#so also to say if seeing hana is hard for any of you
dynamitekansai · 10 months
I still get a little sad every time I see a photo of a certain joshi wrestler. I really shouldn't have been on Twitter that day.
If you mean Hana, I still like to and will continue to post her casually, with love and happiness. To each their own, but for me I do not like her being remembered as just a pretty face and a sad headline. The time I spent watching her as a wrestler still brings me joy and I still want to share that. She had a whole life before her end and I want to always share and celebrate that.
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darilaros (princess) │ Chapter 2: Dolls
terms of endearment ‘verse: see my Masterlist for the correct series order!
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Chapter 1 │Chapter 2 │Chapter 3 │Chapter 4 │Chapter 5 │Chapter 6 │Chapter 7 │Chapter 8 (COMPLETE!)
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Synopsis: As the second daughter of King Viserys, you experience firsthand what it means to belong to the House of the Dragon. You attend your very first tourney in celebration of your brother or sister’s impending arrival. 
Hello! My apologies for the wait. There was a whole mess of stuff that killed my drive to write for a few days. BUT, I’ve managed to write this one, featuring baby!Babey as a POV character! I’ve tried hard to keep it in a ‘small person’ voice, which got real old real fast, lol. Keep in mind that she’s around 3 years old in this one, so she’s not hella mature or anything. My thanks to @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ for reading this asshole over, lol.
TRIGGERS: child doing child things, child narrating Episode 1 of HotD, character death.
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Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Hana. Hana was the prettiest girl in the whole kingdom, and she wore fancy dresses with gold and silver necklaces and rings, and she had a pearl hairnet in her red hair. There was also another girl called Marya who was very pretty too, but not as pretty as Hana. When Hana and Marya were lit—
“Ah,” Mama says. “Rhaenyra!”
From your place on the floor in the corner, right in the middle of a patch of sunlight, you see that ’Nyra has come. It’s not nice to have your story interrupted, but ’Nyra’s visits are always fun, so you don’t mind. She is dressed the way she does when she goes to visit Syrax, which means she will smell funny and make Mama cross.
“You know I don’t like you to go flying while I'm in this condition,” Mama adds.
“You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition.”
Alicent, ’Nyra’s best friend, stands in the doorway. She is very very pretty, you think, with red hair like Hana’s and a blue dress that makes her look like a girl from one of the old stories you like to listen to. “Your Grace,” she says, smiling.
“Good morrow, Alicent.” Mama sighs. She sounds very tired. She has put her coat back on, even though it’s so hot in the room and she’s fanning herself to try and dry the sweat on her cheeks and her brow.
“Did you sleep?” ’Nyra asks.
Mama laughs, quick and soft. “I slept.”
“How long?” ’Nyra takes a seat on the stool beside Mama’s feet.
“I don’t need mothering, Rhaenyra.”
“Well, here you are, surrounded by attendants, all focused on the babe. Someone has to attend to you.”
That is when Mama’s eyes go to you. “I have my own right here, so there is no need to fear.”
’Nyra turns to look, too. Her frown goes away and she smiles, wiggling her fingers at you to say ‘hello’. Even though she’s your sister and that means you love her, you don’t go over to her. She is older, so she doesn’t care very much about dolls or stories or little sisters who don’t have dragons.
Mama keeps talking to ’Nyra while you listen. “You will lie in this bed soon enough, Rhaenyra. This discomfort is how we serve the Realm.” None of it makes sense, but you like the sound of their voices.
’Nyra makes a rude noise. “I'd rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory.”
Mama laughs. “We have royal wombs, you and your sister and I. The childbed is our battlefield. We must learn to face it with a stiff lip.”
Why would a child’s bed be a battlefield? My bed is nice and big. And what is a stiff lip? Is it something that Maester Mellos should give his herbs for? Are there bones in a lip? Can those bones break like big bones can?
You have lots of questions, but you don’t say what you’re thinking out loud, of course. The Maester only said you could be in here if you were good, so you mustn’t talk unless Mama asks you something or starts saying things to you.
“Now,” Mama says to ’Nyra, “take a bath. You stink of dragon.”
’Nyra stands up and bends down to kiss Mama on her head. Then, she comes over to you and gets on the floor so she can give you a hug and a kiss, and she is warm and smelly like Mama said she is. You like the smell, though, because it is what ’Nyra always smells like.
’Nyra leaves with Alicent, and for a while it is very calm. Mama takes a nap by closing her eyes and leaning with her head back, so you make sure to be very quiet when you continue telling yourself the story.
Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Hana. Hana was the prettiest girl in the whole kingdom, and she wore fancy dresses with gold and silver necklaces and rings, and she had a pearl hairnet in her red hair. There was also another girl called Marya who was very pretty too, but not as pretty as Hana. When Hana and Marya were little, they were best friends, and they played dolls and sang hymns and learned their letters together. But when they became older, they started to fight.
Marya was jealous of Hana. Lords from all over the kingdom wanted to marry her because of how pretty and how kind she was. That meant that not many lords wanted to marry Marya, even though she had lovely dark hair and knew all the names of the Houses and could sing even better than Hana did! So, Marya thought and thought about how she could make more lords want to marry her. She decided to hide all of Hana’s nicest dresses and shiniest jewels.
Naughty, naughty Marya. That’s not how proper ladies act. It was very nasty of you to—
“What are you and your ladies up to?”
You don’t like being interrupted for a second time, but it is Mama who is asking. Everyone’s been using soft voices since ’Nyra came to make a fuss and then left to wash the dragon-stink off. Mama’s question is louder than them all, so it must be for you.
Turning your head, you see that she is looking at you with a small smile.
“Marya hid Hana’s dresses and her best necklace and rings,” you say, holding her up high so Mama can see. You frown at the doll. “She needs to say sorry, so I’m telling her to.”
Mama laughs, but you don’t know why. “Oh, dear. How unkind of her! Why did Marya do such a thing?”
“All the lords want to marry Hana,” you say, “and not Marya. She’s very angry, but—but it’s not Hana’s fault. So I’m going to tell her that, too.”
“My, my.” Mama looks tired, like she has ever since baby Baelon-or-Visenya started growing in her belly, but she still seems happy that you’re here. Her eyes are warm the way they get when she sees you. “Quite a responsibility, you have.”
You nod. “I’m her Mama, like you’re mine. I have to teach her to be good.”
This makes Mama smile even wider. She holds her hand out to you, so you put Marya down beside Hana, making sure they’re not too close together. It would be bad if they started fighting after you’ve been busy telling Marya off so much. Making sure your skirts are neat like a proper lady, you go to take Mama’s hand, letting her pull you close-close so that you have to get up onto the daybed with her. Her skin is hot like fire is when you get too near it.
“Are you going to teach your little brother or sister to be good, too?” she asks, bringing your hand to her belly. When you touch it, you feel the kicking. It’s like a tapping from under a very thick blanket.
“Yes, Mama. I promise. I’ll sing all the hymns so they learn them, and make sure they eat all their supper, and—and say ‘no running’ and ‘no hitting’ and give them lots of hugs and tell—tell them they are naughty if they don’t liste—”
“Well,” she says even louder, smiling so wide you can see her teeth, “you already sound like a wonderful big sister, my dearest.”
Then, a new voice speaks out from the doorway, catching your interest. “Hakorje mandia kesā, sīlāvose.”
It’s one of your favourite people in the whole world.
You scramble out of Mama’s hold, nearly tripping over your dress. “Kepus!”
He chuckles as you race toward him, arm out so that he can catch you and lift you up. Mama hasn’t been able to do that since her belly became big, and Papa is too busy now. Oh, how you’ve missed it!
Uncle Daemon sits you on his hip so that you can stare straight at his face, at the way his eyes scrunch up with how much his mouth stretches. “What about you, Princess? Have you been a good girl since last I saw you?” he asks.
“I’m always good, kepus,” you say, pushing out your bottom lip to show how rude you think his question is. “But—but you haven’t. You’re naughty. You’ve been gone for so, so, so long!”
Even though his brow raises, he sounds like he finds you funny. “Ah-ah. A moon’s turn, nothing more or less, is all the time I’ve spent away. I was here for your name day celebrations, was I not?”
“That was ages ago!”
There were lots of people in the Keep for the party, and you don’t think you really knew most of them. But, because Papa is King and you are a Princess, they were invited to come and wish you a happy name day and give you gifts and eat and drink lots. It was nice at first, but the more they ate and drank, the louder they got, and soon you had to sneak off and find Uncle so that he could take you back to your rooms where it was quiet. He sang a song in High Valyrian, the language that your House has spoken for thousands of years, so that you could fall asleep even after eating so many little frosted cakes. Soon, you had to say farewell to him because he had to go back to Runestone and visit his lady wife, the one he hate-hates but Mama says he has to see.
Thinking about High Valyrian makes you stop. You can’t speak it, but there are some parts you know. Kicking Uncle in the side for being rude, you say, “And—and I’m not ann—annoying. I’m good!”
He looks sorry when you say that. “Of course you are. And I hope you’ll forgive me for returning after such a long time.” Behind his back where you can’t see is his other arm. He brings it out, showing you what he was hiding in his hand.
Oh! A new doll! And this one is special because it has pale hair and purple eyes just like you!
“Please accept this as a token of my apology, sweetling,” Uncle Daemon says, offering it to you. “Perhaps—Marya and Hana, was it?—could do with another friend.”
“Thank you, kepus!” Keeping your new doll pinned between you and Uncle, you wrap your arms around his neck so so tight and squeeze so he can feel how happy you are! You kiss him on the cheek, wiggling very close and smiling when he squeezes you back just as tight. “Thank you, thank you! I missed you so much!”
“Silly girl.”
Uncle pats you on the back once, twice, and then crouches down so that you can stand on your own two feet again. Sometimes, this makes you sad, because his hugs are your favourite and you wish they would never end. But he has to say ‘hello’ to Mama, too. Besides, you have a new lady to introduce!
“How about you play,” he says, “while I speak with Mama?”
“Okay!” You’re already thinking about it anyway.
When you go back to Marya and Hana, you can see that they’ve been good girls and not moved at all. You rearrange them both so that they are sitting, and place your new doll—Alysanne, you decide, after Papa and Uncle’s grandmama—between them, fussing with their hair so that it lies neatly. They are very pretty, you think, red and dark and silver all together.
“And how is Lady Rhea?” Mama is asking, brow lifting.
Uncle makes a noise and curls his lip meanly. “Who the fuck—who cares?” he says, rolling his eyes when you gasp. He said a bad word. “It’s not as though we spent any time in each other’s presence. Think I’d rather the company of sheep, anyway.”
“You were there for an entire moon’s turn, Daemon”—Mama frowns the way she does when ’Nyra says something rude, and ’Nyra does that a lot—“and you refused to even speak with her? She’s your wife.”
“Not one I chose. You would know that all too well, cousin.”
Mama goes quiet, looking to you. Uncle does, too. Then, she starts whispering to Uncle, and Uncle whispers back, and you return to your game.
Dolls make far more sense than people do.
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You don’t like tourneys. You don’t like them at all.
It’s loud, and hot, and there are too many smells—of different perfumes all swirling around and clogging in your nose, of dirt and manure from the ground below, of something sharp that clings to the walls that box you in and shield you from being able to see anything interesting. The horns ring out and so many people cheer that it feels like a buzzing in your head. It makes your teeth hurt.
“Be welcome!”
Papa looks happy today, so much happier than he was the last time Mama said a babe was in her belly. That babe was dead, she told you. It went away from inside her and never came back. That’s what death is, and everyone is very, very afraid of it all the time. But you didn’t know that babe like you know Mama and Papa and ’Nyra and Uncle, so you weren’t sad or scared. You wonder if this babe will go away, too.
The sound of clapping is like thunder. “I know many of you have travelled long leagues to be at these games,” he says. “But I promise, you will not be disappointed.”
You watch from beside Papa as ’Nyra sneaks to her seat, but she is not so sneaky because she is wearing a bright red dress that looks beautiful. She sits beside Alicent, her friend and Lord Hightower’s daughter, and tries to make herself small in her chair so that Papa won’t get angry.
After a pause, he keeps speaking. “When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news that I am happy to share—Queen Aemma has begun her labours!”
There is so much noise that you have to hold your hands over your ears to quiet it just a little bit. Brella pats your shoulder, trying to make you feel better.
“It’s alright, Princess. We can play in just a moment—how about that?”
“I want Mama,” you say sadly, your bottom lip wobbling and your eyes feeling hot like they do when you really want to cry.
Mama has been locked in her chambers since last evening, when the Maester said the babe was nearly ready to come out. You asked and asked Papa, but he wouldn’t let you in to see her. When the door had opened and you tried to go inside, you were too surprised to move at the sound of her yelling. You think that the babe must have been hurting her very, very much. It makes you afraid. But then, Uncle took you away to your rooms and read you a story in High Valyrian, which sounded nice even though you didn’t understand it all.
“May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!” You are not listening to Papa’s words very closely.
“Soon, Princess,” Brella says, stopping for a moment when the horns echo out again. “You must wait for the babe to be born, first. How exciting—a new little brother, all for you!”
You don’t want a brother if it means that Mama has to be in pain. Papa would be very happy—you are three whole name days but you still know he wants the babe to be a boy and not a girl, that you were supposed to be a boy and he was sad you were only a second daughter—but you are happy with the way things are.
It would be very rude to say so in front of Papa, so you keep quiet and nod, letting your nursemaid bring you off your seat and down to the floor so that you may sit amongst Alysanne and Hana and Marya.
It has been very difficult to teach Marya to be nice to Alysanne, because she doesn’t like it when Hana makes new friends and Alysanne is a very pretty new friend. But she has decided she rather likes Alysanne after all, and so you can serve their tea without being scared of anyone being silly or bad to each other. Brella is very helpful in braiding Marya’s hair to look like ’Nyra’s does, and then she pins Hana’s back like Alicent’s. You decide that Alysanne should have hair that looks like yours because you look nearly the same, like she is your baby and you are her mama.
You are interrupted very quickly when Septa Marlow bends forward to speak straight into Brella’s ear. “It is unseemly to coddle her so. She is nearing the end of her infancy—you ought to be preparing her to pass over into my care, not indulging in frivolities!”
You shiver. Septa Marlow is mean. The last time that ’Nyra said something rude to her, she was rapped across the palm by Septa’s willow switch. It left a bright red mark that made you cry when you saw it, but ’Nyra only muttered something nasty under her breath and smiled in a not-very-kind way. You wish you could be as brave as her.
“When she is five summers old, she will pass into your care,” Brella says. It is polite, but the way she looks at Septa makes you think she is not being so nice after all. “Until then, I shall do as I see fit. And that means allowing the Princess to indulge in these frivolities while she can.”
Septa wants to say something rude back, you can tell—but then, the whispers start. It makes you look out onto the field so that you can see what’s happening.
“… of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!”
Uncle rides out on his horse—a great stallion named Varlet that you sometimes give apples to if he is very, very good and doesn’t buck anyone out of the saddle—wearing his nicest armour with the tail of feathers that comes out of the helmet. You think it makes him look a bit like a bird from one of those old books in the library. Uncle takes Varlet up and down the line of men on their own horses, but you don’t know why. You cannot see his face.
Your dolls don’t seem very exciting anymore. You pass them back to Brella and move past Papa to where ’Nyra sits at the very front. Even though there is an empty seat next to Alicent, you go to ’Nyra anyway.
All you have to do is hold up your arms to her and she smiles. “Do you want to see Uncle’s bout?” she asks.
“Yeah,” you say, nodding. You can hear the sound of hooves on the dirt, which means you are missing it, so you stamp your feet and wiggle. Maybe she will hurry up if you do. “Please, please!”
“Oh, alright.” She rolls her eyes and lifts you up so that you can sit on her lap, tucking her head next to yours and wrapping her arms tight around you so you don’t fall off. She is warm like Caraxes and Syrax are, like a dragon, only this time she doesn’t smell like smoke and rotting meat but like flowers and soap. “Can you see?”
You look down. Uncle is at one end of the field and the man he has chosen—Ser Gwayne, you think, from the green he has on and the funny shape of his helmet, like a tower—on the other, their jousting poles held out in front of them. “I can see,” you say.
When Uncle and Ser Gwayne start riding, you really do try to keep your eyes open. But, as they get closer and closer, you cannot help but shut them because you don’t want to see anyone get hurt, or worse­—the horses. Sometimes, it happens. All you can see is the insides of your eyelids when a big CLANG happens, but ’Nyra doesn’t clap so you think it might not be finished yet. Then, you hear a horse neigh and a big thud, and lots of applause. This time, ’Nyra does clap, so you open your eyes and see that Uncle is still on Varlet but Ser Gwayne is on the ground.
Your sister stops clapping when she sees Alicent with her hand over her mouth. Ser Gwayne is her brother, so she must be very worried for him. You reach out and pat her arm, which makes her stop and stare at you for a moment before giving you a small smile. ’Nyra grabs at her hand, too, which seems to help.
Uncle brings Varlet right up to the balcony with his jousting pole all the way up high, so ’Nyra puts you down and grips your shoulder to steer you forward. You are still very small, so the railing is too tall for you to reach, and that means you could fall very easily if you lean too far down. You grab onto your sister’s skirts.
“Nicely done, Uncle,” she says, holding onto the rail.
“Thank you, Princess.” Uncle looks at you, and his face changes—he is friendly now where he wasn’t exactly when he was looking at ’Nyra. He doesn’t say anything to you, but he does wink, which makes you giggle and him smile. He turns to Alicent. “Now, I’m fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favour would all but assure it.”
She goes toward the table where two wreaths lay, one for her and one for ’Nyra. You are not old enough for your own yet, or so Papa says. Taking the green one in her fingers, she comes back to the balcony. Instead of putting the wreath on the jousting pole, though, she holds it out to you. “Perhaps your niece would like to give you my favour?”
Beaming, you accept the wreath and let Alicent pick you up under the arms. It doesn’t feel very nice, but it makes you tall enough to put the favour over the pole and watch it slide all the way down to the bottom, near where Uncle is holding it. He grins, then rides away to have another bout.
’Nyra takes you back to where she was sitting, placing you back on her knee. “Are you going to thank Alicent? She was very nice, letting you give Uncle her favour.”
“Thank you, Alicent,” you say.
She brushes some of your hair out of your eyes. “You’re welcome, Princess.”
You find it strange when Papa rises from his chair after something Lord Hightower says in his ear, a troubled look on his face. He was the one who had been the most excited about the tourney, so why is he getting up to leave?
’Nyra doesn’t notice, holding tight to you when you start squirming. For a while, you stay with her—but the jousting starts to get frightening. When the knights knock each other off their horses, they start using swords and axes and maces and trying to really hurt each other, striking and kicking so hard that it makes your heart race really fast in your chest and your belly rock like it does when you need to be sick. To take your mind off it, you start listening to Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys talking to each other.
“…and we expect them to act with honour and grace,” the Princess is saying to her husband. The sound of her voice makes you shiver a little. Whenever she stares at you, it is unkind. You don’t think she likes you very much. “It’s a marvel that war didn't break out at first blood.”
Everyone gasps when the knight below brings his axe down on the man below him, hitting him over and over so that blood sprays everywhere. The man twitches at first, then goes still, the dirt below him turning dark red very quickly.
You cry and cry, loud and ugly. You don’t like it here anymore. You want to go back to the Keep and find Mama and let her hug you until this cold, awful feeling goes away and warmth and happiness comes back.
“Nurse!” ’Nyra says, but you aren’t really listening. You can see that people are pointing at you from the stands and whispering, which makes you even more upset because you truly tried to be good and quiet and not make a fuss this time.
“Oh, Princess.” Brella lifts you off of ’Nyra’s lap and carries you to the back of the royal box, past Papa’s Councilmen and all the lords and ladies that are gathered, heading toward the stairs. “Come now, my sweet. Time for a nap, don’t you think?”
“I want Mama,” is all you can say. “I want my mama!”
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It is darker than normal when you wake up from your nap. Usually, the sun is still up, the colour of Papa’s crown as it shines through your window, hot and blinding even though supper is not far away. But now, you have to blink a few times before you realise that you cannot see because night has come.
Your chambers are empty, save one other.
“Papa?” you ask, rubbing your eyes and yawning. You can just barely see him through the shadows. “What—what—”
There is a sharp clack and a fizzle of orange fire, which Papa cups in his hand and takes to the candle beside your bed. As he lights a small flame, you look at his face. Even in the darkness, you can see how sad he is, the shine that forms lines down his cheeks and the red puff of the skin around his eyes.
Oh, no. Something bad has happened. Something… something terrible.
“Whe—where’s Mama?” you ask, voice wobbly. It feels like a hand has reached down through your throat and your stomach to peel your insides out, to turn it all over so that you’re bleeding and broken where the Maester cannot see. “Mama—”
“Sh, my girl.” He is trying to sound soft and kind, but you hear how he cracks a little, how the words seem almost stuck on the tip of his tongue. “Listen to me. Come here.”
You still don’t know why it is, but the rule of life is that you obey ’Nyra who obeys Mama who obeys Papa, which means that you have to obey Mama and Papa even when the others aren’t there. So, when Papa asks you to do something, you have to listen. You’re a good girl, after all.
Kicking away the covers that have made you too-too warm, you crawl on your hands and knees to the edge of the bed where Papa sits. He is solid and real under your fingers, smelling like the Maester’s medicines as always, but also like something sour. Like metal.
He grabs you and puts you on his knee like ’Nyra did before, during the tourney, only the hand on your back is large-large, almost covering from your neck to your bottom. You can feel his thumb moving up and down as he speaks, up and down, up and down.
“Something… something has happened. To Mama,” he says, taking lots of pauses and shaking under you like he is cold. You reach up to pat his face. Your hand comes away wet.
“Is she okay?” you ask. That horrible feeling comes back, and you have to swallow so that you don’t get sick all over Papa. “Where is Mama?”
“Mama… she couldn’t bring the babe out. A boy—Baelon.” This time, you can hear him cry, but it’s quick, not long and loud like yours.
A brother. I have a baby brother. It doesn’t feel very special or interesting. Maybe meeting the babe will make you more excited?
“Where is he?”
Papa cries more. “He… he lived for three hours. Three. Then he—”
“—died.” That’s the word for when someone goes through death. Papa didn’t look like he could say it, but you can. “Sorry,” you tell him quietly. You know how much he wanted a boy. “Mama must be sad, too.”
“She—she—Mama didn’t survive the birth.”
You frown. What does that mean? “So… she is sick?”
Papa shakes his head, eyes scrunching. “No.”
“Where is she, then? I want to say ‘sorry’ to her, too.”
“She—died. She’s dead, my girl. Only, she passed before Baelon.”
You have to stop and really think, think so hard that your head hurts and you feel dizzy from holding your breath. Being dead means going away and never coming back. Mama is dead. Which means…
After Papa says those terrible, awful, horrible words, he pushes his nose into your hair and hugs you so so tight until you feel his tears sliding over your head. You hug him back, pressing your face to his chest and letting his shirt soak up all the crying from your eyes. You don’t know if you understand it all—but you know one thing for certain, one thing that makes you cold and sick and afraid.
Mama went away. Mama will never come back.
Mama is gone.
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leviscolwill · 4 months
7. "if you win, i'll kiss you" with trent!!!!! 😩😩 bc we know he’s a competitive son of a bitch <333
congrats again on 600 baby! 🫶
- @lomltrentarnold 🪽
so come here and give me some kisses ★
pairing: trent alexander arnold x reader
note: thank u soooooo much for your request my lovely hana,, i hope u like it, i love writing competitive trent 🤭
this blurb was inspired by this video <3
now playing six thirty by ariana grande...
your relationship with trent was ambiguous to say the least. you liked him, well it was hard not to. and you knew he liked you too. hell, everyone at st george's park knew you liked each other. but he had yet to make any concrete move towards you.
trent was standing in front of you, getting mic-ed up for another pr video. they were never his favorites, but if he had a chance to beat his teammates, he'd always take it.
while you were polishing up the last details before filming with your colleagues, you shot a quick glance at trent looking oh so adorable in his apron. he walked towards you and rested his chin on your shoulder, giving you a quick smile.
“you know you're never winning this one right?” you told him in a cheeky tone with the sole purpose of riling him up. you knew just how competitive he could get, even with something as trivial as a bake off opposing him to hendo, dec and kieran.
“are you doubting my baking skills right now, love?” his accent thick and sassiness dripping from his voice.
“oh no, i wouldn't dare. ‘m just saying dec has a much better shot at winning than you.” you wouldn't trust declan with your kitchen even if your life depended on it, too scared you'd lose your whole flat in a house fire. but the sight of trent, chuckling to himself at your words was enough to spur you on.
he was a confident man, confident enough to know you didn't mean a word you said. also confident enough in his baking skills to know that he’ll win no matter what. but your teasing made the gears in his brain spin faster. “what do i get if i prove you wrong and win then?”
you took a quick look around to: 1. escape trent's face that seemed to get closer to yours by the second, 2. check if any of your colleagues caught up on the somewhat intimate moment you were sharing, only to find out they all left to do whatever they needed to do.
you thought a few seconds of what to tell him before an idea popped in your head. it might seem too bold, but truthfully you were sick of waiting for trent to make a move on you. “mmmhh...” you pretended to think for a couple seconds, “if you win this, i'll kiss you.”
trent looked stunt at your proposal, his brown eyes looking even wider than usual. “yeah! i mean, are you sure?” as much as he tried to keep up a façade, you could see right through his false confidence. the skin of his ears turning into a reddish tone and his eyes looking anywhere but in yours.
you quickly nod, before pecking his cheek. trent didn't get the time to fully register your action, you were already gone god knows where.
the next time your eyes meet, you were standing behind the camera with the rest of the communication team. trent was torn between exchanging knowing glances and smiles with you or focusing on baking his gingerbread man. he chooses the latter, well aware of the reward awaiting him when he'll win.
after some more baking, the results were in. and you could feel trent's stare on you while he was waiting expectantly for his name to be called as the winner.
and once it inevitably happened, trent locked eyes with you in a stare that could only mean one thing: ‘i told you, you know what happens now’.
your name was called and you had to leave before trent was done wrapping up the video. this gave you time to mentally prepare yourself, you didn't regret your impulsive bet but you were overthinking everything that might go wrong.
in the midst of your turmoil, two hands gripped your shoulders making you turn in surprise. you weren't too surprised to see trent behind you, you gave him a warm smile before making sure none of your colleagues were in sight.
“i told you i'd win.” his face was still glowing from his earlier triumph.
you reciprocated the smile on his face, meeting his deep brown eyes. “i know... i knew you'd win this.” you let your hand wander over his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body slowly taking over yours.
“i thought we had a deal...” trent's voice brought you out of your daydream. your movement suddenly stopped to look up at him.
you didn't give him a verbal answer, choosing to stand on your tippy toes before pressing your lips against his. you felt his lips turn into a smile against yours, before kissing you back with more passion than words could ever hold. his hands cupping your face to bring you even closer if that was possible, not ready to let go of you just yet.
once he did pull away, he looked at you with admiration sparkling in his eyes. his thumb stroked your cheek softly, while you felt the heat rush to your cheeks. what did this kiss mean for the two of you? were things going to be weird now? could you even kiss a player without consequ-
“so, i think the next step should be me asking you out?”
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 [Part 2]
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Everyone sometimes needs that special push- that one good reason- to break out of old shells, walls and habits, and make that change.
Tags/Warnings: Non-Idol Jungkook, Dog Hybrid!Reader, former criminal!Jungkook, mentions of past neglect/abuse, reader has some pretty bad psychological problems (OCD, Anxiety, Selective mutism, hints at an eating disorder), hypersomnia, road to recovery, hurt and lots of comfort, angst, Jungkook has some problems with aggression and swears a lot, more TBA in future chapters
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: You can have early access to this and other selected fics on my Patreon!
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It's right where he thought it might be.
You're basically drowning in the fabric of his sweater, but he's also never seen you so visibly calm during sleep. He can't even be mad about it- even though he usually does get rather irritated about his own clothes being taken by others.
He hates it. But for some reason, if it's you, he doesn't mind.
In fact, he's got to admit that you look cute like this. "We'll take a small walk to the park with the dog hybrids today. They need their time outside." Hana informs him as he puts the card hanging from the red string around his neck, so staff knows who he is. "They're all ready at the front, so you can go and check in with Yoha." Jungkook furrows his brows.
"What about her?" he asks, pointing to you who's still napping in the corner you're usually found in.
"She doesn't tag along." Hana says, as if he should know that. "She's not mentally fit for trips like that."
"I mean, on paper." Jungkook says, almost scoffing. "But like, did you ask her?"
"No, because she never comes along." She says rather defensively now. "Jungkook please, we know her better than you. Just stay here if you don't want to come along, but don't try and lecture me or anyone else here who's worked with her and other hybrids for years." She scolds.
But it seems like she doesn't know Jungkook.
Walking over to you, he's careful not to touch you, well aware that it could freak you out especially if you're asleep.
Doesn't know you, he scoffs to himself. He knows you better than her it seems, that's for sure.
"Hey." he tries, but you're sleeping too deep. "Hey, puppy. Wake up." he demands again, and now he can notice your ears moving, eyes opening after a few seconds, until his eyes widen at the sigh. You're smiling. Your tail is wagging.
You look genuinely happy.
"Hey there." he says, unable to hide his own smile either. "Hana said we're going to the park. You wanna come along?" he wonders, and he can see for a second that you're hesitating. "It's okay if you don't. No hard feelings. Just thought, you know, I should ask." he adds on, when you slowly sit up, playing with the strings of your sweatpants.
Then, you point at your shoes.
"Oh fuck, yeah, I forgot!" he shoots up, running to his bag where he pulls out another plastic bag, before running back to you. "I bought them a size smaller cause those you have seemed to big, but if you wear like, I don't know, socks or some shit in them they might fit." he explains, before pulling out some slip-in chelsea boots with almost no heel. Your eyes are like dinner plates at the sight. "Would be a good chance to try them out, no?" he wonders, nodding towards the small crowd of dog hybrids at the front, Yoha already counting everyone it seems.
So much for 'she doesn't ever come along', he angrily thinks.
And then, you pull on his sweater to get his attention. "Hm?" he wonders, just for you to hesitantly grab his sleeve. "I'll stay with you if that's what you're scared of. And we can go back at any moment." he reassures.
And that's what seems to make it work for you, because you move to slip into your new boots, before you get up and grab your coat from the hangers close by. He wants to say something to the staff-
But he composes himself, bringing you along to the front where Yoha and Hana already wait.
"Here." Hana says, giving him a yellow reflective.. Leash? "It's mandatory for her. I'm sorry, but without it-"
"Yeah yeah fucking protocol crap, I know." he grumbles more or less to himself, snatching the leash from her hands before he carefully clips it onto your collar. He cringes at the sight, hates it, and he hates it even more that somewhere in the backside of the logical part in his brain, he understands it.
He also comforts himself with the fact that you seem perfectly fine with the arrangement. It gives you a sense of security, equal as if holding onto his hand but without physical contact. You're skittish, still very much scared, but walking close to him seems to calm you down enough to make it work.
He didn't think you'd genuinely play at the park like the others do, and you don't- but that's fine.
The fact that you're here, that you're outside and at least attempting to find your way back into life away from your little bubble you've created shows him that you're not a lost case at all. A bit of work, and you could surely be adopted by someone nice who looks past all those issues. But somehow, the thought of you living with someone else makes him upset.
He knows he's not a good fit for someone like you.
He's talked to his best friend about it the night prior. It's a lot of responsibility already to live with a regular hybrid- but you're special needs. And considering his past mistakes and criminal record, there's simply no way to file for emotional support or therapy assistance.
It's beginning to rain a little, and he throws the hood of his sweater over his head before making sure your jacket is zipped up properly as well- like second nature.
You've noticed this before as well. He looks scary, with his piercings and tattoos and bold body and angry gaze. But he only looks that way. He's like a guard dog for you; a protector, because with him at your side nothing bad will ever happen. He's nice, a bit rough, but always friendly in his own way.
You like him.
Meanwhile Jungkook himself can't see what you see in him.
He's not the right person for you.
Next to him, you're perfectly content with your situation. Your tail is wagging sometimes in shared excitement when the hybrids in sight throw and catch a ball, but you also don't look like you actively want to participate. Watching seems to be more than enough, though you do check in if he's still next to you, tail wagging eagerly when he responds with a short smile your way.
He's not the right person for you, and he knows this.
When you walk back, he can feel your fingers grabbing the edge of his sleeve tightly, weighing his arm down a little. He notices the way his skin brushes against your fingers every now and then- feels how you do not react anymore, at all. There's a small moment of pure bravery, the sight of a road ahead, and the view of every hybrid standing in pairs holding hands that leads you to carefully slip your fingers between his. He quietly responds, holding your cold hand in his warmer one, thumb running circles over the soft back of your palm.
He knows he's not the right person for you.
But he wants to be.
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bookyeom · 9 months
Seventeen Fic Recs (September 2023)
Hello everyone! I wanted to make an official post to share some of my favourite Seventeen x Reader fics that I’ve read lately, or ones that have continued to stay on my mind. I guarantee I’m going to miss a bunch of them because there are so many talented people on this website, but I plan to make another one of these soon!
(Also, a side plug for my own fics here. I’ve finally gotten around to posting some of my writing, and hope to continue, so if you want to have a browse and reblog/message me your thoughts, please feel free!)
@wqnwoos first up, I wanted to shoutout Hana for all of her writing. I’m going to include some of my favourite recent drabbles, but I literally love all of them, so please go read everything over on her blog. A couple of my faves here, here, here, here and here.
Secondly, I need to shoutout @savventeen: Savv!!! You know how I feel about your writing, and I need to include my favourite Dino fic of all time immediately or I WILL burst: Got My Heart in My Feet (Cause They Lead Me to You) aka one of my favourite fics in any fandom ever. I cannot express how many times I have read this.
The rest below the cut:
Promise Ring by @lovelyhan - Dino x Reader, F2L royalty/fantasy au aka two of my all time favourite things put together, smut at the end
The Physics of Love by @cheolism - As a DK bias, I have such a hard time finding DK fics, but this one… This is it. This is the one. DK x Reader, F2L (god, I really have a type)
Coming home by @fairyhaos - DK x Reader, Established Relationship
Under the Collar by @miraclewoozi - Go read this fic immediately, but don’t talk to me about it unless you want me to cry. DK x Reader, F2??
What? Like It’s Hard? By @starsstuddedsky - THEE Hoshy fic. Hoshi x Reader, F2L/idiots-to-lovers, Star I love ur mind
These Endless Summer Nights by @blossom-hwa - One of my favourite Hoshi x Reader fics. Absolutely stunning. S2L, smut if i recall correctly, summer romance
2.22AM by @secndlife - Hoshi x Reader, F2??
Burn, Palace, Burn by @fairyhaos - So this was written as part of the 2k celebration (!!!) and I loved it so much, but everything Yena writes is iconic tbh so go read them all. This one in particular is a Jeonghan x Reader historical/fantasy au and… hehehe. See for yourself
“I Know, But Don’t Say It” by @taetaespeaches - Jeonghan x Reader, angst, ouchie, so good.
Heart is Full of Fairy Lights by @savventeen - Another one by the inimitable Savv. Joshua x Reader, Friends/Roomates-to-Lovers
Golden Hour by @dkfile - Joshua x Reader, F2L
you are my kingdom by @fairyhaos - Jun x Reader, royalty au
Other People’s Weddings by @neoneun-au - Seungcheol x Reader. Fake dating. Help
You say the stupidest (sweetest) things by @savventeen - Seungkwan x Reader, F2L. Look, I know this wasn’t solely written for me, but it was requested by me, therefore I claim this as mine and Seungkwan’s life story. xoxo
On Idiocy, Bugs and the Prospect Of Forever by @wqnwoos - Vernon x Reader, F2L, one of my favourite lil Vernon fics ever tbh
Every Page is Empty by @neoneun-au - Another one of my favourite fics, ever. Vernon x Reader, F2L
Sure by @beahae - Why am I just now realizing that all of my favourite fics are Vernon fics? No comment… Anyway! THIS FIC!!!!!!!!! Wow. WOW. Vernon x Reader, F2L, smut, absolutely stunning
Tidal by @eoieopda - Vernon x Reader, established relationship, smut (it’s just smut but it’s SO CUTE HELP)
Don’t Sweat It by @miraclewoozi - Aka the best Lee Jihoon fic ever written. Woozi x Reader, S2L, smut, I’m obsessed with them
The Spring to Your Smile by @wooahaes - This is a link to all the members’ parts of this series. Loved every single one of them! Genre changes based on member :)
All of @nonranghaes little drabbles hit deep (go read them all) but here and here are two faves!!
A/N: awful, horrible, terrible Hao, Wonwoo and Mingyu slander here. I am so disorganized and couldn’t find any of the fics I wanted to post, so they will be back in earnest in the next one, I swear it.
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runabout-river · 6 months
The Mechanisms of Nobara's Return
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The Setup
Her injury is the smallest transfiguration Mahito made without interference
This injury didn't kill Nobara instantly
Nitta used his CT to stop her from dying
Affirmation that Nobara has a chance of survival even if that chance is less than 1%
This setup itself is the biggest indication/confirmation on a meta level that Nobara's return will happen. Because otherwise, Gege wouldn't have written it like this in the first place or he would've written later scenes about her death more explicitly.
Nobara is the female lead of JJK and is often compared to Sakura from Naruto in that regard. I find it hard to believe that Shonen Jump would let Gege discard that lead so early in the story. It would also be an unpopular decision to replace the female lead with another female character (Maki) even for Shonen standards.
Temporarily replacing one on the other hand, is a decision I can see happening. I'm no expert in this but it's known that editors keep the number of female characters low in their titles in SJ. Gege most likely wanted to do something shocking as well, so this a course of action many would be fine with.
If Nobara's death had been meant to be final then not only in the story but also outside of it we would've gotten definite confirmation on it. Instead, I don't recall something like that being said. In story and outside, we have this wishy-washy Schrödinger's Cat situation going on.
Her injury
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Idle Transfiguration cannot be healed with positive energy or any other means
That's because positive energy doesn't recognize damage to the body if it's in the same shape as the soul
At this point, her death was suspended in a similar fashion to how Megumi's death was suspended inside his exorcism ritual
This suspension can theoretically be kept up indefinitely as long as Nitta can use his CT
A popular theory in this regard, is Nobara learning Reverse Cursed Technique while at death's door.
Nobara is a Black Flash user, her use of cursed energy is more refined than that of the average sorcerer
Her learning RCT would parallel Gojo learning it after being sliced open. For her, it just takes longer
Having to use RCT constantly would also mirror Gojo, bringing her narratively closer to her teacher after being the one most distant from him
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Her Return
Why did Megumi say she was dead?
Theory: because Shoko told him that she was dead:
Because Shoko thought it cruel to keep the hopes of Megumi and Yuji up. She still wasn't finished to try and save her though
Shoko was afraid of the higher-ups interfering in her treatment after Yaga was executed
Having Megumi believe that she died also makes Sukuna believe that she's dead, which makes her comeback unforeseeable to him.
Why don't we see her in the flashbacks?
To keep up suspense. But do you know who else we don't see in the flashbacks? Todo. And that guy isn't even dead.
What is she doing now?
We have some possibilities for the flashbacks:
Learning to function under her RCT
Learning to function on Nitta's CT
Training/secret missions with Todo
Recovering with her grandma/learning to use new forms of her own CT
For the current fights:
She's waiting her turn
Popular theory is that Nobara will use Resonance on Sukuna's last finger. If she does this too early, she will explode. My favorite way for her to do this is like this:
Utahime and Gramps will enhance her CT and she will attack Sukuna's finger right at the moment when Sukuna attacks Yuji to kill him, mirroring the Mahito scene.
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Which are the instances where her death wasn't made explicit?
We never saw her corpse
She wasn't at the airport
No one talked to Gojo about her death, they only talked about Nanami
Only Megumi and Yuji talk about her death. The second and last time about Hana potentially replacing her
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I think this is about it about Nobara's Return. If you have questions, I will answer.
I lied.
There is a way to heal Nobara.
And the person who's going to do that is Megumi.
Megumi will have to infuse one of his shikigami with Mahoraga's Adaptation ability
The Adaptation doesn't happen with CTs, it happens with phenomena
A transfigured body and soul is a phenomenon
After the adaptation, Megumi can order his shikigami to reshape or reverse the transfiguration
This Adaptation to Idle Transfiguration also has a second use: stopping the merger (or reversing it).
Kenjaku used Mahito's IT to change Tengen's barriers. If I remember correctly, he will use IT again in the future or the effects of IT will be relevant later on. And that's when Megumi will have his biggest role.
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mikachacha · 8 months
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚠 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: Bada found herself being head over heels with you, a single mother. She wants to be there not only for you but for your daughter as well.
Warnings: mentions of past abuse, language, a bit of angst but this is fluff I swear
(A/N: was supposed to make this sexy but i couldn't resist the idea of Bada with kids 😭😭)
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Bada sighed as she was driving home. It's 3 am and it's raining a little bit. She just got done with some last preparation for the competition and couldn't help but think about crashing at your place since it's much closer than her's but she also didn't want to wake you up. You've been taking care of your daughter the whole day then she'd wake you up at 3 am just so she could crash at your place. But then again, she doesn't have any other options left. The rain is picking up and she's getting more and more drowsy so she drove to your place, hoping you wouldn't get mad at her for going there so early.
As she was driving, her mind drifted to you. Bada met you two years ago. You're working at a café near JustJerk and you always have your daughter with you. She found it adorable and just really inspiring at how hard you worked but also having to take care of a small child all at once. If someone told Bada that she'd be head over heels with a single mother two years ago, she'd probably laugh at them and what they're saying is ridiculous but right now, all Bada wants is to see you and just hold you close to her.
When she got to your house, she only had to knock twice before you opened the door. She knew immediately that you were crying because of how puffy your eyes looked. You didn't have to say anything, she just engulfed you in a hug. You felt comfort being wrapped in Bada's arms. You didn't expect her to really take you seriously before. You're already second hand by society's standard. Used up, with a child but no husband in sight. So when Bada proved to you that she is more than serious about what she feels for you, you thanked all of your lucky stars for giving you someone who is gentle, who is loving and amazing to be there for you and your daughter.
"What's wrong? Why were you crying?" Bada asked as both of you sat on the couch. You sighed and just rested your head on your shoulder, contemplating whether you should tell Bada or not. You know she's tired from preparing for Street Woman Fighter, you didn't want to dump all your problems to her as she's already got a lot on her plate at the moment.
"It's nothing, baby.. Go get changed and get some rest. It's already 3 am. I'm sure you're tired that's why you drove here.." you averted the topic which made Bada frown but decided not to push it and make you upset. Bada slept beside you and just held you close to her the whole time, letting you know that you're not alone and that she's always there for you.
It was hard for you to trust anyone again after your husband divorce you, just two years after you had your daughter Hana. There were lots who wanted to date you but you couldn't bring yourself to even consider going out with them because you're scared they only wanted you for your body or they'd just hurt you or your daughter, just like your ex husband did. You also didn't want your daughter to be heartbroken again by seeing someone then they ended up leaving you. With all that, you never expected that you'd end up with Bada but she persisted. She proved to you for two years that she's not going anywhere, that she wants to stay in yours and Hana's life. Bada didn't really give up even when you push her away repeatedly and now here you are, happy to be with each other. Bada became your safe space while you and Hana became her biggest inspiration to persevere and to work harder.
Morning came and Hana excitedly ran to your room like she always does everyday. Your four year old daughter then saw Bada sleeping next to you and you smiled as she crawled in bed between you and Bada, giggling while giving you a morning kiss before giving one to Bada as well. It's always a great day for Hana when Bada is around because she feels like she's got a complete family. She'd even tell her friends proudly that she's got two moms now which Bada found incredibly touching as Hana considers her a family now.
"Good morning, little princess.." Bada greets and kisses Hana's forehead which makes your daughter giggle even more and hug yours and Bada's arms.
"Good morning! This is the best morning ever! Though you didn't wake me up when you came home. Badddd!" Hana pouted and you laughed, ruffling your daughter's hair playfully. She always gets all pouty when she doesn't see Bada come home.
"Bada's way too sleepy last night, baby.. I had to drag her out of her car and to bed." you joked and Bada played along by pretending to snore loudly. The bedroom was filled with laughter and it made your heart swell with joy knowing that even though you already have a daughter, there's still someone who's gonna love you with everything they've got.
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Leo x reader (Mating season!)
Warning: Smut, oral sex, neck biting, penetration sex, male receiving, leo scaring the shit out of you! That pretty much it, let me know if i missed anything!
Request (Note: I'm sad nobody is requesting something about tmnt!)
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All the turtles were in mating season, but they all had different ways to cope.
This boi would seriously train 24/7. 
HE WANTS TO DISTRACT HIMSELF FROM YOU. (Well because he thinks he’s gonna hurt you.) 
Oh how sweet…… mating seasons last through April to May and maybe even longer.
Well let's say he warned you before it started saying stuff like, “You're gonna have to stop coming over here for a good 2-3 months….. It’s because of….. Mating season.” 
Ok after that 1 month Leo couldn’t stop himself. He had to call you. Even if he had told you that if he tried to call you to come over, “Don't….. it could kill you.”
Hearing your cell phone ring you heard the ringer tone and knew it was Leo first thing. When you answered you heard big puffs of air going through the phone speaker, then some wines. 
 That was what had set him off when he heard your voice again after a month, he knew he wanted you right then and there. 
“Oh please Hana I need you so bad, please come over-... nothing will happen. I will only cuddle with you!!!” You knew Leo was lying, but you felt sorry for the man. He had to go through this every year? 
“Leo…..-” Suddenly you start to hear him moaning and a bed frame squeaks. Your body became stiff, already dirty thoughts flooded into your swirling brain, and warmth spreaded through your core. 
“PLeAsE, Hana, come down here.” You knew this was a bad idea, who were you kidding? This was a horrible idea. All 4 turtles were there also and if you showed up stuff could be off the roof. 
“Leo, you know that’s a bad ide-”
“Or I'll come to you.” You could hear the venom dripping in his voice as it sounded like he got up out of his bed. Now this actually scared the shit out of you. You expected him to be civil, not like a horny slut. 
Suddenly the phone call ended and you were being awaited for Leo there. You locked all your windows, and all of your doors. You even closed your curtains and turned off all the lights. 
After some time you thought maybe he thought about his actions and stopped. Carefully opening your window you looked outside to see nothing but new york city. Being grabbed by something, or someone you were hoisted up to find Leo looking face to face at him.
🔞(!!Smut warning!!)🔞
The feeling of something so big inside you was so overwhelmingly good. Leo was laying on your back grunting, squealing, and making a purring noise. Your hand tightened its grip around the bar connecting the fire escape. It squeaked and popped under Leo’s weight as he started to thrust into your throbbing walls. You felt his heavy balls slapping your clit. He started biting your neck, marking you, showing you that you belong to him and him only. Oh, if you had any say in this, that would be a long time ago. Leo had wrapped his blue bandana around your head so you couldn’t speak. But, you were moaning like crazy from the giant green member bulging inside you. He started thrusting so hard you were afraid you would fall off the fire escape. 
After some time, leo moved you onto your bed and kept fucking you drunk on your pussy. You being drunk on his cock were glad your parents were away for 10 weeks, on a vacation.
You stomach was bulging with his seeds as he still fucked more into you like you were some raggdoll. 
“Oh hana, look at you! So round with my seeds.”
Thank you for reading! :)
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That post about Higuchi Kouhei and his cat got me thinking about some other tokusatsu-to-BL pipeline actors that are on current or recent BLs, so I thought I'd do a screenshot post about Kamen Rider Revice, a recent toku series that features two lead actors who star in current BLs, plus an actor in a smaller role who was part of a side couple in a BL series that recently completed a second season.
The main character of Revice is Igarashi Ikki, played by Maeda Kentaro, currently playing Ohara Yamato in I Can't Reach You. His siblings are very central to the story as well--by the end of the series, the story is centered around his whole family. Ikki's younger brother Daiji is played by Hyuga Wataru, currently playing Yamasuge Ryuiji in If It's With You.
Here they are having a bath in the opening credits for the show (the Igarashi family runs a public bath house).
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I should say at the outset that I can't entirely recommend Revice, especially to folks who don't already have some tokusatsu-watching under their belts. It's a hot mess in a lot of ways. But it does have some really outstanding highlights. The best aspects of the series, in my book, were:
Kagerou (Daiji's demonic alter ego),
George Karizaki (my beloved),
Igarashi Sakura/Kamen Rider Jeanne (the most formidable female Rider I've seen in any series in the franchise), and
the relationship between Sakura and Natsuki Hana (a rare example of a convincing Sapphic ship in a franchise well known for "heated drama between men").
I'm not going to get into 2 and 3 here, as tempting as that would be, but I'll include as much of 4 as time/space permits.
It might seem weird that I'm not recommending a series with some of my favorite characters in the entire Kamen Rider franchise AND a relationship between girls that is a hair's breadth from being canonically queer. It's just too much of a trainwreck to endorse as a whole. But as I said, the highlights are really something.
One of the biggest issues I had with Revice was that Ikki, the protagonist, just isn't a very compelling character. As a result I don't think Maeda Kentaro really got to show the range of his acting abilities in this series. (This just makes me more curious to see him in ICRY. From the excerpts I've seen so far, it seems like he shows a really different side of himself.)
Maeda appreciators might still enjoy the many determined faces and creepy smiles he gets to dish out in this series. Here's a sampling.
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It's possible they'll want to look away when he starts doing things like this, though.
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Fans of both Maeda and Hyuga might enjoy some of their scenes fighting side by side, including doing their various henshin poses (the moves they do before they transform into their masked Rider forms).
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Or when they do things like this bonkers flying kick.
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Thankfully, Daiji is a more interesting character than Ikki, so Revice gave Hyuga some more challenging things to do. I thought Hyuga also just really made the most of every opportunity the show presented to him. He was seriously impressive. This is the reason I was sold on IIWY the moment I saw the announcement about it based solely on Hyuga's involvement.
Here's a sampling of Hyuga as Daiji.
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In addition to playing Daiji, Hyuga also played Kagerou, Daiji's aforementioned demonic alter ego. Kagerou was formed from thoughts and emotions that Daiji repressed. The biggest of these was his resentment toward Ikki. But apparently Daiji had also been repressing a desire to be a somewhat gender non-conforming goth, because that's Kagerou's other raison d'etre.
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In some ways, it's hard to imagine a character more different from Ryuji. If they have anything in common, it's the fact that they both place a high value on honesty.
One other thing that's worth noting about Hyuga's work on Revice is that he was only 17 when the show premiered. He showed major dramatic range in this part, not only playing two very different characters but doing everything from low-key nuanced scenes to bombastic high drama. Not to mention the stunts! Doing all of this at 17 is seriously remarkable.
Now for our bonus dude! There's a secret evil-fighting organization called Weekend that secretly keeps tabs on the Igarashi family for years before coming out of hiding to join the big central battle of the series. One of the Weekend operatives is Ushijima Hikaru.
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Look familiar? Maybe not, he didn't make faces like this on his BL series.
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How about now? Yep, it's Oku Tomoya, who plays Hanabusa Asuka on both seasons of Minato Shouji Coin Laundry.
Oku has some big scenes and interesting moments in Revice. He does some romantic pining, goes through big-time loss, does quite a bit of martial-arts sparring, gets seriously injured, and more. He even gets to henshin a few times. Here he is getting ready to do just that with Sakura and Hana. Those Weekend uniforms are pretty hardcore in a 70s flight attendant sort of way, but I feel like Oku really sells it here.
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While we're on the subject of Sakura and Hana, I feel like I can't mention their relationship without including some moments where their story came particularly close to tipping into full-on yuri.
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If you're going to do an enemies-to-lovers story, why not make them full-on superhero nemeses?
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The word "date" might not technically get used by the characters, but there's no mistaking that the amusement park hangout Sakura invites Hana on--while she is still a fully-functioning bad guy, I might add--is definitely a date.
Most of the time when a Rider beats their nemesis for the final time they don't hold each other tenderly in the sunset.
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By the end of the series, they're in a big tub together at the Igarashi's bath house.
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There are tons more examples but you get the idea. If this isn't borderline-yuri I don't know what is.
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Nsfw 41 for ango from BSD for fem reader
Maybe their married idk
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; smut; ango as a workaholic; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual acitivities, oral sex (female receives), fingering, desk sex, kisses everywhere, squirting, no condom, creampie, a bit of dirty talk, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ango sakaguchi {bsd}
authos’s note: i am sorry you waited so long, but i started working in mid-august, and i am also on an internship and i just don’t have much free time to write stories :(
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41. “Of course. I am yours. Only yours.”
It was a quiet afternoon; September was a transitional month between warm summer and rainy and windy autumn, so today was a sunny day, and at the same time a gentle rain had been falling since the morning, which watered the plants in a natural way and also was a nightmare for women who had washed the windows or hung up the laundry at balcony the previous day.
However, you were proudly walking in the middle of the sidewalk with an dark blue umbrella in your hand. On the way, you only stopped at a bakery for two oatmeal cookies with dark chocolate, and then you got to the well-known building without any major problems. In this huge place, guarded by two security guards, your husband, Ango, worked. You had known each other for over a dozen years, and you met at university, when you chose the same field of study. At the beginning, your acquaintance was based on quick ‘Hellos’ and ‘Goodbyes’, but during one integration trip you became a little closer to each other and at the same time became friends. Then, during your second year of studies, you became a lovely couple and a few months after writing your diploma theses, he proposed to you. Your relationship was textbook and problem-free, and your arguments consisted of very domestic things like: taking out the trash, dirty dishes in the sink, and hair in the bathtub drain.
Everyone at Ango’s work knew you well, so they greeted you with a smile and a slight nod of the head. The woman behind the reception window didn’t even have to ask for your name or last name, she only nodded, saying that your husband was in his office and filling out the documents that had recently been delivered to him. You thanked her and wished her a peaceful afternoon – since it was almost 5 p.m. – and then headed to the right floor and then to a room you knew well. You knocked three times as was your custom and then went inside.
When Ango saw you, he merely tocuhed his glasses with a slight smirk, inviting you to sit right on his lap. You hadn’t really seen each other since last night, as your partner got up quite early and after a quick see you later kiss (while you were still asleep), left your cozy apartment twenty minutes from downtown.
“... I brought you a cookie, honey.” You giggled gently, placing the paper bag on the wooden desk right next to the stack of large books, papers and the black monitor.
“Thank you.” He replied, his soft smile was still visible. “How was your day, love?” And this simple question consumed you for the next half hour.
{ ・゚✧ }
At some point, between eating a delicious cookie and drinking a cup of tea from the coffee machine under the window, and a short conversation on the phone with Hana – the woman from the ground floor, from the reception desk – that everyone had already left the office, you were seated on hard, slightly too cold wood, and your bare buttocks slid across its surface, soaking it from time to time.
Your husband’s tongue brought you to the brink of orgasm without any problem, and his hands gripped the skin of your thighs and calves. From time to time you felt his fingers pushing against your hot walls, and soft moans escaped your lips, muffled by your own hand. A feeling of uncertainty and at the same time excitement and joy bubbled in your mind and heart. At some point, your orgasm was so close that you tightened your legs around your husband’s neck, apologizing to him after a while.
Your pussy was throbbing, and although oral sex was an amazing alternative to regular one, at that moment you wanted nothing more than to have your beloved, long-term partner’s cock fill you to the very back of your uterus and fill you with cum until the last drop. At that thought, a few trickles of your juice wet Ango’s two fingers and his chin again.
“...Tell me what you want.” He said from between your legs and you just tilted your head back, biting your bottom lip between your teeth. “What’s going through your pretty head?”
“Ango…” You muttered, breathing raggedly. “Please stop. Enough of this. Just fuck me already.” The desperation in your voice was palpable and visiable. The dark-haired man only raised the right corner of his mouth. “Please...”
“You’re mine, right?” He raised an eyebrow slightly and you immediately nodded. Perhaps too fast and too chaotic, which could look comical from a third-person perspective.
“Of course. I am yours. Only yours.” You assured the twenty-five-year-old, and he smiled more clearly. “Ango, please. Baby.”
A few moments passed, too long for you, before your husband lifted his body and then rested both of his hands on the sides of your buttocks. He leaned down slightly to kiss your lips, swollen from biting, and you moaned once again that evening, feeling not only the taste of coffee without sugar and milk, but also yourself. Your hands immediately tangled in the unnaturally soft hair and your thighs tightened around the man’s waist. You felt his erection against your pussy and you almost died when his right hand cupped one of your breasts. Your bra was far away from you, as were your pants and lace panties. Ango was still in his clothes, although his belt was loose and his shirt had lost its white buttons.
“Make love with me.” You said shyly. Your voice was like a small cat begging for some attention. Your husband just chuckled under his breath, kissing you once again on the lips and then on the forehead before sliding his pants down to his ankles along with his black boxers. His cock glistened with precum, making your pupils big. “Ango...”
He ran the wet tip of his dick over your entrance a few times and you almost screamed at how much he was tormenting and toying with you. It only took a moment for you to melt between his fingers, but luckily after three seconds his cock entered you without any problem. You never needed lube, the overwhelming arousal gave you enough lubrication.
The room became stuffy as your breaths mixed together and your bodies hit each other, causing the desk to creak. You felt your pussy pulsating from the inside and your clit slapping against his pubic mound. Your husband’s cock was fucking you as good as ever, and the fact that you were having sex at his place of work added a strange but interesting edge to it all. Everything around seemed exciting.
A few moans, gasps and grunts later, the desk was getting wetter and wetter, your juices dripping onto the wooden floor, slightly lighter than the furniture. Your teeth bit into the skin of your husband’s neck while he tightened his grip on your waist, ass and thighs, sometimes your neck and hair as well, although he wasn't a fan of pulling them. He hit your g-spot with the greatest precision and didn't spare you a few hickeys, which after a few minutes proudly decorated your breasts and cleavage.
When you felt the distinct slap, you squirted like clockwork, making your pussy tighten even more on your man’s cock. He let out a long growl and then rested his forehead against yours – they were both sweaty and red, just like the rest of your faces: ears, nose, cheeks. He moved inside you a few more times, causing a few drops of cum to fall onto the wood between his legs, and then he sighed, tired.
“... We have to clean up.”
“Yes. We have to.”
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clownprincehoeshi · 4 months
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 1
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you'll meet your ult bias. But it seems that the universe really loves you this time. Will Jeon Jungkook notice you?
Genre: for all chapters- Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: idol Jeon Jungkook x fem reader, idol X x fem reader, idol Y x fem reader
Warning: for all chapters- Kissing/Nudity/Sex scene/Pet names/Angst Minors don't interact!
Word count: 4620
This is my first time writing, I hope there are no big mistakes in the text, I am also not a native english speaker. This is chapter 1 from a series of chapters that will be about more idols. The story starts sometime in 2022. Enjoy!
Next chapter
Why does it have to rain today of all days? Is this how this city is welcoming me? Am I not wanted here? Well, you’re stuck with me now, city! I’m not going back to my shitty town and my shitty life. This is a new beginning. Y/N said, as she stacks some boxes on the floor of her new home in Seoul.
She moved here today, after she was offered a new job at an advertising company. She thought she needs a big change in her life. It’s not like her life in her country back in Europe was interesting. Yeah, she had a couple of really good friends there, and her sister, but that was it. She’s not interested in dating or having a man, she’d rather spend her free time on her hobbies and on herself.
One of her hobbies being kpop. She got into it when covid struck and she had to spend her time inside. Weeks and weeks of working from home and spending her entire free time at home, so she needed to find new ways to entertain herself. That’s how kpop came into her life. It was also a period in her life when she felt lonely, because she just ended a 2 year relationship. She put a lot into it, and let’s say she was more than disappointed when the guy told her out of nowhere that their relationship isn’t going anywhere. But that’s life, and she had to move on.
Now, this is like a new start for her, but she will focus on work and making herself happy. Starting a new life in a new country isn’t easy, but her luck is starting to change when she meets her new coworkers. Most of them are Korean, but there are also some foreigners that immediately try to talk to her and get to know her. She’s not a very open and social person, so it’s hard for her to open up and be all friendly with strangers. But Hana from work notices this about Y/N so she will make it her mission to befriend Y/N and make her feel at home. Hana knows how it must feel, she’s been in her shows when she moved to Seoul from Busan.
Hana: I think me and Y/N will be good friends, she seems genuine, so I’m going to invite her to have lunch with me today.
Maddy: Go ahead. I think she seems pretty arrogant to me.
Hana: Stop judging before you actually talk to the person, geez.
Maddy: Whatever, you do you.
So here you are, having lunch with this girl with bright brown eyes, named Hana who just seems so nice. It makes you want to be friendly and nice back. But you’re curious as why is she being like this with you, so you ask.
Y/N: Soooo… I don’t want you to think I am being rude or anything, but I am curious about why you approached me.
Hana: Well, I also moved from a different city like 2 years ago, and I know things must feel weird for you now.
Y/N: Yeah, it does feel weird. And I am not the most social person. I am a little concerned about how people will see me and if I will make any friends here.
Hana: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be here, we can be friends. Deal?
Y/N: Deal.
Hana: Stick around me and you’ll end up with a lot of friends. You could say I’m pretty popular.
Then she winks cutely at you, smiling.
In these weeks that you have grown to know Hana, you have learned that she’s is indeed popular, she’s sweet, kind, had a ton of friends and acquaintances. She’s so cool, you think to yourself. Also, thank god she’s into stuff that you too like, for instance kpop. You haven’t met that many people that are into it. Strange, you think.
It’s Friday evening and a text from Hana pops up on your phone screen.
Hana banana: Y/N, I think it’s time
Y/N: Time for what, silly?
Hana banana: For you to meet some of my friends
Y/N: But I met your friends?
Hana banana: Naah, these are other friends that I haven’t told you about
Y/N: Ok?
Hana banana: But I needed to be sure about you
Y/N: What you mean?
Y/N: Hana?
Y/N: Hana banana?
But she didn’t reply that night. She called you the next day, saying she wants to come over to talk about her friends. Was she hung over from last night? How much did she have to drink? Was she drunk now? Did she drink first thing in the morning? What’s with the mystery? You scratched your head as you loaded the washing machine. You’re waken from your thoughts by the doorbell. Hana must be here. You open the door and she’s storming inside, with a big grin on her face.
Hana: Ok, here you are
Y/N: Yeah, I should be here, it’s my house. Are you drunk? Where did you disappear last night?
Hana: I was with my friends and I told them about you, so they got curious and told me to bring you next time I meet them.
Y/N: And are they like spies or something? What’s with the mystery? Are they aliens?
Hana: I was thinking to prank you and just not tell you who they were and see your face when you meet them, but it would not be fair. But you need to look your best if you’ll meet them
Y/N: It’s not like I look like shit when we go out
Hana: Y/N, come on. Sometimes you dress like a homeless person
Y/N: That’s how I like it?
Hana: Nooo, you need to look your best for this one
Y/N: I think the fuck not. Not dressing up for no man
Hana: It’s Jungkook. You’re going to meet Jungkook, bitch. He’s one of my friends. And all the 97 line.  Jaehyun is my cousin and sometimes he invites me to their dinners and hangouts with the other guys
Now… in your head there were conflicting thoughts. First thought was that this was a lie, there is no way in hell that the universe was so kind to you after all the shit you’re been trough in your life. She must be saying this to prank you, But what a stupid prank this is. Nobody should play games with you when it comes to your ult bias, JK. What is she thinking?
Y/N: You trying to die today?
You’re starting to get all red, you can feel it. You’re starting to get hot and angry. Angry at her for being such a pain in the ass. She knows you don’t like this type of shit, why is she doing this?
Hana: I am not lying!!! Look
As she takes her phone out her bag, she starts to show you photos and videos of her with the guys. Them, eating, drinking, taking night strolls, car rides, laughing, having fun
Remember that first thought? Scratch that. Those other thoughts? Irrelevant. Now you’re only thought was that one tik tok where Sponge Bob was putting on a maid outfit.
You grab Hana’s hands, look her in the eye and quiet sets between you two. You stay like that for a few moments. Then tears are forming in your eyes and they start to roll down your cheeks that are not a dark shade of pink, because you got angry before you got excited. You cry. You ugly cry.
Hana: What the fuck? Why you crying?
Y/N: What am I going to weaaaaaar?
What you’re going to wear. That was your fucking concern. Really? Well, duh!!! It’s Jungkook. He’ll see you. You. Why and how you’ve gotten so lucky, you don’t know. And the rest of the day you’re a ball of nerves, because you will see him tomorrow.
You can barely sleep that night. As usual, you spend your late hours in bed, watching Run BTS and Jungkook reels until you fall asleep. At 6 AM. You think you’re crazy and you will look like shit tomorrow. This is not the time to say I don’t give a shit how I look, I’m not going to look perfect for any man. But he’s not just any man, is he? No no. He’s the perfect man, you’re ideal man. How is he not everyone’s ideal man?
The next day you make sure to eat properly, to take extra care of your hair and skin, because you only got 4 hours of sleep last night. Thanks, Instagram for making reels a thing.
It’s 5 PM and Hana will be here any minute to pick you up. You’re feeling like shit. You feel like throwing up or shitting your pants, you don’t know which. You call you bff who’s back in your hometown. You’’re sure she’s awake, she’s a night person like you.
Y/N: Wifey, what am I going to do? What if I do something stupid in front of him? Should I just not open my mouth at all?
Bff: What? No, wtf! I mean, I know you’ll be weird and all, but just relax. Just be yourself, maybe try not to look like you trying to kill people, you know.
Y/N: Great talk!
Hana texts you she is downstairs. You grab your bag, check yourself in the mirror and leave your apartment. When you get into Hana’s car she starts whistling
Hana: Yooo, you looking for a girlfriend? I’m single.
You slap her shoulders and start blushing. But you know you’re mostly blushing because you know who you’re going to meet. But what if he’s not going to come? What if something happens and he can’t come? Shit! I wanna put my head into sand right now.
You arrive at the place you’re going to have dinner and drinks. You’re not much of a drinker, never been. In fact, you hate pretty much any taste of alcohol. It’s just not for you and your sensitive tasting buds. And you never try to drink just to please the people around you. No, you don’t care about that. So you won’t drink tonight either, unless they have something sweet. You like sweet alcohol, it’s tasty.
Hana walks in front of you, arriving to a private room and opens the door. You hear voices inside and your stomach shrinks into a little grain of sand. Oh god, I’m going to die!
She greets the people inside, everyone sounding friendly and nice, but then she moves. You were trying to hide behind her, but you’re been revealed now. You bow, greeting everyone. You’re so shy that you can’t even look them in the eye. At least not for more than 0,00001 seconds. You could be an octopus with how fast you feel your face changes color from normal to red. But you love octopuses, you find them cute. Your mind flies to octopuses when you’re meeting Jungkook. WTF. Focus!
Jungkook’s POV
You’re already at your second drink and you feel just a tiny tipsy. You hear the door opening and there is Hana. Oh, this means her new friends must be with her. But you can’t see the friend. You were about to ask about her, but then Hana moved from the way and there she was. Was she hiding behind Hana? That’s hilarious. She must be nervous, cute.
But when you see her, it’s like everything slows down. Like in those movies when the main character appears, looking all cool, and everyone is starring. This is how it felt. How can anyone be this attractive? Have I been drinking too much? I just had one glass, the hell. First thing you notice it’s her hair, because she was kind of looking down at first, then she bowed and her long, golden hair moved towards her face like the softest silk. You notice her big bright eyes, the way they avoided yours and that shy smile. She had a beautiful smile. She was wearing a cute short dress, revealing her shoulders and legs. Well, wow is all that you could say. Good thing nobody heard you. You hope.
Hana points you to sit between her and Jaehyun. There is another girl there, and you find out it’s Eunwoo’s girlfriend. Wow, it must be crazy hard for them to hide their relationship from the public. I don’t really envy that, though. I wonder if Jungkook has a girl too. Jaehyun hands you the menu and tells you to pick whatever you like and he’ll order for you. What a gentleman, you think.
Y/N: Oh oh, beer and sprite.
Jaehyun: Interesting combo, never tried it.
Jungkook: Never to late to try new things.
He says that, while sipping from his glass, looking at you with hooded eyes.
Shit! Why are you doing that, Jungkook? I am weak! Stop with those eyes!!
You’re so happy when you mix your beer and sprite in your little glass and take a sip. The day got better and you feel like you can do this. Whenever you have your favorite stuff around, you feel more like home and it gives you confidence. Like your favorite drink, or food you like, or a song you love, or a doggo.
You’re pretty quiet, but that’s just you. You’re a die hard introvert and you take time to feel comfortable around new people. You’re happy thought that nobody says annoying stuff like “oh, you’re so quiet”, “You don’t talk?” and other shit strangers say to you when they first meet you. It annoys you to the Moon and back that some people are so unaware that not everyone is like them, extroverted, outgoing, super social, loud.
Sometimes, when you’re in a mood to put those types of people in their place, you fight back with “why are you so loud? Why do you talk so much?”. They get pissy, but you don’t care. You like your little bubble and you let only your people inside, the ones that care to understand.
You’ve had already 2 glasses of beer-sprite and a glass of strawberry soju. It’s sweet, you like this one. You feel a little social by this point, but still super shy to look at Jungkook. And what’s worse is that he’s just across the table, right in front of you. You need to look left or right to avoid his eyes. You only look his way when you’re sure he’s doing something and has his head turned away from you. But the alcohol is fucking with your eyes, so at some point and you think about admiring him a little more and you look. You look straight into his big eyes, because guess what. He was already looking at you. Good thing you’re sitting, because your knees become jelly. You do the unthinkable and for once in your life you don’t move your eyes. You keep them on him. And he keeps his eyes on you. What’s going on? Why is he looking at me? What do I do? Do I have something on my face? On god no, I must have something on my face, shit.
You must feel brave today, because you ask him:
Y/N: What’s wrong, do I have something on my face?
But you’re dead serious and while touching your face. He giggles
Jungkook: No no, you’re good. Sorry, I think I was starring too hard.
He takes another sip of his drink, while saying “cute” in a low voice, but you heard it and it made you blush. You felt like a big ball of lava right now. The Jungkook thinks you’re cute. The universe must be joking right now, making fun of you. Is this a dream? Have I hit my head one day and I’ve been in this dream since? When did your life become this? You were never a lucky person and it feels weird.
You observe Mingyu in the corner of your eye, kind of like trying to start a conversation with you. You don’t know much about him, you just know he’s Jungkook’s friend and he’s also in a band, but that’s about it. He starts to fiddle in his seat, you feel his eyes on you.
Hana: What’s with you, Mingyu? You seem a little agitated.
Mingyu: Oh, nothing. Just trying to hop into the conversation you’re having with your friend. I’ve heard something about going to a concert next week?
Hana: Yeah, I want to introduce Y/N to the kpop concert life, she hasn’t been to any so far and I think that’s wack.
Mingyu: You really must go, you’ll love it. What show you’re going to?
Hana: Ateez, we love them. You know I have a thing for Mingi.
You push her shoulder a little, knowing what she’s thinking right now, because you know your friend has a dirty mind.
Y/N: Girl, behave, not in front of my beer.
Mingyu: Oh, so who’s your Ateez bias then, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeosang. You answer shily.
Mingyu: Really now. And why is he your bias?
You feel Jungkook’s eyes on you and a rush of heat runs through your body.
Y/N: Well, I like his personality. He’s introverted and shy, has a great sense of humor, and he’s hot but at the same time really cute and adorable.
Mingyu nods like he’s in agreement, and then he’s asking the craziest question.
Mingyu: Who’s your bias in BTS?
You choke and you feel like you don’t know what words are. What’s speaking?
Y/N: I won’t tell you, since Jungkook is here. It feels weird
Mingyu: Oh, come oooon! Pleaaase?
Jungkook: Dude, it doesn’t matter. She’s right. I am here. Maybe you’ll find out another time when I’m not here.
Ugh, your savior. How can he be more perfect? He saved you when you were feeling awkward.
Mingyu: Damn, was just trying to make the night more interesting. Sorry, guys.
He says with a pout, the others teasing him. He seems like a big puppy. He’s so tall but so tiny at the same time.
The food is here. You let them order whatever they wanted, you had no idea what to choose. You just knew you don’t anything too spicy or weird. You can’t wait to eat, because you feel fucking hungry. You’re not something to shy away from eating, and even eating a lot. So you start with some soup, then some steak and all kind of grilled stuff. You just love Korean food, so tasty and filled with different flavors. You wish your best friend was here with you. You think to yourself that this is the happiest you’ve ever been. Eating delicious food and being in the same room with your ult bias. What could be better than this?
Well it could be better than this, but that’s another story, something you fantasize about when you’re alone.
Jungkook and Mingyu, seeing as you enjoy the food, the offer to help you with the meat. They put it on the grill and cook it for you, then put it on your plate.
Hana: Wow, guys, you’ve never done that for me. What’s this, now? Acting nice for the new girl?
Mingyu: She has been nice to us, you’re mean.
Jungkook starts to laugh, because he knows Hana always teases and bullies Mingyu. They all tease him and they do it because he never gets upset, he’s just that nice and soft for his friends and everyone loves him for that.
Mingyu, being the extroverted guy that he is, tries to find out more about you, so he goes crazy with the questions. He’s also had a few glasses, so you answer all his curiosities.
Mingyu: So, Y/N, tell me.
Y/N: Yes, Mingyu?
A pinch of pink appears on his cheeks, hearing his name on your lips, sounding so pretty.
Mingyu: Well, how did you end up in Seoul, why this city?
Y/N: Umm, long story, but to make it short, I have been a fan of Korean cinema, then started watching dramas too, then I thought I want to learn the language because it sounded so interesting. I already knew English pretty well, Spanish, and a little of French and german, so I wanted something different. Then stuff happened in my personal life and I needed a big change, so my boos from back home told me about this job opportunity in Seoul, since she knew I spoke the language already. I didn’t think about it, I just booked a flight and here I am.
Jungkook: Your Korean is really good, though and you know so many other languages, wow. You’re really smart.
Y/N: Oh, thank you.
Now you feel yourself blushing again, but what’s new.
Mingyu: Do you have a boyfriend?
You almost choked on your food. This man.
Hana: You have no shame today, Gyu.
Mingyu: Hey, we’re just getting to know each other here, we’re practically friends now. Right, Y/N?
Y/N: Umm, I guess?
Jungkook: So?
You look at Jungkook, trying to figure out what he’s trying to say. But all he does is lay back on his seat and manspread, with a grin on his face. You feel like going crazy. He knows what he’s doing. Does he know he’s my bias? Could he? Maybe he reads minds. Oh, I hope not!!!
Y/N: What?
Jungkook: Do you have a boyfriend?
Y/N: Oh!! I don’t, no.
Mingyu: Why not? If that’s not too much to ask.
Hana: Oh, this is going to be good.
She knows your life story and your history with guys and relationships, so she knows you have a lot to say about this.
Y/N: You really want to know? I can give a formal short answer or a genuine longer answer. Which one is it?
Jungkook: Long answer.
The whole room is now looking at you, curious about what you have to say. People are always curious about this type of stuff. You are too, you have to admit. And not in the Oh, I like gossip type of way, but you like to hear about other people’s love stories and why they didn’t work out.
Y/N: I don’t trust men. I used to. Big mistake, because whenever I put my trust in one, I would get disappointed again. My last relationship was a disaster. I felt used, like he came into my life, promised the world, then after he got what he needed, he left. I invested so much time, energy, feelings into it and all I got was emptiness. I tried dating a few times after that, but everything felt so shallow. Nobody with real good intentions. Everyone felt so fake, so I stopped everything. Why waste my time on people that don’t care about me? No. And you know what? Unless some guy shows up, really doing everything to show me he’s a real person with real feelings and not some stupid cardboard box, then I might consider giving him a chance. I’m just happier alone.
Hana: Mingyu wouldn’t know about that, he’s got a new girl every other month.
Everyone starts to giggle and you’re surprised but not really, because he’s a really attractive guy. And he seems to have it all.
Mingyu: Wow, you say such nice things about me, Hana. You’re just the best.
You laugh, you find him funny and charismatic. No wonder he’s getting so many girls.
Jungkook: Guys, come on, leave my man alone. He’s not that slutty. He’s just overly friendly and excited so he can give the wrong impression.
Mingyu gives a proud smile, hearing his bestie taking his side. Finally, someone takes his side, he thinks.
Y/N: But what about you guys, how hard is it to have a romantic life in your situation?
Mingyu pouts, Jungkook tilts his head and looks like he’s thinking, Jaehyun shrugs.
Eunwoo: In my case, all I can say is that it’s really difficult. You put your career on the line, but when you meet someone you really like, you can’t just ignore the feelings. You can’t live just for your work, you’re not a machine.
Mingyu: It fucking sucks, I barely have time for a romantic life. Things are getting really intense at work lately and I need to be there for me and for my members.
You look at Jungkook, who’s taking a soju shot, waiting for him to give a response too. You really want to know, it burns you to know.
He realizes you are waiting for him to say something, so he tries to change the subject.
Jungkook: Let’s do shots before we end this night?
And the hands you a glass of shot, you drink it, looking at him. He’s avoiding your eyes for the rest of the night and it’s not long until you all need to leave. The restaurant is closing, it’s past midnight and tomorrow it’s a work day. Shit, you have so much work to do tomorrow and here you are, a little drunk., wondering why Jungkook didn’t answer your question and why he didn’t look at you the rest of the time.
You all give your goodbyes and the guys are telling you how glad they are to have met you and that they will see you next time. You feel Jungkook’s eyes burning into your skull, and when you turn to him you catch him starring so you give him a little smile with a “goodnight”. He bows and smiles then turns and walks with Mingyu to the direction where a car is waiting for them.
You felt sadness. Sadness because this night was over, because you thought that you were weird and they didn’t like you. Shit, you met your bias of biases and you’re glad you didn’t shit yourself when he looked in your direction. You felt a little proud of yourself for not acting like a crazy fan. You always thought that if you met any of your favorite artists, you would just be quiet and act normal, trying to not make them feel uncomfortable. That’s what everyone should do, right?
You’re also trying really hard not to be too delulu right now, after meeting him. You can’t wait to tell your bestie about it, too bad she’s sleeping at this hour, must be really early in the morning there. Oh well, I’ll just take a shower and go to sleep. Who knows, maybe the universe is starting to like me and I will see him again.
Next morning you wake up all sweaty and worked up. You had a sex dream about Jungkook. Damn, it felt so real, wtf. Stupid brain, let me function today! You arrive at the office and you find Hana waiting at your desk, two cups of hot cocoa. She known you hate coffee, and what else could you drink on a cold march morning?
Hana: I figured you’ll be a little hungover, we had a lot to drink. Well, me. You were lightweight.
Y/N: Ugh, you’re a life saver. Thanks for the cocoa, I love it.
Hana: So what did you think?
Y/N: About last night?
Hana: Duh! Did you feel weird or it was fun? Want me to get a signed photocard from JK?
Y/N: Nooo, I would feel so embarrassed. But I really enjoyed it. They seem like normal people, though Jungkook is a little reserved. So mysterious, no?
Hana: Hm, maybe because you were there. He was a little more quiet last night though, but so were you. I could see you two being a couple.
Y/N: Omg, stop! I’m not that delulu, girl.
Hana: You never know.
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thinkin-bout-milgram · 8 months
Hello! If it’s okay, I’d like to know your thoughts on the Trikoto theory (3+ alters). I think it’s a cool theory! And pretty likely, honestly. (Here’s a document about it in case you don’t know what I’m talking about. I didn’t make it, and I unfortunately don’t know who did, I just found it in another blog)(I really hope that link works lol)
Hey FF! I was wondering when you might send something in. Not the topic I expected, but I'm here for it!
I've definitely heard of this theory before. I can't say I know for sure where it originated, but I've always been under the impression that a blog called @bertrandcaillet started it as they're the first one I saw talk about that theory and they told me about it a while ago. They've since deactivated, though, so I can't really check with them to see if that's true.
I think the trikoto theory is interesting, and I fully agree with what's said on the document about how it would be nice if Milgram is showing a system with more nuance than just having two alters.
That being said, I personally don't believe this theory for a number of reasons. I'm going to do my best to explain why here. I do want to say going into this that while I do have extremely minimal psychology teaching (as in, undergrad psyc MINOR), I do not claim to be that educated on DID or similar struggles. So, anything that I say will be focusing much more on Milgram as a piece of media from a writing standpoint, because that's what I have much more extensive experience in.
I will say that I am very aware that most systems have more than 2 alters. That being said, I think I also remember from my psyc class that the average number is, like... 16? I'm not at my dorm right now and that's where my notes are, so I can't check, but I remember specifically thinking about it in the context of Mikoto and trikoto theory, so I'm pretty confident it's Above Three. That means that either way, it's not like we're doing The Most Common Number, so I think two versus three is largely irrelevant on that point.
For the sake of clarity, I'll be using the names in the doc (Akakoto, Midokoto, Aokoto), but I only personally believe that two of them (Akakoto, Aokoto) exist. I've taken to calling them Orekoto and Bokuto, but for this post, Akakoto and Aokoto it is.
At its base, my problem with trikoto theory is that I don't see a lot of evidence for it. Most of what I've seen has been talking about the implications of it if you assume it's true, but I've just never really been convinced in the first place. I'll just go through some of the main reasonings real quick:
The RGB Colors
I do acknowledge that I'm very much not a visually oriented person, so the color shifting is something I'm less inclined to notice. However, while the background of the room is blue and the train station and apartment are pretty green, I don't feel like there are ever really any red backgrounds (other than when the headspace becomes red as ooposed to blue). Because of that, I have a hard time believing that the backgrounds themselves contribute to the idea that there are three. I definitely think the red/blue coloration in the eyes and such are indicating different alters, but I don't think that specific fact supports there being three of them.
The Voice Changes
This might be a me issue, but I only really hear two different vocal inflections. I understand the point about there being some harsher (?) sounding vocals that don't have the growl, but personally, I still think the tone matches the one described as Akakoto enough to count. Similarly, the parts towards the end that are picked out for Midokoto ("I'm probably not to blame," etc.) actually sound more like Aokoto to me even if I do try to track the three voices.
I'm hesitant to go too hard in believing the different voices because to me, doing so would severely limit the amount of control Natsuki Hanae would have over the emotions he wants to put into the song. The vocalists in Milgram do a fantastic job at using specific vocal intonations to convey deep layers of emotions in their songs. I feel like it would be very limiting to only be able to use certain vocal effects (ex. growl) in specific places due to the limitations of the characters. If there are two, the two voices are far more separate, which gives more space for customization within the bounds of each voice.
This is also a little bit iffier on evidence, but there's the Es cover of MeMe. I don't know how much Yurina Amami knows about Mikoto's story and the entire video is in grayscale, so take all of this with a grain of salt, but to me, I feel like Es uses two voices here, not three. Notably, they even have a bit of vocal growl on the "switch" and on "split and half, make that heart beat," which are both squarely in the Midokoto tone. They do still have the two voice split, sounding a bit more apathetic and aggressive in the Akakoto parts and cuter in the Aokoto parts. To me, that signifies that there's suppose to be two voices going on, not three, but you could argue that that's just Es' perception of Mikoto, so it's not decisive or anything.
Mikoto Fighting Es
Yes, in his first audio drama, Mikoto is able to beat Es up until Kotoko stops him. Yes, that's inconsistent from what we've seen from Futa and also t2 Amane. I agree that that's because the Milgram rules only apply to one or more alters, and thus any others that may exist can get around the rulings. We saw this between trials, too, with how Mikoto (seemingly Akakoto at the time) was able to avoid being restrained despite his guilty verdict, likely through the same loophole.
(Side note: this implies to me that Milgram's system for restraining guilty prisoners is, like the protective barrier around Es, somewhat magical and isn't a physical thing. Thus, if we were to, say, vote Amane as guilty, I am fairly confident she would be unable to harm any other prisoners, as we've already seen the barriers are able to prevent her from attacking others. I still lean Amane innocent anyways, but I wanted to point this out.)
Anyways, I don't think that this is actually evidence towards trikoto theory because it works perfectly fine with just the two of them. Aokoto is the prisoner in Milgram and Akakoto isn't. This doesn't necessarily mean that Aokoto is the one who was fronting while the murder happened, though; the rules of Milgram just necessitate that the prisoner is involved in/related to a death. It can be indirect.
I think that that's exactly what Milgram is asking us with Mikoto. The question is, how do you fairly hold a system accountable? Can you blame one alter for the other's actions?
Milgram loves to complicate these, and I can see the appeal of a complication being learning about a third alter. Personally, I think it's much more likely that the route Milgram is taking is looking at how much knowledge the alters have about each other and asking how much Aokoto would have to know to make him an accessory to Akakoto's murder plans. It could go either way, though.
Some Bonus Points
I think the strongest piece of evidence brought up is the use of threes in Mikoto's design. Other than "they just liked it aesthetically," there isn't much of a counterargument I can make about it. My best one would be that they might be going for a "switching between black and white" type of thing, which would work better with more stripes, but that's pretty weak. I also had the idea that the first character of his name looks like three stripes, which might be a better or worse explanation! You get to decide, I have no idea.
The cake sells me less, though. It's true that Kazui's is a perfect 50/50 and that Mikoto's isn't, but that's because they're representing different things.
Kazui's is half and half because his song is called half, and it could also be a sign of how he and his wife didn't actually connect more in a marriage sense; they're still two fully separate people rather than being a unit.
Mikoto, if he has two alters, is still physically one guy. Mikoto is mostly sitting on the flower designs. I'd argue that the flowers are meant to show Mikoto as a whole: the connection point of the two alters.
That's pretty much all of what I have to say on the doc (in terms of the trikoto aspect, whether I believe it or not there's some good work done in character/lyric analysis that applies to two or three alter theories), but I'll go over some of my reason for why I actively believe there to be two, because there are some reasons.
Reason 1: The Song Titles
The doc explains what the meaning of MeMe is in trikoto theory, but it definitely still works with two, more obviously so. That's not evidence, though, because the trikoto theory has a viable explanation too.
I have no idea what they'd be doing with the song title Double, though. I guess it would be a play on somebody being someone else's double, meaning they're someone like them, which is no doubt part of the song title either way, but I think it's difficult to ignore the meaning of Double that means, y'know... multiplied by 2, or:
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But that could very easily be a diversion and we haven't seen the second video, so I'd let that slide. However, that brings me to the bigger problem:
Reason 2: Upright Versus Reversed
AKA, the tarot cards.
Tarot cards can be read two ways, Upright or Reversed, based on the orientation of the card when it's placed/picked up/whatever. I already went over in my original theory (which is pretty outdated, I could do a way better job but I wrote that one literally first out of my milgram thoeries and I hated not having a good name scheme for the various alters) why I believe Akakoto to be the Hanged Man (Upright) and why I believe Aokoto to be the Hanged Man (Reversed).
I struggle to imagine why the devs would pick tarot, something that clearly has two meanings to it, when there are actually three alters. Maybe it'd just be to throw us off the scent, but it feels a bit too intentional to me.
Plus, if it was meant to throw us off, I'd expect we'd get a different metaphor/symbol for the second MV (as we have been with pretty much everyone). However, the association between Mikoto and "reversible" things has continued into trial 2, even before his MV has come up.
I say this because of his trial 2 cover song: Reversible Campaign. Funnily enough, I actually thought this song would go to Kazui before it was announced as Mikoto's, but then I looked again and understood why they wanted it for Mikoto.
My thoughts get confused and fight with each other
Very Mikoto, works for either two or three alter theories. However:
I just want to waver between black and white
It's turned me upside down
There's more that seems to paint Mikoto's mind as a dichotomy, not a... trichotomy? Is that a word? I don't actually know.
The Song Lyrics of MeMe
This is sort of an extension of the above part, but there are also definitely song lyrics in MeMe that sound like they're heavily implying two. Again, you could argue that that's trying to throw us off the scent, but some of them are, in my opinion, actively difficult to justify for trikoto theory.
Split in half, Make that heart beat
I cannot for the life of me understand why any of the three alters would say "split in half" if there are three. I guess if any of them were aware of one of the other alters, but not the other? I don't think that's what was being argued, though, sorry if I missed that.
I’m already the fake one
Little harder to argue this one because I don't know how definite versus indefinite articles work in Japanese, but saying the fake one really sounds to me like there is one fake and one real. If you were just having a moment of existential crisis, in most situations, I think you'd opt for "I'm already fake."
The Mirror
This is sort of the same argument as the tarot cards, but there's also the use of mirror imagery in Mikoto's MeMe MV. Mirrors have two sides and are a reflection. You could use Haruka logic and say that it depicts self reflection, I guess, but considering the reflection acts differently, I think it's much more likely that this is meant to show the two alters.
Hopefully this all made sense? I respect trikoto theory and I could easily be super wrong about it (see also: my original opinions on gay Kazui theory and police Kazui theory), but I've just never really been sold. It's possible my opinion would change if I saw evidence that I felt worked better for trikoto than... twokoto? theory, but personally, I feel like most evidence I've seen for it is still better explained by there being two alters. Let me know what you think, though :)
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Hey kore! Was wondering if you’d be willing to do something where read gets hurt protecting them? Specifically Angela and Odessa? Anyone else if you want! I’m just down bad for those two.
omg thank you for my first request! I’m so sorry i have been really busy lately but I understand being down bad for those two, trust me<3 I hope you enjoy this!
Mercy and Junker Queen with an s/o who gets hurt protecting them
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-Angela accompanied you to Rialto for a mission that included Talon
-Though she had a whole team, she always made dure that you were healed and boosted enough to keep fighting and defending her from Talon soliders
-The battle was loud and chaotic. It was sad to have such a battle in such a beautiful place like this. You remember taking Angela to Rome for your 2-year anniversary to surprise her after you and her came back from a 4-month long mission, it was hard to come back to Italy to fight a battle
-You knew she would always be watching from above and she would watch you from below. When she had to come down back to the dropship to heal your teammates, a certain sniper had her scope set for your girlfriend's chest
-You’ve noticed a red dot on her white chest plate. Immediately, you shoved her out of the way and felt a pain in your left arm
-Angela whipped her head around to see you on the ground, holding your bleeding arm. She knelt down and the soldiers around her shot around the area the bullet came from
-She was able to pick you up and take you inside the ship. Angela felt herself tearing up as you cried out in pain
-Angela and her team laid you down on a stretcher to examine your injury. Since the bullet was deep, this would have to require surgery to remove due to Widowmaker’s bullet being customized to release spikes into he muscle so it would be harder to remove
-You cried out in pain and held onto her hand when her assistant applied pressure to you arm to stop the bleeding. Your girlfriend watched you, looking like a hurt puppy on the side of the road
-she shushed you and kisses your forehead, “Mein schatz , we’ll be at base soon enough..” she said as she used some of her healing to ease the pain for now
-Angela wanted to be in the surgery room with you, she knows medicine but she also doesn’t think she has the strength to watch you be worked on. She wait in a brightly lit waiting area, bouncing her leg like crazy
-Other heros like Lena and Hana tried comforting Angela but they knew she would only feel better if she was besides you
-Once she could see you she felt relieved you were alive and well but she also felt like she failed you as a support medic and your girlfriend. She sat by you in your room all night, the nurses didn’t bother to kick the Dr.Ziegler out of patients (her partner’s) room
- When you woke up, she greeted you with a soft smile and a firm grip on your hand. You gave a weak smile back, “I missed you..” you said, voice laced with your sleep in it
-With the healing process, better believe Angela is taking care of you! She makes sure you don’t strain your arm, apply creams and take medications, but most importantly of taking it easy
-She lets you stay in her office with her during work hours instead of training so she can keep an eye on you. At home, she help put your shirts on or take them off. Yeah you can do it yourself but she doesn’t want you too. Whenever you tell her this she simply says, “You have to take it easy, doctors orders,” with a smile and a kiss pressed to your forehead
-Angela loves you and wants to take care of you always. She will feel guilt from the situation so your only job is to comfort her and let her know that you would take a bullet for her any day of the week <3
Junker Queen
-Odessa loves being queen with you! No one will ever touch you, if they try, she will fight them and make an example out of them to her people
-You and dez loved to hit up the local bars in Junker town, just because you guys are royalty, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun
-Your large girlfriend always kept and arm around you, showing everyone that you are hers and they should even try to come and approach you
-Of course with bars comes the drunken morons that basically live there. One of the drunken men decided to come over to “woo his queen” by making stupid remarks and trying to hold her free hand
-You felt a surge of confidence, see her clearly uncomfortable and trying to ignore him so she can have a good time. You told him to fuck off and to not talk to her like that
-The man’s cheery demeanor change to a serious one. He walked over to your side of the bar, asking if you wanted to fight since you wanted to “act tough”
-Odessa, for once, didn’t want to fight and tried to pull you away. Instead you decided to stand up to him and yell at him about how he shouldn’t disrespect the Junker Queen just because he was drunk
-He swung the first punch. Thank god the alcohol in your system helped you deal with you, it also gave you courage to start punching back
- Your girlfriend watched as you fought this guy with other junker’s cheering you on. Odessa was used to violence but not with you. To her, you are like a water lily flower that floats in a clear pond, not someone who fights. That’s her job.
-She pulls you aware and punches the drunk one last time. She yelled at everyone in the bar and threatened to kick them all out of her city. She picked you up, threw you over her shoulder and left the bar, slamming the door on the way out
-Back in her room, you have a bloody nose, a bruised cheekbone, and bruises everywhere. You also had some cuts due to giy you fought wearing rings. Odessa scolded you as she cleaned you up, “What were you thinking! You should’ve let ME handle it, not YOU!”
-“I can also defend you Dez! I can fight for you as you fight for me! I know you’re bigger and stronger but that won’t stop me from protecting you too!” you yelled back. She knew you were right, but she doesn’t want you to resort to violence like she does. She looks at you to be her better half. Her calmer, collected, and logical half
-“I know…I just hate seeing you hurt baby..” she mumbled, pulling you into a hug. You couldn’t help but hug her back, “Let’s go lay down, yeah?” which she agreed to. Odessa carried you to her huge bed, laying you you down next to her. Though you were still a little annoyed with her, you couldn’t help but kiss her softly, “Thank you..”
-She does have to admit, it was hot to see you beat someone up for her. She does help you ice your cheek and is careful around your bruises, to not hurt you more
-The next day she found out who you fought and kicked him out. New rule was put in place, “Don’t approach The Queen and her partner without permission”
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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allthefujoshiunite · 9 months
Entryway to heavens, a.k. the BL genre!
As requested by @weiying-tododeku-2023 , who wanted to dip their toes into the genre, I, Nora, am once again here to compile a recommendation list that you can take a peek. Most titles here won't be any news to my seasoned fujin frens, but it's always interesting to think of which manga or anime would be the best for a newcomer!
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We don't have many options to choose from when it comes to anime, so I might as well start from here.
Stranger by the Shore: This 1-hour, gorgeous movie is an adaptation from Kii Kanna's manga of the same name. Since it's short, I think it's better to focus on what the plot has to offer instead of expecting a deeper dive into the characters individually.
Sasaki and Miyano: Another manga adaptation, but this time it's 12-episode series (with a +1 OVA). Very sweet and emotionally rich coming-of-age story with a fudanshi as its MC. A must see!
NO.6: Less like a BL and more of a sci-fi anime with queer MCs, NO.6 is not exactly suitable for a newcomer, but I still wanted to include it because of its tender story and the companionship between Shion and Nezumi. So you shouldn't expect a big emphasis on romance.
Bonus: This Boy is a Professional Wizard: This is a 4-episode short anime. It's honestly gorgeous and cute, but not very "deep" as every episode is around 8 minutes. You can finish it in one sitting!
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There are so many other popular (and great) BLs or action/sports series that have queer characters out there: Given, Banana Fish, Yuuri!! on ICE, Doukyuusei, Case Study of Vanitas, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard, The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Antique Bakery, Yes No or Maybe? etc. They are already popular so with a quick search you can find more about them as you finish the ones you've started!
Now, this... is a challenge. There are SO MANY good stuff that it's hard to pick, so I decided to go with my gut xD
I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love (Suzumaru Minta): There's something in this series that just.. UGH! It hits me. I have reviewed it before so you can head over there to find more information, synopsis, and my thoughts.
Love Tractor (Hmmyongyong & Angrymonster): I started reading it for the sake of the challenge I mentioned above but what a joy this one turned out to be!! Has great balance of fun and drama, gorgeous to boot. The main story is finished but there'll be a continuation! Here's my review.
Here and There and Us (Thanat): This is a very interesting work (as any other Thanat work, I'm a huge fan of the artist) and it's less focused on the romance and more on the main characters and their friend circle navigating their high school life and the the ever-changing relationship between them. If you're looking for something that's more slow burn, this should be your go-to BL.
Under My Skin (Usui Iroha): People tend to stay away from spicy recommendations for newcomers but I say, why not give it a go! Usui Iroha has a way of drawing sultry gazes that'll make your heart skip a beat! I'm taking a break now, but I normally review a new BL title every Friday, and I've also reviewed Under My Skin before because it's THAT good.
Dream Away (Hana Lee): If you like a sprinkle of supernatural on your plate, then this is for you. The art style is simple yet eye catching, it's short and completed, the characters are wholesome; what more you could ask for!
Bonus - Swing Baby (Mudan): This manhwa, again, is a bit different. It does feel like it has supernatural elements at first and is a bit confusing (bc there's an interesting stylistic choice in narration) but it'll feel worth sticking to! Here's another Friday BL review if you'd like to check some screenshots out and read the synopsis.
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And that's it! Welcome aboard and hopefully, at least one of these titles will be to your liking. Thank you for sending an ask, see you around!
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loveinamystery · 8 months
I'm sick so you know what that means?
Another episode of...
✨️ Yohna moments I often think about ✨️
Moving another thread across to here and it is a Yohna one you lucky sausages. It is a long post, I'll apologise now.
Let's talk about this scene from the 2001 anime
Spoiler for main series and some elements of Flowers
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This was a non manga scene added to the 2001 series. I honestly believe that this scene was added in replacement of the moment Anna asked to stay with Yoh the night before he lives for America.
I believe that the 2001 production team wanted to give Yoh and Anna a scene alone before he left for America. Something to show them acting like a couple. To show that actually they do care for each other. But it had to be done in the most Yoh and Anna way.
Now, Yoh and Anna are a very private couple. Everything happens behind closed doors. Yoh and Anna are not about big declarations of love or PDA. Be it Takei's choice to portray them like this, or his refusal to write full on romance we will not speak on it . So this scene had to be very 'them'.
I mean, I pray for the day we finally get some flashbacks of baby Hana in Middle East. I will not shut up about it. I just want to see them FIGHT TOGETHER. Or just working together as a team because I NEED IT. Just let them be a cute married couple please.
Anyway, back to the scene.
The lead up to this scene is pretty interesting. During school, Manta picks up that Anna has been acting weird.
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It amazed me that Yoh did not notice her acting a little off. But, to be fair to Yoh, he has been training very hard and is super tired. The gang had recently been to China to rescue Ren, so our boy must be pretty exhausted, and more than likely falling a sleep in classes.
But omg, he is so clueless. Please help this man.
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I mean, either Yoh is so distracted with other stuff, or he doesn't think Anna would be affected by his departure. They lived so long apart back in Izumo so why would this be any different?
I believe that having now lived with each other, their relationship had changed and they are now closer. They act more like a couple. I'm pretty sure by now they have had their first kiss and spoke about their feelings for each other.
Please also offer some thoughts on clueless Yoh 🙏
That is until....
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Manta outright tells the gang that he is sad that they will all be leaving.
Yoh, Horohoro and Ryu have been acting like it is nothing, and just a part of their lives. Ryu does tell Manta that they do feel sad but they are dealing with it in their own way.
I think this is where the realisation clicks in Yoh's head that actually, Anna could be feeling the same. That she is sad too, but showing it in her own way. Maybe she did want to spend time together that evening? But I don't think Anna would ever meaningfully get in the way of Yoh seeing his friends. She knows how important they are to Yoh.
Wanna take a walk with me?
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Yoh might have been sitting on this idea since the meal out with the guys, and he waited till the last moment to ask Anna to go for a walk.
I think this shows how nervous Yoh is about exploring his feelings with Anna, because who goes out for a walk just before they go to bed? When they are already in their nightwear?
I think that, in the 2001 anime, the emotions are there, but they are teenagers figuring out their feelings for each other and how to express themselves. I'm a romantic, sorry
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Yoh is always a reassurance for Anna. She pushes him to become the best person he can become, and Yoh is always there to reassure and support Anna. They just work together so well. They are a team.
On their late night walk, they talk about normal stuff such as the Patch Village, the SK fight, Anna of course tells Yoh that he better not lose.
But I think there is more to be said about what they don't say, or hidden meanings.
This moment here
I tell you, I can hear the brain clogs ticking in that little Asakura head.
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After seeing Anna is cold, Yoh presents her with a warm drink.
We know Anna is always ordering Yoh around, but she never asked him go and get her a drink. Is it one of the first times in the show we see Yoh just do something for Anna without her asking or ordering him to do so.
I struggle to word this but I will try. I feel like Anna is trying to keep her true feelings unwraps (as usual), but this time she is doing it to Yoh.
Anna is cold and is seen as trying to keep herself warm. She doesn't ask for help. She doesn't tell Yoh that she is cold. It is her issue and she will deal with it on her own.
Now let's apply that to her emotions.
Anna has grown close to Yoh and is now sad that he is going to America. There is a chance that she might not see him again, but she just carries on as usual. She doesn't tell Yoh she is sad or express it. She knows Yoh has to focus, and it is his duty to progress in the Shaman Fights.
Yoh and Anna are often said to have an 'unspoken communication', and this was one of those turning points as a couple.
I feel like they became stronger after this. And look, I know the scene could be classed as non-cannon as it didn't happen in the manga but its here and I'm going to talk about it!
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Like his love for her! 😭😭😭
I read too much romance guys. I'm too loved up. I'm sorry I'm like this.
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Tell me this boy isn't in love!
Tell me he isn't thinking how actually, he is pretty lucky to have someone like Anna.
And really, no matter what they are about to face, everything will work out.
I don't know man. I love the addition of this scene in the 2001 version. Likely one of my favourites, along with a selection of others.
I'll go back into my hiding hole now. That was longer than I thought it would be, and it you made it to the end, well done 😌
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overwatchfics · 1 year
dva nsfw alphabet..
NSFW Alphabet D.VA
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A/N: this was interesting
A = Aftercare 
(what they’re like after sex) It's really how cute Hana actually gets pumped up for Aftercare (if you leave her enough energy to walk ofc) she'll enthusiastly grab some snacks and water bottles (Please don't let her have a nano cola after sex she will either be ready for another round or she'll be crawling on the ceiling)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I'm sorry Hana loves your boobs, just crazy about them. Toys with them like they're stressballs. Just looses her mind at boobs. On herself she takes pride in her hips, she's such a MASSIVE tease so she'll sway her hips when she KNOWS your ass is looking
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Depends on her mood, sometimes she loves to get really messy, but when she has her soft moments (I rewatch her cinematic bc I love the idea of dva being soft I'm sorry your honor) she likes to be tidy and keep the main focus on you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has had a hidden camera somewhere during more kinky sessions between you two, has some recordings saved. She watches them sometimes. Also has a folder on her phone of nudes just of you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a whole lot, maybe slept with 1 or 2 people, but she's very eager to learn what you like and how to make you squeal.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Has fucked you in her meka, don't ask me jowls, but she's definitely done it. In terms of position she likes you on your back whether you're giving or receiving. She loves to ride your face or have a vibrator at high frequency pressed hard against you.
Not a position, but this really screamed Hana to me
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G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
More snarky than goofy really. Depends on the mood for her
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Up to you reader
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If it's sex just for sex barely any, there's always "I love yous" but it's it's actually making love then Hana shuts her damn mouth and with MAKE you feel loved.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
A lot. Has a vibrator for herself that she uses when youre away. Has done it in her meka too.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Oh boy. Overstimulation, Dacryphilia, Edging, begging, light degradation, pet names, choking, and exhibitionism. SHE WPULD TOTALLY DO A FAKE STREAM LMFAOOOO
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Any. Fucking. Where. Hana really does not care. In her meka, in the bathrooms, on a wartable, on the counter, even on a sky scraper if you asked. She really does not care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Tears of overstimulation, this REALLY drives her. Seeing you all whiny and at her mercy drives her to take care of you "Awww does my bunny need me? Well I'll have to do something about that"
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She refuses to be tied up. She can tie you up, but she herself will NOT. She doesn't like that level of helplessness, and actually, she doesn't like having any sort of sensory deprivation on herself. No blindfolds, no bondage, nope.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Pretty damn good at giving it, demands you to ride her face. LOVES RECEIVING IT TOO THOUGH.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Hana is pretty fast paced, though she loves to draw out your orgasms and edge you to the point of having to ask nicely
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes! Anywhere! Anytime! 0 fucks given!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Risk should be Hana's middle name for how much she wants to experiment.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She gets pretty exhausted but has a short recovery time, so she's good to go after a 5 of rest.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Vibrator, Dildo, fuzzy pink cuffs for you, collars, a pair of cat ears, and a butt plug with her bunny logo lmfao
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Way too much, if you're not making love, expect the sex to be torture in a good way.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Hana could care less if the world could hear her, and she would POP OFF. Drawn out high waning moans followed by breathy pants
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves fingering you as you're trying to do work or play games. Especially games, she will put a controller between your legs and press it hard against you when it vibrates.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pretty damn muscular, any sort of aviation flight crew training is rigorous so Hana is pretty fucking strong
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depending on how far you guys take it she's the first on to knock out, starfish on the bed and lightly snoring. Awww what a cutie.
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