#so faaaaarrr
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drivin with the boys tonight
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xxnomadsxx · 1 month
seeing the ask about nomand branch time travel
how will the interaction between thing and baby branch go, if branch finds him before he returns to his body? how will the past bros react to seeing their baby brother next to this unhinge troll( if thing was unhinged during the past)?
Branch would not be able to get to Thing (he ain’t stepping one foot outta that cage) If they would interact, it would be because of Thing finding him( now why thing is miles away from the forest in a town they’ve never seen before, I have no idea my theory,for funsies?) Thing would have no idea who this random grey troll is. But for some reason his every instinct is telling him to NOT eat this random troll (and since he normally wants to eat everything this surprises him)
The brothers are obviously scared and very worried (to be fair this random creature just showed up in the tree looking like a furball with rabies,not to mention it’s sharp teeth and nails) so the only good decision is to take Branch FAAAAARRR away from whatever that is! The first time they saw Thing was when Branch walked in the pod holding its hand (so Thing wouldn’t wander off) which shocked them since Branch has been avoiding affection all week (some jealousy occurs) Overall they hate Thing.
Also Thing was unhinged in the past just not as much (he was just an ankle biter gremlin that just sorta showed up in the village one day) He was never a threat since the worse he could do was bite. He did however grow into being a threat. The only thing stopping him from consuming the village is Branch.
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honeycombhank · 2 years
Today I struggled with pain in my head and neck.
I felt unable to really focus on much and conversations were more difficult today.
An over all sense of foggy brain I suppose you could say.
With all of that I wasn’t able to get everything I was hoping done today. I took a long nap and more sleep definitely made the rest of the day more enjoyable though.
This weather has been making it harder for me to stick to a healthy diet and working out doesn’t come as easy. It has been raining quite a bit here and has gotten much colder recently.
NOW FOR THE GOOD PART, I drank lots of water and had some delicious lemon water with dinner, I chose my meals well today and only slipped up slightly with over eating candy from Halloween, I had some but I enjoyed it and didn’t let myself feel guilty over it, I like candy sometimes and that’s OK, I also cleaned my rat cages so they are in a nice clean space now and are rebuilding their nests and running around happily at the moment, I also did something I haven’t done in faaaaarrr to long, I jumped rope for 35 minutes and listened to music. It felt wonderful!!
What a great day! Yay! Success!
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angeliicbf · 1 year
why do you live so faaaaarrr? 😫
ughh i know :((
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Tagged by @sahl0-f0l1na
Last show: CSI
Currently watching: The Day of the Departed mainly. It's the Minecraft series that's being updated the fastest.
Currently reading: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Current obsession:
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Not tagging anyone. If you see this and want to play, feel free to say I tagged you.
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presumablydeadarm · 2 years
i had a very good time with my friends today
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strawbxrrytiger · 2 years
oke i am gonna vent a little bit hope that's good with you guys
yes? yes. okay. feel free to block the "ellie vents" tag if you don't wanna see these if there are any more past this
i absolutely hate moving. every single time my family has had to move in the past, it was to escape. escape an abusive household, escape from living on the streets, and now it's to escape being locked out of our house because we can't fricking afford it.
we've tried to escape so much yet we've never truly escaped. we've gotten close but we're still so far away from being in a safe spot. it feels like i was just born to experience a never ending series of unfortunate events that have occasional breaks in between. is this it? my villain backstory? "dumb teen got tired of the world throwing shit at them every two seconds so they got into a fist fight with god and won. now there's millions of angry aliens and sentient robots crushing earth."
we don't even have anywhere to go and they'll be locking us out the first of march i've never felt so sick to my stomach in my LIFE. i hate change, i hate it so much. i just want things to stay how they are forever and never grow up but of course thats impossible!! unfortunately!!
i've fallen behind on school because i'm so caught up with indulging myself in anything but reality because if i get out of my day dreams for even a second i'll be a mess of emotions and despair, school work won't get done either way. i just wanna forget i exist and crawl into my imagination for a few years.
i keep eating until i'm sick i feel miserable and tired all the time things just aren't very fine n dandy!! i wanna live in a mysterious cottage faaaaarrr into the woods with my dear bunny and baby dragon companions where i practice magic and do sorcerer things that is the life i dream of
everything feels gross and icky and i want a hug!!! i am jumping back into my cosplay hobby just so i can run away from being me even if it's just for a little thats the only kinda good thing coming out of this agony. i kinda missed cosplay
this feels like a vomit of words that were thrown together by an emotionally unstable duck and honestly that's exactly what i am.
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borderlineflower · 4 years
could we see an excerpt from your book? i’d love to see your writing
ahhh omg i never considered this. i want to say yes, but it's my baby and nothing is finalized, i'm FAAAAARRR from getting it published so i don't want it to be out there yet :(
if u want to know more, dm me
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I was tagged by @comedy-cookie, so now I get to tell people more about myself without feeling like I’m bothering others! Thanks! :D
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better
Relationship status: Taken
Favourite colour: Sky blue, but other blues are great too
Favourite Ships: ...Honestly this would take too long to do, I have faaaaarrr too many ships to add here. So to make it simple I’ll just say “Rik x Me” for now. :3
Last Song: Zheani - Lie and Look
Last Movie: Spaceballs (I can’t believe it took me this long to see this movie, I swear)
...Aaaaaand I’ve got no one to tag. :’) Do this if you want to, guys!
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mistercrowbar · 6 years
So your character, Ryybyn, howd they discover playing the guitar growing up at the church? Did the church involve instruments like that in their music?
Ryybyn did not play guitar as an acolyte, that is faaaaarrr too much hubris for the tiny-little fundie town they were raised in. They started off in the children’s choir and later learned to play on the viola and piano/organ. 
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The church values community & cooperation so they played in a small orchestra and a string quartet. Ryybyn really wanted to shine at it but they got stuck with the instrument no composer really knows how to use, and there’s no spotlight or solos for anyone in the church. Hubrriiiissss
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An organ was a newer addition to the abbey and Ryybyn has always liked the new and shiney things. They learned to play the Conte Contessa’s (in-universe lady gaga) songs by ear and would play them on the organ until a church mother caught on haha.
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Ryybyn didn’t play bass until leaving the abbey and joining Kolya’s band, and even then their start was incidental. After a little while as bassist, Kolya gave Ryybyn the guitar they use at present.
and now ya’ll know Ryybyn’s musical instrument proficiencies
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storyknitter · 6 years
1, 20, 25 & 28 for whoever you'd like for the otp asks? :)
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How about both? (All four of them were chatty tonight!)
1. Who is the most affectionate?For my two smuggling idiots, Corey is, but juuuuuust barely. Neither of them are – or have ever been – shy with PDA.
Theron and Sanna, however… well, it took them both a while to get used to the idea of PDA. (Especially at the beginning, when they were figuring out their relationship while building the Alliance.) There may or may not have been some hangups due to their upbringings as well. Now, though, there are always small, casual touches when they pass each other or during meetings, kisses after lunch before they head to different parts of Odessen, and so on. Sanna’s usually the one to initiate things on base, mostly because Theron’s all “PROPRIETY!!!” because she’s the Commander.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?Ellie’s brother (who’s also Corey’s best friend) was like, “OMG FINALLY!!! You two have been mutually pining idiots for faaaaarrr too long!” Both of their families approve as well, since the couple has been friends since they were toddlers.
Aside from the whole Order of Zildrog debacle, everyone – family and friends – have approved of Theron and Sanna. Jace was giving Theron the thumbs-up with a grin on Iokath when Sanna’s back was turned, much to Theron’s chagrin. They haven’t talked too much to Satele, but she approves, as long as Sanna treats her son well and makes him happy. (Which she does.)
25. Who needs more assurance?Both of my girls, unfortunately. Sanna more so, post-carbonite. She’s not cut out to be a leader, she’s really just supposed to be the front line of defense. (at least that’s what she thinks – yay imposter syndrome?)
Ellie started questioning her instincts a lot during the smuggler storyline, but she’s matured quite a bit since then, so she doesn’t really need a ton of reassurance.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?Well, we all know that Sanna wears Theron’s jacket when he’s not there. Meanwhile, he pulls up and reads old messages from her with his implants. (Also, Theron has mentioned that when he meditates, he always pictures her sitting next to him. He swears sometimes he can actually feel her arm against his.)
When they’re apart, Ellie fiddles with the ring he gave her, whether it’s on her finger or on its chain. Corey has a holo-pic of her laughing that he keeps in a pocket to look at when he misses her. They also message each other a goodnight text whenever they’re going to bed, whether or not it’s nighttime where the other is.
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He posted a song.  It is about me.  I know it.  First he put ...Shut Up... then sad emoji, and squinty eye emoji.  The Meme said Me: I don’t like Nickleback.  Then Also Me:  A guy crying as he’s smoking and listening to Far Away.  
Funny thing is we had this fun game where if we were triggered by a song, we would sing it.  I was a amazed to find another person who would just bust out a song with a few words JUST LIKE MYSELF.  So anyways the most popular one was Far Away.   I would often say, You are so Far away.  And reach for him.  He would reply to so FAAAAARRR away....  I always thought he was singing Staind... So FAAAAAR AWAY leave me to myself... but actually he was singing this song.  But he and I both did not realize that this song is so RELEVANT.
..::.. FAR AWAY ..::..
This time, this place misused, mistakes Too long, too late, who was I to make you wait? Just one chance, just one breath Just in case there's just one left 'Cause you know, you know, you know
That I love you, I have loved you all along and I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
On my knees I'll ask, "Last chance for one last dance?" 'Cause with you, I'd withstand All of hell to hold your hand I'd give it all I'd give for us Give anything, but I won't give up 'Cause you know you know, you know
That I love you, I have loved you all along and I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
So far away, so far away Been far away for far too long So far away, so far away Been far away for far too long But you know, you know, you know
I wanted, I wanted you to stay 'Cause I needed, I need to hear you say That I love you (I love you), I have loved you all along And I forgive you (and I forgive you), for being away for far too long
So keep breathing, 'cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go Keep breathing, 'cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and never let me go
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sleepytrolls · 6 years
They've never met but how about Pesley and Zahira
//why is ur icon a vaporwave baby hushing me why
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗"My~! She is so well maintained, so strong and poised looking. Such a dazzling specimen from my own caste.”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗"I’m afraid we haven’t met up til this point, but I would love to talk to her more.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗"I doubt that will be in any part of this and if it is it will be far, faaaaarrr off my dear.”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗"We have just met! To think such things about one so quickly is so flippant! I couldn’t bring myself to be that easy I think.”
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eudoxias · 6 years
cheeseboytyrell replied to your post “[[MOR] im never in my entire life going to understand why ppl choose...”
ikr??? most catholics i know are super progressive. people of all kinds went to my catholic school, even in the 90s
yeah honestly catholicism has honestly become more of a cultural thing than anything else imo, and not to mention the doctrine is basically just “well yeah x and y sin but also everyone sins all the time so it basically cancels out as long as we do good things” which is a faaaaarrr cry from some other sects lmao
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emanimates-blog · 7 years
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