redbelles · 6 months
due to our shared ongoing brainrot: what's a thing that gave you the most brainworms in masters of the air? 👀
since i've already given an insane little spiel about the flying fortress here, i will spare you the ever-present aviation brainworms and go with, uh— curt biddick.
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like i'm so sorry but the way barry keoghan portrays him makes me insane, actually?
"let’s knock one off, and drop bombs on those nazi fucks, and we get to go home early," the confidence, the swagger, the little teasing joke about buck sitting in his lap if he didn't preemptively give up the left seat, the genuine concern for bucky but the willingness to hit him nonetheless, "i'm irish," the near-debilitating relief when he realizes the rest of the formation is slowing down so he can keep pace, the fucking little spoon in-joke, the characteristically astute question being played for laughs but it is an astute question! why the fuck are they going to africa! and then, god—
the fog spooks him. it's always spooked him. he heads over to talk to buck on the pretense of finding out how buck and his crew are doing, but it's so, so clear he's looking for reassurance. that he's reaffirming to himself that this clusterfuck of a mission is going to be worth it—that they'll do some real damage—even as it's brutally clear that the critical element of timing is already blown to hell. the way all that fear falls away the instant he's in the air, because he's responsible for his crew. "we're losing her" "no we're not!" he's going to keep his goddamn crew alive. his insistence that he can bring her down safely, even when it doesn't matter. when it would be easier, and safer, and smarter to bail out. dickie's going to die whether or not curt manages the gentlest landing in the world, but fuck, he has to try. he can't not try. it's such a vicious contrast to quinn's choice when babyface is trapped in the ball turret, and it breaks my fucking heart.
all this is nuanced by the fact that curt's story is one of the narrative changes masters of the air made— curt biddick did not die trying to set his plane down so his dying co-pilot could have a shot at survival. in reality, curt biddick burned to death holding his fortress level so that the rest of the crew could safely bail out. he was known as a hard luck pilot, though, and i think the changes successfully walk the very fine line of serving the narrative (see: parallel with quinn and babyface) while simultaneously honoring the spirit of the events being portrayed.
you know that i knew that the regensburg-schweinfurt raid was a shitshow and that i was prepared to watch people die, but god, curt's death still hit me like a ton of bricks. it's so well done, and the acting is phenomenal from start to finish. curt biddick, the man that you were. barry keoghan, the man that you are.
anyway! thank u for the ask! hope u like the fuckin' essay you got in response!
inbox me one (1) thing you want to know about me
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ladywaffles · 8 months
From the prompt list: icemav + 6. patting the other’s head?? If it inspires
icemav + patting the other’s head
i do not know the meaning of brevity. send me a pairing and a prompt!
To be a fighter pilot, you have to have ego.
It’s not just a requirement, it’s an immutable law. It’s on the checklist of fighter pilot eligibility. One: candidate must be a United States citizen of sound mind and body. Two: candidate must have a four-year degree from an accredited educational institution. Three: candidate must have ego the size of the Grand Canyon and the guts to back it up.
Fighter pilots are young, good-looking guys who grow into stately, well-tailored men. Elegant. Gentlemanly. Airs of class that have since ebbed away in the general population, but which find a home in the handful of officers who call themselves naval aviators, and they wear them damn well.
Ice has always been particular about his appearance; it’s hard not to be painfully aware of it, with twelve years of detentions earned for uniform infractions at elite private schools and four years of the Naval Academy bearing down on him. He holds it together through the six months of hellish diagnoses it takes for the doctors to figure out what’s making him sick (cancer), where the cancer is (his lungs), and where it metastasized to (his throat). There’s never a hair out of goddamn place through the whole endeavor. But when they finally figure it out and get him on a chemotherapy plan, the pristine picture of the Iceman falls apart.
His tan is the first to go; if he’s being honest, it was already on its way out. It’s been nigh on ten years since he was last in a cockpit, and trading his F-14 for another stripe on his sleeve meant he hardly saw the sun in his cramped offices. Maverick used to tease that he looked like a vampire, losing the California bronze that’s been embedded in his skin since he was old enough to walk. Jokes like that are far and few between now that it’s no longer the job that’s draining his color, but his own body.
In the end, it’s easy to let the tan go. What really gets him, what really hurts, is when his hair starts falling out. Iceman has impeccable hair. The sun rises in the east. The facts of life. He puts off shaving it as long as he can, because yes, it’s just hair, and yes, it should grow back—the doctors assured him it would probably grow back—but dammit, he’s a fighter pilot, and he has his pride.
He sulks about it for weeks: gently combing his hair, putting as little product into it as possible so as to prolong the life of the strands that remain, taking shorter showers to reduce the likelihood of tufts of blonde falling out and running down the drain.
Maverick is solid at his side, his own hair dark as the day they met. In the deepest parts of his heart, he hates Maverick just a little bit for it. The asshole doesn’t even have the decency to be going gray yet, and here Ice is losing it all.
But then Maverick will tell him he passed his driving test and got a proper driver’s license so he could drive Ice back and forth from his appointments so Ice wouldn’t have to ride in a smelly taxi on the way home when he’s already starting to feel nauseous, or he’ll smile at Ice when he gets home and say, “Hey, I called up Wolf and he found that baked potato soup recipe from that place we ate at in ’96,” or he’ll sit at Ice’s side at two in the morning on the bathroom floor when the vertigo has Ice kneeling at the altar of the porcelain throne, even though he has to be at the base at five-thirty to do briefings and pre-flight checks, and Ice can’t remember why he was annoyed about Maverick’s hair at all.
Maverick drives him to his next chemo appointment. He sits in the waiting room, perusing the latest copy of People Magazine. Maverick hates People Magazine, but there’s not much else the hospital waiting room can offer in terms of salient literature, so People Magazine it is.
Ice goes back for his chemo treatment. Phil, his technician, doesn’t say much as he putters around the room, hanging IV drip bags here and flipping switches on medical equipment there. When Ice is all hooked up, they chat about inane things. Phil recounts his daughter’s swim meet. Ice responds with tales of his own swim meets, back at the Naval Academy. Phil says his son signed up for flag football, but God bless him, he’s shit at the sport. Ice promises that he’s not going to get much better at it, if he sucks this much at it now; he’s got his own scars from high school to prove it.
Phil unhooks him from the infernal treatment and books him for an appointment in two weeks. Maverick puts down People Magazine—a different issue than he was reading before, Ice notes—and drives them both home. He helps Ice into the living room and lays him down on the couch with the quilt that Carole made for their sort-of-fifteenth-anniversary. He kisses Ice on the forehead and goes to the kitchen to start dinner, and Ice is out like a light.
When he wakes up again, the sky is a dusky gray. It’s just past sundown. Maverick let him sleep for hours.
“Mav?” he calls out. Ice pushes himself up off the couch, his elbows creaking as he goes. “Maverick?”
“In here!” Maverick replies from the guest bathroom. “I’ll be just a second!”
Ice hums and goes into the kitchen. There’s a pot on the counter, but it’s not one of theirs. He lifts the lid; savory chicken congee, with ginger root and scallions. The Reyes’ must have dropped something off while he was asleep.
“Oh, yeah, Martin came by with some soup,” Maverick says behind him. “He says there’s no better cure than his wife’s arroz caldo, not even your mama’s chicken noodle soup.”
Ice puts the lid back on the pot. He turns to Maverick, ready to bear all of his weight down on his partner, because chemo is a bitch and he feels exhausted just standing here in his own kitchen—
—And flinches.
“What the fuck did you do to your hair?” Ice cries. Maverick cracks a grin, his signature Colgate smile.
“Do ya like it?” he asks.
Like it? Ice reaches out for his head, and Maverick leans in. He runs his hand over Maverick’s scalp, feeling the smoothness of his skin. He passes over the whole landscape once, twice, his fingers tripping over the tips of Maverick’s ears and the nape of his neck, as if he’d find something there like a magician performing a sleight of hand, but there’s nothing there.
“It’s all gone,” Ice laughs, somewhat hysterical. “It’s gone, it’s gone! What did you do? What the fuck did you do!”
Maverick shaved all of his thick, dark hair off. All of it is gone. All of Maverick’s damnable, doesn’t-have-the-decency-to-go-even-a-little-salt-and-pepper hair has disappeared.
Maverick smiles, teary himself. “Yeah, babe, it’s all gone.” He takes Ice’s hands in his and holds them tight. Ice tries to fight his own tears, but they’re doing what they please.
“Mitchell, what the hell?”
Maverick laughs. “C’mon, Kazansky, give me some credit. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you worrying about your hair falling out.” He cups Ice’s chin with one hand, looking straight into his eyes. “I thought you’d be less scared of it if we did it together.”
“Maverick,” Ice starts.
He doesn’t know where to go. It’s a grand gesture, that’s for sure, and if fifteen-odd years of knowing Maverick have taught him anything, it’s that you cannot always listen to what Maverick Mitchell says, you must only listen to what he does.
“Maverick,” he says again.
“Ice,” Maverick replies. “Let’s eat. And when we’re done, we’ll call Slider up and tell him what I did, and you can make as much fun of me as you want—for tonight only!—and we can talk about what you want to do next.”
They end up eating dinner in the bathroom. Maverick takes bites of his congee in between bouts of shaving off Ice’s hair as Ice huddles in the tub, ducking his head keep anything from falling into his own bowl. When they’re finished, they cram next to each other in Ice’s office and call Slider on Skype. His laughter is piercing through the laptop speakers and echoes down the hall.
And when Slider arrives ten days later, to, “Make sure Mitchell isn’t leaving you to fend all for yourself, I mean does he even know how to make a proper chicken noodle soup,” he knocks on Ice and Maverick’s front door sporting a grin and a freshly-shaved head.
Fighter pilots might have egos, but they’re a fiercely loyal bunch, too.
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meyerlansky · 8 days
for wip title meme - Stalag shit pretty pls!
tagging @sluttyhenley and @redbelles since you guys asked about it to AND ALSO
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bell you're getting called OUT 😈
sooo this is actually the first thing i started writing for mota and it was an unclog-the-pipe kind of idea and is self-indulgent with regards to wanting more bucky whump. i may actually never post it in totality for... a couple reasons, but i actually did a fuckton of research into how the stalags were run and kriegie culture inside of them, so it was a good exercise on a lot of levels even if it never sees the light of day. because it's sort of backburnered, that means i feel more comfortable posting BIG CHUNKS OF IT 🎉 but uh, that said, this one IS going under a cut because in addition to there being a lot of it, it's. dark.
cw noncon and psychological torture, you can probably guess where this is headed. the structure i settled into with this one is gale POV for the first part, wherein Something Is Wrong With Bucky:
Bucky shrugs, a quick, smooth shuffle of his shoulders that’s as big a lie as what’s coming out of his mouth. “Krauts get a little rough sometimes. Nothing anyone else didn't get.”
“They didn't do anything to me,” Gale says, every word feeling heavier than the last, pulling him down. “Just asked me some questions.”
Two things happen then. Something in Bucky’s face twitches, a flinch stealing over it so quick Gale barely catches it. But his shoulders drop, just a bit, some tension leaving him. Gale for the life of him can’t make sense of it.
“‘Course not, Buck,” Bucky says, light, easy, like Gale doesn't have a pit the size of the Atlantic opening up in his gut, cold flooding in. “Who'd wanna damage that pretty face of yours?”
From any of the boys, there might be some bitterness in it—it’s not like Gale doesn't know some of the goons cut him a break, ’cause of rank or coloring or whatever else. From John there’s just… relief. It feels wrong. The pit yawns wider, and the water gets higher. “Roughed yours up, though,” he says, the words feeling distant as he remembers the black eye John was sporting, that first day. The way John had grabbed his chin, tilted his head around, looking for something. Something like the beating he got, maybe.
That's what Gale had thought at the time. Now he’s not so sure that’s where it ended.
Bucky’s eyes go dark again, as distant and near-drowned as Gale feels, so he claws his way back. Tries, anyway. “Yeah, well,” John mutters, “better me than you.”
and what's wrong is not only was bucky sexually assaulted post-interrogation, but the guards told him they did the same to gale when he passed through the dulag, and he spends months beating himself up about not being there and being able to take it instead of gale, until he says something about it and gale's like ??? and bucky realizes it WAS instead but now gale KNOWS. second part's bucky's POV of the assault, so it's not chronological, and maybe it doesn't need to be shown/written at all but i wanted to because i like whump.
He’s got a headache the size of Texas, blood—his own, his own, not some kid in a cart’s, they let him wipe that off, so what's left is just his own, thank Christ—itching as it dries behind his ear, and a pit in his chest every time he thinks about Bremen and London and Russelheim and the way the woods smelled when he was running through them, clean and green and endless—
The door slams open, and Bucky gets two seconds to berate himself for jumping, for being so in his own head he didn't hear them coming, before one of the goons grabs his arm and yanks him up, spinning him to face the wall. Turns his head to the window on instinct, but the light spilling in catches him off guard and sends a new wave of pain spiking through his skull.
“Heya, fellas. Couldn't get enough, huh?” He shoots over his shoulder, hands up but grinning like nothing’s wrong, like he’s back at Thorpe Abbotts joking with the boys.
(Later on, he’ll wonder if that was what did it. If he’d just kept his eyes forward, his mouth shut, if they’d have—)
and the third part's gale POV again, after their little yard spat and is........ kind of recovery? inasmuch as one is capable of recovering while still stuck in a POW camp and going crazy with fear because no one takes your warnings about needing to get the fuck out seriously, and also your best friend punching you in the face is the most normal you've felt in almost a year:
“I’m sorry.”
The noise that comes out of Bucky’s bunk is barely human, a snarl more suited to Meatball, or the Kraut’s dogs. “You’re sorry,” Bucky snarls. “You are a real piece of work, Buck.”
He rolls over, kicks his legs out of the bunk, boots on, to glare up at Gale. “Saint Cleven,” he sneers, and he’s just pissed and it's nothing Gale hasn't heard before, but it still stings a bit. “I pick a fight and you’re the one who's sorry.” His eye’s already swelling up, purpling a bit at the edge. Again. Gale’s stomach roils looking at it. “It’s not bad enough that’s the first time you’ve treated me like normal—”
“Hittin’ you ain’t normal,” he bites out, before he can stop himself. He scrubs his hand over his eyes, just for a second, and when he looks back John's anger has dimmed a bit, banked coals instead of the inferno.
“It’s better than whatever the hell you’ve been doing the last few weeks.”
How’s that?” Gale says, sharper than he means to. Whatever he means, there’s nothing better in hurting Bucky. Not when he’s already had plenty more than his fair share.
“You won't touch me, Buck!” It’s hissed through John’s teeth but it hits him with all the force of a baseball bat to the face. It sits between them for a moment, heavy.
“That's not true,” he mutters, but there’s no strength in it, and John barely dignifies it with a scoff.
He tries again. “I didn't think you’d want…” He trails off, feeling stupid even as the words come out of his mouth. Bucky can't go ten minutes without slinging his arm around a pal’s neck, a clap on a shoulder, an elbow in someone’s side to get their attention. He couldn't, anyway. Before all this
“The hell d’you know about what I want,” Bucky snaps, like he doesn't wear every thought on his face clear as day. “I'm damaged goods, I get it, but I’m not some china doll—”
“You’re not damaged goods,” Gale shouts, the words bursting out of him like water from a burst pipe and loud enough to make John flinch back, shock all over his face.
sooo yeah! that's stalag shit! if i do ever get it done, i think it'll need some revisiting on the characterization, but honestly probably not that much. it is however the only purely-clegan wip i have, which means it would probably do better than alllllllll my other stuff even WITH the caveat that it's dark content. which is very funny to me in a bitter sort of way.
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starrybouquet · 2 months
Favorite character poll game
Tagged by @sluttyhenley thanks bestie!! This is so fun
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite!
if it wasn't clear before, yes i have a type. also i am so sorry but there are no tc characters on here. *sits and waits for the boos to end*
p.s. nobody perceive my childhood fave
no pressure tagging @lannisterdaddyissues @tommyjop @mylittleredgirl @curator-on-ao3 @spacey-iris and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ongreenergrasses · 3 months
17, 22 and 25 for the writer questions? 💖
hello!! hope you are well and thank you for the asks!! 💖
you have absolutely unleashed the part of me that wants to just talk nonstop about the behemoth so i had to put the second two questions up top and 17 under the cut because i just got way too enthusiastic skdjfj I love that story. i love my story
22. How organized are you with your writing? What tools do you use?
not organized. Not organized at all. i have notebooks and i have maybe a semblance of organization on my laptop. my notes app is a total free for all. no titles on anything. i have given up on using titles on my word docs and just use like. keysmashes or random phrases which makes organization worse. the behemoth is very nicely organized though! it has chapter number the title (most of them have titles) if it’s fully written and the posting date. i am quite impressed with myself for that
25. What is a weird, hyperspecific detail about one of your characters that you know that is completely irrelevant to the story?
my character Hela is deathly afraid of snakes. (she’s one from the archives, a long long time ago.)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it into the text.
so let me start by saying that this has clearly been building in my head for a long, long time, even though it’s been a whirlwind six months. which means i know so very much.
i almost always write in third person, but i kind of. blur lines? I’m not very strict with the limited which ik isn’t great! so i said you know what? I’m going to be very strictly limited with the behemoth. i am going to not cut corners and everything in the behemoth is through Annie’s eyes, and what that means is that there are gigantic gaps in things.
i know everything that happened to Finnick. i know everything Annie’s doctor is thinking. i know Johanna’s motivations (which people will too, eventually, but only as far as she admits to them, and she doesn’t tell Annie everything.) i know what the family argues about when Annie’s not there, and the conclusions they come to before they talk to her. but Annie doesn’t know those things. People actively hide these things from her, people hide a lot from her, at one point every single character in this story is hiding the way they actually feel from her, and what this all means in practice is when you read the behemoth, you get a very, very limited view of the overall story. and that’s always true but with something of this complexity it means that there is so much lore and so much minutiae that doesn’t make it in. I could write essays about this shit and I’m clearly on my way to one
here’s some minutiae for you. Annie built their house. it’s got three floors. she basically built a small apartment on the first floor, because she was nervous about building something bigger, so she started that way, but they didn’t use it, so the porch and the front door are actually on the second floor of the house. they’ve got a well, and it took her a long time to figure out how to do the plumbing. she wasn’t supposed to build that house, so they had no electricity in it until the war ended and she came home. her brother built the majority of the furniture, and the big rug in the living room was woven by her aunt. i can see this house as clear as day in my mind and i would draw it but I can’t draw
anyway. if you like thg and you like watching people slowly fall apart crash and burn due to incredible amounts of trauma and unaddressed PTSD, maybe you will like the behemoth!
weird questions for writers
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horserad-ish · 6 months
what's like a castle-in-the-sky/pipe dream/bucket list thing you hope to do one day?
I had to think about this for a little while!
I’d love to visit all 7 continents, seems kind of cliche but I think it’s a relatively achievable! I love to travel and see the US, but haven’t been able to swing an international trip yet. Another thing I hope to do is hike the Enchantments in WA, it’s something I’ve working towards for a few years.
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shoesplease · 1 year
19, 25 and 26!! 👀
thank you so much for the asks i love you friend!!!!
19. A movie you look forward to watching (could be an upcoming release or not)
Well, there's only one answer for my tc-themed answers, right? DEAD RECKONING PART ONE MY BELOVED. i cannot wait for yellow fiat and train scene and swordfight and cliff jump yesssss
Non-upcoming-release-wise, I'm watching Collateral (2004) as soon as i get an evening where i am not exhausted. very excited!
25. Your favorite movie
Until last year, this would have been Star Wars: A New Hope hands down. I'm a sci-fi gal at heart and the OG star wars is just *so* classic. I love it. Now, it's a tie between Star Wars IV and Top Gun Maverick. i have been cruisepilled, it is known! i'm also just a sucker for crazy fun stunts with a good dose of "time is your greatest enemy" themes and family feels. Which led to the cruisepilling.
26. Your least favorite movie
Hmm. I'm pretty good at avoiding and/or noping out of things I don't think I'll have any hope of liking, so most of the movies I've seen have been likable? TC-wise, I'll go with Born on the Fourth of July, which I haven't watched and probably won't be watching, just from the little snippets I've seen on youtube and stuff. Non-TC-wise, this is SUPER petty of me but I disown all the post-SG1 Stargate movies (Ark of Truth/Continuum) on principle. I haven't seen them and I refuse to see them. I have seen all I need in gif form and hahaha NOPE! Anything past season 8 of SG1 is worse than dead to me, and even s8 is pushing it. Heck, s7 is pushing it lmao.
Oops, I tripped over my SG1 soapbox. Truly I am so sorry because I know I'm absolutely insufferable when I talk about it. Anyway, THANK YOU FOR THE ASKSSSSS!!!!!
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ronsenthal · 5 months
Happy birthday Jess!! I hope you're having a wonderful day 💖
Awww thank you so much for dropping by, I really appreciate it 💙
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roseapothecary · 6 months
hey I’m so sorry you had that interaction on your gif set and that anon who decided they need to lecture you about how you chose to handle that. I 100% agree with you. And how you responded. That was so rude to jump on your gif set like that. Anyway. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with all that. I hope you get some better interactions. Good luck, I guess! 💖😊
omfg, i adore you. thank you so much, friend. yesterday was rough both on the internet and off, so i needed this more than you know.
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lannisterdaddyissues · 7 months
Hi Mar! Ruby, brick red and cardinal for the ask game??
meghan my friend meghan <3333 ilysm!!! thanks for sending me these great asks all the time :’)
ruby: favorite pre-2000 song? my all-time favorite is the riddle by gigi d'agostino, but it's a remix released in 1999 so that barely counts lmfao- so in that case my current favorite is incense and peppermint by strawberry alarm clock! i rewatched austin powers recently and its just such a banger song ok dont judge, (/j)
brick red: have you ever been in an abandoned building? no, i think it would be cool but alas i am too scareds that god will hate me and not let me into heaven if i break the rules 🥺
cardinal: what is the first song that made you cry? the first i can remember is old soul by saint motel, it just has such a nostalgically melancholy tone that really makes the waterworks flow for me :,)
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reachingforaspark · 2 years
Can't believe 9-1-1. They told us what was going down in s1, it's been there all along.
buck/connor ex's to lover, connor/kameron/buck, sperm donor not dad who
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@sluttyhenley I can't believe you enabled me with these gifs 💕
Image description:
gif from s1e3, Buck, Chimney and Hen are in the firehouse kitchen. Buck says to Chimney "have you offered her the option of an open marriage? It's super modern"
gif from s6e4, Buck sits at his table, his loft kitchen behind him, telling his (offscreen) married friends Connor and Kameron "I'm saying I will absolutely be your sperm donor"
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redbelles · 4 days
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i cannot BELIEVE you repurposed a MEME to DRAG ME!!!!!!!!
jk i totally can you've only been saying this exact phrase 2 my fuckin' face all visit long! the fuckin' audacity! between u and tumblr user @meyerlansky i am feeling so attacked rn >:(
anyway. i have,,,,,,,,,,, eleven bullet points between where i am in the doc and the Extremely Helpful outline note that just says [LOUD FUCKING]; here are eight of them. bone apple teeth or whatever:
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[ducks rotten tomatoes]
ask me about my wips
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ladywaffles · 8 months
For the movie ask game: 1, 12, and 19?? 👀
hello my darling! thank you for playing ☺️
1) What is your current favorite movie?
I mean. I've hit play on Top Gun: Maverick four times since the new year. It's just such a perfectly constructed movie!
12) Which movie has your favorite soundtrack?
I keep coming back to Hans Zimmer's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. There is something so heroic but ultimately tragic about it. It's one of the only movie soundtracks I can listen to all the way through no skips. (Although Harry Gregson-Williams' score for the Martian is also up there! Hexadecimals for life!)
19) What part of filmmaking do you find most interesting (ie sound design, costuming, set design, etc)?
Unsurprisingly, it's sound mixing. I always come back to this Chris McQuarrie quote from the M:I-7 press tour, "I consider the final [sound] mix to be a full third of the movie's emotional impact, along with character and cinematography... It's not enough for me to hear it. I have to feel it." I've been little-d-deaf my whole life and I'm also a pianist so the way I experience sound is much different from the way the majority of the population does. Finding the perfect balance of score, dialogue, and sound effects, the place where music informs character and effects lift up story, is so fascinating to me. I appreciate McQ especially because his hearing loss informs his filmmaking in a way that most other directors would not think to approach a project.
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oatflatwhite · 5 months
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the inherent homoeroticism of war media: a completely unserious presentation by me
[note: some slides have been removed because they're literally just fancams and also i had more than 30 slides boo tumblr image limits]
BIBLIOGRAPHY (just going in order of slides)
and your knees are driving me wild - mash s02e08
george mackay has found his niche in homoerotic war movies
war stories are inherently homoerotic. that's how we got stucky
hangman you look good - top gun: maverick (gif by babyrooster)
letter of recommendation: watching masters of the air secondhand
it's not just sports - masters of the air e02
1 being not gay at all, 10 being liberace in an f-16
we'll go to chicago - band of brothers e01 (gif by @fkmylif3)
it is the law that every piece of war media
kim is a homoseggsual - kath & kim s01e02
Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals) - Barbara Kruger
The Secret History of Australia's Gay Diggers - Ben Winsor (+ Paul Fussell quoted within)
Sexuality, Sexual Relations and Homosexuality - Jason Crouthamel
Soldiers bathing in Malaya - AWM
Private Frank Crocker letters featured in Sebastian Faulks and Hope Wolf, A Broken World: Letters, Diaries and Memories of the Great War (2014), pp. 75-78.
mike's mic screencap my beloved <3
winnix gifs by @bandofbrothers2001 @preacherboyd @galebucky
winnix art by @andromeddog
winnix art by @onefineginger
In storms and at sunset by jouissant
winnix memes/text posts: 1 (@bleedingcoffee42) 2 (@krakerjaksstuff) 3 (@claudycod) 4 (@lewis-winters) 5 (@mon-mothmas-collar)
man is a hopeless creature i don't like much of anyone (@sluttyhenley)
You Create Intricate Rituals: The Homoerotic Action Movie - Rebecca Radillo (Lyvie Scott featured)
val kilmer icemav warrior compliation by @mavernick2
t as in top gun: maverick (@misaothewitch)
which is gayer (@holypowell)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule
all my roads lead back to you by liadan14
m*a*s*h video by @amrv-5 (+ reblog tags)
clegan/buck(y) gifs by @4o4notf0und @rcbertleckie
clegan fanart by @ifapromise <3
clegan memes: 1 (@rcbertleckie) 2 (@season-two) 3 (@ww2yaoi) 4 & 5
bomber's moon by moonrocks
**i tried to tag/link everything, if anything is broken or unsourced please let me know and i will endeavour to fix it! standard disclaimer that a) any discussion about war media based on real life people is based upon the fictional portrayals of those people and not the actual dudes. and b) this powerpoint was made for fun, it is not rigorous academic analysis. all opinions expressed are my own. please do not take it too seriously! that's all <3
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starrybouquet · 1 year
Starry I love in for a penny so much!! I am genuinely so fond of her!
🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much!!! Your excitement about Penny Mitchell really does mean the world to me 💙
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ongreenergrasses · 5 months
8, 10, and 27 for the ask thing? 👀
hello good evening! thank you for the ask!
8. Last thing you watched?
Immaculate! It was firmly mid. i have an enormous thing for Sydney Sweeney so that’s why i picked it. there was a really nice horror moment where she tore an umbilical cord with her teeth but otherwise it was meh run of the mill stuff
10. Books on your reading list?
on Libby I’m waiting for the second two books in the Area X trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer, Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, and Stolen by Elizabeth Gilpin. a variety for sure. i have more saved to my phone somewhere
27. What fascinates you about humanity?
how endlessly creative we are! if there’s one thing that can be said about humans it’s that we are certainly a creative bunch in pretty much every area imaginable. this is good and bad
sure some asks
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