#smoking right now weed bong 420 buds
420-culture-photo · 4 years
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White widow contining bloom))
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Happy 420
Legalizing Marijuana for Recreational Use
In life there are many choices and what I chose to do may not be something that you want to do and that is just great, but we still should be able to choose for ourselves. Marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use and I believe it should be legal nationwide. People are allowed to drink themselves to literal death and they are allowed to purchase and smoke cigarettes and people die daily from cancer caused by smoking cigarettes. So why shouldn’t I be able to go buy some marijuana and partake of it in any way I chose from my home?
In fact, one of our forefathers and our first president of the United States George Washington, grew hemp in an abundance on a plot of land he called Muddy Hole, rumor has it that he grew a different strain for smoking but there is no actual evidence to prove this. Hemp was one of the biggest farm product plant being grown, they used hemp to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel. Hemp that was used for industrial purposes barely contained any THC, usually less than 0.3%. The strains of cannabis that produce the euphoric effects are much higher in THC content. Marijuana contains some other psychoactive substances such as CBD, we need more research to see if and what kind of medicinal benefits would come from those.  
In all honesty I think they should legalize all drugs but for right now I am just talking about marijuana. Marijuana has been around for as long as man has, I am sure and regardless of laws people are always going to smoke on some “wacky tobacy” In fact it was legal until the early 20th century. Then everyone started to look down on marijuana and laws against it were made. Marijuana has been around since ancient China back to around 2700 B.C. there are many uses for it including: chronic pain, peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injury, HIV and cancer patients, muscle and joint problems, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, depression, anxiety and PTSD among many others.
In 2012 Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana and since then have made millions of dollars from the profit of it, many states have legalized it for medical and many states have de-criminalized it. Colorado used the revenue from Marijuana for roads and the school systems. Right now, it is legal for medical use in 33 states and legal for recreational use in adults older than 21 in 11 states, so we are progressing and hopefully in the future it will be legal in every city, county, state, country, everywhere.
Could you imagine a place where everyone could just smoke a little pot? I can’t help but to think of what a happier place this world would be if we could all just smoke a little pot.  That sounds wonderful to me, people are too uptight and need to relax a little bit. If instead of going to the bar and having a few drinks or maybe additionally you could smoke a couple of joints and enhance your enjoyment. One should be able to do that if you would like. I think this would help our society because I think for many years people have associated marijuana with drugs such as cocaine and heroin (that’s what marijuana is scheduled with) when it’s just not true. Marijuana is not a harmful drug and you do not go crazy or lose your mind because of smoking weed or grass and some call it. People smoke marijuana and don’t want to do anything but sit on the couch and eat because they have the “munchies” but it really all depends on the strain and type of marijuana and the person because some it affects differently.
There is this whole stigma with smoking marijuana and it has for years because the Mexicans brought it with them when they would come here and work and they would smoke it and that was associated with being dirty, and they kind of changed it into this whole cultural class and society frowned upon it; so I think if we could just get rid of the whole stigma around marijuana and how it actually is, people would have a different perception of it all and we might be able to see that a lot of good comes with this plant. I have seen that there is research being done about marijuana and cancer and imagine what might happen if we could go above and beyond and explore possible treatments.
With it being legal you have guidelines that people would have to follow to make sure their product is up to par and anyone who lacks that would be dealt with accordingly. I think the benefits outweigh the cons when it comes to this subject and I really believe if we could just do our research and stand up for what we believe in we might have a fighting chance of getting this somewhere.  Should we be able to grow our own marijuana? I for one think this would be great of course they will have to put some restrictions on it since everyone cannot be growing all the plants they want. I can almost see it now and oh it sounds like an opportunity to learn, grow, teach and experience so much from it and to be part of an evolution in something so great would be wonderful.
This would also help our country to eliminate all the side businesses of drugs like the drug cartel in Mexico, if it was legal here and we did not have to rely on other countries we could limit our involvement with big gangs and corrupt drug lords of marijuana, we would be less likely to be involved with questionable acts this way, the cartel is very dangerous and numerous amounts of lives have been lost because of these people. I think the legalizing of marijuana will help to keep our borders safe.
There will be many people that do not agree with legalizing marijuana, thinking that people will be just walking around stoned out of their minds and I believe that many doctors will be opposed to this because if marijuana was legal they might not be able to prescribe as many narcotic pills and will therefore lack the kickbacks that the pharmaceutical companies give to the doctors. Which also means there would be less people addicted to opiates and other narcotics and therefore probably less deaths because of it and so essentially we would be saving lives by legalizing marijuana. There has only been one person that died from too much THC and they think that maybe she was vaping it too hot and she died and there not any other factors that could have possibly caused death. Doctors are arguing about this though because there has never been any cases of that with all the billions of people that use marijuana.
Think of all the room in our jails and prisons it would free up for people not being in there due to a marijuana offense, growing, selling, or just possessing marijuana or paraphernalia. Between 2001 and 2010 there were 8.2 million arrests for marijuana and of those 88% were for simple possession. More that half of drug convictions in the United States are marijuana convictions. 67% of all Americans believe that marijuana should be legalized, people born between 1928-1945 continue to be the least supportive of legalization. We could better use the taxpayer’s money than feeding and housing inmates from marijuana convictions.
I am no business major or anything like that, but it seems to me that if we were to grow marijuana and legalize it, this would produce a number of jobs across the nation and therefore getting more Americans to work and helping our economy boost, as I look at this there seems to be a lot more pros to this topic than cons and I truly believe that this would help many out in many ways.  
I find it a little ironic that I sit here on 4/20/2020 and write a paper on legalizing marijuana, I wish I could say it was 4:20 pm but it is now 5:15 pm so of all days today is the day that everyone should just take a break and smoke a little pot, many different ways so choose whatever fits you best, rather it be a pipe, an apple, a classical joint, a bong, these days it can go so much further than that but I will just stick to what I know, and enjoy, relax, let loose a little if you will and have some fun but not too much, because this is not legal yet and I do not want to be a criminal because I choose my medicine in my home that suits me best, this is all just make belief of course. My husband wrote a song called Green Buds and it a couple of lines in it says why I am is such a mother lovin’ criminal all I do is sit around and smoke some weed, a beautiful song about a beautiful plant.  
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conceptpewpew · 5 years
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The 25$ CanniBox is 20$ right now! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183638389425 #stoner #cannabis #weed #pipes #smoke #bongs #marijuana #herb #stoned #420 #indica #flower #giftsforstoners #bud #glasspipes #sativa #weedlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEfwUBh4OQ/?igshid=f6w4ubyczxyw
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canna-base · 6 years
The Cannabis Groups Facebook Doesn’t Want You to See
As of the 6th August 2018 Facebook started to filter and remove specific groups from their search results. Search on Facebook has always been a bit of a hit/miss affair, but now they have removed the ability for users to search for ANY Cannabis Groups, or Marijuana Groups and related searches. You also find no Cannabis Pages or Marijuana Pages either when you try and search for any content to do with Cannabis or Marijuana, apart from videos. None. Nadda. Nix. As of the 8th August 2018 this was what you see when you search for Cannabis in the Facebook Search.   Go on try it! You can’t find anything apart from videos relating to the search terms for Cannabis, Marijuana and all associated search terms. Whilst this is Facebook’s right to reduce/remove functionality, we believe the only reason to do this is to try and stop or reduce the effective use of Facebook as a way for Cannabis users to share information.
“Censorship” is perhaps too harsh a word, as Facebook is a private company and has the right to allow or disallow specific content based on nothing more than their own internal policies. However we believe that if there is information “out there” then it should be freely available. What next? An outright removal of ALL Facebook groups and Facebook pages with any mention of Cannabis or Marijuana? Of course they can do this if they feel it is in their own interests, but that will affect a LARGE number of people who may choose to look elsewhere to connect with other like minded people. Taken to the extreme, this could see anyone who is a member of a group or who may have liked a page for Cannabis or Marijuana being banned or having their accounts suspended. Who knows, but it is their platform and they can do what they like…
With all that in mind, we have put together a list of over 400 groups that might be useful for users of Facebook who wish to share their thoughts and connect with other cannabis users, medical or recreational. If you have ANY groups that are not mentioned or are running a group that you would like to see added then please do. We are working to improve the list and make it as usable as possible for our site visitors.
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The post The Cannabis Groups Facebook Doesn’t Want You to See appeared first on Cannabis for Chronic Pain.
source https://canna-base.com/cannabis-groups-facebook-doesnt-want-see/
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Legalize Mary Jane or illegalize Alice B. Toklas?
Pot, Weed, Grass, 420, Ganga, Dope, Herb, Joint, Blunt, Cannabis, Reefer, Mary Jane, Buds, Stinkweed, Nuggets, Chronic, Tobacco, Hay, Rope, Gangster, Skunk, Boom, Blaze, Ashes, Block, Boo, Broccoli, Burrito, Burnie, Charge, You name it!
These are some of the common street names that cannabis had. So let’s talk about the use of illegal cannabis, I’d call it illegal because legalization of cannabis is not been approved in our country. It has medical purpose, but a lot of unwanted effects. House passes bill legalizing medical marijuana The bill would make it legal to use marijuana to benefit patients suffering from debilitating medical conditions.HB 6517 defines this as any disease causing wasting syndrome, severe and chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures including those characteristic of epilepsy, or severe and persistent muscle spasms. According to this bill, the legalization is for medical marijuana, not for other types. The former president-turned-Pampanga 2nd District representative Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, admitted that she had been using medical marijuana patches to ease pain whenever she visits a country where medical cannabis is legal. She suffers from multiple cervical spondylosis or the degeneration of the intervertebral discs, causing pain in the spine.
Not all cannabis are the same, in fact you can differ them from their leaves. Sativa leaves of sativa are loger and slimmer than Indica and Ruderalis.It can grow until 13 fingers and has a lighter and lime green shade. It is also believed that the longer flowering of sativa strains is the reason why people use it for illegal purposes. Next is the Indica the leaves of indica are short and wide, can also grow 7-9 fat fingers, indica leaves aare darker, deeper shades of green. The last one is Ruderalis the leaves of ruderalis are quite thin, and can develop 3-5 slender leaves. Most growers compare them to leaves of young sativa because it has slender and fewer leaves.\
Even if we knew the types of cannabis, we can get fooled because some growers do leaf mutations. Leaf mutation is initiated by breeders to better camouflage plant and make it less identifiable as Marijuana, gnarly-looking sets of leaves that appear on young plants, widespread leaf mutations with even numbers of fingers and ugly deformities are very rare. Excessive mutations are indicative of bunk genetics and poor breeding practices.
Here in the Philippines there are more than 300 growing sites of cannabis, especially at Mountain provinces like Bontoc, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao, Amburayao, Barlig, Bauko, Besao, Natonin, Paracelis, Sabangan, Sadanga, Sagada, Tadian. For easy access, suppliers go to Baguio, harvest their cannabis and supply it to different areas of Makati like Cembo, West Rembo, Rizal, Poblacion, Urdaneta, Bangkal, Magallanes, Sta. Cruz, La Paz, Palanan, Bel-Air Guadalupe then reaches Taguig, Pasig, Pateros until it came to the hands of college sellers. Certainly introduced,Clandestine cultivation in the highlands, especially the Mountain Province, Limited personal-use garden cultivation, Native of Asia,Commercial cultivation in many countries.
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Some breeders grow their pots indoors, less hassle right? But quite expensive then, but you are assured that it is pure organic because it is home-grown. When growing a cannabis, you will need a
 1.      Room or space for your plants, it can be in a closet, tent, cabinet, spare room, or a corner in an unfinished basement. Some tips in indoor growing are, The smaller grow, the less expensive it is to set up, much easier to monitor than in mountain province. lights, ducting, fans, and other equipment, as well as leaving enough room for you to work. When cannabis is in stage of flowering, it grows triple it’s size so you must a lot a bigger space. Cleanliness of the room is required and the temperature, humidity and lighting.
2.       You must choose your lights, because for sure, in your room it’ll not receive natural sunlight wherein it will not get the energy from the sun so choose a good quality of lights, choose HID lighting but there is a cheaper option, fluorescent and LED lights but the best quality is HID High Intensity Discharge
3.      Give your plants some air. The room must be well- ventilated you will need an exhaust fan, to eliminate the warm air and a filtered air on the other side of the room
4.      Learn how to monitor your set-up. You must know each of the set-up’s functions. units available that control lights, temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels, the beginner will generally need a simple 24 hour timer for the light and an adjustable thermostat switch for the exhaust fan. The timing of the light/dark cycle is very important when growing cannabis; generally you will have your lights on for 16-20 hours per 24 hour period 
5.      Decide what medium you want to use in growing them. It can be in pots, or rockwoool. Any high quality potting soil will work, as long as it doesn’t contain artificial extended release fertilizer
6.              Determine What to Grow Your Cannabis In A flood-and-drain, tray-style hydroponic system may use small net pots filled with clay pebbles or just a big slab of rockwool to grow many little plants
7.              Feed Them! Give them nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper
8.              Water them
 Now by following these easy steps, you can now have legal cannabis. Which can be used for medical purposes.
Methods used  in taking Marijuana to your body are smoking, bongs, vaping, dabbing, oral ingestions, sprays, tinctures and topical methods.
In smoking, marijuana is smoked using pipes, bongs, joints, blunts, .
In bongs, you can use 2 bottles or sometimes buy it online or customize your own, wherein the gravity pull the smoke into the chambers with water or sometimes beer or wine.
In vaping, Vaporizers heat the marijuana to a point just below the point of combustion.  The active ingredients can be inhaled as a vapor, rather than as more harmful smoke.
In dabbing, A glass pipe or bong is heated with a blowtorch. When the resin extract is placed into the pipe, it creates vapor almost immediately. Dabbing is thought to produce a greater high than smoking marijuana.
In Oral Ingestions marijuana is mixed with foods or baked goodies, most commonly in sweets like chocolates and candies. Oils extracted from marijuana plants can be used in cooking, baking, or simply mixing with food to create a variety of products that can be ingested orally or taken in capsule form (known as cannabis caps or weed pills). 
In Tinctures Tinctures are liquids extracted from marijuana plants that are infused with a solution of alcohol or alcohol and water. The user places a few drops of the solution under the tongue and it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
In Sprays Another relatively new method of using marijuana involves infusing liquids with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabinol (CBD) to make sprays that users can spray under the tongue. 
In topical Method, Topical oils are extracts from the marijuana plant that is thicker than the oils used in edible products. The oils are placed on the skin and are absorbed to relieve muscle pain and soreness. Because marijuana topicals do not produce a high, they are usually used for medicinal purposes only.
Based on my personal research, Cannabis is a popular recreational drug in the world, only behind alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.
·                 The psychoactive effects are biphasic: a primary psychoactive effect that includes relaxation and euphoria from its main psychoactive substance, THC. Secondary psychoactive effects include introspection and metacognition. Tertiary effects like increased heart rate and hunger is attributed to 11-hydroxy-THC, a psychoactive metabolite of THC produced in the liver.
·                 Cannabis sativa cause a "high" commonly associated with hunger (munchies) and energetic feeling while C. indica produces a more "stoned" and meditative feeling, attributed to a higher CBD to THC ratio.
That’s why I stated a while a go that not all cannabis are the same, sativa makes us high, indica makes us stones, and Ruderalis for medical purposes.
Cannabinoid Psychoactive Effects
- Psychoactive effects of cannabinoids in humans is a mixture of depressing and stimulatory effects in the CNS, designated into 4 groups: (1) affective - euphoria and easy laughter (2) sensory - alteration in temporal and spatial perception and disorientation (3) somatic - drowsiness, dizziness, and motor discoordination, and (4) cognitive - confusion, memory lapses and difficulties in concentration.
 Analgesic:  • Analgesic and Neuro Effects:  • Movement Disorders / Multiple Sclerosis:  • Antibacterial Cannabinoids:  • Short-Term Memory Effect:  • Lung Damage:  • Cannabidiol / Antipsychotic:  • Cannabidiol / Antioxidative / Anti-Inflammatory: 
I personally knew a person, who has a marijuana in take when he was in high school, due to peer pressure, he was forced to try what marijuana is, he was born normal, has a high Iq and an achiver, but everything changed when he had an in take of marijuana, everything has changed, he had to drink sleeping pills for him to fell asleep, his thinking literally changed, he was watering plants while raining, and now he is an adult, he’s been sent to a rehabilitation hospital for him to go back to his normal state of mind, because he is being aggressive nowadays.
 Mikhaela Yvonne Claire A. Buenviaje
12- St. John Paul II (STEM)
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Is it OK to be 420 friendly on main?
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It's 4/20 baby!!! It's Saturday, you're lit, brain perfectly calibrated to toasted, sparking your joy, blowing smoke rings so on point it feels criminal not to share on your Instagram story.
But something stops you from posting. And it probably sounds like the voice of your D.A.R.E. teacher yelling about how posting pictures of pot online can get you arrested and ruin your career.
"Even if you just post one picture, it comes back," said Anjela, who is very much not a D.A.R.E. teacher. Preferring to keep her full name separate from her online weed-sona, she's better known as Koala Puffs, a weedfluencer with over half a million Instagram followers. 
"You gotta be sure that's where you wanna take your life before you post. Because you have to be able to take on the judgement that's gonna come with expressing yourself."
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Caution, it gets gross 😖😖... I knew I messed up as soon as I put them in.... 😂😂 Old school and new school @stiiizy join powers to get snot out of me in the fastest way 😭😭😭😭
A post shared by Koala Puffs 🐨💨 (@koala.puffss) on Mar 12, 2019 at 1:59pm PDT
You'd think that in the year of our lord 2019 we'd have moved past the taboo of being 420 friendly on main. Cannabis decriminalization across the U.S. is at an all-time high, along with the general population's support for further legalization.
Yet while many of us are passing the blunt (or at least not harshing people's buzz) IRL, the stigma around talking openly about cannabis online remains. 
Elon Musk got the not-so-dank wake up call when he started posting vague (awful) 420 jokes on Twitter, culminating in a smoke sesh no one wanted or asked for that landed him and his company in hot water. Musk also drank alcohol on the same podcast, though, and no one cared two shits about that part.
And if Musk, a person with endless Fuck You Money and fame, doesn't have enough privilege to protect himself from online pot-shaming, who among us mortals does? Not even weed influencers can post to Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook without facing repercussions that feel like we're stuck in 1998.
The cost of a pot-sona 
In early 2018, YouTube went on what appeared to be a marijuana-based purge, deleting and giving strikes to swaths of weed influencers' channels. Soon after, it started happening on Instagram. While both companies cited community and user policies about depicting, smoking, and selling drugs on their platforms, others theorized that the crackdown pertained more to advertisers' trepidation after a litany of unrelated scandals from big names like Pewdiepie and Logan Paul. 
But by and large, the fear of being publicly weed-friendly on social media isn't about getting banned. It relates to the unique stigma of making cannabis part of your online persona.
Koala Puffs said the nine months after she quit her corporate job to pursue cannabis influencing was the hardest in her life. Her family, friends, boyfriend, and her boyfriend's family couldn't get behind her pro-bud rebranding.
"Nobody changed their minds until I was 200,000 followers deep," she said. But to this day her mom still thinks she's just outgrowing a college phase.
"I 100 percent still experience stigma from within my family," said Arend Richard, who went from 420 YouTuber to cannabis CEO after launching The Weedtube, a weed-friendly alternative to YouTube that's releasing a new app Saturday in response to the crackdowns. Granted, the weed stigma in his family is only exacerbated by their larger difficulty in accepting another aspect of his identity as a gay man. 
"But I will say, if you want your family to not judge you for using cannabis, just start a cannabis company, and get it written up in Forbes," he joked.
SEE ALSO: OK, everybody: Stop pot-shaming Elon Musk
Since taking on the business side recently, though, even Richard went back and deleted over 200 posts from his Instagram. Because legitimate cannabis businessmen also need to avoid the stereotypes associated with the stoner label, which seems to stick like glue in an age when social media signifiers define so much of how other people perceive you.
Reefer gladness
Particularly, Richard doesn't like to post himself in the actual act of smoking, even though a tutorial video teaching people how to smoke was what first began his path into cannabis influencing. That conscious curation is part of a larger shift in how people are expressing their cannabis use online.
"At first, over-consumption was kind of the game in the cannabis industry to get a following. You just did The Most," said Richard. 
When total prohibition was the law of the land in America, seeing copious amounts of weed, bongs, and blunts was an exciting novelty. But now it's possible for just about anyone with enough money in certain states. 
"We're in the biggest change in trends for online cannabis communities right now, moving more toward positivity and less toward over-consumption," said Richard.
Cannabis/beauty/wellness influencer and yoga instructor Brittany Tatiana (or sweettatas) quite literally embodies this positivity movement, by normalizing weed as a lifestyle choice on social media.
She got into weed influencing after a car accident left her with chronic pain. Unable to go back to her corporate job for six months, weed became her best alternative to the opioids doctors prescribed. At the time she'd already began dabbling with modeling and beauty influencing, building a following and doing promotion with a few brands.
But then she made the fateful decision to take the leap into letting her 420 flag fly. "I guarantee you I lost jobs and contracts because of it. Immediately," she said.
"It's been hard for me to represent my full self and not have people judge me based on what they see in one post," Tatiana said. Straddling the more commercial beauty industry and the cannabis-friendly world is like walking a tight rope.
"It's been a real battle with friends and brands. It's a fine line to cross. So I just try to be conscious about what I post."
Tatiana hesitates to post herself smoking too, for example. But overall, "it basically comes down to a day-to-day, case-by-case basis. Am I OK with how this post represents me? Do I believe in it? Would I want my younger self to post it? Is this true to who I am?"
She decides whether or not to post by thinking of her weed habits almost like a diet, or any other wellness lifestyle activity. Would she post a picture of a smoothie because it feels good and is part of her wellness regimen? Is that also the case for her marijuana-related post? 
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Grateful and riding the high from yesterday’s 420 Live! Still time to tune in... @hightimesmagazine #wcw (watch their live stories before 420pm today) w/ host @jenaealt and guests @sanctuaryfw 🔥 #grateful #sweettatas #cbd #hightimes . . . Use my code SWEETTATAS on @cannasmack 🌿 @organicflame 🌿 @foriawellness to receive sweet 420 discounts.
A post shared by Brittany Tatiana (@sweettatas) on Apr 11, 2019 at 10:36am PDT
"It comes down to choosing how you're gonna show it, and what cannabis means to you," she said.
But the risk is always there, especially since the stoner label seems to dominate any other way you define yourself. 
"I worry in general that it'll put me in some sort of box that I don't want to be in. Even though these days, it's becoming a way bigger box."
That caution should be part of everyday people's process for posting 420-friendly stuff on personal social media channels, too — regardless of whether or not they live in legalized states like the influencers we talked to.
The legal case against legalized marijuana
Because any career development expert will warn you that companies do look at your social media before hiring. There have also been a few cases of people getting fired in legalized states like Colorado for using medical marijuana even when they're not on the job.
A 2015 survey from the Society for Human Resource Management found that a vast majority (94 percent) of HR professionals with employees in legalized states still have formal policies against cannabis, with 73 percent in medical marijuana states and 82 percent in recreational states characterizing them as zero tolerance.
This strict approach might be showing signs of changing since 2015, though. More recent suggestions from the HR group advise companies to handle weed in the workplace with more nuance and care. 
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It me.
Image: vicky leta / mashable art team
"We've yet to see robust employment protections be adopted across legal markets regarding an individual's cannabis consumption," said Justin Strekal, federal lobbyist at the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. But there are some emerging cases, like a recent ruling in Massachusetts that sided with an employee suing his company for wrongful termination over medical marijuana.
Still, posting about weed is far more penalized in the workplace than, say, a post about happy hour with your coworkers.
When it comes to criminal persecution, aside from the occasional headline-worthy case, "there's not an epidemic of law enforcement arresting individuals for posting about marijuana online," said Strekal. 
"But that still doesn't change the fact that it's their legal right to arrest an individual for smoking cannabis, especially in criminalized jurisdictions. And if you post evidence publicly that could be used against you in a court of law, you are volunteering evidence against yourself," he said. 
Even if the police aren't out to get you, those kinds of posts can add fodder to other legal battles, like child custody. And looking at the racial divides for how marijuana is prosecuted in the real world, it's likely that some of those biases translate into who's more likely to get away with posting about weed, too.
"The application of law enforcement when it comes to cannabis is clearly racist. Full stop," said Strekal, pointing to the ACLU's famous report on how the war on marijuana is racially biased. The 2015 report found, "marijuana use is roughly equal among blacks and whites, yet blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession."
That also tracks with the general demographics of 420-friendly influencers which, at a cursory glance, tend to be disproportionately white and often female. 
Largely, the answer to whether you should be open about weed through your online persona depends on who you are. Beyond profession, local marijuana rules, and your age, your IRL community is another major factor in determining whether or not it's OK. Because, as Strekal pointed out, social media is mostly regulated by algorithms and abuse reports. 
"So the biggest question an individual needs to ask themselves is how are my friends going to respond to this? Is my social bubble going to report this as abuse to these platforms?"
Tatiana agreed, saying that, "If you live in a community of churchgoers, they won't respond well. And it's going to get around. So it's really a question of who you are, what you're willing to stand up for."
Taking the hit, for a cause
Interestingly, though, despite all these risks, repercussions, and cautions, lots of people still do get 420 friendly on main anyway. Just search 420 on your preferred social media platform. You'll find plenty of weed content.
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Let the good vibes roll.
Image: vicky leta / mashable art team
And an overwhelming majority of those posts will be positive, much like what researchers found when they tracked attitudes towards marijuana on Twitter between 2013 and 2016. 
Anecdotally, it feels as if we all live under the hazy threat of social media leading to pot-shaming or worse in the real world. But statistically, positive social media chatter around bud just keeps getting danker.
That is the fundamental tension with cautioning people against sharing their weed consumption. While people should remain mindful of the repercussions, the truth is that fighting the stigma largely takes place in social spheres like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. At least that's what some recent studies found, suggesting a link between positive social media and support for legalization.
Let's be real
"People are making a point to be more open about it because they're done with that shit. We can all see it for a lie now. And posting, like, 'I'm smoking this joint,' or 'my mom takes CBD pills' — that's people taking back their power. That's sending a message in and of itself," Tatiana said.
As we all know, social media is never a perfect reflection of the world as it is. Like the #FOMO travel pics that dominate your Insta feed, posting is about creating a collective ideal.
Until marijuana is legalized on the federal level, no one can tell you it's perfectly OK to be 420-friendly on main. At the same time, changing public perception by normalizing weed online just might be how we keep the wave of support for decriminalization and legalization alive.
Solving the issues around being weed-friendly online is a chicken and egg problem — or rather, a bud and the flower problem. Because in the world of social media, pretending we all don't smoke weed is so damn tired — but wishing everyone on your feed a happy holidaze is totally wired.
WATCH: Kim Kardashian wants a 'zen-like CBD-themed' baby shower
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blockheadbrands · 5 years
Growing Up Stoner: How I Found The Perfect Bong at Age 33
CK Kimball of High Times Reports:
“I didn’t become a grown-up stoner. I just grew up.”
It all started this year when I wanted to buy a bong. Not just any bong. A nice bong, a pretty bong, a bong I could leave out on the table without a second thought when company came over.
I wanted a grown-up bong.
But where to procure such an item? And did this item exist? What was the object and design side of “weed culture” now?
To start from the beginning, I didn’t start smoking until I was in college. And, even then, I was two years into my degree before I tried it. But cannabis had been around me since I was fourteen, and just an adorable straight-edge little thing who observed instead of imbibed. And, man, did I observe. Up until my 30’s, I would have described “stoners” by the environment they created around them; not by the amount they smoked (or ate). A stoner, in my experience, wore tie-dyes and baggy hats. Maybe tried to rock some Rastafarian colors on a poncho hoodie. They had long hair, hemp necklaces, weed patches, and listened to Phish. This wasn’t just high school; this style existed around me in college with wall hangings, blacklight posters, and a designated “chill” room in their one-too-many-people-on-the-lease apartments. To be a regular cannabis user was to be a holdover hippie and that extended to the pieces used. Big, giant bongs with fifty percolators, or acrylic pieces that looked like tourist drinks from the Vegas strip, or a glass-blown orange and aquamarine hand pipe the length of a salami— its name was probably “Dave” or something.
I thought, “that’s what it is to be in weed culture. That’s what it is to enjoy cannabis.” If you smoke more than just at parties when a joint is passed, then you’re a part of the world. And the world was inspired by Alice in Wonderland and a little musty. But I loved smoking out with my friends so… I was a stoner. I dipped my toe into “weed culture”. In fact, my first hand pipe was bright orange. And I had an orange wall hanging with a psychedelic butterfly. Honestly, I hated them both. I had two hemp necklaces my best friend made and I wore them proudly. A couple tie-dyes I’d whip out if I was feeling spunky. Whatever, I was in my 20’s having fun. Figuring it out.
A Grown-Up Ganja Lover
But now I’m 33. I am so 33. And still a regular cannabis user, in need of a new piece, and I… just can’t with a bubbler sporting a wizard on top. Or most jam bands. And I won’t sit on a dirty Persian carpet in your living room if I don’t have to. And I don’t. I’m 33, dammit. 
So what are the options? What does being a “stoner” look like? What is “weed culture” heading into your 30’s? For answers, I turned to my friends:
“I’m an everyday heavy user and I own maybe one pair of pot leaf socks as a joke. I’m drawn to less “420 blaze it” packaging and I avoid bongs, pipes, etc that feel too “college kid”. I buy them in neutral or more grown up colors; I like them to feel like part of my furniture and decor rather than a silly novelty. I like having them out all the time and don’t want it to feel like stuff someone would hide when they have company.” “I just enjoy the product itself and ignore the culture. As for design, price first and foremost, followed by functionality for me.”
“I hate weed culture.”
Well, we were all on the same page, hard adults, but it didn’t really answer my question. Because the difficulty was less knowing what I was looking for and more knowing where to find it. A trip into any head shop (smoke shop? See, I don’t even know the current lingo) yielded me a high selection of pieces 20-year-old me would have RAVED over but secretly resent. A search on Instagram showed me many well-crafted hand and water pipes… shaped like elephants and donuts. But then, suddenly, there it was, as though it had been right in front of me the whole time. A friend shared an Instagram post of a sand-tone water pipe with a beautiful, but simple, black design on the base. 
My Bud Vase.
According to their website, the founder, Doreen Sullivan, created the company because “marrying artistry, accessibility, and cannabis has motivated her to help close the smoking stigma gap.” 
Smoking stigma. That was my rosebud. When I was younger, imbibing in cannabis was associated with laziness and stupidity. The dumb stoner, always down for a debate but never getting anything done. It seemed hand-in-hand. Be a regular user, be a dumb stoner, be a part of “weed culture”. Blast Rush at 3am while forgetting you have pizza rolls in the oven. Barely hold down a minimum wage job. Hemp, all the hemp.
Where I thought I’d been trying to define “weed culture” or the modern cannabis user in terms of aesthetic lifestyle choices, I was really trying to build a defense against my own internalized fear of being labeled a “stoner” and all the negative connotation that comes with it. As I salivated over My Bud Vase’ beautiful collection and then sleuthed out other companies and sites sporting equally toned down but still lovely pieces, it all came into focus.
I didn’t become a grown-up stoner. Like my friends and many others, I just grew up. My tastes and preferences became more defined and though I prefer “cannabis user” as it does sound very mature… I would still call myself a stoner. “Weed culture”, as we know it, isn’t based on using cannabis. It’s based on those who want to surround themselves with elements of the product they enjoy. Which is ok if that’s your thing. As I mentioned earlier fairly forcefully, I’m 33. I prefer wearing mostly black or darker colors, I like my pieces to blend in with my decor of dried flowers and framed show posters, I keep a regular social and work schedule, and I smoke cannabis every day.
I played with “weed culture” as a kid because I, like many, was figuring myself out. Now I’ve got it mostly understood and I know what the modern stoner looks like.
Turns out, it looks like me. Older, chiller, and a fan of neutral tones.
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420-culture-photo · 5 years
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Ready for ice shot
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askjulitaabh · 7 years
The Ultimate Cannabis Road Trip Through Oregon
How many driving hours: 9
(Nick Ouellette/Leafly)
Oregon is doing legalization right. Learning from Colorado and Washington, the Beaver State has implemented cannabis rules that simply make sense, and coupled with the tendency of Oregonians to value tailor-made, eco-friendly, farm-to-consumer products, the oft-used term ‘craft cannabis’ takes on a whole new meaning here. In less than two years, Oregon has already become a cannabis mecca in its own right, and its scene is completely unique from Denver, Seattle, LA, or anywhere else in the world.
Your Oregon summer cannabis road trip kicks off in Portland—the state’s hub for mouthwatering food and bespoke bud alike—and weaves through the smaller yet equally cannabis-savvy cities of Eugene and Bend, detouring for exploration of Oregon’s incredible outdoors (think dunes, caves, and hiking trails) before winding up in the path of totality for the celestial event of the century—August 21’s unmissable total solar eclipse.
First thing when you arrive in Portland, check into the Jupiter. This retro-hip boutique hotel was recently renovated from its original status as a motor inn, and today its design harkens back to the mid-century modern vibes of its past. It’s also home to Oregon’s first hotel cannabis experience—book the 420 Package in advance and you’ll arrive to a cannabis magazine, copious munchies, and an Everything but the Weed Kit (hotel tee, hat, vape pen battery, and coupons to multiple dispensaries near the hotel). The hotel isn’t allowed to give you free cannabis, but you’ll remedy that at your first stop in the Rose City. Once you’ve dropped your bags, head to Serra downtown (a 20-minute walk; don’t forget the Serra coupon from your kit) for a dispensary visit unlike any you’ve ever had.
Nugs of flower at Serra are displayed with gallery-like precision and plenty of information. (Courtesy of Serra)
At Serra, people frequently walk into the lobby accidentally, thinking they’ve stumbled upon a high-end designer’s showroom or similarly stunning boutique. Beyond the navy-and-gold façade, the airy waiting room is encased in glass and appointed with comfy leather couches; once you’re invited inside you’ll find custom light fixtures, minimalist display cases, a wall of greenery, and a tasteful neon sign proclaiming “Quality Drugs.” Unbelievably beautiful pipes and bongs live in the front room; flower and other consumables are found in the back room. Buy yourself a Select cartridge to go with your Jupiter vape battery; an outrageously artisanal infused chocolate by hotshot Portland chocolatier Woodblock; a selection of house-made pre-rolls (rolled fresh daily with over 10 strains to choose from); and one of those gorgeous pipes as a souvenir (you deserve to splurge).
Hit the sidewalk with a pre-roll in hand; you’re headed two blocks up to Portland Pedal Bike Tours, where for $69 (bike, helmet, eats and drinks included) you can launch yourself into the true Portland food scene—widely known as one of the best in the world. Here, food carts are king, and dozens of food cart pods with copious carts apiece dot the city’s landscape. On this five-mile tour, which departs daily at 1:30 p.m., you’ll hit the OG pod at 12th and Hawthorne, the famous pod at 10th and Alder, and a few fantastic pods that fly under the radar in between. Trust us—no matter how hungry you felt going into this, you won’t be by the time the tour’s three hours are up.
A biking tour of Portland’s food carts is ideal for staving off a food coma. (espiegle/iStock)
In the evening, hit up the Alberta Arts District for low-key bars, live music, fantastic people-watching, and plenty of Portlandia character. Getting tired? Head back to the Jupiter, where it behooves you to read the fine print on the hotel’s cannabis policy: While the OLCC (cannabis’s state governing board) prohibits smoking in all public places including hotels (and you’ll be charged a cleaning fee for violating that), there’s no express provision against vaping, and “The Jupiter Hotel supports and encourages responsible consumption of all legal substances.”
In the morning, be sure to grab coffee (nearby Ristretto Roasters offers a crowd-fave Colombia El Paraíso that will pair beautifully with your infused Woodblock chocolate) and wander around your neighborhood’s streets and shops. Once you’ve checked out of the hotel, don’t leave town without a stop at the Grilled Cheese Grill for the munchie of all munchies—The Cheesus, a burger with two gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches for buns.
“You won't need to eat again for two days.”
Grilled Cheese Grill, re: The Cheesus
With that heavenly cheese lunch under your (loosened) belt, you’re ready to hit the road. Leave the city on I-5 South before turning off at OR-99W and heading for the ocean. On your way, stop in at Chalice Farms in Dundee for a re-up on supplies (don’t miss Chalice’s house brand of blood orange gummies), then continue all the way to the Oregon Coast Highway, the state’s most scenic drive. You’ll roll through quaint seaside gems including Lincoln City and Newport (where a stop at the Oregon Coast Aquarium is never a bad idea—sea lion and sea otter feeds each provide twice-daily entertainment).
Visitors to Oregon Coast Aquarium can watch the otters being fed twice daily. (GomezDavid/iStock)
Keep going until you reach the small town of Florence, where the coast is lined with sand dunes for your recreational enjoyment. This is the perfect place to get extremely baked, pretend you’re on another planet, and play for hours. We recommend wandering the sandscape, sliding down the dunes, running through the surf, bringing snacks and drinks, and watching the sun sink ever lower in the sky.
When you’re tired out, make your way into Eugene where you’ll hit up local restaurant darling Party Downtown for a late dinner (expect friendly vibes, creative organic eats, and curious desert-inspired décor) before landing at your AirBnb for the evening (book in advance). We recommend snacking on a few of those gummies and turning in early—there’s a whole lot to do tomorrow.
Rise and shine for the ultimate post-wake-and-bake breakfast: Off the Waffle. This family-owned Eugene classic serves impossibly fluffy, rich, and sweet liège waffles with every topping option you could possibly imagine, from fruits and syrups to cheese and chocolate. Afterwards, if it happens to be Saturday, check out the Eugene Saturday Market, the oldest arts and crafts market in the US. You’ll find everything from handmade kaleidoscopes and dreamcatchers to belly-dancing demonstrations and fresh mango-peach popsicles. And before you head out of town for good, stop by TJ’s on Willamette, where you can pick up a gram or two of TJ’s Durban Poison—the perfect active strain for the outdoor activities ahead.
Lava River Cave is the longest lava cave in Oreogn, and takes approximately 1.5 hours to explore. Unless you have a Northwest Forest Pass, you’ll need to purchase a $5 day pass. (wedekiba/iStock)
Next up: an adventure in spelunking. The Lava River Cave lies 12 miles south of Bend, and you can follow beautiful OR-58 and US-97N to get there. At a mile in length, the northwestern section of the cavern is the longest continuous lava cave in Oregon (so don’t forget to bring a flashlight).
Assuming you don’t get lost in the cave, carry on to Bend when you’re done and settle in at one of the various affordable lodging options in town, where you can chill, wander around downtown, and wait for the midday heat to cool before strapping on your hiking boots and heading to the Sisters Mirror Lake Loop trailhead. Heads up: The trail is on national forest land, meaning cannabis is technically illegal based on federal law, so leave your stash back at your hotel room (if you bring anything along, you do so at your own risk). This laid-back loop spans seven miles, so you’ll be back at your car in a couple of hours.
Can’t-miss beers at Crux include the Gimme Mo’ Not-Just-Another-IPA and the Doublecross Belgian ale. (Courtesy of Crux Fermentation Project)
That leaves you plenty of time for a leisurely evening of bud and brews back in Bend, which just so happens to be the craft beer capital of America. Belly up to a table at riverside Bend Brewing Co. to watch the sunset over a hearty brewpub dinner; swing by Boneyard Beer afterward to see what’s brewing there; and end up at Crux Fermentation Project, which specializes in unconventional brewing projects that will keep you tasting and on your toes. A few vape puffs between each stop will have you floating happily along all evening.
Now for the real reason you’re here in late August. This summer, Oregon will play host to the path of totality (i.e. the swath of land where it’s possible to view full coverage of the sun) for the first solar eclipse to cross the whole country since 1918. Eclipses are a magical thing, and cannabis is guaranteed to magnify that magic. Stop in at Bend’s super-friendly Oregrown for some last-minute supplies before you head out of town.
As many as a million people could flock to Oregon alone to view the eclipse, which means a couple of things. For one, don’t expect to be able to travel to a viewing location on the morning of the event—traffic and crowds will be unprecedented (we’re talking standstills, not a crawl); and second, you need to book your travel plans now—as in, immediately after you read this.
Wine Down, a working ranch in Prineville, will host Moonshadow Festival, “the most Oregon-y solar eclipse event out there.” (Courtesy of Wine Down Ranch)
Many hotels have raised their rates astronomically if they’re not full already, and some campgrounds have been booked solid for years in advance of the eclipse: As such, your best bets for reasonably priced accommodations lie on privately owned lands. Many wineries and ranches, for instance, are opening their doors to campers, and a number of towns, parks, and properties have also put together makeshift festivals to celebrate. To party like a local, head for the Moonshadow Festival in Prineville—it’s going to be “the most Oregon-y solar eclipse event out there,” according to one of the most Oregon-y newspapers in Oregon.
Moonshadow will be held over four days at the Wine Down Ranch. Tent camping passes are $200 per person, and include commemorative glasses that you’ll need to safely view the eclipse. You don’t necessarily need to be there be there on the first day of four; just don’t cut it too close. If you don’t manage to buy tickets in time, alternate suggestions include the Totality Awesome eclipse camp in Madras, and Roshambo Art Farm in Sheridan (where ticket sales will fund construction of a new cidery, though some camping days are already sold out).
Moonshadow attendees will be able to partake in yoga, hiking, stargazing, music, and more over the course of the four-day fest. (Nadezhda1906/iStock)
At Moonshadow, there’ll be plenty to keep you entertained until the day of the eclipse: live music, yoga, hiking, local food and drink vendors offering samples, and plenty of stargazing (the Perseids meteor shower will be tapering off, meaning a boatload of shooting stars). On Monday morning, wake up early and grab a prime viewing location—you don’t want to miss a moment of the eclipse’s gradual onset, starting at 9:00 a.m. As the phenomenon begins, settle in with your safety glasses, spark up a pre-roll, and get ready to share a once-in-a-lifetime memory with fellow fest-goers and other viewers around the world as the eclipse reaches perfect totality by 10:25 a.m.
Want to extend your road trip? Start off with our Washington itinerary, or hop on I-5 South and head to California where the third leg of our Ultimate Cannabis Roadtrip will begin. Keep an eye out for the next itinerary on Leafly soon!
Additional image credits:
Header: 4nadia/iStock Portland: ivanastar/iStock Oregon Coast: WestWindGraphics/iStock Bend: estivillml/iStock Prineville: Igor Zhuravlov/iStock
Note: This road trip itinerary is not intended to encourage unlawful cannabis consumption of any kind. Never drive under the influence of cannabis or consume in violation of any state or local law, and always keep your cannabis sealed and locked away in the trunk while on the road.
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So stoned right now. Peace #dank #marijuana #weedporn #weedstagram #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #hightimes #goodtimes #losangeles #highlife #goodlife #wakeandbake #stoner #420 #bud #lighter #smoking #smoke #instaweed #saturday #buddha #green #mood #instagood #weed #weedshots #bong (at Los Angeles, California)
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420-culture-photo · 5 years
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smoke on the water
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420-culture-photo · 5 years
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gravity bong
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420-culture-photo · 5 years
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420-culture-photo · 7 years
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my kids
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