#so i got cheat codes working on my wii
dimiclaudeblaigan · 10 months
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I just got Shinon for the first time in this file. 🤣
#DCB RD Run#the story behind this is that I played PoR for a friend on stream but the Wii stopped working#it's not dead but it has a hardware problem that I have yet to determine. however I had a backup Wii#so I tried that. unfortunately it ALSO decided to have a problem and wouldn't risk discs anymore#this meant I couldn't play RD on console and had to use an emulator instead#meaning I couldn't carry the data over from my latest PoR file if I had to use an emulator to play RD for said friend#so I decided I'd do a bit of a cheat run where I just flew through PoR on an emulator#levelling people up quicker and just going through it chapter by chapter to retain the supports I had#this was the US version on emulator... and the cheats randomly stopped working correctly around chapter ten#at this point I was very fed up and I knew the EU version on emulator did keep my cheats and everything was fine there#so I decided after all the technical trouble that I was going to aggressively promote every. single. unit. in PoR. with infinite BEXP#and I was going to get them ALL to level 20 so they would ALL get stat bonuses carried over#I was originally just leaving the natural stats - what ppl got from the natural level ups is what I'd carry over#after all that I was like I deserve this it's been hell working this out. but then I had an additional idea#I decided that since I found a code for infinite usage of items that I'd bump up anyone who was#a point or two off from a stat cap for all stats like that so I did that. but THEEEEN I thought of ANOTHER thing#I was like... you know WHAT. after all this? I deserve one more thing#I stat capped ALL of Shinon and Oscar's stats knowing full well they are my absolute best MONSTERS in RD /anyway/#I used other cheats to get through the game very very very speedily to hurry to just get the cheat file done with#but toward the end I finally snapped and handed out stat boosters to those two until they were demons LOL#and uhhh... yeah Shinon took it pretty fucking well!!!
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Hello. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for headcanons about the kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series? ^_^
Kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series
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don't know why, but he looks like he'd enjoy simulator games
if Black Butler would've happened in the modern day (and someone would've taught this grandpa how to use technology) he would probably used these to learn the things he needs to know as a human
cooking simulator (or Cooking Mama), school simulator, anything that could be useful like that
definitely also enjoys slasher games
simply judging by the way he enjoyed that bloodbath on the Campania, he'd looooooove extremely violent games
idk, I don't know too many in that genre, but Dead by Daylight could be one of his faves
but nothing with guns. Those things are beneath him. He wants the real thrill of the kill
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oh, please, as if he'd even know what that is
he doesn't even have time for this
imagine the hours wasted on lines of code and digital pixels
do you know that one game where it's basically like a VR job simulator with different kinds of jobs like cook or office or gas station? Instead of humans, the NPCs are robots that insult you at every given opportunity and set you up for failure. Yeah, he'd like that.
also, Powerwash Simulator
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ok, stereotypical, but dress up games
especially Style Savvy (ngl, these games are way too good)
other than that, she seems like a casual enjoyer of Animal Crossing
except that she bullies all the ugly neighbours off of her island and hunts for very specific characters (so basically like me)
another obvious choice is Bayonetta
I mean, have you looked at her? Slashing her way through demons and angels while having chainsaws for arms and legs? The cunty outfits?
Let me tell you: Bayonetta and Grell? An iconic match made in heaven
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I can't decide
either he's a die-hard Mario Kart player or a huge Sonic enthusiast (the older games, not the newer ones)
he probably doesn't have enough time to really play though, since he's either out working overtime or out partying
he doesn't seem like a shooter person
okay, this is coming out of me because of a huge lack of sleep (it's currently 1 am where I'm living), but why does he look like he would drunkenly play Fortnite or Roblox?
"You got games on your phone?" No, back the fuck up dude. You're an adult.
Why did I just write that? Inco, what's wrong with you?
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this is very specific, but that one Coraline game for the Wii and the DS
he's definitely leaning more towards psychological horror games
American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. You can't convince me otherwise
he's an unfairly skilled Mario Kart player, to the point that it almost seems like he's cheating (he's 100% cheating, just like when playing Uno)
on the other hand, he's a huuuuge sucker for Kirby games
doesn't matter what type or gimick, he loves it and has perfected it down to the last frame
but you'd never know unless he wanted you to know (and I know it because I am God and run on my last bar of my batterie and because he's officially and undeniably my husband, deal with it. Omfg, this is so fucking cringe, I'm gonna go shoot myself, I'll be right back.)
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well, first of all, you need to explain everything to him because he couldn't even read the instructions on the screen (I'm 100% convinced that his eyesight is pure batshit and he's just cheating his way through the manga through some deus-ex-machina type of shit)
newsflash, but he loves horror games
I really see him with games like Resident Evil or Don't Starve Together
also, Undetale
you know, because of morals and choices and consequences and all that (surely not because of a skeleton with dry humour)
maybe it would help to show him a bathing simulator so this crusty man learns how to clean himself
is it too obvious and on the nose to say The Mortuary Assistant?
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omg, look at him! My boy! Finally animated! I love him so much! My boy!
ahem, so anyway...
Trombone Champ
he'd play it on his loudest speakers just to annoy the hell out of everyone
also, you know those really cheap horror games you can find on Steam that are really terrible? He lives for those
idk why, but he seems like he'd enjoy Portal
and Assassin's Creed. Especially the first four mainline games
continueing with puzzle games, he really enjoys Professor Layton, no doubt
That's it for now. It's almost 2 am and I have to help out at a sports event I only registered for to watch some random kids suffer in the heat. But now I have to wake up early for that... Oh, how ironically bitchy life is. And to top it all of I have to work the graveyard shift today. Coffee and energy will be my best friend today.
So, yeah, that's it for now. Or maybe not, maybe I'll pull an all-nighter simply so I can't oversleep. If you're up for a part 2 just slide into my requests and I'll see what I can do.
Until then~
Your Inconsistent Kuroshitsuji Blog~
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bltngames · 1 year
Returning to Donkey Kong Country Returns
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I am subjecting myself to Donkey Kong Country Returns again. This game and I have a bit of history.
I'd played Returns on real hardware near when it came out originally, and I sort of hated it. The game felt prohibitively sluggish to me. Some of that is due to Donkey Kong himself, which is made to feel big and heavy like a 300lb gorilla ought to. But some of that was also just, like, a strange problem with input latency. The game did not feel responsive, like I'd push the jump button and it'd take a frame or two for Donkey Kong to actually jump. This made platforming very difficult. Never figured out if I imagined it or if it was a real problem.
Though, for the record, playing Rayman Origins on that same Wii also felt sluggish in the same way as DKCR, leading me to believe it might have been a hardware problem, and not just my imagination. Either way, DKCR made me so mad I didn't even finish the second world, to my memory.
Tropical Freeze, the sequel to DKCR comes, and I receive it for review on TSSZ. I expected to savage that game's controls because of the way I felt with DKCR. Instead, I fall in love with it. Whatever problems I had with the Wii game don't exist in Tropical Freeze. It controls well and plays great. An awesome game.
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Which makes me wonder: If everybody else loved DKCR, could it really just a hardware problem for me? Could I play DKCR somewhere else and have a better experience? Eventually, Nintendo ran a program where you got a free 3DS game as some kind of reward for a thing they're doing; like, if you buy a certain amount of games in a short length of time you'd get a free game? I forget. Point is, for my free game, I picked the 3DS port of Donkey Kong Country Returns.
And yet, the latency problem persisted even there. The game just felt sluggish and unresponsive and hard to control in a way I didn't enjoy. I guess it probably felt better than it did on the Wii, but not much. I played through over half the game on the 3DS, getting up to the dinosaur/cliff world, but struggled to muster up the energy to finish the rest of the game.
Which brings us here. I don't know why, but I booted DKCR in Dolphin up a couple nights ago and actually spent kind of a long time setting up the controls so that it felt comfortable. It's worth mentioning that when I played DKCR on real hardware back in 2014, I did so with the Gecko Cheat Code to enable Classic Controller Pro support because I refused to waggle. DKCR's waggle was maybe one of the most egregious "this really should have been a button" things ever, to me. Something Tropical Freeze fixed and was much better for!
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Obviously the Classic Controller support isn't needed on Dolphin, so I just set controller binds so that the R trigger grabs things and the L trigger waggles. Setting up the latter was a little tricky, because DKCR actually looks for you waggling both the remote and nunchuk at the same time in order to register a proper ground pound. An easy problem to solve once you realize what it wants, but it took close to an hour to find that answer.
And it feels... better? Actually? More responsive than it did on real hardware. Which makes me wonder if the Classic Controller code was the source of the dreaded latency -- but then, that wouldn't explain Rayman Origins or the 3DS version of DKCR.
But I also discovered some of these Gecko cheats just don't work, which could explain the problems I had with the original version. I guess I'll never know for sure.
I've turned on a few cheats here -- Diddy has infinite glide now, for instance, making him feel more like Dixie does in Tropical Freeze. And the clock is stopped during bonus rooms, because those never needed time pressure. But originally, I had more cheat codes turned on -- namely one which did remap waggle actions to the remote's B trigger. But turning that cheat just broke many other elements of control, like completely disabling Diddy's hover entirely.
Thus, I was forced to figure out how to properly bind waggle to my Dualshock 4's trigger. Ultimately, no sweat.
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But I still don't know if I'll finish it. Even with the controls feeling "right," the game teeters on the edge of feeling ever so slightly unfriendly. Not much, but the game is weirdly adversarial, like it's trying to trick me into hurting myself. It's a hard thing to describe, and I don't even think everybody picks up on it, but there's a vibe with some retro games where it feels like you're fighting against the game designer themselves, you know?
Games are never just "difficult" or "challenging." There are different flavors these things come in. The way Dark Souls is hard isn't the same way that a shooter like Raiden IV is hard.
In the modern context, DKCR feels closer to something like Kaizo Mario or I Wanna Be The Guy, I guess. Games where you can feel an omnipresent creator watching you play, and they're deliberately trying to trip you up, as if they're shouting "YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP, LOSER!" and laughing at you.
There was a time early in the NES and SNES era where this kind of difficulty was a lot more common, especially in budget or licensed platformers. It's a level beyond the so-called "Nintendo Hard", where some clueless level designer is lost in the wild west of early game development and thinks this is what people want. Obviously games like Kaizo Mario and IWBTG are exaggerated forms of that, but it was definitely a style of game you encountered a lot back in the era.
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I never got that vibe from the original Donkey Kong Country games, but DKCR has just a teeny tiny itty bitty sliver of that feel. You reach the third form of the first boss and it's like, "Really? Isn't this a little bit too much for the first boss?"
Who knows if I'll stick with it, but I've already played three sessions already, so it wasn't some kind of one-and-done sort of deal.
I'm surprised how nice it looks in Dolphin even just at 720p. It wouldn't take much work to put this out on the Switch; just clean up some of the GUI. It scales to higher resolutions remarkably well.
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mrmcwigglyman · 2 months
A fun fact about each song on my album, without revealing what the song actually is
My dad described it as slightly unsettling, but not in a scary kind of way. This was intentional, although not to the extent that my dad reported.
This song made me finally remember that the letter "Q" in Morse Code is --.- (this is a lie, I had to google it again for this list)
The lyrics have a coded message but it's not really worth decoding because it's not written very well. I don't even remember what it is.
I had to substitute some characters in the name of the folder it's stored in because the title of the song was turning the folder into not a folder.
It's finally over. I've restored it to its former glory. If I ever have to make it for a fifth time I'm gonna cry.
I cheated a little bit and scrapped one tiny idea for this song because I didn't know how to make it work. I would add it back in but I don't remember what it was anymore.
I carried an amplifier down two flights of stairs for this song. I also carried it back up.
For a long time, way before I started writing it, I thought the subject of this song was a bearded guy named Hector.
If it weren't for Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity for the Wii, this song would not contain the words "Bitch" or "Fuck"
This song was meant to be inspired by the Strad music disk from Minecraft how did it turn out like this?
The making of this song directly caused a conversation between me and my dad about eating other people's food without asking.
This song would have a slightly quieter average volume if I wasn't intimidated by the Children's Television Workshop
This song reuses the same chorus twice because I was running out of funny ways to say the word "song"
I accidentally ended this song too early even though it would be so much funnier if it was extended.
This is the most low effort song on the album.
I had to tune someone else's yelling for this song
Through some conversion of units, 10 copies of this song can completely cover Luxembourg.
In the second line of this song, I openly admit to lying.
This song contains two and a half true facts about myself
I could have easily made this song unlistenable given the instrument presets used, but comedy is all about the subversion of expectations
This song delayed the completion of the album by almost a year
This isn't actually a song
I will never be able to make another song in this style again due to pure skill issue
Partially inspired by my algebra teacher who would turn off the lights and play new age music for one minute at the start of every class. This song is not new age music.
Originally just meant to be an unpronounceable glyph, the title of this song directly influenced one of the voice clips sampled in it, and also made it partially Belgian.
This song got drastically shortened to make way for a more bombastic final track
This is not a bombastic final track. It is even better.
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todayimgonnaplay · 1 year
Today I'm Gonna Play: No More Heroes (PC)
I've heard this series get a lot of praise and people pleading to play it. I have vague memories of seeing the cover art but only really got the name in my head after NMH3 released. I was curious to know what it was all about, so I've jumped into the first one.
For the pros, the art direction is pretty great, I'm always a sucker for anything cel-shaded, it helps preserve a sense of style even when the game has aged. The character designs are a highlight for me. Everyone has unique silhouettes and personalities that make them memorable. The story and thematics are straightforward but very meta, and although at times I felt it was grating (such as the crude humour), I like that it didn't take itself seriously and simply exists to have a fun time. Travis is quite a degenerate, but I like having to see flawed protagonists at times, which makes me root for him.
The cons however, is the overall gameplay loop being repetitive. Majority of the progression requires you to grind for money by doing a number of part-time jobs or missions disguised as minigames in an open world, which are fun the first time! But not so much when you have to do them repeatedly. I've read that the developer intended it to be this way in order to replicate the mundane nature of working jobs, which is an interesting choice. I think trying to replicate something monotonous in real-life isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the lucky thing about games is that it tends to offer shortcuts (or cheats for games like The Sims or Grand Theft Auto) that make ''life'' in the game easier. Implementing cheat codes could be one way of going at it, which could be fitting for a game that is very GTA-esque in terms of the 3D classic era. Although this wouldn't really be possible as this was initially released for the Wii (although it'd be interesting to know how cheat codes could be implemented, if there aren't any other games out there), it could be an addition for other consoles/PC ports. The other alternative is to have menus and triggers instead. Grinding should be rewarding, but also convenient. By having a retry button after the mission (by standing at the entrance of the mission area), or being able to access past missions from the pause menu would allows the player to easily get back rather than having to go back and forth to start the mission and actually do it. Fortunately, many modern games have this implementation already. Another issue in the repetitiveness is also the level design, and some aspects of combat. For the former, there is not much of variety in the layout, often feeling like I'm running in a straight corridor (and one level is ACTUALLY a very very long, straight corridor). It felt frustrating and draining that in order to make it bearable, I had to change my perspective and not treat the game like other hack and slash games I've played, but rather like 2D beat em' ups that happens to be in a 3D environment and camera. If this was the intention, then it makes more sense. As for the latter, the combat has some variety and some occassional fun gimmicks with wacky phrases, but I felt there was little to no use of different tactics when it came to boss fights. Most of the time, I felt I just had to block, evade/counterattack and then mash attack until I find an opportunity to stun or slow down time to mash some more, while enemies only show a few seconds of vulnerability. Only once was there some variety which was trying to press a button to shoot back obstacles like a batter in a baseball game. It also didn't help that the camera was often clunky throughout the game. Both aspects also felt very dragged out and padded for the sake of extending game time. But regardless, the boss fights are the most entertaining part of the gameplay as they're also intertwined with the story. I've also heard praise about the game's soundtrack but...in my experience I could barely even hear the background music and whenever I did, not much stood out to me. I may have to listen to it separately in my own time.
The game is really charming, and I think should be experienced for its strengths. But it gets heavily bogged down by its weaknesses. I heard that NMH2 has a lot of improvements however, so I'm still willing to give this series another chance.
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longfantastic · 2 years
The secret of monkey island special edition ps4 trophy list
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Might want to label "Recordkeeper" "Escape Artist" and "Ten Minutes Later." as missable trophies.
I have not played the Tales games yet becuase I was waiting for them to finish the series and hope they are released on PSN rather than getting them on the Wii. Since adding voice they have kept the same actors, but it sounded like "tales" used new voice actors. Secret never had a voice cast, I was refering to the voice actors that were added later as the series was expanded.
However, I do know that once my new PS3 gets here and I have it uncrated, hooked up, settings set, PSN account loaded, and trophies synched, the first thing I'll do with it is download Monkey Island and start anew my quest to become a mighty pirate Not sure exactly how long it'll take but, according to UPS's tracking system, the coffin with my late PS3 in it should be delivered to Sony's Texas facility sometime today. Just wish I'd been able to recover my game saves) and I have to wait for Sony to send me a replacement. I would be playing it right now, but my PS3 died last week(it was 3 years old, so I got a lot of fun out of it. Back when I played it a long time ago on the PC, there was no voice track, just the catchy music. Then again, I also didn't know there were two endings until I saw the trophy list. I didn't even know The Secret of Monkey Island HAD an original voice cast. > Monkey Island Walkthrough > Sword Fighting Insult List >IMPORTANT> Monkey Island Walkthrough cheat codes disable trophies?: Unknown Number of missable trophies: 8 (all non-story trophies) Minimum number of play-throughs needed: 1 Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4-8 hours (Speedrun = under 3 hours). Estimated trophy difficulty: 1/ 10 (If following a guide no skill is required) GET OUT THERE AND ENJOY A CLASSIC GUYS!!! With the new Special Edition releases you will get to enjoy the benefits of high definition graphics that have been fully reworked as well as the additions of voice overs from the original Monkey Island voice cast. I downloaded it the moment it was released and now I am going to work on pulling together a guide in an effort to encourage more people to enjoy a game that turned me into a life long gamer. I am a lifelong Monkey Island gamer and played these games way too much back in the days of 486 gaming with midi sound. Guide for The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
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midzelink · 3 years
So, as some of you might know, one of my GIFs was recently featured on the Tumblr Radar - which is pretty cool!  I was fairly happy with how that one turned out, especially considering that I made it rather last-minute on a whim to acknowledge Valentine’s Day.  It understandably received a lot of attention as a result of this, and I’ve loved reading through all the comments and tags (especially all the ones about how people want to eat the heart containers from TP); however, I wanted to clear up a bit of a misunderstanding surrounding the creation of that GIF, as there were additionally a lot of tags along the lines of #3d art or #artists on tumblr in that influx of reblogs.  I don’t want to take credit for something I didn’t do, even accidentally, and so allow me to be perfectly clear: the heart container GIF is not something I modeled and rendered myself! It is the original in-game model, recorded in-game using the Dolphin GCN/Wii emulator, with very little done in the way of post-processing in Photoshop.  If that sounds impossible or confusing (which is perfectly understandable, for those of you unaware of what Dolphin is capable of), I’d like to take this opportunity to give you guys a bit of a “peek behind the curtain,” as it were, to show you guys exactly how I made that particular GIF, as well as similar ones I’ve made (such as those in my #items tag).  
I didn’t take screenshots of my initial process (nor did I save the edited textures I used), so I’ll be recreating it from the ground up for the sake of demonstration, but that shouldn’t be a problem.
First thing’s first: finding a heart container! For this particular GIF, I wound up using the one that spawns after the Morpheel fight at the end of Lakebed Temple.  I’m sure many others would work just as well (I think, at the time, this one just happened to be the most accessible to me), but let’s use the same one for the sake of it.  
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Morpheel: defeated.  And I didn’t even need Zora Armor! (Seriously, we do that in the speedrun.  But I’m getting off-topic.)  Of course, we’re going to need clean, close-up footage of the heart container rotating in order to do what we want to do, so let’s shift into first-person mode and and get a bit closer to the thing.
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Now, because the only UI-element in this shot is Link’s health (and it’s in the corner and relatively non-obtrusive), removing it isn’t strictly necessary - but I’ve already made a texture pack that removes UI elements as part of my Text Free TP project from a while back, so let’s load it anyway, for the sake of being thorough.  This shot is also still a bit too far away, so next we’ll be utilizing Dolphin’s free cam feature (which can be accessed by going to Graphics > Advanced > Free Look and checking “Enable” in Dolphin) in order to get the heart container in a more central position. Now we’re left with this:
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And we’re already looking well on our way to making a nice, solid color background GIF.  But how do we get the solid color? Well, that’s where more texture editing comes into play - and here I have to give credit where credit is due, as this is a trick I picked up from 186px, after wondering how they were able to make this GIFset of Link fighting Ganondorf in The Wind Waker in a great, black void.  (Seriously, shoutouts to them, their stuff was and still is amazing.)
But, very basically, we’ll be using Dolphin’s texture dump feature in order to find the textures that need to be edited so we can replace them with pure black ones.  Texture dumping can be enabled by going to Graphics > Advanced > Utility and checking “Dump Textures,” and the file path for these dumped textures by default is Documents > Dolphin Emulator > Dump > Textures > [Game ID].  (In the case of Twilight Princess, the Game ID is GZ2E01).  After dumping the textures in the Morpheel arena, my GZ2E01 folder looks like this:
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When editing textures, sometimes you’ll have to endure a bit of trial and error until you find the correct ones.  Luckily, in this scene, the textures making up the sand floor and the stone walls are rather large, so let’s isolate the ones we’re pretty sure are responsible (plus a few others that are obviously environmental, just to be safe).
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Now, when loading custom textures, it’s important that the file name you’re trying to load matches up exactly with the original texture that you’re trying to replace.  I have a plain, black, square PNG that I keep on my desktop specifically for this purpose; I copy the file names of the textures I’ve isolated, then rename and drag and drop the black PNG into the folder where custom textures are loaded (Documents > Dolphin Emulator > Load > Textures > [Game ID]).  Like so:
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And now, to refresh our custom textures by disabling and reenabling them in Dolphin’s graphics settings:
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And voilà! We have something that very nearly resembles the GIF I made (well, a still of it, at least).  I skipped over a few details, such as the fact that TP has a pretty significant amount of bloom surrounding just about everything, which I’m fairly certain I disabled using cheat codes when I made the original GIF in order to give it an overall cleaner look.  It’s hard to tell from this still, but TP’s heart containers also sparkle considerably in a way that’s random and not loopable; I found the texture responsible for this sparkle and replaced it with a transparent 1x1 PNG, in order to remove it entirely (as well as the texture behind the “glow” of the thing).  After that, it was as simple as recording the game with OBS, dumping the MP4 into Photoshop, cropping and cutting it to make it loop, and adding some adjustment layers for contrast and color.  So...yeah!
I hope this has served to clear up any confusion about some of the things that I’ve made in the past.  I’m not a 3D artist - just a person with an emulator and way too much free time on their hands.  This stuff is really, super simple, and also lots of fun, so I would highly encourage anyone with the means to mess around with emulation on their own some time to see what they can do!  (Even if you don’t have Photoshop and can’t make GIFs, there are always edits, such as this one I made of Midna.)  For Twilight Princess in particular, I also highly recommend checking out TPGZ; it’s a patch you can apply to a clean ISO of the original game, designed with the purposes of helping folks learn and practice the speedruns (yes, I had to bring up speedrunning one last time, kill me), but it’s got nifty features like built-in savestates, cheat codes, and HUD removal, as well as the ability to freeze actors while maintaining the ability to move the camera freely, among other things (all things that are very useful as far as making unique graphics go).  Sorry this post got as long as it did, but I at the very least hope that some of you found it educational and/or interesting.  Cheers!
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maggyoutthere · 4 years
It's funny how I'm actually putting effort on this. I'm putting actual effort on a shitpost.
Anyways I said I'd write a bad sonic creepypasta so here it is. Here's the catch: I like how its turning out so imma make it a 2-pary story. This is the first part. It doesn't have any scary shit but it has the basics for a shitty creepypasta: someone gets a old pirated/unreleased/defective game and tries them out despite getting warned that bad shit might happen.
Again I'm not a fluent English speaker so expect some grammar error and stuff like that ._.,
So ladies, gentlemen and non-bis, I present to you-
Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood (Part 1)
Synopsis: Teen gets nostalgic mid-quarentine and starts playing old Sonic games. She asks for some cheat codes and shit happens.
So for context; I'm a 17 year old girl stuck home because of quarantine.
It had been 4 or 5 months since the virus sent everyone home. Students were playing Animal Crossing and DOOM all day to fill in the summer hours since no one could go outside. I never liked going to the beach so I was never really bothered by it.
Like many people, I found myself going back in time to easier phases of my life. I was rewatching old cartoon shows from my childhood, getting into MCR and P!ATD and just living in pure nostalgia. I also started getting into gaming again, even going to the point of setting up my Wii again just to play Epic Mickey, but I didn't exactly grow up with the Wii. I was more of a Playstation kid, so much that me and my bro got a Playstation 2 from our cousin when he eventually bought the 3rd one for himself.
My cousin was older than us; I remember him being 16 or 17 when I was like 12, so he was kind of our gaming hero. If there was a level in Crash Bandicoot we couldn't beat, we'd call my cousin and he'd do it in 15 minutes. He knew all the cheat codes, all the secret levels and extra content for the games he had; he was like a genius to me and my lil bro, so when he gave us his old Playstation 2 and games me and my sibling knew we were in for a treat.
We got this Sonic Gems Collection for the Playstation 2 from him. It's like a port of various older Sonic games like Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R and so on. I grew up playing that game, especially Sonic The Fighters since I wasn't very good at the racing games.
I still had a working controller and a lot of free time so I asked my bro for help setting up the console. The thing was so dusty I was actually scared it wasn't going to work. We clicked the power button and the light on the console turned on. Me and my brother held our breaths as we put the DVD in the console and crossed our fingers. As the screen lit up with the SEGA logo and music started playing, I just hugged him and cheered. He set up the console in my room so I could play without having to go to his room (he was the one keeping all the electronic stuff) and told me to have fun.
I didn't even know where to start. There was so much I wanted to play now that I actually knew what I was doing. I thought about starting with my favourite one out of the bunch: Sonic CD. I'm a sucker for the retro 2D pixel games so that was a must. It was better than what I remembered; the music was so catchy and the art style was vibrant and it stood out from a lot of games nowadays that go for a washed out "hyper realistic" look.
As I kept playing, I eventually reached the level where Amy tags along with Sonic for a while before Metal Sonic bursts through a wall and kidnaps her. Oh yeah, Metal Sonic was a thing. I remembered him from Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters - and the fact he was in the fucking cover art of the DVD case. I absolutely loved the fucker in the games though. He had a cool design, and the idea of the villain being a copy of the hero gone wrong was so interesting to me at the time.
I ended up passing the level and even making it to Stardust Speedway. I was sweating since I'd never come this far at any game. My bro was there cheering me as I tried not falling on spikes or getting hit by Metal Sonic's attacks. I ended up making it till the end on top, but it was kinda sad seeing Metal crash face-first against the door like that.
I was done with that for a while, so I went ahead and played Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters for nostalgia. Again, the fucker was there, either as a boss or as an unlockable character. I ended up noticing how there were a bunch of games missing. There were empty grayed slots with question marks instead of the game titles. I couldn't understand if the game was broken or if there was something I was supposed to do, so I called my cousin in hope he would somewhat tell me what to do. He ended up explaining how the game made you complete all the other games to unlock new ones. I thought that was kinda stupid so I asked him if he had any cheat codes or something to make the whole thing available. He told me he was going to dig up his old stuff and ring me again if he found anything.
A few hours later, he sent me a message telling me he'd found something that should work. He told me he did have a cheat code but he thought it was best if I didn't do it. Here's the transcript from his message.
"There's something that might work but it's kinda weird. I got this memory card from a friend of mine and he said this should unlock all the hidden contents within the disc, but when I tried it some weird shit started happening. Most of the sonic games were unplayable no matter how many times I restarted the console or cleaned the disc. There should be an extra game slot but that's just a glitch. Something about the system trying to make up storage for the extra code. Just don't click on anything that looks like a glitch and you should be golden"
Well that was a bit discouraging, but we agreed to meet that afternoon so he could give me the memory card.
When I got home and plugged the cartridge into the slot on the console, I was kinda scared. What if the thing exploded or something? I gave it a try and the thing actually worked! As I clicked on the games section, everything was there! There were some vectorman games but I didn't know who that was at the time so I didn't really care about them. What I was more interested in was the museum. There were a bunch of unlockable promotional art and illustrations there that I never got to see as a kid, so you could imagine how joyful I was when I saw the museum section filled with pages upon pages of illustrations and renderings of the games. Some of them weren't even on the Gems Collection like some screenshots of Sonic Heroes.
I went back on the game menu and was surprised to see another game entry below all the vectorman ones. It was called "Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood". What the hell was this? It surely wasn't in the cover art and a quick google search turned up nothing. Was it a glitch? It couldn't be; it looked too clean and intentionally made to be a glitch, not to mention that whole game titles don't just appear out of thin air. Game or not, something was programmed in there. I concluded it was probably someone's fan project that was in the memory card my cousin gave me. Why hadn't he mentioned it though?
I was too curious to turn down a mystery like this one, so I got up first to make a cup of coffee since it was already getting late. As I returned from the kitchen, I remembered to look at the synopsis of the game. I can't remember exactly what it said but it was something along the lines of:
"In this sequel to the famous Sonic CD, step in the shoes of Sonic's friends as they face their biggest challenge yet. Control Amy Rose and Miles "Tails" Prower and fight against the metallic faker himself, Metal Sonic, and stop him before he puts his plan to become the only Sonic in action"
Woah, that sounded exciting; I wasted no time. I got all cozy, kept my cup of coffee next to me
And pressed START.
To be continued in part 2
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eggoreviews · 6 years
Viddy Games Monthly #1 - February 2019
Is this really late? Sure Is!
Here's something new I'm trying! In this 'issue' (lol):
NEW RELEASES - A look back at everything exciting that dropped this month, from Resident Evil 2 to the new 2D Mario!
NEWS - January is usually pretty dry for viddy games, but there's some interesting stuff still!
Release dates, updates and more!
Fitness Boxing (RD: January 4th - Nintendo Switch)
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And here we have Nintendo’s first real attempt in this console generation to draw in the fitness crowd they catered to so well with the Wii. Except, Fitness Boxing feels a lot more technical and niche than those other titles from a decade ago. Fitness Boxing’s main draw is teaching you how to improve your boxing form, meaning it’s definitely not one to play with the family unless you’re all die hard boxing fans. But if you’re less interested in picking up the technical aspects, Fitness Boxing works just as well as a fitness companion, coming packed with its own motivational trainer (I haven’t picked this game up purely because it would feel like I’m cheating on the Wii Fit Trainer. Plus this basically dashes all hope of Wii Fit Switch so I’ll need to mourn that for a hot minute).
Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey (RD: January 11th - Nintendo 3DS)
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As the 3DS reaches the end of its lifespan and its screentime in the Nintendo Directs gets shorter, this Mario & Luigi title could well be one of the last RPGs we see on the system. In this enhanced remaster, the worlds of turn based RPG and 2D platformer collide and, coupling this fact with some odd setpieces including Bowser’s literal stomach, also make for one of the weirdest games on the system. Despite this, there’s no doubt that it works. With the addition of the Bowser Jr.’s Journey expansion, there’s undoubtedly a wealth of content to explore here, especially if you’re new to this oddly charming RPG spin-off.
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (RD: January 11th - Nintendo Switch)
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The latest in a long line of Wii U ports, Nintendo has bundled up Mario U and Super Luigi U and released it yet again on the Switch. This is by no means a bad thing, as we had yet to see a 2D Mario on the system, but the general consensus seems to be that the play time is much shorter than the price would have you believe. Of course, if you’re a die hard Mario fan, there’s no doubt you’ve already picked this up and it’s definitely worth a go if you didn’t have a chance to play on Wii U. Alongside this, new features include new playable characters and helpful items for if you’re like me and are terrible at platformers (I welcome these changes). But really, I think the talk of the town was the fact they patched in Blue Toad before release when everyone got sad that he was absent. Thanks Nintendo.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (RD: January 11th - Windows, Xbox One, PS4, Switch)
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An enhanced port with updated HD graphics to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this beloved entry in Bandai Namco’s Tales series. This edition comes packed with a beefy selection of new content, including all that was exclusive to Japan at the time of the PS3 port’s release. Generally, this game scored high at the time of its release, being cited as an interesting and unique JRPG that was made all the better by its trademark combat system that has been carried throughout the series.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 3: Broken Toys (RD: January 15th - Windows, Xbox One, PS4, Switch)
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Against all the odds, the critically acclaimed Walking Dead game series has somehow survived the closure of its creator, Telltale Games, continuing under Skybound Entertainment. The series continues to shine in critic reviews, which thankfully continues into the penultimate episode, Broken Toys. With a firm release date of the final episode being March 26th, we won’t have to wait long to finally witness the end of Clementine’s story.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (RD: January 18th - Nintendo Switch)
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The third entry in the No More Heroes series has finally arrived 9 years after its second effort, though this time to mixed reviews. The gameplay fans of the series are used to has been totally overhauled this time around, instead throwing Travis into a possessed game console containing six wildly different, self-contained video games. This time, the gameplay is entirely from a top-down perspective. Some enjoyed this radical change of pace for the series, but other fans of Travis believed the drastic change was a little too jarring to enjoy in contrast to this entry’s predecessors.
Resident Evil 2 remake (RD: January 25th - Windows, PS4, Xbox One)
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The highly anticipated remake of Capcom’s horror classic finally dropped this month, and let’s be honest, it’s everything fans wanted. The controversial move to ditch the usual fixed camera the early RE games are known for so the game could be built in Capcom’s home-grown Resident Evil 7 engine was what made the game so immersive and genuinely terrifying. With tons of gameplay tweaks, Capcom managed to tread the line between creating a fresh experience and staying faithful to the original game. Entirely different puzzle solutions, new dialogue and a whole new playable character in Sherry Birkin ensures that those who know the original inside out will still have more to discover, but the return of each horrifying boss and setpiece in glorious HD puts the nostalgia into overdrive. Plus, the tofu block came back so really there’s nothing to gripe at.
Kingdom Hearts III (RD: January 29th - Xbox One, PS4)
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Here it is. The game fans have been waiting 14 years for. The one that ties every character and confusing plot arc together and says ‘Merry christmas, Baymax is in this game now!’
With a few fan favourite worlds returning among a handful of new ones, Kingdom Hearts has finally launched itself into the current gen with a heartfelt tale of friendship and big hair. There really is very little to say about this, because we all knew it was going to be good.
Also out this month:
First person shooter Bright Memory released this month to positive reception, despite controversy around the stolen assets used by the devs.
Charming adventure game Vane dropped this month, allowing players to explore a beautiful world as a boy who can turn into a bird.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, the critically acclaimed combat flight sim series, released for PS4 and Xbox One, with some great VR content.
Life Is Strange 2 Episode 2 - Rules released this month, continuing the heartfelt tale of two brothers on the run
Gothic Indie RPG Sunless Skies released at the very end of January, showing a detailed focus on narrative and exploration
What’s been happenin’? Probably a lot, but this is what I picked up on!
Metroid Prime 4 has gone a bit wonky
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As everyone has probably heard by now, the long awaited Metroid Prime 4 has officially been halted and restarted, as announced in a commendably transparent video Nintendo published on their YouTube channel last month. Basically, they weren’t happy with how development was going so they’ve gone back to square one, this time with the help of past Prime developers Retro Studios. Honestly, this is a really good sign, as it shows how committed Nintendo are to creating a solid game to stand next to the other three. Plus, this makes a Prime trilogy switch port way more likely in my eyes, so hooray for that.
Piranha Plant got here early!
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At the tail end of January, those who redeemed their plant boi codes turned on Smash and suddenly got the gratefully received ‘Piranha Plant joins the battle’ message! I can confirm I made a bit of a weird dolphin noise when I saw he’d turned up before the estimated February release. In another post, I’ll be breaking down his moveset in a bit more detail, so keep an eye out for that if you’re a fellow plant connoisseur!
Sony patents retro back-compatibility for PS5?
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A new patent Sony put through last month that they tried to sneak by us MAY hint at retro back-compatibility for their next system, spanning all four of their home consoles. If this news is true, this could give Sony a massive edge in the next console gen, as remasters and retro games become increasingly popular, as well as the fact that people are unlikely to want to leave the considerable PS4 library behind. So at the very least, we can hope for PS4 games to be playable on the PS5.
Cross platform achievements could be a thing!
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A since removed GDC listing teased the possible integration of Xbox Live onto iOS, Android and, interestingly, the Nintendo Switch! At a base level, this would very probably mean that achievements between these two consoles would be cross compatible, or at least viewable on either console. While nothing is confirmed just yet, this could be a sign of the growing partnership between Microsoft and Nintendo.
Nintendo is really lovin’ their mobile games!
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With Switch sales beginning to level out ever so slightly, Nintendo seems to be turning to the mobile market. A mobile Mario Kart was announced a couple of years ago, but now it finally has a name, Mario Kart Tour. It’s now slated for a Summer 2019 release. Alongside this, Nintendo have announced Dr. Mario World for mobile, as well as rumours bubbling under that Dragalia Lost could be seeing a localised port for Canada and Europe.
New Nintendo Selects for the States!
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Super Mario Maker, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D and Star Fox 64 3D have arrived in America as Nintendo Selects, thankfully proving that Nintendo aren’t quite willing to let the 3DS die just yet. Not to be that guy, but Majora’s Mask over in Europe as a select would be pretty great. Pls.
Indie Highlights
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And finally, Nintendo has dropped another Indie Highlights on us, featuring the likes of Wargroove, When Ski Lifts Go Wrong, Forager and the (long awaited?) Goat Simulator port. Worth a look if you’re looking for something a little wackier to play this month!
That’s all the headlines for this month!
Are you subscribed to whatever online service your console has? Then oh boy, you got some free stuff!
NES Nintendo Switch Online - Blaster Master & Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
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This month, Nintendo added the ever wonderful and upsettingly hard Zelda II to their retro lineup, along with lesser known run-and-gun platformer Blaster Master.
PlayStation Plus - Steep & Portal Knights
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It’s a good month for snowboard enthusiasts over on the PS4 this month, as Ubisoft’s open world sports game Steep joins the lineup. Alongside this, the artistically charming RPG Portal Knights was free last month. January also marked the final month of PS Plus support for the Vita and PS3, with Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion & Super Mutant Alien Assault joining the Vita lineup and Zone of the Enders HD Collection and Amplitude free for PS3 owners
Xbox Game Pass
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January was a hecking good month for members of the Xbox game pass, with the entire Life Is Strange saga joining the service, along with other quality games such as Just Cause 3, Farming Simulator 17, Absolver, Aftercharge and ARK: Survival Evolved.
Yoshi’s Crafted World
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Nintendo released a story trailer for Yoshi’s creative new outing, showing off Baby Bowser and Kamek as the game’s villains. The release date set for this uniquely cardboard platformer is March 29th, so fans won’t have to wait long!
Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn
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Breathing new life into the 3DS is this enhanced port of Kirby’s Epic Yarn, which originally released on the Wii in 2010. Featuring all new content that wasn’t available the first time around, fans of the Kirby series will be able to pick this up from March 8th.
Final Fantasy remasters
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After the exciting announcement in September that beloved Final Fantasy games would be coming to other consoles in 2019, Square Enix have finally announced release dates for a couple of these titles. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will hit the Switch and Xbox One on April 16th, while Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age arrives on both of these consoles on April 30th.
Welcome to probably the most controversial segment of this, the rumour-y bit! Just a pre-warning that nothing talked about here is by any means confirmed, so keep your expectations tempered.
SNES for Switch Online?
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A recent datamine into the NES Switch Online app has apparently revealed a list of 20 SNES games in the code that could be coming to the system in the future, including Mario World, Kirby Superstar, A Link to the Past and Super Metroid. I’m hesitant to say this is true because nothing has been said on Nintendo’s end yet, but considering the lack of content for Switch Online as of yet, I’d say it’s fairly likely in any case. If this is true, we can all hope for DK Country and EarthBound also because pls Nintendo.
Smash Ultimate Fighter Pass Leak
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There have been two notable datamines in the past month that could reveal our four remaining DLC fighters for Smash Ultimate. The first uncovered three names in the coding for the game, Plant (obviously referring to Piranha Plant), Jack (Likely Joker from Persona 5) and Brave (Speculated to be Erdrick from the Dragon Quest series). The reason why Brave is so heavily speculated to be Erdrick is because, in Japan, the hero class Erdrick belongs to in Dragon Quest is called ‘Yusha’, which translates to brave in English. Alongside this, one of the heads of development for Smash Ultimate, Shinya Kumazaki, recently posted a photo of the iconic shield from Dragon Quest with the caption ‘the brave’s shield’, which naturally sent the internet into meltdown. Personally, I think Erdrick is pretty much a dead cert for the DLC roster at this point, especially after that Instagram tease.
Thanks for reading!
In the next issue, most likely in the first week of March, I’ll be reviewing the likes of Jump Force, Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn and Anthem, plus giving you a rundown of anything game-y that happens in February! Plus, the new game of the month feature will begin next time, as I explain my choice for January’s best game. Have a fun day. Stay hydrated.
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bethesdaglitch · 6 years
1-70 do em all! 😁💙
I’m seriously so sorry this took so long, but it was so much fun!! thank you!!! Also it’s super long so I’m gonna put it under a readmore!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Jak & Daxter! 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.Lmao I’m not exactly a creative person, but when I was little I tried coming up with and drawing my own pokemon. They were… bad3. Who did you play with as a kid?My brother! At first I stole his Gameboy Color whenever he wasn’t using it, but then he saved up and bought a PS2 so we could play games together4. Who do you play with now?No one really lol. I kinda prefer to play single-player games now? But I’ll play with various friends when we hang out.5. Ever use cheat codes?When I was little, yeah! Especially in the Sly Raccoon games 6. Ever buy strategy guides?Before the age of unlimited free online strategy guides I did, now I just use said online ones7. Any games you have multiple copies of?Yep, I’ve “lost” games only to find them again after replacing them like… four times? It happened with Oblivion, Fable 3, DA: Origins, and, weirdly enough, that one obscure (but fun imo!) wii game, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?This one was hard! After a teeny bit of research, I narrowed it down to either Rule of Rose, LoZ Collector’s Edition on Gamecube, and pokemon red and yellow9. Most regrettable purchase?Hhhhhhhh I bought the video game for the 2006 Dreamworks movie Over the Hedge. I was only 12, but I still should’ve known better :(10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?I’ve gone to a few midnight releases, but none that have lasted for hours, luckily. I only started going to them in the last few years, so the only ones I’ve been to so far are Fallout 4, DA:I and uh… ME:A (I KNOW)11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?Nah not really, I don’t play online games, so. I have friends who play video games, but I’ve never met someone BECAUSE of video games12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Lol no?13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?Overwatch14. Favorite game music?NIER, hands down. 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?Probably something cute and harmless like the leaf from Animal Crossing lol16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Lately we’ve been really into Towerfall: Ascension and Screencheat17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Wh—no????18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?So long as they didn’t try to “forbid” me from playing and so long as we had other interests to bond over, then sure. It’d be kind of a bummer though lol19. Favorite handheld console?Idk that I have one! Maybe the Switch, since that’s the most recent and popular?20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?Silent Hill 3 and DA:I21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?The Civilization games22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?Sometimes, yeah. Nothing too embarrassing, though. 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?What, like… ever?? Geez, I dunno… probably Oblivion?24. First Pokemon game?Yellow!25. Were you ever an arcade game player?I actually wasn’t really :/26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Oh yeah, with my brother. He’s 6 years older than me, which pretty much guaranteed I got my ass kicked in every game we played when I was younger27. Game that makes you rage?Bloodborne and Dark Souls!!!!!! I swear I try to go back and play them at least once a year, and I can never get past the first hour :(28. Ever play in a tournament?Not like an official one, but ones with friends, yep29. What is your gaming set up?Imma be real with you chief I don’t know nearly enough about computers to answer this question with anything other than “a computer”30. How many consoles do you own?Ohohoho far too many31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?I’ve never had the 3D slider up long enough to tell, but that probably means yes lol32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?BOY when I was in first grade I played Spongebob: Supersponge on Gameboy advance so much I STILL remember the password that lets you skip to the final stage (it’s WMBT) 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?nah 34. Do either of your parents play video games?PFFF GOD NO. Although my mom does love Animal Crossing. Not playing it, but just like it’s whole deal. 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?No and no, tbh36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I… don’t think so? Maybe I’ve cried over a game, but blood?? Put the controller down, y’all37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?NO NO NO OVER THE HEDGE (2006) FOR THE PS2 IS THE SINGLE WORST GAME EVER MADE FIGHT ME ON THIS38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?Oh lord… idk if anyone’s ever played any of Ambition’s dating sims (Dream Girlfriend, Dream Boyfriend, Animal Boyfriend, and Moe Can Change) but I’ve literally been playing them for about… 5-ish years now? They’re seriously the worst, I fucking love them 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?Hmm… Maybe a new Kingdoms of Amalur game would be cool? 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I love VR but the last time I tried it at a friend’s place I fucking faceplanted after leaning on a counter I forgot was also virtual and the first thing my friend asked was whether the headset was ok, so that stung. As for motion controls, they’re fun but they can be a real pain41. A genre that you just can’t get into?Sports games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?The path to what43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?Oh yeah, who hasn’t?44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?Idk if this counts but I am a MASTER at the claw machine and that stacker game. My closet is full of useless shit I’ve won from those things45. How are you at Mario Kart?OH SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?yesssss I love them47. Do you like competitive games?I mean like I said, I mostly prefer single-player games, but I do enjoy the occasional co-op game48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?about an hour49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?I actually don’t! If it’s a game I’m not confident I’ll be good at, I pick whichever class is recommended for beginners, and that changes from game to game. Alternatively, I just go through phases where I prefer a specific class above others 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Christ I have no idea. Maybe a first-person escape game? idk51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?NO?? DAMN ARE Y’ALL OK????52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Literally any M game; my parents were strictly “No M games until you’re old enough!” I just got my brother to buy them most of the time though lol53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?Most DLC is fine, it’s microtransactions in “pay-to-win” games that I fucking hate. 54. Do you give in to Steam sales?HAHAHAHAHA yeah absolutely 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?N-No??? 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?Ok yeah I did do that 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?Ew no58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Ooooh… ok, Oblivion, My Time in Portia, and Divinity 259. Do you play any cell phone games?I do! I play a lot of escape games, and uh… the Ambition games mentioned previously60. Do you know the Konami Code?Is that the up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A? Huh, I never knew it had a name!61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?I used to trade them in occasionally, but mostly I keep them 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?Yeah the Switch for BotW. Not proud of it, but it was worth it63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?Yep! 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?OHHHH MY GOD YEAH, I’M STILL FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT. I had GameShark for Gameboy and PS2, but that one was fine, it didn’t cause any problems. It was ACTION FUCKING REPLAY that fucked me over. I used it for KH2 and it worked the whole time until literally THE VERY LAST XEMNAS FIGHT, when my HP bar suddenly dropped to 1??? Not my HP, mind you, the HP BAR. Meaning 1 HP was the most I could have. Literally fuck action replay >:( 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?nope67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?I do! The very first thing I ever saved up money for to buy myself was Pokemon Crystal version. Until then I’d just been borrowing (re:stealing) my brother’s, but when I was 5 and Crystal was about to come out, my parents made me a deal that if I saved up $15, they’d pay the other $15 and I could get it! It was the first time I was working towards a fun goal, so it was all pretty exciting for 5-year-old me lol. It’s dumb, I know, but it’s something I look back on fondly68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?Lol nah, I think the best thing I ever got with tickets was a cheap snowglobe 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? UHHHH GOD. That’s… super tough. I’m genuinely not sure I have an answer tbh. I’m really into Divinity 2 right now but best game ever made?? Idk! that’s a hard one!!!! 70. Very first game you ever beat? I won’t lie, it was Spongebob: Supersponge on GBA
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If you can survive the fall, this cheat is very beneficial for fast traveling about the map. Dive into your Cell Phone, browse the internet, and deposit your income in the bank immediately soon after each Job. Rockstar Gamings' well-liked title GTA 5 Online - the on the web multiplayer variation of GTA five - has fantastic deal of approaches to earn the players get abundant. http://www.silentviper.net/free-gta-5-shark-cards/
This will give you all your income back, nonetheless if you visit the Ammu-Nation once more, the upgrades on the weapon will nonetheless be marked as purchased. We take pride in what we put on the internet and we are also gamers so we know how frustrating it can be to actually get a very good functioning hack for most games.
Thank you,this has helped me get Income and RP when my mom did not buy me any.THANKS! GTA Money - GTA Funds is the only way which provide user liability to freely appreciate the world of GTA. But the code is on the income, as such, the game does not exist, besides the cheats will automatically be disabled as soon as you begin the mission, and will not function if you activate them in the course of the mission.
Check our our YouTube video which shows you what you are in a position to acquire with our GTA cash cheat. If you're stuck earning money at the commence of the game, you can give oneself a leg up with these totally free cash cheats and glitches. If you are okay with the police being hot on our tail, there is no simpler way to get cash in Grand Theft Auto V than robbing a shop.
This is fantastic location where everybody must come and get the GTA 5 on the web cash cost-free. As in GTA IV the importance of cash for the obtain of food and clothing is reintroduced. Advanced Anti-Ban: With the assist of the GTA 5 On the internet Hack Tool, you will not have to fear of receiving banned in-game, as the Stat Hack Tool & Cash Hack have a flawless anti-ban. http://www.silentviper.net/gta-5-cheats/
The easiest way is to simply click your phone, then click the tab relating to cash and click the third choice which must be Maze Bank. There are distinct combinations of keys which assists a single to gather cheats for playing the game. The GTA V on the web generator does not just credit you with unlimited money but it also makes gaming less difficult with every step.
Basically input your username and select how significantly RP and cash you require to incorporate. If you're hunting for unlimited Funds and RP for your Grand Theft Auto five game so this GTA five Money Hack Online is the very best point that you must get right now.
Of course, if you are looking to do it the systemic way, then you must be prepared to invest a lot more time and effort in creating adequate income to enhance your progress in the game. Driving a jacked auto to a nearby Mod Shop will garner a tiny extra spending cash.
We Help Xbox 360, Xbox one particular, PS3, PS4 or Pc, what ever platform you have we have it covered. Fortunately, there are a number of ways with which you would be able to get your hands on some large funds to fulfill the GTA dream. You should then invest all of this funds into the stock marketplace as you operate by means of Lester's missions, so that you can obtain the highest achievable rewards from your corporate interference.
That is due to the fact all banked cash is shared among your characters , but any a single of your characters can only own 1 property (for now). There are some codes which will help you to collect cheats for the game which can be utilized throughout the life time of the game.
Also, GTA makes it possible for you to locate each and every treasure item up to 3 occasions, once with each and every character. Soon after this you merely click the split selection, and divide the cash amongst the participants. So please if you want to get free of charge cash please use this cost-free GTA five online income hack nowadays ahead of you have to pay for it. We have a sturdy group who know what they are carrying out and we have done this on a typical basis.
With patience, you can effortlessly collect up to $two million in 30 minutes just on the glitch alone! Street crimes such as performing retailer hold-ups will still award players with little amounts of funds like just before. Please make positive you selected your device exactly where you playiing Grand Theft Auto 5.
No a single can commence GTA V On the world wide web and merely devote a lot of dollars from the starting to go a single particular phase in advance. It demands a tiny effort to set issues up, but as soon as you've got each your characters in the proper spot, you can earn oneself as a lot cash as you have patience. https://northeast-artist98.tumblr.com/
For progression into new cities or places and storyline in Grand Theft Auto 1 and Grand Theft Auto two , income need to be earned to the point a specific quantity is fulfilled, frequently in millions. For you moguls-in-the-creating, the virtual planet in GTA has a bunch of properties accessible for acquire.
Platforms can be used: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox A single, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo 3D Video Game Console, Computer, iOS and Android. Employing our GTA five hack has never been so straightforward, to get started enter your online username into the text box offered and press the submit button.
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yeeyee-imgay-blog · 6 years
GTA V Money And RP Generator
Free Article Spinner Online - No Sign Up Needed! Gta five Online Generator Our GTA five income generator is confirmed working with each and every single gaming platform, this indicates no matter what platform you are employing our hack is perfect for you. Just pay a visit to the website of GTA 5 Cash Hack, determine which package will give us the most advantages, enter nick you are utilizing in the game and then pass swift verification. Just before diving to the funds on the ocean floor, rapid save the game (just in case you drown). <a href="http://35555.gtavfreemoney.co/"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/BhcEXCF.jpg" title="free gta 5 money" alt="gta 5 free money generator"></a> Monetary pickups in gang turf are present, and like GTA Vice City, properties may possibly nonetheless be bought and create revenue of their own. Hear about the most current Grand Theft Auto five guides, exclusive content, and wonderful provides! Opportunistic rivals wait like vultures to steal cash from players coming off Jobs with complete pockets. Go to any income package in the ocean, the 25,000 on the submarine is the greatest 1. To make easy money in the stock market place, invest in a business, and then target the competing business. Try to shoot the driver with the briefcase before he reaches the armored car to swiftly get the income ($5,000). Our hack uses encryption technology on our super-quickly servers meaning almost everything is carried out anonymously and in further swift time. The GTA 5 on-line hack is reviewed by several men and women that can be checked on the web also how they have helped them in their game. The airport is far more secure in GTA 5 On-line than in the single player game, one strategy to attain the airport is to go up the stairs to the Flight School and hop over the wall. Every single time you die in GTA 5, the hospital has to re-clone your physique, dress it in new versions of the clothing you were wearing at the time of death and transfer all memories from the corpse to your new physique. Entry to GTA V On the net is no cost with copies of Grand Theft Auto V. As scheduled, at the moment, October 1, there is a little update to receive on PlayStation Network and Xbox Are living. All you require to access this generator is your e mail id or your user name that you use for playing the game in your console. http://www.silentviper.net/free-gta-5-shark-cards/ This will give you all your funds back, however if you pay a visit to the Ammu-Nation once again, the upgrades on the weapon will nonetheless be marked as bought. We take pride in what we place on the internet and we are also gamers so we know how frustrating it can be to actually get a excellent functioning hack for most games. Thank you,this has helped me get Money and RP when my mom did not buy me any.THANKS! GTA Income - GTA Funds is the only way which give user liability to freely appreciate the planet of GTA. But the code is on the money, as such, the game does not exist, besides the cheats will automatically be disabled as soon as you start the mission, and will not work if you activate them in the course of the mission. You'll require to save a decent quantity of money to be productive online, and wasting it on expensive clothes or outrageous automobiles is a massive risk thinking about most factors are open for other players to steal. With every of these cards priced at £13.29 or $22 in genuine money, the sum above - accumulated by a player named epiicmoddingtobi ” - is worth just beneath £12 million or $20m in real funds. Now create unlimited GTA Funds from the generator present on this web site and get pleasure from all functions and functionality of GTA Gaming. A lot of individuals will be a bit worried when it comes to using our hack but we can guarantee you are in protected hands and have absolutely nothing to worry about. http://www.silentviper.net/gta-5-cheats/ Cash is the gaming currency and it has a lot of value because it assists you to move forward quicker and also to unlock the various functions of the game. Which has an amazing line in faked videogame site news pieces about their awesome funds grabbing approach. Just input your username and pick how considerably RP and income you need to incorporate. If you're hunting for unlimited Income and RP for your Grand Theft Auto five game so this GTA five Cash Hack Online is the best point that you should get these days. The greatest way to maintain your hands on limitless access to the game money is by using a GTA v hacks tool. I Hoped You Appreciated By undertaking this Of Creating revenue Rapidly in GTA 5 On the web read my first post ! You can hack the GTA five Income or Reputation for your close friends account also if you know their username. We've made our GTA 5 income generator so straightforward that anybody could use it, simply enter your GTA on-line username into the box offered and press the submit button. Dying in actual life will expense you a genuine life, but the case with GTA 5 is diverse. Following effective completion of the offer you, the cash and RP will be added to your account in just few minutes. It really is actually simple to pick the amount of income that you want to add in your GTA five online account. Be positive to wait till you've got all the money from the 1st register ahead of shooting to steer clear of alerting bystanders with the sound of the gunshot. There will be a pop-up or window which will ask for the quantity to be redeemed for GTA 5. Moreover, yet another approach to obtaining the funds to respawn is switching to a distinct character, and then switching back to the original character. Yes, our service operates with all platforms this involves Xbox 1, Xbox 360, PlayStation three, PlayStation four and of-course Microsoft Windows (Pc). There are lots of GTA 5 codes for the single-player portion of the game, but not for GTA 5 On the internet. I heard of hackers providing players income against their wishes, obtaining said players banned for gaining unrealistic amounts of income. There's actual income in the initial Heist , adequate to give you a hefty Stock Marketplace bankroll. No a single can commence GTA V On the world wide web and basically devote a lot of dollars from the beginning to go one particular distinct phase in advance. It requires a tiny work to set issues up, but once you've got each your characters in the correct spot, you can earn yourself as significantly funds as you have patience. http://pc-gta.info/ This is a functioning GTA 5 Online money hack that will supply you with unlimited funds for the game. We have tried and tested it with each and every platform so you can get pleasure from our flawless cheat hassle free! Jailbroken PS3s, JTAG Xbox consoles, and consoles that have never ever been connected to the internet ought to be in a position to use these exploits with out deleting any files. Platforms can be utilised: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo 3D Video Game Console, Pc, iOS and Android. Using our GTA five hack has in no way been so straightforward, to get began enter your on the web username into the text box supplied and press the submit button.
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How to Earn Lots of Money in Grand Theft Auto 5
Gta five On the web Generator
Some sensible man or rapper (I don't truly bear in mind) after said that cash guidelines everything about him.” The significance of income can't be overlooked anyplace, not even in GTA five. With enough GTA 5 money in your coffers, you could get yourself a higher-end sports vehicle, a luxurious apartment, designer outfit, artillery, weapons, ammo and so a lot of other items. Zbierz nie wiecej jak GTA$ 100 000 000, przekroczenie tej kwoty moze skutkowac banem w GTA On the web. Numero Uno (Bronze): GTA On the internet: Receive first location in all competitive game types. The income inside the game fees for largest packages a lot more then $one hundred+ but still it really is a GTA game so i would purchased the funds inside the game to if i had some cash in my pockets.
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Once you have entered your username choose Submit, if you username is accepted you will be redirected to our package selection page exactly where you will have a decision of Four GTA five funds packages. Furthermore, this glitch only works on the unpatched version of Grand Theft Auto five.
GTA five HACK TOOL: The hack tool offered on this web site is supported over all a variety of platforms and browsers. GTA five Funds Hack: Customers looking for further GTA funds, this is the ideal web site to visit for the very same. Exposing little ones to violent game titles as portion cheat for gta 5 ps3 cash on the web gta 5 money cheats of a research experiment is, of course, out from the query.
Like its predecessors, GTA five offers the players the potential to commence their own organization. We have worked incredibly difficult to produce a undetectable GTA money cheat and update our algorithms along with Rockstars updates and patches. You can study Leading Comments under by the top users worldwide who employed our tool and received massive quantity of cash inside the GTA On-line game with no any pressure, as it really is super effortless to use.
This is ensured right after the tests performed, encapsulating all numerous prospects and possibilities which can trigger any problems although producing cost-free GTA income. Additionally, free of charge GTA five cash cheat is offered to any individual who is need to have of much more game funds.
Save your income for Weapons , Ammo, and Armor , and invest in a $25,000 Garage if you happen to be interested in collecting Automobiles At the moment you can only have 1 home in your ownership. Some of the folks who have been playing the mode for a Grand Theft Automobile V player have been wondering how the GTA V On the internet narrative correlates or crosses. 
In simple words you are completely secure although creating use of the hack tool and have greater sources to play the game. Missions nevertheless supply substantial amounts of cash, but sub-missions, which debuted in GTA III, serve as an extra supply of earnings, awarding the player with increasingly far more income as the sub-missions progress.
The hack tool has got an anti ban program and all your cheating activities will go undetected. GTA V is a game exactly where every single second counts and if you do not have the most current ammunition and firearm then you can neglect your life in this action packed game.
This is purely because there appears to be a lot of Bots creating silly amounts of income putting our service at risk so we had no choice but to implement a cap. Jobs are quick missions that you can attempt solo but are often far better with a group because you make far more cash at a larger difficulty level.
And let's face it hacks and cheats are element of gaming and will be as long as games are made. In the beginning hours of the game, one of the easiest ways to make funds is to rob an armored vehicle They seem randomly as blips on the minimap even though you are driving around.
Following setting up this update, the shortcut to commence GTA On the net will be unlocked in your activity menu. If you choose to put your money into bricks and mortar rather you are going to make less money general, but your money's significantly safer.
Otherwise, you will see the tough earned income speedily disappear from your pocket. You can bounce especially to GTA V On-line by implies of the fourth slot on your GTA V character wheel. Finally a working web site where everyone can get unlimited Cash and RP any time they want to!
Of course, if you are seeking to do it the systemic way, then you must be prepared to commit much more time and work in producing enough cash to boost your progress in the game. Driving a jacked car to a nearby Mod Shop will garner a little additional spending income.
The GTA V cheat that we receive one particular of the most inquiries concerning is a cash cheat. However, I know of very young children, even infants, becoming exposed to games for Call of Duty, gta five hacks, and Mobile. At the mission fail screen press 'retry' (A, X), do not press 'exit' (B, ) or you will not get your money back.
Though the capacity to kill individuals in Grand Theft Auto tends to work the media into a frenzy about video game violence, undertaking so is one particular of the quickest techniques to accumulate money in the game. Also Grenades are situated right next to the wreckage (go to the side where the funds is and go straight down and the grenade will be proper there).
There will be a pop-up or window which will ask for the amount to be redeemed for GTA 5. Furthermore, yet another method to obtaining the funds to respawn is switching to a diverse character, and then switching back to the original character. Yes, our service functions with all platforms this includes Xbox One particular, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation four and of-course Microsoft Windows (Computer).
There are lots of GTA five codes for the single-player portion of the game, but not for GTA 5 On the internet. I heard of hackers providing players cash against their wishes, receiving stated players banned for gaining unrealistic amounts of funds. There is true money in the first Heist , sufficient to give you a hefty Stock Market place bankroll.
If you want to purchase costly toys for online play you either need to have to work difficult to earn the income or commit real funds in the game. The difficulty has been with gamers in GTA 5's on the web world, a multiplayer version of the game's fictional Los Santos county exactly where players roam the streets with each other, cost-free to race their cars or kill other players.
Distinct as all other GTA Games, in GTA III the player has the capacity to earn cash by crashing automobiles. The more cash you invest, the much better the return, and if the stock does poorly, just load up your previous save and you will have all the cash you invested without having any reprecussions.
Platforms can be used: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox A single, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo 3D Video Game Console, Computer, iOS and Android. Utilizing our GTA 5 hack has in no way been so straightforward, to get started enter your on the web username into the text box supplied and press the submit button.
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kobenipilled · 6 years
70 questions about video games answered, if you read even a little bit, please like the post!
1. First game you played obsessively? Probably would have to say Spiderman 2 on the original Xbox 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Final Fantasy 7 3. Who did you play with as a kid? My two year old younger brother! 4. Who do you play with now? My best friend @i-no mostly 5. Ever use cheat codes? As a kid, yeah, not so much anymore 6. Ever buy strategy guides? Hell naw 7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Final Fantasy 7, GTA V, Skyrim, Bioshock 2, Metro Redux, Phantom Pain, The Last of Us, All the Uncharted games. Just off the top of my head. 8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Probably one of my PS1 games, no clue 9. Most regrettable purchase? I didn’t buy it myself, but FFXV 10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? Not anymore, no 11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? Hell yeah! 12. Ever get picked on for liking games? Sadly, yeah 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Most of the zelda games? Maybe? 14. Favorite game music? Bitch I can’t pick, but I’ll link 5 of my favs in no particular order Final Fantasy 7 DOOM (2016) Chrono Trigger Silent Hill 2 Gunpoint 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? I’m already getting a bunch of game tattoo’s, outsiders mark is the first one I’m getting! 16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Any split screen fps, they’re fucking amazing to play with frens! 17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Nah 18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Hates? They wouldn’t date me. If they just don’t play, yeah. 19. Favorite handheld console? I don’t own one really, but it would be the switch for sure 20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? The Last of Us maybe? GTAV? Uncharted 4? No clue. 21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Dark Souls, maybe. Or Persona. 22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? Yeah, kinda. Got a GTA shirt, Game Grumps shirt too 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Skyrim? Fallout 4? Minecraft? Who tf knows 24. First Pokemon game? Pokemon Red? I think. 25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Hell yea! Used to play Metal Slug in a cafe! 26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Depends on what you mean 27. Game that makes you rage? Any platformer tbh 28. Ever play in a tournament? Yeah, played in a Digimon Rumble Arena 2 tournament as a kid 29. What is your gaming set up? TRASH (specs on my twitch) 30. How many consoles do you own? Uhh, 3? Yea 31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Nope 32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Yea boi, spiderman ! 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? I owned a bunch on my PS1 34. Do either of your parents play video games? My dad does! My mom likes nintendo 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? I don’t really like game stores 36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? All three 37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Fucking FFXV bitch 38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? Phantom Pain... 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Eh all the sequals I want is being made, maybe Silent Hill 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? VR rocks, Wii motion controls suck my ass 41. A genre that you just can’t get into? Fighting Games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Most absolutely some star wars game 43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Literally every day 44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? Metal Slug was free baby 45. How are you at Mario Kart? SHIT like omg 46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? LOVE Animal Crossing 47. Do you like competitive games? Yeah! 48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? First time, 1+ hours 49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yeah, rouge/ranger type 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I am a game designer! Currently working on a 1888 detective game! 51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? LOL yeah 52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? GTA, my mom wouldn’t let me have it 53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends, some DLC’s are fucking awesome, like Ubisoft is pretty good at them. Prefer expansions though 54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Fuck yeah I do 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? Yeah lmao 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Does Planet Coaster count? 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yeah! Uncharted series and The Last of Us, DOOM 2016, Black Flag 58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? DOOM 2016, Fallout 4, PUBG 59. Do you play any cell phone games? Hearthstone ig 60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A 61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? If I don’t like them, trade in 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Yeah, got PS4 for bloodborne 63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Ye! 64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Yep 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? Nope 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? FUCK YEAH 67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? I got so many, most with my brother playing XIII or Nightfire 68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Not really 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? Honestly a hard pick, DOOM maybe? FF7? Uncharted? TLOU? Dark Souls? No idea. 70. Very first game you ever beat? Hmmm, James Bond Nightfire probably
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a-soft-fluffy-girl · 6 years
@the-backspin-alchemist tossed me an ask regarding those video game questions: Odds. All of them. All the odd-numbered questions.
Here we go.
1. First game you played obsessively?
Probably Spyro: Ripto’s Rage. It was the sequel to my very first video game. Spyro is my JAM.
3. Who did you play with as a kid?
My father, my half-sister and my half-brother! Just family, I didn’t have friends to play video games until late middle school.
5. Ever use cheat codes?
Rarely, because half of them never worked or the games I played didn’t have them. Though I did dabble in games like Megaman Legends because it was too hard for child me. Yes. The strafe simulator was too hard.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?
Dark Souls, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Beyond Good and Evil, Borderlands 2 and Destiny 2. I regret that last one. Less so now that Forsaken trailer, but not without regret due to the Annual Pass.
9. Most regrettable purchase?
I was going to say Destiny 2, but I’d have to double back and say my Wii U. No friends to play it with, all the games I did play ported to the Switch or 3DS or not worth getting again, and I had to sell it within a year of buying it.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?
Yup! A few on FFXIV are friends with me now on Discord.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?
Two Valve games: the Half Life series and the Left 4 Dead series.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
Probably either the Triforce or the symbol of the Destiny Warlock. Because fuck it, the first game is ace.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?
Not that I know of!
19. Favorite handheld console?
The PlayStation Vita. Fight me.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?
I don’t think I have one! Any games I liked then I either don’t like or still like. Any games I didn’t like then, I still don’t like.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
Dark Souls by a WIIIIIIDE margin.
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?
Put me in front of a shmup cabinet. Dollars will vanish.
27. Game that makes you rage?
Dark Souls 2. Actual, legitimate rage. I don’t play it for long stints.
29. What is your gaming set up?
I have a TV, I plug the game consoles in, I play the games.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?
Never played with a Virtual Boy, and the 3DS doesn’t.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?
I did! An old Spongebob one, I believe. It got trashed quickly.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?
Who remembers GameCrazy? I do. I always do.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?
Nope! And I’ve seen worse on AVGN. He has, too.
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
Dust: An Elysian Tail 2. C’mon, Dean. Stop making ports.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?
RTS. Micromanaging has never been my strong suit.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?
Lol when am I not.
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
... average. Very average.
47. Do you like competitive games?
Iiiiit depends? I’m not quite a sore loser, but I can never find the time nor the patience to put dozens of hours into a strictly competitive skillset for a game.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?
More often that not, yes. Mages or those that can summon helpers, yo.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?
Microtransations that you know the contents of: Fine. Better if you can also earn them in-game. Loot boxes: not if it breaks the game or offers character boosts. Cosmetics are on thin ice if you’ve been trying for hours for one piece of loot. Small content drops: you’d better make that free or cheap as hell. Staring at you, Destiny 2. Those were NOT expansions. Large expansions: give me a big boost to my gameplay experience and I’m golden. FFXIV definitely has my respect for the amount of content each paid expansion gives, and Borderlands, for the price, gave ace content drops.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?
Never played the Sims for more than a few hours.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?
Rarely. Very rarely.
59. Do you play any cell phone games?
Here and there?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?
Trade in. I know when I’m done with a game.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament?
Nope, want to go to a con though.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
Yes, but it has never fucked a save.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
... does me playing video games count?
69. In your opinion, best game ever made?
No game I’ve ever played has been perfect. But Bloodborne came close for my personal tastes. I still play it without growing tired of it, and I got it on release. Same with the Spyro trilogy on PS1. Reignited can’t come soon enough.
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high2oes-blog · 6 years
GTA 5 Online cheats PS4, Xbox One and PC
Gta five On the internet Generator
PS : Pc players can generate funds & RP too, just select any platform and your Pc username will be automatically detected by our method. This equates to just under £12 million worth of purchasable cash cards, or a hell of a lot of races (as these slowly accrue GTA dollars too). The GTA V on the internet generator comes with a really user friendly interface which is straightforward to navigate. One particular of the exciting attributes of this GTA V online generator is that it can be used across all the gaming consoles and platforms in which the game is compatible.
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As soon as you have entered your username pick Submit, if you username is accepted you will be redirected to our package choice page exactly where you will have a decision of Four GTA 5 funds packages. Additionally, this glitch only performs on the unpatched version of Grand Theft Auto five.
System CashBill obsluguje wplacanie donejtów na Cash Lobby przez prawie wszystkie polskie Banki. Ahead of finishing one of the assassination missions below, switch to each character, and invest all your funds in the listed business. Head over to our Generating Funds in GTA 5 page and you are going to score more money than you can commit!https://www.thegtaplanet.net/
Each time you die, hospital produces a new physique which calls for some amount of money. Right here is the best site more than World wide web which offers GTA funds On-line for Free of charge. I just now used it and received 450,000,000$ to my GTA online account in just couple of seconds!
Things i am debating is familiar to those that have played a handful of the versions of gta five cheats. Jezeli chcesz aby taka dodatkowa sesja Income Lobby odbyla sie namów four kolegów aby skorzystali z Cash Lobby razem z toba. You can hack limitless number of Cash to unlock the Character while playing the GTA five!
Which doesn't beat about the bush, dispensing with quite significantly every little thing other than a box asking for your info, desired money quantity and a survey pop instantly following hitting the generate button. Note: Do not fast save the game although undertaking this income exploit, or it will commence your character back at his house. 
This will give you all your money back, however if you check out the Ammu-Nation once more, the upgrades on the weapon will still be marked as bought. We take pride in what we place on the internet and we are also gamers so we know how frustrating it can be to actually get a great operating hack for most games.
The hack tool has got an anti ban program and all your cheating activities will go undetected. GTA V is a game exactly where each and every second counts and if you never have the most current ammunition and firearm then you can overlook your life in this action packed game.
You will need to save a decent quantity of money to be profitable on the web, and wasting it on pricey clothes or outrageous vehicles is a large danger contemplating most things are open for other players to steal. With every single of these cards priced at £13.29 or $22 in true funds, the sum above - accumulated by a player named epiicmoddingtobi ” - is worth just under £12 million or $20m in true funds.
As opposed to the muggings and robberies, exactly where you will only get cash when, owning a business will earn you a nice steady stream of revenue. The 1 exactly where they connected with reenacted scenes from gta hacks” but with no principal character handing out Cokes instead of shooting folks was pretty funny. 
The easiest way is to basically click your phone, then click the tab relating to income and click the third choice which must be Maze Bank. There are distinct combinations of keys which assists one to gather cheats for playing the game. The GTA V on the web generator does not just credit you with unlimited funds but it also tends to make gaming simpler with each step.
Simply input your username and choose how considerably RP and funds you want to incorporate. If you happen to be seeking for unlimited Money and RP for your Grand Theft Auto five game so this GTA 5 Income Hack On-line is the ideal point that you ought to get today.
Of course, if you are searching to do it the systemic way, then you should be ready to invest more time and work in producing enough cash to improve your progress in the game. Driving a jacked auto to a nearby Mod Shop will garner a little further spending money.
The GTA V cheat that we acquire one particular of the most inquiries concerning is a cash cheat. However, I know of extremely young little ones, even infants, getting exposed to games for Call of Duty, gta five hacks, and Mobile. At the mission fail screen press 'retry' (A, X), do not press 'exit' (B, ) or you will not get your income back.
That is because all banked income is shared amongst your characters , but any one of your characters can only personal a single home (for now). There are some codes which will help you to gather cheats for the game which can be utilized all through the life time of the game.
The second way to make cash legitimately in GTA 5 On the internet is to, you know, truly play the game. You may well even be lucky sufficient to catch the security guards bringing the income to the armored truck beforehand, in which case the job is that significantly easier.
There are a lot of GTA five codes for the single-player portion of the game, but not for GTA five On the internet. I heard of hackers giving players cash against their wishes, obtaining stated players banned for gaining unrealistic amounts of money. There's true cash in the first Heist , sufficient to give you a hefty Stock Marketplace bankroll.
To make a lot of cash, wait till you have accumulated a large quantity of money at the end of the game ahead of completing the assassination missions so you can earn a lot a lot more in earnings off the stocks. I am producing new accounts every day and adding to them all the funds so that i have numerous accounts with a lot of cash in all of them, thanks! 
For progression into new cities or locations and storyline in Grand Theft Auto 1 and Grand Theft Auto two , funds need to be earned to the point a specific amount is fulfilled, often in millions. For you moguls-in-the-generating, the virtual globe in GTA has a bunch of properties offered for purchase.
Platforms can be used: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo 3D Video Game Console, Computer, iOS and Android. Making use of our GTA 5 hack has by no means been so simple, to get started enter your on-line username into the text box provided and press the submit button.
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