waspywaspy · 8 months
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This moon will be put into two posts because so much happened.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leader: Molestar (18 seasons). Short-furred black tom with white paws. Deputy: Snowbush (13 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby tom. (Apprentice - Plumpaw) Seer: Willowclaw (25 seasons). Short-furred blue molly with white patches. (Apprentice - Shellpaw) Dandelionstripe (8 seasons). Black molly with a white patch on the top of her head, and short glossy fur.
Warriors Briarlight (22 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Ambermoon (13 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly. (Apprentice - Stempaw) Hollytuft (11 seasons). Long-furred dilute caliby molly. Sparkpelt (8 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with bright hazel eyes. Junipertail (8 seasons). Brown mackerel tabby tom with short, glossy fur. Honeyfur (6 seasons). Short-furred blue molly with green eyes. Leafshade (6 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly. Larksong (6 seasons). Long-furred brown mackerel tabby tom.
Apprentices Stempaw (3 seasons). Sleek, short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes and a torn ear. (Mentor - Ambermoon) Plumpaw (3 seasons). Sturdy, short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with white paws and tail-tip. (Mentor - Cherrystar) Shellpaw (3 seasons). Short-furred blue tom with green eyes and a white patch on his back. (Mentor - Willowclaw)
Nursery Lilyheart (14 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Kits - Spotkit, Flykit, Snapkit, 1 season). Flipkit (1 season). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby cat with orange eyes. Thriftkit (1 season). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with pale hazel eyes. Bristlekit (1 season). Thick and long-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with hazel eyes, neat ears, and long whiskers.
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snapkit-in · 12 hours
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omegamechanicum · 1 year
A new review is up on the old YouTube channel of Bandai's Figure-Rise Standard Amplified Machinedramon.
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officialclangen · 8 months
Neetlestar absolutely HATES Applefeather, but her Medic daughter only slightly Dislikes her and has a lot of like and respect for her mother leader, who has Finally found a little male kit, Snapkit!!
Ooh! Is Applefeather a new cat? That's a cute name! Alongside Snapkit!
✦ Chibi ✦
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blues-sues · 7 months
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Did a redraw! These are Vixenkit and Skunkpelt!
TLDR: Vixenkit, Ripplekit, and Snapkit snuck out of camp (yes, common trope, I know) and something went wrong (of course) unbeknownst to them that a badger had been lurking on the territory. It caused Ripplekit to die, Snapkit to appear to go missing, and Vixenkit to lose her hind leg and be found badly wounded. Skunkpelt, the medicine cat, tries to gently break the news... Vixenkit doesn't take it well.
These are characters from an animated series I had planned but it never unfortunately went anywhere due to my own bad managing, memory, and problems with animation motivation <- as I was the only one animating the entire thing. I could've asked for help but at the time I'd only done one animation Collab and didn't understand how exactly stuff like that worked.
Vixenkit definitely has to undergo some rewriting... The entire story does, really. But I'd be happy to share more if people are interested! I definitely wanna introduce some other characters... (I just wanna show you guys my boy Rockstar...)
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Batspider reference! A gal of some sort.
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Information under the cut:
Name: Batspider
Sex: She-cat
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Clan: CoastClan
Personality: Reserved, independent, calm
Physical appearance: Batspider is a dark gray tabby she-cat with long fur, tufted ears, and a scarred paw.
Mates: Hawkbush (former), Mossyspike (former)
Parents: [TBA]
Siblings: [TBA]
Kits: Lizardkit (Hawkbush), Jaykit (Hawkbush), Snapkit (Hawkbush)
Former mentor: Ravenpurr
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Hey wait I just found out about LionToad here. I wanna learn more about them actually. How did these two happen?
While they tragically aren't in WCR, they are together in this au.
Lionpaw was almost brought into a demon summoning cult by the spirit of his grandpa and uncle that he found while playing in the woods one evening.
He escaped it, but the mental scars remained.
Later in high school, Toadstep formed a crush on the big, untouchable jock, qnd was ecstatic to find they were going to the same college! One of the cultists tried to lure Toad in, offering incantations he could use to get noticed more.
Lion stopped Toad one night while on a jog, noticing Toad heading into those very same woods, and pulled him away.
Turns out Toad didn't need demonic friends to be noticed. Lionblaze had been there. Maybe through sheer luck, perhaps, but Toadstep would take it.
They fell in love as Toadstep studied culinary arts and Lionblaze studied Forensic science. Lionblaze's bestie Cinderheart was the one who encouraged him to ask Toadstep out, and he sure did! Flowers and all knocking on Daisy's front porch door. They've been together since.
They adopt 3 kids, Spotkit, Flykit and Snapkit, later on.
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 10 months
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Referencing this post, Dewkit and Dewbright are cats from my clangen can, FretClan! Currently I'm on Moon 238, and just discovered Dewkit was born blind, which I believe is the first cat I've ever had genuinely born blind on clangen! Meanwhile, Dewbright is one of my favorite cats in the clan, who lost her leg to a bear trap and retired early (around 60 moons old, can't recall her exact age). And they both have heterochromia!!!! I think it's so silly and cute that they're sort of matching in many ways, and I like to think Dewbright really connects with and bonds with Dewkit. Perhaps she was even the one who discovered she was blind!
Anyway, just cause I can, here's the biographies for our little Dews below cut <3
Dewkit She-cat - 2 moons Biological Mother: Dashcrackle (loner; deceased) Adoptive Father: Skycrackle (medicine cat) Foster Mother: Anemonespeckle (not considered a parent) Biological Littermates: Needlekit, Cicadakit Adoptive Older Siblings: Palekit (deceased), Cliffkit (deceased), Blizzardswan, Nightpaw, Littlepaw, Streampaw, Tempestpaw, Turtlepaw Foster Older Siblings: Frondkit, Sleepykit, Stumpykit, Fiercekit (not considered siblings) Description: White and gray smoke she-kit with sunlight ice-colored eyes Traits: Attention-seeker, oddly observant Background: Skycrackle the medicine cat was patrolling for herbs when he heard (another) cat scream in pain and stumbled upon a she-cat loner giving birth. Skycrackle helped the loner---Dash---through the difficult birth, but was unable to save her (she requested the name Dashcrackle before death, asking if Skycrackle would care for her kits before her death). Skycrackle, having accepted two previous litters of loners, easily accepted Dewkit and the others as his own. Dewkit was nursed by Anemonespeckle, the only queen producing milk in the nursery, though her kits were old enough to be weaned (2 moons older than Dewkit and her littermates). With how crowded the nursery was with competition for one queen's attention, the kittens of the nursery often butted heads, often pushing one another around. Dewkit held her own decently, but it wasn't hard to see that she was often pushed around more than others, and, soon, the cats of FretClan realized Dewkit was blind---the first blind cat they had ever had in the clan. Cats aren't quite sure what to make of it, but Skycrackle is devoted to insuring his daughter that being blind doesn't mean she can't be amazing!
Dewbright Cis she-cat - 86 moons - Elder Paternal Great Grandmother: Nacreripple (deceased) Paternal Grandmother: Belugawave (deceased) Maternal Grandfather: Amberrun (deceased) Biological Parents: Bouncestreak, Jellyfishstalk (deceased) Older Maternal Half-siblings: Burrbelly (deceased), Boragechase, Galeback (deceased) Biological Siblings: Shiveringneedle (medicine cat), Weevilshadow (deceased), Snapkit (deceased), Stoatfoot (deputy), Stoatflash, Sunwave (deceased), Moontail Biological Offspring: Tornsea (deceased), Lightningcry, Lyremask (deceased), Jumprock Biological Grandkits (through Jumprock): Yellowrumble, Tremblepaw (deceased), Sprucepaw (deceased), Fawnpaw (deceased) Description: Long-furred speckled golden and white she-cat with three legs Traits: Childish, great speaker, lore master Background: Dewbright was born as Dewkit to Bouncestreak (mother) and Jellyfishstalk (father) alongside her siblings, Shiveringkit, Weevilkit, and Snapkit, on Moon 152 during Greenleaf when Timberstar was leader. Her sister, Snapkit, was killed by a snake when they were five moons old. Dewpaw was apprenticed to Milky Way, and graduated late at fifteen moons old on Moon 167. Milky Way influenced her to follow the rules, and Dewbright was honored for her enthusiasm. Not even two moons later (Moon 169), and Dewbright's leg got stuck in in a trap set by a Twoleg on the beaches. Dewbright's leg had to be amputated, and the wound quickly festered infection. She survived the infection, though would often have phantom pains and recurring medical issues with her leg stump. She performed decently at her job as a warrior, though noticably began having difficultly as she aged. This was especially hard on her as she entered under Palestar's rule, where cats became more vicious to one another, even resulting in many of her family being injured by their own clanmates. Her father, Jellyfishstalk, died from greencough after being punished for speaking against Palestar. Notably, her mother Bouncestreak was a firm supporter of Palestar, resulting in tension in the family, as Dewbright was one of the few in her family that didn't support Palestar and her crueler ways. Palestar confronted Dewbright about her slowing down, then convinced Dewbright that she should retire early. Dewbright accepted this, though often felt out of place as such a young elder. Eventually, things calmed down during Palestar's rule, and then Palestar passed and Hickorystar took over. It was a bridge between constant in-fighting to something a little more peaceful, and Dewbright finally found herself shining. She took of the clan as an elder, teaching the kits' tales, patching up the camp walls, cleaning up around camp, and helping where she can. Currently, she resides in the elders den with Cavebumble (146 moons), the half-clan daughter of the clan founder Skipstar, and former mate of half the clan (/joking, but she had 4 ex-mates at different times [Wetclaw, Kitefreckle, Burrbelly, Basstail]), and then Dewbright's own mother who recently retired in the past moons, Bouncestreak (122 moons; wanted her to die yet she never did! Similar to her daughter, she has a permanent twisted/weak leg)
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My Own Thunderclan Family
I think is impossible to completely erase incest from thunderclan, but you can tame it by stopping cats from being either direct cousins or change parents of certain cats. Here some of my own hcs:
Flashnose and Daisytoe aren't sisters
Pinestar and Poppydawn are cousins through Sweetbriar and Fallowsong
Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm are Windflight and Woolytail's parents
Stormtail, Stonepelt and Rockfall are Mistpelt and Stagleap's Kits
Sunstar, Featherwhisker, Speckletail and Tawnyspots are Larkwing and Flamenose's Kits
Halftail(Mumblefoot's Kit), One-Eye(Harepounce's Kit) and Fuzzypelt(Hollypelt's Kit) are childhood friends who appear after Goosefeather's Curse
Thrushpelt and Robinwing are siblings(Probably Rainfur's kits instead of Dappletail and Tawnyspots) and same age as Bluestar, Snowfur, Thistelclaw, Rosetail and Sweetpaw
Adderfang and Swiftbreeze are Dappletail, Patchpelt, Leopardfoot and Brindleface's parents
Speckletail and Smallear are Goldenflower, Lionheart, Snowkit and Mistlekit's parents
Dappletail is Redtail, Spottedleaf, Willowpelt, Sandstorm, Cricketkit and Featherkit's single mother
Robinwing and Fuzzypelt are Frostfur, Cherrypaw, Chesnutkit, Ravenpaw and Dustpelt's parents
One-eye and Halftail are Mousefur and Runningwind's parents
Willowpelt and Tawnyspots are Darkstripe's parents, their relationship were negatively looked upon for obvs reasons
Robinwing and Patchpelt are Longtail's parents(yes she cheated)
Willowpelt and Whitestorm are Graystripe, Sootfur, Sorreltail and Rainwhisker's parents
Goldenflower and Patchpelt had a short term relationship that didn't worked out and Swiftpaw and Lynxkit's parents
Frostfur and Lionheart are ofc Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw and Brightheart's parents
Brindleface and Runninwind are Ashfur, Ferncloud, Eldekit and Tulipkit's parents
Ferncloud and Dustpelt are closer in age and had 4 litters instead, in fact Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Foxleap, Icecloud AND Snowbush, Dewnose and Ambermoon are their kits
Solely bcs i want Whitewing to be Brightheart and Cloudtail's only kit
also Squirrelfight and Leafpool are born earlier than Spideleg, Shrewpaw and Whitewing
Sorreltail and Brackenfur only had one litter, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost and Molepaw
so who is Lilyheart and Seedpaw's parents? Hazeltail and Thornclaw
Ashfur is Dovewing and Ivypool's real dad, but Whitewing lied for a while about Birchfall's parentage, who instead fathered Applefur's kits Spikefur and Grassheart
During Bramblestar's Storm, Berrynose said Thunderclan needs more kittens, but being a former loner, he is no purist, but more proud of being part of Thunderclan itself, so they welcome Stormcloud, Sorrelstripe and Fernsong
Sorrelstripe is actually Jessy, a young and cool solid brown molly who had a crush on Bramblestar, but he saw as a daughter instead after losing Hollyleaf; Fernsong instead is Smoky and Floss's kit together with Coriander, who joins the clans after falling in love with Ivypool during the storm
Squirrelflight and Bramblestar don't have kits as she is barren, they had two, Dandelionkit and Juniperkit, but died early
So Alderheart, Sparkpelt and Hollytuft are Lionblaze and Cinderheart's kits
Instead of Sparkpelt, who turns into an antagonist after River of Fire, Hollytuft and Larksong are Nightheart and Finchlight's Parents
Toadstep is actually Eaglewing, Shellfur, Stemleaf and Plumstone's father
Spotfur, Flywhisker and Snapkit(yes he dies during River of Fire) are instead Poppyfrost and Jayfeather's kits
For last, Bayshine and Myrtlebloom's parents are Cherryfall and Stormcloud
Bayshine, Plumstone and Thirftear are in a poly relationship and parental figure of Moonpaw(how dare I give one dad and two moms to Moonpaw???)
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harem-of-dumb-blonds · 5 months
Updated sprites (Moon 7)
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waspywaspy · 9 months
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I couldn't fit all of the information in so whenever there is new kits now, I'll just put it underneath here.
Oddly observant
Avid play fighter
Quick witted
Oddly observant
Snapkit is meant to be short furred and Palekit is meant to be long furred, I got the two mixed up :(
Also, I really wish Roachfog and Basilstem would just stop having kittens.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Stempaw, Plumpaw, and Shellpaw are apprenticed to Ambermoon, Cherrystar, and Willowclaw.
Cherrystar dies. Molestar re-apprentices Plumpaw to Snowbush, and then promotes Snowbush to deputy.
Spotkit, Flykit, and Snapkit are born to Lilyheart and Snowbush.
Flipkit, Thriftkit, and Bristlekit are born to Ambermoon.
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snapkit-in · 1 day
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clover-warriorcatocs · 5 months
Grassheart PMV WIP
Grassheart is a clangen character from my main save, HorizonClan. Her design is a bit complicated, so it may be inconsistent, sorry, but I'm working hard on this PMV, which was inspired by this video by "flypaw" or on tumblr as– @through-frost-and-flames Check it out if you haven't– it's really good.. And also.. kinda sad.. but still.. I like it.
I took inspiration from this PMV in the sense that Grassheart here is.. like Rainshade in the original, cursed with losing a lot of family and more specifically her kits.. She lost all of her first litter within a short timespan, there were five kits in that first litter she had.
: Events seen in PMV, in order :
• Grasskit(brown kit) as a little kit with her mother Whorlpounce(gray cat) and brother Snapkit(off white colored kit)
• Grasskit and Snapkit slightly older.
• Grasspaw and Snappaw sitting at Whorlpounce's grave after her death.
• Grassheart and Snapskitter as new warriors, looking very happy about it.
• Grassheart, now a mother, with her litter of kittens , Thornkit(brown), Dustkit(tabby), Cricketkit(brown speckled), Dropletkit(blueish) and Lionkit(white speckled)
• Dustkit is removed because she died.
• Very rushed drawing that I made of rouges coming into camp in the middle of the night.
• In said rouge attack, both Snapskitter who had a spinal injury at the time, and Cricketpaw are killed in the attack.
• In the same moon, Thornpaw was also killed when the rouges attacked a patrol.
• Just sad Grassheart.. nothing else to it.
• After that point, it is unfinished, but I typed what event I'm planning to put there on the video, so if you're curious for now, read that.
*UNEXPECTED UPDATE* I got Lionkit's design wrong. Weirdly enough despite her warrior name Lionspeckle, she isn't speckled like she is in the PMV. I'll fix the more simple frames for the final product, but not her death frame or the kitten frames.
The song I used is found below:
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fallingstarsau · 1 year
really strange one but jingo x fury?? Or jingo x squilf whatever you want
gv fury btw
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Jingo having pants truther 🙏
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