#so I will throw it to the wolves
vanivenivici · 1 year
Have a shuake plot bunny that I need to expunge from my head immediately, feat. Actual Prince Akechi and Akira disguising himself as a woman to infiltrate the palace:
Okay so eastern period drama style, Prince Akechi stays in the palace while quietly plotting to usurp/assassinate his tyrant father. Shido, the emperor, is fairly detached from reality and very paranoid of dissent, so Akechi holds no real power (just goodwill he's earned through charisma). Shido keeps throwing women and consorts at Akechi to hopefully distract him/marry him off/what have you. Akechi has no interest in any of that, obviously.
Enter Akira, the leader of the revolutionaries, who (along with Ann and Makoto) attempt to infiltrate the harem so they can gain access to the palace. Only Akira gets through the selection process and becomes one of the Prince's royal consorts.
Oh and maybe Maruki is in there somewhere as like... a royal physician? In the medieval sense, anyway. A wellness advisor with his own agenda who is sensitive to shuake's plight and eventually gets in the way. (light B-plot)
Anyway, Akechi writes off this new addition as usual, but Akira has to crank up the charm to both gain his trust and explain away all the snooping around he may get caught doing. Lots of accidental bonding ensues. (There's always a 'helping the prince dress' scene with palpable tension, isn't there?) Akira has a crisis over being fond of a member of the royal family. Akechi has a crisis over developing an interest in who he thinks is a woman. Maybe they plan on killing each other to further their goals somehow.
Akira's secret is eventually revealed and everything clicks... probably while they're trying to kill each other. They become accomplices... add a touch of political drama since Akechi will now obviously favor one particular consort... Shido attempts to marry him off to some other family/country for political gain... the revolutionaries fully infiltrate the palace and help stop Shido's nonsense... huge battle against the royal guard with the turncoats Akechi has won over to his side... happy ending?
Yeah, maybe happy ending.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 month
Eywa's fleecy little lamb — the blood sacrifice of Her chosen one
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hyunpic · 2 months
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courtmartialme · 9 months
I have a question. Also, you're my favorite Royai artist (the characters as individuals and together). You've mentioned that you consider Riza autistic many times, but have you ever given your support for why you think that? I'm just curious what your thoughts are.
comparing to my own experience but it's common to see autistic people be taken as uninterested and rude for being unexpressive and blunt. so it's mainly about riza being presented as stoic and somewhat scary but gradually being shown she's very kind and fun and even makes bad jokes with a straight face (it's so moe........) but is bad at expressing that, which makes both other characters and viewers think she's always annoyed and no-fun when that's not true.. it's so important to me
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she also barely understands other people's feelings and takes things too literally, or say things out loud you probably shouldn't
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like at the hughes' funeral scene when roy says it's raining and riza's immediate reaction is to go "it's not??" LOL or when roy is coming up with problems as excuse to not fight ed in flame vs fullmetal and riza very promptly solves them...! it's all very Autism to me.. my mom works for arakawa and she told me it's true
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(i haven't watched brotherhood in so long but i'm like 80% sure these panels i used are all scenes that didn't make it into the anime which is why i'm an avid brotherhood hater and you should read the manga)
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slightlytoastedbagel · 5 months
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An Shiraishi who is so convinced she will be left behind (again) and that she'll never be like Nagi. But then Kohane (and Toya and Luka which I also have things to say about but in this context we're focusing on Kohane) calls her "my Sun".
Which um. Y'know.
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happyk44 · 2 years
Jason: I'm sorry, my dad tried to do what to you?
Nico: Nothing. I didn't say anything.
Percy, climbing in through the window: HE SAID THAT HE TRIED TO KILL HIM WHEN HE WAS A KID!
Nico: Oh my God, Percy, where the fuck did you come from?
Percy: From outside, obviously.
Percy, uncapping Riptide: Anyway, Jason, would you like to come with me to embark on a quest to kill your dad?
Nico: Percy, no!
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canonically47 · 8 months
the fact that RIPPER somehow managed to be the best (straight) boyfriend of the reboot is hilarious to me
honestly putting ripper in a relationship with axel and making them, of all people, be one of the healthiest ships of total drama, not just the reboot, says a lot
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scottpilgrim4everr · 10 months
When you’re being mean to me this is who you’re being mean to.
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surlifen · 2 years
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final for color theory -- wolves of the beyond color script and illustrations
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sigskk · 6 months
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giggles post-meursault propaganda
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[ID: Three photos of Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs. The first image has two paintings, and the second and third images are both of them by themselves.
The first painting, Sigma is sitting on a bench, resting his chin on the handle of an offset cane and looking off to the left. He's wearing a skin-tight black turtleneck shirt and white pants. His cane is a dark mauve, but because of the colour palette, it's the same colour as his shirt. The lighting is from his back, on the right.
In the second painting, Sigma is standing, leaning on his cane in his right hand (on the left side for viewer), and wearing the same outfit as the first painting. This time, though, his belt is visible. It's thick and black with a large silver buckle. He's looking off to the right and his hand is brought to his mouth, as if he were contemplating something. The lighting is on the left side, so it's also directed at his back. End ID.]
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sirenium · 6 months
'If you're doom scrolling this tag-' shut up. Get out of the tag that you, yourself detest, block it, and move on. You're helping nobody with these corny ass posts; if anything you're exposing yourself to the very thing you hate. You're triggering yourself. And if you doom scroll, get out of the tag and block it. It's that simple.
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theflann · 11 months
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i know this ain't the turtles, but a friend got me into the life series and desert duo sooo......
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darklight-owl · 4 months
Oops I dropped my link to Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva english dub full movie free on YouTube oh nooo now people are gonna watch it for free on any device with no prior knowledge of the Layton series needed to understand the plot oh noooooo
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
here's how it goes:
everyone spends valentine's day in DEEP denial. tubbo isn't dead, he CAN'T be. when they die they come back, that's how it is, how it's ALWAYS been. the island is hell but at least fatalities don't stick, except in specific cases and all of them in the same white shells. of course philza jokes, he's thinking about tubbo, he can't stop. he's expecting tubbo to jump out at any moment, he's expecting to go to fobo and see tubbo hidden in the basement throwing darts at a picture of fit and pac looking at each other, he's expecting to go back to the dungeon and the body is gone (he hopes). tubbo's not dead. he can't die. none of them can, just the eggs.
(it never takes this long to come back; he knows something is wrong)
here's how it goes:
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life." the eggs have always had lives. i don't think some of them have ever understood that the players have infinite chances, with their insistence on protecting their caretakers from deaths like their caretakers do for them, charging back into the eye worker war, refusing to back out of a dangerous dungeon before their parents do, wanting to protect. i don't know if they understand that to the players, death is like spit in the face: unpleasant, sure, but no big deal.
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life" and of course they believe him. death is their constant companion, no more than two doors down. some eggs are used to it being a breath away.
here's how it goes:
tubbo is dead. the children mourn him. the players are scared. defiant. they always are. who among them has died? dan, missing; spreen, gone; maximus... well there was no body, no announcement, surely-
(how long did it take pierre to accept it? to realize it? to take down the missing person posters? not a day. not a day.)
juanaflippa died and there was a court case to save her. bobby died and the whole server journeyed to save him. when is the last time the players have taken death lying down?
here's how it goes:
tubbo dies, and he dies unloved (fit's arm is stretched out to save him). he dies without purpose (sunny is there, she's waiting, she knows he won't move). he dies and no one cares (chayanne refuses to leave, his godfather, he failed his-)
here's how it goes:
the valentine's party is so loud but too quiet. there's a name in the air, even when no one is saying it
"wow sure is good tubbo isn't here" phil says (he's said this before, he'll say it again, but isn't it strange how many times? perhaps even he doesn't believe it. perhaps he's trying to convince himself.)
here's how it goes:
a creature with too many faces comes. it tells them the truth they won't face. tubbo is gone.
quesadilla island says, "not for long"
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smallsies · 1 year
arthur and john reach the end, eventually. it’s not easy—was never easy, in all truth, but they manage and they come out the other side, alive with more than just a few cuts and bruises. everything is over, they're safe, nothing is chasing them. and then arthur says, “john, you can finally have your own body,” because that was always the goal, wasn’t it? john isn’t going to live in arthur’s head forever. john isn’t going to live in arthur’s head forever and. well. john doesn’t even know what he wants anymore. not that—not being separated from arthur, the one who taught him hurt and love and humanity and—he can't lose him.
john has never been inclined to selfishness. not since he was a god, at the very least. and once he and arthur were, by any definitions of the word, friends, everything he had done was always for arthur. to keep arthur safe. to make sure arthur was okay. beyond that, john's self-preservation was an often-forgotten piece of the puzzle. and he was fine with that—it wasn't a concern, and he was an inhabitant of arthur's body after all, so it was only natural that arthur remained john's highest priority.
now arthur wants to separate them. john is beginning to doubt his ability to go along with this. arthur wants to separate them and john is terrified of losing the only person he's ever had but he exists for arthur and how could he ever say no to him and—and he can't lose him. john is not proud of himself for sabotaging the ritual. they only had one chance, and it's gone now, and john and arthur are one and they always will be. he begs for arthur's forgiveness even as he cannot forgive himself for what he did, even out of misguided love.
maybe he has never been one for anger before but now arthur is hot. the smoke from the fires john started doesn't burn out as he refuses to talk to john for weeks, existing in a silence that john wishes he could forget. arthur stares into the mirror when they're getting ready for bed the first night; john can't help but see every fragment of bitterness, of hurt and betrayal and regret and i'm sorry i ever trusted you. you destroyed everything i love and you will not stop haunting me. why did you do this to me (why did you do this to us). maybe arthur never forgives him, maybe they never move on from this, but john never has to face the possibility of losing arthur. he will never have to be alone again.
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eerna · 1 year
literally losing it over Ghost of Tsushima I just finished act 2 and I am LOSING IT
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