#so a few tears wouldnt be surprising but it was just like a switch flipped
deelovesbooks · 7 months
Just started absolutely ✨ sobbing ✨ at 1am so I'm doing well mentally hbu?
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queenofbaws · 1 year
thinkin about the au where the ud kids are also councillors at hacketts quarry..... wouldnt it be just Such bad luck if one of Them got werewolfified?? dealers choice who, i just thought it would be fun :]
((uh oh, this was just supposed to be six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!))
“So…anyone else getting mad déjà vu right now, or is that just me?” Save a few furious glares shot over shoulders, no one seemed especially interested in dealing with Mike at just that moment. He shrugged the worst of it off, then went back to circling the lodge, rattling doorknobs and window frames to make sure everything was locked up tight. “Just me then. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Good talk, team.”
One might’ve expected that the lodge would feel empty with all the campers gone for the season, that the railings and dark eaves above them might’ve given the place a hollow, echoey feeling…but empty tables and vacant coat hooks be damned, the lodge had never felt smaller. Panic and confusion had narrowed the space until the woodgrain became smothering, choking, a prison smelling of pinesap and industrial grade disinfectant and, now that they’d gotten Nick laid out, blood. It was a madhouse. A charnel house.
Or it would’ve been, had the older counselors not been so nonchalant.
Sam was the first to step forward (surprising no one), tying her hair back out of her face with a few snappy twists of her wrist. The Hacketteers had seen it happen a few times during the summer, the imaginary switch that occasionally got flipped inside of her, transforming her five-foot-nothing frame into the towering presence of a military official; she knelt down beside Nick alongside Abi and Kaitlyn, and as she got a better look at his leg, her cheeks hollowed in thought. When she spoke, it wasn’t with the calm, sunshiney voice they’d all grown accustomed to, but an authoritative snap that left little room for argument. “Nurse Kelly’s office,” she said to Kaitlyn, making sure to hold her gaze as she gave the assignment. “Hydrogen peroxide from the cabinet, gauze from the bottom left drawer, and then bandages. If you can’t find bandages, get tape. Go.”
After one last sympathetic look towards Abi, Kaitlyn was off, bounding towards the nurse’s office with force enough to make her sneakers squeak on the hardwood. Sam wasted no time; she turned first over her right shoulder then the left, her lips tracing the silent headcount she was running. “Eleven,” she muttered, tapping her own chest before running the count again and coming up with the same thing. “Eleven? I—okay, wait, who’re we missing?”
“Um, um Emma,” stammered Abi, her voice shaking like a leaf in a windstorm and her body not much better off. Her bare knees poked through the tears in her tights where she knelt on the floor, the skin red and raw from where she’d fallen, though that seemed to be the worst of her injuries. “E-Emma’s down at the…at the lake, and Jacob went to get her. I…right?” Her stare had been so far-off when she’d come tumbling out of the woods and into the circle of the firepit, and only now did it seem to focus, or sharpen at the very least, as though having four walls and a ceiling surrounding her was what it had taken to wake her up. Even though she kept both of her hands tightly wrapped around one of Nick’s, she wrenched her eyes away from him to look at Ashley instead. “Right?”
At first, all she could do was nod, her lower lip was so deep in her mouth. When she let it go (with an almost audible pop! at that) it was red and inflamed from her biting it. “Right,” she picked up, nodding with a tense sort of precision. “Jacob went to get Emma at the lake, and Matt and Jess went with him just in case he ran into that…um, guy he was talking about. The hunter, or whatever.”
His circuit complete, Mike gave the front door one last heave-ho before joining the rest of them. “So I’ll say it again: Déjà vu, table for however-the-fuck-many?”
From one of the tables, Chris lifted his head out of his hands. “Dude. Let it rest, okay? A-a-and that’s coming from me, all right? Just…drop it. Seriously.”
“This is bad.” There was the sound of footfalls as Kaitlyn came running back into the main room with her arms full of supplies, and even still it was Dylan most of them turned towards, Dylan who had been hanging back near the fireplace since they’d gotten in. “This is bad, bad, bad…look, I’m telling you guys, okay? You can call me crazy, whatever, I don’t care, this?!” He stopped his anxious pacing long enough to slice a hand through the air in Nick’s direction. “This isn’t normal. Guy gets attacked in the middle of Buttfuck, Nowhere by some…thing Abi draws to look like my sleep paralysis demon on steroids, it’s oozing black shit, and we’re just…what? We’re just not gonna say it?”
“Dylan,” Sam and Kaitlyn warned, sounding less a Greek chorus and more a couple of exasperated mothers.
He held both his hands up as if to acknowledge their scorn…and continued anyway. “This is horror movie shit. Legit fucking horror movie shit, and I don’t care if you guys think I’m a maniac or whatever, but I am telling you, we shouldn’t be bandaging that, we should just be cutting it o—”
“Dylan!” Kaitlyn snapped a second time, throwing him a frantic glare from where she bent over Nick’s leg. “You’re not helping!”
“No one is cutting anyone’s anything off,” Sam piped in. “Completely glossing over the fact Nurse Kelly never stopped to give any of us pointers on impromptu amputation, I’d just like to go on the record as saying immediately chopping body parts off when freaked out is a bad idea in general.”
She wasn’t looking anywhere near him, but Mike was more than happy to take the opportunity to flip two of the fingers he did still have Sam’s way.
“Fuck,” Nick breathed, his spine arcing impossibly when Sam splashed the hole in his leg with peroxide. He grit his teeth, squeezed Abi’s hands until she squealed – though from shock alone or pain, none of them could immediately tell – and screwed his eyes shut tight as the blood and tissue exposed to the open air sizzled and bubbled and foamed. “Fuckin’…I’m right here! Don’t talk about this shit like I’m not here!”
The pain in his voice should’ve been enough to end the conversation full-stop. It would’ve been enough, had it only been the younger counselors in the lodge.
He hadn’t said much since the firepit, and for that most of their number were grateful. When Josh did deign to throw his two cents into the mix, though…gratitude was the farthest thing from anyone’s mind. “Ives is right.”
“Shocker,” Mike muttered under his breath, joining Emily over near the windows.
“Josh. Don’t—”
“No, shut up. The facts of the matter are these: One.” And because he was who he was, he took two steps up onto one of the open tables, somehow managing to bring the audience’s attention to himself despite Nick bleeding out on the floor. “There’s something attacking people out in the woods. A bad start, I think we can all agree. Two. Whatever it is, it’s hungry, or at the very least, it’s teething. Now I don’t know about any of you guys, but I’ve seen my fair share of hickies and love bites in my time, and whatever the fuck did that…” As Dylan had before him, Josh pointed towards the wound Kaitlyn and Sam were trying (and failing) to dress. “…its mouth was a little bigger than we would like. Fair to say? Three. I’m sorry Nicky-baby, but you’re not looking so good right now.”
“Josh!” That time Sam got up, pushing herself from the floor to stomp over towards him. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged, throwing off his balance and causing him to stumble to catch himself before he fell off the table entirely. “This is so not the time for – ”
“So you’ve got an explanation for all the black gunk, then? That what I’m hearing, Sammy?” He lifted his arms in a theatrical shrug, then let them drop to his sides. “Look at him. Look at him. We can see every vein in his goddamn body because of that crap. He looks like an anatomical model of a zombie plague victim. What’s the point in pretending – ”
“The point is,” she interrupted, each syllable clipped and final, “until we know what’s going on, we shouldn’t be scaring people.”
For a moment, brief and shining, it seemed maybe Josh was going to back down. Then he held up another finger. “Four,” he continued, looking away from Sam to search out all the others’ eyes instead. “Any of you aspiring astronomers take a gander up at the sky tonight, perchance? Notice anything…interesting, maybe?”
On the floor, Nick thrashed, succeeding in shoving Abi away from him, but not quite managing to throw Kaitlyn from his leg. Other than that, there was silence as the counselors fought to make sense of what Josh was saying.
“I mean…it’s a full moon,” Ryan offered. “But I don’t – ”
“Oh my God, it’s a full moon!” Like someone had stuck her with a pin, Ashley’s whole body shot back, back, back and away from Nick. She moved with the lightning speed of the truly panicked, nearly jumping the full length of the lodge to join Chris, Josh, and Dylan over by the fireplace. “It’s werewolves. Oh my God, it’s werewolves. It’s…oh jeez Louise, this is…” Only once she’d been enveloped by the guys did she stop raking her fingers down her face. When finally she spoke again, her voice had taken on a terrifying calmness. “We’ve got to cut his leg off.”
“Thank you! This is what I’m saying!”
“I—will you guys shut up?” Pushing himself away from the far wall, Ryan threw his arms out wide. “Do you hear yourselves? Werewolves?”
There was nothing especially friendly in the look Josh leveled at him as he asked, “What? Not, uh…bizarre or bona fide enough for you? Is that it?”
Nick’s injured leg spasmed as if it were a dying animal struggling to fight off a hunter, and the impact knocked Kaitlyn’s breath from her lungs. She went sprawling, moving her hands towards her ribs as if to grab at them, but hesitating to actually touch them once they began to throb. “Jesus Christ, Nick!” she gasped, using the rubber soles of her shoes to push herself along the floor, putting more distance between them. “I’m trying to help! I know it hurts – you gotta…”
He didn’t have much to say to that, it seemed, except a succinct, “Fuck off, Kaitlyn!”
As Sam and Abi both rushed to help her up, the others continued their grim debate; unfortunately for Ryan (and, in all honesty, Nick), one side was clearly louder than the other.
“In what world do you think werewolves – actual freaking werewolves – are real?”
“Uh, point of order,” Chris interjected, “you seem to be forgetting who you’re talking to, so hey, just real quick, ahem…hi, I’m Chris, this is Josh, this is Ashley, and we survived a cannibalistic monster attack back in 2015! Jesus Christ, did any of you guys listen to a word we said during ice breakers? Holy shit.”
“Not to take away from the argument or anything, buuut just FYI, we were all very much in agreement you guys were making that shit up completely.”
“…you what?”
“Yeah,” Dylan nodded. “We laughed about it after lights-out and everything. I mean…whoops. Obviously, whoops. I’d like to go on the record as saying I owe you guys a big old ‘my bad’ once we’re out of this shitshow, but…yeah. Definitely…definitely thought you were making that stuff up.”
There were a million things they could’ve said to that revelation. A million things between them. And still what ended up actually coming out was: “Mike cut two of his fingers off!”
“It’s true. I did. And look where it got me.”
“Really moving up in the world, aren’t you Michael?” She hadn’t had the slightest desire to join in the reindeer games, but there was only so much theatricality and tension Emily could resist. She turned away from the window and took the scene in with her arms folded tightly across her chest, one of her hands tucked neatly away beneath the crook of her elbow. There, near the fireplace, was the witch hunting committee; there, in the middle of the blood-streaked floor, were Nick and his three would-be nurses; and smack between the two factions was Ryan, dour and exasperated as always. “Mike’s right,” she said, and was then forced to deal with the indignity of him grinning and pumping his fist beside her. “This shitty one-act is familiar. And I for one am not dealing with it a second time.”
“Emily,” and man oh man, Sam was wondering if she was going to get to say anything tonight that wasn’t just her sounding out her friends’ names in increasingly frustrated tones, “look, I know things are weird right now, but – ”
“It’s not werewolves.”
Josh’s eyebrows went up. “Oh? Oh! Well, by all means, your majesty, please! Inform us lowly peons of the esoteric knowledge you’ve been withholding from us. I mean, after all, it’s not like any of us are experts on the subject or anything. Not like anyone in this room was literally raised on horror lore.”
They were too far away from one another to do anything about it, but when Sam and Mike locked eyes, it was immediately clear they both knew what was about to happen. There was no reason for that, nothing that could explain the bolt of understanding that ran through them, and yet there it was, plain as day – déjà vu, serendipity, kismet, fate, bad luck, whatever you wanted to call it, they both saw it rear its ugly head at precisely the same moment.
The moment, as it turned out, where Emily pulled her hand free from under her arm. “Whatever that ugly motherfucker was, it got me too.” The lights were off, there was hardly any illumination to speak of, and even so, there was no missing the jagged, shallow teeth marks jagging across her hand. There wasn’t as much blood as there had been on Nick’s leg, though there was a fair amount, and whatever that black stuff was, her wrist seemed to be shot through with it too.
“Guys.” It was only the stunned silence that had come over them at Emily’s admission that allowed Nick to be heard; his voice was a wet, phlegmy gasp caught deep in his chest. “Guys? I don’t…”
“It got me too,” Emily continued, “and look at me! I’m fine! I don’t feel sick, or infected with anything, or – ”
“Oooh no. Oh no no no no no! You are so…no!” As quick as she’d been to hide herself behind them, Ashley burst out from behind the guys to round on them instead, pointing frantically towards Emily as her words spilled out of her. “This is what I was trying to keep from happening last time!”
“…last time?” Ryan asked, only to be spoken over.
“They’re both bitten! They’re both infected! They’re going to change, or turn, or…or whatever, and when they do, you know what’s going to happen? They’re going to kill us! They’re going to kill all of us, and I didn’t make it off that stupid freaking mountain just to die here in the middle of some awful, sweaty, mosquito-filled woods!”
“You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.” Mike made a swipe for Emily, meaning to hold her back. Whether it had been a real effort, though, or one just meant for show…that was anyone’s guess, because she easily evaded him and marched her way over to the others, countering each of Ashley’s moves as though trying to bully her in a narrow school hallway. “How many times do you think you get to spearhead the ‘Let’s kill Emily’ committee before I haul off and wipe the ground with your sorry ass?”
“I really, uh…” Nick’s gasps had turned to panting, each breath uncomfortably wet on the inhale. “I really don’t…feel good…”
Ashley took a step back towards the guys and Emily took two forward; she sidestepped and Emily turned with her. “I-I was wrong last time,” she admitted, and while her eyes were huge and glassy with fear, her chin was high and her voice was resolute.
“You don’t fucking say.”
“But this is what I was afraid of! You become a werewolf when you’re bitten by one! That’s how it works! Everyone knows that’s how it works!”
“Oh yeah?” And before anyone could react, even to breathe, Emily lashed out with her uninjured hand, grabbed Ashley by the wrist, and brought her hand to her mouth. She bit down once, hard, letting go before she could taste blood but well after she felt the meaty crunch of tissue damage. “Then welcome to the party, bitch.”
“Déjà vu check?” Mike asked the room, and that time, Chris raised his hand. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay, look, shit’s…shit’s pretty fucked right now, I’m not even gonna lie, but Sam has a point, all right, you guys? Until we have some kind of proof that something spooky’s really afoot, then I don’t think we should – ”
It was Abi who screamed first, bringing their attention back to Nick. By then, it was too late. They turned just in time to see a tear, then two, then three, open in his skin, stretching wide to show the wet, raw muscle beneath as though he were simply wearing a human-suit several sizes too small for him. With one final heave of his body (and the horrendous sound of gore hitting the floor and walls and, God help them all, ceiling), something hulking and monstrous and sharp burst out of him like a moth from a cocoon, spreading not wings but limbs so long and so large as to defy all logic. It stared at them with eyes that winked gold and red in the darkness, then threw back its head and let out a sound like none of them had ever heard before.
Only then did Sam raise her hand, already starting to walk backwards. “This is starting to get familiar,” she admitted, grabbing Abi by the back of her shirt and hauling her to her feet, “this is starting to get really, really, really familiar, now that you mention it.”
Shock alone rooted the younger counselors to the spot, the older ones held still more by muscle memory and the hope what had kept them alive before would keep them alive now…but then Emily snatched Ashley up by both of her wrists and yanked her close enough to act as a human shield, breaking their stunned silence with a shrill, “Someone shoot her before she turns into one of those things!”
“You bit me!” she shrieked in response, struggling to reach behind herself and get a handful of Emily’s hair. When she couldn’t wriggle out of her grasp, she settled for stomping down on her instep as hard as she could, and if it hadn’t been for Mike and Chris both grabbing them and physically dragging them away, the thing that had very recently been Nick would’ve likely sliced through them both with a furious swipe of its claws.
“Holy shit, holy shit!”
“Yeah, welcome to our world,” someone said glumly, either Chris or Josh, it was honestly hard to tell.
“There’s a…there’s a fucking monster…right there!”
“Wow, gee, thanks!”
“And they’re just…going to fight each other?! Even though it’s…it’s right…”
“Like we said,” and that time it was Chris, his voice strained as he tried to physically slide himself between Ashley and Emily to keep them apart, “welcome to our fucking world!”
“Fuck me, I sure hope Mr. H has this place insured,” Mike said, and though he knew it did more harm that good, he let go of Emily to let Chris deal with her, choosing instead to pat himself down until he found the lighter stashed in his pocket. “Because I don’t know about you assholes, but I sure remember how this part goes.”
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pixiescriptures · 3 years
We Can Be Freaks Together
Chapter 4 ;
For You, Daily Dawn
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There was only one thing that Hyunjoon loved more than his computer and that was the Daily Dawn. And it was his, all his. Of course, he shared the show with a few co-hosts, but he started it. He created it, he perfected it. A proud smile was on display as he walked towards the AV room, listening to the whispers about his show.
"Felix! Did you hear yesterday's Bloom Bloom segment?" "Hyung! Did you hear the Gossip King segment?" "Noona, the Uni News segment was so satisfying!"
Hyunjoon shivered at the praise, even if he didn't host the segments, he hand picked each and every host. He hand picked each and every topic that was brought up. His show.
Stepping into the AV room, he wasn't at all surprised to see that he was the first one there. It was still only 9:00 AM and the Daily Dawn started at 10:00 AM, but he had things to do. Starting with checking to see that everyone had their segment ready.
Hyunjoon opened the group chat with a small smile, proud of the people he'd chosen for his show. He couldn't stop himself from praising them, so he did.
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// A/N: ignore the time stamp at the top pls!!
Hyunjoon sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Another bully on campus," he grumbled as the door opened, revealing Kevin with bags under his eyes. "Hey Joon-ah," he hummed, walking to the table and sitting down. "Can my segment be second to last? I need to finalize the script I wrote up."
Hyunjoon nodded, "sure little moonlight boy," he teased. Kevin grinned brightly up at Hyunjoon, "thanks,"
The door opened to reveal Chanhee and Sunwoo, each sporting a box of doughnuts. "We texted Hak to get coffees," Chanhee spoke, setting the doughnuts on the table. "Hyung," Sunwoo spoke quickly, looking at Hyunjoon. "Could I use you as a guest speaker since no one knows Hwall's real identity?"
Hyunjoon thought for a moment before nodding, "Sure, sunshine."
One by one the rest of the crew filed in and around 9:45 they were ready to go. "Okay so, the intro song is 3 minutes long so sunshine, turn us on at 9:57, okay?" A slight nod was exchanged between Hwall and Sunwoo as everyone moved to sit around the table, setting up their microphones.
At 9:57 AM, Sunwoo flipped a switch and the 'On Air' sign turned red. The soft acoustic guitar ( played by our very own Jacob Bae ) was accompanied by a soft voice, Kevin's voice, and sang the sweet intro to the show.
Hwall smiled at his co-hosts, took a breath and then began, "Welcome back to Daily Dawn! It's Hwall here, ready to send you into the sunrise! Today's show might run a little longer than intended because, well, we have every segment running today! I hope you enjoy today's show as much as I do."
Then Younghoon spoke, "Hi guys, its Hoon! The first segment we'll be starting with is..." he glanced around the room, spotting Sangyeon's hand, "University News!"
Sangyeon cleared his throat, "welcome back to Uni News with your host, Sangie! I'm very pleased to say that most of the news I have today is good! Mrs. Min just delivered her baby and will be back to the Arts department in a little under a year!"
A chorus of applause came from, well, somewhere when Sunwoo pressed a small button. "Culture Night is coming up, so remember to stop by the office to sign up! And finally, congratulations to Mr. Kim for his engagement! This is Sangie, signing off."
Hwall smiled before he spoke, "and next, our resident flower boy, New, with the Bloom Bloom segment!"
New grinned, "Bloom Bloom pow! I hope you're listening, today's Bloom Bloom arrangements are sure to give you a cavity! I'm your host, New!" A soft giggle left the pink-haired boy's lips as he glanced down at his notebook. "First off, we have a bouquet of carnations, which typically mean either women or love, but in this case, I assume it's both! The recipient is none other than our gorgeous Tzuyu! Looks like someone's got a secret admirer!"
"Next, a bouquet of an assortment of flowers. Let's start off with the white clovers which mean think of me! The next flower is a blue salvia, these flowers are quite rare to see in a bouquet but they're so pretty and they mean 'I think of you,' which is such a cute message! And finally, red roses, which I'm sure everyone knows mean love! Ah! To Felix, love Chan! How sweet! Aren't they cute together? Chanlix for the win!" He laughed, biting his lower lip. "And I believe that's all for today!"
Younghoon hummed, "and now we go to a song break, courtesy of our resident moonlight boy! What's the song, Moonie?"
"Our first song of the day is a throwback song for me and is dedicated to someone I met a few days ago! It's Mean by Taylor Swift. Enjoy!"
As the song came on, each member turned off their microphones and began to chat, but Kevin's eyes were glued to his phone where he was texting with Jacob.
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As the song ended, everyone got back to their seats and turned on their microphones. "And we're back! The next segment is Gossip King!"
Haknyeon took this as his cue to begin, scrolling through the Gossip King twitter page and humming. "Welcome back to Gossip King, your daily tea fix! So, let's sit back, relax and spill some tea!" He chewed on his lower lip, stopping suddenly when he read a comment, "oh my~ how utterly gossip worthy. My fellow students, did you know H.J got caught sucking L.M's dick in the bathroom? Quite hot, if you ask me."
And if everyone saw Haknyeon look at Sangyeon, well, no one said a word.
"Oh wait! This is cute! Canada boy, Kevin Moon, spotted saving several kittens from the rain! How sweet!" Haknyeon giggled as he looked over at his co-host who was currently hiding his face which was, undoubtedly, bright red.
"Hmm.." Haknyeon hummed, letting out a little gasp, "No way! Fuckin' finally! Jennie and Lisa, we all knew you'd end up together!"
Everyone rolled their eyes at Haknyeon's antics, knowing he truly loved the gossip, even when he tried to tone it down. Chanhee had glanced at the twitter page, flinching when he saw one about himself. 'Choi Chanhee, gay or straight?'
Haknyeon simply deleted the comment with a glare at the screen, knowing Chanhee wouldnt like to be outed. "Looks like we got another sinister deed to report. Silent Report time. Oh! It's one of our regular anons, Moon. Hello Moon, hope you're okay! Moon says that Kim Daichi, the son of CEO Kim of Kim Inc. has taken it upon himself to beat the absolute shit out of a sophomore! How dare he!"
"Well, on that note," Haknyeon sighed, "I'll have to sign off. Quite frankly, I'm appalled. I didn't know bullies still existed in college. I thought people would've matured by now, but I guess idiots truly don't. Bye, y'all!"
"And finally, Moonlight Boy, play us a few songs!"
And with that, and the three songs Kevin played, the show was over, and everyone turned off their microphones, settling in and talking about God knows what.
The only person who seemed off was Chanhee, staring blankly out of the window as tears pooled in his eyes, but, well, that's a story for another day.
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 1
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: toruture, rape, violence, language, drug use and abuse. If you are triggered by any of these please do not read.
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Another day i lived in fear. Fear of when my boyfriend got home from his nightly tirade. Drinking, fucking whores, snorting whatever he could get crushed up and sucked up a straw. The bruises still lingered on my body from the night before. I lay there silently in bed hoping that he just wouldnt come home.
I looked at the clock and it read 4:15 am and maybe just maybe tonight i would get a break. Just as i started to relax i heard the front door slam open then slam shut. I heard him stumbling through the living room towards the hall. Hes getting closer to our room and i knew what would happen. I prayed 'dear lord please just give me enough strength to take whatever is about to happen.'
The door to the bedroom flew open as parker fell to the floor. I didnt dare move i lay perfecrly still holding my breath as he crawled towards the bed. He grabbed a fistful of the bed covers and pulled himself up on my side of the bed.
"Honey im home." He sneered and my stomach turned. I clutched the covers tight staying silent. He crawled on top of me and he smelled like cheap vodka and whiskey and i could make out the white powder under both nostrils. His pupils were dilated and he had that crazed look in his eyes. He grabbed the covers and yanked he was beyond strong when he was under the influence.
The moment the covers were pulled off of me i balled up tucking my knees as close to my chest as i could get. He grabbed my arm and flipped me on my back. I was shaking so bad and i felt like i couldnt breathe. He fumbled with his belt buckle but then he noticed i had clothes on. He reached in his back pocket and i knew what he was reaching for. I heard the distinct click and then seen the light reflect off the blade of his switch blade knife he always carried.
"What have i told you? When i come home you better be fucking naked!" He yelled. I flinched at his loud booming voice. He grabbed my shirt and rammed the blade through the top. He didnt show any remorse that he had cut my chin in the process. He loved and got off on the suffering he put me through. The fabric tore away from body and he then grabbed my panties. He brought the knife down and cut them off as well. Cutting my lower stomach all the way to my most sensitive area.
A groan escaped my lips as the pain hit and burnt my entire body. I wanted to beg and plead for him to stop but that would just encourage him and make him want to cause more pain. So i lay there not saying a word.
He unbuckled and unzipped his pants as he pulled my legs open. There were restraints on each post of our bed so he could keep me from moving or resisting. He cuffed on ankle on one post and then he stretched my other leg painfully across to the other post. My tendons and muscles burnt and felt like they were going to tear right off the bone. A tear slipped out from under my lashes and he loved it. At least he hadnt hit me yet.
He discarded his pants behind him somewhere and positioned himself over me. I braced myself for the pain and sure enough he slammed into me knowing i was dry and not a bit into it. I bit my lip and tried to get through it.
"Dont pretend like you dont like it." He said roughly as he pounded in and out of me. I felt a warm liquid leaking from my pussy and i knew it wasnt because i was turned on. I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt blood. When i turned my head away from him he wrapped his big hand around my throat and began choking me. I struggled to breathe and began clawing at his hands. He laughed as he began to squeeze harder. My eyes felt like they were going to burst from the sockets. Darkness started edging its way into my vision as my eyes started to roll in the back of my head. My hands fell limp to my sides, then and only then did he release his hold on me.
I gasped for air coughing hard and trying to steady myself. "Shut up bitch!" He yelled as his fist connected with my face. Blood spilled from my mouth. Another fist connected with my chest. The air left my lungs yet again. I gasped for air again hoping this would be over soon. He pulled the rope attaching the restraints to the bed and i felt a ripping searing pain from my inner thigh to behind my knee. I screamed out in pain. I tried not to because it satisfied him knowing he could cause me pain.
He released my legs then flipped me on my belly. I cried out in pain as he grabbed my leg that was already in so much pain. "Thats right you fucking cunt. Let me hear you scream." A fire inside me slowly built and i flipped onto my side bringing my knee up to his balls. He grabbed them and fell to the side off the bed.
I rolled the opposite direction and landed in a painful thud on the floor. I crawled away towards the open bedroom door and made it to the hallway before he caught me.
"Oh yeah, i love it when you fight back." He sneered above me. I looked up at him and spit in his face. "Fuck you parker. I fucking hate you. Youll never do this to me ever again. When you sober up in the morning ill be gone." I said a little shakily but i tried to sound serious. He just laughed and bent down. He grabbed me by my hair and slammed my face into the wall. I heard a crack knowing he probably fractured my skull and broke my nose at the same time. The blood ran down my face from my nose and he loved it.
He shoved three fingers into me painfully and then held them up to my face. They were coated in blood. He rubbed it down his face like war paint. I felt like i was going to throw up but swallowed down the bile rising in my throat. He smiled and held the switch blade up in front of my face. I tried to move away but he grabbed my hair even harder and pulled my face towards the blade. The tip was centimeters away from my eye. I could feel it rubbing through my eyelashes as i blinked.
I started to cry as i whispered "please just let me go."
He laughed a sadistic laugh and ran the blade down under my eye to my jawbone leaving a trail of blood in its wake. "Now wheres the fun in that? Im just getting started."
Two hours later....
I lay in a pool of my blood in the living room. I tried to fight him off as best i could but i failed. There was blood all over the walls and a blood trail coming from our room all the way to where i lay now. Parker laid on the couch passed out, my blood all over him. I was so weak but i knew this was my one chance. The daylight was just starting to seep through the curtains. Our neighbors would be up and about soon. If i could make it out to the side walk someone would help me. Wouldnt they?
I started crawling towards the front door i froze when parker stirred but didnt wake. It took me forever to reach the front door and it seemed even longer to open it. I made it to the front porch and shivered when the cold fall air hit my bare skin. I didnt care if i was naked or not i needed help. I crawled towards the front steps and tried to go down them but my arms gave way to the blood loss and i rolled down and hit my head against the sidewalk.
My vision blurred but i had come to far to pass out now. I pushed it to the back of my mind with the last of my strength i crawled down our walkway. I was just a few feet away from the main road and sidewalk. My leg lamely dragging behind me. Finally i made it past our fence to the main sidewalk. My hand landed on a booted foot as i flopped down on my side. I closed my eyes and just whispered three words. "Please. Help. Me."
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got7face · 7 years
Prove It | Kim Yugyeom
Genre - fluff, smut
Note; I didn’t proofread this and it’s 2am… Oops… 
You knew your boyfriend Yugyeom had found your secret instagram when you got a text from him, busy at work, saying 
“Y/N, I want to talk to you… It’s nothing bad so don’t worry yourself but I want you to go out with your girlfriends tonight, ok? I am going to prepare something.”
Yugyeom had been joking about looking for your instagram where you spoke about your feelings about him for weeks, but you didn’t really expect him to find it… Seeing as your name was nowhere on it, you worried how exactly he did. You rushed your fingers to the app, quickly deleting anything you wouldnt want him to see. Albeit, you knew it was probably too late.
You responded to him with a quick ok to show that you weren’t worried, just in case he hadn’t really found it. You wanted to show you had nothing to hide despite the fact that you had spilled your guts on that page, talking about your insecurities and worries. You hoped he wouldn’t be mad for hiding it from him but something told you he wasnt regardless of your stomach turning at the thought of him reading your posts.
It wasn’t hard to make plans that night, but it was much harder trying to distract yourself enough to actually enjoy them. When you got a text from Yugyeom to come home to your shared apartment, you were relieved that you could get this over with but terrified of facing him anyways. Your mind wandered as you walked through the streets that led you home. Part of the reason you chose your plans as you did was because your friend lived only a few blocks from you and Yugyeom and you could quickly get home when he said so. You felt pretty useless listening to him so easily without putting up a fight, but if your suspicions were right and he had found your posts, you probably had a lot to explain and didn’t want to anger him any more than he probably already was.
You braced yourself when you stuck your key in the hole of your front door. You expected him to yell or even worse, ignore it. 
What you didn’t expect, though, was the apartments lights to be completely shut off. Had he left? Moved out? You shook your head at your ridiculous thought before slowly walking through the entrance and shoe room, finding the switch for the lights and turning them on. When you flipped it, you were met with a doe-eyed Yugyeom with a bouquet of flowers, a scene you hadn’t seen since you first met the boy and you went on frequent dates. Confusion clouded your mind as you watched him from the other side of the room. He slowly approached you, a smile barely present but just enough to assure you that he clearly wasn’t mad.
“I found your instagram, Y/N. I feel like I need to tell you everything that I keep in my mind now. I hope you haven’t worried, because I’m not angry… Though I do wish you would’ve told me these things, it’s okay,” He blabbered on and you quickly walked to meet his body in the doorway. You grabbed the flowers from his hand and held them to your side as you used your free hand to grab the back of his necking, kissing him deeply. You didn’t know why you felt so urged to do so, but you were so relieved from his words that you needed it. You needed his lips on yours because physical contact seemed to be the only way you could explain your thankfulness.
“As much as I want to continue this, I think we should talk about this..”
“I’ll never hide anything from you ever again, and I’m sorry for doing it this time. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, I promise”
“Y/N you don’t need to justify yourself. I’m comforted but I just want to talk about why you said these things… Do I make you feel unloved? Because I swear to the almighty God I will do everything in my power to assure you that you are everything to me.”
You felt a pang in your heart at his words. He was blaming himself and that was the last thing you thought would happen. You had no words to answer his kind ones, and all you wanted was to scream at him that he could never make you feel unloved. You felt frozen until he took your hand and guided you through your living room and to your dining room. The candles were the first thing you noticed. The small lights scattered around the room flaired with the wind and you were quickly reminded of your boyfriends romantic side.The second thing that caught your eye was the fully prepared meal resting on two separate plates across from each other on the table. You were pulled in the direction of the table as Yugyeom began speaking again. 
“Y/N… The things you said on your account… Those were serious… And if you don’t want to talk to me about it, I can easily find you a therapist. I saw one when I first debuted… JYP recommended it and it really helped me… I know how you feel now and all I want is for you to be able to express yourself without fear of me judging you.”
The words coming from his mouth almost made you tear up but you looked down and blinked any coming tears away. By this time he had guided you to your seat and you had both began picking at the food on the plates. You took your first bite before answering your poor boyfriend.
“Yugyeom, I love you so much… Thank you for caring. I’m not opposed to talking to a therapist but I’m not scared of you judging me anymore… I thought for sure you’d be mad but-”
“You are perfect,” he interrupted you and you found humor in the statement.
“Prove it,’ you replied playfully with a quick laugh but he did not return the laugh. A light bulb seemed to light up above his head as he quickly stood up. You braced yourself to have to apologize for not taking the conversation seriously, because frankly you were. But instead of yelling as you predicted, he surprised you again by blowing one of the candles out by his plate and motioned for you to take his hand. 
“What?” you questioned him as he dragged you back through the living room and quickly in to your bedroom. “Yugyeom?” you called for his attention when you were met with more candles. 
“I figured we’d come in here later… I know I miss you and you miss me and I thought we’d make it through at least dinner, but since you asked for it, I’m going to prove it to you.
“Yugyeom,” you sighed, wanting to reassure him that he did not need to please you sexually if he was still upset about the posts. He gave you no time to speak though as he pulled you on to the bed with him following quickly behind.
“Y/N.” His mouth wasted no time finding your forehead once he was positioned above you, hovering with his weight on his legs, resting in between your spreaded ones. “You…” his lips followed a slow trail down your face and to your cheeks. “Are perfect,” he finished as he worked past your cheeks. You expected his lips to match with yours, but they didn’t and instead moved to your jawline and soon down your neck. Kisses never seemed to light your skin ablaze quite as much as they were then, and you felt them everywhere.There was no hint of his usual aggression, instead he remained perfectly gentle with your skin, whispering compliments as he worked his way down your body, undressing you as he went. “I love you,” he said before his lips met your legs, causing a shiver to involuntarily run through your body. Yugyeom smirked, a sense of pride running through his own body instead, as he watched your now naked body react to his actions. Your breathing was heavy as he continued his gentle kisses all the way down your legs, and all the way back up. He stopped on your right thigh and you prepared yourself for the familiar feeling, but when you closed your eyes and arched your back, you felt him continue up your abdomen. Once he was finally back to your face, you decided you’d take advantage of him being there. You latched your lips to his, the only quick movement of the night so far. 
I love you’s were quietly exhanged as the two of you kissed, passion evident everywhere from the bottom of his body, to the tip of yours. 
You instinctively reached down to unbuckle his tight jeans but his hands caught you before you could get too close. “This is for you, not me.” 
You didn’t know how to respomd, so you simply stayed quiet as you watched him remove his shirt and return to your lips. “You are perfect,” he released the words in a quick breath before lowering his body on the bed so his face was once again lined up with your core. “Yugyeom…” you breathed out as he slowly dipped his head to meet with your skin. He placed a flat kiss on your entrance making you arch your back in anticipation. But he didn’t go fast, in fact, that was the slowest you’d ever seen your boyfriend move. He flattened his tongue against you before he dove in, his fingers accompanying his wet mustle. 
He worked you as slow as ever, remembering to mention your perfection even then, You truthfully had never seen him have so much self control in bed… or the couch… or the wall, or the floor, or the shower… 
Your multiple attempts to please him were quickly rejected as he continued to “focus on you” as he said. It wasn’t even until he finally lowered his jeans that you saw his hard-on. You were both ready as ever as he kissed you deeply, placing his member against your entrance. It had been a while since the two of you had made love, though you fucked just the other day, you missed Yugyeom’s gentler thrusts and moans. Him, moving in and out of you, his body sweaty and busy on top of you, it was your favorite movie, song, and TV show all in one. 
I love yous seemed to be a common theme tonight, as you both repeated it many times riding out your highs together. 
Something changed that night. Of course your insecurities didn’t just go away but you definitely felt more comfortable talking about it. You began opening up to Yugyeom much more and even tried seeing a therapist, with sucesses, before it got in the way of your schedule and you simply didn’t have time for it. Your life seemed to light up and you began to believe the little nothings Yugyeom would say randomly throughout the day. 
Surely your insecurities never truly went away but even a stranger could tell you were happier after that night. 
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