#so i had to revert to ppl i actually know how to draw
qweenofurheart · 6 months
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some of my favorite guys to draw (oc)
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laf-outloud · 9 months
Warner Bros Discovery currently has an over 60% Probability of Bankruptcy.
I honestly am not sure if this is good or bad for the SPN revival. On the one hand, WB is NOT going to want to spend money on such a niche IP that will really mostly only draw ppl who were already fans if they are in such dire straits financially. On the other hand, they could bring in money by selling the IP to another studio who would obviously then want to actually do something with it since they spent money on it. But that also depends on another studio or streaming service wanting to do something with it which will be tougher. Netflix would make sense since they currently have SPN for streaming, except they will be losing their streaming rights at the end of 2025. A revival wouldn't even be released until then so why would Netflix want to put money into a revival of show that will, at that time, be streaming on a competitor (most likely Max since it will revert back to WB). Amazon is a possibility since both Jensen and Kripke are there (if they want to bring Kripke on for it) and Kripke seems to have some sway over there. But again, unless they buy the rights to SPN to stream on their platform, why would they want to make a show that will inadvertently benefit their competitor?
Oof... there's a boatload of information in that report that I just don't understand. (My year in finance did not make me an analyst, lol!)
I can see how the headline could be alarming, but I did see a couple of paragraphs that I believe are relevant to the discussion:
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Basically, this all boils down to probability and analysis based on both quantitative and qualitative factors. You'll see in that first paragraph that they also take into consideration public headlines and social sentiment. Obviously, the WB's public presence is not good right now, but it doesn't necessarily mean they will be holding a fire sale of IP's anytime soon.
Now, to your question of how it might affect any reboot. Personally, I don't think the Supernatural IP is big enough for the WB to sell and have it make a difference on their books. If they were that strapped for cash, they'd sell the rights to a much bigger IP, like Loony Tunes (as we've already seen them try to scrap the new Wil. E. movie), or the Lego film franchise.
In the case that the WB keeps SPN, the question is, will they want to put money behind a short series reboot. In my opinion, no. Even though SPN does fairly well on Netflix, the first season viewing numbers don't even crack the top 1000 on Netflix. Plus, the WB has the most recent numbers of the miserably failed The Winchesters, which is still a part of the SPN IP (even though it had nothing to do with SPN as we know it.)
So, unless J2 can rally outside investors (and themselves) to pay for the majority of a reboot, (including convincing a different network to pay a licensing fee), I don't see the WB shelling out the money studios usually pay to produce a series.
But again, with the caveat that this is mostly guesswork on my part based on very little data (at least, data that I don't fully understand.)
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…do you realize that @bringbackthegoldenage is a massive homophobe, is anti-abortion, and apparently also writes rpf mpreg fanfiction in a which an out lesbian (lily tomlin) is in a straight relationship with paul simon? why would you want to “spread positivity” to someone like that? they’re not a harmless eccentric, they are a bigot.
Yeahhhh I did deeper digging to share the situation with a friend and saw how bad it actually was💀 I had assumed that the way they talked about gay ppl (like saying "gay lifestyle") was mostly out of pure ignorance considering their bio says that English isn't their first language so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. No real way to delete an ask after it's been answered tho so🤷 I regret interacting and giving them the benefit of the doubt but there's also bigger problems in my life than this kind of stuff so I'm not dwelling on it. They're not worth my energy to go back and say "oh I retract my statement have a shit day" yk? I gave em the ol block and moved on, I figured no one would send me an ask bc the whole thing only seems to involve a few people as far as I can tell, so I didn't make a post about it earlier so as to avoid drawing unneeded attention to that shithead (and selfishly my own mistake)
thank you for being a responsible Tumblr citizen and informing people of shitheads and bigots🕺my dms should be open to anyone should I ever revert back to my silly little ways of being too trusting of these kinds of people, I appreciate it when y'all let me know.
This post will be pinned for a little while just bc I know people don't really dig before sending hateful shit over small mistakes and I am but a wee lad who cannot handle that
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maya-net · 4 years
Documentation on a Silver Exorcist, a Small Medium, a Smiling Siren, et al. - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Stars Align: Emma Xing Qixin, Tech Support and Professional Administrator of the Unofficial Zheng Ge’s Fanclub
The rustling of the seven large plastic packages of heavily discounted ramen complements the unforgivably nasty squeak of the styrofoam that protects the equally heavily discounted century eggs that Emma had spent the last of her weekly budget on. Squashed together in a trusty, faded blue shopping bag, they are placed very carefully on the chair. Her backpack is dropped just slightly less carefully onto another chair, and she rolls her shoulders, breathing in the various blends of caffeine and sugar wafting around the SunDollarsTM store that she had desperately scouted for.  
Xiqiang glides into the chair opposite, and with an elegant slide of an arm, slips Emma’s other equally faded blue shopping bag on to the seat beside her. Emma doesn’t understand how a human being can be that graceful, and sends a silent apology to her mom for being a failure of a daughter.
“I will order some refreshments,” Xiqiang’s voice washes over the background noise of the other patrons in the café. “What would you like? It will be my treat.”
“Oh no no no, no need! I have -” Emma grunts as she bends over her backpack and pulls down the zipper ornamented with the keychain of a blond cyborg, “a gazillion SundollarsTM gift cards! My college orientation and faculty events have the occasional lucky draws or mini contests, and I’d always get something out of them. It’s great, really. I regift them to my friends for birthdays. Saves me time and money from having to buy actual birthday presents. I keep my money, they get their coffee. But. Um. You didn’t hear that.” With some difficulty, she wrestles out a bright red gift card from the stack that is threatening to burst out of the seams of the pouch sewn into her backpack. “Ah, I’ll save this table. Could you help me order a large caramel frappe? And maybe one of their giant cookies. Any flavour is fine. Please and thank you!”
A pause. “Very well,” Xiqiang graciously replies as she accepts the gift card.
Seven minutes later, Emma is happily slurping down her frappe as a countdown timer to the livestream event pops up on her laptop screen. 47 minutes to go. Her ears are now plugged with a pair of earphones. Opposite her, Xiqiang is steadily typing away on her laptop with unnaturally impeccable posture.
It is at this very moment. That the universe decides to be an utter demon and opens the gates of chaos on what was supposed to have been a peaceful night with Emma Xing and the livestream of her Zheng ge, actor-singer and golden-hearted, multi-talented John Zheng.
Incoming Video Call: Estelle Xing
Emma accepts the call on her phone, and props it up on the table with the camera angled at her. She connects her second pair of earphones (won from a secondary school Poetry-in-Motion Competition with her epic poem Blood is a Vein Work of Art-eries) and stuffs the side with the microphone into her right ear. “Mom.”
“Emma. The house has no WiFi. My phone has not enough data to stream Gege’s event.”
“What. Why? Is it the router again? Did you turn it off for thirty seconds and turn it back on again?”
"Yes. Actually, I called Cellularity and they said that they were having a city-wide network issue.”
“Tch. D*mn company. I keep telling you to switch service providers!” Emma pinches the bridge of her nose. “Wait, where’s Gramma? We all know she's the tech-savvy one, shame on you.”
“... She’s with her tai chi group today.”
“What?! I thought that was next week! And how could she miss Gege’s stream?!”
“... They rescheduled because one of their grandsons is getting married next week...”
“... Just... Go to a café or somewhere with WiFi and stream it there. Do you have leftover SundollarsTM gift cards from my last visit?”
Emma’s mom grimaces. “Yes. See, I actually thought of that. I’m at the nearest one.” The camera angle wobbles, and the queue of chattering teenagers at the cashier behind Emma’s mom blips into view for a hot second.  
Emma feels a strange sense of pride well up in her chest. “Mommy! So smart!”
Mommy laughs weakly. “Haha. Ah. Yah. I bought a strawberry shake. And then they told me that SunDollarsTM’s WiFi is actually with Cellularity. All the branches. In the whole city.”
… “Mom. Why is your luck so bad. Also. Why! Are! You! Drinking a strawberry shake! You are diabetic!”
“Almost diabetic! And this is low sugar! And! All my good luck was used up to give birth to you. Emmiee~”
“Don’t Emmie me! Aiyah, hang up hang up, don’t waste your data. I’ll message Danny. He’s with DiGiTellTM, not that bloodsucking Cellularity. You can go leech off his Wifi.”
“Aiyoh, your Danny, how can you do this to him - “
“ByeMomloveyou.” Emma ends the call, and snatches her phone off the table to begin typing at the lightspeed typical of her generation. The baby blue smiley starfish phone charm attached to it smacks her knuckles.
“Um. Pardon me,” Xiqiang coughs politely. Emma’s eyes dart up. “Your earphones weren’t connected properly.”
“Oh. Aaaaaaahahahahahahaha! Ha! Sorry about that! I’ll just...” Emma mumbles and screws in the earphone jack infinitesimally. “... tighten... this. I don’t use this pair very much. I forgot it does that. Sorry.”  
“It is fine.” Xiqiang blinks at her curiously. “Your mother is in WalaysiaTM?”
Emma’s fingers pause in their assault on her phone’s keyboard, brown eyes wide. “How did you know? Oh. Oh of course.” She slaps her forehead. “Our SundollarsTM WiFi here is obviously fine. We obviously don’t have Cellularity here in CanataTM. And yeah, I kind of revert to my accent when I’m with my family. You can tell?”
Xiqiang nods politely. “I see. Well, I do hope that this works out for you and your mother. You seem to be... close?”
Emma beams. “Thanks!” She returns to her phone.
LuckyStar: Danny.
LuckyStar: Danny.
LuckyStar: Danny.
No reply. She frowns.
LuckyStar: Danny DanyDanny. Dannyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Seen by BetterDanU 7.08PM
Emma’s nostrils flare.
BetterDanU: …
BetterDanU: I actually WAS SLEeping because some ppl actually have to WORK friday nite and want to zzz sat morning. 
BetterDanU: Have u not headr of timezones. WHAT DO U WANT  
LuckyStar: Liar, i know ur schedule, u were def not sleeping.
LuckyStar: Gege’s livestream is today!
BetterDanU: … I know. U wouldnt shut up abt it. wat do u want
LuckyStar: Cellularity’s wifi is down all city and mom cant stream it  
BetterDanU: tell her to go to sundollars
LuckyStar: sundollars is w cellularity! 😡
BetterDanU: … bloodsuckers.
LuckyStar: I KNOW. Anyway, mom is at the sundollars near our house. U know which one. Go pick her up n let her use ur wifi pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaz  
BetterDanU: …......… fine.  
LuckyStar: tnx ur the best!
BetterDanU: go away
With that situation handled, Emma neatly bites off one point of her star-shaped cookie, and turns her eyes back to her laptop screen. 36 minutes to go.  
Score: Emma – 1; Universe – 0.
The Universe decides to try again.
Incoming Video Call: Emily Xing
Emma slowly swipes across her phone screen after triple-checking that her earphones are 100% plugged in.  
“... Hi Gramma.”
“Emma!” Several ladies’ heads of various artificial shades of red, brown and black bob into view behind Emma’s grandmother’s face on Emma’s phone. “Why can’t we log in to your VooDooTM account on Mimi’s computer?”  
“... Gramma, did you all reschedule your tai chi group to watch Gege’s stream together using my VIP account which you definitely bragged about to them?”
“Emily, we kowtow! Your Emma is the best!” hollers one of the ladies. Emma’s grandmother preens.
Gramma, Emma despairs, why are you so Asian?
Emma closes her eyes and mutters, “Don’t Emmie me...”
“We have VooDooTM open on my laptop, but there is seven of us and one laptop is not enough! Mimi’s computer cannot access the page! It says – it says – what does it say?!” Emma’s grandmother yells.  
“This content is not available in your country!” Aunty Mimi yells back from somewhere behind.
Emma sighs in exasperation, “Gramma, they’ll need to install a VPN. Do you remember how we did it on your computer?”
Emma’s grandmother is stunningly silent for a solid three seconds, and shakes her head. Emma sighs again. “What’s the address?”
One minute later:
LuckyStar: Danny danny danny
LuckyStar: is everytng ok w mom?
BetterDanU: yeah, shes taken over my living room and tv I hooked up to the comp.  
BetterDanU: Shes drinkin a poisonous lppking pink drink and eating those giant star cookies they hv. Theyre not going to last until the end of the dtream.
LuckyStar: … wait.
LuckyStar: wHAT COOKIES. Get them away frm her, shes almost diabetic!
BetterDanU: how can someone be slmost diabetic???
BetterDanU: … she says its low sugar. theyre actually rpetty good.
BetterDanU: *pretty  
LuckyStar: u traitor! and of all the typos to correct!
BetterDanU: ….......
BetterDanU: what now
LuckyStar: dont tell mom this,  
BetterDanU: oh? gossip?
LuckyStar: but gramma is with her taichi grp now and theyre trying to stream Gege’s event on two computers but the second one wont work becz they need vpn on that one  
BetterDanU: Wow. brutal gramma.
LuckyStar: danny pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase can u go help them install the vpn  
LuckyStar: pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase 🥺🥺🥺
BetterDanU: ….............  
BetterDanU: where r they
Twenty-ish minutes and one VPN install and seven impressed old ladies and one harrassed Daniel Ng later, Emma daintily bites off the second point of her star cookie.  
Emma – 2; Universe – 0.
Xiqiang sips her tea quietly as Emma narrates this second victory to her, and then digresses into hero-worshipping multi-talented, golden-hearted John Zheng.  
Emma swoons. “We all stan him so much across multiple generations! Sure, he’s eye candy, but you know what, even I can admit that, objectively, he’s not the best looking. No but!” She sucks in some of her frappe to quickly rehydrate, “Even though his eyes are not 100% symmetrical, you know they’re 100% real! Can’t say the same about everyone else! Not that there’s anything wrong with that. And! Even though his teeth aren’t 100% perfect... You should see his smile! Oh! My! Heart!” She clutches said heart. “So genuine! Like a bunny! And most of all, that VOICE! That BRAIN! And that HEART!”
Xiqiang tilts her head slightly in what is definitely interest.
“You should watch his songs and dramas and his interviews! He’s really mature, has a charming sort of wisdom, and he really understands his characters. He works so, so hard, and he’s super nice to everyone, even his janitors! And even his haters! Like, what the heck!” A deep sigh. “He is. The Best Guy. In the Universe.”
And thus, the Universe’s third Attempt at utter buffoonery manifests itself in the yet another round of buzzing of Emma’s Very Tired phone. Emma slowly slumps in her seat. Xiqiang’s almond eyes flick to the poor phone, and she excuses herself as she returns to her own laptop for business-y exorcist stuff.
Emma breathes in. Very Deeply. And returns to her Very Tired phone.
Alicia: Hi Emma!
Alicia: Its been a while. I hope you are well!
Emma scrolls up to check the last conversation she had with Alicia. Eight months ago, when they had exchanged the obligatory birthday wishes, and then slinked back to their respective lives until the next birthday.
It’s a bit sad, actually. Emma and a handful of secondary school friends had once been pretty tight, having gone through the horrors of academia and adolescence together. But ever since graduation, everyone had sort of just... drifted apart. With the exception of Danny, practically everyone she knew and was close to had gone on to different cities and even countries to pursue tertiary education in fields so varied you would wonder how everyone had even managed to grow up together in the same academic cohort forced to take up certain courses due to the way their country’s totally not flawed educational system had been structured because of course everyone absolutely agrees on the complete relevance to real life that is inherent in subjects such as Physics and Geography and Moral Studies (which, in all fairness, would be considered a fairly necessary subject especially in today’s society, had it not been based on pure rote memorisation of the regimented definitions of pre-determined moral values instead of critically applying said moral values in the written scenarios thrown to them every exam) and flippin’ dipsticky CALCULUS and and and -  
And we digress.
Emma: Alicia! It’s been a while!  
Emma: How may I help u?  
Alicia: Heehee. 😇
Alicia: iirc, I think u mentioned that u got a VIP VooDooTM account?
Emma: … Alicia you leech! Go buy ur own account!  
Alicia: im poor and u know it!
Emma: We’re millennials! We're all poor!
Emma: go upgrade with a 30 day free trial. Then just unsubscribe after.
Alicia: I can’t. 😭 I did it before and ti remembers my email add and wont let me do it again.  
Alicia: *it  *won’t
Emma: Then use another email add! We’re millennials! Who doesn’t have a back up email account?  
Alicia: I did! I used up my JmailTM, insightTM, innet, etc etc accounts last year  
Emma: Use ur parents’!  
Alicia: I did! They were  
Alicia: Confused when they got the notifs but thank goodness they thought it was Junk 😊  
Emma: … Girl, how much drama do you watch on there.
Alicia: Too much. Im in too many fandoms.  
Alicia: EMMA PLEASE! It's just to watch John Zhengs promo livestream for The Fox today! I swear I will not misuse ur account!  
Alicia: One day when I have money, I swear I will buy my own account.  
Emma: That is a lie and we both know it.
Alicia: 🤐
Emma remembers their shared afternoons of literal tears after every Calculus test they barely passed, and curses her soft heart as she gives Alicia her user name and password in an act of benevolence which she somehow has a feeling she will come to regret.
Alicia: Thank you sm. U rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Emma: Its so u don’t get desperate enough to do anytng illegal.
Alicia: We both know im not that smart lol  
Emma: We are legal! And scrupulous!
Emma: For Zheng ge!
Alicia: For Zheng ge!  
“John Zheng seems to have an unusually loyal fanbase,” Xiqiang comments from behind her laptop. Emma nods absent-mindedly. She has barely bitten off the third point of her star cookie when her Very Very Tired phone begins buzzing again.  
Incoming Video Call: BetterDanU 
No longer keeping track of her score with the Universe, Emma sinks lower into her chair under Xiqiang’s intrigued gaze, and weakly answers her phone, “Hello?”
She does not expect her grandmother’s distraught face under the profile name of BetterDanU: “Emmie! Why can’t we log into your account with another computer? It says that – that – Danny ah, what does it say?”
Emma nearly spits out blood. “How many devices are you trying to log into?!” Her hard-earned, greatly coveted VIP account that no one else seemed to want to buy for themselves allowed simultaneous sign-ins to a maximum of ten different devices, a feature that was absolutely necessary for the three generations of the Xing family.  
“Mimi’s daughters and granddaughters came downstairs and heard about Zheng ge’s livestream. Two laptops are not enough for all of us, so of course we had to get more!”
Emma sends a silent thank you to Danny who by now must be an expert on VPN installations. Speaking of which. 
“Danny, you there? Just sign up for a free 30-day trial account. And don’t forget to unsubscribe later.”
“I did.” Danny’s muffled voice sounds admirably calm, but there is definitely the subtlest note of misery in it. “Aunty Mimi’s granddaughter invited her neighbourhood friends to watch the stream, and we are out of accounts.”
“How! Many! Computers?!”  
Emma thinks she hears a suspicious clearing of the throat from Xiqiang that may or may not have been a laugh. Emma locks eyes with her in despair.
There is a tiny, tiny curl of Xiqiang’s lips as she casually remarks, “I am done with my e-mails for the day, and would like to relax with some form of entertainment. VooDooTM seems to have quite the selection of highly rated dramas like you advertised so eagerly to me earlier, and I have been told that there will be a promotional livestream this evening for the much-anticipated... The Fox?” There is definitely a sparkle in those almond eyes. “I thought it might interest you to know that I have decided to watch this livestream, and will do so on my newly purchased VIP account, the user details of which -” she slides over a SundollarsTM napkin covered in the prettiest handwriting Emma has ever had the good fortune to lay her bloodshot eyes on, “ - are written here.”
Emma stares at her with now goo-goo eyes. “Xiqiang! You are a literal angel!”  
“Xi-what? Who are you with?” Danny’s head pops into view next to Gramma’s gleeful face.  
“Danny! I’m hanging up! I’ll send you a new user account info you guys can use!” 
“What -” his calm façade is definitely slipping.
Emma does not hear the curious titters of “Xiqiang? Wah! What an intimidating name!” “Who would dare to name their son Xiqiang?”  “Must be very strong!” “Must be very shuai!” as she chirps in reply, “A professional exorcist, your saviour, and my new bf!”
A delicate clink of a white plate ladened with fresh chocolate chip muffins jerks Emma’s eyes up from her phone. “Oh, a snack for the stream? Xiqiang, did you order this? You shouldn’t have!”
Xiqiang leans forward to divide the muffins evenly. “It is fine.”
Danny chokes on the other line, “What what what -”
“Now don’t bother me anymore, Zheng ge’s livestream is going to start. Check your message! I’ll send you the info! See you later! Bye, Gramma! Bye, Aunties! Enjoy the stream! Zheng ge fighting!”
LuckyStar: [photo attached]
LuckyStar: Isn’t that THE prettiest handwriting you have ever seen?
LuckyStar: Oh, but if you can’t read it, the login name is YXQ_Gege  
LuckyStar: and password is LuckyStar123
LuckyStar: wow. what a sense of humour.
LuckyStar: Anyway! U seriously rock! Thanks Danny! I owe u my life!
LuckyStar: Aunty mimi makes seriously good cakes, so u might as well stay.  
LuckyStar: And remember, don’t tell mom!!!
The star cookie is decimated as Emma congratulates herself on a job well done against the schemes of the Universe. Her laptop screen is flooded with comments when John Zheng’s shy smile fades into view as the livestream finally, finally begins.  
“Gege!” Emma whisper-squeals. “You can’t hear me and you don’t know I exist! But! You will not believe the night I’ve just had! Your face heals my eyes and your heart heals my soul!” She silences her desperately buzzing phone.
Xiqiang breathes in deeply, and lets herself smile for the first time in a very long time. After an unusual evening of using the Skytrain for the first time, encountering a low-levelled spirit which the Council had not thought to Cleanse, meeting the most interesting Class Three medium who was currently hugging her backpack as she immersed herself in a long-awaited livestream of a clearly beloved celebrity who she had taken great pains to introduce Xiqiang to, and putting the tiniest dent in her bank account to sign up for a VooDooTM account for various reasons, Xiqiang relaxes in her chair, and does not let herself think about tomorrow.
Character Profiles
1. Emma Xing Qixin
Emma is derived from the Germanic word ermen meaning "whole" or "universal". Emma is also used as a diminutive of Emmeline, Amelia or any other name beginning with "em".
  星 (Xīng): star
运气 (Yùnqì): luck
欣 (Xīn): happy
Height: 154 cm; 5.05 ft | 159 cm (error; there is a story behind this)
Tools: Several reuseable shopping bags, backpack, blond cyborg keychain, laptop, secondhand phone, baby blue smiley starfish charm bought by her mom Estelle and customised further by her grandmother Emily
2. Xiqiang
希望 (Xīwàng): hope
强度 (Qiángdù): strength
For the sake of this story, “Xiqiang” is considered a very masculine name.
Height: 179 cm; 5.87 ft
Tools: Laptop, traditional calligraphy brush set, angled-tip pen set, normal ballpoint pen set
3. Estelle Xing  
Estelle is a female given name of Latin origin, and means star.
星 (Xīng): star
Yes, her name literally means Star Star.
Emma Xing’s mother. Has rather bad luck. She admits that, although her daughter can drive her up the wall, she is her greatest blessing and happiness.
4. Daniel Ng
Daniel is a masculine given name and a surname of Hebrew origin. It means "God is my judge".
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ng (pronounced [ŋ̍]; English approximation often /ɪŋ/ or /ɛŋ/) is a Cantonese transliteration of the Chinese surnames 吳/吴 (Mandarin Wú) and 伍 (Mandarin Wǔ). Alternately, it is a common Hokkien transcription of the name 黃/黄 (Pe̍h-ōe-jī: N̂ɡ, Mandarin Huáng).
Emma Xing’s errand boy. And former classmate. The real MVP.
5. Emily Xing
Emily: "rival" or industrious and hardworking, comes from the Latin name Aemilia.
星 (Xīng): star
Emma Xing’s grandmother. Is more techno-savvy than her daughter/Emma’s mother Estelle Xing. Story behind that TBA.
6. Alicia  
Alicia means “of noble kind/sort/type” (from Germanic “adal” = noble + “heit” = kind/sort/type).
Emma Xing’s friend from secondary school. They have both narrowly passed Calculus exams together, which cannot be said for all their classmates.
7. John Zheng
The name John is a theophoric name originating from the Hebrew name יוֹחָנָן‎ (Yôḥānān), or in its longer form יְהוֹחָנָן‎ (Yəhôḥānān), meaning "YHWH has been gracious".
战争 (Zhànzhēng): war
Author is now too lazy to come up with a Chinese name, thank you very much.
Author’s Notes
Character profiles will not be written for every single character because ain’t nobody got time for that. They will be updated as the story progresses. If I have the discipline to actually write this dang story. \o/
This is just a test run. I have not truly touched creative writing in a very, very long time, and have sadly lost many different characters and plot bunnies over the years as I never had the will to just put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard. And neither have I ever tried tackling anything this ambitious, if you can call this ambitious. (Well, actually, I did make a pathetic attempt at a novel ten or so years ago, and reading THAT draft just made me cringe and shrivel up and die on the inside. Which will probably happen to this fic in ten years’ time? \o/ )  
Oh my gosh, I’m so tired of formatting this now. Please excuse any typos because I just. Cannot. 
If you somehow stumbled across this fic and read until the end, bless your heart, bless your eyes, and thank you for reading!
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chelfiecomics · 6 years
Style changes?
Sometimes I think about when ppl do those style comparisons of Araki's work over time (sometimes within the same part) and how the jojos go from super muscular to very slim  would they look at EoA the same way if they see how I first drew it in undergrad vs now;;???
Me: "Uuuuuh so yeah I can explain, back then I kinda had a huge marvel x-men phase when first started it" ;;;;;;;; 
Anyway, now I’m curious and feel like I need to do a side-by side comparison 
Apollo in Ch.1 p.4 vs Current page I'm working on.
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Some interesting things I notice, I know the particular style of hatching for the shadowing changed somewhere in Ch2. Trying to follow suit but would be kinda interesting to see what I end up doing years later ahaha;;; For drawing the actual characters I think what happened is after my initial phase of being influenced by Marvel my style kinda gradually reverted  back to what I naturally do which is somewhat slimmer??? smoother??? Anyway, good talk guys. 
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donghun-s · 7 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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Trevor x fem!Reader // Pizza
Anon on Tumblr ~~
Could you write about being a new intern for CC and noticing Trevor slowly crushing on you, then getting really close, start having movie nights with him & his buddies like jakob n stuff and finally becoming a couple? (That would most likely come with james & aleks poking fun @ trevor for finally getting a gf and just reactions from ppl around the office) And since he's a shy boi most likely there will be fluff, but maybe some smut too? Bless
This sounds really amazing so I can't wait to write it.
Enjoy :) ----------------->
"Alright gents and ladies! Our first intern of summer is here. Introducing Y/N!" Brett yells, pulling you from the hall and into the main warehouse. Everyone gave either quick acknowledgements or even nothing, but you noticed Trevor's eye linger just a little longer. A small blush crept across your face as you turned away.
"Okay, you'll sit here." Brett says, pulling you to a desk that is close to Trevor's. You put your bag down and plopped into the chair, logging into the computer with the credentials James emailed you earlier in the week. You had nothing to do but learn how to edit for this first week, so you just scrolled through some random drawings, desperate for a cool and unique wallpaper.
You settled on fan art of Ein from Cowboy Bebop. You saw Trevor look over his shoulder at you. He rolled his chair over. "Cowboy Bebop?" He asks, intrigued.
You smile at him. "Yeah, it's my favorite." You reply. A smile spreads across his face.
"James made me watch a few episodes before I got settled in. It's really good." He adds. You nod, reverting your eyes to the desktop. The day passed slowly, getting faster when James and Aleks recorded a 'Wrong Side of Youtube' video.
They asked you to overlook Asher and take note on how to record. About halfway through, Asher trusted you enough to take full control. You took the camera from him and filmed, doing better than him.
Soon, they finished up and handed everything off to be rendered and edited. Asher showed you how to save them to external hard drives. You went over to Trevor and he showed you the editing style.
You understood exactly what to do and began to edit a fairly short video.  Before the end of the day, you had the video checked and ready. Trevor applauded you for the speed.
At the end of the day, you walk out to your car, but Trevor stopped you at the door, pulling you aside. "Do-do you have a ride?" He stuttered.
"Yeah, I do. Thank you, though." You reply, smiling at him.
"Oh," he muttered, defeated. "Would you want to-to get pizza some time?"
"Sure, Trevor. Can I have your number, ya know, so we can coordinate?" You reply, handing him your phone. He punches his number in and returns your phone.
"I'll see you around, Y/N." he smiles.
"See you, Trevor." You reply, getting into your car and driving back to your apartment. You thought about the way he said your name. It was...different. It was full of so,etching you couldn't quite put your finger on. It stuck in your mind.
You drove to your apartment. It wasn't in the best side of town, but it was all you could afford here. It was enough for you and your dog, Aria. She was a German Shepard and protected you in the dead of night.
Pulling into your designated parking spot, you pulled out your phone and left a small text to Trevor.
Just got home. It's Y/N btw :)
You put the phone away and exited the car, locking it behind you. You walked upstairs to your second floor apartment and unlocked the door, Aria greeting you at the door. "Hi pup!" You exclaim, scratching behind her ears.
You put your bag on the counter and sat on the couch, turning the TV on. Checking your phone, you notice a text back from Trevor.
Hey, home too. Does tomorrow night after work sound good?
You type out your reply.
Yeah, as long as you drop me back off so I can drive home.
You put the phone back down and flip through random channels, cuddling with Aria on the couch. Your phone vibrates again.
It wouldn't be a proper date if I didn't pick you up and drop you off.
You feel a blush sneak across your face. You weren't aware it was an actual date. Plus, you were a little ashamed of where you lived. You texted him back.
I can meet you at the pizza place. I'll see you tomorrow at work :)
Setting the phone back down, you walk into the kitchen, getting ready to make dinner. You threw something together fast and sat down at the small dining table, scrolling through Instagram in your phone. Your phone vibrates again.
That works too. I'll see you :)
You finish your dinner and lean up the small pile of dishes. You feed Aria and shower. You realize how much time has gone by and get ready to head for bed. Aria follows you to bed as you double check your locks on the door and windows. That's has become a ritual for you as crime is just too high in these parts of L.A.
You pass out, ready for tomorrow.
A mix of your alarm and Aria wake you up in the morning. You put some clothes on and walk her downstairs and to the green area near your apartment. She does her business before you both return to the apartment and finish getting ready, eating breakfast and applying light makeup. You dressed special for the day, looking forward to the date tonight.
As you finish breakfast, you clean the dishes and kiss Aria goodbye. You lock the door behind you on the way out of your apartment. You walk downstairs and get into your car, turning the key in the ignition and driving away.
You pulled into the lot at work. Exiting the vehicle, you grab your backpack and enter the building. You sit down at the desk and notice Trevor eyeing you. "Good morning, Trev." You say, giving him a new nickname.
He smiles at the nickname. "Good morning, Y/N." he replies, smiling. He always smiles bright around you and you definitely noticed this.
Work passed agonizingly slow today, probably because you had a date tonight. Trevor told you time and place so you could be there on time. You left work right on time. You drove to the pizza place and parked, exiting the vehicle.
Entering the building, you sat at a booth tucked away in the corner. You texted Trevor to tell him where you were and he walked in moments later. He sat at the booth with you. "Have you ordered yet?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No, I was waiting on you. I'll have what you're having." You reply, smiling. He leaves for a moment to order you both a pizza. He sat back down as you both waited for the pizza to arrive.
You both go into life stories, favorite colors, foods, and so much more while waiting for the pizza to arrive.
By the time the pizza was gone and you were full of pizza, you had both learned everything about each other. And you, for sure, knew you liked this kid.
You're both 20 and get along swimmingly. You were certain you liked him and almost certain he liked you.
After four hours (and the owner kicking you out) you said your good byes. You brought him in for a tight hug and he reciprocated. He walked you to your car and closed the door for you. He smiled and waved good bye as you drove back home, ready to gloat to Aria about how amazing your first date went.
-------2 months later-------
Trevor invited you over for movie night. This was the first time you'd be at his house. You knew he had roommates, although you knew one was just Joe. You hadn't met the new one quite yet.
He drove you both to his house after work. He let you, as the guest, pick the movie. You chose your go-to movie.
You and him sat on the couch under a blanket. Once Joe got home and Jakob left his room, you started the movie.
As the movie was finishing, you started to drift off and fall asleep on Trevor's shoulder. During your slumber, you felt his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Gross! Get a room!" Jakob yelled, waking you up. Trevor quickly shushed him as they all broke out in laughter. You woke up to shush them and shoo them away.
"You guys are so cute!" Joe exclaims, shoving his phone in your face. You knew that was going to end up on Twitter. A blush creeps across your face and you tuck it into Trevor's chest.
"You suck." Trevor argues, glaring at all of them.
Soon, they did leave you alone, but you fell asleep at their house. Trevor picked you up and tucked you into his bed before he left and passed out on the couch.
Movie night with Trevor and the gang became a weekly feat. Joe and Jakob eventually made Trevor ask you to be his girlfriend. That most definitely got a lot more teasing.
"Wow! You finally scored a girlfriend, huh?" James exclaims.
"Stop, James. You're just jealous I got one before you did." Trevor snapped back. You couldn't help but laugh. James looks offended.
"You got a good one, Trevor." Aleks said suggestively, lightly hitting his arm. Trevor just rolled his eyes.
At work one day, Aleks approached you. "So, Y/N. You wanna be in a video?" He asks. You look at him weirdly.
"Um. Sure. Why not?" You reply.
"Cool. It'll be you and Trevor. It'll be a video for the love birds." He yells.
"Oh shut it!" You yell back.
You and Trevor end up on the couch. "Sit closer together." James says, looking through the camera. You look at him quizzically, but oblige. You scoot closer to your boyfriend. "Closer." He demands. You look to Trevor. "Closer!"
"Fuck off, James!" You yell, flipping him off.
You and Trevor finish filming the video, which was you both reading comment and scrolling through your tag on Tumblr. It was a weird video. The video also featured the taunting from James and Aleks.
You return to your desk and place your headphones back on, getting ready to edit. Asher tapped your shoulder. "You guys have good chemistry. I like you two." He says, smiling.
"Thank you." You reply, smiling.
"Really. I think you two will last."
You put your headphones back on and start working. You realized you got really lucky.
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