#snake blink
gallonsoblood · 5 months
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sarakipin · 2 years
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swan lake 🌱🦢🏰
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inafieldofdaisies · 4 days
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Blink Twice (2024) | Adria Arjona as Sarah (2-?)
"They're trying to control us. They're trying to make us look crazy. And it's working."
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critter-of-the-day · 8 days
14th of September 2024: Eurasian Blind Snake
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Believe it or not, it is still Snake Saturday, though this time with the Eurasian Blind Snake (Xerotyphlops vermicularis). Snakes are divided into two infraorders true snakes (Alethinophidia) and wormsnakes (Scolecophidia). The Eurasian Blind Snakes belong to the latter, and are in fact the only wormsnakes native to Europe [1].
They are burrowing snakes, and are generally found in open areas with sparse vegetation [2]. This has included being beneath stones at both the base and the top of a mountain [3], under stone fragments within the city walls of a castle [4], in a garden house, and in a bed in someone’s house [5]. They were originally discovered in Greece [3], but have since been found as far east as Tajikistan [2].
They are around 20-30 cm in length [4, 5]. Aside from all of the locations above, they have also been found in termite mounds and ants nests [2]. Unsurprisingly, they mostly eat ants and other small invertebrates [3]. They may also be found in holes pre-burrowed by actual worms [2].
Their labelling has been home to other species as well in the past, including some such as X. syriacus that were synonymised and then subsequently desynonymised (a process which isn’t helped when the museum holding the original specimen is destroyed in a bombing in World War II). Even now, the high genetic diversity within the Eurasian Blind Snake leaves suspicions open that there may be several species hiding under this name [6].
Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Image]
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fisheito · 10 months
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Grandpa: well. uh. *brushes the feather off yakumo's chin* hm. Why... don't we go,. help Grandma now
based on a snippet of this anon's ask
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neon-kazoo · 3 months
Choo Choo (Train Top Chase- The Briefcase)
(cw: threats, knife violence)
When Hero heard that Villain was planning to steal something in transit on the railroad, they assumed that they would find him rummaging through one of the sixty plus freight cars lined up on the tracks. They did not expect to find an immaculately dressed Villain surrounded by similarly dressed people dining in a singular passenger car at the end of the train.
The caboose of the train was…out of place, to say the least. Polished cherry wood lined the top of it, sealed and waxed to an impressive level of shine. There was no rust to be found, which was impressive for a train exposed to the elements for days on end. Chestnut paneling and gilded accents completed the outside, which was notably absent of any identifying number markers. The craftsmanship of the exterior was a stark contrast to the amateur graffiti that marked the previous car that the caboose was coupled to.
Hero observed the carriage car through a convenient skylight as the train started to move. The interior was similarly well-crafted with white tiered ceilings that gave way to wide windows, separated into panes only in conjunction with the white-clothed dining tables and corresponding upholstered booth seats. The silver cutlery gleamed in the light that filtered through lace curtains. Hero would not have been surprised to see a chandelier strung from the roof, made of crystals or something similarly stunning. It looked fit to hold a wedding, complete with a dozen guests all dressed in black tie apparel. Villain himself wore a black suit, dress shoes polished and brown hair gelled down. His face was even freshly shaven. A picture perfect gentleman—the opposite of his true nature.
There appeared to be some type of business taking place—as opposed to this being just a randomly-conspicuous social gathering or a confusingly-disguised heist. A singular black briefcase sat inconspicuously at the feet of a black-haired man. Hero would have thought nothing of it, but it seemed to be the only bag in the room, not to mention that every pair of eyes seemed to be ogling it at every sly opportunity. Deciding that there was no way this was legitimate business if Villain was present, Hero resolved to keep the briefcase out of all of their hands.
Several conversations were taking place around the tables—none of which could Hero hear over the rumbling of the tracks—but Hero was only focused on one specific group.
Villain stood in front of a booth that sat one woman in a pencil-straight maroon dress and one man in a suit with a corresponding maroon tie. Hero watched the fake laughs and twirling forks until Villain leaned in close to make his excuses to his company before he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small carton.
Hero crawled to the back of the roof, careful not to alert the people sipping champagne inside that an uninvited guest was about to crash their party. When he exited the back door of the train to stand on the small platform there, cigarette in hand, Hero pounced.
Villain did not even have a chance to flick open his lighter before Hero was on him, swinging down from the overhang to kick him square in the chest. He was pushed back into the railing, giving Hero enough space to land on the platform and get a hand wrapped over the door handle. Determining this was not the safest place for a fight, Hero swung open the door and rushed inside before Villain had a chance to recover.
They took advantage of the startled and stunned people inside the car and made a beeline for the man with the case. About halfway there, Hero bumped into a woman with braids who consequently spilled her bubbly drink down the front of her expensive-looking pink dress. Hero mouthed their apologies before snatching the case from the floor across the aisle, much to the chagrin of the black-haired man who tried to grab for their arm. Light on their feet, Hero deftly avoided his grip and slid open the door on the other side, which was harder to do than they thought thanks to the weird air pressure between the cars.
A chorus of offended shouts got swallowed by the gap as Hero fought to close the door behind them. From there, Hero would scale the ladder on the back of the container car and make the leap to the truck they had called to pull up alongside the train. At least, that’s what they thought they would do before they reached the top one-handed and raced to the edge of the roof.
When they looked down, they saw there was no truck, and more importantly, there was no road. Here, the tracks were paralleled only by a river. Huh, they must have seriously misjudged the speed of the train.
A quick glance back to the ladder revealed a brown-haired head just about to graze the top.
Well, time for plan B.
There were no tunnels on this route—they checked—so at least Hero didn’t have to worry about being taken out Indiana Jones style as they ran across the box car towards the front of the locomotive. Blessedly, the first chain of freight cars were all the same height and the train had yet to hit a curve. It was easier than expected to step between them.
They kept moving forward, crossing one car after another. Their steps landed on tops from faded orange to blue to grey to brown. After about the tenth container, something changed.
The next car had no roof, instead filled to the top with some type of granules. Deciding that pile looked a little too much like quicksand, Hero elected to chance balancing along the edge of the hopper car for fear of silo-style suffocation. Hero slowed to ensure their steps were true—which was probably a bad move in hindsight—and finally leapt the rest of the way to the thankfully-covered train car waiting ahead.
Just when they were getting back into a rhythm and gaining speed and confidence, Hero reached the tanker section.
The tanker cars stretched out as far as their eyes could see, all black cylinders, sporting rails only in the middle and much wider gaps between them than the previous box cars had. Jumping down onto the first one, Hero ran and grabbed the bar, vaulting over the valve access and heading towards the next. Praying to every god they could think of and making several promises they didn’t plan on keeping, Hero made the leap between the first tanker car and the second. It was an extremely weird feeling, jumping forward on something that was already moving forward with wind resistance pushing you back. Hero had no time to dwell on it though.
They risked another glance back, confirming their fear that Villain was still in pursuit.
How Villain could keep up a train-top chase dressed in those clothes was anyone’s guess. Hero certainly would’ve ripped a seam by now in such a well-tailored dress pants.
And those shoes.
There was no way a normal pair of dress shoes was getting any traction on top of a tanker car. They must have custom rubber soles or something even grippier. Probably some new material that hadn’t even hit the market yet.
Rich fucker could definitely afford it.
Unfortunately for Hero, they were rather poor and did not have access to state-of-the-art footware, and it took only one misstep to almost go plummeting towards the couplings. Said misstep occurred around the fifth leap.
They caught themselves enough to stumble forward a few more steps onto the cylinder, but were unable to keep their balance with the briefcase throwing them off. They dropped onto their stomach, grappling for a handhold anywhere. They began to slip off the side, fingerless glove not finding enough traction on the side of the smooth metal tank. They couldn’t reach the cap or the ladder to stop their fall with their one free hand, so they used the last of their precious split second to push away from the car and hope it was enough to keep from being crushed beneath the train wheels.
They hit the ground with a series of crunches they hoped were only the gravel around the tracks shifting under their weight. Groaning, they thanked themselves for their choice of attire—covered completely from head to toe—because otherwise they would likely be pulling pebbles out of their skin for weeks. As soon as they were sure they weren’t about to lose life or limb to the roaring train, they looked up just in time to see Villain roll and land—admittedly more gracefully than them—a few dozen feet ahead.
Attempting to pick themselves up, Hero gritted their teeth. Their tuck-and-roll had turned into more of a sprawl-and-tumble. That was definitely going to hurt tomorrow.
That was, assuming they made it to tomorrow, which they realized with a wince was quite a presumption. Villain stalked towards them, seemingly unbothered by the whole falling/jumping-off-a-train thing.
His hair was still slicked back perfectly, but his tie was slightly askew—the only visible sign of the chase Hero could find. It didn’t even look like he was breathing hard—which was ridiculous. Hero’s breaths were heavy enough to blow down a brick house, and they considered themselves to be in pretty good shape.
Putting aside Villain’s infuriating fitness level for later, Hero finally managed to get their feet underneath them and wasted no time turning and running in the opposite direction, briefcase roughed up but still in hand. Either they were miraculously uninjured, or adrenaline was really a hell of a drug. Regardless, they scrambled back up the loose-gravel pile and followed the rails back the way they came, hoping to make it back to the section with the road, which was seeming further and further away the longer they thought about it.
How long had they stayed atop the train?
They really, desperately did not want to look back behind them. Although they couldn’t hear him over the roaring in their ears, Hero knew instinctively that Villain was hot on their tail. Problem was, the road was no where in sight, and there was nowhere else to go. Unless Hero wanted to chance class III rapids with no floatation device—plus, who knew if the case was waterproof—the only things around were wide open grass plains and steep hills peppered with hard-to-scale pine trees. Not to mention the bugs and bears and who knew what else that probably littered the countryside. Hero couldn’t run forever, and for all they knew, Villain could.
This led them to the unfortunate realization that this mission was probably not going to end in success. Maybe they should have thought this through a little more.
That realization was appropriately accompanied by the feeling of something crashing into them from behind. Tumbling onto the tracks for a second time that day, Hero yelped as one of their elbows hit the rail harshly.
Great, another bruise. Or worse.
Rolling quickly onto their back, ready to spring back upright, Hero spotted the culprit lying across the tracks.
A stick.
He threw a stick at them.
Hero cursed themselves for being bested by a glorified twig of all things.
“Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy a good long chase, but surely you must be getting tired by now,” came a voice from behind them that should have been breathless, and Hero cursed that it wasn’t.
They were quickly back on their feet. Their legs were on fire, their elbow throbbed, their skin prickled, and their throat and lungs burned with the intensity of a thousand suns.
Nope. Not tired at all.
Hero’s lead had dwindled greatly in the time it had taken them to get back up. They knew with painful certainty that they could no longer out run Villain on a straight-away.
Okay, on to plan C.
Hero gathered the last of their energy and dashed off the tracks and down the hill, making a beeline for the river. In front of them, the water churned to the point of opaqueness. Perfect.
Hero spotted a boulder on the water’s edge and promptly threw themselves on top of it. Grateful for their knee pads, they clambered up to the highest point. From there, they held the briefcase out over the water and shouted an order for the villain to stop.
Villain halted in the tall grass a dozen feet away, which Hero almost counted as a victory before they spotted the perturbing smirk on his face.
“That’s cute,” he called back, sticking his hands in his pockets and leaning back casually.
Adrenaline reserves exhausted, Hero fought to maintain a neutral expression as their knees turned to jelly and they remained greedy for oxygen.
It would be really unfortunate if they fell into the river right now.
“So what’s your plan? Toss your only bargaining chip in the river and hope for the best?” Villain inquired with an air of curiosity, as if this show was amusing to him.
“It’s simple. You leave, and this case lives for you to steal another day,” Hero spoke in what they hoped was a calm and assured voice. They added a pat against the side of the leather casing for good measure.
“I believe the only thief here is you.”
Hero thought Villain ended that correction with a chuckle, but it was honestly hard to hear with the raging river in the immediate background.
“Do you even know what’s in there?” He asked.
Hero, in fact, did not.
“Of course I do. How else would I know you wouldn’t want to risk losing it in a river,” Hero blustered with all the courage they could muster.
“It would be an inconvenience at best. You think I don’t have contingency plans? A tracker, perhaps?” Villain was much better at achieving a tone of nonchalance than Hero.
Hero had no idea if he was bluffing. They didn’t even know if they were bluffing.
Would a tracker even matter if the case got caught under the current? Would they really risk throwing this mysterious bag into the rapids? For all they knew, it could explode. Or poison all the local wildlife. Or something equally catastrophic.
Hero once again found themselves envious of Villain’s calm demeanor. He should have at least been sweating through his starch-white dress shirt by now.
Villain did have a point. Plan C was no where near foolproof.
Hero sized him up.
It’d be hard to hide a weapon in a suit that tight, but then again if it’s truly custom there could be all kinds of hidden pockets-
Who were they kidding, his weapon of choice earlier was a stick.
So no weapon, but that didn’t mean he still wasn’t dangerous. If at all possible, Hero would still like to avoid a fight.
“Do you have a counter offer?”
“Yes. Give me the case, and they won’t have to clean your blood off the train pistons,” he replied evenly.
Hero blanched at the visceral image triggered by his statement. They tried to reassure themselves that they were armed, albeit with a measly switchblade and utility knife, and their opponent was most likely not. Plus, in true Obi Wan fashion, they had the literal high ground.
“Like Hell I’m just handing this over,” Hero scoffed as loudly as they could, “You wouldn’t hesitate to tie me to the tracks regardless. You watch too many cartoons, by the way. There are plenty of ways to kill me that don’t involve traumatizing some poor train conductor.”
Hero punctuated their response with an exaggerated eye roll. Unfortunately, what their eyes landed back on was not the smooth stone they expected to see beneath them. Instead, they found themselves staring right at the diamond back of a snake sunning itself on the rock.
They threw their arms up in surprise, which sent a jolt through their hand from their injured elbow. Furthering the series of unfortunate events, this caused Hero to lose their grip on the case. The mystery container went plummeting into the white water, but Hero had more pressing concerns at the moment. They had stumbled back from the legless reptile and subsequently lost their footing. They flailed, about to meet the same fate as the contentious case.
Before they could, however, they were yanked back by the hood of their jacket, and they collided with the hard rock instead of the turbulent water. They were pulled the rest of the way down into the softer grass and, temporarily blinded by the relief of not drowning, they didn’t resist.
“You assume,” came a voice that was unmistakably filtered through gritted teeth, “that I would let you die.”
Realizing they were far from safe after that near-death experience, Hero pushed away from the hands that saved them. It did them no good as they were manhandled to their feet, but they continued to struggle anyway.
“What? Still think you can outrun me? Go ahead. Try.”
He threw them back to the ground, challenge written all over his face as he peered down at them. Hero felt their ankle fold beneath them and swore.
They couldn’t, they knew they couldn’t, but they couldn’t just give up.
Out of options, Hero reached for the switchblade that was clipped to their waistband.
Their hands found nothing but cloth.
Panicked, they looked up towards Villain. They were horrified to find their blade flicked open in his hand.
“Looking for this?” He asked lightly, pausing to study the tip with faux curiosity, “What were you going to do with it? A light jab, perhaps?” Quick as the snake that brought them to this position, Villain pushed the blade into their ribs and pulled it right back out.
Hero choked in disbelief. He didn’t cut deep, but the wound was dangerously close to their lungs.
“A slash? Or two?”
Villain caught Hero once on their upper arm and once on the opposite lower arm with shallow cuts as they attempted to block.
“Maybe something a little more substantial. The kidneys?”
Hero crabbed walked back as best they could, which wasn’t good enough. Villain descended atop them, intent clear in the movement of the blade.
“Shit, dude! What the fuck was in there?!”
Villain stopped and held the knife still. It was pointed at their abdomen, pushing lightly into the cloth of their jacket. He was kneeling beside them, one hand on their shoulder to keep them from moving back.
“So you’re a liar and a thief?” He asked rhetorically. Hero was frozen with terror and exhaustion, hands pushing into their side where the metal had entered. Villain leaned in closer, and Hero heard a whimper leave their own lips involuntarily.
“Maybe you’ll find out when you get it for me,” He nearly whispered.
Hero blinked.
They pulled back slightly as hands grabbed onto their arms. Villain’s expression darkened.
“We’re getting up. Unless you need another reminder?” He questioned, brandishing the knife and holding it lightly to the inside of hero’s thigh. Hero shook their head frantically and allowed themselves to be pulled up onto their feet.
Swallowing the pain from their ankle and the grip on their forearm that crossed over the gash in the fabric of their sleeve, they steeled.
They were going to need so many painkillers later.
There was going to be a later, right?
Hero held their gaze on the view of the landscape around them. Where the water hit the rocks and sprayed upwards, they spotted a small rainbow projected onto the vapor.
Hand on the back of their neck, Villain led them away. As Hero limped along, they felt a bit like a misbehaving kitten that had been caught by its mom and dragged back to the litter by its scruff. Embarrassed, injured, and utterly defeated.
Honk Honk (part 2)
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scandalouslamb · 5 months
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Felix Ravinstill & Festus Creed + Langston Hughes
—The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
Gifmaker's Notes:
I remember this poem being used in a couple artworks and gifs in some other fandoms a year ago. I've actually wanted to make this gifset for a while, but I genuinely didn't think they had enough screentime to make it properly. I considered making this about all the mentors towards Felix, but honestly, I think simplicity is best since finding suitable footage of other mentors would probably make this more challenging.
Apologies for the bad contrast with the type and it's background at times. As a member of the bad eyes club, I tried my best, but Felix's corpse was fighting me.
Font: IM Fell DW Pica
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lemonlurkrr · 1 year
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twin snakes solid snake study because I have no idea how Meryl woke up to this and didn't scream
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why does he look like that
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spicyvampire · 7 months
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Doctor Snake every time a new reincarnation cycle starts :
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cheesecake-clown · 7 months
Snake? What type of music do you like snake? Like musical artists, by the way, like gorillas, Beastie Boys etc
The music bands I listen to is Gorillaz, Melanie Martinez, Beastie Boys, and Hollywood undead
(I don’t suggest Hollywood undead cuz they are VULGAR)
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Dude, I wassss the original metal head. You guyssss realize I was born in the 80s, right?
Anywayssss, I like Korn, Sssslipknot, Bullet for my Vallentine, uh, 5 Finger Death Punch, Ssssystem of a Down, ssssometimes Linkin Park - "vulgar" doesssssn't mean shit to me.
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spicynectarines · 10 months
tom blyth has the most atrocious blue eyed stare i’ve ever seen
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
Good Omens/The Sandman crossover idea:
I’ve seen a few fics before where Aziraphale and Crowley are professors teaching in their respective fields at the same university. I’ve also seen that apparently there’s a deleted scene that shows Hob Gadling as a history teacher in the modern era.
So obviously, there should be a fic where the three of them are all professors at the same university, and one poor student has all three of them as professors.
They have Aziraphale for English Lit, Crowley for Bio, and Hob for History. And this kid is CONVINCED they have an immortal professor
This person they’re convinced is immortal is Random Calc Professor. This man has absolutely WILD vibes but is otherwise a normal mortal human person who is definitely not immortal
I should add that Aziraphale and Crowley know each other is at the school, but neither know Hob is there, and vice versa. So we can add another layer of shenanigans onto the already wild pile of miscommunication happening here.
Also I need to emphasize how much of a Some Guy with Wack Vibes this random calc professor is. He is not by any means a demon, angel, immortal, deity, or otherwise an entity of supernatural origins. He’s literally just Some Dude but out of all the professors they have this kid has chosen the mortal one to believe is immortal.
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tin-cant · 1 year
Wait since ukotoa is based on a snake he technically wouldn't have eyelids so all that art of the eyes opening to look at fjord is technically inaccurate. He can go blehleleleh at him though.
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khaotunq · 4 months
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The past 3 days of my life have gone something like this...
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galvatronsthighs · 5 months
I'm very glad to have gotten a Brick/Stupid Rat plushie off Fangamer before they sold out hee hee
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cxpperhead · 1 year
Rules: please repost, don’t reblog! Bold and italicize what applies accordingly.
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ANGER: jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going nonverbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts
JOY: easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy
SADNESS: crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better
EMBARRASSMENT/SHAME: blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate
GUILT: avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, over-active guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others
FEAR / ANXIETY: trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn
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