#snsd sexy
elryuse · 1 month
Iu x taeyeon and male reader pls
The Recording Studio
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The fairy lights strung across the recording studio cast a whimsical glow on the room, but the atmosphere was anything but light. IU, perched on a plush stool, pouted at Y/n, her flawless features marred by a frown. Taeyeon, sprawled on the couch, mirrored the pout, a playful glint warring with a flicker of possessiveness in her eyes.
"This melody feels… lost," IU whined, kicking her legs listlessly. "It needs your touch, Y/n."
Her voice, usually a saccharine delight for fans, held a husky undercurrent that sent a jolt through Y/n. He met her gaze, captivated by the unspoken challenge shimmering in its depths.
"Maybe it needs a little more… fire," Taeyeon countered, her voice dripping with playful seduction as she leaned closer to the microphone. "Like the kind you brought to my last single, remember?"
The comment hung in the air, a thinly veiled jab at IU's usually innocent persona. Y/n fought back a smile. The competition was fierce, every suggestion, every shared glance, a desperate attempt to win his favor.
Days bled into weeks, the recording studio transforming into a battleground of whispered compliments and suggestive touches. IU would linger after sessions, humming the melody with a breathiness that sent shivers down his spine. Taeyeon, the confident seductress, would rewrite lyrics, her fingers brushing against his arm, lingering a beat too long.
The sexual tension crackled through the studio, a potent undercurrent to their creative collaboration. Yn, initially flattered by their attention, found himself increasingly entangled in their web.
One particularly grueling night, after countless revisions and a growing tension that choked the air, Yn slammed his laptop shut.
"Alright, ladies," he sighed, exhaustion etched on his features. "Maybe we need a fresh perspective."
Silence descended, thick and heavy. He caught their exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them.
"Let's call it a night," IU finally said, her voice devoid of its usual playful lilt.
They retreated to the rooftop patio, the cityscape shimmering below like a fallen galaxy. The comfortable silence stretched thin, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within them.
"Yn," Taeyeon finally spoke, her voice laced with a vulnerability that surprised him. "This… isn't working, isn't it?"
Yn looked at her, then at IU, who stood gazing out at the city, a storm brewing in her eyes. "It's… complicated," he confessed, his voice strained.
"Complicated?" IU scoffed, whirling around to face them. "Or are we just pretending this isn't some twisted fantasy we've all gotten lost in?"
The truth, harsh and undeniable, hung in the air. Their desire for him had become a dangerous game, fueled by possessiveness and a competition that threatened their friendship and their careers.
Yn felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He never intended for this to happen.
"We can't keep doing this," he said, his voice low. "It's… unhealthy."
A heavy silence descended, broken only by the distant hum of the city.
Then, to Yn's surprise, it was IU who spoke. The anger in her eyes had softened, replaced by a quiet understanding.
"You're right," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "We can't keep fighting over you like some prize."
Taeyeon stepped forward, her gaze locking with IU's. A silent conversation passed between them, a newfound understanding replacing the animosity.
"But maybe," Taeyeon finally said, her voice husky, "there's another way."
Yn's heart hammered against his ribs. He wasn't sure what she was suggesting, but a sliver of hope flickered within him.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
IU took a step forward, her eyes searching his. "Maybe… we could share you."
The suggestion hung in the air, a scandalous proposition that sent a jolt through Yn. The idea was as crazy as it was exhilarating.
"Share me?" he echoed, his voice stunned.
Taeyeon, a mischievous glint in her eyes, stepped closer. "Think about it, Yn. We could give you an experience no one else could."
IU's lips quirked up into a small smile. "An experience that would blow the charts wide open," she added, a playful glint in her eyes.
Yn felt a slow smile spread across his face. The tension that had been suffocating them began to ease, replaced by a delicious thrill. Perhaps, just perhaps, there could be a way for them to have it all.
The kiss that followed was electric. It started with a hesitant brush of lips, a testing of boundaries. IU, ever the innocent idol in the public eye, surprised Yn with the raw passion that exploded as their lips met. Her touch was a whirlwind; soft yet insistent, a plea wrapped in a demand.
Taeyeon, observing from a step back, watched with a possessiveness that morphed into a reluctant fascination. As the kiss deepened, a low growl rumbled from Yn's throat, his hands finding purchase on IU's hips, pulling her flush against him.
A single tear escaped the corner of IU's eye, a tear of desire and a hint of fear. The innocent image she cultivated crumbled under the intensity of their shared need.
Yn felt a pang of guilt at the tear, but it was quickly overshadowed by the heat burning in his veins. He pulled away from IU, his breath ragged.
"Easy," Taeyeon murmured, stepping forward and placing a hand on his chest. Her touch was cool and calming, a stark contrast to the firestorm ignited by IU.
Yn looked at her, his mind a whirlwind. This was madness, a forbidden dance they were weaving. Yet, the thought of letting either of them go was unbearable.
"We can do this," Taeyeon said, her voice a low murmur. "We can make it work."
Her words were laced with a quiet confidence, a promise that sent shivers down his spine. He looked at IU, searching for confirmation. Her gaze met his, her fear replaced by a fierce determination.
"Yes," IU rasped, her voice thick with desire. "We can make you a melody unlike any other."
The night air crackled with unspoken desires. The rooftop, once a place of contemplation, became a stage for their forbidden passion. They shed their carefully constructed personas, revealing raw emotions and a hunger that could no longer be contained.
Taeyeon's touch was different, a slow, deliberate caress that sent shivers down his spine. Her lips trailed down his neck, sending a jolt of electricity sparking through him. IU, bolder now, unbuttoned his shirt, her fingers tracing the planes of his chest, igniting a fire deep within him.
Their kisses were a symphony of need and exploration. Three bodies intertwined, a tangle of limbs and whispered promises. The line between competition and collaboration blurred, replaced by a shared surrender to the intoxicating reality of being together.
As the night wore on, inhibitions fell away like discarded clothes. They explored each other's bodies with a newfound reverence, a shared understanding blooming amidst the passion. It wasn't just about physical pleasure; it was a forging of intimacy, a delicate dance of trust and desire.
With the first rays of dawn painting the sky a delicate pink, they collapsed onto the cool rooftop, breathless and exhilarated. The forbidden taste of their love lingered on their lips, a secret melody only they could hear.
They knew this path wouldn't be easy. The world they lived in wouldn't accept their unconventional love. But as they lay there, entangled in the aftermath of their passion, they knew they were stronger together.
They had traded competition for collaboration, creating a melody of love that resonated far deeper than any song they could ever write. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky, a comfortable silence settled over them. The rooftop, once a battlefield of competition, was now a haven for their forbidden love. They lay entangled, a tangle of limbs and whispered promises.
But amidst the euphoria, a possessiveness flickered in their eyes.
"Yn," IU murmured, tracing a finger across his chest. "This changes everything, doesn't it?"
"Everything," Taeyeon confirmed, her voice a low purr.
Yn, still dazed from the intensity of their shared pleasure, nodded. Their love was a melody he would never forget, a composition only they could perform.
"From now on," IU continued, her voice laced with a newfound possessiveness, "you only write for us. No more composing for other cute girl groups, okay?"
Taeyeon squeezed his hand, her grip a little tighter than necessary. "We're your muses now, Yn. The only inspiration you'll ever need."
A shiver ran down his spine. The playful competition of the past had morphed into something deeper, more possessive. He knew they wouldn't tolerate sharing him with anyone, artistically or romantically.
A part of him, the rational part, balked at their demands. But another part, the part awakened by their intoxicating touch, couldn't help but be enthralled by their yandere possessiveness.
"Alright," he finally whispered, his voice husky with unspoken desires. "You got me."
He knew he was walking a tightrope, but the melody they had created together was too intoxicating to resist. He would be their muse, their prisoner, their forbidden love song. The world might never know their secret symphony, but in the quiet corners of the studio, and under the cloak of night, their love would continue to burn, a melody of passion and possessiveness that would forever bind them together.
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thankyou-taeyeon · 2 years
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TAEYEON won Best Solo Female Artist at 2022 Genie Music Awards
fancam cr : Ming on film
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mystericmoon · 2 years
i really hope snsd's comeback is going to be a cunty mature slay concept and not some 4th generation tiktok challenge type of song that will age one week after its release. i've had it OFFICIALLY.
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herbertlangethings · 2 months
please have a look on this profile here or on my other pages and groups in many different social net, feel free to contact me, now, direct, or wherever, if and how you want of course, so thanks a lot, you are very welcome !!! (B-Day 18th April beautie: pretty Jessica - SNSD/solo)
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bim-mba · 10 months
I need an official recording of SooYoung's My Muse
Forever 1, Lucky Like That, sEVENTEEN! ITNW...!!
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imma spam her tumblr ngl
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taetaetaeng · 2 years
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commajade · 2 years
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bad lighting but the album is v pretty photobook pretty and inserts very pretty. i got the sunny photocard she was my bias back in like 2009!
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artpopbyceleste · 2 years
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elryuse · 1 year
Yandere mommy yoona x sub malereader
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"Y/n wake up or you'll be late for school".
"Hang on a sec mom... 5 more minutes".
"It's fricking late... Now you get your ass down here... Or mommy will fucking spank your ass".
"Okay okay jeez... Why so angry".
"Hurry up and eat your breakfast".
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"So how's the food".
"Good like always".
"Hahah mommy's glad that you enjoyed it so much... And mommy didn't mean to yell at you. But you know mommy's doing her best for you".
"Y-yeah you're right I'm sorry mom".
"Ahahha it's okay... Now hurry up let's go".
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"Can't you see that I don't love you anymore Yoona... I like Taeyeon better than you... Gosh I hate this family so much".
"How could you say that. I've tried my best for this family. I've tried to love you even though you treated me like trash. I just couldn't understand how could you be so careless and don't give a fuck about me and our kid".
"Look Yoona. I'm done. I'm sick and tired. I never loved you, you know that. It's our parents that made this deal. Not me".
"So you're just gonna leave me and Y/n all behind"?
"Yes. I never truly accept him as my own anyway. He doesn't even look at me at a-".
"Leave. Leave and don't you ever come back you piece of shit".
"Ahahha with pleasure".
"Don't ever come back".
"Y-y/n.. oh no".
"What happened".
"Nothing happened dear don't worry".
"I know you're lying Mom. It's Dad isn't it... ".
".... Y-yeah".
"It's okay mom... We don't need him. We'll survive this shit together.. I'm here for you okay... ".
"T-thank you so much Y/n...mommy is so lucky to have you".
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"Mom I'm heading out".
"It won't be long Mom don't worry".
"But why can't you stay instead... Mommy can tell the manager to buy us somethinhg".
"Oh I'm not going to buy groceries mom. I'm seeing someone".
"H-huh... Who are you going to see"??
"I-its my old friend... Minju".
"Y/n I don't want you to meet her".
"H-huh but why... I really missed her".
"Absolutely not. You're gonna stay here.. And be a good boy".
"Momm stop I'm not a little kid anymore. Besides. I'm 23 I want to find a girlfriend okay".
"You don't need girlfriend Y/n.. when you have me".
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"Mommy wants you... So please. Stay. Don't make mommy hurt you".
"Huh.. Mom we can't do this. You're my fucking mother".
"Still... I only loved you... And I'll make sure you do the same thing for me".
"No please stop... Aghhh".
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"Cmon dear is that all you got... You can't fuck this pussy harder"?
"Mom please stop let me cum.. It hurts".
"Ahahaha... You'll need to do better than that... You know you want to breed me right... Breed this fucking pussy... Make sure you put a baby inside this womb.. ".
"Agh... Please... Aghj.. I'm Cummingg.. ".
"Let it all out.. Let it all out... Mommy wants it... Aghh yes.... Cmon..."
"I'm cumming".
"YESSSS.... ".
In the end Yoona or your mother became your wife. She was very happy when she knows she got you in her grasp. Especially when you feared her in bed, she was like a wild animal torturing you in every single way possible. To make you stay, and take responsibility. Now you can only beg her to help you cum and release you're stress.
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supergeneration139 · 21 days
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071229 Seohyun at awards
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authorhjk1 · 2 days
I’ll try my luck in requesting.. Plot is, reader asks SNSD Yoona who is his gf to dominate him femdom style.. I’d want to see kinks like pegging and well.. To be honest body worship especially armpits.. Thanks for reading and if you choose to decline it, all good.. But I really wish to a great writer’s take on this humble request of mine..
Submitting to her
(Lim Yoona X Male Reader)
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This is how everyone sees her. Lim Yoona. One of the younger members and the center of Girl's Generation. Most of the time a cute, playful sunshine. But when it comes down to it, she can also be fierce and borderline sexy.
But no one will ever be able to see her, how you see her. That is something no one will ever know.
You met Yoona about a year ago for the first time. You couldn't believe she actually walked into the bar you were working at. It was a very expensive and prestigious one, yes, but you didn't really think of Yoona as big bar goer.
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And you were quickly proven right. She was only there, because of one of the two friends she was with, was celebrating her engagement.
The three women were sitting at your bar the whole night, chatting away and drinking more and more of your most expensive liquor. While you were serving them and the other guests as well, the newly engaged woman seemed to have drunk too much. First, she kept on showing off her ring to Yonna and the third woman, but as the night grew longer, she also started to flirt with you.
You thought nothing of it at first, blaming it on the alcohol, but she got more and more into it. You could tell that Yonna was getting a little uncomfortable at her friend's behavior, but she didn't say a word.
"Would you mind mixing me another cocktail, babe?"
Yes, you did mind. And no you didn't like the fact she called you increasingly worse pet names. Blaming the alcohol would have been only a sorry excuse at this point. You could already tell that her future husband would probably catch her cheating at one point. It was so clear it could've been written on her forehead.
Eventually, her and Yoona's other friend went to the bathroom. The rude woman definitely drank too much. And while you were wiping parts of the black granite surface of the counter, you were hoping she wouldn't completely ruin the ladies' room.
You heard Yoona groan, after she took the last sip of her cocktail.
"Would you like a refill, Miss?"
To your surprise, Yoona suddenly glared at you.
"Oh, please, lover boy. Don't pretend like you would say no, if she asked you to spend the night with her."
You felt that was a little out of the blue. But the alcohol and her being annoyed by her friend, probably made her search for some kind of release.
"I would say no."
You would never sleep with another man's girlfriend, wife or whatever.
"Really? Why wouldn't you, huh?"
You suddenly felt trapped. Was that a trick question? Did she want you to mess up, so she could let out all her pend up frustration on you?
"Never mind, I'm sorry."
Yoona cut you off, before you could answer.
"It's just... I'm always too busy, you know? Barely free time, no time for dating, or a boyfriend and especially no time for a husband."
"Another cocktail it is, then."
Yoona chuckled as you started to mix the same cocktail she had before.
"You're really good at that, you know?"
"I hope so, I've been doing this for years."
As you added your finishing touches, Yoona let out another sigh.
"You are still young, so take some advice from me. Make sure you find the right person to be with. Don't wait as long as I have."
"I'm sure there are a lot of good men out there, who would like to go on a date with you, despite your busy schedule."
Since the granite surface was a little bigger, you let her new glass slide over the stone. It came to a hold just in front of her. You leaned over the counter and reached behind her ear.
Yoona slightly backed away, but you pulled back already, holding a small cocktail umbrella in your hand.
"Myself included, of course."
You blew on the umbrella, opening it up, before you let it fall into the drink.
You usually weren't that straight forward with guests. But this wasn't a usual guest. This was Yoona.
"That was smooth."
She playfully wiggled her eyebrows as she acknowledged your skill.
"Like I said, years of work and experience. Once I start something, I only finish once I perfected it."
"I like the sound of that."
Her smile was warm, but at the same time a little seductive. Her eyes sparkling with amusement, but also looking at you as if she was searching for something.
You later asked about that moment.
"I liked you. You looked handsome. And I wanted something she couldn't have."
That was her answer. Almost the perfect way to describe the start of your relationship.
"Although I don't have a man, I do have needs. I don't have enough time to date, but I can definitely make just enough time to take care of those needs."
You were surprised at how hopen she suddenly talked about herself. You were still in a public place.
"I could use someone like you. Dedicated to a task. Not stopping until he is satisfied. I would repay you of course. How much money do you make?"
While you were standing there, totally bamboozled by her sudden offer, you realize you could've seen that coming. Yoona is lonely, doesn't have time for a proper relationship and has more than enough money to find herself a sugar baby.
And for some reason, you did like the sound of that. Her terms were clear. Wherever and whenever she wanted, you would do your best to worship her entire body, make her feel good. But for that, you would have to quit your job.
"Don't worry. I will pay for everything you need."
While you were still debating on saying yes or no, her friends came back. They were eventually done drinking and were about to go home.
Yoona gave you one last look.
Decide right now, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
You quickly wrote your number on a napkin and gave it to her.
The dynamic in your relationship was clear from the get go. Yoona was literally your sugar mommy and paid for everything, while you were tasked with pleasuring her better than anyone had ever before. Outside of the bedroom, she was the dominant one, but when it was about sex, you were the one who took care of her.
After staying at her place a couple of times, you, unconsciously, slowly started to move in with her. It started with a toothbrush and it ended with your computer and desk in her guest room. Not that Yonna minded at all. The living together and sleeping together, made it impossible to not start developing feelings. And finally, after ten months of sex with no strings attached, you both agreed on your new status of your relationship.
"10 Minute break in twenty minutes. Need you."
A simple text from your now girlfriend and you are on your way.
You enter the SM building slowly after, making your way to one of the smaller rooms on the third floor. As soon as you walk in, Yoona crashes into you. You haven't seen her since this morning. She looks just as good as she did then.
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As soon as you saw her outfit this morning, you knew this is gonna be one of those days. She doesn't have them often. But on those days, she sometimes shows you a side of her no one can know about.
Most of the time, the power during sex is equally distributed. Sometimes it's Yoona, who leads, sometimes it's you. But most of the time, the two of you are equals. Yoona isn't the kind of woman who loves to get fucked like a cheap whore. She does enjoy you, being a little rougher with her at times, but never something too crazy.
And on rare occasions, just like today, you can see a fire burn inside of her. A fire that makes her lust and arousal grow immensely. Until now, she always had herself under control. But you do know, that if her self control breaks, you will be the one who will have to bear the consequences.
"Oh, fuck. I need your tongue so bad."
She whispers into your ear, after just having kissed the life out of you.
You lean down and push her hair behind her shoulders, before you start to kiss her naked skin. Yoona loves how you take care of her. How you worship her. To say that she has a praise kink is an understatement. More like goddess kink.
"You taste perfect, mommy."
Yoona purrs, at your words, letting out a satisfied sigh. Yeah, one of those days. You know you are doomed tonight, if you can't satisfy her well enough right now.
And at the same time, you don't mind at all. You actually welcome the idea of Yoona punishing you for doing a bad job. You want to find out what happens, when that fire inside her does take over her being. You are just not sure yet, if you can handle it.
Once you have dutifully peppered her shoulders with endless kisses, you pick her up and carry her towards the window.
"Oh, yes. I'm craving that. Oh, baby I'm so thirsty for your touch."
Yoona always turns into a mess, whenever you start to worship her like this. She loves it. And you do too.
After putting her down on the windowsill, you quickly start to take off her belt. This is just the right height for what you have in mind. Once her suit pants are around her ankles, you reach into her panties. The black lace traps your hand, forcing you towards her pussy.
"That's it, baby. Be a good boy."
Yoona moans in delight as she feels you pushing a finger inside of her. You lick your lips as you see her closing her eyes, ready to bring the second half of your plan to life.
While your left is slowly fingering her wet pussy, your right hand is now reaching for her wrists. Already knowing what you have in mind, Yoona gladly raises her arms. Standing next to her, you are greeted with the magnificent sight of her left armpit.
The slight sweat on her skin sparkles in the sunlight from outside. You unconsciously take a deep breath, enjoying Yoona's scent. After you spend hours after hours worshiping her entire body, you know how she tastes everywhere and how she smells too. Usually sweet, with a hint of sweat, because it's a hot day.
After taking another breath and pushing a second finger inside of her, you stick out your tongue and place it right underneath her armpit. Yoona lets out a deep moan. This combination has always made her cum pretty quick. And you have limited time right now.
The slight salty taste hits your taste buds as you use one long lick to move your tongue across her armpit.
"That's it, baby. Lick your mommy clean."
Yoona moans out loud as she feels your tongue now delivering longs swipes across her armpit. Your fingers in her pussy aren't idle and soon, Yoona succumbs to the pleasure you force onto her.
It takes you a minute or two to complete lick her armpit free of her sweat and just a little longer to reward yourself. The more you can have of her, the better. Yoona's sweat is now replaced by a small amount of your spit.
You change position as you keep your fingers inside her, your thumb now rubbing her clit.
"Hurry, baby. If you don't make me cum..."
Her whispered threat is interrupted by your tongue, finally reaching her armpit on the other side. The saltiness seems to be a little bit more prominent on this side. You gladly lick it all up, while Yoona starts to buck her hips against your hand.
"Damn it!"
She sighs heavier as her breathing becomes faster.
"Make me cum already."
Her heightened arousal makes her a little more aggressive today.
You keep on licking her skin and fingering her pussy. You know that she is slowly getting there. Maybe a couple of licks more. Or maybe a third finger...
You stop immediately as you hear someone outside the room. Yoona holds her shakey breath.
"We have to get going now."
"Give me a minute, manager-nim!"
Yoona quickly urges you to pull your fingers out of her. As if you wouldn't have thought of that yourself.
"This isn't over."
She looks up at you with that fire in her eyes, once she is done making herself look presentable.
"As soon as I'm home..."
She let's that threat linger in the air as she walks out of the room. Yes, this is one of those days. But today seems more intense than usual. You wonder, if you asked for it, would Yoona let that raging fire consume her? Would she let go off her primal instinct and use your body for her pleasure, without thinking about you?
A shiver of anticipation runs down your spine. What do you have to do to make that happen?
You know that Yoona will be busy for the rest of the day. You're sure she mentioned something about a magazine cover photoshoot, but you can't remember. Her schedule is stuffed with way too much events and appointments for you to know all of them.
And that's why she catches you by surprise, when she suddenly crashes through the door to her apartment.
"I have ten minutes."
It looks like she is on a break again. And it seems she came straight from the photoshoot. She is still wearing that outfit.
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And you can tell by the fact, that she only came here for sex, that she is close to breaking.
You try to get off the couch you are lying on, but Yoona is quicker. The advantage of her skirt is, that she can just sit down on your face, without having to undress.
Barely ten seconds after she came home and your tongue is already buried inside her wet pussy. Yoona quickly holds onto your hair with both hands. Too impatient for you to find the proper rhythm, she just starts to ride your face. You have no choice but to lie there, enjoying the taste of Yoona's sweet pussy.
A minute passes. Then two. Then three. You do your best, trying to get her off as quick as possible. But that small voice at the back of your head starts to talk. What if...
Yoona breathes heavily and leans forward, trying to catch her breath, as she realizes that this isn't enough. Not enough for her to orgasm. Not enough for her to satisfy her hunger.
She quickly gets off your face, leaving you with trails of her juices all over it. Before you can react, your pants are already off. And a second later, Yoona has already straddled you, her pussy hovering above your cock.
"Oh, damn. That cock."
She sighs, her eyes closing in bliss as she impales herself on your cock. Without even thinking about it, one of her hands move towards your throat. She keeps riding you, her pleasure now increasing by the second. After almost getting caught earlier today, she really needs to find that high right now.
She hears you coughing after calling her. Her eyes shoot open and she realizes that she has been choking you. Yoona quickly moves her hand away, an apologetic look in her eyes. She has never done that before. She never let herself go that far.
She wants to say sorry, wants to apologize. And yet, a small part of her mind tells her to put her hand back on your throat. To make you cough, while she rides you like a dildo, not giving a damn about your well-being.
It scares Yoona for a moment. Those thoughts. But she can also see that you seem to know, what's going on inside of her.
Her eyes grow wide as you slowly start to nod your head.
No need for words. Yoona takes a deep breath, before she puts her hands back on your throat. For the first time, she starts to let go of herself.
You lie on the couch with wide open eyes. Yoona left barely a minute ago. It's hard for you to get up. You didn't expect her to go that hard. She rode you like her life depended on it. You were barely able to take it yourself, her pace and power were almost too much for you. Reaching for your throat, you grimace in pain. It's not that bad, but you don't need a mirror to know that that's gonna leave bruises.
You are glad you were able to cum, just in time, before Yoona came herself. You wonder if she would've cared about your orgasm at that point. Maybe not. But that thought alone almost makes you reach for your cock, which is still wet with her juices.
The rest of your day goes by without anything major happening. You are excited about what is gonna happen tonight. Despite having climaxed earlier, Yoona still didn't look very satisfied.
Trying to make time go by faster, you sit down in front of your computer, planing on gaming a little, until she comes home.
"Turn it off."
You almost have a heart attack, when you suddenly hear Yoona's voice. You didn't hear her come home.
"H-Hi, babe."
Her tone made it clear, that this day is still not over. The only question is, how rough Yoona is going to be with you.
Once you turn off the computer and look at her properly, you know what kind of sex she has in mind. She is now wearing a different outfit. Probably another one from her photoshoot.
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"You look gorgeous."
You can tell she is holding in a smile as she leans down, to be at your eye level.
"I've had a long day..."
You get the hint as you stand up, just to walk her over towards the bed. Knowing you have the rest of the night, you start slowly. First, her hands. You kiss each of her knuckles and the back of her hands. She sighs, as Yoona lies on the bed, enjoying your work.
You soon move upwards, switching from one arm to the other, while you pepper her skin with kisses. It's smoothness takes your breath away every time. How can she be this beautiful?
Reaching her shoulders, you take a short trip to her collarbone, licking along it's length, before returning to her shoulders. Yoona lets out a satisfied hum. But you know that, at least today, this won't satisfy her enough. You move her arms away from her body a little, giving you access to her pits.
"Baby. I need to fuck you."
Yoona sighs, her first words since she told you to take care of her.
You know what she means by that. The fire in her eyes still there. As you dive in, licking her right armpit, you know that she is thinking about something far different from just riding you, like she did earlier today.
Yoona's fire urges her on to take control. To take you. To make you hers. And there's only one way you will truly be hers.
Yoona shifts around a little, while you keep worshipping her body. Once you're finished with licking her armpit clean, you kiss along her collarbone towards the other one, before diving in again.
Her hand finds itself in your hair as she lets out a heavier sigh.
"I need to-to take you. Now."
You realize that Yoona is approaching her breaking point. Should you push further? Ignore her real needs for just a couple of moments longer?
You eventually decide to be forward.
"You can do what you want with me, mommy."
You kiss her armpit one last time, before looking up at her face.
"Please. Be as rough as you want."
This is the only way for her to be happy today. To be satisfied. And you are more than willing to help.
"A-Are you sure?"
You nod your head yes.
"Do with me what you want."
You can see that dangerous fire flicker in her eyes. Yoona's inner voices are fighting each other. Eventually, she pushes you off of her, before she jumps off the bed. You watch her walk towards the big closet. Once she opens it, you can see what's lying on the middle shelf.
Four dildos, lined up and sorted by length. A belt, to make a strap on out of one of them, on their right. You gulp, knowing that there is no turning back now.
It's not like this your first time. Usually, at least one of you is in the mood for it. And you are the one, who decides which one gets used, before you start.
But you are very aware that Yoona is already using the one on the right. She put it on the belt already and is now tying it around her waist. The biggest one.
Her black outfit seems to fit the blue plastic perfectly. You don't choose that one very often. But now you know Yoona's true thoughts. The others aren't big enough for her taste.
She says, before even having turned around.
You hesitate for a moment. It's not that you don't trust her. It's the fact that you don't trust that fire within her. How far will she go...
Yoona's movement quickly makes you jump into action. As she turns around, you're just getting rid off your pants. She steps towards the edge of the bed as you take your shirt off.
Without a word, Yoona stares at you, lust burning in her eyes. She does a come hither motion with a finger, making you crawl towards her.
"Suck my cock, baby. If you don't want to get hurt..."
Yoona only used lube at the beginning. But after having tried this a couple of times, she started to make you suck the dildo first, before pegging you. Your own spit being the lubricant. That should've been a sign that something like this would come sooner rather than later. A sign you should've read.
You look up at Yoona as you open your mouth. Her fiery gaze stares back at you. You can't tell how rough she is going to be exactly. Should you be using a safe word?
But as Yoona pushes her hips forward, the blue dildo pushing past your lips, you realize that the time for setting a safe word has long past. You feel the plastic in your mouth, the unforgiving material dragging along your tongue. Yoona places her hand on the back of your head, holding you in place as she forces you to take it all at once. The tip slightly grazes the back of your throat, once your lips reach the base.
"Look up."
You do as your told. Yoona stares down at you, her face cold, while her eyes are burning. You catch her biting her lip slightly, before she moves her hips back. A moment later, she pushes them forward again. She starts to pick up the pace soon after, letting her other hand wander towards the back of your head as well.
Yoona is now fucking your face. Not as hard and fast as you occasionally do with her, but enough for you to cough once in a while. Due to her constant thrusts, the blue plastic is eventually covered in your saliva. Some of the liquid is already staining your lips and chin.
"What a good boy you are, sucking mommy's cock."
Up until now, you had both of your hands placed on the mattress, supporting your weight. Now, knowing how horny Yoona is, you reach forward with one hand. Since she is wearing a one piece, it was hard for you worship her whole body just now. So you try to make up for it by placing your hand between her thighs.
"That's right, baby. Mommy comes first."
Yoona slows down a little to make it easier for you to rub her pussy through the black fabric. Whenever you send really big jolts of pleasure through her body, Yoona thrusts forward uncontrollably. And soon, she is fucking your mouth again, while you try to pleasure her.
"Press harder."
You follow her orders, applying more pressure on her pussy.
"Fuck, yes!"
Yoona hisses loudly at the sudden increase of pleasure. Her hips move as fast as your hand, the two of you in a silent competition on who can go the fastest. It doesn't take long for Yoona to win as she forced herself inside of you exceptionally deep, making you gag and lose control of her your hand.
"Turn around."
She tells you, while you still recover from her sudden attack.
Once you do, you feel Yoona climb on the bed as well, kneeling behind you.
"If you are going to be a good boy and take it well"
Yoona leans over you slightly, the wet plastic pressing against your ass cheeks. It sends a shiver down your spine as you know very well what's next.
"I will reward you by letting you lick and kiss every single part of me."
It's an offer you can't refuse. For one, because you would do anything to get that opportunity. And two, because you are literally unable to refuse. Even if you would try, Yoona would just laugh at you.
You feel the dildo poke your butt hole as Yoona readies herself. She lets her hands wander over your cheeks, before she reaches underneath you. A moment later, her hand holds your cock, slowly stroking it.
"Don't cum too early, baby. Last time, you made a mess of yourself while cuming."
One would think that Yoona is just being considerate. But her tone says otherwise. It drips with her lust and you can tell that that's exactly what she wants. For you to lose control over your body as you cum.
Finally, Yoona slowly pushes forward. You breath a little heavier as you try to adjust to the new feeling.
"Relax, or this is gonna hurt."
Usually, Yoona would stop if you had trouble taking it and speak some encouraging words.
Not this time. Instead of waiting, she pushes the plastic tip past the ring of your muscles. You hold onto the sheets as Yoona slowly pulls you towards her, while she moves forward.
More and more of her length you take. Inch by inch, the blue dildo stretches your ass.
"Oh fuck, baby. Your ass looks so tight."
One of her hands squeezes your cheeks, while the other keeps stroking your cock. You grit your teeth as Yoona pushes further. Having taken this dildo a couple of times already, you can tell that you're halfway there. You feel every new inch drag past your muscles.
You feel fuller than before as Yoona keeps going. She doesn't stop, until you've finally taken it all.
"Good boy, taking all of mommy's cock."
Yoona whispers sweet nothings into your ear. You know that this only the calm before the storm.
Without asking if you are ready, which she would usually do, Yoona starts to pull out of you. Your hole clamps down on the plastic, not wanting it to leave your body. Just when only the tip remains inside, Yoona pushes forward again. She does this very slowly a couple of times, before she starts to pick up the pace.
It hurts a little as she becomes faster, but you don't complain. You can take it and you don't want to get on her bad side.
"Oh, damn. You're so hard already."
The whole time, Yoona has kept stroking your cock. She removes her hand for a moment and you hear her spit on it. Her now wet hand goes back to working your cock, while the plastic cock in your ass keeps moving back and forth.
Just as you are getting adjusted to the current pace, Yoona starts to fuck you faster. Some thrust leaves you breathless as she pushes your face into the mattress with her power.
You don't dare ask her to stop, but you need to warn her. You feel like you are losing control. Your thighs start to shake, your cock twitching a little.
"Not, yet."
You can tell she is gritting her teeth as she fucks you from behind. Both her hands are now on your ass as she keeps up the pace. Soon, she is pounding away with no regard for your comfort. The plastic inside of you drags along your inner walls and keeps splitting you open.
It seems that is the only word that you can force off your lips. As she takes your ass, you can tell that Yoona is really enjoying herself. Her nails are slightly digging into your flesh as she holds a tight grip on you. Apart from her breathing, which is now a little faster, you can hear her deep moans and an occasional grunt.
"Mommy, I think I'm gonna-"
You suddenly have a mouthful of the mattress. Yoona has pushed your head down to shut you up, ignoring your warnings that you're about to cum.
You can't help it. The plastic dildo in your ass keeps dragging along your inner walls as Yoona fucks you hard. You hiss, feeling slight pain, as she bottoms out inside of you.
You want to warn her again. Tell her you're about to cum on the sheets. But your words are muffled by the mattress, while Yoona keeps fucking you further into it.
"Don't cum too early, baby."
She mocks you, her hand finding it's way to your cock again. She squeezes it slightly while she strokes you faster and faster. Timed with her thrusts, her handjob pushes you further towards your climax.
Because you can't talk, you can do nothing but take Yoona's cock in silence. You feel your back arch as Yoona pushes your head even further into the mattress. It enables her to drive herself even deeper into you.
That's the final push you needed. You let out a deep moan as you climax immediately. Yoona's dildo feels even bigger now, her hand drains you of all of your cum. You can tell you've ruined the sheets, without even having to look.
"You've taken mommy's cock so well, baby."
Yoona leans down to kiss your cheek. For the first time today, she seems to genuinely care for you.
"Time for your reward."
You lift your head, once Yoona has removed her hand. You fall to the side, still breathing a little heavily.
Yoona uses your small break to untie the belt, before tossing it off the bed. She straddles you and leans over you with an expectant look.
You move your head upwards to lap at her armpits, cleaning her off the sweat that had just build up over the last couple of minutes.
"Get your tongue in there, yes!"
Yoona sighs in delight. You let your hands wander over her clothed back, trying to find the zipper. Once you do, you slowly reveal what's been hiding underneath her one piece.
You move from her armpits, over her collarbone, towards her chest. You suck on Yoona's nipples, once your reach them. She moans out loud. Her tits are quite sensitive, especially while you dedicate yourself to worshipping her body.
More and more of her skin gets covered in kisses, until you've been everywhere at least once.
"Make me cum, baby."
Yoona quickly strips off her entire one piece, now leaning over you completely naked. The sight makes you hard again already. She quickly lowers herself onto your cock. Just like earlier, she doesn't wait for you to adjust yourself. She quickly picks up the pace, using your cock like a dildo.
"Use your tongue, damn it."
She groans as you stop for a couple of seconds, because you are too captivated by her beauty.
While she rides you, you keep your tongue on the skin of her upper body. You make sure you don't miss a spot. Her tight midriff, her chest, her collarbone, her shoulders, her pits. All deserve equal attention as you do your best to reach each spot.
Eventually, the combination of your cock inside of her and your tongue all over her pleasure her too much, Yoona finally orgasms on top of you. Her body shakes as she rides out her high.
Once she comes down, you are surprised by feeling her getting off of you.
You'd hoped she would allow you to stay inside her longer. Maybe even cum in her.
"You are not done yet."
Yuna turns around and lies on her stomach on top of you. She purposefully puts her feet in the direction of your face. You feel her lips wrap around your cock, while you dart your tongue out to get your first taste of her feet today.
As you shift around a little, you can tell that your going to be sore tomorrow. But it won't be too bad. Because once she woke up, Yoona will be the beautiful sunshine she usually is. You wonder how long it's gonna take until her next rampage.
Hi, everyone.
This is the first time I tried writing kinks like armpits and pegging, so the quality might not be as good as you expected. But I hope you were still enjoying reading it.
Stay healthy!
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smutoperator · 6 months
Snsd yuri x malereader smut kink femdom mommy kink bdsm
A Special Fanmeeting
Kwon Yuri x Male Reader
Tags: ass worship, bdsm, bush, cum swallowing, facesitting, feet worship, femdom, flashback, humiliation, mommy kink, nilf, pussy eating, sex slave, tie-up, thighjob
Word count: 4627
Manila, Philippines, July 9th, 2023
You had dreamed for a long time of seeing one of your first idols to catch your attention. But finally, you managed to do it. The news that Yuri, your favorite SNSD member, was going to do many fanmeetings across Asia had made you very enthusiastic. Seeing her perform had become a rarity over the last few years, as Yuri had increasingly prioritized her acting career. But you finally got the chance to see her in person, buying premium tickets to her fanmeeting in Manila.
As Yuri entered the stage, a sudden rush hit your heart. You remembered everything that made you fall in love with her a long time ago, when you were just a teenage boy in high school. Now, you were a grown man, but her hypnotizing powers continued to impress you as you followed the rhythm of seeing her dance to "1, 2 Step" for the first time in years. Yuri's body rolls were as sexy as the first time you saw them, and even though it was her body moving, it was yours tingling every time you took a look at her amazing physique.
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As you prepared to leave the fanmeeting, very satisfied with what you had seen, a security guard stopped you. That made you very confused, as you didn't know you had done anything wrong to lead to such a reaction. But quickly, any confusion was solved when he said, "Yuri wants to see you". You were definitely shocked, as in your ticket there was no indication of any meeting behind the scenes, just the regular performance she had just finished. "Sure", you replied back to the guard. As he indicated the way to find her, you headed towards the backstage of the arena, getting increasingly anxious in the way to meet your longtime idol. Another bodyguard waited for you at Yuri's dressing room.
"Who are you?", the guard asked. "I'm here to see Yuri", you replied. "Do you have the credentials?", he asked back. "Well, no, the other guard just told me she wants to see me", you said. The guard was confused but called her on the phone anyway. "She gave you the OK signal; you can come in", the guard replied back. As he opened the dressing room, you were extremely shocked. Yuri was just wearing black lingerie, her body on full display. You stuttered to say any words, just looking at her body from top to bottom. You couldn't help yourself and started getting hard just looking at her body, repeating what you had done during her stage performance.
"Are you scared, baby? Don't be; mommy is here to comfort you", Hearing those words from Yuri's mouth was like a knockout. Comfort you? What did she mean by that? But Yuri approached you and just said, "Take that shirt off; mommy wants to take a look at your body", you obliged, as Yuri now grabbed a collar and put it on your neck, whispering to your ear, "Today you're gonna worship your mommy goddess. Now, ON YOUR KNEES", she said, elevating her tone as you kneeled in front of her, your eyes making direct contact with her honey thighs. "Come here, baby", Yuri asked, holding you by the handle attached to the collar like you were her pet. "Yes, mommy", you replied as she sat on her chair, looking you down.
"Look at me", Yuri demanded as your eyes set sights on her toned belly. "Do you know why I am here?", she asked. "For a fanmeeting with your baby, mommy", you replied, trying to look as submissive as possible to her. "Wrong", she said. "It's because I want someone to worship me like a goddess; can you do that, baby?", she continued. "Yes, mommy", you answered back. Yuri picked up the whip she was holding with her right hand and slapped it right on your back, making you scream. "I didn't say you could call me mommy yet", she told you, giving you an extra little whip in the back before authorizing you, "Now you can call me mommy". "Yes, mommy", you said for the third time after getting her endorsement.
"Good, slave", she replied, pushing you closer to her with the handle on her left hand. "There is something I want from you", Yuri said as she crossed her legs while sitting in the chair. "Well, a lot of things", she continued, shaking her feet a bit. "And you're going to give me all of them". "How can I please you, mommy?", you asked. "You can please me by being a good boy, an obedient toy, a sex slave", she said. "I'll do everything to please you, mommy", you said. "So, if you wanna please me, do whatever I say. You can start begging me first. Repeat after me: please take advantage of my sorry self, mommy", Yuri said, to which you repeated word by word multiple times as she kept asking you to say it over and over.
"Good boy", Yuri said. "Now is the time to get down and lick the bottom of my dirty shoes", she said, putting her high heels she had just performed on right in your face. You just obliged. "Yes, just like that, and don't touch my feet until I ask you to", she continued. "STOP! Stay there", she said after a while, taking it off. You thought she was gonna give you her feet, but instead she had different plans. "Sniff it", Yuri ordered you, putting her heels on your nose, her smell giving you flashes of her performance, and getting you hard. You never thought someone's sweaty smell would turn you on, but it worked perfectly. "Now that you got something, I want you to give me something", Yuri set the tone; simply touching her clothes was just her doing you a favor. To her, you were just a disposable toy; she didn't need you; she was already a famous person, a member of the greatest girl group to ever grace the Asian continent.
Yuri gave you a paper, a non-disclose agreement. "What happens inside those walls will stay there", she threatened you as you looked at her tits. Truth be told, she was just playing with her mommy boss fantasy, but it was convincing enough for you to think it was real, as the paper looked very official with the logos of SM Entertainment plastered all over it. She kept smiling at you as you signed. "Let me see that", She checked your signature for like a second before ordering you to get down, putting her left foot on your face. "Smell my feet; smell it", she ordered. "Open your mouth; I wanna stick it in there. Got it?", she said as she shoved her toes down your throat. After a while, she takes it off and puts her left sole in your face, setting the tone that she won't give you what you want with ease.
"Beg for me, please", she continues. You plead, asking Yuri if you can kiss her beautiful foot. But she doesn't cave to your demands until you ask multiple times, pushing it back in your face by surprise, giving you very little time to react and kiss it. "Now compliment me, baby", she says, as you give her feet, legs, and thighs the best adjectives that come from your head. "Yes, mommy, your feet are perfect; they smell like cherries; your thighs are amazing; your tanned body is beautiful", you continue. "What else?" Yuri replies. "Oh, and the arch of your toes is perfect", you reply. Yuri looks unconvinced; she probably heard it multiple times in her life already. "Now tell me how perfect I am", she says. "Perfect from head to toe. A perfect 10. Your face is beautiful, your butt is amazing, and your legs are perfect", you tell Yuri, leading her to turn around and show it. She just nods as you keep complimenting her.
"If you think I'm that perfect, why don't you just shut up and lick my ass?", Yuri asks. You grab both of her buttcheeks and lick the crack of her ass with her thong still on, searching for spots of sweat. She then tells you to stop and looks into your eyes. "That's good, baby, but you'll have to give me much more", Yuri says, then orders you to get down and this time kiss her right foot. "Good slave, now beg me for the other one", she says, keeping her left foot she just shoved in your face away from you. "Please, mommy, let me kiss the other foot", you tell Yuri, to which she obliges. "Only twice", she tells you. "Good boy, now you earned the right to sniff my ass", she says with you still on the floor. 
You get on your knees, putting your nose right between her still sweaty butt cheeks. "That's right", she tells you. "What does it smell like?", she continues. "Roses", you reply. Yuri sees right between your lies; she's just too much of a seasoned veteran to get fooled by those cheap compliments. As she takes her panties off, she then orders, "I will make you lick my asshole so far and deep to please myself, not you, me. Now stick out that tongue". You oblige and give her rectum some very fast licks. "Calm down, baby", she says as you bury her face in her butthole. "You have 10 seconds", Yuri says and starts counting down, making you give her anus as many licks as you can before time expires. "Deeper", she demands just as the counting expires, taking your face off of it just as you started to hit the sweetest spots of her shithole.
"Now say thank you, mommy", Yuri says. You oblige as she sits back on the chair. "Keep thanking me, you sorry wimp", she says. "Thank you for letting me lickng your perfect asshole, mommy", you reply. "That's not convincing. Listing you little shit, I need to be convinced", Yuri plays hardball on you. "Thanks, mommy, you're so superior to me, the most beautiful woman on the planet", you tell Yuri, who grabs you harder by her handle as your eyes fixate on her hairy pussy. "If I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet, sure, I also have the most beautiful bush on the planet", she tells you. "Now tell me how much you want it", Yuri says. "I want it so bad", you say. "What are you going to do to my beautiful bush?", Yuri asks. "I'm going to smell your perfect and beautiful bush.".
Yuri shoves her unshaved pubes right on your face; you smell it as deep as you can, trying to find her clitorial hood under that forest. "Dig in", she tells you, choking you by tightening her handle as she pushes her hot body against your face. You give her pubes a few kisses before she sits on her chair once again, before getting up and shaking her ass in front of you, her cheeks hitting your forehead. "Get down", she says as she starts sitting on your face. "Are you enjoying this little private show, baby?", she asks. "Yes, mommy", you say once more. "SAY IT LOUDER", Yuri says. She can't help but look at your amazing thobbing bulging cock under your trousers, taking it off.
You let out a groan under her ass as Yuri's hands grabbed your huge cock. "Sniff my bush harder; I didn't tell you to stop", she says, her right hand slapping your cock left and right. "Now listen, slave, I'm gonna make you lick my pussy. I'm gonna count down from 20, and you'll have to stop it as soon as it hits zero", Yuri demands. "Yes, mommy", you reply. "GO!", she says and starts counting down while jerking your cock off and twerking her ass against your face. Once she is done counting, she smiles and spits on your cock, keeping a hold of it. "Now I want you to stare at my ass", she says, moving it up and down. "Don't touch it, just stare", she commands when you hold her waist, spreading her marvelous mommy pussy and gaping butthole in front of your face.
"Now I'm gonna make you beg for it", Yuri continues. "Beg for my pussy and asshole", she says. "Please", is all you reply. "No!", is her answer. "Why do you want it?", she continues. "Because your holes are perfect", you reply. "I want to show how much I love your tight holes, I need them so bad", you keep going. "Then breathe in my holes", she says as her anus lands on your nose and her pussy in your mouth. "Go ahead, lick my pussy and asshole", she says, giving you the green light. "You look so pathetic looking at my holes", Yuri laughs before denying you, standing up and asking you, "Tell me what you see.".
"The most perfect pussy in the world", you simp for her, looking at her beautiful slit just below her big bush, her small inner lips contrasting with her big outer lips. "Your amazing bush and sexy belly button", you continue. "But especially those perfect pussy lips", you continue as Yuri squats down and asks you, "So do you want this pussy in your face?", "Yes, I want it so bad", you answer back. I'd do anything for it; please, mommy, put that pussy in my face". You can't help yourself as you keep begging. Yuri sits on your chest and then demands, "Stick your tongue and lick my pussy, stupid little shit".
Yuri gives a few moans as you circle your tongue in her clit. "That's right, keep licking it", she says as she pushes your head against her pelvis. Just as you make her moan a little, Yuri paces herself, counting down from 10 as you lick her pussy, signaling that your fun with her folds will be short-lived. You lick her clit deep and hard, trying to enjoy every second. "It's so good, mommy", you say just as she pulls out. "You know what else is so good?", Yuri smiles. "You are completely tied up like the sorry simp you are", she says, tying both your feet and hands to her chair as you are still on the floor. "That's amazing!" she laughs, as you are completely tied up on the floor.
"So did you find the taste of my pussy good?", Yuri asks. "Yes, mommy", you say yet again. "Please let me taste it more, mommy", you continue. "I will, but it looks like you left some pages of our contract unsigned", Yuri tells you. She puts it on a clipboard and sits on it, watching you sign as she fingers her hairy pussy. Once you were done signing, she grabbed the clipboard and went back to sitting on your face, pushing you towards licking every part of her lower body. "Lick my belly, now my navel, now my bush, now my pussy, now my asshole, now my thighs, now my legs", she keeps going, asking you to worship what made her famous in the first place: her amazing body. "Come on, worship it like your life depends on it", she says. "That's enough; now please me", Yuri demands as you compliment her while she looks down on you from above, appreciating her dominance over you.
Yuri finally takes her bra off, getting fully naked. She unties you, but just briefly, telling you to move towards a table in her dressing room. She clears the table and ties your body to it again. "Come on, now I want you to take a look at this sexy body as I climb on top of you", she says. "I'm gonna tease you and make you wish until you beg to put that cock deep inside me", she continues. "Yes, mommy", the prospect of going inside a soshi goddess makes you thobbing; your cock pulsates as your whole blood flows into it. Yuri spits on it, teasing you from the start, her legs wrapped around your head as her pussy is right in your eyesight. "See that beautiful body, baby?", she asks. "Tell me what you wanna do to it. If you ever have the chance, that is", she laughs. "I wanna put my cock in that beautiful pussy", you reply. "What else?", she asks. "I want you to ride that cock until it breaks. I wanna be your sex slave and do anything for you, mommy", you say.
"Then today is your lucky day", Yuri says as she puts her right foot in your face and starts grinding her entrance against your throbbing cock. Just that initial friction almost makes you cum on the spot. "Lick the soles of my feet", she demands as your tip rubs against her hairy bush. "Pathetic slave", she calls you as your tongue licks her right foot. Yuri closes her legs, sticking both feet in her mouth, while her thighs press your cock and you lick her toes. Yuri starts sucking you off slowly. "Take a picture of me sucking that dick baby", she says, picking up her phone as you use your tied hands to take some snaps. "Let me see it", she picks it back, almost like a mirror as she continues to suck the soul out of you.
"How does it feel to get a blowjob from mommy?", Yuri asks. "Amazing", you reply as she covers your cock with her lipstick and slaps it against her tongue. Sitting on top of you, she holds your big member while frictioning her hairy pussy against it. The bikini marks on her tits contrast with her tanned skin, which is fully visible in your eyesight, turning you on even harder. "Oh my God, mommy, that feels so good", you say as Yuri picks up the pace and grinds harder. "Tell me how much you want to fill my pussy", she asks back. "I want it so much; please, mommy, let me get inside that beautiful pussy", you plead. "Tell me how honored you would feel", she continues. "Like I've never been before", you said as she continued to jerk your cock and grind on it.
Yuri slaps your cock against her entrance and then starts spitting on it. She gives you a few more strokes before teasing it around her clit, finally putting it halfway inside her. Her tight, warm mommy pussy immediately smashes your big cock, wrapping around it, and if not for her hands holding the bottom of your shaft, you would have exploded right there. Yuri only gives a pair of bounces before pulling out. "That feels so good", you say. "I bet it does", she replies, feeling your not fully ready to worship her pussy with your cock. She strokes you a few more times. "Tell me how bad you want my pussy", Yuri stares at you. "I'd do anything for it, mommy", you replied. "Anything?", she says. "Yes, anything, mommy", you confirm.
Yuri slides your cock inside her, riding you as she fingers herself. The sheer size of your cock impresses her. "You truly brought your A-game, baby", she says. "Oh yes, mommy, everything for you and your sexy body", you said between a few grunts. Yuri grinds her teeth as your length fills her cunt up, but as soon as she adjusts, she bounces on it perfectly, her hands resting on your chest and her tits moving up and down. She grabs your neck and the collar around it as she increases the pace of her riding, smiling right at you. Her moans are sexy and soft, as she engulfs your cock between her hairy pussy and chokes you with the handle like you were her dog.
"Good boy, that's right, take this fucking pussy", she says as she continues to bounce. Her tan lines look amazing now, and her body glows. Her perfect, round, and saggy tits continue to move at each thurst, the chains of her handle rattling as she places them close to her boobs. "Use me", you ask her as she grinds your cock against her insides before stomping her foot in your face. "I'm gonna count from 10 to 1 and then shove that foot inside of your mouth, and you're gonna suck on my toes", Yuri says as she keeps bouncing. Every time she counts down, your cock hits deep inside her. You lick her foot fingers as she rides you even more intensely. "Open your mouth", she says as the counting ends.
"Bark like a dog", Yuri demands as her cheeks smash against your hips, turning you fully into her pet. You oblige, leading her to laugh in your face. "Good boy, now tell me that I own you", she continues. "YOU OWN ME, MOMMY", you reply. "You're my little fucking bitch", she keeps going. "Yes, mommy", you say. "Yes, you are", Yuri tells you, bouncing even faster. "My little pathetic slave", she continues, her pussy continuing to ride your cock like crazy, enjoying every second of it. "You're my little sex toy", she exclaimed. "Yes, I am, mommy", you reply. "I'm gonna use that cock whenever I want", she says as she pulls out. "Time to sit on your face", Yuri tells you, suffocating you with her ass.
"You're so fucking pathetic", Yuri continues as she is on top of you for a 69, her boobs pressing against your body as she sucks you off once more. "Now, thank me for letting you eat my pussy", she says. "Thanks, mommy", you answer back. Yuri puts your cock back inside her as you groan and bark like an animal. "Wanna watch my ass bouncing on that dick?", she asks, riding you now in reverse cowgirl. "Sure, mommy", you say in between more barking and groaning. "Tell me I can to whatever I want to you, little bitch", Yuri continues to assert her dominance at every instant she can, and you always let her. "I want to make you my fucking sex slaves; you belong to me; your dick only exists to please myself; you're my bitch", Yuri trash talks you between more bounces as you watch her amazing ass stomp on your belly; she fingers herself like crazy and bounces her tits, depriving you of seeing it as she has her back turned to you. "Hahaha", she laughs. "I can't wait to milk that pathetic cock dry", she says in between many moans, enjoying it more and more. She then moves to a slower motion, pausing as she senses you are close.
"Not yet, slave", she says. "But you have been a good boy; I'm going to free you", Yuri continues as she unlocks your handcuffs, except for your dog collar. "Now turn around", she says, placing her body against the table and spreading her legs, letting you insert your cock in missionary. She moans as you thurst in and out of her, fingering her pussy as she gives you a privileged view from above of her body. "Don't cum, or I'm gonna chop that dick off", she threatens you. You keep fucking her as she enjoys herself while letting you have a moment for yourself, but not without stopping the trash talking. "That's it; keep going, you little simp; give me that sex slave dick", she tells you as you push it deep inside her. "That's so fucking good", she finally praises you after you did so much to please her as you continued pounding her pussy. "Keep giving me that little sex slave cock", she says, moaning and fingering her pussy even harder. "Put this pathetic cock deeper inside me", she continues. "FUCKKKKK, YESSSS, AHHHH!", she screams. "Tell me that I own you, baby", Her words make you fuck her even harder.
"It's not your cock anymore; it's my cock; I own it", Yuri continues. You mate her the fastest you can, wishing you could breed her right there, but she doesn't know if she's giving you an empty threat or actually means it. Either way, you continue to fuck her like crazy, feeling her sexy body as best as you can. "You belong to me, ahhh ahhh ahhh fuck, yes yes yes, fuck me fuck fuck me just like that", you pound her hard. "Make me fucking cum, slave", she demands, moaning like a big bitch. "AH AH AH OH FUCK YES, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING", As Yuri climaxes and clenches her mommy pussy around your cock, you pull out, afraid of cumming inside her, as her juices flow out and cover your shaft. "I think you earned an extra round", she says.
Yuri puts herself on her knees and lets you have some role-reversal. Watching her on all fours is probably the best you ever saw her, especially because her bikini marks are very easy for you to see. "Remember, tell me when you're gonna cum, slave; otherwise, you're gonna regret it", Yuri says as you put your cock in her pussy for one final time, your hips slapping against her ass cheeks. "AHHHHH OHHHHH Fuck fuck fuck, oh slave fuck me", she says. You clap her cheeks hard, making her moan intensely on the floor. "Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahhhh, fuck yes", is all she can say now. "Your dick is so fucking good", she tells you for the first time. "Keep going; fuck me just like that", Her trash talk gives way to incentive words until she says the words you were long waiting for.
"Give me your slave cum; I want it. Right in my honey thighs", she tells you, as you pull out of her pussy and start fucking her sexy thighs, your meat grinds against it at the fastest you can. It turns out you weren't gonna last for long anyway, as just one minute of your cock being sandwiched by Yuri's sexy thighs is enough for you to burst all over them, white goo covering her tanned skin all over her sexy legs. "Now eat it, slave, clean your hot mommy", Yuri has one last demand from you as you clean her thighs with your tongue, eating that straight from her thighs. Yuri wanted a sample of it for herself, so you swapped a bit into her mouth, which she swallowed with ease. "Now it's your turn, slave", she tells you, making you eat your own sperm as the final act.
"Time's up", she said right after. Your session clocked out at exactly 40 minutes, even though for you it felt more like 4 hours. Yuri gifted you a briefcase. "Look how nice mommy is; now get out", she said, almost like it was just a regular fuck for her, even though it was the most special you've ever had. You followed her orders, starting to dress back up while in her dressing room. "I said get out", Yuri asserted herself, meaning you had to go to the final humiliation of dressing up while still leaving the arena. You didn't open her briefcase but rather waited until the hotel to do so; as you did, there was a letter there.
"From mommy to my little pathetic sex slave, thanks for coming to my fanmeeting. I've known for years that you've been one of my biggest fans, but you never had the chance to meet me. So today, I fulfilled your longtime wish. I hope you enjoyed it, and here is a little gift for you so you can always remember me. Signed. Kwon Yuri". And what a gift it was, with lots of pictures, videos, and performances of Yuri's long career for you to enjoy. Mommy really knows how to take care of her thirsty, horny babies, doesn't she?
Doing some SNSD smut from my longtime ult Yuri, got this request quite early but left it dormant for months because of my schedule, but I always had her fanmeeting performances in Manila in mind to write and even though it's been a while, I decided to publish it cause I really liked the idea of her being a dominant mommy.
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herbertlangethings · 8 months
Girls' Generation - Mr. Mr. [2014 KBS Song Festival / 2015.01.14]
look what I found now, such an incredible stage performance, start at 03.00, you must have a look and remember with me, on our unbelievabel and unforgotten Forever9 girls.................
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chosomindslave · 6 months
What artist does the JJK characters listen to?
Summary: stated it the title
Genre: very informative
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Satoru Gojo🧿: 100% rod wave. idk what be wrong with Gojo but I just feel it in my CORE he listens to rod wave vigorously. Trust whenever Ijichi is chauffeuring you two you’re either gonna hear Turks and Caicos or Heart on ice… something is wrong with him seriously…
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Suguru Geto🐵: mfer don’t listen to music 😞. He prolly only hear it as monkeys making their distinctive sounds…
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Kento Nanami🥖: The Jacksons… (Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, etc) idk Nanami gives off grown man vibes but not grown man Kevin Gates vibes. I could see him listening to Janet Jackson, or even En Vogue… yk he’s really just that bitch. He probably listens to artists like Joe and Jon B also, you never know, but I can say one thing for sure , HE HAS TASTE
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Choso Kamo🩸: it’s really whatever Itadori is listening to at the moment, he doesn’t have an exact preference
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Yuuji Itadori👊🏽: Ice Spice, IKIK ITS CRAZY BUT PLSSD don’t sit there and tell me Itadori wouldn’t be walking down the hallways at Jujutsu high saying “like what let’s keep it a buck” NO SERIOUSLY, or “im still shaking ass in the deli” LMAOOOO
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Megumi Fushiguro🐕‍🦺: Guns N Roses… look man he had a hard life LMAO but still then yk he just gives off the type to like Rock music, I can see him liking pierce the veil also…
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Nobara Kugisaki🔨: SZA , she’s definitely a scissor girly. But even still then I do think she also listens to artist like Ariana Grande. Yesss kwueen
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Yuta Okkotsu🗡️: before Africa, most def YONCÉ, but after coming back from Africa all mf hear is war sirens . What the fuck did Gojo have him look for THAT BITCH IS PTSDIFED lord somebody save Yuta
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Maki Zenin🦚: girls generation. Idk after I seen that mfn edit with her and Kugisaki I just KNEW she was an snsd fan. BESIDES look at the way she dressed in the movie, and me ready to risk it all for her. SNSD APPROVED
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Toge Inumaki📢: Sukihana, Sexy Red and Cupcakke. Look man, this mf a troll you think his top three artists aren’t the cuntiest of all time? His impulsive thoughts take over each time. Just know he ain’t a freak but he listen to nasty asss songs, cs why are you listening to somebody talk about eating niggas ASS?
(tumblr wouldn’t let me add in a gif for him FUCK YOU)
Panda🐼: Lana Del Rey: look man Panda is all about is aesthetic, you can’t tell me mf don’t be having his lil ciggy hanging out his mouth, looking out the window playing Summertime Sadness NEXT
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Just some recent material I collected
So, while I work at my next reaction (SNSD in the area), I'm here to share some nice GIFs and pics that I collected in last months
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It's just awesome when girls exist, am I right?
First of all, we have Somi that in her practice for her MAMA stage decided to bless us with some booba🥰
Then a quick compilation: Hwiseo of H1-KEY looking a bit too good in that black dress, Jeewon of Cignature just flexing her boobs as usual and Nayeon, serving legs🤭
To follow the hottest rookie group in the industry, Kiss of Life, shows us that they're the full package: beautiful, talented and with a body to die for. Natty and Julie, take me no-😵‍💫
And to end...another compilation, because why not? Yuna destroying hip pad allegations once for all: hips, abs and everything is natural.
Miyeon poses in the perfect way to show off her booty and her legs at the same time, looking a goddess in the meanwhile.
And last but not least, Ning proving once again that's she's part of the maknae sexy line. The white outfit is perfectly embracing her curves and that's such a joy for our eyes👀
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fanfiction4sooya · 2 months
Request: Jessica Jung x reader: first time together(smut of course) thank you
ya'll have no idea how much I LOVE snsd asks!!! Sorry for taking so long, sweetheart 💖💖
cw: smut, +18, fingering, humping, oral sex, lots of praises, 69,not proofread etc.
You two met at a party her sister threw a few weeks prior. You were with a couple friends and she couldn't stop staring at you the whole night. Of course you thought she was annoyed at you, Jessica naturally has a serious face when she is relaxed.
But after you told your friends you weren't feeling very well (an excuse to leave her sister's party since you thought she was annoyed at you) she actually stopped you from getting your uber, explaining she didn't wanted to seem annoyed but interested.
Of course after that you two went out a couple of times until you two decided to take it to the next level. Dating her was exceptional, she was gentle and much more kind than she looked, always willing to listen and to reassure you, she was also very secure but well you were a bit anxious about one thing...
You two haven't had sex yet.
Of course you two wanted it to happen, you wanted it to happen but the thought of having sex with literally the Jessica Jung was getting you insane like... How many of the hottest women in the world hasn't she had sex? Another thing... she is older and way more experienced and-
"Honey?" Her voice took you out of the anxious daydream when she kissed your knuckles over the restaurant table.
She took you out to dinner on a beautiful and quite expensive restaurant, caring not only for your outfit but everything else. She picked a wine red dress that showed your curves and black heels. You looked stunning, you felt stunning but that little sting of anxiety wouldn't go away for nothing.
"yes?" You weakly smiled, feeling caught.
"Are you alright? What's wrong?" You were met with caring brown eyes. You heavily sighed, deciding to talk to her about it.
"Can we go home?" You asked in your most stable tone, trying not to alarm her.
"Of course we can, sweetheart" She caressed your knuckles.
After paying you two left, hand in hand out of the place to her expensive rolls royce and after that her house. She sat in her bed and you started to talk in a quiet, ashamed tone:
"I know I might be acting... Strange" you paced around her master bedroom, trying to find a way of not dying of embarrassment. "I think I'm a bit scared..." You spoke more to yourself than to her.
"scared?" Her pretty voice sounded secure and stable and honestly that was so sexy of her. "Of me?"
"No! Not of you I mean yes, a bit but like not in a like 'she's gonna hurt me' way, not that-" You started to ramble and she got up, holding you by the shoulders, making you stop pacing and rambling.
"Honey, take a deep breath" She caressed your face, pulling you to straddle her on the bed. You lowered your head to her shoulder, embarrassed because you thought you were acting dumb. "Keep going whenever you feel like it" Her arms circled your waist, holding you and her lips hovered over your temple, gently kissing there.
Her breath was calm; you noticed that she had this thing where she wouldn't rush you at all, always ready to wait as long as it'd take for you. You wondered how the thought of her being a mean girl ever crossed your mind.
"You are Jessica Jung" You said, looking into her eyes. She had a curious, amused expression. "I mean, like... You could have anyone, you probably had anyone you wanted" You sheepishly said. "I am scared I have nothing much to offer" She furrowed her eyebrows a bit and then, when you really thought she was going to laugh at your concern she took a deep breath and her eyes softened.
"Honey" She started, caressing your back in an up and down motion, sending shivers down your spine. "I want you since you entered Krystal's house with your friends" Her hand made contact with your cheek. "I want you so bad that I literally had you thinking I was mad at you due to my not so subtle stare" You chuckled a bit. "Of course I have a past and it might seem intimidating at first but you also have one, as long as I hate admitting it" She rolled her eyes. "Everyone I had, everyone you had... it's past" You bit your lip and you saw her eyes trace them.
She made a pause, leaning her forehead against yours.
"You make me crazy" She took in your scent, opening her eyes to stare at your position straddling her like that. "I am here because I want you, only you" You felt the slight shift on the way she held you: not careful anymore but more tight, a bit more passionate now, pulling you in even more. "I want you so fucking bad, baby" Her lips hovered over yours. "But I'll wait until you are ready for me..." She hushed and you nearly fainted.
Your heartbeat was fast and erratic, your insides felt warm and your cheeks were burning hot. She didn't expect your next words and honestly, neither did you.
"Take me" You whispered, eyes glued to hers and lips hovering hers as well. "Please Sica..." Her eyes darkened and her hands gripped your waist, her lips aching to meet yours. "I want you to do to me everything you've been thinking of"
"Are you sure?" Damn. How could she be so attractive only asking you if you were sure? You felt your mouth dry and finally you connected her lips and yours in a chaste motion, that could barely be called a kiss but somehow it was enough answer for her.
In a quick motion your back was touching her soft mattress and her perfectly shaped lips were in yours. You didn't fight for any dominance, you really didn't even try; fighting Jessica Jung for dominance was a lost battle and of course, in that case, you didn't wanna win at all.
Her tongue slid against yours in a slow yet urgent pace. It made your pussy ache in despair as her hands held your thighs apart so she would be between them, slightly grinding down. You moaned when she traveled her tongue to your neck to lick then bite the piece of flesh, your skin hot against her lips.
"Jessica" You moaned and she smiled against your skin.
"Fuck, I was aching to hear you calling my name like that" She said, rolling your dress up and off your body. You felt a little self conscious for a moment and she realized it, quickly taking her dress off as well. "Come here, pretty girl" She pulled you to sit, attaching your lips one more time and making you shiver when she grazed one of your nipples with her thumb. Soon her kisses were to that exact spot, ripping a deep moan out of your throat.
You closed your eyes, gently holding her head in place as you felt slick between your thighs, clenching hard around nothing.
"Please" You mewled, swallowing hard when her eyes met yours and you felt her smile against your skin. Her lips went back to yours and her hand traveled to your covered pussy, the back of her fingers lightly grazing your engorged clit.
You held her shoulders with both hands, trying your best to anchor yourself as your legs trembled ever so lightly. Pulling your panties to the side, she dipped her middle finger in your slit and you whined as Jessica pulled it out, stopping your kiss to welcome her finger inside her own mouth. She purred feeling your taste and you almost fainted, entranced by that divine being upon yourself.
"You taste so fucking good, honey" She husked, licking your lips next.
Jessica softly pushed your back to touch her expensive mattress one more time, not wasting any second on ripping your panties off of you and lying on her stomach, both arms hooked under your thighs. She kissed your mound, appreciating the view of your swollen glistening pussy; soon she kissed your inner thigh, never stopping the eye contact as your eyes followed hers. When she kissed your clit, oh god, you finally let out the breath you were so desperately holding.
"Oh god" You whined, trying your best to keep your eyes open. You didn't wanna lose sight of her actions, blinking only when you absolutely had to.
How come someone seem expensive by eating pussy? Her movements were elegant and precise, not rushed by any means.
Slowly in a upright motion she licked from your slit to your clit, her tongue flat on your drenched cunt; Jessica let out a gutural moan upon tasting you, her eyes rolling a bit back, her arms squeezing your thighs as you arched your back.
"So good- oh" Was all you managed to say, biting the back of your hand to stop yourself from screaming. Your eyes went back to hers, her lips enveloping your clit to steadily suck. You cussed yourself out for losing so much time, completely forgetting why you and her were having sex just now.
That was the best head you've ever had. Her tongue was skillful, dipping in and out of you and making you see stars as her nose bumped against your clit over and over.
Your scalp started tingling and your hand automatically went to the back of her head, your thighs trapping her head between your legs as you felt the hot and cold sensation of an orgasm wash over you.
You lost track of time trying to control your shaky legs, eyes closed and limp body. You felt the bed dip beside you and her wet lips touch yours, pulling your body on top of hers to hug you so passionately, kissing your bare shoulders and cleavage.
"Take a deep breath, princess" She said right by your ear, kissing your neck next. You did your best to do as she told you, blindly kissing her lips next.
Yes you just came but you were still aroused as ever, but this time it wasn't only for your own pleasure. Your knee pressed between her legs and you witnessed her hiss, biting your lower lip.
"please let me taste you... I need you Sica, please" You whined and she smiled against your lips.
"So polite..." She guided you to be on top of her, your bare cunt above her face as you faced her own. Your mouth absolutely watered when pulling her underwear to the side, revealing her slick coated pussy.
"You are so pretty..." You whispered, sticking your tongue out to lick her. Feeling her tremble under you, you throbbed hard, moaning when you felt her pull your hips down to fully envelope your clit with her lips. "Fuck" You cried out, blindly attaching your lips to her cunt once again.
This time it felt even more electrifying because of her mouth on you too, lapping up your juices in a hungry and quite needy way; her nails dug in your skin, her moan muffled by your intimacy.
She tasted divine, felt divine under you. Not wasting any time you dipped one finger in her entrance and she held your thighs with blunt force, clenching when your whole finger entered her.
"god baby, I am going insane" She humped up ever so bossy, to guide your mouth with more force to her reddened pussy. "Yes just like that, honey" She said, attaching her mouth to your pussy once again.
Your middle finger kept hitting the same spot while her clit throbbed against your lips, your mouth wet with her slick while you kept humping her, swiping your drenched cunt all over her face to cum once again.
"D-don't stop baby, keep going just like that-" Her sentence was cut short when you felt her tense under you, her toned abs moving ever so slightly from how hard she came, followed by you once again.
You kept sucking her off trembling above her face, completely deaf to her pleas as she tried really hard to pull you off of her because you were overstimulating her almost to the point of tears.
Completely pussy drunk you let go of her with 'pop', turning to face her as she smiled at you, pulling you in for an obscene kiss, cleaning your dripping chin with her tongue.
"You did so good, baby" She whispered against your lips, a bit out of breath and you blushed hiding your face on her shoulder. She turned you over, now your back pressed against the mattress once again, getting you off guard. Jessica straddled your waist, pulling both your arms above your head to kiss your lips once again, her pussy humping yours ever so sligthly.
"Jessica" You cried out.
"yes baby, keep calling my name like that" She sucked a dark spot on your neck. "I need to have you over and over for all those weeks without being able to touch you, honey"
Her lips hovered over yours and you rolled your eyes, your body completely at her mercy once again...
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