#slugcat sweep
dieselpvnk · 2 years
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calling all besties !!! kill !!! I MEAN vote for slugcat in the nb swag competition !!!
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mrspiffy123 · 2 years
@nonbiney-swag-competition SLUGCAT SWEEP
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rwpolls · 1 month
Maybe a poll on the most nostalgic slugcat to play? Aside from Survivor or Monk, I mean perhaps between all of the Downpour sluggies and Hunter.
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 9 months
i wonder why Spearmaster has no strong connections with violence or the violence karma despite being only able to feed when impaling other creatures
#ikildaman shut the fuck up#downpour#ugh spoilers tag rant#ok i did a basic sweep of the wiki and it seems SM was designed to try and minimise animalistic tendencies to further encourage its purpose#as yknow a purposed organism#but i still dont get how in The Great Scheme Of Everything this doesnt reflect on them#if Artificer can get traumatised into a violence machine and thus be Damned by the Way The World/Ascension Works#then why is it different for Spearmaster. because they're not angry when they stab shit? because they have no other way to sustain themself#as if it is mere anger that drives Arti mind you. that is an animal.#the sophontness of the slugcats r debatable and i find it weirdly cruel how Arti gets locked out of ascension#even though we have the option to not genocide a bunch of scavs. even though we are Forced to use violence to progress in game#idk man i will always find issues with the logic of ascension and the 'morality' applied to it honestly this shits nonsense#gourmand doesnt get dissolved out of an ascending ending despite his attachment to TWO worldly 'sins' !!!!!#gourmand got a real wank off of an ascension ending literally just a recolour of survivors ending. shake my fuckig head#yknow i really liked the approach to gourmand i had extremely abysmal expectations for him#but the lazy ascension ending really kind of just ruins it a little bit 2 me..... idk........#at least be consistent in locking slugcats who are anchored to the world via the games five 'sins' out of ascension. please#same with spearmaster i feel like their ascension might be a copout. they have such a nothing story HDSHDSGGHGSHGS#theres lots of good stuff here but in the background. shit we dont get to live thru. SM was a suicide aid at one point. can you believe tha#though i suppose Survivor is kind of inherently tied to one of the anchoring sins yknow. but their whole deal is journeying past that#so. in the end we just hate Arti i guess even though the gameplay does not let us grow past that!! yayyy rainworld !!!!#im literally only ranting about this because im trying to assign each cat a karma symbol lord help me#Survivor can grow past their anchor to the world being survival + Spearmaster can grow past their anchor potentially being violence and#companionship. Gourmand heavily tied with gluttony and companionship but can ascend + who gives a fuck about him am i right guys#Hunter can grow past its tie to the anchor of violence and survival + i dont think Rivulet even has any strong ties beyond companionship#so of course Riv can ascend Riv can do whatever it wants + Saints anchor to the world is existence itself or maybe ascension violence#dont ask me what the fuck is going on with Saint because then it brings Echoes into the process and that further fucks everything up#obviously Monk can follow in Survivor's footsteps but has even less sins anchoring him to the world + Paincat isnt canon#Artificer cannot do any of these things though because ? fuck you is why. i dont know. Artificer cannot have shit#maybe Arti became an echo. i assume she did
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A few of my Rain World headcanons/fan theories
Iterator Stuff
After raising Spearmaster, Seven Red Suns signs while speaking, even in the absence of Spearmaster
The order of iterators being built (in my opinion at this current moment) is: Looks to the Moon > Sliver of Straw > No Significant Harassment > Chasing/Grey Wind > Seven Red Suns > Five Pebbles > Unparalleled Innocence. My choice to put UI after Pebbles is inspired by this post by @fragile-gods.
Older iterator puppets tend to have three fingers, while newer ones tend to have four (or more if the creator is feeling spicy)
During Artificer's campaign, Looks to the Moon has yet to collapse completely, although her structure has shifted majorly.
Looks to the Moon was partially conscious sometime between her collapse and Hunter reviving her. Scavengers found her and she gave them the memory pearls that were in her puppet chamber. The scavengers, in turn, consider her a friend, and they sometimes brave the waters around her can to check on her and make sure she is okay.
Scug/Scav Stuff
The official names for the slugcats are titles that they either give themselves or are given by other slugcats
Slugcats have a monomodal gender distribution, unlike humans who have a bimodal gender distribution. It does require two parents to mate, but most any combination of slugcats can have a slugpup (infertility/abnormal incompatibilities notwithstanding).
Slugcats, especially feral ones, generally don't have a concept of "gender identity", rather just having a concept of "identity". However, some slugcats exposed to iterators or scavengers may decide to embrace different gender identities and/or pronouns.
Both slugcats and scavengers have sign languages. Scavsign generally uses more wide, sweeping motions and uses only the hands and eyes for communication, while slugsign uses the entire body but lacks usage of facial expressions. Slugcats are more commonly bilingual than scavengers.
Scavengers grow their own food. I mostly come to this theory because scavengers do not value food in trades (except for unbroken lilypucks, gooieducks, and glow weeds, but I believe these are valued for other reasons).
Scavengers are polygamous and raise their children communally. They do not usually care about keeping one specific mate, though many scavengers forge strong bonds with one another.
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battleofthewawas · 1 year
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Here it is. One of the most legendary battles I think you will ever see. Seer, a long-running sweeper that decimates any scug that makes the foolish mistake of crossing their path, versus Wawa, a slugcat I admittedly underestimated that has sweeped many of her matches, and the last majorly popular scug in Seer’s way.
Can Seer’s rampage be stopped? Wawa sure hopes so…
SEER - @splynter
WAWA - @thatcreationsureisunending
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Farm Arrays: [I cant think of a paragraph to write here if possible could someone send an ask with ideas]
Subterranean: Endgame region for all slugcat endings Subterranean is home to the depths and the void sea with chill music, ancient trains, and a ton of centipedes, who could hate this region?
Other Propaganda:
This stuff is from asks it could be anti propaganda or have 0 factual information but its fun to look at anyway :]
Farm Arrays:
None :[
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angelofchaos001 · 4 months
Meet the Spearmaster
Wings!Spearmaster is a little . . . unique by every regard.
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The tiny scar on it's chest is from Suns putting in the battery (explained below), and the red sun is the mark of Suns, signifying that this is a creature they want alive.
Once, it was but a normal scup living in Suns' region (which is a very cold area so guess what, this goober hasthick fur) in a small camp of purely other scugs. Despite their size, they still often went on raids and often found more success than larger groups due to being easier to sneak around. Velvet (Spears' name before the incident) had a normal family for scugs; Both parents and three siblings.
During a raid, they were unfortunately found and in a flash, Suns caught at least half the group in a devastating frostbreath sweep, including Velvet. However, he was only on the edge of it, so he didn't die immediately-Just his back half was trapped in the rapidly freezing ice.
Both of his siblings were caught in the blast, one further in and one in a similar predicament to Velvet. The one further in died from the cold, being one of the many bodies under a frozen sheet. Velvet and his sibling could only watch as those who avoided the frost breath were hunted down ruthlessly. Some, such as Velvet's mother, were impaled on the dagger-sharp spines on Suns' tail. Others, like Velvet's father, found themselves blinded by the reflective machine and stabbed with a spear while recovering. (Yes it got the Disney main character treatment-No parents)
As Suns was cleaning up the stragglers, they found Velvet and his sibling. For reasons unknown to Velvet, they didn't kill him right away. Instead, they spoke to themselves a lot in a language he didn't understand before slamming their tail into Velvet's sibling, knocking them out of the ice and flying off the superstructure. Then, they freed Velvet and took him with them. By this point, Velvet's tail and one back leg had been lost to frostbite.
Suns saved Velvet because they knew NSH had raised a scup to try and infiltrate the camps and tear them apart inside-out, and they wanted to try it too (but Suns didn't want two of them so Velvet literally won a coin flip to live). Suns started out by replacing Velvet's dead tail and leg with mechanical ones, and decided to make this creature unique and dangerous by a special mechanism in the tail to produce bits of sharpened metal (spears). (Note: Don't ask me how it works, my best explanation is that it also needs scrap metal to work-put metal in the holes, it comes out sharpened and thin) Of course, this machinery needed to be powered, so Suns basically stuck a battery in Velvet's chest that could recharge off Velvet's energy (short ver. Battery is sort of like just another organ that is powered by the body).
Next, Suns imbued their mark onto their creature (not a mark of communication, to be clear) and began to teach it. However, Suns is not good at this whole parenting thing and 'teaching' turned out to be more like 'Shock the scug if it does something I don't like'. Suns can understand and speak to slugcats, but Velvet was just refusing to listen because he hated this. Suns gave up on verbal reprimanding and moved on to physical punishment.
In attempts to make their creature able to ignore pain during a fight, Suns took to also shocking Velvet randomly when he was training. Unfortunately, this led to Velvet believing that just about everything he did was wrong (and that has lingered). Suns also didn't want Velvet stopping mid-fight to eat, or stopping in general to eat so he couldn't be ambushed, and as such, would watch Velvet closely and punish him with a shock whenever they caught him eating. This just leads to Spears now only eating when it absolutely needs to, and only when it is 100% certain it cannot be seen (such as in a shelter or dead end of a tunnel)
When Suns took Velvet, they began calling the creature the master of spears, which, after suggestion from NSH, became Spearmaster. Overtime, Velvet, desperate to avoid punishment for anything, began calling himself whatever Suns called him. Suns referred to Velvet as 'Spearmaster' and also only called him an 'it', so Velvet began doing the same.
Spearmaster helped fight in raids alongside Suns, though Suns had little concern for Spears' safety, seeing it as easily replaceable. It is terrified of Suns
When Lilypuck was knocked off her structure, NSH was quick to send their scug to try and find her. Suns followed suit, sending their scug as well.
Spears constantly moved under worry that somehow, Suns was watching it. Eventually, it did make it to Moon's region, and there it first met a pale red slugcat, scarred and marked by another iterator. She introduced herself as Hunter, and she was trying to find Lilypuck. Spears had the same goal, and for a bit, the two stuck together. However, during the next cycle, Hunter noticed Spears looked kinda tired and thin, and offered to catch it something. Spears accepted, and when Hunter caught the pair a green lizard to share, Spears was horrified when Hunter immediately dug into it and ended up running away out of fear that Suns was watching, planning to hurt it.
Cycles later, basically on the cusp of Moon's structure, Spears and Hunter found each other again. Spears deflected all questions about why it ran off, and Hunter gave up trying, but the two did stick together again for a bit. However, once again, Hunter ate, Spears panicked, ran off.
Spears found Lilypuck first, but all it saw was an iterator puppet (Suns did not give it a description) and panicked, thinking it was seeing Suns here somehow. As Spears ran out of there, Hunter was going in and asked why it was running so fast. Spears frantically tried to explain that Suns was there, Hunter was (understandably) confused, and went to look, but Spears begged her not to for her own safety. Hunter assured it she'd be fine, but Spears refused until eventually, Hunter then just said to follow if it was so concerned. The two came up on Lilypuck, who saw their marks and eagerly talked to them, telling them to tell the others that she was alright. In particular, she was interested in Spearmaster since Suns had been very secretive to most others about it. Lilypuck reached out to pet Spears, who first thought the gesture was Suns clawing at it, and ran away again. Hunter chased after it, desperate for answers. Eventually, Hunter caught up to Spears and tried to stay polite when asking what the heck was going on with it.
Spears broke somewhat, spilling that it was scared of Suns, and Hunter explained that the puppet there was not Suns, but Lilypuck-Someone much more gentle (typically). Hunter also expressed concern for Spearmaster, as NSH often talked to her about how Suns was ruining their partner. Hunter also also convinced Spears that Suns could not see it, and finally, for the first time since being a pup, Spears ate with someone blatantly watching and wasn't punished. Granted, it was only like a single bite, but for Spears that's a huge deal.
Now, Spears and Hunter work together, exploring (Hunter convinced it to hang with her for a while before they needed to go back to their iterators) and living while Hunter works to break Spearmaster out of it's horrible mentality.
Also Spears described to Hunter how it felt nice around Hunter. Like it wanted to be by her side, and she made it feel better and forget about Suns and it thought about her so much. Hunter proceeded to have to explain the fact that is called having a crush on someone, one thing leads to another, Loveletter exists. (Hunter loves her little traumatized scug, and Spears loves Hunter's carefree and lax attitude)
Final note, no, it does not respond to Velvet anymore. You can try, it doesn't recognize that as it's name and there's no one to tell it.
Suns will probably be next for introduction just because Spears makes less sense without them.
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twocakesinacup · 1 year
what would out of our skin look like if inv of enot fame was a main character
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Artificer blushed, "Wow, now I see that killing scavs won't bring my kids back! I was so foolish! Enot let me smooch you!" Hunter pushed Arti out of the way, getting onto one knee before the multicolored scug, "Enot thank you for curing me of the rot off screen better than Arti did will you marry me??" He opened the box but it was empty!! "No way! Enot will marry ME," The Rivulet proclaimed, holding the engagement ring triumphantly. But then, it was plucked from her paw!!! Enot gasped as Rottles slunk past all the other suitors, sweeping the slugcat into their goopy embrace. "Be one with us, we will let you live in endless dreams and pleasure!" How could anyone resist such an offer? Enot stared deep into Rottle's gurgling cysts, eyes glittering with KARMA 2. THEN THE ROT CONSUMED. YOU DIED. GOODNIGHT GAMER.
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pine-arten · 1 year
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vote the wanderer !!!!! wanderer sweep!!!!! @battleofthewawas
reasons to vote:
-they killed an iterator once -used to be called the undertaker -very scrunkly -piv would be happy -vultur :) -gets around by grapple hooking with the harpoons -has harpoons -actually very nice despite the angry mask -scares lizards!!!!! -large slugcat -accidentally has the same name as the slugcat in the drought mod
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robotgirlservos · 3 months
Could you list your ocs and some stuff about them? I’m curious since I don’t think I know any of them
Ill group them together with the story universe they appear in
The Worlds' Origin [my story world] is an Archipelago of about 200 floating islands, usually between a football field and a large city in size. Each island rises out of the infinite ocean below, floating steadily upwards for 100-500 years before destabilizing and plummeting back down.
Little Titch Catmint, the little one eyed black cat with incredible healing and geomancy powers. A pacifist and infinitely kind. Has been around for... 229 years? Probably immortal.
Carnelia S. Helvite, the red eyed red head and crown princess of a distant world. Never emotes and has an angry looking resting face, but I promise shes nice once you get to know her. Greatly prefers to be called general over princess.
J-AMS [james], carrier bird-bot from a more technological world. Its been a time and a half to get him repaired with the limited tech down at the worlds origin. The worlds each of these characters hail from are so far away from anything else, they may as well be worlds apart.
Alwyn, a dragon person raised by a dragon world, or so he says. Great with technology, apparently? You meet him later in the story, so theres not much about him in my mind, but it is very funny to have him and titch nerd out with each other about stuff with Carnelia going "dear god there's two of them."
Evelyn P. Claire, a big mouse girl who claims to be Carnelia's girlfriend. She does know quite a bit about the princess, but since Carnelia doesn't remember a thing about her past, she can't say for sure. Enters the story a while after Alwyn, looking for the lost princess.
Daisy and Lily are pathfinder characters so theyre in that universe, mostly
Daisy Pine [true name lost], shes a big powerful lady with blood red hair, but she woke up one day with no memories. When asked what her name was, she looked around and said the names of whatever she saw. Apparently has personal journals going back 30,000 years. Every 10 years a new one starts with "i woke up today with no memories."
Lily [aka Lilith Voltaire], a copper kobold who had about the worst life ever until she finally got strong enough to kill her abusers and then was rescued from the law by a kind farmer, who she calls her father. Took years for her scales to go back to being shiny after her rough beginning.
Rain world oc[s]
1000 Clear Skies, one of if not the last iterator to be built. A comet threatened to destroy the world, but it was deflected just enough that it got stuck in orbit around the world. It had just enough materials and plenty of water if they combined it with enough of their old derelict spacecrafts and satellites. Now sweeps up the skies and recycles the debris. She has to, in order to stay operational.
The Knight, Clear Skies' slugcat, is mentally, physically, and spiritually enhanced. She managed to make a tiny connection to the karma of the world, mostly thanks to one of her previous knights, and it can receive minor blessings of strength from worn masks. All attempts to apply this power to an iterator have failed.
Homestuck oc
Adennezene Fausfate III, she was born and raised in an empty world. A metropolis where everything was already stolen, except what was fastened down too tight to remove. No food, no water, she wonders how she survived. [She didn't, she only existed since the session started and the time player paradoxed themself out of existence]. Maid of Void, polearmkind.
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dieselpvnk · 2 years
honestly the matchups for the nb swag competition could've been better. Like yes, put a creature from a relatively niche indie game against STEVE MINECRAFT
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bells-n-wisps · 1 year
dead city-flat
-when you get into the room where you stop the fan with a can if you look up there’s a little gate thing
-you can probably see artificer for the first time there, surv will here an audio cue
-arti leaves you alone but rescues monk later, since she figures survivor can handle themselves
-zurk chase time
-done with that
-yea from the rest of dead city to struts you can probably hear explosions in the background, which are arti’s doing
-because of these explosions companions are afraid of most slugcats (spearmaster is an exception because they were artificially made by Suns, who’s literally the Guardian)
-bro B-12’s box is so detailed like look at this
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-fun fact: the reason why arti wasn’t enlisted by moon is bc arti straight up ignored her
-arti’s still out for revenge against the Zurks after they killed her kids (yes, Zurks are the new scavs)
 -I like to think that in the og game B-12 was so desperate they enlisted the help of a cat
-but in the AU, scugs are more intelligent then cats (no offense to cats)
-funny thing, cat is invincible when in the bucket
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-okay now we in slums! Hello sweeping robot, see you in a second!
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redoing this because their designs and story were changed
they have refs on my artfight (i swear ill put stuff on my toyhouse... someday...) but you dont have to read their descriptions it's just rambles.
the stuff i wrote there isn't even set in stone, none of this is tbh. i'm just playing toysss
GTDT - "Guidance Through Dark Tunnels" - they/she
RM - "Reflections of Mind" - they/them
SSFT - "Seven Strings Finely Tuned" - he/him
SNS - "Sweeping Night Skies" - she/he
FC - "Frivolous Connection" - he/they/she
WTOV - "Weaving Tales of Victory" - she/any
miroscat and the outcast are slugcats. you can contact them as well, but you won't really get a verbal answer from them.
despite slugcats (in my headcannon) not really having a concept of gender or pronouns i refer to them both typically with they/it
old posts (from before i remade) are tagged " #old post " and the old character tagging system was " #[ acronym ] "
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You've already got lots of suggestions for cool predators, so what about another gentle giant?
Imagine a forest of towering trees, where runoff from the rains collects to form huge, violent rivers that cannot be traversed on foot. Making their home in dry hollows and nearby caves is a species of giant fruit bats (think real life Flying Foxes). Their sweeping shadows evokes the fear of vultures, but their gentle, skittish nature seems more befitting of a rabbit deer. Perhaps they could be convinced to carry you across the river to the canopy beyond, if only you bring them one of the large hanging fruits that seem to be the predominant food in this region. The fruit is large and heavy, and the thick skin and high altitude makes it an impractical food source for slugcats, but the bats seem particularly fond of it.
Now we've got helpful creatures for travel through land, water, and air!
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years
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