#so for example if you wanted to do tenko/himiko/angie youre clear no matter what
danggirlronpa · 1 year
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, but are poly ships allowed for WLW Week?
Yes, absolutely! So long as, if any characters who aren't girls are involved, the focus of the piece is primarily on the relationship between the girls that are involved.
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(Indirect Murder Anon) No problem! IE: A spills something on B and B has to leave to clean it, leaving them a sitting duck for C to kill them when alone. Or, perhaps A asks B to meet them somewhere to hang out, not knowing B would run into C in that very spot first and promptly gets done in. A small instance harmless on any other day that on a bad one winds up leading another to their demise. Does that make sense?
Thanks for both wonderful examples you gave I also have something like "saw something but stayed silent wich didn't stop the killer" I hope it also is something we can count I guess?
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V3 boys and their S/O indirectly helping someone with murder
Heavy spoiler alert!
Ryoma Hoshi
You were quite surprised but Rantaro asked for your assistance (let's say that the motive lasted a bit longer so you knew Ryoma better and shitz) and he was very bothered by something he said it was about the killing game.
He didn't said what it was exactly but you told him if it bothered him so much he should go and investigate it as soon as possible. You didn't follow him since even though it was suspicious you decided to believe in Rantaro.
So when he left to check whatever it was you went towards the dining hall. Everything was finie and there was nothing suspicious. Except for Tsumigi but you didn't suspect anything when she said she was going to bathroom.
Next thing you knew was Rantaro's body on the ground. Completely lifeless. Ryoma was surprised by your reaction becouse in your eyes he saw guilt. And that's how you felt if you didn't said anything about him about checking it...
When the investigation began you ran away wich made many people already suspicions of you. Ryoma being extremely worried dashed after you. Asking you what's wrong he tried to comfort you.
After you were keep repeating "Its my fault if I just told him to leave it he whouldn't get killed" he knew what was going on. He let out a sigh and said "You shouldn't blame yourself for this one kid... There was no way you could know about someone setting up a murder there" he pat your back and added "How about we try our best for everyones sake and find the culprit?" this kinda gave you smaller hope but you knew you had to explain your escape during the trial.
Gonta Gokuhara
You were part of Angie's council and she asked you if you could get her a candle before she started the ritual. But you had no time to get it since you were late alredy so Angie had to get it herself but she told you not to worry and go do your thing.
What you had to do? You promised to meet up with Gonta before nighttime. You wanted to check on Angie and get her a candle but you thought she had already done it by now so you whould probably disturb her ritual.
Little you knew Angie took her time before taking what she wanted and it was late enough to encounter Korekiyo.
When body discovery announcement played you were very scared. And so you saw Angie... Dead...
But she was in her lab right? It's not your fault right? Maybe if you stepped in that time...
Gonta saw your unusual behavior during investigation but you insisted that everything was alright.
As trial moved on and Shuichi explained that she died becouse she went to get a candle late at night you started to tear up. So it was your fault after all...
Everyone was caught off guard by your behavior and so you told them the truth. Gonta immediately said "S/O enough" everyone fell silent at his sudden voice "Agh! Sorry everyone it was not good of Gonta to raise his voice" you looked at him and waited for him to finish "Gonta thinks that S/O didn't do anything wrong. If it's someone's fault it's Gonta's... If Gonta didn't ask you to meet up you could help Angie" then he started to tear up but you stopped after Kaito shouted "It's none of yours fault its culprit here to blame dammit!" and then the trial moved on.
You and Keebo were quite excited and looked forward to Himiko's magic show! So you were helping in preparations even though Kirumi did most of the work as she insisted to do it alone.
The maid asked you to bring her a rope from from the storage room. You didn't knew what was that for but you helped her out since she had some cleaning to do.
She told you the reason why she needed rope it was quite logical but what you didn't knew was the real purpose of that rope.
Next thing you knew was Keebo being thrown right on the fish tank where all was left from Ryoma were his bones...
You helped him get up and checked twice if he was alright since you whouldn't forgive Tenko and Gonta if anything happend to your lovely Keebo.
During investigation you didn't suspect anything. I mean there was no way Kirumi whould kill anyone and if so why whould she need that rope to do so?
So the investigation went the same like the last one. You mostly spent time with Keebo and tried to find useful clues.
However during trial it was stated that the rope way was used... And this threw you off guard.
Keebo was worried becouse of this very thing... He couldn't help but ask you about it and this made everyone suspicious of you.
You now knew that it was probably Kirumi but you couldn't get those words out of your mouth. Still Keebo believes in you and he tired to get you out of this situation "Now hold on a second just becouse S/O was triggered by the word 'rope' it doesn't make her/him culprit! There could be many reasons to this and more importantly we can be talking about 2 different ropes right now!" you knew it was the one but you didn't do it!
You tried to explain it to your classmates and told them that you brought that rope since Kirumi asked for it and the purpose was to stabilize the tank (the one with piranhas) since she thought it was slightly swinging so she wanted to add extra rope just to be safe.
Kirumi quickly secured that statement but her lies were seen through fast thanks to everyone.
Kaito Momota
Before Angies murder you heard Korekiyo talk about ritual that let you talk to ghosts. And so you asked about this (Wich now whould make you a suspect but Kiyo was going to bring it up anyways) that's not the end of your influence on Tenko's murder.
You noticed something odd about the cloth when you went to help out with the statue but you didn't report it since you thought it was just placed this way.
Now you regret staying quiet... Since you were sure it had to do something with that cloth and so you were sure it was Korekiyo who did it. You decided to stay silent though since looking at the fact that your only evidence was something you couldn't actually prove.
Kaito noticed the way you looked at Kiyo and was very concerned. You managed to convince him that everything was fine and there was nothing for him to worry about.
Once the trial started you felt guilty... If you said anything there whouldn't be another victim. Kaito saw how much you were struggling and so he spoke up "S/O is everything alright? You seem like something is bothering you" he didn't suspect you at that moment but someone else did try to make trial more interesting "Oh it all makes sense now! S/O must be the culprit since it seems like she/he isn't telling us something!" Kokichi said wich made Kaito quite mad.
Before Kaito could say anything you told them about the cloth you swore there was something odd about it and it also helped Shuichi since now he knew where the sickle was hidden. Of course it's just one of the many possibilities but it's more likely to be the case.
After everything was over you didn't stop blaming yourself for this... Kaito tried his best cheering you up. He couldn't stand the fact that you thought it was all your fault...
Shuichi Saihara
Once Kokichi was out of control you were lost and that's when you decided to sneak inside the place and Kaito spotted you. He asked you to bring him crossbow from Maki's lab.
You weren't sure about whole thing but you decided to help Kaito stop Kokichi. He whouldn't kill him right?
Still you wanted to hide this fact but it seemed like Keebo noticed you too... That's why during investigation Shuichi asked you about whole thing.
You told him everything you knew and he didn't even question it he trusted you and saw no reason for you to lie.
Still no matter who died you felt like the crossbow you brought had something to do with this...
After you told him everything you looked down and he flet like he had to say something... "S/O... Even if the crossbow had to do anything its not your fault. I know you just tried to help Kaito" he placed his hand on your shoulder "Now let's try our best to solve this crime okay?" it was tough but you didn't let all those stupid things get to you and you tried your best with investigating.
Kokichi Ouma
As the two of you entered program made by Miu he told you about his plan. So Miu was planning to kill him? You asked him if it was necessary to kill Miu... And use Gonta like this...
He told you that he will do it since it is very necessary for his plan to end this game for good. Even though the whole plan seemed wrong and it was total madness you agreed to help out.
Before he got Gonta on his side he told you one thing "S/O don't you dare to blame yourself for this. I am and will be the only one responsible for this" you didn't comment this but felt a tiny bit better about whole situation.
But you feeling good with it is far from truth. All you wanted to do is to finish it once and for all.
What you did? Distracted Miu for a bit so she whould be late for her meeting with Kokichi. Since Gonta isn't the smartest Kokichi thought he whould need extra time explaining everything. Still he all made it pretty clear.
After everything was over Kokichi knew you didn't felt anyhow good about it and he didn't blame you. It was all his fault you felt that way but sometimes you have to act distant to be close...
Korekiyo Shinguji
It was quite late but most of the students were awake. Luckily no one did anything suspicious.
Untill you met up with Kirumi who was holding quite huge stick asking for its purpose she told you that she wanted to get something from high place she couldn't reach. Seemed logical enough? Still why whould Kirumi kill anyone?
You met up with Korekiyo and started just hanging out when Gonta got you and dragged to his lab it was all so sudden but Gonta made sure nothing happened to any of you.
Korekiyo tried to protect you from the bugs even though they weren't much hostile still you can't be too safe Korekiyo also had to be extra careful not to kill any of the bugs becouse then it whould be an end for both of you.
After this nightmare you went to see Himikos show and you couldn't be more surprised to see a dead body. Yet you haven't realized that you know who is the culprit.
During the trial you learned that you were able to stop that crime... If you didn't believe her so easily...
How dumb you had to be... To get tricked by such an excuse she didn't even said anything about either object or 'high place'...
When the trial was over Korekiyo immediately hugged you and said "Don't worry S/O I think that everyone whould believe her it's we are talking about Kirumi after all and in any case you shouldn't be the one to be blamed here"...
Yes there is no Rantaro for a reason.
~Mod Chiaki
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Danganronpa Imagine | V3 girls getting jealous and their S/O reassuring them (2/2)
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A/N: Here’s the second half, thanks for your patience!
Angie, Tsumugi, Tenko, and Himiko x S/O
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
Requests are closed at the moment!
Angie Yonaga
“Ya-hoo! S/O, over here!” In her usual sing-song voice, Angie called over her S/O.
“Oh, Angie, what’s up? What did you wanna talk about?”
In the morning before school, Angie’s S/O had received a text message from the Ultimate Artist.
6:37 AM: 💖 Angie 💖: gooooooooood morning, s/o! did u sleep well???? i sure did! btw can u meet me after school today??
6:41 AM: You: gm! yeah, i slept fine and of course, cant wait to see you!
6:41 AM:  💖 Angie 💖: nyahaha, im happy to hear it~! bye-onara, see u later!! (✿´‿`)
They had proceeded to be a nervous wreck the entire day, wondering what Angie could possibly be calling them over for. ...Maybe a date? they optimistically considered.
“Well, S/O, Angie has called you here today because Atua is mad and disappointed with you,” she stated as casually as if she were announcing the weather.
Despite not even really believing in Atua themself, her S/O still felt the slightest bit offended. “W-what did I do?”
“Nyahahaha, there’s no use playing dumb, for Atua knows all!” Her S/O winced as Angie stared intensely, almost unsettlingly, into their eyes. “But if you really forgot, then Angie supposes it won’t hurt to remind you!”
“Uh, yes, please, er, r-remind me...?”
“To put it simply, you tricked Atua. You promised loyalty and devotion to only His vessel, yet you let yourself be defiled at the hands of another woman!” The artist’s cheerful demeanor didn’t match her words at all.
“I was... defiled?” They frowned.
“Right-o! That short brunette tainted you with her constant hugs and touches!” Angie sounded legitimately concerned before perking up instantly. “It’s quite alright though! If you’re sacrificed soon enough, Atua will purify your soul and welcome you!”
“Angie, wait! Slow down!” Surprisingly enough, the artist did simmer down and allow them time to think. A short brunette that hugs me a lot? ...Ah, I remember now.
“It’s not what you think! That girl, she’s, like, obsessed with me or something. I push her away, yet she always returns. I promise you, I’m not seeing anyone but you, Angie,” her S/O frantically explained, a tad scared for their life.
“Oh, then you won’t have any trouble with her anymore!” she exclaimed with a huge grin. “Atua said that He really liked her blood sacrifice!”
“Wha-?! A-Angie, did you-?!”
“Nyahaha, of course not! Angie’s just joking!” She laughed lightheartedly, and her S/O let a sigh of relief escape their lips. “Besides, Angie remembers her promise to you. Y’know, the one where she can’t make any more sacrifices, no matter how much He wants one?” the artist pouted.
“Y-yes, I remember, and I’m super duper grateful,” her S/O laughed nervously.
“Still... Something must be done about that girl, don’tcha think, S/O?” she wondered. “Anyone who stands between our sacred love must be dealt with! ...So says Atua.”
Her S/O blinked. “Wow, Atua really doesn’t like that girl, huh?”
“He says she gives Him bad vibes,” Angie said with a shrug.
“Angie...” they began slowly, not knowing quite how to phrase their question. “Are you sure that, well, Atua’s really the one who dislikes the girl? Like, it’s not you that’s annoyed with her?”
Before the two had started dating, her S/O had learned that Angie had difficulty differentiating her own emotions from Atua’s. However, at the time, she was convinced all her emotions and actions were because of the god. Despite this, after hanging out with her for several weeks, her S/O was soon to pinpoint some emotions that were definitely Angie’s own: for example, her love for them.
“Nyahaha, who knows? Atua works in mysterious ways!”
Her S/O bit back a grimace. Normally they loved her chipper, eccentric personality, but this really was a serious moment. “Look, let’s try to talk this out before... you do something you regret to that girl.”
“Sounds good!” she agreed.
“So, when the girl gets really touchy with me, it annoys you, right?”
“Right-o!” Angie sang.
Her S/O bit back an amused smile. “Angie, are you... jealous?”
The Ultimate Artist blinked. “Hmm, that’s certainly a plausible verdict! After all, Atua gets very lonely when you don’t play with Him!”
I’ve hit the nail on the head, it seems. “Hey, Angie, if you’re getting jealous, you can just tell me, y’know? No more of this, uh, Atua-being-mad-at-me stuff.”
The artist appeared to think this over but said nothing in response, so her S/O continued.
“I’ll give that girl one final warning to change her ways, alright?” They smiled. “And I want you to know that the day I stop loving you is the day I die.”
“Aww, that’s no good, S/O! There’s still the afterlife to think about!”
“Ah, right.” Her S/O laughed.
“Angie has already secured a nice spot in the afterlife since she’s a platinum disciple, but she worries about you!” She took their hands in her’s. “Angie will pray for you too, so we can be together forever!”
Her S/O softly smiled and squeezed her hands. Even if the Ultimate Artist was a bit weird in expressing her love, her affection for her S/O was nonetheless loud and clear. To let someone like her become jealous of another girl... I must be the worst partner ever, they thought regretfully.
“I love you, Angie. Don’t ever worry about anyone else coming between us, okay? You’re all I need, in this life and the next,” they reassured.
“Angie better be, lest Atua release His wrath upon you!” Despite sounding menacing, her words were full of love. She giggled and jumped on her S/O, squeezing him into a tight hug.
“Atua loves... No, Atua and Angie love you too!”
Tsumugi Shirogane
“Tsumugi, I've noticed you've been scratching at your skin for a while now. do you want some moisturizer or something like that?”
Tsumugi’s S/O didn’t want to bring her reddish skin up for fear of offending her, but they were starting to feel bad for the cosplayer. Scratching and twitching uncomfortably for the past hours or so; it really was a bit concerning. Plus, since she was currently a guest at their home, they felt responsible for making her as comfortable as possible.
“Thanks for offering, but I’ve already tried lotion earlier and this rash didn’t go away,” the Ultimate Cosplayer replied.
Her S/O blinked. A persistent rash all over her body? Sounds oddly similar to cospox... they thought. However, as far as they could tell, despite a slight change in style, Tsumugi didn’t seem to be dressed too similarly to anyone else they knew. However, speaking of which...
“Tsumugi, I’ve noticed that you turned to pastel yellows and pinks, rather than your usual blue uniform. Can I ask why? Oh, not that there’s anything wrong with this new look! You look great!” they added quickly.
“Oh!” The Ultimate Cosplayer seemed unprepared for this question, not to mention a little uncomfortable. “Well, thank you! Yeah, I, uh, just got inspiration from this new anime that aired a while ago. There were, um, lots of pastels, and I thought it would be, er, cool to switch up from being so plain all the time.”
Ah, of course, Tsumugi and her otaku interests. In fact, their shared interest in mainstream and obscure media was what brought them together in the first place. “Oh, cool. What’s the anime? I may have seen it,” her S/O asked.
If Tsumugi wasn’t nervous before, now she truly was. Being who she was, she should’ve been able to pull out any pastel-themed anime out of her brain like it was nothing, but her thoughts were currently a jumbled mess.
“I-I, well, it’s, I f-forget the name... You know, i-it’s, I...?” she sputtered. She began scratching at her skin a bit more.
“Ts-Tsumugi, are you okay? You’re pretty pale and sweating quite a bit; are you sick?” her S/O asked, concerned.
“Y-you know what? Be right back.” Tsumugi suddenly picked up her backpack and trekked into the bathroom, leaving her bewildered S/O behind on the couch.
A few minutes later she reappeared, but this time she was back in her blue uniform, the old pastels nowhere to be found.
“Ah-? Tsumugi, you didn’t need to change! Sorry if my question made you uneasy-”
“No, don’t worry about it, you didn’t do anything.” She sighed.
Tsumugi’s S/O was about to inquire her more, but then they noticed something very odd. Her skin...? It’s no longer red, they realized. No, this can’t just be a coincidence.
They cleared their throat. “Uh, were you, by chance, cosplaying as someone real...?”
Bullseye. A jump and an expression of horror was all the confirmation they needed.
“Tsumugi...” they began, confused.
“I can explain,” she interrupted. Her panicked state had promptly vanished, replaced with a face of solemnness and almost... resent?
“I’ve seen you hanging around that other girl, you know. The one with the frilly pastel outfits,” she said calmly, looking directly at her S/O. “At first, I tried to ignore it. But then she started giving you hugs like it was nothing, and I was... I was just plain terrified she was taking you from me.”
Tsumugi’s S/O’s eyes widened. They opened their mouth to reply, but the cosplayer continued.
“So I took her pastel style and incorporated it into some outfits to wear. I didn’t think it would be enough to trigger my cospox, but I guess really deep down, my body knew that what I was doing wasn’t right.” She laughed softly. “In hindsight, this really was an awful plan. I know that you’re not someone to fall for looks, especially clothing, but I guess I was just... desperate. Desperate for any possible way to keep you.”
“Tsumugi, that girl and I are just friends. Those were platonic hugs, but if they make you uncomfortable, I can stop,” they suggested.
"Oh, no, no, it's fine. I'm just being overdramatic. It's my fault for being so plain possessive," she replied bitterly.
It suddenly clicked in her S/O's mind. This feeling of resent emanating from the cosplayer, it wasn't directed at their friend. She was mad at herself.
Before the cosplayer could utter any more self-deprecating words, they swiftly swooped her into a tight embrace. “You’re not being overdramatic or possessive at all. I’m sorry for not noticing what was going on.”
Tsumugi buried her face into their chest, eyes beginning to brim with tears. “You’re... You’re not mad at me?” She suddenly faced upwards, staring right into her S/O’s eyes. “Y-you should be mad! This is- I’m unforgivable.”
Tsumugi’s S/O comfortingly ran their fingers through her hair. “Of course not I’m not mad. In fact, knowing that you care so much about me, it’s touching.” They laughed softly. “Tsumugi, you can’t control your feelings, so try not to beat yourself up about this, okay?”
“I...” Feeling embarrassed, she retreated back into the safety and comfort of her S/O’s warm chest. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Just promise me that if you’re uncomfortable about anything ever, always feel free to talk to me about it. I won’t ever blame you for anything,” they reassured.
Although muffled, her S/O was able to hear Tsumugi murmur a quiet, “I promise.”
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko and her S/O sat at their usual hangout spot during lunch. Although a few of their friends also hung around them, they tended to only talk to one another. After all, due to a lack of shared classes, lunch and break became their only chances to interact during the school day.
The two made light conversation about nothing in particular, instead focusing mostly on their lunches. However, a few minutes into lunch, another girl came jogging up to Tenko’s S/O, a bit out of breath. This mystery girl had never approached their lunch group before, but no one really minded her presence.
“Oh, S/O...! I was... looking everywhere for you!” She hunched over, breathing heavily.
The Ultimate Aikido Master cocked an eyebrow at her S/O. “Oh, is she your friend?”
“Yeah, she’s in most of my classes, actually,” they replied and turned to face the girl. “Do you need something?”
She straightened up and cleared her throat. “Nothing in particular. Just wanted to hang out with you this lunch!” The girl took their hand in her’s and beamed.
Tenko’s S/O shot a glance at the martial artist and noticed her tensing up. Shaking the girl off their hand with an awkward laugh, they blinked uneasily. “Well, sure, of course you can. But don’t you usually hang out with your own friend group?”
The newcomer took a few steps back, lip trembling. “A-are you asking b-b-because you want me to g-go back to them...?” Her eyes began watering, which caused them to start panicking.
“W-what?! No, that’s not what I-”
“Hahaha, I’m just joking! Chill out, dude!” The girl playfully pinched their cheek, resulting in a barely audible “Tch.” from Tenko.
“Yeah, my friends all just went to the library to study, but I have, like, no homework or upcoming tests, so I decided to not join them,” she explained. “So I ran all over campus trying to find you!” At the last word, the girl lightly tapped them on the nose.
She proceeded to plop down right in between the Tenko and her S/O, much to the Aikido master’s irritation. In fact, Tenko didn’t even bother hiding her face of pure disgust; either the girl didn’t notice or didn’t care.
She continued practically swooning over Tenko’s S/O, resting her head on their shoulder, giving them impromptu hugs, among other things. Right as Tenko felt her temper about to snap, she quickly stood up, looked the girl dead in the eye, and asked her to leave in the most polite way she could muster.
“Sorry, but I’ll have to ask you to leave,” she declared matter-of-factly.
Her S/O and the girl both turned to face her.
“Huh? How come?” the newcomer pouted.
“I have something to discuss with S/O.”
The other girl opened her mouth to protest, but Tenko’s S/O spoke up quickly. “Yeah, I think you should go. Sorry.”
She blinked at them in surprise, looking back and forth between the two people ushering her to leave. Finally, after a few seconds, she packed her things and walked off with a huff.
“...Are you two really just friends? She seemed a bit too friendly to me.” The question sounded more like an accusation.
“What? Of course we’re just friends!” Tenko’s S/O looked a bit offended by even the suggestion. “And I agree, she was really raising some red flags...”
“Then why didn’t you push her away?” she inquired. “You know, tell her that you were uncomfortable?”
“S-sorry, I probably should’ve said something. I just didn’t really wanna be rude.”
Tenko scoffed. “She was the one who was being rude, not respecting your personal space like that!”
Her S/O furrowed their brows in contemplation. Although admittedly not very calm to begin with, they had only ever seen the Ultimate Aikido Master get this fired up around “degenerate males.” Something about the girl had really rubbed Tenko the wrong way.
“...Hey, you know I can take care of myself, right?” her S/O slowly spoke up. After running through a list of possible reasons for her behavior, they felt that maybe her protective instincts had taken control. “If she had gone any farther, I could defend myself just fine.”
“I... That’s not it.” Tenko shook her head.
“Oh. Then, uh, what is it?”
“I know you can protect yourself. I’m not scared of that sort of thing. It, well...” She sighed. “Fine, it bothers me when she acts so buddy-buddy with you.”
Tenko had never been one to hide her emotions, which her S/O was thankful for, especially in situations like this. Communication was never a problem between the two.
“I mean, who does she is? Basically throwing herself on top of you, especially when your girlfriend is less than one foot away?! That’s classic degenerate male behavior!” She threw her hands up in the air in exasperation.
Her S/O laughed as she spouted her catchphrase. “So what you’re telling me is... You’re jealous?”
They were just joking, but the martial artist’s face reddened. “M-me? Jealous?! Jealousy is an emotion for degenerate males that are too possessive over their partners, and as such, I c-can’t possibly be... j-jealous...”
She faltered, realization dawning on her face. So she wasn’t hiding it on purpose. She just... Didn’t know? her S/O thought, amused.
“Haha, hey, Tenko, it’s okay if you’re jealous. Feeling that way doesn’t make you stoop down to a, well, ‘degenerate male’s’ level,” they reassured her.
“So, Master was wrong then?”
He’s wrong about a lot of things, her S/O stopped themself before it slipped out of their mouth. “Well, yeah, you can’t control your feelings. I’m glad you told me about this, really.”
Tenko visibly relaxed, a huge invisible weight taken off her shoulders.
“Hey, next time I come across her, I’ll tell her to stop calm down a bit with all the physical contact. And Tenko, I want you to know that you’re my number one and always will be. I’m... I’m sorry that you had to feel jealous in the first place. You wouldn’t have felt that way if I communicated my feelings more...”
“S/O, don’t blame yourself!” she cheerfully demanded. “If you have time to sulk in regret, you have time to change for the better! That’s what Master always told me! ...Or is that also wrong?” she second-guessed herself.
Her S/O laughed and swept her into a loving embrace. “No, that’s correct,” they said softly in her ear. “I’ll start changing now then... Tenko, I love you. I love your enthusiasm, your pep-talks, sensitive side, everything. You’re the only one for me.”
She almost completely melted in embarrassment right in their arms. “I l-love you too, S/O!” she determinedly declared, hoping the waver in her voice went unnoticed.
A few intimate seconds passed before they reluctantly pulled apart. Tenko fidgeted with her fingers. “I... I kind of feel bad for your classmate. I should go apologize.”
“Oh, ah, right. Haha, I’ll go with you.”
Himiko Yumeno
“S/O, are you ready for some more magic?!” Himiko asked with over-the-top enthusiasm.
“Himiko, that’s the sixth one in a row. Are you sure you’re not tired?” The magician’s mage’s S/O had been invited over to Himiko’s house after school and had since been bombarded by an onslaught of magic displays. Of course, they didn’t mind at all. In fact, they loved seeing Himiko so passionate, but it was a bit out of character. She usually complained about being out of MP after the first or second demonstration.
“Of course not. Today the planets are all aligned so I’m surging with magical power,” she matter-of-factly replied.
“Oh, uh, right.” Her S/O felt that such a phenomenon would’ve definitely made the headlines of hundreds of news networks, but they decided not to comment on it. “Himiko, you know what? We should have a quick break. Even with your boosted MP, a little intermission never hurts, right?”
“Nyeh...” The mage hesitated for a bit but ultimately nodded. “You’re right.”
Her S/O subtly breathed a sigh of relief. Even if Himiko felt as if she could take on the world right now, they still didn’t want her accidentally overexerting herself.
They settled down at the dining room table. The mage had practically deflated after plopping down on a chair, so her S/O found and boiled some tea themself. The two made light conversation, but mostly silently enjoyed each other’s company.
However, the moment they finished their tea, Himiko quickly shot up to her legs, wobbling a bit. “Time to continue the magic show!” she announced.
“Wait, s-slow down!” Her S/O swiftly scooped up the two cups and deposited them in the sink. “Himiko, I know you said that your MP’s all boosted, but are you sure that’s the only reason you’re doing so many demonstrations?” Planetary alignment or not, the mage had never shown so much enthusiasm before. Even when at official performances, she was never this excited.
“N-nyeh? What do you mean?” she stuttered.
“You usually start saying ‘It’s a pain...’ after just one trick,” they pointed out.
“Er, sorry, I meant after one display of magic. My point still stands though.”
Himiko furrowed her brows in defiance. “I-I told you, the planets are all aligned today, s-so-”
“Himiko,” they chided. “Are you positive that’s the whole truth? I won’t be mad if it’s not.”
“I-I-I-I’m n-not lying! O-o-of c-course it’s...” The mage faltered. “F-fine, that might not the whole reason,” she slowly admitted.
“Oh.” Although her S/O knew something was up, they hadn’t expected Himiko to actually admit it. “So, uh, what is it?”
“It kinda has to do with this other girl,” she murmured. “Y’know, the tall, purple-haired one that’s super good at sports? She’s, like, on the track and swimming team.”
“Oh, yeah, I know that girl. What about her?”
“W-well, I kept on seeing her hang around you. I didn’t really care at first, but then I started noticing her always touching you, like jumping on you or using your lap as a pillow. And you weren’t pushing her away, either,” Himiko sulked.
“I... I’m sorry, I didn’t know that was bothering you. I’ll tell her to knock it off.” Her S/O awkwardly scratched the back of their neck. “But what does this have to do with you performing more magic lately?”
“When I saw how you kept on hanging out with her, it made me start to think that maybe... Maybe you preferred more athletic, energetic girls. You know, instead of people like me.”
“So I decided to try harder. I thought that if you were impressed by how hardworking I was, you w-wouldn’t-” She sniffled. “L-leave me for her.”
“H-Himiko, I’ll never leave you! I wouldn’t be dating you if I didn’t love you for who you are!” her S/O frantically reassured her.
“A-are you sure? I know it must be a pain to be in a relationship with me, s-since I don’t do much...”
“I’m positive. You’re all I’ll ever want and all I’ll ever need. Even if you think that your laziness is annoying, that’s what makes you, well, you. And I love all of you.”
Himiko finally let herself sob. She practically tackled her S/O in a hug, who scooped her into their arms bridal-style. Himiko clung to them and buried her face into their chest, blending together a mishmash of phrases.
“I-I’m sorry-” A hiccup. “I l-love you too, and I was just really scared, and I know I should’ve-”
“Shh, it’s okay, Himiko,” they softly consoled the bawling mage. “I know you must be exhausted, so let’s go sleep.”
Although other couples would think the two weird for literally sleeping on dates, Himiko and her S/O found nothing more comforting than cuddling until one or the other fell asleep by their side.
She stretched and yawned in response, shutting her eyes and tightening her squeeze on them.
Her S/O laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
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* Mod Chiaki
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lotusdiscussthis · 6 years
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I read your tags and I was afraid to respond to it considering you didn’t show it on the reblog. By putting your comments on the tags, I could’ve easily overlooked it, so I didn’t know if you really wanted to talk about it or not. In the end, I’ve decided to link you to give you my reply anyway. I hope you don’t mind.
I don’t blame you for not agreeing. After all, my perception of Saihara can be hard to believe when I haven’t given enough explanations as to what made me look at Saihara in such a negative way. It’s mainly due to having to reanalyze the story in a different perspective after discovering things that paints the supposedly innocent detective in a different light. But I’ll try to explain my thoughts the best that I can...
“kokichi often makes conversations go in frustrating circles because of his lies...
True, talking to Ouma also gave me headaches when I first played. Though sometimes the best way to determine someone’s nature is to not always rely on their words, but through their actions. It’s easy to say things like “I’m really evil” and act like the bad guy, but if your actions contradict with that behavior, that would naturally raise questions.
Let’s take Ouma’s evil speech after Gonta died. He said he enjoys their suffering, yet in the previous chapter, he urged Himiko to express her grief properly. How is it that he would go that far for someone he barely even knows, only to suddenly make a big show about he loves their suffering later on? Or when Ouma looked like he faked being injured only for Saihara to notice him wobbling as he walked and failed to notice how he was blanking out while talking to him? Or how about when Ouma was screaming “WE want to live, so don’t get in our way!” mid-trial while arguing with Kaito? We’ve just forgotten that part when Ouma later explains, “Oh yeah, me and Gonta were totally planning on getting you all killed so you wouldn’t have to face the horrible despair of the outside world!” None of this makes any sense. 
How is it that Saihara would overlook these major redflags that would contradict the fact that Ouma was a heartless person? If I can notice this myself, how is it that the protagonist, the Ultimate Detective, can’t??? (Also, reading between the lines is kinda what detectives do, so this is no excuse)
“i think more than anything saihara wanted to feel like kokichi was on his side-...” 
I will be frank, you shouldn’t expect people to do anything for you so simply. That was pretty much what I was trying convey in my original post. To think that somebody on the opposing side as you is automatically suspicious, not good, or wrong is just incredibly flawed reasoning. Especially since the reason why Ouma wasn’t on Saihara’s side in the first place was because he was mostly siding with Kaito the whole time. And Kaito, a man of instinct/belief/blind optimism, mostly showed hostility towards almost everything Ouma says and does. Ouma clearly knew the gravity of the situation and yet, he gets treated like the pariah because almost nobody wants to listen to what he has to say.
Ouma tried several times in the beginning to speak logically about their circumstances, yet practically everyone would automatically think he’s trying to start up pointless trouble. Like when Ouma said if Gonta were to continue being gullible, he was going to get killed. The reason why we saw Ouma as the bad guy in that moment was because everyone around him started to get all defensive and called him insensitive for saying such things after Kaede and Rantaro died. Which isn’t rational. THEY ARE IN A DEATH GAME. Whether Ouma had said anything or not wouldn’t have changed that fact. 
Out of everyone, Ouma has proven to have put in the most effort into showing his trustworthiness by spitting out the facts and warning them all to be careful, but it was everyone else (besides Miu and Gonta) that had rejected his help in the end.
On the one hand, Saihara hadn’t really done anything to earn Ouma’s support and friendship since meeting him. Even if Saihara was truly expecting what you had claimed, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s selfish for him to think that way. He doesn’t owe Saihara anything.
On the other hand, Ouma also did say at one point he was on everyone else’s side. And in the 5th trial, he had put everything on the line for his final plan to work and put an end to the killing game. Knowing that, does it still sound like he was not on his friends’ side? Even if you’ve figured it out, Saihara somehow couldn’t bring himself to comprehend this fact.
“...but talking to him always feels like a battle just to get the truth out” 
If the ‘truth’ you are referring to is about knowing Ouma’s true intentions and plans, then there’s a good reason for that. Ouma did mention in the beginning that carelessly opening up to people would be dangerous. And no, I don’t think he was speaking as Mr. Paranoia as much as the fandom loves to see him as. I think he said that because Monokuma would most likely be listening in on their conversations and that one of their friends is most likely the ringleader. (Just like how Kyoko was cautious of talking to Makoto out in the open in DR1) And turns out he was correct. So if he explained that much in the beginning, shouldn’t that give the listener (Saihara) a better idea as to why he shouldn’t be too outright with his intentions? There’s only so much you can do without getting careless within a killing game. 
“also by the time saihara says that he’ll never get kokichi to change kokichi had proven to be not just hard to talk to but pretty heartless and villainous as well” 
I would like for you to recall how Ouma first introduced himself... Now this is something I’ve always found curious, but never really dove into too deeply in case the story were to prove me otherwise at some point. But now that it’s been a year since I first played, I just have to ask those who think that Ouma has a single sadistic or villainous bone in his body.....
What kind of antagonist would out themselves as a liar in the beginning? In a killing game, no less?
We all know that he’s an incredibly clever boy who knows how to play mind games and put on an act that would befit the situation. So if he was truly serious about winning the game and was willing to coldly disregard the lives of others, wouldn’t it make more sense to not reveal that problematic aspect of himself? Wouldn’t it give him a better advantage to NOT play the flaming jerkwad role and piss everyone off to the point of wanting to kill you? Much like how Komaeda played innocent until Hajime and Chiaki cornered him into admitting that he set up the murder plan and then showed his crazy side. Ouma could’ve played himself up just like that as well, but no. Instead he kept claiming he’s nothing more than a liar.
Admitting to a bunch of (supposed) strangers that he’s a liar just makes no sense at all. Although, to disregard his intentions as just him being crazy or just him screwing around would be oversimplifying things. Even Nagito had an understandable method to his madness... 
“though he hadnt done anything drastic he does fuck up the trials and says (lies) about how much fun the killing game is”
When you say “fuck up the trials”, you mean when he took Ryoma’s motive video or saying that he killed Angie? I had to ask to make sure because just simply saying “he screwed up the trials” is not a clear enough explanation. Anyway, we never actually knew the real reason as to why Ouma stole the motive vid. We were made to think he did it for kicks, but in the end, he explained on Ryoma’s behalf that his motive video was empty when nobody knew what could’ve made him lose his will to live. I guess he also speculated that Maki was Ryoma’s killer and wanted to steal it before she got a hold of it. After all, she was the original holder of his video and nobody knew about her and Ryoma’s encounter besides Ouma, so nobody would’ve questioned her as to why she had his video. And I think Ouma was waiting for an opportune moment to shove the evidence in her face if things went differently. (I’m just guessing here tho.) But I do believe Ouma has reasons for why he does what he does, instead of simply doing it for jokes.
On the matter of him claiming that he killed Angie, he said so himself that he was trying to lure out the culprit by pretending to be the killer. He said if he played the killer, the actual blackened would likely push the blame onto him. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s more of a valid reason to do it than simply screwing around.
It’s rather funny to me how the fandom talks about how Ouma screws up the trials, but what about Tenko, Himiko and Maki??? 
Tenko kept others from questioning Himiko for the sake of the investigation, Himiko would sooner let everyone die for the sake of keeping her magic a secret, and Maki stupidly kept quiet and put the trial on hold so nobody would figure out her talent. And yet, Saihara would sooner side with them and lie for their sake in the middle of the trial even though he had just about as little relations with them as he did with Ouma. Why????
“its really hard for saihara to feel like he’s on his side despite how much he does want to work with him”
I’m sorry to say, but Saihara had that opportunity to work with Ouma when the boy himself made the offer in the VW. Without considering it or even questioning him, Saihara just ignored him and logged out. Saihara clearly had no intention of working beside him.
“i do kinda agree that he didnt really ask that many questions but kokichis answers really had proven to always be super vague or just a lie” 
Which vague answers are you talking about exactly? I wouldn’t know how to answer that myself because that’s not specific enough. Give me an example?
“the point is i really dont believe saihara is an arrogant person.”
I’m afraid that the screencaps I’ve shown in the original post aren’t the only proof I have to show that he’s an arrogant person. I wanted to mention them in a different post, but I’ll give you a few other brief examples.
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He has insinuated that Ouma is stupid despite the fact that we’re talking about the same dude that has pretty much been doing more detective work than the actual detective did. Not to mention that Saihara’s the one that believed Ouma was the mastermind and screwed up the first case majorly.
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After the 5th Closing Argument, Saihara claimed his detective’s intuition was flawless even though it was clearly just conjecture in the end. He had practically no proof to back up what he had laid out for them. He may have gotten Kaito to exit out of the exisal but only because he had to lie. That doesn’t prove that was what actually transpired. Only Kaito knows about what had happened between him and Ouma, and seeing how Kaito was following the script he was given, we wouldn’t know the extent of it.
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This one really peeves me. Because he thinks he knows better, he thinks he gets to shut down someone else’s emotions because he thinks they’re lying when he couldn’t possibly have gotten the chance to know one thing about him. Whether you think someone is insincere or not, it’s not your place to disregard their feelings like that. 
There’s also the fact that Kirumi got unexpectedly personal and called out on the fact that Saihara doesn’t even listen to others in the 2nd trial. It was weird how she could make these accusations at all like she knows something...
And despite the fact that Tsumugi claimed it was Kaede’s twin as the possible suspect, Saihara would sooner disregard the piece of evidence because he trusted his intuition moreso than looking into possible facts. Same can be said in the first trial too, where he trusted his intuition to pin Kaede as the culprit despite the fact that she WASN’T...
I’ll just stop it here...
“i dont think its right to compare gundam and kokichi” 
Well, I don’t see how it’s wrong either, honestly... Considering how the game itself gave me a lot to work with to show how much these two said characters contrast with one another. I actually made something before that would showcase a lot of comparisons between Ouma and Gundham. So if you wish, you can look for yourself and see what I mean... (Link to Self-Sacrificing Duos post) And a friend of mine actually analyzed a scene between the two when they had a moment in TDP and the game even subtly hinted about them being similar! (Link to Gundham and Ouma TDP moment post)
It’s kinda hard not to compare when there are a number of things you can compare within this franchise, not just Gundham and Ouma. They are all by the same creator after all and he loves to re-utilize his own tropes.
“wow i should not have written all this in the tags its so long sorry i make it sound like i dont like kokichi when i really do. he’s a great character just really hard to get along with. i hope this made any sense lol”
It’s no problem. I just hope that what I’ve explained made sense ^^; I apologize if I come across as harsh or anything like that, but I couldn’t find myself expressing certain points any better than I did... 
Hopefully, this gives you at least a better understanding of where I’m coming from.
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kibahinatas · 7 years
DRV3 Liveblog [BLIND]: Ch. 1 Daily Life
Alright so I just finished up the first part of Chapter One - everything up to the discovery of the first murder. I’ll be breaking it down into the same four segments again, so let’s jump in!
[If you want to skip my summary of the story, just look for THOUGHTS in bold, to read what I think about it.]
Picking up where we left off after meeting Monokuma in the gym, we all discover our Monopads have been updated with our new rules for life in the Ultimate Academy. We then begin talking amongst ourselves and realize that Gonta has found a manhole out in the boiler room behind the school, and go to check it out.
There, Kibo attempts to lift the cover to the manhole with no luck, saying he was only made to have the strength of an above average elderly man. So Gonta steps in and lifts the cover with two fingers, no problem. We then descend down into the passageway and find ourselves in a large open area underground.
Some people think we’ve escaped from where Monokuma can see us, but the monitor in the room suggests otherwise. The only objects of note down here are the big tunnel and the wooden sign that says “EXIT” pointed towards it.
Naturally we try to check it out. But after a very poor attempt at a minigame, realize that it is full of traps and impossible to traverse. Then Monokuma comes to laugh at us, basically saying there’s no hope. But when he leaves, Kaede rallies everyone again and we give it one more go. I fared a bit better in the minigame this time, but ultimately failed.
Now everyone is feeling super dejected and wants to give up, much to Kaede’s dismay. They all leave to head to their new dorm rooms, except for Kaito and Shuichi, who haven’t let it get to them as much. We then leave and turn in for the night, in our fancy new dorm, feeling pretty down about everything.
The next morning, we all meet for breakfast in the dining hall, as Kiyo(?) had suggested the day before. Everyone seems to be feeling better, although Kokichi still can’t seem to decide if he blames me for bringing us all down or feels sorry for me, lol. But then Monokuma shows up with an announcement.
He is already giving us the first motive! It’s the “first blood perk”: we will not be holding a class trial for whoever makes the first kill. But Kaito is not having it. He charges Monokuma. The Monokubs, fearing their father’s life, call upon an Exisal. But when it arrives it accidentally steps on Monokuma, crushing him entirely. With most of us believing him dead, and the killing game over (Kirumi suggested he may have a spare) we go about our days.
But the next morning, Kirumi is proven right when Monokuma shows up again. This time with an additional motive to get things moving - if we do not kill by nighttime in two days, every single one of us will be mauled to death by multiple Monokumas.
Later, Shuichi comes to us and says he has to show us something. In the library, he has discovered that one of the bookcases is actually a secret door that uncovers another secret door, bearing Monokuma’s colors. The hidden door also requires a card reader to open it. He believes that one of us may be working with Monokuma, and may come here to activate the spare Monokumas right before the deadline. To prove that one of us is using this door, he places dust in the card reader.
When we later discover the dust pushed out of the reader, we get to work on a plan to catch the supposed mastermind. With Miu’s help, we set up motion activated cameras on the bookshelf door, and the two entrances to the library. Then, we head up to the classroom next to basement stairs and wait to see who will go downstairs, and wait for our alarm to go off, signalling that someone moved the bookcase.
Soon the monitors begin blaring an obnoxious song and video, telling us that the deadline is in an hour. We also spot 7 students heading down the stairs all at once: Kaito, Gonta, Amami, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, and Maki [(?) idr who the 7th was.] Shuichi goes down to see what they’re up to, leaving Kaede alone in the classroom. But soon he returns and tells her that everyone went into the gameroom, and not the library.
But then our alarm begins to go off! Someone has moved the bookcase! Quickly, we rush downstairs to the library. In the hall we run into Tenko and Kaito, who invite us to join their strategy meeting in the gameroom. However, we tell them we have to go catch the mastermind in the library.
The four of us run into the library, just in time to see the bookcase close shut, with no one in sight. But, behind one of the lower shelves, and just under one of our cameras, we discover the body of Amami. His head bloodied, and a shot put ball beside him.
THOUGHTS: There was a lot going on in this chapter, and also not at the same time. Let’s start with the new rules we received on the Monopad.
For the most part these seem pretty standard, except they seem to cover some specific things that the students may have wondered about otherwise. For example, that Monokuma cannot directly kill a student, and that the killing game will end once there are only 2 people left. Now, the second one is interesting. This was never really made clear in the previous games. Not that it mattered, since it always ended before that many people were able to die anyway. So why highlight it now? Will this game be longer, and will we really have to go down to just two of us? Hopefully not, and it’s just clarifying something that’s never really been clarified before.
Next we have the underground area with the tunnel. The students try over and over to get through the tunnel, that may or may not even be an exit, until they can’t take it anymore. I don’t really blame them for being upset with Kaede for continually “forcing” them to keep trying, but at the same time I also feel bad for her. She just wants what’s best for everyone and doesn’t want us to give up or lose hope. Her positivity is almost unwavering.
Now, the motive...I didn’t expect to get one as soon as we did but, like why not I guess. If I was Monokuma I’d want to speed things up too. But how in the world is this going to play out? No trial? Really? Is Monokuma just gonna pop out like, “Okay the culprit is __ and they can leave now, bye!” Will he still have us tell him who we think the culprit is, without the formal class trial? And if so, are the punishments still in place? Will we not get to solve Amami’s murder?!
/sigh. Anyway, I wonder what the deal is with that black and white door. Is it really related to the mastermind and/or where the Monokuma bots are coming from, like Shuichi thinks? Is one of us really the mastermind, or working with them? Or maybe there are multiple people behind this! Right now I have too many questions and not enough clues. All I know is that someone (or multiple someones) went through that door after we put the dust in place.
As for the murder, or what appears to be a murder anyway (I found the body, saved and called it a night, but I doubt he’s still alive) I don’t have much to go on yet. My boyfriend pointed out that earlier, when Kaede tried picking up the shot put balls in the warehouse she was struggling to do so, implying that the murderer must be someone strong enough to not only lift them with ease, but use as a weapon. Now, it’s too early to say the shot put ball is the murder weapon, but it’s all I’ve got right now.
I covered a lot of this in the prologue post, but there are some other things to talk about now. Let’s start with that fucking minigame...lol.
So the first two times that the students traversed the underground tunnel, the game had me play a minigame where they had to progress and avoid obstacles. It gave me 16 lives, one for each student. It was nearly impossible to know what was a trap and what wasn’t, which in retrospect was probably the point - it wanted us to fail both times. Of course, at the time I thought I might have to complete it in order to progress the story and was frustrated, haha.
Including the minigame in the middle of the ‘novel’ part of the game, definitely threw me off guard, though. I’m not sure if I liked that or not. But I can’t help but wonder what would happen if someone actually made it through the whole level. Would they actually find an exit, and thus an alternate ending perhaps? Would it lead to another room? Or would the level just loop around until you lost all your lives, lol. I’d like to find this out after I eventually complete the game.
Then we have the Monocoins. I totally forgot about them until I got to my first free time, and realized I didn’t have any coins to spend on presents. Examining things wasn’t giving me any coins, and neither were the hidden Monokumas I had found. So, irritated after wasting my first free time event, I googled how to acquire them and realized I needed to be smacking things. Honestly, I had totally forgotten about that feature, lol. It took me a while to figure out I needed to smack the background objects and not things I can interact with, but eventually I got some coins and spent them on the Monomono machine.
Like I said, I ended wasting my first free time event, as I didn’t have any presents so I really only got 3 this chapter. I spent them with Amami, Kokichi, and Ryoma.
I technically spent time with Amami twice, but without a present the first time, it ended right after the present prompt. Sadly my last save was at the end of the prologue, so I wasn’t about to go all the way back just for my free time.
Anyway, I gave him the Boba Tea, which he seemed to like, and then sat down to have tea with him. I had no idea what to give him, but I guess I got lucky, haha. I wish I could remember what all we talked about, so I’ll have to look at his report card again later. Glad I got to talk to him before he died though.
Then I hung out with Kokichi, who I gave the Workchair of Doom, or something like that, which he liked. Then he got to lying or not lying, who knows. He told a ridiculous story about how he had met Kaede before but then she died, which he said was a lie. Kaede afterwards said something along the lines of how he must really want attention to lie as much as he does.
Finally, I decided I’d see who my boyfriend wanted to talk to, since he’s watching me play and enjoying the game as well. He said his first two choices would have been Amami and Kokichi anyway, but that his next choice would be Ryoma. I gave him Candy Cigarettes which he seemed to really like, and talked about cats. He said he had a cat back home before he went to prison. As a cat lover I enjoyed the conversation, lol.
The last thing I want to say as far as gameplay goes is about the new Monokuma Theaters. It looks like we’ll get a new image of Monokuma almost every time. Which I like. And one thing I noticed is that in the picture of him holding up some playing cards, it looked like a picture of Celeste on one of the cards! Neat little easter egg I suppose.
Unlike last time, I’m not going to go through each character, but instead just highlight the ones I have something to say about that I haven’t already mentioned in this post.
AMAMI: Poor, poor, Amami, we barely knew ya. I just knew he was going to die, given our first victims in the previous games (Sayaka, and “Byakuya”) but I didn’t want to believe it. He knew about this “Ultimate Hunt,” which I think I remember hearing in the prologue? I can’t remember if it was him who mentioned it or the others before the Monokubs gave them their ultimate memories. Although scarily determined to put an end to the killing game, he seemed like a nice guy. RIP bae, I’m sure we’ll learn your talent one day.
KOKICHI: Liar, liar, plants for hire. As much as I love this kid idk if I could ever trust him! From his ridiculous tears that he can seem to turn on or off at will, to “that was a lie.” He’s definitely good at lying, but also seems to always tell you when he’s lying? I remember saying to my boyfriend at one point, if he’s a liar then is the first thing he said a lie, or the “that was a lie” part? Hm...But as a Danganronpa veteran, I know that characters are not always what they appear. Maybe he’s actually a good guy deep down? Although he seems to have a relationship reminiscent of Hiyoko and Mikan with Kibo...lol. Either way I get the feeling that he may actually survive this killing game now.
SHUICHI: Well, well, look who’s being all detectivey now! I have to say, I did doubt him at first, but now idk! He seems to be acting more like a detective. I mean, nowhere near Kirigiri level, but still. He’s also bonded with Kaede a lot it seems. People keep giving them shit for always being together, haha. Do I ship it? Maybe, lol. He opened up to her a lot in what was a touching moment when they were waiting for the alarm in the classroom. Hearing about that case he solved was interesting, and how it affected him so much, even to the point that he became uncomfortable by eye contact. I thought death flags were flying, but I’m glad he’s still with us.
KIYO: Not to break my repeating word trend, but here we go. I told myself I wouldn’t succumb to using his shortened localized name, but I couldn’t do it. He’s Kiyo to me now, lol. Anyway, the only new things I really wanted to comment on about him will be brief. First, in a passing conversation I had with while on my way to breakfast or something like that, he mentioned a “Sister.” Kaede thought to herself how nice it was he missed his sister back home, but I feel like he’s not talking about his actual sibling. So who is this Sister then? Also his obsession with observing human behavior is...intriguing. He seemed excited to see how we would all behave with this killing game, so...yeah. Kinda creepy.
TENKO: Speaking of creepy obsessions, let’s talk about Tenko. She clearly has a weird crush on Himiko, always by her side, drooling over her, and offering to help her go to the bathroom...Girl needs to chill. Himiko seems almost irritated by her though which is humorous. I seriously wonder where this chick’s absolute hatred of men stemmed from.
KAITO: It seems I was wrong about Kaito. He doesn’t seem like scardey cat, but more on the determined/optimistic side. Not that I can compare him to Kaede, but so far he doesn’t seem to fit that role as I thought he might.
I haven’t gotten much more insight into the main plot going on here, but I have some thoughts on Amami’s murder.
Most likely the murderer will be one of the other 6 people we saw going down into the basement. So Kaito, Gonta, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, or Maki. Also, we know that the shot put ball is fairly heavy, so whoever used it must have some strength. Going off of those two things, if I had to venture a guess as to who the culprit is, I’d say maybe Tenko? I don’t see it being Gonta or Kaito, and we also saw her in the hallway before we discovered the body.
I have a feeling Gonta will come under suspicion because of his strength alone, though. (Flashbacks to the sewer grate anyone?) But like I said, I doubt it’s him. Anyway, I will start the investigation soon, so I guess we’ll see!
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