troublcmakcrs · 3 months
     @smileduponyou  〢 cont from here .
   Every atom of Tweek’s body screams at him to lie down, but he shakes his head with a soft, uncertain smile.  “I’ll be all right,” he says, even though it feels like he’s lifting boulders with his eyelids every time he blinks.  It’s a 50/50 shot on whether he’ll be worse when he falls asleep, which is why he’s putting it off.
   “If I can have a coffee, I’ll be good as new.”
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supercreig · 4 months
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"You guys didn't put a dead body in the hole, right?"
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waywardsculs · 6 months
@smileduponyou : Gregory vc: -slow brow raise-
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Grins over at him.
" Is there a problem ? "
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wineandsay · 4 months
cont. // @smileduponyou
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Grantaire was just about to actually go to the balcony for some fresh air and to hopefully have some time to himself. While he missed Gregory so dearly, for Grantaire there was just so much going on now after practically having been convinced to come back down to South Park with Gregory. He still needed some time to readjust, which was going to take a long while since he bsolutely hated this hellhole. He never hated being in Gregory's house, but he hated being in South Park. Infact, one of the reasons he faked his own death and traveled all the way to France was to get away from South Park.
Just before Grantaire could go to the balcony, he heard his dear friend's voice. Grantaire then decided to hid behind the walls just beside those double doors that lead to the balcony. At first it sounded like Gregory was talking to himself or maybe one of his cats, but when Grantaire listened carefully, he could hear him singing a song. A song he was very well familiar with, and the more he listened to the song his dear friend sang, his heart started to feel so heavy.
It was a special song to them both. What made it so special was they only sang that song to each other and shared it with nobody else. It was also a song they sang together when they were children. When the two grew older, they also went on long missions together and if they started to feel scared or lonesome, they'd sing the song together with no one else. He's not sure if Gregory had shared the song with anybody else at this point during Grantaire's many years of absence, but to this day Grantaire had never shared the song with anybody still. Not even when he would perform songs at bars or taverns.
The song... it brought back to many memories. Happy memories, painful memories... Either way it was special to him. Perhaps that's why it started to hurt Grantaire so much when he started listening in on the song Gregory was singing.
He tried so hard to forget everything he had back here. But one thing he couldn't forget even if he tried to... was the only person who saved his life and practically took him in and never once judged him or make him look like some fool. And that only person was Gregory.
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"♪Know that I'm with you The only way that I can be...♪"
He quietly sang to himself but very soon stopped, wondering if he should continue. Or if he should just show himself to Gregory and finish the song with him. Or say nothing at all and just walk away.
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friendscfmine · 8 months
     @smileduponyou  〢 cont from here .
Gregory certainly didn’t sound good over the communicator, his short message laced through with labored breathing and a slight warble in his tone that indicated to Christophe that not everything had gone to plan.  There wasn’t much he could do about it from where he was standing, though, so he waited for Gregory’s location to come through.
After what felt like an eternity, it pinged, and Christophe committed it to memory, then spoke through the transmitter.  “Stay where you are, if you can.”  Too much movement would make whatever wounds Gregory undoubtedly had worse, but sometimes, sitting in one place was not a viable option, he understood that well enough.  “I’m on my way.”
He tore off through the brush, only slowing down when he neared the location Gregory had sent him.  It was always best not to startle the guy, especially when he was injured, unless one wanted to end up with the tip of a saber in their face.  He announced his presence by kicking some leaves about and with the soft, hesitant call of, “Canary?”
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angelicgentleman · 7 months
@smileduponyou continued from here.
The only thing he managed to notice was the sudden change in Gregory's expression, immediately followed by him moving and a loud noise, both of the shot and broken glass. It felt like he didn't get to blink, and the next time he did, he was already in the closet. What was happening? How did he get here ao fast? Pip blinked a few times, everything catching up to him just now. There was a bit of a shock, but Pip stayed quiet, staring at Gregory wide-eyed. He almost didn't understand what his friend was saying, his eyes suddenly noticing the blood on the other's shoulder.
There was no answer, just a quick nod. Everything happened too quickly for him to fully understand. All he knew was that they were in danger and that Gregory was leaving. Paralysed from fear, he just stares at him, watching him leave. Now, he knew Gregory was experienced, and it likely wasn't the first time something like this happened. The worry for his friend is still there, but he stays in place, just like Gregory told him.
He's only able to speak once the other is already rushing away, and Pip reaches his hand towards him in a pointless effort. "Come back." he said, but it wasn't an order, just a quiet prayer.
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mghtfall · 7 months
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@smileduponyou asked:
"You are in my locked office. Again." - for Adam
Angry & Irritated Sentences, Vol. 14 (Always Accepting)
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"I honestly have no fucking idea how I keep getting in here. I was looking for the fucking pisser."
That was only partly true, he didn't know how he kept getting in here, but was that going to stop him from nosing around? no.
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soldiersofsmiles · 1 year
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Blaze is such a wonderful, inspiring writer, be it Lucius/Gregory/Ammy or any other muse, I love seeing her on my dash, our discussions and plotting on discord makes me smile so much, I cannot put it into words, not really. I just love her and I am so glad we're friends. ♥
-- @abundantiiia for @smileduponyou
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sweetcobaltblue · 1 year
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"....I don't know and i been standing here watching this chaos. Something about me and kissing others which never happened."
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
     @smileduponyou  〢  cont from here .
“Is there a difference?” Craig asks.  “Are you saying you don’t have fun beheading the bourgeoisie?”  He knows that’s not the point of a revolution, but come on—they’ve got to get a little enjoyment out of it if they have stuck with it for this long.
“I dunno,” he says, twisting one of his hat strings around his finger.  “Either or.  Both.”  He’s not invested in the cause himself, but he has never been known to say ‘no’ to a good fight.  “I’ve never beheaded someone before—could be cool.”
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supercreig · 4 months
💛- @smileduponyou
💛 for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship
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waywardsculs · 7 months
Offers Lucifer a little carved duck but with calico cat markings - @smileduponyou
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Had he been engrossed in his own work? Unfortunately so. Things were becoming more and more busy, after all, and he wasn't exempt from the special kind of torture that was seemingly endless paperwork. So when the little carved duck had been placed in front of him ... It took a few moments for the King of Hell to register exactly what he was seeing.
Crimson hues blinked a few times before scorched hands gently retrieved it from his desk, a soft smile eventually lifting once serious features as he looked it over.
" You've been getting better and better at these , @smileduponyou ! " Lucifer finally praised after a few moments of turning it over this way and that in his hands. " What was the inspiration behind this one ? I've only ever seen these markings on cats before ! "
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wineandsay · 6 months
“NO” - @smileduponyou, Mole IS still rusty at his old job after all. Mistakes can happen
“NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM
A little grunt escapes him, being caught off guard the moment his old friend pins him against the wall. Did Grantaire do something wrong?
"Gregory, what in the actual--" He was cut off at the sound of bullets coming from each side. Before Grantaire could even yell his friend's name and warn him, Grantaire had realized that the two had walked into a trap.
It was Grantaire's fault for leading them into this trap, though it was never his intention. Grantaire should have known better to not even tag along with Gregory otherwise Grantaire would only get in the way and burden him.
Were they going to die here? Was this going to be the end of them? Was Grantaire going to die with regret?
When the sounds of gunshots were over, Grantaire panted, soon realizing that Gregory was only protecting him from the gunshots. But... what about Gregory himself?
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It didn't take Grantaire too long to notice Gregory was bleeding. Grantire's eyes widened, fearing he was going to lose his one and only friend he cherished so much if Gregory's wounds weren't going to be treated right away.
"Say something... Or do something..."
The former assassin was truly rusty at this job now. Eversince he had made his stay in France, he swore upon his own literal grave as Christophe that he would never go back to this life again. But here he was on one of those dangerous missions with Gregory as if they were reliving old times, and Grantaire was beginning to regret tagging along.
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angelus-tenebrae · 2 years
"Whoa. Hey. I am not causing chaos this time. I am watching it. There is a difference."
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monmuses · 2 years
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@smileduponyou​ continued from here
     “...I honestly thought it wasn’t gonna be cold today,” he admitted with a chuckle, attempting to rub his arms for warmth. It was a little chilly today, unexpectedly. A grumble was heard before he felt Gregory’s hands producing the same warmth for him.
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     “Thanks... I didn’t think it’d be cold today,” he sighed, leaning into his touch. “I take it you don’t have an extra coat, do you?”
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angelicgentleman · 10 months
cont. (x) @smileduponyou
How did they end up like this? He wasn't sure. The moment he saw tears rising in Gregory's eyes, he knew he had to be close. Pip could count on fingers of one hand how often he had seen Gregory cry. It was only a few times, but he hated each one. He didn't want to see his dearest friend like this. It hurt him more than he would admit. Of course, the only way of getting him away from his friend while he's like this would be Gregory directly telling him to leave. Otherwise, there wasn't a way to get him out of the room. Pip had always been left alone with his own tears, and so, he never wanted anyone he cared about to feel as alone as he did.
Philip wasn't used to touch either. The slightest motion always so foreign, almost uncomfortable. It was only with Gregory that it felt natural with, and he wasn't shy about showing affection with gentle touches, whether it was a pat to the shoulder or a quick fix of one's clothing. He gently wipes the tears away, his eyes focused on Gregory's face. Then, he leans in, and his lips briefly brush against his forehead, just enough for Gregory to feel it, but the motion is as heartfelt and honest as it could be. Philip cares deeply, likely more than Gregory knows.
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Pip pulls him a little closer, embracing him lightly and eventually pulling into a gentle hug. He figured Gregory might not want to be seen like this, perhaps it will ease him better. His hand moves to lay on his back, and Pip rests his chin on the top of Gregory's head. It's quiet, but there's no need for words, he understands.
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