#sniffles a bit
bratdotcom · 8 months
Death island!leon spoiling me and calling me sweetheart/sweet girl would fix me so well I'd become an entirely diffrent person ♡
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FNAF 4 nightmares haunted all the Afton kids..
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domwitch · 4 months
Shy boy who gets a lil drunk at a party and snuggles up next to you all night, he can't help but wrap his arms around you and bury his face in the crook of your neck, whining about how you don't give him enough attention and to pet his head more :33
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skrs-cats · 7 months
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crustyfloor · 25 days
Content warning (light) : Experiments / Abuse / Body and eye horror tw(?)
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The album cover is sick as hell, I initially thought it was skeletal parts, but it looks the most like an MRI scan showing a brain with a lot of abnormalities, including signs of head trauma.
The most profound detail I found in the "brain" is the dark spots.
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Dark spots in the brain are usually the result of a brain lesion, a permanently damaged area of the brain usually caused by injury, infections, exposure to certain chemicals, etc. General trauma.
If it's someone's brain, I suspect it's Till's brain. aside from Luka, he has been through the worst of the Alien's mistreatment since he was a child, under Urak's (the bastard's) care he had been exposed to much abuse. The sheer harshness and hostility of Urak's "training" make it obvious why he was probably one of the only pets to withstand it all.
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Life-long injury in some form is surely a given to me. Seeing as it's already been mentioned that because of Urak's abuse, his pets rarely make it to the end because of the mental issues they had developed, and experiments can kill them before they even make it to the stage.
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Back to the brain, it has a lot of abnormalities (especially in its appearance). I can't explain much, I'm not a neurologist. But based on the research I did the the most damage seems to be near the Frontal lobe and the Precentral gyrus.
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source source source
This could explain Till's already implied mental problems, one of them (In my opinion) being some form of dissociation, round 6 was the most telling as his behavior was out of sorts having been broken down he changed drastically, throughout the whole round he was emotionally distant, i'd probably describe it as him being in a daze.
And his hallucination of Mizi during the karaoke scene could be a symptom of that to ease out of the moment.
(I also see that as more of a coping mechanism for Till, but I'm taking it into account for this since it's likely.)
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Experiments always looked intense, I wonder just what chemicals and substances he was exposed to, in one of the opening scenes of CURE we're shown what looks to be DNA splitting, or duplicating? there could be a multitude of reasons for that. But it makes me curious just how deep this goes, and how much it affected Till. There is a lot of things about him that could be explained with Urak's presence in his life.
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Having his brain tampered with to such a degree, I think we'll start to see the horrific effects come to light here soon.
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st4rstudent · 18 days
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Winn + Mac fusion idea. lalala.
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shima-draws · 7 months
Thinking about a Cora lives AU where Law just. Doesn't get sick after Amber Lead Disease. He takes good care of himself and generally his immune system is pretty solid (and he avoids his crew members if they have smth contagious like the flu or a stomach bug). But eventually his good luck runs out and he catches a cold, just a minor one that makes him a little feverish and gives him the standard cough and runny nose. Bepo notices him swaying on his feet and immediately sends him to bed (even tho Law protests like a stubborn brat).
When Cora finds out Law is sick he flips his SHIT. Literally he falls flat on his ass and catches himself on fire. Then he rushes all around the Polar Tang grabbing medical books on how to treat colds and preparing a compress and shouting at the cook to make hot soup for Law and digging into the cabinets for medicine and then he's hauling ASS to Law's room
Law wakes up from a nap and looks over to see Cora sitting at his bedside looking at him like this
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And he has to reassure him no Cora-san I'm not dying, it's just a cold, yes Cora-san I'm going to be okay. You worry too much
(But Cora's paranoid bc he's only seen Law sick once before and that was when he was dying, literally days away from succumbing to the poison eating at him, so of course there's trauma there, of course he sees Law cough one time and thinks the world is ending 😭)
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oaxleaf · 1 year
watched nimona, am a bit crushed now, but something i noticed that i found quite interesting is how she wears ‘nimona’ not just as a name, but also as an identity. it’s not just what she’s called, it’s also what she is. and, if i’m correct, ballister hardly, if ever, actually calls her by it until quite late, when he fully starts to accept her as a whole - the shapeshifting part of that whole which he loves rather than a flaw he looks past. and i think that really adds to the trans narrative of it all. it’s not just a name. it’s an integral part of who she is. and how ballister rather calls her a kid or a girl rather than that name, that identity, i think really quite reflects the really common experience of having people in your life that might not outright and purposefully show their hatred or disbelief of your identity, but who are clearly uncomfortable with it and does their best to skirt around it and to not have to acknowledge it
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Fixing a Broken Wing. Kaz Brekker x GN!reader
Word count: 1419 Warnings: Minor injury description. A/N: Thought I'd start posting here as well as Ao3! Hope y'all like it. We need more gn fics. No pronouns or y/n are used for the reader! There aren't many physical descriptions either!
The frigid air was harsh on the looming city of Ketterdam. Nightfall broke on the horizon, and the tapping of a cane echoed from an open window. The usual ruckus of the Barrel was dimmed by the racing thoughts of a singular slimy bastard: Kaz Brekker.
You were an investment of his–A sly one from the Menagerie. Your silent nature and singing blades kept you labeled as an honorary Crow. You were sent on a venture for Heleen, but you were supposed to meet back with Kaz at dawn. Since dawn, Kaz had waited.
And waited. 
And waited.
An unfamiliar prickle ghosted the back of Kaz's neck as hours flew by without a whisper of you. You were never late–not for him. The corner of his lip curled into a humorless smirk. Was he so blind to have faith in Heleen to consider keeping you safe?
With impeccable timing, a soft thump came from inside his bedroom. The thumping was followed by a low croak; Kaz could've sworn you were just a large toad. You harnessed the rest of your strength to push yourself up, just enough to slump against the wall.
Kaz paced towards the bedroom, his familiar hobbled steps echoing on the wooden floors. "You're late. You better have a damned good reason for falling behind. I'd like my investments close at hand," His familiar rasp grumbled. As he approached the room, he let his eyes fixate on you. His eyes were like flint as he observed your physical state, his gaze flickering over all of your wounds with expert precision. Your tale had been a messy one, it seemed.
Silently, Kaz stalked toward you, kneeling to your level. He pressed the silver crow's skull of his cane to your chin, tilting your head lightly, cataloging each wound with a veteran's eye. Slashes, bruises, wounds - all painted a sordid story across your flesh. "Heleen?" He asked, nearly deadly silent.
You parted your cracked, bloodied lips to speak, but nothing came out. Your throat was rough and raw. You simply nodded, swallowing thickly as your eyes threatened to close. Luckily, Kaz's cane supported your chin. If your head began to lull, he would use it to angle it back up.
Kaz scowled. No one would hurt one of his own. He always made sure of it. "You survived. That's all that matters." Reaching into an inner pocket, he plucked a small vial from it. He held it to your cracked lips, his voice leaving no room for denial. "Drink. It will help your throat." And perhaps loosen your tongue enough for you to share more. Heleen could wait; his prized weapon came first.
You took in a shaky breath, parting your lips and tilting your head up. You drank the amber-tinted liquid, your face contorting into disgust as it hit your tongue. "Saints, boss, what the hell is that?" You groan, still holding the liquid in your mouth.
A ghost of amusement flickered in Kaz's eyes to see your disgusted reaction, fleeting as quickly as it came. "Effective medicine tastes of punishment," Kaz replied flatly in his salt-bitten rasp. "Consider it penance for troubling me with putting you back together. Now swallow." He uncorked a waterskin from his belt to wash away the bitter taste of ginger and cloves. He held it to your lips, tilting your chin up with his cane. His cold gaze studied your face with keen precision, filing each of your hurts.
Your heart pangs with guilt at Kaz's words. You swallowed the liquid begrudgingly. It stung your throat momentarily before a cooling sensation washed over the tender flesh. You made fleeting eye contact with him, and you swear you felt your stomach twist. "I went to meet with a client near the harbor... I think the old witch wanted to be rid of me," You hissed through bloodied teeth. "I should've known it was trouble. I could hear the rustling of Kruge." You met Kaz's eye again, and as he took a sharp breath in to speak, you blurt out: "Please don't send me back."
He listened to your story in chilling silence. Heleen was a traitorous worm in Kaz’s eyes. Ice ran through his veins as you murmured your broken tale, freezing over some long-forgotten well of mercy. When you finished, he opened his mouth to speak but froze when you interrupted him with a shaky plea. "You won't be," He whispered. The ghost of the broken boy gazed out at you through Kaz's eyes, understanding the unspoken between you two. "I wouldn't send you back if my life depended on it." 
Kaz rose in one fluid motion, looming over you like the vengeful raven his reputation had painted. His cane slipped from beneath your chin, causing your head to drop slightly. He stalked over to the small sink across the room and filled a ceramic bowl with water. Gloved hands darted around, grabbing various rags and containers. He moved back to you slowly and silently, gingerly placing the items on the floor beside you. Then, he slipped off his coat and neatly laid it down on the railing of his bed frame. He knelt once more, quick hands soaking the rag.
The silence between the two of you was deafening. Kaz’s slow, shaking breaths would slice through it occasionally, putting your mind at ease. He wrung out the excess water from the cloth and, with a trembling hand, he pressed it to a wound on your forehead. His care for your well-being seemed to trump his fears about getting too close to you. You grunt quietly as he cleans your injuries, but he makes no attempt to be any gentler. 
He put the cloth back in the water and rinsed out the crimson substance that’d once coated it. You couldn’t help but notice his encased fingertips never broke the water’s surface in the bowl – A trick he must’ve learned all these years. His dark hair fell over his forehead as he angled his head down to clean off the rag. 
He drew a handkerchief from his vest pocket and lifted a small earthenware jar from the floor. In a swift motion, he unscrewed the top and set it on the ground before dipping the cloth into the contents – a soothing salve developed from hard-won experience to ease battered flesh. With a sharp breath, he leaned a bit closer, smearing the substance into your wound.
It stung … and stunk. Your nose scrunches as the scent burns your nostrils. “What is it with you and foul medicine?” You manage to grumble before he silences you with an icy glare through his eyelashes. 
“Would you rather be infected?” Replied Kaz, arching an eyebrow at you.
“No.” You stare back at him.
“Figured,” He whispered, the corner of his lip tugging into what most would consider a lesser frown, and to you, a smile. “You’re no use to me damaged.”
Kaz’s hands soon lowered as he finished coating your wounds in the substance. He leaned back immediately and scanned over your face once more. He took in a slow breath before he stood once more. “I will leave these with you to work on any other areas my eyes can’t touch,” He murmured. “I will leave you the room.”
Your eyes follow his form as he stands and runs a hand through his hair. His dark eyes flicker over you with a softer expression now—something underlying. “Very well,” You murmur.
As he turns to exit the room, he pauses and calls your name.
You turn to meet his gaze once more. “Yes?”
“The Crows will carry your name as they do mine,” He rasped. “No force in this world will send you back against your will. You have my word.”
You felt your stomach twist at his words. Your chest was swelling with warmth, or perhaps you were bleeding internally. Your wall was breaking. It was dangerous. 
“Thank you, Kaz.” His name rolled off your tongue so easily like honey dripping onto warm bread. You rarely used Kaz’s name – You always opted for ‘boss’ or ‘Brekker.’ At this moment, however, Kaz deserved to be Kaz.
Kaz’s upper lip twitched slightly as you spoke his name. He felt his breath catch in his throat, hearing the way it so easily slipped from your mouth. He tightened his hand around the silver crow handle of his cane. “Rest,” He murmured before he made his swift exit, leaving you alone in the warm lamplight of his bedroom.
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johnshis · 1 year
In the midst of my craze, I realized I had missed the biggest point in Johnshi, and that is the color coding. Red and blue? You're kidding. There's red detailing in Johnny's blue suit, and Sento's magic allows for Kenshi to see the world in blue hues. I know it may seem stupid to miss but I was head over heels for their intimate moments that I hadn't realized they were set up by the narrative like this to begin with.
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bratdotcom · 8 months
anyone else sad over the village in re4 tonight raise ur hand
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cdmodule · 7 months
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Finished 8:11 the other day and I'm not okay. Anyway here's me figuring out how to draw Ryker
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slavicafire · 6 months
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look at my beautiful sleepy baby. every morning catching the rays of spring sun on our east facing bedroom window
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Everyone that has called in tonight to my call center with kindness and empathy and compassion for everyone else out has been such a good moment for me this evening.
Everyone who has called in and was especially sympathetic to me about the situation I'm dealing with at work with 220k+ people being out of power and hoping I have a good night too, I am sending hopes and prayers they your power gets on super fast and you have no damage or problems, you're amazing.
If you called to yell at us on the phone, to scream obscenities and be vicious and vile at me because of one of the biggwst and worst stormd wreaking ABSOLUTE HAVOC, I am mentally hoping you're the last person reconnected.
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maskedchip · 1 year
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I wanted to share this little comic I’ve had in my folder for a while, it was actually one of the first mini comics I planned right after finishing the game but I battled with the perfectionist demons so I never posted until now 😭
But yeah, I think Susato is really sweet and caring and deserves little breaks :’) 
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cali-kabi · 6 months
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~ Happy 2nd Anniversary Kirby and the Forgotten Land💖💫🍍
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