#sneeg however. doesn’t know him. at all
saviorpilled · 9 months
thinking abt how sneeg being the only one out of rbgtrio to not interact with hetch directly on the show would effect his relationship w him in hetchless au
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maybebitterxox · 1 year
TW // Descriptions of gore
This whole concept centres around a genloss AU, one that’s not too far from canon but is just a little bit more disturbing.
We know that, at least with Ranboo, Sneeg and Charlie, they’re controlled by various headwear; Ranboo his mask, Charlie his headphones in Episode 3 and Sneeg his hat. With Ranboo and Charlie, it’s made clear that taking it off is what regains the consciousness of the person; however, Ranboo is warned by Hetch that if he tries to take his mask off prematurely, his “whole face comes off with it”.
(We know this doesn’t apply with Charlie or Sneeg as their headpieces are removed easily, and Sneeg’s whole hat thing is just a big exception to everything, but sssshhh just pretend. As I said, this is based on an AU).
Now, Hetch was likely saying that just to convince him not to try to take the mask off. But what if he had been serious? Consider an AU where the mask is literally surgically attached to Ranboo’s face, and all the other headpieces being used to control other cast members are exactly the same, making it incredibly difficult, or even deadly, to remove them.
Now consider a group of frantic people, afraid, panicked and angry, who are willing to harm themselves to hellish extents by removing their headset objects to regain control. Consider one person on the carousel breaking free of the control and ripping masks, earpieces or hats off of the rest of the cast in a panicked state in an attempt to save them too, or multiple people working together to remove controlling devices from another cast member who cannot do it themselves.
Thus is born a gory fanart idea of the characters having tried to rip away the thing keeping them under control, or of another character having done it for them. Here’s kind of how I imagine it would look like:
Earpieces: This is one that will work with any character, because if you look in the episodes, you will see all of them wearing obvious earpieces for communication purposes (Ranboo talked about how there was no real way to hide these earpieces, much like the cameramen in episode 2 and 3, so they’re made to seem intentional and to fit in with the storyline. So yes, they’re canon). To get something attached to the ear off wouldn’t be the worst; in fact, it would be mild in comparison to most of the other options here. Maybe ripping it out would just badly injure the ear and damage the skin, maybe the whole ear would have to come off depending on how it’s been attached (which is plausible, ears are surprisingly easy to rip off). So you could really draw any of the characters like this, with a bloody, mangled ear and clutching the remains of the earpiece in their hand (or just the whole ear itself).
Regular face mask: Ranboo, the Ghouls and Jerma (the Puzzler) all wear a mask over the lower half of their face. The Puzzler’s is technically prosthetics, but let’s assume it somehow acts in the same manner. Skin would obviously be ripped away and maybe even flesh, which could give them a half zombie-esque look with holes that expose their teeth and gums. Very grim to picture but also cool. And in Ranboo’s case, maybe he would have to cut the wires out from his neck as they could be attached there too, or down his back.
Rat Face Mask: A good three quarters of their face skinned and ripped away. Their eyes and mouth/general lower face area would be fine, but the rest… ouch. Also a zombie-esq look like the regular face mask, but more on the upper half of the face.
Showfall Media Mask: Yeahhh the employees get the worst deal out of this. Their entire face would be basically torn apart, but instead of blood, consider wires poking out of the rips in the flesh, or maybe even out of the eye sockets. I imagine you would see this after one of the cast would try to pull the mask off of an employee they encounter.
Hats: Okay, this one set up to look pretty stupid, as you would immediately imagine it taking all the hair off the top of their head, which would look ridiculous. But rather imagine wires maybe being threaded into the skull through the hat; maybe in a sewn on kind of way, maybe just with just multiple drilled holes in the head that the wires run down through. Wires would be trailing out of the head once the hat has been removed, or you would see them stitched into the skin under the hair. Blood would be soaking their hair and face, which would be pale because of the blood loss. Niki, Sneeg and Vinny apply here.
Glasses: Ethan and Charlie both have glasses, which are an easy deal, like the earpieces except better. Just ripping off skin/flesh where the glasses are attached, so the bridge of your nose and the side of your face. Painful, but won’t affect any of your necessary reflexes/senses such as hearing, sight or vision, and won’t kill you.
Headphones: As I mentioned earlier, Charlie’s headphones are removed without injury in episode 3, but ssshhh and just imagine. I would think that they would probably have wires connecting into his ears, so after they were taken off there would be loose wires poking from the ears and a lot of blood coming with it. Also probably a complete loss of hearing accompanying it, even though you can’t exactly draw that. That or both of the ears have to go.
Horns: Charlie also has his horns as The Spirit in Episode 1. This all depends on how you’d imagine them being attached to him; if you’re thinking like just fake horns on a simple band (like the actual prop used), then it would be a similar deal to the hat with the wires running into the skull along the band, most likely in a sewn style. If you like the idea more of two separate horns fully attached to his head, then just imagine they were stitched there and had to be pulled off. Yikes, poor Charlie.
You can also do combos. If a character has an earpiece and a hat, draw them as though they needed to rip both of these items off!
This is just a concept I came up with that I think would be really cool to see. No credit needed for the idea if you do take inspo from this, but do tag me in art as I love to see it!!
Also, just a little specific idea I have related to this is either Charlie in episode 3, Sneeg in episode 1 or just the carousel crew from episode 2 trying to remove Ranboo’s mask, maybe even just out of curiosity or ignorance, to horrible results. Very disturbing, but a good prompt for both fanartists and even fic writers I think
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angeloncewas · 3 years
It’s really clear when people who don’t watch Sneeg regularly talk about him. He doesn’t like vanilla Minecraft at all, has said so many times, and most of the reasons he plays on Origins and modded servers is because he wants to hang out with his friends. He’s specifically said he isn’t super into the Minecraft servers unless he’s actively playing with friends so it makes sense for him to not want to be on the Dream SMP.
Also, if you watched Sneeg you’d know how much of a nightmare the dsmp frogs are in his chat whenever he’s on Origins or another member is on Origins and they want him to join. They spam incessantly and he’s stopped playing Origins one day because of how irritating they got. It’s not a holier than thou attitude to rightfully dislike the stans that disrupt the chat he’s carefully cultivated, and it’s disingenuous to act like he only hates dteam stans. He already has to teach the chat hoppers from Origins manners since their streamers aren’t bothering most of the time and joining the Dream SMP would only make it worse. Is Sneeg sarcastic, harsh, and blunt? Yes. But he’s not condescending or self righteous in his opinions on this. He has many negative experiences that have shaped how he views dream smp frogs and the Dream SMP as a whole.
I do apologize if this comes off a bit harsh, I’ve been watching Sneeg for a long time and the way he gets talked about and treated by Dream SMP fans is incredibly frustrating. Especially since a lot of them are only interested in him for content of their faves. As a Dream fan, I know you can relate to having people say really frustrating things about your fave cc, so I hope you can see where I am coming from.
I'll be upfront with you first and foremost - I don't watch Sneeg. I can't speak for if Dove does however, and I know Prince does (who replied with both a refutation and some level of agreement) so I can't speak for either of them (I just rbed it 'cause I saw it and agreed with what was presented without context lol) and my opinion does require that preface, I think. I do relate to the frustration you must be experiencing and I'm sorry that you're feeling it; no worries about your tone or anything, I don't think you were harsh at all.
I do see where you're coming from. I mean, your first point makes total sense - if Sneeg wouldn't want to be a part of the DSMP based on its format, then that's that. Not everyone's gonna like it or want to be a part of it; hell, even some of the people whitelisted don't really do the whole thing that the server's built on. Connor used to just give his MC avatar exercise. (Though Sneeg's friends from Origins are on the DSMP so it's not as though there's literally no reason he'd ever be on there, it is a lot more than just that.)
To be honest, I don't need to watch Sneeg to know how much of a nightmare DSMP people must be in his chat. They're a nightmare in H's chat and he's on the DSMP himself lmao. So I do understand that annoyance on his part, and how - while he's had to do some of it with the Origins crowd - he'd have to do so much work with his chat if he joined the DSMP and got that flood of new-viewership.
Two things though, and I don't mean for these to be inflammatory or negate from your point - clearly Sneeg does have more than enough legitimate reason to want to stay in his own community.
1. If he wants to be a bigger streamer, he's gonna need more viewers, and those viewers aren't gonna be as easy to wrangle. Maybe growth isn't his objective - I don't know, I think I caught one of his true crime streams once and that's about it - but the idea of having a "carefully cultivated chat" is kind of bullshit in the Twitch space, I feel like. Hasan drags people out to publicly shame them but because of his scope he's still gonna get fucking weirdos (for example). It just comes with the territory. Yes, a lot of DSMP viewers don't understand Twitch etiquette in terms of respect toward the streamer (likely since they watch very little Twitch), but a lot of chats like that seem kind of exclusionary... like where do you want them to learn, then ? What next ? Is Sneeg gonna be content with his trained names forever ?
2. I just feel like the fact that he dislikes dteam stans isn't a secret ? I'm not saying he's unjustified in this dislike - they tried to doxx him lmao, I think he gets some room to be more than pissy about them if he wanted - but I've always felt like, without any sort of negativity toward him, he just doesn't want any part of their community. Whereas he is deeply involved in the whole SBI-adjacent gang's whether he likes it or not, if nothing else purely because they are his friends and he wants to be able to hang out with them on-stream.
I don't want to misrepresent Sneeg and I'm sorry that he has to deal with any of the shitty audience members, but while I do think that calling him self-righteous is rather forceful, I also feel like they weren't pulling their argument out of their ass or anything. If Sneeg doesn't like the DSMP audience but is willing to put up with all of the SBI stans from Origins for the sake of his friends, doesn't that just leave the DTeam stans ? I don't know, that's just my perspective based on my limited knowledge.
(I really appreciate you coming to talk to me about it as someone with a lot more legitimate expertise on the subject regardless though. Sorry if I am really off >.>)
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Here are some random thoughts I had about yandere osmp that I cut from my original ask.
Wilbur is the one most often on protect you duty when your out about after all he can follow you anywhere,is invisible and if any stray mob is near you he can appear and save you like your own knight in shining armour elevating your opinion of him after he previously mocked you for your seemingly uselessness, as he sees it it's a win win situation for him.
Out of all of the server I would say that Scott and surprisingly tubbo would find it hard to be around you but for very different reasons. For Scott the biggest issue would be the other members of the server not letting him be around you after all it would take is stray mob killing him and you'd be gone to, he's to dangerous to be around you they say it's something that he's starting to believe himself. Tubbo by contrast isn't stopped by the other smp members but by his own guilt after all he was most certainly the one who was most enthusiastic about haze killing you when you first arrived but he reasons that's what hes done to everyone who's joined ( as poor sneeg and Scott found out when they first arrived) , but he reminds himself everyone else has infinite lives, just this crushing realisation that he could have perma killed you, that he ignored just how scared you were... no are of him because of his past actions, maybe he thinks to himself he doesn't deserve to be near you after all he's done to you.
When you were trying to find a way home went to philza to see if he had any knowledge of ways that you could try to get home after all he was a famous adventurer and had traveled far and wide before hand surely he would know something. Unbeknownst to you however even before he discovered that you only had one life his more birdlike instincts were all but screaming at him to protect you to make a nest and make you stay there, after all your about as delicate as a fledgling so he gives you false leads to chase and when you ultimately failed he felt relieved that your hopes for going home were shattered, after all he reasons better you have a broken heart than one that no longer beats and if when the server discovers that you only have one life he starts making a nest in a room of obsidian filling it with things you adore, making sure that there is no way for any harm to come to you in that room all ready for you well he thinks as he locks the iron door thats nobody's business but himself.
That's all I've got so far apologies for the massive length of this hopefully this should be a wall of text like the last one since I think I have worked out how to make paragraphs on tablet- Ender anon
YO Ender back with more great stuff!!!
Having phantombur constantly follow you without your knowledge. Only so he can show up and heroically save you to heal his reputation is A+
Tubbo still feeling so guilty about trying to haze kill you to the point that he doesn't believe he should be around you??
Phil actively trying to give you false leads until you give up, only so he can bring you back the safety of a nest he definitely didn't make specifically for you.
HUUUU love
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Dunno what I'm gonna call this au-
In this world superheroes esxsist. Some people are born with powers such as Charlie: he can size shift (although he doesn't have complete control over it, aka, it takes him a while to grow back to normal) and can turn his body/parts of his body into slime (but he himself isn't made of slime)
Charlie actually grew up with his closet freind being a Borrower named Sneeg- and even after he became an adult Sneeg still stayed with Charlie wherever they went
Recently Charlie and Sneeg move into this apartment complex, both knowing that even if Charlie has an apartment and gets a job for rent- he's still going to be a Borrower like Sneeg since that's how they spent most of their childhood
There's one problem though.... This apartment complex belongs to the hero team Innit Incorporated, a buissnuss that used to be run by the top hero before he died and his teenage kid, Tommy inherited it
The complex was supposed to be a way to have all the heros of the incorporation live close enough together in case of emergencies, but of course, a teenager can't exactly make money the way his dad did, so Tommy rents out a few apartments to keep it open
You see the main problem with Innit Incorporated is that they don't see Borrowers as people (even though they don't even know Borrowers esxsist yet) which means that Sneeg and Charlie will have to be careful when moving throughout the complex.....
Or not
Both boys are very chaotic and neither really care about being caught or seen, seeing as Charlie can just grow back to normal size and everything will be okay
And so- slowly- all the tendants of the complex each spot a Borrower
Wilbur (a hero that has the ability to turn invisible and go through walls) was the first to find and catch Sneeg. He was surprised however by how carefree and unworried the tiny person was at being trapped in a jar... So he decided to have a little fun. Wilbur let Sneeg go and told them they could continue living off supplies from his apartment (Sneeg doesn't exactly care about the rules and did tell Wil what a Borrower is) but if Wilbur ever catches him he "I- I- uuuuhhhh.... I get to uh- I get to beat you with this bucket!!". It seems like a fair enough deal to Sneeg and he's quick to agree- but after that he starts going to Wil's apartment more just to tease the hero and laugh as he fails to catch him (Sneeg and Charlie grew up playing games of cat and mouse- he knows how to not get caught)
Next to see the tinies was Tubbo. Tubbo being a hero with bee-like powers but unusually is not the size of a bee. Basically, Sneeg and Charlie were borrowing together this time (they obviously don't need to, but they wanted to, because it's fun) and didn't know that Tubbo was still home while Ranboo was out- so instead of avoiding the human, they decided to fuck with him. At first they just moved things so Tubbo wouldn't find them while he was trying to work on something (building a little contraption) but as soon as Tubbo finally spotted them, the game of cat and mouse was on. Tubbo ran around the apartment all day trying to grab, stomp on, and catch the tinies but failed everytime and only got more mad/annoyed as the tiny people laughed at his failed attempts. Obviously Charlie and Sneeg had to leave after a while, but they made it plan to visit Tubbo and continue the game (well, game to them) and see how close he could get, and once Ranboo joined in it just got even more fun.
Tommy was the first to know about Charlie, seeing as he got his dad's database of people in the city who had powers, and once he heard rumors of a tiny causing havoc he went to check out Charlie's apartment. What Tommy did not know about was Sneeg. So as Charlie acted like there was nothing out of the ordinary Sneeg did a bunch of stuff to annoy Tommy as Charlie acted like Sneeg wasn't there at all (he knew they were there, it was just fun to annoy people)- after that, everytime Tommy came to visit Charlie acted like he had no powers and was just a normal human without a Borrower brother as Tommy got more and more annoyed as Sneeg did more and more obvious things, and Charlie just pretended like nothing was happening
One of the few tendants they visit that they know won't try to catch them is Niki (she has mer powers). They try to visit her at least once a week after she first saw them and immediately awed, cooing and giving them free sweets. So the tinies obviously love to got visit her as she'll give them loads of sweet stuff, hold them gently, and just be an amazing human. (They especially love being there when any of the other tendants are there though, as the other heroes will be silently seething with anger as Niki cuddles with the tinies that "would never do anything wrong! 💖" And Charlie and Sneeg will just- smirk at the other person because they can't do anything while Niki is there)
Finally, there is The Crow Father. The hero who became #1 after Tommy's dad died. Philza (the hero's real name) did eventually get a visit from the chaotic tinies but didn't really mind as they seemed to just be chilling and weren't really causing many problems in his apartment. Of course, he couldn't interact with them as he "wasn't supposed to treat them as people", but he could just sit there and let them vibe. He also sometimes took the Charlie approach whenever Tommy would come over while the tinies were there and would just pretend they weren't, even if Tommy saw them.
Techno is just some guy in the complex (it is suspected he has powers, but nobody knows for sure, not even Tommy) and kinda just watches the chaos unfold
Basically the au is: Charlie and Sneeg are tinies with a complete disregard for the Borrower rules and a complete thirst for chaos-
Mcyt g/t tag list:
@nomynameisanon @trashpumped @loriepoptale @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @shy-septic-dragon @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @the-misfits-system @lilsyxx
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Dadschlatt Tommy AU: First Death
Welcome to Dadschlatt Tommy AU where all I do is make a list of ideas n never make a coherent oneshot to go with them LETS GO-
(If you would like more context, check out my lore posts Part 1 n Part 2)
Schlatt n Co, and the server in general, actually go on a lot longer than the first five streams Schlatt did of it, and significantly upgraded as time went on (I’m also not caught up on the tekkit vods please bare in mind i only have the first two streams for memory)
They all have personal homes at this point, with the main base of operations a cliff-side warehouse overlooking the sea
Schlatt specifically built it there because of how much Tommy loves to swim n since he’s with him at work most of the time, he can go down himself
Schlatt around this time is much more comfortable being a Dad and rising up as a legitimate business
So legitimate that everyone is thinking he’s hiding something big
and rumors have spread that Schlatt has something immeasurable important
And Pokay n his gang are notorious at this point for now being the main scammers/mafia, n Pokey has had it out for him ever since the Energy Condenser incident
The Explosion
This happened on just a regular day, to be honest
Schlatt had brought in Tommy to work as usual (since he couldn’t be left home n Ty/Connor usually watch him at work) BUT had to go to a meeting w/Connor
So, Ty is left to take care of Tommy while they’re out
Everything is fine, until they show up
Ty has enough sense to know something is up when they arrive and urges Tommy to hide before letting them enter
as you expect, Ty is killed to go back to his spawn via RoastedJames(cuz intern vs. intern amiright?) n Pokey has the great idea of rigging the place with TNT
Pokay at this point actually doesn’t want to blow it up, but he wants to bargain with Schlatt on items 
and lowkey find out what’s so important that Schlatt hides away, n basically digs up the place while Schlatt is on his way back
of course people can see the chat message via their own personal chatting devices, n Schlatt is already on his way
Schlatt is worried at this point for Tommy, but is confident enough that things wont go too badly, right?
Anyways, once the TNT is placed, Pokay n James go outside to wait for Schlatt
However, Sneeg stays behind because he swore he heard something moving around the place and he just wants to make sure...
MEANWHILE Schlatt arrives at the place w/Connor n Ty on the way back, n Pokay reveals to have rigged the place up
Of course that gets Schlatt REALLY worried but tries to keep it cool throughout the whole thing, though as it goes on, he gets more and more tense n scared as Pokay kept pulling out demand after demand
N when Pokay asks him about the special item that everyone thinks he has, Schlatt has no idea what he’s talking about! And they get into a very heated arguement about it, with SChlatt getting more and more paranoid n scared 
HOWEVER, as this is going on, Sneeg is still in the base and accidentally stumbles upon Tommy
well, more like Tommy rams the poor man’s kneecaps in as he tries to escape, yet Sneeg is so confused that he tries to catch the kid like!!
What the hell is a child doing in here?! and why does he have goat horns???
A scuffle breaks out with Tommy trying to escape while Sneeg is trying to calm him down, saying he wouldn’t hurt him and he just wants to know who he is n how he got there
This ends poorly, as Sneeg backs up and breaks some of the machines, causing oil n fire to start over the place
In the midst of the chaos, Tommy breaks free of Sneeg n runs to the window to call for help and-
once the fire is noticed by the group, Pokay just gets confused while Schlatt looks on horrified n just as the sparks fly he screams
Sneeg dies in the explosion, n Tommy, being at the window, is launched outside and into the ocean, badly wounded
Schlatt gets mildly hurt by the explosion, being close, but gets just enough consciousness to see a tiny lil shadow in the water n jump in to save him
But, it’s too late at that point. Before he can grab at him, Schlatt sees his son stop breathing n the water as he grabs him and before he can even comprehend anything, his son turns to particles.
And he drowns.
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