#so for the band: lili- lead vocals rhythm guitar
dammarchy211 · 2 years
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I hate shoving a bunch of art into one post bc it never does well but w/e im doing it anyway</3
So! Raz and Lili are taking a more long term mission in a big city! So they have their own tiny apartment and Dogen is there too sometimes as their “man in the chair” type deal but I haven’t drawn him yet lol. As for other characters! They befriended Kitty when they were about 13-14 (was very hard they were all mean to eachother at first) because she had entered the intern program and was assigned to Cher! Now her, Lili, Frazie, and Lizzie are in a shitty mostly cover band bc I said so. Norma went very headfirst into the whole agent thing, but mostly takes up detective type missions, she just finds them more fun. Naturally Dion stuck with the circus, but Frazie’s mostly doing her own thing, kinda trying to find her calling for the most part, this stresses both Dion and Norma out gjfhdk. I have design stuff for other characters like Sasha n Milla as well as some oc stuff but I’ll post those later
!Blood/light gore/needle warning under the cut! Scar backstory ish baybyy
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Tumblr has been kicking my asss with this one picture so if you see it twice or smth or if u don’t see it sorry</3
I wasn’t gonna post the Dex half of this but fuck it it just might not be on the insta post fjfhdkdh
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Ever think about how villains and such wouldn’t be a able to go to the hospital for major injuries and such due to just generally being villains because yeah
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Epilogue
Here it is, the final part. I’m sad that’s it over. It has been such a lovely story and such lovely people that have supported me through. Those that were there from the start. Those that joined at anytime during the ride. Even the ones joined in with the last chapter. Thank you. All of you. You are all amazing.
The wedding.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
The Munson-Harrington wedding was the must have invite of the year. It didn’t even matter that their marriage would only be recognized in a handful of states. All that mattered was that they were getting the chance to tie the knot and throw a huge party for all their friends.
Dateline had done an hour long piece of the Hawkins Witch Hunt as they were calling what happened to Eddie. It opened a whole can of worms regarding the Hawkins Police Department and other things that they may have sanctioned.
That lovely little news piece also bagged Kenny a girlfriend. He took one look at Lily Byers when she arrived for school that autumn and fell head over heels in love with her.
She even joined the band as rhythm guitar to newly named Children of the Knights of Hell’s Fire. They had found their style at last. It was little bit metal and whole lot of rock.
While their kids were in their senior year, Jeff, Gareth, Eddie, and Steve were all in Eddie’s studio working on an album. Apparently not only could Steve play, but the man had the pipes of a god damned angel.
Eddie had been tempted to put him as lead vocalist, but Gareth wisely pointed out that fans are going to at least expect to hear Eddie at some point.
So Steve was harmonies and backup vocals as well as bassist. Eddie was writing away and coming up with new stuff, remixing old stuff and he was finally able to properly grieve Jay by writing the song “Two Loves: Not Better, Just Different”.
The original Corroded Coffin boys loved it, Children of the Knights of Hell’s Fire loved it, and of course Steve loved it. It was unanimously decided that it should be the first single.
Everyone came to the wedding. The other Byers/Wheeler clan arrived with twin baby girls that they recently adopted. Beautifully named Elinor and Jeanette.
Dustin and Suzie’s baby boy was named Percival or Percy after his other favorite literary hero when Suzie wouldn’t let him name their child D’Artangan. He was also spoiled rotten.
Max and Lucas were the next to arrive with three very tall red-headed, dark skinned boys. The eldest Anthony was sixteen, the middle boy, Reggie was twelve, and their youngest Sean was eight.
Erica and her husband, David brought their two boys, Nico and Nemo aged ten. When their firsts were twins that was enough for them.
The parents started arriving as well. Joyce and Jim came. Claudia, too. The Sinclairs were there of course. Wayne had showed up weeks ago to help with all the planning.
Jane came last. She never married, she became a children’s advocate for neglected and abused orphans. She was the one they brought in when things got bad because she always had a ‘knack’ for knowing what the child was thinking. She had thrown herself into the work and found it rewarding.
Steve’s house was teaming with children of all ages and he loved it. Eddie came up to him at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding.
“It’s not quite the six nuggets you were hoping for,” he murmured into Steve’s ear, his arm gently wrapping around his waist. “But I think you’ve got your wish about lots of kids, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed. “I didn’t know anyone had heard that.”
Eddie nibbled on his ear. “My only regret is pushing you toward Nancy. That wasn’t fair to any of the parties involved.”
Steve nodded. “I was so desperate to be loved by someone, I would have fallen for anyone. It’s not your fault.”
Eddie’s chuckle rumbled through Steve, they were that close. “Ah, but you see that’s my regret. Had I known that I would have pushed my case so fucking hard, babe.”
Steve burst out laughing. “I’ll bet you would have! Throwing that vest in my face so hard I had to take a step back just because Nancy and I had an in-joke.”
“Guilty as charged.”
Max came up to them and hit Steve with her crutches. “About time you two got your heads out of your collective asses.”
Eddie gave her a hug. “I missed you too, Red.”
“Just make one of the stops on your tour Boston and we’ll call it even,” she said.
“Deal,” Steve and Eddie said together.
She laughed. “God, how does Harri and Edie put up with you two? You’re such saps!”
“Auntie Max!” Edie called. “Come meet Mandy Lawrence, she skates, too!”
Max laughed. “I’m coming. Hold your horses.”
The backyard was beautifully decorated in blue and yellow flowers. Eddie’s groomsmen were in blue and Steve’s bridesmaids were in bright, sunny yellow. Dustin was Eddie’s best man and Robin was Steve’s maid of honor. On Steve’s side of the aisle was Nancy, Edie, Lily, and Max. On Eddie’s was Wayne, Harri, Jeff, and Gareth.
It was a quiet affair despite everyone who knew anyone wanted to be invited.
There was no procession. Steve and Eddie were already at the alter waiting for their guests to file in. They stood together, both hands clasped in the other’s.
Hopper was officiating, having become a justice of the peace after leaving the police force. They had already done the marriage part in a quiet courthouse in a small Massachusetts town. This was for their friends and family to witness.
“Today we bring together two people,” Hopper began, “who despite all appearances of being complete opposites couldn’t be more perfect for each other than if God himself had planned it.”
Steve and Eddie both blushed.
“Eddie,” Steve murmured, “You are the best part of me. I wandered lost and though I was never quite alone, having friends and beautiful daughter by my side, I looked for love in all the wrong places, because that place was always home, with you. I started us on the path by saying things I didn’t mean because I frightened of the change you have always brought to my life.” Steve released Eddie’s hand for a moment to wipe away a tear.
“But I should have realized that you brought me joy in those changes and not run away from you. So I promise to come to you when I’m feeling down or bad about myself. I promise to love you even if loving myself is hard. I promise to care for you always and cherish each moment of every day that I get with you. I never thought I’d get a single day, and getting a chance of a life time with you is a dream come true.”
He brought Eddie’s hands to lips to kiss his knuckles.
Eddie smiled. “Steve, I believed I used up my second chance when you rescued me all those years ago. Bleeding and broken, I thought my second chance at a new life was when me and my boys got our record deal, but now I see that my real second chance was here, with you. Jay made me happy for the time we had together, and I truly believe he prepared my heart to be receptive to yours.”
Steve mouthed, ‘I love you.’
“I promise to love on the days that are hard. To cherish on the days that are easy. And worship you all of my days. You had a life time of believing yourself to be unlovable, and I promise to spend the next forty years–”
“At least!” Dustin called out.
Eddie laughed. “At the very least. I promise to spend the rest of ours lives proving how wrong you are. That you are loved, adored, worshiped, and admired by me. I love you, sweetheart.”
Hopper cleared his throat and blinked back tears. “And now the rings.”
Eddie took the black box from Dustin. He pulled out a gold band that had a sun and a moon with a diamond in the sun setting and a grey garnet in the moon setting. “With this ring, I thee wed.” He slipped it on Steve’s ring finger.
Steve looked at it in wonder, eyes filling with joyous tears. He took the white box from Robin and pulled out a black wrought iron ring with the same setting, only in the sun spot was a red garnet and in the moon’s was the diamond. “With this ring, I thee wed.” He slid it onto Eddie’s finger.
“By the authority vested in me,” Hopper concluded, “I pronounce you both husbands in the eyes of this congregation and God, husbands as long as you both shall live. You may now kiss the groom.”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s face in his hands and kissed him fiercely as Steve held on.
They broke off to laughter and tears. They walked back down the aisle to everyone throwing white rose petals over them as they past. Eddie and Steve laughed, skipping and giggling like children as their bridesmaids and groomsmen followed close behind.
The reception was the grand affair. All of Steve’s friends were there and all of Eddie’s connections in the music industry was there. Harri was almost one hundred percent sure he saw James Hetfield talking to famed baseball player Derek Jetter, but then someone past in front of him and they were both gone by the time Harri could see around the person again.
Harri walked up to Edie and bumped their shoulders together. “Who would have thought that over a year ago when you told me that you needed a new guitarist for your band, that it would lead to the wedding of the decade, between our two dads.”
She looked over at her dad who was trying to catch marshmallows with his mouth thrown by Dustin, Jane, and Eddie. He had come so far now that he was with the right therapist. Edie had started listening to her own more now too and was forced to admit she didn’t need to look after her dad because he could look after himself just fine.
“Best decision ever,” she agreed.
“Just two small town boys from each from different worlds clawing their way to make their own place in the world,” a warm voice said behind them.
Edie and Harri turned to see Wayne Munson standing there in a nice grey suit having changed for the reception, hands in his pockets.
“Grandpa Wayne!” Harri cried and threw his arms around him. “It’s been so great having you around these last couple of weeks.”
Wayne reached out with one arm for Edie who promptly snuggled up too.
“Does this mean you’re my grandpa now, too?” she whispered.
Wayne kissed the top of her head. “Of course it does. Steve was always mine married to Eddie or not. Even if we hadn’t spoken in decades, Stevie was always mine.”
“You’re going to make me cry for the tenth time,” Steve said coming up to them, hand in hand with Eddie, “if you keep saying things like that.”
Wayne waved his hands. “Come on, I still arms enough for you two.”
Steve and Eddie joined the Wayne hug and sighed happily.
“Hey!” Jonathan said, “Picture?”
They all lined up, Wayne in the middle flanked by Eddie and Steve his side while Edie and Harri stood next to their dads.
Jonathan snapped the photo.
Steve came up and gave him a hug. “Thanks for agreeing to do the photos for us.”
Jonathan hugged back fiercely. “Not a problem, man. Saves me from having to buy you a toaster.”
Steve laughed. “Where’s your beautiful wife?”
Jonathan looked around and pointed to the punch bowl. “There she is. Bitching out Barbara Walters.”
Eddie laughed. “Sounds about right.”
Harri looked over at her and cocked his head. “Hey, Dad. She looks a lot like you.”
Jonathan and Eddie shared a panicked expression.
“Well, you see...” Eddie said as Steve threw his head back and laughed.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall @stxrcrossed186 
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
bro, i was just listening to metallica’s seek and destroy on the drive home from work and a tinsy little thought popped into my head and now my brain in invaded by the absolute brilliant idea of the marauders band au.
like, here:
sirius: he’s lead like hetfeild on vocals and guitar - desired by men and women alike - much like damino from måneskin - he’s the heartthrob
remus: lead guitar - also desired by men and women alike but he’s more quiet and reserved - but he playes with heart and soul and i’m getting thomas from måneskin vibes - he’s the mysterious one
james: he’s the drummer because he’s got the muscle for it - also desired by men and women alike obviously but he’s only got eyes for one - litteraly puts his heart and sole into hitting those drums and breaks so many goddamned sticks it’s a wonder how he doesn’t run out - he’s the odd one out too, he’s a little rat if fucking sunshine and everyone finds him adorable
lily: she’s on bass and it’s major vic from måneskin vibes - everyone wants her but she just looks at the ladies - she’s also very close with remus and all the super hetero followers believe they’re doing it but they most certainly are not - she looks like the craziest one of all of them but in reality she has the clearest head.
i’m picturing they’re a metal band too, and they also drabble in punk rock and similar genres. they always match outfits and involve the crowd in the coolest ways. sirius’s idol is freddie, so he pays ode to him most concerts. remus extremely admires bowie so they have a bunch of covers of his songs and sometimes come out with red and blue lighting incoperated into their fits.
there is major tension between sirius and remus on stage. often remus does backup vocals so they’ll lean into the same microphone and be so close there’s no hetero explanation for it (like the arctic monkeys video- you know the one), and when remus is soloing and sirius is doing rhythm during the instrumental, remus will be like pushing against his guitar with his pelvis and sirius will walk up and do the same and it’s just so gay.
lily will get down in the crowd, crowd surf and run around the stage like she’s on crack and the audience loves it. shell also get up in all of their spaces, she’ll come play behind james, bump hips with sirius, and play back to back with remus - but she goes to remus the most. she also has a tendency to smash her guitars every so often at the end of a show (but don’t worry, it’s only if they’re already damaged from excessive use and being tossed around by roadies and shit).
james, oh sweet james. he always has a big smile and wave for the crowd and will stand up at his kit sometimes - he’ll play into the hot muscle man thing he has going and will skull water and let it drip down his front and he’ll wink at the crowd (but only the band knows he’s doing it in an attempt to impress and fluster regulus who is either side stage or watching live at home) (it works every time). he also goes a little crazy and gets too much inspiration from tommy lee.
and yes, after a big show in vagas, they all woke up with wedding rings on their fingers and they have no idea who married who.
AHHH i have so many wips but i wanna write it so baddddddddd!
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liknws · 10 months
can u tell us more about who is what in each band?
sure! I can do that. I'll give a tiny bit of backstory as well but not too much cause I don't want to go and spoil anything. under the cut because it got a little longer than I intended, oops
also I love getting questions like this so if there is anything else you want to ask, my inbox is open! I promise more will be revealed as the story progresses but in the meantime, have some short character information!
in 3RACHA we have:
jisung: rhythm guitarist, sub/backup vocals, song writer, & rapping. goes by the stage name j.one.
chan: song writer, bass guitar, vocals, and keyboard. he goes by the stage name of cb97.
changbin: rapping, vocals, drummer, and occasional keyboard. he performs under the name spearb.
jeongin: newest member, who replaced reader after they left. he's lead vocals and lead guitar. uses the stage name of i.n.
chan, jisung, and changbin have been producing and mixing their own songs for a while now, shortly after reader left the band. their sound, after reader left, is largely early years linkin park with some beastie boys and rage against the machine influences. again, just sound wise not really the exact songs. while reader was still apart of the band, think more paramore and hey monday.
now with ultra violet there's a few more to introduce:
reader/oc: to avoid the 'y/n', they'll be referred to their stage name of red most of the time. they're lead vocals, lead guitar, sometimes keyboard, and violin. they are a song writer as well but they are not credited on any of the band's music at their request. stage name: red.
seungmin: he's the other lead vocals! so seungmin and red share the lead vocals depending on the song or the style that the band wants to put out. stage name: cherry.
felix: rhythm guitarist, occassional backup vocals, and hard vocals (screaming). some of their songs incorporate screaming so felix learned how to do that. stage name: sunshine.
minho: he is the credited song writer of the band! him and red write together but he does most of the writing with other songwriters employed the label. stage name: lino
hyunjin: drummer, backing vocals. he's been jokingly referred to as the "face" of the band during talk show interviews since he likes to be the one to answer the questions the most. stage name: hyune
when red left 3racha they had considered going solo but fell in love with the sound of this indie band called ultra violet. turns out they were looking for another vocalist for a different sound and red decided to audition after taking the time they needed for their personal life. they hit it off and the rest has been history with them joining the band. red used the connections they had from being in 3racha and got ultra violet a meeting with shadow side records. from there is was almost overnight success. their sound is more honey revenge & halestorm & the pretty reckless with some green day and beartooth as well. it's a pretty even split on suengmin and red leading vocals. they do a lot of duets too.
we do have an honorable mention as well!
lily suksi: manager and best friend. lily used to be the manager for 3racha but when red left, she decided to part with them and became red's personal manager. it was with lily's help that red was able to clean up their life and meet ultra violet at all.
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dherzogblog · 2 years
The "Press and Play"list version (click the links for music and extras) songs/22 playlist
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1. Elvis Costello -“Farewell, Ok”: A garage rock burner with a bit of the attitude that made E.C. the dean of the class of ‘77. 2. Band of Heathens - “Carry Your Love”:  A monster hook, and every time I hear this it, it makes me think of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. That's a good thing. These guys also released a cool Covid covers album this year. 3. Nikki Lane - “First Time: On-the-rise outlaw rocker recalls her 80's high school rock roots. It features my favourite lyric of the year: "Take me back to the first dream, 501 blue jeans, tighter than god damn Springsteen”. 4. Lucuis- “Next To Normal'': Produced by Brandi Carlile, this deceptively funky tune has been in my head for months. 5. Khruangbin/Leon Bridges: From "Texas Moon" the lone star state collab and follow up to 2020’s "Texas Sun". The adventurous and vibey, Khruangbin have become one of my favourite bands. 6. Lizzo - “It’s About Damn Time”: "It’s bad bitch o’clock". 7. Elle King - “Honky Tonk Disco Nights'': Been listening to Elle for a while now as an emerging star in Americana/Country world. But on this one she makes a left turn teaming up with Chic’s Nile Rogers on this country/disco mash-up. "Dance, dance dance". (Hollywood Fun Fact #1: Elle the daughter of comedian and former SNL cat member Rob Schnieder). 8. Say She She- “Pink Roses”: Slinky cool and danceable, this Brooklyn based female trio love Nile Rogers too. So much so, their band's name is a sly nod to his group. "Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah". 9 .Stone Foundation - “Heaven Knows Why”: Smooth disco grooves and wah- wah guitar from UK soul revivalists. Bell bottoms and platform shoes not included.
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10. Dreadzone - “Dread Town”: The eternal spirit of 2-Tone lives on this bouncy single from veteran British reggae/dance outfit featuring lead vocals by Emily Capell who borrows the style of Amy Winehouse and the attitude of Lily Allen, on a joyous celebration of London's multi racial musical melting pot. 11. Pearl Charles -“Givin it Up”:  Last year I stumbled on Pearl’s brilliant ABBA inspired “Only For Tonight” and was subsequently blown away by the whole album. She’s back again with another lush and luminous 70’s styled single whose swirling strings, memorable hook, and slyly funky finish made it one of favourites of the year. (Hollywood Fun Fact #2: Pearl is the daughter of Larry Charles ofSeinfeld/Curb fame). 12. The Dip - “Real Contender”: Big horns and big hooks from a Pacific northwest band that gives me Jamie Cullum vibes. 13. Mapache - “Light My Fire”: Cosmic folk rock harmonies for your mellow mood. 14. River Kittens - “Hate To Break It”: Speaking of harmonies, this break-up torch ballad sounds like it came straight off Shelby Lynne’s country/soul masterpiece, “I Am Shelby Lynne”. 15. The California Honeydrops - “In Your Arms”: More soul horns and a chugging Stax rhythm from Oakland outfit who sounds like they may have been fans of Oaktown homeboys Tony! Toni! Tone'! 16. The Harlem Gospel Travelers - “Nothing But His Love”: Nope, this is not a gospel tune, just some sweet vintage styled soul and harmony in praise of a higher power. 17. Miko Marks/Ressurectors “Feel Like Going Home”: Rising star Miko Marks and the guys may actually get closer to church on this one. Her album has blues, country, and gospel influences, think The Staples Singers and The Band on the "Last Waltz, All of which reminds me there was a pretty great posthumous release this year from the late Leon Helm and the very much alive Mavis Staples.18. Lee Bains + The Glory Fires - “(In Defense of the) 40 Hour Work Week: Blue collar country rock in the spirit of The Drive By Truckers.
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19. Titus Anddronicus - “Give Me Grief”: A jangly, angsty pop anthem from post punk Jersey boys. 20. Pinegrove - “Alaska”: More catchy indie pop from Jersey (Montclair!) 21. Wet Leg - Wet Dream: Isle Of Wright indie pop duo exploded on the scene last year with two great singles, "Chaise Lounge" and this one. A proper album was released in '22, so the song still qualifies, and I get to make up for missing them first time around. 22. Hurray For The Riff Raff - RHODODENDRON: Always moving in new directions, Alynda Segarra and crew are back. This time they bring the spirit of The Velvet Underground with them. 23. Melissa Carper - “Ramblin Soul”: Old-time Texas Swing from the woman they call the “The Hill-Billie Holiday”. 24. Taj Mahal/Ry Cooder - “Hooray Hooray”: Roots rock veterans and former Rising Sons bandmates reunite over 50 years later to pay tribute to blues legends Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Hooray Hooray indeed. 25. North Mississippi AllStars - “See The Moon”: These guys have always drawn on the southern rock and blues they grew up on. The connection runs deeper on this album with the addition of Lamar Williams Jr, son of former Allman Brother Band bassist Lamar Williams. 26. Wilco - “Falling Apart” (Right Now): I’ve enjoyed all of Wilco’s sonic explorations over the years. but If I’m gonna be honest, I always loved their early alt country outings the most. 27. Reigning Sound - “Lonely Ghost”: This long running Memphis garage rock band broke up late last year…but they released this Dylanesque single early this year. So, have they “ghosted” us or not? Either way, it’s the final rattle of a hard working band at the end of the road, but going out defiantly.
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28. John Doe - “Never Coming Back”: Former X-Man John Doe reminds us you can’t go home again in this dark, moody song with a memorable hook that will stick with you and your subconscious. 29. Valerie June - “Use Me”: No, not the classic Bill Withers tune, (it actually has the opposite sentiment), She has an idiosyncratic vocal style, but like Bill Withers, Valerie June is the real deal. 30. Deslondes - “Good To Go”: A charming world weary tale of hard luck and never giving up. 31. Billy Swan - “Don’t Be Cruel”: Season two of “Euphoria” opened with this haunting 1974 cover of the Elvis classic and it blew me away in much the same way the show does. I couldn't stop listening to it for weeks.
If you got this far...thanks for checking it all out. I appreciate you. Hope you all have a great holiday season and I look forward to seeing you in the new year. Peace, Doug
Los Angeles, December 2022
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360iris · 3 years
Okay so I’m finally writing the poly wolfstar/jily Band AU of our dreams (special thanks to the people who sent in the requests, one for the poly dynamic and the other from months ago for someone to perform) 
Anywho, here’s the lineup (keeping in mind that I think they’d alternate whose covering vocals depending on the songs):
James: Drums
Sirius: Lead Guitar
Remus: Bass Guitar
Lily: Rhythm Guitar
And since y/n is the songwriter here are some songs that I headcanon as her writing for each member to sing at one point or another:
Remus: Miracle Aligner by The Last Shadow Puppets
There’s just something really hot and necessary about having Rem singing the lyrics, “Tell him what you want and baby he can find you anything you need, tell him what you need/ Come on miracle aligner, go and get em tiger/ Get down on your knees, get down on your knees again.”
James: Long Hair by Drowners
This song fits James vibe so much (especially with ATJ as his fancast ugh) “Once a week I keep an evening free for you/ Does he teach you things, oh does he teach you things that you’d never do for me, Well I know what you mean.”
Sirius: Used To Be My Girl by The Last Shadow Puppets
“Left in a heap/ A kiss on either cheek/ I’m a phoney, a fake, a fraud, a snake/ Gimme all your love so I can fill you up with hate/ Girl I’m in a state, My heart melted yesterday”
Lily: Little Miss by Boa
“She gives you everything, but that’s not what you want to do/ And in the morning, you’re just gonna turn ‘round/ You’re gonna break it- You’re gonna break the bond.”
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myestringbroke · 5 years
Week One
In our first week we chose our first song and decided instrumentation for the band, our song choices were between, What You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani, Naive - The Kooks, Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand, Smile - Lily Allen and Round Round- Sugababes.
We decided to choose Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand and had to reorganise the instrumentation so that we had a full band, I am on bass, Amber R on drums, James on lead guitar, Lauren on rhythm guitar, Cassie on the keys and Katie, Caitlyn and Amber O on vocals.
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rainydawgradioblog · 4 years
RDR Music Rotation Adds - 04/07/20
Due to COVID-19, all regular DJ slots at Rainy Dawg Radio have been either cancelled or moved to the blog in text form. Without broadcasting restrictions, our DJs are no longer required to make selections from the Music Rotation, so the weekly additions have been repurposed into a blog series. All adds written by the Music Director.
The Garden - Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (art punk, experimental rock)
They're a punk band but you can tell they toured with Machine Girl. Swings capriciously between jumpy post-punk, lo-fi twangy guitar and synth collages, screamed blastbeat sections, pseudo-trap and breakbeat digital hardcore. Moody, angsty, sun-bleached, and always running at 80 miles per hour.
Mamaleek - Come and See (experimental rock, metal, avant-garde)
An alienating post-whatever album built of cathartic blasts of noise, agonized wails, demonic blues riffs and… jazz jams? Guitar work shifts flawlessly from eerie detuned twang to distorted atonal scratching, while the rhythm section stays firmly in the pocket, allowing the band to drift into chaos and still keep headbanging.
Code Orange - Underneath (hardcore, industrial metal)
Over-the-top metalcore/hardcore merged with industrial electronics, occasionally stepping into nu-metal and mathcore territory. Walls of distorted guitar interspersed with blasts of electronic noise, time signature shifts and glitchy breakdowns.
Little Wings - Froggy's (indie pop, folk)
Kyle Field returns to his usual indie-folk sound armed with a synth and drum machine. Melodicas and soft, wobbly synths dance around soft-strummed acoustic guitars and Kyle’s kind-bearded-uncle voice.
Prolaps - Pure Mud Volume 7 (breakcore, footwork)
A collaboration between Machine Girl and Kill Alters’ Bonnie Baxter. Wonky, noisy and chaotic. A disorienting smear of warped vocals, samples, blips and bloops, tied together by heavy-hitting drum machines and minimalist synth melodies.
Childish Gambino - 3.15.20 (neo-soul, art rap)
Donald Glover’s first album under the Childish Gambino moniker in 4 years sees him experimenting with spacey passages and occasional grimy production, while letting his pop sensibilities shine through. Funk guitars, neo-soul vocal harmonies, and pseudo-industrial electronics make up an impressively diverse palate of sound.
Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud (indie pop)
Katie Crutchfield writes cozy, familiar indie pop songs tinged with country and soft rock tendencies. Saint Cloud boasts impressive songwriting and arrangements, with plenty of lush vocal harmonies, and a sprinkle of psychedelic synthesizers.
The Weeknd - After Hours (r&b, synthpop)
After Hours might be The Weeknd’s most consistent illustration of his trademark glossy, futuristic r&b sound to date. Crispy, lo-fi drum machines sitting under a wash of hazy synths and delicate, reverb-lathered croons.
Yves Tumor - Heaven To A Tortured Mind (art rock, glam pop)
Heaven To A Tortured Mind sounds like a modern glam rock band that’s been reinvented with modern production, then warped, distorted, and splattered across the stereo field. Noisy synths and manipulated sounds peek out from behind, and Sean Bowie’s vocals swim in a wash of sound.
Thundercat - It Is What It Is (soul, jazz-funk)
An impressive jazz fusion album that strikes a balance between chill and complex. Downplayed keyboards and synths form a rich harmonic bed, shaken up by Thundercat’s virtuosic bass playing while his soft, buttery-smooth falsetto glides above. Lil B feature!
Lily Konigsberg - It’s Just Like all the Clouds (indie pop)
4 miniature nuggets of pop gold, barely ever passing two minutes each. Lily's soft, airy voice and lush accompanying harmonies glide over bright guitar chords, uplifting instrumental leads and a punchy, upbeat rhythm section. The musical equivalent of sunshine and a soft breeze.
Control Top - One Good Day (punk)
A powerhouse of fuzzy riffs and that good loud gay screaming. The thudding, insistent rhythm section carries the band through as they break into a noisy splatter of manipulated vocals.
Frank Ocean - Dear April / Cayendo (dream pop, neo-soul)
A pair of chill, floaty “acoustic” singles, centered around Frank’s voice and a few simple keyboard and guitar chords. Self-harmonized, layered vocals swim in a pool of warm, wet warble. Cozy and calming.
Yufi - s/t (PLURcore, EDM, screamo)
Nostalgic and emotional atmospheric EDM with a whole salad of sound mixed in: shoegaze guitars, noisy, hard-hitting drum machines, indie rock twang, blastbeats, harsh sreams, and soaring autotuned vocals reminiscent of 100gecs. EDM 4 punx.
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krispyweiss · 5 years
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Bob Weir and Wolf Bros at Taft Theatre, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 6, 2019
Some things never change:
Bob Weir saying, “We’ll be back in just a little bit” at the end of the opening set and his quirky, slashing style of guitar playing for example.
And some things do:
Like Weir playing in a trio with drummer Jay Lane and double-bassist Don Was in an outfit called Bob Weir and Wolf Bros. (No period, except at the end of a sentence).
Having no lead instrument and no one besides Lane on backing vocals sounds like one would expect - empty where solos should be, heavy on rhythm and occasionally off-key.
Sometimes it works extremely well.
Other times it does not.
At their best, Weir and his Bros are a slinky, acoustic-based trio in the Americana tradition or a taut rock 'n' roll group.
At their worst, they sound incomplete - like a rhythm section kicking around at rehearsal waiting for their lead guitarist and keyboard player to show up.
While the band visited both the peaks and valleys in Cincinnati, they mostly settled in the middle, turning in what can be best described as a solid, Weir-led Grateful Dead spin-off show that was more successful that RatDog in its latter years, but much less exciting than Bob Weir & the Campfire Band.
The Bros kicked up their career-spanning March 6 show in Cincinnati's Taft Theatre with Weir on acoustic for the Grateful Dead’s folksy chestnut “Friend of the Devil.” It was a fortuitous opener and sounded terrific despite lyrical lapses from a tanned, slimmed-down frontman, who dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt (more change). Weir played a chunky solo while Was and Lane held it down, leading into an hourlong first set was mostly well-tailored for this line up, with in-the-pocket and rarely played tracks such as “Eternity” and “The Winners” popping up.
It covered nearly five decades, from the show opener to RatDog’s “Ashes and Glass,” served as a sandwich with one of Jerry Garcia Band's favorite covers, “Don’t Let Go,” stuffed in between, to “Lay My Lily Down,” from Weir’s 2016 "cowboy" solo LP Blue Mountain.
The Bros are at their most familial when Weir is unplugged, which he was until "Me and My Uncle" ended four songs in and he switched to the first of three electric guitars he'd play over the course of the evening for "Loose Lucy."
The second half is where Weir was fully Dead - focusing almost exclusively on songs he wrote or originally sang lead on - and stayed plugged from the first to the last, which came 90 minutes later.
The opening “Playing in the Band” was full of holes and the Bros seemed to cry out for one more sibling. Same thing with the "The Music Never Stopped"->"Easy Answers"->"Music Reprise" sandwich that followed; these were performances that had moments within the songs but occasionally came close to petering out for lack of a lead player and left the wordless backing vocals on “Music” to the exuberant audience.
"Lost Sailer"->"Saint of Circumstance" worked better than they should have, given their heavy reliance on backing vocals and lead guitar. But Weir tinkered with the arrangements just enough that these were highlights of the set. And when Lane began pounding out the beat(les) to "Tomorrow Never Knows," the Wolf pack was in its element, heavy on the psychedelia as Weir's clangy guitar playing sounds like a backward tape loop when it’s barreling straight ahead.
"Wharf Rat," like so many Garcia ballads, was a terrible choice for Weir’s voice and this group of players and sucked the energy out of the nearly sold-out theater, while "Going Down the Road Feeling Bad" pumped it right back up - Weir playing and singing almost like he did on versions of "(Turn on Your) Lovelight" back when he was Dead - and provided one of the show's highest lights just as it came to an end.
Which made the encore - a hollow-sounding rendition of "Touch of Grey" - a sour note to end on.
Grade card: Bob Weir and Wolf Bros at Taft Theatre - 3/6/19 - B
See more photos here.
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mfmagazine · 5 years
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Official Hot Mess
Article by Victoria Laurey
The dynamic duo, known as Official Hot Mess, is anything but that. Landers sisters, Kristy and Lindsey, are a punk/rock band that formed back in 2007, earning them their first record deal before graduating high school. The band members consist of: Lindsey Landers- Niedenfuer (vocals/guitar), Kristy Landers-Niedenfuer (vocals/bass), Jake Freeman (lead guitar), Adam Evans (Rhythm guitar), Billy Burke (bass), and Joe Pezzino (drums). Selling countless albums and topping the charts overseas, OHM is now making their way into the states. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, this is the ultimate girl pair we should be looking out for. You may have heard their music on your favorite reality television series, such as: The Hills, The City, Jersey Shore, and My Super Sweet 16. Their music video for, “Welcome to L.A” peaked at #2 on MTVU.  With their endless girl power lyrics and in-your-face image, OHM will soon become a household name. With a reality series of their life in the works, we will see inside the world that these girls will invite us into.
These girls are more than just pretty faces and pop/rock edginess. They are also involved in Clean Oceans, an environmentalism campaign formed to encourage young people to help keep the beaches and oceans clean by picking up trash, and not using plastic grocery bags or disposable plastic water bottles. In May 2010, they completed a photo shoot for the NOH8 Campaign. The NOH8 Campaign is a silent protest photo project against California Proposition 8.  The campaign features photographs portraying people in front of a white backdrop wearing white t-shirts, their mouths taped shut and "NOH8" painted on their cheeks On the big screen, Kristy and Lindsey costarred with Andy Dick in the comedy, Kissing Strangers and had lead roles in The Brotherhood V: Alumni.
What is it about your favorite artists: Blondie, Pat Benatar, The Go Gos, and Katy Perry, that inspires your sound?
Blondie, Pat Benetar and The Go Go’s were all iconic women in music and they paved the wave for future female rockers. Were inspired by elements from all of their individual styles, and like to incorporate each of them into our own personal style.
Kristy, you are an animal activist that works for PETA. What work do you take on with helping such a cause? Would you ever be one their spokes-models if they offered you the chance?
We’re both major animal activists and are proud to be active members of PETA. We volunteer at animal shelters and charity events, doing everything from performing at the events to walking dogs and cleaning kennels. We recently shot a very powerful PSA for PETA and would definitely be a spokes model for them.  
Lindsey, you say you are a shopping addict. What are your favorite clothing stores? Do you see yourself creating your own clothing line in the future?
It’s really funny ‘cause I love shopping, and Kristy hates it… but we both love to create styles and design clothes, and a clothing line down the road is a definite possibility. Some of our favorite clothing stores and designers include Guess, Betsey Johnson, Rock and Republic and Gasoline Glamour.
You describe yourselves as being, "Old-fashioned rock and roll party". What about that particular image makes you want to portray just that?
I think a definite element of our styles and personalities is a care free, fun, live for the moment attitude, just like an old fashioned rock and roll party.
When you received your first record deal before graduating high school, what was the experience like for you?  
We were always sort of outcasts in high school because we were always so into our music and not into the academics (we attended a public high school for academically gifted students). So when we got our first deal and had to leave school, it was kind of bittersweet.
When you reached the charts in Asia, Australia, and parts of Europe, what went through your minds?
We were so excited when we heard how well the album was doing, but it didn’t really sink in until we arrived in Tokyo and saw the magnitude of the album’s success.
Your music was featured on popular shows like: The Hills, The City, Dollhouse and countless others. At the time, did you realize how far your dreams of being well-known in the states were becoming?
Hearing our music played on popular television shows is one of the most amazing feelings! To know that our song had the ability to enhance a pivotal moment in the show is a great feeling. Knowing that our fans in the US are finding a connection to our music is incredible-- We don’t take anything for granted and we appreciate every accomplishment we achieve. We’re so excited, we just found out that our new song, “Money Makes the Girl$ Go Round” is going to be featured on E!’s “Keeping up with the Kardashians”!
When you were younger, can you remember what it was like to perform on PBS? What song did you perform on the show?
We’ve been writing music since we were old enough to write. I think the song we sang on PBS was called “My Sister”. It’s one of those embarrassing things our proud Momma whips out on holidays!
Now with success comes a few obstacles. How did you face being taunting by your classmates?
High school was a difficult time for us, we were thought of as rebels and outcasts for pursuing music. While all the other kids were focusing on SAT scores and Ivy League schools, we were touring in Japan and barely keeping our grades up. Even now, high schools not far behind us, but bygones are bygones and we've learned a lot and grown from those experiences, bad and good. However, we'd like to dedicate track eight from Lily Allen's 'It's Not Me It's You' album to them.
You have other interest besides music, which is film and television. What in film and television would you like to pursue?
Music is definitely our focus right now, but we’ve had the opportunity to costar in some really fun film projects and have a few exciting projects coming up in the very near future.
There is talk about you guys doing a reality series about your lives. How do you want your band to be portrayed on camera? Will your other band mates have the same amount of air time as you?
We are working on a reality project now and the most important thing to us is that it is portrayed with honesty. We want our fans to be able to see behind the scenes of Official Hot Mess and the fun craziness that goes on when we get together with the four guys in the band, and the contrast of our lives at home with our mom and dad vs. being on the road.
You said that you went statue shopping with Michael Jackson. What was that experience like? Did you remain close friends with him?
Kristy and I accidentally went statue shopping with Michael Jackson. [Laughs]  One day, we were early for an appointment so we made a pit stop and walked into this store, just to kill some time.  All of the sudden, we hear swarms of paparazzi coming into the store - hundreds of them.  So we're like 'Whoa, this can't be for us.' [Laughs]  So, they shut down the entire store and now we're the only people in there.  In walks Michael Jackson with an umbrella. So we were freaking out and thinking 'what do we do?'. We tried to be really respectful of his privacy, so we walked into another room so he didn't think we were going to invade his space.  You've heard so many things about him like 'he's a germophobe' or whatever, and he was a living legend, so it's a bit intimidating to be around him. A couple of minutes later, he walked into the room that we were in, and he stood there and talked to us for over half an hour.  He was the nicest man I've ever met.  He was not a germophobe at all.  He gave us both hugs when we left.  It was a great time, and a really incredible experience, we even kept in touch for a few months after that.
What was your inspiration behind writing the lyrics for, “Pick your poison", and “Welcome to LA"?
We wrote “Pick Ur Poison” with our friend, Andrew Goldstein from the Friday Night Boys. The song is about a bittersweet love affair. The major inspiration for "Welcome 2 LA" derives from the fact that we come from a small beach town in Florida. It's such a culture shock coming to L.A. and seeing all of the crazy things that are happening. We get booked to play at the Playboy Mansion, and we're from this sleepy beach town in Florida. When you get to the Playboy Mansion, everybody's naked and they all have big fake boobs and you're like, "What the heck is going on?"
Where did the name, "Official Hot Mess", come from?
We call ourselves Official Hot Mess because it seems as though mischief and trouble always have a way of finding us; like the time we thought we were on a flight to LA and ended up in Puerto Rico...or the time my spike heel got caught on Lindsey's pants and I accidentally pantsed her on stage! We've definitely gotten into our fair share of trouble, from accidentally starting a bus brawl to narrowly avoiding arrest for skinny dipping in a pool after hours. We got chased by a wizard on Hollywood Blvd., and we accidentally sat in Bill Murray's seats at his own movie premiere.
What inspires you to write? Does that include past ordeals you had to face that came with the territory of fame?
We're inspired by anything and everything from getting rejected in Hollywood, to falling in love, and sometimes we'll just wake each other up in the middle of the night when we're inspired. The creative process for us is writing and recording.  It's like therapy for the soul…and it’s cheaper than a shrink. You can express anything you want to express, and it turns into something awesome.
When your future audience attends one of your shows, what is the message you want them to leave with?
When people come to our shows, we want them to leave their stress and troubles behind and just come to let loose, have a good time, and escape into the music.
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wknc881 · 5 years
Album Review: Crumb - Jinx
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   Best Songs: Ghostride, The Letter
FCC Clean
First off, I have to give credit where credit is due. Crumb has had an unbelievable stretch of success, especially since the band has remained unsigned since its inception. While attending Tufts University in Boston, the band came to fruition in 2016. The members were learning various programs of study including computer and cognitive science, psychology, and music. Coming from varying personal musical backgrounds, the group was comprised of musicians who were into jazz, soul, and rock. Soon after coming together, Crumb was formed and they worked on songs that lead singer and guitarist Lily Ramani had written. 
In 2016, their first release was a self-titled single which contained three tracks. Their second was an EP titled Locket, which had four songs and was released the next year. Now, almost two years later, the group has released a full-length, double-sided album titled Jinx. It is important for me to inform you that their most popular song has 11 million streams on Spotify and the band’s music has created somewhat of a cult following among listeners who like to partake in getting trippy with hallucinogens. It makes for a surreal and euphoric journey…according to them. I am in no way urging you to take part in that experience!
With all that being said, I was not a fan of this release. Yeah, there are some favorable qualities and segments to some of the songs, but they are few and far between and not enough to pique my interest.
I was first introduced to the group during my DJ days two semesters ago when I played a track from their EP. I wasn’t really into it then but I felt it was a good filler and it sounded like a song that some people would gravitate to. 
To me, Jinx sounds just plain lazy and unorganized. It’s almost as if not a lot of thought went into it but I’m pretty sure that’s the point of it. They try to arrange unconventionally and hats off to that, but the rhythm section sounds like joke riffing - as if the guitarist was fooling around with some funny lick and wanted to show his companions something amusing. 
It’s just an unmemorable piece of work in my not-so-important opinion. Crumb is dead set on taking the listener to a specific place in their consciousness but I’m not liking the destination I find myself in. 
I did like the guitars in Ghostride. The parts were unorthodox but seemed to flow better than the rest of the songs. The chorus was very rich with a multitude of tones containing high, yet subtle vocals. I also took to The Letter. It had a spooky sounding guitar tandem that frolicked about in minor. The bass traced the steps of the guitars eloquently and added a solid backbone to the track. 
Well folks, I hope you don’t find this review too offensive, though this was more of a look into the history of the band rather than a full-on review. After all, this is just MY opinion. I’m sure I would get tarred and feathered among the multitude of fans this band has worked hard to acquire. Though I’m shaming this release, I do urge you to take a listen to it. Objectively speaking, it has potential and could be considered a masterpiece to some since it seems to be out of the ordinary. Any band that self-releases something and has built success deserves a listen.
- Justin Capoccia
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avaliveradio · 5 years
3.25 March Rock Mania New Music Monday Playlist
Todays show is all about Rock and Roll. Get ready Rock fans to discover some new favorites.
Listen to the show : Starts at 8 am et on all broadcasting outlets including: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio
Artist: Rosetta Fire
New Release: Shakedown
Genre: Indie Rock
Located in: Warwickshire, England
This song is...  'Shakedown is about shaking off those fears of failure and giving it your best shot. Re-inventing yourself somewhat. Taking the best wishes of those around you and aiming to do them proud; but ultimately knowing that you have given it everything. For us that is music, but I don't feel it's limited to that.' Ant Gliddon - lead singer from Rosetta Fire. https://open.spotify.com/track/3DN3BIUNvtt9qQ3Og53pC5?si=biknPbTnToyPHDpoTDYvpw
The music we are creating is... Rosetta Fire will continue to showcase their unique brand of pop melodies, jazz inspired hooks, funk rhythms and folk rock vibes in venues around the UK in 2019, playing newly composed material in their live shows and honing their signature sound. Their blend of tight harmonies, strong melodies and memorable lyrics with an added pinch of optimism are trademark Rosetta Fire, with each new song showing a flash of creative brilliance from a band with an unorthodox sound.
Right now we are... New single - Shakedown - Out Now!!
LINKS:  http://jaminrecords.com https://www.facebook.com/keepitjamin https://www.dropbox.com/s/7t1fefwu8itbbie/Jamin%20Records%20Logo%20Jpeg.jpg?dl=0 https://www.facebook.com/rosettafire https://open.spotify.com/artist/3rmp6r2mQGvzYflJyIb8Py
Artist: Greg Hoy & The Boys
New Release: Brilliant Jerk!
Genre: Indie Rock
Located in: San Francisco, CA
This song is... 'Brilliant Jerk' is the song you always wanted to have at a party to play at just the right moment when that certain someone starts talking and now it's finally been written. This is a classic.' (Please Pass The Indie).
The music we are creating is... People need to dance and move the positive energy all around the world: even if the song is about a guy that talks too much!
Right now we are... The band is embarking on an 8 month tour of the USA in a 1973 Airstream with 2003 Ford Econoline van
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/3ZmYnyBe8AneFOJT80yfI0?si=CsWEU1KvQkmvTEcBjhMn5Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDADgfCrdGA https://www.facebook.com/HoyMusic
Artist: NewClue New Release: Homeless Genre: Hard Rock
Located in: New London CT,USA
This song is about homeless people & families & how it can happen to anyone! The music we are creating is relatable. We try keeping it real, by dealing with life's everyday struggles. There's always a price to pay for your actions. This campaign is so timely with the rebirth of yesteryear's Rockers and widespread revival tours. In our opinion, the 80's music was an expression; one that left a strong impact on a lot of us today. Everything has a way of coming full circle, and we see the 80's sound returning, but with a fresh reboot. We are CLASSIC ROCK REBORN with a NewClue. We sound like a big hair metal band with a little of today's song formatting (Shorter intros… BANG into the song). Our songs are little stories. They make you think ! If you like 80's and/or 90's metal/hard rock (Iron Maiden, Queensryche, AC/DC, Krokus, etc), you will bang your head to NewClue too.
Right now we are... Neil (our vocalist) has recently under going a Micro Laryngoscopy as he has Acid Reflux damage to his Vocal Cords. He has just recovered & we are writing again.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/NewClue https://open.spotify.com/album/6v9VzmHOkUhoz6kfTaOv6T https://twitter.com/NewClue2 https://www.facebook.com/NewClueBand
Artist: Vovkulaka New Release: Purple Door
Genre: Metal/Dubstep
Located in: Odessa, Ukraine
This song is...  Think...Korn meets the Buddha...Vovkulaka takes you deep into the mystic realm of Buddhist meditation. Based on a true story of a band member who was taken into a meditative state and asked to open the Purple Door to achieve Bodhi(enlightenment)...However, the Demon 'Mara' makes this impossible...It is a Nu-Metal version of fear and temptation. It features spoken word, in Russian and English, from Naya G and JuleZ. In the end, darkness is chosen... https://open.spotify.com/track/2TzM4AsfwvIT9kE4AV7iSo?si=T5DzEnIFQU-g6wlXY6zWDg
The music we are creating is... Dark - Angry - Evil Metal. Most important, this is the first Vovkulaka track to Feature Naya G and JuleZ. Right now we are we are working on our CD featuring all our Singles!
LINKS:  Twitter.com/VovkulakaMusic Facebook.com/VovkulakaFanPage Instagram.com/VovkulakaMusic

Artist: Then Falls The Sky New Release: Letting Go
Genre: Metalcore
Located in: Bainbridge, Ohio
This song is... ’Letting Go’ is a song about not letting your past define your future. Letting go and living in the present.
The music we are creating is... Energetic and hopeful. This be EP is holding nothing back and L etting Go is a great look at what is to come.
Right now we are... Recording a new EP for this summer. We are very excited about 2019.
LINKS:  RN : https://www.reverbnation.com/thenfallsthesky/song/30469800-letting-go Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/6wFIcwmfhGMo9Ya2BBmMJD?si=mVEdq-sxS7u4bJJk94ZHhw  Twitter : @thenfallsthesky Facebook : www.facebook.com/thenfallsthesky Instagram : @thenfallsthesky
Artist: The Soul Exchange
New Release: Right Here
Genre: Heavy Metal / Melodic Metal
Located in: Stockholm, Sweden
This song is...  The Soul Exchange is a Swedish melodic metal band that mixes Classic Hard Rock with a contemporary Metal sound. They have taken influences from the 70’s Hard Rock scene and created their own style of Metal infused, guitar driven hard rock, with great attention to the melodies and grand vocal arrangements. "Right Here" is a song that represent the essence of The Soul Exchange with heavy guitar riffs and a grand vocal chorus.
The music we are creating is... "Right Here" is the 2nd single from the latest album "Edge of Sanity", and it is representative for what the band is all about, heavy guitar riffs coped with melodic vocal lines and grand vocal choruses.
Right now we are... The band is currently working on new songs for an upcoming 3rd album, with a tentative release late in 2019, combined with playing live gigs as they come.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/2qc0gMUWLoLntd8yh9CbXG?si=iEFfONOkR4SR54lcPteanQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulexchangeofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/soulexchange1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesoulexchangeofficial
Artist: Ascent
New Release: Beacon Eleven
Genre: Rock, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Melodic Rock
Located in: Lake Forest, California
Ascent is a duo disrupting the Southern California live music scene by producing the sound of a full band with only two people. Part organic and part machine, darkened with fragments of light. This new single is heavily influenced by 70’s prog rock and 80’s metal and includes heavy guitar (PRS), hard-hitting rhythms (Roland V) and pleading, turbulent vocals.
Their New release ‘Beacon Eleven’ is takes the listener on a fantastic voyage placing you in the story, lost at sea and then relegated to a life alone on a desert island. One day you are rescued only to befall a horrible fate upon your return to civilization.
It is a heartbreaking tale of strength, triumph and tragedy. It asks if you are all alone and if so can you survive alone.
LINKS: https://www.reverbnation.com/ascent/song/29330494-beacon-eleven https://open.spotify.com/album/6stTDHL41teaaSHyGOCxOv?nd=1 https://www.twitter.com/ascentrocks https://www.facebook.com/ascentrocks https://www.instagram.com/ascentrocks
Artist: Cabela and Schmitt
New Release: Messin' With My Mind
Genre: Rock
Located in: Colorado and Nebraska USA
This song is... We are a trio of song makers who are attempting to provide as much music as we can for our current fans and the new to come. We've been writing songs for a long, long, but a couple of years ago we decided we should share our inspirations with other ears besides our own. Since then we have shared 7 releases with over 170 songs.Messin' With My Mind is a 70's/80's sounding rock song about a relationship that has emotional questions about its course.
The music we are creating is... This song is one of many we will share in the next few months/years, as one of our goals is to share swiftly and often the inspirations we are continually receiving. We hope to use AVA as one of the many tools to reach the people who might enjoy what it is we do. We are so grateful for the opportunity.
Right now we are... Putting the finishing touches on a new album set to be released April 15th
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/6nrQmpsN5hSXNb0P8P7EII?si=pgExLWz5TuGRf0BrIC1c4w https://twitter.com/CabelaSchmitt https://www.facebook.com/cabelaschmittmusic https://www.instagram.com/cabelaandschmitt http://www.cabelaandschmitt.com
Artist: Thomas Thunder New Release: Lily
Genre: Progressive Rock Pop
Located in: Fairhaven, Ma
This song is... "Lily" is an Instrumental Progressive Rock Pop song with strong percussive elements. It has an uplifting tempo that's fun to dance to.
The music we are creating is... The music Thomas creates continues to be in the Progressive genre, primarily with strong rock overtones. This song is a little different in that it has a pop feel to it with the dance tempo and the varying percussion throughout. There are genre changes within the song, which gives it a Progressive label, so to speak, and there are rock elements as well. Not being restricted to a certain genre is what inspires Thomas to gravitate towards the Progressive genre.
Right now we are... Thomas is excited about creating a digitally animated video for the song 'Lily'. He's also planning on entering the Eventide Theater Songwriting competition for the second year in a row.
LINKS:  https://www.instagram.com/thomasthunder11 https://twitter.com/ThomasThunder10 https://soundcloud.com/user-930498945
Artist: Mick J. Clark
New Release: Me My Body And I
Genre: Rock
Located in: United Kingdom
This song is... Screw my music, I want Kids to stop Self Harming, and hopefully being 'Empowered' by listening to this song I wrote for them.
To know that children are Self Harming, with some children even committing suicide breaks my heart. Children shouldn't be feeling they need to do this to themselves. My song is a 'message' to children, to Empower them. To eradicate Mental Health problems you must make the 'Root' of society, ( the children ), better educated and more knowledgeable about the pitfalls, the traps and the many ways that 'adults' will try to psychologically screw your young lives up, and then 'adults' spend millions trying to put it right.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/control_room/artist/3437780/songs https://open.spotify.com/album/0qg64Qc6oSgZg7z8kA3XV3?si=DSHTr4AwQca7Wqx7OP1kPw https://soundcloud.com/mickjclark/me-my-body-and-i
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tommysmusic-blog1 · 5 years
Music Performance Techniques - Rehearsals Continued
In the lead up to our second performance it has come to light that Alfie and Owen will unfortunately not be able to take part. This is because Alfie is not in the country and Owen has been having some personal difficulty, this means that it will only be myself, Lily and Ragna performing.
The songs we have chosen are “south of the river” by Tom Misch, “feels like I only go backwards” by Tame Impala and finally “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac, with the loss of Alfie and Owen we have been reduced to only drums, piano and guitar. Alfie was originally meant to perform the Tame Impala song, however in his absence I will be taking over on vocals and guitar. The song does not require a key lead part on guitar so I will only need to play the chords whilst I sing. 
After practicing “feels like I only go backwards” we decided that we would begin with the original Chorus and first verse and then sing a verse from Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy”, before continuing onwards with the songs real lyrics. In terms of how the band plays these songs I would say we are more relaxed in playing together since the first performance. Although we have lost Alfie and Owen, I believe our communication and confidence has bettered with smaller numbers.  
“Dreams” along with “feels like I only go backwards” are both relatively easy with repetitive chord sequences and we have been able to get these down fairly easy, Lily will be singing “dreams” and “south of the river” at the performance. As I have said in the past, it very useful having great singers in the band at our disposal, and on this occasion very lucky, because although we are missing members we will still be able to showcase the vocals and skill of the girls and provide the audience with a strong performance. 
“south of the river” requires me to take on much more of a lead guitar role. The song consists of a key riff played throughout the song along with chords during the verse, for this piece we will have to recruit another bass player who will most likely be Bob. The bass is quite essential to the overall groove and feel of the piece and it is also needed to help provide a balance between my lone lead guitar parts and the rest of the band. This song is by far the most complicated in our set, in terms of practicing beyond what we do in rehearsals together it has required me to put more effort into playing at home. I've always practiced the pieces at home but as it is a lead part rather than an accompanying rhythm part as I have played in the past I have had to practice harder. 
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emmaswritingdump · 7 years
Battle of the Bands- Chapter One
Words: 1376
Pairing: Drarry
AO3 // Wattpad
Ch 2
Harry first started playing guitar when he was eleven years old.
He walked into the Hogwarts Music Center with a heart full of happiness, already feeling at home. Hogwarts was both a music store and a lesson center, and he was surrounded by musical instruments everywhere he looked. People were strumming guitars in one corner, beating on drums in another, playing electric keyboards in another, and browsing for sheet music in the center of it all. Music filled the air, noise coming at him from every direction, and he never felt more at home in the atmosphere of beautiful controlled chaos.
Harry's parents had been musicians, but they had been killed when he was an infant. He had lived with his aunt and uncle his entire life, but they had never allowed him to play music like his parents did- until now.
He looked and felt tiny with the acoustic guitar strapped to his back in its case, but he eagerly made his way to the big sign in the back labeled "lessons".
Harry felt so powerful strumming his guitar in that first lesson. He could make music. Not just tapping and humming, real music. For once in his life, he felt perfectly happy and in control. He decided he never wanted to lose that feeling again.
That feeling of joy only increased when he met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They were both new students, too- Ron played bass guitar, and Hermione played the drums. They were both really nice and, despite the fact that they bickered a lot even from that first day, he knew he wanted to be friends with them as long as he could.
Draco Malfoy was a different story.
Draco Malfoy was a pale kid with slicked-back blond hair who played the drums. He always wore a sneer on his face, especially when looking at Hermione and Ron. He put himself on a pedestal because his parents, grand parents, great-grandparents, and on and on through the generations were all musicians.
Malfoy spoke to Harry on their first day of lessons as soon as he heard the names of Harry's parents.
"You're Lily and James Potter's son?" he said, to which Harry nodded. Malfoy introduced himself. "I'm Draco Malfoy. My family is all musicians, and has been for centuries- there's a rumor we're descended from Mozart. Anyway, what I'm saying is: I'm like royalty around here. By being the son of Lily and James Potter, you're like... almost royalty. You should be spending time with people like me, not-" he shoots an irritated glance at Ron and Hermione. "-well, you know. You don't want to be seen hanging out with the wrong sort of people."
Harry glared at him with all the coldness his tiny self could muster up. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks."
The Potter-Malfoy feud thrived for several years.
The two were constantly at each other's throats for six years. Every time they saw each other in the Music Center or at performances, it was nonstop bickering.
They watched each other grow up. Harry watched as Malfoy stopped slicking back his hair and let it grow out to be long and unruly, and nearly to his shoulders. Malfoy watched Harry grow into a tall boy with a few tattoos- a lightning bolt on his forearm, a small golden ball with wings on his collarbone, a white owl on his lower back, which Draco saw when Harry was showing it off to Ron and Hermione after he first got it- an eyebrow ring, and a small piercing in the side of his nose. Malfoy himself had eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings, plus full tattoo sleeves. Harry always wore old, too-big clothes handed down to him from his cousin- old t-shirts, ripped, baggy jeans, and worn, dirty sneakers- and maybe a t-shirt of his own that actually fit every now and then. Malfoy mostly wore ripped black skinny jeans and sneakers, along with a black t-shirt or tank top and sometimes accompanied by a leather jacket.
Harry and Malfoy tried to spend as little time together as possible, but its was difficult to avoid each other entirely, seeing as how their lessons were at the same time on the same day and they were both too stubborn to change. Plus, they both spent a lot of time at Hogwarts, even when they weren't at lessons. They both worked there, acted as substitutes when the teachers couldn't make it, and just generally hung out. For Harry, it was an escape from the Dursleys to a place that truly felt like home. For Draco, it was an escape from a cold, unforgiving home environment solely focused on being the best instead of having fun.
Now they're seventeen, the new school year is beginning, and lessons are resuming for those who took the summer off. After this school year, Harry and Malfoy will both be too old to continue taking lessons at Hogwarts.
There's an event at the end of every school year for students who have been taking lessons for at least three years: Battle of the Bands. Students have the opportunity to join other students and form a band, then compete against the rest. Neither Malfoy nor Harry has ever competed in it before, but this year they both they decide they will- if only because it's their last opportunity.
Harry gets his band together on the first day back at lessons. Hermione on drums, Ron on bass, himself on lead guitar, Ron's sister Ginny on rhythm guitar, and their friend Neville on keyboard.
Draco is already in his band, and has been since he was fourteen. Pansy Parkinson on keyboard, Blaise Zabini on lead guitar, Theodore Nott on bass, himself on drums, and Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle doing background vocals because they wanted to be included.
When the boys find out they will be competing against each other, they start pushing themselves and their bandmates harder than they've ever been pushed before in order to be the best.
Their friends are getting sick of them.
They decide to do something about it.
"Why are we here, Pansy?" Ginny asks with crossed arms. "We have a very rare break from rehearsal right now, and I'd like to spend it doing something enjoyable."
"So Potter's obsessing over this thing, too?" Pansy asks, speaking quietly. She had delivered secret messages to all of them through other students telling them to meet her and her bandmates- except Draco- behind Hogwarts on Saturday at noon, and here they are. She kind of thought they wouldn't show up, but they did. Really not very wise on their part.
Ron narrows his eyes. "What is this about, Parkinson?"
Pansy huffs and tucks a green-streaked strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Draco- he's gone insane. He's so determined to beat Potter at this stupid Battle of the Bands thing. It's ridiculous! He's obsessed with beating him, and I'm sick of it."
"Harry's been the same way," Hermione says hesitantly. "Ever since he found out you guys are competing, he's been making us have five-hour practices every day after school, and he's even worse on weekends."
"We need to do something about it," Pansy urges them. "I don't like you, but right now we have a common enemy- the Potter-Malfoy rivalry." She sighs deeply. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the feud needs to come to an end entirely. It's lasted long enough."
Ron lets out a breathy, bitter sort of laugh. "Tell me about it. Harry's great and all, and he's my best mate, but all I've heard from the guy the past few years is Malfoy this and Malfoy that- I've heard so many conspiracy theories about the Malfoys I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. Are they all natural brunettes? Clones? Satanic cult leaders? I don't know!"
"So you'll help us?" Theodore says.
Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville all look at each other hesitantly. They come together in a huddle, whispering and debating amongst themselves.
Finally they come out of the huddle. Hermione slowly walks toward Pansy.
She holds her hand out.
"We're in," she says.
Pansy smiles and shakes Hermione's hand."Excellent."  
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