#snarry for beginners
danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Are you a bit Snarry curious, but also sorta wary and unsure where to start? Good news: I have some recs for you!
Snarry is a tricky ship for some folks. All of its most problematic themes are what draw me in personally, but that's not to say there aren't some safe places to start for a newcomer!
What I've chosen are:
Nothing too long, so you can get a little taste to see how you feel. So I'm looking at 50k or under.
Nothing "problematic" or as few "problematic" themes as I can get. No underage. No power imbalance. No consent issues. (...or at least nothing egregious haha.)
Works that also maintain some integrity to Harry and Severus' individual characters, and the tension between them. If I play it too safe it won't feel properly Snarry to me! Half the fun is the tension between them, so we must keep that!
So...If you wanna check some out, keep reading!
An Awkward Customer
by AnyaElizabeth. Rated: E. Words: 10,768. Postwar. EWE. Romance. Humor.
Snape can't figure out why Potter is hanging around his shop.
Why Read? A nice rom-com based on the prompt: "Harry makes a bet with someone that he could seduce anyone if he put his mind to it, and that someone selected for him is Snape, naturally." Severus owns an apothecary so we get some nice flirting at the workplace!
a scratch for every itch
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor.) Rated: T. Words: 11,478. Fluff & humor. Magical maladies. Friends to idiots in love. Romance.
Severus Snape is an itch that Harry just can't scratch.
Why Read? Surely fluff is a safe place to start! And as a person who isn't often drawn to fluff, this is one I love, and is a comfort read of mine. Very sweet and silly and a great place to dip your toes in!
Dumbledore's Folly
by Dementordelta. Rated: M. Words: 47,446. Romance. Courtship. Oldie but a goodie!
Snape must court Harry according to wizarding traditions.
Why Read? I've reread this fic countless times over the years and it's still such a fun read. If you like arranged marriage/courtship fics, this is the one for you!
The Interrupted Kiss
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 24,291. Postwar. Romance. Hurt/comfort. Mystery.
Once upon a time, Severus Snape shared a kiss with Harry Potter. Then Harry had disappeared after killing the Dark Lord, leaving Severus the reluctant darling of the Wizarding world. When Dumbledore insists on throwing a ball in Severus’s honour, Severus is convinced the world has gone completely mad. But when he comes across an ashy-faced young man whose half-answers about his identity haunt his every thought, Severus realizes that a ball might be the least of his worries.
Why Read? What safer place to start than a fairytale? If we ignore that most original fairytales are pretty effed up, actually. This is a Cinderella-inspired work. Severus is the Prince (naturally), and Harry is the wandmaker (cool career, right??) who attracts many cute animals! (He does not sing to them, though; what a shame!)
This Time of Ours
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 35,442. Time travel. Hurt/comfort. Romance & drama.
Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter.
Why Read? Emynn has plenty of great Snarry fics, which is why you're getting 2 recs! We start with some fun snarking, move onto sweet bonding, and then...second chances! Very light, enjoyable read.
On the Deficencies of Translation Spells
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated: E. Words: 41,130. Getting together. Magical theory. Professor Potter & Professor Snape. Beaubatons. Pining. Light angst. Minor Harry/others.
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Why read? It's very Harry-centric. It's Harry's POV, and very about Harry and his journey as he moves to a new place, in a new phase of his life, and settles in. There's an existing connection and attraction between Harry and Severus, and one that unfolds so sensually and beautifully. Harry's very much an adult and mature and has lived a lot of life when he and Severus reunite.
by mia_ugly (@mia-ugly.) Rated: E. Words: 48,123. Time travel. Romance.
Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
Why Read? It's a classic! It is very beloved in the community for good reason. Gorgeous writing. The relationship develops so naturally, and the pure emotion will knock your socks off. Potentially the best place to start for Snarry. I'm not a big fan of time travel, but I love this fic!
Revealed, Gently
by sarkysue. Rated: T. Words: 22,243. Postwar. Romance. Humor.
Snape isn’t dead, he’s back at Hogwarts and in need of an assistant. Coincidently, Harry is hanging around Hogwarts, reluctant to move on with his life. Cue sniping and snarking, tears and laughter and, possibly, love.
Why Read? It's fun. It's cute. It's a bit silly. It makes great use of how not easy it would be for these two, and having a blast with it! There is arguably a power imbalance what with Harry being Snape's teaching assistant, but it doesn't really feel like much of one. It's only a great opportunity to force these 2 to hang out long enough to fall in love!
The Sleeping Prince
by who_la_hoop. Rated: T. Words: 42,758. Postwar. Deaging. 8th year.
It's hard to ignore your past — and impossible to do so when you can't remember your future. But a meddlesome portrait, a dragon with an ancient grudge and true love's kiss teach an unlikely Prince that a regrettable past doesn't have to mean an unhappy ending.
Why Read? While probably the most questionable on the list, it's still fairly tame. Student Harry and his developing feelings for Student Severus, who is deaged postwar. It feels very much like a feel good teenage romance, wherein the characters very much act their age, awkwardness and all! The only caveat being things change a bit at the end, but there's no underage and it is rated Teen, to be fair!
The Beating of This Fragile Heart
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated: E. Words: 33,146. Hurt/comfort. Fluff & angst. Serious Injury. Romance.
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
Why Read? If you're coming from Drarry, you might be familiar with Writ's works! They've written plenty for drarry and some rare pair works, and they are a fantastic storyteller. This fic in particular is very romantic. Full of hesitancy and insecurity, and seeing how the relationship begins and how it unfolds and changes (for the better) when Severus is forced to deal with his issues. It's quite a journey but so full of love from start to finish and it's just so lovely and full of feels and one I return to again and again.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
2022 faves - art edition
This is what happens when a workaholic gets free time in her hands. Somehow “I haven’t read enough to make a list this year” became “let’s do four instead”. Clearly this got a bit out of control and it’s very incomplete with Erised still going on, but I want to give a shoutout to all these incredible artists for making my year a whole lot better and for spreading so much joy all around ✨
🎨 After Date + Asleep by @immortalacorn (E)
🎨 Auror husbands + HBD Draco + Merry Christmas by @bluebutter-art
🎨 Auror Partners + Gay Panic by @longdaytogo
🎨 Birdwatching for Beginners (MA)
🎨 Celestial Bodies by @sweet-s0rr0w
🎨 Close to Fine + paint me a wish on a velvet sky by @getawayfox
🎨 Dramatic + Reading by @to00fu
🎨 Every Feeling That I Get by @sugareey-makes-stuff
🎨 Lover’s Falls by @slytherco (E)
🎨 Fashion icons by @crapfaerie
🎨 Fool Me Twice by dustmouth
🎨 Immerse Your Soul in Love + Is tú mo Rogha by @maesterchill
🎨 In the Shape of Things to Come + Blood by @kryptidfox
🎨 Kiss This by @chuckalart (E)
🎨 Light in the Dark (MA)
🎨 Mermaid Drarry + Engagement by @trashcanprince
🎨 Merry Christmas by @emmesse-art
🎨 Merry Christmas (NYM Cover) by @gugugo
🎨 Monster by @pato-roldnart
🎨 Number Twelve + Wedding Day by @lilbeanz
🎨 Pirates!AU + Picnic Romance by @caroll-in
🎨 POC Drarry by @roughscribs
🎨 Potions Class by @beebox-illustrations
🎨 Rainy Tokyo + Kept in Cages by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
🎨 Routinely Yours (MA)
🎨 Scarf and Renaissance by @vantqe
🎨 Sleeping Drarry and A Melody of You & Me by @babooshkart
🎨 Snapshot of Moments (MA) E
🎨 Swimming in the Rain + Dead Ends by @melcarrianna
🎨 Tangled + Crystal Visions by @julcheninred
🎨 The sound of your heart (MA)
🎨 The Unspeakable by @peachbabypie
🎨 Us, In Lieu by @lyrablack1883
🎨 Warm Hands (MA)
🎨 Weasley Barn by @fictional
🎨 Whatever You Want by @snarkyships-drarryside
🎨 Worried + Kid Drarry by @reebeex
🎨 Yule Ball by @umboloae
🎨 Draco/Neville comic by @caroll-in
🎨 Ginsy and NSFW Dron by @bluebutter-art
🎨 Linny + Pavender Wedding by @babooshkart
🎨 Medieval Linny by @upthehillart
🎨 NSFW Jegulus by @carlav-blogs (E)
🎨 NSFW Wolfstar by acreatureofhabit (E)
🎨 Pansmione by @missmrah
🎨 Pirate!Ginsy by @getawayfox
🎨 Snarry + Harrymort by @mrviran (E)
🎨 Tiny Home - Dronarry by @slytherco (E)
Character study:
🎨 Body positivity + Trans Blaise by @lilbeanz
🎨 Cissa + Draco by @beebox-illustrations
🎨 Draco Hairstyle Meme by @slytherco
🎨 Marauders by @longdaytogo
🎨 Portraits + Harry & James by @bluebutter-art
🎨 Regency AU by @missmrah
🎨 Silver Trio + HBD Harry by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
🎨 The Happy Ending by @umboloae
🎨 The Malfoys + Swordsman Draco by @emmesse-art
🎨 y2k Draco by @kryptidfox
💌 Origami Secret Santa by @crazybutgood
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serenaew · 1 year
Serena's Masterlist: Meta
The ramblings that Serena calls meta cause she can't help going crazy about her own work.
Interview on the Fanfic Maverick Podcast (Snarry & Severitus)
In which I had the chance to chat with ChaosBlue about Snarry and Severitus.
Thoughts on Wish not for a soul that is full of sin (SS/HP, fic)
In which I break down the sources for the elements / motifs I used in my fic Wish not for a soul that is full of sin, most of which can be found in the attached playlist.
Of utter destruction and unbelievable loss (about Surrender, Severus & Harry podfic)
In which I explain why I went for the least obvious of background music choices.
Thoughts on the Loving Deeply backing track (Severus & Lily, podfic)
I couldn't help but write something about how perfectly I think Bach's soprano aria "Aus Liebe Will Mein Heiland Sterben" from his St Matthew's Passion fits this work.
Behind the scenes of Nocturne (Snape x OC / flute solo filk)
Serena's rambling about her composition process of her flute solo filk Nocturne: what songs she was inspired by and some technical fluting details, plus some (read: a lot) of whining about things I struggled with… In the hopes of, perhaps, showing that composition is something very human and achievable.
A Beginner's Trial-and-Error-Approach To Asynchronous Multivoice Polyphonic Filking (about multivoice filk, written for (Voiceteam) Over the Rainbow)
In which I wrote down Do-again's, Don't-again's and some other thoughts from my first time arranging and editing multiphonic filk.
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potionsmasters · 7 years
Snarry for beginners
I’ve always been conscious of the prejudice against Snarry, and the general hate for this ship. It doesn’t really bother me tbh because I do not live my life online and so do not care about most things said on the internet. I’ve been involved in this ship for quite a while, and I’ve got my own image of them, so I actually forgot that most people do not see them the way I do. However, I’ve recently been paying some attention to my followers and I often get the feeling that some of the people that follow me actually aren’t that into Snarry. Which is of course ironic, since I am a mainly Snarry blog. I think there are people, even on this site, who do not ship Snarry but are still curious about it, or find the dynamic between Snape and Harry interesting.
When I’m curious about a ship I always look for a few fics to read to see if I like it. Sometimes I really like it, sometimes I just go ‘meh’ and move on because it’s not my thing. With Snarry I was so curious about this ship but I had no idea where to look, and my first few fics weren’t... amazing. I still look back at them fondly because that’s where it all started but they are nothing compared to the incredible fics this fandom has.
So this is my “if you don’t really ship Snarry but are curious about it and want to read a few fics to see if you like it” fic recommendation. Or, Snarry for Beginners. 
Painted in the Worst Light
Author: asecretchord Words:  98,457
Severus survived Nagini's bite and is now on trial before the Wizengamot. Due to a weird loophole in the law books, he has the right to choose any Ministry employee to defend him, and he chooses Auror-trainee, Harry Potter. 
[This is a very pro Snape type of fic. It does and incredible job of explaining Severus’ motives, good and bad actions in the books. It also shows Harry’s inner conflict of hating Snape or seeing him as a hero. It’s realistic in a way that Harry isn’t immediately head over heels for Snape in the beginning, but the adult, mature Harry can see the incredibly ugly parts of Snape, while still recognizing the good that outweigh them. Their relationship development is good, it’s rocky and complicated, with a very specific-to-this-ship type of sweetness that Snarry often has. I call it ‘painfully realistic romance’. Love that takes hard work and patience, doesn’t come easily, but is still good. The fic is an all time favourite of mine, because I’ve never read any other fic that uncovers all that is Snape, his most horrible moments and the best. But Harry decided which side he’s on, and learns to love him for who he is. (just like us pro snapers, huh). I also made an edit for the fic actually, for Snape Lives Week here.]
Rapture (+ the sequel Blood, but also Roses)
Author: mia_ugly Words: 48,123 + 4,377
Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
[This is one of the very few time travel fics I like. While it is such a common Snarry trope, I’m actually not that into it. Although as you can see by this post, many amazing fics have time-travel elements. Anyway, this fic is incredible. Definitely not fluff, it made my heart feel very heavy. It has a good ending still, so not as angsty as some of the Snarry classics. My heart ached for Snape in this fic. Seriously, read it.]
Author: sheankelor Words:  95,918
Meeting in dreams, Severus and Harry formed a friendship that would span across the years. When they figure out who the other truly is, how will this affect their relationship and the end of the war? Cannon compliant until 5th yr. Time-travelish.
[A kind of classic friends to lovers fic which is good if you want something lighter than the first two fics. Angst is something that Snarry is FULL OF, and as someone who actually doesn’t like angst at all, this fic was like a breath of fresh air. It’s sweet and their relationship has many layers that makes it different from the typical Snarry fic. It didn’t feel too OOC because of their given circumstances in the fic, and their pre-developed relationship.]
This Time of Ours
Author:  emynn Words:  35,442
Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter.
[This fic is, well. It’s beautiful. Truly beautiful. It 100% made me happy cry. I just don’t have the right words to describe the warmth this fic brings right to my soul. Time travel, Severus and Harry being kind of in the afterlife for a while.]
A Certain Kind of Fool
Author: asnowyowl Words: 38,700
For Severus, everything changes when Harry and his children move into Hogwarts. Albus Severus has taken a liking to him and it seems Harry Potter has a secret.
[A family fic. Snape having a good dynamic with Harry’s children, with the Weasleys. Harry and Severus becoming friends and then more. It’s such a pure fic, so sweet yet very IC. Sev can still be difficult at times, but Harry knows how to handle him. Domestic dads for the win.]
Some of these fics I’ve already recommended before. (Here’s my fic rec post part 1, and part 2). I feel like these fics are a good introduction to Snarry, and maybe bring light to why someone might enjoy this ship. 
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snarry-otp-blog · 7 years
I was wondering if you could give some recommendations? I'm trying to give snarry a chance. I like the idea of them, but I still haven't read any fics that makes me really believe in them. I think the problem is that while Severus is relatively easy to write in character, Harry is very difficult. And I want it to be real Harry and real Severus together, if you know what I mean?
I know what you mean, it’s sometimes hard to find fics that have Harry and Snape be in character.
@potionsmasters made a post called Snarry for Beginners where she recommended fics for those interested in Snarry but don’t know what to read. You can definitely check that out. 
There are  fanfiction blogs like @snarrysjustforme @snarryrecs @fuckyeahsnarryfics.
From me I would recommend these 
A House, a Home
The Courtship of Harry Potter
Snape: The Home Fries Nazi
Love Potion No.13
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Snarry Rec Lists
Snarry Faves
Snarry Adopts Teddy
Snarry 8th Year
10 Fics Under 10k
16 Snarry on WTP
Non-AO3, Non-WTP Snarry
Muggle AUs
Scrumptious Snarry Smut: Fruit Edition
Animal Transformations
Family Fics
Creature Feature
This is Halloween
Spoiled Severus
15 Podfics
Holiday Fics
2022 Snarry Fests
Fluff / Lighthearted Reads
Liv a Lil (and read some snarry)
Valentine's Special
Random Fandom Recs Vol 2
Snarry Soulmates
Inspired By Other Media
Snarry-a-Thon 2023
Snarry for Beginners
Portrait Severus Snape
Sacrilegious Snarry
Slow Burn Student/Teacher
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potionsmasters · 7 years
Your headcanons give me life, soooooo.... Do you have a fanfic account or an Archive of Our Own? If not, do you have any fic recommendations or favorite authors? I'm in withdrawal and I need some A+ Snarry, STAT! 20 extra points to Slytherin for pining and/or smut. Absolutely love your blog btw❤
Ahahaha I only have an AO3 account for reading fics, since I can’t write. But I don’t really keep my Snarry fics there. I have all my Snarry fics in this huge google doc
I don’t really have favourite authors, but I have SO MANY good fics for you to read. I’ve made so many damn fic rec lists so here you go
TIME TRAVEL/AU (this is probably the one you want if angsty/smutty stuff is your thing ;) )
enjoy!! (and thank you dear)
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potionsmasters · 7 years
Hi! I just wanted to say hi and that I have only just started shipping Snarry. I found your blog and you have become my favorite blogger! Thank you for posting such great content :) have you got any fics or art suggestions or anything for a newbie shipper like me? xx
Hello! And welcome to the fandom, I hope you enjoy your stay. 😊❤️ And thank you, you’re just too sweet.
Since you just started, I would recommend you check out this post (Snarry for beginners), and my happy fic recs part 1, and part 2. For a more variety of fics there’s also my FIC REC page.
For artists, there is of course the queen @anastasiamantihora (and her Deviantart account), who is absolutely amazing. I think you’ll find a lot more Snarry artists on Deviantart, so you can check out stuff there. 
Enjoy! 🐍 + ⚡️
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