queen-scribbles · 9 months
My SWtOR Secret Santa gift for @ishallobservethis! I had to do something with Felin soon as I saw she had a "tripped and fell in love by accident" arc with Koth. I love the Smuggler, I love accidentally falling in love pairings, and Koth always need more love. So I wrote them a little scene between chapters 7 & 8 of KotFE.
Despite her best efforts in the moment, Felin had never been all that good at subtlety. So it wasn't really a surprise when Koth caught one too many of her 'surreptitious' glances in his direction.
It was enough to prompt him to look up from his half-disassembled rifle, arching a brow at her. "Need something , Outlander?"
"No, um, I just... the stuff with the Heralds was... a lot." Felin set down the tools she'd been using to repair her own blaster. "Wanted to be sure everyone's okay after that, you know?"
"And I'm first on your list?" A wink. "I'm flattered. And fine. The rifle took damage, not me." He shrugged. "Not the first time I've been in a fight like that, anyhow."
Former military. Right. On the run for deserting because he had a conscience. He was used to danger, used to Zakuul and Asylum and didn't need her fretting over him. But I want to.
She didn't want to dwell on why that was. She cared about all her comrades in arms, that's why.
"Good," she said, clearing her throat. She picked up the tools and went back to work. There was just a little carbon scoring to clear away, but better to have it in working order now, under the circumstances. "I gotta ask, Koth," she started after a few minutes' companionable silence working side by side, "especially after that mess, what exactly did Lana tell you that had you all gung-ho to bust me out?"
"Bunch of stuff," Koth laughed, turning back to reassembling his rifle. "Findin' the lost riches of a crime lord, taking down some bigshot admiral--not to mention a near-mythic Sith. Or was he a Jedi?" He shrugged, brow furrowed as he slotted the casing back together. "Point is, she spun you up as this dashing hero who thrives on long odds."
Felin chuckled. "Somethin' like that. And what, your curiosity got the best of you?"
"Somethin' like that," Koth said, shooting her a grin. "Gonna take someone experienced with long odds and pulling down powerful Force users to deal with Arcann and Vaylin. Wanted to see if you were the real deal. She didn't mention you have a great smile, though."
She smirked down at the blaster. They'd traded flirty banter a couple times in the swamps; if he wanted to go again she was happy to play. "Can't imagine how that slipped her mind, it's one of my best features."
"Guess she was distracted by the skytroopers and Knights and wildlife chasing us," he deadpanned.
"I do bring a flare of adventure to the lives of most people I meet," Felin joked, biting back the odd little squirm that didn't want to see him hurt in the course of this adventure.
"Only most?" Koth asked, half-joking, as he secured the last pieces back in place.
"Some are too boring to be helped," she said with exaggerated drama, biting the tip of her tongue. as she finished and holstered her blaster. "Not you, though," she winked.
"Well, that's a relief," Koth said with a laugh. "Think I'd be a little intimidated if you found my life experience boring."
"You mean running from a galaxy spanning empire with a price on your head isn't normal for you, Vortena?" Felin said with faux-shock.
"Right now it is."
The hum of the engines shifted, rocking the shuttle just a little. The computer beeped, and Koth wiped his hands on his jacket as he leaned over to check it.
"We're dropping out of hyperspace," he reported. "Almost there. I should check on the Gravestone repairs when we land. If we're gonna use it to save the galaxy."
"Yeah, be bad for that hope--and the engines--to go up in flames when you try to take off," Felin said dryly. "Would hate for our dashing heroics to end before I have a chance to really see what y- the ship can do."
Koth chuckled, sent her a smirk. "Have a little faith, Outlander. Let me show off her moves." His expression sobered as a view of Asylum flashed outside the shuttle. "Be careful down there, huh?"
She nodded as they headed to strap in for landing. "Do my best."
The flicker of relief in his eyes made her heart skip a beat. Or two. Maybe she wasn't the only one worried.
Maybe she liked that thought a bit more than she should.
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sullustangin · 6 months
Fluffy February 2024 Master List
Huzzah! I wrote 29 things for Fluffy February (ok, 28 things plus one very fluffy chapter for my bigger fluffy fan fic).
Highlights: I developed my canon for both Lenn Teraan and Cole Cantarus. I wrote another Akaavi/Mako piece (someone needs to write them an epic Carbonite Years fic). I posted my most explicit work so far (is that a low light?). Dr. Oggurobb has decided to weigh in a lot lately.
I'll post the round up list, and then reblog with the AO3 link.
Snow -- 10 ATC - the smuggler crew lands on Alderaan
Eavesdrop -- 22 ATC -- Someone is spying in the cantina.
Entertain -- 21 ATC -- Theron and Eva do an intel drop at a casino.
Learn -- 10 ATC -- Eva learns how to dance from Lenn Teraan.
Planet -- 29 ATC (chronologically "now" in canon) -- Eva buys a planet. Because.
Fire -- 36 ATC -- Eva, Theron, and the big family on Odessen roast marshmallows.
Recovery -- 24 ATC -- Eva recovers from the Nathema Conspiracy. Risha makes sure of it. CW for untended anorexia.
Smile --over the years -- Theron's teeth may not be real, but his smiles are.
Storm -- 5 ATC -- Eva meets her first magnetic storm.
Care -- 21/22 ATC -- After Theron is injured, Eva makes sure he gets the care he needs.
Quest -- 39 ATC -- Theron and his band of adventurers... need to go to bed.
Discipline -- 40 BTC -- the Grand Admiral headcanon/backstory that's been rattling around.
Splurge -- 25 ATC -- Eva buys Theron a gift that isn't exactly what he wanted.
Free space! I added to Elysium, for a little while.
Craft -- Carbonite Years -- Akaavi knits something for Mako for the first time; in terms of the relationship, that's a big deal.
Spontaneous --- Theron and Eva rope Lana into one of their schemes.
Pleasure -- 22 ATC -- Eva speculates on some of the alternative universes in which she met Theron differently.
Pain -- sometime between 25 ATC and 29 ATC -- Bit of a kinky piece wherein Theron has his old scars replaced by Eva. This is Explicit for sexual activity, biting, bruising, and blood.
Shadow -- the legend of the Voidhound, from a child's perspective.
Partners -- 21 ATC -- A Theron/Eva heist fic, with their radio comms as cover
Reward -- 40 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb finally retires... or so he thinks, thanks to Bowdaar.
Sacrifice -- 29 ATC (between patches 7.2 and 7.3) -- Theron sacrifices one of the few things to survive from his childhood. Eva is a pregnant person in this fic, so CW for that.
Dance - Eva dances with Jace Malcom. This is a continuation of an eventual post-Nathema fic about a party.
Apology -- 28 ATC (Between Elom and 7.3) -- Theron liberates Arcann from his job at a fast food join in Dromund Kaas by punching him in the face. No, I will not elaborate (I will totally elaborate).
Kiss -- 21 ATC -- Theron thinks about the his views on good morning kisses in the early days after Eva's return.
Rain -- 21 ATC -- Theron finds Eva out in the rain after Koth is worried about her. It's not as bad as it looks.
Protect -- 14 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb meets the Voidhound on Makeb.
Shy -- 13 ATC -- Cole Cantarus becomes friends with benefits with Eva (she pays at the bar).
Fresh -- anytime after 23 ATC -- C2-N2 tries to start spring cleaning on Virtue's Thief. "Tries" is the operative word here.
@fluffyfebruary, @ayresis, @starlightcleric, @ermingarden, @blueburds-but-swtor, @vihola, @commanderlurker, @sarpndo, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @vexa-legacy, @grandninjamasterren
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spitzobsessed · 6 months
Happy squealing chirping about this existing in the same world i am
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consularmain · 1 year
Alliance Commander Ask Game
THE WAY I SCREAMED WHEN I FOUND THIS IN MY DRAFTS. I was tagged a very long time ago by @sullustangin to do this and I completely forgot
1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
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My Jedi Knight is my canonical Commander for my legacy. Her name is Minerva and she’s been through a lot of changes since I started playing her in 2018. She is a Guardian tank with a Shadow secondary class. She’s trapped at Light 5 because of how the old alignment system worked, but I headcanon she’s closer to Light Three. She has one of the most detailed backstories I've ever made for a character and I'm so proud of her :') She's like my child lol
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander? Minerva is not and never wanted to be a leader in any way and I live for that kind of inner conflict. Plus the expansions feel very natural with the Knight as the Commander imo.
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander? I can’t think of anything other than I wish the writers would let her get some rest. Give me a cutscene where she's just enjoying being with her friends and boyfriend pls
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander? Like I said earlier, it felt natural for Minerva to continue her fight against Vitiate and she was also the first character I got to endgame before Onslaught came out so she's just fixed as the Commander in my mind.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly? Minerva decided to side with the Republic, but she kept the Alliance separate and declined the offer to become a member of the Order again. She believes in the Republic but she hasn’t been a Jedi for a long time – even before she was put in the carbonite. And it would be incredibly inappropriate given a new “attachment” in her life. 
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc. Lord. PRAVEN. In my hc, he was on Ossus during kotfe/kotet and joins the Alliance after Onslaught. He's Minerva's bestie and the writers can't take this away from me.
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation? She's over it, honestly. She is so tired of people coming back from the dead.
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
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My Chiss trooper, Jame Harper, is Minerva's cousin but they're closer to sisters. Harper had given up hope she was still alive and attacked Zakuul to avenge her. Once she joins the Alliance, Harper is responsible for training new recruits and strategizing for the big battles.
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After the incident on Dromund Kaas, Acina sent her Wrath to Odessen to show the Empire’s support. Tegan and Minerva’s old rivalry picked up right where it left off but now that they're on the same side, they actually start to respect each other. They become frenemies but it doesn't last long.
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Freya and her Clan join Torian on Odessen and are responsible for keeping the peace between Imperial and Republic personnel. Freya knows Minerva doesn't have much family so she takes on an almost motherly role, fussing over her and making sure she takes care of herself.
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My Smuggler, Lyall, is Minerva's eyes and ears in the Outer Rim. He's a friend to the Alliance, not an actual member, but he appreciates what they're trying to do. He and Minerva share a history so it's no big deal for him to help out on the occasional mission.
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it) Despite all the craziness around her, Minerva feels at peace on Odessen - something she's not felt in a long time. She loves the wild forests and the endless lakes and rivers. It feels like home. She's never felt that way about anywhere before, not even the Jedi Order. I personally love Odessen. I wish there was a stronghold on Odessen so I could decorate it to Minerva's tastes.
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander? To say Minerva has a complicated relationship with it would be an understatement. Some days, it's great. She's doing more for the galaxy than she ever could as a Jedi. But sometimes she realizes just how many lives will be effected by her decisions and she feels trapped. She doesn’t feel anyone should ever have so much power. But she's lucky to have such a strong support system behind her and they make it bearable.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base? Minerva's favorite is the little pool at the base of the statue in the Force Enclave. She meditates for hours in the sunlight coming in through the crack in the ceiling. As for mine, it has to be the war room. I love seeing my companions just vibing with each other.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE? Definitely visiting the old world on Zakuul with Senya. I wish we got to see more of it or at least get a Zakuulan stronghold but I doubt the story will ever bring us back to Zakuul :(
13) Favorite mission in KotET? The palace mission, just because it's where we get Arcann lmao
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why? The walker missions are brutal. Except for the one on Iokath. That one is so much fun lol
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky? Minerva has worked hard to hone her body and mind into a weapon, but she also believes the Force is on her side as long as she listens to it. To her, luck doesn't exist.
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result? A lot of her fears were realized. She was abandoned by the people she trusted and the Jedi Order, the only constant in her life, was practically wiped out. Valkorion was once again in her head and the fear of him taking over at any given moment made her distance herself from the people around her in order to protect them. It was the loneliest period of her life. 
She also has a fear of public speaking so she hates it when she has to give speeches to encourage people.
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place? Harper has a habit of falling into positions of leadership despite her loner attitude. I can see her somehow accidentally becoming Commander in Minerva's place because no one else stepped up.
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
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19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET? Minerva's begun to let go of her old life but she doesn't mind being called "Master" or "Battlemaster" by other Jedi. She earned those titles so it's a sign of respect for her.
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to. Minerva loves trashy entertainment. Holovids, shows, books - it doesn't matter, she loves it all. It's antithesis to everything she was used to growing up that she found it so compelling. She's also a sucker for those romance books you see in line at the grocery store.
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dragormir · 3 months
So I'm playing SWTOR, and the sad thing is because I'm a weird gay dude all of my toons are queer and this game is distressingly het until later expacs.
Long post under the cut, it's a wall of text, etc.
Alas, poor Saarai. He spent so long trying to get Talos Drellik to notice him, up to and including dragging him along to watch as Saarai flirted ceaselessly with Cytharat until that kiss. Talos didn't even blink. Saarai went further after that, and romanced Theron Shan, an SIS agent and obviously the worst possible choice for a Darth on the Dark Council. Talos still refused to notice him. Saarai has given up and is now happily planning how to play house with Theron in a way that will piss off the most people in the Republic, starting with Theron's parents.
Nydaki is busy friend-zoning and sibling-zoning Kailyo and Raina Temple, and lives in fear of them hitting on him again. Due to severe interpersonal relationship issues caused by his time undercover with Ardun Kothe and his merry little band of weirdos, Nydaki has lost absolutely all interest in even fake relationships. (It doesn't help that both of them make him very uncomfortable, as he is asexual and aromantic, and even his hold on gender is a bit sketchy at times. Great for work, not great for anything else.)
Jjin Ghael is happy with his best friend Risha, and will one day progress from holding hands to actual physical intimacy. She understands and is happy waiting, because a smuggler captain is the most devoted boyfriend in the galaxy, and she has actual guarantees that he will not be wandering.
Betenor is still processing the traumatic incident that left him the only survivor of identical triplets, and will not be pursuing romance. (He does like Aric Jorgan, though, even if he understands that Jorgan may not reciprocate, as they both have Subscriptions TM.)
Tash just straight up doesn't know what's going on around him, and thinks dating is like next level friendship. He is fine playing with the tooka he collects and will not be pursuing anything until someone can explain why dating is better than just being friends. (Also, yes, Tash is queer. He is demi-romantic, much like Jjin.)
Cuyan is sixteen, and spends most of his time trying to deal with a growth spurt that keeps forcing him to go back to the tailors for new kutes. Like most Mandalorians, gender is an irrelevant social construct, both culturally and linguistically, and he only uses one for business purposes. He may eventually find a relationship, but he's happy just bopping around the galaxy as a bounty hunter.
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katethegreyjedi · 1 year
Kate's SWTOR OC List
[Key- name: class, gender/pronouns, species, level | love interest (server). Blue- light side, Red- dark side, White/Black- neutral]
The Sardath Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Dojia Sardath-Shan: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), cathar, level 80* | Theron Shan (SS)
Kel'onor Renth'ath: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), twi'lek, level 55 | Vette (SF)
Kel’rea Renth’ath: Smuggler, female (she/her), twi'lek, level 1 | (in future) Corso Riggs (SF)
Kam’ina Lieno: Bounty Hunter, female, cathar (she/her), level 12 | (in future) Torian Cadera (DM)
Evri’elle Evantros: Trooper, non-binary (they/them), human, level 1 | (in future) Aric Jordan (SF)
Pan'norfoss Fre't'an: Imperial Agent, male (he/they), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Watcher Two (DM)
A'sajj Vin'triss: Sith Inquisitor, female (she/her), rattataki, level 10 | (in future) Koth Vortena (SS)
Lishella Yulan: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), togruta, level 6 | (in future) unsure (SS)
The Tano Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Sivana Tano-Shan: Trooper, female (she/her), cyborg, level 75* | Theron Shan (SS)
Feista Gredan-Cadera: Bounty Hunter, female (she/her), cyborg, level 54 | Torian Cadera (SS)
Tallati T'ona: Jedi Knight, non-binary (they/she), miraluka, level 51 | (in future) Kira Carsen (SS)
Camaya Trenar-Revel: Sith Inquisitor, female ((she/her), zabrak, level 50 | Andronikos Revel (SS)
Finya Naïlo-Beniko: Smuggler, female (she/her), twi'lek, level 66 | Lana Beniko (SS)
Zojia Trenar-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), sith pureblood, level 51 | Malavai Quinn (SS)
Kulanthi Laxana: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), mirialan, level 1 |(in future)  Zenith (SS)
Zen’miana Elis'har-Hyllus: Imperial Agent, female (she/her), chiss, level 69 | Vector Hyllus (deleted)
The Onri Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Elshi'dar'ee Onri-Shan: Imperial Agent, female (she/her), chiss, level 73* | Theron Shan (SS)
Fee’ranula Laxana: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), mirialan, level 56* | Theron Shan  (SS)**
Findrali Naïlo: Smuggler, male (he/him), cyborg level 50 | Risha Drayen (SS)
Ko'era Hir-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), human, level 37 | (in future) Malavai Quinn (SS)
Astrinella: Sith Inquisitor, female (she/her), twi’lek, level 41 | Andronikos Revel (SS)
Rirjana Janae-Iresso: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), nautolan, level 51 | Felix Iresso (SS)
Zodeta Talen-Jorgan: Trooper, female (she/her), cathar, level 57 | Aric Jorgan (SS)
Fen'treoxess Onri: Bounty Hunter, female (she/her), chiss, level 30 | (in future) Torian Cadera (SS)
**(While Fee and Elshi are in the same legacy, Fee’s romance with Theron occurs outside of the legacy’s story, she has her own timeline, in a sense)
The Vendethl Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Andesten Vendethl: Trooper, male (he/him), human, level 60* | Elara Dorne (SF)
Ily'a Sarden: Smuggler, female (she/her), cathar level 53 | Darmas Pollaren (SF)
Fen’xandr’no Onri: Bounty Hunter, male (he/him), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Mako (SF)
Ak'rilon Trenar: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) Jaesa (SF)
Aika'e Trenar: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) unsure (SF)
Nezrenn: Sith Inquisitor, male (he/him), zabrak, level 3 | (in future) Ashara Zavros (SF)
Ha'ruowiss Elis'har: Imperial Agent, male (he/him), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Raina Temple (SF)
Senrionell Laxana: Jedi Knight, male (he/him), mirialan, level 1 | (in future) Kira Carsen (SF)
Therevor T'ona: Jedi Consular, male (he/they), miraluka, level 1 | (in future) Nadia Grell (SF)
The War’aven Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Archmallent War'aven: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), human, level 68* | Lana Beniko (DM)
Hagley Gredan: Imperial Agent, male (he/him), cyborg, level 26 | (in future) Kaliyo Djannis (DM)
Rysen'ii Gredan: Bounty Hunter, male (he/him), human, level 26 | (in future) Mako (DM)
Seb'reella Unar're: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), chiss, level 8 | (in future) Arcann (DM)
Ben'jamin Sisko: Trooper, male (he/him), human, level 1 | (in future) unsure (DM)
Larrick Alincar: Smuggler, male (he/him), human, level 24 | everyone none (DM)
Jethrunda: Sith Inquisitor, non-binary (they/she), zabrak, level 1 | (in future) unsure (DM)
Qiduli Yulann: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), zabrak, level 1 | (in future) Doc (DM)
Since I don't stay subscribed to swtor for too long, I can only have so many characters in each server. That, along with the fact that I made most of these legacies based on how they work story wise rather than server wise, is why there are characters from multiple servers in the legacies (really only for the Sardath Legacy lmao)
These legacy names don't all apply to the actual legacies in each server. In Satele Shan it's the Tano Legacy, Star Forge is the Vendethl Legacy, and Darth Malgus is the Sisko Legacy.
Also, some characters have the same last name, this usually means they are siblings (like Fee and Senrionell, Feista and Rysen'ii, Tallati and Therevor, etc), but it can also mean they are related as child and parent (in the case of Findrali being Finya's son), or cousins (such as Elshi with Fen and Xandr). It could also mean that they are simply relatives in a large family (Hagley with Feista and Rysen'ii). This also means that they might not know each other very well, or at all.
I don't have everything planned out for my characters here since a fair amount of them I just make and then don't play lol. But! I do want to expand on this idea more because I find it interesting to have my ocs interact like this (ie have one character be the alliance commander and the others fit in elsewhere)
I am more than willing to answer any questions anyone has about these little guys and expect more stuff on this in the future!!
End note.
Old OC List
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depizan · 2 years
The Smuggler story has a villain problem. Or, more accurately, it has a villains problem. It collects them, and then focuses on the least personal out of the collection. It’s a baffling decision that makes me think that either something was left on the cutting room floor (so to speak) or the writer(s) had a very different idea of what makes for compelling conflict than I do.
Most (all?) of the storylines have multiple antagonists/villains, but they tend to deal with them as they come up, not gather them like Pokemon. (For example, the Agent story has the Eagle (and Jadus) in Chapter One, Ardun Kothe and co in Chapter Two, and Hunter and the Star Cabal in Chapter Three – only Hunter carries over from a previous chapter and he’s a very personal antagonist.) The Smuggler has Skavak in Chapter One, the Voidwolf (and Darmas and Dodonna) in Chapter Two and Three, with Rogun in the background in all the chapters. It goes from the only actually personal villain (Skavak) to some guy who just kind of acts like you should consider it personal and two people who could be personal but are largely ignored. (And does a strange and illogical retcon on Rogun.)
I propose four possible rewrites of the Smuggler story that would make for more compelling protagonist/antagonist conflict:
1) It’s All Darmas, Baby
2) The Voidwolf is an Actual Goddamn Privateer
3) Ulterior Motives Abound
4) Rogun, Criminal Mastermind
(There are other things I’d change about the Smuggler story, but these are primarily focusing on the antagonist issue.)
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Alliance Commander Ask Game
I saw this interesting post by @consularmain , and thought I'd do it too!
1. Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
That would be Vajra Devarath, Jedi Knight. He's mostly Light-Sided, but gets very attached to people. During his 'funeral' after he and the rest of Braga's strike team went MIA, my Consular thought he was a bad Jedi, but a really great person.
His story deviates greatly from the game, but I'll be referring to that rather than the game. I'm currently writing it on AO3, but I'm on Shadow of Revan, at the moment. I'm a long way from writing about his Commander days.
2. What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
Vajra is decisive and clearheaded. He doesn't always know what's best, but on these occasions, he's very quick to ask Lana, Theron, Koth, Jorgan, Beywan, Scourge, Kira, or anyone else for their opinions. And choosing the one he things is the best one.
He has a good reputation in the galaxy. Most ordinary people see him as the ultimate white knight errant; honest (more than he actually is), self-sacrificing, and a winner. The Sith and both sides' High Command (including Acina) acknowledge his strength. The Jedi acknowledge his commitment to the galaxy, and perhaps even the Force. I should say, Vajra didn't ask for this, his legend just grew on its own thanks to him getting a lot of spotlight missions.
3. What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
Vajra was permanently affected by the carbonite. It's a source of chronic pain for him, to the point of knocking him out when he least expects it. He does cope somewhat after accepting both Sides of the Force thanks to Satele and Marr, but fifteen years after his return, he's got quite the litany of health problems.
He also has an old problem with mental health. He does deal with it on Rishi, thanks to Lana, but killing or losing allies can hit him hard.
4. Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
I've always been partial to the Knight-Errants, and the Jedi Knight felt like the natural anti-Emperor crusader. I thought that once they kill the Emperor in chapter 3, they're already the strongest boss in the galaxy, with few able to stand against them. In addition, Kotfe-et always felt like a Force-user storyline to me. It doesn't translate well for the others. I mean, Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are basically criminals, and Cipher Nine is a spy, not a poster model. And there are the fights against Arcann and Vaylin too...
5. Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
By the time of the Iokath conflict, my universe is far divorced from SWTOR storyline. In fact, the reverse happened. With the Fleet and the Gravestone under his command, Vajra attempts to put an end to fighting. He more or less strongarms both sides into going along with it. Acina and Chancellor Rans are the ones who have to choose, and they choose 'surrender.'
6. Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
The following are part of my Alliance: Shara Jenn (remote worker), Watcher One (secretly), Praven, Bengel, and a bunch of others.
7. How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
Doesn't happen. Vajra has the habit of decapitating enemies. Malgus was killed on Ilum, and there was nothing could be salvaged from the station's self-destruct.
On a meta level, I hate enemies that won't stay dead. It's lazy writing, and they already had Malora. They could've brought back Jadus, if they wanted nostalgia-bait, the community would've rejoiced. (You either die as a respected adversary, or live to become more nuisance than terror)
8. Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Most notably, Jasme Shan, Theron's twin sister. But she's not one of the starting classes. She's an Archivist first, combatant second. She's also Vajra's best friend.
Technically, Cipher Nine is a founding member, but only Vajra, Lana, Shara Jenn, and Watcher One know about it. Lana lets Theron and Jasme in on the secret at some point, but I don't know when.
Seraphim Abbot, who's a Jedi pilot and Kira's husband, also joins when she does (earlier, in my story).
Hekaten (Sith Inquisitor) joins the Alliance, in a way. They get along okay.
In addition, Roban Queens (Trooper) joins the Alliance early. But he's had a problem with Vajra for over a decade now.
Vajra encountered Commander Tavus on Taris, but didn't apprehend him, since Garza kept his defection secret. Roban hated him for it, somehow expecting the then-fifteen-year-old to somehow know how to tell a traitor. He picked a fight with Vajra, and lost. To add insult to injury, Vajra filed a formal complaint against him and Garza, which led to her losing trust, and getting a temporary demotion. He never forgave Vajra for that.
During the timeskip, Roban worked with Lana, and began to want her. But she wasn't interested, and he blamed Vajra for that (rarely admitting that he himself was the problem).
Oh, and um. Roban and his family are Zakuulan sleeper agents. He hates Arcann for killing them, but he's a Valkorionist through and through. So that's one more reason to hate Vajra.
9. How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
Vajra loves it. The scenery is perfect, and it's balanced in the Force. In my story, Lana starts developing it as mroe than just a military base. It has cities, farms, industries, and even markets. They build a home on Odessen, and raise their kids there.
Personally, I love it. Only world I love more is Alderaan.
10. How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
He accepts it. You have to understand though; he takes it to a whole new level. If you've ever heard of the Shogunate in Japan, that's what he becomes. A benign military dictator. He's able to bring peace to the galaxy thanks to this, but he hates how he's going against his teachings to be a dictator. In addition, he would've liked to have retired from fighting and leading. To spend the bulk of his time as a good husband and father.
11. Favorite place in the Alliance base?
The cliffs overlooking the base and valley beyond.
12. Favorite mission in KotFE?
Chapter 3. The escape from Zakuul, and getting rescued by Lana. On a personal note, I like how this mission frames Vaylin as a force of nature. Like the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. She was a better Vader, back in those days. Then she became a worse Kylo Ren...
13. Favorite mission in KotET?
The final one, though it's very different for Vajra. When he and Hekaten meet face-to-face for the first time, Valkorion realizes that the Sith has a super-strong pull on ghosts. He uses that to escape his 'cage' (Vajra) and transfer over to Hekaten. The final chapter, where you have to piece yourself together, takes place in Hekaten's mind rather than Vajra's. The Inquisitor escapes thanks to Vaylin's interference, and Vajra briefly resumes his role in containing Valkorion before destroying him for good using Tenebrae's original body.
14. Least favorite mission in either? Why?
From meta, the walker missions. In the game, Iokath. I hate everything about that world, but especially the conclusion. After everything SCORPIO did, having her arc resolved with a single choice like that is dumb. Personally, I resent SCORPIO blaming all organics for what only the Cabal did to her. And she's not fighting for droid rights; she has no problem treating HK-55 like a tool.
15. Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Skill more than luck, but I can't stress on how important his friends/council are to his success.
16. From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
He was terribly upset by finding out that he lost five whole years. Especially because everyone he knew has changed and grown without him. Most importantly, Lana and Jasme. The latter lost the love of her life (Sith Warrior, Kairegane Rooks) and nearly gave up. He wished he'd been there for her, as she'd been for him.
He's also aware of just how hard his absence was for Lana, with whom he shares a powerful Force-Bond. It was almost dead for five years, which caused her no end of grief.
It doesn't help how he realizes that they've had five years of growth taken away from them, including the family they wished to start together.
And then there's Kira, who had a son while he was frozen.
As a result, he's very afraid of losing time. He's always in a hurry to get the work out of the way, so he can do what's really important to him--spending time with his loved ones. He's loath to let them out of his sight, like he's owrried they'll slip through some crack and vanish the moment he has his back turned. This also makes him very angry with Arcann, though he manages to put his feelings aside.
17. AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Probably no one. Kairegane Rooks, the Wrath, was terminally ill. For her to survive, she'd have to not have a congenital disease. Hekaten is taken prisoner by the Eternal Empire, and Lana and Theron don't trust Roban due to his affiliation to Zakuul (in addition to his general creepy behavior). He proves them right by abandoning the Alliance when Valkorion takes over Hekaten. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are far too removed from galactic politics to care. I suppose someone would've risen up, but it would've been a dark and bloody universe that ended up in an even worse place than where we are now.
18. Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
The Emperor, and Roban. That second guy especially. Creeped on his wife (Lana, whom he married way back during SOR), and joined Valkorion. He even had the temerity to pretend that Force Users have bad inner eyes, rather than accept that maybe Valkorion really was the Sith Emperor.
19. Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
He doesn't, but he finds them thrown his way very often. Some of the titles he has, which aren't in-game titles:
General, Jedi Marshal, and Crown Reaper (or just Reaper).
20. Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Honestly, I've either already written it, or will be writing when I get there in the story.
In the beginning, I intended for each of my OCs to correspond to a deadly sin:
Vajra: Pride (in his swordsmanship) Kairegane: Lust (thrill seeker) Roban: Envy Hekaten: Greed Mark Fordorn (Bounty Hunter): Wrath (He's an escaped Power Guard) Juun Stede (Smuggler): Gluttony Devel Nirol (Consular): Sloth.
But I did a poor job of keeping to it in most cases, so the 'sins' are a shadow of what they might have been, with the exception of Mark, who's still a very angry man.
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relevant-url-incoming · 4 months
Can't write to save my life right now but I am full of character thoughts again, this one for my trooper in Caibos' universe:
Vasha Bannley's time in Havoc Squad starts bad and gets worse. Originally a wide-eyed kid who genuinely thinks joining the army will make the galaxy a better place, she breezes past the events of Ord Mantell with the blithe conviction that, since she's not a bad person, nothing Tavus said or did has any possible implications for her. Then she slams up against the wall that is Garza's more awful orders, and things go downhill from there.
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Vasha joined the army because her idol/childhood friend/babysitter was a soldier, and she wanted to follow in her footsteps. (In a twist of me being an asshole writer, Kayva deserted from the army, disillusioned, on the very day Vasha joined up; she's my smuggler in this universe.) Vasha is a talented mechanic/droid technician, and pretty much always has some small probe or recon droid following her around ostensibly for scouting purposes but mostly because they're her precious little buddies. She finds her droids easier to talk to than her squad - with the exception of M1-4X, notably also a droid, she has a variety of reasons relating to her growing disillusionment to put up walls between herself and her fellow soldiers.
The first nail in the coffin is early, when Garza asks her to kill Coruscanti citizens who may be a threat. Vasha obeys, because she has to believe Garza knows best and wouldn't make such a call if she hadn't exhausted all other options, and spends the rest of her life hating that she did. Each subsequent order or choice like that draws her further from that naive kid she used to be. She finds out that Kayva left the army midway through this, and is furious that Kayva would leave rather than fight to make the army better - at this point, though she sees how bad things are, she's still clinging to the idea she can change things. By the end of the class story, though, Vasha fully believes there's no saving the army, but also that this is the only kind of work she's good for anymore. Thanks to her technical expertise she actually ends up tapped for the SIS, where she continues to make morally dubious choices but can no longer blame them on Garza's orders.
It's not until the Alliance era that she reconciles with Kayva, her old squad, and herself. Working alongside Koth helps and hurts at the same time - they relate on many levels, but she envies the level of hope and conviction he clings to, even if it is placed in Valkorion of all people. Slowly, as he figures out more about his one-time ruler and she adjusts to working for a much kinder boss, they help each other find a way to move past those hurts.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
Okay. So. I've hit a huge problem in my kotfe/et replay because against all odds, Eight snagged Koth.
It's not even supposed to be possible if you don't help Zakuulans at every turn, but the guidelines on his romance are unclear as it varies online (i'm interested in seeing the code for it now) so most assume he will brush you off if you try to flirt with him after being indifferent to Zakuulan suffering; in some reported cases this happened after the above and he says he's busy. The romance reportedly ends there.
Since this seemed tentative I thought I'd go for it and if it failed, I could still go for the Theron romance.
Testing began; Eight didn't flirt with him much, but he did do the ones that felt in character in Taking Flight. He didn't even support him in the chapters before that as he's more of a spectator when it comes to personal issues between other people, much to Lana's chagrin, so I was thinking surely this wouldn't work.
Lo and behold. A few flirts after that smelled of good chemistry and wham, the overprotective Koth saving you from Arcann scene popped. I was SHOCKED.
What the hell are the requirements for this romance, because now I'm convinced it's all RNG-- it's clearly not your decisions over Zakuul. Either that or Eight's story-defying, gamebreaking personality guarantees he comes out on top no matter the odds, which could be it, too.
Anyways. Enjoy some kiss screens that had me blushing in embarrassment cuz I fidget over such intimacy close up. I guess Eight can't abandon him now.
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Buyoware let me have polycules so I can romance multiple characters and not have to choose one over the other for the sake of seeing something new.
(I didn't dwell on it too much at first, but I definitely like their chemistry. Rough-and-tumble smuggler captain interested in the sleek and elusive agent who slips through his fingers like water each and every time just enough to leave a taste but never enough to quench thirst-- it's kinda nice.)
And now, a mini fic.
Koth reels.
He's never met anyone like him before. Few can say they have when it comes to Eight, and not even Lana can nail down his specifics; that's what makes their whole dance so intriguing.
Eight doesn't hesitate at being unafraid to tackle the unknown by himself. He doesn't blink an eye when he says Koth can go to his crew if he wants and leave him to fend for himself; there's not an ounce of fear or doubt. As if this is as natural as breathing to him.
Eight says he's unable to understand what expectations they have for him, but if he has a wish, he'll grant it.
Just like that.
Brave. Strong. Smart. There's too many words Koth could choose to describe him and none of them would capture exactly what he feels watching him shake his world to its foundations. He's a reckoning on and off the battlefield. Anyone can see that.
Koth's wish came in the shape of a person whose shadows clung like a second skin, and he's never been one to pass up opportunity where it falls at his feet-- brilliant beyond anything he'd never imagined, and more luminescent than the shooting stars that fell to earth.
The captain thinks on how he'd watched him with unblinking, impossibly dark eyes that soaked in his every move at the foot of his bed, not out of malevolence, but curiosity. He'd wanted to know him. He'd wanted to know Zakuul.
That night, Koth opened himself up to him twice, and fell three times as hard.
It turned out Echani did not know others through words.
Hey, he was learning more everyday though-- and he saw it as a banging success that they'd exchanged uh, a lot culturally. And physically. And emotionally. There was a lot of banging regardless.
Not that he'd had enough of it. The Outlander was his wish made physical. He'd gladly get burned if it meant holding that star in his hands-- and he was never one to give up on his dreams.
All the luck in the galaxy was his, and it was named Eight.
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monocytogenes · 8 months
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I've seen folks on Reddit do story rankings, so here's mine (spoilers obv):
IMPERIAL AGENT MY BELOVED. This story really hit that sweet spot of "complex moral landscape where you have to make difficult decisions" for me, and was one (along with trooper) where I could tell that Bioware understands politics and bureaucracy delightfully well. I know a game like this is good when I have to sit back and think for a minute about what choice my character would make at a pivotal moment, and I absolutely had to do that at the end of Chapter 1. I also normally hate mind control stuff as a plot device, but they handled it very well (and traumatically)--killing Kothe, and later Hunter, was such delicious catharsis. I also still hold that the Minister was probably the most realistic-feeling authority figure to me out of any such person in the class stories, and I also have deep affection for Shara and Vector. I wanted so much more of all of them, haha. Just a great experience all around.
Sith Warrior. Also a story where I was given a surprisingly great range of options in terms of ethical decision-making, and while the plot was more of a straightforward heroic journey, the characters really made it for me. I loved Vette, Quinn (despite the clumsy writing; having a romance where the usual gendered power dynamics were reversed was fantastic) and Pierce in particular, and I loved getting to play a morally gray patriot and how the game supported me in that. (For instance, the moment where my chick let Yonlach face death on his own terms and knelt in respect to his corpse just. Beautiful. Chef's kiss.) It was also probably my favorite in terms of the actual combat mechanics; I've played as a Marauder and a Jugg, and both are just such fun.
Trooper. SPEAKING OF COMPLEX MORAL LANDSCAPES. From the start, running around on Ord Mantell and encountering everything from war profiteering to mistreatment of prisoners to child soldiers, I knew I was in for a time. Like, this is insane, but my single favorite thing in this storyline was Jorgan's personal quest and how he went through the five stages of institutional disillusionment afterward. I loved Bioware's willingness to portray the Republic as a flawed state with bureaucratic infighting and active discrimination (e.g. poor Elara's defection story)--but still clearly not as bad as the 'has state-sponsored slavery' and 'is an oligarchy run by maniacs' Empire. I didn't get super attached to my own OC, but I am intending to run the expansion content with him just because I liked his dynamics with Jorgan and the authorities so much.
Jedi Consular. I know this is one of those stories people love to hate, and I wouldn't say it was the strongest for me, but I liked it! The politics of it were fun for me, and I got pretty attached to Yuon, thought Qyzen's whole cultural background was cool, and was frankly super disappointed I couldn't romance "ethically questionable guy with an assload of PTSD" Zenith. My main complaint was that my range of choices didn't seem as nuanced as some of the other characters--a lot of options were strictly "good guy" vs. "bloodthirsty maniac". I also did like the play style quite a bit--the glass cannon dynamic was pretty satisfying.
Smuggler: This was actually the first storyline I played, and it was alright. I felt the whole hunt for Skavak was really strong, and I liked the twist with Darmas, but the latter half of the story kind of dragged. Also felt like the romances really strongarmed you--I played a guy who ended up kissing Risha simply because I picked nice dialogue options with her, and I've heard that Corso's flirtations are kind of obnoxious on a female smugg. Overall, though, I loved the criminal underworld stuff, the quippy lines, the varying degrees of unethical I was permitted to be, and the combat style (I did gunslinger, and had a great time with that!)
Sith Inquisitor: The more fantastical, force magic stuff tends not to compel me, but this story was alright, namely because it was balls-to-the-wall insane and that was kind of acknowledged in universe (like, the sheer 'this might as well happen' energy of a lot of the dialogue was pretty funny.) I did feel as though I had less leeway than on Warrior to occupy a nuanced moral space; it felt like the writing was really encouraging me to be a scenery-chewing sadist, which I didn't care for as much. The companions were alright; I thought Andronikos was cool, and Ashara seemed a better-handled Jaesa (albeit one I didn't romance on a male inq because she coded really young to me and it creeped me out.) So yeah, just. Firmly 'okay.'
Bounty Hunter: I'm not sure why I didn't care for this story--I love the crime stuff in Star Wars, I could make questionable decisions, there were some politics involved--all of that was there. I think it just didn't have an emotional core for me. With Smuggler we were really off to the races on a vengeance quest when my ship got stolen; with Consular i got attached to Yuon and was motivated to help her; with Bounty Hunter Jory and Braden got killed before their deaths could really mean much to me and poor Mako (unlike Corso) seemed pretty unequipped to deal with the challenges we were going through. I did like Torian and got attached to him--the whole situation with his dad was feels--but yeah, I just felt unmotivated through much of it. It was disappointing too to get strongarmed into accepting Gault as a companion, as I really liked him in the expansion content; it just was one of those situations where I couldn't fathom why my character would let such a liability onto her ship.
Jedi Knight: I can tell this story was supposed to really be the main event of the game, but honestly? If the agent story was cake, this was white bread. If Agent was a published novel, this was wattpad fanfic. I was actively bored. As previously mentioned, I'm not super into the fantastical force magic stuff that much in general, and most of this story was that--the rest of it felt like sweeping up after the Republic's bullshit decisions without much political context (who the hell thought these superweapons were a good idea, anyway?) Like Consular, I felt like I had little nuance available to me in my choices, and many of the characters either straight up didn't feel like actual people or it seemed like I didn't have much time to get to know them (like, I was genuinely interested in Rusk's trauma and mindset and felt like I had little opportunity to explore that with him.) I got slightly attached to Orgus as a mentor figure, and then--well, we know what happened to him. I played a Shadow and was frankly glad I did because stealthing made it easier to get through the story quicker. Sigh.
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
The final real question
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sullustangin · 1 day
apparently this didn't post yesterday!
New Chapter: The Games We Play
Rating: M (PG this chapter)
Pairing: Theron Shan/Smuggler
Quick Quote:
Lana brushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.  “I don’t want her to run off with that ship for… whatever she’s looking for.  Whatever Arcann took from her.”
“I remember that conversation, too,” Koth assured her.  “I’ve had Tora… make some blindspots for the ‘biological sentients’ to deal with anything … rogue.  That machine gives her the creeps, too.”  Koth shifted his weight.  “She’s not like C2, who’s a nice guy, honestly.  Or even HK-55, when he was around.  T7 seems cool, too.  The droids from your end of the galaxy have personalities—Zakuul’s are designed not to.  And out of all the personalities I’ve met, I don’t like hers.” 
Theron made a note in his implants to demand that information from Tora in his next meeting with the engineer. 
“…we really don’t know what she is capable of.  She worked with an Imperial agent that… went beyond everything we expected.  Wanted.  Feared.” 
And then Lana looked right at Theron, knowing he had been listening the whole time.
Theron smirked.  She wasn’t so green anymore.  Good.
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captainmortuem · 9 months
SWTOR Secret Santa 2023 Question
Another readmore because this is just more of me talking about my SWTOR OCs for my Secret Santa.
“Who is the leader of the Sith Empire?”
Currently the leader of the Sith Empire is Empress Acina. I accidentally skipped the stuff after KotXX and before rejoining with the Empire in Onslaught, so Acina is still alive, which also plays into the other question of “What Companions are still around?”
Dahay’s personal companions; Khem Val, Xalek, Talos, Ashara, Andronikos are all still working with Dahay and a part of the Alliance/Hand of the Empire. Of the KotXX specific companions, there is; Lana (obvi), Arcann, Senya, Theron, Treek, Z0-0M, Ak’ghal Usar, and the repaired HK-55. Lana is still very much in charge of the HotE intelligence, working alongside (and also keeping an eye on) Theron.
Arcann has been redeemed and somewhat fixed, and acts as an advisor to Dahay as well as occasional traveling companion.
Senya takes a back seat in some situations, but is both a respected field officer and trainer of new Force sensitives in the HotE.
HK-55 is pretty much just babysitting Z0-0M, but sometimes comes along with Dahay on field missions.
Treek does the same, just minus the babysitting.
Ak’ghal and Khem Val act as bodyguards for Dahay, more as an intimidation tactic than a legitimate guard force.
Xalek and Ashara both work alongside Senya training force sensitives, Xalek in combat and Ashara through philosophy and learning about the Force.
Andronikos is still Dahay’s pilot, there isn’t a thing in the galaxy that could replace him after all these years.
Talos works with Doctor Oggurob, but primarily goes out into the field with Dahay to research and recover ancient Jedi and Sith artifacts.
All the ones who have died are; Kaliyo as a result of her “I’m going to do my own thing” and nobody being around to pull her out (also personal beef, I think I would like her better if she was a bounty hunter companion instead of an agent companion.), Vette who was killed by Vaylin during the attack on Odessen, Skadge (I don’t necessarily remember how he died but I know I didn’t recruit him.), SCORPIO on Iokath (and as a precautionary measure on Kairous’ part, of which Dahay was on board with.), and lastly Koth (I’m not saying he had no reason to try and steal the Gravestone, but it really didn’t help against an Eternal Empire. Any other playthrough he is alive, but this one ain’t it.)
T7 sticks around to continue helping out through the story, but he returns to the Republic with Shim Leedes. Same with Nadia, Felix, Zenith, and Aric. Evek’Fezen (Trooper) goes with, but Shesali (Sage and Dahay’s sister) and Ipah’fezen (Voidwolf/smuggler) both stay with the alliance/empire. 
Kira and Scourge stick around, usually working directly with Dahay but having the free reign to do their own thing as they search for Sith Relics and remnants of Vitiate/Valkorian/Tenebrae’s followers. Qyzen primarily hangs around Shesali, Yuun and Doctor Lokin work with Oggurob.
All the rest of them have various jobs within the HotE and usually hang around with their class MCs. So the abbreviated (barely) list is:
The Inq’s companions, Ak’ghal Usar, Lana, Theron, Arcann, Senya, Treek, HK, Kira and Scourge. Those are the ones who would be spending the most time with Dahay.
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shabre-legacy · 1 year
One of my smugglers will fistfight Koth Vortena over the gravestone. I don't know which one, but it's one of them
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thevehszlegacy · 2 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Alliance Era, Main Eight
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Bounty Hunter: Ar'eonis'terrinxx ("Terrin")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Grand Champion, Outlander, Commander
Chiss - she/her - bi
Powertech - Pyrotech, Shield Tech / Commando - Assault Specialist
SO: Torien Cadera (married)
Children: Atten, Araa, & Anaehr Cadera
Alignment: Gray (formerly dark)
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Jedi Consular: Synnda V'ehsz
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Lead Diplomat, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle Synnda is, essentially, Terrin's second in command in everything but title
Zabrak - he/him - gay, ace, poly
Shadow - Serenity / Sage - Seer
SO: Koth Vortena, Chakem Vira (dating, polycule)
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Students: Nadia Grell & Lina Tophrik (former); Parrakh Djal, Niveh'era, Attros Finn
Alignment: Light
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Imperial Agent: Rediaex'aere'zortiea ("Xaerez")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Alliance Intelligence Agent, AKA "Nav'erda'tten"
Chiss - he/him, they/them - nonbinary, gay
Sniper - Virulence, Engineering / Operative - Concealment
SO: Theron Shan (married)
Alignment: Gray
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Sith Inquisitor: Qizulth Verryn (Ki'zulthevrynn)
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Darth Nox, Lead Archeologist & Ancient Researcher
Twi'lek - he/him - trans man, aro, ace
Sorcerer - Madness, Lightning / Marauder - Fury
SO: Single, not interested
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Apprentices: Ashara Zavros, Xalek (former)
Alignment: Dark
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Sith Warrior: Aaz'n Tarnak
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Lord Wrath, Head of Security, Grand Paladin
Sith Pureblood - she/her - lesbian
Juggernaut - Immortal / Assassin - Darkness
SO: Max Tro (engaged)
Students: Jaesa Wilsaam (former); Deca Iresso
Alignment: Light (leans gray)
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Jedi Knight: Liolana "Leo" Vetiko
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Battlemaster, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle
Cathar - she/her, they/them - demigirl, bi
Guardian - Defense / Shadow - Kinetic Combat
SO: Ytila'vena (dating)
Students: Kira Carsen (former)
Alignment: Gray (formerly light)
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Trooper: Varrich Tophrik
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Head of Agriculture
Mirialan - he/him - aro, ace
Vanguard - Shield Specialist / Operative - Concealment
SO: Single, not interested
Alignment: Gray (leans dark)
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Smuggler: Jendrush "Jen" Sept
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Voidhound, Privateer
Cathar - he/him - pan
Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting / Mercenary - Arsenal
SO: K'hedif (married)
Children: Jessi & Jeva Toklar-Sept (adopted), Liakige Harren (adopted), Luci & Riza Sept
Alignment: Light
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