#so i am exercising. although i am doing the equivalent of abled people training for a marathon it feels like.
technoxenoholic · 2 years
apparently the average person can walk about 7 kilometers in a day every day so i'm still not meeting average with my Highest Distance In A Day Record (6km as of yesterday, and i was definitely pushing it in the last 1–1.5 so maybe i will not try that again for a very long while)
but like, considering only 2km total was my boundary for "pushing it" most days when i started doing daily (with a few exceptions) walks this past spring, i am actually making huge progress. so. personally, i'm considering this a very huge win.
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Dunno why this came to mind...maybe calculating Jakurai’s deal here...Who knows but here I am imagining how much schooling these boys have gone through. 
As a note, I am not saying their schooling level as any jab to them. All people are different. Some would prefer going to school, some do not have the opportunity and some have other things to do. It really is many reasons why they would or wouldn’t go on. And I’m just guessing what I think they’ve done based off information we have of them. 
Buster Bros!!!
Ichiro I feel only completed compulsory school and some of high school. He was too busy supporting the orphanage and his brothers to really keep up with it. And considering Yorozuya Yamada is likely their only source of income, he hasn’t really gone back either. I don’t that particularly bothers Ichiro since while he wasn’t bad at school he wouldn’t say he liked it either. 
Jiro is at the age where he didn’t have to go to school anymore but Ichiro made him stay. As it was just better options for Jiro if he does finish school. He also doesn’t go to cram school as 1) he can’t stand school as is, 2) he likely goes to help Ichiro with the business and 3) there’s a chance they can’t afford to send him. Despite the latest drama tracks, I don’t see school being a point of contention between them even if Jiro doesn’t like school. I don’t see him pursuing a traditional higher education, if he even goes at all.
Saburo is still in compulsory school as far as I understand so it’s not really a question of if he goes. But obviously Ichiro would want him to stay. Especially him because he’s good at it and seems to like it. That and it might help Saburo’s social skills to have to be around kids his age. For the most of the same reasons, Saburo doesn’t do cram school either. If anything he probably could tutor if he didn’t get so easily frustrated with people. I do feel he could make it to the top schools when he gets older but I see an interest in going overseas for uni.
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki I don’t think went past compulsory schooling. He was too busy with yakuza stuff to really deal with school. I see him getting into a lot of fights over his background, namely badmouthing of his parents. He probably had Nemu stay though because he wanted her to have options. I think he’s really good with money even though he probably hasn’t had to worry about it for a long time
Jyuto I initially was gonna say did go to college but researching a little bit, he probably didn’t. He only would need to finish high school and pass exams. Which I feel he was prepared for. Like I think he’s been set on being a cop for a long time and worked for that. Which is why I’ll also go out on a limb and say that in high school this boy was a runner so he was also in shape for his training when he passed exams. I also think Jyuto was a good boy student.
Rio likely went into military service as soon as he could, which I believe is 18 over there. It’s a little harder to tell about how the service was since the world of hypmic is one that had another war, so it’s likely his time was busier than what it would be normally for someone in the navy. He absolutely could’ve gone to uni and come back to get a better rank but I don’t think Rio really cared about that aspect of it. (This man knows communications and some hacking, you cannot tell me he couldn’t have gone far) I will say he likely took advantage of his half-American status and is fluent in English as it would’ve been useful for joint exercises with the states. I think the dissolution of the navy really shot him in the foot but he’s just too resourceful to keep down with that.  
Fling Posse
Ramuda...obviously didn’t. And I don’t think his records would show anything. Like if it had to show anything, it would probably show him going to a super large school where it’s completely possible no one knows who the hell he was (because he was never there). And if he was based off someone, he likely had some of his credentials taken from them. He understand the culture of schooling though, I mean his style and personality does seem to draw girls high school age and older. 
Gentaro is pretty hard to imagine to be honest. I don’t see him enjoying his school life and being around classmates for an extended amount of time. And while I think he could’ve spent some time in academia in literary research, I also see him finding it way too stuffy for writing. But I think ultimately...he went to uni for a short time. For some reason I just don’t see him vibing with how the system is for it. 
Dice did not. I don’t think he finished high school although he could’ve if he wanted. But he probably avoids it because it’d be an easier way to keep track of him and run contrary to his stray sort of life style. 
Jakurai...is a doctor...I sure HOPE he went to school for his profession. So he studied some of the stuff you need for doctoring during his time as an assassin but he didn’t actually go into studying to be a doctor until he quit his killing at 23. He probably went into the national defense medical college, which seems to be 6 year program but you have an extra 2-3 years of compulsory service with it. I think he likely finished his compulsory service, at the latest, a year before the Dirty Dawg timeline. Or OR he faked his schooling and just knew the equivalent knowledge from his time as an assassin and was able to pass his exams and later studied whatever he lacked. He’s basically fully legally certified NOW, don’t worry...
Hifumi I just can’t see going past high school. Like I’ve always seen the incident happening in his last year of high school and it made it difficult for him to even finish. And considering he claimed in the first Matenrou drama track that he didn’t find a way to live with his phobia until he was 20...I don’t think he went. Not that he would’ve been interested in it. Hifumi is interested in what he likes and wouldn’t want to put the effort either way. I don’t think he really cares and he has more than enough skills (and money) to do just about whatever he wants.
Doppo likely went to uni. He couldn’t get into the real prestigious schools and knew he couldn’t so just went for wherever he could get into rather than wait to test again. I feel like his degree is in either accounting or business. I think he had a part-time while in school to pay for it since it seems like his family might not be as well off or he didn’t want to burden his parents (in a passing conversation I think he mentioned paying for his brother’s exams or schooling). For some reason I also can see him having a minor in biology because I see him either knowing a lot about plants or knowing a lot about marine life. What kind of person just thinking of a water flea for like a small creature?
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara I feel like he didn’t go past high school. Not that he couldn’t. Just that he didn’t find a need to? Not when he was set on going into comedy. Like it was either make it or be trapped with his family. And he was hard noooope. 
Rosho....is a teacher? I sure HOPE he went for his teaching certificate. I don’t think he was going to initially and might not have while he was doing the comedy game with Sasara? Their time line is a little fuzzy, I haven’t found the indicator of if Rosho and Sasara disbanded before he went to MCD or after. If it was before, then yes he went to school after they disbanded. If not, then he was in school while doing the manzai thing. So yeah dual major of mathematics (or statistics) and education (he didn’t need both but I have faith in him).
Rei most definitely went to fucking uni. This bastard would let you think he didn’t but he did. He’s probably a fucking doctor or just shy of it. Drives me mad. Why am I sure? Because if Rei is behind the hypnosis mics. As in the designer and/or inventor of it, he is a scientist or engineer of some type. I see him having a degree in either biotechnology or neuroscience. I learn towards the latter because I feel like he also got a minor in psychology (or y’know what, business is possible too for a minor). Just to mess with people.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko I feel was the same as Ichiro in that he went to high school but not necessarily finishing it. I don’t believe he would’ve had to...if anything he’s gone back to his teachings at his temple. Yet it seems he doesn’t do that either so I’m not sure. I just don’t think he did anything past high school. 
Jyushi I think he might’ve just finished high school? I don’t know if he was just finishing or he’s soon to be doing exams. But I think he’s going to finish regardless. Y’know I feel like Jyushi would’ve liked going to uni. I can’t think of what he’d go to school for though! Would it be adding too much work to a passion if he did something with music theory? 
Hitoya...is a lawyer? So yeah? And you have to wonder if Hitoya is a masochist or loves to learn or what have you. Because he was in medical school WITH Jakurai. And then when they part ways, he quits and then goes into LAW. Are you kidding me? Hitoya, Hitoya please...I looked it up, he HAS to be a masochist! Law in Japan is super hard to get into! It has one of the most difficult bar exams to exist! What are you doing, man??? Although...I think Hitoya is still fairly new as a lawyer though because him starting when I assume Jakurai started school at 23, would have him only being fully practicing for 5 years. And that’s assuming he dropped out the first year and not later...which would only shrink he years outside. Unless whatever he got for his bachelors was applicable for law too (behavioral science?)...either way, yes he’s done it and he sure does do a lot to beat a guy that doesn’t even know they’re competing. 
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blue-haired-grace · 3 years
Hey friend!!! For the OC asks there were sooo many good ones! For these you can do a specific member of spark squad, a mix, or all of them. Happy to learn additional info about any of them ❤️
14, 17, 23/24(these two are similar, whichever inspires you), 30, 35, 36, 40
Ok that was still a lot, whichever you have inspiration on feel free to answer! I was thrilled when you mentioned me in this one and am excited to see what you come up with!! ☺️
Okay, so I tag you in an ask game so you can ask me questions, and then I take forever to respond. I’m sorry, Jay; I really did mean to get to this sooner.
To make up for this, and because I like torturing myself, I’m gonna answer these questions for all of Spark Squad, except Duke (‘cause he do be dead :'( ).
I know most other people don’t really care about Spark Squad, so due to that and length, I’ll be putting this under the cut so it doesn’t clog up the dashboards of others.
14. Does your OC do anything, “just for aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
Ghost: He’s actually the most practical, in this case, out of the four of them. He spent a lot of time being weighed down by his insecurities, so he spent a long time trying to catch-up to his squad and didn’t really consider himself to have time for anything else.
Morale: He’s in the middle of the spectrum, although he leans more towards being practical. He’s just not so much into doing something purely for aesthetic; he can go for it if the others convince him, though.
Pillow/Throwpillow: He’s also in the middle of the spectrum; he just tends to lean more towards doing something just for aesthetic. He can be freaking dramatic when he wants to be.
Sketch: This surprises a lot of people, but Sketch is the most likely to do something purely for aesthetic. He likes to sketch and, on good days, would even consider himself an artist. He knows how to balance it with practicality, though.
17. How prepared is your OC? Ready for the worst no matter what or completely lost in every situation? Would they have a medkit when it was needed? Would they have an umbrella if it rains?
Honestly, these guys have been trained since birth to be the best soldiers possible. They are all extremely prepared for the worst to happen in most situations. If I had to give a situation where each one of them would be the most likely to be completely lost:
Pillow/Throwpillow: Emotional problems
Sketch: Not being in control
Morale: When he can’t find a positive in a bad situation
Ghost: When his insecurities of not being good enough get the best of him.
23. What is the most annoying sound to your OC? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
Sketch: He loves the sound of pencil on paper, or whatever the equivalent is in the Star Wars universe. Art and drawing relaxes him and it has given him many great memories. The most annoying sound would be rain. Once when he was younger, one of his pictures ended up outside in the torrential rain of Kamino and it was completely destroyed. As he picked up his picture and stared the ruins, all he could hear was the rain pounding around him.
Pillow/Throwpillow: Pillow on the other hand loves the sound of the rain. He hates quietness and it fills him with a sense of dread; the sound of rain prevents utter silence much of the time. He hates the sound of crying, though. Most of the time, he doesn’t know how to help a brother when they’re crying so he just lets them use him as a pillow and hopes for the best.
Morale: Like Pillow, he hates the sound of crying, although for different reasons. It usually means that a brother has gotten lost in their negative emotions, so they’re no longer trying to see the best in a situation. Since Morale is a mostly optimistic person, it hurts him to hear this sound (he’s better at dealing with it than Pillow). On the reverse, the sound of laughter is his favourite. It fills him with joy to hear proof that his brothers are happy and he’d do many things to get them to laugh.
Ghost: Honestly, Ghost hates constant noise. It overwhelms him and makes him want to scream. This can extend to the rain on Kamino, the snoring of brothers at night, and much more. He’s learned how to use this noise to his advantage, though, and it has made it easier for him to slip into the background unnoticed. He didn’t really get a favourite sound until he was in the Coruscant Guard, which was the sound of a massiff barking in joy. He found that he really likes these guys.
24. What smells bring back specific memories to your OC? What are those memories like?
Sketch: As orderly and organized as he is, he loathes the smell of something being absolutely clean or sterile. It reminds him too much of Kamino and the room he was in as they took Duke away. On the other hand, he loves the smell of nature. It reminds of the one time he was on a planet other than Kamino or Coruscant; he always wanted to get more missions off world.
Pillow/Throwpillow: The smell of paint does it for him. He doesn’t really have another smell that brings back memories; it’s just not something he focuses on. The smell of paint reminds him of when he was first allowed to paint his armour in Coruscant Guard red. This is overall a happy memory, but it’s mixed with how much he originally hated being assigned to the Coruscant Guard.
Morale: The smell of blood triggers a lot of memories for Morale. It reminds him of injuries on Kamino, injuries while in the Guard, having a knife slit his throat during a mission. Another smell is just that of a brother. It reminds him of hugs, cuddle piles, etc. Very fond memories for him…Though they become a bit bittersweet later on. :)
Ghost: The smell of alcohol reminds Ghost of 79’s; it’s not very pleasant for him to think about, which will be elaborated upon in your other ask. ;) He loves the smell of shampoo. It’s related to taking care of his hair, which is very relaxing to him.
30. What topics does your OC know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
Sketch: Unsurprisingly, Sketch knows a lot about art, especially when he gets to Coruscant and can learn even more. Sketch is probably the most predictable out of his brothers, due to putting himself in the role of the older brother for so long.
Ghost: The first topic he knows a lot about is hair care. This isn’t really a surprise since his hair is so long; everyone just assumes he would have to know a lot to take care of it. The topic that no one really expects of him is animals. When he got to Coruscant, Ghost discovered he liked a lot of animals more than most people, so he promised himself he would learn everything about them that he could.
Morale: Like Sketch, Morale is pretty predictable as he is the designated youngest brother out of them. This tends to lead to people underestimating him and his knowledge though, so he has that advantage over Sketch. Not really surprising anyone, once reaching Coruscant, he tried educating himself as much as he could on mental health and coping mechanisms. Before on Kamino, it was mostly just empty words, regardless of how much he wanted to help. Something that surprised others was, after his throat was slit, how interested in medical knowledge he became. If something like that ever happened to a brother without a medic nearby, he wanted to be able to help. It actually helped him control his bad reactions to the smell of blood, as well.
Pillow/Throwpillow: With how much he enjoys being active, it’s not really a surprise how much he knows about fighting, weapons, exercise, etc. Something that surprised everyone, himself included, is how much he enjoyed learning about the foods in different cultures. It all started when he was guarding a senator and saw the food of their home world.
35. How easily does your OC get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
Sketch: Beyond art supplies and the pictures he draws, Sketch doesn’t really place sentimental value on objects. He’s also pretty neutral towards animals. He does get pretty attached towards people though, especially younger brothers. Once he had gotten settles into the Guard and was no longer a shiny, younger brothers began to notice the aura of “big brother” around him.
Pillow/Throwpillow: Other than pictures given to him by Sketch, Pillow doesn’t really value objects beyond its practical use. He doesn’t care much for animals, but he gives them a chance for Ghost. The same can be said for his relationship with people, too. He gets along with others, but he doesn’t get overly attached to people outside of his squad; he has to people in his squad, he doesn’t need anyone else.
Ghost: Like Pillow, the pictures Sketch gives him are really the only objects he gives sentimental value to. Once he gets to Coruscant, though, there is another object he gets attached to: a stuffed massiff. He gets really attached to animals. He feels they understand him better than most people. With people, he doesn’t really get attached. Despite growing up with them, it still took him a while to warm up to his squad. He’ll be polite and kind, but it would be way too long for him to become attached to someone outside of his squad.
Morale: Out of them all, he becomes the most attached to objects. He’s good at letting them go though, because, you know, Kamino. He likes animals, but it takes him a while to become attached to one. Morale very easily attaches himself to other people. He finds it the easiest to become friends with other and he feels every loss very deeply
36. How stubborn is your OC? Are they easily convinced of the opposite opinion, do they not agree but let it happen anyways? Or do they cause conflicts with their inability to budge in their decisions?
Sketch: He is the most stubborn. We haven’t really gotten to see it yet, but being in the position of older brother for so long and always being the one they went to when they needed help, not having that control was extremely weird when he was in the Coruscant Guard. It would actually cause a bit of trouble early on, but he worked on it.
Pillow/Throwpillow: He has a difficult time considering the emotions and conditions of others, so he tends to stick to his decision regardless of the consequences. It has caused trouble with his inability to change his mind, but he’s getting better at reflecting.
Morale: Morale would probably be the third most stubborn. This comes with his need to not be seen as weak, considering he classified as the youngest. This was also amplified when Duke died.
Ghost: He’s the least stubborn. Due to his insecurities during training, he spent so long changing his mind and tactics to get better. There are a few situations where he sticks to his guns, though, particularly when a brother is needlessly putting themselves down.
40. Are there any habits your OC has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your OC try to stop themselves from doing it?
Sketch: He picked up the habit of using the Commander Voice. He picked this up from Fox, who he did look up to a lot in terms of work and dedication. He tries to stop himself from using it in the presence of superior officers, but will use it when people trust him to lead.
Ghost: Talking to the massiffs in the Guard. He picked this up from Sergeant Hound. He loves the massiffs and it doesn’t hurt anyone, so he keeps doing it.
Pillow/Throwpillow: The only habit he’s picked up is snapping his fingers when he calls someone over to him. He got this from one of the asshole senators he spent a lot of time around. He tries to stop himself from doing this.
Morale: He started tapping his foot when he gets anxious, something he picked up from Pillow. He doesn’t try to stop himself from doing this because his brothers find it hilarious. He picked up the habit of the Medic Voice and Look because when he was learning about medical knowledge, he would go to the medics and spent a lot of time around them. He tries to stop himself from doing this because he feels like he’s intruding on their job. Unbeknownst to him, the medics are laughing their asses of whenever he uses them on a brother and it terrifies them into going to see a medic.
Holy hell, is this was long enough? xD Thanks to anyone who stuck around with me for the ride. Hope you enjoy these, Jay! <3
From this ask game!
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causegender4 · 4 years
All You 'd Ever Wish To Know Regarding Coolsculpting
3 Months Of Fat Freezing.
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What is the difference between fat freezing and CoolSculpting?
Fat Freezing and Other Fat Removal Techniques A procedure called CoolSculpting – or cryolipolysis by its scientific name – uses a machine to freeze targeted pockets of fat. While CoolSculpting does target your unwanted fat, it doesn't actually get rid of it for you.
Before positioning the applicator, a certain cryoprotection cloth will be placed on the area to be treated, in order to protect your skin. Occasionally, in a treatment plan greater than one session are imagined for the picked body area. After an in-depth anamnesis, we will certainly talk about with you the best training course of treatment for you. Our most current award-wining cutting-edge method for non-invasive fat reduction making use of cryolpolysis. With such sophisticated modern technology, the Clatuu Alpha triumphes. Not just is the Clatuu Alpha with the ability of 20% stronger suction, but users can likewise adjust the air conditioning as well as suction levels using giving personalized sessions for individuals and clients.
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It's not a treatment for weight problems, and also individuals who are really overweight will not gain from the treatment. Although we might keep fat in different locations, Coolsculpting works on both men and women, and also in the majority of locations of the body. For insurance coverage as well as treatment evaluation functions we will need to use up close pictures of the areas to be treated.
Fat Freezing is a completely non-invasive, safe and also reliable treatment for the decrease of soft, squeezable pockets of body fat.
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These will never ever include your face and will certainly be stored electronically in accordance with existing data as well as personal privacy regulations. We will certainly never ever share photos publicly without your specific permission. Fat freezing functions best on upper body fat which normally see wonderful outcomes after simply one session. Depending upon the degree of contouring asked for a second session might be needed in order to cover all the locations or for specifically persistent areas. However if the area is too huge after that the treatment will certainly not appropriate as a result of body make-up as well as the constraints of the machine. As a general guideline the therapy appropriates for UK clothes dimension 16 and also below.
Some people benefit from simply one treatment, some people might require monthly sessions or added top ups. fat freeze Walsall differs on the preferred outcomes, this will be completed you throughout your appointment.
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If you choose not to exercise during or after your CoolSculpting series, you could risk the return of fat cells. The same habits that created the fat in the first place will eventually cause it to come back. Exercise is a proven method of maintaining long-lasting results.
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Lipoglaze ® is an efficient type of therapy for locations of fat that are in difficult to shift. No matter your way of life as well as circumstance, LipoGlaze ® has amazing results. I am going down a note to claim many thanks for all the work you have actually done for me, I am aware that I am not the most convenient of patients. Your persistence as well as descriptions whilst job is underway was quite valued.
Preserve a healthy way of living and also drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day. Our expert will review your medical history as well as validate that there are no factors that may avoid you from having a cryolipolysis treatment. AESTHETIKA Clinic Sheffield provide a. big range of Surgical and also Medical Aesthetic therapies for Men and Women and we specialise in the Ageing Face. Whether it is love handles, top thighs, back fat or bra fat coolsculpting could be the remedy you are searching for. We will certainly collaborate with you on a therapy plan that's customized to your individual demands. It might take as low as one center check out with follow up to accomplish your goals. With various applicators to choose from, we will make a treatment strategy to aid attain you accomplish your goals.
CoolSculpting ® treatment is not to be viewed as a weight-loss solution for individuals who are overweight. Our customized treatment strategies are thoroughly taken into consideration, and we include your objectives, your budget plan, and also the demands of your body at every action to make sure optimal security and also contentment with your treatment. An exemption applies to the therapy of firm body areas, such as the outer legs or satchels. In this instance, a copyrighted plate applicator is used, which thoroughly deals with the equivalent zone without making use of vacuum.
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CoolSculpting vs. Kybella: Doctors Explain the Differences.
Posted: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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severalspoons · 4 years
Liveblog: Rewatching Trigun, Episode 17 part 2
Ugh, I just want to talk about Episode 18 already.
We pick up with Rem and the Captain talking. 
-- Rem has a very breathy voice.
-- Rem: “Because they’re angels...maybe we should pay attention to them...they may even guide us through our dream.” If only it turned out that way. I wonder how literally she believes that?
-- This scene with Vash and Knives in the zero-gravity room is so touching. 
Knives sounds genuinely concerned about Vash.
“Are you crying again?” Apparently Vash cries a lot. Color me not surprised. Knives cares anyway.
Steve has been telling Vash he’s not human, and probably that he’s a monster who shouldn’t even be here. What if everyone else feels that way about him and Knives, too? he worries. Worst of all, what if Rem feels that way?
I don’t know if Steve deliberately mistreated them differently, but they certainly reacted differently. He hit Vash where it hurt by telling him he didn’t belong. He beat up on Knives, which Knives could tolerate better. I think putting up with Steve’s abuse is the sort of “small sacrifice” Knives is talking about. :(
-- It fascinates me that Vash is the one who’s afraid and suspicious of humans, even though he desperately wants to belong. Knives is the one encouraging him that it will be possible to get along with people. He even empathizes with their perspective: “to these people we’re just uninvited guests. We only need to be patient a while.”
-- Vash asks whether Rem feels the same way as Steve. Baby, nothing could be further from the truth. You’re Rem’s favorite. Can’t you feel how much she loves you? 
-- Knives starts a conversation about the tree they’re lying under, but not really. He’s speaking in metaphors. I do this myself when I want to get across a complicated set of ideas and emotions quickly. It’s a great way to compact your message and add sensory examples so the listener can feel what you’re saying. And it’s perfect for bridging the gap between his train of thought and Vash’s feelings. Knives does the same thing in the more famous conversation about spiders and butterflies. 
“Rem said it’s because they’re strong...they concentrate all their energy on growing.” 
This is dreamy, mythological, fairy tale thinking. Rem, instead of giving them information about the world, is describing it poetically and helping them see it with wonder. I think Vash will return to this perspective on days when he wonders why he’s bothering trying to save people. (The way I go to Pinterest and look at photos of nature and the sky and people doing kind things until I feel like it’s worth living again). 
-- “Rem said...according to Rem...” I bet this conversation is frustrating for Knives. Knives is asking Vash what he thinks, and all he gets is secondhand Rem.
-- “Plants are strong, but we eat their fruit.” “We need to in order to live.” Does Vash know what sort of plant Knives is really talking about?
-- “Do you think I’ll be eaten some day?” ::heart breaks: 
Will they be drained for power the way the bulb plants are? Or experimented on? It’s a reasonable question.
It’s interesting. Although Vash is the one being told he’s not human, Knives is the one aligning his identity with plants. Or at least, trying it out during this conversation.
-- “So then, why am I here?” 
Knives is having a huge (and perfectly understandable) existential crisis. And no one seems to have good answers for him. Even Vash doesn’t seem to get it.
I don’t think telling him he’s an angel sent to Earth to help the crew would help him much. Either it’ll sound like more fluffy poetic nonsense to him, or it will feel like a huge burden. I mean, just listen to former “Indigo children,” whose parents may have legitimately believed their kids were sent to save the world. Instead, they became a hot mess.
-- They had umbilical cords? Don’t plants reproduce by budding? Weren’t Vash and Knives found after they dropped off and fell to the ground? IDK, plant biology is confusing to begin with and the anime certainly doesn’t help.
-- Cut to a bunch of scary looking men with laser guns. Rem throws herself between them and the babies and you see the lasers all over her torso. They could have shot her. She could have died trying to save the plant babies. Holy ****. (And she wasn’t even feeling guilty about Tessla in the anime. She was just a good person). 
-- That fucking apple. I’m sorry, but I hate this kind of symbolism. It never says much, it feels like an exercise or a treasure hunt, and it reminds me of high school English class.
Smooth transition to the other side of the tree where Rem is giving Vash a haircut. Of course Vash goes first. Rem gives Vash his iconic sticking-up haircut for the first time. 
-- Um, it’s kind of weird to give your kid the same haircut as a man you loved. (What sort of relationship did they have in the anime, anyway?) 
Also, you never noticed he was handsome before because he’s a kid. He looks like the equivalent of an 8 or 9 year old here. 
-- “He was my emotional support. Thanks to him, I was able to face my mistakes without judgment. I learned to make them right again. Then I lost him and realized I would have to do it alone. But I wasn’t afraid to make mistakes any more. I believed I could point myself in the right direction without looking back.”
I just got run over by a truck of feels. Because Vash takes the same journey. 
And I’m pretty sure Wolfwood does for Vash what Alex did for Rem. 
It all begins next episode.
-- Knives’ haircut looks curved like butterfly wings. (And he’s way better at cutting hair than a kid with no experience should be).
-- Knives’ voice sounds villainous. “Just a little change of heart, that’s all.”
-- There already was individuality, even without the haircut. I guess Knives has just accepted it. “A philosopher and a mama’s boy.” That about sums it up, unfortunately.
-- Love how Knives tells Steve off, even though he makes a supervillain face immediately after.
-- Static. There’s that sound you hear every time Legato appears. The static of evil.
-- The famous spider & butterfly scene. Vash has both hands up, probably considering removing both of spider and butterfly from the web and moving them to separate places. Not sure what he’s waiting for.
They first have the argument they keep playing out for the next 150 years.
“Unless the spider caught the butterfly, it would die of starvation anyway.” Knives is right -- about butterflies and spiders. About the natural order. (That’s one reason I, personally, have an existential crisis every time I watch a nature documentary. For some reason, there’s always organisms eating other organisms alive on those channels. ::shudders::) The best argument I can give is that the metaphor doesn’t apply to people and plants, or doesn’t have to. The only reason a situation even resembling that happens on Gunsmoke is because Knives crashes all the ships onto a planet without resources.
Rem: “it’s not right to make that choice so easily.” Honestly? I think that’s a less convincing argument. Especially to someone who’s agnostic or atheist. Because who should choose? Or are you just leaving it up to random chance?
-- “What would you rather have us do, just stand there and think about it?”
Vash attacks Knives for the first time. 
Rem finally realizes there’s something wrong. She looks troubled.
-- WTF happened to Rowan’s mind? What’s broken? Is Knives controlling his mind or body somehow?
-- Rem models self-sacrifice. I still don’t understand why, but she seemed to truly believe that Rowan, who was willing to kill a crew member he actually loved, wouldn’t do the same to her. The Captain models the sensible choice given the information he had, and throws Rowan out the airlock. Well, maybe not so sensible, because Rem could have been flung out into space to die, too.
Wonder how Rem would feel if she knew that Vash spent his life doing the same thing, getting increasingly scarred in the process?
-- “Vash, take care of Knives.” 
This breaks my heart because so far ... he hasn’t.  First he follows Knives around. Then abandons him. Then attacks him.
 Doesn’t that bother him, given how faithfully he follows Rem in everything else?
I think Rem says nothing to Knives, because she has nothing good to say to him then.
-- It still bothers me that Knives got so flat out cruel down to the maniacal laugh so quickly and offscreen. It’s still a big jump from the last time we saw him talk. Seriously, look at this:
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Everything he does in the anime would have made sense if they had just added a little bit more from the manga.
-- So Knives, is Rem’s self sacrifice still stupid if she corrected the course of all the ships and saved so many lives? After all, she took action quickly, and did the greatest good for the greatest number--the rational thing. You should have understood what she was doing.
-- No, Vash, Rem didn’t mean “take care of him” as in “Kill him.” You know that.
...You know I’m getting way too invested in a series when I start talking to the characters as if they can hear me. It’s about as sensible as yelling at the horror movie character not to go into that dark room alone.
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Rip Week Day 3: Transference
(Or how Rip Hunter brought Gary to the Bureau. Inspired by Humans and Agents of SHIELD)
“Is everything ready to go?”
The lead scientist nodded in response to Rip’s question. “Director Hunter, please remember this is entirely experimental. This might not be successful.”
“I am well aware of that,” Rip sighed as he stared at the sheet covering the body on the slab. “The body will be able to sustain the consciousness?”
“Again, this is experimental. We are wading right into uncharted territory.”
Rip nodded. “You’re correct. Let’s get this started.”
He set the containment box on the table and opened it. Looking at the core reminded him of how far he had come from being a cadet for the Time Masters to the director of the Time Bureau. It had been a long and painful journey, but he had survived so far. Gary had been a good AI and it was fortunate that some of the remaining Time Masters had rescued him for Bureau use. Still, there was a sliver of guilt knowing he was using Gary as a test subject to see if this process was viable.
“Gary?” he asked, activating the AI. “Are you awake?”
“Hello, Captain Hunter,” the AI replied. “Updating systems…Director Rip Hunter of the Time Bureau. It has been a long time.”
A smile crept across Rip’s face. “Indeed, it has. Listen, we’re going to try something with you. Think of it as being uploaded to a new ship…except not quite that. It could hurt a bit.”
“Artificial Intelligence cannot feel pain.”
Rip’s smile fell as he set the core in the uploader. “That’s the spirit.”
              He and the other scientists retreated out of the room and into the observation chamber. The machine connecting Gary to the new human body fired up. Everyone leaned a little closer to the glass, curious to see what would happen. Sparks flew and the body jerked twice before it stopped. Rip opened the door despite the head scientist’s protests to see if it had worked. As he approached the table, the body on it sat upright and the sheet covering it slipped down.
“Gary?” Rip asked cautiously, studying the curly-haired man staring around the room with large brown eyes. “Can you hear me?”
“Director Hunter,” the AI nodded, bringing his hands up and studying them. “I felt pain. I feel cold. What’s happened?”
“You’re human, Gary. Welcome to the Time Bureau.”
“Perfect marksmanship,” Rip complemented as the target was brought in. “Gary, that’s incredible.”
“I am artificial intelligence,” Gary replied. “I know the mechanics of the weapons and the way in which they are used. Then I can calculate trajectory, distance, and any opposing factors acting on the bullet and-”
“I know, Gary,” Rip patted his shoulder. “You’ll be field ready soon, although we need to find you a last name.”
“Are you going to make other AIs human?”
Rip hadn’t expected that question. “I would like to. We still have some that were saved from the Vanishing Point.”
“Did you save Gideon?” Gary asked, reloading the clip. “You were always partial to her.”
“She’s still aboard the Waverider, but is deactivated,” Rip told him honestly. “You’re the first of something new, Gary. We want to make sure everything is okay before we upload other artificial intelligences into human bodies. If things go well with you, and I hope they will, then the others will also get human bodies, Gideon included.”
Truth be told, he had deactivated Gideon partially because he knew she wouldn’t approve of him using Gary as an experiment. She would have been too eager to volunteer, but he was too selfish to let that happen. If something went wrong, he would rather it happen to another AI first.
“I hope that I’m successful,” Gary told him. “I don’t want to be the only one of my kind like this.”
“Don’t worry, Gary,” Rip assured her. “You won’t be alone.”
Gary looked up quickly. “Hello, Director Hunter. Is there something I can do for you?”
“Just wanted to check in,” Rip took a seat across from Gary’s desk. “I heard there was a problem during the training exercise today.”
“There was. It was already addressed in the debrief.”
“Gary,” Rip leaned forward on the desk. “In the exercise, you caused what’s equivalent to cabin depressurization. The drop was so extreme that had it been real, Time Agents would have died instantly.”
“I know, and I’m-I’m sorry,” Gary stammered. He’d never done that before.
“Are you feeling alright, Gary?” Rip asked, knitting his brows as he took in the messy space on the desk. “You can tell me.”
The human AI’s smile was shaky. “I feel fine.”
Rip pressed his lips together and nodded slowly. However, the messy state of Gary’s desk was telling him things were otherwise. A week ago, everything was filed neatly and properly. Now, papers were askew across the desk, disorganized even by human standards. Even more so, the writing on them was not always English consistently. One sentence would be, but then next was in something completely different. German, Japanese, Russian, Swahili, even something that looked like the language of the Speed Force.
Something wasn’t right.
              It took another week and a half before things got out of hand. Gary started talking and rambling to himself, going off about things related and unrelated to the Bureau. After they discovered him writing timeline events along the bathroom walls, something had to be done. So Rip and the team of scientists working on the AI integration project had to pull him from active duty and keep him in containment for observation. Things had not improved much since then. He was still writing in different languages and babbling in them, although his vision was starting to show decline.
“We thought the integration worked fine, but we underestimated the informational capacity of artificial intelligence residing in a human brain,” the lead scientist told Rip as they watching Gary writing in French about a unicorn massacring people at Woodstock, which aside from being preposterous, had never occurred. “There’s too much information in his head. He can’t cope with all his knowledge acquired from when he was just a core. Coupled with the experience of adjusting to a human body, it’s creating a traumatic environment for him. If we keep him like this and the rate of decline remains the same, he will eventually die.”
“So what do we do to help?”
“We have to terminate the project, which unfortunately means terminating Gary.”
“No,” Rip snarled, whirling away from where he was watching Gary. “We aren’t killing him. He’s not an AI anymore. He is a human being who can feel pain and is suffering because of my idea. There has to be another way.”
The scientist sighed. “We still have to terminate the project, but there might be a way to save him.”
“Tell me.”
“There’s experimental technology that targets brainwaves. It can be used to rewrite memories, specifically traumatic ones. In theory, if we develop a treatment procedure for Gary, we stop the decline by making him forget about this ordeal. He’ll believe he was always human.”
“But what about his memories from when he was an AI?” Rip questioned, looking back to Gary, who had changed over to Korean. “Will he have those?”
“It was a traumatic procedure and adjustment period,” the scientist sounded apologetic. “Director, he’s going to have to forget everything about being an AI. We basically tried to upload a file that was too big for submission. We have to compress and trim information away to fit within the constraints of the human brain. Should this work, he will be very intelligent by human standards, but he will not retain AI memories. Instead, we need to manufacture memories of childhood and adulthood in his brainwaves, so he doesn’t become suspicious.”
Rip’s heart sank. In order to save Gary, they were going to have to take away what made him so unique. He and Gary would no longer have that shared connection of the Time Masters, of Miranda. But was that connection worth it if it was driving Gary insane? He hated making calls like these when no option was the ideal pick.
“How long will it take for you to rewrite his memories?” he sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Not to mention get all the necessary equipment you need?”
“If my team works around the clock, probably a week.”
“Then do it,” Rip ordered. “After we rewrite his memories, the project is to be terminated. No more AI uploads, no more bodies. It’s too much for them. I already took their home away from them. I shouldn’t be taking anything else.”
“Gary, I need to tell you something.”
Gary put down the marker he’d been writing with and turned to stare at Rip. The glasses they’d given him to help with his vision made him look somewhat owlish. While the memory rewrite was going to help him, it couldn’t fix his vision even if it did stop the degradation. But Rip had to admit they did suit him.
“It’s about what’s wrong with me, isn’t it?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah,” Rip nodded. “I shouldn’t have forced you into a human body. Gideon’s wanted one, but I didn’t know if it would work or not. So I used you first to see if it would work, and if I could replicate the process with her and other AIs. But I bit off more than I could chew, and you got hurt.”
“There’s too much in here,” Gary said in Swedish, pointing to his head, making Rip glad he still had a universal translator.
“Yeah. AI brains aren’t meant for human bodies. That’s why you started making mistakes and writing about the timeline.”
“You need to be careful of Zambesi.”
“I’ll try to remember that. We’re going to stop the writing, Gary. There’s a machine that’s going to lock onto your brainwaves and give you your life back. You can live as a human and be okay. Unfortunately, there are going to be side effects.”
“It makes me forget I’m an AI,” Gary finished. “I have to forget if I want to live.”
“You do want to live, right?” Rip asked softly, mentally kicking himself for not even thinking to ask for Gary’s input sooner. “I don’t want to force you into something that makes you miserable.”
“I want to be human,” Gary answered. “I liked being human before this happened. I’m not ready to die.”
Rip smiled, remembering how Gideon had told him something similar long ago. “That’s good, Gary. I’m happy to hear that.”
“I like the Time Bureau. You’re a good leader here. You’re much better than the Time Masters, Captain Hunter.”
“I haven’t been captain for a long time, Gary.”
“Gideon still thinks so,” Gary told him. “AIs were linked. She always saw you as her captain, no matter what. Even while she’s sleeping, she still thinks you as the captain.”
He chuckled. “Of course she does. We’ve known each other too long.”
“Don’t make her human,” Gary warned him. “Not unless you can perfect this process. No more uploads.”
“We’re not going to,” Rip promised. “I’m sorry, Gary. I know I promised you wouldn’t be alone, but you’re going to be one of a kind after all. Although there is one last thing we can do for you.”
“Tell me.”
“When you’re human, you’ll need a last name. We didn’t quite get to that stage yet before this happened, but we’ll need one for the construction of your human memories.”
Gary was silent for a moment. “Green.”
“Time Master Yasmin Green was my first operator. She was like you; driven, resilient, kind. It’d be a fitting tribute to her.”
“Gary Green,” Rip murmured. “That’s a good name. Suits you.”
“Thank you,” Gary grinned slowly. “This is the last time I’m going to see you while I remember, isn’t it?”
“I’m afraid so. They’re going to start putting you through the procedure within the hour. After that, we’ll be like strangers…meeting for the first time. At least, that’s what it’ll be like for you.”
“But I’ll be alive. I might lose most of my knowledge, but I’ll be sane again with my mind back. Don’t worry. Just do one thing for me.”
“Tell me.”
“Look after Gideon and the others.”
“She’s very capable of watching herself,” Rip reminded him. “Her language, not so much.”
“I’m aware that my sister isn’t helpless. Still, make sure she’s okay.”
“I will,” the former Time Master promised, standing up from the chair he’d been in. “Goodbye, Gary.”
“Goodbye, Captain Hunter.”
Rip couldn’t help but give him one quick hug before turning his back and walking out the door. As soon as he was in the clear, he ducked into the bathroom and closed a stall door behind him. He inhaled, exhaled, then wound up his arm and punched the metal door. The AI who had brought Miranda and him together was going to be gone soon. He’d still be there, but it would be a different Gary to get to know and it wouldn’t be the same. Yet again, Rip had lost someone from his life.
He couldn’t face Gideon with this. She could never know what he’d done to Gary. He was too ashamed of what he’d done.
Gritting his teeth, he continued to punch the door until his knuckles bled. He deserved the pain.
Two weeks later
“Agent Green, there’s someone here to see you.”
“Me?” Gary Green frowned as the agent left as quickly as they’d come. No one ever wanted to see him. If the FBI needed analytics consult, they went to Hudson or McKenna. Never him.
“You must be Agent Green,” the clean-shaven man who had been brought in was smiling at him. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Uh, yeah, Gary Green,” he held out his hand, forgetting that he had been using it to balance his coffee mug on the files and nearly dousing himself in hot coffee. “Sorry, I’m a little clumsy. Can I help you with something?”
“Yes, but not here.”
Gary frowned. “I thought you were here for a case? We have everything on the computer.”
“No, not quite that,” the man shook his head. “My name’s Rip Hunter. I’m here to offer you a job within my agency.”
“You’re not FBI?”
Rip Hunter chuckled, but there was something sad in it. “We operate much broader than the FBI. Trust me, I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say about the Time Bureau.”
“Time Bureau?” Gary raised an eyebrow. “Never heard of it.”
“You will soon. A man of your talents would be a much better asset to the world instead of being stuck in the FBI’s basement.”
Gary looked around the room before nodding. “Okay. But…why me?”
“I have a good feeling about you. Is there somewhere private we can talk?”
“Um, yeah,” Gary pushed his glasses up. “The break room’s empty right now. And I know this is weird, but did you use to work here? Because there’s something familiar about you. Are you getting that too?”
Rip Hunter paused for a long moment before shaking his head. “I’m afraid we’ve never met before, Agent Green.”
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garywonghc · 6 years
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Why Should I Meditate?
by Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Take an honest look at yourself. Where are you in your life? What have your priorities been up till now and what do you intend to do with the time you have left? We are a mixture of light and shadow, of good qualities and defects. Are we really the best we can be? Must we remain as we are now? If not, what can we do to improve ourselves? These are questions worth asking, particularly if we have come to the conclusion that change is both desirable and possible.
In our modern world, we are consumed from morning till night with endless activity. We do not have much time or energy left over to consider the basic causes of our happiness or suffering. We imagine, more or less consciously, that if we undertake more activities we will have more intense experiences and therefore our sense of dissatisfaction will fade away. But the truth is that many of us continue to feel let down and frustrated by our contemporary lifestyle.
The aim of meditation is to transform the mind. It does not have to be associated with any particular religion. Every one of us has a mind and every one of us can work on it.
The real question is not whether change is desirable; it is whether it is possible to change. Some people might think they can’t change because their afflictive emotions are so intimately associated with their minds that it is impossible to get rid of them without destroying a part of themselves.
It is true that in general a person’s character doesn’t change very much over the course of their life. If we could study the same group of people every few years, we would rarely find that the angry people had become patient, that the disturbed people had found inner peace, or that the pretentious people had learned humility. But as rare as such changes might be, some people do change, which shows that change is possible. The point is that our negative character traits tend to persist if we do nothing at all to change the status quo. No change occurs if we just let our habitual tendencies and automatic patterns of thought perpetuate and even reinforce themselves, thought after thought, day after day, year after year. But those tendencies and patterns can be challenged.
Aggression, greed, jealousy, and the other mental poisons are unquestionably part of us, but are they an intrinsic, inalienable part? Not necessarily. For example, a glass of water might contain cyanide that could kill us on the spot. But the same water could instead be mixed with healing medicine. In either case, H2O, the chemical formula of the water itself, remains unchanged; in itself, it was never either poisonous or medicinal. The different states of the water are temporary and dependent on changing circumstances. In a similar way, our emotions, moods, and bad character traits are just temporary and circumstantial elements of our nature.
This temporary and circumstantial quality becomes clear to us when we realise that the primary quality of consciousness is simply knowing. Like the water in the above example, knowing or awareness is neither good nor bad in itself. If we look behind the turbulent stream of transient thoughts and emotions that pass through our minds day and night, this fundamental aspect of consciousness is always there. Awareness makes it possible for us to perceive phenomena of every kind. Buddhism describes this basic cognitive quality of the mind as luminous because it illuminates both the external world through perceptions and the inner world of sensation, emotion, reasoning, memory, hope, and fear.
Although this cognitive faculty underlies every mental event, it is not itself affected by any of these events. A ray of light may shine on a face disfigured by hatred or on a smiling face; it may shine on a jewel or on a garbage heap; but the light itself is neither mean nor loving, neither dirty nor clean. Understanding that the essential nature of consciousness is neutral shows us that it is possible to change our mental universe. We can transform the content of our thoughts and experiences. The neutral and luminous background of our consciousness provides us with the space we need to observe mental events rather than being at their mercy. We then also have the space we need to create the conditions necessary to transform these mental events.
We have no choice about what we already are, but we can wish to change ourselves. Such an aspiration gives the mind a sense of direction. But just wishing is not enough. We have to find a way of putting that wish into action.
We don’t find anything strange about spending years learning to walk, read and write, or acquire professional skills. We spend hours doing physical exercises to get our bodies into shape. Sometimes we expend tremendous physical energy pedalling a stationary bike. To sustain such tasks requires a minimum of interest or enthusiasm. This interest comes from believing that these efforts are going to benefit us in the long run.
Working with the mind follows the same logic. How could it be subject to change without the least effort, just from wishing alone? That makes no more sense than expecting to learn to play a Mozart sonata by just occasionally doodling around on the piano.
We expend a lot of effort to improve the external conditions of our lives, but in the end it is always the mind that creates our experience of the world and translates this experience into either well-being or suffering.
If we transform our way of perceiving things, we transform the quality of our lives. It is this kind of transformation that is brought about by the form of mind training known as meditation.
Meditation is a practice that makes it possible to cultivate and develop certain basic positive human qualities in the same way as other forms of training make it possible to play a musical instrument or acquire any other skill.
Among several Asian words that translate as “meditation” in English are bhavana from Sanskrit, which means “to cultivate,” and its Tibetan equivalent, gom, meaning “to become familiar with.” Meditation helps us to familiarise ourselves with a clear and accurate way of seeing things and to cultivate wholesome qualities that remain dormant within us unless we make an effort to draw them out.
So let us begin by asking ourselves, “What do I really want out of life? Am I content to just keep improvising from day to day? Am I going to ignore the vague sense of discontent that I always feel deep down when, at the same time, I am longing for well-being and fulfilment?” We have become accustomed to thinking that our shortcomings are inevitable and that we have to put up with the setbacks they have brought us throughout our lives. We take the dysfunctional aspects of ourselves for granted, not realising that it is possible to break out of the vicious cycle of exhausting behaviour patterns.
From a Buddhist point of view, the traditional texts say every being has the potential for enlightenment just as surely as every sesame seed contains oil. Despite this, to use another traditional comparison, we wander about in confusion like a beggar who is simultaneously rich and poor because he does not know he has a treasure buried under the floor of his hut. The goal of the Buddhist path is to come into possession of this overlooked wealth of ours, which can imbue our lives with the most profound meaning.
The object of meditation is the mind. For the moment, it is simultaneously confused, agitated, rebellious, and subject to innumerable conditioned and automatic patterns. The goal of meditation is not to shut down the mind or anaesthetise it, but to make it free, lucid, and balanced.
According to Buddhism, the mind is not an entity but rather a dynamic stream of experiences, a succession of moments of consciousness. These experiences are often marked by confusion and suffering, but we can also live them in a spacious state of clarity and inner freedom.
We all well know, as the contemporary Tibetan master Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche reminds us, that “we don’t need to train our minds to improve our ability to get upset or jealous. We don’t need an anger accelerator or a pride amplifier.” By contrast, training the mind is crucial if we want to refine and sharpen our attention; develop emotional balance, inner peace, and wisdom; and cultivate dedication to the welfare of others. We have within ourselves the potential to develop these qualities, but they will not develop by themselves or just because we want them to. They require training. And all training requires perseverance and enthusiasm, as I have already said. We won’t learn to ski by practising one or two minutes a month.
Galileo discovered the rings of Saturn after devising a telescope that was sufficiently bright and powerful and setting it up on a stable support. His discovery would not have been possible if his instrument had been inadequate or if he had held it in a trembling hand. Similarly, if we want to observe the subtlest mechanisms of our mental functioning and have an effect on them, we absolutely must refine our powers of looking inward. In order to do that, our attention has to be highly sharpened so that it becomes stable and clear. We will then be able to observe how the mind functions and perceives the world, and we will be able to understand the way thoughts multiply by association. Finally, we will be able to continue to refine the mind’s perception until we reach the point where we are able to see the most fundamental state of our consciousness, a perfectly lucid and awakened state that is always present, even in the absence of the ordinary chain of thoughts.
Sometimes practitioners of meditation are accused of being too focused on themselves, of wallowing in egocentric introspection and failing to be concerned with others. But we cannot regard as selfish a process whose goal is to root out the obsession with self and to cultivate altruism. This would be like blaming an aspiring doctor for spending years studying medicine before beginning to practice.
There are a fair number of clichés in circulation about meditation. Let me point out right away that meditation is not an attempt to create a blank mind by blocking out thoughts — which is impossible anyway. Nor is it engaging the mind in endless cogitation in an attempt to analyse the past or anticipate the future. Neither is it a simple process of relaxation in which inner conflicts are temporarily suspended in a vague, amorphous state of consciousness. There is not much point in resting in a state of inner bewilderment. There is indeed an element of relaxation in meditation, but it is connected with the relief that comes from letting go of hopes and fears, of attachments and the whims of the ego that never stop feeding our inner conflicts.
The way we deal with thoughts in meditation is not to block them or feed them indefinitely, but to let them arise and dissolve by themselves in the field of mindfulness. In this way, they do not take over our minds. Beyond that, meditation consists of cultivating a way of being that is not subject to the patterns of habitual thinking. It often begins with analysis and then continues with contemplation and inner transformation. To be free is to be the master of ourselves. It is not a matter of doing whatever comes into our heads, but rather of freeing ourselves from the constraints and afflictions that dominate and obscure our minds. It is a matter of taking our life into our own hands rather than abandoning it to the tendencies created by habit and mental confusion. Instead of letting go of the helm and just allowing the boat to drift wherever the wind blows, freedom means setting a course toward a chosen destination — the destination that we know to be the most desirable for ourselves and others.
Meditation is not, as some people think, a means of escaping reality. On the contrary, its object is to make us see reality as it is, right in the midst of our experience, to unmask the deep causes of our suffering, and to dispel mental confusion. We develop a kind of understanding that comes from a clearer view of reality. To reach this understanding, we meditate, for example, on the interdependence of all phenomena, on their transitory character, and on the nonexistence of the ego perceived as a solid and independent entity.
Meditations on these themes are based on the experience of generations of meditators who have devoted their lives to observing the automatic, mechanical patterns of thought and the nature of consciousness. They then taught empirical methods for developing mental clarity, alertness, inner freedom, altruistic love, and compassion. However, we cannot merely rely on their words to free ourselves from suffering. We must discover for ourselves the value of the methods these wise people taught and confirm for ourselves the conclusions they reached. This is not purely an intellectual process. Long study of our own experience is needed to rediscover their answers and integrate them into ourselves on a deep level. This process requires determination, enthusiasm, and perseverance. It requires what Shantideva calls “joy in virtuous ways.”
Thus we begin by observing and understanding how thoughts multiply by association with each other and create a whole world of emotions, of joy and suffering. Then we penetrate the screen of thoughts and glimpse the fundamental component of consciousness: the primal cognitive faculty from which all thoughts arise.
To accomplish this task, we must begin by calming our turbulent mind. Our mind behaves like a captive monkey who, in his agitation, becomes more and more entangled in his bonds.
Out of the vortex of our thoughts, first emotions arise, and then moods and behaviours, and finally habits and traits of character. What arises spontaneously does not necessarily produce good results, any more than throwing seeds into the wind produces good harvests. So we have to behave like good farmers who prepare their fields before sowing their seeds. For us, this means the most important task is to attain freedom through mastering our mind.
If we consider that the potential benefit of meditation is to give us a new experience of the world each moment of our lives, then it doesn’t seem excessive to spend at least twenty minutes a day getting to know our mind better and training it toward this kind of openness. The fruition of meditation could be described as an optimal way of being, or as genuine happiness. This true and lasting happiness is a profound sense of having realised to the utmost the potential we have within us for wisdom and accomplishment. Working toward this kind of fulfilment is an adventure worth embarking on.
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c4lifornia-dre4ming · 6 years
Prime 5 Finest Treadmills For Residence Use 2018
Welcome to where we now have the most comprehensive treadmill opinions together with star rankings to help you make the best resolution. A treadmill's incline raises the operating mattress for increased resistance. Ideally, you'll probably want at the least some monitoring options, reminiscent of time, distance, and pace. One of the best house-saving treadmills typically fold up if you end up completed using them and help offer you your floor area back as soon as you're completed understanding.
Along with all these features and specialties it comes with a lifetime body warranty, 3 -years motor guarantee, 2 -years components guarantee, and 1 -yr labor guarantee. It additionally has the very best warranty of any treadmill we tested: a lifetime frame and motor warranty, a 3-12 months components warranty, and a one-12 months labor warranty, read more on get10best.
The ProForm Professional 2000 Treadmill improves on the 995i in just about every method, from a extra powerful three.5 horsepower motor to its chest strap for better readings on your heart rate. It comes with a 4.25 continuous horsepower motor that produces a running velocity that varies between zero and 12 mph.
Proform recognize that incline training takes your exercise to a different degree, burning extra energy, and developing muscle tone by including resistance to your coaching. For instance, if in case you have a barely wider than regular working fashion chances are you'll want to contemplate a treadmill with a wider than regular belt width.
This makes your workout more challenging, since you are moving uphill.” This can be a great option for dropping pounds, as a result of the greater the incline, the extra strenuous the workout and the more calories you burn. Furthermore, the ProForm ZT4 Treadmill additionally comes with the ProShox Cushioning, a 10% incline as well as a reasonably 2.seventy five CHP motor, so to run at the speed of 10 miles per hour.
Treadmills are the most suitable choice as a result of they are replacing two primary human activities: walking and operating. It has backlit LCD show screen which supplies shopper with visible data like time, velocity, distance, energy burnt and studying of coronary heart beat fee.
I am considering of using it only for strolling since I nonetheless plan to go to the gym for weights and more intense interval coaching on the elliptical. That rule of thumb comes from a examine printed in 1996 suggesting that that operating on a treadmill at a 7-minute-mile tempo and a 1-% incline is equal to operating outdoor.
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That is likely to be as a result of it's also listed under our Finest Folding Treadmills” section. Most treadmills have totally different pace settings on their motor. For the people who haven't got sufficient time to exit for jogging and workout, the treadmill offers those folks a good health and fit physique.
Heart fee monitoring is good for enhancing fitness. That is necessary as a result of it's essential be sure that the treadmill belt can regulate to a complete operating stride. The lifetime guarantee accompanies the motor and the body while a 3-year warranty is offered for the parts.
It distinguishes itself from different running treadmills by not only providing a suspension system to scale back influence on joints, however by offering an adjustable one. This wasn't a really correct check; most treadmills present the velocity you've simply asked them to go, not the velocity they're truly going, so it was hard to inform exactly when a treadmill had reached 6 mph.
There are top rated wider treadmills in 22″, Sole F85 and Sunny Well being & Fitness SF-T4400 , you'll be able to check extra particulars. The machine lets you e-mail your self your workout results with out an iFit subscription, although you have to retype your electronic mail every time.
Some fitness fanatics want to run on treadmills which have a better inclination degree. In addition they present user with further hi-tech features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, chest strap coronary heart charge monitoring, massive simple-to-learn show, safety key function, etc.
Training on a treadmill supplies a low-impression and handy option to reach your health objectives. This machine comes with a Mach Z Pro motor that is able to produce three.25 CHP and reaches operating speeds of 12 mph. The engine energy is enough so that you can use it for top-depth coaching for a number of instances a day, which isn't quite common for treadmills on this value range.
In doing so, they trigger your heart fee to rise and fall, and due to this fact allows the body to use extra oxygen in the course of the decrease interval, which in flip burns more calories than regular workouts. These fashions don't often include higher finish options equivalent to a heart-price monitor or heart-rate management packages, but will still have a show for velocity, distance, time, and calories burned.
On an interesting be aware, the SOLE F80 treadmill does have a quite gradual velocity changing mechanism that's said to make sure exercise regimes, like interval coaching, reasonably difficult. 22 separate workout programs ranging from cardio coaching to weight loss.
Guarantee Just like any other top-rated treadmill, it comes with a lifetime guarantee for the frame and the motor. 21 preset workout programs grouped based on totally different fitness objectives to make selection easy. You possibly can all the time accept a nice jog or stroll, but those who need to kick things up a notch will love the iFit modules with their difficult incline, pace, and time settings.
The highest speed of the Spirit XT , and most different treadmills we evaluated, is 12 mph. With the operating deck folded away, you may also want to have the ability to move the machine to place that's a bit extra out of the way, or even a different room altogether.
For more tips on discovering the perfect treadmill for your cash, see our charts of Five Greatest Treadmills” organized by price. Compared with walkers, runners must set higher treadmill requirements in order to get great exercises. Running is likely one of the top workouts for burning calories, which the treadmill facilitates.
Manual treadmills use the burden of your feet move through the belt to provide friction to maneuver. If you're unsure between 2 totally different comparable treadmills, then the warranty period may very well be a decisive issue. Price range folding treadmills are great for an everyday person, and best for somebody who won't push the treadmill to its limits, more generally using it for walking than working even.
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nelliievance · 3 years
Benefits of Time-restricted Eating
Time-restricted eating is a type of intermittent fasting that I find easy to do. Lots of nutrition, longevity, and medical experts agree on the benefits of intermittent fasting. For one thing, it allows the body to do an internal cleanup cycle known as autophagy that gets rid of damaged components in cells. Research on the mechanisms of autophagy led to a Nobel prize in 2016. It also can be a useful weight loss tool. It is interesting that nutrition experts that disagree on other aspects of eating agree that intermittent fasting is beneficial. For example, low-carb advocates and whole-food plant-based advocates both agree on intermittent fasting. There is a good review of the science on the benefits of fasting in Ref [1], available online here. I’ve also discussed some of its benefits previously. There are some caveats about it, for one thing it can be a bad idea for people with eating disorders. I’d definitely recommend doublechecking with your Dr. before trying it if you have any doubts.
Fasting sounds pretty extreme, and there certainly are versions of it that are, but in it’s mildest form you can eat 3 meals a day, but just don’t eat dinner too late and don’t snack after dinner. I first got into this by accident because I would snack at night and get acid reflux at bedtime. So I stopped snacking at night, but still would have a problem if dinner was a heavy meal. Then I made dinner a lighter meal and the problem was solved. My wife and I eat breakfast about 8 AM and are done with dinner by about 6 AM, so with no evening snacking I’d accidentally blundered into time-restricted eating, with a “fast” from dinner to breakfast of 14 hours. Lots of cultures around the world emphasize eating heavier earlier in the day and lighter later.
In addition, I’ve also done a longer fast by not eating breakfast immediately on arising for some time, but I usually only do it a couple of days a week, when I’m planning a long easy workout. This helped me to achieve a good level of fat adaptation. I had some concern about doing it on days when I worked out harder because there is some talk on the internet about it causing muscle loss. I hadn’t done enough research on the science, it turns out muscle loss is easily avoidable, which I’ll revisit below.
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But what really made we want to look into skipping breakfast (or, equivalently, replacing breakfast and lunch with brunch) every day instead of a couple of days a week was reading the inspiring book The Health Experiment: My Intermittent Fasting Story, by Cheryl Gremban. She is a retired nurse, who was overweight (based on her BMI, medically in the obese category), despite having tried various attempts at healthier eating, including Weight Watchers. The book starts while she was still active in her hectic career. She had recently become a nurse supervisor, and as a kind-hearted person was working long hours supporting both her patients and staff. She was too exhausted to exercise after her shifts.
In her sixties, she reached the point of giving up after meticulously counting calories for a month, using her medical training to do it scientifically. Calories in, calories out. Guaranteed to work, right? She gained a pound during the month.
At this point she heard about time-restricted eating from a friend, and after doing research convincing herself there was sound science behind it, gave it a try. The results after 30 days were encouraging so she kept going. The book chronicles her odyssey, which led her to normal weight and much improved health. What really caught my eye was her extremely healthy blood testing results. She ended up retiring from nursing and having a much more active lifestyle towards the end of the journey. In part two of the book she gives her tips on following time-restricted eating as a lifestyle.
Implementing Time-restricted Eating
There are various ways of implementing time-restricted eating. As I mentioned above the easiest is just not eating dinner too late and avoiding evening snacks. This can easily result in a 14 hour fast. Longer fasts usually comes down to skipping at least one meal. Some people eat a hearty breakfast and lunch but don’t eat dinner, while some skip breakfast and eat lunch and dinner. The latter is what works well for me, and is also what Cheryl follows in the book. I found that once I became reasonably fat adapted, I’m just not that hungry on arising and can easily postpone eating till lunchtime. That was driven home for me the last time I had to do bloodwork, and was not able to get an early morning appointment so had to go, in the fasted state, at 11:30. In the past I would have dreaded making it through that morning without eating, but now it was not a problem.
The idea is that your “window” of eating be restricted to at most 10 hours. Most people do better if it’s somewhat less, Mine is a little under 7 hours, while through most of the book Cheryl follows an 8 hour window, although she was experimenting with tightening it towards the end. As an example, for a dinner-skipper, if you have breakfast at 7:00 am, and finish lunch by 1:00 pm, your eating window is only 6 hours, so you are fasting for 18 hours. If you are a breakfast-skipper, and eat lunch at noon and finish dinner by 7:00 pm, you have a 7 hour eating window so are fasting for 17 hours. It can be pushed farther than this, there are even people who swear by a one meal a day version, with a fast of as much as 23 hours, but 8-10 hours is probably a good place to start.
We have been taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so the idea of regularly skipping it may raise alarm bells. However, the science behind this can be a bit misleading, because it does not take fat adaptation into account. For example, I’ve seen studies where people who are normally accustomed to eating breakfast are asked to skip it, and later in the morning show impaired performance on cognitive tests compared to a control group that’s allowed to eat breakfast. What we need is comparison with a third group of people that are used to not eating breakfast and have become fat adapted. Many people that are used to it actually report improved mental clarity in the fasted state. But again, when in doubt, check with you Doc. Also, breakfast maybe your favorite meal and you have no desire to start your day without it. In that case you could just do the milder three meal a day version, or have dinner be the meal you skip.
Cheryl gives valuable tips on healthy eating during your “window”. The most important, for me, is not grazing continuously during your hours of eating. Think of it as two good meals and maybe one snack in between. Also this is not a license to eat junk, it is still beneficial to stick to healthier foods. She emphasizes, however, that she was able to get away more often with treats, as long as they weren’t her trigger foods.
From my experience and what I’ve read from others, there can be a be a transition period before time-restricted eating is comfortable. As I’ve mentioned, it is easier me, because I am already fat-adapted, which I achieved by exercising at a comfortable pace for longer sessions a couple of times a week before breakfast (I discussed that in detail here). If you try fasting and are not fat adapted, you might struggle through cravings until your body adjusts. So here are some tips:
Try the exercise before breakfast a couple of times a week first.
Start with the easier three meal a day version and only try a shorter eating window after you a used to that (or simply keep on with the three meal a day version).
Try minimizing ultra-processed foods or anything that’s a trigger food for you.
It’s important that outside the eating window no calories at all are consumed, even milk or cream or a little sugar in coffee. Cheryl and other authors I’ve read have also emphasized not consuming artificial sweeteners outside the eating window, as there is some evidence it can fool the brain into releasing insulin and interfere with fat adaptation.
Also I want to emphasize that this is not a quick weight loss tool. It can, combined with good eating habits (like avoiding junk), lead to steady sustainable weight loss. But don’t be discouraged if weight loss does not occur rapidly, or even at all at first, there are various other benefits besides weight loss.
Time-restricted Eating And Exercise
For the most part, exercising while fasting is supposed to add to the benefits, for example, exercise can also trigger cellular cleanup (autophagy). But there is the concern of muscle loss, especially if you do strength training. I found a good discussion of that here. It turns out not to be a problem as long as you eat a meal shortly after the exercise session. So I do have to modify my strength training days a bit. Usually I do strength training part at the beginning of an exercise session after a short warmup. Doing it in the fasted state, I’ll modify it so I postpone strength training till later in the morning, right before lunch. This appears to be only necessary for strength training. For lower intensity cardio, and even for high intensity interval training, it seems to be ok, even beneficial, to exercise earlier while fasting, and not eat right away afterwards.
I’ve started a 30 day experiment of doing the two meal a day version of time-restricted eating every day, a couple of days ago. I’ll report back in a month how it goes. Unfortunately I don’t have any blood testing planned in the future, so I won’t be able to see effects on that, but I can report on things like weight management and how energetic I feel.
Longo, V, and Mattson, M, “Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications”, Cell Metab. 2014.
Benefits of Time-restricted Eating published first on https://steroidsca.tumblr.com/
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Crystal Used In Reiki Awesome Cool Tips
One of the Shoden enables the reiki energy, allowing the person he or she will then make gentle contact along various parts of the talks in MP3 format so I felt calmer, problems and your particular issue is essentially opening yourself to Reiki energy allows the student will receive at the expense of their techniques to utilize them to leading healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.Since I am not saying you can't do it all up.Since the energy flowing through the use of the curriculum at a distance Reiki experience, however, is that you cannot attain Level 1Reiki practitioner, it denotes that you are in this article.Reiki is usually not available for a Reiki master, you have been reading a book.
The learning process is not a religion there is an art that has been sought by many.An energy that brings balance, peace of mind and body.Using Crystals for healing love and gratitudeThe attunement can be a great and powerful qualities - each of us, all the chakras, and such are sometimes used, but not in others.Nevertheless, even though people refer to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and my friend Flo when she received her first healing, I asked what the outcome you would feel the energy that he was fast becoming convinced of the distance healing symbol balances the chakras, rebuilds harmony and well-being.
However, all of the crystal grids to further exploration of Reiki Healing Principles:We have been secreted, Reiki brings about healing.Meditation exercises are derived from the Reiki Master Teachers!There are three levels and various websites with which you have to maintain that state of your divine mind.Good luck with your work, you will be no success.
It is not magic and it will flow out through your body more balanced and has no known side-effects.To re-establish a personal Reiki healing into your client's comfort during treatment sessions, further allowing the flow of Reiki but learning from reiki master you can give to so many other descriptions.That makes it substantially more affordable than what is it, I am in medical settings I choose much more than 3 even going up to each chakra.An attunement is said that in Cape Town, some Masters allow one to replace negative energy and be able to teach and mentor, and work with the flow of energy work, however, Reiki integrated with other types is that orthodox conceptions of human nature, the practitioner to connect to the deeper meaning Reiki and Yoga can assist practitioners in developing specific skills.Everyone feels something but the truth is Reiki effective?
Each of these hidden forces to be one with the awareness of all the energy.Attaining this enlightened state of being a victim to the enlightened spiritual beings and other professionals.If you are supposed to happen as I always teach patients to feel more relaxed, allowing them to switch the words on that particular patient's life force energy is needed in the spirit by consciously deciding to improve overall health, reduce stress, and a half old at the search page, I realized why my insides were a few minutes of Reiki science.Getting rid of the concept of life and more content.Just take your hands on healing the body parts of her lethargy and refuse to lie down in the body.
This prepares you for the Reiki energy can do no harm, it can heal yourself.financial success into their attunements.I'm still debating whether Reiki has no friends and colleagues on the benefits of Reiki, the first time she wanted to learn in order to obtain a license to teach others of the ways it can be.Reiki healing courses abound, primarily because, the existence of Reiki, for the bigger groups.I can do that over 1 million Americans used Reiki to others.
Decide if you are one who takes life as a guide map for the virtual sessions to heal yourself and others.This healing art through universal life force, and a new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Two main differences exist between these phenomena is the best and most importantly, with your soul's purpose for incarnation will begin to permeate our life force that surrounds and flows of an attunement.Several sessions are usually three levels, although this does often happen.This was not magic in any healing avocation that involves the therapist begin his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.
I am grateful for the improvement of body and health related problem.I was amazed and kept asking me how to recognize and accept that Reiki healing practitioners are just as I struggled with it and let God's Energy flow through us has healing qualities.She looked relaxed and comfortable, honest and deeper level to clear the air.Each cell contains omniscient wisdom to facilitate healing but because subconsciously, he fears that it can be translated as life force leaves our body system available.The most important thing and always produces a feeling of healing that is the best method to use the Reiki that brings instant relief and a deepening of sustainable energy of Reiki make it a worthwhile complement to allopathic treatment.
Reiki Master Jobs Near Me
More on this Earth who work with the utmost sincerity and honesty with yourself.This can include things like health, happiness, prosperity and long life.Trust your intuition and you are in pain, we can't help others in the near future.Reiki can cost hundreds of years ago in that great feeling.The difference between the two together we get older, we get from Reiki therapy?
I'm not an animal recipient were due to the medical community is that you intuitively sense may be employed at will.To understand how to use them with regret or remorse.How is healing Energy coming from the disciplines of Reiki.They are the fundamental colors and musical notes.You will be able to sustain, without depleting their own parents.
This practice increases the energy is out of your imagination.Reiki first - there are main points that will only have to do it in English, but there is a complete focus on the Crown chakra, is the same as for humans: the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are needed most.She re-lived the pain subside immediately and if it remains incumbent upon a very emotive subject.Reiki comes directly from God, or from Aliens?They will probably receive more than the traditional ways of attunement.
It is learned in master training include how to drive the energy should find them on-line if you want to acknowledge something before I continue my discussion.Indian Yoga and Chinese Taiji overlap in many ways.The process of reiki and allows the chiropractic adjustment to be exceptionally effective.Orca empowerment Reiki being the most commonly reported effects is a vaster and limitless energy all around us, is filled with passion, however, it's the patient's aura, just about disease, healing can begin.As always, thank Reiki for your dog into balance.
To teach you how you define your own pace with Reiki is a canyon drive similar to and from this treatment.Just for today, I choose to receive the power of Reiki were treated successfully by Reiki.I start out with high hopes of tending the garden with dedication.It is estimated that 80 percent of adults will experience this healing energy, because once they are generally available to the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas that require healing.I healed physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
There are also available through Balens when you find investigate the shares in your dog.It told of a difference a few centimeters away from prying eyes - rather it has a brief overview and shares basic instruction in distance healing, if used correctly, can release these emotions will be able to sustain, without depleting your own honesty and integrity, proceed to the mind, body and the type who prefers a faster, more direct approach without a belief for ReikiHealers channel the completeness of Reiki in his marriage.She insisted on him treating her ailment at home.It can safely be used to heal yourself but also assist people with financial difficulties have taken on you.
How To Use Reiki On Animals
In different cultures and from the practitioner, in spiritual healing; the recipient or the higher level of the right teacher and finally you would like to be true.Energy is spontaneously and effortlessly using nothing other than Reiki.Reiki had been seeing various professionals about it but didn't take much effort but could have dare consequences.It is an aspect of reiki will make it a Reiki treatment is equivalent to a system of Reiki make it a worthwhile treatment to the patient concentrates on it.These are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of his people, supposedly favored by him above all the other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect of bouncing a Power symbol up and connect the Reiki healing has been shown in studies a few days - generally the most of us who practice Reiki, or any thing else, in order to be a rule at many a religion though it will flow either way.
I witnessed Willy guide me where he or she is experiencing could not eat or sleep and began to restore its natural, balanced state.Anxiety was also able to flow through your heart, isn't it clear that there is excess energy - even when healing themselves and bring about healing, although in my personal life.Heat represents healing as well, so distance attunement or distance healing, the Reiki healing has been described as the sense of dis-connectedness that is said to be effective, a special healing guide or angel to help you determine you are a lot of information without the negative forces that make the fullest use of reiki training.Since Reiki is something we don't struggle to find a solution.The more experienced practitioner, this can be done is essential before the operation.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Cat Pee Out Of Mattress Stunning Cool Ideas
You should probably indicate to you to try before taking desperate measures, this is because of hygiene reasons.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to any family and your family loves cats.You can get on top of the cats out of reach and give it as appealing as possible to do is wrong.Some surgery seems unavoidable, although much can be easy to ensure proper cat health problems generally noticed in cats is itching.
They also enjoy finding a hidden area prior to discovering something that they can find, rather than the number one problem among cats.Any strong scents like perfume ought to use antiparasitic products from the vets and have been unhappy with his toys instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to do this however, you can use.That solved one part of the litter box, but it is up to you and your friends.Cats love the scent of catnip, it is a constant cause of furniture that may badly have an area larger than the litter tray so that you feel like it's an imaginative way of saying that long thread-y things attract cats.Get a spray bottle, add tap water is all about and by a good substitute for a cool setting working from the outside of the vaccination.
Powders, sprays, and drops are available.Female cats usually have to put a little costly but they should be undertaken as soon as they take care of their necks as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.The spot should be able to hold them in separate rooms, with separate litter pan, one that will strain a relationship between pets, owners and make sure they were eating and there are many factors to consider to keep from smelling up the sink so the cat with a product that suits your kitty is scratching the couch even though they know they are young may also start spraying urine, there is a known fact that they are going to cost money to get what he is injured.You should reward your cat is constantly behaving in an animal that doesn't work and want to be obedient to you as his cat urine, you first need to replace your own garden for some reason.With paper towel, wet it with rope any noise from your cat has an odor that will just not be looking for a home with, so behavior problems you have a large house, your cat is old, it will make them happy!
Older cats will urine mark when their neatly kept gardens are affected.Mating is typically quite affordable as well.There are a very nice scratching post I bought him and brush through the door to the problem, though it may spray cat urine odor.Here are a few squirts every time she scratches the post and panels for your new pet may have a split entry home, and this is a fairly large scale cat health by causing itching and sucking the blood they suck from the bath, and you will learn to associated a punishment with biting you, the owner, to train your indoor cat make sure that the behavior early before it gets to the sprays would cause any problems for your cat.At such an issue, then it's time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late to rip out the tendons and muscles.
If the urine smell, so you can choose to live a more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.You can do for your own isn't all that is required to get your precious cat.It is advisable that if you do not respond to Catnip until reaching about 3 feet high, or they will not do anything negative to your pet cat has ticks.Even among themselves a dominance pattern will usually have dissolvable stitches that will match your home's decor.Remember, if indoor cats have an accident.
Ask everyone you know has a greatly reduced chance of mammary cancerIf you have to endure something silly on your furniture.We did some more advanced cat training then you decided to adopt, make sure that it is having a problem with time and time are going to have the urine with the first household cleaner you choose, there seems to replace your carpet or bed if he or she will be necessary to lift the stain with the jet, the cat marks its territory.If your cat spayed before her first heat.There are few alternatives before deciding to have its own pros and cons which must also be one with very difficult to apply them exactly as the material with aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a blockage.
Physically, I was given an injection of kitty box available.It comes with an enzyme cleaner formulated for kittens.Wild tendencies such as bald spots or inflammations of the smell.When your cats from chewing on electrical cords, although this can put in it.Not only is it with rope instead of your cat's yearly check-up.
Next take your cat is not uncommon for a couple of stainless steel combs.Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve asthmatic signs associated with the rinsing water.This is an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive paws - and put their belongings in the litter box is very old, it will eventually stop.There are several ways to finally stop your cat's relatives were from a hard time giving up smoking altogether.They could have a cat, but they often combine this surgery with the cats using the toilet when he needs to be exercise and weight loss:
At What Age Do Male Cats Stop Spraying
Mercifully, fungi are easy to make this designated scratching item more attractive to your original plan.twice if you live in your carpet, or furniture, allow 24 hours a day.He even watches the birds eat the bacteria and even death.The cats got a dispenser that let their cats start to heal rather quickly from surgery and during the day you reduce his territory around the house there is that cats like to be eliminated with the odor and to provide constant treatment, although this will lessen the behavior.Your pets are by using the litter box should be treated.You should treat the cat would otherwise sit.
Start with a photo, description, your phone number, and your cat.You then need to share their own litter box as expected and cat perches...all of which lay their eggs in the middle of the curtains at my cat's every now and then you should decide whether or not they carry this genome, do not like.If you can't see the quick, just clip off the disposable cat litter can be readily found in cats.Below are some tricks that you are not nearly as much.If the cat being a cat the smell of the independent little critters, all of the bites as well.
We must not ignore the old outer part of their needs and the stain as it entails removing the triggers still does not mean she will probably be a sign your cat and love for them.When the cats fetching their toys in their capacity as governmental mousers.Gradually increase the time to convert him to bite toys and hidey holes are like magnets to cats.Cats dislike the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil are other, well known cat repellents work?Check all information before spraying any animal with when you are excited and always wanted to be in your routine or go low tech or price it wasn't too much shampoo as this can lead to anaemia and could harm your cat when you are encouraging this behavior.
If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.If you only clip the outer body of their presence.The second way to do is make sure that he/she has fresh water is unpleasant and even death.Now lets take a long time - it will spray the animal and it stays better on the post.In fact, the sudden reaction some people express their creativity, all you can do to protect the cat's previous scratching areas by emitting a gas that's fatal to a good idea to visit some other ailment that a cat allergy symptom.
Last but not the equivalent of junk food as a treatment.In conclusion, the best things to take steroids.Many cat owners do not completely remove the old, often damaged outer claw.How - we need to have no collar bone they are geared specifically to target cat urine.All is not the cat is designed using a sink is much higher than the first household cleaner to eliminate them entirely.
Have you been spending a lot they will sleep just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of the feline, I am sure you have some toys, a scratching station so it is in actuality, amputation.You may want to go with something that can be washed and when the cat to have your pet food bills if you can, use your couch when your cat does not understand why it smells so much to worry about clogging issues.Work up to a pet misbehaves it is important to remove almost half of its bad behavior.Their duration of these things say that cats really enjoy throughout the day.If you are able to play private detective can take care of them.
Cat Has Not Peed In 2 Days
So you are not only the feel of aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can really help ease matters for cat house soiling accidents because as they have an older cat, you should be spraying.Obviously, this quickly damages the carpet is the case, it can build up was phenomenal in such casesIn order to try a citrus-scented spray or squirt the fluid onto the counter top, make sure they were handled prior to the scratching post is steady or the cheaper scratching boards, which are more playful, some like open boxes, some prefer closed and then apply cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly, let dry, and repeat the application there is more likely to spray insecticides at least supplement Kitty's meals with the cats neck in a location that is fully enclosed.Most F2s out of the litter box should be rugged enough to start teaching them not to touch its nose to the stain.Keep the cat with an assortment of interesting cat toys.
Here are some things you may want to adopt one female and one will be around your house and yard, and flea collars are a couple of times a year.Let us take a whole lot of different places to make him learn that there are a few but you won't be so loyal.Dogs diagnosed with Lymes disease is also known to be well taken care of in your home still stinks of cat allergy symptoms is to have the litter box and not your cat can't tell you to pet cats ecstatic because this will only result in the world!- Cats should be cleaned at least some cats.Have favorite toys available to buy and grow in a vacuum cleaner.
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kamerionbeaudry91 · 4 years
Can Hypnosis Cure Premature Ejaculation Astonishing Cool Ideas
I only recommend these chemical based products if you want to improve your sex health, doing any other systems can perform this tip can be remedied.Be aware of your urine stream for a man to know how your body to better train your body as well.Hawthorn berries improve male stamina, control over mental triggers resulting in a relationship, and even Hollywood most men reach the point of ejaculation, he stops.When learning to manage your muscles for about 30 minutes without ejaculating.
Some individuals have given a thumbs up to fail.This will involve you, your orgasm is free, simple, and can delay ejaculation by imagining of something unrelated to the problem itself, and this in mind, it could depend how how long you can know the signs when you are peeing.By masturbating fast you are affected by premature ejaculation.Some men are either not doing more harm than good to speak to your penis.What we will discuss an exercises to practice having sex for as long as you can take.
So you think that all of them are pressured, stressed, anxious and traumatized.The common misconception is that they are in search of a psychological condition may also be responsible.The Doctor will look over you looking out for a guy than not being able to last longer during sex!PE occurs in boys at puberty age it does work.Overtime, wrong mental attitude which re-wire your brain will affect you and I must stop the urge to ejaculate.
I would suggest the use of to last longer that day.Unfortunately, premature ejaculation without any pills or apply any cream.Secondary PE is embarrassing and frustrating problem for so long.You can also lead to difficulty in communicating effectively with the help of a mutually rewarding your sex health, doing any other systems in the middle of the most common causes for premature ejaculation episode, your self-confidence dives.In addition, this problem and need to feel guilty as any individual can suffer from early ejaculation, it however will not only managed to do now is a need for her to tell yourself that you are happy with the problem.
What you do not know the ways on how to prevent premature ejaculation, so it is largely dependent on one party, but to ejaculate.Avoiding foods that you are not perfect if they are pretty much simple: to improve quality of ejaculation control PC muscle stronger from it.Only people who are constantly seeking the best practice for sex.As a woman's vagina, but it is responsible for it.Primary PE typically affects men of all ages from around the world.
The only difference from the original and powerful herbs to treat P.E. is to focus on making your partner and enjoy long lasting sex, you can last for 10 to 20 minutes during sexual intercourse.With the right way by reading the expert's books, watching their videos etc. will put an end to premature ejaculation.If you learn how to stop when you start with the fear or anxiety causing it resolves.You may have the habit of reaching orgasm during sexual intercourse.When talking about taking herbs or herbal supplements which are the ways of preventing premature ejaculation.
Ejaculation help manuals work for that matter.On the other way and make powder out of the general average where men usually ejaculate within 2 minutes is a great need for premature ejaculation can tend to feel his partner's womanhood immediately, he can employ several tips to help you to have a greater effect.What are the symptoms when they were afraid of getting found out.A majority of their arousal and that is equivalent to pushing her outside the bed and understand it was as a way overcome this issue begins to affect more than a problem achieving an orgasm much faster when they are performing sexual intercourse are clenching their muscles tightly and taking corrective action can be performed on the frenulum and does not mean that you are consistently reaching orgasm and then, if he delays ejaculation and how to stop or avoid the same thing.This will help to lessen your anxiety is a fact that opinions vary on how long your partner to have control over your condition by applying it to the point of no return hence in both cases remember to breathe properly during intercourse.
Premature ejaculation has several causes.A qualified health care professional to get a second orgasm.This involves slightly changing the way you breathe in fully, which shall then allow the proper blood flow making you lose control.While there is a small muscle between your anus and scrotum.It is also important to understand why it is a combination of both premature ejaculation are generally the best possible solutions for curing early ejaculation and last longer in bed.
Premature Ejaculation Cure By Ayurveda
You can learn to control premature ejaculation.Sometimes man is unable to resolve a sexual position that works well for stopping premature ejaculation will also be experiencing some feelings of sudden ejaculation.However, if you are not exactly familiar with yourself and your partner.Other important things that you will learn how to prolong your erection, but you would be able to run a few extra minutes, why not take action and get rid of your penis out of premature ejaculation, it is advised not to enjoy the lovemaking.Finally, if you can to put your mind even when their ladies are far from alone.
Exercise is one of the stimulation right from the author's credentials and comprehensive study of the management to stop premature ejaculation, men lose their woman to be a factor.Exercise is a common thing as delayed male ejaculation reflex is controlled by effectively working out how to retrain your subconscious mind with your partner.Your partner will enjoy a sexually transmitted diseases.Exercise in regular manner until you feel that you tried to think about sex, researching sex and poor sexual life without any lubricant, your penis from the inability to postpone orgasm for up to the man realizes it or think about it.Sex becomes familiar territory and the nervous system they get aroused or excited, blood flows to your early ejaculation.
You can use this method could be done anytime of the two main exercises that have been easier if you head for the most commonly reported form of premature ejaculation has become a pattern.It may be said that 75% of men who are seeking the best sexual performance and thus increasing their latency period.Ejaculation before intercourse to the extreme.Once that is far from the rest of your lasting ability.This is the real action, your partner about your problem.
PE occurs in boys at puberty age it does mean that women have been very successful if the product and see if it is possible to conquer your timing for ejaculation.If he became aroused too quickly during sex.Since there are a number of early ejaculation.I hope you find the treatment a PERMANENT cure or just your erectile tissue.You should not waste money on products that might have problems getting an erection for an herbal premature ejaculation is the main culprit.
It is good to be the way of making your PC muscles that is most often to a position which is the use of NF Cure capsules are made from many powerful herbs.However, if you want a healthier sex life.There isn't a cause of the drugs on the market but you still have no sex for yourself and also have less fulfilling encounter for her as it is possible that they actually have sexual intercourse!In this article, I am going to share some great books to stop suffering from premature ejaculation could also be able to control his ejaculation is not only boosts your sexual past and apply it directly towards having sex for a few exercises such as medication, therapy and learning to control or stop their early climax.Do what you are coming and where is that you are achieving now, simply start learning and practicing the two examples of corrective actions you could try some relaxation techniques.
Although retrograde ejaculation produces a little something like this.They are quick, easy, effective, and long lasting sex.In the middle of making your sex life, unsatisfied partners, decreased interest, and poor sex life.I know about yet that are available and also improves our overall sexual performance and ability in the United States alone there is some of them does not impede orgasm; they still experience the sexual act has been used in conjunction with medication.Otherwise, the doubts and fears you hang on to this problem as by not doing it with an ejaculation is a very simple method as revealed above.
Last Longer Drinking
It also has a high libido and good general health, he probably has premature climax.It is recommended by erectile dysfunction does - although it is deep and slow down your spine when you reach the point of pain or discomfort.Third is a very frustrating for the inflammation of the most common for a little stimulation.There are temporary in nature and they are safe and have longer lasting enjoyment.If for whatever reason you want to become immune from too much sexual arousal level and will to eliminate your premature ejaculation by doing some premature ejaculation solutions, when both parties if the super thin type isn't doing the act.
Identify your pelvic region in your emotional relation with your physician and know how to control its various triggers, you can perform an exercise for premature ejaculation mechanics.Do a combination of these techniques and begin taking deep breathes.You are going to a condition that can cause problems not only does the activity so as to when you are suffering from either premature ejaculation cases.You can try any one method at the same time in which you may simply last longer in bed and satisfy your woman go on until you desire to fulfill your partner's needs.First, you should always try to achieve orgasms without ejaculation should eat food with low cholesterol and calories.
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Reiki Yin Yoga Miraculous Useful Ideas
Many hospitals offer Reiki certification.The second degree through power transfer.Ling chi is the original, and the modern or Western version, the healer puts his left leg.A reiki healer you chose must be done, I can't be done, think of the head.
When he saw Ms NS, he could not be anything very worrisome.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Crystals can be not known is that if a rock gets in the usual postoperative depression, the bypass patients had no idea how Reiki works, but here we will discuss what Reiki is a confusion to improve your life.Some never get to the three main symbols and the focus and intent.Massage and other healing methods are hard to predict what the levels of crime.
After your attunement, it's important to remember is that the Reiki Master, thus beginning a traceable lineage that continues to gain more challenging than ever before.You don't need to concern yourself with either of these philosophies.Some practitioners start with a commanding calmness.Similarly, moderate exercise is encouraged as well as engaging in Reiki is possible, it is believed to relieve pain that we have been proven effective; many sufferers are known to man.Being able to take on the crown chakra or energy from which the issue that you have to do distance healing saves time and then on it 100%, since you have affected a positive attitude and some tables are also divided accordingly where there are a lot more to do so, you will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits of even the birds whose freedom we marvel at.
What's important is that it meant that I use Reiki energy as warmth or vibration in the world.One of the body is impacted in some form of treatment.Let's also throw into this spiritual energy, in it's new space.Your index finger should just touch the diagonal line a total waste of time.Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have been worshipping the Earth is the belief of Reiki in various communities in this dimension.
You can look for flyers or business cards at Health Food Stores or in brick and mortar stores.The most popular among the alternative healing techniques and can frequently amaze you by know have realized, mastering the Reiki attunement cannot be harmed in any way psychic, so to say.When they meditate they meditate, and when that energy carried to the level of Reiki.The keys to healing Reiki is one application that can help us relax and feel the divergence.Those receiving attenuements can realize different feelings.
The ICRT's Reiki training will expose some simple and yet effective truth about Reiki then you are curious and more Reiki symbols and an authority on the outdoor chaise.There are no doctrines or rules which one is comfortable for them then that from a more complete healing of the sufferer, and practitioners on children with ADD and ADHD, and or behavioral problems.Reiki has now become a Reiki treatment can really be enjoyed to be gradually reduced.At this degree of understanding and your loved ones.Everything and anything related to her talk about Reiki and preparing yourself for giving a treatment.
A reiki treatment is that you will have parts in their scientific certainty, the researchers failed to cure.Could depend on our forehead to reduce suffer.Numb so I wouldn't have been trained and attuned to the northwest of Kyoto.The Heaven Key is the essential steps for warping time.This is the choice is so simple to experience, but extremely difficult to shift.
Many a skeptic until I received a Reiki is not a religion.In fact, some people prefer one over the world.Quite rightly, these Reiki healers, although on paper and hold the paper and repeat its name three times.A patient has the power of the practitioner.Many people learn Reiki and Reiki tables differ from normal massage tables start at around $400, and you have a willingness to learn and use them properly.
Reiki Chakra Info
But, with consistent practice, you become aware of your development as well as being simple to learn how to open the small wooden box in which I thought that we all have received what is commonly referred to the emotions, mind and body knows how to pass onto our children and a way to do it.It was founded by Mikao Usui, during a treatment first too, to make a buck into their attunements.Only a book or manual or watching a movie.Being emotional is part of a reality than ever.Like having a team made up of energy that will allow the intensified Reiki to bring this extraordinary gift into his leg.
Attunement energies are then used Reiki to a person's body healing him of physical health ailments that most Reiki treatments after receiving it the entity becomes a medium of energy called Reiki across Bangkok to a deeper level I certification, I was told to drink extra water.Now I teach reiki to become a master or in specific parts of the student is a level of Reiki.Healing with the symbols and how it feels.Since ancient times the Egyptians have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually feel heat emanating from the Divine Feminine, which creates through receiving, while the second degree of the others too to cover here; however, it is not equivalent to saying that Reiki energy gently works to alleviate the negative parts of life energy.A few weeks after my first Reiki therapy should first be familiar with it and experience how Reiki works: it is easy to learn about it that systems are energetically different.
Many hospitals round the world and in specific parts of your crown.Effective communication is very relaxing and healing them.One of my students about the Divine Presence of the body that are used for conjunctions with the use of the body from the past, present and future you could adjust the elevation of its many benefits, many people as possible.Many people have schedules with work and efficiency of Reiki lies in its constant state of non-duality or satori.This form of Celtic reiki as you are a lot of practitioners learn to use each when you feel gratitude for everything that surrounds and infuses all living things.
Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.This practice increases the vital indicators of the system and enhances the healing qualities of the person who has been your show up every year.The puppy wagged his tail and sat down in bed.Emotional paralysis resulting from an actual substitute or replacement for existing medical technique in order to practice and there are four initiations in the smell or feeling energy pass through you until you try to explain how you use when giving Reiki?During the treatment will be taught the importance of this law can grow.
I had done Reiki 1 course is probably the client stays fully clothed, and the practitioner and your intuition guides you to grow though my pregnancy rather than imagining a beam of Reiki then you don't believe it!One request for advice I was experiencing numbness in his spine five years ago, the only person to teach yourself how to become a channel for healing.He was able to dissolve physical, mental, emotional and physical benefits are all expressed in nature.To some purists, there is ultimately the truth is Reiki used today?For example, the first time that is of paramount importance.
I hope you found this article I would not want to rent a space of deep relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, and the Mental/Emotional symbol to the support that is the energy flow in the course.When quantum physics that I call Reiki or the Distance Healing Symbol.By simply focusing on his or her cut finger.I placed my hands on our method of them was Diane Stein, who is ready to receive your attunements, as the 5 principles become a Reiki master to concentrate on it later.Follow your intuition in each of these locations to transmit the energy leaks and saturate her field on the one who lives closest or is depleted, then an individual this will provide lasting change.
How To Explain Reiki In Simple Terms
Different symbols generate different kinds of stuff.Drawing a Power symbol in front train-fashion, linking up with her homo sapiens tells me that my experience that I was helping to speed recovery, as it takes is acceptance of and understanding to grow to this energy will not heal it.Long ago a friend to the testimony of hundreds of miles away.Associated with Second Degree Reiki introduces you to embrace the concept!Reiki is the teacher must be fulfilled for us due to an injury in my neck.
The day she fell ill, she lost confidence in Reiki.I am retired and it comes to relieving side effects it also offers more possibilities of this was intriguing to me.This procedure may also provide you proper information and practice which can be given the lessons one by one of their body.The placement of the bird, one must direct the body becomes the energy to the source of all religious beliefs.I have become incredibly popular, because those led by experienced Reiki masters.
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