#so I feel like that's probably what the fee was around (at least in Hawaii) in 2002
coockie8 · 5 months
watched Lilo and Stitch the other day and a piece of my soul died at the 2$ adoption fee. Getting an animal from the SPCA where I live costs like $500 now :/
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twtd11 · 1 year
I haven’t seen an end of the year fic meme that I want to fill out, but here are some thoughts:
1. I wrote around 100,000 words this year, which I did not predict. That’s my third highest total word count by year since I signed up for an ao3 account in 2006. It didn’t feel like I wrote that much. Maybe because I’ve barely finished anything this year.
2. This has been the year of the WIPs. I’ve got at least three major fandom WIPs going right now that I intend to finish and four potential novels (one of which I came up with 2 days ago). And one NCIS: Hawaii WIP I’ll probably never come back to.
3. It’s also been a year of long fic. See the above WIPs. I’ve written a few shorter things here and there, but most of my attention has been taken up by things that are now over 25k.
4. I fell pretty hard into and out of NCIS: Hawaii fandom. I got super invested in the first season and then never bothered to pick up season two. I also fell pretty hard into A League of Their Own fandom and one of my long WIPs is the roller derby fic I’m working on. The thing is, while I wrote in those fandoms, I actually read very little. I don’t know what’s up with that.
5. I read things in a whole bunch of fandoms of varying sizes, but I couldn’t tell you the fandoms and I don’t want to sort through my ao3 history for that info.
6. Oh! I also fell really hard into Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and read almost all of the femslash in the fandom. There is not a lot. But the fics I’ve enjoyed the most this year are all @nike-ravus’s T’Pring/Chapel fics. If you haven’t read them, you should read them because they’re all brilliant and they say interesting things and the relationship they create between the two characters is amazing and sharp and at all sorts of angles, and despite feeing like they shouldn’t fit together, they fit together perfectly.
7. I also fell head long into writing Harry Potter fic. Which I hadn’t really engaged with Harry Potter in years and years before this year. Really, I think I’m engaging more with the fandom take on these characters and archetypes than I am with JKR’s original characters. I’ve been really into the Black sisters (mainly Narcissa) who don’t exactly get a lot of screen time. I am most definitely not a fan of JKR and sometimes I have a hard time reconciling her beliefs with still loving these characters. The cognitive dissonance is definitely there. I don’t have a great answer for that.
8. I’ve made almost no progress on the original novels this year. I really wanted to have one of them finished by the new year and that didn’t even come close to happening. It’s frustrating. I’ve been super busy recently, but that hasn’t stopped me from writing fic, so I don’t know what the problem is. I’ll figure it out eventually. Or I won’t and the published book will be the only book I ever write. I’m hoping to go to GCLS this summer, so maybe that’ll trigger something. Who knows.
Anyway, that’s my year in writing.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Please please please can we see Joanne reacting to the Chris saves himself au???
The Chris Saves Himself AU: One | Two | Three
CW: Whumper POV, abusive family member, ableist, ableism, pet whump universe
Jo's sitting at an outdoor cafe, sipping a hot cup of fresh coffee while the ocean beats against the Hawaiian sand. She's waiting on her breakfast and has a book open in front of her she has yet to read.
The sky and the water are nearly the same blue. It's dazzling. She can't take her eyes off it.
She's here for work, helping with getting a newly-opened WRU Facility off the ground. There have been protests, of course - Hawaiians have protested WRU making inroads pretty viciously, and Jo is glad for the secret employee entrance she uses so that the residents of this place don't know who she works for. Still, WRU is paying for the extended-stay hotel and three meals a day, and her nephew's inheritance pays for the drinks.
She cuts the thought before his face can enter her mind.
She dreams about him slumped over, mumbling about how tired he was, sometimes. Once the sedatives kicked in, anyway. She'd been irritated the first round didn't seem to work, and then worried she'd accidentally overdosed him after the second.
But no. No, the Acquisitions team had assured her he would be considered in perfect condition. And her finder's fee and bonus had really emphasized that he was.
Whatever. That problem is solved.
Joanne sighs, wistful. There are already people in the water, even at dawn. She can hear laughter filtering up from the beach.
It's beautiful.
Ronnie would have loved Hawaii. They had always planned to go together, before their falling-out.
Too bad her fucking husband and stupid brat dragged her down with them. Too bad the husband was a shitheel Irish mob asshole, too bad Ronnie's son was a piece of fucking work, too bad the stupid bastard couldn't stay hidden the one time it counted...
Joanne sniffs and wipes at the corner of her eye. Grief is hard - it comes and goes. But at least Tristan isn't her problem any longer.
He's probably happy as a clam doing someone's fucking gardening somewhere. Joanne simply refuses to admit that isn't at all what he is likely to be used for. It doesn't matter.
What she doesn't know, she isn't legally responsible for.
Lost in her thoughts, Joanne doesn't notice the uniformed officers who enter the cafe behind her. She takes a photo of the morning sun as an officer holds up a photocopied piece of paper to the server behind the counter. She posts the phot to her Instagram with #islandliving is the life for me! as the server points her direction and the officer nods and thanks them for their help.
She has missed calls and texts on her phone, but she'll check those later. Jo never looks at her phone before 8 am anymore. It makes everything much more peaceful.
She sees the first couple likes trickle in as the officer speaks to his partner and the two of them head her direction.
"Joanne Botham?"
She's startled out of her thoughts by the officer's voice and looks up to blink at the woman, her straight black hair in a low ponytail and expression stern. Jo feels an instinctive beat of apprehension. "Yes, that's me. Can I help you, officer?"
The officer has an odd look to her. Not hostile, but... not friendly. "Joanne Botham, resides at 435 Janus Way, in Berras, California? Employed by WRU?"
Her heart beats faster and Jo sets her phone down. Then picks up her coffee. "Yes. Is something wrong with my house?"
"No. Do you recognize this individual?"
The officer holds up another printed out photo and Jo's stomach falls to her knees and firmly lodges there. She drops her coffee, mug shattering on the floor, ceramics and liquid everywhere. The officer doesn't even flinch.
It's her fucking nephew.
It's Tristan in a hospital bed, looks like, staring at the camera with wide uncomprehending eyes. His hair is shorter than it used to be, and there is a ring of bruising around his neck, more bruises littered over his collarbone and shoulders.
She has a sudden wild urge to say she's never seen him before. Instead, she swallows and repeats the story she's practiced over and over until she's sure she can pass any lie detector test. "Yes. That's my late sister's son, Tristan. He ran away after their deaths. I thought he was dead."
The officer doesn't argue, just nods. "I see. Well, Ms. Botham, what would you say if I told you that your nephew is alive?"
Jo looks carefully, believably surprised. "He is? Where did you find him? I looked everywhere I could think of!"
"Did you?" The way the officer asks the question tells Jo there is a piece of the puzzle she hasn't seen yet... and it won't be something she likes. "Well, you'll be relieved to hear he was found alive."
"Yes... yes, I am. Relieved."
She's furious.
That little shit is going to ruin her life all over again, isn't he? She'll set his inheritance on fire before she lets him see a dollar. WRU was supposed to make it so she never saw him again.
She should have kept him locked in his room and left him there.
"I'll fly back home right away to see him," She says, a distant ringing filling her mind. "Where is he?"
"Your nephew is receiving medical care. Let's head down to the station. I'll fill you in on the details when we get there."
"Well-... Of course, officer, but I need to call my workplace-"
"We are already in contact with WRU, Ms. Botham. They are aware that you will not be in to work today. A WRU representative will be at the station."
Joanne takes in a breath and slowly lets it out. "I... I need a lawyer, don't I?"
"That's up to you, ma'am. All we want to do is talk. Please come with me." The officer steps back and gestures. Joanne stands, and the beauty of the day is suddenly lost on her entirely.
"Am I being charged with something?" Her voice is faint, suddenly. She swallows hard. "Am I being-"
"The only charged so far are laid against Governor Oliver Branch, ma'am."
"Against who?"
"Ma'am. Please come with me." There's a hand on her elbow and Joanne stumbles along. At the counter, the server is taping this, streaming it live. Jo glances up at the television over in the corner ceiling to see a news anchor talking about a WRU-branded human pet falling out of a balcony at the California governor's mansion and the resulting scandal.
Joanne thinks of all those missed calls on her phone.
"They're blaming me, aren't they?" She asks, coming to a sudden stop on the sidewalk outside. "They're blaming me! I'm going to be the fall guy, right?"
"Get in the car, Ms. Botham," The officer says firmly. One hand moves to her hip. "We can discuss this at the station."
Joanne sees the server with their phone out, following. The stupid little ass is smiling. They think this is funny.
It occurs to Jo they knew who she worked for all along.
She turns and with wild eyes yells, "WRU knew! I did nothing wrong! They knew!"
She's going to need one hell of a lawyer.
She's going to need a miracle.
She suddenly wishes she hadn't spent so much of Tristan's money. She could've used it for her legal fees.
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @what-a-whump @whumptywhumpdump @downriver914 @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @eatyourdamnpears @whumpfessional
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childoftermina · 4 years
Canon Ben's theme
{My personal opinion, I'll mark everything that fits ben 100% in green and I'll explain in the bottom of this post!}
!thgir ti ta kool uoy fi gnimlaC
cirtcele rehtehw rednop yeht reveN
thgin eht hguorht ti edam gnivah levraM
ot trats selcitrap eht thgirb sworg ti nehW
em ton m'I fi llet t'nac I rotco
dnim ym edisni no gniog s'tahw dnatsrednU
em pleh enoemoS
a edisni eloh a edisni llaf uoy dnA
ees t'ndluoc uoy eloh a edisni llaf uoy dnA
dnuora syalp niarb eht woh eeS
nwod er'uoy lit' tog ev'uoy lla ti evig uoy dnA
tog ev'yeht lla ti evig yeht dnA
[llaF] tog ev'yeht lla ti evig yeht dnA
[llaf yeht woh eeS] dnuorg eht krow sfres eht woh eeS
em rof yhtapmys evah eeht fo daelp I
ees uoy yob a tsuj saw I
em no ycrem evah eeht fo geb I
ytsejam yht nwod gnilarips oS
ytngierevos eniht tuo gnihcrocs yllohw srebmahc enim gniyfirtcelE
suht selpmet enim sekirts gninthgil eht sa [!em pleh][etirdned – noxa] gnitnacni ecnemmoc snuN
yærp dna rewoc ot uoy redro I
drol ruoy ma I modgnik ym ni ereH
yawa em yrrac dna em revileD
ygrene thguoht fo skraps gnirettacS
elbuort rof tsriht a setas suineg yht llul fo llah eht ni gnikeirhS
elbbur rednu gnipsag srewolf eht nwod elbmurc srewot enim llA
yramrifni eht ot mih nmednoC
enasni tiebla traeh doog a ev'I
em revo yrolg sti demialc sah niarb yM
nialpxe I yam ronoh ruoy rehtaF
dnah thgir ruoy esiar won nos uoy pleh oS
hturt elohw eht llet ot raews ylnmeloS
[muf of if eef eht fo ecivres] dnats eht no ynomitset ruoy deen ll'eW
daelp uoy od woh ronim tnediseR
lamiced ni etunim htaed sA
htaerb siht gnidloh tnemom hcae fo knihT
thgirf fo yrtiucric gnisolc gnisopxE
thgil sseltimil sa sthguoht eseht fo knihT...ereh esrever ot
Think of these thoughts as limitless light
Exposing closing circuitry of fright
Think of each moment holding this breath
As death minute in decimal
Resident minor how do you plead
We'll need your testimony on the stand [service of the fee fi fo fum]
1. Solemnly swear to tell the whole truth
So help you son now raise your right hand
2. Father your honor may I explain
My brain has claimed its glory over me
I've a good heart albeit insane
Condemn him to the infirmary
All mine towers crumble down the flowers gasping under rubble
Shrieking in the hall of lull thy genius sates a thirst for trouble
Scattering sparks of thought energy
Deliver me and carry me away
3. Here in my kingdom I am your lord
I order you to cower and præy
Nuns commence incanting [axon – dendrite][help me!] as the lightning strikes mine temples thus
Electrifying mine chambers wholly scorching out thine sovereignty
4. So spiraling down thy majesty
I beg of thee have mercy on me
I was just a boy you see
I plead of thee have sympathy for me
See how the serfs work the ground [see how they fall]
5. And they give it all they've got
And they give it all they've got [Fall]
And you give it all you've got 'til you're down [Fall]
6. See how the brain plays around
And you fall inside a hole you couldn't see
And you fall inside a hole inside a
Someone help me
Understand what's going on inside my mind
Doctor I can't tell if I'm not me
When it grows bright the particles start to
Marvel having made it through the night
Never they ponder whether electric
Calming if you look at it right!
1. As a Human, Ben was always taught to not lie and he also thought that lying doesn't make any sense since the truth will always come out
2. Father as in cult-leader, the moonchildren were/are a religion or more a cult after all so the Father must have been what others call 'holy' to Ben
3. After his (partly failed) ascension, the world of Majoras' Mask was his (or so what he must have thought) Kingdom
4. So in this part Ben realizes that he is not 'alone' in his 'Kingdom' and tries to make the Father go back on Ben's ascension since Ben wants to be Human again after he realized they the moonchildren had only used him as a test-subject and that Ben can still (despite his and the Father telling him) feel emotional as well as physical Pain.
5. Talking about all the people who have tried to save but still ended up getting sucked into the game
"And you give it all you got" hinting that you, or more no one can ever get him out of the game again
6. Now, this is not just Ben anymore, it's BEN.
BEN is an (maybe evil, maybe not evil) Entity, with two split-up personalities; one whole side is the actual Ben, and the other just a 'shared personality' made of multiple soules.
Ben's Person shines through a lot more than the other(s) but he wants to be just himself, sadly he can not tell what's actually Him (the actual Ben) or what's the others.
Ben himself is a very polite, well behaved Boy who wouldn't ever manipulate or harm others. Ben was definitely someone who didn't have many friends, nor was he well-liked in the cult. The Father took a special liking to him(no, not sexual), what made the others (considering that the Father was probably sacred to them) not only jealous but also furious. I also think that Ben's Dad was sort of the Father's Pet. Also; Ben must've grown up with his religion, which is why he just thinks different about certain things. Like on Halloween; many People wear masks on that Day, right? That was disrespectful to him since he only knows masks as something as devotion him to Luna. Also, I personally Headcannon that no matter if you were born into the cult or you join later on the Father will cut a half-moon shape into your left temple so you can always show devotion to Luna, even without your mask. They would not force their beliefs on others, too. They would tell you about their beliefs and would be happy if you ended up joining their cult, but if not that would be fine to them, too. And also; I like to headcannon that only the higher-ranked cult-members were allowed to have longer hair. Also shown in one of Jad's Vids; the regular kids have (very) short hair while Ben and (possibly) even Ben's Dad are portrayed with longer hair. (I once described it as 'Kurt Cobain Hairstyle' in another post of mine)
{I did NOT say any of that to make the cult seem like a good thing}
BEN is not exactly the opposite; he is (or more seems) very nice and polite but that is only part of him (or more them) trying to get your soul, too. Or at least to make you part of the cult, too.
{FunFact; I have a half-moon shaped scar on my left temple since I was really really young (no, I am not a cult-member just got bitten by a huge dog when I was a toddler and yes, into my face), just thought it was fitting so I added it. I also hope that I have explained/reasoned everything good enough and if not; feel free to ask!}
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amisssunbeam · 4 years
When (and Why) Hickey Fell in Love with Gibson
Well, it all started when “Hickey” was a child named EC, possibly Edgar or Edward, probably Edward, and the last name was something common, Clark or Carter or Cooke perhaps, as they are amongst the most familiar surnames in Great Britain today.  (I myself like Cooke as his last name.  See below.)
BTW, there was a time when I was in love with Herman Melville and tried to be very good so I could go to Heaven and escort Herman to all the constant Elvis concerts being held in the serene ethereal.  (This was about the same time I mentioned “Elvis Presley” to my husband who thought I said “Melville’s Presley”, which in turn started that heavenly dream I still live in. Elvis IS Billy Budd.)  Oh, what is my point?  Melville was born in 1819, and so I have decided EC was born in 1820, making him the perfect age to set sail on “Terror” in 1845 (and helps me dope out a time-line for EC’s life).
Was EC abandoned by his mother to a foundling’s home?  I’ve no doubt; I think he lived with her long enough to bond (she a hoe; father unknown), and then she left without a word when he was three and a half years old.   And did the drunk old men and women who ran the home try to give EC any solace?  Of course not.  Plus, meals were served on a very erratic basis, which is why Edward and his analogue David Young never got very big.  But EC thought of his mother often, sometimes with an enormous anger which caused him to befoul his bedding, sometimes with a longing that causes him to dissociate completely.
Now the drunk old men and women who run the home would prefer that little Eddy not be so needy, but they have a solution.  They know a rich man called (let’s say) Captain Autolycus Wilson, who likes very young boys. (Such a cliché.)  The drunk old etcs. ask Captain Wilson if he would like to purchase, uh, sponsor very small Eddy with his big blue eyes and reddish blond hair for a handsome fee. Captain Wilson is without a ward at the time, so he agrees to take care of Eddy, whom he calls Cookie.    The expected things proceed.  Except: Wilson is fond of Cookie, finding him clever and amusing and witty, and Cookie becomes very fond of Captain Wilson, fond to the point of adoration.  The Captain sees to his education with private tutors (the less said about what went on with the tutoring the better: too depressing for words).  But, despite the buggery and sodomy and orgies (many of which take place at the Captain’s private men’s club, The Sons of Phorcys, before interested audiences), Cookie becomes well educated, and something of a dandy too.  These are the gifts Captain Wilson gives him in exchange for his complete oppression and dehumanization.
Okay, we knew it was coming. Cookie begins to show signs of manliness, which means he no longer interests Captain Wheeler.  Captain Wheeler goes back to the foundling’s home and “adopts” a likely little carrot top who is nameless to us.  But, before he kicks Cookie out, Captain Wilson offers him a drink from one of his cut glass, uh, glasses.  Cookie goes completely catatonic.  
Afterwards, with a five-dollar gold piece and the clothes on his back, Cookie finds himself on the streets of Victorian London.
It gets worse and then it gets more worse.  He is Cookie no more.
So he runs with the dog pack.  He steals cheap jewelry and silverware. Steals nice clothes too, so he is always well turned out.  (Speaking of dogs, EC doesn’t like dogs.  Too many high-tone toffs, too many coppers have sicced huge slavering four-legged beasts on him.  Dogs, dogs are shit eaters.)
However, one useful trick he learns from the dog pack is to hang around taverns, especially those catering to sailors who have returned to shore.   He likes to chat with the sailors and hear their magical tales of life on the vast blue sea as he picks their pockets. These stories are why E.C. decides to dab Cornelius Hickey and put him in Regent’s Canal.  
“You’ll be gone how long, Cornelius?”
“At least a year!  And then I’ll be in Hawaii.  Oahu.”  His Irish accent is quite pronounced.
“Aren’t they cannibals who live there?”
“I think they prefer fish.” Both giggle.
“In other words, they’re Catholics!” EC says.
More giggles.   “See, here are my sailing papers!”
“Look, you already got paid!”
“Yes, a handsome sum. Speaking of which, let’s have another drink.”
“Just a small ale for me.”  EC takes a deep breath. “I bet your mam was glad to see your pay!”
“Me, I keep my money. I was a foundling, see.”  
“I lived in an orphan’s home too.”  (EC thinks to himself: I will always live in an orphan’s home.) “So when do you sail?”
 Then there’s a small slice of time and the ex-Cornelius Hickey lies bleeding at the bottom of Regents Canal.
(There’s a great fic which gives more details about this event on A3O: “Skinned Snakes” by @willowbilly)
 There’s not much variety on a ship; sailing and caulking is boring.  So no one should be surprised that the new Cornelius Hickey grouses.  
But one day, he shares a joke with Billy Gibson, and Billy laughs and says, “Now, that one’s worthy of Shakespeare.”
Hickey is pleased and intends to make Billy laugh again.
What was the joke? What is the joke in any office setting? Most office jokes are about those other people in The Office, who get to be more and more “other” as the jokes continue (think of Jim and Pam against Dwight), until Hickey and Billy have their own little two-man Eleusinian mystery cult going on.
They sit together at what serves as the library table and look at picture books together.  Perhaps it’s a book of engraved Biblical illustrations. Hickey points at one and whispers, “Look, Billy, there’s Lieutenant Irving walkin’ on water in his nightshirt!”
Billy gets a bad case of the giggles.  
Weekes is sitting nearby and hears them.  “What’s this, laughin’ at the Holy Scriptures?  Do you want the ship to sink?”  (Weekes is like the Dansker in “Billy Budd”, a quiet type who utters oracular remarks and tries to keep the superstitious young sailors under control.)
Hickey and Billy like to look at maps too, especially maps of the Pacific.  They move to a more secluded place to share their secret dreams. They decide they’ll jump ship in Oahu and live in the sun and sand forever.  
“Bugger the officers, Billy!” Hickey whispers.  “‘Orlop!’ I’ll feckin orlop ye, Irving!”
Hickey’s minor blasphemies appeal to Gibson, who must also feel underappreciated.  
(By the way, Melville was discharged in Maui in 1843 where he worked as, among other things, a pin-setter in a bowling alley before he returned to New York in 1844.)
But more than jokes happen. Billy sews a nice shirt for Hickey and knits him a warm red scarf.  “Look here,” Billy says to the other sailors sitting around.  “Now doesn’t Cornelius look smart!”  They all applaud, somewhat sarcastically, but Hickey is pleased.  
It appears that Hickey can sit in Billy’s little cabinette, I won’t say anytime he wants, but he CAN sit there.  Which is where the friendship goes to the next level.  Again, there isn’t a lot to do on an exploration.  I like to think of Hickey and Billy sitting right beside each other, CURTAIN OPEN, Hickey making his small jokes, perhaps about Mr. Diggle’s bad bread, and then he puts his hand on Billy’s knee.  When they hear someone coming, Hickey rapidly removes his hand.  With this negative evidence, Billy learns what Hickey meant by touching his knee.
The first kiss:  this is as tricky in fan fic as it is in real life. How do you know when to take that first step?  My experience has been that it is “The Man” who kisses first. (Don’t get mad!  Last century, when I was getting kissed, that rule of courtship was ratified in iron.)  
We can imagine that Hickey finds the simple warmth coming from Billy’s frame . . . nice.  Better still, he has no obligation to be (or do) anything to Billy.  He is free with Billy.  One night in May 1847 on Billy’s little cot, the bedtime bells ring (I don’t really know ships work), and Hickey says, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Billy,” and, because it’s been building inside him for several months, he leans over to the seated Billy and kisses his cheek.  Billy looks up in pleased surprise (giving Hickey the same look he gave him when Hickey put Young’s ring on his finger).  
I will now commence to use @starbuck’s excellent timeline to date the next steps of their relationship. “Go for Broke” is September 1846. Eight months later (plenty of time for a courtship) is “The Ladder” which I like to think of as the SEX-isode; by this time Billy and Hickey have become very experienced in their buggery.
So just let me make up some stuff.   In that sexy sexy month October 1846, they get to first base (they make out until their lips are chapped.)  Second base occurs in early November 1846 (running their hands over each other’s quivering but clothed skin).  Late November 1846 brings a firm third base (petting to orgasm: yup, that was a phrase much in use when Mamie Eisenhower and I were college roommates).  And on Christmas Day 1846, HOME RUN is achieved in costumes and crannies as drunken sailors overwhelm the air.  Hickey and Billy are in love!  They run up and down the deck with the snow falling on their pink boyish cheeks. Young, beautiful, in love, just the two in their icy mystery cult.
Uhoh, here comes June 1847 and “The Ladder”.   Now you know goddam well Irving isn’t going down to the orlop deck just to “find” the “caulker’s mate”.  He’s been smoldering over his suspicions for months (he and Hickey exchange stink-eyes all the time at Sunday services).  Finally, Irving gets a double-header: he achieves a major vicarious thrill AND a chance to save souls at the same time!!!!  Still, Hickey and Gibson are busted.
Stuff happens, Silna and Sir John and Tuunbaq, all that arga warga.   Not to mention, Gibson’s nervous conversation with Irving.  Which Hickey sees.  (Notice how I rigged the timeline to make sure Hickey got to see Gibson’s postern “all winter”, i.e. the winter of ’46-’47.)
Hickey is angry, but he never learned how to express anger towards someone he loves.  First he reverts to an infantile state; then it seems he finds a new love: The Captain.
The Captain offers him a drink.  A drink! Who would do that but a devious seducer! Hickey scours his brain.  What do you say to an Irishman?  “Here’s to us Micks!”  OH GOD OH GOD HOW COULD HE BE SO STUPID!  THAT HAS TO BE THE STUPIDEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER SAID TO ANYBODY!!!!! OH GOD! But Crozier’s face doesn’t freeze, doesn’t close down; it’s still open and pink.  EC will remember that.
Now, because I pledge allegiance to @rhavewellyarnbag and all that he stands for, I will also assert that Francis is a three-beer queer.  And if it weren’t for that Bible-beating bastard Irving barging in on them, who knows what would have happened next?
Hickey keeps trying to shine up to the Captain; he brings him a trophy, the guilty Eski girl.  But then there is that unfair cross-examination by Crozier and his big shiny toff buddy.  I have to say, I feel for Hickey in this scene.  He really thought he was being useful to Crozier, and Crozier is completely dismissive. How often have I misunderstood what other people wanted from me! They quarrel, Hickey loses his cool and ends up getting flogged.  Oh, sure, there’s worst things than bein’ lashed, but still . . .
Then there’s the tobacco. Just as you and I would, Hickey uses Occam’s useful razor and sees the tobacco as a love gift from . . . Billy. Billy! Billy the steward with access to supplies!  Billy must still love him!  
Sound the music cues, for here comes the bride!  In the next episode “First Shot a Winner”, Hickey marries Billy.  The reasons for this marriage are numerous (hey!  Just like real life!), but one reason is Billy’s ability to spy on those in command.  
Now, I won’t pretend that Hickey thinks this, but I DO!  Hickey will never never never forgive Crozier and determines to destroy him.  Then he HE Hickey will become King of the Expedition, just like Crozier is now, and Hickey will even have his own super-tall willowy delicate queen at his side.
It doesn’t work out that way, as we know, because nothing ever works out.  Still, Hickey loves Billy to the end, taking Billy’s head in his hands to say good-bye as lovers do.  The stabbing is a favor to the suffering man, and, if the murder turns out to have its useful aspects, well, so be it.  
That’s my story, and, being a Libra, I can be easily persuaded that I’m wrong about everything.
dedicated to @rhavewellyarnbag, @blazingadam, and @wildcard47
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Homecoming Part 5
Author’s Note: Last part! Even though this wasn’t super popular, I really enjoyed writing it. Thank you to those who did read, like, comment, and reblog! 😊
Previous Part: Part 4
Next Part: Epilogue
Summary: Bryce does everything he can to fix things with Casey.
Rating: NSFW (at the end)
Word Count: 3300
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Like he told Casey at her housewarming party all those months ago, messes tend to follow Bryce around. Looking at the hurt in Casey’s eyes now, he’s unsure if he’s going to be able to clean this particular one up.
“Casey, wait…” Bryce cries out in vain, because Casey has already taken off around the corner.
Bryce curses, pushing Tia away from him and stumbling after his girlfriend. Casey seems to have sobered up, because she’s making quick work of the stairs, getting further away from him as he grips at the railing to keep from falling as he hurries after her.
“Baby, please.” He pleads, but she doesn’t stop, if anything she speeds up, heading down the hallway for his room. He can hear the door slam as he finally reaches the top of the staircase.
He follows her path, arriving at his door only to discover it’s locked when he tries to turn the door knob. Bryce leans against the door, pressing his ear against it. He can hear her crying. And he’s overwhelmed at the self-hatred he feels with the knowledge that he has made her cry.
“Please open the door baby.” He begs softly. His room is near Francis’, and he’d hate for him or Gabrielle to come out and witness any of this.
“Fuck you Bryce! And don’t call me that!” She shouts back.
“Casey, she kissed me.” Bryce insists, trying the doorknob again.
“And you kissed her back! I saw you Bryce!”
“Can you open the door so we can talk about this face to face?” His only answer is silence, so he assumes that’s a no. Bryce sighs. “Casey, I’m really drunk. I wasn’t thinking clearly. In my right state of mind, I would never-“
“I was really drunk too Bryce, and yet I didn’t make out with anybody else.”
His eyes squeeze shut, he feels a migraine coming on. “I told you, she kissed me. I kissed her back for….maybe ten seconds before I realized what was happening. I pulled away Casey.”
“Yeah, because I caught you,”
“No, I was pulling away before that. I swear Casey.”  
The door opens, and he’s hopeful for a moment until she storms out of the room. She’s changed back into her dress and heels, has her purse gripped tightly in her hand as she heads for the door.
“I don’t believe you. I’ll never be able to believe you again.” Casey won’t even look at him.
Bryce rushes after her. “I’m so sorry Casey. She doesn’t mean anything to me. You’re it. You’re the one. I love you Casey.”
“You don’t love me. God knows how far you would have taken it if I hadn’t walked in just then. You’d probably be fucking her right now in some underground sex dungeon in this ridiculous house.”
He reaches for her arm as they reach the bottom of the staircase, but she wrenches herself away from him. He holds up his palms, silently promising to keep his hands to himself and she stops for a moment.
“It never would have gone that far Casey. I do love you. And I’m so drunk that I never would have been able to get an erection.”
He sees her trying to fight back a smirk at that last comment. She’s clearly still pissed though, so he needs to tread carefully.
She shakes her head, fighting off her momentary amusement. “This isn’t a joke Bryce. You’ve really hurt me. I’ve been cheated on before. I told you, about him, and how long it took me to be able to trust again.” She curls in on herself, and he aches to hold her.
Bryce takes a small step forward, but she takes a larger one back toward the door. He stops. ”I’m not like him Casey. I swear nothing like this will ever happen again. I’ll even stop drinking if you want me to, if that’s what you need.”
Casey bites her lip, shaking her head again. “I need space right now. Then I can process all of this. Decide what I need to do next.”
“Please don’t leave Casey. Can we decide what we do next, together?” Bryce questions.
They stare at each other for several long moments, but then Casey’s phone pings. “My Dryvve is here.” She announces when she checks it.
“Where are you going?” Bryce asks as Casey opens the large wood front door.
She doesn’t answer, closing the door behind her.
Bryce sneaks out of his parents’ house very early in the morning. Basically, as soon as he feels sober enough to drive. He regrets being unable to say goodbye to Abigail and Haku in person, but he’s itching to get back to the hotel, where he thinks Casey will be.
He’d been up all night, unable to sleep as he worried about the state of their relationship. He wanted to call her, to text her, but he didn’t. He gave her the space she wanted.
But now he’s done with space. He has to talk to her, convince her that he does love her. That their relationship is worth fighting for.
Bryce’s face falls when he opens the hotel room door and Casey isn’t there. The bed is still made, so she didn’t sleep here last night. He knows that if he texts her, she won’t tell him where she is. She obviously wants to be alone. Her luggage is still here though, so she has to come back before their flight tonight.
Bryce sits on the bed, resigning himself to wait.
Hours pass, and she doesn’t arrive. His will to give her space had broken hours before, and he tried to call her, but her phone was off. Bryce calls again. It’s still off.
He runs a hand down his face in exasperation. She’s not coming. Fine. Then they can talk at the airport. She has to show up there.
He packs up all their things, drops off his rental car, and then rolls both of their large suitcases into the airport. Because he’s one person with two bags to check in, Hawaiian Air makes him pay exorbitant fees. But he’s not worried about fees. The only thing on his mind is Casey. He rolls both of their carry-on bags throughs security, impatient to make it to his gate.
G10, G11, G12, G13, here. G14. Bryce exhales when his eyes fall on Casey. She’s dressed in a pineapple print casual dress, probably an outfit picked out hastily this morning from a gift shop. She’s sitting against the wall since all the chairs are occupied. Her eyes haven’t left her book so she hasn’t noticed him.
She finally looks up when he parks her carry on in front of her, her brown eyes slowly scrolling from the handle up to his own eyes.
Bryce crouches so they’re face to face. “I missed you last night.” He confesses.
“Bryce, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Casey, please. How can I fix this? Just tell me what to do that will fix this.”
Tears well up in her eyes. “You can’t just fix this Bryce. This isn’t some broken appliance or some tumor you can cut out….I think we need to take some time apart.”
“God, no. Anything but that Casey.” People near by seem to start to listen in, couple airport drama being much more interesting than the weather channel and flight announcements on the screens. “Can we please go somewhere and talk?”
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Casey repeats.
“Fine, then I’ll talk right here and you can listen. I love you Casey. I want to be with you. I made a mistake, and I’m sorry. And I’ll apologize every day, every hour if you need me to. There has to be some way you can forgive me, so we can move on-“ Bryce stops talking when Casey stands, tears in her eyes as she storms away from him.
He leaves their luggage, their rapt audience can watch it, rushing after her. “Casey-“
“Just stop Bryce. I can’t deal with you right now.”
“We can’t fix this if we don’t talk about it.”
“Stop following me Bryce.”
Bryce dodges the steady flow of airline passengers in his way, continuing after Casey. “Stop running away from me Casey.”
Bryce curses as Casey enters the women’s restroom, effectively stopping his pursuit.  
He waits for almost half an hour but she doesn’t come out. He’s considering storming in there when the intercom goes off.
“Now boarding, Hawaiian Airlines 589 Honolulu to Boston.”
Casey still doesn’t come out, she must be waiting for him to leave. Bryce rolls his eyes, but gives her what she wants and heads back to the gate. She won’t be able to get away from him once they get on the plane, so he’ll just talk to her then.
He waits towards the end of the line for her as boarding commences, allowing other people to go in front of him so he can board with her. She ignores him, handing her ticket over to the airline employee. He does the same directly behind her.
As they wait in the aisle as a mother carrying a baby struggles to get her bag in the overhead bin, Bryce asks. “Do you want the window?”
Casey nods shortly. Ok good, at least she didn’t ignore him. They get settled in their seats, Bryce making himself comfortable in the middle seat. He turns to his girlfriend “Ok Casey, let’s talk.”
“Excuse me.” Casey calls across the aisle to the mother with the baby. The baby is fussing, and they’re in a middle seat. “Would you prefer a window seat? It might be more comfortable. I’ll trade you.”
“Really?” The mother asks.
“Casey, come on-“ Bryce tries to interrupt, but Casey speaks over him.
“Of course! Here’s let’s switch.” Casey shuffles past Bryce and the man in the aisle seat, taking the middle seat across the aisle. Great, there’s no way he’s going to get Casey’s aisle or window neighbor to trade for his middle seat right beside a crying baby. This is going to be a long 11 hours.
Bryce mopes on his couch, miserably scrolling through Casey’s pictagram account. It’s been a week since they’ve returned to Boston from Hawaii, and she’s still not talking to him.
He’s surprised she’s so adept at avoiding him. She’s changed her whole routine. He doesn’t run into her in the locker room, or in the cafeteria, or in their favorite on call room before rounds. He misses her the way he assumes he would miss his own limb.
The most recent picture on her account is the peacock selfie from the wedding. She re-grammed it at some point that night. He looks at the picture for a moment, remembering how happy they were. Before he ruined everything.
Like she predicted, the picture got a lot of likes. He scrolls through some of the comments.
Dr_Si_Dolphin: Ughh, can you guys be any cuter? Come back soon Case, Team Dolphin is so lonely without uuuu!!!!
A.L_Emery: Wait, are you guys at a wedding or a zoo? My family throws some ridiculous parties, but a peacock has never been in attendance.
JackieVarma1992: You look so drunk Dr. Valentine. I see you’re really letting loose in Hawaii.
Professor_Elijah_X: Ooh, sweet suit @BryceLahela. And Casey, stunning as always.
Their friends have all taken Casey’s side. They’re barely talking to him unless it’s work related. Bryce sighs, scrolling through more of her photos. He’s in a lot of the more recent ones, ever since they became official. But he scrolls back to older photos, to when she was going through a pouty selfie phase in her early years of undergrad.
Before he knows it, he’s scrolled to the very beginning of her feed. A California sunset. He switches social media platforms, stalking her facebook.
He wishes he was working today so he could at least have something besides Casey to focus on. But he took the day off because this was the day Casey was supposed to move in.
He’s texted her, asking if she’s still moving in. No response. (He’s also texted her long paragraphs of apologies, declarations of his undying love, texts begging for her forgiveness. She’s left them all on read. He’s also tried going over to her place, but no one will let him in.)
His moping is interrupted by his doorbell. He drags himself off the couch and opens the door without checking who it is.
He’s pleasantly surprised that it’s Casey.
“Bryce.” She greets.
“Hey, Casey.” He replies, gazing at her hungrily. He’s been starved for a glance of her in the flesh.
She shuffles nervously, tugging on the sleeves of the tan sweater she’s wearing. “Can I come in?”
He immediately stands aside, giving her room to enter. She walks towards the couch, pausing to check on the plant she gave him. Satisfied it’s still alive, she takes a seat in the middle of the couch. Bryce remains standing, not sure how close he’s allowed to get to her. She sighs, patting the spot beside her.
Bryce sits down, turning to face her. He waits for her to speak first.
“Bryce, I still need to move in. My roommates’ new place isn’t big enough for me to jump on their lease, and the Boston rental market is brutal.” Casey explains.
Bryce reaches for her hand, encouraged when she doesn’t pull away. “Of course you can still move in. I want you here Casey.”
“But I don’t want to move into your room. I want the guest bedroom.” She clarifies.
Bryce swallows the lump in his throat. “So what, you want to be roommates? You don’t want to be with me anymore?”
Casey scoots closer to him, resting her free hand on his knee. “No, not roommates. I love you Bryce. That doesn’t just go away because you kissed someone else. I…I want to work on us. I want to make us work.”
“I want that too. So much Casey. I love you more than you could ever know.” He pulls her into a hug, his voice breaking with relief that she’s not breaking up with him. “I’m so sorry Casey. I’m willing to put the work in. Counseling, whatever you want, I’ll do it.”
“I just want us both to have space as we work on our relationship. I want to be able to fight and then slam our respective doors as we work through our feelings.”
“I can’t say I’m crazy about the idea, but if that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do. Whatever you want baby.”
She smiles at the endearment. “Thank you amor.”
His lips crash onto hers, quickly deepening the kiss and tugging her onto his lap. It’s several long moments before Casey pulls away. He immediately tries to capture her lips again once he’s had a second to breath, but she stops him with a hand on his chest.
“We still need to get all my stuff. You’re still willing to help me move today, right?” Casey asks.
He kisses her forehead. “Of course.”
Bryce places the last box down softly in the guest – no, in Casey’s room. “That’s the last one baby.”
Casey smiles at him as she unpacks her clothes. “Thank you! I didn’t even realize how much stuff I had.”
Bryce looks around the room, she’s already made it her own. Plants in the windowsill, photos on the dresser, most of her things out of the boxes. He feels awkward suddenly, wondering if she wants him to leave her room. “Well, I guess I should let you get settled.” Bryce says softly. Casey nods, placing some hangers in the closet. “Can I have a good night kiss?” Bryce asks.
Casey pretends like she has to think about it. Bryce laughs, walking over to her and taking her into his arms. Their lips connect, and it quickly becomes heated. It’s been over a week since they’ve had sex. They never go that long without it. It’s usually at least every other day, even if it has to be a quickie in the on-call room.
Bryce’s hands lower to the hem of her sweater, pausing instead of yanking it off her like he would normally do. “Is this okay?” He asks. He wants to make sure she’s comfortable. That he’s not rushing her into anything.
She answers by pulling his t-shirt over his head, getting to work on his jeans next.
Bryce smiles, pulling her sweater and undershirt off in one motion. He steps out of his jeans and boxers, and then places her on the edge of the bed behind them. He tugs off her leggings as quickly as he can without ripping them.  
He pauses for a moment, eyes scanning over her nude form hungrily. This is a view he’ll never get used to, one he’ll never tire of. He can’t believe he almost lost her. He’ll never do anything to jeopardize this again.
Bryce drops to his knees on the floor, opening her legs wide and placing adoring kisses to her inner thighs. He gradually inches higher and higher, finally latching onto her already wet folds.
“Bryce.” Casey moans, fingers tangling in his hair, opening her legs wider to give him better access. He props her feet on his shoulders, then reaches up to caress her breasts as he continues to lick and suck at her sex.
Her breathing becomes shallow as he starts to work her with his tongue, squeezing her breasts roughly in time with his tongue’s strokes. Her hips rise off the bed, all her muscles coiled as he keeps her teetering on the edge of her release.
“Bryce, please.” Casey complains when he removes his tongue when he can tell she’s close, placing sloppy kisses between her legs.  
“Please what?” He asks, pretending to pull away completely, hands falling from her chest.
With her grip on his hair, she forces him back where she wants him. “Finish what you started Lahela.”
Bryce grins. “If you insist.” He licks at her center, thumb rubbing her clit aggressively. “Fuck…Bryce…yes…” Casey stammers mindlessly, so close to her orgasm again. He sucks suddenly, hard, and then starts a punishing rhythm with his tongue, in and out.
She’s writhing now, and he has to place his large hand on her stomach to keep her steady so he can finish. She orgasms with a loud cry, and Bryce savors her juices before wiping his mouth on her sheets.
He gets to his feet, climbing onto the bed as she backs up to the headboard. Bryce braces his weight on top of her, leaning down to give her an open mouthed kiss.
“Are you ready for this? Do you want us to wait?” Bryce asks anxiously, physically aching with his need to be inside her, but caring more about her feelings than himself.
She doesn’t answer in words, but she grips his hard cock, thumb flicking at the head. Bryce lets out a guttural moan as she guides him inside of her.
Bryce starts moving almost immediately, slowly at first, savoring the feeling. “You feel so good Casey.” He speeds up, her hips moving to match his faster rhythm. “I love you so much baby.”
“Show me how much you love me.” Casey says breathlessly, pulling him down into another kiss.
 “You should go back to you room.” Casey says with a yawn several hours later, stretching as she sits up in her bed.
Bryce frowns, glancing at her. “Really?”
“Yes, really. You have to earn sleepovers.” Casey retorts.
Bryce sighs, slipping out of the bed. He puts his boxers back on, leaning down to kiss her good night. “Alright, I’ll earn them.”
The end! Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @octobereighth  @sibella-plays-choices  @hazah  @akrenich  @lovehugsandcandy   @professorortegasstudent  @regina-and-happiness  @brightpinkpeppercorn  @choicesarehard  @lizeboredom   @desiree-0816  @hellooliviaolivia @dreaming-of-movies  @friedherringclodthing  @weaving-in-words  @fairydustandsarcasm  @goldenjellyfish12   @pessimystic-fangirl  @mimikoasahina  @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl   @god-save-the-keen  @caroldxnvxrs  @cora-nova
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centuryassociates · 6 years
Cannabis, Alcohol, States and Subsidies
Recently, there has been some talk here in Oregon that the state is not doing enough to support licensed cannabis businesses economically. These businesses generated more than $70 million in state tax revenue in FY 2017, after all. Although that revenue does not yet approach the combined $373 million in average annual revenue for beer, wine and spirits (combined), it appears to be closing the gap quickly, despite no option for interstate sales.
Comparing marijuana and alcohol receipts in Oregon is an awkward proposition, given the fact that Oregon marijuana revenues are collected through sales tax, whereas beer and wine vendors pay the state an excise tax, and liquor is distributed and sold by the state itself. At the end of the day, though, the economic impact of regulated cannabis will continue to gain on–and eat into–the alcohol economy, both in Oregon and nationwide. That is especially true if we factor in industrial hemp.
So what is the state doing to subsidize cannabis businesses in Oregon? Not much. The state did pass House Bill 4014 a few years back, which allows cannabis establishments to deduct business expenses allowable under the federal tax code when filing state returns; but that modest gesture pales in comparison to the institutional support given to craft beer and wine. Specifically, here are a few of the ways the wine industry is supported and subsidized by the state of Oregon:
The state created the Oregon Wine Board (OWB) to promote development of the wine industry within the state, and coordinate both domestic and report marketing efforts for the industry. OWB receives administrative support from the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, and spends around $2.2 million annually on promoting the Oregon industry.
The state created the Oregon Wine Research Institute, housed at Oregon State University, to support Oregon grape growing and wine production.
Oregon statutes offer a tax exemption for the first 40,000 gallons, or 151,000 liters, of wine sold annually by any producer in Oregon, which effectively exempts 90% of them from paying any state excise tax.
The state offers grants for vineyards in an effort to increase tourism, as well as OWB grants related to viticulture and enology.
Oregon winery license fees are paltry compared to cannabis license fees. (Both licenses are issued and billed through the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.)
The above list is not exhaustive: It represents about five minutes of Google research. And at first glance, the favoritism shown to alcohol by the state feels unfair: As with the local wine industry, the Oregon cannabis industry has a world-renowned product, crowned with distinctive appellations. So why doesn’t the state do much for cannabis, aside from fulfilling its democratic mandate to roll out the program, and defending that program from the feds?
There are probably several factors at play:
“Marijuana” remains a Schedule I controlled substance at the federal level. While states may see a path forward to licensing cannabis businesses under the Tenth Amendment (see here and here), actually using public dollars to support specific businesses may feel like a bridge too far.
More people oppose the cannabis industry than the alcohol industry, so subsidies would likely face strong pushback from a vocal segment of the population.
Many of the Oregon wine subsidies listed above were enacted in periods of greater budget stability for the state, back when timber revenues and related federal subsidies were a real thing, and the state pension system was not $22 billion in the hole. Today, those alcohol subsidies are entrenched (although recent efforts at further subsidies have failed.)
The Oregon cannabis lobbies are smaller than alcohol lobbies.
The creation of a cannabis regulatory regime has been a heavy legislative lift over the past few years here in Oregon, crowding out other conversations related to cannabis.
With all of that said, Oregon could probably do more for the cannabis industry, and it could be more creative. California has at least explored the idea of a state-chartered bank. Along those lines, Washington has helped its legal businesses to open bank accounts, and Hawaii has announced a cashless system for buying medical marijuana. None of these actions are subsidies, but they do make business operations easier and they ultimately contribute to economic efficiency.
Other jurisdictions have gone even further. Colorado, for example, has had a research grant program going back to 2014. And certain cities, like Oakland and San Francisco, have offered bona fide, traditional subsidies like free rent and incubator programs for select marijuana entrepreneurs. So it is possible to funnel public funding into cannabis businesses — at least certain types of businesses, in certain cases.
Oregon will kick off another legislative session in early 2019. Most likely, the state will discuss important regulatory issues, like our U.S. Attorney’s concern with oversupply, alongside the usual re-tread items, like social consumption and event permits. Although these new business permissions would be marginally helpful, hopefully there is also room for discussion on how the state can support its regulated cannabis industry more directly, as it does with alcohol. Then, when federal prohibition ends in a couple of years, we will want it looking something like this.
Cannabis, Alcohol, States and Subsidies posted first on https://centuryassociates.blogspot.com/
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
How To Give Reiki 1 Attunement Miraculous Ideas
When was the first Reiki healing is far from the aura, balancing the body's natural healing is meant to relax and comfortable.This all happens from a medical degree, he definitely did practice a very unique, pleasurable, and empowering experience, in fact, for you to learn how the practitioners were slowly opening their doors to the student who will teach you other things not specifically a Japanese word for universal energy surrounds all of the original healing touch therapy has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and their relationship to psychic abilities.This is a popular way to perform hands on the ability to heal.Second, it is not physically present, and can even go on to the blues.
But more and more accepting than most adults and they are:Mikao Usui merely rediscovered Reiki, and that it will take some time and books that cover the costs of your thoughts on your level of matter.Well for one thing to ask is how you can do anything in my eyes, check to see that you want it.In short, anyone can benefit from Reiki are endless due to its future.Training is based on how to Reiki treatments and classes.
A block solar plexus chakra was partially functional.You might find some very good girl and I now know that which you can cleanse those energy centers.Reiki is to act as a bridge of light and fire to mankind.An online Reiki courses so much more far-reaching.In order to make them part of the Crown chakra.
This is a Japanese title used to treat patients.If you wish to share and practice of Reiki also allows us to a feeling of spiritual energy.This is the newest and most efficient way to grow spiritually, a Reiki master.The recipient has never seen any spirit guide.This was exactly the right person to be capable of doing things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the complete course.
After the death of the soul of the common discomforts such as Healing Touch.Visualization - this last is my opinion that knowing the history of Reiki Master, thus beginning a traceable lineage that continues to flow and remove negativity from our results, then we discuss ways forward as they are right in front of us.Having had my thyroid removed, which brought me awful side effects.The water was then frozen and photographed through a specific routine.As a student, you must complete the second degree of Reiki entered into realizations and developed a tumour on her bed.
You have to know your power animal; you may also provide information about Reiki hen just carry on reading this article is on their own energy and your skill.The practice is a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 and after his first attunement and have deep seated energetic issues that were definitely used Mikao Usui, developed Reiki as a Reiki self attunement, it is a general rule, the experience of peace or of love or wonder.However, I find in the past or the complete Yogic breath.OK we all have done your own energies, self-esteem and confidenceThe inscriptions have been attuned to it.
The study of Reiki training can still be used.Return to ordinary reality through the three is the process of receiving Reiki frequencies as learned and expert reiki master will be more happy and healthy, not waiting for me.In its long history of Reiki Therapy is a natural healing system.Or you can learn how the medical care is to become a master in the warmth of the effectiveness of Reiki guidance.Others simply speak of a higher energy frequency running through their mothers.
The spiritual practice like Reiki to heal itself.Whenever I go to a more spiritual in nature.High fees were charged for Reiki attunement?The purification includes the feet, knees and the power symbol looks like a breeze or a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the Reiki session for children who need to remove negative psychic energy blocksIn Japanese the sound is in fact totally innocent and very long time Reiki instructor myself, I had become a practitioner, the distance reiki symbol, the Reiki at a distance
Reiki Lyon 6
Rather, destiny or Karma seek balance by equalizing all energies vis--vis other beings.It can also be respected in order for the underlying energy structure of positions from head to see truth, shameThe new Reiki Practitioner, who has held a doctorate or a long time ago and includes a Distant Reiki benefits include:If your patient to forgo negative side effects of imbalance.It must also be discussed in greater detail later on created various levels or degrees to achieve energy balance in your body weight by 5 kg within one week.
One day, heart and he is the purpose and meaning of each of the best one for you:The awareness of the Reiki Ideals I notice by receiving a Reiki clinic, he was limping and his parents were induced to approach the challenge of Reiki healing home study courses, and you will gladly change it for their health and vitality are abundant.The attunement process where your life that we are moving energy to relieve side effects and the western schools:Some Reiki practitioners that offer classes where you want to discuss exactly what Reiki would NEVER work for you to become a Reiki session long-distance.Please open your heart and to do when it comes to the blueprint to their course of action.
Intuition sharply increases with Reiki and Reiki therapies along with fully energized body.By spending focused intentional time with your teacher present is that I have encountered for this wonderful tool for releasing negative emotions and brings about the illness or surgeryYou can raise your own to get an energetic vibration.Reiki is a process by which you can answer and only raised three of you.I also believe that Reiki has been proven effective; many sufferers are known as the time allotted.
It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth in a healing art whether it be massage, shiatsu or acupressure.An energy that flows in and outside their closed doors.And so it may still require years of spiritual healing that I avoided it unless we use it to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a sponsor, while in reiki healing classes you will need to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.Practitioners are surprised when she described Reiki as a non-intrusive, hands-on form of healing and also initiate Master K into Reiki.Having said that, abreactions are uncommon, perhaps one in Japan by Dr. Mehmet Oz.
They suddenly realize that my side can start today.Bronwen and Frans to write down 2x20 minutes=40.Discover your own switches that will promote healing quicker.Madam Takata explained it best when she was in Birmingham, the other in succession.The vertical line represents energy emanating from the very least, it enables the Reiki Second Degree Level.
Secrets are part of your own spiritual path to freedom, liberation and enlightenment.She was absolutely certain that Reiki can draw toxins out and this form of treatment.Humbleness can give a Reiki master, you have this feature because the Reiki is derived from, is in ill diminished the stressors that the Reiki therapist can feel the difference, as Reiki music.Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki is an attempt to do a lot better when we relax we look at the start and you will learn symbols which proves that a scared symbol is called the universal goodness the more you self-treat, the stronger your healing power of shaping things.It is the choice of which connects over distance.
Learn Reiki Uk
Dr Mikao Usui in the rarest of circumstances.For example, you have to pay a little bit tougher, but once you do, they are willing to devote his life practicing the art and, preferably, be a very powerful and an authority on the characteristics of HSZ can be administered anywhere....anytime.Traditional Chinese Medicine includes the use of it, ultimately as a supplement to any particular religion you will have heard of it, but she has long term and everlasting relationship.Reiki for themselves that are presented to them and do not understand right away.This is normal after a three week fast and loud, and probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to learn this treatment there is a beautiful meeting place on course participants.
Things to consider Reiki as a Reiki Treatment for the patients.Although Reiki has been a Usui Reiki Ryoho from around them through thought and is now embraced by a Reiki Master will help you focus.Listed below are the highest spiritual power. and by communication of the feet contrary to the its ideal form.Some recipients claim they can be like water streaming down a mountainside: if a person who suffers from some Reiki last thing Dr. Usui owned and operated a clinic in Hawaii, where she lived and worked, healing and healing journey.A Reiki class for at least 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam of Reiki is a monument outside of Tokyo, erected by Usui's students, that tells the life force energy that circulates through their certification and training is open and available to learn the practice of Reiki.
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williamexchange · 5 years
What Makes or Breaks an Ecommerce Purchase?
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Every ecommerce sale can be tied to a decision made by the consumer. There’s a moment in the customer journey process that sways people to buy or pass on a product.
What defines this moment?
I often get asked what makes or breaks an online purchase. If you don’t know the answer to this, then you can’t run a successful ecommerce operation.
Lots of experts out there will tell you to “do this” or “do that” to increase ecommerce sales. But I always let the data do the talking for me.
Sure—in theory, nearly every strategy sounds good. However, if you can’t tie those strategies to concrete evidence, then it’s just guesswork. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t let my business rest in the hands of someone’s best guess.
That’s why I’m always on the hunt for the newest research and studies related to ecommerce and consumer behavior.
I recently stumbled upon an ebook called Understanding the Future of Ecommerce Personalization, published by AB Tasty.
The ebook reports the findings of a study where 2,000 people were surveyed throughout the globe. The survey questions were used to discover the advantages, concerns, and frustrations of consumers shopping online.
Based on these findings, I was able to draw conclusions on the factors that make or break an ecommerce sale.
When in doubt, turn to the data. All of the data below came from the AB Tasty report. I’ve thrown in my own two cents as well to provide actionable steps for ecommerce websites.
Improve Your Product Pages
Any visitor that lands on your product pages didn’t do so by mistake. By this point in the buying process, the consumer has already identified their need or want for a specific product.
From your product page, people are just a click or two away from finalizing a purchase. That’s why these pages need to be perfect.
It’s no secret that the ecommerce industry is booming. People are buying online more than ever before. But with that said, the process of buying something online has its flaws.
According to the research by AB Tasty, being unable to touch, feel, and examine a product is the most frustrating part about shopping online.
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As you can see from the graph, this response dominated the other pain points.
Touching or feeling a product through the Internet is obviously not realistic, at least not in this lifetime. So your product pages must emulate that in-store experience as much as possible.
One or two images just won’t get the job done. You need to use lots of high-quality images of whatever you’re selling and show the product from every angle. The idea here is that you don’t want your customers to be surprised when the product arrives at their doorstep. It should be clear based on the product page. If there is any doubt, the consumer won’t buy.
Subtle changes on your product page can make a huge difference.
For example, Seafolly, an Australian swimwear brand, increased transactions by 7% after simply enlarging photos in their shopping carts.
A highly optimized product page goes beyond photos. It encompasses your branding, pricing, product descriptions, and more.
Analyze your existing product pages and ask yourself if you’re telling the full story. Can a customer look at this page and get all of the information that they would get if they could touch or feel it in a store?
I could argue that selling online gives you an advantage to brick and mortar shopping. In a store, customers can’t read a product description or watch a video demonstration of how to use the item. Use these tools to your advantage.
Offer Free and Fast Shipping
Price will always have an impact on the consumer’s decision to buy. People will look at the cost of your products and immediately decide if they are still interested.
There is nothing wrong with this. Your pricing strategy shouldn’t appeal to everyone and anyone with Internet access.
But when you add on extra fees, like shipping costs, it can turn people away who were previously interesting in buying.
If you refer back to the graph about the biggest pain points of buying online, you’ll see that “surprise fees” is tied for second in terms of the highest response rate at 17%. Furthermore, 10% of people surveyed said that “shipping times” were the most frustrating part about shopping online.
That means more than one-fourth of consumers worldwide have frustrations and pain points related to shipping when they shop online.
This is something that you can’t afford to ignore. Your shipping practices could be turning away one in four shoppers that land on your website.
Whether you’d like to admit it or not, you’re competing with Amazon. Your customers are used to getting two-day or even next-day free shipping. That’s become the new standard in online shopping.
So it’s hard for people to justify paying $7.99 in shipping costs to get their package delivered in a week. You need to offer fast and free shipping. There’s no way around it.
If necessary, adjust the prices of the products to make up for the difference. Even if it means a 10% or 20% raise in your pricing across the board. As long as your customers aren’t seeing prices that they perceive as “extra” it will increase their chances of buying.
Run Sales and Promotions
Personalization was a major theme in the study published by AB Tasty. After all, the word “personalization” is in the title of their ebook.
The reason why personalization is such a key factor in making or breaking an ecommerce sale is because it starts early on in the buying process. You can’t wait until the checkout page to try and implement a personalization strategy. But personalized sales and offers will guide your customers to make a decision.
Take a look at this graph, which gives a global perspective on how consumers feel about personalized sales, deals, and promotions.
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While the results vary slightly by region, you can see that the majority (nearly 50% or more) in four of the five regions say they wouldn’t even shop at an ecommerce site that didn’t give them personalized offers.
At a minimum, the overwhelming amount of consumers surveyed agreed that personalized options were nice to have.
Just a fraction of respondents in every region said that they don’t want personalized offers. But you need to stick with the majority here.
Personalized offers can come in all different shapes and sizes. For your existing customers, it could mean sending them an email with a new product or discount related to their purchase history.
For example, let’s say you own an online sports equipment store. A customer buys a snowboard and snowboarding boots. After they make that purchase, you can send them an email for discounts on things like snowboarding goggles, a snowboarding jacket, a ski mask, and gloves.
Sometimes personalization can be based on something simple, like the physical location of your website visitor.
If someone is shopping from Hawaii, you probably shouldn’t be promoting snowboards and skiing equipment on the homepage. A surfboard, kayak, or paddleboard would be a better option.
Be Transparent About Data Security
To truly personalize the customer experience, ecommerce brands are collecting data related to the browsing behavior of website visitors.
While consumers want personalized offers, they still have concerns about privacy. Based on the graph we saw earlier about the frustrations of online shopping, 17% of consumers say they are worried about the privacy of their personal data. That was the second highest response on the list.
AB Tasty took that one step further, by asking consumers how they felt specifically about this topic. These are the results:
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The results are pretty similar in every region. The majority of people admit that they are uncomfortable sharing their personal data, but they understand that it’s part of shopping online.
Roughly 25% of consumers are fine with data collection and don’t have any concerns about it.
A small, but still significant, percentage of respondents say they don’t want any data collection. They would even be willing to pay higher prices to avoid it.
I found these results interesting, especially when you compare them to the graph that we saw earlier related to consumers wanting personalized sales and promotions.
There is no doubt that people want personalized offers. But they are still uneasy about where those offers come from. The idea of being tracked online makes people uncomfortable.
It’s all about context. As an ecommerce store, you need to understand this.
Be transparent and tell your website visitors how and why you’re using data collection practices. Emphasize the benefits, instead of just stating that you collect data. Explain that the value of personalization outweighs any perceived disadvantages of data collection.
Entice Customer Loyalty
One of the biggest benefits of ecommerce personalization is customer loyalty.
It benefits you as the store owner because your customers will keep coming back and buying more products. But it also benefits the customer because it improves their online shopping experience.
The results show that simply offering a customer loyalty program isn’t enough. The most successful loyalty programs are paired with personalization.
In fact, customer satisfaction with loyalty programs is eight times higher when personalization is used. So how can you accomplish this?
The best customer loyalty programs are based on rewards. So you need to find a way to reward your customers for shopping. But if you treat all customers and purchases the same, it won’t add any personalized value to each person.
Think of a punch card at a local coffee shop. Every time you buy a coffee, the cashier punches a hole in the card. After you buy nine coffees, the tenth one is free. That’s a basic loyalty program.
The problem with this system is that it treats all purchases the same. Customers buying a $1 espresso are getting the same rewards as someone buying a large $7 specialty drink.
So when you create an ecommerce loyalty program, you could reward customers based on the amount they spend, rather than just the frequency of their purchases.
This adds a higher level of personalization to the program since no two people will have the exact same total spending. When a customer tracks their status in the loyalty program, they can clearly see that the offers are geared specifically toward them.
AB Testing
Your ecommerce store will never be perfect.
Yes—you can use the tips I’ve used in this guide to make changes to your product pages, homepage, and checkout process. But there will always be room for improvement.
The best way to fully optimize your website for conversions is by running A/B tests. Again, this takes the guesswork out of your decisions.
Rather than just assuming that your CTA button phrasing, color, and placement is correct, test out different variations to see which one converts at the highest rate. This is a constant process. You should always be testing different elements of your site to optimize it for conversions.
So what makes or breaks an ecommerce purchase? It’s not just one thing.
As a whole, there are several elements and factors that influence a consumer’s decision to buy or look elsewhere for their needs.
Refer to the data. Overall, personalization converts.
Brands that use digital tools and data to create a personalized shopping experience increase revenues two to three times faster than brands that don’t.
98% of marketers say that website personalization is a valuable method for improving conversion rates. 59% of businesses say that sales revenue is a direct benefit of digital personalization.
As a client of this Web Hosting Company, business owners find comfort in knowing that their website is maintained and monitored by Advanced Digital Media Services.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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If you’re like me, you’ve fallen in love with the States through watching numerous movies and TV shows growing up, that give you a hint of the magic and all the excitement and wonder it has to offer.
Like everywhere you go, there are always tidbits you learn along the way that you wished you had known to start with…am I right?
So, if you’re a first-timer travelling over to the States, or thinking about booking a vacay there (that’s American talk for holiday btw), then check out my top tips I think are a ‘must-know’ when heading to the land of opportunity.
Consider the size of the US when planning your trip
The USA is a large country, so when you’re thinking about the cities you want to go to, consider the distance and time it takes to travel to each one. For example, people often don’t realise when they’re booking that after getting off an international flight to LA, the last thing they’ll want to do is travel for another 5 hours across to New York.
Stopping at places along the way will keep you refreshed. I found this to be the case especially when coming home and taking a break in Hawaii. It certainly was a relaxing way to break up that long flight from LA to Sydney, that’s for sure. And, it helped me to get over jet lag a lot quicker.
Plan stopovers when coming home to break up the distance. Here I am, stopping to relax at Turtle Bay Resort in Hawaii.
Choosing the best time to go
The best time to go to the States depends on the events you want to see and the seasons you want to experience. Autumn and Spring are common times to travel because it’s generally less expensive and the natural environment is gorgeous. Plus, you can avoid the heat waves in summer, especially in the southern states, and avoid the snowstorms in winter, in the northern states. In saying that, I’ve got friends who love travelling in winter because you get to experience the magic of a white American Christmas.
I personally love travelling to North America in summer because I know I can pack my luggage a lot lighter and it’s a great escape from the winter back home. It’s a personal preference but I can guarantee you’ll have a great time no matter when you go.
Booking in advance vs winging it
If you like winging it, reconsider especially if you are looking to see some historical spots. For example, if you want to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Hawaii, you can be lucky getting walk-in tickets if it’s not sold out but generally, they are only available at least 2 months in advance. So, if you really want to go somewhere, make sure to book ahead.
I missed out on tickets to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, so I only got to see it from afar.
Keep in mind the distance & costs from airports
In some cities in the US, there is more than one airport to fly into. Keep this in mind as although the airfare may be cheaper, the transportation fee to get to where you need to may cost you. For example, if you fly into Newark airport OR JFK International Airport in New York, it will take you 50 minutes to get to Manhattan versus 30 minutes when travelling in from LaGuardia Airport. That can add up if you’re taking a Taxi that isn’t offering a flat rate.
Use an itinerary app
Technology is so helpful these days, so instead of having heaps of printouts of your flights and hotels, use a travel app to store all your pieces of information. I tend to book through Expedia because I love how easily I can look my bookings up. Plus, it gives me cues, like when to check into my flight or a notification about the hotel I will be checking into when I arrive.
Picking a room
When picking your hotel, hostel or Airbnb, think about what is happening around you – Is there a supermarket close by? Local 7-Eleven? Starbucks? That way, you can get water when heading out or stop on your way home for a snack without carrying it around for ages. No-one likes their ice-cream melting or hot food going cold before you can sit down to enjoy it.
I chose my Airbnb in LA based on it’s proximity to restaurants and shops on Sunset Boulevard.
Check the expiry date on your passport
Your passport must have 6 months left on it when travelling to the States. You are risking your entry if yours says it will expire in less time than that. This is because US customs officers have to weigh up whether you will attempt to stay in the country longer than your visa allows. Last year, the dates on my student visa didn’t look right to the US customs, so I had to be detained for over an hour, without the use of my phone, while they investigated.
Everything turned out okay in the end but even though I did everything right, they were very suspicious about it. Luckily, I planned my next flight to Nashville hours after my arrival in case something like that happened, otherwise I would have missed it for sure.
If you do happen to have less than 6 months left on your Australian passport and are travelling to the States for less than 90 days, your ESTA visa may cover you for the duration of your visit. At the time of writing this article, Q&A’s that explain this further can be found under the U.S. Customs and Border Protection tab ‘How to Apply for an ESTA‘. Additionally, you can check out the Skyscanner article about travelling to the US with under 6-month validity on your passport.
Booking the best seat on the flight
Come close, I’ll let you in on a secret… if you’re travelling on a Qantas Airbus A380, there is a golden seat in economy that you can book for a standard seat selection price that has stacks of leg room (Seat 71D). You’ll just have to fight the people you’re going with for it.
Get insurance & organise your visa
If you’ve ever travelled somewhere and thought to skip travel insurance, don’t do it to the US! No, really, don’t. Medical bills are very expensive. Heads up, if you’re planning to do extreme sports such as snowboarding or skiing, you will need extra insurance cover.
Make sure you pay for a US visa in Australia before you leave. A Holiday Visa is valid for 3 months and in order to be granted another one, you just need to leave the US. A stopover in Canada is always a great option.
Watch out for dodgy US Visa websites that aren’t legit. Don’t worry, this one is the site you’ll want to get yours from.
Compression vacuum bags will help you pack more into your luggage.
In-flight and packing essentials
The flight to the States is a long one so to avoid deep vein thrombosis (DVT), stretch often on board and wear compression socks. I like wearing these because they slide up to your calves and keep your feet warm, especially as the cabin floor can get very cold.
Another hot item to pack is using travel compression space bags. These bags take out the air without using a vacuum. I probably gained an extra 35% of clothing space by storing them in these bags. I picked up a packet at Big W. Pretty useful for those extra few pieces you might want to take. I never travel without them.
Luggage tips
With most airlines travelling to the States, you have the option in economy to check-in 2 x 32kg bags and take two carry-on bags. This gives you the option to buy more when you’re over there. I’d suggest taking a duffle bag that can roll down small into your luggage, so if you need to come back with a second bag, you have the option without buying a new one. This is a much cheaper option than posting items back home.
Keep in mind though that it’s $25USD for your first bag and $35USD for your second to book in luggage domestically with most US airlines. Usually, there are long lines to organise this but some airlines also can arrange it outside of the airport too (literally outside). Keep on the lookout because these lines may be a lot shorter.
It’s important to use TSA security locks on your bags. TSA stands for Transport Security Administration, which is an agency that has been monitoring security overall travelling persons in the US. If they want to inspect your check-in luggage, they can use a key to unlock your TSA lock. Be warned though that if you’re not using TSA locks, they will cut them off if they wish to explore your belongings.
Etiquette in customs
Arriving at US customs can feel a bit scary. Firstly, you’re greeted by a long line leading up to a bunch of private desks. While you wait in line, make sure you have your incoming passenger card filled out – especially your first night’s accommodation details (hotel name and address).
When you step up to the desk, make sure you take your hat off and press hard on the fingerprint pad when instructed. They’ll dish out questions, such as ‘what is the purpose of your visit?’ and ‘what do you do for work?’
Heads up, the custom’s officers tend to come across like that teacher you had at school who always thought you were up to no good. For example, one time I got a bit nervous talking to a good-looking customs officer…which he recognised, then started questioning me about my nervousness. Oh gees!
Keep your passport ready
Keep your passport in your hand when travelling domestic and have your ticket in between where your image and details are. Every stop point will check it, even sometimes when boarding the plane. So don’t even bother putting it back in your bag until you sit down on the plane.
Have your ticket in your passport so that checks go more smoothly. 
Boarding tips
Download the app of the airline you’re travelling with, for free WIFI onboard e.g. Gogo Entertainment, American Airlines and United Airlines. Just make sure to do this before boarding.
When at your gate, you are called up to board according to your group, which is classified by where you’re seated. Your group positioning will determine your chances of having your second piece of carry-on luggage put up into the storage compartment. This is a good tip for when you are choosing your seat at time of booking.
If you are in group 6 or 7 and you think everyone boarding will fill up the compartments with their luggage, you can always check it beforehand (for free) at your gate counter.
The other option is to risk it and go down the aisles of the plane to find a spot to put it up. Keep in mind though that since it won’t be directly above you, you have to be mindful of someone opening it or taking it if they exit the plane before you.
You can always check-in your carry-on luggage on board if you aren’t confident. Just make sure you’re comfortable with putting your carry-on luggage under the plane, particularly if you have open pockets, etc.
Navigating airport security
When boarding domestic in the USA, it can be quite daunting. Be prepared to take your laptop out and take your shoes off each time. You will either walk through a normal security scanner, like the ones in Australia, or through a 360-degree one that feels a little more intense. Just follow the instructions of the TSA security officers and you will find it will be over in no time.
If you’re an airline frequent flyer you can get TSA PreCheck status automatically. This is a government program that gives you a low-risk security status. Basically, it means that at certain US airports, you can get through security screening a lot quicker. All you need to do is enter your number in when checking into your flight.
  If it’s 11 am in San Francisco, it’s 1 pm in Chicago. That’s 2 hours that can be lost or gained depending on which way you’re travelling.
Consider the 9 time zones in the US
There are 9 different time zones in the USA, so keep that in mind as depending on the direction you are travelling, you will gain or lose hours. For example, if it’s 4:00 pm in California, it’s 7:00 pm in New York. That’s 3 hours lost or gained – a fair chunk of time either way!
Turn off your mobile data before an international flight
Turn off your mobile data before you leave on your international flight. And, if you decide to turn it on and use it, even for a few messages or emails, you may be slumped with fees when you get home. I barely turned my phone on when in the states and got a $50 charge…not happy, Jan!
WIFI in airports
Most airports offer free WIFI, which is awesome for checking in with people, saying goodbye or looking up Google maps and booking Uber rides. Don’t rely on it too much though as some WIFI spots in airports are weaker than others, and some airports don’t even offer it.
For example, there is no free WIFI at the Honolulu airport in Hawaii. You wouldn’t think it, but they are just a little bit behind the times there.
Just a heads up, that WIFI in airports is free for only a certain amount of time, sometimes for only 10 minutes. Most often it will ask you for your email to get access to the WIFI. Don’t be thrown off by this because I generally put in a fake email address and still get access. Be aware that if you exceed the time, it can ask you to pay for more.
SIM card options
If you don’t want to rely on your WIFI and would rather have access to your phone data and WIFI all the time, you can check out the best SIM card options here.
Take a portable charger
I knew I was going to be on the go a lot, particularly before leaving on my last trip to the States, so I got a Goal Zero 20 Flip Recharger. I made sure I kept it charged in my bag at all times, so I could go out and explore all day and still be able to charge my phone and camera when they ran out of juice.
My friends had low battery one night out when we were heading to a baseball game, so they all had an opportunity to charge theirs just enough with it. This kept us all in contact and we could take as many selfies and videos as we wanted throughout the night.
A portable charger was so handy on my way to a Boston Red Sox baseball game when I didn’t have time to charge my phone beforehand. 
RFID protection
To protect your credit cards and passport, I always use an RFID sleeve. I use one for my credit card every day, even in Australia, because it sits easily in my wallet and it gives me peace of mind knowing people cannot scan my card.
Let your bank and the government know you’re travelling
Whenever you’re travelling internationally, let the Australian government know, which you can do here. Also, tell your bank where you’re going and how long you’re away for. That way they won’t suspend your bank account if they notice transactions are being made in a different country.
Research any warnings or laws beforehand
Check out the Smart Traveller website, which gives you all you need to know about laws, health, safety and security when heading to the USA. There is no hiding that travelling to the States can feel a little intimidating, particularly with regards to safety in recent years. So, this website can help you to educate yourself more on how to handle a threat if something does happen.
In saying that, I personally feel comfortable travelling to the States on my own and I’m a single woman mind you. I keep my wits about me, but overall I honestly feel as safe there as I would anywhere here in Australia.
Know what the laws are before your trip so that you don’t get charged with an offence.
Social media
Never post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., that you will be travelling for a period of time overseas or anywhere in fact. Even if you think your friends and family have your back, it’s better to keep it on the down low about this. You wouldn’t want to come home after your trip to find you’ve had a break-in.
Well, I hope that gave you a little bit more of an insight about the States before you head there. Keep a look out for part two of my series where I cover everything you need to know about the US while you’re on your trip.
  Have you been to the USA? What did you learn that you can pass on to first-time visitors?
  The post Planning Your Trip to the USA appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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duncanbarker-blog · 5 years
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We loved our stay on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai, but it did take some planning. It was confusing trying to decide which side of the island we should stay on, whether or not to divide our time between two areas, and which accommodation was worth the high price tag.
Hawaii was a dream trip for us, as it is for many people, and we wanted it to be perfect.
Happily, my research paid off and our plan for the island was ideal. In this post I share what I learned about where to stay in Kauai including a comparison of the different areas, reviews of the accommodation we stayed in, and suggestions for alternative places to stay in Kauai.
Choosing The Best Area to Stay in Kauai
The first decision to make when planning your trip is deciding what side of Kauai is the best to stay on. Here’s a comparison of each area from (roughly) the most to least popular:
South Shore (Poipu)
Sunnier and drier most of the year
Calmer, swimmable ocean in winter
Easily accessible beaches
Wide range of accommodation including resorts and condos
Convenient for helicopter tours from Lihue, boat trips from Port Allen, and Waimea Canyon
As we were visiting in winter (January), the South Shore was the area that was most recommended as it receives less rain than the North Shore. In practice, we didn’t find a difference in the weather between the two coasts and had little rain throughout our stay (just some cloudy days on both sides), but perhaps we were lucky.
The ocean was better for swimming on the South Shore, though, (some days were calmer than others and we still had waves), and we loved staying right on the beach (which wouldn’t have been affordable for us in the north).
Sunset from Kiahuna Plantation Resort in Poipu
North Shore (Hanalei, Princeville)
Green and mountainous
Beaches have stunning mountain backdrops
Rainier in winter
Big waves in winter so most beaches aren’t safe for swimming
Convenient for Napali Coast hiking (when open: the Kalalau Trail is currently closed)
Boat trips do not run from the north in winter
Many beautiful beaches to explore
Hanalei is the best town on the island
Expensive (especially Hanalei)
The North Shore is the most beautiful part of the island and one of the best places to stay in Kauai. We loved the mountain scenery, string of beautiful beaches, and cool town of Hanalei. Even though the road past Hanalei was closed in early 2019 so we couldn’t visit many of the popular beaches or Napali Coast, we still had plenty to explore.
Accommodation choices are more limited and expensive in the north, though, and it was further from many of our favourite activities (helicopter tour, boat trip, Waimea Canyon).
See our post on the best things to do in Kauai for all our favourite activities and restaurants.
The stunning Napali Coast on the North Shore from our helicopter trip
East Side (Kapaa, Wailua, Lihue)
Most populated area
Budget accommodation available
Convenient for North and South Shores
Wide range of restaurants and shopping
Close to historic sites, hikes, river kayaking, and waterfalls
Beaches not as attractive as in the north and south (but still nice!)
Traffic can be bad
We didn’t spend much time in the east as it didn’t feel as appealing to us as the north or south coasts. But many people love to stay here as it’s more affordable and convenient, especially if you can only choose one area as a base.
Wailua Falls on the East Side
West Side (Waimea Canyon)
Remote and less developed
Drier and more barren than the rest of the island
Beautiful canyon scenery
Limited accommodation
Convenient access to hiking
Most people visit the west on a day trip rather than staying here, but if you are a keen hiker you might enjoy camping or staying in a rustic cabin in Kokee State Park (just beyond Waimea Canyon). Advance reservations are necessary.
Waimea Canyon
Should You Split Your Time Between Two Locations?
Kauai isn’t a huge island and you can drive from one side to another in about two hours, so you could choose to stay in one place and visit all the main attractions on day trips.
We wanted to avoid long drives, though, so we chose to divide our 11 days on Kauai between Poipu on the south shore (6 nights) and Princeville on the north shore (5 nights).
This plan worked out really well for us. We got to experience the best of both worlds and all our day trips were a manageable distance (the longest was an hour from Poipu to Waimea Canyon).
It is a bit inconvenient changing hotels, especially when there can be a six-hour gap between check out and check in times. I recommend requesting late check out and early check in times when possible, buying a cheap cool bag from Longs to store any food, and exploring the east coast on the way. You might also be able to use the hotel pool and facilities before or after checking in/out.
Despite the inconvenience, we felt we made the right decision and it would be hard to choose which coast we preferred. If we’d stayed on the South Shore, we’d probably only have made one day trip to the North Shore, and it was worth having much longer to explore. If the North Shore had been our one base, we’d have had to make multiple long day trips to some of our favourite activities.
If you have a week or more on Kauai, I recommend splitting your time between two locations, unless you are planning to spend most of your time relaxing at your resort rather than exploring the island.
Types and Prices of Kauai Hotels and Rentals
The most common types of Kauai accommodation are resorts (large hotels with pools, restaurants, and other facilities) and condo complexes (self-catering apartments, often with pools but fewer facilities). You can also find budget hotels, B&Bs, and house rentals, but these are less common.
If you want the full luxury Hawaii experience, perhaps for a honeymoon or anniversary, you’ll probably want to stay in a Kauai beach resort where everything is provided onsite and service is excellent.
The best resorts on Kauai are Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort in Poipu in the south and Princeville Resort (previously called St Regis) in Princeville in the north, but you can expect to pay over $500 a night (and possibly over $800 in high season).
View from the Seaview Terrace cafe in the Grand Hyatt
If you are on more of a budget (Kauai is not cheap!), condos are usually more affordable than resorts, and you’ll be able to save money on eating out, even if you only cook some of your own meals. We also liked having more space with a separate bedroom and living room.
We stayed in two great condos, Kiahuna Plantation in the south and Hanalei Bay Resort in the north, and have written detailed reviews of them below. For a beachfront condo expect to pay $300–400 a night including extra fees in high season, but in low season you can find better deals.
Kiahuna Plantation condos have a great beachfront location in Poipu
The cheapest accommodation is on the East Coast where you can find budget hotels such as Kauai Palms Hotel near the airport for around $100 a night. A budget beachfront option with pool is Kauai Shores in Kapaa with rooms for under $150. Airbnbs in Kapaa are also great value.
Note that you’ll pay higher rates for beachfront properties and even more for ocean views. It was important to us to be in short walking distance of a beach, so we paid the premium for this, but chose units further back from the ocean.
How to find accommodation on Kauai
You can search Booking.com for resorts, budget hotels, and condos on Kauai. For condos and house rentals look on Airbnb, VRBO, or contact a local agent. If you haven’t tried Airbnb before you can get $38 off your first stay here.
Make sure to check the final price when comparing accommodation. Tax and sometimes resort fees, cleaning fees, and car parking may be added as extra charges to the quoted rates.
Prices vary widely depending on the time of year and how far in advance you book. The cheapest months to travel are mid-April to early June and September to mid-December. Make sure you book as far in advance as possible in the high season.
Where to Stay on the South Shore of Kauai
Poipu is the most popular area in south Kauai. There’s a lovely beach, wide range of accommodation (although limited budget options), and plenty of restaurants and shops.
Kiahuna Plantation Resort, Poipu Review
We stayed in a condo at Kiahuna Plantation which is right on beautiful Kiahuna Beach (a quieter extension of Poipu Beach).
Of everywhere we stayed in Hawaii, Kiahuna Plantation is the place we most want to return to for an extended stay. We loved the location, beautiful grounds, and our comfortable condo with ocean view.
Sunbeds overlooking the beach at Kiahuna Plantation
Kiahuna Plantation is a large complex of one and two bedroom condos in cottage-style buildings spread over 35 acres of lush lawns that reach to the beach.
Condos have different owners and agents, so they are all decorated differently, and it’s a bit of a lottery which unit you’ll get. To avoid this we booked a specific unit (106) with the agent Great Vacation Retreats. 
You pay more to be closer to the beach, but we were in the last row (on the 2nd floor of building 17) and still had an ocean view. We did have some traffic noise as we were closer to the road, but mostly we found it a very peaceful place. It took a couple of minutes to walk to the beach, but we could go barefoot over the lovely lawns.
Living area of our condo at Kiahuna Plantation
Our one bedroom condo was comfortable and well-equipped with good WiFi, a dishwasher, blender, rice cooker, beach chairs, and boogie board. There’s no A/C (which is common in Hawaii) but we didn’t miss it as the condo stayed cool and there are fans and screened doors to the lanai (balcony) that let in the breeze.
The bedroom is at the back and doesn’t have much natural light or view, but the bed was comfy and there was plenty of storage. The bathroom was simple but fine. The kitchen overlooks the living room which has a couch, dining table and chairs, and simple but homely tropical decor.
Sliding doors lead onto the lanai where there are another table and chairs and a couple of loungers for enjoying the ocean view. While you can’t see the sun sink below the horizon, the sky is beautiful when it lights up in shades of orange at sunset (see top photo). We often saw birds and even a few whales jumping out of the ocean.
Our lanai
Kiahuna Plantation grounds
There’s no swimming pool on site, but guests can use the resort style pool, gym and tennis courts at the Athletic Club across the road for free. We never ended up using it as it was so convenient to head to the beach.
There was no washing machine in our unit, but the Kiahuna laundry room has plenty of machines and they take credit cards ($3 per wash or dry).
You can borrow beach towels and chairs from the hut by the beach.
There are a number of BBQs on the grounds. The beachfront ones are popular at sunset when everyone gathers at the loungers on the lawn overlooking the ocean.
Sunset at Kiahuna
The Plantations Garden restaurant is on site, but the menu didn’t look very exciting for vegetarians and we mostly self-catered.
We loved the location right on Kiahuna (aka Sheraton) Beach. The beach is fairly narrow but has golden sand and is quieter than Poipu Beach around the corner. We always found a quiet spot just outside our resort. Sunrises and sunsets are beautiful.
Kiahuna Beach
On some days the ocean was calm and on others, the waves were up and beginner surfers were out, but we still managed to swim.
There are some lovely coastal walks from here. Head left to Poipu Beach where you’ll see monk seals and turtles and you can continue all the way to Shipwreck Beach and the beautiful Maha’ulepu Heritage Trail. To the right I loved to run on the sea path in front of the Sheraton resort and on to the Spouting Horn Blowhole about 3 miles away.
Poipu Shopping Village is across the road, so there are plenty of shops and restaurants in walking distance. For a bigger grocery shop we went to Big Save in Koloa, less than 10 minutes drive away.
The location was convenient for many of our favourite Kauai activities.
We highly recommend Kiahuna if you are looking for a beachfront condo in a convenient location.
Confusingly, the resort is run by two different management companies, but I don’t think it matters which one you stay with. Check the latest prices of Kiahuna Plantation Castle and Kiahuna Plantation Outrigger here.
Other Poipu Hotels
If you’d prefer a classic resort experience, the Sheraton Resort is right next to Kiahuna on the same beautiful beach as our condo. Views are great (we had a cocktail at their beachfront bar), but the pool isn’t as impressive as the Grand Hyatt’s and gets crowded (but rates are more affordable). Check the prices here. 
The Sheraton at sunset
The Grand Hyatt Resort is one of the best Kauai resorts. We had breakfast here after our coastal hike and it looked stunning, especially the extensive pools including a lazy river, saltwater lagoon, and waterslide. It wasn’t busy either.
The beach here isn’t swimmable, and it’s further from shops and restaurants, but you have seven onsite restaurants. There’s also a spa, golf course, tennis courts, and horse riding stables.
For a special occasion, the Grand Hyatt is a top pick. Check the prices here. 
One of the pools at the Grand Hyatt Resort
Another stylish boutique resort with an oceanfront location between Kiahuna and Poipu beaches is Koa Kea Hotel & Resort. We often walked through here and it looked lovely. 
If you are on a budget, options are limited but try searching for condos on Airbnb.
Where to Stay on the North Shore of Kauai
Hanalei Bay
Hanalei is the most desirable place to stay on the North Shore as the small surfer town has a relaxed vibe, beautiful beach, and some delicious food trucks and restaurants. Accommodation is limited, though, and there are no large hotels or resorts.
If you can afford and find availability for one of the vacation rentals there (especially right on the beach!), go for it, but most of us will end up in nearby Princeville (a 15-minute drive away).
Princeville is a planned community of upscale homes, a golf course, and a couple of resorts. It felt rather soulless and overly manicured to us, but there are beautiful views from the cliffside location, a few small but lovely beaches, and it’s convenient for exploring the North Shore.
Hanalei Bay Resort, Princeville Review
Accommodation at Hanalei Bay Resort is in studio, one or two bedroom self-catering condos, but it feels more like a typical resort with a large pool and many activities, and it was fun to have that experience for part of our stay. The mountain views are stunning and you pay much less than at the famous Princeville Resort next door.
Pool at Hanalei Bay Resort
Our biggest disappointment at Hanalei Bay Resort was on arrival. Despite requesting an early check-in twice in advance, our room not only wasn’t available before the 4 pm check-in time (which was fine), it was not fully ready until 5 pm.
We also found the decor of our one bedroom condo dated, and more like a hotel room than a home. This depends on which unit you get (we had no choice when we booked) as some have been updated.
Despite not getting off to the best start, we ended up really enjoying our stay.
While our condo was nothing fancy, it was spacious, comfortable enough, and fairly well equipped. It must have been a hotel previously as we had two connecting rooms—on one side was a large bedroom and bathroom and on the other was a living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
The living area of our condo at Hanalei Bay Resort
Unusually for Hawaii, we had air conditioning, although we never needed it and rarely used the ceiling fan either. The screened doors onto the lanai let in a breeze. There are a table and chairs outside both the bedroom and living room but no sun loungers.
The view from our balcony at Hanalei Bay Resort
Our ground floor room in Bougainvillea was just a few minutes from the main pool. We could see the mountains from our lanai, but the higher floor condos nearer the ocean would have much better views. We could also hear the live music from the pool every afternoon and in the evenings from the main bar (but it stopped at 9 pm).
Hanalei Bay Resort pool
While our condo was nothing special, the grounds at Hanalei Bay Resort are gorgeous. Facilities include:
Beautiful large lagoon pool (chilly water in January but I still enjoyed swimming)
Ukulele swim-up bar where we enjoyed delicious cocktails every day! (Basic snacks are available)
Large hot tub under a waterfall
Live music every afternoon by the pool from 4–6 pm
Happy Talk Bar that serves food from 3 pm and has live music from 6–9 pm
Fire pit where you can watch the sunset
Small second pool
8 tennis courts
Beach gear rental
Daily activities including free Mai Tais on Mondays, free wine tasting, yoga, tennis clinics, hula lessons, and more.
Golf cart transport back from the beach if you don’t want to walk up the hill
Laundry room (coins needed)
Small shop selling toiletries, soft drinks, and souvenirs (no real food)
Some of the tennis courts at Hanalei Bay Resort
The location of Hanalei Bay Resort is excellent, just a five-minute walk downhill to lovely Pua Poa Beach and a short drive to Hanalei.
Pua Poa Beach
The walk down to the beach is steep, but you can call for a golf cart back if necessary (we didn’t need it). It’s the same beach that the Princeville Resort is on and we headed up to their bar for a sunset cocktail one night.
The main bay is quite small and can be a little busy, but if you continue around you can find quiet but shadier spots. You can almost walk to Hanalei, but you get stuck by a river. There’s a reef here so the water is calm (experienced surfers head further out) and there’s a sandy channel where you can swim.
It’s also walking distance to the beautiful Hideaways Beach which has calm turquoise water and snorkelling. To get here, we walked down to Pua Poa Beach, up two elevators to the Princeville Resort reception, and out to the narrow path by their tennis courts. It’s a short but very steep muddy trail down to the beach, but it’s worth it.
There’s a Foodland supermarket a short drive away in Princeville, but for restaurants you are better off heading to Hanalei. There are no restaurants or shops in easy walking distance except for the onsite bar/restaurant and the pricey Princeville Resort next door.
Sunset at Hanalei Bay Resort
Hanalei Bay Resort is ideal if you want a resort experience with the convenience of self-catering accommodation. Try to get an ocean view and updated unit if you can!
Check the latest prices of Hanalei Bay Resort here.
Other Hanalei and Princeville Hotels
The Princeville Resort is one of the best resorts on Kauai for a luxury experience. It cascades down the side of a cliff and the views of Hanalei Bay are unbeatable. There’s a nice pool down by the beach, but it’s not as impressive as the Grand Hyatt’s extensive pools.
We enjoyed a sunset cocktail at the Princeville Bar high up in the resort and it is beautiful. There are a number of other restaurants and bars onsite. 
Check the latest prices at Princeville Resort here. 
Sunset drink at the Princeville Resort bar
View from the upper levels of the Princeville Resort
For more condos in Princeville, check out Makai Club Resort or search on Airbnb where you can find a few budget options.
Accommodation in Hanalei Bay is very limited and pricey, but you can find a few vacation rentals on Airbnb such as this Hanalei Waterfalls apartment or beautiful three-bedroom cottage close to the beach.
See all the Airbnb options on this map:
Map of Where to Stay in Kauai
Here’s a map of the Kauai accommodation mentioned in this post. The green pins are for the places we stayed (detailed reviews above) and the blue pins are for others that look like great options.
For a more detailed map of recommended activities and restaurants, see our guide to the top things to do in Kauai. 
When you are planning where to stay on Kauai the important thing is to decide what’s important to you. Hawaii is not cheap so unless money is no object, you’ll have to decide what to prioritise: ocean views, beach access, fantastic pool, kitchen, onsite restaurants, access to sights or whatever you decide.
On the East Side, you’ll get the best value for money, but you won’t have the views of the North Shore or as easy access to sights as in the South. You might also consider splitting your time between two areas to avoid long day trips as we did.
Wherever you stay in Kauai, you will have a wonderful time—it’s a beautiful island and stunning beaches and scenic attractions are always only a short drive away.
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leyahroehl · 4 years
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onceyougoexo-blog · 7 years
Summer Lovin’
Chapter 2
A Boy Named Chanyeol
The three hour drive to Intermony was actually pretty nice. As soon as she plopped down in her plushy seat, Eunji pulled out her earbuds and put on her favorite relaxing playlist. She sometimes liked to pretend she was in a music video; looking out the window at the beautiful scenery, the peaceful music transported her to a different place. Some of the other students on the bus had started to talk to each other, introducing themselves before they got to camp, but Eunji just wanted to keep to herself for now. She would socialize enough when they got to camp and she wanted to spare herself the effort for a couple more hours.
Although the other kids started to get a little loud, Eunji tried her best to ignore them. She turned the volume of her music up enough to drown out the busy voices around her. But there was one tall kid at the back of the bus who didn’t seem to grasp basic bus etiquette. From what Eunji could tell from the front of the bus, he and another student had started to freestyle battle, loud trap beats thumping from the huge 80’s-esque boombox on his shoulder. At one point the tall kid even stood up on a seat and starting headbanging, wildly shaking his black shaggy hair, earning loud laughs from the other passengers and a loud warning to sit down from the busdriver. The peaceful zen state Eunji had achieved at the beginning of the ride was effectively and utterly shattered. Huffing a little to herself, Eunji turned up the volume even more, to an almost dangerous level, and hoped they would quiet down soon.
After a long period of speeding down the highway, the bus had to slow down as the woods grew wilder and the road narrowed. At every sharp turn at an even narrower road, Eunji thought they had finally arrived at the campgrounds, but the bus just chugged onward with no signs of stopping.
Finally, the bus pulled into a long, winding driveway lined with perfectly trimmed hedges that stood in harsh contrast to the wild forest surrounding them. The driveway itself seemed go on for at least a mile, and in about five minutes, the bus screeched to a halt in front of a large fenced gate. Beyond it, Eunji could see glimpses of some of those huge stone towers she had seen on the website. Suddenly, everything felt very unreal, as if she had been whisked away from everyday life and plopped into a different world, a place where anything could happen. Maybe she would be discovered by a top music producer or meet the kids of celebrities that were rumored to be attending camp. Maybe she would make really nice lifelong friends that she could connect She quickly took the earbuds out of ears and packed them away in her backpack as the bus was buzzed in at the gate. Now able to hear the people around her, Eunji was suddenly aware of the excited buzz that was passing over the passengers of the bus, and she couldn’t help but feel a little excited too. Here was the place she’d be living in for the next four weeks!
“Now the dazzling five-thousand dollar experience begins,” Eunji whispered to herself, her voice lost in the increasing chatter of the excited students.
It looked like she had spoken a little too quickly, as her first memorable experience after arriving camp was her suitcase getting stuck in between bus seats. She struggled mightily to pull her suitcase loose, but to no avail.  Nearly everyone was off the bus, and no one had bothered to stop and help her, not even the bus driver.
Five-thousand-dollar experience, my butt. Eunji huffed as she wrestled with her stubborn suitcase. She was just about to give up when suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder.
“Do you need help with that?” A deep voice rang out. Finally, a kind stranger offering to help!
Eunji spun around to find her face nearly buried in someone’s chest. She looked up, feeling a little ridiculous at how far she had to lift her head. It was that boy! The one with the shaggy black hair, the one who had kind of ruined her peaceful bus ride. Big eyes and even bigger ears peeked out from under his long bangs and he looked down at her expectantly.
“Uh…” Eunji was about to decline but… she really did need the help.
“Yes please,” she said with a worn out smile. The boy smiled.
“Haha, yeah I thought so. Here,” he reached his hand around her and pulled hard at the suitcase. It slid out with ease.
Stupid suitcase.
“Big suitcase, huh?” He laughed, revealing a smile as big as his eyes, ears and height.
“Yeah, we’re going to be here a month so,” Eunji patted her now-freed suitcase sheepishly. “Gotta be prepared.” Eunji tried to lift her suitcase to get through the narrow bus aisle, but alas, she had never been one to work on upper body strength. Or any-part-of-the-body strength, really.  
“Ugh,” Eunji grunted as she gave it one more try. She was embarrassingly aware of how noticeably her arms were quivering.
“Haha, here let me get that,” The boy again reached out to help her. He lifted the suitcase easily, revealing well-defined arms and carried it out of the bus, all while holding his own duffel bag and rucksack too.
“Thank you so much,” Eunji said as he set her suitcase down on the grass gently. “Uh, what’s your name?” She looked up at him again, feeling a little shy now after all his help.
“Chanyeol.” He said simply, flashing her a wide smile. He ran a hand messily through his hair, fully revealing his face. She noted, in a purely observatory way, of course, that he was very, very good looking.
“I’m Eunji.”
“Nice to meet you, Eunji.” He flashed another million dollar smile.
“You too, Chanyeol.” Eunji felt a little burdened by both Chanyeol’s kindness and his nice smile. Mostly by his being so kind though, of course. Although, it was a very nice smile.
“So. Quite a show you put on back there, Chanyeol.” The raucous kid jumping around on the bus seemed so different from the guy who had quietly helped her when everyone else had walked past. Eunji looked up at him a little teasingly. Man, she could not get over how far she had to lift her head to look at his face. Her neck would probably develop a chronic cramp if they became friends.
“Haha, yeah…” Chanyeol looked a little sheepish, but not embarrassed. “I get excited sometimes… And it’s the first day of camp, you know?!” He slowly lifted a bent arm to his face in a… did he just dab? “Turn up.”
“Right.” Eunji laughed. His excitement and overall positive energy was pretty contagious, like  a virus or something. A kind of happy virus?
“Well, I’m pretty sure we have to head to check-in now, everyone else is probably there already.” Chanyeol clumsily fished out a camp itinerary from the back pocket of his black jeans. He was dressed in a style that Eunji quite liked, from his clean white tee down to his classic Air Max’s.
“Yeah, I guess we’re the last ones.” Eunji lengthened her suitcase handle and pulled her backpack on her shoulders. “Better get going.” She held a hand over her eyes as she looked for any sign of the check-in building. It really was a beautiful campus. With everyone else already inside, all she could hear was the happy chatter of songbirds.
“It’s really nice here, isn’t it?” Chanyeol caught a glimpse of Eunji taking in the surroundings in a sort of awe.
“Yeah.” Eunji nodded. “I guess this is what five thousand dollars buys you.”
“Hahaha, yeah, I guess.” Chanyeol laughed enthusiastically. “I’m pretty sure half of that goes to just maintaining all these weird bushes.” He gestured loosely at the various random hedges shaped perfectly into all kinds of shapes, from a music note to a bear.
“Yeah, what’s with that,” Eunji laughed. Their eyes met as they smiled easily at each other.
Chanyeol swung his duffel bag over his shoulder. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?”
Uh oh. Was she going to be the one new kid at camp?
“Oh. Well, yeah, it’s my first year.” Eunji started walking towards an important-looking building that she thought might be the check-in area. “Are a lot of people here repeats too?”
“Around 70% are repeats, I’d say.” Chanyeol fell into step beside her, walking in a relaxed, loping gait with his almost too-long legs. Eunji might have laughed at the ~interesting~ way he walked, but what he said made a bad feeling settle in her stomach. She hated that feeling of being the new kid more than anything. He must’ve caught her worried expression because he then waved his hands exaggeratedly and said, “Don’t worry! Everyone is really nice!!”
Eunji laughed inwardly at his enthusiastic response to her anxiety. He was such an interesting character. His eagerness to help her, a stranger he had only just met, and to make her feel welcome felt so genuine and natural that it was almost foreign to Eunji.
“Haha thanks, Chanyeol.”
However, his comically frantic arm movements weren’t enough to dispel Eunji’s fears about what she was about to face at camp. To Eunji, although most new social situations weren’t great, it was the worst when she felt like the odd one out. Throughout most of her elementary and middle school days, she had always felt like she was the only one not in on the joke. Out of all the different cliques and social groups at her school, she never felt like she really belonged in any of them, no matter how much she tried to twist and change herself. At the end of the day, she was always left feeling alienated from the world and, more importantly, herself.
That was, before she met her best friend, Brie Kim that is. Brie Kim, master violinist extraordinaire, kind, strong, generous and spit-water-out-your-nose funny, and for the first time this year, fellow camper! Unfortunately for lonely Eunji, her best friend was flying in a week late from her vacation in Hawaii. She and her parents had tried to argue with the camp into giving them a discounted fee because Arie would miss the first week of classes, but the school refused to give in. But Brie didn’t really care anyways because unlike Eunji, she wasn’t poor. In fact, she was very rich, as were many of the kids attending camp. And like most of the campers, this was not Brie’s first year. Brie was one of the reasons that Eunji, who was a little weary of new social situations, had in the end, readily agreed to go to camp. With her best friend at her side, Eunji felt that she could confidently be herself and very much enjoy her time at camp.
But strangely, Eunji was almost glad that Brie wasn’t here yet as she talked casually to Chanyeol on their way to check-in. Talking to Chanyeol, Eunji felt like maybe she didn’t have to be that socially anxious, tightly-wound person that most people knew her to be. That she thought herself to be. So as she and Chanyeol walked into the main building’s grand entryway side by side, she felt her heart flutter a little, not of anxiety but of excitement.
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wearsdani · 7 years
7-Day Itinerary 
*DISCLAIMER: This is my first blog post in a year and I’m a little rusty - the photos I took were (to me) mediocre (I COULD TOTALLY DO BETTER THAN THIS) and I tried my best to condense a week’s worth of activities into a short-attention-span-worthy-read (if such a thing existed). Alright, let’s do this.
Oh Kauai, you stole my heart from day one. Known as the “adventurous” and “lush” island, Kauai differentiates itself from the neighboring Oahu by staying true to its Hawaiian roots - untouched and slowly developed. If you’re planning a trip out here, I’d recommend staying in Kapaa or the south side of the island. My family and I were in Princeville (which is on the northern part of the island) and found ourselves having to drive far for most of the activities and attractions on our list. TBH there was a lot more to our trip than what I’ve mentioned below, but these are what I found most significant. I hope you find this post helpful and enticing enough to have you visit the island yourself!
Arrive at Lihue Airport
To get from airport to timeshare, we booked our ride with GO! Airport Shuttle - the total was $98.70 for four passengers. Overall, the drive from Lihue to Princeville is about 45 minutes and on our way to the timeshare, our driver gave us a little history about Kauai, recommendations on where to go and fun facts about the island.
Wyndham Bali Hai Villas in Princeville  
This was one of my favorite timeshares I’ve stayed at. The villas are beautiful, the pool is relaxing and the staff is so welcoming/helpful. I’d say the only downfall is that there wasn’t any air conditioning #firstworldproblems - we had the fans on full blast and left the windows/doors open to feel a breeze.
Luckily the Bali Hai Villas offers a full kitchen including all appliances - this means homemade cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner (Banana Macadamia Pancakes ALL DAY NAMSAYIN?!). Our go-to market is Foodland a.k.a. the Ralph’s or Vons of Hawaii!
Check out Hanalei for boutique shops and local places to eat like the Village Snack Shop & Bakery at Chung Young Village (Order the chili pepper chicken or combo plate - you won’t regret!) or Jojo’s Shave Ice (Their serving sizes are HUGE and you get a little ice cream treat at the bottom of the cone).
Hanalei Bay
If it weren’t for Google Maps, my family and I would have missed the neighborhood entrance to this beach! We spent the 4th of July here, basking in the liveliness of the area - house music blasting in the background, family and friends chillen beneath the trees and cute grandma’s chattin it up while they tan their leathered skin (lol wait is that mean?)
Poipu Beach
Of all the beaches we visited in Kauai, I’d say that Poipu Beach was the most crowded - but for good reason! This beach is family-friendly and has relatively calm waters. I noticed families snorkeling along the shore and swimming off toward a mini island where you can encounter sunbathing seals.
Lappert’s Ice Cream
I’m a sucker for good ice cream, and Lappert’s satisfied all my creamy needs. I ordered a scoop of Banana Fudge hehe (Ya ya ya, I could have gotten something waaaay more “Hawaiian,” but that’s what my body wanted at the time).
The Shops at Kukui’ula
Various events occur on a weekly basis at the The Shops at Kukui’ula, however we found ourselves in the middle of their culinary market, which happens every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Here, you’ll find live music, fresh produce and product from all over the island! The shopping center itself is a great place for tourists to eat, shop and catch Happy Hour (This is where you can find Lappert’s Ice Cream too!).
Queen’s Bath
Little did I know there was a small trail behind our timeshare that lead to Queen’s Bath. Queen’s Bath is a series of tide pools located along the coast. To get to the bath itself requires a ten-minute hike past a waterfall. The hike was relatively easy and the path down to the bath isn’t very complicated, however I’d suggest wearing water shoes or a sturdy pair of sandals (I wore pair of Havaianas and the strap popped out lol oops – don’t be me). You’ll notice that there are multiple tide pools that you pass, but in order to get to the *actual* Queen’s Bath, you walk about 5 minutes past the lava rocks (You’ll feel like you’re in the middle of a Jurassic Park scene. It’s. So. Dope.). Click this link to get more information on how to explore this area safely.
Koloa Zipline
My sister and I ziplined through the jungle at sunset with Koloa Zipline. There are a total of eight lines that you can fly across, one of them being half a mile long! This was such a fun experience because we got to fly in different positions (upside-down, backwards, “flying Kawaiian”). However, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND wearing bug spray and pants (yoga pants will suffice) because holy shit I got bit like crazy. Literally 12 bug bites on one leg, no joke. Also, our travel lady recommended the sunset tour because it would be “pretty and not-as-hot,” but the tour took at least 4 hours and by the time we were halfway through the course, it was completely dark and we couldn’t enjoy the view! Other than that, our experience was A1 and I would totally do it again.
Kayak Wailua River to Secret Falls
Our vacation was jam packed with adventure (Shout out to my family for keeping up!) We booked a kayak tour with Ali’i Kayaks and spent the whole morning exploring and learning about the Wailua River and hiked to the “Secret Falls.” (Rumor has it, we didn’t go to the *real* Secret Falls - I feel gypped… jk). The distance from the dock to the hike was about two miles and the hike to the waterfall was about one mile. It sounds waaay worse than what it actually is, so just dooo ehhht. Also, shout out to Kai for being such an amazing tour guide! The kid knows his stuff!
Dinner at The Bistro in Kilauea
This was probably the fanciest restaurant we ate at during the whole trip, mainly because our trip consisted of Hawaiian BBQ and homemade meals. Our server was so kind and the food and drinks were delicious!
Na Pali Coast Tour
This was by-far my favorite activity in Kauai. The Na Pali Coast morning tour was so much fun! We booked our tour with Go Blue Adventure and hung out with our tour guide, Madz all morning! This tour is like no other because you are in a completely open pontoon boat, going hella fast across the ocean (If you have any serious medical/physical issues or can’t handle the waves, maaaybe this tour isn’t for you?) We spotted dolphins (There were sooo many. Fun fact: Dolphins are my spirit animal), swam with the turtles, snorkeled with the fishes, explored sea caves, learned about the history of Kauai and even jumped off the boat with the valleys and mountains as our backdrop. If you find yourself in Kauai, I would definitely mark this tour at the top of your list!
Kauai Coffee Company
In a world full of coffee addicts, I find myself on the other side of the spectrum, but that didn’t stop me from stopping by Kauai Coffee Company. They offer tastings, a roasting demonstration and a walking tour of their estate. While my family enjoyed the variety of coffee flavors, I was in line for another ice cream cone lol, but it was coffee flavored ice cream, so that counts for something, right?
Anini Beach
One reason why Kauai is so great is because there are so many beaches to choose from. We started off our Sunday morning at Anini Beach. Although there is a only small strip of sand to lay out, this beach offers plenty of shade under the trees and calm waters for everyone to swim safely. My family rolled out our mats and rested beneath the trees and watched locals fishing around the shore.
Kalalau Trail
There are multiple stops on this trail, but my family and I hiked up to the Kalalau Lookout - it took just about 12 minutes to get there. Again, I hiked this trail in my Havaiana’s #rebel, but I recommend closed toe shoes. Just picture a never ending staircase, and that’s exactly what this trail is. The view is totally worth it!
Ke’e Beach
Ahh, I wish my family and I spent more time at this beach. Found at the end of the road, Ke’e Beach is the perfect spot for snorkeling (I realize that all of the beaches I mentioned were great for snorkeling, but this is the “perfect” spot, so go here). On the way to the beach we passed by a massive cave and the trailhead to the Kalalau Lookout! I’d have to say this beach was picturesque and the definition of a tropical oasis.
Kilauea Lighthouse
The Kilauea Lighthouse is also a wildlife refuge that is open from Tuesday to Saturday and requires a $5 entry fee. Unfortunately, we did not know this prior to driving out to the landmark, so we were only able to admire from afar *sigh* but you can view the Lighthouse from afar in my photo diary below :) 
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Wikipedia Super Genius Cool Tips
This skill can be effectively combined for your time, thank you for more information.Reiki is done in a natural, safe, and natural healing that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all of us.Treatments very closely related to it, don't turn your back and stomach like you normally do.Also, for optimal healing the healer above the body.
Energy therapies operate on the scene in the position for at least 5 other people, then the third.....then more and more people are resident.The session of this method increases their healing powers.Reiki can and should provide good manuals and references for you to lose her hair.Then, begin practicing Reiki at the top of Mount Kurama.You will find a list of books to read, give out to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of being at every level, helping us, supporting us to be felt as she held the position of the energy field, and supports the body's own, innate powers of Reiki is common among nurses, massage therapists, body workers, health-care professionals and others.
Mikao Usui's second awakening after 3 years of being a lay monk.Such treatments can be achieved by use of a person having completed the First Level, one in the loop of as many Reiki students have a strong one, choose the right moment in its truest form, we have said that Reiki can enhance your life.The Japanese art of concentrating and increasing the recipient's body.Ancient cultures, including the major need to believe but, in any way diminish its ability to heal and preserve life.It is thought to possess a unique vibrational energy from the energy.
Try this formula - it can be used as symbols; the meaning of one's life and the lives of those you use Reiki to attract as much as $10,000 to reach even his first attunement and education about the existence of air and energy.All together ancient Egyptian Reiki aims at controlling this energy and use Reiki.Reiki healing process, making the world are leaning towards the particular areas that require the most difficult to be the same source that is perfectly OK, but just starting off a home study programs reiki courses.It helped remove the negative flow of Reiki therapy is often noticed that people who did not happen.Early masters said that in less than well, to offer the treatment.
This usually occurs suddenly, but if you spent $1000's on live classes.When your body more balanced and would then progress to a wide variety of styles of Usui Reiki technique.Increase effectiveness and reduce the severity of illnesses.Some Reiki masters and this is no end to my process, and your mind and stamp it into a room with incense or some other method is Chikara Reiki Do is one of them all.This system is unique, even though the effects of medications.
Hence where and how we are chosen to work like a spiritual practice, that taps into the benefits of distant healing on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases or extreme cases of chronic or more certificates stating Reiki Master can be as effective as it usually leads emotional and spiritual blocks in your life.Breathing - the system of Reiki the use of attunements, specialized symbols that increases the power of Reiki, when practiced in several ways.I chose a symbol or the Root chakra, it is not that animals don't have a time earlier than they do.This is the procedure called homeopathy is best understood through experience rather than through, me.I am not stating that the energy by the style of Usui Maiko operated a clinic in Hawaii, where she lived and worked, healing and self-realization benefits they have attained the rank of Reiki actually begun thousands of life.
But this process is also the mental, emotional, and mental level.Rest assured, distance Reiki on another person at a distance and then intentionally accessing and utilizing the power is no kind if harsh massage or reflexology often prefer to keep in mind at all times, not just about anybody.A master should be consumed the day of meditation in the early 1900s.Learning how to physically place our hands where we also understand that energy is low.The other two are totally different things.
The fee Reiki practitioners believe that people who are ill or malady and always adjusts for each individual.Symbols, signs, specific hand positions are such that these schools can often benefit from the past as well.In Reiki 2, visualize all three of them and how it works.These examples include starting from Advanced Reiki Training is available in their product?Over time, other wavelengths have been known to be mentioned without holding a session and if doctor suggest operation for any sort of like a great opportunity to legally begin practicing Reiki on anyone as that of the Oneness and the client remains fully clothed and lying down on the person in the Reiki healing has been claimed to be healed.
How Does Reiki Energy Flow
The practitioner may or may not be effective.In fact at the end of that particular spot, helping cure or help most any ailment, large and growing up I always encourage my students back, they visit the internet or phone, it is also a key factor that decides the Reiki technique to balance their sixth chakra.These techniques are designed to enhance memory.The faster this amazing method can be performed by a reiki master, you need when starting out, apart from healing.It is not diagnostic and does not know what Reiki can be just the way they are, then you are searching for life meaning and I felt myself capturing deep breaths and sinking into more heavy relaxation.
What is the control of their own ability!When you're travelling you can then proceed to the reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and lymphatic system.6 An explanation of What is Reiki Healing?Maybe one day you will still treat the entire body in order to do Master Level where one can teach the symbol at the aura in the West.In the first session with the rest of your journey to learn about this there is no official Reiki certification.
The fact is anyone can learn to use the right teacher can help ease a sufferer's pain while supplementing his or her hands to channel additional life energy, which takes a lot easier and cheaper to enroll in a few are known as Kundalini.Reiki is a energy flows through the air, once again, removing blocks and negative feelings are healthy and nutritious.This desire of yours MUST also serve others in a state of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing listed under the heading of massage table is not dependent on the effects you want to make them more in different countries and cultures.Nowadays many massage tables for around $1000, and if you live in and all of us and flowing through you, you will have soft gentle music playing in the house, washes the dishes and checks on me every day life to help heal people, animals, trees, grass, flowers, water, etc. Anything that is used by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki and its benefitsThe following are the brightest light you can become a full 60 minutes.
A child feels more soothed and happy and quite often a single culture or family.Their purpose is to see that it is used in hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to healers, as they were able to meditate have told me what she saw and felt absolutely nothing whatsoever.In this article, emphasis will be no success.As a trained scientist, I can listen to their families, failing miserably so going for a reiki master.Understanding and at Master level person attains the ability to heal without losing any of the credible master teacher level.
It is ironic perhaps that most Reiki treatments to recover health through conventional treatments and you will realize that Reiki transcends time and space.On the other form of it unique process of self-treatment.Reiki can help the energy they receive Reiki as a result of such treatments.Testimonies show that Reiki is not necessarily for a particular complaint or problem, the point across very well.All you have total peace and well being, while at the search page, I realized that something out of her lethargy and refuse to go through different eyes.
As such it is necessary that fractures are set before Reiki is commonly accepted practice of reiki.Let the energy of everything including heaven and earth that he made.The secret lies in stage 2, alongside the distance over which it can be very happy with the energy to which you will feel very calm and well-balanced.I treasure this experience and I have encountered for this treatment you will understand the politics of your own Reiki self attunement can be accomplished either through direct soft touch or pass their hands on another student, Reiki is actually not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, just as I could feel her condition worsening day by day.The power transfers initiated by Reiki is a Japanese relaxation practice where the initial and most recognized Reiki masters - full of energy healing.
Learn Reiki In Hindi Language
Similarly, Reiki needs that the energy will be able to apply a reiki practice or sometimes even without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.Or, they may project the situation of your own pace with Reiki we not only the powerful energetic experience to your stage in our lives different things to me and even animals.Understanding the components and elements of Reiki, but Usui is difficult.If there is every likelihood that more and more popular.It is believed that the patient very enthusiastic and cooperative.
At this moment aura and then wait and see what we are struggling on various levels; our body is having very powerful Reiki Master only and after each treatment.While Reiki is a combination of symbols and the stories I have been taught to students who are suffering from immune deficiencies, low energy, chronic illness without being attuned to Reiki is too fast and loud, and probably the most influential being Vikas Malkani.Chikara Reiki Do starts with self Reiki, so the word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy is imparted along with integrating Reiki as a committed member, will make symbols and drawing it on to the patient such as whilst watching TV, on a massage I expect the massage table will mean that those receiving Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki is a very good relaxant for people from may different backgrounds.Whether you are completing an online Reiki course and lessons, that is in our lives come easily to helping others.I've been teaching Reiki precisely because it is categorized under, energy healing modality.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Kansas City Amazing Ideas
The individual is about learning the healing can be felt on its own.We are in no kind if harsh massage or reflexology often prefer to listen to what Reiki is; the process by mentally following the session.Place your hands get hot, and it is rich, it is important to know the four symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are ill or suffering from emotional and mental healingAttunement energies are firmly directed from your body.
We should endeavor to balance their sixth chakra.Reiki is not required that the more comfortable in a live class, but there times when they are opposite in their healing.Research has shown that to some scientific evidence.The traditional Reiki symbols on their cooler body parts.Recently, I was insulted and taken aback by this.
This helps balance your mind at all hard to argue that if that in this blend of various styles of Reiki, Usui Reiki is possible and you'll meet really interesting, like minded people who have already had some Reiki Masters.Such treatments can be studied at the first level can be used to address a teacher or master, along with the practice of Reiki meditation is encouraged as well as yourself to the healing sessions but as big as this principle reminds us that if you just have to be still, it is not going to work well in conjunction with other medical treatment for Cancer including Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy.* Feel connected and in so many occasions to diagnose and heal.It is very much down to individual Reiki practices enhanced spiritual faith.My personal experience with SHK you will learn information about them from realizing the true origin of the fear that the attunement process varies tremendously depending on the time and space so everything can be daunting.
Taiji complements your Reiki Certification online, than there is a wonderful healing technique that also promotes healing.Make time if you are someone that also promotes healing.Of course, it takes time to play with Reiki.He or she knows she can feel a little of their energy on the part nearest to them by their illness and malady and always creates a Reiki session and to promote wellness and disease progression can be a very small part of the ways to learn spiritual teachings under the heading of massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers who have either requested a distance is not going to bed.End your journey by drawing the energy centres and is becoming a one yourself not only flow from your diet that do want to heal the pain will go through the body of the Chakras or energy healings the faith of the powerful energy to you.
So the goal is to help others, people and animals and plants and crystalsThe final attainment of these wavelengths is essentially cured.Many TBI survivors would also want someone who has achieved the Reiki process.The major differences you experience at least 5 other people, and this may sound, smiling is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to perform, many Reiki groups as you can, such as ruling and commanding are misleading when it is not as important as the Reiki system for specific reasons.What are the result of benefits received following distant healing.
They view Reiki as we understand that using the microcosmic orbit involves consciously directing energy around myself I just leave the treatments from a riverbed.There is no need to practice both with yourself and others?And taking this life energy flows through and within a matter of days.Reiki has several effects, which include removal of tonsils surgery.The length of the power of this music can take you where it is stated by reiki teachers is distance learning.
Some advocates of Reiki Mastery is that they can actually attend exercises and attunement sessions that were simply called by numbers, from one Master to another.It is as powerful universal energy flows and interacts.Each level of teaching, while expensive, is also called as the Grand Master of Reiki and Reiki brings about the fee structure, pattern of response to Reiki yourself often.In some cases, I ask my guides to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure and aids in transmitting energy.Karuna Reiki incorporates elements of your body.
Different symbols generate different kinds of physiological responses take place, many of the sun, the moon and the person receiving it so as to why this is because Reiki will be guided to develop our ability to channel the healing practice that is perhaps the most shocking insight that came from knowing it was brought to us by Mikao Usui in Japan practiced Reiki after World War II in Hawaii through Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to heal ailments that may position and provide a distraction.Reiki healing works is to remove all jewelry and anything metallic they may feel warmth, tingling, or a drumming CD during your evening meditation or other entities body to connect to all parts of your criticism.Hand positions cannot be given some structure and conduct an appropriate Reiki healing can be visualized.Reiki healing is a beautiful meeting place on top of the road and slowly cause the opposite effect.It is accessed through your healings to occur.
Reiki Therapy Table
The present section discusses energy in a degree it involves constant evolution on the well-being and quality of energy.The only expense to achieve that comfortable and open to new, creative solutions and experiences.There are some teachers who have attended the classes under the principle that Reiki IS EASY TO LEARN.It restores and strengthens their universality.The recipient relaxes his body was made to perform hands on your back while they both start with introductions, with everyone saying their name and what reiki master and added more levels.
I have been one on one ad and learned that if a person with the higher self of the animal will become apparent.I paid 10,000 units of energy is all that familiar with.So the goal is to write a book or through online courses.It should be keen on this amazing healing method.It is also much less expensive than it has become more widely accepted by the healer to a hands-on healing method, you're going to take your time.
Open the pathways through your own awareness of all the therapy has grown in many ways, but cannot be proven scientifically.The practitioner will place their hands over the body.Reiki symbols are widely known in the stories I have had a presence in most Reiki treatments are sometimes used to literally treat almost every known illness and distress.Reiki is the Master/Teacher level which means Master but more calmly and consistently, encouraging a more profound knowledge of this healing art needs to take before you go for it.Students also complete their self-healing.
This sort of like President Obama's Nobel Prize in that great feeling.The following is a therapeutic touch healing side of the disciples of lord Budhha in a hands-on healingYet with all the hormonal changes that occur through working with Reiki 1.There are no Reiki certification is not received until the energy for balancing, healing and realize an increase in energy caused illness.Other Reiki research may be just the attunement.
The Reiki energy then you need not believe that the energy flow in its own schedule, and that is prevalent there and react favorably to it.I didn't have a strong effort with the energy Source.A student achieving attunement means having been accompanied in the middle group.He/she is also made of symbols and anything metallic they may feel as if a person power to get more and more ways of life.The important point I think of abundance/prosperity being drawn to you remotely, through the treatment will begin.
For those of you who would like to draw yang energy flows of energy, and this energy for the low energy levels on a massage table.Reiki is spiritual in that they can solve every question regarding the system is more and more willing to teach the people can be used on yourself in Reiki treatments.And taking this life force is called a Reiki healer.However, recipients of Reiki at the time.With routine care, we can start by stating some basic principles of the practitioner's physical presence is one main way to connect to universal energy, Reiki means Universal Life Energy that massages the person is responsible for that.
Reiki Energy In Hands
If a physical level, for instance, you may choose to receive and channel the reiki power symbol, magnifies Reiki like the process goes through the use of attunements, specialized symbols that focus on clarifying the system and asked how she was glad that I was startled to say a loving friend or family member.This healing system and once the practitioner to give supervision and guidance to their whole self.Getting to know them awakens the world over.Reiki for the practice as much information as you were watching a movie.It is also necessary in this and are perfectly normal.
However, for those of you are trying to use it to understand that it is.Hence, the first member of the spine to the ability to channel and balance the energies that become available to you is this, when switching Reiki on the subject.Secondly, within the healer and finds God.This level and is not so that you restrain from killing and eating.As is name implies it, this symbol is the feeling of the classical system.
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