#so i didn't actually tag people
gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
hi friend!! i found u thru obey me and ive read most if not all of ur works in that fandom and loved every one!!! i see ur talking about something else that makes u super happy, i think redacted asmr is how u tag it?? it makes me super happy that u love it sm, but i know nothing abt it!!! :( if u have the time and energy to spare, would u be willing to tell me more about it :D?
lots of love for u and i hope u have a wonderful wonderful rest of ur day!!
ok darling i am back!! full of delicious breakfast and ready to go!! (do not mention that it is 1:45pm)
OBEY ME!! i took a bit of a break from logging in while i had exams but i'm getting back into the habit now, and let me tell you i am LOOKING at the monster outfits...... yum 🤩🤩
i generally do a pretty shite job of explaining, as you can see in this ask, so i'll have another stab at it:
"redacted asmr" is a youtube channel run by this guy called erik, and is essentially a collection of audios describing the lives of various people who live in a universe similar to ours, except that they have magic! each audio is focused around a particular character (e.g. "sweet werewolf" asher, "flirty vampire" vincent, "tsundere fire elemental" damien) voiced by erik, speaking to the listener, and the vast majority are romance-oriented (i.e. the character falling in love with you, the listener), although that's not true for some.
seeing as all twenty-something boys probably aren't all going out with the same listener (unfortunately, there's just not enough hours in the day!), they each have a particular nickname for you, which lets us distinguish between the different listeners a bit more easily.
(e.g. david calls his listener "angel'", and geordi calls his listener "cutie" - the two listeners are technically both you, the real person listening to the audio, but within the redactedverse, they're two separate people in two separate places with two separate boyfriends. this is the case for virtually all of the boys, except for the ones that i'll affectionately call the DAMN gang: gavin, lasko, damien, huxley, and caelum. all of them have the same listener, called "freelancer" - well, gavin calls them "deviant" but he's still talking to the same person, yk?)
the audios technically function on their own, but put them all together and you get this incredible connected universe that's still ongoing! we get new audios every tuesday and saturday (or monday and friday for patreon subscribers), with an 18+ BA (stands for bonus audio, and is basically a soundgasm audio with one of the boys - i think last month was aaron, and the month before was sam) once a month on patreon 🥰 we're currently in the throes of hot boi summer 2022 (fun and spicy audios for the whole month of june), and let me tell you it is GOOD hehe 😈😈
the wonderful @softredrobin made an EXCELLENT graphic for first-time listeners, because the long list of potential audios can be very intimidating when you're trying to choose which character to start with - you can find that here 😍
or if you'd prefer to listen to all of the boys in a semi-chronological order, @obsessedwvampbois has put together a suggested order for that - you can find this incredible labour of love here! it was made in january, so more audios (plus another character or two) have since been released, but this is still a very comprehensive and useful list for new listeners 💫
as if that wasn't enough, the redacted fandom really is a lovely bunch - the official discord, the ao3 tag, and the tag here on tumblr are PACKED with amazing, incredible people and their gorgeous creations! any list i make would be FAR too short, but might i point you in the direction of some of my gorgeous mutuals?
when i joined the fandom a few months ago, i was in AWE of the writers - you HAVE to be following @/ejunkiet, @/sealriously-sealrious, @/solclaw, @/dominimoonbeam, @/romirola, @/lovelylonerliterature, @/onesmallcentury, @/starlitangels, @/glassbearclock....... there are a LOT more, but if you're looking for somewhere to start, you'll DEFINITELY find what you're looking for here 🥰🥰🥰
and the ART!! don't even get me STARTED!! again, there are far too many incredible artists for me to list here, and they literally NEVER miss?? like?? they just... cannot miss?? @/slushrottweiler-blog, @/softredrobin, @/palilious, @/sri-rachaa..... again, this is not a comprehensive list and i'm sure i'm missing a lot, but i think about these guys (gn) literally all the time
in any case, i rambled a LOT, but i hope this makes it a bit easier, darling anon!! the link to the channel is here, and it's free on youtube so no need to pay or anything - you can listen to everything in its entirety there, with the exception of the nsfw BAs, for which you get a preview but the whole thing is too explicit for youtube's rules, so those go on patreon. i suggest only dipping your toes in when you have a bit of time, though - it's very addictive hehe 🤩💕
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autisticrosewilson · 18 days
Just saw someone get pissy because "people in Gotham would have PTSD from Red Hood killing their family members just for being criminals".
Are you fucking stupid? I'm not joking do you have a brain eating parasite lodged in your skull?
When he's written correctly he's explicitly only targeting the people at the top. The crime lords, people who lace their drugs, traffickers, rogues. He isn't just breaking the necks of random crooks. We're talking about a kid who grew up stealing to survive, whose father died doing crimes to provide for them.
To call Jason being compassionate for small scale criminals and not a trigger happy psycho "fanon" or a "headcanon" puts your literacy into question at best and makes you look like an asshole at worst, especially when you put it in the main tag and don't bother to put it in the "Anti Jason Todd" or "Jason Todd critical" or "Jason Todd salt" or even "Jason Todd bashing". See that collection of easily blockable tags so I don't have to see your utter fucking nonsense on my dash?
They also said they don't think Jason cares about crime prevention at all and was just an angsty teen rebelling. Like tell me you didn't even fucking read Under the Red Hood without telling me.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 2 months
t.i redesign because i'm not sure if enough people have known that her design was taken from fanart , i'm very sorry that i've gone this long without crediting you @raggedabstraction + i've been trying to enjoy t.i both as a character and concept again and i thought the first step to doing that is overhauling her back to what made me originally fell in love with her ( parasite masquerading as its host to lure victims )
unfortunately that means the iconic double eyes are out now but also the ' X O ' silhouette looks even more rad tbh
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i'll be putting all of the details in a future post so for now just have this (: ...
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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I carried this thing for MONTHS with the EXPRESS PURPOSE of putting Raphael in it (knowing full well Larian wouldn't let me do that, mechanically) and I had one major miscalculation.
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
#Ok I'm gonna ramble in the tags about all this get ready:#I KNEW Larian wouldn't let me actually pull this off but I PROMISE you that stupid flask sat in my inventory since the moment I grabbed it#WAITING for when I could write this little bit about putting Raphael in it#I even threw it at him in the fight with a 30% hit chance and it succeeded so I considered that Larian giving me permission to say it workd#But as I was reading up on it again when I was sketching this I saw the bit about native planes and I cried LMAO. But it's dnd-#so I rewrote is as it would've happened in a game. U kno.#Also I have been waiting to use that fox line for SO LONG bc of Croissant's dad being a fox-like fey creature#So much backstory that's slotted in PERFECTLY with the BG3 narrative#Anyway absolutely wild that we managed to take out this ancient powerful devil - and on the first try!#Lae'zel with a potion of speed did WORK. Gale came in clutch with hold monster. Astarion gave Raph stage fright. Croissant made him dance#(I'm pretty sure he just doesn't have a dance animation in ascended form lol)#Hope didn't even need to use divine intervention - this party is terrifying#Croissant hated him but in the end I loved Raphael I see why all you people like him#bg3#baldur's gate 3#bg3 spoilers#act III spoilers#house of hope#croissant adventures#tav#raphael#lae'zel#iron flask#comics#ALSO shoutouts to you if you both noticed and knew which worthikids animation I borrowed the expression in panel 5 from
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featherf4lling · 1 month
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build//burn -> ren helps build the fire while martyn burns a marshmallow
HIII i'm back. something quick and cute for today. didn't spend as much time on it as i did the past two but i still think its cute anyway so here. hands u this. maybe ill go back and redo it another day
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fishofthewoods · 1 month
Oh my god I woke up this morning and my Stardew Valley meta post had almost 150 notes????? Hello?????????? Anyways I started writing this last night because @moon-is-pretty-tonight left nice tags on the original so thank you so much!!
We know from the starting scenes of the game that the farmer's grandfather loved Stardew Valley. So why did he leave? Pelican Town is a good place to grow old; George and Evelyn are just fine. It's a fine place to raise a kid, but maybe he just wanted to raise his child closer to real schools and other children.
Or maybe, just maybe, he understood.
Was there a day when he was in his thirties where he looked at his friends and realized they weren't like him? That he could run faster than them, work longer, explore deeper into the hidden places of the valley?
Was there a day when he went to the wizard to ask him for help, for knowledge if nothing else? Did he learn then that his family was different? Special? Chosen? And how did he react? He couldn't possibly raise a child in the valley if they would be as strange and fey as him. He had to leave. There was no other way.
But years later, on his deathbed, did he regret that choice?
Is that why he gave the farmer the letter?
Is that why they went back home?
When the farmer steps off the bus that first day, the valley is still on the cusp of winter, just barely tipping over into spring. The flowers are starting to bloom, but a chill still hangs in the air. As soon as the farmer's boots touch the soil there's a change. The air gets warmer. The trees get greener. Not by too much, not all at once, but it changes.
The junimos watch the farmer as they do their work. They're new to farming, but take to it with frightening speed; their first batch of crops is perfect. None of the townsfolk tell them that parsnips don't normally grow in less than a week, that cauliflowers don't grow to be ten feet tall, that fairies don't visit when the sun goes down and grow potatoes and beans and tulips overnight. The junimos talk amongst themselves in their strange, wild language, and agree: this is the one. They're back. The valley recognizes its own, even when they've left for a generation. The farmers have come home.
Things change fast in the valley. The community center, empty and decrepit for so many years, is rejuvenated. (Lewis says it was abandoned only a few weeks after the farmer's grandfather left. Strange coincidence, he says, that it both came and went with the farmer's family.) The mines and the quarry, similarly abandoned, are explored for the first time in ages. The town becomes cleaner, brighter, more vibrant, happier.
And it is happier. Not just the environment, but the people. It's the talk of the town for weeks when Haley does her first closet purge. Leah's art show in the town square is a huge success. Shane's smiling for the first time since he moved to the valley. All of them, when asked, say it's all thanks to the farmer.
People love to ask why Lewis didn't fix the community center on his own. Why Willy never repaired the boat to ginger island. Why Abigail or Marlon never went down to fix the elevator in the mines, or why Clint didn't fix the minecarts.
But isn't it so much more interesting to ask how those things were there in the first place? How they got so broken down? If the stories the townspeople tell are true, the valley was once a beautiful place, flourishing and full of life; why did that change? When did it change?
Was it when the farmer's grandfather, the locus of the valley, its chosen representative, left town?
And if so, what happens when the farmer comes back?
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the level at which people are misusing the term "Never Again" in the far left absolutely infuriates me.
"Never Again" doesn't refer to the idea of no more genocides -- unfortunately people are evil and corrupt and seek scapegoats and destruction, there were genocides in the years following the Holocaust, there were genocides 10 years ago, there are multiple genocides going on as we speak
"Never Again" means we as Jews will pay attention to the warning signs, will not mindlessly allow antisemitism to fester and take over our communities, we will fight back. it means we will be proud. it means we will not let you hate us without a word of refusal.
"Never Again" is a warning for us, it is a reminder that what happened then can happen now -- is happening now. The Far Left doesn't get to use it against us. You don't get to turn our tragedies into hate-speech and antisemitic rhetoric.
Am Yisrael Chai
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eveningrainstorm · 3 months
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assorted psychonauts doodles
a close-up of this one, because i think it might actually be my favorite:
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lunarharp · 5 months
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hehe. almost christmas!
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hamofjustice · 10 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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cherrywhite · 7 months
Congratulations hayward and carpenter for doing absolutely nothing this episode. I think it's high time THEY get to be silly while other characters get to go through the worst experience of their lives. You know, as a treat
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sacchiri · 2 months
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Hellsing 2002 calendar illustration.
Ein wunderliche und erschröckliche Hystori von einem großen Wüttrich genant Dracole wayda Der do so ganz unkristenliche marrter hat angelegt die mensche, als mit spissen als auch die leut zu Tod geslyffen
A wondrous and frightening story about a great berserk called Dracula the voivode who inflicted such unchristian tortures such as with stakes and also dragged people to death
#hellsing#alucard#kouta hirano#translation was found in a comment by u/lazyfoxheart on r/Kurrent#fun fact this is the highest quality version of this image that exists online#i know because i've been looking forever for a version that's clear enough to actually read what hirano wrote under '1443'#but there weren't any so i had to take matters into my own hands#the real image on the back of the guidebook is only 2 inches tall so i had to take this with my smartphone and will my hands not to shake#anyway i'm pretty sure it's supposed to say Eğrigöz (the location vlad was imprisoned) so yeah. thank you hirano very cool#if i might rant for a sec it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure that out because i didn't have the guidebook at first#and in the images i could find online that part was just a blur that looked suspiciously like a person's signature and i was like. who tf#i was thinking matthias corvinus since he issued some political propaganda against vlad iirc but it didn't match his signature on wikipedia#then i thought it might be vlad II dracul's since he probably had to sign an agreement to send his sons over as hostages at some point#but that didnt seem right either so i kept skimming vlad's wiki page#and then i was like goddammit...hirano.....you just misspelled Eğrigöz didn't you.. ....#i maybe should've made a separate post dedicated to this instead of writing a novel in the tags but eh#the hellsing brainrot runs deep#also- i put it in the source link at the bottom of the post but the german inscription is copied off a real woodcut of vlad from 1491#except instead of depicting him as an adult hirano drew him as a child which gives the inscription a very different feel imo#the one final thing that interests me about this is the fact that hirano published this calendar in 2002#which is REALLY early in the series. like this was before volume 5 came out??#i have no idea why he decided to do a massive spoiler drop in a random piece of japan-only merch#sandwiched between a drawing of alucard as john travolta from saturday night fever and integra as a fish no less#it makes me really curious to know what the fan response to this was back then. like did people even know who this was#maybe im just an idiot and everyone back then was like 'ah yes its alucard as a 12 year old. how very informative'
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sassafrassrex · 3 months
oh my God i just tried out the tumblr mobile website on my phone's internet browser and holyshityouguys were you hiding this from me??
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i just deleted the app fr
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mildmayfoxe · 29 days
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WORLDS GREATEST con artist / cheapskate / stud / boozer / dancer / brat / space cadet / bs'er / hypochondriac / nut / burden / losing gambler / playmate / animal / party-goer
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marvey-sideblog · 2 months
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Law firm Specter Ross represent gay club in Seattle
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joshuaalbert · 11 months
kai winn’s relationship to religion really is just so interesting to me in a way I come back to sometimes like. she’s the leader of a faith and her gods will not speak to her. they will speak to other people in front of her and they will make a human from a society that did not interfere with her planet’s suffering their emissary but they will not speak to her. and I’m sure she can do a lot to justify it in her mind because she would have to be able to in order to keep any faith, and she has to keep her faith because she says herself that’s all she had in the camps, but that’s still a terrible thing to experience. and I’m sure a lot of people would argue that it’s not real faith, it’s ambition, but I think it’s some of both, and most importantly I think on the most immediate levels she believes it’s faith.
and like I think she and a lot of other bajorans have a reason to have a really complicated relationship with the prophets because the more demonstrably real and powerful they are, the more they’re willing to interfere in things like the dominion war, the harder it would be for a lot of people to justify to themselves why the prophets didn’t do anything to stop the genocide of their chosen people. I think the pah wraiths plotline ultimately fell kind of flat when it kind of boiled down to “dukat’s weird cult” and it was also a victim of the season’s pacing issues, but it has some interesting implications regarding this divide in the bajoran people, particularly when their religious leader’s faith is being so seriously called into question.
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