#so forgive me if I'm upset
oysters-aint-for-me · 3 months
i will always love bojack horseman for having diane nguyen visibly gain weight after taking antidepressants and having her take them anyway and be better for it
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transmechanicus · 6 months
I've had the perspective in my prev relationships that my partner is so cool and I'm on some level unworthy of them but at this particular moment my neural chemistry has re-aligned and I've decided actually I'm too good for them and my sheer magnificence was too much for them to take.
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frociaggine · 7 months
There's a specific kind of feeling when someone you parted ways with badly is going through something upsetting, and you can't do anything except watch from a distance and feel useless.
It's like: my former friend is suffering and I should be there to offer support, but would that make it worse? would they appreciate it? should I go through a third party, or send an anon ask? I'm sorry you feel this way and I can't do shit to help, and I remember the good moments more than I could care about the bad, but I don't want to make your pain about me.
It's like grieving a lost relationship all over again
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voicedbychrispratt · 1 year
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God I'm so disappointed
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
U know when ur brain is Like That and whatever it is you have to eat is suddenly Illegal???
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
At least for the aspec part of the leverage fandom, I’m guessing it’s the heavy themes of found family between the entire crew and the queer platonic vibes of the OT3
yeah. yeah. oh man. like we have a story that prioritises relationships that aren't shown to us as romantic just as highly as the relationships that are, and we have parker who regardless of how you interpret her can be read as a-spec and loved and supported by the people around her and that's great, and we have a happy ending that says "actually, our tough guy (who doesn't seem to settle down with anyone romantically, though we see him date) would be most fulfilled with hardison and with parker, with no explicit romance, but with a lifelong promise of mutual devotion."
(it's a very important thing to me that the story works like that, with parker+eliot+hardison being totally platonic. I love other readings. I do. but what we were given, viewed through the least shippy goggles available, works. and it packs a hell of a punch.)
and listen, I've said it before but "my nana used to say that what's normal is whatever works for you" is such a beautiful sentiment to be applied to SO many things (gender, neurodiversity, queerness, polyamory, queerplatonic relationships, choosing a life of crime instead of a 'proper' career, etc), and it is lovely.
which is to say… yeah. agreed. it's great. and it does make sense. :D
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
*inhales deeply* fuck endeavor.
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candyskiez · 3 months
Love hearing my mom muttering about how stressful being my parent is and about how exhausting it is after I. Asked her if I should be worried about not being able to breathe. Jesus fucking Christ I just want to be able to rely on my parents for five minutes is that too much to fucking ask for
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umbra-borealis · 1 month
Saw cool art IMMEDIATELY followed by that person rattling about the how 'bad the 2014 Thief gameplay is' and I'm sorry but that is the worst fucking take I've ever seen in my life.
I'm currently playing through the original trilogy and I won't be finishing the first two games because of how ass the controls are. Maybe it's just not for me and that's fine but that doesn't mean the entire game is bad. I'm so sick of this absolute garbage of an excuse not to give a game a chance because 9 out of 10 times they're not talking about the 'gameplay' and I don't think they are now because playing through Deadly Shadows literally made me go 'oh shit so that's where 2014 got it from' multiple times.
This goes for all videogames, stop being a dick. Stop being so unnecessarily aggressive in your opinion towards media because if you were a bit hit personally by me earlier calling the Thief 1 and 2 controls ass, that's my point, not fun is it? I've been saying this for YEARS but PLEASE just say 'I didn't like it' and keep it at that or slap it behind a read more or something. Just going 'it's bad it's bad' is not a review, feedback nor critique. People who love that thing don't wanna see it and to see it in a tag FOR that thing is worse. I go to that tag to find other people who like the same thing, not you ranting about how much you hate it.
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paintedmesgolden · 10 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
hey, um, so i heard something about you supporting proshippers, and i just wanted to know if that was true?
not trying to start anything, just wanna know, sorry ('^-^)
i'm not a proshiper!!! but not an anti either i think? like don't get me wrong i despise pedo and underage artworks like hell but i also just blocked the tags and ships that make me feel uncomfortable a long time ago so i don't see it/reblog it accidentally and haven't seen anything like that in a while on my dash
and quite frankly labels like proship and anti terrify me HHH i don't agree nor condone harrasment or hate bombing but i also don't like proship content, especially untagged. i know you mean well dw but if i reblog anything that makes anyone uncomfortable please send me an ask to properly tag it to avoid further discomfort! i just wanna post and reblog art that caters to my hyperfixations hhh :'D
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marrissacooper · 1 year
sometimes I think about the concept of the Hyde and if I had a blood thirsty beast inside of me unlocked by trauma and torture that I couldn't control, I don't think I would've done better than tyler galpin
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
Daniel saved Grace because he wanted to. If he stayed alive and saw their family dying, even the kids (he genuinely didnt give a fuck about those fuckers), he wouldn't blame Grace anyway. He wouldn't want to kill her, he wouldn't try to hunt her. If anything, he already believed all his family, including himself, deserve to die. He was that miserable and traumatized.
I genuinely believe that if he saw his entire family being blown up, but by the will of the devil stayed alive bc he actually tried to save Grace (and the devil finds it fun), he would've said a simple "Go." He would've told her to get out of there. He genuinely believed that Grace deserved better. The worst case scenario, Daniel would question why the hell did he stay alive when the only person in this family he genuinely cared about was Alex and now he died. He would've either tried to end his life then and there (after cursing at Le Bail, questioning on why, and still not getting killed even then. And I can even imagine Grace trying to protect him. Trying to convince him leaving with her, "We'll think of something. Daniel, please." Shielding Daniel from Le Bail.) Or Daniel would've become even more depressed & then it only depends if he finds reasons to live (and maybe seeks Grace out after a while, talking through this nightmare) or not.
But at no point in the story I think Daniel would've tried to hunt Grace down and kill her after he is so desperately tried to save her ("Alex might be in a wrong not to tell her, but do you remember how you reacted when I told you?"). Daniel tried to warn Grace at the very beginning but also didn't think it's his business (and he wanted Alex to be happy). It was very conflicting for him & I truly believe in him and his good personal treats. Also, Charity couldn't give a single fuck about Daniel and his well-being, only about the money, so why should I care? She didn't love Daniel and only insulted him again and again. Screw her.
You can believe otherwise, but not on my blog and not on my posts. This is a free Daniel x Charity & Alex x Grace zone. I won't elaborate any more than that (at least not at the moment). Please just leave if you disagree (and do not hit that reblog button if you disagree. I am not up for a debate.)
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pa-pa-plasma · 5 months
the thing people rarely talk about is being unable to tell if you're sick or not because you already have these symptoms chronically. like yes i still have a cough, but all the other symptoms of long covid are basically normal for me
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skeletonnerdy · 8 months
You know? What if I just started posting again as if I didn't disappear for 4 months, like hypothetically...
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