#smh he is dumb
forgetful-nerd · 7 months
I’ve found the only miscommunication trope I like and it’s when:
Rise! Leonardo “I must play off everything as a joke,” Hamato tries to copy everything 2012! Leo does because he secretly looks up to him. But he cannot let anyone know that, so he often overdoes it and cracks jokes at 2012! Leo’s expense, which ends up making him look like he’s mocking 2012! Leo whenever he’s caught mimicking him.
While, 2012! Leonardo “the densest mf alive,” Hamato believes wholeheartedly that Rise! Leo is truly mocking him even when the excuses he gives are such blatant bullshit that literally everyone else sees through Rise! Leo BEFORE him.
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
I think the dynamic of Steve being so fucking stupidly gone on Eddie Munson and Eddie not noticing because he's trying to not think abt Steve like that "because Steve is straight and his friend and he can't go there (he goes there, he crushes so hard but he will deny)" is so underappreciated
Like so many fics paint Steve as this himbo and he is! He is our lovable himbo! But just
Let him look at the rat feral man that Eddie Munson is and be like "i want this man's dick in me ASAP" and being so obvious abt it
Confident in his sexuality and determined to get what he wants Steve Harrington just flirting with Eddie and, sure, being a cringe fail loser abt it, but like HE'S SO OBVIOUS
Everybody knows he wants that dick EXCEPT Eddie
Steve is in misery, in hell, by this point he thinks that either Eddie isn't into him or just is letting him down
And Eddie thinks he is the one in misery because Steve is just always there™ and trying to be his friend and is so hot™ and jOkIngLy flirting with him and he wants to kiss him so bad but "stevie is straight and totally not into him guys :(("
Robin is just laughing at them "this world is so lucky you two can't have biological children together, because let me tell you, these kids would be so dumb"
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kenneth-black · 6 months
Remember in S6 how Buck told Eddie that Natalia was the only one who actually sees him for him and a hell lotta other bs with a straight face??
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Well, this is just payback for Buck being a dumbass of epic proportions 😭😭😭
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wikiangela · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck 💖💖
i wasn't gonna post today but I'm currently writing another one of Buck and Taylor's arguments and I'm having so much fun lol (there's gonna be only one more conversation between them after this haha) I keep having new ideas for the in-between of what I had planned, and I hope all of this turns out coherent, I'm probably gonna have to do so much editing lol I'm so determined to post it this month and I'm actually inspired!
prev snippet
“I don’t know what to tell you.” he sighs, averting his gaze, as he’s trying to think about anything to say, but his mind is blank. 
“How about the truth? I really just want to know what the hell is going on with you. Because this-” she throws her hands out, vaguely gesturing around. “This isn’t a life together, and I don’t know how many more times we can have this exact same conversation.”
“Taylor…” he starts, hoping more words would come. “I’m sor-”
“Is there someone else?” she blurts out, angry tears welling in her eyes. He feels his own eyes widen in surprise, and his cheeks burn.
“I mean, are you seeing someone else?” she doubles down, her tone a little shaky, but still determined. Suddenly, he feels his heart in his throat, and he has to make a conscious effort to breathe. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie
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eviestardust · 1 month
I love Larson’s deterioration in 40 SO MUCHH.
From the moment he returns to the story, we get to see how much notably weaker he’s become compared to season 3. He’s so invested in this plan with Yellow that there’s no other thoughts happening in his brain-like this is the ONLY thing that matters to him. I love that in a sense this is another reason why he’s such a great foil to Arthur. The moment Arthur seeks out revenge in season 3, there’s nothing else for him. It’s vengeance on Larson or die trying. Arthur gets this diluted idea of justice, and I think that’s what happens with Larson here.
The great thing about his character is the fact that he never thinks of himself as being evil or morally gray like Kayne or the butcher might see themselves. He BELIEVES that he’s in right. He believes the order should be looking towards him, he believes that Yellow should be used in this way, and most of all he believes that Arthur is the only monster in the room.
The line “gouge out his eyes and I’m the monster” just shows how knee deep Larson is in the delusion that he’s still clinging onto morality. Even when he’s on the brink of death with no way out, he goes on about how he “didn’t want this life. Not at first.” The difference between his and Arthur’s mindset is actually pretty simple: Arthur believes in striving towards being better; Larson believes that he IS better. IT’S SO COOL!!
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electric-plants · 5 months
slight hsr spoilers but—
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they might as well have just impaled me on a stake
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toxictoxicities · 1 year
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Growing concerns
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reineyday · 2 years
alex is so real for not realizing he was bi despite the amount of times he was clearly checking out and appreciating other men. it really do be like that.
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peppermint-whiskers · 3 months
Oh shit I just realized that Sir Pen is gonna learn that Alastor sold his soul. Cause I'm assuming that people who sold their souls look different then those who didn't. THAT'S gonna be a reaction. Or he's gonna assume "Eh, it's Al. Maybe that's just what it looks like normally."
How dare you look at my mental notes-
I imagine he'd be too scared to look at Alastor's soul at first because "what if he can tell I'm looking at his soul?? 😭😭"
And then he gets the balls to do it and just goes "HOLY SHIT YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL??" because y e a h, sold souls look quite distinct compared to souls who still belong to their mortal bodies! the chains may look different but they are still there nonetheless
Rip penne, you were a real one pfffff-
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incensuous · 8 months
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Lyney and Lynette celebrating their birthday ༼☯﹏☯༽
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yallemagne · 2 years
People who read Victorian novels: "You know, everything would have gone much better if the main character just disregarded their dying friend's/husband's wishes and privacy and knew information that has been exclusively provided to the audience (largely through cultural osmosis of the novel) but not themselves >:("
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frogwithfeelings · 1 year
shoutout to eric from evil dead (2013) for being the dumbest man alive
the evil book was covered in BARBED WIRE and had multiple WARNINGS not to read it and what does he do? read it
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museumgiftshoperaser · 9 months
HE MADE A GRAVESTONE OUT OF A PIZZA BOX for some random man he never even met and this is how you repay him?????!!!!
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buddyhollyscurls · 1 year
You know something else about that Stupid Fuckin Letter?
Mario talking about, oh get enough drinks in you and take her to bed. When he literally knows that Armando has stopped drinking before kissing betty and only really was super drunk the first night
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
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mr "i am entirely human and already lost my one weapon but my best friend in the whole world is in danger so i will throw my only line of defense to save him even though i am, once again, human, clinging to the back of a speeding semi while surrounded by supersoldiers"
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hazellvsq · 6 months
i'm thinking about that one scene between octavian and hazel where he blackmails her and...the text never makes it explicit why octavian killed gwen, or what exactly he knew about hazel, but i think it was most likely that he strongly suspected that hazel had died and come back, and he stabbed gwen basically to see what would happen, if she could come back and how that coming back would play out. and i think it would have been really interesting if he cut out the middle man and just stabbed hazel instead? if he suspected her and nico, here was his chance to force their hands and make them act, to make them prove him right in front of the entire camp.
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