#my stomach is upset & my heart is like. vibrating
pa-pa-plasma · 9 months
the thing people rarely talk about is being unable to tell if you're sick or not because you already have these symptoms chronically. like yes i still have a cough, but all the other symptoms of long covid are basically normal for me
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luveline · 5 months
how’re eddie and roan doing??🫶🏻
(step)mom!reader, 2k
Sometimes you know you’re not good enough for Eddie and his daughter.
It’s a pinprick pain in the same place. The tiniest fear turned to heat.
“I’m gonna get you!” he warns.
“No, you’re not!” Roan stands at the other side of the room. With the door at her father’s back, she has no proof to substantiate her claim, but she makes it anyway. “You’re slow!”
You sit on the end of the bed with one leg hanging off, a socked foot brushing the carpet. Your legs are aching and the bottom of your spine feels bruised, so you aren’t joining in tonight. You watch them glare and giggle at one another.
Your head hurts between your eyes.
Eddie makes a ‘scary’ face and runs across the room to grab her. She squeals in terrified delight and races for the bed, climbing up behind you and over it, swapping places with him easily, or so she thinks. She’s slower than he is, and can’t escape his grabbing hands as he leaps for her on your bed, flattening your stepdaughter into a pancake.
“No, no,” she laughs beneath him.
Eddie braces his arms either side of her. “I told you’d I’d get you,” he says in a menacing voice, like a character from a movie, he can do a hundred different impressions. “You’ve stolen your last Twinkie, child. Be prepared for retribution.”
“I hate retribution!” she shouts.
Eddie laughs like a kid. “You’ll have to learn to love it.”
He grabs the end of her shirt, tugs it up, and drops his face into her stomach to grow the world's most aggressive raspberry. Roan screams the house down, laughing and shrieking as the vibrations tickle her skin. Eddie takes another big breath, lets it out against her bellybutton, even as Roan’s knees come up and jab him in the arm. “Dad, oh my gosh, stop!”
He stops. “You surrender?”
“No.” A third huge raspberry gets pressed into her tummy.
“Give up,” he sing-songs, “you know you can’t defeat me, little Munson.”
“Y/N, please help me,” Roan says, half crawling under Eddie’s weight to grab your arm. “Please save me.”
Your smile is two shades off, but she doesn’t notice, and you wouldn’t want her to. “I can’t, princess, only a knight can save you now.”
Eddie blows a raspberry on her tummy, then her neck. She hates that even more than the tummy ones and flings herself out of his arms with breathless laughter, the urgency of knowing you’re going to be killed by such horrible, painful, excruciating affection. “You,” she says, taking deep breaths as she slinks down onto the floor, “are the worse dad. Ever.” She laughs like taffy. “I’m listening to my body and it says I need some soda.”
“You can have a capri sun,” Eddie says firmly.
She rushes away, runs down the stairs, and it’s all Eddie can do to constrain his usual warning, you can tell. “She’s gonna fall down them,” he says, batting the hair out of his eyes, “and then what will I do?”
You smile weakly. “I don’t know, teddy. Guess we’d have to roll her around in a wheelbarrow for a bit.”
He clambers onto his knees beside you. A spiral curl falls into his eyes. Everybody’s pretty when they smile but Eddie’s a heartbreak when he’s upset, when the corner of his mouth twitches wanting to pull down and his eyes lose their mirth. “Hey, what’s wrong?” With a little more pep, “Are you tired? Hungry?”
“You haven’t done anything wrong, so I won’t accept it.” His hand hesitates by your leg. “What’s not okay?”
You shake your head, not wanting to look at him anymore. He’s prettier than you are, with a better heart. He’s a great father and you’re a shitty mom. You have less practice than he has, sure, but you can’t do anything right for Roan lately, you mess up her lunch and forget to buy her yoghurts when you’re coming home even though Eddie called you twice to make sure you got them. He didn’t even get mad. If he asks you one more time what’s wrong, you’re gonna burst into tears.
He doesn’t ask.
Eddie wraps an arm heavily over the back of your shoulders and neck. The other vys for your hand in your lap, his knuckles brushing against your thigh. “You’re not feeling up to it, is that what it is? Maybe you’re tired,” he suggests, with all his usual tenderness. You’re struck with a memory of him when you’d first started dating, how awkward he could be and how he’d shoved it aside when you had one of your worst days at work. He’d surprised you outside, Roan waiting in his backseat, promising to take you home and make you a home cooked meal. You’d eaten it under his arm like this.
There were moments before you’d been his girlfriend where you worried he wasn’t gonna let you have him. That he wasn’t gonna want you, that you’d move on from each other and have to pretend it never happened. But he’s whispering in your ear, hand latched onto your arm and rubbing circles into the tired muscle there without thought. “You can tell me anything,” he’s saying, “you know you can, just tell me what’s bothering you, don’t like it when you’re quiet…”
“Just had a bad day,” you say, tight and squeezed, so clearly evident that you’re gonna cry.
“At work?”
“All day.”
“Why? What’s bad?” he asks.
Nothing, you think, nothing’s bad, nothing is different than usual, but you feel awful. Like your hearts trying to invert itself in your chest, an upset with notes of panic.
“You know what I think it is?” he asks when you don’t answer, his demeanour dipping further and further into tenderness. “I think you didn’t eat enough at dinner, and you didn’t get enough sleep last night, and now you could use a shower and a hug and maybe a little time to yourself. When was the last time you had an hour for you?”
Your eyes crinkle tightly, your mouth twists. You get that weird rush of tingles all over your face and the heat of collecting tears. “It’s not like that,” you insist. “I love you, I don’t want time away from you, I swear.”
“I don’t want time away from you.” He kisses your cheek, twice, a third time, each one with more pressure than the kiss before. “I just mean… I don’t know, baby, I just thought you might be dealing with a lot.”
The worst thing bursts out of you, because you need him to tell you it’s not true. “I’m such a bad mom.”
The crying is unfortunate and immediate, your shoulders seizing under his arm. Eddie could tell it was coming, you’re sure, he doesn’t baulk, he never does.
“You’re not a bad mom, you’re a great mom,” he says, followed by a great wave of shushing.
“I’m awful, I’m supposed to be so much better, I can’t even remember her snacks.”
“Snacks are a really huge part of being a mom,” he says, “but she doesn’t care. She forgave you the moment you said sorry. You think she cares about her yoghurts? That’s not why she sits there waiting everyday after school, is it?”
“You asked me to get them and I forgot.”
“Well, should we call the cops now or later?”
He ushers your face into the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry, but you haven’t done anything that would make you a bad mom.”
You’re not Roan’s natural mother, you didn’t carry her, and so you find yourself in a privileged position. She treats you as she would a mom, she calls you mommy every day. You’re still letting her down.
“I love you, and Ro, and I wouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t love her, but you know… you really– you give more effort than we ever asked you to. You’re amazing. I never could have imagined getting to be with someone I love, and who loves my girl like she’s their own.” His murmuring takes the wryness of someone who knows what they’re saying is immeasurably corny, and he doesn’t stop. “She doesn’t know how lucky she is, but I do.”
“She deserves more.”
“She deserves you. You love her.”
You scrub your face, hiding from him behind your fingers. He waits in the quiet, now rubbing your back in large passes of his hand.
“Is that the only thing that’s making you like this?”
“I just feel like… everything I do, I could do better. Everything. And lately I feel so ugly. I thought this stuff would go away,” you confess, letting your hands fall away.
“I don’t think worrying ever goes away. Everybody worries about something.”
He ushers you back, the arm that warmed your shoulders dropping, his hand reaching instead for your face. He thumbs at tearstains and your damp top lip. “Please don’t cry,” he says, “you’re not ugly, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re killer, you always have been, but it’s my fault you don’t know that. I don’t tell you enough.”
He must tell you everyday, some days he tells you ten times or more. Still, it’s nice to have him say it, to place the blame of your insecurities on him, to try and make it his problem and not yours. It’s extremely loving, if extremely untrue.
“Sorry, Eddie. I think you’re right. Think I need to sleep, and, I don’t know. Stop feeling sorry for myself.” You smile weakly.
“I don’t think that’s what it is. If you need me to tell you what I think about you to feel better, I’ll do it every hour of the day.” He beams at you. “I hate when you cry.”
You huff a laugh. “I wasn’t doing it on purpose.”
“No– No, I don’t mean it like that. Don’t make me an asshole. I’m happy to see you smile again.”
“You give a good pep talk.”
“Can I give you a kiss now, is that alright?”
“If you stop being so nice after.”
Eddie turns his face and kisses you soundly. His hand climbs to your neck, his index finger draws a short, light line up your throat as his lips move against yours, and curls into itself as he pulled away to stroke gently under your chin. Then he gives you a shove, forcing you to lay down.
“Cheer up, dummy. You’re a great mom and you’re gonna be the best wife. Chill out.”
You catch one of his mean hands to hold to your tummy.
He sits there with you for ages. Five minutes turns to ten, then ten to fifteen, nothing else said, but his hand unmoving where you’ve put it.
“Ro!” he calls eventually. “Where’d you go, bub? Are you okay?”
Her mouth is obviously full when she calls back, “I’m okay!”
“That rascal is eating my Twinkies,” he says.
“Go stop her,” you say, pinching his fingers between yours playfully, softly, one at a time.
“We’re having time to ourselves.”
“I don’t need time away from her.”
“I know. But you need time to lay down without somebody bugging you to play, or watch her do a handstand. She’ll come back as soon as she’s hid the evidence, anyways.” He rolls his eyes. “Like I won’t notice.”
You crawl towards him and curl around him, locking him in place. “Thank you for looking after me.”
“It’s literally my favourite thing to do.”
Your front to his back where he’s sitting, your face against the back of his hip, you kiss his t-shirt. He makes a soft sound, breathing out, his hands covering your arm where you’ve hooked him at the waist.
more eddie, roan and reader
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sturniqlo · 3 months
Jealousy- M.S
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summary: where bsf!matt gets jealous knowing his best friend y/n is talking to someone that's not him. BLURB
cw: bit of angst, fluff
an: blurb
"Matt keep an eye out for the pizza while I go shower. I'm going to leave my phone here so you can check." Y/n tells Matt as she grabs her clothes and toiletries from her overnight bag. Today was their sleepover day. Every two weeks on Friday, they go to one another's house and have a sleepover. Today was Matt's house. "Okay, don't take to long, I want to start the movie." He whines. "I won't." She leaves the room to go into the bathroom.
Ten minutes have gone by and Y/n is still in the shower. Her phone vibrates next to Matt on the bed. He grabs it thinking the pizza was already here, but it was a message.
Cant wait to see you tomorrow night, we're still on for dinner right?
His heart drops and he puts the phone where it was. Did she have a boyfriend and she hasn't told him? Was she talking to said Sawyer? He felt his stomach churn. Was he jealous? Yes. Was he upset? Yes. Was he angry? A bit. Matt thought they could always confine in each other. Did she not trust him? Did she not want to tell him? His thoughts were running at full speed. He zoned out and didn't realize until Y/n flicked his forehead.
"You there?" She says as he rubs his forehead. "Huh? Sorry, I was thinking about something." He lies, going back on his phone. "Anything interesting?" Oh yeah, you're talking to someone and haven't told me. Is what he thinks. "Not really." He shrugs. Going back on his phone he open tiktok and begins to scroll. After a bit of mindless scrolling, Y/n speaks again. "You okay? You seem... off." Matt shakes his head. "M' fine, is the pizza almost here?" He changes the subject. "Two minutes away, I'll start heading outside." She collects her phone and puts it in her sweatpants pocket and leaves the room.
Matt releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Why couldn't he just admit his feelings to her. For gods sake, they had made out, even if it was an accident, they were each others firsts for everything. He was only scared of rejection, what if she didn't feel the same way as him? It would ruin their whole friendship. He didn't want to lose her.
"I'm back, he nearly dropped it. He tripped on the stone I told you to fix." She giggles. "I'll fix it tomorrow." He sits up to take the pizza from her. "Should I bring plates?" She asks. "This is fine." Matt shakes his head and opens the box.
After eating one slice each, going for their second one, Matt finally puts on the movie which Y/n reminded him of. Y/n had realized that his mood had gone the complete opposite prior to her shower. He seemed distracted, he zoned out more, and he went quiet. When she came back from her shower and grabbed her phone, she saw Sawyer had messaged her. She thought Matt had seen it, but it was in the same place in the same position faced down.
When they finished the pizza, Matt took the empty box to the kitchen and took a minute for himself. It might've been more because Y/n came looking for him. "Are you sure you're okay? You're acting... not yourself." She comes to stand next to him and takes his hand in hers. "Do you not trust me or something?" Her eyebrows furrow. "Come again?"
"Do you not trust me?" He says again. "Of course I do! Where is this coming from?" She has a feeling she knows what this is about. "You're talking to someone, and you didn't tell me." She was right. This is about the message. "Matt," She starts. "Y/n I saw his message, were you going to tell me once you two were together?" Matt cuts her off. "Matt, listen. I was going to tell you tonight. It's not like you're jealous or anything." He stays quiet and look away from her. That was everything she needed to know.
"Matt, are you? Jealous?" She whispers as if it's a secret. "Y/n, I didn't want to tell you this way. Or at all." He steps away. "Tell me what? That you like me?" He looks away once again. "It's fine if you don't like me back, it's obviously out of the question." He refers to her talking stage. "Matt," She starts off. The fear of her rejection takes over him. "Forget I said anything, okay? Let's go back and watch the movie, yeah?" He starts to walk towards his room.
"No, Matt. Let's talk about it." She grabs his arm and goes in front of him. "Why didn't you want to tell me?" He sighs at her question. "I was scared of you rejecting me and I didn't want it to ruin things between us. I don't want to lose you." Her heart breaks. "Matt, you don't even know my answer." She smiles. "Obviously you don't feel the same way, youre talking to him." He signals to her phone which is on the counter.
"Can I speak, please?" He nods. "I only started talking to him because I was thinking the same thing as you did. I was scared of rejection. So I thought by talking to him, I'll forget about you. Which obviously didn't work." She grabs his hands again. This time he interlocks them. "I guess we're both stubborn?" Matt laughs, he's cooled down by now. "So what now?" She says.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He smiles and blushes. "Yes, yes, yes!" She grabs his face and kisses him passionately. They interlock their lips for a couple of minutes and his hands have ended up on her waist and her arms are around his neck. "I've been waiting to do that." They separate, but he presses one quick kiss on her lips.
Back in Matt's room, Y/n grabs her phone to block and delete Sawyers contact. "Can you stay tomorrow too?" He places his chin on her shoulder. "Sure, we can go on a real date tomorrow." She faces him and kisses him.
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redwing4life · 5 months
For you
PAIRING: Firefighter!Neighbor!Bucky x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Mention of night terrors, Bucky being upset, fluff, flashbacks containing the death of a child, plenty of unholy thoughts, half naked bucky, dirty talk???, sexual tension, please let me know if i’ve missed something!!!
SUMMARY: You find Bucky at his most vulnerable when he’s sent home from work at 2 in the morning. While doing everything you can to comfort him, you realise you’re falling for him.
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“James, you home?” You call into the firefighter’s apartment, peeking your head around his front door.
It’s your day off and you want ice cream, and for some reason instead of running to the store, you chose to break into your neighbour’s home to ransack his freezer.
“James?” You shout again, double checking he’s at work as you close the door behind you and make your way to the kitchen.
Alpine greets you with a meow from above the fridge, seemingly unbothered by the sudden intruder. You crouch down to pull open the bottom door, met with a cool rush of air that leaves your arm hairs standing tall.
“Come on, I know you have some…” You mumble to yourself while you rustle through the shelves.
“Bingo!” Your fingers brush ice off the top of the tub before pulling it out of the freezer. You reach beside you to close the door and push yourself to your feet, turning to leave when you finally notice your half naked neighbour.
You jump a mile, throwing the ice cream tub in the midst of your fright. “Fuck me, James!!” You all but scream, right hand now clutched to your chest.
Bucky laughs from his stomach, an raising an amused brow at the sight before him.
“I’ve been trying to for months, doll.” He smirks. “What are you doing in my apartment?”
It’s fair to say your brain is lagging a bit, too focused on the drops of water running down his very bare chest to pay notice to his confession.
Clad in just a white towel, wrapped dangerously low on his hips, your neighbour bends down to pick up the strewn tub of ice cream. You catch the way his free hand clutches the knot of the towel in an attempt to keep it from falling, though you find yourself indifferent to the idea.
Indifferent, my ass. You’re practically begging the gods for a gust of wind. Wait did he just say he’s been trying to fu-
“You stealing my ice cream, sweets?” His teasing voice breaks you out of your rather un-holy thoughts.
“James- I- I thought you were working?”
“Ah-Ah-Ah,” Bucky tuts, stepping closer to you, “you didn’t answer my question, doll. I said are stealing from me?”
Your throat runs dry and you shake your head quickly, “No- I- I was just-“
“Just what, peach? Hm?”
He’s so fucking close to you that your brain has completely checked out; your eyes fall to his broad chest, still dripping from the shower.
“Cat got ya tongue, doll?” Bucky teases you, raising a hand to brush a loose strand of hair behind your ear, skin ablaze in the path of his touch.
You drag your gaze to meet his, breath hitching at his lust-blown pupils.
“I thought you were at work.” You whisper, clutching onto that as your excuse for being caught.
A hand wraps around your waist and tugs you closer, forcing you to brace yourself against Bucky’s taut torso. With one hand on his chest and the other at the top of his abs, your heart races in your ears as the firefighter leans in closer.
“And I thought you were a good girl.” His voice is low, sultry even, against your ear, “I guess we were both wrong.”
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, drawing a groan from Bucky’s throat, the vibrations palpable beneath your finger tips.
“I am good, Bucky.” You hate how submissive you sound, but Bucky adores it. All it took was a tub of ice cream and a white towel to have you like putty in his hands.
You gasp when he bites down on your earlobe, feeling his warm tongue reach out to soothe the sting. The sensation runs straight to your pussy, your panties catching your arousal as you look up at your neighbour.
“Good girls don’t call me ‘Bucky’.” His nose trails along your cheek until his mouth is hovering over yours. “Wanna try that again, doll?”
You hold his fiery gaze as you reply, desperate to appease him. “I’m sorry, James. I can be good.”
Eyes falling to his mouth when he rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, you whimper at the sight.
“Fuck, doll.” His lips nearly brush over yours as he speaks. “Lucky for you, I like it when my girl’s got a bad side…”
You’re still watching his pink lips when he takes your hand in his. He revels in the way his hand swallows yours before leading it down to the towel’s knot on his hip.
“Go on, sweets.” Bucky ushers your hand between his skin and the towel, slowly pushing the material until you feel it fall away. With one hand, he tilts your chin up so you look him in the eye, gently leading the other closer to his already hard length.
“Show me how bad you can be.”
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You wake up with a startle, body bolting upright in the swarm of your sheets. It takes a few seconds for your heart to stop racing and your ears to stop ringing; you look around you, no longer in Bucky’s kitchen and no longer just moments away from kissing him.
Not just from kissing him though, were you?
As you come to your senses, you notice frustrated grunts coming from the hallway, surely the cause of your sudden wake up. With a frown, you slip out of bed and step into your slippers.
You walk to your living room, flicking on a light as you go, ears honing in on the sounds from the other side of the door.
“For fuck’s sake!” You hear, recognising the voice as your neighbours, the same one you were just dreaming about.
“Stupid piece of shit-“ He grumbles, accompanied by clanging metal.
Quickly unlocking your door, you glance down the hall to see Bucky knelt before his own, desperately trying to push his key into the lock.
Your voice passes straight through him, as though you said nothing at all. The metal of his keys clang against the lock, doing everything it can not to go in the key hole. You close your door behind you and slip your own keys into the pocket of your checked pyjama pants.
“Bucky?” You repeat, louder this time. How foolish of you to think your words would settle upon his ears this time around; one may think he’s deaf with the way your calls roll off him like water off a duck’s back.
Tentatively, your feet carry you forward, barely heard over the grunts falling from your neighbours lips.
He stills. The new silence hits you like a brick but you’re not sure that you prefer it. No more than a couple of feet of distance and shit ton of apprehension sits between you both.
Bucky wills himself to stay still, though his hands refuse to comply. They tremble in front of him, his grip on the keys turning his knuckles white. Your gaze burns into him yet he can’t find the strength to look at you. To admit that he needs you.
Without a sound, you close the gap and lower yourself to your knees. You don’t touch him yet, you think he needs the space.
He wants you to touch him, he hates the space. If only his vocal cords would listen to his brain and ask.
Your features are blurred in his peripheral, slowly coming into focus when you stretch a hand out in front of him. The pads of your fingers barely brush over his knuckles, they trace the veins leading down to his wrist, leaving a trail of fire behind them. Not a dangerous fire, Bucky thinks; the kind that sits crackling in a fireplace in winter while you read a book, huddled into the couch.
He’s a slave to your touch, his grasp relaxing as you run your fingers over his, urging him to open his palm. His fist peels open like a lily blooming, the silver key a stark contrast to the white tension of his hand.
“That’s it, love.” You whisper, unknowingly causing Bucky to bite back a sob.
Love. The tenderness of your tone is unlike anything he’s heard before and he relishes in it, letting it wrap around him like a blanket.
Plucking the keys from his hand, you gently reach up to push them into the key hole. Bucky’s eyes fall shut in a futile attempt to hold back his tears, tears that you’re ready to swipe away if he needs. You realise in this moment that you’d do anything to ease his pain, a revelation that both terrifies you and makes more sense than anything else in your life.
The click of the door unlocking sounds and you pull the key out.
“Let’s get you out of this hallway, James.” You use his real name, now that you know it’s the most effective, and push yourself to your feet.
It’s of little practical use for you to offer Bucky a hand, yet you do it anyway. He takes it with haste, giving in to his primal need for physical touch.
His knees crack as he stands, a combination of years climbing fire escapes and the last ten minutes he’s spent on the ground fighting a key hole. Letting you push the door open, he keeps hold of your free hand and follows you into his own apartment like a lost puppy.
You string together small praises and lead him to his couch, pressing his shoulders slightly to get him to sit down. Once he eases down on the edge of the seat, your turn to close the door but find yourself being pulled back to Bucky.
“Don’t go,” He pleads, his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist; it’s not painful, but you feel the desperation bleeding into your skin. His eyes are strikingly blue and glistening with unshed tears, begging you to stay. Luckily for him, you would never leave his side when he needs you.
“I’m not going anywhere, Buck. Just gonna close the door and i’ll be right back.”
It dawns on him that he’s acting like a toddler, incapable of being left alone for even a second. He’s almost glad you’ve left to lock the door so you don’t see how his cheeks have burned crimson with shame. There’s so many thoughts swirling around his head that a dull ache is growing at the base of his neck.
Alpine saunters into the living area with sleepy eyes; she meets your gaze as you head back to Bucky, her eyes flitting between your worried stance and the stillness of her owner. She may only be a cat, but she knows when something is wrong. You offer her a sad smile. How do I help him, Alps? What does he need from me?
Releasing a slow breath, you return to your neighbour, crouching down in front of his place on the couch.
“Can I touch you?” You ask gently.
Words fail Bucky for the umpteenth time so he’s forced to nod instead. The warmth of your hands on his thighs is welcomed with a small sigh. His resolve to hold back is weakening with every rise and fall of your chest, his focus on your breathing being the only thing keeping him from falling apart.
You circle your fingers over his navy pants keeping your hands close to his knees. The last thing he needs is to think you’re making a pass at him.
“What happened, James?” Your brows pull together. “Your shift doesn’t finish till six.”
The lump in his throat swells, images of tonight’s events flashing before him like a broken film reel.
You watch his chin tremble as his memories torment him, waiting patiently for his response. You know it takes time for him to talk, but the silence is killing you. Lifting a hand from his left thigh, you reach up and brush the loose strands of chestnut hair away from his eyes.
You finally break the silence, “Bucky, darling, what happened?”
Something inside Bucky’s chest snaps and a sob tears through his whole body. He collapses into your hold, face finding safety in your neck. The wails wrack through him while his tears soak your night shirt and you quickly cradle his head.
“Oh, love, it’s okay.” You clench your eyes shut, trying to hold back your own tears. “I’ve got you.”
Though muffled by your shirt, his cries reverberate around the room. You find yourself pushing up to your feet, separating from the firefighter briefly so you can climb onto his lap. With a leg either side of his, kneeling against the cushion, you pull him near to you once more.
Those strong arms envelop you, bringing you impossibly closer; you wrap your own around his neck, the other holding his head to your chest.
Every sob breaks your heart as broken sentences fall from his lips, barely comprehensible but you pick up the few words you understand.
Fire. Boy. Trapped.
You whisper sweet nothings into his ear while you run your fingers through his hair, praying his body tires so he doesn’t have to endure this much longer. If it doesn’t, if he needs you to hold him till sunrise, then sunset, then sunrise again, you’ll do it. You won’t even lean back to take your slippers off, not unless he’s ready.
It’s funny how time works. How things can feel so quick yet so slow at the same time, with no regard for which you’d prefer. You have no idea how long Bucky has been weeping into your neck; you’ve lost count of how many times it’s seemed like he’d calmed, only for a heart wrenching sob to escape him and the process repeats all over again.
But at some point his wails became whimpers and his tears ran dry, only your shirt and his cheeks holding the remnants of his cries.
“I-“ Bucky’s voice is hoarse, forcing him to pull away from your grasp and clear his throat. “I’m sorry, doll, i’m so fucking sorry.”
You don’t even realise you’re shaking your head at him as he continues to apologise.
“I shouldn’t have made you deal with that-“
“-you didn’t get a choice I just dumped it all-“
“James, stop!” Your sharp tone shuts him up immediately, a timid expression on his face. You reach behind you to grab his hands and pull them in between you. Your flatten your palms against his and watch his eyes fall to where you meet.
“I don’t know who or what made you feel like you have to apologise the moment you show your pain, but I wish I could slap them seven ways to Sunday.”
Warmth pools in your chest at the tiny upturn of Bucky’s lips.
“As long as you’ll let me, i’ll help you, no matter how long it takes.” You glance down at your tear soaked shirt. “Even if it means soggy shirts.”
Your neighbour groans, “Oh god, at least let me apologise for that.”
A relieved laugh rises from your stomach, glad to see a semblance of normal Bucky. “It’s fine, Buck, washers exist for a reason.”
Comfortable silence falls and you let your fingers pass through his, linking together perfectly. Alpine decides to finally make an appearance and jumps up onto the arm of the couch before stepping onto Bucky’s lap, nestling in the small gap between your bodies.
“Someone’s comfy.” The firefighter mumbles, quietly enjoying the comfort of his cat.
When he raises his head to look at you, he finds your kind eyes already on him.
“What do you need?” You ask, noting the unrest on his face.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want to talk about it or do you need distracting?”
Bucky ponders for a moment. “I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it.”
You nod, “That’s okay. Distraction it is.”
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Feet tapping against the hardwood floor, you wait patiently for Bucky to leave the bathroom. Alpine is oblivious to your unrest, enjoying the head stretches you’ve been giving her for the past twenty minutes.
The firefighter gladly accepted your suggestion of a shower, knowing the hot water would relax him after tonight’s events. You’ve been setting up ready for him to return; two lamps now emit warm light from either end of the apartment while the show you and Bucky have been watching sits on pause. You even laid out his favourite blanket for him, though Alpine has commandeered it for now.
Bucky’s phone, meanwhile, has been buzzing constantly - whether it’s an incoming call or a text - the vibrations against the pine coffee table are beginning to drive you crazy.
Eventually, you decide to check who it is who’s desperate to get in touch with your neighbour. You grab the phone and flip it over gently, faced with several notifications from Steve. Your frown deepens as you skim over his messages, realising how worried the captain is over Bucky’s silence.
Hoping he won’t mind, you pick up Bucky’s phone and walk to the bathroom door before knocking against the wood. The shower turned off a few minutes ago and you were meaning to check on him anyway.
“Hey, Buck, everything okay?” You call into the side of the door. No response.
“James?” You ask again when you hear shuffling on the other side.
Still leaning in close to listen carefully, you raise your fist to knock once more, only for the door to suddenly swing open, revealing a rather disheveled and very shirtless Bucky.
Being as tall as he is, you’re eye level with his pecs, small beads of water resting against his lightly tanned skin; some race down to his abs and you follow their path as they journey through the valleys of his defined muscles.
Bucky looks down at you, adorned with an amused smirk, as he leans an arm above him against the door frame. Your frozen state and peach pink cheeks has him chuckling, glad to see you don’t find him ugly after this evening.
Flashbacks to your dream earlier in the night have you rolling your bottom lip between your teeth. Mere inches separate your bodies, the gap closing briefly each time you take a breath.
A deep blue towel is tied around his hips; it’s slipped just below his waist, the divots of his adonis’ belt screaming to be traced, to follow the happy trail right down to his-
“I’m alright, doll.” Bucky’s gruff voice greets your ears, though it takes you a moment to remember what’s happening. “Sorry, I was just finishing up. You alright? You’re looking a little flushed, sweets.”
No shit, Sherlock.
Cheeks burning with embarrassment, you raise your eyes to meet his. “I- uh- I’m g-good. I was just- um-“
Bucky grins, finding your stuttering cute, before glancing at his phone in your grasp.
“Let me guess, Steve’s been calling?”
You nod quickly. “A lot, yes. I was coming to ask what to do?”
“Would you mind calling him and explaining everything while I go get changed?”
“Yeah, of course.” Fighting to keep your eyes from trailing to his bare chest, you smile reassuringly, hoping you’ve not made a fool of yourself by ogling a man who was bawling his eyes out a half hour ago.
Awkward silence arrives and leaves you with a racing heart. It’s not everyday you see your dreams turn into reality. Well, it would only your dream becoming reality if Bucky were to grab you face and kiss you till your pussy is-
Shit, you realise you’ve been staring at his pecs. “Yeah?”
“Mind letting me by so I can change?”
Somehow turning a deeper shade of red, you step aside to let Bucky and his shit-eating grin by. You drop your head down to ensure you don’t end up staring at his ass as he heads to his room.
Pull yourself together, Y/n.
You walk to the kitchen, opening Bucky’s phone on the way and dialling Steve’s number. It rings twice before an agitated voice plays from the speakers.
“Jesus, Buck, where have you been? I’ve-“
“Uh- hey, Steve. It’s Y/n.”
A beat of silence passes.
“Yeah, sorry, James asked me to call and explain that he’s had a rough night.” You wince at your own words. ‘Rough’ barely scratches the surface of what tonight has been.
“Shit…” The captain murmurs, and you hum in agreement. “Where- um- where is he now?”
You glance over your shoulder, “He’s just getting changed. It was- well, he’s really struggling, Steve, he was pretty shaken up.”
A small sigh sounds from the other side of the phone. “Yeah, we had a tough call and it triggered him so I sent him home early.”
You nod, despite knowing Steve can’t see you, and he continues.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to help.”
You’re shaking your head now. “No no, Steve, it’s okay, i’m fine, really!” You lower your voice, “I mean, he scared me. I’ve never seen him like that before, i’m just worried for him.”
Eyes fluttering shut as you remember the fear that flooded your muscles when Bucky started crying, Steve replies with a somber tone, “Yeah, me too.”
“Hey,” he chirps, “i’ve already told him that he doesn’t have to come in tonight but he never listens to me. Could you try and convince him to stay home?”
Having already planned on asking him to consider taking a day off, you answer, “Yes, of course. But if he doesn’t listen to you then-“
“Trust me, Y/n” Steve interrupts you, “you’ve got better chance than I do, just let me know how it goes.”
“Will do. Thanks, Steve.”
“Thank you, Y/n. I’m glad he’s got someone who cares about him like we do.”
A small smile tugs at your lips. “Me too. Good night, Steve.”
You hang up the phone and spin on your heels at the sound of a door closing. Bucky stands just outside his bedroom door, now clad in grey sweatpants and a black t shirt, his hair still a little damp and ruffled from his attempt to dry it.
“Hey…” A small smile stretches across his lips, a far cry from the smirking tease you spoke to a few minutes ago.
“Hey, James.” You step closer. “Would you like a drink?”
“Im alright, thanks doll.”
“I got the TV set up if you wanna watch something? Take your mind off things?”
Bucky sighs constantly at the thought, nodding gently. “That sounds good.”
Settling down onto the couch, you let Alpine sit between you, leaving enough space that you’re not touching without being too far away from each other. The pair of you watch your show for a while, time bringing you closer together until you’re resting your head on Bucky’s shoulder. He runs his fingers up and down your right arm that’s lopped around his left, the tender strokes lulling you to sleep.
You battle to keep your eyes open, grateful that Bucky can’t see your face as you doze off every now and then. I mean, who can blame you when you’re being held so securely, your side pressed against his so close that you can feel his heartbeat?
You feel Bucky twitch beneath you, causing you to blink your eyes open, not realising you’d fallen asleep. Thankfully, Bucky didn’t notice either, and you watch as he stretches to the coffee table to press pause on the TV remote.
With no background noise, you hear your neighbours breath increase before he twists back to face you.
“I meant it earlier.” His voice pins you down and you sit up properly.
“Meant what, Buck?”
“That i’m sorry.” Those sharp blue eyes fall to his lap.
You shake your head for what feels like the thousandth time tonight, “James, please, you don’t need-“
“You were scared of me, doll.”
Cussing yourself mentally for not being quieter on your call with Steve, you scramble words together, desperate to fix the miscommunication.
“That’s not- That’s not what I meant, James.”
Bucky’s brow furrows deeper, head titling up but his eyes remain on his lap. “What else is it supposed to mean? I scared you, Y/n. Plain and simple.”
“I wasn’t scared of you, James.” You place a hand on his, hating the way he doesn’t turn his over to hold yours. “I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to help you, that I’d be useless at calming you down. It wasn’t you, I promise.”
“I- I was so scared that you were in so much pain, Buck, and- and I couldn’t do anything.”
A single tear falls onto his grey sweatpants just as he finally meets your gaze, eyes swarming with vulnerability. You feel his hand turn to press against your palm.
“You weren’t useless, Y/n.” He gestures to your surroundings. “I mean, all of this! You’ve done nothing but care for me since the moment you found me outside. This isn’t useless, doll. You’ve done so fucking much for me already and you don’t even know why I need you in the first place.”
A stray tear escapes you as you reach a hand up to cup his cheek. The scruff of his stubble tickles your skin, swiping a thumb over his cheek bone to catch his fallen tears.
“You don’t need to tell me a-“
“I want to.”
“Okay.” You nod and squeeze his hand. “But if you change your mind at any point, that’s okay too. I’m just here for you, James.”
Bucky doesn’t change his mind.
Once he gets over the initial nerves, his words flow like a broken faucet. Your heart fills with lead, sinking to your stomach as he tells you about that one fire that never leaves his mind. How he was only in his second year, still fresh faced and naïve, so confident in himself that he failed to find the boy trapped under a fallen beam. How he walked out of the house feeling so goddamn proud of himself for saving the little girl, only to find out the next day that her big brother was found dead in that same room.
It’s impossible to blink away your tears, as one falls, three others take its place until your cheeks are as damp as a shower wall. Your death grip on Bucky’s hand anchors him as he confesses his worst secret, the one that haunts his dreams until they fade into nightmares and then into terrors. You realise then that this is what he sees when you’re startled awake to his screams at night; while his physical body is trapped in unconsciousness, his mind it trapped in that house, staring at the little boy.
Words fail you as Bucky talks, so you focus on listening, on holding his hand and wiping away the few tears he has left. The need to reassure him burns in your chest as his words slow, eyes fluttering close when you bring his hand to your lips.
You pepper soft kisses from his fingers to his wrist. “You carry this weight everywhere, James. When was the last time you set it down?”
Bucky’s nostrils flare slightly as he breathes in deeply through his nose; he shakes his head, lips quivering before revealing his glassy eyes.
“I c-can’t… he didn’t deserve to- to die because of me, so I- I don’t deserve to put it down.”
“Oh, Bucky, darling,” You release his hand to hold his face. His pulse throbs under your palm as you slide your hand upwards, slipping your pinky and ring fingers behind his ear.
“Holding this in, letting it control you for so long, it’s blinding you, love. It’s tricked you into thinking you deserve the pain but you don’t. You don’t.”
Bucky leans into your right hand, raising his own to cover yours.
“You don’t have to believe me right now, cause I know you don’t.” A dry chuckle falls from the firefighters mouth. “But can try and trust me on this? Trust me to look after you when you need it?”
Your breathe hitches in your throat when he presses his lips to your palm, all while holding your stare. You’ll never grow old of him looking at you this way.
Bucky smiles gently, “I’ve always trusted you, doll.”
Sitting here, holding each other again with tear stained cheeks and tired eyes, it would be easy for someone to think you’re in love.
Maybe they wouldn’t be wrong, not about you anyway. Though, you’re happy to keep that to yourself for now.
“You should sleep, Barnes.” He huffs a laugh, pulling away from your grasp.
“Had enough of me already, sweets?”
Now you’re the one laughing, “Never,” you push yourself to your feet and offer him your hands, “come on, let’s get you to bed.”
Taking your help, Bucky lets you lead him to his bedroom. You pull back his duvet and step back, letting him climb into his bed, limbs weighed down by his fatigue.
You crouch down beside him. “How’d you feel about staying home tonight? I don’t want you pushing yourself to work when you’re not ready.”
Battling to keep his eyes open, Bucky mumbles a response into his pillow. “Okay, doll. For you.”
While it’s too dark to see, your neighbour knows that you’re blushing. You go to stand up and leave but a hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you back.
“Stay with me, Y/n.”
You smile. “Okay, love. For you.”
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a/n: i really hope this was worth the wait! it’s taken me a long time to get this written properly and in the way it deserves. hope you can tell i was feeling shit when i wrote bucky’s breakdown - you write what you know, ay?
thank you so much for reading, don’t forget to reblog and like if you enjoyed. all the support i’ve received so far has been incredible and it makes me smile like mad when i read your comments.
as always, asks and dms are open - questions, requests, suggestions, whatever you’d like!! love, red ❤️
comment if you’d like to be added to the ashes to embers taglist 🧡
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be4chywritez · 3 months
home | nico hischier
nico hischier x fem!reader
request: Hi can I request nico and reader (married) adopting or fostering a kid together, maybe the kid is like 7 or something around the age of an older kid?
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The soft hum of the dishwasher filled the kitchen as you and Nico finished dinner. The warm, cozy atmosphere of your home was a stark contrast to the rainy evening outside. As you leaned back on the couch, your eyes drifted to Nico.
He’s nuzzled into your tummy, and you run your hand through his hair. He meets your eyes, giving you his dazzling smile. He mutters into your stomach, and you giggle at the vibrations.
“What was that, Neeks?” you ask.
He looks back at you. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile, as he reaches up towards you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
As he settles back down, his voice is soft and dreamy. “You know, I was thinking… it would be nice to hear little feet running around here. Maybe a baby someday?”
You freeze, your hand stilling in his hair. The warmth of the moment is replaced by a sudden chill. You gently push him away and scoot slightly further away from him.
Nico sits up, concern etched across his face. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Sorry,” you mutter from the other side of the couch, avoiding his gaze. “It’s just… getting a bit hot over here.”
He studies you, knowing you well enough to sense something deeper. “Is it really just the heat?” he asks, his voice is shaky, you know you hurt him.
You face away, your fingers gently messing with your wedding band, You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. “Why do you always bring up having a baby? Can’t we just… can’t we just be enough as we are?”
Nico looks taken aback, but he keeps his voice gentle. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought…”
“You just thought what?” you interrupt, your tone sharper than intended. “That I’d suddenly change my mind about something I’ve felt strongly about for years?”
He takes a step back, giving you space. “I just want to understand, that’s all. I love you, and I want to know what’s going on in your heart.”
Taking a deep breath, you turn to meet his gaze, tears threatening to spill. “I know we’ve talked about having kids before, and I’ve always been hesitant. It’s not because I don’t want a family with you. I do, more than anything. I just feel more comfortable adopting or fostering.
Nico’s hand finds yours, offering silent support.
You swallow hard, gathering your thoughts. “When I was younger, I saw a close family friend go through a really tough pregnancy. She faced so many complications, and it’s just stuck with me. It made me realize that having a child isn’t the only way to build a family. I want to give a child who’s already here a chance at a better life.
“I’m sorry I can’t give you what you deserve.” you say softly. You were used to men walking out on you after talking about kids, you were waiting for him to do the same, sure you were married but what good would you be if you can’t have kids?
Nico blinks taking all of what you’re saying, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. “You don’t have to apologize for feeling this way. I love you, and I want us to be on the same page about our future.”
Tears spill over as you smile weakly at him. “I’m so grateful that you feel the same way.”
Nico leans in and kisses your forehead tenderly. “Thank you for sharing with me.”
You both sit there in the quiet of your home, the rain still gently falling outside, warmly conversing.
If there was something Nico prided himself for is that he is a man of his word.
So for the following weeks were a whirlwind of meetings, paperwork, and home visits. You and Nico spent countless hours researching, attending workshops, and preparing your home for a new arrival. The anticipation was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.
One evening, after a particularly long day, you found yourselves curled up on the couch, surrounded by brochures and informational packets. “I didn’t realize how much goes into this,” Nico said, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s worth it,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. “We’re going to give someone chance at a better life.
Nico kissed the top of your head. “I know. I just want everything to be perfect.”
“And it will be, because they’re going to have the best foster dad ever,” you murmured, taking his face in your hands and gently placing chaste kisses on his lips. He smiled, pulling you close, causing you to yelp and place a hand on his chest to stabilize yourself.
“They’re gonna have a great mom too.” he says squeezing you tightly.
Later that night, your sleep was interrupted by the ringing of your phone. Groggily checking the time, your eyes widened at the bold 5:00 on the clock. You answered and sat up, nudging Nico awake with a soft slap on the chest. He stirred, sitting up beside you as you put the phone on speaker.
The case worker confirmed they had reached the Hischiers. She explained that they were rehoming a child and asked if you were willing to take them in. Glancing at Nico, who nodded in affirmation, he slid out of bed and walked into the closet to get dressed.
The social worker informed you they would arrive in about an hour. When she hung up, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
You rubbed your face tiredly, letting Nico help you up as you wandered into the closet, shimmying into a pair of pants and a nice shirt. Both of you brushed your teeth together, sharing small smiles in the bathroom mirror.
After fixing up the bedroom that would now be the foster child’s, you made breakfast, anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring. When it finally did, both of you exchanged a look of excitement and nervousness.
Nico opened the door, and there stood the social worker with, a tall lanky boy with wide eyes and a hesitant smile.
“This is Jesse,” the social worker said kindly. “He’s been through a lot, but I know he’ll be in good hands with you.”
You offer him a warm smile. “Hi, Jesse. I’m Y/N, and this is Nico. We’re so glad you’re here.”
Jesse glanced up at you, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. After a moment, he tentatively took your hand. “Hey,” he mumbled softly.
Nico stood beside you, his voice gentle. “Hey, Jesse. We’ve been waiting for you. Would you like to come in?”
Jesse nodded shyly, and together, you all stepped inside. The social worker handed Nico the trash bag, explaining that’s where all of Jesse’s clothing was.
As the case worker gave you contact information before leaving, you noticed Jesse glancing at the photos in the hallway. There were a few of Nico with his team, one of you and Nico after a game, and a handful of wedding pictures.
You watched him study the pictures, running his finger along the frame of you and Nico. “That was when Nico and I had just gotten engaged,” you said with a smile, leaning against the wall. Jesse startled but relaxed when he saw you.
“Do you wanna see your room?” you asked nervously. He nodded, and you led him to the room. He sat on his bed. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
You gave him a small smile. “Are you hungry?” you asked. He nodded again.
You led him to the kitchen where Nico had set the table with plates and glasses. The three of you sat down together, and you served pancakes and fruit. Jesse hesitated at first but soon started eating with a cautious smile.
As you ate, Nico engaged Jesse in small talk about school and sports. Jesse gradually began to relax, sharing a few shy smiles and nods in response.
After breakfast, you suggested showing Jesse around the neighborhood. He seemed hesitant at first, but with Nico’s encouragement, he agreed. The three of you walked down the street, pointing out the local park and the nearby ice cream shop.
Back at home, Jesse seemed more at ease. He explored the backyard while you and Nico cleaned up from breakfast. Later in the afternoon, you gathered in the living room, playing a board game together. Jesse’s smile grew more genuine as he started to open up, asking questions and sharing a few stories of his own.
As the day came to a close, you showed Jesse around his new room. He looked up at you and Nico with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.
“Goodnight, Jesse,” you said softly, handing him an extra pillow.
“Goodnight,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
He called out to you and Nico, you both turn around, “you guys are gonna be here when I wake up right?” he asks his eyes shifting around the room.
You smile somberly, “Yeah bud, don’t worry.” you say taking Nico’s hand. He switches off the light, and you both lingered in the hallway for a moment, watching over him.
Nico sits at the foot of the bed, you step out of the shower steam emitting from the bathroom, you change into some pj’s you sit behind Nico massaging his tense shoulders. “how do you feel honey.” you ask he takes you hand, “I’m happy your happy,” he says kissing your hand.
“You’re gonna be really good with him.” he whispers. you smile, “so are you.” both of you sit there in solace.
The first few weeks were an adjustment period for all of you. Jesse’s had moments of doubt and fear, but you and Nico were always there to comfort him. One night, you found him crying in his room, clutching a pillow to his chest.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked gently, sitting down beside him.
“I miss my old home,” Jesse’s whispered. “I’m scared.”
Nico joined you, wrapping an arm around Jesse’s. “It’s okay to feel that way. We’re here for you, and we’re not going anywhere.”
Jesse’s sniffled and leaned into Nico’s embrace. “Promise?”
“Promise,” you and Nico said in unison, holding him close.
As time went on, Jesse began to open up more. You took him to his first Devils game, where he proudly wore a jersey with Nico’s name on it. Seeing the joy on his face as he watched Nico play was a moment you’d never forget.
Another milestone was his first day at a new school. You and Nico sat with him in the parking lot of the middle school, offering words of encouragement. “You’re going to do great,” you said with a shoulder squeeze.
Jesse smiled, a mix of nerves and excitement in his eyes. “Thanks, Mom and Dad.” he says getting out of the car. You look at Nico who’s eye’s twinkled with excitement, “Be carful.” you shout out he gives you a thumbs up.
You look up at Nico, who’s smiling ear to ear, “He called us mom and dad.” he says backing out of the parking lot, you smile looking out the window, “yeah.”
One afternoon, as you helped Jesse with his homework at the kitchen table, he suddenly paused, staring pensively at his notebook. You noticed his hesitation and gently asked, “Something on your mind, Jesse?”
He bit his lip, a habit he often showed when unsure how to express himself. “Do… do you think I’ll ever see my old friends again?”
You set aside the pencil and leaned closer to him. “It’s okay to miss your old friends, Jesse. We can try to find a way for you to stay in touch with them if you’d like.”
Jesse nodded slowly, seeming reassured by your response. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
Nico, who had been listening quietly from the doorway, came over and ruffled Jesse’s hair affectionately. “You’ll make new friends too, Jesse. I promise.”
Jesse began to thrive. He joined a local soccer club, him and Nico would practice in the backyard together, and soon, you found yourself cheering alongside other parents at his games. Watching Jesse sprint across the field you and Nico both smiling proudly as you snapped photos of him in action.
Later that night, after the tournament, you, Nico, and Jesse went through the pictures on your laptop. You smiled at one of him celebrating a goal.
“Oh, I like that one,” you said, glancing at Nico and Jesse, who were both leaning in and smiling at the photo.
The next day, you printed it out and framed it, placing it in the hallway next to your and Nico’s engagement picture.
One evening after dinner, as you all gathered in the living room, Jesse brought out a worn photo album he had kept hidden in his room. “Can I show you something?” he asked tentatively, his fingers tracing the edges of the album.
You and Nico exchanged a glance, silently encouraging him to share. Jesse opened the album, revealing snapshots of his life before coming to live with you—birthday parties, outings to the park, and school events. There were pictures of his old friends, their smiles frozen in time.
“I miss them sometimes,” Jesse admitted softly, his gaze fixed on the photos. “But I’m glad I’m here with you and Nico.”
You reached over and squeezed his shoulder gently. “We’re glad you’re here too, Jesse. And we’re here for you, no matter what.”
Nico leaned forward, pointing at a photo of Jesse scoring a goal in a school soccer game he looks around eight years old in the photo. “Look at that grin, Jesse. You brought that with you. And you’ve brought so much joy to us too.”
As Jesse closed the album and set it aside, a sense of peace settled over the room. You realized then how far he had come—from a hesitant arrival to a beloved member of your family
The next day, while cleaning up after breakfast, Jesse approached you with a small, determined expression on his face. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Jesse,” you replied, drying your hands on a towel.
He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Do you think… maybe one day, we could be a forever family?”
Your heart swelled with emotion, taking his hands in yours. “Jesse, we would be honored to be your forever family. Nico and I love you so much.”
Jesse’s face broke into a radiant smile, and he threw his arms around you, hugging you tightly. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice filled with happiness and relief.
Nico, who had been watching from the doorway, joined the embrace, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Welcome to the family, Jesse,” he said warmly.
From that moment on, the journey towards adoption took on a new meaning—a journey filled with hope, love, and the promise of a future together as a forever family.
As the weeks passed, you and Nico began the process of formalizing your commitment to Jesse through adoption. The paperwork and interviews were daunting at times, but with each step, your bond with Jesse grew stronger.
Finally, the day of the adoption hearing arrived. Jesse, dressed in his best clothes, sat nervously between you and Nico in the courtroom. The judge’s kind words and the final declaration that Jesse was officially your son brought tears to your eyes.
Afterwards, surrounded by friends and family who had become your support system, you celebrated at home. Jesse held his adoption certificate proudly, a symbol of the love and security he had found with you and Nico.
Later that evening, he looked up at you with a mixture of gratitude and joy. “I’m really your son now, right?”
You smiled, brushing a stray hair from his forehead. “Absolutely, Jesse. You’ve been our son from the moment you walked through our door.”
With a contented sigh, Jesse settled into bed, clutching a pillow close. “I love you, Mom and Dad,” he whispered sleepily.
“We love you too, Jesse,” Nico replied both of you stood outside his door, Nico kisses your forehead, “We did it honey.” he says embracing you.
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tearsofastraeax · 8 months
hiii i just love ur stories and i was wondering, could u write a story where a lot of girls flirt with ghost (cause he's just so hot tbh) and we're crying and feeling bad bcs we're scared he'll find better since he dosen't reject or ignore them??
ty a lot and take care <3
thank u anon ♡ i had so much fun writing a lil angst
sorry it took me longer than expected to wrap up your request, the creative juices are not flowing these days, but i hope you enjoy ♡₊ ⊹
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It's no surprise to you that going out with an incredibly fine piece of man is going to come with some jealous feelings here and there.
Just a couple weeks after you started to hang out with Ghost, you noticed women staring at him. But you didn't blame them, how could they not stare? Ghost just naturally attracts women, with his broad shoulders, his veiny arms, those giant hands ... you could go on and on forever.
But you never expected to find yourself sitting in your bedroom, hiding underneath the blanket and silently sobbing into your pillow because of it.
Earlier that day when you were out with Ghost for a drink it really hit you. You had barely left for a minute to head to the bathroom, but when you came back you saw a beautiful woman standing next to him. Inching closer and closer to him, her hand on his shoulder and a flirty smirk on her face. And it didn't look like he was opposed to it in the slightest. His body was slightly angled towards her, his face covered in mystery behind his mask, but you could feel his smile, you just knew.
Your heart felt like it was about to drop, break apart, stop beating all together. Your stomach was in knots. Your thoughts ran a mile a minute, you had no right to be jealous, right? You were only seeing the man for a couple of weeks now, nothing serious... only, at one point, unbeknownst to you, your little heart had accepted him in and made it serious. You were fucked, royally fucked.
To feign calmness you took a slow breath, in and out. Before you made your way back to Simon and the woman still plastered to his side. You coughed uncomfortably to make them both aware of your presence.
It took him a moment to take his eyes off the woman, before he turned to you.
"Oh, this is my friend, y/n," he looked back towards her, gesturing to you.
You all but managed to swallow the big lump that had formed in your throat. His friend? Is that all you were? A friend? Nothing more? Did it only take one beautiful woman to suddenly make you nothing but a friend to him? You should have known this, it was just too good to be true. Of course he would find someone better than you. You felt your eyes begin to water, but you aggressively blinked the tears away. No, you were better than this.
"Yea, his friend", you pressed out, a tight and obviously fake smile on your lips. "Who is just about to leave actually. Have fun."
You grabbed the jacket haphazardly thrown over the seat next to the one you were just sitting on and turned around. Your legs carrying you out of the bar, you couldn't wait to get out of there, to just get away, as far as possible.
What you didn't see was Ghost's slightly confused expression as he watched you leave. But what you did know was he didn't follow you. Didn't he notice how upset you were? Did he just not care?
You huffed out an annoyed sigh, at yourself, at him, at the world, at everything.
You had barely made it home, slamming the door behind you, before the tears came. They welled up, making everything blurry, and then they came crashing over you like a wave, making it hard to breathe, harder to see and impossible to do anything but slide down against the door and sob into your hands.
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And there you were, laying in bed, an hour later, still fucking pissed and sad and helpless and jealous and ...
Your phone vibrated next to you, Simons name popping up on your screen. You tried to ignore the call but he immediately called again. Deciding to pick it up you heard a low growl in your ear, the hairs on your neck standing up, a slight shiver running down your back.
“Open the fucking door, y/n.”
The edge in his tone made you immediately jump off the bed. For a quick moment though you stopped in your tracks, hating how he could command you and make you feel, how he had so much power over you when clearly he didn't feel the same about you.
But you heard him pounding on your door, so you hurried to open it. The door swung open and his eyes immediately bore into yours. You swallowed down a thick lump in your throat as he crowded into you, effectively pushing the two of you into the apartment. He slammed the door behind him shut and stared down at you, never breaking eye contact.
"What the fuck was that?" He growled. You couldn’t fucking believe his attitude, weren’t you the one that was supposed to be angry?
You took in a deep breath before you answered, "well, I wasn't the one flirting with some chick..."
You meant for the words to come out more powerful, maybe even as aggressive as his. To make him understand that he had no fucking right to barge in here like this and act as if he had the right to demand answers.
"You...", his gaze softened then, shifting into ... surprise? "You're jealous?"
All you could do was shrug, feeling too raw from crying to vocalise your feelings. But to your surprise, he didn't say another word, his hand softly cradling your cheek. Your skin underneath his felt hot to the touch as you looked up to him. His eyes seemed so soft and gentle then, making your breath hitch in your throat. The feeling of him wrapped around you like a warm blanket was overwhelming. His gesture nearly stitching your heart back together all by itself.
"I'm sorry... I-", was all he could say before his lips pressed onto yours, so harsh and hurried, yet somehow gentle and sweet.
His hands slowly travelled down your body, once he reached your ass, he lifted you up so effortlessly, your legs immediately wrapping around his, as he carried you to the bedroom.
He gently whispered between kisses, "I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise."
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scoobysnakz · 9 months
Might make a one-shot out of this bc ughhhhh why am I giggling over Miguel being all lovely dovey?
1940’s hubby Miguel who is absolutely heartbroken when you come home all sniffly and frowny. All memory of your previous interaction has gone completely out the window the moment you dump the shopping on the counter.
He comes up behind you, thick arms wrapped around your waist as he rests his chin on top of your head. “Mmm, what's upset my pretty little doll?” he questions, fingers tracing circles on your stomach.
1940’s hubby Miguel who stumbles back when you turn around and bury your head in his chest. He smoothes the creases of your dress while cradling you gently.
Your shaky sobs vibrate through his chest as your fingers curl up in the soft muscle of his back.
And it's only then that he realises what's got his precious girl so upset. A smile curls at the corners of his lips but he gets rid of it quickly. He holds your chin with his thumb and index finger so he can tilt your head back. "I asked you a question, didn't I?"
Playfully, you roll your eyes at him, a feeble attempt to hide from his intense gaze. "Doll."
1940’s hubby Miguel who listens intently as you pour your heart out about how mean Spiderman is. He scoffs and shakes his head with feigned disgust at how rude he was towards you. He rubs soothing circles on the nape of your neck and peppers soft kisses on your jugular because he knows how much his sweet girl loves them.
“How rude of him, tal idiota,” he consoles with a dramatic eye roll.
1940’s hubby Miguel who is over the moon at the pouty expression on your pretty face when you mention the way Spiderman described Miguel.
He's so proud of his wife for defending his honour especially with someone she idolises.
“Can’t believe I liked him,” you huff while crossing your arms across your chest, “he was so mean to you, Migs.”
1940’s hubby Miguel who calms your sobs and kisses away your tears of disappointment with a painfully hard cock.
You look so pretty with puffy lips and shiny eyes all while telling him about how much better he is then that big oaf Spiderman. It's a massive power trip for him, especially knowing what he does.
He wonders how you haven't clocked on yet, especially after a whole conversation with him under his alias. How did you not recognise the low rumble of his voice or the way he holds himself?
1940’s hubby Miguel who leads you to the living room so he can cuddle you on the sofa. He wants to hold you close as you continue your adorable little rant about how much better your big strong husband is compared to that pompous brute who calls himself a hero.
prev< >next
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baeksqt · 2 months
𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 — lena oberdorf
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lena oberdorf x gerwnt!fem!reader
summary: clueless lena has you in a tight grip
(a/n: a small piece for lena cause I miss her (ಡ‸ಡ) so I hope you enjoy this! also my inbox is finally open for requests so go ahead my lovelies)
word: 586
genre: fluff + angst (?)
The warm summer air soothed your skin as Lena laid on top of you on the loveseat sofa, hoping to nap the evening away. You could finally see each other with training camp in full swing for the international break. You run a lazy hand through Lena’s hair, absentmindedly scrolling through your phone as Lena drifts in and out of sleep. The comfortable silence between the two of you was accented by the subdued commentary of the football game on TV and Lena’s occasional snore.
You notice her eyebrows furrow in discomfort, followed by a huff as she shifts and wraps her arms around your waist. Gently withdrawing your hand from her hair, you begin to trace it down her back, taking in the contours and nuances of her musculature.
“When are you heading back to Spain?” Her question startled you slightly, the vibrations of her voice resonating against your stomach.
“Somewhere around the last week of August.” You sighed in response, knowing that there wasn’t much time between the Olympics and you heading back to your respective club, Barcelona.
“Are you going back with Alexia?” Lena then looked up at you with delicate brown eyes, a soft wrinkle appearing on her forehead as her chin poked your stomach, toying with the gold charms on your necklace.
You pout at her subtle protectiveness so cupping her cheeks, and combing the flyaway hairs from her face.
“Yeah…” you replied, pausing for a moment, “that shouldn’t change anything.” mumbling to yourself. To that, Lena swiftly sat up, letting go of your necklace as a puzzled expression formed across her face.
“You realise that she’s interested in you, right? I don't even have to be there for me to know that.” She inquired with a firm voice and piercing eyes.
“And it’s very much one-sided.” You finished her sentence as your hand now replaced hers in fiddling with the delicate pendant, avoiding her gaze as you finished her sentence. You were well aware of Lena’s feelings about your friendship with Alexia, throwing a small sarcastic comment here and there whenever you mentioned her in a conversation. Since moving to the Catalan region, you had noticed Alexia's growing fondness for you, but you had been subtly declining her advances as you already had feelings for someone else.
That someone else was now sitting in between your legs, waiting to be upset with you. Inspecting her face for a moment, hoping she’ll respond.
“I know, that doesn't sound believable at all, but the feelings aren't mutual on my end.” your pendant slipped out of sweaty fingertips, as you spoke. “So, for when you get your act together, I’ll still be here.” throwing her a nervous smile.
“What do you mean by that?” Lena fixed you with a piercing glare but a hint of softness sat behind her eyes, arms folded across her chest.
The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken emotions lingering between you like a heavy cloud.
“Well, when you're ready to admit that we are more than friends, you won't have to worry about anyone else.” you motioned between the two of you, taking her hand and placing it back onto your necklace pendant, your heart pounding underneath.
“I can promise you that I won’t keep you waiting.” Lena’s face lit up with a shy yet genuine smile, placing a tender kiss on your lips. Leaving you with warm cheeks and a deep sense of contentment, knowing that her promise was sealed with that tender kiss.
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d0youc0py · 9 months
hiie -🍄
can you do 141 and los vaqueros reacting to you waking up mad cause you had a dream with them?? something like you fight in the dream or whatever
I love your writing♥️
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“Time to wake up, Honey.” His groggy voice sent shivers down your spine. Rough hands crept under your shirt, rubbing circles against your soft skin. He waited patiently for you to turn around and wrap your arms tightly around him, but that never came. With a playful huff he tugged you on to his chest. A pleased hum vibrated through him as your body fit perfectly against his. He pressed slow and steady kisses against your shoulder, making his way up to your lips. Just before he could you turned your head. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” He murmured, his hands traveling down giving your butt a firm pat.
“John.” You mumbled back. Your hard exterior slowly faltering.
“What’s got my pretty thing so upset, hmm?” He whispered. He tried and once again failed to press a kiss against your lips.
“You forgot our anniversary.” You nearly sneered. His heart dropped into his stomach, but even in his sleepy state his mind was still so agile.
“Honey, I think you may have forgotten what day our anniversary is.” He hummed back, resting his cheek against your head.
“No, in my dream you forgot our anniversary.” You emphasized. You shook up and down on his chest as he chuckled.
“Does that sound like something I would do?” He questioned.
“No.” You responded quickly. “Thats why it hurt so much!” You whimpered, curling deeper into his chest.
“Well how about I make us some pancakes to make up for being an arse in your dreams?”
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You woke up to a wet and loud raspberry being blow against your neck. You groaned loudly, your hands swatting anything in their path.
“Morning, Sweets.” Simon chuckled, easily dodging you. He kissed your temple, beginning to make his way out of bed. “Wanna come to the gym with me? Your boxing could use some technique.” His back cracked as he stretched.
“No, I’m mad at you.” You huffed, pulling the sheets back over your head.
“That so?” He hummed. “If it’s the way I woke you up just know I tried to do it the gentle way, but you never seem to respond to that.”
“You were mean to me.” You said from under your pile a blankets.
“What?” His whole attitude had changed, his hands quickly working to fish you out from your blanket fort. His worried eyes found yours and you suddenly wondered if you had made too big of a deal about this.
“In my dream.” You added quickly. His shoulder relaxed and he gave you a firm glare.
“Don’t scare me like that.” He huffed. “I’m not fucking responsible for dream Simon, yeah?” His tone was stern yet his eyes held a twinge of softness to them. You bit back a smile. You extended your arms to him and he quickly dipped down to meet you.
“Sorry, Si.” You whispered.
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*Kinda triggering- maybe?*
“You’re breaking my mates heart, Kid.” You quickly looked away from your computer at the sound of Simon’s voice.
“What’d you mean?” You hummed turning back to the screen. Simon grabbed the back of your chair, manually pulling you away from your computer.
“He says you didn’t talk to him this mornin.’ He being an ass or something?” Simon questioned crossing his arms over his chest. He leaned against your desk the wood creaking in disapproval.
“No!” You said quickly, waving your hands. “It’s just- it’s hard to explain Ghostie.” You stumbled.
“Try me.” He pressed. You rolled your eyes, ready to be laughed at.
“Remember that time we were at the pool and he dunked my head underwater?” You started. Simon nodded his head. “Well I had a dream like that except- well, he really did drown me- well, he tried to at least. I woke up before anything actually happened.” You explained. You waited patiently for Simon to break out in chuckles, but that never came.
“I get that.” He said suddenly.
“You do?” You furrowed your brows.
“Yeah, I have dreams where I’m killed all the time.” He sighed, standing up straight. With that he patted you on the shoulder, heading towards the door. He opened it and you swore you could he at Johnny’s voice just outside.
“Stop your moping and get in there. Nothin’ you can’t fix.” Simon whispered from the doorway. Johnny stepped into view. He looked nervous- like a kid being sent to the principals office.
“Hi, Mac.” You smirked. His shoulders relaxed at that. “I’m sorry I was mad at you this morning.” He breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly cleared the distance between the two of you, peppering kisses all of your face.
“Made my morning, hell.” He huffed against you.
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You woke up to your favorite breakfast and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Ky!” You hummed happily already forgetting about the hell you put that man through last night.
“Baby? Baby! Wake up.” Your eyes shot open staring at Kyle’s worried face above you. “You were thrashing in your sleep. Need to start wearing my gear to bed?” He hummed, trying the make a joke. He suddenly noticed the wetness around your eyes. “Why’re you crying?” He whispered softly. His thumb gently began to wipe them away. The dream came back to you immediately.
“You cheated on me, asshole!” You spat, turning on your side away from him. Now he knows without a doubt he’s never given you any reason to believe that, but that doesn’t stop his heart rate from picking up.
“I beg your pardon?” He spoke from behind you. Suddenly the pieces clicked in his mind and he couldn’t help a small smile despite the circumstances. “For real? Dream Ky is an asshole.” Kyle sighed. He carefully wrapped an arm around you, hoping you wouldn’t reject the comfort. You didn’t. “You gonna break up with him?” He asked, inching closer to you.
“I think I have to.” You mumbled sleepily. “I don’t deserve to be treated that way.” You yawned, pressing yourself against him.
“That’s right, babe. You’re so much better than that. Maybe you should just date me instead, hmm?” He smiled against your head.
“That’s a good idea.” You whispered, before finally falling back asleep.
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Now Alejandro had never been a morning person, but waking him up this way was just cruel.
“Alejandro! Wake up!” A pillow thumped against his chest, affirming your words.
“What happened?” He groaned, tumbling out of bed. His hands went to find one of the many weapons he had stored under the bed.
“You don’t get to talk to me that way!” You yelled. His body slowed.
“What are you talking about, Mi vida?” His eyes had finally adjusted to the sun poking through the window. “Are you hurt?”
“Not physically. But emotionally, yes! Yes, I am!” You stated from your spot on the bed. “You were very mean to me, Alejandro.”
His brows furrowed and he felt his blood began to heat up. What did he do? He had always been nothing but adoring towards you.
“I think you have me confused with someone else.” He huffed, finally standing up from his tumble. He ran a hand over his face, trying to blink away his drowsiness. “And if someone was mean to you, you have ten second to tell me who.”
“No. It was my dream. I know who was in it.” You pressed. Your words finally sunk in and he let a few chuckles flow freely.
“Oh, My feisty little thing.” He smirked, scooping you up in his arms, tucking both of you back under the covers. He’d be dammed if he let your little fit disrupt his much needed sleep.
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“I’m sorry I did that, mi amor.” Rudy apologized against your temple.
“It’s just so not like you.” You whined against his chest. “Even in my dreams you are always so sweet to me.” He nodded his head in understanding, his hands trailing up and down your sides, massaging wherever felt tense.
“You dream about me a lot?” He smiled. You quickly nodded your head.
“Yeah. Especially when you are away.” You murmured, pressing a kiss against his chest in apology for acting so silly.
He opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it.
“Do you think, maybe, mi amor, that it’s all those true crime shows you’ve been watching?” He said hesitantly. “Because I don’t think I’ve ever given you a reason to think I would poison your food.”
“Maybe.” You sighed. “Rudy?”
“Yes, mi Amor?”
“Is now a bad time to ask you for some breakfast?”
I hope you liked this! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words! 🩷🍄P.S sorry this took so long! I have so many requests just rotting in my drafts 😩
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highdreaming · 2 years
Eyes off her
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💢 All the works are pure fictions, for entertainment purposes only so please, read it at your own will.
Summary: Your boyfriend gets jealous when someone flirts with you and a fight follows.
Find more at: Masterlist
Gavi x (female) reader
AN: Please like, reblog and give me feedback!
You twist your hands with nervousness as you wait for Gavi in the corridor.
The whole stadium vibrates with the loud cheers of the fans, everyone is excited for tonight’s big game and you feel the same way, wishing Gavi’s team to win. You wait for your boyfriend to show up, wanting to wish him good luck before the game. 
And he finally appears, pulling you towards him for a hug, a huge grin decorating his face.
“Hey. Good luck, babe. I hope you guys win.” you say, kissing his cheek. Gavi’s arm suddenly tightens around you and as you struggle to pull away, you notice the sudden tense expression on his face as he looks to the front.
You turn your head, catching a glimpse of a tall man from the other team staring at you, more specifically at your lower back with a cocky smirk on his face.
Your eyes meet his for a second and he provocatively winks at you before turning around and walking away. 
That explains Gavi’s reaction. You hold back a sigh, knowing how riled up your boyfriend gets, especially during games. 
“Babe, just ignore him.” you mutter, placing a hand on Gavi’s arm. Your words don’t seem to convince him but he gives you a rushed kiss before leaving to join the other boys for the game. 
You only hope he doesn’t let jealousy get the best of him. 
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The game is dominated by Barcelona, your boyfriend’s team clearly being the best and it shows as they’re the ones leading, marking several goals. 
Your hands constantly pick the material of your Barcelona’s number 30 jersey, the excitement and nervousness of the game giving you a hard time.
Especially when Gavi keeps committing fouls, all of them directed towards the player that had checked you out earlier. The referee keeps showing him yellow cards and you’re already dreading the moment Gavi gets a red card.
Just as that thought crosses your mind, whistles erupt wildly across the stadium with everyone pointing towards a commotion on the field. 
Your eyes widen with horror when you notice that Gavi is in the center of it, violently pushing the other player. Both teams and its players get in the middle, attempting to stop it, but they’re unable to prevent Gavi from punching him in the face. 
You gasp in horror, your heart crazily beating as the referee pulls out a red card, showing it towards Gavi. His face is contorted in an angry frown, face glistening with sweat.
He stomps the grass, leaving the field under intense boos. You hurry up leaving the stands, running towards the inside of the building. 
Once you get to the locker room, you push the door open. Inside Gavi is sitting on a stool, throwing his shirt to the floor with a violent movement. 
You hesitate for a moment, seeing him so angry but slowly take small steps towards him. 
“Hey, are you okay?” you whisper, letting your hand stroke his hair. His shoulders slump and he looks at you, fury and jealousy burning in his gaze. 
“He was fucking talking about you! Like you were a piece of meat, like you weren’t my girlfriend.” he growls, brown hair falling down to his eyes as he literally vibrates with anger.
You hold back a sigh, already knowing that the player only did so to upset Gavi. Everyone knows that your boyfriend easily loses his cool. 
“He did that to make you upset, Gavi. You shouldn’t have listened to him. Now you’ve got a red card.” you say with a sad smile. 
Gavi meets your eyes, intently looking at you, brows furrowed. 
“So I was just supposed to let him talk like that about you? That wasn’t gonna happen.” he blurts out, hand reaching to grab your own, pulling you against him.
He wraps his arms around your waist, face pressed against your stomach. You take the chance to keep touching his hair, massaging his scalp as he takes deep frustrated breaths. 
You're not sure how long you remain in this position, but Gavi eventually gets calmer, his breathing getting steady. 
“I just love you too much.” he quietly whispers, pushing his face upwards. You meet his stare, his beautiful brown eyes holding an array of emotions. 
“And I love you back.”
AN: I also think I'm gonna start writing for Haaland, what do you think?
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allthelovehes · 6 months
Make You Mine* | TEASER
Summary: Harry and Y/N are FWB but when Y/N has plans with another man Harry gets extremely jealous.
Pairing: FWB!Harry x reader
Word count: 1.2K TEASER of a 5.2K Patreon Exclusive!
Warnings: Smut, sir kink, cum eating, just really hot ok.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
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Ever since Y/N started this friends-with-benefits type of situation with her best friend Harry, they have been doing their best to keep their emotions in check. It's the same old story; it's fun and exciting, and then one or both of them ends up getting attached. They both know the deal, but it's too tempting to be together, and the sex is just so good.
They never agreed upon being exclusive but they also never explicitly told each other that they shouldn't have any other sexual partners. So now that Harry is busy working in the studio and therefore working most days of the week, he's starting to wonder if there's a chance Y/N might be seeing someone else.
He isn't stupid, he knows she has needs too, and he's sure she can find someone to take care of her whenever she needs it. The thought of her with someone else however is not a pleasant one. He isn't the jealous type, really, he's not. But still, the thought of her being with someone else makes him feel... strange.
He knows this isn't right, he's just being unreasonable. After all, they have never been officially exclusive, and she's allowed to fuck whoever she wants.
Harry's suspicions are confirmed when he texts Y/N to see if she's home tonight, he's desperate for some attention and hers is the only body he wants wrapped around him right now. He's met with an answer that is not quite what he's hoping for, and it makes him feel like he's just swallowed a bucket of cold water.
Y/N Can't tonight, I've got plans.
Plans. So it is another man then. She has plans with someone, and the worst part is, she didn't even tell him. She's never done that before, always kept him in the loop. Harry's chest tightens and his stomach starts to do flips. It's not jealousy, he tells himself, but it sure as hell feels like it. He doesn't even know for sure, how the hell can he be so upset?
Harry Plans huh? What's up?
He's trying his best to sound casual, but he's pretty sure he's failing. He's waiting for a text back, maybe she'll tell him. He doesn't have to wait long for an answer, which makes his heart sink even more.
Y/N I don't know if I should tell you
Shit. She's really going to make him ask then. He takes a deep breath and decides to bite the bullet.
Harry Is it a date then?
A little over a minute passes and his phone vibrates.
Y/N Depends
Harry On what?
Y/N On you
Harry swallows, his heart beating in his throat. He's not sure how to answer, his emotions are running wild, and he's starting to feel angry. She's got the answers he's desperate for, and she won't just give them to him. He feels the rage boil inside him and he just wants to go out there and confront her.
Harry Tell me Y/N
Y/N You'll either like it or not
Harry You know I'm not good at guessing games. Just tell me
Y/N Okay, fine It's not a date, but it is with a man
Harry And what does that have to do with me?
His hands are shaking, his heart is beating like crazy, and yet his stomach feels like it's somehow filled with butterflies. He can't believe he's having this conversation, but he really should have seen this coming.
Y/N I don't know. I mean, do I tell you about every single guy I see?
He feels his throat tighten, and his voice falters when he tries to form words.
Harry So you've slept with him
He knows that's not the kind of answer she's looking for, but he can't help it. He's too caught up in his own emotions and thoughts, and he's suddenly desperate to hear the words come from her own mouth.
Y/N No
Harry But you're going to
She's not stupid, she must be able to tell what he's thinking. He's not going to play this game with her, he wants an answer.
Harry Y/N?
A few seconds pass in silence, and Harry's heart rate rises.
Y/N Maybe
The air feels as though it's leaving his body, and he has to steady himself against the kitchen counter. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath.
Harry Oh okay
He can't bring himself to tell her to have fun. Instead, he just closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. He's feeling so many things, so many conflicting emotions, and he just doesn't know how to process them. He's trying his best to keep it together, but his insides feel like they're going to burst.
After a moment of silence, he opens his eyes again.
Y/N Why?
His head is spinning. He wants to go and tell her he doesn't want her to have sex with anyone but him, but he knows he can't do that. The thought of her having sex with someone else is driving him insane, but he also doesn't want her to think that he owns her. He doesn't know what to do.
Harry I don't know
He doesn't want to tell her about his feelings, it would make everything so much worse. He doesn't know if he can trust her enough to tell her the truth. After all, what if she tells him that she doesn't want to see him anymore, and they stop being friends? He knew starting this thing would lead to heartache, he just didn't think it would be on his side.
He decides not to tell her anything, and he locks his phone and sets it back on the counter. He heads to his room, but the anger and frustration inside him is just too much to be able to relax. He needs to let it out, somehow. He doesn't know how to deal with this.
He picks up his phone and starts typing out a text, but he erases it before he can send it. He can't tell her, he's just not ready. He's scared, and he doesn't want to lose her. He starts typing another message, but again he doesn't send it. He doesn't know what to say, he doesn't know how to handle this.
He paces back and forth through his kitchen before making a decision. He picks up his keys and phone and walks out the door. He knows exactly where he's heading, and he can't wait to see her.
He drives there as fast as he can, and when he finally gets to her apartment, he doesn't even bother knocking on her door, he just uses the key she gave him and lets himself in. The lights are on, and she's standing in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in her hand.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Her voice is calm, but Harry can see her hands shake ever so slightly, and her eyes are wide as she looks at him. He's probably the last person she was expecting to show up here.
“I came to see you.” He says, his voice wavering as he tries to catch his breath.
“I can see that, but why?”
He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close and pressing his lips against hers. His hands find their way into her hair, and he presses her against the kitchen counter, his tongue pushing its way past her lips.
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writingwisterias · 1 month
Late-Night Cravings
Leon S Kennedy x Pregnant! Reader
Words: 1.2K Warnings: Pregnancy, Fluff, Hormones, Weird Pregnancy Cravings (I had to google them lol) Summary: Leon begins to leave work to come home and gets a call from his wife with her latest cravings-
Something random I thought about instead of my job...hope you enjoy! My requests are open ~ Mads <3
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Leon’s phone vibrated in his pocket as he walked through his office building. It was out of hours, he probably stayed a lot longer as he wanted to get everything done before his wife at home went into labour. He sighed loudly as he had an armful of reports trying to fiddle in his pocket for the device, balancing his load to prop the phone to his ear. “Agent Kennedy” he grumbled through the speaker, his tone professional and harsh as he expected it to be someone calling him to try and get him to go on a mission. Except it was his lovely wife, innocent asking him for a midnight snack request, he silently cursed himself for not looking at the caller ID. “Oh, I’m sorry I can call you later” 
Crap you had your tiny voice on, the one that he knew meant you were upset. “No honey it's okay, I thought you were someone else” he tried to reason, his heart thumping at the silence that followed. “I just wanted to see when you were coming back, we miss you” 
He loved that, we, the warmth that filled his body at the fact you had allowed him to experience this part of life. His mind always told him that he didn’t deserve it, all the innocent people that he had watched die as he got to live his life. “I’m just leaving the office now love, Send me a text if you want me to get anything,” He said making sure his voice was a lot chirpier. “Ooh, I’ve been thinking of this new thing we can try…I feel like it will be really good today” you rambled. Leon chuckled, silently cringing at the idea of trying one of the weird cravings you had gotten now you were in the later stages of your pregnancy. “Send me a list as we will try it when I get in love” he said. He could hear your giggle through the speaker, he was sure to have a heart attack at how cute you were being. You both said your goodbyes and he left the office with a spring in his step eager to please his wife. 
You sat curled on the sofa, your stomach ballooning in front of you with your snacks balanced on top. You chuckled at the small kicks protruding from there. “Practicing your backflips like your dad” you joked, you hand rubbing the bump soothingly. You smiled at the sound of the front door opening “speak of the devil” you muttered under your breath. Leon’s voice echoing around the home as he greeted you. Leon smiled at the sight of you in his shirt, cosy in the corner. He leant down giving you a kiss and another for your stomach. “How are you both” he smiled placing the shopping bag on the coffee table as he kneeled on the floor to be at your height. “This one is taking after their and practing their backflips and I am eager for my snacks” you giggled. He laughed, kissing your stomach once again, “You’ll have to help me prepare this one love, I don’t want to get it wrong like I did last time” 
You playfully groaned, shifting your weight to be able to get up. “God, do you want me to feed it to you as well?” 
“That would be so kind, you know I had to go all the way to the store to get it and everything” he teased, his arms wrapping around you as he helped you stand. You hugged him tightly, holding him close for just a second. “I love you so much” he whispered into your hair, his scent filled your nose as he brought you closer; squeezing you as if you weren’t even real. “I love you too” you replied, pulling him into a kiss. You both began to get lost in the passion of the kiss, tongues soon battling for dominance as he savoured the taste of you. It wasn’t until a small kick brought you back to your current task, trying to get Leon to try your latest craving. “I think you’ll like this one,” you said, dragging him into the kitchen ignoring his laugh at your waddle. 
He watched you crush up the bag of flaming hot Doritos in the bag he swore he could see your mouth watering at the sight. “Can I have the yoghurt please?” you asked him so innocently, a large smile grew on his lips as he passed you the item, watching as you methodically tried to figure out how to mix the two. “Do you want a bowl?” he asked already moving to get you one from the cupboard. “Oh yes! Good thinking”  God you were so cute He tried not to gag at the sight of you mixing the two different textures before you scooped a large spoonful and brought it to your lips. You moaned as the flavours hit your tongue acting as if it was the best thing you had ever tasted. “This hit the spot, it might be my new favourite. Thank you so much” you said, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going back to your snack. He prayed he had got away scot-free, hoping you had forgotten your plan on getting him to try it as he watched you waddle back to the living room clutching it tightly like someone was going to steal it from you. 
The sound of him closing the crisp bag to prevent it from going stale caused you to turn around with a wide devilish grin on your face. “How could I almost forget you wanted to try it” you giggled walking towards him with the spoon outstretched. “I wouldn’t say I wanted to try it” he said begrudgingly taking the spoon from your grasp. The smell alone caused his nose to wrinkle, his eyes meeting yours pleading that you wouldn’t actually let him go through with this. However the way you were rocking back and forth on your feet waiting for his opinion like you did everytime this happened. “Leon you have eaten raw fish and eggs this can’t be worse than that” you teased. He just rolled his eyes, bring the spoon into his mouth and taking the whole thing. It wasn’t that it was bad, it was just the crunchy tecture of the doritos and then the fact the yogurt was strawberry flavour as opposed to greek or plain. Compared to all of your other cravings it wasn’t horrible. “It’s not bad” he said when he finally managed to swallow, “but its not good” 
He watched your shoulders deflat the excitement leaving your body “you never like it” you spoke, your bottom lip jutting out slightly. “Think of it as a good thing, you know I wont eat it so you'll never run out” 
You seemed pleased by that comment as he watched you attempt to run back to the living room and get situated back in your spot. He didn’t know what he did to deserve this, but he was glad he got this, that he got you. Forever thankful for you helping him escape from the dark place a few years back, giving him a new reason to continue the fight he had started when he was so young. As well as giving him a new reason to return home.
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princessoflalaland · 4 months
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synopsis: in which worick reassures he loves your small boobs
content: smut, dry humping, breast play
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“She’s…not stacked?”
you glare at him. “no, she’s not, jackass. keep your dumbass comments to yourself, arcangelo.”
worick's stupid comment does not go over your head. he's made it a stupid habit to voice his thoughts about women; not derogatory, just honest (in his eyes). it’s not like he’s wrong though: your tits are small, not as impressive as alex's.
normally, it doesn’t bother you, but the comment is coming from someone you find remotely attractive, someone you've pining over for the past couple of weeks. so it stings a bit more than usual. worick curls his lips into that sexy, shit-eating grin he’s known for as you storm off after nicolas. he makes a silent promise to change your mindset on him and those cute tits of yours.
little do you know that feature, along with many other things about you, is what turns him on the most. so, in the moments when it’s just the two of you in the apartment, he has you straddling his lap. he kneads the small yet plush mounds on your chest, making you whine and writhe on his growing bulge.
he grinds his hips up into your clothed cunt, groaning around the nipple in his mouth. “such pretty, perky tits.” his faded blue eyes peer up at you, pools of lust that makes your stomach flip. “dunno why you’d get upset over them.”
you bite your lip and huff out a moan. “'m not upset about them. i’m upset over—” an involuntary whine interrupts you. worick pinched the nipple that isn’t in his mouth and let his teeth clam down gently on the one his mouth. heat and arousal pumps through you with every beat of your racing heart. “y-your words. that’s what upset m-mee..”
“aw, darling.”he coos, popping off your sensitive nipple. he pays attention to the next one, swiping his expert tongue over your areola. “didn’t mean to make you mad.”
he can’t get over the look on your face. your pleasure keeps you from fully contorting your beautiful face into an expression of anger. he rolls one of your sensitive buds between his fingers, eliciting another cry from you. “in case you can’t tell, i fuckin love your tits.” he sucks a dark mark onto your breast, his groans vibrating over your nerves. “they’re so cute. who needs giant tits when i got these, hm?”
your hips haven’t stopped gyrating over worick's jeans. the friction was delectable, and pairing that with his lips on your smooth skin, that was enough to get you closer to a desperate climax. through your pathetic noises, you say, “y-you mean that?”
“course i do, baby. your tits are perfect, made f’me to suck on till i cum in my pants.” his vulgar words make the wet patch on your panties damper. “love you and your lil tits, princess.”
your hips stutter as you cum through your favorite pair of panties. your fingers dig through his ash blonde mane, yanking at the locks as your walls spasms around nothing. his name is a breathless whisper on your lips, a sound that rings in his ears even after you’re done cumming.
worick watches your sclera fill your eyes as they disappear entirely into your skull, he revels in the way your body jerks ever so slightly from ecstasy. he can just about cum in his pants from the sight.
a thin trail of saliva connecting his lips to your breasts glints from the low light in the room. worick presses a tender kiss to each nipple then to your mouth.
“i’m sorry, y/n if i made you feel less than perfect.” his voice is raw with honesty, his eyes carefully focused on yours.
“if you want my forgiveness, you’ll make me cum again.” you always know exactly what to get out of this man that is utterly whipped for you.
his signature smirk makes a reappearance. “of course, princess.”
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aothotties · 9 months
Perfect- Reiner x black!reader
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Pairing: Reiner x chubbyblack!reader
Warnings: oral sex (f.recieving), unprotexted sex, creampies, body worship, mentions overstimulation, a little fluffy at the end
wc: 1.4k
You laid in bed with your boyfriend, Reiner, as he scrolled to find a movie for you to watch.
“There’s nothing on here” he stated as he continued to scroll
“”Wait baby! Coraline!” you said with excitement as you saw your favorite movie pop up on the screen
“Okay love, let's watch Coraline”. He clicked the movie and pulled you in closer 
As you and Reiner were cuddling he used his large hands to rub all over your body, something he always did when you laid with him.
His hand traveled to your lower abdomen where he squeezed the soft flesh. You hated this part of your body and it secretly bothered you that he loved to grab it 
“Rei, stop” you whined as you tried to move his hand 
“What does that tickle” he asked with a grin then went in to tickle you on purpose 
You giggled and tried to escape his grasp as he tickled your belly.
“No babe stop” you said between laughs “no i just don't like when you grab me right there”
He lifted his head to look at you, “what? You don't like when I grab your stomach? Why?”
You let out a sigh, “because Rei, I hate that part of my body. I get upset looking at it and I don't like when you grab it. It's so ugly to me”
You felt yourself fighting back tears. When you first met Reiner you were a few pounds smaller but as your relationship went on the happy weight began to stick. You felt self conscious about it and feared Reiner would find you disgusting
“Awe baby” he said as he turned you around to face him in the bed “im so sorry you feel that way. I think you're absolutely beautiful” he grabbed a handful of your belly again 
“Reiner please. I don't like it, I have stretch marks and everything. I wish I was like you and could commit to the gym but I'm just so tired after work most days and i just feel disgusting.” You were crying at this point.
You had never expressed to your boyfriend how you felt about yourself and hearing your confession broke Reiner’s heart. He loved you exactly the way you are and he felt as if he didn't do his job, as your man, to make you feel safe and confident 
He laid you on your back and crawled on top of you. He gave you soft kisses on your lips and all over your face. He lowered himself down to your stomach and lifted your shirt. You tried to cover yourself with your arms but he quickly moved them out his way
He started peppering kisses all over your stomach, “i love this so much baby” he says as he gets down to your lower belly.
He starts kissing and softly biting your lower stomach. He licked every single one of your stretch marks and gave each one a soft kiss. 
The feeling of your boyfriend kissing all over you sent butterflies to your pussy and a wet spot stained your panties 
His kisses trailed lower but he purposely skipped your cunt to be a tease 
Reiner began kissing the stretch marks on your inner thighs. He continued the same action he did on your stomach making sure every single stretch mark was kissed and licked
“You're so beautiful my baby. I love every part of you” he stated as he kissed you in between your thighs
He finally moved his head to your pussy and placed a soft kiss on your clothed clit. You whined and squirmed but he held your hips so you wouldn't move.
He placed his large hands on the underside of your thighs and lifted them on his shoulders. Reiner began licking you through your panties 
“Reiner please” you begged 
He grinned as he moved your panties to the side and immediately attached his lips to your swollen clit. He sucked softly and moans spilled out of your mouth. You spread your legs even wider and you back arched off the bed.
“You're so perfect, baby. so fucking perfect” he said as he started to lick up and down your folds 
The vibrations from him talking sent a shockwave through your body.
“I cant believe you’re all mine, princess. This perfect little angel belongs to me” he continued praising you as his sucks became harder and he added a finger into your soaked hole 
He curled his finger and rubbed on your g-spot while sucking on your clit. The feeling had you seeing stars. Your stomach turned into a knot and your brain went cloudy. 
Your back arched even more and you tried to close your thighs but your boyfriend was too strong. You reached your orgasm and spilled into Reiner’s mouth 
He lifted his head to look at you and you loved how his face glistened from your essence.
He licked his lips then came up to give you a kiss.
Reiner was always a good kisser but this one felt different. There was more passion in this one, as if he was expressing all his love in one kiss. Every feeling he had for you was all poured into this one moment and you began crying.
He pulled back from the kiss and gave a confused look 
“I just love you so much” you stated as you looked up at him 
Reiner gave you a soft smile and started going on about how much he loved you 
“I love you baby, so so much” he stated as he hooked his finger under your panties and slipped them off, “ you are the most beautiful woman i've ever laid eyes on”
He moved to your shirt and began slipping it off your body. You were feeling self conscious but you knew your boyfriend loved you no matter what.
Reiner took his own clothes off and then positioned himself on top of you
“God, its like looking at an angel” he said as he lowered his face to kiss you
He sighed as he slid into you
“You feel so good baby” he whispered against your lips 
He was moving his hips slowly, taking his time with you. Reiner wanted to enjoy your body tonight, and reassure you that no one in this world could make him feel as good as you. 
“You're so amazing, princess.” he whispered as he lifted one of your legs. The angle allowed him to reach deeper and you felt him hitting your cervix 
“fuck – that feels so good baby” you whined from under him 
His pace continued and he never took his eyes off you. The whole time he was on top of you he was mesmerized with your look
Reiner loved the way your eyebrows furrowed as you reached your orgasm. He loved your eyes as they were filled with tears from overstimulation. He loved the way your curls were spread across the pillow under your head. He loved your lips as you bit them from the pleasure 
But most of all reiner loved the way your body looked. He loved your stomach that rolled as he had you folded under him. He loved the way your breasts bounced with each thrust. Reiner loved your body down to every stretch mark
You were his angel in every way and there was no doubt that he loved you the way you are 
“So pretty, baby, you're so beautiful” he groaned as he sped up.
He was close to his own climax and his movement grew sloppy and his groans were louder than you at this point 
“Cum in me, Rei please” you begged because you knew he was close
He let out one final groan as he released inside of you, filling you with his seed
He placed his forehead on yours as he came down from his high.
“Baby please, don't ever think you don't look good. I love you exactly the way you are and i wouldn't trade you for the world” he said to you as he tried to catch his breath 
He slid out of you and pulled you into his chest and with a soft kiss on your forehead he said, “ i love you Y/N, always have, always will”
The lump in your throat stopped you from responding to your boyfriend. No matter how you felt, Reiner never fell short with his reassurance. 
You snuggled closer to your man and dozed off in his arms knowing you are loved. 
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mossy-opal · 1 year
To Lay Above
Incubus!Dabi x Reader
WARNINGS: SMUT!!! Voyeurism, Degradation, Mocking (lovingly), Oral Sex (Reader Receiving)
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He rolled his eyes as she said she loved him from beneath him, rolling his hips again so as to not let her notice his disdain.
Being the way he was he knew what love smelt like, or at least what others have explained to him, and this was not it. She didn't love him, she seemed more embarrassed of him than anything. What she loved was the way he made her unravel.
But then again, she was easy. Well- Everyone was easy for an incubus. Even with the way he looked, he could still make anyone weak in the knees for him so he could get something to eat.
The woman didn't even realise he was taking her soul until she was just a corpse on the mattress, with Dabi leaving through the window to find a new toy to play with. Men and women were easy to play with, easy to feed him, but it did get… Boring… To say the least.
He wanted something new, wanted someone new. He was tired of all of them being embarrassed of him when he visited, always saying the same thing.
“Not now, I have friends over…"
“Ah- I don’t think you should come around, my parents are here…"
“Thanks, but I can’t see a movie tonight…”
They always had the same grimace, always had the same tone, and it was clear to him that he wasn’t someone they would be… Proud of…
Maybe it was silly, wanting someone to hold hands with, but he wanted it. He wanted it badly.
“Are you okay…?”
Dabi looked for the source of the voice, tilting his head to find… You.
“Are you alright? You seem… upset.”
He looked you up and down, smirking to himself at the way you looked. Cute.
“Huh.. I’m fine, what’s a cute thing like you worrying about someone like me~?”
Might as well get a free meal out of you, if he couldn’t find anyone else that matched his taste. You even blushed, you really were cute.
“Oh, well, you seem upset is all, I figured I’d ask.”
“What’s it to you, doll~?”
And you shrugged! That was how you two met. You were a bit different, he could tell. You often let him crash on your couch, fed him, offered him your bed at times, but never asked for anything from him. Hell, he even helped you out on going on dates…
Even if he hated how it made him feel…
He didn’t hope your dates would fall through. He would never sabotage your dates.
He didn’t care.
. . .
But he did, and he knew that when he smelt you. He dropped by late at night one evening, he wanted to watch a movie with you, maybe cuddle, but you seemed to be sleeping already. It was odd, but it didn’t matter to him. As he moved to sit on the couch, he stopped when he heard it.
You were moaning.
Suddenly, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Were you with someone? If you were, why didn’t you tell him, you know he just drops by-
His ears twitched at that. His eyes widened as he made his way to your room, your scent bleeding through the door the closer he got. It sounded like the door wasn’t even closed as he heard your heavy breathing, the vibrator between your legs, the squelching of your wetness, your whining and-
“Aaaahh Dabiiii~”
He put his forehead against the door, smelling your arousal. Slowly he felt himself lose control of his appearance. His horns grew from his head, curling around his skull, his teeth changing to his natural fangs as he could feel himself practically drooling. His tail swirled behind him, and his wings spread as wide as they could in the small hallway of your place. Hearing you nearing your climax, moaning his name, he could feel his pants grow tighter, his eyes dilating and his own breathing quickening. He couldn’t hold it back anymore, he couldn’t deny himself what he wanted a second further.
Slowly he opened the door, easily sneaking in and crawling onto your bed, you didn’t even notice until you opened your eyes, squealing at the sight of him.
“Dabi!? W-what are you doing here!? Why do you look like that!? What-”
“Doll, relax, I’m just here to give you what you want~”
Your face flushed a deep red as you tried to cover yourself.
“Aaaaw, don’t try to hide yourself, I heard you moaning for me~”
You whined, feeling the shame and embarrassment seeping into your mind. “Y-you did…?”
Dabi’s chuckle confused you as he fed into your embarrassment.
“Yes, and the way it sounded, and how you smell, is driving me fucking wild baby~”
He wanted to use this gift as much as he could, grinding against you, showing you how hard your noises made him. You shuddered, your toy completely forgotten at the real deal looming above you. You had wanted this for a few months after you met him. He was attractive as all hell, very nice to you, and he seemed to want you for more than just your body, unlike your countless failed dates.
But there was one issue.
He was very clearly not human.
Your mind was reeling with questions as he started kissing up your neck, muttering his praises to you as he felt up your body.
“Doll, I can almost hear your pretty mind running… Is something wrong…?”
You immediately snapped back into reality, where Dabi was above you, a slightly worried look on his flushed face.
“Ah- Yea I’m just… What are you…?”
Dabi chuckled, feeling that pit in his stomach grow slowly again, “Clearly I’m a demon, Doll… Did you make a deal with the devil~?”
Your cute little giggle warmed his chest as you shook your head, flushing red again. “Dabi I… Are you serious…? You’re for real a d-demon…?”
Dabi nodded, feeling a bit prideful as he saw you get flustered, “That’s right babe~”
“Why did you choose me…?”
Dabi’s smug smirk suddenly fell from his face, he grimaced slightly.
“Do we really gotta talk about this doll? It’s kinda-”
Your sudden dominance made him chuckle, as he sat back on his knees, his tail flicking in slightly irritation.
“Alright alright…. I’m an incubus, and you smell like my next meal. That’s why I want you. I want to taste you,” He moves back to lean over you, “I want to feel you,” He gets closer, his mouth a whisper away from yours, “I want to fuck you full of me~”
Your cute shudder made him groan, and what you said next really made him weak.
“I want you, Dabi…. Please~?”
How could he deny that?
He smirked and licked up the side of your neck, taking another bite before kissing you. He’d never kissed anyone of his other partners before, choosing instead not to keep it nearly as intimate. But with you, he had always felt different. From the way you spoke to him, to the way you spoke about him to your friends over the phone, how eager you were to show him off, even if you weren’t official…
It really did something to him, and he was more than happy to give in to those feelings now.
After all, drinking in your lust for him was ten times better than what he fed off of with other people. Hell, it even tasted better than your regular affection tasted- He was drunk on you.
As you two kissed, you wrapped your arms around him, making him shudder against you. You were so eager, so ready, so excited, just for him.
“Dabi… P-please..?”
“Oooh, so needy… So, so needy… You little slut~”
Your face went red as he moved to start taking off his clothes.
“Such a needy whore, touching yourself wasn’t enough? Your little plastic toy wasn’t enough for you~? You need me baby~?”
His mocking tone was driving you wild, he could tell with how your eyes dilated, your bottom lip quivering as you moaned. When you glanced down at his dick, you could see he was pierced, making you flush even more. Dabi chuckled, rubbing himself on you, and he chuckled feeling how you were already so soaked.
“Damn, you’re soaked baby… Did you use lube on yourself for your little toy, or is it just because of me~?”
His teasing made you whine, but you couldn’t deny it, you loved it…
“Ready f’me~?” He whispered, leaning closer to the side of your head. You nodded, whining again as he slowly pushed in, making you gasp. He was right, your vibrator wasn’t enough for you, Dabi was far better.
He didn’t give you any time to adjust, already thrusting into you at an alarmingly fast rate. He was loving how you felt, fucking into you like his life depended on it, pulling out as many moans from you as he could. He bit into your shoulder, up your neck, marking you everywhere he could get his teeth. He wanted you to know who you belonged to, wanted everyone to know you were his.
As he fucked into you, he could hear you trying to mutter something, so he smirked, lifting himself to look at you. “What was that baby? Wanna say somethin’, hm~?”
“Love you…. Love you Dabi~”
That made him snap his hips, making you whine. He looked down at you, eyes wide with shock as you looked up at him, tears in your eyes, blush on your face, drool dripping down your chin as you whined. You were so much better. Because you were telling the truth. He felt his heart clench as you said it again, and he moaned. He gripped your face with one of his hands, kissing you as hard as he could, muttering how he loved you too, how he was close, how you felt like heaven. Your breathing was heavy, your moans were drawn out as you clenched around him, making him gasp and shudder.
“F-fuuuck- Oh fuck doll I’m-”
He didn’t get to finished what he was saying, cumming in you, pushing himself as deep as he could get, making you squeal, and making his smirk even wider.
With your heavy breathing, he pulled out of you and looked at the mess you both made, and he could feel himself practically drooling at the sight. You were shocked when you felt his tongue on you, and in you. You shuddered, feeling him lick you up and down, moaning his name.
“D-Dabi what’re y-youOoooh- D-doing-Aaah~”
He chuckled while his mouth was on you, making you vibrate at the feeling. Lifting off of you for a short minute, he winked.
“Cleaning you up baby, that’s what~”
You moaned again, covering your face with your hands as you blushed in embarrassment- You were so fucking cute, he couldn’t stand it.
“Y-you don’t have t-”
“Mmph-shut up…. Want to.... mmph- want you….”
You squealed again as he nipped at you, and he decided to take it one step further. Putting your legs over his shoulders, he gripped your hips tightly as he ate you out, devouring you in more ways than one. He was worried he’d hurt you, his claws digging into your skin and his hunger being satiated from your pleasure- What if he killed you, just like the others? He was put at ease as he felt your fingers brush through his hair, tugging at his roots gently, as if you would hurt him.
“D-Dabiiii… Dabi I-I’m- Haa~!”
He knew, he could feel you coming undone yet again by him, and he loved every second of it. The combined taste of the both of you on his tongue made him go almost feral as he ate you- Fuck, the smell, the taste, he could barely stop himself as you came again, gently lapping at you to clean you up, finally stopping as you whined. You were probably overstimulated.
When he was done with you, you grabbed him by the face and kissed him, and you didn’t stop kissing him. You pulled him against you, and while you seperated you looked up at him with a smile.
"Dabi… I love you, y'know that right?"
He chuckled, nodding- "Dabi, I'm serious. You told me about your exes, and I want you to know I'm serious."
"Yea doll, I get it-"
You held his face again, putting his forehead against yours.
"You better… Because I love you."
He sighed and kissed you, "Love you too doll…. I really do~"
You smiled, kissing him again. "Good, because now you're stuck with me~"
"Wouldn't want it any other way sweet thing~"
You giggled, sitting up and taking his hand. "What're you doing now doll?"
"We're gonna shower, I'm all sorts of sticky thanks to you. Then, we're gonna cuddle and watch that movie you wanted to show me."
He chuckled, "How did you know I wanted to watch a movie?" He asked, letting you lead him to your bathroom.
"You were talking about it a few days ago, I figured you'd stop by to watch it at some point."
He laughed at that, "Oooh, did someone plan for me to catch them in the act~?"
You winked, "Noooo~"
"Naughty thing~"
"Only for you baby~"
He would be damned if he ever let you go… His Mate.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @malewifetouya @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @daniidil @223princess
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digitaldiarystuff · 10 months
The Interview
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Hi guyss! Thank you so much for the support for my last post, here’s another idea I’ve had and if you want a part 2 to any of my stories feel free to reach out to me!
summary: You’re an actress in Spain who supports atletico and are asked in an interview about Joao’s goal against your team, you playfully answer and receive a notification afterwards.
genre: fluff
pairing: Joao Felix x Y/N
So, Y/N, we’re coming to the end of our interview but before that, I see here in my cards that you’re a die hard Atletico fan. Is it true?” Jim, the interviewer asked. You giggled.
“It’s true Jim, growing up, my dad was a football man. We spent every weekend watching games in the stadium or at home and I still do, just not going to games because of my crazy schedule, just watching them with my Griezmann shirt at home. We’re all big fans.” you answered truthfully. You loved watching the games but sometimes it was hard to catch up.
“So, did you watch the game they played against Barcelona?” he asked, intrigued.
“I did, actually. It was heartbreaking.” you said.
“Oh yeah yeah. Felix scoring the goal.”
“Yeah, it was hard to watch because I always knew he was a good player, seeing him score against us was hard.” you answered hoping that nobody would get upset because as much as it was true, you knew you had to make interviews professionally. Especially the live ones.
Soon after, the interview was done and you were in the backstage grabbing your items to head out. It was an off-day and you had planned on going home and not do anything.
When you went into the house, your dog, Biscuit was waiting for you at the door. You played with her for a few minutes and then grabbed some treats from the kitchen and a blanket to make yourself cozy and watch some TV but your phone vibrating like crazy meant the interview was up and everyone had seen it. You weren’t a big time celebrity but your recent role in a Netflix series has gained you tons of attention.
You were going through your message requests seeing the good and the bad things people said until one name caught your eye.
Joao Felix
Sorry to break your heart 💔 he said. You stared at the message for what felt like an eternity.
Maybe one or two footballers slid in your dm’s in the past months but none had any effect on you but Joao’s single sentence made your tummy flip. Was he mad? How could you respond to this, if you were to respond of course because you shouldn’t. Right?
It’s a little late for that, what’s done is done, you wrote but deleted right after, was it too harsh. You always had a weird sense of humor and enjoyed banter in flirting but you didn’t even know if this was flirty.
Well, you could always make up for it, you wrote then but feared it might be too forward, what if he was just apologizing genuinely to a fan? Oh god that would be embarrassing.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just your job” you wrote and sent. This is the most appropriate, you thought. And maybe, he wouldn’t even respond after this.
You were wrong, he replied back in a minute.
“What can I do to make it up to you?”
Okay, this wasn’t about all fans, you thought. Because he specifically asked what could he do for you. Breathe Y/N, breathe.
Before replying, you quickly went onto his page, he was an amazing looking athlete there’s no denying and you’re single so you shouldn’t feel bad about the butterflies in your stomach.
“You could start with a dinner.” you replied and threw the phone on the couch scared of his response. Oh god, you hope you didn’t misread the interaction.
After a few minutes you decided this was stupid and picked the phone up.
“My pleasure. Tonight at 8?” he wrote and you nearly screamed, this gorgeous man was taking you out tonight and you were already shaking.
You quickly said ok and decided to have a long shower and get ready since it’s already 5. He also asked for your location to pick you up at 8.
After the shower you went into your closet trying to decide on what to wear and ended up with a navy dress and did your makeup. Just as you were putting on earrings, you heard the door knock. You tried calming yourself and opened the door and saw the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on with a big smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Hi.” he said sheepishly.
“Hi.” you replied equally giddy.
“Are you ready?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Yes, here just let me take those of your hands and we can go.” you said, blushing because he was looking at you with no shame.
He drove you to a fancy restaurant which you’d once been with your manager as a celebration but he reserved a secluded table for the two of you.
At first, you were a little nervous about being on a date with him but that quickly went away as you talked about anything and everything. You quickly realized he was the most down to earth guy and wasn’t full of himself. He listened and gave you compliments as you described your life and you listened about his career. Before you knew it, it was nearly midnight and you were having the time of your life. You didn’t have to put on a facade with him and say whatever.
When the bill came, you of course offered but he wouldn’t budge and paid for the night and helped you walk to the exit with his hand on the small of your back. You got goosebumps just from a simple touch.
You went in the car and he started driving so you put on the radio and singing along the song when he joined you. You giggled.
“What, do you not like my voice?” he asked offended.
“No, I actually do.” you said. It felt like you knew him for years.
“I had fun tonight.” he said while walking you to your door.
“Me too, thank you for everything.” you said as you walked up the stairs to your door.
You stood just looking at each other’s eyes, lost in the moment.
“I sho-“
“Do you want to come inside?” you cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
“Yeah.” he smiled as you walked in the door.
He started looking at your home, analyzing details and when he saw the pictures of your family, he smiled.
“Did I also break your dad’s heart?” he asked.
“Why, are you going to buy him dinner too?”
“No, that was all for you.” he said as he walked over and held your waist looking at you intensely.
You looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in and stopped, as a way of making sure this was okay and you gave him the permission by pressing your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss and started moving his lips immediately. You lost yourself at his touch and placed your hands behind his head, playing with his hair. His hands roamed over your body trying to hold you closer.
“Y/N, I think I like you.” he said after you broke the kiss to breathe.
“I think I like you too Joao.” you said smiling widely.
“Now take me upstairs.” you said in a quiet tone, needing more of him.
He nodded immediately telling you to jump and wrap your legs around his torso. He carried you upstairs and you strengthened the connection you found today, until the sun came up.
You opened your eyes slowly, feeling a presence next to you and it was Joao. He was still sleeping. After you went to sleep, your mind wandered if this was just for one night but seeing him next to you happily snoring made that feeling go away. You carefully escaped his arms holding you at place to wash your face and go down to the kitchen. Just as you were passing the living room, you saw the flowers he brought last night. Smiling to yourself, you picked them up to put in a vase when you noticed a card sitting in between pink tulips.
You opened it up to see what was inside and found a note from him and smiled even wider if it’s possible.
“I hope this is the beginning of a great story”
Ahh, this was sooo sweet even when I was writing I was smiling, hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is always appreciated luvs 🌷
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