#smuggler/risha drayen
captainderyn · 11 months
[ CHIN ]:          as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
Oof totally didn't mean to have this sitting in my ask box for so long but, I'm finally feeling back into the groove enough to write! For Emeldir and Risha no less :) (EDIT TO ADD: That note was from months ago lol. 6/24/2023 Deryn says: Sorry this took so damn long, enjoy these two being idiots!)
Set sometime in the grey area of their relationship, when Risha isn't ready to admit she has feelings, and Emeldir is feeling so many things way to much all at once.
(Important to note, Em's flirting is nothing like in-game)
If Emeldir kept stuffing his foot in his mouth whenever he talked to Risha he was never going to get the taste of rubber out of it.
He didn't know where he kept going wrong. She was mad about his optimism, mad about how he flew his ship, mad at his idealistic need to help those who were struggling and to top it off downright angry at every offer he made to help her.
Frankly, Risha seemed irritated at his very existence.
It should have turned him away, sent him running into the arms of someone else.
It didn't. Not even close.
There was nothing thrill-of-the-game in the way his want for her gnawed at his mind.
She wasn't some challenge to be conquered, some wild spirit to be tamed.
It was as simple as an insistent tug, pulling him towards her, like they were meant to walk on the same path. It was inexplicable, confusing, and something he continually side stepped.
He doubted he could voice any of this without sending her running for the hills. He wouldn't voice any of this, wouldn't dare, when he was certain that she hated his guts.
So he kept his roiling, confusing emotions to himself. Tucked them away for later, tried and failed to focus his attention elsewhere.
Even if time and missions spent together seemed to ease Risha's iciness towards him, he didn't know that it would ever melt.
When they found themselves alone in the airlock, shrugging off their jackets that smelled of sweat and smoke, he wasn't sure exactly what he was in for. Her expression was unreadable, her silence hanging thick in the air as she tugged her rifle over her head and leaned it against the wall.
He looked to the side as she moved to stand in front of him, unable to meet the look on her face. They were so close that if one of them so much as shifted their bodies would brush together. He could feel the rustle of her duster jacket fluttering against him with the air from the vents.
"You need a haircut." Her words were...
"What?" Emeldir blinked, brain short circuiting entirely as her slender fingers were suddenly in his hair, giving it a ruffle.
The eye roll she must have given was apparent in her voice, "Your hair. It's a mess."
Sure, it'd grown out a bit, floppy and tousled and rather untamed since the last time they'd been able to stop off somewhere to find a decent barber. He'd hardly call it a mess, he still maintained it diligently as ever and--
And her hand slid town his face, halting at his jaw. Her fingers brushed lightly across the bit of scruff that had grown in, barely more than a shadow. He let the pressure of her hand tilt his head this way, then that, too stunned to do anything else.
He was pretty sure his heart was going to burst out of his chest. Or his face was going to melt away for how hot his skin was burning.
"Trying to look the part?"
Her well meaning jabs and her ill intentioned jabs were so difficult to tell apart that it took him a moment to grasp the humor in her voice.
He dared a glance up at her. She raised her eyebrows at him.
"Think I'm going to bite? Cat got your tongue, captain?"
Emeldir opened his mouth, struggling to both find his voice and get enough parts of his brain to fire to form words. "I..."
What did she want from him, exactly? If he said all the things on his mind she'd certainly climb right back over any of the walls she'd let down.
But the way she was looking at him, stars, he still wasn't thinking when he said, "I want to kiss you."
The perfectly maintained crescents of Risha's nails raked across his skin as she went to jerk away, only to freeze before she actually did. Her eyes widened, a storm brewing in them, and it was then that Emeldir processed what he'd said.
"I'm so sorry," he fumbled, making to step backwards only for his heel to hit the wall, "That was not meant to leave my mouth. I'm not saying that you have to...wait no that sounds bad. Scratch that I'm--"
His cheeks burned, he wanted to throw himself out the airlock. Plunge into the engines. Crawl under his bed and die. All of the above.
Risha smushed a finger against his lips, "Stop talking."
She narrowed her eyes at him, eyes sliding from his down to his lips. Her finger caressed across them lightly, sending goosebumps popping up across his skin.
This was it. This was the end for him.
"You don't have to." he stammered out again, against her demand, painfully aware of the multitude of reasons what he said was absolutely stupid, the least of which being the fact that, "I know you hate me."
His fingers grazed down his chin, light as a feather before seizing tight. He was almost certain was going to pass out when he felt her breath brush against his lips, hers a hairsbreadth away,
"Captain," There was a warning to her voice that killed any protest building in his chest again. Then she tilted her head, looking up at him from beneath her lashes.
Absurdly, he realized the sweat and heat had smudged some of her mascara onto her upper and lower lids.
"What if I want to?"
Her words barely registered in his frazzled mind, his reply even less so, "Then do it."
All logical thought zipped from his mind as she pressed up onto her toes, slanting her mouth against his. His back hit the wall of the airlock as he steadied himself, hands uselessly fluttering at his sides.
It was everything, it was confusing, it was heat zipping across his skin as his nerves alit and it his mind going entirely blank.
Risha's lips were soft, the gloss she wore everyday sweet.
The kiss was brief, too brief, and in a daze he leaned after her before reality snapped back into place and his eyes shot open.
Risha had already retreated, seizing up her rifle. He didn't miss the flush staining her cheeks a brilliant red.
She cleared her throat, eyes darting him up and down before away,
"Get a haircut next time we're on planet. And buy a razor to shave."
Those were her parting words as she exited the airlock, leaving Emeldir dumbfounded and clueless as ever.
What in the blighted stars was he going to do?
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sullustangin · 3 months
Fluffy February 2024 Master List
Huzzah! I wrote 29 things for Fluffy February (ok, 28 things plus one very fluffy chapter for my bigger fluffy fan fic).
Highlights: I developed my canon for both Lenn Teraan and Cole Cantarus. I wrote another Akaavi/Mako piece (someone needs to write them an epic Carbonite Years fic). I posted my most explicit work so far (is that a low light?). Dr. Oggurobb has decided to weigh in a lot lately.
I'll post the round up list, and then reblog with the AO3 link.
Snow -- 10 ATC - the smuggler crew lands on Alderaan
Eavesdrop -- 22 ATC -- Someone is spying in the cantina.
Entertain -- 21 ATC -- Theron and Eva do an intel drop at a casino.
Learn -- 10 ATC -- Eva learns how to dance from Lenn Teraan.
Planet -- 29 ATC (chronologically "now" in canon) -- Eva buys a planet. Because.
Fire -- 36 ATC -- Eva, Theron, and the big family on Odessen roast marshmallows.
Recovery -- 24 ATC -- Eva recovers from the Nathema Conspiracy. Risha makes sure of it. CW for untended anorexia.
Smile --over the years -- Theron's teeth may not be real, but his smiles are.
Storm -- 5 ATC -- Eva meets her first magnetic storm.
Care -- 21/22 ATC -- After Theron is injured, Eva makes sure he gets the care he needs.
Quest -- 39 ATC -- Theron and his band of adventurers... need to go to bed.
Discipline -- 40 BTC -- the Grand Admiral headcanon/backstory that's been rattling around.
Splurge -- 25 ATC -- Eva buys Theron a gift that isn't exactly what he wanted.
Free space! I added to Elysium, for a little while.
Craft -- Carbonite Years -- Akaavi knits something for Mako for the first time; in terms of the relationship, that's a big deal.
Spontaneous --- Theron and Eva rope Lana into one of their schemes.
Pleasure -- 22 ATC -- Eva speculates on some of the alternative universes in which she met Theron differently.
Pain -- sometime between 25 ATC and 29 ATC -- Bit of a kinky piece wherein Theron has his old scars replaced by Eva. This is Explicit for sexual activity, biting, bruising, and blood.
Shadow -- the legend of the Voidhound, from a child's perspective.
Partners -- 21 ATC -- A Theron/Eva heist fic, with their radio comms as cover
Reward -- 40 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb finally retires... or so he thinks, thanks to Bowdaar.
Sacrifice -- 29 ATC (between patches 7.2 and 7.3) -- Theron sacrifices one of the few things to survive from his childhood. Eva is a pregnant person in this fic, so CW for that.
Dance - Eva dances with Jace Malcom. This is a continuation of an eventual post-Nathema fic about a party.
Apology -- 28 ATC (Between Elom and 7.3) -- Theron liberates Arcann from his job at a fast food join in Dromund Kaas by punching him in the face. No, I will not elaborate (I will totally elaborate).
Kiss -- 21 ATC -- Theron thinks about the his views on good morning kisses in the early days after Eva's return.
Rain -- 21 ATC -- Theron finds Eva out in the rain after Koth is worried about her. It's not as bad as it looks.
Protect -- 14 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb meets the Voidhound on Makeb.
Shy -- 13 ATC -- Cole Cantarus becomes friends with benefits with Eva (she pays at the bar).
Fresh -- anytime after 23 ATC -- C2-N2 tries to start spring cleaning on Virtue's Thief. "Tries" is the operative word here.
@fluffyfebruary, @ayresis, @starlightcleric, @ermingarden, @blueburds-but-swtor, @vihola, @commanderlurker, @sarpndo, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @vexa-legacy, @grandninjamasterren
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
Risha: I like bad boys
M!smuggler: well not to brag but I'm literally bad at everything
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vihola · 2 years
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tiredassmage · 9 months
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super rich of the guy who will shrivel up into a raisin if you ask him about his past to make indignant puppy noises about risha keeping secrets from him. this whole found family sits upon a throne of lies - (i'm partially joking. but also. leo. pls. xD)
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killikhive · 9 months
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Urushia & co. posts
im obsessed w making these now
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smuggler story is a straight up comedy through ch 2 basically but my favorite part is when you walk into an obvious trap & when you get back risha is like "soooo. was it a trap." & smug can go "pfffft. no" and risha will go "oh. seriously? damn i guess i'm getting paranoid" & then smug can go "actually i lied it was totally a trap". i love my wife who is sick of my fucking shit
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ainyan · 1 year
“You know, before we head off of Coruscant, maybe you should go see a doctor.” Ciprys ignored Risha for a moment, flicking switches and toggling buttons as she ran through the pre-flight check. The smuggler girl crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently while she waited for the Captain to finish. 
Finally, Ciprys sighed and leaned back in the captain’s chair. “Alright. I’ll bite. Why do I need to see a doctor?”
The smuggler stared at her boss. “Because that spacer was absolutely delicious, and you didn’t even bother to laugh him off. Make plans for later. Tell me you’d meet me back here. I’ve never seen you turn down a willing man before - not like that, not without even so much as a flirt.”
The Chiss looked annoyed as she gazed at the galaxy map, studying the systems as if trying to decide where they were headed next. “So I wasn’t down for a tumble, so what? I don’t sleep with every man I see, you know.” 
“Damn near,” Risha muttered, and held up her hand as Ciprys swung around in her chair, scarlet eyes hot. “I’m not insulting you, I’m worried. You haven’t been yourself since everything went down on Yavin. I know there’s some big bad shit out there…”
Snarling softly, Ciprys sprang from her chair, fingers caressing her blaster as she paced across the cockpit. “Do you? Do you even understand what happened? The Sith Emperor is out there somewhere, trying to come back. And while I’m not inclined to take anything a Sith says at face value, Darth Marr’s running scared of his old boss, and that’s got me scared. The head of the Dark Council isn’t exactly a coward.”
Risha took a deep breath as her captain stalked in ragged circles. “I get that, but things weren’t exactly cloud nine before, and that didn’t stop you from taking your fun as you found it. I’m just saying, Cip,” she added cajolingly, “I’m worried for you. About you. You’re damn near the only family I got in this galaxy; I don’t wanna see anything happen to you.”
The fight drained from the Chiss, her eyes closing as she drew her hand from her blaster, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Damn it, Risha. I’m fine,” she sighed, lowering her hand and opening her eyes to gaze at the other smuggler. “I just - between this whole Revan and Emperor thing, and everything else on our plate, I’ve had little interest in bedsports.”
Risha shook her head. “And of course, it has nothing to do with what else happened on Yavin, right?”
Immediately, the shutters dropped, Ciprys’s expression closing to wooden blankness. “Nothing else of import happened on Yavin,” she replied blandly. “Still no word from Command on that next shipment we’re supposed to be taking for them; I’m going to my quarters. Message me when we get our manifest.”
Risha watched Ciprys go, sighing, and studied the galaxy map, wondering where their next adventure would lead them.
The door slid shut behind Ciprys and she engaged the locks, rubbing her forehead as she sighed. “Damn it, Risha,” she muttered as she shrugged out of her jacket, tossing the leather coat carelessly on her bed. She began to unbuckle her holster, then paused, eyes narrowing. “Oh for the love of - how the hell did you get onto my ship?”
“Will you really insult me by asking that?” Stretched out in her desk chair, Theron Shan raised one eyebrow at the Chiss. “I mean, you’ve got great security, but we’re talking me here. C’mon Ciprys,” he added in a wheedling tone, “don’t tell me you’re not happy to see me.”
She didn’t want to be. The spy who sat before her with that charming smile and those sly hazel eyes was a complication she neither needed nor wanted in her life. Risha might make light of her habits, but her lightskirt reputation had been quite calculated. “Yeah, sure, Shan, I’m always happy to see a handsome face.” Her smile was coy as she swept past him, ruffling a hand over his hair. “Just stop by for a reprise of our farewells on Yavin? I might have time to oblige.”
He reached up to snag her wrist, holding her fast, and felt her tension immediately ratchet up. “I didn’t say that,” he replied mildly, watching her as she stared at the far wall. “I saw you were on planet and thought we could talk.”
“I already told you once,” she replied shortly, “I’m not interested in being an SIS mole. I have a lot of good, valuable clients that might be put off by the idea. If you want to tangle up my sheets, Shan, let’s go. Otherwise, I’ve got stuff to do before the manifest comes in.”
He didn’t release her wrist, even though she tugged experimentally, testing his grip. “Almost perfect. I’d have bought it on Rishi - I did buy it on Rishi,” he corrected, feeling her stiffen. “But you slipped up on Yavin. You almost had me completely fooled.”
When she yanked her wrist again, he let her go and she jerked backwards, rubbing at her hand. “What you see is what you get, Shan. I’m about as deep as Corso.”
The spy steepled his fingers before him as he met her bland scarlet gaze. “Having looked into your white knight, I’m pretty sure that’s far more insulting to you than to him,” he replied, and she bit back a bark of laughter. “You are definitely more than you appear,” he added, more soberly, and her mirth fled. “I get why you pretend otherwise - but you can’t fool me again, Ciprys. No backwater bumpkin is going to manipulate the head of the Dark Council with such precision.”
She turned away from him, still rubbing her wrist. “Everyone has moments, Shan,” she muttered. “Mine are few and far between. I’m exactly as I appear. A hotshot smuggler from beyond the Outer Rim whose big goal is to get rich and retire young, preferably with a bevy of pretty young men. And if you’re looking to be one of those,” she shot over her shoulder, “alienating me ain’t gonna get you there.”
“Bullshit,” he countered pleasantly, and her eyes went hot. “I’ve seen your accounts - all of them,” he added before she could retort. “I know your contacts. You could retire today and never lift another finger for the rest of your life and never want for anything - even with the funds you sink into some schools out in the Outer Rim.” She could hear the puzzlement in his voice.
Ciprys grunted. “Kids gotta learn, and they don’t always have options out in the back of beyond. What does the SIS care what I do with my money?” He noticed, curiously, that she didn’t seem particularly upset by the intrusion into her privacy - or even surprised.
Theron closed his eyes, sighing. “For the SIS, they care because you’re Chiss,” he replied flatly. “Any Chiss in Republic space is suspect - don’t tell me you didn’t know that. For me, I just want to know you better.”
She made a disgruntled noise. “Look, Shan,” she snapped, whirling around and stabbing a finger towards his chest, “you and me, we’re from different galaxies, but we got a few things in common. One of those things is that we’re both players, not stayers. We had fun - and it was some great fun - but that’s all it was.”
His hazel eyes held a glint that she found disconcerting. “Then it shouldn’t be any problem for you to join me for a caf while you wait on your manifest,” he replied with a slow smile. “Just between friends. Nothing to worry about.”
“Theron Shan, I am absolutely certain that that phrase and you shouldn’t be within shouting distance of each other,” came the captain’s exasperated retort. His grin only increased her irritation - and her wariness. “Seriously? You want to have a cup of caf? You don’t have to seduce me, spyboy. You already did that,” she added dryly.
Theron watched her with infuriating patience. “Caf and conversation. That’s all I want.”
Ciprys was at a loss. She was no stranger to clingy males; the cost of playing around meant that occasionally one ran across a man who didn’t understand the concept of a one-night stand. But she knew she hadn’t misread the spy - he was as likely as she to have ‘one in every port’ as the old saw went. 
So why the hell was he so insistent on dragging this out? Some SIS operation? Concern from up top about the carte blanche they’d given her after Yavin?
No, too heavy handed.
Did he really just want caf? “Fine,” she finally replied shortly, eyes narrowing at the triumphant glint in his gaze. “Some caf, some conversation. We can just nip into the kitchen…”
“Nope. Know a nice little place in the Galactic Market sector. Quiet, out of the way, most of the clientele are people like you and me.”
She blinked. “You want to go out?” she asked flatly, then, “and there is no you and me. There is no one like you and me, because you and me are antithetical to each other.”
Theron’s lips quirked. “Do you even know what it sounds like when you say words like ‘antithetical’ in that country bumpkin’s voice? Is it just me that breaks your cover, or does it crack every time you get frustrated?” Before she could reply, he shook his head. “No, I’ve seen you stay perfect under pressure. I’m flattered.”
The heat in her eyes would have seared a lesser man to cinders. “You’re about to be flattened,” she growled, and when he grinned, she snapped her teeth at him. “By the Flame, Theron Shan, what the hell is your malfunction? I know I’m good, but I’m not that damn good.” She paused. “Well, okay, I am that damn good.” She caught sight of the laughter in his eyes. “Disagree?”
Theron spread his hands. “How about that caf?” he deflected, levering himself up from the chair and coming to his feet. “Ciprys,” he added softly as she hesitated, “I really just want to talk. No grand conspiracies here. No convoluted plans. I’m not trying to recruit you, and I know you’re loyal to us. I just want to talk to you - as friends.”
Friends. What a strange concept. Ciprys sighed, rubbing her neck. “Fine,” she muttered. “Fine, you win, Shan. Let’s go get some caf.” She snagged her jacket from the bed. “Dunno what you expect me to tell you that you don’t already know.”
“Well,” he replied as he followed her out of her cabin, past the gaping Risha and spluttering Corso, “for one thing, what’s the story behind the akk dog?”
Ciprys glanced towards where the spiky crimson creature lay beneath the table, watching her with huge dark eyes. “What, Mongo? Some idiot Houk was teasing him as a puppy. Put a stop to it and he wouldn’t stop following me. I’ll be back,” she told Risha, biting back a grin at the smuggler’s dumbfounded expression. “Patch that manifest through as soon as you get it.”
Brown eyes blinked rapidly. “I - uh - yes… yes, captain,” she sputtered. “Captain, I…”
Ciprys lifted a hand, waving at her crew as the door cycled open and she led Theron from the freighter.
As the door slid shut behind her, Risha turned to stare at Corso and Akavi, who had come out at the commotion and was peering curiously after her boss. “Who the hell was that? What the hell was that?”
The Zabraki Mandalorian rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “That was Shan,” she pointed out. “The one she worked with on Rishi and Yavin. I did not know he was on board.”
“Neither did I,” Corso and Risha replied together, exchanging a bewildered glance. The Mantellian sighed and scrubbed at his jaw. “Knew she could smuggle damn near anything,” he muttered, then turned and walked away.
It was not, thankfully, the cantina where Ciprys had met Darmus Pollus at. Even now, a year later, the smuggler still felt the sting of embarrassment whenever she considered the traitor and how easily he’d played her.
No, Theron had chosen an actual caf shop, small and out of the way, occupied by men and women whose professions made them more frequent visitors to Coruscant rather than actual citizens. Some of them were legitimate. Some, Ciprys recognized from past business dealings.
I’ll be damned. There is a place for people like him and me. The captain didn’t know whether to be amused or disconcerted. The spy took a table along the wall, tugging out a chair for her before sliding into the one across. She slipped into the seat, stretching her legs out and leaning back as he spoke to the server. At his glance, she nodded, and he ordered for both of them, then leaned forward, planting his elbows on the table as they were left alone. “Still think we’re antithetical?”
She gave him a cool red stare. “You’re a lawman,” she pointed out, and at his look of distaste, laughed. “Spyboy, agent, whatever you call it, you work for the government, and you find bad guys and deal with ‘em. Me? I’m one of those bad guys, Shan. Shouldn’t you be trying to lock me away?”
He spread his hands. “Wouldn’t do any good. Immune to prosecution, remember? Anywhere you could get into trouble, I’d have no jurisdiction. Anyway,” he added thoughtfully, gaze tracking up towards the ceiling, “you’re not really bad. Not like the kind of people I deal with. You’re a Republic loyalist.”
Ciprys frowned, tracing her fingertip over the table as she gazed at its smudged surface. “I’m not sure how I feel about not being bad,” she muttered. “Protestations aside,” and his grin echoed hers, light and mocking, “I’m not exactly an upstanding citizen and I like it that way.”
“Don’t worry,” Theron soothed, “you’ll always be my favorite criminal.” At her hot-eyed glare, he grinned unrepentantly, then straightened as the server returned with their orders. Closing his fingers around his mug, he canted his head to one side. “So, you rescued an akk dog from a Houk and named it Mongo. Any other pets?”
She lifted her mug, inhaling the rich scent of caf as she studied him, considering her answers. “Quite a few, actually, although Mongo’s my only big one, and the only one that’s really permanent.” She shrugged, and he was amused to see a faint flush turn her turquoise skin purple. “I, uh… rehabilitate small animals I… rescue… from abusive owners. Once they’re better, I send ‘em on to people who can get ‘em back where they belong.”
“Schools in the Outer Rim. Animal rehabilitation. Not exactly the hobbies of a master criminal,” the spy pointed out gently, and bit back his grin at her glare. “You know, I’ve heard you laugh. I’ve seen you smile. I know you have a wicked sense of humor - what is it about me that brings out so much anger?”
The question gave her pause, and she frowned, lifting her mug to sip as she bit back her instinctive retort and instead considered the question carefully. “I’m not angry,” she finally replied. “I’m… confused. I just can’t pin you down, Shan. You’re a Republic spy, son of some famous Jedi, some big shot now in the SIS. You probably had the best schools, lived the best life. Couldn’t follow in mom’s footsteps, but you made somethin’ of yourself. Why you slummin’ it with some alien from beyond the back of beyond with no past, no future, nothin’ to her but a ship and a rap sheet a kilometer long?”
His face closed up at the mention of his mother. “My childhood wasn’t what you’d expect,” he finally replied, his voice dropping low, below the general level of conversation. Leaning forward, he cupped his hands around his mug. “Let’s just say, it wasn’t typical, and it wasn’t grand. But I learned a lot, about myself and the galaxy and the people who live here, and that’s why I became a spy.” He tapped his fingers along the curving walls of the mug, then shrugged. “And I don’t see this as slumming it. I know nothing about your past - whatever you were before you appeared in Republic space eight years ago, you hid it damn well,” and he didn’t miss the flash of relief in her eyes, “but what you’ve been since then? You’re not a common criminal, Ciprys, and you’re not just ‘some alien from beyond’, either. You’ve done things other smugglers only dream of, and you barely broke a sweat.”
“Yeah, well, I am pretty great, but still.” She smirked at him, a brief flash before she sobered once more. “I dunno what game you’re playin’, Shan, but I gotta warn you - I seem the affable type, and I’m pretty easy goin’ most of the time - but you cross me,” and her eyes hardened, her expression sending a chill down Theron’s spine, “you’ll find I don’t shake easy. You wanna be friends? I ain’t gonna say no.” She sighed, shoulders slumping. “Wouldn’t say no even if you were another nobody like me,” she finally admitted. “The connections don’t hurt, but…”
“But?” he asked, when she trailed off into silence.
She sighed again. “Sometimes I’m just a bit too contrary even for myself. I have a feelin’ I’d enjoy your company, if I’d stop bein’ a bitch about it.” She looked up into his smug grin and wrinkled her nose. “Still don’t get what you’re after. But I guess someone like me shouldn’t look a gift friend in the mouth.”
Theron traced the rim of his mug. “‘Someone like you’? You mean, a highly skilled pilot with copious contacts among both the elite of the underworld and the higher echelons of the Republic - and even some Imperial connections, with carte blanche to act in Republic space.” His hazel eyes rose to meet hers and she stilled, caught by the expression on his face. “‘Someone like you’? A beautiful woman, a passionate lover, exciting in bed and out? Yeah, I can’t imagine why I’d want to spend time with you, Ciprys. Can’t imagine it at all.”
She leaned back in her chair, a deliberately distancing move, and smirked. “Well, when you put it that way, I can’t blame you for stalkin’ me. I am pretty awesome in all regards.”
The spy leaned back as well, stretching long legs before him as he tapped lightly against the handle of his mug. “You jest, but I can’t disagree. You don’t like compliments, do you?”
Ciprys pursed her lips. “I don’t trust a compliment that doesn’t come with a string attached,” she corrected finally, shrugging. “I’m used to everyone wanting something from me. Just because I can’t see your angle yet doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re after something as well.”
The irritation that flashed across his face surprised her. So did the flash of shame she felt. “Are you sure of that?” he asked, his tone measured, and she felt the weight of a crossroads upon her shoulders.
Meeting his dark eyes, she was silent for a moment, then lowered her own gaze, her shoulders rounding. “It would make it easier if I was,” she muttered, and felt the tension between them lessen. “Then I’d understand a bit more what’s going on.”
He sighed. “Does it help if I tell you I’m just as confused as you?” When she glanced up, shocked, he gave her a twisted smile. “Right now, I’m cruising on instinct. I want to know you better, so that’s what I’m doing. I can’t tell you why, though.”
She let out a puff of breath. “Same goes,” she admitted, shrugging. “I… might have been thinking about you lately. A little bit,” she added, sneering at his grin. “Now and then, when I’m especially bored.”
Theron tapped his empty mug. “Then let’s just take it as it goes, Ciprys. See where it goes. Neither of us has ever been big on planning. Why start now?”
Huffing out another breath, Ciprys finally shrugged. “Fair enough.” She smirked at him. “If nothing else, history says it should be an exciting ride.”
Hazel eyes glinted as he stood, holding out a hand to her. “Oh, I can guarantee that,” he murmured, and she grinned as she slid her fingers into his, letting him help her to her feet. “In fact,” he added, tugging her forward until her toes brushed his, “we could head back to your ship…”
Her communicator sounded, and he cut off as she reached into her pocket with the hand not held in his, pulling it out and toggling it on. “Talk to me, Risha,” the captain replied, her eyes not on the holo of her friend, but on Theron’s eyes.
“Hey Captain, manifest just came in. We’re all loaded up and ready to go when you are. Is that a problem?” 
Ciprys realized she was scowling and carefully smoothed her expression. “No, of course not. I’ll be back shortly; have the engines warmed up and prep the hyperdrive. We’ll take off as soon as I’m on board.” When Risha acknowledged her orders, she toggled the com off, pocketing it. “Theron, I -”
“Have a job to do.” His thumb slid over her knuckles, then he dropped her hand, shoving his own in his pockets. “I get it, believe me. There’ll be other times, other places. I can promise that.”
Ciprys hesitated, then went up on tiptoe to press a light kiss to his lips. She felt him stiffen against her for a split second before he leaned in, returning it. “I’ll hold you to it, spyboy.”
“Fly safe, flygirl,” the spy murmured, and clenched his fists to keep himself from reaching up to trace the smile that curved her lips. “See you around, Ciprys.”
“See ya, Shan.”
He watched her walk off, hands still shoved into his pockets. He still had no idea what the hell was going on - but he had a feeling he would enjoy finding out. Exhaling, he tossed the credits for their caf on the table and strode out after her.
She wasn’t the only one with a job to do.
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commander-krios · 1 year
For Dash x Leo: falling asleep on the couch together (and being very flustered at their positions in the morning)
Thank you! Here it is! It ends slightly abruptly, but I couldn't figure out how to end it. Enjoy!
Read on AO3
Laughter filled the apartment, friendly chatter following as Dash carried a tray of drinks from the kitchenette to where his guests sat around a small table, cards sprawled out between them. Leo’s chair was tipped back on two legs, balancing it perfectly as he lifted his nearly empty drink in salute to Risha as she lost more credits to his winning hand.
“You have to be cheating.” She snapped, eyes slanting suspiciously at his casual grin. “You aren’t that smart, Captain.”
“Ouch, Risha. I thought we were friends.”
Corso snorted, already so far into his cups that Dash was positive that Risha would need to carry him back to the ship. Maybe she’d just dump him in a ditch instead. With her, it could go either way.
“Friends don’t cheat each other.” She continued, brushing a stray piece of auburn hair behind ear. She took another glance at the cards on the table before sitting back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “Explains why you don’t have any.”
Leo’s mouth dropped open in pretend shock, the legs of his chair landing on the floor with a thud. “Risha, how could you?”
Dash knew he’d heard worse things come out of that pretty mouth in the past.
Jorgan grumbled under his breath, something definitely that he should’ve kept to himself before Risha’s eyes snapped to him immediately.
“If you have something to say to me, say it.”
Jorgan set his drink down, sending some of the chips scattering. “You can stop whining, your highness. You’ll get another chance to win back Daddy’s credits.”
The newest member of their game nights, Jonas Balkar, sat across the table with a look of glee on his face.
Dash sat down between Jorgan and Risha, ignoring the sharp expression that pinched her face. Handing her a refill, he motioned at the table to encompass everyone there. “Ignore them.”
Leo looked offended. “Oh, et tu, Dash? I guess I’ll need to treat some of these wounds in my back from… the knife you just put in it.”
Dash rolled his eyes, fighting a grin at the drama of it all. One thing he could count on with Leo Ashold, he made these game nights fun. “Geez, you are ridiculous. Shut up so we get the next hand dealt.”
Leo smirked, leaning forward to collect his winnings. His blue eyes sparkled with mischievous intent and Dash had to remind himself to breathe. It was difficult when his friend looked at him like that.
“Oh come now, Leo. We all know that our dashing friend here wouldn’t ever stab someone in the back.” Jonas turned his equally blue gaze on Dash, hands folded in front of him. Cocking an eyebrow, he grinned in that flirty way that the SIS agent did whenever he saw someone he liked. “Would you, Lieutenant?”
Leo’s smile faded slightly. It seemed to do that a lot around Jonas. “Stop tryin’ to distract everyone, Balkar. You’re not going to win.”
Jonas shifted his full attention to Leo, a laugh bursting from his lips. “Am I distracting you? I didn’t know you even noticed me, to be honest.”
“As if there was someone who could ignore you, Balkar.” Jorgan muttered, glaring at the spy.
“Sergeant, are you trying to tell me something?”
“I think he wants you to shut up.” Leo shifted uncomfortably, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.
The night went like this for another hour before their friends finally dispersed, leaving the pair alone in the now quiet apartment. Dash collapsed on the couch, the vidscreen playing some stupid series that Leo was obsessed with and that he dealt to make his best bud happy.
With a sigh, he brushed a hand through his hair, ignoring the side eye Leo gave him at the movement. Whenever Dash made a mess of his hair, Leo would fuss over it, fixing it until it was presentable despite the fact the man himself didn’t do shit with his own.
“It was another good night.” Leo said, putting his feet on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Any other time, Dash might’ve said something about the dirty boots on his clean furniture, but he was too worn out to care. “Don’t ya think?”
Dash smiled at the question.“You managed to cheat Risha out of her credits and get Corso so drunk that you lifted his blaster off of him without him realizing it. You’re going to give it back, right?”
“Risha is not getting the credits back. I won them fair and square.” Leo pulled his hair free of its tie, letting it settle against his shoulders in soft waves.
That was a bold-faced lie if he ever heard one. “I was talking about the blaster.”
Annoyance contorted Leo’s face, almost as if he was offended, but he knew his best friend better than he thought he did. “Of course! What kind of person do you think I am?”
A loaded question that he knew better than to answer. He wouldn’t walk into that trap again.
“How many credits do you owe Jorgan?” Dash asked instead, waiting for the smuggler to sputter out the answer. 
“Just because I told him that you were my purse strings doesn’t mean that I wasn’t actually going to pay him… one day.”
“Right. Just waiting for the day he forgot you owed him.” Dash sighed, resting his arm on the back of the sofa. He could feel the warmth radiating off of Leo from where his hand lay and he had to fight the itch to brush his fingers through Leo’s dark waves. 
The ‘well, yeah’ was followed by a shrug. He would’ve slapped him if he thought it would turn the rational part of Leo’s brain on. Unfortunately for Dash, nothing seemed to work in that department.
“Jorgan isn’t going to forget, Leo.”
“So… what? He’ll pester you until-”
“Until I add a little extra to his monthly stipend and he shuts up until the next time.” 
Leo’s eyes widened in horror at the revelation. “You… what? I didn’t mean for you to actually pay him, Dash. That’s my problem, not yours.”
Dash glanced away from his bewildered expression. I care about you. It was on the tip of his tongue and he choked it back. He wasn’t drunk enough for confessions. “We’re friends. I’ll help you however I can.”
“I… uh, thanks? You didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate you- uh, that. Helping me out.”
Unable to resist temptation any longer, Dash ran his hand through Leo’s hair, taking a moment to ruffle it affectionately. Leo snorted, moving out of range of another attack, blue eyes sparkling. “You’re getting all sentimental, Leo. It’s cute.”
Pink danced over Leo’s cheeks and he turned away, hiding his expression as he let out a small laugh. “I am not.”
Dash smirked, ignoring the fluttering in his stomach when Leo glanced in his direction again. “You are a little.”
Leo cleared his throat, throwing his hands behind his head and tucking himself into the sofa, an attempt at appearing relaxed that didn’t fool Dash one bit. His face was still flushed and it was the cutest kriffing thing he’d ever seen. “You’re interruptin’ a perfectly good show. Shut up.”
Rolling his eyes, Dash crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back, kicking Leo’s feet off of the table.
Dash lifted a finger to his lips before pointing at the screen. 
“You are not amusing.” Leo scolded him, turning his attention to the show, falling silent a moment later.
Dash wanted to keep teasing him, the temptation was too much sometimes, but the heaviness in Leo’s eyes halted any further quips. Instead, he stayed quiet, letting the show lull his friend to sleep after the long day. He hadn’t intended to fall asleep as well, but when he opened his eyes a full four hours later, he was surprised to find himself still on the couch. 
Only this time, Leo was leaning against him, head on Dash’s shoulder, tiny snores leaving his mouth. Dash stared down at him, memorizing the soft lines of his face, the way his eyes moved beneath the lids, the warmth of his body pressing into his. Dash inhaled sharply, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the thudding heart in his chest. Leo was so close. 
He rested his arm around Leo’s shoulders, keeping him close, keeping him safe. In the morning, he’d probably have to explain their closeness. But for the moment, he was content to hold Leo.
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shynmighty · 1 year
I was having some cramps tonight (Sorry, TMI!) and my daughter decided she knew just the solution...
Playing Moonlight Chaser.
It was such a good plan, I couldn’t refuse.
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First, we helped a child. Although my daughter was very confused by her because “She has boobies.”
Along the way, I asked if we should help this man. My daughter read that his name was Fez Burba and declared that we would NOT help him because his name is TOO SILLY.
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Nor did we help this guy with a different silly name.
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So on we went. Around this point my daughter declared that “Moonlight Chaser CAN be called ‘Matatertot’, but only when she is hungry, and only on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.” So... that’s good to know.
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My daughter also outlined, in a lot of detail, her concept for a comic book about poop as we made our way through the Works area.
Then we caught up with Skavak.
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Immediately, and with no prompting, my daughter goes “UGH. SKAVAK.” and I have never related to anything more.
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After that, Moonlight got her ship back! My daughter was tentatively excited. She hoped that we would “get lots of flirts with Boyfriend [Corso] on the ship.”
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We met Risha. But my daughter was on a mission. She wanted to get those flirt options. She’s becoming a real BioWare gamer!
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Luckily, Corso was down to chat.
The first conversation had no flirt options. My daughter was sitting on my lap, growling at this point.
But there was a conversation to be had after!
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That’s right, Folks. Not one, not two, but THREE FLIRTS. Four, if you count the double option at the end there!
My daughter announced that she was not going on an angry rampage, but a happy rampage around the room.
And she did.
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indinelle · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes 2
Smuggler: You're right
Risha: that's...an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
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captainderyn · 1 year
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Happy Life Day @sullustangin !!! Here’s your Sectet Santa gift :D
Eva and the gals from the smuggler crew rocking up to Nar Shaddaa for a girl’s night. I was absolutely endeared by your mentions and stories of them being friends and wanted to capture that. Hope you like it!
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sullustangin · 4 months
Fluffy February Day 5: Planet
Rating: T
Time: Roughly, now in canon
Pairing: Theron Shan/Eva Corolastor; whole crew makes an appearance
They awoke to the sound of her name being called.  “Captain!”  “Eva!”  “Boss!”  The cries came through the ship intercom system as they finally stirred.
Initially, Eva squirmed to try to tuck herself closer to him. 
Duty called.  “We’ve got to get up at some point, Eva,” Theron yawned.
Eva rolled slightly to prop herself up on his chest. “We finally get away from Odessen together, for the first time in six months.  Now you’re telling me I have to leave our bed without being prompted by shrieking because my crew is probably running around holding the wrong end of a servodriver.”
Theron stretched his arms out to the side.  “That, or Argo is having a fit wondering where we are.” 
“Theron, you’ve heard that baby cry.  We’d hear him from up here.”
He guffawed.  The baby was safely stowed with Bowdaar, who adored Little Girl’s even littler boy.  Eva’s maternity leave had abruptly ended when her boring excursion to Port Nowhere with Rass Ordo had launched her – and the Alliance – into a rescue of Ord Mantel.
Corso Riggs, of course, helped lead the charge.  Now everyone was due for some R&R, but Eva had again followed Theron’s example of …not quite stopping work. 
Eva dropped her head back down onto Theron’s chest. “You want to do this again sometime?”
“Of course.”
The ship’s intercom went off again, and another chorus of hails demanded Eva’s attention.  “They aren’t going to get quieter,” Theron told her as he kicked at the covers.
With a huff, Eva got to her feet and pulled on one of her robes, adding some layer of protection to the green and gold pajamas.  Then she smashed a finger into the intercom.   “Is something on fire?”
“No,” replied Corso.
“Bleeding to death?”
“Why are you waking me up?” 
“We made it to Distilion.”
“I can’t believe you’re seriously naming it that.”  Risha’s eyeroll was nearly audible.
Theron sighed too.  He really shouldn’t have inspired her with the idea it was her mission to save all the wineries, distilleries, and other liquor-producing planets in the galaxy. 
Now she’d karking bought a planet, with the intended purpose of making a booze planet.  All the planetary beverages that had been taxed to death by the Eternal Empire?  Eva’s plan was to bring them all back, with the traditional brewers, in a haven dedicated to alcohol.  Distilion. 
The Voidhound’s long-lost fortune… was not that lost. 
Suddenly spry, Eva was a whirlwind as she assembled her clothes and popped into the fresher.  She did a record-time run of her routine and was out the door.
By the time Theron made it out to the lounge, where C2 passed him a cup of caf.  “Lana Beniko has just received the manifesto and bill of sale for the planet,” he dryly informed him.
Oh boy.
“You can’t just buy a planet and add it to the Alliance without any groundwork!”  Aghast, Lana nearly tossed her datapad as she wildly gestured in the Odessen conference room. 
Eva flashed a near-manic smile at her as Guss passed her a datapad.  “New Imperial land ordinance said I could so I did!”  Theron wasn’t sure if she was happier about the purchase or rattling Lana. 
“We have no established government there – it’s just being handed off to us ‘as is’ and we have no inkling as to what ‘as is’ means!” 
Eva’s wrist comm let out a squawk.  “Money fixes everything, Lana, as far as ex-Pub or Imp worlds go.  Go look at Rishi.  And good timing, Lana.  The seller is on the line.”  Eva added another holographic image to the Thief’s holo comm unit.  
A rough and tumble-looking Rodian appeared on the screen.  “Good day, Captain.  So happy you’ve come through for us financially.”    
“And I’d like you to come through for us regarding the infrastructure, or else some funds will remain in escrow,” Eva replied evenly, taking the cup of caf that C2 offered her. 
The Rodian’s snoot shriveled up for a moment.  “Fine.  Didn’t expect you to take the property entirely without a problem.  We have our share of separatist problems –”
“What sort of seps?” Corso asked, archly.
“Given this was an Imperial planet, probably those who wish to go to Republic.  Or at least the Alliance,” Akaavi said, leaning in the doorway.
“Minor sewage –”
“80% of the planet does not have indoor plumbing,” Eva read off the datapad.
“Occasional volcanic –”
“There’s a massive line of tectonic activity at the equator.”  Eva squinted at the numbers.  “Less volatile than the deep mining in Makeb, so I think we can work with that.”
“Don’t forget the parts of the lowlands that need a respirator due to the toxic waste burial sites from two wars ago.” Guss jabbed at the datapad. 
Eva pointedly looked up at her Rodian counterpart.  “Why would you sell this treasure trove?”
The Rodian sputtered, and then –
Theron nearly burst out laughing as he saw the internal crisis play out on the Rodian’s face.  He thought he was off-loading a cesspit on Eva, backed up by the data, but now he was wondering if he’d let it all go for too little – and now he’d always wonder, since the initial documents had been inked – with real ink, knowing her. 
Some things were worth more than the credits. 
“I… I work hard to make a better life for my Wookiee.” He mumbled as he tried collect himslf.
Guss perked up.  “That your honey name for tall, shiny, and intimidating over there?”  He pointed at the bounty hunter next to him (not a Mandalorian, but he certainly had the disposition down pat). 
“No, my Wookiee.  Kawrog,” the Rodian replied.  He visibly untensed and the face was unscrunched.  “More accurate to say I’m his fourth pet cat or something.  He’s 152 now.”
Eva thumbed toward the general direction of the crew quarters.  “Bowie’s celebrating 215 later this year.  Whenever the Naboo Food Festival is.”
“Oh, he enjoys that too?  Kawrog is a snob now that he’s been –”
Somehow, Wookiees and smugglers always worked things out. 
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jb-nonsense · 10 months
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The Beginning vs the End
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chubbyooo · 1 year
Guss: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Risha: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Bowdarr: Drunk
Corso: Wasted
Gacen (smuggler): Dead.
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thlastjedaii · 1 year
no risha/smuggler content? fine, I'll do it myself.
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