#small tribal braids
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Find the top hair Braiding shop is Texas where all the services you can take easily but the still services is good and for all the systems get all the systems which can easily braiding the shop for all the systems.
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zeb-kunny · 2 years
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Avatar Concept Art: Txon’tekaya clan (People of the Eclipse)
Part II here
Other concept art: 
Ley’aka & At’wahey I.
Ley’aka & At’wahey II.
Twins, always.
Despite being surrounded by two stars, Pandora does have a place where sunlight is scarce, and that region is known by many as Txon’rey At’lu (Land of the Night)
The people of this clan live in guargantuan hometrees similar ot the Earth’s Sequoia trees. Each tree is connected and hollowed out for the Txon’tekaya people to live in. 
The lights they use to illuminate their homes are actually lamp-like animals that absorb parasites that are attracted to the sap that drips occasionally out of the hometrees. This sap is used as a staple ingredient in many festival foods.
They do use fire, but it is used moderately. The people dance and sing around large bonfires during festivals. These Na’vi are very skilled in their tribal dances and traditions.
The creek of voices is a sacred place for the Txon’tekaya people. The deceased are traditionally buried at the base of any of the trees in the creek’s vicinity.
Na’vi are known to have Light Turquoise and Dark Blue skin, but those living in Txon’rey At’lu are born purple with stripes and mostly spotted patterned skin, their eyes ranging from grey to pale yellows/oranges
Their eyes and ears appear to be slightly bigger than other Na’vi
Because of how dark the areas away from the villages can be even in bioluminescence, many of the Na’vi local to this region are born with either exceptional eyesight or exceptional hearing. They are all sensitive to vibrations in the air and the ground, making them skilled in echolocation.
When exposed to direct sunlight, these Na’vi actually have sensitive eyes to this due to a lack of adaptation. In order to work around this, Txon’tekaya people who do venture out of their lands must wear a special headress that will partially shield their eyes from direct sunlight. 
It is possible for adaption to occur for these people and sunlight, but their eyes will be more sensitive to sudden flashes of lights, rendering a certain amount of the population epileptic.
They have tails long and sturdy (like a Jaguar’s tail). These thick and sturdy tails allow them to use it as an extra limb for gripping. They can grab handled objects and can use it to hang onto branches.
These people are also known to be exceptionally strong as they must climb higher heights for longer periods of time than their Omaticaya counter-parts. Wider shoulders and high muscle mass in the legs are common as they climb and jump often.
Similar to the Tipani clan, the Txon’tekaya clan raises potential warriors & hunters from a young age.
Warriors and hunters from this clan are deadly. They are trained to do their jobs in silence, even beign trained to become indifferent to pain. Many warriors suppress their emotions when they are called to wear their armor, making many in this clan extremely intimidating
Warriors ride a dark variant of Ikran, which is smaller and notably more aggressive than other species. Their small size allows for a swift and near-soundless flight, making seasoned ikran riders extremely deadly in combat
Many of their weapons and armor are fashioned by bones. When exposed to a high amount of heat then cooled in the waters of the creek of voices, the bone becomes more harder than it once was.
Warriors and hunters are often grouped strategically on their eyesight or their hearing
The region at times has major drops in temperatures, so the Txon’tekaya people often leave their hair loose and long, their hair also grows incredibly fast as children. Full-headed braids are more common with Hunters and Warriors.
Despite having bad run-ins with humans and even other clans in the far past, this clan tends to be welcoming, many believing that individuals ultimately define themselves more than who surrounds them majority of the time.
They do speak common Na’vi, but they speak in a dialect where some of the sounds of the mother language are omitted.
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ocean-breeze17 · 6 months
Hiiii just saw you on Twitter, but I wanted to give you a fic idea here if that's ok! 🙈🙈 Here it is! Zuko braids Katara's hair every morning as a way to say he loves her
Of course!!! You can always dump all your ideas on me ( I feel so uninspired lately, so every idea is a blessing for me)
A soft breeze tickeled my skin as my conciousness slowly entered my body, the crickets hummed welcoming as I opened my eyes. The rays of the sun dazzled me until my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. Judging by the angle, the day had reached the 8th hour and was already blazing hot on my skin. Out of habit, I reached beside me to look for her warm body, but there were only cold layers of sheets. I quickly snapped to look around me, but then I heard her giggle softly. "Honey, I'm here." My vision was still blurred, but I would always recognise her slim silhouette, her long brown hair, her glowing brown skin and her mesmerizing blue eyes that reminded me of pure water of the ocean. Her hair flowed smoothly around her hips while she walked towards me as I sat up and rubbed my face. Her soft lips touched my scar. She smelt of wild roses and jasmine. She smelled like home.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." I felt her warm lips again, this time more intensive. It made my skin tickle where the kiss left and went down to my lumbar region.
"How are you feeling today? You´re an early bird again." I pulled her into my arms on my lap to pull her tight. I wanted to feel every inch of her skin again. She covered my face with caresses and saved my lips for last.
"I just felt a bit nervous to meet the chief of the Northern Water Tribe today," she told me in-between kisses, while I caressed her hair over her back.
"So you woke up and trained." This was not a question, more like statement, because I knew how she thinks. Katara looked at me in a way made her feautures become more softer, dreamy even. "Then go ahead tell me everything you want to tell the chief." She turned around and began to talk incessantly, while I brushed through her long hair with my fingers and braided them in her tradiotional tribal style.
Since then it became a habit. Even if she had nothing to tell, I relentlessly talked while I braided her hair. It felt spiritual, like meditation. I trained me to become more patiently in small things the days went on.
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miqojak · 5 months
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(Much of this - and more - can be found on her carrd!)
Name: J'kesri Denma - Goes by Jak, her tribal name is known to maybe a total of 3 people? And only one of them is allowed use of it in private.
Nicknames: 'The Dragon', Jackal (the name she went by as a thief on the streets of Ul'dah), Ember (former), Empress Ember (former), Little Robin
Age: 27ish, give or take a year - she's not sure exactly. I've been aging her...once each real life year since 2019 (when I said she was 22ish, give or take some), but she's always just had a sort of estimate on her age.
Nameday: She has no idea!
( I do like to think that she's a Scorpio in our real world Western Zodiac - which I don't know how to translate to Eorzean dates - and a Dragon, like me, in the Eastern zodiac.)
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Orientation: I'd say she's over all Graysexual, maybe some degree of Demi or Sapiosexual? The perfect storm has to happen for her to want any sort of intimate relationship... even friendship is hard to manage (she very genuinely seeks out intelligent/clever people to have around her), but a true relationship that's 'romantic' or sexual? Well, the perfect combination of events accidentally happened once. But gender has never really entered into it? She just so happens to have attracted and ended up with men in RP! She was/is poly as well, but has agreed to be monosexual with her current partner!
Profession: Restaurant Manager/Owner, Jazz Club Owner/Manager, Tattoo Artist (by appointment, not widely known)
Not publicly known: Criminal (it's a broad umbrella, but her activities outside of the Yakuza are often no less devious than within), Yakuza leadership (Wakagashira/second in command, current acting head of the family while the Oyabun is on indefinite hiatus), Cat burglar! She's very Selena Kyle - her goal is to do more burglary around Ul'dah to screw over the wealthy elite...and maybe actually do some good for people like her, barely scraping by in the gutters, forgotten by society.
Hair: Black/Orange - most often slicked back and partially braided, partially tied into a tight ponytail. When relaxed/at home she may opt not to do all the work to tame her hair to look more 'coiffed' as she does in public, and it is about shoulder length, and quite curly!
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Eyes: Gold/Green
Skin: Olive/light brown, gold undertones
-Scars: One small slash at each cheek, one across the bridge of her nose. Levin/lightning scarring in bursts at both shoulders and biceps. A long, ragged scar spanning the length of her back, from the inside of the left side of her neck, to the top of her right buttock.
-Tattoos: Black dragon that winds up the right half of her body. Jackal on her left forearm. 3 Phoenix down feathers on her right wrist. A watercolor robin tattooed just under her left breast, along her ribs.
Parents: Deceased, slain by Garlemald in Gyr Abania
Siblings: The only one left alive is her twin brother, J'vynia/Vynnie, @miqo-vynnie, who no longer plays...and she kinda wrote Vynnie out of her life after some things she saw as huge betrayals. She talks shit, but she's been off-kilter ever since he left her life! They had a very Yin/Yang dynamic... where Jak was actually more of the Yang/masculine side of things that's very active... and now missing that more passive and down to earth aspect of Yin? She's been really out of control for a long time. Luckily, the lover she never expected to have has done a good job of grounding her.
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Grandparents: Unknown.
In-laws and Other: None.
Pets: She doesn't do pets. As much as I like animals... Jak grew up tribal and sees animals as food, and find the concept of a beast in her home dirty and a waste of resources and time. (And one more thing she could get attached to and lose!) Fun fact: She doesn't like any sort of large bird, and they're one of the few things that actively frighten her! This includes things like Griffons, and Chocobos... those big, yellow birds have murder in their eyes... better to eat them, before they eat you.
Abilities: Keen eyesight and incredibly sensitive hearing; can play piano by ear; martial arts; prefers (non-lethal) poisoned throwing knives/staying at range; when equipped with her DRK soul crystal, her skillset vastly expands - altering her fighting style entirely, and emboldening her with the knowledge that she can now both inflict - and sustain - more damage in close combat.
Most Positive Trait: Diligent/honest - often too honest. She takes even her positive qualities to extremes, and works out too hard, spends too much time trying to excel as a Wakagashira in the Yakuza who is a woman... and she sets extremely high goals for herself and others...which leads into her negative traits.
Most Negative Trait: Judgemental/applies high standards to others. She has a twisted set of standards that makes sense to her, and likely not to many others, most of these rooted in years of trauma - but her high goals were intended to be a good thing. Even for others...she simply pushes both herself, and others (especially if she LIKES you) too hard, more often than not. She believes in constantly bettering oneself, and... she's a creature of extremes. It's hard for her to know when it's too much/she's asking too much...of anyone, to include herself.
Colors: Gold/white, red/black
Smokes: Moko only, these days, to relax now and then.
Drugs: Former somnus addict - she's worked hard to beat this addiction...and continues to, because addiction is a lifelong curse even once you're clean! But she doesn't like anyone or anything having control over her - and an addiction controls your life more than any other person could! (Plus it's a way that other people COULD control you, in her mind. All the more reason to have dropped the habit.)
Alcohol: She used to be a bit of an alcoholic, on top of a drug addict - she's had a lot of impetus and encouragement to get her shit together...and has! She drinks recreationally/to relax, but takes it easier these days... you're easier to take advantage of, and more likely to say or do things you shouldn't, when drunk...and she likes to be in control!
Been Arrested: Not yet! She's run from the Blades in Ul'dah more than once...but it's not a crime if you don't get caught, right??
Tagged by: @chadhunkler ! Sorry it took me a bit to find the spoons, but thank you for thinking of me! I do love to do little things like this...and should do this for my Male Miqo and my kitsune to better flesh them out, honestly...
Tagging - some people in my notifs, and anyone who hasn't done it/wants to! @uldahstreetrat, @lightyouarelikes (for whoever you want to do it for), @wpip-raham, @xmimiteh, @twelvesblades (if you want to do it!), @briar-ffxiv , @shieldandarrow , @captainqster
(I'm trying to fight the uphill battle against my depressive apathy/malaise... I know deep down I want to be active and meet people and RP and take part in things!! So thanks for tagging me and interacting, folks!)
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umbralaether · 11 months
Hello! You can call me Blue, and here you can expect lots of my hyperfixations. Primary content is listed in the bio above, and I tag them all accordingly. If you need something specific tagged, let me know and I’ll include it in my common tags :)
I like writing and do take requests should anyone wish for something specific, bear in mind that I sometimes take a bit to create due me being super picky about what I share lol
Writing links: bg3 & ffxiv
Basic Info
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Character’s full name: Eisha Pantera (ee-sha pan-terra)
Birthday: 10th sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Class: Summoner, Astrologian, Reaper
Ships: G’raha Tia (Main ship), Haurchefant, Thancred Waters (AU), Azem x Emet Selch
Screenshot tag: eisha screens
Lore/Answers: eisha lore
Azem: Astraea
Physical appearance
Age: post endwalker -> 28
How old does he/she appear: 25
Body build: Slim w/ lean muscle 
Eye color: Aqua (post shb left eye became pale aqua)
Glasses or contacts: neither
Skin tone: blue-gray
Distinguishing marks: faded dark blue tribal marks across cheeks; vertical scar over left eye
Hair color: dark blue with light blue highlights 
Type of hair: medium thickness, straight texture  
Hairstyle: short w/ a crown braid  
Overall attractiveness: unintentionally alluring  
Physical disabilities: post-endwalker she has bouts of muscle spasms due to fluctuating aether
Usual fashion of dress: relaxed, modest, casual
Favorite outfit:
Ala Mhigan gown in raptor blue
YoRHa Type-53 bottoms of casting
Shadowless boots of casting
Jewelry or accessories: usually wearing the edengate earrings, Cait sith neck ribbon, Halonic auditor’s bracelets, crystarium ring and amaurotine ring 
Good personality traits: Caring, Forgiving, Easy-going, Patient, Polite, Smart
Bad personality traits: Avoidant, Anxious, Self-Sacrificing, Passive, People-pleaser
Mood character is most often in: Inquisitive & calm
Sense of humor: finds joy in the small things in life; puns and cheesy jokes will make her laugh
Character’s greatest joy in life: helping those who cannot help themselves, and reuniting with her soulmate
Character’s greatest fear: failure, loss
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: a death of one of her loved ones. Loss is not something she wants to go through at this current moment
Character is most at ease when: she’s near the beach & can hear the waves
Most ill at ease when: she has to make a public speech
Enraged when: mercy is not shown when it could be
Depressed or sad when: life is lost because there was nothing left to do 
Priorities: finding happiness & making it for others; have a family; publish a memoir
Life philosophy: treat others how you would like to be treated
If granted one wish, it would be: to live in a fair & just world where everyone looks out for one another
Character’s soft spot: *cough* villains who just needed love instead *cough*
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Hopefully not, she would be so embarrassed 
Current location: the Lavender Beds
Currently living with: her husband, G’raha Tia
Pets: Pickle the Lunatender, Squash the Royal Lunatender
Religion: “You can only save yourself”
Occupation: Adventurer & food connoisseur
Finances: well off due to a friend’s crafting business
Mother: Elesia Pantera  
Relationship with her: complicated. Eisha was supposed to become the matriarch of the clan once she became of age but instead she ran away after they fought about it. Then the calamity hit and she never got to see her family or clan again.
Father: unknown
Relationship with him: never met him, no clue if he’s alive
Siblings: a sister, Elva Pantera, who died when Eisha was 13  
Relationship with them: estranged before her death, because her mother had chosen Eisha instead of her to lead.
Spouse: G’raha Tia
Relationship with him/her: soulmate.
Children: currently expecting one child, gender unknown at this time
Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Brown (just not her style)
Music: a fan of violin and piano
Food: ramen; breakfast foods; sushi; pasta dishes
Form of entertainment: reading, sightseeing, cooking!
Location: Thavnair
Weather: Clear skies with any range of heat!
Most prized possession: all of her trophies from her battles
Hobbies: cooking, reading, exploring
Plays a musical instrument?: she is learning ukelele 
How she would spend a rainy day: snuggling up indoors with warm food and a good book/her significant other
Spending habits: impulse purchases for herself & others happens quite a bit 
Smokes: occasionally 
Drinks: special occasions 
What does she do too much of?: daydreaming, thinking, & learning
What does she do too little of?: taking a breaks & getting proper rest  
Combat skills: healing, magic arts, recently competent at physical combat    
Nervous tics: tends to tap her fingers on the table, or  mildly lash her tail 
Usual body posture: relaxed
Mannerisms: is formally polite around new people, bordering on shy. When she gets to know someone, she is sure to remember things from past conversations to catch up on.  
Peculiarities: will occasionally feel the aether of those who have passed on around her. Has flashbacks of pre-sundering events that feel like dreams.
Optimist or pessimist?: realist. both bad & good happen in equal amounts
Introvert or extrovert?:  introverted
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?: leans more towards emotional but it is situational
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, everything has a place and she knows where it is.
Prefers working or relaxing? She becomes guilty when she takes a day off, and likes to stay busy.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? She is confident in her abilities, yet unsure about her mental fortitude.
Animal lover? Adores all creatures of every shape and size!
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
My most controversial opinion is that I hope Nettles is feminine. Like dresses and jewelry even before she is claiming dragons.
Why would this be controversial?
Two reasons.
Cultural Femininity and Demonization of Femininity.
1. Cultural Femininity:
If they take the time to give Nettles a distinctly cultural tie on the show, they also have the ability to make her present her femininity differently. In my preferred head canon with the Rhoynar, it's very different from what is allowed in Westeros. The placement of Driftmark as a trading center also allows her to pick up culturally distinctive feminity, think septum piercings, or showing your stomach. Those things are seen in Essos and Dorne not really in Westeros as a culture.
2. Demonizing.
Nettles is described as ugly in the books , so to then just make her dress and act differently from the royal woman does explain a lot of the hate and dislike her appearance and personhood. The whole Witch thing becomes layered if she isn't praying to the faith of the seven or dressing to fit the standard. She's never had to do it before. The idea impacts her relationships and how she would perceive things.
This unfortunately will muddy waters when it comes to people who don't like her character because we experience the show from a Westeros focused mindset, if people are ordering hits on the one distinct woman of colour and accusing her of witchcraft it reads clearer than it does in the book.
Lord knows this fandom does not need a reason to demonize a woman, far less for a woman of colour, I just think that it would be cool to see that because she's never had to conform to a societal expectation of piety or virtue she's picked what she liked and grew up to take and choose distinctive cultural things and made it her own.
Also, cultural femininity eats every time. Sarees, piercings, tribal tattoos, braids, materials, and jewelry outsell everything, every time.
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I just wouldn't don't trust any writers after experiencing "you want a good girl, but you need a bad pussy" first hand from Tyene Sand of all people. So I don't think that even if they went this direction with this character, they would do it as good as they should do it.
I will say that GOT and HOTD so far have done a good job at not demonizing cultures before. I was personally rooting for Melisandre a bit too hard before Shireen.
But in exotizing certain cultures like Dorne, they tend to play into fetishization and Orientalism, similarly to the Dothraki, but that links back to the source material and again who we experience the world through.
I do think if they try, it would be a cool way to characterize her specifically because she's such an outsider to the world already, and it easily establishes that she isn't meant to conform to it. It also adds a layer to her descriptions if a lot of it would be things like a tattoo, or piercing or strange jewelry, and perfumes she's collected overtime.
I know a big thing with her character is that she's homeless without parents allegedly, but things like jewelry passed down to her, and odd jobs could explain the small disbelief people would have if they go that route.
I just deserve it as well. I've been a good person when it came to the Rhaena, Laena, and Baela erasure I've suffered through. I hope we can move on and make distinct choices.
I also will say that this happens in the context that we get biblically accurate Baela Targaryen. I refuse to suffer Masc and Hyper Feminine erasure again.
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wilwywaylan · 2 years
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Next installement of my "Les Mis characters cleaning because I don't want to clean" series !
... After, like, ten years or something. This is so long to do ! But honestly, those are my favourite. I try not to go overboard with details so the amount is more or less consistent, but I may be a little carried away when drawing Jehan or Bahorel. Especially Jehan.
Also Mary Shelley is helping.... somehow.
The Fluffster is not.
Part 1 is here !
[image ID : three super-deformed, lineless drawings. The first one : Feuilly, a white man with orange curls, yellow eyes and a lot of freckles, is sweeping the floor. He’s wearing a way too big black shirt with a stop sign on it and “don’t” and “me now” written around it. The shirt is tied on the side. He’s wearing jeans and blue flip flops. He’s holding a broom that causes dust clouds to rise, and he’s smoking a cigarette. There’s a small trashcan beside him. The background is solid blue. The second one : Jehan, a white man with a long, orange braid, mismatched eyes (green and gold), and many freckles, is crouching and watering a large plant. He’s wearing a black tanktop, denim overall short shorts and a purple bandana. There are several bead bracelets around his wrists, and his nails are painted mint green. He has two tattoos : roses of different colors on his arm, and a koi fish on his leg. One one hand, he’s holding a watering can, and he’s holding a small white cat with the other. The plant has large green leaves, and there’s a sticker that says “I am a triffid” on the flowerpot. The background is a very dark blue circle. The third one : Bahorel, a tall, buff man with brown skin, black, long hair, beard and eyes, is lifting makeshift dumbbells made by tying garbage bags at the ends of two brooms. He’s wearing a neon pink crop top and purple cutoffs. There are several geometric, tribal-looking tattoos on both his arms. He’s looking up and smiling. The background is a light, sandy circle. The fourth one : a large cat with brown, golden brown, black and white fur is sitting on a robot vacuum. He’s looking over his shoulder and sticking his tongue out. end ID]
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shadowcetra · 7 months
Who is Eden?
This page is under construction, the story needs revamping. Forgive me for such a long wait for the change. I hope to get the backstory and information rewritten soon.
Triggar warning: The  backstory contains parental death.
Name: Eden Inbar
Many of the characters in the Final Fantasy Universe have unique names (such as Yazoo, Rude, and Cloud); I wanted to try to stick to that.  Her father gave her the name Eden, in hopes she would be as beautiful and bountiful in blessings, but he had no intentions in her falling into sin like those within the Garden. Eden is to represent the Garden of Eden in that sense. As the story progresses, Eden gradually becomes corrupted with the jealousy and the frustration in her struggle with her heritage and identity, she betrays the Planet and what she holds dear, thus resulting in her losing that spiritual light.
 Not only she represents the fall of Eden, but her story is to illustrate Judas Iscariot, the disciple who committed betrayal out of greed. Ultimately, her story is to reveal that even the most faithful can fall. However, her story is to also show the radical power of forgiveness, how it can revive the dead spirit.
The last name, Inbar, means “Amber” in Hebrew. The amber eyes are a major characteristic of Eden. They are supposed to be inherited from her Cetran roots. From what I gathered, Ancients are known to have earthy traits; an example being Aerith’s green eyes and brown hair. Eden is given amber eyes not only because it is an earthy color, but it also represents her darker motivations. Amber is the color of sap that bleeds from wounded trees; when Eden betrays the Planet, she hurts all that is connected with it such as the people, animals, plants, and trees.Their blood stains her conscience.
Race: Cetra/Cosmo Canyon Native
Appearance: Eden stands about 5’ 3’’, and has medium tan skin from her mother and father. She is also considered underweight due to her subpar hunting skills. She is not always successful in catching food; and with the gritty, bleak world Final Fantasy VII is set in, many of the population were poor and couldn’t always afford necessities. Eden is one of those who struggle greatly.
She also has various scars from her hunts and battles. Three claw marks are seen on her left collarbone; three huge, jagged scars rip over her left rib cage and reach down her side. She also has scars from a bite wound on her right arm.
I based her appearance loosely on the Egyptian and Middle Eastern backgrounds. She bears the tattoos around her eyes and on her cheeks that are iconic of Egyptian relics, and wears three piercings on both ears (a golden ring, silver stud, and silver ring), the ivory fang gauge is seen only on her left ear. Two thin, silver lip rings are on her bottom lip.
There is also a tattoo on her left wrist, hidden beneath her arm covering. It is a small sun symbol with two eagle feathers. It’s to honor her late mother.
Each of the eight thin braids, each braid held together by a gold band. Her bangs are long, angled, messy, and jagged.
The choker she wears around her neck is hemp braided with a gun-metal, swirled tribal pendant that loosely resembles a beast’s paw. The dark satchel strapped to her hip often carries sleep materia and other small items she can manage to stuff in. She also has hazel eyes, to give an indication of her connection to the Planet. She also wears baggy, acid-stained jeans and furry boots.
From what I gathered from Cetra (Ancients) depicted from the Temple, they resonate with an appearance of those from Egypt and the surrounding area. I am aware that Aerith does not look as exotic (light skin tone, no eye markings) but I wanted to try to reflect what the Cetra ancestors may have looked, or intended to look.
Personality: Eden can be cunning, and she relies on this trait when facing a troubling situation; often choosing to stick to the shadows and tricks rather than facing someone head-on. Eden can’t stand the thought of losing control and is known to fight viciously and dirty when cornered. Preferring to be quiet and simply observe, she struggles with social interactions, especially first time meetings. She is paranoid towards others, thus she doesn’t trust easily. The woman is also victim to envy, as she can become very jealous towards those who are more skilled or more blessed than she is. She broods quietly instead of talking about her problems; and can seem dishonest, selfish, and stubborn.
However, towards those who grow close to her heart, she becomes protective and does her best to be dependable. The Ancient becomes more playful to those she loves and often becomes touchy-feely with them. She is rather insecure, due to her fear of the LifeStream and belief that she is cursed, and often looks towards intimacy as a means to help combat with her insecurities.
Her father’s name is Cassiel, which is the name of the archangel of tears and solitude in the Kabbalah. He is an Ancient, and because of his heritage, he questions and fears of what the voices will do to him. Because of his fear, He tries not to get involved with the Planet’s troubles, despite the Planet’s urgings for him to act.
Her mother’s name is Nizhoni, which I found means “Beautiful” in Navajo. She is a Cosmo Canyon native, and a passionate supporter of AVALANCHE and the Planet. She tries to give as much as she can to support their cause.
Past:  A dull thud struck the floor, followed by a tired breath as the disturbed red dust hung around the large, burlap sack. The older man stopped from stocking one of the shelves and turned his head, dark eyes gleaming to see the young woman standing before him. “Nizhoni,” he greeted, taking his small glasses off and wiping the lenses with a worn cloth hanging from his pocket. “It’s good to see you. I hope you’re well.” The woman nodded, “it’s good to see you too. I brought some dried meat and furs for the courier to take to Midgar, hopefully they’ll find some use for them.” The woman was about to reach down for the sack as she continued. “Maybe they can sell the furs for some gil. Cassiel managed to take down some really—“ “Nizhoni,” the man interjected, stepping towards her and taking a gentle hold on her should to stop her from leaning over. “You know you shouldn’t be travelling so far and wearing yourself out like this. Not in your condition.”
        Nizhoni let out a sigh, placing her hand on her full abdomen. “Cassiel already gets onto me about this. I’m a grown woman,” she replied, trying to not let her annoyance show. “I’m fine, the baby’s fine.” The shopkeeper gave an apologetic smile. “I understand, but you look like you hadn’t slept in a while.” His smile faded slightly as he caught sight of the dark circles under her eyes. “These trips are hard on you as it is, and with the baby on the way…” Nizhoni shook her dark messy bangs from her face; an intense light gleamed in her eyes. “This is something I want to do, feel called to do. AVALANCHE is struggling as it is, the least I can do is offer supplies. Besides, this may be my last trip, until the baby is born.”
     The man nodded, bending down to pull the bag up. “I understand,” he repeated; Nizhoni was a headstrong woman, and from he learned in times before, there was no winning an argument with her. “I will make sure these will get to them.” He shuffled towards the counter, pausing to turn back towards her. “Please Nizhoni, just…just take care of yourself, all right?” She gave a slight nod, “I will. I haven’t died yet, have I?” The woman gave him a forced smile before turning towards the door. “Thank you, I really hope that will help them.” With that, she stepped out into the sun-soaked village.
       For another hour, she rode across the crimson earth, dark eyes focused on the familiar path before her. The chocobo that carried her over the sloping rock, her hands tugged at the reins to halt the bird. The chocobo let out a complaint, shaking its pale yellow head.   Her eyes fell on the small adobe house nestled behind the ridge. She sighed, thankful to finally be home. She pulled on the reins slightly once more, signaling for the bird to step down the rocky path towards the house. As she approached the house, a young man stepped out. His large, calloused hand slipped underneath his long chestnut brown hair, rubbing the back of his neck. His honey-hued eyes glanced up to see the smoky black-haired woman riding towards him. He sighed, a weary worrisome look upon his face. He should have known she would go off, he had known since he first opened his eyes to see her side of the bed empty.
      Nizhoni smiled towards him, but it soon faded as she looked into his face. She turned the chocobo towards the hitching post beside the front window, slipping off the bird. “Was wondering why the bed was so cold.” The male Cetra started, stepping closer. “Oh, you just got up?” Nizhoni teased back, tying the lead on the hitch post onto the chocobo’s halter, letting it eat the freshly picked vegetables from its trough.
        “Didn’t get to come back until really late at night, tracking griffins is near to impossible.” He reached over to slip off the bags off the chocobo’s back. “Which brings me to the question…”  Nizhoni sighed, here it comes… “Why were you running around in the canyon so early in the morning? You know how dangerous it is before sunrise.”  The woman looked towards him, putting her hands on her hips. “You don’t think I can take care of myself,” she asked, already feeling weary with her husband worrying over her. “Of course I do,” Cassiel smiled weakly. “It’s just with a baby on the way, I don’t want you to put yourself under so much stress.” He closed his eyes for a moment, almost afraid to know the answer to his next question. “You’ve gone back to give supplies to AVALANCHE again, haven’t you?”
       Nizhoni’s eyes never left his face. “And what if I have?”  A heavy breath escaped from Cassiel’s broad chest, his hand rubbing his face. “Nizhoni, you know the trip over puts a lot of stress on you. The doctor warned you about this. Besides,” he opened his eyes, but kept his focus on the earth. “AVALANCHE is not our concern.” The woman narrowed her eyes to hear such words. “Not a concern? Cassiel, it has everything to do with us! With the Planet! They’re our only hope of saving it from ShinRa’s destruction and—“ “It’s not our fight,” Cassiel spoke, his tone cold. She stared at him, her hands clenched into fists. “Listen to yourself,” she snapped, “If anyone’s, it’s your fight Cassiel! You hear them, those voices! You keep saying they cry out to you. The Planet needs you to—“
       “Enough,” the Ancient roared, his eyes glaring at his wife. She didn’t take a step back, her eyes remained locked defiantly on his. Cassiel hung his head, turning from her to look up at the horizon. “Those voices have also been the ones that killed my people. I can’t trust them.” His eyes grew vacant, “you know I can’t.” “You don’t know that,” Nizhoni urged. “If you just have faith and listen.”  “No,” Cassiel grunted, “I won’t stand here and listen to my loved one speak for those demons.” The Ancient turned his head back towards Nizhoni who bore a glimmer of sorrow in her eyes. “Come on, you need to kick back and rest,” he said, turning back towards the house. Nizhoni watched as he stepped into the house, before looking towards the painted canyon. “Gaia, help us.” The words slipped beneath her breath as she pressed her hand onto her stomach. She stared for a moment longer before following after Cassiel. Rest sounded wonderful to her at that point.
        The several months passed like grains of sand; on a cool, still night, the young couple rushed into Cosmo Canyon’s Inn. The tense air broke with the quaking sobs and pained cries of the woman as she writhed in her bed, her husband and a midwife at her side. Cassiel’s calloused fingers gently caressed the stray strands of her hair that stuck upon her sweat drenched face. Nizhoni let out another cry, tears squeezing free from her tightly shut eyes. “Just relax,” the male Ancient murmured, pressing his head against hers, mind frantically searching for a better way to console her as her quivering hand tightly gripped his. “You’re doing well, Mrs. Inbar,” encouraged the midwife as she made preparations for the birth.  “I just need you to keep taking deep breaths and push for me.” The struggle felt like ages for the three in the room; finally, Nizhoni’s cries suddenly fell into a ragged breath, and the feeble cries rose. Cassiel’s lifted his head slowly, eyes gleaming bright with tears. Never did he believe such a thing could ever happen to them… “It’s a girl!” The midwife announced, excitement brimming in her voice as she took the baby into clean thick cloths. “A girl…” the man repeated, tears streaming down his weary face. “A beautiful girl.”
        He turned his eyes towards Nizhoni, who lay still on the bed, eyes closed. “Did you hear that, love? We brought new life to this world. A girl.” He gently shook her, but the exhausted woman never opened her eyes. “Nizhoni, did you hear me? Our new daughter, Eden, open your eyes and see her.” His eyes widened slightly, worry soon began to thread into his confusion. “Nizhoni?” Glowing orbs formed over her body, sending him into a wild panic. “No! Nizhoni, no! Darling, please!” He shot to his feet, gripping onto her. The midwife held the baby in her arms, horror and tears apparent on her visage. “Oh Gaia…” She turned and threw the door open, crying in vain for help. “No, Nizhoni. Open your eyes… Open your eyes!” His voice rang out in desperation, his large frame trembling like a child. “You can’t let them take you! Nizhoni!” No matter how much he roared, the ghostly orbs continued to float away from the woman. He frantically tried to hold onto her body but within seconds, his panicked hands only gripped onto the sheets. He stared down at the empty bed, and then slowly sank to his knees. He buried his face into the side of the bed, the sheets twisted into his grip as his tears of joy became sobs of heartbreak.
       Two days went by after her passing, the Ancient stood by the window, his hazel eyes glazed as he stared out into the village. The midwife sat in the chair still at the bedside, examining the tiny infant in the bundled carrier “She seems to be getting stronger.” She commented, cradling the drowsy child. “Why did I let her keep giving supplies to this damned place? I should have known this would do something to her.” The older woman looked up as Cassiel’s voice growled, unable to catch all he said. “What?” The man narrowed his eyes, glaring towards the blazing sky. “Taking these trips to help those idiots fighting in Midgar, they wore her down, killed her!” The midwife looked up at him, before gently placing the baby back into the woven, basket-like cradle. “You don’t know that, Mr. Inbar,” she tried to gently reassure him. “These tragedies can happen without cause. I understand you’re in pain, but you have a young one to think about.” He looked back at the corner of his eye, allowing the silence sink in between them. “A young one…” He turned around; his eyes fell upon his sleeping child. “If she were to stay here, she’ll follow her mother’s dangerous path. She’s cursed already, with these damned voices.”
       The old woman stared at him, concern bright in her grayed eyes. “What do you mean?” He glanced towards her, but only for a moment, his wounded heart messily gathering his decision. “No, I won’t let her. Those demons killed my ancestors, took my wife away, they won’t have my child!” The midwife stumbled before him, placing herself between him and Eden. “I’m sorry, Mr. Inbar, but I can’t allow you to take her in the state you’re—“ The Ancient shoved her aside, causing the woman to stagger back towards the bed. Cassiel stepped towards the baby, gently sliding the carrier over him so the baby rested snug against his chest. He carefully supported her head and hurried off from the room. “Stop!” The midwife cried out, but he continued on, determined to save his daughter from the voices of the LifeStream and their manipulations. Surprised squawks rang out from the nearby stable before a chocobo burst from its stall, carrying the wayward Ancient and his child into the wilds.
-To be Continued-
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annieslytherpuff21 · 2 years
Falling for Hogan’s Heroes Day 7
Andrew Carter’s Background Story
From a young age Andrew Carter knew, from his grandma, how important a person’s hair was.
From a single strand of hair the past can be revealed.
Hair linked one to the spiritual. In cultures around the world it is revered as a connection to the intangible spirit that lives inside.
For Lakota, hair held power and strength. Andrew Carter’s grandma told him stories of the warriors of their people whose long hair made them stronger and heightened their senses allowing them to see and hear things without using their eyes or their ears.
He begged her to let him grow out his hair, just a little, but she would always purse her lips and shake her head, letting him know that his daddy would not approve of such a thing.
It was a wonder that his father let Andrew and his mother have any communication with the tribe, he wasn’t the best of men. He would often use his wife’s culture against her and mock Andrew relentlessly for showing any pride in his native heritage.
Looking back, Andrew realized that his grandma was probably the only reason he knew he was descended from the great Chief Sitting Bull. She was such a strong woman.
Strength, that he wished he had.
When his dad had the opportunity to send him away from her influence , all the way to Indiana to take over his brother’s drug store, far away from the reservation and everything native, the coot jumped at the opportunity.
What the old man didn’t know was that sending Andrew away would only deepen the boy’s love for all things ‘Indian.’
Barely 18, Andrew, with his head full of the books he threw himself into and a heart full of love for his language and tribal pride, Andrew Carter made heads turn with his beads and ever lengthening hair.
He finally knew what his grandma had meant.
He loved catching a glimpse of the shadow of his hair on a breezy day, it was like if his hair was communicating with the spirits all around him. When he was sad, he imagined the wisps were crying out to the Great Spirit for help and guidance.
The day he was able to finally get a decent braid going Andrew couldn’t be happier.
Of course, he got some odd looks and some well meaning church ladies trying to convince him that he would look so much more respectable if he’d just ‘look more normal’.
But Andrew Carter had quickly made a name for himself, he gained the respect of the small town with his cheerful heart, warm smile, and helpful remedies.
It was only a couple years before the world turned upside down, with the bombing at Pearl Harbor and the start of American involvement in the war in Europe, Andrew Carter left the drugstore in the hands of a dear friend he had made. A man in his late 60’s who helped Andrew without fail anytime he had needed it in the past few years. Andrew trusted with his drugstore, and his life. The man had even promised to help look after Mary Jane.
Andrew had been shocked when Mary Jane had shown interest in him and he was even more shocked when she had agreed to be his girl. She was an angel of a girl with the brightest eyes and gentlest of smiles. Even though he was sad to be leaving her behind, he knew what he had to do.
He could have married her before he left, but some voice deep inside him urged him to not make her pine even more after him, so he gave her a promise ring right before he went into the recruitment office.
Having heard what the Nazis were doing in Europe, he wasn’t going to sit around and eventually get drafted anyway. He was a warrior from a warrior people and he was ready to fight for freedom. He knew what it was like to be oppressed by a government and if given the chance to do something about that, he was not going to shy away.
Andrew was surprised, but he was one of the first in town to enlist. The recruiter at the desk told him if he could get a few more young men to sign on it would be a good for his military record, so Carter smiled and went to the drug store and talked 5 other young men into enlisting.
The Sergeant in charge of recruiting about choked when he saw the gaggle of sturdy young men following in the one who had braids in his hair. He marked a note that the young man had a knack for leadership.
After having had the freedom to do whatever he wanted with his hair, he almost shed tears as the army barber sheared his head. But he knew this was what he needed to do.
All through boot camp and beyond, Carter held his own, he was strong, quick to catch on, and a laugh to be around, but he struggled. He’d always been a bit on the clumsy side and a bit socially awkward, and being on the spot as he was, that shone through.
When he finally shipped out to England, he did so as a Corporal and he was very proud of that, most of the others were only privates or some lucky guys were PFCs.
He for the most part stayed quiet and did his job so as not to call too much attention to his flaws.
He was surprised that he loved it as much as he did, but he quickly became one of the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic bomb technicians. He even was asked to sit in with comities to help develop better equipment and devices.
But he had signed up for the action. Allied High Command were not anxious to loose him and flight crews had a short life span, but the Technical Sergeant wouldn’t stop applying for a position as a bombardier, so eventually they let him have his wish.
Being in the air, he’d never felt so alive, all his fears and struggles seemed small and insignificant. It was a wonderful feeling.
One mission after another he became more and more sure that he never wanted to leave the sky.
18 missions were perfect, 18 missions were a job well done, 18 missions and Andrew Carter somehow was now an officer. He couldn’t believe it! No one back home could make fun of him now, not even his father!
But Andrew’s 19th mission ended in failure. The plane went down. He deployed his parachute. He was captured and sent to a POW camp.
Andrew was miserable, not even a week there, he knew he had to escape. And so he did. Since he was an officer, he hated to do it, but he made sure he was on the short list to get out.
He thought they were crazy, an operation like they had right under the German’s noses. This Stalag 13 crew had to be out of their minds! Didn’t they want to leave? Of course they did, but duty and their mission to help others trumped their personal wants. He admired that.
As he saw their operation, he saw opportunity. Opportunity for something more.
He convinced London to send him back, as a Sergeant, to help Hogan and his men expand on their escape mission and help them become a sabotage unit.
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sadiesaids0h · 4 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Art Class Blue pink purple gold tribal design swim bikini braided back tassels.
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dienasimplynatural1 · 1 month
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Little tribal braids, which have their origins in African culture and customs, are a popular protective hairstyle. These delicate, ornate braids frequently feature creative designs and embellishments that showcase a diverse range of cultural influences. Among other patterns, they can be organized in swirls, zigzags, or straight-back cornrows. Vibrant extensions, beads, or shells are occasionally used by folks to add a little more flair.
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Welcome back!!!!! Let's get started!
The Ovahimba people continue to live with their families as well as extended families in large homestead structures. The average Ovahimba has two wives as well as still practice polygamy (the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time), yet each wive has their own hut. As for marriage, they are arranged as kin and can be betrothed to an adult man as an infant, yet wait until the girl reaches woman hood (menarche/menstruation) and becomes an adult. Some cases couples that have fallen in love may be given permission to marry, typically happening in the second or third marriages. Children born out of wedlock are common as well as out of affairs. Healthcare in this region is some of poorest within the country and any indication of health status is through regional statistics. The woman in this area have one of the fastest birth rates, but infant and child mortality rates are also the worst. With 49.9 infant deaths per 1,000 births and 71.2 deaths per 1,000 with children younger than 5. 39% of women are reported to have used modern contraception but is based off of women living in or near towns. Social status is inherited through the paternal line  and although complex, the inheritance within the maternal line is material wealth. They define wealth based on the number of cattle a family owns, also breeding goats and sheep. When a Ovahimba man dies, his wealth is passed to those of his sister, such as his nephew.  Their diets consist of milk/milk products, maize, millet, herbs, eggs (chicken) and meat. When the weather becomes dry, members of a family will take their cattle to season cattle posts water and grass to graze upon. Often the husbands and wives will be separated when going to these cattle post and may have one wife live at the cattle post and the other at the main compound. Unfortunately, due to these dry seasons education for young children is difficult and often it is sporadic in attendance because they tend to move with their families to cattle posts. This causes them to be farther away from any community schools, disrupting their education, for they are an important source of labour. 
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Even having a relatively relaxed polygamous relationships, in recent research, nearly half of all children had a different biological father than their mother's husband. Children conceived in these situations are called "omoka" and still consider their mother's husband as their father in social ways. Fathers don't "hold, groom, or play with their small children very much", but they provide in the aspects of human needs such as a home, food, education, and livestock. Yet the fathers do hold favoring genetic children over omoka (non-genetic) children. Overall, regardless of their paternity, children play a useful role in the household. They help with work around the home, boys/men; help care for livestock, animal slaughtering, construction, and council with village tribal chiefs, girls/women; also help with getting water, taking care of livestock, learn the traditional way of braiding and texturing their hair using otzije paste to cover their braided hair, and house hold chores. Elders are the most respected members within the community and make important decisions. They story-tell to pass on their history, traditions and beliefs to pass on to future generations.
Although this unique society has been endured and upheld their customs and social structure, modernization and environmental degradations. Being a resilient group that have survived the external pressures of westernization and the destruction of the environmental infrastructure may cause indigenous cultures to reduce adaptive capacity. Colonial measure such as the government have challenged the Ovahimbas social structures, yet within rising generations, change in cultural values and beliefs are constantly evolving and transforming. No matter the change, their culture and nomadic life-style is resilient and able to bounce back, but not always feasible.
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thelorehold · 3 months
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Elara Ironheart
Background: Elara was born to a human mother and an orc father in a small border village. She faced prejudice and discrimination from both humans and orcs, which toughened her resolve and sharpened her fighting skills. Her father, a respected warrior, trained her in combat, while her mother taught her the values of compassion and justice. When their village was destroyed in a raid, Elara vowed to protect the weak and seek justice for the oppressed.
Appearance: Height: 6'2", Build: Muscular and imposing, Hair: Dark brown, worn in a long braid, Eyes: Hazel, sharp and determined, Armor: Heavy plate armor with tribal engravings, Weapon: A massive two-handed greatsword, heirloom from her father
Personality: Elara is stoic and disciplined, with a strong moral compass. She values honor and integrity, but she is also pragmatic and understands the harsh realities of the world. Though she can be stern and intimidating, she has a deep sense of empathy and is fiercely protective of her friends and those in need. She is driven by a sense of duty and justice.
Skills and Abilities: Great Weapon Mastery: Expert in wielding large weapons with devastating power, Battle Resilience: High endurance and ability to withstand significant damage, Tactical Combat: Skilled in battlefield strategy and leadership, Intimidation: Uses her presence and strength to influence and deter enemies, Survival Skills: Proficient in wilderness survival and tracking
Equipment: Greatsword: A family heirloom, forged with orcish strength and human craftsmanship, Plate Armor: Customized to fit her half-orc physique, providing maximum protection, Shield: A large, sturdy shield bearing her family's crest, Healing Poultices: Herbal remedies for wounds and injuries, Adventurer’s Pack: Contains essential supplies for long journeys
Backstory: After the destruction of her village, Elara wandered the land as a mercenary and protector, offering her services to those in need. She earned a reputation for her strength and honor, attracting both allies and adversaries. Along her journey, she uncovered a conspiracy involving powerful nobles and warlords seeking to exploit border villages like her own. Determined to stop them, Elara formed a coalition of warriors and villagers, leading them in a campaign against the corrupt forces.
Goals: Elara's primary goal is to dismantle the networks of corruption and oppression that threaten the vulnerable. She seeks to create a safer world where people of all backgrounds can live in peace and harmony. In the long term, she hopes to rebuild her village and establish a haven for orphans and refugees, providing them with the training and support they need to thrive.
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tinypurpleparrot · 3 months
This is not how Magnai foresaw having a Nhaama would go. Continuation of 'Can't See the Steppe for the Khaat'
Wondrous Tails 2024 prompts: Hair/Love Languages/Tribal Quests (Namazu)
A short while of wandering between tents and flocks of livestock, and Magnai finally found Katsael seemingly having a picnic amongst a small group of Oronir women older than them (this in itself already made something deep in Magnai’s skull itch). The Raen was listening quietly as they chatted amongst themselves about mostly gossip and news from Reunion, and a few of the women were watching as one of them showed how to work with Katsael’s uncommon hair. Even with Katsael sitting on the ground, the woman braiding had to sit on several borrowed cushions to be up high enough to reach their scalp.
“Katsael,” Magnai marched right up to the blankets and stood over Katsael, blocking the actual sun.
When they tried to look up at him, the woman braiding their hair gave the braid she was working on a light tug. “Stop moving or the parts are going to be uneven.”
“Ngh!” Katsael grunted and tried to relax again. “Sorry. What’s happened, my… khan.” They’d received looks before for not referring to Magnai as one of his titles, though most around both the Oronir and Buduga already had some idea of what was going on between them.
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
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Amazonite aesthetic moodboard!!
Amazonite embodies the spirit of a tribal warrior, standing at a height of 5'6". She is adorned in a traditional tribal loincloth and bra, accessorized with a small flower crown and ankle bracelet. Her long, braided hair adds to her fierce appearance. Her entire colouration is a striking turquoise/light green adorned with delicate white, thin, and wavy stripes. A prominent asscher-cut gemstone rests on her navel/belly button area, adding to her tribal allure. In her hands, she wields a spear and shield, symbols of her strength and courage in battle.
Personality-wise, Amazonite is fiercely independent and guided by a strong sense of justice. She fights not only for herself but also for the rights and protection of her tribe and the natural world around her. Her deep connection to nature is evident in the way various animals often flock to her side, though she remains wary of men due to her upbringing in a women-only tribe. While she may spark intrigue and curiosity in those who encounter her, she remains steadfast in her beliefs and values, unafraid to stand up for what she believes is right.
Headcanon voice: Rosario Dawson
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somahairbraiding · 6 months
The Art of African Hair Braiding in Seattle: A Cultural Journey
In the vibrant city of Seattle, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there exists a hidden gem where art, tradition, and beauty intertwine - African hair braiding. This ancient practice, passed down through generations, has found a new home in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, captivating locals and visitors alike with its intricate designs and rich cultural significance. The Roots of African Hair Braiding Rooted in Africa's diverse heritage, hair braiding is not merely a stylistic choice but a deeply symbolic form of expression. Each braid, twist, and pattern tells a story, weaving together ancient traditions, familial bonds, and personal identity. For centuries, African women have used hair braiding as a way to communicate their social status, tribal affiliation, and even marital status. Embracing Diversity in Seattle In a city known for its progressive values and celebration of diversity, African hair braiding has found a welcoming community in Seattle. Local salons and braiding studios offer a space where people of all backgrounds can come together to appreciate the artistry and craft behind each braid. From intricate cornrows to bold geometric patterns, the skilled braiders in Seattle bring a touch of Africa to the Pacific Northwest. The Rise of African Hair Braiding Studios As interest in natural hair care and cultural appreciation grows, African hair braiding studios have become a thriving industry in Seattle. Skilled braiders from across the African diaspora have set up shop in the city, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience in traditional braiding techniques. These studios not only offer a range of styling options but also serve as cultural hubs where clients can learn about the history and significance of African hair braiding. Preserving Tradition in a Modern World In an era where trends come and go at the speed of light, hair braiding Seattle stands as a timeless tradition that transcends fashion fads. By embracing this ancient art form, Seattle residents are not only supporting small businesses and independent artists but also preserving a piece of African heritage for future generations to appreciate. From Seattle to the World What started as a niche practice in the heart of Seattle has now gained global recognition, with African hair braiding becoming a popular choice for celebrities, influencers, and trendsetters around the world. From red carpet events to magazine covers, braided hairstyles have made a stunning comeback, showcasing the beauty and versatility of African hair textures. As the sun sets over the Puget Sound, casting a golden glow over the Emerald City, the art of African hair braiding continues to thrive, weaving together cultures, communities, and creativity in a mesmerizing tapestry of beauty and tradition.
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