#snake sensory board
creatures-welcome · 1 year
snake stimboard
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stimsbyme · 3 months
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Lps 1258 & 1259 Stimboard
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loststims · 1 year
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Self Indulgent Vipereon sensory board (*´Д`*)
| + requests open
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kiyostimboardz · 2 years
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Monster high, duce themed stimboard!! | made for myself | enjoy <3
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lunamoth-stims · 2 years
: ๑ ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ 🐍꒱ nature ,snakes, trees and leaves !
for someone on amino!
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Magma Redfoot Stimboard w Fire, Snakes, and Black Cats :)
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ailingwriter · 8 months
I've looked at the Classroom side of Abomination Classroom, now let's take a look at the other side of the equation - the alterations the scientists made to these kids, as well as reasons why these specific alterations were chosen when applicable, and some other notes besides.
A small preface, the scientists did use antimatter in these experiments which acted as something of a binding element for the alterations, making sure things didn't go too wrong. Of course they'll have some side effects later on, but thankfully no explosions. (If anyone wants me to elaborate on the reasoning for any given changes, feel free to ask.)
Also, thanks to @drop-the-curtain-123 for being a sounding board for these ideas.
Nagisa: Snake. Tail instead of legs, venomous fangs. - It's Nagisa. I was going to make the scientists give him alterations from a protandrous animal because his mom is Not Well, but it messed with the dorms. So, snake.
Karma: Large Bentwing Bat. Ears and wings. (He can't fly, none of the kids with wings can.) - Karma, as well as a lot of the other hostages, were being treated more cautiously and so their alterations were based on other animals with 46 chromosomes for added stability.
Akari: Octopus, Tentacles and camouflage. - Akari was more a test of rapid alteration, and her alterations were based on Itona's alterations. These tests weren't nearly as safe as the ones done on the other hostages but Yanagisawa wanted Aguri to suffer. Because he's an asshole.
Sugino: Mountain goat. Hooves, horns and balance. - Many of the alterations were chosen for potential military application. Sugino had no particular reason to get these alterations but neither did anyone else.
Okuda: Tortoise. Shell. - Again, no particular reason why Okuda specifically got these alterations, it's just something the scientists would try on someone.
Maehara: Black Rat. Tail, ears. - Maehara and Isogai were some of the earliest test subjects that are still alive, and so they both have simple alterations based on animals with 46 Chromosomes.
Sugaya: Hyena. Mouth, tail, legs. - Meant to capture Hyenas' bonecrushing bite. Sugaya was chosen because him briefly being mistaken for a delinquent because of his henna tattoos could be seen as reminiscent of how hyenas are unfairly villainized.
Kanzaki: Reeve's Muntjac. Coat, horns. - another 46 Chromosome crew member. With Kanzaki the scientists just let the mutations take the lead to see what would happen.
Kataoka: some large freshwater fish. Tail instead of legs, gills. - One of the scientists had a mermaid obsession. Her alterations were meant to be used for aquatic operations. She was chosen for this dubious honor because of how swimming toes into her character arc.
Yada: Tiger. Claws, tail, mouth. - I decided to give both Kurahashi and Yada similar alterations, straightforward ones based on major predators.
Kurahashi: Wolf. Claws, tail, fangs, legs. - see above.
Hayami: Falcon. Eyes, legs, wings. - I had to give one of the snipers literal falcon sight, okay?
Chiba: Pitohui. Wings, poison. - For many reasons, trying to make poisonous alterations was a huge struggle. Chiba's the only survivor. Also instead of sniper duo, he and Hayami are now bird duo.
Okano: Cat. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Claws, Tail. - Okano was used as the testing grounds for altered senses. Due to this she's prone to sensory overload.
Isogai: Merriam's Ground Squirrel. Ears & tail. - See Maehara's page.
Terasaka: Crocodile. Maw, tail. - chosen for possible semiaquatic operations.
Muramatsu: North American Wood Frog. Toe/finger pads, antifreeze, tongue. - Yeah, the North American Wood Frog has a natural antifreeze. Muramatsu's alterations were intended to be used for polar operations. It didn't work out.
Yoshida: Kangaroo. Legs, tail. - Kick.
Hazama: Spider. Spinnerets, some exoskeleton. - Other than Akari, Itona and Hazama were subjected to the riskiest experiments out of the 28 that are still alive, being given non-vertebrate alterations. This is because they were outright given to the scientists with no caveats
Takebayashi: Mountain Beaver. Teeth and whiskers. - another member of the 46 Chromosome crew. Also I only recently learned that mountain beavers apparently don't have that trademark beaver tail. Go figure.
Hara: Honey Badger. Hide. - Unfortunately, she doesn't gain the honey badger's trademark attitude of not giving a fuck.
Nakamura: Dolphin. Lung capacity, Tail. (She keeps her legs.) - A less extreme attempt at fully aquatic alterations. I chose Nakamura because she's silly but also smart.
Mimura: Chameleon. Skin, eyes, climbing pads. - Mimura is noted to be good at going unnoticed. So this was kinda easy.
Okajima: Skunk. Tail, scent glands. - He has control over the musk by the time they get to the dorms don't worry. That said I may have been a bit mean to him by giving him these alterations.
Kimura: Cheetah. Legs, tail. - He fast. Also, less extreme alterations than some because he is a hostage.
Fuwa: Fox. Claws, legs, tail, ears. - When Fuwa first watched Naruto, she liked to imagine how cool it would be to be part fox. She doesn't think it's cool anymore.
Ritsu: European Hare. Legs, Ears. - To reiterate, in this AU, Ritsu's the daughter of some Japanese-Norwegian interpol agents. Originally I was going to upload her consciousness to a computer but that didn't fit with the rest and it was too risky for a hostage, so I put her in the 46 Chromosome Crew.
Itona: Octopus. Tentacles, camouflage. - As mentioned with Hazama, Itona was given to the scientists and so went through much more extreme testing. There were others. There aren't anymore.
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ryouboredyet · 2 years
Sensory Wishlist (So you can also find things.)
Smooth Chewy Necklace - https://funandfunction.com/smooth-chewy-necklace.html
Chewy Pencil Sleeve - https://funandfunction.com/chewy-pencil-sleeve-set-of-two.html
Weighted Fidget Lizard - https://funandfunction.com/weighted-fidget-lizard.html
Weighted Worm (It is a snake but the listing said worm.) - https://funandfunction.com/weighted-worm.html
Senseez Pillow - https://funandfunction.com/senseez-vibration-pillow.html
Transformer Sensory Sack - https://funandfunction.com/transformer-sensory-sacktm-3838.html
Foam Rocker Board - https://funandfunction.com/foam-rocker-board.html
Weighted Compression Vest - https://funandfunction.com/weighted-compression-vests-black.html
Concentration Rocker - https://funandfunction.com/concentration-rocker.html
Noise Cancelling Headphones - shorturl.at/dqsCZ
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faunswallin-blog · 7 months
I'd describe freedom as this, "No one telling you how to live your life". That has been my families motto for thousands of years. For generations upon generations, my family has lived life their own way in the one career that makes any kind of sense. We are truckers.
It was once said that in the beginning the first of our line would haul cattle across nation lines in a combustion engine truck. I don't know how hard that was I'd imagine it is exactly like it is today. In the past folks had dilapidated roads, today the vacuum of space has vailuum wakes. Before truckers had to connect to their trailers with air hoses and pig butts, today I use gravtronics and counter lines. Out in the darkness of space I am but one trucker of the billions of people occupying space.
Lights began to strobe as I sat in my copilot chair with my feet up on the control board. I was continually writing my thoughts down to avoid the boredom of being in transit. After a minute of strobe lights an alarm began to sound. Putting down my stylus and pad and placing them in the chairs storage pouch I pushed myself off the panel and hopped up. Sidestepping over to the pilots chair I hit a few buttons as I spoke to myself. "Geez Bertha it's just another vailuum pocket", I slid a black glove onto my right hand, I can feel the wires inlaid pressing against the front and back of my fingers. With a flit of a finger a screen popped up in front of me. A sensory camera outside of my ship put a picture of my nearby surroundings on my hull in front of me.
"The new starships have force field reinforced viewports. I get handed an extremely late model Mack DX. All hull and no way to look outside unless you turn on a camera."
Out in the quadrant of space in front of me I saw an utter minefield of gas pockets. My eyes knitted together as my hand waved and opened wider as I toggled more sensory, kinetic, and ultra-wave cameras to show on my hull. "This isn't supposed to be here Bertha, did you turn left at Albuquerque again?"
The family joke brought a wry smile to my lips. My parents told me about a rabbit from the ancient era that tunneled underground that constantly got lost and would attack hapless hunters. I think my folks called him Roger Rabbit. Anyway, my left hand quickly plotted a course through the minefield before me. As I shifted and changed angles on my cameras, I plotted a route through the thickest portion.
Finally after Bertha approved my calculations she began to pick up speed as my truck dipped, yawed, and maneuvered the quadrant before me. I stayed busy as Bertha flew, the minefield seemed unending. As I flew through it I began to see salvage from other ships and popsicles. People thrown into the vacuum without any protection on as they freeze up and look like icicles floating or rotating in place.
I tried not to look at them as I traveled past. " Where there is trash...yep there it is, my destination." I pointed my chin at the battle in front of me nodding to myself as my hands continued to plot a course.
I guess I should let you know as a trucker I am not very fast. My Mack isn't built for speed it's built for reliability. I have reinforced hulls what little shields I have are usually focused on covering my gravitronic couplers. If that goes then my next paycheck goes. My truck and hauler are about 5 earth American football fields long and a dozen meters wide. My top speed on a wide open space with no obstacles would be the equal to a troop transport for most militaries. Right now there is a battle and one side may not be too happy to see me bringing a haul into their enemies ship.
"Okay Bertha, we came this far let's go the extra distance and get through this." I motioned to open up the throttle. And like a river snake I began to weave my way through the destruction to my destination.
I kept one eye on the battle ahead of me trying to guess each sides tactics. Reading battlefields isn't hard if one side has more ships then another then it's logical they will push forward, so long as it was the ship I was going to that was winning I could slip right in.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case today. I am headed toward a Universe Class military outpost. I don't usually take military contracts however the pay is excellent and Bertha has needs. Attacking them was a rebellion hodge podge of fighters and strapped together rust buckets. From the distance you wouldn't think the rebellion would stand a chance. Except they don't fight fair. Universe Class starships are in charge of logistics and military families. Sure they have firepower the quadrant is a testament to that. Unfortunately the rebellion fighters found the Achilles heel to any Universe Class ship. They put extra shielding over the bases personnel sectors. If you can hit that enough times the Universe Class will be forced to reroute power to protect its people making it more sluggish in response to attacks. Star fighters will be just as agile though orders are delayed to power fluctuations and the rebels have a toe hold.
I watched as I slipped from devastated ship to devastated ship using their massive blown out hulls to hide my slow bulk. The battle was brutal and if Bertha could make a bet I would put my money on the rebellion. But I want to get paid if I didn't deliver then I'd open myself up to all sorts of nastiness. So as any trucker would, I pushed up slowly and recklessly into the battle.
The rebellion fighters were black with splotches of white on their hulls as an effective Camouflage for long range cameras however the Universe Class fighters had their hulls white washed with colorful decals on their sides. I watched the white fighters and saw one fighter who seemed in control whose ship didn't wobble when flying straight. The wobbles comes from shaky hands on the flight stick. Pilot's adrenaline pumps and the brief moments between hails of projectiles some Pilot's shake their hands causing their ships to wobble.
I saw my ticket through the Battlefield. It was a whitewashed ship with a black top hat and two pink ears popping out of the bottom of the hat.
Every time this ship made a pass, I'd fly under him towards my destination. When the magic hat would finish an attack run, he would pull a tight looping barrel roll and jet back towards his carrier, then perform another loop and strafe another area. It was effective sniping, not engaging in a dogfight , but still allowing himself to cover his squadron.
It wasn't an easy approach for me the rebellion saw me first and they sent three fighters my direction.
I mentioned before thar I was slow, I forgot to add I am very agile. Bertha doesn't have a great top speed but I spent a good portion of my spare money on the highest level directional boosters. Attached at every 10 meters Bertha can dodge an astriod field of rock and metal with ease. As the fighters fired their projectiles Bertha rolled to the side boisting herself out of the line of fire as I plotted a course through a burnt out hull of a larger cargo hold floating dead in space.
Being small and long pays off. The fighters moving too fast refused to follow me and decided to wait for me to come out. Unfortunately for them they were in a battle and a sitting ship is a dead ship. When I finally extracted myself from the burnt out hull I saw three new dead fighters with holes in their viewport. If I decided to look closely enough I would be able to see droplets of frozen blood drip from openings.
But that is for rookies. I have a load to deliver. So I did my best to line up my approach based on magic hat was doing. After some strenuous maneuvers and a few too many close calls I managed to hail the UC Freeholt.
"Shipper ID Number" was the only response I got when I hailed her on the open channel.
"Graphite-Niner-Codex-Codex-Quiltex," I replied in my best calm voice. A stray projectile brightened up one of my sensors blinding me briefly. I would be nervous unfortunately I wasn't talking to a person yet, and the computer was analyzing my voice for stress markers.
Finally, a younger feminine voice replied "Welcome to the UC Freeholt. Please follow the lights to our receiving bay. You will exit you ship upon landing and place yourself in a confined area as we scan and unload your cargo hold. Is there anything you want to declare?"
I replied in the negative as I flew through the opened doors.
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bedforkid · 9 months
Number Learning Kids Bedding: Count & Dream!
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Number Learning Kids Bedding: Make Counting Fun Again!
Counting is an essential skill for children to learn, as it forms the foundation for all other math skills. There are many fun and educational activities that can help children improve their counting skills, such as playing counting games, using flashcards, and singing counting songs. Number Learning Kids Bedding offers a range of bedding sets and comforters that incorporate numbers and counting into their designs, making bedtime an opportunity for children to practice and enjoy counting. Key Takeaways: - Number Learning Kids Bedding offers a fun and educational way for children to practice counting skills. - Counting games, flashcards, and counting songs are effective tools for improving counting abilities. - Incorporating counting activities into everyday life, like cooking and science experiments, can make learning more interactive. - Mrs. Myers's Learning Lab offers small-group classes focused on enhancing counting skills with a multi-sensory approach. - Engaging activities such as games, crafts, and snacks can foster a positive math experience and develop basic math skills.
Ten Fun Ideas to Improve Counting Skills in Kids
Counting is a fundamental skill for children to develop, and there are many enjoyable activities that can help enhance their counting skills. Incorporating these fun ideas into everyday routines can make learning numbers more engaging and effective for kids. 1. Counting Games Counting games such as "Counting Car", "Dots", and "Jelly Beans" can be a great way to make counting fun for kids. These games not only help children practice counting quickly and accurately but also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 2. Math Puzzles Math puzzles are an excellent way to engage children in counting. Whether it's solving Sudoku puzzles, number crosswords, or logic puzzles, these activities challenge kids to apply their counting skills in a creative and stimulating way. 3. Flashcards Flashcards are a versatile and effective tool for teaching counting. By showing flashcards with numbers and objects to count, children can practice counting in a visual and interactive way. You can also make your own flashcards at home using colorful images and large, clear numbers. 4. Counting Songs Singing counting songs is a fun and memorable way for kids to learn numbers. Songs like "Five Little Ducks" and "Ten in the Bed" not only help children practice counting but also reinforce number sequence and early math concepts. 5. Online Counting Games There are numerous online counting games available that can engage and entertain kids while improving their counting skills. These games often incorporate colorful graphics, interactive animations, and engaging gameplay to make learning numbers enjoyable. 6. Number Formation with Playdough Mats Using playdough mats with numbered outlines can help children practice number formation while counting. Kids can roll and shape the playdough to fit the contours of each number, reinforcing number recognition and fine motor skills. 7. Counting Board Games Counting board games like Snakes and Ladders or Candyland provide a fun and interactive way for kids to practice counting. These games often involve rolling dice and moving game pieces along a numbered path, encouraging kids to count aloud as they progress. 8. Creating Patterns with Counting Objects Encourage kids to create patterns using counting objects like colored blocks, beads, or buttons. By arranging these objects in different patterns, children can practice counting while developing their pattern recognition and critical thinking skills. 9. Solving Simple Math Problems Presenting children with simple math problems that involve counting can be a stimulating way to improve their counting skills. Start with basic addition and subtraction problems using objects or pictures, gradually increasing the complexity as their counting abilities progress. 10. Playing with Counting Blocks Counting blocks are a versatile educational toy that can be used to improve counting skills. Kids can stack, sort, and count the blocks, creating opportunities to practice number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and basic math operations. By incorporating these ten fun ideas into daily activities and playtime, parents and educators can help children develop strong counting skills in an enjoyable and engaging way.
Counting Activities for Everyday Life
Incorporating counting activities into everyday life can be simple and fun. There are various ways to engage your child in counting while going about your daily routines. Here are a few ideas: - Kids help in cooking: Let your child assist you in the kitchen by measuring ingredients or counting how many vegetables go into a dish. This not only teaches them counting but also introduces them to basic cooking skills. - Science experiments: Conduct simple science experiments that involve counting. For example, count how many times a balloon can be blown up or how many times a concoction can be stirred. These experiments combine counting with hands-on learning. - Math activities in the kitchen: Use everyday objects in the kitchen to create math activities. For instance, ask your child to count how many spoons are needed for a recipe or how many cups of water are required to fill a pot. - Counting with balloons: Blow up a few balloons and have your child count them. You can also attach numbers to the balloons and ask your child to count them in order. - Counting with stirring: While cooking or baking, encourage your child to count how many times they need to stir a mixture before it is ready. This helps them practice counting and teaches them patience in the process. These activities not only reinforce counting skills but also make learning a fun and interactive experience for kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1npm9otdZNI "Incorporating counting activities into everyday life can be simple and fun." Counting with Balloons One example of a counting activity for everyday life is counting with balloons. This activity can be easily done at home and is a great way to engage your child in counting. Here's how you can do it: - Inflate several balloons and ask your child to count them. - Write numbers on the balloons using a marker or attach number stickers to them. - Ask your child to arrange the balloons in order, from the lowest number to the highest number. - Encourage your child to count the balloons again after arranging them. This activity not only helps your child practice counting but also improves their number recognition and sequencing skills.
Mrs. Myers's Learning Lab: Enhancing Counting Skills Through Small-Group Classes
If you're looking for a structured and effective way to enhance your child's counting skills, look no further than Mrs. Myers's Learning Lab. Our small-group classes are specifically designed to support children in developing their counting abilities through a multi-sensory approach. With certified teachers leading the way, your child will engage in fun and interactive activities that make learning math a stimulating and enjoyable experience. The cornerstone of our program is the Nifty Numbers Math Program. This comprehensive curriculum focuses on building counting skills through targeted small-group instruction. By keeping class sizes small, we are able to provide individual attention and personalized guidance to each student. This ensures that your child receives the support they need to excel in their counting abilities. Why Choose Mrs. Myers's Learning Lab? - Small-group classes for personalized attention - Multi-sensory approach for enhanced learning - Certified teachers with expertise in early math education Our teachers are passionate about early math education and have extensive experience in teaching young learners. They are skilled in creating a nurturing and engaging environment where children feel comfortable and motivated to learn. Through a combination of hands-on activities, visual aids, and interactive games, we help students develop a strong foundation in counting. At Mrs. Myers's Learning Lab, we believe that every child is capable of mastering math skills with the right guidance and support. Our small-group classes and multi-sensory approach ensure that your child receives the individualized attention they need to thrive in their counting skills. Contact us today to learn more about our Nifty Numbers Math Program and how it can benefit your child's math education.
Fun Activities for Learning Numbers for Preschoolers and Kindergartners
When it comes to teaching young children numbers, incorporating fun and engaging activities is key to keeping them interested and motivated. There are numerous activities available that make learning numbers enjoyable for preschoolers and kindergartners while helping them develop essential math skills. From games and crafts to snacks and interactive experiences, these activities not only teach numbers but also foster a love for math. - Games: Introduce number recognition and counting skills through games like number bingo, number matching cards, and counting scavenger hunts. These games provide a hands-on approach to learning and make numbers more tangible and exciting. - Crafts: Incorporate numbers into arts and crafts projects. For example, create number collages using cutouts from magazines or make number puppets using paper bags. These activities encourage creativity while reinforcing number recognition and counting. - Snacks: Transform snack time into a learning experience by using food to teach numbers. Count pieces of fruit or arrange snack items in numerical patterns. For example, create a trail mix with a certain number of different ingredients or make a snack plate with a number of items that matches the child's age or the current lesson. By engaging in these activities, children develop not just their counting skills, but also other fundamental math concepts such as number sense, one-to-one correspondence, and pattern recognition. These interactive learning experiences provide a solid foundation for future math learning and nurture a positive attitude towards numbers and mathematics. Table: Fun Activities for Learning Numbers Activity Description Number Bingo A game where children match numbers on their bingo cards with called numbers, promoting number recognition. Number Collages Create collages using cutouts of numbers from magazines, reinforcing number recognition and creativity. Counting Scavenger Hunt Hide objects around the house or outdoor space and have children find and count them, practicing counting skills. Number Puppets Make puppets using paper bags and decorate them with numbers, encouraging imaginative play and number recognition. Snack Patterns Arrange snack items in numerical patterns or count out a specific number of pieces, combining math with snack time. Number Matching Cards A card game where children match numerical cards with corresponding objects, reinforcing number recognition and one-to-one correspondence. By incorporating these fun activities into your child's learning routine, you can make numbers an enjoyable and engaging part of their preschool or kindergarten experience. Whether it's through games, crafts, snacks, or interactive experiences, the key is to keep the learning process fun and interactive, fostering a positive attitude towards numbers and setting them up for success in their mathematical journey.
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Hands-on Number Rhyme Activity for Counting Forward and Backward
One fun and interactive way to help children practice counting forward and backward is through a hands-on number rhyme activity. This activity not only reinforces number recognition but also develops essential counting skills. It can be easily implemented at home or in a classroom setting. The activity involves using a bed with cut lines and numbered teddy bears. Students can use a number slider or magnet bears to count forwards or backwards, or they can practice one-to-one correspondence by placing a specific number of bears in the bed. By physically moving the bears or slider, children actively engage with the numbers, creating a tactile and memorable learning experience. Through this activity, children can grasp the concept of counting in a sequential manner, understand the order of numbers, and learn to associate the written numerals with their respective quantities. It also encourages them to verbalize the numbers as they count, reinforcing number fluency and oral communication skills. Hands-on Number Rhyme Activity Steps: - Prepare a bed template with cut lines and numbers from 1 to 10. - Provide students with teddy bears or a number slider. - Ask students to count forwards or backwards using the bears or slider. - To practice one-to-one correspondence, have students place the correct number of bears in the bed. - Encourage students to say the numbers aloud as they count. - Repeat the activity multiple times to reinforce counting skills. This hands-on number rhyme activity offers a fun and engaging way for children to develop their counting skills. By incorporating movement, tactile elements, and verbalization, children can enhance their number recognition and counting abilities. This activity can be customized to cater to different learning styles and can be easily adapted for various age groups. Table 6: Hands-on Number Rhyme Activity Materials Benefits Bed template with cut lines and numbers Visual representation of numbers, sequential counting practice Teddy bears or number slider Hands-on manipulatives, engaging and interactive
Engaging Counting Games and Activities
Engaging counting games and activities can make learning numbers enjoyable for kids. These activities not only help children develop their counting skills but also foster a love for math and numerical concepts. Here are some exciting counting games and activities that you can try with your child: Counting Games: Make counting fun with interactive games that challenge your child's number recognition and counting abilities. Play "Number Bowling" by setting up plastic bottles with numbers written on them. Let your child roll a ball and knock down the bottles, then count the number of bottles knocked over. Another game idea is "Counting Watermelon Seeds," where you use a real or pretend watermelon and ask your child to count the seeds as you slice it open. These games engage your child's senses and make counting engaging and memorable. Math Games with Cards and Counters: Math games using cards and counters are excellent for teaching number recognition and ordering. You can play "Number War" by dividing a deck of cards evenly between two players. Each player turns over a card, and the player with the highest number wins both cards. Another game idea is "Number Memory," where you place cards with numbers face down and take turns flipping them over to find matching pairs. These games enhance your child's cognitive skills and reinforce important counting concepts. Toy Register Play: Pretend play with a toy register is a fantastic way to introduce your child to counting and money concepts. Set up a mini-market with play food items and a toy cash register. Encourage your child to count the play money and make simple transactions. This activity helps develop number sense, one-to-one correspondence, and basic math skills. It also promotes imaginative play and social interaction.
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Quote: "Engaging counting games and activities can turn learning into an exciting adventure, helping children develop critical counting skills while having fun." - MathLearning.com
Using Nature, Clay, and Paper Tubes for Counting Activities
Counting activities can be made more exciting by incorporating nature, clay, and paper tubes. Kids can count natural objects like sticks, acorns, and shells and place them on a traced number to practice counting with nature. Using clay and popsicle sticks, they can create a counting and fine motor hedgehog game. Paper tubes can be used for various activities, including creating mazes for counting and using numbered paper tubes for counting and ordering. Additionally, counting lily pads and frogs can be a fun way to practice number recognition and one-to-one correspondence. Nature Counting Activity Clay Counting Activity Paper Tubes Counting Activity Collect natural objects like sticks, acorns, and shells. Create a counting and fine motor hedgehog game using clay and popsicle sticks. Create mazes for counting using paper tubes. Place the collected objects on a traced number to practice counting. Count the number of sticks inserted into the clay hedgehog. Count and order numbered paper tubes. Practice counting with nature. Develop fine motor skills while counting with clay. Engage in a fun and interactive counting activity using paper tubes. These hands-on counting activities provide a sensory experience that enhances learning. By incorporating elements from nature, children can engage with their surroundings while improving their counting abilities. Working with clay not only strengthens fine motor skills but also increases engagement and enjoyment. Using paper tubes adds an element of creativity to counting exercises and encourages problem-solving skills. These activities offer a holistic approach to counting, allowing children to explore, create, and learn in a fun and interactive way. Counting with Nature Counting with nature involves collecting natural objects like sticks, acorns, and shells and using them to practice counting. Children can place the collected objects on a traced number to reinforce counting skills. This activity not only helps children develop their counting abilities but also promotes a connection with the outdoors and an appreciation for the natural world. Counting with Clay Clay counting activities offer a hands-on approach to counting. Children can create a counting and fine motor hedgehog game using clay and popsicle sticks. By inserting sticks into the clay hedgehog, children can count the number of sticks, strengthening their fine motor skills while improving their counting abilities. Read the full article
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atsulovee · 10 months
⊹˚. ABOUT ME!!
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⪼ I’m Azalea! I am eighteen, ENTP, 7w8 ⋆ dazai lover (derogatory) , atsushi's whore (affectionate) and i use all pronouns!
ೀ⋆。𝗬𝗘𝗦-𝗬𝗘𝗦…winter, books, cats + axolotls, snakes, cryptozoology, psychology, sarcasm, chocolate, forests, stargazing, cuddling, libraries, classical music, romanticism, board games, the color pink, sensitive men, mean (fictional) men, female rage, horror movies, dark content
ೀ⋆。𝗡𝗢-𝗡𝗢…roaches, authority, shallowness, sensory overload, traffic, germs
ೀ⋆。𝗠𝗬 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗦… atsushi!!! and dazai, chuuya, nikolai, kouyou as well :3
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yet another diary entry 𐃘 my own ramblings
from your dearest flower 𐃘 my writing
did the mailman arrive? 𐃘 requests
there's no signature... 𐃘 anonymous asks
my dearest pen pal... 𐃘 non-anonymous asks
secret journal 𐃘 nsfw
the dove isn't moving... 𐃘 dead dove / dark content
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: ̗̀➛ 🎀 anon
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The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition-London 2018
Every year The Royal Academy stages a Summer Exhibition displaying hundreds of pieces of contemporary art created by its Academy members -all professional artists. But what it also does is invite members of the public to send in their art works anonymously and these are then submitted before a hanging committee headed by a well-known artist. The hundreds selected then go on public display in the Exhibition alongside the serious artists. It is the biggest open exhibition in the world. And so the sheer random breadth of contemporary art works that goes up on the walls every summer is often exciting, unpredictable or simply quite weird. You book in online, turn up, collect your and away you go. And 2018 being the 250th year anniversary of the Show (it has run uninterrupted for 250 years)The Royal Academy apparently wanted to pull out all the stops
And nothing sounded like it could be more fun than an Exhibition organised by Grayson Perry, the famously flamboyant artist who often appears dressed as a kind of Bo-Peep styled shepherdess and is regularly on our TV screens. When I heard he was organising the 2018 show I decided I had to go.
Every year an artist is chosen to create a display for the courtyard in front of the RA Building. This year it was Anish Kapoor and it didn’t disappoint. As we turned in off Piccadilly, we were met by a display of massive metal ingots piled high against a backdrop of a concave red fabric sphere suspended from a frame above them. I have to confess I did not understand the title Symphony for a Beloved Daughter, but it made a great impact as we headed inside.The first impression was of lots of colour-the walls everywhere were painted vivid yellow or turquoise. According to Grayson Perry “the Exhibition was meant to be a joyful celebration of arts - there is a lot of politics, especially in this room, but the main thing for me was for it to be an aesthetic, sensory overload experience".
Well I think he succeeded.
There were 800 or so works by well-known members of the RA including world famous names like Grayson Perry himself, David Hockney, Tracey Emin and Banksy and many other RA artists that I confess I had never come across. Of these, I particularly liked Joana Vasconcelos’ huge sculpture Royal Valkyrie, (a vividly coloured inflatable installation hovering over our heads hung from steel cables and constructed from handmade woollen crochet, felt appliqués, ornaments and fabric) and also Debbie Lawson’s carpeted ‘Red Bear’. Kate MccGwire’s work ‘Squall’ featuring a sinuous snaking sculpture constructed in mixed media and pheasant feathers in an antique cabinet was so beautiful . There was humour and irreverence everywhere too. I don’t think Grayson Perry took things too seriously. The catalogue with Michael Landy’s Closing Down Sale on the front gave a strong hint of the playful tone because of course virtually everything in the Exhibition is for sale and has a price tag.
I enjoyed the light-hearted wit in works like David Shrigley’s, Untitled. And I also loved the sheer daft silliness of some of the exhibits. A giant papier-mâché garden gnome, an ironing board strangely engulfed by a giant pink blob of clay….But Chris, by the comedian Joe Lycett was the standout for me - a small misshapen pink head made of air-dry clay, acrylic paint and (allegedly!) a Pringles tube displayed as if by mistake rolled into a corner on the floor of one of the exhibition rooms and carrying a price tag of £12,500,000. For obvious reasons its photo was immediately texted to my Dad who is also called Chris….
Art takes itself very seriously most of the time and there was plenty to see that was serious-minded, but for me these flashes of fun made this exhibition a whole different experience to the norm. I think Perry summed it up really well: "To play with a whole load of toy box of art for a few days was absolutely the most joyful thing. I celebrate that really." It was definitely an afternoon of fun
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mandeepbainss · 2 years
Critical thinking lecture 3
During this lecture there were three key areas we focused on Innovative smart textiles, Innovative technology and Innovative design.
In the 18th and 19th centuries the first and second industrial revolutions mechanised the making of clothing and changed the fashion industry forever. In the mid 20th century the third industrial revolution hugely impacted technology and data analysis which once again changed the way the fashion industry worked. In todays world we could say we are yet again facing another industrial revolution with rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence which may once again change how the fashion industry works.
Smart Textiles is the development of textiles to improve human’s everyday life, to benefit the industry, the health care sector and the environment. Smart textiles are split into two categories aesthetic and performance enhancing.
Aesthetic smart textiles are supposed to create an immersive sensory experience with the use of lighting and sounds etc. For example the brand CuteCircuit created a mirror handbag that is made out of ultralight-weight aerospace aluminium and laser-etched acrylic mirror that let the light from the white LEDs shine through to create amazing animations and display messages and Tweets.
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Performance enhancing smart textiles are often used by sports personnel as they can wear clothes with sensors which track their performance. These clothes use the same types of technologies often found in smart watches such as Fitbits.
There were three types of innovative technology we looked at during this lecture. The first being 3D digital clothing collections. Digital clothing is something that many people do not understand as it looks as though it I just filters. Digital clothing is the fashion industries attempt at keeping up with the ever growing meta verse. The positives of digital clothing is that it allows so much room for creativity and is argued to be an environmentally friendly practice.
The next type of innovative technology we looked at was augmented pattern design. In Augmented Fashion BRIA reimagines the fashion design process itself by turning manual garment creation into a digitised process, to speed up design and manufacturing and drastically reduce textile waste and carbon emissions, however it assists the growth of fast fashion.
The third type of innovative technology we looked at was blockchain technology. A blockchain is, in the simplest of terms, a time stamped series of immutable records of data that is managed by a cluster of computers not owned by any single entity. Each of these blocks of data is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles. The blockchain network has no central authority it is the very definition of a democratized system. Since it is a shared and immutable ledger, the information in it is open for anyone and everyone to see. Hence, anything that is built on the blockchain is by its very nature transparent and everyone involved is accountable for their actions. The benefits of this are that is prevents fraud as all components are traceable, its faster supply and purchasing of goods and it records the product from the source , verifying its sustainability.
When looking at innovative design we focused on artificial intelligence in fashion and 3D printed fashion. Artificial intelligence is continually being developed to be smarter than ever. Brands such as acne studios have utilised this technology to help deign and create their A/W 2020 collection. As a result, the runway show presented perforated shirts that referenced digital glitches, polo shirts without buttons (as the neural network did not understand buttons), and distorted snake prints covering the entirety of suits and oversized cape-like coats. Hypebeast.com 2020
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3D printing fashion is something that brands such as Iris van herpen have already taken on board by using 3D printers to print embellishments for different designs. This is something we considered as a future innovation for our own brand since we will be elevating our garments by using South Asian Inspired embellishments.
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Rosic A, 2021 Block Geeks Available: https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-blockchain-technology/Accessed 2.3.23
Youtube 2019 BRIA Augmented Fashion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK83Z5lfWY4 Accessed 2.3.23
Jan Kees Mons, March 11, 2020 9:52 am, Smart textiles improve athlete performance: 4 awesome reasons why assessed at: https://sporttomorrow.com/4-awesome-reasons-why-smart-textiles-improve-athlete-performance/ 2.3.23
CuteCircuit 2022. Available: http://cutecircuit.com/biography/ Accessed 8.2.23 
 Ignasi Sayol, Smart Fabrics, a technology that revolutionizes experiences available at : https://ignasisayol.com/en/smart-textiles-can-be-programmed-to-monitor-things-like-biometrics-measurements-of-physical-attributes-or-behaviours-like-heart-rate-which-could-help-athletes-dieters-and-physicians-observing-pat/ accessed: 2.3.23
UX Collective 2012 Design principle: Aesthetics
Available: https://uxdesign.cc/design-principle-aesthetics-af926f8f86fe Accessed 2.3.23
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loststims · 1 year
daroach stimboard,with cheese related items & this gif too
link to gif: https://snakes-stims.tumblr.com/post/689954666815078400/cheese-toy-phone-case
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Daroach sensory board for @boba-foxy ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
| + requests open
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Born with blue stripes an autistic woman with a lifetime of unnecessary drama 
Ever wondered what it feels to be autistic 
Here is a mind and life a beautiful , strong autistic woman 
The beginning 
The beginning like any other was normal. I was a beautiful baby. My mother must have been so excited getting her second girl after a swam of boys 
My childhood was pretty much normal as I recall it but I had glitches; 
When I would write, each sentence had to sit on one line otherwise that sentence will end whenever it ends and when I would finish, everything else would seem like it’s on a pause so in most cases I would get up and collect pencils from the other students and tell the teacher we go to the next thing 
I hated repetitions. I hated someone having to teach me the same thing over and over again 
I had specific clothes for specific days and any change in that would make me irritable and uncomfortable 
I used not to play outdoor games  and I would look at everyone else that played like they had a problem. I never saw the point in two people throwing a ball at someone for them to keep dodging it .
The diagnosis 
My father L was not concerned infact it was non of his business. He was too dissociated. My mother D was over the roof everytime she was told the “weird stories” about me so she decided to board to Kampala and get me assessed 
I was taken to Bbossas clinic in the national referral and the memory of moving from one doctor to another still haunts me 
I saw 8 doctors, I was told to do a whole bunch of procedures and eventually, a nice old man called my mum and I in and said I was autistic. Now I didn’t see it as a big deal but my mum broke down when she was told all the nitty gritty details of the condition. 
My life as it is 
Am dramatic ooooh dear 
I get sensory overload with loud noise and crowds 
I have limited social and emotional intelligence 
Sometimes I don’t know when am being offensive and that’s because I never speak to offend. I only speak what’s on my mind 
I love big spaces and I love driving 
I fear heights, insects and snakes 
I love dogs and sometimes feels like I get them
I love God and I believe in Jesus Christ 
I love my friends and am so honest with my feelings. I tell you I love you? Oooh sure I do and that’s because I don’t know how to mask emotions 
I don’t throw tantrums 
I have a good memory. In Fact in most cases I remember things to the last detail. 
I also love eating and I always eat the same things and from the same restaurants 
I love routine and it’s difficult to try out new things and that includes restaurants, routes to places, gadgets, tv stations, shows, scents, spices etc 
I hate meeting new people and it’s difficult making friends because most of the time I am wondering what to say 
Two of my friends have always pointed out that I blow things out of proportion 
I have a weird sense of fashion and my dress code always shows what am feeling. If am feeling rubbish, I will dress in rubbish 
My family 
The diagnosis was on the table.
It didn’t mean anything to me because I didn’t get it 
My mum and dad were poor and as though that wasn’t enough; my dad wasn’t so supportive so my mum had to raise 6 children with a teachers salary and now one of them was autistic 
My mums sister E, a very loving young auntie of mine with a wide big heart was concerned to be fair my mums family was concerned. Auntie E had a bestfriend M and she told her to talk to D and let me be fostered and be raised with her 
The talks were made and it was decided that I was to start staying with mum M and her family. I was given visitation to mum D every other holiday but with mum M I had stability, security and an available father “papa W”. Papa W gave me everything a child would ever want in a father. He spoilt me, believed in me, saw me with the autism and still thought I was amazing 
However over time I was told indirectly that I belonged to W and M and I had no belonging with my biological parents. I was specifically set against dad L. Nothing he ever did was right and the life he lived was embarrassing, reckless, disappointing, and not worth. I zoned out and as a child, I chose the ones that seemed rich, understanding and responsible 
The collapse 
Dad W and uncle V (auntie Es husband ) were very close growing up and infact lived in the same neighborhood and did business together. A lot of my life I thought they were brothers . We had joint farms, joint shops and joint ventures. I will not tell the story of how this fell apart but it did and uncle V won. I was then given an ultimatum, an ultimatum to choose where to go. Was it with the people that raised me or with the family I originated from. The family I grew up was leaving and I chose to stay 
Dad W, his biological children and mum M sat in a meeting and decided I was not part of them because I chose a side and that I was not to be called daughter or sister and indeed I was denied access to the compound thereafter 
The effect 
You must wonder why I feel compelled to tell this story. It has affected me in ways I cannot comprehend 
I have a sense of insecurity where I don’t easily trust and infact maybe I don’t trust at all. It always feels like my friends will wake up one day and tell me they don’t want to be my friends anymore and I have made a constant coping decision to have few friends 
It has given me a lot of instability where I don’t feel like I have a home. 
I am so protective of those around me and sometimes I care too much because I am so desperate to make them feel at home 
So this one time like three years back I met a friend. Psychologically that friend gave me a sense of security, stability and he felt like home to me. I searched for a sense of relevance to him. I acted at my best around him and now that I think about it, maybe I was subconsciously making him my father in a sick twisted way. Because of that I expected too much. I would do anything to keep him even if it meant stripping and that’s because there is something he spoke to my psychological, Social and emotional needs . In that process I messed up and I can’t even explain how but I messed it up. I crossed a thousand lines in his life and as I write this I feel like once again someone I cared for so much has to leave because I messed it up. 
It feels like everything beautiful I ever get has to go and that’s my fault from the beginning. If I wasn’t who I am maybe my life would have turned out different but I am who I am and there is little I can do. 
Two weeks ago I was admitted in hospital. I was alone through the ordeal. And someone asked me if I had called my family and it made me cry because I hadn’t. And again I know I have a biological family but they aren’t my 911 and I don’t even understand why. 
The saddest part about living my life is that it’s difficult to realise that I have done something wrong unless am told if what I did wasn’t obvious and it’s so frustrating because people always expect me to know. Am somehow expected to realise that someone is offended when I tell them I don’t want to hang out 
I feel like a loser, I feel like I don’t matter, I feel like no one ever means what they say to me, I feel like my life has no meaning and I always feel like I will die one day and rot in my small rental and my biological mum would find out in 5 days but otherwise no one would 
Sometimes it’s so hard I just want to lock myself up for weeks. Sometimes it’s hours and hours of self hate and blame, sometimes it’s going to bed hoping the night could be 48 hours straight. But most cases it’s not knowing what to do at all. It’s thinking about what you should never have said . It’s thinking about what you should never have done and most importantly it’s trying to figure out what causes your mind to function the way it does. Like why is it so important for me to go through kalerwe every other day yet I have a million routes I could use 
I understand that I need help and I don’t know in what sense I need help but incase you are reading this and have any sort of encouragement, advice, criticism or prayer , it would come in handy 
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buzz-stims · 2 years
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seviper stimboard with stims of my choice for @ghost-town-dwellers 
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