#sly cooper fan character
galactic-dragoness · 3 months
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What if I just made Barkley more like Captain Holt
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psicoyote · 1 year
Carmelita Montoya Fox
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raik-l · 10 months
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Small digital drawing of Sly Cooper.
Made with clip studio paint pro.
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rose-farmer-art · 4 months
Art Dump
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Just somethings I have been working on. 4 of these are for a game I am in the process of making. Wish me luck
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atomic-automaton · 5 months
Okay Sly Cooper fans, I've got a question for all of yall. How do all of you feel about a Sly Cooper themed RPG? A full fledged tabletop rpg where you have fun in the world of Sly Cooper. Either as the gang themselves or characters created by you the player, all with their own roles and abilities to help them succeed on jobs and whatnot.
Been tinkering with ideas and I was hoping to get some ideas/feedback from the community before I sink some time into this.
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kingncp · 2 months
Me again.
Odd question.
Since we already got a PS3 HD port in the form of the Sly Collection, I figured I’d ask.
Do you think Sly Cooper should get a full-on remaster.
Like what happened with Spyro in 2017?
I think there’s potential there. So long as they adhere to the established art style at least.
Personally I’d use the opportunity for such a remaster to include new content and features.
Like accessibility assistance and new content, gameplay features and mechanics.
And for good measure, the ability to switch between old and new graphics. Like the remasters of the first two Halo games had.
I think it’s a good idea at the very least.
What do you think?
I prefer a remake over a remaster at this point. Lots of jokes, character designs, & dialogue have not aged well since 2002-2006. It would allow the series to get a new life and be reintroduced to fans both old & new, while also allowing whoever is in control of the license to have complete freedom on the story.
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monsterwapo · 5 months
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Been playing through the first Sly Cooper and saw lots of potential for fan characters with a lineage full of raccoon thieves. But I also thought "You know, I think if I were in charge of this franchise I'd make it a bit of an anthology series, where different games jump forwards in time to new members of the Cooper Clan, with new techniques having been added to the Thievius Raccoonus since the previous games."
So, following that idea, I decided my first Sly Cooper OC should be not an ancestor of Sly, but one of his descendants. I.T. Cooper lives in a high-tech future, probably at least 150 years after Sly, and uses two main pieces of technology to perform heists: his cane, made up of two handles that project a hard-light hook shape and can connect to each other at any length, and his future version of the Binocucom, a headset that lets him zoom hid vision in on faraway objects, as well as scanning his eyes to display his expression on the black screen.
I imagine one possible story for him could be in a hypothetical sequel to Thieves in Time, where Sly manages to travel forward again but goes too far, winding up in the future and meeting I.T. there. He'd sort of wind up in the same position his ancestors just were, meeting their own descendants, and I.T. would find himself in a Back-to-the-Future situation where if he doesn't help Sly get back to his own time, he'll never be able to be born and will cease to exist. Because of this, I can imagine him not being very cooperative at the beginning of his story; maybe he wants to work solely on his own merit, and working with Sly helps him open up to the idea of accepting his past family's help through use of the Thievius Raccoonus' techniques.
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alphascorpiixx · 6 months
On the one hand on I don't like the Sly 3 ending where Sly fakes amnesia to be with Carmelita. maybe its my aromanticism influencing this but i'm not really a fan of their relationship in general but I usually just ignore it and focus on the things that I like. which. makes that ending so aggravating because Sly just left his two best friends—his family—and the cooper legacy behind to be in a romantic relationship with a cop.
But on the other hand because Clockwerk is my favorite character I find that ending so fucking funny. Like obviously he's dead and Sly is very much not so Sly definitely came out on top and the Cooper legacy could potentially continue with one of his descedants. But also. Sly just left his two best friends—his family—and the cooper legacy behind to be in a romantic relationship with a cop. Literally the funniest way the Cooper thieving legacy could end Clockwerk didn't even have to do anything
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
My 10 Favorite DreamWorks Movies
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When I first joined Tumblr one of the first few posts I made was a "Best of DreamWorks" where I just pasted a bunch of images from the movies I liked the most.
After seeing the new Puss In Boots movie and seeing all the love it's been getting I thought it would be nice to revisit the list, but this time actually talking about why I like these movies so much.
Just wanna say real quick, If you're coming here wondering if "Shark Tale" will be on the top 5 and how I'm gonna defend my case about it, you lower these expectations right now. This is gonna be a super boring list. My favorites are everyone's favorites.
The only thing I can bring up is why I myself like them, and hopefully, I can bring up unique enough reasons for it. I've always been a fan of this company, mostly because I really respect how many risks they take with the premises of their stories.
I always like to believe that there is no such thing as a bad idea, only a bad execution, and DreamWorks proves that by never being afraid of giving a chance to the weirdest of ideas, and when the execution pays off, it pays off greatly!
So which ideas did I feel were executed the best?
10 . The Bad Guys
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First things, first. "Good Tonight" is a freaking awesome song and everyone should give it a listen.
The idea of bad guys is "what if we tried to make the meanest-looking animals that people are familiar with into the heroes of our story?"
Animals like snakes, sharks, spiders, and so on, things that are known for being very dangerous and scary, but placed into the roles of bandits that go on heists while running away from the police.
I always call this the "Not Sly Cooper" movie, because that's exactly what I feel a Sly Cooper movie would be like. Tons of animal-acting-like-human jokes, fun cartoonish heists and car chases, and some nice morals about what it means to be a thief and what it means to be a hero.
Bad Guys is a very charming movie. The characters are all likable, many of the jokes are funny, and the way the movie looks with its blend of 2D and 3D is just amazing. The scene where they are escaping from prison with the help of a "mysterious ninja" being my favorite part.
The only problem I have is that I feel having both a shark and a piranha in the cast was kinda redundant. I would have replaced the piranha with a bat so they would have a scary flying animal instead of two scary water animals. Plus, imagining a bat singing "Good Tonight" just feels like a funnier visual to me.
9. Megamind
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The idea for Megamind is rather simple, show what happens when the villain does beat the hero.
I feel like this movie did a good job showing how the fun of working hard can sometimes feel more rewarding than the fun of actually winning, kinda sending a sweet message about the futility of cheating.
I also like how over-the-top Megamind himself is with how he treats all his evil actions as some grand spectacle. Doesn't matter if he's winning or losing, this dude always looks like he's having a lot of fun treating these hero vs villain battles as some sort of playtime with his best friend.
You're basically watching a kid's imagination of what these fights would look like from someone who grew up watching way too many cartoons. Tons of cheesy one-liners, tons of dramatic speeches, tons of last-second twists, and of course, tons of big explosive action.
And it's also fun seeing Megamind's fantasy of what a hero vs villain scenario looks like slowly dying once he meets Titan and how differently he treats this whole thing compared to MetroMan.
The one problem I had was the way the character of Roxane was treated. It felt like they were trying to make her more than just "the girlfriend" and give her more depth, but in the end, her biggest role in the climax was still needing to be saved and serving as emotional support for the main character. Also, the way she was basically catfished by Megamind always made me very uncomfortable, especially when thinking that kids might be watching this and learning from this.
It wasn't too awful, but I felt they could have done more with her.
8. Spirit
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"What if we made a movie about the adventures of a horse?"
This one is kinda hard to describe why I like it. I think the reason is that it feels... How do I put it... Honest? Real? Genuine?
Whenever Spirit goes through an emotion it always feels earned. When he's sad, you're sad, when he's angry, you're angry, and when he's celebrating after succeeding in a daring escape, you want to celebrate too.
This movie to me just did a great job at making me feel what this horse was feeling, and most of it with the use of very minimal words.
I loved Spirit, loved his chemistry with the villain, loved the sense of speed whenever he is running through the fields or avoiding the cowboys... and most of all, loved the joy you get whenever you feel free.
It's not that this gives you a great sense of freedom, its that it gives you a desire to fight for freedom! It makes you feel you can be more, and do more and have the right to reject being tied down by others who want to limit your true potential and control you.
This movie makes you want to be free.
7. The Road to El Dorado
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Do I even need to say anything besides the fact that this movie has Chel in it?
But for real, I think this movie was my introduction to the Maya, Inca, and Azteca culture, (I think my closest only other option at the time was "Mucha Lucha" of all things...), and they make this culture look fun and cool.
The architecture looked nice, the clothing looked nice, the people were so likable, and anytime they party you just want to party as well. I kept waiting for some big reveal to happen for the citizens to turn on the heroes, but they never do, and that was so refreshing, just showing people from different areas becoming friends AND staying friends.
I also love how funny Miguel and Tulio are, I was a kid when I first saw this so I was weirded out by the idea of two adults as the leads but I was sold on them very quickly. Even their horse was likable. everyone is just so likable in this movie. It makes you want to visit El Dorado and hang out with all these people.
Such a charming, funny, and friendly movie.
Also Chel. Chel was a big selling point.
6. Puss in Boots, the Last Wish
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I already talked about this one over here, but, long story short, like many other movies on this list, I love how good this movie is at sucking you into the mood.
The way the visuals, the story, the dialogue, and the characters work together really succeed into making you feel what these people are feeling and making want to see more of them.
Didn't matter if it was the heroes, the villains, the antagonists, or what, I was 100% behind everyone's motivations and I couldn't wait to see all their goals clashing with each others'.
Also, the wolf is by far one of DreamWork's best antagonists, right up there with Shen and Ramses. He looks cool, talks cool, and even his motivation was cool.
This wasn't just a movie, this was an experience.
5. Shrek 2
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I freaking dare anyone going into this movie blind to predict what the climax is going to be.
The weird idea of this one is that Shrek after marrying his wife needs to meet her parents... And that's it. It's just one long and uncomfortable reunion with people who really don't want to be on the same room together and all the things they try to pull of to make or break this relationship.
Hire assassins, request help from magic fairies, fake your appearance, steal a potion, it's all about seeing how far everyone is willing to go to do what they think it's the best for those they love.
It all turns into a glorious and creative mess and I can't help but love every second of it!
(Side note, anyone ever notices how often DreamWorks sequels focus on the idea of characters dealing with their parents?)
4. Kung Fu Panda 2
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If it wasn't for Prince of Egyp, I would say that this was the hardest and darkest DreamWorks movie.
There is so much focus on feeling lost, feeling abandoned, feeling hopeless and betrayed, and just trying to understand what you're doing wrong and what you need to do right.
This movie was like a therapy session... Done with talking cartoon animals, yes, but a therapy session no less.
The themes of trying to understand yourself, where you came from, and where you want to go are all handled greatly as you watch the relationship between the hero and the villain.
Po and Shen have such an absurdly great chemistry. I love seeing them talking, fighting, and trying to one-up each other, and I really love how much their relationship changes the more they learn about each other, and it all happens so fast and so smoothly too.
It makes me angry whenever I see a movie and the hero and the villain barely talk with each other. That's one of the best things you can do with them! Why are you skipping it??
Luckily this one didn't, and in return, we got one of the best interactions ever. I love these two by themselves and love these to together. Just a pair of wonderful characters that work really well off each other!
3. The Prince of Egypt
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Man... What do I even say about this one?
It's probably the riskiest idea DreamWorks has ever tried to do, tell the story of Exodus as an animated musical... And that was their second movie ever after freaking "Antz!" These guys have a lot of guts.
This was a movie that I didn't really get it when I saw it as a kid, but I just love trying to understand its themes and messages now that I'm older.
I love the main conflict between the brothers, again, bringing attention to how good a story can be when you focus on the connection of the hero and the villain. Showing both sides of people who grew up under an unhealthy ideology, one trying to grow out of it and the other trying to embrace it even more.
I love the imagery of Egypt, both as this grand epic kingdom built from the struggle and pain of the slaves and as this falling empire being attacked by God Himself. The visuals of the plagues being my favorites.
And I love the sense of calmness that appears whenever the chaos takes a break. Seeing Moses and his people getting out from the ocean and enjoying the dawn of a new era after all the struggle they went through just felt so rewarding. It's just such a satisfying ending for such a long journey... As long as you decide to stop there and don't look up what happens in the rest of the story.
I especially love the concept of Ramses, A person so deep into the teachings of his father that he can't even see why the things he's doing are so bad. I think my favorite part is when he's hugging his son while glaring at Moses and just asking "Why?" while he has this GIANT WALL SHOWING BABIES BEING FEED TO CROCODILES right behind him.
It's such an amazingly blind irony as the man cries for his kid's safety while the crying of all these dead kids looms over his shoulder. Just how do you have to be raised to turn into this kind of person?
It's so baffling but I just can't stop watching and wondering how far is this man willing to go. Such a sad showing of someone who doesn't see he's on the wrong side and trying to fight against the tides.
It's a beautifully sad, and yet hopeful movie.
2. Kung Fu Panda
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Yeah, I put Kung Fu Panda above Prince of Egypt... I don't know what's wrong with me either. I don't know, for some reason, I just have a lot of respect for this movie? Prince of Egypt I liked a lot but I couldn't really fully understand it and enjoy it until I was much older. Meanwhile, even when young I could already enjoy Kung Fu Panda a lot.
It felt like it had a bigger challenge by being a good, deep movie while also being fun, funny, and cheerful.
It's easy to make dark stories have strong messages and depth, but it's hard to have no-so-dark stories also have strong messages and depth, and I have such an appreciation for that. They could have just made this a lame joke-fest about being an overweight character trying to learn martial arts, but they didn't!
They put a lot of effort into the lessons, the fighting, the motivations of the characters, the visuals, and even the jokes! I thought the jokes were going to be awful but they were all very charming!
I love the designs of the cast in how they each represent a level of kung-fu, AND, I love the Kung-fu itself.
I feel like this is the Kung Fu Panda movie that tries the most to be creative with combining martial arts in a cartoon setting. Like... I like Kung Fu Panda 2 and 3 but I don't really remember much of the action there aside from the stuff in climaxes with the "water dodgeball" section and the "giant energy dragon avatar in the spiritual realm" section.
But in here? I remember the bridge fight, the prison escape, the master vs student showdown, the hot-potato game with the scroll, and even the training sessions with Po and the five.
I feel like as the movies went on they focused more on the spiritual journey of self-discovery and toned down the cartoon action, while in here it's just perfect.
It's amazing how many elements this movie is trying to balance while still pulling it off each of them so well.
I just wished that Po and Tai-Lung had more scenes of interaction because they basically feel like strangers in the end even though the whole movie is building up to their fight... A fight that... Really doesn't feel as good as all the action that came before to be honest.
But still, that's just one small little problem in what's otherwise a perfect product. Besides... KFP2 covers the whole Hero vs Villain thing that was lacking in here by more than making up for it, so it's all good. 1. How To Train Your Dragon
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Of course my favorite DeamWorks movie is the one with the dragon. I freaking love dragons! I have a comic based on people that become dragons for crying out loud!
Kidding aside, this is a movie with a message that I just respect a lot. I really appreciate the idea of teaching kids the importance of knowing how to stop, looking at what you're doing, trying to understand who you're hurting, and what you can do to change.
This isn't just something that holds value to kids, this holds value to everyone. We are always so focused on going after the things we want that we tend to forget the people we're sometimes stepping on to get there, and this movie shows that not only do we not lose anything for trying to be friends with these people, but we might even gain something even better.
I just adore the friendship of Hiccup and Toothless (God, I love these names).
One is a kid trying to make his father proud by following the family legacy, while also trying to do what he loves by studying and befriending dragons and the conflicts that come from trying to please both sides. This is such a great lesson for kids because they're always stuck into deciding on what's best for them and what's best for what their parents want from them.
And the other side is a pet slowly lowering his defenses and deciding if he wants to trust this weird stranger that tried to hurt him or give him a second chance to prove himself as a possible ally. What do you do? Put yourself at risk and give others a chance or remain safe and away from possible harm?
This movie reminds me a lot of Lake in that if you keep looking at it you can take away twenty different lessons and themes to talk about.
Again, it's the challenge of trying to be deep while avoiding being too dark and remaining all-ages-friendly.
Kids are gonna watch this, they're gonna love the dragons and the flying scenes, and they're gonna come back years later and pick up things they didn't see were there before and later realize that without noticing it, these lessons became a part of them and a part of what they do.
You can feel that there is a lot of love in this movie. I remember watching the commentary and looking at how the creators always would get excited when there was a silent scene or a world-building scene. It's clear they had a lot of fun working on this product, and this love really can be felt through the characters, their growth, and their emotions.
I freaking adore this movie, and I freaking adore DreamWorks!
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inspector-montoya-fox · 11 months
i was thinking in the shower about how things would have turned out had Bentley managed to break into the Cooper Vault without needing to recruit anyone. for starters, there wouldn't be a Sly 3 lol... i mean Sly and Bentley would definitely have gone after Murray so An Opera of Fear and Rumble Down Under would have happened i guess but for the sake of the post let's say they wouldn't have asked the Guru to join the gang. so no Netherlands and no China meaning no Penelope and no Panda King, and by extent no Dimitri because of no deal in Netherlands.
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removing Sly 3's secondary characters kinda puts things into perspective in terms of character development. in Sly 1 we collected Thievius Racconus pages as we got closer to the truth and Sly learned new tricks and honed his skills in preparation for his encounter with Clockwerk. Sly 2 was just a traumatic trainwreck altogether like SP really put the gang through the wringer idk how they survived.
in Sly 3 this development is brought about through the secondary characters and their relationships with the protagonists. Penelope drives a wedge between Sly and Bentley forcing the latter to muster up the courage and step outside of Sly's shadow for a minute; Panda King's return demands Sly to mature and let go of the past; Dimitri tests the gang's patience; both Penelope and Panda King contribute to the Murray van storyline which kinda exhibited that yea! in the long run, Murray might be the dummy of the group as Dr Michael chastises at the end but he is definitely the heart of the gang.
but if all this never happened then how would Honour Among Thieves play out? funny thing is, even if they recruited the extended gang, shit hit the fan almost immediately upon arrival so i'm assuming the same would apply if the original trio had tried to pull it off on their own? no? as a sidenote: i'm also thinking that Sly 2 is the only game in the series that kinda had like the aspect of urgency if you think about it. someone stole the Clockwerk parts and they were going to rebuild him so tick tock bitch. Sly 1 and 3 however don't really have that sense of time pressure. the Fiendish Five were sitting on their asses for literally a decade before Sly popped up for the pages and don't even get me started on the possibility of Dr Michael managing to crack the Cooper Vault open like what a loser lmao. with this in mind, Bentley would have the time to develop his tech in order to do the tasks that the extended gang members would have done. i mean if he managed to build a time machine surely he could make his tech waterproof ?
so the entire heist goes according to plan with the possibility of them tripping that stupid alarm still at play. i never intended to do a full play by play "what if...?" of Honour Among Thieves but suffice to say Carmelita would 100% show up to save the day even with the change of context. i think the most important change would be that Bentley's run-in with Dr Michael would go down very differently. i don't think he'd defend Sly; i actually think Dr Michael would get to him even without Penelope's introduction because she only brought out feelings that were brewing deep in Bentley's subconscious (especially after the end of Sly 2, becoming disabled for a cause that was never his and that dedication arguably never being reciprocated). he might not have shown it in the moment but i think that conversation would significantly shape Bentley's character and if Sly got out of the episode unscathed, the gang would probably split. leaving the Guru behind would also give Murray the motive to go his own way.
it's clear that Sly 3's secondary characters helped the gang get over some unspoken issues they had between them, even if they got resolved behind each other's backs (because Bentley only vents to Penelope about his feelings and doesn't go straight to Sly, who, in turn, doesn't even know there's an issue to begin with). personally, and i feel kinda stupid for suggesting something so simplistic in relation to how this game would be better like 7-8 years after being on this godforsaken website and analysing it to the point where it feels like the bible, i feel like one more episode would help really flesh out the problems the gang had. we never get direct acknowledgment or accountability from Sly and it feels like he's too focused on entering the Vault to care about Bentley's feelings, or anyone else's for that matter (there's like 7 anon asks gathering dust in my inbox about why i have anti-Sly sentiment and that number better not go up). all it takes is a 'you know what guys? you should enter the vault with me after literally sticking by me since childhood and risking your lives fighting my own battles' and they shoot up the van like it's a guest on Wendy.
Sly 2's ending proved that the protagonists aren't Riverdale characters who just go through weekly life-threatening events without any guilt, trauma and anxiety; and then in Sly 3 we get high-stake situations akin to the ClockLa saga, like the Dragon snatching Penelope, but because it's crammed between episodes instead of games, the characters come out of it seemingly unfazed. the complete lack of recognition for all of this makes it seem like Sly is an awful leader for the gang. like i think Penelope would genuinely snap when she got taken hostage by LeFwee after the dragon thing.
i think the internal politics of the gang could have been explored way better but i understand that juggling that and the introduction of one new character per episode would be impossible. i'd love to see Bentley confronting Sly, Murray realising that he's getting more support about what matters to him (the van, the Guru's wellbeing) from the literal strangers they've recruited than his best friends, Sly realising that his lack of involvement in the gang's friendship is what turned Dr Michael against ConnEr. maybe Honour Among Thieves could have been a two-parter honestly. maybe the Dimitri Dr Michael piranha hybrid bossfight should have never made the cut.
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katz-cradle · 8 months
(Header credit: Bunnillas on Tumblr)
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [Welcome To My Account] ࿐ྂ
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↳ *About Me* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Hello my dears it's good to see you've decided to stop by for a little visit~ I welcome you to my humble abode, here's a bit about me. ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Name; Kitty / Katie
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pronouns; She/It + Any Neopronouns
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Interest; Shovel Knight + My SK Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Account; @adorbspoprocks
#kitty khats - talking tag
#kitty reblogs - obvious, reblog tag
#kitty scribbles - drawing tag
#comfort corner - tag for my comfort stuff
#for me? <3 - tag for stuff people make for me
Other socials;
Ao3; Kissy_Missy
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“ There you go, some info you get... Though there is more, if you wish to read underneath heheho~ ”
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↳ *My Dearest Friends* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Heheho~ these are those I call the closest to me, it may not be much but haha I care so much about them (apologies if you do not wish to be tagged <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@noble-equinox -> “ My sweetheart heheho~ Luka is my qpp, the light of my quaint lil life how wonderful he is!~ not a moment goes by without me thinking about him haha!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@unidentifiable-body -> “ My bestest friend in the whole world~ they are such a wondrous lil critter heheho what a funny fellow he is mwah mwah!~ (I may have also borrowed some ideas from them <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@tikiss -> “ heheho what a good pal they are, a wonderful artist and sweet person!! ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@celestial-clownz -> “ wahhaha! A lovely individual who has such lovely art, such a sweetie heheho! ”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
↳ *Favorite Things* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Like every person (or well,,,cat.) I like things! I love things actually!!! Here's a lil list of my favorite things, from fictional characters to general things!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ King Knight from Shovel Knight (I'm his #1 fan actually heheho!~)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Crane Wives
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Beauty and The Beast
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Madoka Magica (& Magical Girls in general!)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Horror & Lost Media
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pigs! And animals in general
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Talking about things! I could go on for hours~
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Sly Cooper
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Scary Jokes
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Lots of cute / cool aesthetics
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Next Gens & Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦And much much more!!~
“ It is a joy to love yaknow!~ well then I must be leaving now I apologize, I will leave you with some userboxes for you to see. Tootle-Loo my darlings!~ ”
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[ Credits 2 @sweetpeauserboxes / @animatedglittergraphics-n-more / @scungledfiles / @selfship-userboxing ]
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nefariouslystupid · 6 months
Whoa! Hey there!
Hi! I'm Nefarious! - Yes my username comes from N. Tropy, who is also my theme - No I do not tolerate proshippers - I go by he/him! [of course, they/them is also fine if you were unaware] - yes i'm only making this because i need a pinned post 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
As you can probably guess; Crash Bandicoot is my main interest! But some other things I'm currently fixated on are Punch-Out, Saw, Luigi's Mansion, Sly Cooper, Spyro, Pokemon, and more!
Uh. And, As you can also see I am very much in love with the character N. Tropy. 90% of my posts are about either him, or my OC Tank. It's usually spamming ideas though to be fair. 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
I don't have any other socials that i actively post on . I only have Discord </3 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
I don't have proper DNI criteria, just don't follow me if you're a proshipper, racist, homophobic, transphobic, if you're weird about coco and/or nina (way too many crash fans.), etc. Now- If you're uncomfortable with anything that's listed below, then this is not the blog for you - Occasional weed posting - OC x Canon ships (99% of my ships/hj) - NSFW-ish posts - erm silliness :3 uh i don't know what else to put so have this image of tropy
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sonic-hot-takes · 7 days
Every furry mascot game character that obviously wants to be Sonic misses what makes Sonic so visually appealing. Sonic thrives through simplicity while his copycats worry over the details. It’s why Sonic fans lost their shit when they gave him a scarf and slightly more detailed quills in Boom.
May seem like a bit of a stale take but I think we can include characters like Ratchet and Sly Cooper in there alongside the more blatant Sonic clones like Bubsy.
Crash is the only one exempt from this because he draws more inspiration from classic Looney Tunes while Sonic draws more inspiration from classic Disney. Meanwhile everyone else gets too bogged down in “cool furry,” so their designs aren’t as appealing to people that aren’t furries and didn’t grow up with those games.
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redemptioninchaos · 3 months
(What inspired you to make Sergio?)
*rubs hands together*
So, Sergio's inception took place in 2013, and essentially he's a hodge-podge of inspirations from things I was really into at the time. Back at that time, I was really into Sly Cooper games (which may or may not have led to a furry awakening), but I was also thinking, "What if you gave Sly a gun?"
So I took a general character model based off Sly, took off his cane, replaced it with a .45 caliber pistol, and there came another inspiration: Max Payne. To this day, it's still one of my favorite all-time third person shooters. Max Payne was a neo-noir film mixed with the Matrix, so I set that model in New York.
New York was the birthplace of hip-hop, another one of my favorite things, so I took the hip hop music I listened to and curated a persona of a gangster coming from Harlem.
From there, I thought about what sort of animal was stealthy. I didn't want to make a raccoon or a fox, didn't want to make a relative of Sly or Carmelita or a fan kid or anything. I then thought, "What about cats?" I realized that having a cat be threatening was a hilarious thought, so I went all in on that contradiction. This model would be 5'2", listen to sappy pop music, have a soprano singing voice, and watch soap operas in his spare time. A guy like this is someone you wouldn't expect to domeshot someone from 30 feet away using a handgun.
Sly Cooper was a globetrotter, so I decided to make this model someone who was stuck in New York because of extenuating circumstances. Sly stole from other thieves, so the model would steal from pretty much anyone if he could get away with it. For Sly, thievery was about honor, but for this model, it would be purely about survival.
Then came the name. The name Sergio Salvadora came quickly to me. For one, I like the way it sounds, especially since it's alliterative. I didn't come up with a reason why he had such a Hispanic-sounding name until many many years later. I just thought it sounded cool.
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neonknightjaey · 2 months
Welcome one and all!!!
For those of you just tuning in, let me be the first to say. Hello!!! I’m so sorry!
My name is Jaey, a guy with tons of oc’s and ideas and bounces between fandoms like a game of ADHD pinball.
Now what sets me apart from other tumblr users? ….I’ll get back to you on that.
I mostly just ask questions and requests from peeps but I’d be down for being friends with others.
Given time I may show off my characters that were made in a character maker or do some writing. Whichever comes first.
Oh right, here’s the fandoms I’m interested in.
Pizza Tower
Little Witch Academia
Sly Cooper
Did I mention I’m a Homestuck fan yet?
Oh right, one more thing. I also do game reviews around midnight at times so stop by to see if you’re awake
With all of this said and done, I thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Pfp by @maze-of-my-design
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clairethecutepup · 3 months
Tumblr media
And, we've got more Corn Kidz 64 fan art. Ah yes, whatever did happen to Seve's nachos, I wonder...? Hopefully, my style allows for a nice blend between animal and "human" with anthropomorphic characters, like with the Sly Cooper art style. I've been concerned about how the faces look, even though Seve and Alexis seem to have mildly protruding snouts than something as long as a dog's (or pig's).
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