big dick going in and out of her. He hit her spot so good she couldn’t keep still.
“Zola, how deep this pussy go? Deep enough for daddy?”
She could only nod and tremble. That bottom lip would not stop quivering. Staring up into his onyx eyes that were shielded by his locs, Zola watched as he cracked a smile.
“Right there…oh my god I’m cumming—”
Erik slowly pulled out and his dick sat on top of her waxed pussy lips as he released into the condom.
“Fuuuck. That pussy good, Zo. So good, baby…”
Erik coaxed Zola into a tongue kiss. She gripped his chin and he rubbed her pussy.
“You wish you could have me every night?”
Zola’s eyes welled up with tears. They weren’t sad tears. The definition of dickmatized was Zola. She knew that as soon as Erik left, it would be a long while before he returned.
“I’m on top now,” Zola sat up, “I want to feel that dick from another angle, daddy…”
Erik removed the old condom and grabbed a new one.
“You can ride it all you want, girl.”
Erik could recall sleepless nights filled with multiple sessions with Zola. Erik had hoes in different area codes but one thing about Zola, she could take dick well. And she was his best eater thus far. Zola climbed on top of Erik and got up on her feet to bounce. She lined his dick up with her opening and lowered herself. Zola gripped Erik’s shoulders and started bouncing.
“Unh! I love the way it feels going up inside of me!”
“I know, you got my nuts hurting, fuck!”
That ass collided with his balls each time she came down.
“DAT’S IT…fuck this dick…ride this shit so good…just like that…Suck the nut out this dick with them pussy lips…pussy hella tight…take this nut like you tryna get a baby…”
Zola moaned loudly and she fell to her knees on top of Erik. Her walls gripped his dick with tight pulses. Erik’s hips jerked and he groaned while painting the inside of the condom milky-white.
While Zola and Erik were busy, John and Malaika made their way back to the room. Their wet swimwear resided on the bathroom floor and Malaika was on her back in a flash. John was leaning over her body, kissing down her neck. His dick throbbed against her inner thigh the more his lips moved closer to her breasts. Malaika was trying to steal peeks at his dick. It felt heavy against her thigh, but did it match the sensation? She could only hope so.
Malaika and her hairy pussy were begging for attention. She cradled the back of his head while his lips went from nipple-to-nipple. John’s lips tugging on her nipples made her clit pulsate. This man was teasing her and she couldn’t take it. Malaika pushed him so that he would sit up. John lifted to his knees and Malaika anxiously lifted to admire his dick.
She blinked slowly at what would be the prettiest dick she’d ever seen. It had a slight curve to it, which was new for her because she’d never taken dick like that. From first glance, she flinched because of how intimidating his dick looked. Prominent veins, wide tip, girthy, and at least 8 ½ inches. John startled her by caressing her bottom lip with his thumb. Malaika’s eyes met his. He had this hungry look in his eyes. She liked that a lot. Very primal.
“You want it? Come get it…”
Malaika found herself on her knees. John stood up and Malaika wrapped a hand around his shaft. She bounced it in her palm and realized how heavy it was. Her stomach clenched. She was going to fuck all this dick?
She opened up and wrapped her lips around him and started sucking. A longing sigh escaped his mouth. It was as if he’d forgotten how good it felt to have his dick sucked.
“Mhm…mhm…good girl…”
He gently strokes her chin with his thumb. Malaika sucked as much as she could.
“Damn…I needed this…”
John shut his eyes and drew his bottom lip into his mouth. Malaika’s loud slurping filled the expansive room.
“You like that shit?”
Malaika bobbed her head. He even tasted good. She slurped and John had a tight grip on her shoulders and he started bucking his hips. Malaika did her best to relax her throat. Spit trickled down the sides of her mouth continuously. John’s tongue swiped his bottom lip and his eyebrows knitted together. He was close. Malaika could tell because he was swelling in her mouth to the point that her jaws were sore.
“I’m finna nut…ughhhhh—”
Malaika’s pussy ached to be fucked when the first taste of cum from his beautiful balls hit her tongue. She had to moan herself. The more she jerked, cum painted her tongue. John watched with low eyes and parted lips. When she finished, John lifted her to her feet and instructed her to get on her back and spread her thighs. She grabbed him by the dick impatiently and John had to grab the condom to roll it on.
“Slow down, mamas…”
Malaika spread her pussy lips, “I should have shaved—”
She wasn’t prepared for that intrusion. Malaika cried out so loud her voice bounced off the walls. John didn’t care about some hair. He had some himself. He wanted—NEEDED to be inside of her. He had his hands on her hips while his big dick pumped her. With each thrust, Malaika would whimper. Silent but deadly. He could fuck some pussy up.
“John! Oh my god…”
He was swimming in her pussy. The wetness seemed to overflow the more he fucked her.
His chain in her face and the scent of sandalwood on his skin stimulated her senses. Malaika was going to cum hard. Whenever she looked up into his eyes, stroked the back of his head, and said his name, he would just stare back with this neutral expression. That was dangerous. It meant he KNEW his dick was lethal.
“Oooh, here it comes, YES—”
“Good girl…cum for me…”
Malaika spasmed beneath John. He kissed her temple and then he picked her up, walking Malaika over to the dresser. He sat her down on the dresser and without a word he hooked her left knee over his arm while using his right hand to line his dick up again and before she knew it he was back inside. Both of her knees over his arms, John thrust in and out of her. Malaika locked eyes with him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I gotchu baby…”
He was fucking her so good Malaika couldn’t believe it. Her rich, dark skin glistened with sweat and so did his russet skin. John watched as his dick went in and out with a bite of his lip. He lifted Malaika completely off of the dresser and bounced her on his dick.
“John! John! John!”
Her cries were beautiful. John felt that sensation.
“Shit, I’m cumin’—”
John gave Malaika two more thrusts before he erupted into the condom.
Time was lost to them as they slept in a pool of their own secretions. The silence that surrounded them in the darkness of that room alerted John to a ruckus. His ears could pick up the faintest of noises. John slowly sat up in bed, rubbing his left eye with the back of his hand. He was still naked with no desire to get dressed in case Malaika wanted to go another round.
John glanced down at the sleeping beauty before looking towards the door. He gently pulled the sheets back and climbed out of bed to grab a pair of shorts and a white beater. When he finished getting dressed, out of habit John grabbed a black pistol with a long barrel and a slightly lighter trigger pull for ultimate precision. He approached the door and carefully twisted one of the handles to open it.
The hallway was pitch black. John entered the hall, eyes moving from left to right, making his way towards his brother's room. When he approached Erik’s door, John tried to push it open but he was met with the muzzle of a silver, chrome plated Glock. Erik was on the other end. His hard, menacing expression relaxed when he realized it was John.
“You heard something too.” Erik whispered.
“Yeah,” John motioned for Erik to follow him, “it came from this way…”
The twin brothers stealthily moved towards the top of the stairs. When they got there, John spotted what looked like a militant. He didn’t think twice before pulling the trigger. They fell to their knees and as soon as they did, more shots rang out causing John and Erik to take cover.
“What the fuck?!” Erik pressed his back against a wall.
He could hear footsteps drawing closer so Erik jumped out and fired his pistol, the bullets connecting with the intruders head. John covered his brother by aiming his shots over the banister. He hit one in the chest and the other in the leg. They rushed down the stairs two at a time and broke out into combat, disarming whoever came at them.
John dragged one of them away while Erik had his knee in the back of the other's head with his gun pressed against their cheek.
“Who sent you?! SPEAK!” John barked out.
Erik looked towards the top of the stairs to find Zola and Malaika captured by more militant men. They were both barely covered with a sheet to conceal their nudity.
“If you shoot, we will kill them…”
Erik scowled furiously at whoever it was making threats.
“You’ve been on our radar for a while, Killmonger…”
John looked from his brother to the men holding the women hostage.
“Bandits?” John questioned.
Erik clenched his jaw. He kept a low profile in Lagos. No one knew about his whereabouts except Adewele, who he did business with. Did he betray him?
“How did you find me?”
The bandit wearing Nigerian militia and a red scarf shielding half of his face pointed his gun at Zola. John closed his eyes for a second. Erik looked at Zola with venomous suspicion.
“She’s our eyes and ears, isn’t that right? My wife?”
“What?” John couldn’t believe it, “You’ve been fucking the wife of your enemy?!”
Erik lost it.
“Erik, please–I–I–”
John watched as Zola’s brains were blown. The apparent leader of the bandits didn’t expect that turn of events. Malaika wailed, trying to escape. John watched her struggle, his mind racing. He didn’t know whether to trust Malaika. Erik didn’t hesitate to kill Zola. Malaika was tossed ferociously to the side while guns blazed. Erik raced up the stairs to handle the leader himself while John fought his way up towards Malaika. He got to her in time and fought off a militant before tossing his lifeless body down the stairs.
“John,” Malaika stared at him with tear-stricken eyes, “I didn’t know…I swear.”
“Here,” He helped Malaika to her feet, “I want you to hide until we make sure it’s safe, okay? Go.”
John watched Malaika run into a nearby room and close the door behind her. John ran off in search of Erik. He could hear commotion and found Erik fighting the leader of the bandits. A knife fight. John barged over and was nearly knocked over when a militant tried to subdue him. Erik swung his blade expertly while covered in blood.
“When I get you, I’m cutting your fucking head off!!!!” The leader shouted.
John brought the militant to the floor and wrapped his hands around his neck. He watched the life leave his body. Erik took a slash to his chest before throwing his blade, precisely hitting the leader in the eye. He dropped like a sack of potatoes to his death. Erik rocked back on his heels and dropped the blade in his hand. John approached his brother to check on him. Erik looked up at John with a smirk before laughing. John wasn’t in the mood for laughter.
“…I’m gonna go check on Malaika—”
“Nah, she’s probably in on this shit just like Zola. I can’t believe that bitch betrayed me.”
“You can’t believe it? Are you fucking serious? You ain’t learned from last time?”
“Whatever,” Erik picked himself up and stormed over to the door, “I gotta make a call. We need to be outta here before they come knocking.”
John clenched his fists and instead of going after Erik he went in search of Malaika. John made his way to the room she hid herself in and when he got closer he realized the door had been opened. John kicked the door open and flicked on the light. It was empty. He made his way back to the room he was in and noticed it was empty too.
Malaika had fled. He didn’t have time to process his emotions in regards to Malaika’s true intentions. All he hoped was that the girl was safe.
“How soon can they get here to clean up? I gotta disappear before shit gets hot…I’m gon’ keep it real with you, Adewele, I don’t trust anybody right now. Not even you. I appreciate how you came through, but I’m cutting ties…just wire me my last payment and we’re good…”
John listened in on his brother’s phone call before revealing himself. Erik paused to look John square in the eyes.
“I called a friend, they’ll meet us outside of the city to fly out. I’m gonna be off the radar for a bit to clean up this mess…”
John shook his head, “Do what you gotta do, bro. Just keep me the fuck out of it. I don’t wanna know what you did to have these people on your back. I got my own shit.”
Erik chuckled dryly, “Yeah, I know. Fuck me and my shit. I get it…”
Erik started packing his things. John had another mission when he got back.
“Listen, E. You should cool off for a while. Lay low someplace safe and leave this shit alone—”
“Can’t. I got a big job in Vietnam. I’m looking at a million dollar paycheck, bruh. I’m not laying low and missing that opportunity. You wouldn’t know anything about that…”
He didn’t have the energy to argue with Erik. And arguing wouldn’t change his mind. John walked away to get his things together. While he cleaned up and got dressed to leave, whoever Erik’s business partner called showed up to clean up the house. John watched the large men toss the dead bodies onto a five ton M939. John followed Erik out of the mansion and towards an armored, all black, Military hummer. They tossed their bags onto the back and climbed into the front.
Erik and John drove for five hours until they arrived at a dirt strip in the middle of nowhere in rural Benin. It took a lot of effort to get there without running into trouble. There was a helicopter waiting to transport them to their jet. John hopped out of the vehicle and gathered their bags while Erik spoke with his friend.
“This is my twin brother, John. John, this is Turk. We used to work closely together doing odd jobs…”
He appeared to be an Ethiopian man wearing a turban head wrap and dingy clothes covered in ultisol.
“Nice to meet you, John. Are you two ready to fly out?”
John shook Turk’s hand, “Yeah, let’s bounce.”
Once their bags were secure on the helicopter, they strapped themselves in and Turk took off.
John took a sip of water out of a canister while Erik focused below to make sure they weren’t being followed.
Erik cut his eyes at John.
“I think it’s time to be abstinent.”
Erik snorted, “I see you got jokes…”
“You didn’t know who Zola’s husband was?”
“…She told me her husband was a limp-dick Doctor. There were no signs pointing at the shit being suspicious.”
“Malaika left.” John said.
“Who gives a fuck? You should have killed her ass. What happened to all that without remorse type shit?”
John shrugged, “It doesn’t matter now. Let’s get out of here now before shit blows up. You're still coming home after your next job, right?”
“I ain’t got a choice. I don’t want G-ma lighting a fire under my ass about it.”
John chuckled tiredly, “You know she don’t play.”
“Oh, I know.”
“Aye,” John leaned forward on his knees and reached out his hand, “Make it home in one piece.”
Erik clasped his brother's hand and gave him a pointed look, “Always. They don’t call me Killmonger for nothing. We touchin’ down in The Bay the same day and gettin’ hyphy.”
Promises couldn’t be kept. John was back in California within two weeks, but Erik hadn’t shown up. He had another top secret job awaiting him and he communicated to John via email that he’d be home in a few days. John drove to his new apartment in his all-black, BMW M340 with the windows rolled down, his favorite shades on, and a smirk on his face. The first stop he wanted to make was to his favorite barber in Oakland. He needed a good fade with a crisp line-up.
After his appointment, John headed to his new apartment and walked into a halfway furnished living space. He sat down on his black leather home theater sectional and released a sigh of contempt. It felt good to be home. No more sleepless nights, death knocking at his door, and covert missions. He could shower, eat, sleep, beat his dick, and watch crap TV. He could play COD and do normal things like grocery shop and spend time with his family.
After a long shower, John moisturized and threw on a pair of shorts with a white tee. He slipped on a durag and decided to order in. He had a long talk on the phone with his grandmother and promised that he would be over on Sunday for dinner. John ordered himself a meat lover's pizza and some hot wings. He sat at his high top on a stool with his laptop opened to a dating site. After Malaika, John was fiendish for another woman to spend some time with.
He settled on Hinge. He wasn’t really feeling Bumble at the moment. He was looking for someone to hook up with to scratch that itch for pussy. Bumble had too many women looking for commitment and John wasn’t ready to be locked down quite yet. He hadn’t checked his profile in a while so he was curious to see how many matches he has.
“Dana…26…art major…”
John read her profile and he instantly lost interest. He continued.
“Kayla. You’re too young…”
He washed his food down with some wine.
Hi, handsome
You have a nice smile
Are you interested in hooking up?
He started to wonder if this was a good idea. He’d gone through thirty profiles and not one was enough to make him pursue. That was, until he came across a woman he’d matched with a few days ago. He had to get through almost fifty matches to find her.
Her name was Gia; a thirty-one-year old woman with undeniable beauty. She’s a Spelman graduate with a degree in Biology and Anthropology. John read her dating profile and found Gia to be captivating and he hadn’t even spoken to her.
She’s looking for a low commitment relationship with good vibes, food, and conversation. She makes it known that she’s career-driven and is looking for a man in uniform, specifically a soldier. That narrows down the dating pool. There are other traits about her that John loved and he didn’t waste time sending her a message.
@hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixt @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @seyven89 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @cocoa-puffs @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee @princessxotwod @palmstreesallday @kokokonako @coolfancyone @soulsparker @richgirlaesthetics
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nelo0wesker · 2 months
Who is she? Part 2
Prequel Part 1
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Armando x reader, enemies to lover.
@nobodygetsza @onlyrealjoy
Armando looks at Mike and Marcus holding you. You were in his lap doing your nails. He looks at your arm where a scar is. He remembered how that scar formed. He kisses the scar knowing what the scar was before it was burned was a tattoo. He looks up at his father and Marcus. “Y'all really want to know how we met?” He questions them. He ignored the footsteps coming their way knowing it’s Rita, Kelly and Dorn. He turns to them, seeing the popcorn. Armando raises his eyebrow at them and repeats his questions from earlier. “So y'all really want to know?” He questions.
“Yeah I want to know how you met her! She’s a badass” Marcus says, trying to compliment you. Mike looks at you really wanting to know how you and Armando met. “Yeah, how did you meet?” He questions them. “Fine we’ll tell you” you finally talk revealing you had a Spanish accent. “It’s a long story… you're not gonna like what you here” Armando tells them, holding your hand tightly. “We met in 2018…” he says and turns to you to see if you wanted him to talk about where you came from. She nods her head and he signs. “It was mafia vs. cartel. It was a war zone” he tells him going back to how exactly he met you.
Spain, Tenerife Island
April 15, 2018
9:15 P.M.
The sound of your footsteps were loud in the warehouse. You walk past many members of the mafia going towards the ones that were on the floor. You look down at them and look up at the empty cases that were supposed to be filled with drugs. “Where is it?” She questions them. She already knew the answer to it though but she wanted them to confirm it. “T-the cartel stole it!” The man stutters looking at you backing away terrified.
You scoffed looking at these men knowing they were lying. It’s not really what happened. She could see the remains of cocaine on their faces. “Is that really what happens to amigo? Or did you sell it to the cartel?” She questions them kneeling down to their levels to meet them eye to eye. She watches the men's eyes widen when they realize they were caught.
“W-wait wait!” The men shout as you get back out pulling out your pistol and shooting them in the head. Both the men’s bodies fell to the ground dead. She turns to the other members and points at the dead men. “That’s a lesson! Whoever betrays the mafia dies!” She yells out at them as all the men and women nod their heads terrified of her.
Y/N is finally satisfied with their terrified expression. “Clean this shit up and find those drugs!” She yells walking past them as members scurried off away from her to clean off the bodies and find the location of the drugs.
You walk out the warehouse and stop and look to your right seeing your older brother. “Ivan…” you say lookin at him as he gets off the warehouse wall and walks to you and gives you a small smile. “Hola Y/N….”. Ivan ruffles her short hair and sighs seeing the look she had. “I know… but you had too…. If you didn’t you would be hurt more or worse death” he tells her thinking about their father. “I don’t want you to die at our fathers hands like our other siblings have” he tells her, moving her to walk with him away from the warehouse.
“Father owns Tererife island. He practically owns Spain…” he tells her. “You can’t anger him Y/N. Never go on his bad side”. Y/N turns to him and scuffs. “Don't you think I know that Ivan?! We grew up in the same place! I know the consequences if we disobey our father!” She tells him upset. “I remembered what happened to Gael…” she whispers, closing her eyes. His death was so long ago she shouldn’t be fazed anymore but she was. “I remember how father killed him” she tells him and Ivan's eyes soften at her words. He knew how Gael died as well. They witnessed it 15 years ago.
“Gaels death was a warning to us Y/N. Just… don’t mess up or piss father off. I don’t want you dead like the others” he tells her leaving to go into the warehouse. He stops at the door and turns to look at her. “We leave for Mexico in 2 hours… father gave us 3 days to get the cocaine back” he tells her watching her reaction. “If we don’t… who knows what he’ll do to us” Ivan says leaving her alone to check up on the members and the progress of where the exact location of the drugs are in Mexico.
Y/N sits in her seat on the plane. She ignored her brother putting the luggage up. Ivan sits down ignoring other passengers as he goes on his phone to check if he got any notification. “Once this flight is done we’ll only have so much time to get those drugs back” he whispers to her so no other passenger hears them.
“Ivan… what if going here is a way to escape?” She questions him, making her brother pause on what she said. “If there was a way to escape the mafia Y/N. I would have already left” he tells her. Putting in his headphones watching her rest her head. He looked at his sister sadly knowing she never wanted to be part of the mafia. None of them did but they couldn’t say no to their father. If they did. It was death.
New Mexico
April 16, 2018 3:30 P.M.
Y/N gets off the plane with Ivan following behind her. They get their bags later. When they got their bags they took a cab to a motel.
Y/N opens the door to her room seeing weapons laid out on the bed. She looks at them grabbing the knife and strapping herself. There wasn’t any time to sleep. She dissembles the sniper and puts the parts in a bag. She grabbed the two pistols and to her holsters that were on her. She pauses looking at her tattoo on her arm making her related to the mafia. She puts on her leather jacket to hide the weapons on her and leaves her room.
She turns her head seeing Ivan leave his room as well. “Come on. We do this silently” he tells her walking past her to get to the location of the drugs. You follow behind him not prepared what will happen. “If it doesn’t go as plan we use plan b” he tells her as they walked
Y/N was on top of a roof not too far from where they tracked their supply of drugs that the cartel took. Ivan was right next to her looking through binoculars looking inside while you assembled your sniper.
Once assembled she aims to look inside the warehouse. She was looking through the scope and paused seeing a Caramel skinned male. Ivan whistles seeing who she’s looking at. “Armando Aretas,” Ivan whispered, looking at the Latino male. “That’s who jacked us off our supply.” He tells her as Y/N looks at the male again. She stopped to admire his looks. She couldn’t stop thinking that he was actually hot.
Ivan turns to her seeing the way she didn’t have her finger on the trigger. You were just looking at the scope. “Y/N you better get over your crush on him.. well most likely have to kill him” he tells her. She looks at her brother and rolls her eyes. “Can’t I just admire?” She asks him and he chuckles. “No”. She chuckled at his answer, going back to admire Armando. Ivan smiled hearing your chuckles. It’s been awhile since he heard that from you.
Night Time
11:15 P.M.
Y/N sneaks in the warehouse along with Ivan. She kills members of the cartel that were in her path. The place was heavily guarded. Y/N was slowly creeping up on another cartel member but was dragged away from them. She turns her head to see Armando and readies herself for a fight.
Armando looks at her up and down. “Aren’t you a beauty” he tells her dodging her attacks as she tries to get him with a knife. He grabs her wrist and immediately she moves her left arm to the inside of her jacket and pulls out a pistol to shoot him.
Armando moves the pistol away from him as she shoots. He tried to unarm her but she quickly kicked him, making him grunt. She tries to shoot him but he pushes her down making the gun come out of her hand from the impact of her being slammed to the floor. She kicks his stomach so he’s off of her and gets up. Her head turns, hearing gunfire.
She knew she needed to go so she booked it. Armando was chasing her but she got away. She pants once she got in a distance away from the warehouse.
Y/N waited till her brother came to the motel. She turns to hear footsteps and pauses seeing her brother all blooded up. “No my blood” he tells her, opening his door to his room to change. She gets up from her spot and stretches. “I’m going out. Don’t wait for me” she tells him ready to go down the stairs but Ivan grabbed her arm. She turns to him. “What I’m only getting is something to eat… nothing else”.
Ivan just stared at her feeling his phone buzz in his pocket. He reaches into his pocket reading the message their father sent him. He read the message and his heart dropped seeing what it holds. He looks at you and hugs you tightly making Y/N grunt in surprise of the hug not expecting it. Ivan hugged her tightly, not letting go. He lets go of her and ruffles her hair. “Get me something as well” he tells her. She gives him a confused look at the rare show of emotion from Ivan and nods leaving the motel.
Ivan looks at his phone and punches the wall seeing the message again. He dropped his phone and stomped on it. The cracked screen still has the message on it saying “Kill Y/N”. The screen turned off for good as Ivan felt his eyes water. He didn’t want to kill his baby sister but he had no choice. If he doesn’t he’ll most likely die and she will still die. There’s nothing he can do.
12:30 A.M.
Y/N drives to a close restaurant walking in. She goes up to the employee. She texts Ivan to ask what he wants but gets nothing. She waited a couple minutes but still nothing. She raises her eyebrow because Ivan always answers her.
She grumbles and looks at the menu thinking of what Ivan would want. “Fuck it. I want 2 orders on number 11” she tells the worker. She hears someone walking behind her but ignores it, ready to pay for the food.
“Let me pay for that mami” Armando says, grabbing her wrist so she doesn't pay and turns her around so they’re facing each other. He gives the cashier money for the food and looks at Y/N up and down. Y/N glares at him knowing she can’t do shit to him now not wanting it bring attention to themselves.
Armando couldn’t stop thinking that she's so pretty. “Cariño you're beautiful” he tells her. He knows why she’s here. She was here to get back the supply of cocaine that he took. “You're far from home mami” he tells her. “What the fuck do you want?” She whispers, pulling her wrist out of his grip.
“Just your number mami” Armando tells her with a smirk and she couldn’t stop thinking that the smirk he did was hot. “Fuck no” she tells him turning away from him but she moves to be in front of her. “Come on mami. At least give me a chance” he asks her and she just glares at him. “No we are enemies” she tells him walking past him hearing her food is ready. She goes to grab it but Armando stops her.
“Okay at least allow me what I want to say” he tells her, grabbing the food and pauses, raising her eyebrow at him. “You're a very beautiful woman. I admire your strong will” he tells her and goes on and on about her good qualities he admires making her blush because no one had ever said that to her. “How the hell did you get all that information about me after only meeting me once?!” She asks so confused and Armando just gives her a small smile.
He didn’t answer her question and grabbed her chin seeing the blush. He so badly wanted to kiss her but knows he couldn’t because she was part of the mafia. “You don’t have to go back,” he whispers to her. His thumb grazed her bottom lip as he looked into her eyes. Her eyes were very beautiful. Honestly the first time he saw her it was love at first sight.
She moved her chin away out of his hand. She was still blushing but she tried to control it. “I don’t have a choice,” she tells him, grabbing the food from him ready to walk past him but he gets in her way again. “Please I can protect you from your father” he tells her and she pauses to look at him. “There’s no hiding from my father…” she tells him and leaves the restaurant and gets in the car.
Once she gets in and closes the door her head turns hearing a knock on the window. She rolled her window down seeing Armando. He hands her a piece of paper and she opens it to see what is inside of it. She sees a number. Y/N raises her eyebrow at him. “Call me or Text me. I’m not picky but I’ll love to hear your voice over the phone” he says in his deep voice flirting with her more making her blush.
He smirks seeing her blush and backs away from the car watching her not say a thing to her and drive away.
She gets back to the motel and knocks on Ivan's door. Ivan opens the door. His hair wet from the shower. “You didn’t text me back, Iv” she tells him, giving him his food. Ivan opens the container to see what it was and nods liking what she got him. “Sorry my phone broke” he tells her, taking a bite out of his food.
“You’ve been gone for a while. I know it wasn’t you just waiting for the food.” He tells her. He knew his sister well. She scolds him sitting down on a chair to eat her food. “Nothing happened,” she tells him while eating her food. Ivan looked at his baby sister and sighs. “Y/N come tell me. We’re siblings, we don't hide things from each other” he tells her trying to get her to open up to him. Today would be the last day he’ll be able to spend with his baby sister. He wants to make the most out of it.
“That Aretas guy was there… he gave me his number” she tells him. She didn’t give him the details on how Armando was flirting with her. Ivan's smile didn’t go away hearing that. “You should text him” he tells her, making her stop eating to look at him. “Que?” She questions completely confused about what her brother just said to her.
“I said talk to him Y/N” Ivan repeated himself eating his food. “You like him-“ he says but she tried to deny it but he kept going. “He obviously likes you back so talk to him”. Y/N looks at her brother in shock on why he’s acting like the way he is now. Something was off and she doesn’t know what. “Ivan, are you okay?” She questions him watching him set his food down and get up going up to her and hugs her tightly.
He backs away and yawns. It was a fake one and he stretched. “I’m tired,” he tells her. He watches her get up to leave the room to go to her own. He gives a sad smile watching her leave.
Y/N walks into her room with her food in her hand. She was no longer hungry and put it in the fridge. She takes off her leather jacket and puts it on the chair. She grabs a towel and clothes to take a quick shower.
She walks in the shower after taking off all her clothes. She gets in putting shampoo in her hair thinking of how strange Ivan was acting towards her. She washes her hair and then washes her body.
She walks out the shower wrapping a towel over herself. She dries herself and puts on her pajamas. It was just a tank top and shorts. She walked out the bathroom to the bed grabbing her phone. She sighs looking at it and then looks at her leather jacket and grabs it. Her hand goes inside the pocket grabbing the paper with Armando's phone number on it
Y/N pauses looking at the phone number and types it in her phone and sends a quick message of saying hey. She didn’t even get it to sit down when she quickly got a hey back.
Armando was laying in his bed smiling when he got your text. He couldn’t actually believe you texted him back. He kept texting you back as you did the same with him. Messages go on in the night between the two. Certain things this man has said in these texts makes you blush cause you couldn’t believe how bold this man was.
Y/N chuckles lightly blushing how much this man has complimented her. He was a sweet talker. She’ll give him that. She couldn’t believe how well they hit it off.
April 17, 2018
9:51 A.M.
You quickly get up hearing a knock on your door. Y/N grumbles seeing her door open revealing Ramon. She quickly gets up seeing the oldest in the family here. She didn’t know he was coming. Ivan walks in going past Ramon to get to you.
Ramon looks around the room ignoring his two younger siblings. He didn’t look at you knowing you're gonna die today. He never had a relationship with you or Ivan. He gave up on that relationship a long time ago when Gael died. He remembers the look you had on your 6 year old face after seeing Gaels death. You had the look of hate and despair. It’s a look he could never forget. He knew you hated the family but you never showed it.
“Get dressed Y/N are leaving soon to get our drugs back” he tells her watching her get up and go to the bathroom to get dressed. He looks at her bed and sees her phone. It lights up and he goes and picks it up to see who messaged her. He didn’t get to see it because Ivan took it away from him. “It’s bad enough we have to kill her. Let her have this… she’s only 21.” Ivan says, his voice cracking a little. “She likes him. Don’t yell at her or anything” he tells him as you come back and Ivan hands her her phone back. They left the motel to plan on what to do
The next time Armando and Y/N met it was night time. There was a whole fight between the mafia and cartel. The fight between the two was bloody.
Y/N pants looking at Armando. She was bloody from the fighting between them. So was he. Armando looks at her panting as well. He heard a shatter and turned his head seeing the floor engulfed in flames. Someone must have poured gasoline on the floor. He saw many bodies burn.
Y/N takes his distraction as a chance and hits him hard in the face making him back away from her. Armando's hand was on his face and he looked at her “that wasn’t nice Mami”. He dodges her punches and throws a punch at our stomach making her double over in pain. The fire quickly spreads around. The smoke thickened in the air making it become hard to breathe. She chokes and coughs at the lack of air. She was struggling to breath and he noticed that.
While they weren’t paying attention someone had aimed a gun at her and shot. Y/N coughs up blood and looks to her right to see who shot her and her heart drops seeing it was Ivan who shot Ramon watching them dragging Ivan away. His eyes were watery as he backs away and leaves the building. She yelled out in pain as the fire got to her arm and it started burning.
She was about to fall to the floor but Armando quickly goes to her and catches her from falling and taking out the fire. Holding her close. “I got you” he tells her, picking her up as she coughs up blood. Armando picks her up bridal style and leaves the burning warehouse.
Armando had saved Y/N from death. Bandaging her bullet wound that her brother created. He questioned why her siblings would betray her like that.
He sighs watching her sleep and gets up but pauses seeing the tattoo on her arm. He looked at the tattoo, noticing it’s a flower with a knife going through it. It was the mafia symbol. His eyes hardened looking at that tattoo. “I thought the mafia was about family?” He whispers out not noticing how she was awake.
“Not my family” she grunts out trying to sit up. Armando immediately pushes her back down not wanting her to get up. She looks at him and grumbles letting him put her down. “Why save me?” She questions him. He looked her in the eyes. “I don’t know.. I just couldn’t allow you to die. I just met you yesterday but I couldn’t bring myself to watch you die” he tells her honestly. He gives her a small charming smile that she couldn’t look away from. She blushes at his smile and grabs his collar with her uninjured hand. She pulls him down and kisses him.
Armando eyes and he kisses back. He wasn’t expecting you to kiss him so easily and early but he ain’t complaining. He backs away once the kiss is over and smiles seeing her blush and looks away.
Present day
“And that’s how we met” Armando tells them, holding you as all of them were in complete shock. “You know I expected you to meet her in a coffee shop. Not her being in the goddamn mafia!” Marcus tells him, looking at you in complete shock.
Mike looks at her. “It explains how well she can fight and defend herself with little to no help.” Mike says as Marcus whispers in Mike's ear. “Man, that's gonna be your daughter in law! Don’t piss her off” Marcus says and then turns or you see your dead ass stare at him making him gulp.
She smiles at him. A slow smile. “Armando, I don't like that smile. Mike!” Marcus says getting up and leaving the room, making you confused. Mike looks at her. “He’ll come around eventually” Mike tells her. He turns to her and starts asking her about herself. He might as well get used to the concept that you might be his daughter in law.
Rita, Kelly, and Dorn were still in complete shock. “I’m not gonna question it” Rita says watching Mike talk to you. She looks at Armando. “He likes her and she hasn’t done anything to us yet so I think we’re good” Rita tells them, getting up as the other two do the same. “Remind me to never piss her off” Dorn says walking out the building with the other two women following behind him.
Armando smiles seeing how well Mike is accepting you as his girlfriend. He loves how you seem to get along with his father. You didn’t have a problem talking to him.
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 | 𝐎𝐭𝟖 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : What if a Mob Boss decides to adopt/date a hybrid?
-> Genre: Suggestive. Gore. Fluff.
Pairing: Ot8!Mafia Bosses x Hybrid!Readers
[Warnings] : Swearing. Criminal activity. Killing. Death. The reader is a bad ass, okay. Mention of abusive and past trauma. Russian reader for Yeosang. Black Reader for Yunho and Mingi cause uh duh, my mans love them so brown beautiful women. San's reader has vitiligo. Mention of blood. Mention of being horny and sexual activities. Puppy love. Sappy shit. All the boys are whipped. What can i say hehe.
Note: SURPRISE! I know you all most definitely have been wanting me to update with another part to the dilf Au or my vampire mini series, but rest assured. I am still writing both. But i whipped this together cause i needed a little break. The dilf au part is currently at 3.8k words, and it's gonna be a long part, let me tell y'all ahha. Thank you for being patient with me, and i promise you'll be seeing more stuff soon. But for now. Enjoy some hybrids.
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Hongjoong - Slow Loris
Now, these hybrids are some of the most cutest and more desirable. And Hongjoong would be the type to want someone cute, and kind but fucking dangerous. When he first met you, he was in awe with your sweet like beauty. Now innocent you looked. Down to your soft smile and floral outfit. It was only until he watched you get hit on by another low-level mob boss. It was then that he saw the real you. The way you sat on the disgusting man's lap, you had not spoken a word, nor opened your mouth to smile. But within a split second, you bit down on the man's neck. He’d groan thinking you were just playing rough. But when you pulled away that’s when his men knew something was very, very wrong. Your venom had gotten into his system faster than anyone could save him. He’d be dead in minutes and Hongjoong would be in love in seconds.
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Seonghwa - English Lop 
Seonghwa wanted to make sure the hybrid he got was perfect. But somehow, we are talking to Hongjoong for a couple of hours. He found himself in a local shelter for abandoned hybrids. And that’s where he found you. A very long-eared bunny. Your ears would fall past your shoulders, and you’d use them to cover your face. You were skittish, and Hwa found out that your type of breed was a product of human engineering. So you were bred to look like that, and you were a failed test. Seonghwa fell in love the moment he saw your big wide eyes. You were scared of the world and scared of humans. But Seonghwa was going to slowly teach you the joys you’d missed out on, and he was definitely going to find the men who hurt you and kill them for throwing you away. Cause you weren’t trash. You were just perfect.
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Yeosang - Pallas cat
Yeosang wasn’t looking for a hybrid at the time he met you. But when he was having a meeting with some businessmen for a shipment log, you’d stroll in with a grumpy expression and fluffy tail all frizzed up and swaying annoyingly. Your thick Russian accent would catch him by surprise, and he would never admit it, but he loved the way words slipped off your tongue, and if he could, he would listen to you speak for hours. He knew your type of hybrid breed was naturally aggressive and dangerous. So when one of the men tried to boss you around, you easily just pistol-whipped him cause you could. He would make sure to get your number at the end of that day, and later, you found he was the only human you’d tolerate being around.
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Yunho - Rottweiler
We all know for a fact that if this man was a hybrid he’d be a golden retriever. End of story. He holds the sun in his eyes and a constant pip in his step and even though he is supposed to be this big scary mob boss. Behind closed doors with his friends and family, he is just this lovable giant. And when he met you, it wasn’t he that went after you. But the other way around. He was at this bar, and some girls that he had no interest in were disturbing his alone wolf fun. He came to his friend's bar to get away from the clingy, whoring women that slither their way into the underworld scene. They were all the same and it bored him. And no matter how many times he told them to fuck off. They would not listen. And that is where you came in. Normally you wouldn’t get caught dead in a night club but your friend, a local street cat, needed some…fun as she put it. And you were her guard dog. She ditched you after 5 minutes, leaving with some guy that she said ‘He's so fuckable’. that’s when you saw Yunho being cornered by the snakes. You jumped into action, standing in between the girls and him, and successfully scared them away with your rage-filled swaying tail, straight pulled back ears, and snarling teeth.. They ran off quicker than a mouse. Yunho said thank you about a million times that night, immediately in love with your beauty. Your beautiful dark skin. The way your hair was slight patches of browns, blonds, and blacks with loose curls falling in front of your face. He was instantly taken by you, and like a golden retriever, developed puppy love.
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San - Raccoon
Now, San did not want a hybrid. He never actually wanted one. The idea of having a creature to look after and don’t get started on people falling in love with them. He didn’t understand the fascination for them. Until he met you. Your mismatched nubbed ears, big almost pitch-black eyes, and faint patterns on your beautiful patching of dark and skin skin.. Your little bookshop became a place he would sneak off to when he got too stressed or just simply needed to see your cute little face. It would take him months to work up the courage to speak to you. And oh, the way your face would light you and your little ears would twitch whenever he was around…. Oh, yeah. He understood now.
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Mingi - Spotted Deer
Mingi’s jaw would be on the floor when he first saw you. Your beautiful amber coloured skin with white creamy dots to complement. You were a walking goddess in Mingi’s eye. And the way your tight curled hair was up in a braid that held up a stunning crown that matched your sleek but classy dress. Yunho had dragged him to a hybrid pageant show cause he wanted to see what kind of hybrids Mingi would be interested in. And let's just say he was not going to leave the venue until he met you and got your number.
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Wooyoung - Red Fox
Even though red foxes are common, they are one of the desirable in the hybrid trafficking rings since they are very breedable. Wooyoung and a sub-unit of men, a part of his organization, sought out these rings to help save hybrids, and that’s where he met you. Little, shy, scared you. The colour in your fur was almost gone, and there was no spark, no life in your eyes. It took months until you opened up, and then some more just for you to crack a smile. Your playfulness and cheekiness started to come out. You would run around, screaming, laughing, being chased by him. The life in your eyes was back, your smile growing and growing every day. And his love for you grew just the same.
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Jongho - Red Panda
He was on an undercover sting for the last four nights. Sitting on the same street, waiting for some bastard low life that was crushing some of the operations Jongho was working on. And through these four days, he saw you every night. At the same time, on the dot going for a night walk. He was curious why such a cute little fluffy ball hybrid would be out at such an hour. Every night, too? What were you looking for? Were you just going for a walk for fun? It wasn’t until he saw the low life he was trying to catch grab you and pull you into a nearby alley. Jongho was out of his car and in the alley in seconds. But what he saw wasn’t the horrific image that flashed in his head. No, it was much more. Your sharp teeth covered in blood, dripping down and staining your clean clothing. Your fur is frizzy and puffed up. There was anger in your eyes. And Jongho knew two things. One, He was oddly horny about you killing someone twice your size and two, never, ever, get on your bad side. Luckily, he has never been in a direct line of your rage…. Wooyoung wasn’t so lucky.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
I Need You To Listen - Steve Rogers
Summary: For @the-slumberparty 's Week 3 Something New Challenge, I went with the medium mode - sex pollen but with exes to lovers. This took alot of work I ended up rewriting it entirely, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 7.4k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Pairing: Nomad!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, smut, angst, smut, fluff, sex pollen, p in v, fingering, dirty talk, love bites, steve rogers dirty talking (this man), swearing, nipple play, past is in italics, sort of a post civil war rewrite so we're going completely off canon
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Fate works in the most hilarious of ways, a stubbed toe over here and a broken heart still being nursed over there. 
Tony Stark stands in front of your cell, staring at you through the glass. You don’t hold back your tears from him. Disappointment colours his features. 
Broken pieces of trust lay scattered on the floor. The damage by him was done. Leaving you to bear the brunt. Leaving you to walk on the jagged edges of the broken family. 
A family that shared jokes, laughed, drank and protected each other. 
Won together. 
Lost together. 
In the past few days died together. 
“How are you holding up?” His arc reactor gleams as he takes a seat on the stool. Unzipping the jacket he wears his arm in a sling. You close your eyes, more tears fall at the memory of the fight. An involuntary shiver as the chiling bite of the cold manifests itself from your memory. 
The cell isn’t uncomfortable. There is a cot in the corner, the bathroom has a door. The sterile scent of the cleaning agent stopped giving you a headache hours ago. 
“Why are you asking me?” You look at him, he should be mad, he should yell, call you a traitor. 
“Contrary to what you all think and did to me, I trust you.” He shrugs, left eye twitching, he rolls his shoulder. 
“How is the arm?” Your gaze falls to it. 
“Seen better days. You know, heart troubles.” He looks at Wanda’s cell, “Kid, Vis is asking about you.” 
She looks up at him, “Is Rhodes alright?” 
Tony presses his lips into a thin line, shaking his head. 
Wanda looks down at her hands. 
“He tore us apart. That Baron Zemo. I know you have a lot to learn, alot to grieve. The accords may be dissolved. I’m working on it. At SI we’re  preparing the bail documents.” He informs you all. 
Sam scoffs, “What about Cap and Barnes?” 
“James is in recovery as per my last conversation with T’Challa. Where Cap and Nat are I do not know nor does he.” Tony gazes back at you. 
“I trusted him.” Is all you can say to him. You stare at your palms, you couldn’t get the blood off. 
“I know, I did too.” 
“Tony.” Your lips quiver another sob at the heartbreak Steve left you with to deal. All alone. 
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Bucky fights Tony, you don’t want to see your best friend hurt. The man who took you under his wing when you joined in, your steps halted by the blonde haired man who harbours your heart. 
“Sign the accords.” Steve orders, you gape at him. 
“Steve, do you fucking realise? We’re here because I didn’t sign them because I am siding with you?” You almost yell. The tempreture drops as the snow cascades into the facility from the now broken windows. 
Bucky lands on the floor, a pained groan, his arm blasted off. He kneels, eyes widened at the implication. At the man he hurt irreparablely being the one to take away one of the curses HYDRA bestowed upon him. 
“Shit!” Your eyes move to Tony, slowly he rises from the floor. The suit broken in several places. 
“Y/N, you need to listen. You cannot go rogue with me.” 
“Steve,” You push his arm away you had to intervene. 
“It was good while it lasted.” He says and everything turns to static. 
“Look, I, we had a good run but I know your stance on the accords you’re just with me for the sole reason we’re together.” Steve says to you. 
“Are you serious right now?” Anger courses through you, your grip on your pistol tightens. 
“It's not even the accords. I, I didn’t think we would make it beyond this month. Look, I have to think about Bucky. Its all of this, it doesn’t, priorities.” He lunges over to defend Bucky leaving you defenceless. Your ears ringing, you watch as they fight, you can’t hear any of the clangs the groans. 
You stand there dumbfounded. 
As Steve throws Tony down the beam reflects off of his shield and hits you on the shoulder you’re thrown against the wall. Bucky meets your eyes, at least he seems apologetic.  
Tony tries to get up to help you, “Rogers, she’s hurt—,” The shield slams against the arc reactor. 
“I don’t care.” He says so easily.
You pant as the pain increases, both the burn and sting of his words as well as the physical injuries manifesting across you. 
Steve helps Bucky up, you try to push yourself to your knees, crawling to Tony while keeping your arm close to your body. 
Bucky looks back at you, his eyes convey his remorse. Tony breathes hard, you blink back tears at the glance Steve doesn’t spare towards you. 
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Eight months down the drain.
The morning kisses, cuddles, the random sketches of you he left as gifts all lose their importance. Remembrance only causes pain. 
“Mr. Stark, you need to leave.” 
Tony sighs, “I’ll visit, or I’ll have you guys out before that. Work some arrangement.” 
“I’m so sorry, Tony.” You look at his arm and back at his face. 
He gives you one of those sad smiles of his, the one where he pretends it's just another day, another common thing. 
“Aren’t you foolish to trust us again?” Sam questions him as Tony passes by his cell. 
“I just have to do my job. It’s the people who have to trust us.” Tony turns to face Sam. 
“So the people trust the missile maker millionaire Stark?” Sam knows the jab is stinging, Tony hated 
that about the company’s past. 
The rift was ever present, your friend looks towards you. 
“Y/N, let him know not to insult me, I’m a billionaire.” He grabs his glasses and moves away. 
You resist the urge to laugh, everyone would resort to their coping mechanisms. You’d have to bide your time here. Usually getting black out drunk was how you solved your own problems. 
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True to his word Tony has you all released on various conditions. You, Scott and Wanda are released together. 
When you reach the tower it isn’t surprising that there was a break in, you’d scoff that Steve didn’t come to break you out but he made his decision in Siberia. 
The faint scent of his cologne lingers in your room. Hints of Patchouli and Bergamot. You stare at the box on your bed. 
Opening it reveals a burner phone. 
“I got a burner too, one number loaded upon it.” Tony stands at the door holding a glass of scotch for himself and your favourite Vodka in a bottle. 
“Surprised he bothered.” You open the phone and it chimes an unread text upon it. 
“I didn’t get that.” He observes, you take the bottle from him. 
Opening the text. 
SGR: I want to talk to you. Please let me explain. 
You laugh bitterly, unscrewing the cap and taking a long sip. At least you can blame these tears on the alcohol. 
“Are you going to? Call him I mean.” Tony settles on your desk chair. 
“Nope.” You set your bottle down after three more sips, grabbing the edges of the opened flip phone you press. The phone snaps from its hinges and you place it back down in the box, “Did you track it?” 
“Fake return address.” He twirls the ice in his drink. 
The two of you bask in the silence. Drinking in tandem and out of sync. 
“Were you going to sign the Accords?” You ask after a while staring at the setting sun. 
“Nope,” He reaches for your bottle, pouring himself a peg, “I was having them redrafted. Steve only had to agree for them to shut up. My draft would have gotten approved.” 
“So confident.” You raise your brows. 
“Comes with the job title.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Do you think anyone will trust anyone?” You tap the bottle neck. 
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Steve’s laughter reverberates against your chest. He reaches up to cup your face. 
“Why is it so amusing?” You ask, not meeting his eyes. 
“Because it is, Poppet. I wouldn’t break your heart.” He assures yet again. 
You gnaw at your bottom lip trust was difficult to come by for you. 
“You want to know why?” He whispers, making you meet his gaze. His nose brushing against your own. 
“Because I have your heart and it's what is keeping me alive.” 
You lean closer, pressing your lips to his, Steve kisses you back. Hands pulling you closer. You feel his smile between the kisses and you begin to retract knowing what he was upto but it’s too late. 
Steve tickles your sides and laughter blubbers from your chest. He grins, cheeks flushed as you press against him. The thin sheet hides nothing from the way you feel. 
“I love you.” He says, you stroke his cheek with your thumb.
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“I loved him with everything in me.” You blubber out, tears falling down. 
Tony sits next to you, your head rests on his good shoulder, “I know you did. It's a hard road ahead, kid. Not an undoable one.” 
“I hate him.” You declare, “I hate him, he just, how could he be so selfish?” 
“Sometimes we all are, he is in the wrong. He didn’t exactly reciprocate the trust.” Tony sighs, you look up at him. 
“I’m sorry about your parents.” You watch him give you those sad smiles, he flexes and extends the fingers of his left hand. 
“He could have told me, I trusted him enough that he could.” He whispers then shakes his head. 
“Steve Rogers is an asshole.” You declare raising your bottle to his assholery. Then you giggle. 
“You just thought of the word assholery didn’t you?” Tony giggles as well. 
Both of you burst out laughing. 
“Hey Tone?” You ask mid laughter. 
“Thank you for being here, also can I get a box?”
“Sure.” He stands, FRIDAY has the box led by one of his tinkered bots to the room. 
“I need to check on Rhodey.” He says, “I’m a call away okay?” 
You nod, he leaves. The box stays on your bed and then you stare at the sketches hung around your room. With a delicateness that Steve didn’t spare towards you, you pack up the papers. Sealing the box with plastic wrap and head down to the safety deposit lockers. 
Your steps are misjudged and you drop your box of trinkets several times. The stupid ceramic mug from that couples pottery class probably shattered. 
You giggle thinking how it resembles your heart. 
Locking the box leaves you in silence. Your room is void of all things Steve except the one shirt he gave you on your first mission together where the two of you fell into the muddled waters that left the two of you in need to change out of clothes. 
The shirt smells like him, you curl up with it on your pillow. 
“This is the last time you gave your heart away.” You tell yourself. 
“This is the last time you cry over him.” You promise yourself. 
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Eight months pass and you all sit in the conference room. The accords are abolished. They reinstate Natasha, Sharon, James, Sam and him. Tony holds his flip phone. Resorting to texting rather than speaking to him. 
A reply comes when you all are back at the tower. They’d be there tomorrow. Rooms are prepared with favourite foods stocked up. You had requested your room be shifted away to another level. 
Heart ache didn’t manifest beyond those few nights. 
Your walls that Steve Rogers broke down were built back stronger. Impenetrable. His shirt was placed in his room by you a month into getting over him. 
You don’t pass by the floor, you’re a level above. Thankfully the elevators divide the levels they service and you won’t ever be on the same floor as him. 
The night is restless despite your indifference to all of them. They were the family you chose and yet you were abandoned by them. 
Dreams are but a loop of memories you have buried. 
After your morning laps you head to Tony’s lab. 
“They will be dropping in at SHIELD first. Fury wants to discuss some things and then they come back here.” He stifles a yawn. 
“You need caffeine my friend.” You hold up the coffees, “Luckily I come bearing gifts.”
“I love you.” He whispers gingerly while taking the cup. 
“Are you talking to the coffee or me?” You ask, taking a sip of your own. 
“I can love both.” He defends, whispering to the coffee he loves it more. 
You throw one of his discarded paper balls on him. It doesn’t phase him. 
“Are you sure you want to come along?” He asks for the umpteenth time on the drive to SHIELD. 
“Tony, I will leave you behind if you ask me again.” You glare at him. 
“I think you will be fine.” Vision assures a gentle smile on his face and he laces his fingers with Wanda. She smiles at him, her own mind filled with thoughts. 
“See we’ll be okay.” You declare. 
Minutes later you’re seated on one side of the conference room. Tony on the first seat, you on the second. Vision opts to stand behind Wanda as she sits. 
Fury sits at the head of the table. The door opens and Natasha, Sam and Steve step into the room. A thick silence settles over. You look at each of them and then back at Fury. 
Natasha’s hair is shorter and blond, Sam seems to have gotten leaner. Steve was sporting a beard and longer hair. 
You wondered if the post break up look was something you should have gone for, maybe dyed your hair blue.
“Well, as you know you all have been reinstated. The Avengers operate without any Accords binding them but they must be mindful of their poweress and the possible damage they may cause. A country has full discretion to forbid the Avengers from subduing threats that may lead them there and you must honour that no matter the cost.” Fury gazes at you all. 
“What if they need help?” Steve questions, you scoff. 
Cold blues flash to you. You roll your eyes. 
“The dissolution of the Accords was done keeping this one rule in mind. I suggest you make peace with it. You will not be able to save everyone from damage and hurt, it is better than causing it.” Tony adds. 
Steve’s jaw tightens. He nods. 
“Now since this is done and dusted. Official missions may resume.” Fury places down a manila folder. 
“Official?” Sam questions, raising a brow. 
“Agent Y/L/N here was liasoning with us for recon purposes. Kept under wraps. We have identified HYRA bases. Once the plans are sanctioned you all will be back on duty.” Nick sighs, “I suggest you all train together to get a sense of your skill sets and moves again.” 
No one nods. 
Nick shakes his head leaving the room. 
“Your old rooms have been cleaned at the tower. Access is via FRIDAY, food is stocked. Layout’s almost the same. Few changes here and there. Oh and there are new succulents in the living room.” Tony fiddles with the folder. 
“We can conduct a meeting about these missions tonight or tomorrow. You all settle in, there is a car outside and your vehicles are in pristine condition at the garage.” He informs them further. 
“No welcome back party?” Nat muses, you laugh. 
“I drank all the liquor so unfortunately no parties.” You deadpan. 
Nat and Sam stare at you. 
“It has been a difficult few months. I understand everyone will take time to return to a semblance of previous normalcy.” Vision’s words are both reassuring but also farfetched. 
Wanda grasps his hand and gives it a squeeze. 
Steve’s brows furrow in worry. He observes you trying to find any hints but you give him none. You learned to school yourself. An agent well versed in hiding her intent, emotions and aim. Your skillset is what brought you to the team and it is what you have. It's what you could trust. 
Sam nods, “Well best we head back.” 
“Yes we could use some sleep.” Natasha says, you flash her a smile. 
“Yep, well I have a few things to discuss with Fury.” You push away from the table first. Tony follows your lead. 
“Should you not include us in the conversation?” Steve says in his authoritative baritone. 
“Unfortunately, Captain, it isn’t an Avengers matter but a personal one. Which you aren’t entitled to know.” You spit back. 
His mouth opens again to speak. 
Tony beats him to it, “Where’s our Manchurian candidate?” 
“Bucky’s in the UK for a bit, after Wakanda we were there for a while. He stayed back for personal reasons.” Steve explains and you slip out. 
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Steve stares at your room door, knocking on it yet again. Two weeks since his return and you had avoided him in every capacity.
He had worked up the courage to knock on your door today. But there was no response as it was over the past fifteen minutes. He requests FRIDAY to check in and all the AI says is that you’re fine.
You had gotten back from a mission yesterday morning. You had to have been resting. 
“Why won’t she open her door then?” He mutters, pressing his forehead to your door, “Poppet, I just want to speak to you. Please.”
“Captain.” Vision greets floating out of Wanda’s room.
“Vision.” He acknowledges.
“Why are you knocking on an empty room’s door?” Vision tilts his head. 
Steve blinks at him, “This is Y/N’s room.” he states as if obvious.
“It isn’t, she switched rooms about three months ago.” Vision says
Before Steve can ask anything further, Wanda opens her door, “Vis.” She gestures with her hand for him to return.
“Wanda.” He walks to her this time.
“FRIDAY, where is Y/N’s new room?” Steve questions walking to the elevators. 
“She’s on the twenty-fifth floor.” The AI responds, he switches to the other elevator. 
“Captain, you will have to go to the ground floor to switch elevators.” FRIDAY informs him. 
Steve sighs moving back in front of the original elevator. It stops at every single floor; he almost misses the elevator as you’re getting on, luckily a Stark Industries employee holds the door for him. 
You bite the inside of your cheek. Looking away. 
“I want to talk.” He says over the all too silent but crowded elevator. 
Everyone looks at him except you. They follow his gaze to you. 
“I don’t.” You answer while staring at the numbers. 
“Poppet.” He says and you shoot him a glare before looking away again. 
People trickle in and out. 
Steve’s gaze is trained upon you. He nods politely at those greeting him but his gaze nerver strays from you. 
You look into your phone pulling up a forgotten game loaded into the device. Anything. Any stupid thing to avoid him. 
Finally it's just the two of you. 
The automated air freshener hisses filling the space with the scent of lavender. 
“Poppet I just want to explain—,” Steve steps closer, his hand outstretched. 
“No. I don’t fucking want to hear a word.” You seethe, you move forward pressing the button to your floor if it makes you reach quicker. 
“Poppet.” He grabs your hand, turning you towards him. 
“Y/N. Use my damn name.” You spit out, finally meeting his eyes. 
There is a tick in his jaw, he nods, “Y/N. Just five minutes. I know I don’t deserve it—,”
“You don’t deserve to even ask for a minute of my time. You never saw us work beyond that month correct? Well guess what? We don’t.” You push at his chest, he doesn’t budge. 
“I lied. I said those things so you wouldn’t follow. I could not have you living rogue with me.” Steve admits, you stare at him. 
“You lied?” You repeat. 
“I didn’t want to break things off but that was the only way I could ensure you wouldn’t follow behind me. It was dangerous. Poppet—Y/N,” he corrects, “I told you your heart kept me alive, I love you—,” 
Steve’s head snaps to the side, cheek turning red at the impact of your slap. You breathe hard, eyes tearing up. 
“That was not for you to fucking decide, you do not get to come back here and make your sorry excuses for being a horrible human being. Betraying my trust. Leaving me and your friend injured. You picked Bucky over us. You picked Bucky over me and I understand I would pick him too if I were you. But I would not fucking lie or leave my girlfriend and best friend behind injured horribly. You’re welcome back to the compound Steve. Even back to your glorious Captain America title. However,” 
The doors open to your floor, you step out. 
“I don’t know how you say you’re alive because I took my fucking heart back from your undeserving self. I don’t care if you lied, I don’t care if it was all fun and games. I don't care about you. I don’t want to care about you. You are a teammate because I am forced to consider you one. I don’t need to listen to you to provide you closure or a second chance. You fucking liar!” 
“Poppet,” Steve reaches for you again, you take off running to your door. 
“FRIDAY, deny access. Override only with Tony.” You order, the locks on your doors bolt and Steve keeps knocking and pleading. 
He sinks to his knees outside your door apologising over and over. 
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Natasha is pinned to the floor by Wanda as the latter grins triumphantly. Natasha praises her and they break apart. You take Wanda’s place and Sam takes Natasha’s place. 
Mixed training was now mandatory. 
You had almost burned Nick Fury with your glare. Steve hadn’t shown up to any, in fact he hardly was in the same room as you. 
Sam goes full offence, you block the blows. Defending yourself you had worked hard over the time away from official duties. 
Minutes pass by, neither of you yields. Panting you stare at Sam waiting for an opening to take him down. 
“Come on, that's all you got, little spy?” Sam teases, you laugh. 
“You wish birdy.” You stick your tongue out childishly. Wanda and Nat laugh. 
“Come on Wilson.” Nat prompts, “We’re bored here.” 
“Alright,” Sam moves, pulling a fake. You catch it a moment too late, as he’s about to tackle you to the ground you turn. Tugging on his arm as Sam’s eyes widen. 
The momentum thrown off both of you land on your sides, recovering swiftly he’s pinned to the ground by you. 
You grin at him. 
“How's that birdy?” You laugh at his irritation. Sam rolls his eyes. 
Everyone’s heads snap to the door, Steve and Tony stand there. 
You help Sam up. Sam keeps an arm around your shoulder. Steve’s eyes linger and his fists clench. 
Sam takes his arm away. 
You roll your eyes, they land on Tony as he bites his cheek, oh this can’t be good you deem. 
“Wheels up in an hour for Rogers and you.” He delivers the news. 
“Sam, Nat, Vis and Wanda are needed to take on a bigger base with Tony.” Steve looks at you, “Fury’s orders before you try to whine your way out if it.” 
You glare at him, “Alright.” 
An hour later you’re on the jet with Steve. He doesn’t talk. The last conversation between the two of you was enough. 
“We won’t be splitting up.” Steve informs you. You nod, studying the layout. 
You frown in recognition. 
“I was here on recon. This is supposed to be a dead base.” You look up at him. 
“Fury said they detected activity.” He looks back ahead. 
“Hopefully it's just random people looking for shelter.” You look back at the plans. 
Steve hums, observing you again. Wishing it would be like before where the two of you would be holding hands. 
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Cobwebs litter the walls, plaster cracked. The scent of something decaying permeates through the space. 
Walking into the HYDRA base is carefully crafted, Steve leads with his shield. You keep a double check on the back trail. Something was not sitting right with you. 
The hallway diverges, you stand next to Steve, “Left side first then we can go right.” You whisper. 
He nods, “Stay close, I don’t know why something feels wrong.”
You don’t verbalise your own feelings, following in his footsteps. 
The hallway leads to an abandoned lab, the computers torn down and broken apart. Steve relaxes his defensive stance looking around the area. 
You move carefully through the edge of the room, “Something should be of value here.” 
“I don’t think there is anything.” Steve declares, “Let's clear the other pathway.”
You give another once over and then follow him back down the path. 
Your boot catches on the uneven flooring, “Shit!” You whisper yell as you fall forward. 
Steve turns, breaking your fall. You land against his chest and his arm encircles your waist. For a moment that echoes a broken promise of eternity he holds you close to him. 
Steve sneaks a moment he lost over a stupid decision. He takes what crumbs he’s given by fate. 
Your palm is against his chest, your head tucked against the crook of his neck. 
Why can't you move away?
Why do you want more of him? 
Why do you miss him? 
He hurt you. 
He lied. 
He hurt you. 
You break the eternity Steve was living as you pull away, silence stretches between the two of you as you head down the other hallway. 
It's empty yet again, you shake your head at the waste of time. Steve steps closer to the vials on the shelf. The liquid in them gleams a certain way. 
You hear a pneumatic hiss from your left. You turn quietly making your way to the wall. 
Steve studies the shelf again. There was no dust on it. No pattern on it. These were fresh vials. Then his eyes widened, “Y/N don’t!” 
You turn to face him when the hiss is louder and the slits of the vent open. A dust like substance pours over floating around you. 
A coughing fit grips you, you place your hand against the wall to steady yourself the gun falls as you clutch your chest wheezing. 
Steve pads over to you, trying to rub your back to ease the coughing fit. He asks FRIDAY to scan the micro dust to see if it is anything dangerous. 
The coughing fit subsides over a few minutes, your breathing shallow. You look up at Steve blinking away the tears. He cups your cheek.
“Are you okay? Do you feel anything?” He questions, gaze running over every aspect of you. Glove clad large palms moving over your form. You nod, but then your stomach cramps. 
“What is it?” Steve takes not of your discomfort. 
“I, it's my stomach—,” Your words are cut off by a whimper as the cramp gains severity. You lean more against the wall as the cramp travels across. 
Steve rummages through his mind to know what this substance could be, he had been to HYDRA bases before. He spoke to Bucky all about them, their experiments which he knew. 
He watches as your skin flushes, you squirm in his grasp. He steps closer to support you. 
“Poppet?” Steve makes you look up at him, your eyes have a dazed look almost glazed over. You feel his warmth through your tactical suit. His thigh between your legs and the ache the needy ache is all you know and you need to get rid of it. 
“Please,” You plead to him gazing at his slightly blurred blue eyes, your hips moving out of their own accord against his thigh you moan as your core makes contact with him. 
Steve pushes your hips away, “Poppet what—,” 
“Steve, it hurts so badly. Please,” You cry out wiggling against his hold. His fingers dig into your hips to keep you in place. 
Your palms cover his, you look up at him. 
You lean up, he shifts back. You use the distraction to guide his palm to grind down on it. Your choked moan has his cock harden further. He can’t help but watch as you use him. 
Logic hits him then when he feels just how wet you’ve gotten, before he can pull away there is a prick in the side of his neck. You begin to blur from his view. 
“Poppet, something is wrong.” 
You look up at him, why did his words sound garbled? 
Why was he falling to his knees? 
You look behind him, people standing and watching. 
The need clouding your mind clears in the slightest, “Steve,” you kneel next to him. 
“It’s okay,” he assures you, reaching for the shield. 
The cramp hits you again harder; you cry out in pain, doubling over and sinking against the wall to curl up. 
“FRIDAY, dis-distress signal.” Steve orders as his vision begins to blacken, he reaches for you with the last of his strength covering your curled up form with his body. 
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Steve keeps his eyes closed. 
Enhanced hearing picking up the dripping pipes from the left. To his right he hears your pained whimpers. 
How long was he out?
Chains bind his arms above him, the uneven concrete digs into his knees and shins. He would search for the shield in the aftermath. 
He counts four people by their rhythmic footfall. They were in the same facility. It couldn’t have been easy to move them. 
Lolling his head to right he watches you through hooded eyes, chained like him kept on your knees but you’re struggling. Squirming on the ground trying to find respite and crying out of frustration. 
“Sex pollen.” Bucky spoke, with a shake of his head in disgust.
“Sex pollen?” Steve repeated as if to confirm. 
Bucky gives him a look, Steve’s eyebrows shot up higher. 
“What does that do? Did they use it on you?” Steve questioned his best friend. 
Bucky shook his head, “It basically sets the libido up to the maximum, forces the person in contact to orgasm but basically they need to have sex, self pleasure seldom works. The intensity is higher to combat the inevitable effect.” 
A dark expression crossed Bucky’s features, he sighed sadly. Looking out at the view from his home in Wakanda. The house, though borrowed, was Bucky’s own. 
Steve had placed a few sketches of Brooklyn around. The place he used to consider home now changed. Steve stares at the more recent sketch of his home city. 
Two men out of time in a place decades ahead of the world outside. 
“How long?” Steve clutches his charcoal tighter as he forms the curve of soft lips on the paper. A stray tendril of hair. 
Bucky looks down at the half done sketch of your face. His heart aches for Steve and you. 
“Two hours, it gets progressively maddening. At first one can try to speak or answer what is asked. After that it is variable how long it takes for the need to become the sole focus. If nothing is done in two hours then its too far gone and well...” 
He had limited time, he could not gamble any further. Steve opens his eyes, tugging at the restraints to catch the attention of the captors. 
You hear the rattling, you look up at Steve another pang through your core. 
“Ah, Captain. Welcome to the land of the waking, you were out for just under an hour. Now who is this sweet little needy thing with you?” The man asks, stepping closer to you. 
Steve growls, “Stay away from her.” he warns. 
The man raises his hands in defence, “She’s a little needy Captain,” he walks back toward Steve away from you, “Why so possessive?” 
Steve bites his tongue, “She’s mine.” he grits out. 
“I see and why is she yours?” 
He can’t tell them, they would exploit you but his will is crumbling swiftly and his mind is compelling him to speak, “I love her.” 
“Hm, it seems she needs you, Captain.” The man grins, walking back to you. His palm touches your scalp as he pulls your hair back. You want to recoil but the touch is soothing some of the ache. You look at Steve, pleading.  
“I could fill in.” He says suggestively.
You try to shuffle away but the grip on your hair tightens. 
“Don’t you fucking dare touch her!” Steve bellows as his thumb approaches your lips, “What the fuck do you want?” He pulls against the restraints, almost snarling. 
“I want to know where my Soldat is, tell me.” The man demands, leaving you. The words register as does the scent of cigarettes you recoil. You feel your mind working again, clearing the need to be fucked. 
“Steve don’t,” you warn him, he couldn’t sell out Bucky whatever this was, it wasn't worth ruining his life again, “I’ll deal with this…” you bite back the pained whimper. 
Steve stares at you, eyes wide and with an emotion you can’t place. 
“Oh but you know what is wrong with her don’t you Captain?” The man demands and you look to Steve, “Tell her the truth that burns your veins, Captain.” 
Steve wants to lie, wants to cushion you, “Truth serum?” He looks at the man who nods.
“Brilliant isn’t it? You’re compelled to tell me whether or not she chooses to be saved. You’re on a time limit.” The man taps his watch. 
“It’s a sex pollen.” Steve informs you, you stare at him. 
“That, that's why I need?” Your insides churn and your clit pulses as you watch Steve lick his dry lips before he continues to speak. The small insignificant action has your body wanting to be devoured. 
“Yes, and if you don’t get release, it’s fatal.” 
Silence stretches on the footfall of the three others has stopped, they watch the show play out. The consequences and the outcomes weighed. 
“Fight it, don’t tell them. It's not worth it.” You whisper. 
“Poppet you cannot say that. I am not risking your life!” Steve yells, pulling at the restraints again. 
“You can’t have him at risk again!” 
“I won’t let you die!” 
“You already left me for the dead once! You chose him once. Just fucking do it again!” You seethe, your skin clammy and you just want this suit gone. The material irritates you. 
Steve gapes at you, “I, I didn’t—,”
“Save it.” 
“As much as I enjoy a lover’s quarrel. Where is Soldat?” The man interrupts. 
“Gone.” Steve answers, “Poppet, please,” 
“Don’t fucking tell them!” You demand, “Consider it my last wish! Fight the damn truth serum.” 
“You are not dying.” Steve grits out. 
“Where is he, where is Bucky Barnes?” The man lands a punch to Steve’s face. His hair falls forward, slowly Steve looks up at the man. Rage colouring all his features. 
“I will let you help her. Just tell me where Bucky is, Captain.” The man promises. Steve considers, you begin to yell no at him. 
“He’s in the United Kingdom.” 
“Are you insane?!” You slump to the ground, “Do you have any fucking idea what have you done?” 
The man walks over and slaps you, “Shut the fuck up! You want a cock so fucking bad you fucking bitch in heat, I’ll give you one!” 
Steve snarls, wrapping the chain around his own palm and tugging hard until it breaks away from the wall. The man turns, gun cocked and ready, it's grabbed out of his hand by Steve. He looks at the man dead in his eyes before delivering the fatal shot.
You look up at Steve, as the man drops to the floor between the two of you. 
Steve watches the other three scramble about, he quickly fires the shots, he keeps one person alive. 
He grabs the other chain, yanking it with all his strength. It gives way. 
“Where is the shield?” He walks over to the man on the ground, pleading in pain. 
A shaking hand rises, pointing to the vault. 
“Access code?” Steve picks him up and takes him to the keypad. 
The man enters it crying when Steve presses on the open wound, “Don’t fucking pull any stunts.” 
You watch as the doors part and the shield stays there as a momento. 
You blink when everything goes out of focus. You blink again. Heat spreads over your body goosebumps raise across. 
Your thighs clench and you squirm trying to get some friction to release the ache. Tugging at the restraints is maddening. They don’t relent when you try to manoeuvre but no position provides any respite and you sob out as the frustration grows. 
“Poppet.” A warm voice calls out, you whimper. The hold on your right arm loosens and your hand reaches for the tactical suit. You had to get it off. You needed to get it off. 
You blink and watch as Steve’s hand stops yours, you push at him. 
“Please,” you whimper as another cramp takes over. 
“You smell so sweet baby.” He groans, the sound urges you on, you guide his hand to where you need him. 
His warm palm cups you the fabric of your suit soaked Steve hears your sigh of relief. 
“Going to take care of you Poppet, but you need to hold on for me okay?” Steve assures, breaking out your left arm as well. 
“Steve please,” you beg again, your mind screaming at your body, your hips move making you grind onto his palm. Your smaller palm wrapped around his wrist not letting him pull away. 
“Fuck,” He groans, pushing you against the corner and undoing your suit’s zipper, you don’t face him palms braced against the wall. Steve’s warm calloused palm is as though cold respite to your heated skin. 
He doesn’t waste time, fingers running over your folds, palm pressing against your clit. Your head tilts back resting against his shoulder, mouth parted moans leaving you. 
Steve presses his fingers into you, two thick digits and your walls clench around him he almost wishes he’d fuck you right there. 
“Fuck this pussy remembers who she belongs to doesn’t she?” Fingers curve finding the spot he very well could have placed. Stars line your vision as he hits the spot over and over, fingers curving.
“Right there Steve!” You cry out your ass rocking against him, pressing onto his cock. He keeps his thrusts hard and fast, palm rubbing your clit in the most delicious of ways. His grunts fill your senses.
Pleasure thrums from his touch to your body, your back arching as his fingers drive deeper and deeper into you. Your walls are gripping them back in not wanting him to stop. 
“I know sweet Poppet. I know what makes her weep for me. I’m going to taste you. But first you’re going to make a mess on my hand alright?” He instructs filthy words offset by the sweet kisses placed against your forehead and cheek. 
His other hand cups your breast playing with your nipple. Your hands fall from the wall, gripping onto his nails leaving indents on his skin. Steve watches your chest constrict, your voice choke off, eyes rolling back as your orgasm crashes into you. 
His fingers keep moving, riding your orgasm out, your walls quivering around him the sensitivity of your clit as it pulses. Some of the haze clears but the need just returns tenfold.
“Steve, please, I can’t, can’t wait—,” 
His lips are on yours, cutting you off, your suit pushed down further without breaking away from the kiss.
The shield clatters to the floor, his suit haphazardly discarded. Steve’s hands explore your body, remembering the planes he explored before. The love he whispered across your skin. Marking you with his touch, his lips, his seed.
“Wanna see you,” You want to turn, he grabs your hands pinning them to the wall. 
“No one gets to see you this way but me.” He growls, you feel his hard cock move between your thighs. His larger body covers yours, shielding you, watching over you. 
When your thighs clench around him,  Steve hisses, “Going to fill you up, sweet girl.” he coos. 
Inch by inch Steve’s length stretches you, your back arches. The relief the stretch of his cock brings is unlike anything else you’ve felt before. 
“You can take it, made for my cock aren't you?” He stills inside you, throbbing as your walls clench around him. He moans biting down on your shoulder the feel of you decadent, unable to be given justice by his mind.
“Heaven. Pussy feels so good, baby. Missed you so much.” He grunts, you push back against him needing him to move, “hands around my neck.” He orders, leaving your hands.
You wrap them around him, holding onto his now longer hair, soft between your fingers. Your mind remains you of the soft moments when he laid in your lap and your fingers combed through these locks.
Steve pulls you out of your thoughts with the snap of his hips. His palms gripping your waist anchoring you to him. Skin slapping against skin, his cock feels so good you could sob, the need turns into embers, your thirst being quenched. 
Each delicious, deep stroke moves you towards sweet bliss. You hear your name in an echo of his name. Steve watches the wall you mould against him, as countless times before. Your heart may have put up walls but your body left no space.
The way he sees the telltale signs of your orgasm he brings his right hand towards your apex, timing his rough circles on your clit to his thrusts. The sensations blooming become too much, your body alit with flames of pleasure, Steve moans as your walls begin to milk him just as your orgasm shatters through you.
He keeps his thrusts going, pumping into you. The arousal that spills onto your thighs, the mix of you and him. 
“One more.” He demands, fingers coated with the mix of the two of you, his marked fingers brought back to your clit, you cry out in ecstasy. 
The blissful haze clears, everything returning to you. The mission, the power, you can’t, you can’t, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve–,
“Right here my sweet poppet, you will give me one more. You know I'm greedy.” He reasons, only increasing his pace, you thrash in his hold. Lips find the sweet spot of your neck.
It’s your undoing, you cum around him yet again. Crying out his name, tugging on his hair. Aftershocks moving through you. He holds you up, pressing kisses to your forehead, temple, cheek, jaw and shoulders. 
Grounding you, palms moving over you after he brings his coated fingers to taste them. Your head lols against his shoulder, you reach for his jaw, placing a soft kiss. Steve smiles at the familiar gesture. 
Helping you get dressed he follows as well. You’re lifted into his arms and carried to the quinjet.
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As it had turned out Bucky wasn’t in UK it was a precautionary measure they came up with to secure Bucky from any life threatening attempts. The guilt you had harboured lessened.
Steve had stayed away from you, once Tony and Bruce cleared you of any remnant pollen he took his leave. Avoiding you as he had after the elevator confrontation. It left a bitter taste in your mouth. 
As much as you felt as if you were an emotional fool for considering the thought of wanting to approach him, you missed him. Terribly. 
You knew your walls were useless against the one man who you had given your jagged heart to, the blue eyes you had drowned yourself in multiple times. Whether it was when he found your gaze across the room or when you were pressed against him.
Your feet carried you after three days to his door. Your hand shook when you knocked. Thoughts swirling through your mind insecurities gaining fleet. 
The door opens, Steve’s eyes widen then his brows furrowed with worry, then fall to the still fading love bite that  he placed on your collarbone. You shift your weight to either side. Hands fiddling with the hem of your top.
You look down at your feet, Steve’s palm cups your cheek. 
Your eyes meet their old home of blue.
“I want to listen.” You manage to say, his pink lips stretch into a familiar smile.
He steps to the side inviting you further into his room.
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sparkle-fiend · 2 years
Eddie is six years old, the first time he hears the voice. 
It wakes him with a jolt – sends him tearing through the house, searching under every bed and behind every door for the boy he hears calling his name.
Mama finally stops him. “Sweetheart, what did you lose this time?” (Eddie is always losing things.) She looks impatient, standing with a laundry basket balanced on one cocked hip, curly hair spilling out of the messy bun on top of her head.
“I heard somebody saying my name! I gotta find him, I think he’s hiding.”
Mama’s whole attitude changes, all at once. She sets the laundry aside and drops to her knees in front of him, squeezing his little hands between her own. “Oh baby. That voice means you’ve got a soulmate!”
She smiles bright as the suncatcher hanging in the window, and presses sloppy kisses all over his face until he screams with laughter, squirming to get away. 
“My lucky, special boy!”
Eddie’s never been lucky before. It’s exciting.
In school, they learn all about soulmates. About how rare they are. Uncle Wayne is the only other person Eddie knows that has one. 
When he found out about Uncle Wayne’s soulmate, Eddie was so excited – bubbling full of questions, like a bottle of fizzy pop. But whenever he tried to talk about it, his dad got real mad.
“You keep your mouth shut about soulmates,” he said. “Don’t talk about that shit in front of your uncle.”
It’s hard. Eddie starts staying over at Uncle Wayne’s trailer more and more when Mama gets sick. And Eddie’s never been good at following rules; especially when he’s curious about something.
“Uncle Wayne?” Eddie finally asks one day. “Where’s your soulmate? How come I’ve never seen her?” You have met her right? is what Eddie’s really asking. He can’t imagine waiting until he’s as old as Uncle Wayne to find his soulmate.
His uncle goes sort of brittle, tensing up like every joint is made of glass. His lips press together behind his beard, and his denim blue eyes go shiny and wet – like he’s trying not to cry.
If Eddie could take the question back, he would. Suck it right back into his mouth, like the smoke from his uncle’s cigarettes. This is why you gotta listen better baby – that’s what his Mama would probably say.
“My Lorretta died a few years ago. Before you were born.”
Eddie never considered that. In all the movies, soulmates die together. The thought of it leaves a queasy feeling squirming through his stomach.
“I still hear her though,” Uncle Wayne says, with a terribly soft look in his eyes. “Still hear her singing our song.”
“Like a memory?” Eddie whispers.
His uncle shakes his head. “Time don’t matter for soulmates – no more than distance. I can hear her still, across the years.”
Like a ghost, his uncle doesn’t say. A ghost that will haunt him forever. None of the dry textbooks in school ever mentioned that part.
It starts to worry Eddie. As he gets older, his soulmate’s voice starts to get clearer. He always hears the same thing – a desperate, grown-up voice screaming at him to “Run Eddie! RUN!!!” 
It must be from the future. But his soulmate sounds so scared. What could possibly happen, to make his soulmate sound like that?
Eddie starts to listen to music more. Loud, heavy stuff to drown out the frightened voice. 
Late at night, he curls up under the covers and softly sings his Mama’s favorite song – hoping that somewhere, somewhen, his soulmate will hear him.
That it might help, the way it helps Eddie when Mama sings him to sleep.
Eddie is twelve years old, the first time he really listens to the voice.
Mama's been dead two years, and his dad keeps pulling riskier and riskier jobs. Tonight, he's decided to try and break into the pawn shop on Fifth street. 
Eddie is the lookout, stationed on the opposite corner with a pistol weighing heavy in the pocket of his coat (just in case, Ed). 
He doesn't want to be here. He tried to argue with his dad. Said, "I've got a test tomorrow. I've got homework and..." and I hate this life. (He doesn't say that part.) I don't want to steal cars or break into buildings or mug people. I don't want to be like you.
His dad just gripped him by the arm hard enough to bruise, and said, "You like to eat, dont'cha? Well, lookouts get to eat. Lazy little shits don't." 
So Eddie is standing on a street corner in the middle of the night, watching his dad furtively attempt to pick the lock on the front door of the pawn shop, when a cop car slows down at the end of the street.
Fear floods his bloodstream so fast it leaves him dizzy. The cop has clearly noticed something. Eddie can see the shadowed figure inside the car reach for his radio. 
Eddie has two choices.
He could pull the pistol out of his pocket and fire a few shots down the street, forcing the cop to take cover long enough for his dad to get away (which is what his dad would expect him to do). Or he could... 
The sudden loud voice, echoing between his ears and behind his eyes and inside his heart, startles him into flinching. 
"Run Eddie, RUN!!!" His body obeys before his brain has a chance to process the words. He's halfway down the street when the siren shrieks to life. 
Later, as he sits in the backseat of the social worker's car on the way to his Uncle Wayne, he can't quite believe he did it. He bailed on his dad - left him to get arrested and go to prison. This is Frank Munson's third strike; he'll go away for life this time. 
I'm such a coward, Eddie thinks numbly. Such a chicken piece of shit. He digs his ragged nails into the soft flesh of his palms, squeezing hard enough to draw blood. 
As if he'd spoken aloud, a soft voice responds, "You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
His soulmate sounds so fierce, so certain. Eddie blinks hard against the hot burn of tears. The smart thing to do.
Eddie holds onto those words, like magic talismans. They provide comfort, not just in the immediate days after his dad's arrest, but other times too. Every time he runs away from a bully or a cop or a deal gone bad, Eddie thinks to himself - I'm not a coward. I'm just smart.
It works... until the night he stumbles out of his uncle's trailer, leaving Chrissy Cunningham's broken body on the living room floor. He's so terrified he doesn't have time to think, not until after he's ditched his van and taken shelter in Rick's boathouse. As he leans against the splintered wall and catches his breath, it hits him.
I left her there. What if she was still alive? (She wasn't. She couldn't have been. Not after... not after that.) He grabs fistfuls of hair and tugs until his scalp aches. Wracks his brain trying to figure out what happened, what he could have done to stop it.
He's never felt so ashamed before, not even when his dad was cursing and screaming and calling him a coward through the thick glass of the visitation window. 
His soulmate's words whisper in his ears, "...sometimes it's just the smart thing to do," and Eddie pounds on his skull with his fists to drown the voice out. "Not this time," he snarls. I should have done something. I should have tried to save her. 
He doesn’t feel smart this time. He feels like a cowardly piece of shit.
His soulmate’s voice falls silent. 
Through all the craziness to follow – finding out that monsters are real, running for his life from an angry mob, fighting alongside Steve Harrington in an evil Upside Down version of Hawkins – Eddie doesn’t hear his soulmate again.
Not until he’s staring up at Dustin Henderson, realizing that he can’t run away again. As he hesitates at the bottom of the rope, Dustin calls out nervously, “Eddie, what are you doing?”  
“I’m buying more time,” he says. He ignores Dustin’s screams as he cuts the rope and slides the mattress out of the way – making sure the kid can’t follow him. 
And then he hears his soulmate say, “Wait, wait a second. Eddie?! Is that you?” 
Eddie is twenty years old, the first time he recognizes his soulmates voice.
He pauses at the door of the trailer and squeezes his eyes shut tight. “Hey Stevie.”
“Holy shit, it’s you,” Steve whispers in awe.
It’s the first time they’ve been able to speak to each other like this, responding in real-time. Eddie wishes it could have happened in different circumstances.
“I’m so sorry Steve.” 
“Eddie? What are you doing?” Steve sounds alarmed.
Eddie doesn’t answer. He slams his way out of the barricaded trailer and grabs one of the discarded bikes, hoping to lead the swarm of bats away as far as possible. 
He makes it halfway across the trailer park before one of the bats knocks him off the bike. He grunts and rolls, gaining his feet quickly. Chest heaving, charged with adrenalin – Eddie hesitates. He could keep running… or he could stand his ground and fight. 
Maybe Steve can hear the hitch in his breath in that moment, because the other boy seems to have worked out what’s going on, even from miles away. Steve screams, “No!!! Run Eddie, RUN!!!!”
It’s like the night his dad got arrested. Eddie doesn’t even have time to think - his body reacts to that voice and he runs, worn Reeboks slapping the pavement.
(In another world, Eddie would have turned to face the swarm. In another world, Eddie would have died.)
He’s fast. He’s always been fast. He buys himself a few precious moments, before the bats drag him to the ground. They start to rip through his clothes, through his flesh, and he tries to hold back his screams – he doesn’t want Steve to hear this…
Those extra seconds save his life. It’s bad - but not as bad as it could have been. The bats start to drop from the sky, writhing and shrieking; they’re dying, although Eddie has no idea why. Hopefully, it means Steve and the girls were successful. 
He struggles to sit up just as Dustin reaches him, crying and frantic. “Eddie!! Oh my god, are you okay? Jesus, there’s so much blood…” the kid moans. 
“Yeah, yep. I’m good,” Eddie pants through gritted teeth. “Help me up okay?”
Dustin insists on binding the worst of his wounds first, using strips of fabric torn from the ghillie suit. The pain makes Eddie want to scream all over again, but he allows it. It is an awful lot of blood.
They lean against each other and limp back to the trailer, where Dustin knots t-shirts and jeans and flannel shirts into the remnants of their rope until it’s long enough to reach the other side again. 
Eddie manages to haul himself up the rope and through the gate – and that’s where his strength runs out. The pain of landing on the thin mattress knocks him right out.
When Eddie wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed. 
Holy shit I’m alive, he thinks. He honestly wasn’t sure he would make it.
He moves gingerly, testing each limb, turning his head against the stinging pull of a bandage along the edge of his jaw.
The room isn’t empty; Eddie apparently has a roommate. He clears his throat and the person in the other bed stirs, turning to look at him. 
It’s Steve.
His soulmate.
Eddie feels a funny little swoop of exhilaration in his stomach. “Hey Stevie.”
Steve’s face goes soft at first, like he’s experiencing the same fizzy warmth that Eddie is feeling. Then he blinks, and his brows draw down into a scowl. “What the hell was that, huh? What happened to ‘I’m no hero’?”
Eddie tries to make light of the situation. “Maybe I wanted to try it out,” he says flippantly. “Not too sure it suits me though. Think I might stick to being a coward from now on – it’s a lot less painful.” 
Steve doesn’t smile. He fixes Eddie with a serious look, hazel eyes blazing in the sallow light of the hospital room. “You listen to me Eddie Munson. You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. Those words – once a gift from the future, now an echo of the past. He never should have ignored them. “Maybe you’re right.”
Steve’s mouth is already open to continue the argument. “I…” he stops, clearly caught off-guard, face scrunched in adorable confusion. “Yeah. Yeah, I am right.”
Steve runs a faintly trembling hand through his hair. The angry expression melts into something gentler, almost unbearably soft. “I’m glad you listened to me in the end, at least.”
Eddie shifts his weight, pressing his cheek into the scratchy hospital pillow so he can keep his eyes on Steve. 
He’s so beautiful. Even bloody and bruised, with dirt still smudged along his hairline and dark circles under his eyes – he’s the most beautiful boy Eddie has ever seen. And Eddie almost gave this up – if he’d died in the Upside Down, he would have left Steve alone, with only the echo of Eddie’s voice left to haunt him.
“Yeah,” Eddie says hoarsely, “me too.”
He still feels guilty over Chrissy’s death - he probably always will. But he’s coming to realize that proving himself a hero wouldn’t have been worth the pain his death would have caused.
Eddie’s got a second chance… and he plans to make the most of it.
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chocsra · 1 year
"Take the Gun and my Heart, okay?"
15! Chuuya x implied fem! reader
A/N: im back again 😜😜 please send more requests and ideas! i wanna try writing angst for my next fics
content: you're the port mafia's best markswoman/sniper & chuuya goes to you to learn ur ways, oneshot, fluff, pre-relationship, mafia work 😱, guns, coworkers? to lovers, rich chuuya era, could be gn! reader bc there are no descriptions but used she/her prns 😭
thank you sm @soleelia for the idea!
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Sometimes, regular days of being in the mafia felt boring.
Most of your life was inhabited by the four same walls of the mafia's firing range, your body was free of bruises besides the callouses on your fingers from the amount of steel pressing against your palms; it almost felt like your hands grew with a silver pistol rested upon them as if royalty was granted with a crown.
When you were younger, a tall pale man with the name of Paul Verlaine taught you all the ways of a markswoman he could.
Your work consisted of staying in the firing range, assisting criminals in their weaponry choices, dealing guns; and the off chance you could go on missions.
But when you did, shit was amazing.
"Nice one, [Y/N]." A boyish voice rang through the single earpiece of your left ear, repositioning yourself planted on the ground of one of the Port Mafia's rooftops; your index finger positioned off the trigger, taking your face off of the scope. "The pleasure's all mine." You thank teasingly; even if your 'partner' was kilometers away from you, you could almost taste the cruel smirk on his face from the other side; plotting a decimation not even a mafioso with 30 years of experience could pull off.
Dazai Osamu, the youngest mafia executive in history.
He was the craziest fuck you've ever met, but you did partake in his affairs with murder and crime; just from afar. Word says he got himself a new partner on the battlefield; a boy a year older than you, he was the supposed King of The Sheep, but his mentality and brutal force screamed nothing more than that of a wolf.
"Careful, pipsqueak - backup has already been granted." the lanky boy with bandages covered all around the midst of his tainted body said with boredom sinking in his voice; blood dribbled down his forehead, emerging in the facial bandages covering his right eye. Men with firearms and knives surrounded the two teenage boys; more than ready to shoot the children under the guise of their boss.
The ginger next to him barely turned his head in Dazai's direction, his tongue swiped behind his bottom teeth in irritation; though owning a petite stature, the King of The Sheep was more than confident that all these men, despite their bodies, would fall to their knees under the crushing pressure of gravity. "I don't give a damn about your shitty backup, I didn't join the Port Mafia to be protected." the redhead smiled cheekily, a red aura glowing from his body as his right leg lifted in the air - about to throw a powerful repeating hook kick.
Several collisions shot through the air, Chuuya was sure it was the force of his ass-kicking skills; Dazai would have flipped a coin to see if it was you or the midget who landed a shot.
The redhead launched in the air, he twisted his leg just so that his shin hit the man's forehead. However, upon doing so - blood spluttered out of the man's head, falling harshly to the ground. The small boy landed successfully on the ground, shoving his hands in his pockets with a proud smirk. Until Dazai gently pressed on his earpiece to enable the microphone. "Again, thank you, [Y/N]," he says with a sigh, watching as Chuuya's face contorts in confusion. Spinning around on his heels, the man died not by his kick; but by a metal bullet pierced through the middle of his skull; along with all the other men perfectly striked in the forehead with the small bullets.
"What?" the ginger mafioso asked with surprise, "Who the hell did that?" he sharply turned to the bandaged brunette with annoyance laced in his voice. "[Y/N], you haven't heard of her?" Dazai asks boredly, striding over to the fallen man who was their leader. "No? Dude, where'd that even come from?" Chuuya spins his head in several directions, trying to find the source of the bullets. "Up your ass." the lanky boy teased, bending down to ransack the man's clothing.
"Shut up! Guns are a good for nothin' weapon anyway! Like hell we need them!!"
"Huh? I thought you didn't like guns."
You stood across from Chuuya in the stained room of the firing range, it's length was more than long, with rather narrow walls. Bales of hay were stacked at the end of the room, protecting the wall from bullets and missed shots. From the small distance of the door creaking open, laid the only walking point of the room; as the rest were hidden by pillars that seperated individual's gunfire; and nobody wished to get shot.
The teenager ruffles his hair, almost loathing in the awkward silence of the room; even with noice cancelling headphones on. He was wearing casual clothing, usual black sweatpants and some sort of red biker jacket; accompanied by a swift movement of his orange hair, tangling between his fingers.
"About that- 'kinda feel left out, ya mind teaching me?"
"You don't know how to use a gun?"
A more awkward silence entered the room as you stare at him in disbelief, the ginger's face remained somewhat sheepish; but by his piercing azure eyes, he was irritated by something, pretty obvious. "Nah," Chuuya replies, gently pushing his hands in his pockets, walking up to you. "was never a fan of guns - ain't bullets shoot better with your hands?" the boy smirked cheekily, causing you to scoff and take off your headphones. "You're talkin' like I can manipulate gravity." you reply dryly with a creeping smile, finishing to sweep the lose bullets on the floor.
"Exactly, that's why I'm apart of the mafia." the redhead boasted defensively, rolling his tongue across his inner cheek. "I think you're the only mafioso who doesn't know how to shoot." you reply with almost a whisper, his sharp glare at you made you question your lifespan. "I've dealt with swords thanks to Kouyou, I've gone to daggers and knives for the look and practicality - so lemme ask ya this, [Y/N], why would I ever turn to guns?" you heaved a sigh at his smartass answers, sometimes you hated his stupid delusions that he always had to be right.
"Well you're here now, so technically you are turning to guns." you swipe a sleek pistol off a metal table, discharging the magazine to see if any bullets were left. "Tsk," Chuuya crossed his arms in annoyance, "You're putting words and my mouth." he scoffed, causing little bits of laughter to escape your lips. "Just shut up and listen."
"Chuuya- you can't shoot a gun with one hand." you scold in annoyance, gently taking the same pistol out of the boy's gloved hands. "Why the hell not? I see it all the time." he brushes off some dirt off his jacket, blue eyes gazing at the addition of bullets in the chamber. "You watch too many movies," you mutter in concentration, redjusting the safety junctures. "a pistol's recoil wouldn't allow you to shoot it properly, and you'd miss like, 90% of the time as a beginner." you grin mockingly, causing Chuuya to smirk in irritation.
"But Dazai does it all the time."
"I don't know- Dazai's fuckin' crazy."
"You have a point."
You laugh as you placed the gun in his hands, "Always treat a gun like it's loaded, even if we're mafia." you said softly, the ginger nodded, readjusting his position into some kind of sharp-shooter. "Got it," he rasps, pointing the silver tip of the pistol towards the cardboard target. Your eyes scan his whole body and stance with predictability, he was standing like he was holding in a shit. "C'mere," you proceed with a click of the tongue, cupping Chuuya's hands over the pistol.
The fabric of his gloves saved you from some embarrassment, but you couldn't help but feel the way his soft hair poked your face leaning over his right shoulder. "Your hand that's going to pull the trigger should only use 30% of force, all the other should be with the other hand, using 70% to support it." you inform in almost a whisper, applying pressure atop his right hand for a more firm grip, Chuuya's eyes glanced to yours with a slight pink tint on his cheeks before nodding. "Alright,"
"So, why'd you come to learn from me anyway?"
"'Cause I wanna learn from the best, yea?"
"What? You don't like being complimented?"
Trying to readjust his grip on the firearm whilst his breath was fanning your face and neck was so damn distracting, you don't even think he knows how close or what he's doing; especially with his trademark smirk and alluring aura. Chuuya's always been a bastard, but he wasn't all bad when you had a civil conversation; actually, maybe you two had one too many civil conversations. "Okay, think I got it, ima shoot." he nods with confidence, you take a step back as the redhead takes a few moments to reposition his stance and well, learn how to shoot.
"There's two parts of a gun that allows you to shoot: 1. the front, 2. the rear, match those two up and it's like a puzzle." you inform, pointing to the junctures of the firearm before yet again taking a step back. "And don't forget double action, it holds more trigger pull than all other shots."
From all the talking you just did, there was only one thing on your mind; Chuuya. A conversation so little that felt so heavy, were you that touch starved? Nobody visited you in the range, only older men who were practicing their skills. Infact, Chuuya hates guns; he believes that it held no value over him in the mafia and a machine used by non-ability users and non-ability users only. And yet, he still learnt from you, he could've went to anyone else; he could've went to another person to watch him fail.
Too much of your previous conversations filled your head; wine, motorcycles, cigarettes, music.. maybe you did share one too many conversations, you hate the way someone so violent could you make you feel huma-
For the first time in your life, with or without headphones; the sound of a bullet puncturing cardboard startled you, even just a little. Damn it, that ginger did a number on you. You tilt your head up to see if the bullet hit, indeed it did not. "Fuck," the redhead groans, causing you to snicker a little bit, attempting to stiffle it with your hand. "Man, shut up.." he scowls in irritation, a small smile creeping on his face. "C'mon, the chambers not finished, you can do it." you cheer the boy on, patting his back lightly, Chuuya only chuckles with a shake of the head before turning back to the target.
"You wanna know why I think you're the best?" the mafioso continues to shoot, gritting his teeth everytime the metal bullet pierced anything but cardboard. "Why?" you ask curiously, watching as he finishes the chamber, setting the firearm down at the decently shot target.
"Have dinner with me and find out."
He smirks confidently, watching as you stare at the ginger blankly. "You wanna shoot up a restaurant?" you cock a brow in confusion, taking off your headphones. "No- what?"
"What I mean is, let's go out and enjoy some good food tonight, 'kay?"
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modelbus · 5 months
Sorry not sorry for ignoring all my requests to write this!! Yes this is ANOTHER cod song fic… As a warning I haven’t played the games and reality is what I make it <3
!! this gets VERY VERY VERY suggestive at the end, no devils tango actually happens though !! be warned !!
Pairing: Gn!Reader x Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
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The smoke cloud billows out his mouth Like a freight train through a small town
Unlike Ghost, you don’t smoke. Even though you’re a soldier, you prefer not to cut your life short by smoking death sticks. Ghost, you’re fairly certain, couldn’t give less of a shit if he lives or dies.
You stopped trying to convince him not to smoke a while ago.
Although you have a general distaste for the smell of smoke, you have a general taste for Ghost, so any time he steps out to smoke you follow along like a shadow. The first few times he had ignored you. Then there was a time where he—very quietly—told you that you didn’t have to follow him, that he knew you didn’t like smoking. You, lovesick, stupid, head-over-boots for your lieutenant, kept going with him. You were rewarded with actual conversations.
Ghost exhales smoke, mask pushed up over his nose. “Stop lookin’ at my mouth.”
You laugh, turning your head away. “It’s a rare sight.”
“Not for you.”
He blows out more smoke, and you focus on the lighter he tossed you. An old one, rusted metal that heats up when the flame is on for too long. It’s got a charm to it that you love. Same as him, you once joked.
“You only expose your mouth when you’re putting it to use.” You tease, eyes darting up to gauge his reaction.
“I’d put it to use now, but you hate the taste of cigarettes. Stop teasing because I decide I don’t care.” Despite his threat, you can see his lips quirking up in the smallest hints of a smile.
“Sir yes sir.”
He snorts. “Tease.”
“You love it.”
They shake their heads saying “God help her” When I tell ‘em he’s my man
“Don’t know how you put up with him.” Soap laughs, arm slung casually over your shoulders. “You’re a saint for it.”
“Ghost?” You ask, although you already know Soap is referring to the lieutenant who is currently barking orders at some recruits.
Barking orders and running them into the ground, that is. It’s training course day, which means they get to suffer under Ghost’s command. Price called it “building character.” Soap had called it “cruel and inhumane punishment.”
“No, the other hardhead you’re datin’.” Soap squeezes you. “Yeah, Ghost.”
“He’s not a hardhead.” You protest. As if he heard you, Ghost’s head turns to look at you from across the field. His eyes narrow at Soap’s arm around you, but must ultimately deem it harmless.
“He just threatened me! And he ain’t a hardhead?”
“He didn’t even say anything, Soap, how—“
“With his eyes, stupid. Staring right daggers.”
“He was not.” You shove Soap away, laughing.
“He was! You’re just used to it! God help you, you’re clearly delusional already!”
“The only one who needs God’s help is you and the recruits.”
Soap shouts some curse at you as you walk away, but you give him the middle finger as you hurry off toward Ghost before he kills a recruit. Again.
God help you? Yeah right. You knew what you were doing. God needed to help those recruits.
His hand so calloused from his pistol softly traces hearts on my face
Calloused fingertips brush over your skin before he commits, cupping your cheek. Delicate, in the way he learned from handling guns and knives and explosives. Soft, in the way he learned from you.
“Pretty thing.” Simon murmurs, an accusation or a compliment. It doesn’t really matter which it is, anyway.
“Kiss me.” You whine playfully, although you know he won’t.
He loved staring at you almost as much as he loved you in his bed, both of which he has right now. You’ll get your kiss eventually, no doubts about that, but only after he gets his way. Greedy man, but you knew that the second you laid eyes on him.
“Patience is a virtue.” He warns, rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone. “Wait.”
“Wait for you to get tired of looking at me?”
The look he levels at you is unamused, and you shut your mouth quickly.
“Wait for me to memorize your face again. Gotta make sure I see it in my dreams.” He grins at you, subtle and cheeky, aware of the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
Damn him. Damn him and his too-smooth lines.
You close your eyes, giving in and waiting as you always do. There’s a high chance he made that line up, but there’s an equally high chance it’s the honest truth.
“Eyes open.” Simon orders, tapping your cheek until you open them to glare at him. “There’s my pretty eyes.”
“Am I a pretty thing or are my eyes?” You ask rhetorically. You’re saying the retort, but the only thing on your mind is an ongoing chant of ‘yours yours yours.’
“Yes.” Finally, he leans in and kisses you. “Stay.” He gets up, heading to the bathroom.
“Ass.” You groan, loud enough that you know he can hear it. His gruff laugh echoes back to you.
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man No really I can
Simon, your Simon, mouths at your neck, occasionally biting as he sees fit. Tease. Nasty, horrible tease.
There’s still blood on his clothes from the mission, but he shed the soaked gloves the second he started touching you. Claimed your skin was too pristine to dirty up, too perfect.
Ironic, considering what a mess he’s making of you now.
“Please.” You gasp out, digging your hand into his hair. It doesn’t even deter him as he sucks a hickey that’ll be large enough to raise eyebrows.
“One day I’ll tie you up and teach you how to wait.” He practically growls, tone low enough to be one if you squint.
Low enough to send a whole new wave of heat through you. And it certainly doesn’t help that you’ve still got the memory of him tearing through enemies on the mission. Of him jerking his gun up to shoot a man through the heart, mere feet from him.
If it was a crime to be attracted to his danger, you were in for a lifetime.
“Please, Simon.” You draw out the plea, hoping he’ll stop being a leech to your neck and move lower.
“You can do better, love.”
He reaches around, untangling your hand from his hair to pin your wrists above you. His fingers dig into the intimate interiors of your wrists, not too hard, but certainly not soft.
The worst (or perhaps best) part about his threat to tie you up is that you’d let him. Unquestionably. Simon Riley was a man who could rip others apart with his bare hands, but he was also a man who you’d let take you apart and put you together a thousand fold.
You loved it every time he did, after all.
“I’ll be good?” You try. “I swear, Si. Please.”
He hovers there, body weight holding you down, pressed to the bed, as he considers. Finally, he exhales, and you know you’ve got what you want.
“Atta girl. Now let me take care of you, yeah?”
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perfectlyvalid49 · 5 months
Today is Yom HaShoah, which is Israel’s (and by extension large portions of the Jewish diaspora’s) Holocaust Remembrance Day. Back in January, I wrote this post for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, in which I basically said that I thought that International Holocaust Remembrance Day really should line up with Yom HaShoah, but that I choose to take the “Holy shit! Two cakes!” attitude towards it, because the Holocaust is certainly a large enough tragedy to support two remembrance days.
The one in January’s date was selected to be in remembrance of the day Auschwitz was liberated. Because that date was selected to celebrate a non-Jewish achievement, I think it should be a day for the goyim to focus on how they can do better. If it is in remembrance of what good allies they were, then it should be used as a day to do some learning and reflection in order to be better allies to us now, in the present.
But the one today is timed to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Yom HaShoah is the day we picked not just to remember the 6 million who died, but also the ones who decided to die fighting. It is a day to remember that we must stand up for ourselves, even if the price is high, because the price for not standing up for ourselves is higher.
In January I gave some topics for goyim to think about in remembrance of the day. Because today is the Jewish remembrance day, I will share what I am thinking about today as a Jew, and invite others to think about it too.
I saw a post a few days ago where someone commented on a different post about why Jews didn’t leave Germany after Kristallnacht, and how moving to another country because some people broke your window feels like an overreaction. And that you will always be overreacting until it’s too late. How do we know the difference between “just” broken windows and a sign to flee? Knowing antisemitism is on the rise globally, where would we even flee to? How do I help my children avoid the fate of their great-grandfather (who survived) or their great-great-grandfather (who did not)?
We picked this day to commemorate the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, but also to remember that even in the middle of one of the worst attacks on our people (and that’s fucking saying something) there were Jews who stood up and refused to accept their fate. I have seen many Jews say that they’re getting “1930s Germany” vibes from current events. If things are headed in the same direction, what can we do to fight our fate? Ideally with words now, so that we don’t have to fight with pistols and homemade explosives like they did in Warsaw.
The reason for a remembrance day like today is to acknowledge the past, but also to learn from it. What can we learn so that when we say, “We will outlive them” we can mean all of us, not just the ones who are lucky enough to be geographically removed from the worst of it, or to survive despite the odds?
This is a little more downbeat than I had hoped, which is unsurprising given the nature of the day. I like to try to stay positive though, so I’ll say this: Six million people were murdered. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising did not succeed in its goal of liberation. But the Nazis did not succeed in their goal of eliminating the Jews either. We did outlive them. We are still here to remember.
Am Yisrael Chai
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
"It's A Wonderful Life" AU with Tim and Jason
I only know the very basic premise of this movie, so we're going off of that.
Tw: death, suicide, violence
This could be a Titan's Tower AU, but I do think this could be a bit more fun after the BruceQuest.
Tim, who's had his support systems (even the JL ripped from him) and is seething in paranoia, gets cornered by Red Hood. The last time he saw Jason alone, he got a batarang to the chest (Battle of the Cowl). Tim has no reason to suspect this interaction will be friendly.
Red Robin is geared up for a fight. Red Hood has his hands up in surrender and far away from his hip holsters. It's not exactly reassuring (Jason can probably whip out his pistols in the same amount of time it takes Tim to grab a birdarang), but it does communicate that Jason isn't looking for a fight. Tim, who's one mental breakdown away from taking over Lex Corp for the hell of it, doesn't see this as a good sign. Why would Jason, the original Cain instinct, want to talk "peacefully" with his Placeholder? What's the aim?
Jason kind of just wants to apologize and is low-key concerned with how he's so isolated from everyone. He doesn't truly care about Tim, and he doesn't think it's his place/right/ability to be the support for the kid, but he can at least say sorry. Tim doesn't need to accept it, but he deserves the acknowledgement that it was indeed fucked up and not Tim's fault in the slightest. It's not much, especially with the scar on Tim's throat and the trauma, but it's a start. He still holds some resentment for the kid, but he's starting to learn that's more Jason and Bruce's fault than Tim's.
The conversation doesn't go great. Maybe Tim is being defensive and an asshole (which is fair since Jason's attacked him twice at least). Jason gets a little upset over this and snaps back (which is not what he's trying to do and counterproductive).
They get interrupted by this magician that sighs. They explain how fucking exhausting it is hearing them continue to misunderstand each other so they will show them what the world was like if Tim was never born.
Cue something similar to the movie I described. I haven't seen it, so here's what I think happens in that movie combined with this AU.
Tim and Jason stumble around Gotham at the current date in this alternative universe.
It's hell. They constantly run into crime on every corner, and there's no order.
They find out that Bruce had died within a year of Jason dying. Gotham fell to shambles due to Batman's declining reputation at that point. They had no hope and were hostile to any heroes that tried to help (due to the last hero they had turning on them). Gotham was eventually abandoned by the US government.
With his death, people found out Bruce Wayne was Batman. This causes Alfred to be sent to jail, and Dick could never return to Gotham. Dick only survived due to the Titan's refusing to let him destroy himself. He's still not okay.
Damian never came to Gotham cause Bruce had died. He's still set to become Ra's vessel, and no one (like Dick, the JL, Jason, etc) knows about this plot.
Jim Gordon was killed, and Barbara had to move out of Gotham.
Steph joined Helena for a bit. They made a kickass team, but they didn't survive to the current day.
Duke and his family moved out of Gotham before the gates closed, but he lost his parents in the escape.
Cass was never taught language.
Jason killed the Joker and then himself.
Anyways, Gotham goes to shit and Bruce kills himself on patrol (let's himself be hit and doesn't give himself needed rest). That's the basics of what they learned in this alternative universe.
This causes Tim to feel a bit better about all the sacrifices he made. He was vital and important to the Bats. He did good. He was necessary. It doesn't erase all the pain and hurt, but it boosts his self-esteem just a small bit.
Jason didn't realize the extent of what Tim did for them. He didn't realize the impact of Tim's decision and how he saved everyone. The two of them part, and Jason starts to uncover all the sacrifices the teen made.
Tw: suicide
If you want extra angst, maybe the magician reveals that Tim was planning to kill himself before he saw that Bruce needed him (thus the world is what happened if Tim went through with his OG plan). Tim has severely unhealthy coping mechanisms now, but his tendency to help people allows himself to feel needed. Lots to unpack there.
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cephalopistol · 3 months
the interpretation of takumi being a metaphor for specifically a closeted gay man is really special to me and idk why. paradise lost and paradise regained exist, i'm bisexual, inoue's bisexual, why wouldn't takumi be bisexual too especially since i kin him really hard? weird shit.
also weirdly enough after paradise regained i started getting lesbian vibes from mari because like. in the og show when she said she had a crush on kiba, to me it kind of felt like when a queer person is asked who they have a crush on and they try to think of the first person of the opposite gender who they think is nice and say "yeah i have a crush on them."
i guess that's why paradise regained felt like an out-of-body experience to me? narratively it made sense for takumi and mari to get together— i was gonna say "especially for the 20th anniversary for the fans" but they were implied to be a thing in paradise lost and *shudders* the novel so inoue was going for that as well— and i even found it kinda cute, but it just doesn't click for me y'know? in my mind paradise regained takumi is a separate entity from og show takumi now basically.
anyway there's a lot of things i love about faiz but takumi x kiba is a really big one for me lol. i don't really mind if people like takumi x mari, my interpretation isn't the only valid one as fiction is subjective, i kinda just wanted to write out my thoughts after sitting on them for so long.
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hades-in-bloom · 1 year
Shower Thoughts
Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
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summary: Leon has just returned from another soul-crushing mission—and you didn't happen to be home yet.
warnings & contents: heavy angst, our sweetpea is hurt; suicide trigger/thoughts; implied severe depression; assumed older Leon; implied military training on the reader; more hurt than comfort; mentions of death and violence, and blood; could be read as age gap but could be none; the reader could be of any gender; there's light at the end of the tunnel.
a/n: I was craving some angst but didn't plan it to go that far; oh well. Our sweet boy deserves all the happiness though—but author is a bitch. Also, I don't believe Leon would be seriously considering harming himself, but I do believe that he's an empathetic human being kidnapped in his youth to do a shitty job, so there could be a moment of weakness; otherwise, “we owe it to the people who died alongside us, so we have to continue living.” As always, proceed at your own risk. DNI minors & if mentions of suicide affect you. This is a work of fiction and shouldn't be used as guidance on how to behave in similar sensitive situations. Masterlist
Leon rubbed his hands under the hot tap forcefully, willing to wash off the blood; the water coming off his fingers was clean for a while, but he seemed not to notice it—after all, there was always blood on his hands, whether others could see it or not. The man only stopped when the touch started to hurt, his abused skin red from friction.
“Shit,” Leon grunted under his breath and turned off the faucet angrily, his breathing ragged. Others might say that it was adrenaline still rushing through his veins, but he knew it wasn’t it. For how long he’s done this job, he was past the prolonged adrenaline rush a while ago. Leon put his palm over his forehead, barely covering his exhausted eyes; his hands slightly shaking.
How many more people had to die before this shit would end?
He remembered them all, those he couldn’t save, and he only kept counting. Leon knew he wasn’t supposed to—saving ordinary folk was a luxury in his position—but it was hard for him to accept who he had become. The extensive bathroom mirror in front of him, he couldn’t level his gaze to take a look at himself, and when he did, his teeth clenched, and his glance shot into the corner of the reflection—there was his essential gear, a pistol and a knife, thoughtlessly dropped on the bathroom floor.
Suddenly, he felt exhausted. A carnal thought made him blush in a fever—wouldn’t it be so easy? Leon was never the type to look for easy ways out—but he was only of flesh and blood, too; isn't he only human? Despite what reports said about him always being “the survivor” and “the golden boy.” Screw the odds.
He picked up his gear from the floor, his palm sliding across the pistol barrel. Leon counted the bullets left in the magazine with another hand, pulling it back into the grip compartment right after; his facial expression was unreadable, deprived of emotion. In moments like this, the man wasn't sure if he could feel anything anymore.
Wouldn't it be so easy, after all? Maybe after that, he'll be able to wake up from this bloody nightmare.
Consumed by his thoughts, he didn't hear how the keys screeched in the lock of the apartment door, and you came in.
You noticed his jacket on the hanger, and your eyebrows shot to your forehead in surprise.
“Leon?” you called to him, dropping bags full of groceries next to the kitchen island; your body tensed in anticipation. You didn't expect him so early. After his assignments, he usually barged in the middle of the night and not in the light of day. You didn't complain, though. You missed him.
You gently knocked on the bathroom door when you heard muffled sounds from another side. “Hey,” your voice was calm and soothing. “Can I come in? Do you need help?” At this point, you got used to his bruises and stitches, caring only about him getting back home in one piece.
There was something more to his injuries this time.
“Shit,” Leon cursed under his breath again when you stepped into the bathroom, despairing of getting a word out of him. You were worried; he could see it on your face. You quickly noticed his scalded hands, the right one behind his back, hiding something. He looked like a curious teenager who got caught watching adult movies.
“Hey,” his lips stretched into an unnatural smile. “Sorry, I didn't hear you come in…”
“You should've called me,” you scolded him calmly, making a step forward. His body tensed and froze as soon as you stretched your hand toward him, and you held back a frown. “…I would’ve been home in a heartbeat.”
The man’s eyes were bloodshot, his lips chapped, and his breath ragged; and then you saw it—the reflection in the mirror betraying him—his long fingers clinging to the gun. Your mouth went agape, and you dashed forward with a precision of a trained police officer.
“Give it to me,” you hissed, your heart beating in your throat. You were scared—you haven't been that afraid of in ages. Leon gasped, bamboozled, and his hand easily let go of a weapon. You didn’t ask—you slapped him across the face, letting your frustration out. “Are you mad? What were you going to do with this thing?”
You would react differently if he wasn’t hiding it; somehow this bothered you more than anything. After all, Leon should’ve known that you wouldn’t fumble at the sight of a gun, which made his attempts to cover its presence even more pointless.
His cheeks flushed, and he gulped, incapable of looking at you; he was confirming your worst fears, and after giving him a long stare, your hand covered your mouth to stop you from sobbing.
“Moron,” you grunted under your breath. His head got even lower, and you saw a tear falling onto the lightly colored tile. It took you a moment before you grabbed him into an angry, desperate embrace. His hands wrapped around your waist, then one shot into your hair, pressing at the back of your head, pulling you closer. His face was buried into your neck, and his body shook violently as he let himself cry.
You held him painfully close as long as it was necessary. “I am sorry,” you whispered next to his ear while he clung to you like a drowning man to a lifeboat; you sounded hurt and angry—and hopeful. “I am so, so sorry.”
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Thoughts on Jason Todd’s choice of weaponry?
:D an ask! Yay!
Oooh, lets see, I'll start with the crowbars because I appear to be like one of three people on the entire planet who actually likes them.
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They're a tacky as fuck riff on the fact that Jason's death is central to his character. They overemphasize the manner in which he died, muddy the waters about what part of his death is important to him, and strangely cheapens the manner in which he died through the parody feel of it.
No one seems to really disagree with my analysis here, but I happen to enjoy that about them and think it's very on brand for Jason. What can I say? They're fun!
Best Quality - His Wiggles
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This ultra-sharp curved blade used to be his signature character design feature, the way the white streak in his hair is now, and I'm really not sure why it didn't stick!
Best weapon he's ever had, bring it back please!!!!!
The All-Blades
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I have mixed feelings about the All-Blades. Like much of Lobdell's work: phenomenal idea, poor execution. Giving the guy who is most known for being morally grey a set of powers that is exclusively based on moral absolutes sucks shit, I gotta be honest, and the trick he pulled on the blood blade was cool but ultimately does nothing to solve those problems.
I want to love them so fucking badly. A set of glowy soul blades is a dope sicknasty off the chain concept and I wish the well wasn't poisoned with the moral implications and the restrictions to use them only on the "Untitled", a set of enemies that only exist for Jason so far as I can tell. If someone seriously took Jason down a magic based path that removed the DnD alignment chart bullshit, I would be so game to see them come back! Hell I wouldn't even insist on a better cooler design for them!
...though uh, yeah those are the least interesting magic sword designs I've ever seen tbh
Normal Ass Swords
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They're alright I guess. Like, there's nothing in it really, but it's not bad?
Guns - Real Bullets
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Excellent, evocative yet simple, straightforwards and to the point. It makes hella sense thematically to boot, love this for him, please give him back his pistols and miniguns and shit
Guns - Rubber Bullets
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Hate. HATE. hate ick disgusting bad NO.
I just fucking hate rubber bullets, like, as a concept. I refuse to accept "non-lethal" bullets as a valid use of gun, either in real life or in fiction. Guns are for putting many holes in things very fast!!!! If you're gonna use a gun, fucking well own up to that!!! Do not play this silly ass game of pretending that you can change out the material and do the same things as with lead bullets but with the video game status effect of "non-lethal" applied. YOU ARE GIVING PEOPLE SMALL CIRCULAR BRUISES. This is still harmful, yes, ooph ouchie, but it is not even slightly a good use of a gun, you are wasting holster space, and carry weight, and the physical materials used to make it all!!
My belief in his capacity to take out enemies is shattered the instant those fuckers are on panel. Maybe this ain't entirely rational, or realistic to how fights go with rubber bullets IRL, but I hate them so much on principle that I will ignore any counterargument you might have that they'd work. I will die on this hill. Rubber bullets BAD. Please stop making him use this!!
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Love it, give him more bombs forever
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His Brain
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This is actually his best weapon - sorry wiggly knife, you're being shunted down to number 2 on a last minute technicality! I think Jason is at his best when he's outsmarting people and making long term fucked up schemes to ruin people's lives.
He's so good at it! It's so fun to watch him do it!
Genuinely a shame that this facet of him was mostly lost after Flashpoint, though to give credit where it is due, in Rebirth Jason did ruin the Penguin's life in an impressively elaborate way, which I did really enjoy. I want to see him be a tactical deliberate menace to one person in specific again idk, that's part of why I do kinda agree that he works better as an antagonist than a protagonist - which it should be noted does not mean I think he works better as a villain necessarily, his ethics aren't what matter here - he's just had his best moments as the schemer, and it's hard to have a protagonist schemer even when you make them ethically the good guy.
I hope you enjoyed my nattering on about Jason's weapons :D thank ye again for ask!
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
The Worst 
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1.3k, Tom “Redfly” Davis x DARK f!Reader 
SUMMARY: You make Tom pay for Frankie's death.
WARNINGS: I8+ DARK FIC, DEAD DOVE noncon or very dubcon p in v, implied murder, roofie, forced gun sucking, restraints, degradation, praise kink?, Dom reader. Tom survives / Frankie dies AU.
Dedicated to @romanarose who is hosting a write a thon for the @triplefrontier-anniversary.
Happy 5 years to Tom ruining everything. He's the worst, but I'm sorry to say he's also packing.
You pretended to take comfort in him during your grief. Your flirtations over the past weeks had all been a ruse, as were your advances tonight. You always had one goal – to get Tom tied up in your basement.
Finally, you had him sitting at your kitchen table drinking a night cap. You rubbed his thigh and he looked at you like he wanted to eat you alive, if only he could muster the energy.  His eyelids were heavy with lust and a roofie.
“Maybe we could, uh, get more comfortable,” Tom slurred, nodding toward the living room. 
You downed the rest of your drink, set the glass down, and lowered yourself onto his lap, side saddle. 
“Ohh,” he muttered with his mouth barely open. “Hello.” 
“I was thinking we could go downstairs,” you purred. 
He swallowed, raised his eyebrows, and nodded, “Sure.” 
“Frankie ever tell ya ‘bout our hobbies? Lotta fun stuff down there.”
His face gave him away. “Uhh,” he stalled, “Sounds-” You ran your hand through his hair. “-Sounds good,” Tom muttered at a horny pitch. His eyes lingered on your lips, then he cleared his throat. 
“I'm gonna need ya to trust me though, Tom. Can ya do that?” 
Tom nodded. 
“Yes ma’am,” you whispered. 
“Yes ma’am,” he confirmed, clearly enjoying this. Your dominance was a perfect fit for his being a lazy sack of shit. 
In the basement–more of a sex dungeon, as it were–you sat Tom down in a metal chair. He let you tie him up and barely objected when you zip tied his hands behind his back. 
“Mmm,” he hummed as you did it. 
“Good boy,” you told him, making him blush. His eyes lazily danced across your face in bemusement.  “Now I'm gonna go change,”  you said. 
You returned in a black lingerie set – a lacy top over a strappy, crotchless bottom. You had tucked Frankie’s old pistol into the back of the bottom piece. The cool metal made your skin tighten with goosebumps all over. 
You slowly approached Tom and watched his eyes consume you. Without sitting down, you straddled him so you were standing with your tits in his face. You let him play. He nuzzled his head into your breasts, then nosed at a nipple. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered, then took one into his mouth, through the lace. 
“God, you worthless shit,” you laughed with faux affection. 
“Heh,” Tom chuckled sadly against your tit.
He didn’t notice you reach for the gun. You used the barrel to massage yourself through your underwear. He glanced down, then his eyes snapped back up to you. “Whoa, careful with that,” he laughed nervously with the barrel pointing right at his dick as you slid the cool metal against the lace covering your mound. 
“This is Frankie’s,” you said wistfully and raised the gun to admire it. You used the barrel to nudge his chin so he looked at you. He froze. “You’re gonna suck Frankie’s dick now,” you nodded and slid the barrel up his jaw, then nudged his lips with the muzzle. 
His breathing was heavier and faster. His eyes were less sleepy. 
He maneuvered to dodge the barrel. “Listen, sweetie,” he started. “Are you okay? Maybe we’ll just  — maybe. . .  watch a movie tonight,” his voice trailed off as your face made it clear you were not fucking around. 
“Open.” You grabbed his jaw. “It’s the least you can do, Tom.” 
Tom swallowed. “Okay,” he whispered. “You’re right.” He let the muzzle into his mouth. 
“Good,” you whispered. “Go on.”
You pushed the barrel further into his mouth. “Suck it, Tom. Suck Frankie’s cock.” 
His face whitened as he began to hesitantly bob his head. 
“If it weren’t for you, I’d be sucking Frankie’s real cock right now,” you reminded him and watched dread fall over his face. He hardly moved at all. 
“You can do better than that.” You pushed the gun further into his mouth and his teeth hit the metal. “Good,” you whispered as he took as much of the pistol as he could. You held the back of his head and fucked his mouth with the gun. He looked up at you pleadingly and whined incoherently. You mercifully let the barrel out of his mouth, a string of drool falling down his chin. 
“Look,” his face was serious and his tone was more sober. “I know you’re devastated. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. We can–” 
“Shut up.” You crossed your wrists behind his head and lowered yourself onto his lap. Your most sensitive area met his semi-hard bulge and you let out a moan. 
“Oh, Tom,” you sighed, impressed. 
As it turned out, there was one area where Tom didn't fall short, and your body wouldn't let you ignore it.  “Fuck,” you whispered as he hardened beneath you. You were throbbing against him. The adrenaline already had your blood flowing, and now it was flowing south. His cock twitched against you. His breath was shallow.
He watched your face carefully. He was as quiet and still as a mouse. 
“Got him killed, and now you wanna fuck his girl, don’t ya?”
Tom nodded hesitantly. 
You scoffed. “With friends like you,” you started. “Pathetic.”  A subtle lift of his hips took all your thoughts away as his warm, hard package rubbed against your front. You had never hate fucked someone before. . . With the gun still behind his head, you nudged the nape of his neck with the muzzle and he flinched. “You’re not gonna say a word,” you warned. Then you reached down between you and feverishly unbuttoned his cargo pants. 
You reached into his boxers and gasped at the smooth heat of his naked girth against your palm. “Jesus,” you whispered as you took it out. A hint of cockiness tugged at the corner of his mouth before he appeared to remember his imminent doom.
With your gun hand, you braced yourself using the back of his neck for leverage. You took your thong to the side, then spit on  your hand and wiped it on his dick. God how you hated this man. You lined yourself up, then sank down with a rush of pleasure to your chest as your cunt slowly swallowed his thick length. You closed your eyes and thought of Frankie as you began to roll your hips. Your heart was racing. 
He moaned nearly silently as you fucked yourself on his massive cock. You got wetter and wetter. You could feel Frankie’s presence. You could practically smell his scent wafting off of Tom. You could feel the ghost of Frankie’s hands on your ass and practically hear his whispers in your ear. Should’ve ridden his face, he said in your head and you breathed out a laugh as you rode him.
You let out a sigh and Tom shuddered. You imagined Frankie’s brown eyes looking deep into yours, and your walls twitched around Tom’s cock. You whimpered as you came. 
“Fuck,” Tom murmured through gritted teeth as you choked his cock.Then he erupted inside you. You groaned as his warm spend flooded your core. 
When you were finished, you sat there on his cock and you both read each other’s faces. He knew his time was up. You took the safety off the gun. 
“What a way to go,” Tom muttered in resignation. He winced as you squeezed him with an aftershock.
“You took him from me, Tom.” 
“I know, honey,” he agreed. “It’s okay. Kid's better off with the life insurance.” 
The next few seconds felt like minutes. Your heart raced and you could see Tom’s heartbeat in his neck. 
Tom took a deep breath. “Just put it in my mouth.” He nodded. “And pull the trigger,” he whispered. 
His gaze was apologetic as the muzzle once again nudged his lips. He closed his eyes with his softening cock still sheathed in your warmth.  You didn’t feel a thing as the hammer clicked under your thumb.
Thank you for reading!
my main masterlist
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ornii · 5 months
Now You’re Really Beautiful Overthinking, Kate
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(And So is Yelena)
Christmas was slowly climbing closer and closer in New York. Many were preparing to celebrate with friends and family, (Y/n) on the other hand, wasn’t.
Walking along the sidewalk of Queens he tapped away on his phone, he cut down a shortcut and to another burrow. Taking one step an arrow flew, he halted as it hit the wall next to him. Attached to the arrow was a scroll, it unfolds to reach “Hey! With a smiling emoji drawn on it. He raised an eyebrow, almost reaching for his pistol. He trails his eyes over to the origin of the shooter. He peers over to the rooftop across that gives a good view of the area below. It was Kate, she gives a small wave at him. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, he looks back at the arrow and message.
“Why did she send—“ he muttered, before another arrow hits right after the first. It also has a message, reading “Cocoa?” She asks, he then looks back at her again, frowning. She has an awkward smile, and (Y/n) sighs and nods, Kate has a pretty victorious smile and heads downstairs.
The two sit on the rooftop of her college. Sitting on a pair of pretty lazy boy chairs, both looking at the Stane tower.
“So, you decided to shoot an arrow for shits and giggles? And broke the tower?” (Y/n) shook his head and sipped his cocoa. Kate looks down at her cocoa pretty sheepishly.
“Well I thought it would have been fine ya know, just ring the bell and show off a little, and I kinda.. broke everything in it.” She quickly sips her cocoa and (Y/n) looks back at the tower. “Although.. fantastic shot.” He sips again, and Kate slowly looks up at him.
“Super reckless and dumb yeah.. but to make it with that angle and the trajectory, takes real skill. You definitely got the stuff.” Kate was actually speechless, he’s rare he gives anybody praise. Kate blinked a few times before looking at the tower.
“Just.. stay cool, stay cool” she said to herself and tried to play it off, “Yeah I’m.. actually proud of myself for that one too, even if it did get my credit cards frozen.”
“Really? Well if your training goes well this afternoon I guess I can treat you to a road trip or something. Is that what young adults do?” He said, “.. You’re asking me?” She replies.
“You’re the only person I know around my age, so yeah.” He said pretty casually.
“You.. don’t have any friends?” She said, he shrugged calmly.
“Don’t need them, plus finding friends in my line of work..” he trails off, and Kate gets it.
“Oh, yeah that.. that makes sense. But you .. you, never had any friends?”
“Of course I did, but when I went to S.H.I.E.L.D, that sort of faded into the back, now a mercenary for hire, and a lack of parents that are proud of me.” (Y/n) looked down, considering much for a moment, Kate bit her lip for a moment.
“I know that feeling…” she admits, “My dad he—“
“Died. Battle in New York.” (Y/n) said, surprising Kate by his knowledge. “Clint told me.. I’m sorry.” He stands up, finishing his cocoa.
“I’m uh.. kinda bad at conversations like this so, I’ll see you later.” (Y/n) walked off, as he headed down the stairs he slams his head into the wall. “God that was.. so dumb why did I say that?!” He screams in his head. (Y/n) wildly entered his apartment complex and opened the door. Dark, he calmly walked into his apartment and stopped for a moment, he took a deep breath and calmly took his pistol out the holster, and with a quick motion he aimed his handgun right at the dinner table. Flicking on the lights he was greeted by an old friend.
(Y/n)’s eyes gazed on her, beautiful in every way, Yelena.
“Good, I was waiting for you to get here. Pasta?” She points to a pot of pasta on his stove. (Y/n) frowns, and turns back to her.
“I don’t have any pasta.. did.. did you break into my apartment , go out to buy groceries, break back into my apartment to cook pasta?” (Y/n) shook his head.
“Potentially.. you were taking too long with your girlfriend.”
“Kate? She’s not my—“
“The way you were trying to be sympathetic about her father, you’re terrible at it, I should know I was a victim of it firsthand.” Yelena was (Y/n)’s first love, or something like that. He lowers the gun and angrily holsters it.
“Thanks for calling my affection some sort of evil thing.”
“You’re welcome.” She replies, “So, visiting New York?” He takes the other chair and slides it back to sit down.
“Perhaps, maybe the New Statue of Liberty, Harlem, your bedroom, oh and Times Square, I hear Americans love that, and the pizza they have hear, i heard it good.” Yelena eats some pasta, her eyes still locked with his. “So.. you aren’t here for anyone here?”
“I heard you’re talking with Clint again.”
“Barton..” (Y/n) says. “You want to talk to him?”
“Oh no no no no, I want to.. kill. Yes kill him” (y/n) stopped moving and stared at her, she was always so calm about things like this. (Y/n) slowly leaned in.
“What’s this about Yelena?” (Y/n) asked, a look of disgust and anger was on her face to his question.
“So… he never told you?..”
“Told me about what?”
“…About Natasha..”
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scandalcus · 2 years
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pairing ; ellie williams x fem!reader summary ; ellie helps you relax and forget the scare you had while on patrol content warnings ; some fluff, lots of smut. top!ellie, bottom!reader, established relationship, cunnilingus (r! receiving), nipple play, fingering (r! receiving), gagging, explicit language, teasing, begging, orgasm delay, over stimulation, violence (against infected), etc. word count ; 2.3k a/n ; this is my first official fic on my blog! the last time i wrote a fic was probably 4/5 years ago so please bare with me. i apologize in advance if it isn't great and seems fast paced. feedback and constructive criticism are welcome!
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A heavy silence hung in the air, but was quickly interrupted by an eerie screech coming from the clicker in front of you. Movement from the corner of your eye catches your gaze. You watch as Ellie carefully moves from her position behind the wooden counter. Quiet sounds of snow crunching every time she takes a step. You study her as she approaches the infected, her auburn hair gently blowing from the cool breeze of winter air, a switchblade held tightly in her right fist. Her eyebrow’s are furrowed and her sight doesn’t turn away from the clicker once, her only focus is eliminating the threat. Once close enough, she gets up from her crouched position and swiftly shoves the switchblade into the clickers throat, pulling it down to the ground as it dies. “Got you motherfucker.” she mutters, pulling the blade out if its neck and wiping the remaining blood onto her jacket. “I think that's all of them,” she says, looking back at you while closing her switchblade and putting it into her back pocket. You stand up, feeling secure enough to put your pistol into your holster. “Good, let’s get out of here-“ “Watch out!” Ellie yells. You turn around, not having any time to react to the stalker coming at you. Suddenly, you’re on the ground and the stalker is on top of you, eagerly trying to get close enough to bite you. You groan, using all your strength, along with all the adrenaline you have to push it's body away from yours, focusing on keeping its face away from you.
Everything is a blur, all you can hear is a high pitched ringing, accompanied by a headache. A sudden pressure of weight falls onto your body. You slowly open your eyes, blinking them a couple times as they focus. You hear the familiar noise of Ellie grunting as she pushes the limp infected off of you. You look down at your jacket and notice blood and scattered fungi, taking a second to compose yourself and process what just happened. “Holy shit, are you okay?” Ellie asks, a concerned look crosses her face as she looks down at you. She throws her shotgun over her shoulder, then quickly holds her cut up and bruised hand out for you. You reach out and grab it, pulling yourself up with her help. “Yeah, I think so. My heart is fucking racing.” you say, your hands slightly trembling and your chest rising up and down abnormally fast due to adrenaline still pumping through your veins. "We're losing light, let's get the fuck out of here." Ellie says, guiding you towards Shimmer. You follow silently, ready to get back to town and out of the harsh cold outdoors.
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You sighed, pulling your bloody and fungi covered jacket off your body and throwing it into the horde of dirty clothes in the corner of the room. You felt Ellie's gaze burning into your back, turning around to see Ellie sitting on the edge of her bed and confirming that she was in fact, staring at you. "Take a picture It'll last longer." you say. Ellie rolls her eyes in response, leaning back in bed but refusing to avert her attention from you while you undress. "Come here." she says softly, a gentle smile across her lips. You pause for a moment, debating whether you'd rather shower or lay with your girlfriend. Ellie notices you contemplating and replies with a pout, and you obviously couldn't resist after that. You roll your eyes and lay down beside her, in which she proceeds to scoot closer towards you. "Ugh, you reek" you say to her with a small grin. "Shut up." she replies playfully.
You're now laying parallel to each other, face to face. You raise your hand to Ellies temple, moving a strand of hair behind her ear and then proceeding to caress her cheek. "Thanks for saving me today." you say softly. She hums in response. Both of you are lost in each others features. You observe her emerald green eyes as they stare back into yours, doing the same. You run your thumb over her cheek, admiring the freckles perfectly dotted across her face. You were so mesmerized you didn't realize that she had snuck her hand to the small of your back, getting slightly startled when you feel her pulling you closer to her. "Are you still on edge from earlier today?" she asked gently, her expression showing slight concern. "I-I don't know, I guess so." you shrug, letting out a deep sigh of relief that you actually got out of that situation. Ellie looks around the room for a brief moment, you watch her think, wondering what's going through her head.
"I know a way to help you get your mind off of it." she says suggestively, moving her right hand to your hip and pressing her thumb into your lower abdomen. "Oh really?" you say, raising your eyebrows, a faint smirk appearing across your lips. She doesn't care to bother with a response, everything is interrupted by her lips meeting yours. You close your eyes, you just can't resist leaning into her kiss, it doesn't take long for it to get passionate. You can feel your heart flutter inside your chest, along with her hands eagerly trying to explore every inch of your body. Her right hand wanders and eventually they find their way to the hem of your cami top, lifting it up until your breasts are exposed. She doesn't waste the opportunity to slide your nipple in-between her two fingers, gently squeezing them, causing a quiet whine to escape your lips, which encourages Ellie to gently tug on your nipple and sink her teeth into your bottom lip.
As the kiss becomes more sensual, you feel heat spread to your core, accompanied by a gush of wetness. You squeeze your thighs together for some sense of relief, but it's becoming almost unbearable how aroused you've become. Ellie is undoubtedly aware of the effects she has on you, but she loves watching the way you squirm for her and she loves to tease you until you're left completely helpless and needy, yearning for her touch.
She finds her way on top of you and attaches her lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses until she reaches your breasts, then placing her lips around your areola and sucking while gently grazing her teeth on your nipple, using her left hand to fondle with the other one. Her right hand slowly travels to your core, she slightly tickles your skin with her fingertips causing you to shiver. After reaching your cunt, she proceeds to run her middle finger across your slit in a soft, teasing matter with your panties acting as a barrier. "You're so fucking wet for me." she mutters, applying a little more pressure until she can barely touch your clit through the thin cloth, repeatedly grazing her fingertip across it, enjoying how you twitch every time and feeling the fabric become more and more drenched in your fluids.
"Ellie, I need you," you moan shamelessly, interlocking your fingers through her chestnut hair, gently tugging as to assure her of how bad you wanted her. You lifted your hips into her touch and end up wrapping your legs around her abdomen, pulling her closer to you. She lets out a soft chuckle as to how desperate you've become.
"Please Ellie, I need you to fuck me." you whine. Suddenly you felt very vulnerable, causing you to blush at how pitiful you sounded. She didn’t mind though, she lifted her head up to meet with your gaze and connected her lips to yours before running her index finger across your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, encouraging Ellie to shove three of her fingers into your mouth. She pushed them in further and further until you started to gag, never breaking her eyes away from yours.
As soon as her fingers were wet enough, she slid her hand into your panties and effortlessly ran her fingers through your folds, taking time to appreciate how wet you were for her before navigating your bundle of nerves. "Fuck y/n," she said in a whiny tone, the two words were enough to send shivers through your body and give you goosebumps.
She loved watching your expressions as she pleased you. The way you bit your lip and furrowed your brows, knowing she hit the perfect spot when you gasp your eyes start to roll into the back of your head. She ran her middle finger up your slit until she reached your throbbing clit, where she took the chance to start rubbing it in a circular motion while placing her head in the crook of your neck, placing gentle kisses and feeling the vibrations come from your throat as you moaned for her.
She applied the perfect amount of pressure, a sensation of pure bliss went throughout your body as Ellie continued to stimulate every sweet nerve almost effortlessly. The more you moaned and whined, the faster and harder she went. You felt the familiar tight feeling in your stomach she was always able to give you, your thighs started to quiver and you felt an orgasm approaching. "Are you gonna cum for me?" she asked, watching you fall apart beneath her touch. You moaned in response, so close to the edge when everything abruptly stopped. "Not yet," she grinned, the feeling of her calloused yet soft hand leaving your core.
"What the fuck?" you say, a hint of annoyance in your tone. "Don't worry babe, I'll let you cum... eventually. I just wanted to taste you first." Before you were given the chance to respond, she had already started to make her way down between your thighs. She eagerly pushed your thighs apart and spent no time taking your panties off, slowly revealing your pussy to herself. She left a series wet kisses on the inside of your thigh before reaching your soaking cunt.
You whine as you felt her hot breath hovering over your pussy, craving nothing more than to have her mouth on it. "You're so needy." Ellie chuckles, not giving you the chance to reply before she has her tongue between your folds, licking and sucking up all the juices you left for her. She ran her tongue along your clit, before placing her lips around it and sucking while her index and middle finger teased the insert of your vagina, her left hand slithering its way up your abdomen to fondle with your breast.
You moaned and squirmed, using your hand to guide Ellie's head deeper in between your legs. She shoved two fingers into you, your pussy immediately tightening around them, a feeling you've both been longing for. "Fuck, you're so tight," she says before continuing to work her tongue around your clit. She continued to use her fingers on her left hand to gently pinch and tug on your nipples. You felt her fingers curve inside of you, hitting that sweet spongy spot that sent a wave of euphoria throughout your body. She decided to add a third finger and moaned into your clit when she felt your walls clench perfectly around her fingers.
Your entire body started to tremble, you had the sheets balled up in one fist, the other had Ellies hair entangled between your fingers while a string of moans and curse words left your lips. You found yourself pulling away from Ellie due to being overstimulated. "I don't think so." she says in a low, raspy voice. Ellie wraps her left arm around your thigh, pushing your hips down and bringing your pussy back to her lips. At this point, she has her three fingers almost knuckle deep inside of you. She knows you're on edge and takes this opportunity to be more aggressive.
"Fuck Ellie, I'm gonna cum," you whimpered, your body trying to resist but Ellie refusing to let go of her grip on you. She ignores your whines and rapidly thrust her fingers in and out of you. She's still sucking on your clit while circling her tongue around it to add more effect. You feel your stomach getting tight, the feeling of pleasure overriding all your senses.
"Come on baby, cum for me." she pleads. That's all you needed to hear. You finally release your orgasm, arching your back and rolling your hips into Ellie's face. Moans spill from your mouth as Ellie continues to softly thrusts her fingers in you while cleaning up your mess with her mouth, moaning against your heat while watching your eyes roll to the back of your head and the way your lips parted while you screamed for her. She loved watching the way your breasts bounced as your body trembled beneath her, and the way sweat trickled down your face and body causing your skin to glisten.
Your body twitched as Ellie continued to clean you up, knowing you're far more sensitive now than you were before you came. "Ellie-" you gasped as she pulled her fingers out of you, looking up to you as she sucked your pussy juices off two of her fingers, closing her eyes to savor the taste.
She saved the last finger for you. She hurriedly crawled back up to you and you willingly opened your mouth for her as she placed one of her fingers in your mouth. She bit her lip as she watched you taste your own juices, swirling your tongue around her finger. "That was so sexy." she says, laying on her side to face you.
You turn over to face her, still breathing heavily from your orgasm. You scooted into her open arms, both of you wrapping your bodies around each other. "Soo, did that help?" she asked, moving a strand of hair behind your ear and placing a kiss on your forehead. "Absolutely." you said, a small smile forming on your lips as she pulled you closer to her.
You placed your knee between her thighs and noticed subtle grinding on your leg. You looked up at Ellie, raising your brows at her. "What?" she asked slightly defensively, clearly trying to act oblivious. You rolled your eyes, flipping over and landing on top of her while pinning her wrist down above her head. You notice a shift in her breathing, a subtle look of desperation in her eyes as she looked up at you. Now she's in the same position you were just in, and you couldn't help but take advantage. "Your turn." 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃. 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 ♡ 
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